#Ask Bruiser
deadlossmews · 1 year
Pinned Post! ^⁠ᵕ^
Disclaimer! Pasts and flashbacks will really lean into to "horrific gene splicing" of Mewtwo's Pokedex entry.
Beware as there is be mentions, descriptions or things such as injuries, blood, death and general horrors of people going too far and Pokemon being animals.
Status: Active
Pip is available for asks.
Charcoal is available for asks.
Wisp is available for asks.
Jasper is available for asks.
Mandevilla is available for asks.
Bruiser is available for asks.
Peri is available for asks.
Chilli is available for asks.
The Mew-ses(twos)
Age order is based mostly on their numbers. As their age orders.
Don't harass me or others that's rude no matter how you spin it. (I will bite your knees)
You know the rules. Maybe. It's don't flirt.
None of the Muses are flirty.
Prime Claws: Is for casual RPs. Basically
Cat Eyes: Is me telling you guys things about them. Included Headcanons.
Data Books: Is lore
Ashes: Shows past events from when they happen. Can be asked about.
Maus Notes I◞ <
My tags for ooc here posts is Maus, CooP and Cats out of the Pod.
Whenever I use we, our or us, I'm probably talking about both myself and the character unless stated otherwise in some way.
I'm not really comfortable with cursing especially excessively.
MausTwo: Is for posts that aren't explicitly me or the Mewtwos
Ship any of them with each other
DON'T! They're siblings
Creeps dni
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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This was home.
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grendel-menz · 1 year
Just reread Bruiser on webtoon, and tried following the link you posted to where it'll be updated. However, I kept getting error messages for the site. I'm not sure if you took the site down on purpose or not, but I'd love to keep reading the comic if you're still making it! It's SO good.
Thank you for reading it Omg ;-;
I currently don’t have the time or money to make the comic or host a site, but one day I hope to! I’m so happy you enjoyed it :,)!
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toxycodone · 12 days
I’m gonna make nirei my purse chihuahua
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nirei and his s/o in my mind always
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Hey would you look at that, it’s the Second Branch cast!
Finally got this out of the way, so hopefully they look ok.
They all have at least some kind of redesign, with some being little to major differences.
But yes, we hope you’ll enjoy them and maybe even ask them stuff! A similar line up post will come out as well for all of the other characters, We just did the biggest group first just to get it out of the way.
With that, enjoy! ⭐️
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Could I mayhaps know more about your Battle Bruiser guys, they look silly/pos
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i’ll try to explain them the best i can because i’m very bad at explaining my ocs,,, i’ve had these guys since i was little baby PRETEEN OKAY?!! The main guys are Rex, Bailey and the siren girl (still no name!! HELP ME) The pink girl you saw is just a reoccurring antagonist since i got really attached to her design lol
Anyways, story wise it’s just your basic crime fighting hero thingy. They all work for a company that employs people to fight all the crime around the city. There’s other elements but i won’t lore dump since we are focusing on the little goobers!!
Bailey is just the smart guy of the group. He doesn’t fight physically because his hand would probably vaporize if he tried to punch somebody, SO he just tends to use his inventions to help him in battle. He’s usually the most grounded as well, and while he IS nice he can be pushed over really easily.
Rex!! His personality was really inspired by Knuckles when i was trying to (unsuccessfully) get into Sonic. Though, i do think his personality differs a little bit now, hopefully! He is serious about his job (protecting people!!!), and can end up getting frustrated easily. Other than that though, when off the job he’s a himbo, an aggressive himbo but we love that for him. Doesn’t really use any weapons, just his fists and maybe his tail sometimes (bowser style!!)
Okay now siren girl!! She’s a tomboy! Yay!! She came from a rural town before she moved to the city so she has a bunch of street smarts. She uses a spear to fight! So cool! She has older sister vibes, very nice girl! A little reckless. Also competitive issues! Absolutely won’t let herself lose a fight if she can help it, she’s stubborn!
i’ll probably talk about the pink girl another time, but not too much right now since i still have to draw her sidekick!! Her partner in crime!The most i’ll say is that she was inspired by rogue the bat, though, she’s does act a bit differently than her now of course
Oh! And since these guys were based off the toys i played with as a kid, i’ll show them off!
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i actually only have Rex left as far as i know, so i had to find the rest of them on google!! Missing and gone forever!!
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we-are-inevitable · 1 year
Jack and Hero? *giggles menacingly*
jack’s heroes are older newsies.
they’re the ones who take him in when he’s freezing on the streets; hes only eight or so, and they’re both twelve, so they aren’t Old but they’re Older and that’s all that matters. they bring him to the lodging house and get him checked out, pay for him to have a bunk for a few days until he can get on his feet and start selling, and they stick with him the entire time to make sure he’s okay. their names are Bruiser and Hawthorne, and they’re jack’s best friends for a while, despite being older; they’re essentially his older brothers. Hawthorne is real smart, and teaches him the ropes. Bruiser is real good with his fists and is good at self defense, and he teaches jack some basics so he can protect himself if he’s ever soaked by some asshole older kids.
by the time jack turns twelve, hawthorne and bruiser are both sixteen. bruiser is essentially the leader of the newsboys, and hawthorne is his second in command, and they’re attached at the hip (and the lips, sometimes; jack pretends not to know because he doesn’t want to scare or embarrass them). by this point, jack has a best friend too! her name is bandit, and it’s funny, you see, because her name is bandit, and jack’s name is cowboy, and they’re like two peas in a pod. they’re best friends just like bruiser and hawthorne, and the older boys take care of them. that’s why jack looks up to them so much: even in the face of harsh winters and cruel summers and long nights and awful days, bruiser and hawthorne put their lives on the line to make sure that their newsies are taken care of no matter what. they’re exactly what jack wants to be when they grow up.
bruiser and hawthorne are definitely just random OCs i’ve created in my head- but i do have a fic about them, jack, and bandit- and in my own canon i imagine jack finds them after the cops show up at the strike and take charlie, before he runs off to medda’s theater (but after he has his breakdown on the rooftop). they’re both 21 then, and jack needs advice from an older brother instead of being an older brother.
so he goes to his heroes. the guys that made him believe he had potential. the guys who kept him alive and taught him all their tricks.
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monster for the not-so-nice asks?
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
I already answered this but i loooove talking about it again as one of my big ‘themes’ w V is monster/ beast/ animal (how can you not w the werewolf/nomad mentions) cause that’s my imagery parallel of choice for being from an ‘outside’ group where no matter how much you’ve ‘integrated’ and love your new home, you’re always seen (both externally and, more importantly, internally) as that outsider….
I’d say another ‘monstrous’ thing about V is his choice of weapon. He’s exclusively fists only. That’s a brutal way to kill someone. It’s feral. He used to use shotguns in his Shiv years, pre-gorilla fists and a lot of his combat chrome. He almost exclusively relies on his fists now (and, can we thank 2.0 for giving us all those lovely head clapping, gangoon throwing, ground pounding new fun features for the unarmed fighters?). It’s a mix of cyberpunk’s / the solo’s way “rule of cool”, of knowing it gets him certain jobs that others dont (ruthless ones where they need to make a point, stealth jobs especially versus ICE’d netrunners or close quarters) and also his own ego/pride in that he just can. He hates being a monster but also wants it to be still very apparent that he is a monster. He doesn’t wield a dangerous weapon— he is one, he can’t be touched, he can’t be fucked over. It’s a part of him. He can’t put the fists away, take them off— they’re always there.
Tysm!! :’’) ( not-so-nice OC asks )
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
Don't you dare rabbit hole into this tonight. I am kicking you out of your own inbox. Shoo. This is for tomorrow to give you something to chew on should you feel tempted to dig into Duviri before the weekend
With that out of the way
How familiar are you with tarot, bc i feel like the question of what tarot card each OC should be assigned is Always a fun thing to inflict upon someone >:) So this is me doing that
HELLO THIS SENT ME ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. you were so correct to tell me to fuck off when you sent this in at Bedtime Yesterday. this is SO LONG. partially because you may have said Card (Singular) but i just. had some Extra Fun with it and everyone ended up with 2-3 cards. i refuse to apologise
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for reference to various words below the cut i used https://www.biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/major-arcana/. i was not at all familiar with tarot beyond "cards that people ascribe a lot of meaning to and use in fortune telling" so i may not have used these entirely correctly but who the hell is keeping score of that anyway
well first off the death card works perfectly for pretty much all of my warframe OCs. for. incredibly obvious reasons. and then here are the individual ones
the lovers, upright: kelth is the inciting incident for so many things by design, but they also just. connect a lot of actors together in one point, so that would be harmony and relationships. on a more personal level, they were always a bit of a lone wolf when it came to Being Social so just the fact of growing a bit of a found family is a giant thing for them to wrap their head around.
the tower, both sides: sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening - that's just tenno in general, but especially kelth gets to go Through It. then the reverse side of this card comes in naturally - kelth gets tired of the constant change, the constant bullshit that's happening, but they cannot catch a break.
the star, upright: kelth learns to have trust & faith in their own abilities and those of the people around them. when the system isn't thrusting disasters at them to fix, they find their own purpose, and work towards it - guiding star-like. the reverse side of this one is also interesting, because you don't just Grow Faith without a few nice Crises of Faith - that's actually the next chapter of Connection, just Kelth having a not-good time getting used to their new circumstances, feeling lost, disconnected from who they were up until so recently, even though they are much more authentically themself now.
hierophant: upright before he gets 'framed, reversed after. he will be going through a Journey re: this during the Sacrifice as well. all his life he's been told what to do, and suddenly there's an annoying cephalon and a kid who all but registers as His Own Kid & he needs to grow an initiative & stand up for things himself, whereas before, he very much had a whole framework and loads of superiors and elders telling him what he should do and laying his life out for him.
strength, upright: he's just an emotionally solid guy that others can depend on for various things. as the arsenal-keeper of the pack, he's a pretty central pillar in the lives of everyone aboard who chooses to go into combat regularly. it's not a role he's filled before, so the journey to self-confidence is a little rocky sometimes, but he literally is the most qualified aboard for it, so he takes to it with a vengeance.
justice, upright: he has a strong sense of justice, what's right and what isn't. he doesn't tolerate things that aren't the full truth very well (he doesn't Care for vince's hiding-things that he can Tell is happening but can't tell What) but he does learn to deal with it, as it isn't His Business. he will Not learn to deal with other Worldly Injustices in any way other than with a sword and pistol, though.
the sun, both sides kinda: he's a bit of a jock-type, but in a genuine way - none of his stupid (practical) jokes sting very much, and you can usually always talk to him and even if he doesn't understand entirely what you're going through he'll always let you in for a hug or whatever you need. for the reverse, mostly "overly optimistic" hits - he can absolutely get overconfident and get himself into situations he actually can't exit again quite as smoothly as he'd hoped
the world, upright: he will at some point travel to where he's originally from, after he remembers his past, and he'll have a Great Time talking to people, catching up on history, telling stories of a long time ago, etc. It does take him a hot minute to decide on doing this, as the thought at first makes him feel nervous - but he's welcomed with open arms, so it all ends up alright.
the magician: verica is Intense in several ways. she's impulsive & can do random shit but then also have the resources and skills to back up what she wants to do. on a very literal level, power from the upright card and manipulation from the reversed card are what she has and can do from her career as a musician - she's good at sweet-talking someone to get what she wants because she's aware that her field doesn't necessarily do things fairly. and in case you missed it this is entirely why efurat got double-booked in the first place, and how she's able to get another reservation in a week's time. she's a little scared sometimes that she'll do it unconsciously to people around her, so checks in a lot to make sure this isn't the case. she still has the normal amount of influence over her friends, which sometimes gets her a little bit uneasy when she thinks about it.
the chariot, upright: yeah, see above. she's stubborn and impulsive and knows what she wants and in many cases, how to get it. she's used to always having some degree of control over situations, so moments where she doesn't have that unsettle her.
the hermit, reversed: even before anything happens he tends towards being alone and withdrawing from reality a bit when shit gets interesting, but after he gets warframe'd, confettis himself, and gets put back together again a thousand years later, he does this x100. he doesn't tell anyone shit, would keep to himself almost exclusively if it were up to him, and withdraws from just about everything he can half-assedly justify withdrawing from.
the hanged man, upright: mostly about "surrender" and "new perspectives" - he is at first very unhappy with his existence as a warframe, a thousand years after he last remembers being awake, and has to come to terms with that. he learns to appreciate it, as it allows him to do a bunch of cool shit and also maybe live forever, though he was not a willing participant in this part of his life, and does miss certain parts he never wanted to give up. then, right when he just about thinks "i could live with this, actually," he finds the first of a verica's clues, and his world is completely on its head once more, his journey starting anew. shit just keeps happening to him
the moon, reversed: after vince and verica both disappear off the face of the planet, he doesn't know if he should feel guilty or not - so his inner compass settles on Yes A Lot. he throws himself into his work to try and suppress the pain and doubt, but just ends up in spirals.
wheel of fortune, upright: 'good luck' is… debatable, but the other ones are definitely a hit - he gets done dirty as hell by the universe (the infestation) so he somehow lands himself back in touch with his old friends after so much bullshit happens to each of them.
the sun, upright: i've archetyped him as a clown in writing already. he's always been good at making people laugh, and leans into that as one of his core strengths to put people at ease. he's also an optimist despite the giant roundhouse kick the universe delivered to his mental state - he sees the good in things, situations and people, and helps others see it too.
the fool, reversed: being a little stupid about being reckless and taking unnecessary risks. kali doesn't necessarily think too much about what it wants to do and how possible that might be. kali wants to go fuck up hunhow, so it goes to uranus at the slightest mention of grineer activity digging him back up.
the high priestess, reversed: kali's keeping secrets! kali's good at keeping secrets. it's been carrying one with them for a long time. this secret tunes in with the other words on this side of the card - disconnected from intuition, because it has a hard time listening to its inner voice on stuff like Risk Taking and such; withdrawal, because it's easier to ignore the secret weighing heavy on it than it is to acknowledge it, so it withdraws from reality a little bit when it can afford to; silence, because a silenced voice doesn't have to be listened to.
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arch-ellieswilliam · 2 years
♫ + jin & yeoreum
Send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
honey (Halsey)
She told me, “Open your mouth,” she said, “I got a surprise” And so I opened it wide and then she crawled inside She’s on the tip of my tongue, she’s on the top of my thighs And if I searched a thousand miles, I’d be dyin’ to find
Between my fingers, she leaves, then she lingers If she’s gonna go, well, then I’m goin’ with her I know that I won’t forget
She was sweet like honey But all I can taste is the blood in my mouth And the bitterness in goodbyе Drippin’ like honey Down the back of my throat and on thе front of my mind And well, she’s impatient and I’m complacent With just a little taste of wastin’ time Lookin’ for honey Well, she stings like she means it, she’s mean and she’s mine
Não tinha como não ser essa aqui. Na minha cabeça, esse é o tipo de música que Jinnie escreve sobre Yeoreum para a Drama Effect, e é isso. Escrever músicas sobre a cremosa e depois colocar seus amigos para cantarem elas como se fossem músicas hetero é gostoso demais.
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mutating-the-city · 2 years
Are any of you afraid of scary thingsss? :>
“I am the scary things >::)”
“Indeed. And of course we have fears but why would we tell them to you? We don’t even know you! At least buy us some pizza first, this is just ridiculous.” He glanced at Ollie before lowering his voice. “Do not mention human scientists around him. Or threaten any of us. He will attack you.” There. More of a warning than an answer. It was partly just to stop them from agitating Ollie, partly to make sure the super interesting world-hoppers didn’t die before he could interview them. Mutually beneficial.
‘Uhh… not to be rude but why would we tell that to a stranger?’ I mean, he had fears, sure, but just telling them wouldn’t really be a good idea. They could be like- an enemy or something.
“Just because you aren’t a human doesn’t mean I trust you.”
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( :Hey dumbasses. Call me mod Bruiser: )
( :I'm indigo. Culled: ) ( :Got a jank leg. Who cares: ) ( :I fight the battles no one else wants to. Or something: ) ( :That is to say, I actually fucking fight. Because everyone else is a coward: )
( :She/Hym/They pronouns. But i also don't really care: ) ( :Call me whatever. I guess: )
( :Saw people talking about ancestors earlier. Mine was the Critic: ) ( :She was kinda lame. Don't even bother looking into her: )
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grendel-menz · 1 year
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there any plan for Bruiser in the future ?
Hi! No need to be sorry - there are plans!! I went into it without any real structure, so it's currently being rewritten to be more legible.
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atypical-artisan · 4 months
Punch out but make it pride 2!!!!
Even more gender and sexuality hcs for the lads, including Mr Dream, and pizza pasta. I've talked abt some of them already but I'll do it again!!
Gabby Jay:
As mentioned in my aroaspec post, Gabby is grey aroace. He'd never been attracted to ANYONE until he met Doc which, unsurprisingly, shook him up a bit. Finding the term 'grey' and understanding his aro/asexuality was immensely helpful for understanding himself and becoming more happy in life.
Realizing he was trans also came late in his life- roughly his mid 30s after Joe came out to him and explained what being trans was. Gabby had a bit of a mental crash afterwards, re-assesing his entire life and all the discomfort he'd been feeling since he could remember. But now he feels very comfortable with himself and happy in his body.
Piston Hurricane:
Gay, gay, homosexual, gay. Sure, he didn't know it when he was younger, but this man is absolutely gay. For years he thought he was bi, but after realizing that every 'chick' he'd ever dated ended up coming out as a trans man during or after their relationship, as well as many guy's gay awakenings, he came to the realization that he was very much a magnet for gay guys (Knowing or not). He kinda likes it though because it's a funny anecdote.
Cis, plain and simple. But he is way more knowledgeable about trans people, particularly trans men, because he's close to so many of them. He's an excellent ally!
Bob Charlie:
Attracted to anyone, but has a slight preference for men. He's honestly too loosey goosey to attach himself to a label, but if asked he normally says "Eh I'm bi... or pan... idk I like people." and shrugs. He likes the term queer quite a bit, though.
Tried being trans, def had fun, but landed on being a dude. Turns out he mostly just likes skirts n dresses lol.
Dragon Chan:
Realizing he was bi came through his exposure to the internet, but he never got any relationship experience until he was 22. For the longest time he felt like his attraction was 'fake' due to being too shy and preoccupied to consider dating. But he's slowly improving his confidence and healing that part of himself with Heike.
He's cis, but he's very attentive towards gender stuff and very curious about other's own experiences with gender because it fascinates him.
Masked Muscle:
God this man does not give a shit about the gender of the people he's with. He doesn't really care about anything except how hot someone is and how compatible they are lmao. With that being said, he's actually quite fond of the pan community (Even if he's run into some serious assholes) and enjoys the solidarity he has with other m-spec labels! Technically he fits other labels too but he prefers the look of the pan flag and so calls himself that.
He's cis through and through, doesn't really care about trans people's genders, even if he doesn't understand half the stuff he comes across online he figures it's just not his business. Even for people he knows personally he doesn't delve too deep into gender cause he simply doesn't see the point in it, though he does respect them, obviously. Heike tried to explain what being multigender was to him once and it completely flew over his head, absolutely no hope for this man fr (Positive)
Snes Aran Ryan:
Bi, with a very strong preference for men he really doesn't like to admit to himself. He spent most of his life only being with women and avoiding his feelings for men, until he almost lost to Hurricane because he found him so hot. It was hard, but also not cause he very quickly found a guy to crush on. He's still very out of the loop when it comes to the community and gets terms mixed up all the time.
Cis and pretty dumb about trans stuff. He straight up didn't understand that nonbinary wasn't a 'new gender' until Heike sat him down and explained it to him for an hour. It still confuses him a lot but he does his best adhering to proper pronouns and respecting people.
Heike Kagero:
gay, nonbinary
Heike is gay in the sense they're only attracted to men or nb men. Gay is just a term of convenience for him, really, but it works and it feels right so he's in no rush to change it.
As I mentioned in my first hc post about them, they struggle to find a perfect label but mostly sticks to nonbinary and bishonen to describe themself. He realized he wasn't 'quite' a boy from a very young age and made it clear to his parents that'd he'd be more than expected. They supported their child and have been very resolute in their support for their sexuality and gender.
Mad Clown:
Labels? The fuck are those? This bitches gender AND sexuality are noting but WACKY!!!
For real though, Clown just doesn't attach himself to labels that much- aside from very esoteric ones that are mostly silly and fun, he doesn't use them for his gender or sexuality. However, he does prefer women and generally more feminine partners.
Narcis Prince:
As I've said before in my first hc post about him and the aroace hc list, Narcis really can't decide on his orientation. Though he knows he's attracted to men he's not sure if he's interested in women romantically and sexually or just likes the way women look. He's also growing to believe he's demi or greyromantic because he has very little interest in romance and hardly distinguishes it from friendship.
He's very confident in the fact that he's a man and also very confident that his body is perfect just as it is. Narcis has Klinefelter (xxy) syndrome and gynecomastia as a result. His parents were horrified to discover he had it and heavily pressured him to get surgery to 'fix' his body, but it only led to him thinking they were idiots. He wears a shirt in the ring mostly for practical reasons because of it, but otherwise doesn't care how other's see his body because what matters is that he likes it.
Hoy Quarlow:
Hoy is old and doesn't get the desire for newfangled terminology. He doesn't mind people using it and respects other's labels but he finds it too cumbersome to label himself. He sees himself as nothing more than a free spirit, flowing from relationship to relationship like a breeze.
Like his sexuality, Hoy doesn't have much use for labeling his gender. When he was younger, he only thought of himself as a man. Nowadays, interaction with people like Heike and general curiosity made him, and his twin sister, realize their feelings on gender are no longer as concrete as they once thought. These days they'll steal each others clothes and go out as the other for a bit of relief from their 'expected' gender, a la a many of shakespeare's comedy plays.
Rick Bruiser:
Cis and straight (Mostly)
What else can I say, this guy is p simple. He's got no (Strong) attraction to men. (Tho he'll admit that Hurricane and a few of the others are p easy on the eyes if you get enough drinks into him.)
As for his gender- any form of non conformity was beaten out of him and Nick from a young age. He hates anything feminine and always needs to be one of the most masculine guys in the room. (Deep down he does deeply enjoy jewelry but doesn't go past rearing silver rings in his ears. Even gold is too gay for him.)
Nick Bruiser:
cis and gay but homophobic
God this man is so gay it's painful- he's had a crush on literally every guy in the wvba and especially Joe (Though that particular obsession is extremely unhealthy). However, because of his upbringing, he's deeply homophobic and disgusted by himself, forcing himself to date women even though he doesn't even care for them and isn't attracted to them at all. His life would be so much easier if he accepted he was gay, but that's not happening any time soon.
As with Nick, any gender non conforming traits were beaten out of him young. As an adult he deeply overcompensates for being gay by being hyper masculine and is extremely fragile about his masculinity.
Peter Punch/Birdie:
Peter honestly can't pick a label. He's bi, he's pan, he's gay- he can describe himself in so many ways and going down a rabbithole of cool labels and awesome flags only left him more confused and constantly stressing if he was using the 'right' ones. Nowadays He just shrugs and says he isn't straight. That's good enough for him and it'll be good enough for everyone else.
As with his sexuality, his gender is extremely hard to pinpoint. Even though he experiences dysphoria, it's very touch and go and his feelings on gender and presentation are so fluid and flexible that words are hard for him to find to describe himself. Even pronouns are pretty hard to settle on!
Mr. Dream:
Again, as mentioned in my aroace post, Dream is, well, Aroace!! It took him years to realize and process but nowadays he's very comfortable with his orientation and very close to the aroace community.
Though he is cis, he's also intersex, which, for him, is a very important part of the lgbt community. He found out VERY suddenly in his late 20s when, during what he and his doctors thought was appendicitis, they found he actually had Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) and fibrosis on his ovaries. Everything was removed and they later found out he has 45,X/46,XY mosaicism as well. All of this left him questioning not only his gender but much of his life beforehand. Though he's okay now, he advocates heavily for the intersex community and overall better knowledge and acceptance of them.
Pizza Pasta:
Refuses to label himself. He's interested in hot people, that's all you have to know. (Though he does find the bi flag very pretty and when pushed, uses that term exclusively)
Cis and doesn't give a shit about what other's do with their bodies. He thinks the whole debate about trans people is ridiculous and that people should be left to do what they want.
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Ah hey look! It’s the Bruiser brothers themselves, Rick and Nick!
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And, we just so happen to have an origin story for them! Just what are these two hiding from us anyway?
Read below to find out!
((Keep in mind that this is sort of a weird one, but hopefully you’ll get used to it 😭. Also CW for body horror imagery)) -Dex
Ok so, you know that we basically don’t know how old nor where the Bruiser brothers are from right? Why is this such a mystery? It’s been bothering me for years now...
Well I have a proposition... now here me out.... they were created in a lab.
So there were these group of scientist that decided to come together to create the perfect fighter. Through some agreements, they collected DNA samples from all kinds of boxers that were considered the best of the best: the most lean, tall, strong etc.
It took some years to figure out, but they managed to make their first prototype: Rick Bruiser.
The scientist first helped out Rick by teaching him with basic life skills (you know, like talking, eating etc). When he mastered them, they immediately put the gloves on him to start training. The results and analytics were showing up with “alright” scores, but not what the group was looking for. Also not to mention, Rick started to develop his own charming personality, which the scientist were pleased and quite proud of as it makes him more human like, but they also thought that this was hindering his fighting style (for some reason).
So by taking Rick’s DNA and changing up some formations, they made a second version of Rick, and by technicality his brother, Rick Brusier.
Nick was more emotionally detached than Rick, which was done on purpose. As they went through the same learning process with Nick, they tested out his fighting expertise. The testers were much more pleased with Nick’s outcome and decided to focus their testing and work on him, leaving Rick in the dust almost. He sort of grew jealous due to this, but still wanted to at least work out a brotherly bond with his new kin.
As time passed, they applied Nick to all kinds of boxing matches. From left to right, he about won just about every match he was in. It was almost non-stop fighting and match-ups. Due to this however, Nick started to feel a bit... off. But he never reported it nor brought it up because he really didn’t want to mess up his streak.
Then the time came for Nick to work his way up in the W.V.B.A. to get that champion belt. Nick’s first opponent was obviously the glass jaw himself: Glass Joe.
The poor Frenchman thought that this was just another match where he gets horribly beat up by yet another big and burly boxer. So the match starts with a ding, and goes off smoothly at first. Nick is quite the excellent fighter and Joe knows this. But something was about to happen that would shock everyone and the world of boxing in general.
Lots of dodging and punching, the first being done by Nick and Joe unfortunately getting the latter. “Whatever.” He thought to himself. “Let’s get this over with.”.
Keep in mind that this is around the time when Joe was starting to get one of the worse records in W.V.B.A history, so he was a laughing stock to the crowd. And to be honest, most people buy tickets to Glass Joe’s fights now just to see his face get beat in. It’s basically like a sick comedy to them.
But with this in mind, Maybe he can perhaps get at least one punch in? This could not only catch the audience off guard, but also he can at least get some kind of good press for this effort. It’ll at least be a good coffee read in the morning, so why not?
So with a lot of focus and managing to get a split second opening, Joe did the best punch he could.
A big old “POW” if you will.
This catches Nick off guard as well as the crowd. After a few moments of silent the crowd starts to cheer. Joe starts to feel a kick of euphoria in his body after what just happened. He felt like could do it again!
Nick however, after the punch, starts to get that same off feeling from before, but it was more noticeable. His arm... also felt weird. But he brushed it off and continues to fight.
More back and forth arm swinging happens and Joe gets yet another punch in as Nick blocks it. Yet another “POW” could be heard from the impact. The crowd starts to get louder with cheers and jeers going everywhere. But after a few seconds, something oh so horrible happens that will stay in the minds of whoever was attending that faithful night.
Nick’s arm starts to fall apart.
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Gasps and screams started to erupt from the stadium. Joe quickly back off after realizing what in the world was happening. He couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. All he could do his cover his mouth and stare in shock at the absolute horror show he was witnessing.
Nick didn’t even know what to do. What the hell was happening to him? Why didn’t those damn blockheads tell him about this?
The rotting started to get worse as his whole arm was basically gone. It started to now slowly go up his neck and that’s when Nick basically “passed” out. The doctors and ref started rush over Nick Bruiser to try and get him to a hospital. The crowd was trying to get up close to the ring to see the freak accident they just witnessed.
But by default, Joe won the match. His first win. This should be an exciting moment for him, but he’s too distracted and also felt such a painful guilt in his stomach. He probably thought he killed the man. Nobody would survive such a horrible incident like that! He felt like he was about to puke...
This was a dark chapter in the W.V.B.A history books.
This incident was in the year 1985
Weeks have passed since the incident, and Nick wakes up in a bed with a brand new arm attached to his arm. Stitched up of course. Unfortunately, this meant that he also remembered what happened to him that night. Nick didn’t know if he should be grateful that he’s still here, or if he should be mad now that his perfect record is down the drain. “What an embarrassing way to go out” he said in his head. This is what he’s going to be remembered by. The one guy that had his damn arm fall apart.
However, Rick was so happy that his brother was alive! He watched the match from the tv back in the lab, and was absolutely terrified with what happened. Poor Rick really thought Nick was dead, but who could blame him? He waited oh so patiently for the progress on Nick’s rebuilding.
Nick couldn’t help but feel a bit touched by this. He never felt this way before.
One of the scientist then explained to the still confused Nick that apparently his body was starting to weaken with all the excessive fighting they put him through and that it went completely off their radar. So during the last fight with Glass Joe, his body completely gave up on him. Literally. But after a few alterations to his body along side stitching up his new arm, something like this should never happen again. Hopefully.
Well that explains a lot.
They all decided that they should stay off of boxing for awhile just in case something like this ever happens again. So both Rick and Nick just simply hung around the lab for awhile and used the opportunity to do some catching up.
During this they mainly were assistants for the workers in the lab and did various activities as well.
Time passes by and by unanimous decision, the lab decides to let Rick and Nick Bruiser go to the outside world for themselves. With all the knowledge they learned, they thought that they’re perfectly ready to have their own social lives.
The lab provided them with everything they need. Fake birth certificates, new IDs, social security, lots of money, clothes, and a little apartment they can start off with. The lab will of course will keep them in close contact just in case something haywire happens.
Finally, the brothers can be a part of society.
They started to get use to the average living life. They lived together in the apartment that they were provided with and made do with it. Rick wanted to do more stuff unlike Nick, who was more introverted. But hey siblings will be siblings am I right? Nick was still self conscious about going out because someone might recognize him as that one boxer that... yeah... so even when he does go out, he’s covering his face up with a hoodie.
The year is 1990 and the W.V.B.A. is taking in new and fresh boxers for their second branch that they just established.
Rick saw an advertisement for this and jumped at the opportunity to join. For all of his (short) life, Rick wanted to fight in the ring. But because he was seen as a simple prototype and how Nick got WAY more of the attention, he felt ignored. So this was finally the opportunity for him to possibly join the association. Rick doesn’t care if he doesn’t end up being that great, he just wants to fight his heart out.
Nick took notice of this. At first he thought “Yeah, right. Like I’m going back there.”. But when he really started to contemplate, this could be possible redemption. No longer does he have to hide in the shadows of his past, he can show the country— no, the world that he’s not the same anymore.
That was the old Nick. He’s the new Nick now.
When he told his brother that he’ll join and possibly even try for the belt, pure ecstasy bursted out of Rick. Finally, he and his brother can take on the world and have it in their hands together.
After all, they are The Bruiser Brothers.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
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