#Ashoka Fellowship
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Seeing the Argonath-esque statues in Ahsoka, I am ready for Star Wars to enter its Lord of the Rings era!
#ahsoka#ahsoka series#ashoka spoilers#lotr#lord of the rings#the fellowship of the ring#argonath#star wars#baylan skoll#jedi#witches#warlord#thrawn#grand admiral thrawn#sabine wren#ezra bridger#star wars rebels#shin hati#hera syndulla#and yes I know that they are the statues of the Mortis gods#I've seen the clone wars#I wonder if Abeloth is going to make her live action debut#ray stevenson#rest in peace#starwarsedit#rest in peace Ray Stevenson#Legend
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My learning curve
Seminggu ini full ngementorin temen2 NGO yang concern ngerjain proyek kesehatan. Sebenernya dari bulan oktober aku udah terlibat dalam project ini.
Awalnya cuman diminta jadi translator - diminta ngisi kelas bootcamp - diminta jadi juri pitching (decide siapa yg berhak mendapat funding 200 jt WOW!!) - diminta untuk jadi mentor juga 😂 berhubung yang minta salah satu temen deket, jadi iyain aja, toh gue juga lagi summer break dan gue suka topiknya.
Been working on this CSO things since 2016 tapi ini kali pertama involve di proyek kesehatan passs aku lg sekolah MPH jadi kaya pass bgt alhamdulillah ✨
Proses ngementorin temen2 NGO yg udah mature ini jadi pelajaran berharga banget sih buatkuu, karena aku beneran banyak belajar dari mereka. Mulai dari kenapa NGO itu berdiri, isu2 yang mereka kerjakan, challenges sampe impact itu beneran ✨GILA KEREN ABISSS✨
Isunya mulai dari gender based violance, tracing pasien TB, WASH, sampe bikin vending machine buat minuman sehat, like????? Edan coy!??!!! Sesi mentoring one on one selama 1 jam setiap NGO jadi bahan belajar gratis buat aku. Dan tentu catch up per-dunia NGO-an duniawi setelah satu tahun ini nguprek di akademia.
Buatku, ini jadi salah satu learning curves aku… Kalau boleh di trace back ke tahun-tahun kumulai tertarik dan terlibat di dunia sosial kemasyarakatan itu ya 11 tahun yang lalu..
2013 : ikut program pengabdian masyarakat, sebagai kegiataan pas kakak2 kelas 12 Ujian Nasional
2014 : Lulus dari pesantren dan mulai rajin ikut kegiatan volunteering. Mulai dari komunitas dongeng dan ngajar di sekolah gratis di deket rumah.
2015 : ikutan volunteer ngajar di Thailand, sepulangnya bantuin temen buat mendirikan taman baca di Tangerang Selatan bernama Istana Belajar Anak Banten (thanks to Panji yang udh mau percaya sm aku!!)
2016 : Ikutan volunteering lagi di Banten, dan mulai mencoba mengaitkan dengan dunia kesehatan karena udah mulai kuliah di dunia keperawatan. Plus di tahun ini qadarullah (because there’s no coincidence) ikutan bootcamp tentang menjadi Community Leaders dan jadi inkubator Emcekaqu Project (and got my very first funding!!!!!)
2017 : Mulai explore dunia social enterprise. Rajin banget ikut kelas2 lepasan tentang SE. Dapet pelatihan lanjutan dari pemberi hibah yang dinamakan High-Potential Academy (kl gak salah). Dan kepilih buat ikutan fellowship di Belgia tentang Water and Sanitation! Ohiya sempet dpt funding dari kampus juga buat ngembangin social business tp baru smp tahap piloting 🥲
2018 : Masih konsisten nyoba ikutan inkubasi bisnis, banyak gagalnya, tapi ada berhasilnya juga 🥲 as a person, Alhamdulillah dapet academic fellowship ke US untuk belajar tentang lingkungan.
2019 : Mulai nyoba kerja profesional!!! Keterima internship di Ashoka Indonesia dan bertugas mencari wirausaha sosial yang bisa membuat perubahan sistematis di masyarakat! Riset buanyaaakkk bgt NGO - SE - You name it, yang sesuai dengan nilai2 Ashoka! Bahkan berkesempatan untuk visit ke Berau untuk lihat site project salah satu nominee!
After the intern, kumulai kerja profesional juga di NICE Indonesia. Perusahaan yang memberikan aku hibah pertama kali! Aku mulai jadi trainer dan mentor buat NGO yang jadi grantee mereka.
2020 : still working on the Nice Indonesia. Tapi mulai bergeser jadi assessor performance para grantee. Mulai kenalan lebih dalam sama para CSO. In depth interview sama board, CEO, C-level dan juga tim CSO tsb. Kenalan sama banyak impact evaluation methods.
2021 : Masih mengerjakan hal yang sama ditambah site visit karena udah gak pandemi :)
2022 : Mulai explore ke ranah baru, yaitu dunia breatsfeeding, dan ternyata aku fall in love bgt sm dunia ini 💜 punya expertise baru yang bs dibagi, dan aku melakukan banyak unpaid counselling, bukan karena nggak butuh duit (dan tidak ROI tentu saja lol 😭😂) tapi lebih karena aku ngambil sertifikasi ini karena emang pengen bantu orang!
2023 : Mulai berani ngambil side project yang berkaitan dengan Monitoring, evaluasi dan impact assessment. Ngerjain impact assessment Schneider Indonesia Foundation, Infradigital Foundation, Direktorat SMK sampe bikin impact Assessment buat Lab Belajar Ibu.
2024 : Gabung di Project Bisa Sembuh Fund, kolaborasi antara KitaBisa dan 3I Indonesia buat jadi mentor.
Kalau dilihat learning curves-nya tuh mungkin gini ya :
2 tahun following observing (2013-2014)
3 tahun initiating and incubating (2015-2018)
5 tahun leveraging (2019-2024)
Dan mungkin learning curves di tahun 2025 keatas lebih ke experting. Because i never consider myself as an expert karena ngerjain proposal aja masih belom sering tembus grant, ngerjain proposal program aja nilainya masih 66, ngerjain laporan dampak aja masih banyak revisinya.
Dan menyadari tentang “belum complete-nya” learning curves ini yang membuat aku legowo buat nggak lompat pindah field dulu jadi academia - dan membuat keputusan untuk nggak ambil master thesis dulu - instead ngambil public health in practice as my capstone to add more experience about community in academic settings.
Jujur sebenernya galau banget dan sempet sedih karena yg rajin baca tulisanku, aku pengeennn bgt sekolah sampe S3, tapi secara timeline-nya Allah, mungkin belum sekarang atau dalam waktu dekat. Dan entah kenapa memilih untuk ngambil capstone Public Health in Practice kaya tenang aja gituuu 🥺
Tapi emang sih.. kalau mau diakuin deep down, in my heart yang lebih aku pengenin dan penasaranin dari dulu adalah kerja di International NGO atau even UN agencies, lah. Dan itu belom kesampean, semoga ada jalannya setelah lulus MPH ini ya Allah aaminn 🥺 sehingga aku bs punya point of view yang lebih luas. Perspektif yang lebih kaya. Dan mungkin jadi lebih memahami mengenai kompleksitas masalah kesehatan komunitas karena banyak determinan lain, selain lingkungan, perilaku, sosial, dan commercial, bahwa misalkan political will itu sangat2 berpengaruh dlm kesehatan masyarakat juga.
Jadi panjang.. tapi itu sih mungkin refleksiku seminggu ini mentoring. Karena aku beneran mendengar lebih banyak hal yang bahkan aku gatau bahwa itu ada. Struggle yang dihadapi penyintas TB, kekerasan berbasis gender yang merugikan kesehatan ibu dan anak, anak-anak SMK yang bisa bikin alat sendiri untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik bottle, kekuatan advokasi seorang ibu yang kehilangan anaknya, konsistensi organisasi dalam satu topik selama puluhan tahun.
Aku belajar banyak banget dari mereka. Aku bukan apa-apa dan aku bukan siapa-siapa. Syukur Alhamdulillah banyak2 sama Allah, aku diminta jadi teman perjalanan mereka, menyeimbangkan apa yang kupelajari di academia. Semoga aku bisa memberikan perspektif dari academia juga. Semoga Allah bimbing aku juga.
Aamin yaa rabbal alamiin.
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correcting Filoni…
…I’ve seen quite a bit of commentary on pacing in these first 2 ep’s…
—I’m just gonna toss out there—Filoni should have taken more lessons from Team Gilroy (Andor) or Team Joss (Serenity—a movie—incidentally, based on a series that most peeps weren’t invested in, hadn’t watched, didn’t know the characters, etc; yet, when casual peeps viewed, actually found the movie overall engaging…).
—My thoughts on how pacing, and backstory could have been improved if someone actually edited scripts, before looping actors into a strange mosh of empty feeling scenes and flat, driftless dialogue, and stoic glances.
—Open with the ending of Deus Ex Baline, but from Sabine’s perspective. —Fading to present day, either at Freedom Day ceremony already, as she/Sabine is listening to empty praises, or already gazing at Ezra’s message—the feeling that she’s done this 1000x over a decade communicates in seconds that there’s a bond there, of some sort. And it’s significant. THEN, she gets summoned to the ceremony-weariness of disillusionment in her expression—and we have a reason why she decides to shaft out, triggered by the superficiality of commemoration, or the hollowness that, for all the sacrifice of the Rebellion, the NewRepublic, after 10 years, was falling short of restoring what was hoped in expectation since the defeat of the Empire. She returns to her home, picks up the saber, and mentions something about having failed his memory, and her training… —Transitioning to the next scene of the Baylin/Shin freeing MorganElsbth on Republic ship…Elsbeth, as they’re rocketing off to next destination, mentioning Ahsoka, Thrawn, or both-why or what they’re off to pursue…
—Transition to Ahsoka finally, doing whatever she’s doing (frankly-her opening scene ought to have been merged with some kind of flashback, relating to Sabine, frankly, the training, whatever kind of breach occurred between them)—juxtaposed with her current mission retrieving that holocron-Mappy Thing…and go from there…
—Alternatively, the opening crawl perhaps, might have detailed the outcome of Lothal, Ezra-Thrawn-Imperial Fleet zapped into Deus Ex Baline (I hate that plot device, but whatever, space balines are part of the thread, so…hmmph), the sacrifice of the Rebel group, and the decade having left them scattered to various destinations and roles, with the Empire mo longer a threat after Endor, but new threats uncovered by a few vigilant heroes who aren’t so convinced of the Republic’s triumph continue to haunt distant realms of the Galaxy…
—or, a WhamBamOpening full of dire portent—an opening like that of LotR/Fellowship of the Rings (the actual GOOD movie from 2001), relating to a Dathomir sister, perhaps a particular Nightwitch having uncovered an ancient magic/power millennia before—dark experiments that led to a corruption of life and death, that wove itself into something uncontained to the point where the larger group of Nightsisters were forced to such stretches of enchantment and power draw to contain the evil they woke, that while they were ultimately successful, they were consumed by their own effort of dark power against the looming threat. Have the looming threat relate to Darth Sion (since, it seems, much to my dismay, there’s Filoni, mining Legends material and deploying it into a paler shade of itself to serve the purpose of his own plot device, and stripped of most of the originating richness—see his treatment of Thrawn), and the fact that some kind of gateway across space to *whatever threat* while sealed by these ancient enchantresses, still whispered to those who carried the song in their blood. Enter—Elsbeth in the opening scene where she gets rescued…
—*sigh*—I’m not a damn script writer, and these are really just my own musings of how ‘Ashoka’s’ writing is a lesson on *show-dont-tell*. They have so much good material, but this kind of story-telling is just more refined than what it seems the current production team is capable, or Disney cares to invest the effort for better drafting and editing of their script, and over narrative before the move to actual filming…
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In general I feel that most adaptations are terrible, and, at least for all modern adaptations, exist purely to make money for a studio desperate to become "The Next Big Thing™". Now by and large I don't particularly care; does it suck that The Witcher ended up being a super boring political slog instead of a fun monster of the week adventure with a girl and her parents? Sure, but I'm not a part of the The Witcher fandom, most book/game fans recognize the show is shit, and by and large its skipped the public consciousness such that it makes little no impact on much. In fact, The Witcher might, if anything, shed light on creators crapping all over existing IPs to make a name for themselves by using a preexisting IP as a resume to make the things they actually want to make.
Wheel of Time I have no investment in, having never watched the show or read the books, but I'm given to understand that by and large, its fairly universally disliked, and that the book fans are disappointed but largely unaffected by it's current crapness except to note its crapness and move on.
That's not to say that these sort of shit adaptations aren't disappointing; they certainly are, but because the two fandoms were largely unknown in the public conscious, and bad enough that even the most "normy" of people skipped by them, their effect on the existing IP is little.
Star Wars is it's own sort of hell, because while the characters I love are mostly safe (thanks in large part to Disney deciding to write their own stories, thereby inadvertently saving my characters from a fate worse than death), the utter crapness of the current DisneyWars saturates enough of my online fandom life to be mildly annoying in that I can't avoid it. But also, people who are obsessed with Ezra or think that Ashoka Tano are the best thing ever don't bother me much, bc in the Star Wars I knew and loved, these people never existed.
Tolkien is different in a way that is often hard to express, but I think it comes down to both his feelings about his stories, and also the general view of the public. I've had this argument with people a million times, that while yes, the books will always exist, with the current way that media is consumed, the amount of people who have actually read ANY Tolkien at all is smaller than you'd think. I've stumbled across countless posts from people talking about how they are huge Lord of the Rings fans, and have never even read Fellowship.
Now, I'm fully aware that there are people who will be offended by this so called "gatekeeping", but I remain baffled by the sheer number of Tolkien fans who have never actually consumed any of his written works. I'm aware that the Silmarillion is dense, and I'm certainly not about to recommend HoMe to the average reader, but the number of people who speak with authority (and incorrectly) on the themes of his works that have never read past Rivendell is astounding.
And the issue is, by and large, Tolkien is known now more by the Lord of the Rings movies made in the early aughties than he is by the works he wrote. Christopher Tolkien worked tirelessly to ensure that this father's authentic work would be persevered, that anything published posthumously would adhere so strictly to the vision of his father that large chunks remain unwritten to this day.
And then Amazon comes in and bulldozes over everything, and we are asked to be okay with it. More than that, we are asked to accept it, to stop being worried or concerned about it, to just shut up and live with it.
It doesn't matter if you like Rings of Power. It doesn't matter if you have never read a single Tolkien book in your life. It doesn't matter if you think Tolkien is an overblown writer who cared too much about nature and language and not enough about stories (an argument I have sadly seen far too much). The fact remains that Rings of Power and its writers did not give a single fuck about writing anything close to what Tolkien wrote or would have wanted. Rings of Power is crafted to be a resume for it's showrunners on their next steps to Hollywood, and attempt to create the next "GOT", the next Big Thing that will garner them enough fame and attention to let them do what they really want in Hollywood. The show cares nothing for it's source material--that much is clear from the handling of the characters, the butchering of the timelines, the mere fact that they seem to have not even given a single thought to theme or message or meaning.
And while sure, I will always have Tolkien's works for myself and those people who actually love Tolkien, and not the visual representations of his works, butchered onscreen (and yes, I do mean the Jackson movies as well), by and large with the passage of time, Tolkien will come to mean less the stories loving written of a world he envisioned, and more to mean the corporate schlock turned out for profit or the lovingly misguided fan interpretation of one of the greatest fantasy stories of all times, at least to the larger public conscious.
I will never feel bad about my criticism of Rings of Power. Never. Because it wasn't created for anything more than corporate greed and resume building, and each new fact revealed cannot convince me otherwise.
Celeborn is merely the longest in a long line of characters who are victims to a story that uses their names but not their likeness, not their soul, not who they are to the story they were used to create. At this point, it doesn't even make me mad, it makes me sad. The Second Age has always been important to me, for the stories it told and the characters it created, and watching it be handled like this hurts. And I doubt it will ever stop.
#rings of power#tolkien#rop critique#is it criticism to say that a bad thing is bad#im honestly really upset about celeborn#id rather he was dead tbh
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Ashoka University’s Rise: A Case Study at ISB & IIM on Innovation & Leadership
Ashoka University’s remarkable journey, co-founded by visionaries like Vineet Gupta, Ashish Dhawan, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, and Pramath Raj Sinha, has now become a case study at ISB and IIM. This recognition highlights its innovative funding model, governance, and interdisciplinary education—setting a benchmark for higher education in India.

Established in 2010 in Sonipat, Haryana, Ashoka University pioneered a unique model of collective philanthropy, bringing together over 150 donors to create a financially independent, world-class institution. With a focus on liberal arts education, it fosters critical thinking, creativity, and leadership among students from over 243 cities in India and 27 countries worldwide.
Its flagship program, the Young India Fellowship (YIF), and initiatives like the Centre for Entrepreneurship (CFE) showcase its commitment to holistic learning. By integrating humanities, social sciences, and entrepreneurship, Ashoka has redefined higher education in India.
Now studied at premier institutions like ISB and IIM, Ashoka’s success story serves as a model for sustainable and impactful education. Read more about Ashoka University’s transformative journey on Indian Business Times, your trusted source for insightful news on education, business, and leadership.
#indian business times#all news updates#news website#news media#news article#global news#marketing#Education news
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Business And Startup Mentoring Programs 2025
Starting a business is an exhilarating journey filled with possibilities. Yet, it can also feel overwhelming and lonely at times. This is where startup mentoring comes into play—providing invaluable guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs. In 2025, the landscape of business and startup mentoring programs is evolving rapidly, offering tailored support that meets the unique needs of today’s innovators.
Imagine having access to seasoned experts who have navigated the choppy waters of entrepreneurship before you. They understand your challenges because they’ve faced them themselves. Mentoring programs are not just about advice; they’re about building connections, fostering growth, and igniting potential in your venture.
Whether you're launching a tech startup or running a local service-based business, finding the right mentor could be your secret weapon for success. Let’s dive deeper into how these programs can transform your entrepreneurial path!
Benefits of Mentorship for Entrepreneurs
Mentorship can be a game changer for entrepreneurs. It provides access to valuable insights that can guide decision-making.
Having an experienced mentor allows new business owners to avoid common pitfalls. This guidance often saves time and resources, making the entrepreneurial journey smoother.
Networking opportunities are another significant benefit. Mentors typically have vast connections in the industry, opening doors that may remain closed otherwise.
Additionally, mentors offer emotional support during challenging times. Entrepreneurship is fraught with uncertainty; having someone who understands those struggles is invaluable.
Learning from real-life experiences enhances skill development too. Mentors share lessons learned through their successes and failures, providing practical knowledge that can't be found in textbooks.
A mentor helps boost confidence. Their belief in your abilities can inspire you to take calculated risks crucial for growth.
Different Types of Mentoring Programs Available
When exploring startup mentoring, it's essential to know the various types of programs available. Each type caters to different needs and goals.
One-on-one mentoring pairs an experienced entrepreneur with a novice. This personal touch fosters deep connections and tailored guidance.
Group mentoring brings together multiple mentees under the guidance of one mentor. This setting encourages collaboration and diverse perspectives.
Peer mentoring allows entrepreneurs at similar stages to support each other. They share experiences, challenges, and solutions in a mutually beneficial environment.
Online mentorship has gained traction through virtual platforms. It offers flexibility for busy entrepreneurs while connecting them with global experts.
Industry-specific programs target niche markets or sectors, providing specialized knowledge that broadens understanding and sharpens skills relevant to particular industries.
With so many options available, aspiring business owners can find a program that perfectly aligns with their unique journey.
Top Business and Startup Mentoring Programs to Consider in 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, several mentoring programs stand out for their innovative approaches and proven success. One noteworthy program is SCORE, which connects entrepreneurs with experienced mentors across various industries. Their tailored guidance can help you navigate the complexities of starting a business.
Another exciting option is Techstars, known for its intensive accelerator model. This program not only provides mentorship but also funding opportunities, making it ideal for tech startups aiming to scale quickly.
For those interested in social impact ventures, Ashoka’s Fellowship offers unique resources. It focuses on creating positive change while providing essential support from experienced changemakers.
Y Combinator remains a powerhouse in the startup scene. Its robust network and expert-led sessions have launched countless successful businesses into new heights. Each of these programs brings something distinct to the table, enriching the entrepreneurial journey significantly.
Success Stories from Previous Mentees
Entrepreneurs often find inspiration in the success stories of their peers. These narratives reveal how mentoring can transform visions into realities.
Take Sarah, for example. She entered a startup mentoring program with a fledgling idea and limited resources. Under her mentor's guidance, she honed her business model and built valuable connections. Today, her tech startup is thriving and has even attracted venture capital investment.
Then there's James, who struggled to navigate the complexities of marketing his product. Through dedicated sessions with his mentor, he learned targeted strategies that doubled his customer base within months.
These stories highlight the diverse paths mentees take toward success. Each experience underscores mentorship’s unique ability to empower entrepreneurs on their journey while fostering resilience and innovation along the way.
How to Choose the Right Mentoring Program for Your Business
Choosing the right mentoring program can feel overwhelming. Start by defining your goals. What do you want to achieve? Knowing this helps narrow down options.
Research potential programs thoroughly. Look for mentors with experience in your industry. Their insights are invaluable.
Consider the format of the mentorship. Do you prefer one-on-one sessions, group meetings, or online interactions? Find what suits your learning style best.
Check reviews and testimonials from past mentees. Their experiences can provide insight into what to expect.
Think about compatibility with your mentor. A good personal fit fosters open communication and trust, enhancing the overall experience significantly. Take your time making this choice; it’s a vital step in your entrepreneurial journey.
The Future of Business and Startup Mentoring Programs
The landscape of business and startup mentoring programs is evolving rapidly. With technology advancing, digital platforms are becoming essential for connecting mentors and mentees globally.
In 2025, we can expect more personalized experiences powered by artificial intelligence. These tools will analyze individual needs and match entrepreneurs with the right mentors seamlessly.
Additionally, virtual reality may soon play a role in immersive learning environments. Imagine participating in simulated board meetings or brainstorming sessions from anywhere in the world.
As diversity becomes increasingly prioritized, mentorship programs will likely focus on inclusivity. This shift will bring fresh perspectives to traditional industries while empowering underrepresented groups.
Moreover, sustainability is gaining traction across all sectors. Mentoring programs that emphasize ethical practices could shape future leaders committed to responsible entrepreneurship.
Flexibility will also be key as busy schedules demand adaptable formats like micro-mentorships or short-term projects tailored for today’s fast-paced world.
Business and startup mentoring programs play a crucial role in shaping the entrepreneurial landscape. As we move into 2025, these programs are becoming more accessible and tailored to meet the unique needs of startups. The benefits of mentorship cannot be overstated; they provide guidance, networking opportunities, and invaluable insights that can significantly enhance the chances of success for new businesses.

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Introducing ‘ANVAY’, Setting the Stage for an Unprecedented Global Dialogue on Harassment & Discrimination
The Legal Swan and its brands POSH at Work and Respekt are organising an extraordinary and groundbreaking initiative titled ‘Anvay’ (www.anvayglobal.com), A Global Dialogue on Harassment & Discrimination taking place VIRTUALLY from 8 - 9 Dec 2023. It is a first of its kind Dialogue happening Globally.
Event Details:
Name: Anvay, A Global Dialogue on Harassment & Discrimination
Venue: Virtual
Date: 8-9 December 2023
Time: 10 AM to 6 PM IST
Event Link: https://www.anvayglobal.com/
Registration Link: https://www.anvayglobal.com/register/
Why Anvay?
Bhanwari Devi’s indomitable spirit in the face of adversity became a catalyst for significant legal reforms. In 1992, she courageously exposed a child marriage in her Rajasthan village, only to be subjected to a horrifying gang-rape as reprisal. Despite her quest for justice, the legal system failed her, prompting a national outcry.

Bhanwari Devi’s ordeal spurred the creation of the Vishaka Guidelines, shaping India’s response to workplace harassment. These guidelines paved the way for the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, colloquially known as the POSH Act. To honour Bhanwari Devi’s resilience, we are hosting a global dialogue on harassment and discrimination, where she serves as our esteemed chief guest.
What is the purpose?
The aim of the dialogue is to create awareness around laws, rights, and remedies available, normalize conversations around ‘taboo’ topics, drive towards the inclusion of all irrespective of one’s gender, sexuality, disability, etc., see the performance of our laws so far, what we can do in future, learn about good practices across sectors globally and look for solutions for positive change. This is a dialogue with a cause and for a cause.
What will be discussed?
Anvay features expert discussions on harassment and discrimination and will see insights from Speakers from UN, NCW, UNICEF, Judiciary, Harvard University and more. Our agenda covers discussions around intersection of technology and law, experiences of persons with disabilities, future of the metaverse, measures in schools, challenges faced by the queer community, the judiciary’s role, media’s role in creating awareness, young adults and role of universities, and strategies for organizing the unorganized.
Who are the speakers?
Unveiling the luminaries set to grace our event—the following distinguished speakers who will ignite, inspire, and illuminate the discourse.
Rekha Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for Women
Susan Jane Ferguson , Country Representative, UN Women
Kate Jenkins AO , Chair, Creative Workplaces Council, Former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission
Kiranmayi Addu , Scientist-B, UNICEF, ICMR-NIN
Priyanka Chirimar , Founder at AAPC & Co-Founder at Nanshe
sujata nabar , DGM - Ethics & Governance, Mahindra Group
Mahendra Itkarkar , Executive Director, Human Resources, Morgan Stanley
Poonam Kapoor , Head of Employee Relations, Credit Suisse, India
Vindhya Undurti , (Former) Professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Jitendra Mohan, President: Asia-Pacific Association of Psychology, Former President: International Society of Mental Training for Excellence, Editor-in-Chief: Indian Journal of Psychology, Editor-in-Chief: Asian Journal of Psychology and Education
Dr. Anjhula Mya S. , International Psychologist, Trauma Specialist
Alankrita Shrivastava, Screenwriter, Director and Producer
Kopal Naithani , Founder/ Director - Superfly Films
Rachel DiBella, LICSW , MSW, Associate Director, Strategic Prevention Initiatives Office for Gender Equity, Harvard University
Zeinab Farokhi, PhD , Assistant Professor (LTA), Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Toronto, Mississauga Concordia University
Aniha Brar , Dean, Young India Fellowship and Vice Chancellor’s Office Ashoka University
Dr. Vinita Chandra, Associate Professor, Ramjas College, Delhi University
Kevin Lee, CEO, Yuvaa
Arvind Rao , Advocate Supreme Court of India, Legal Counsel in Adigator Media, IPC NEWS NETWORK, Corporate Advocate
Dr. Meenu Bhambhani , Vice President- Global Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (GIDE) Business Consultant, State Street
Dr. Kiran Nayak. B , Disability and Transgender Activist, Karnataka
Nina Jane Patel , Safe, Responsible Innovation & Development of Frontier Technology, Head of Research, Doctoral Researcher, Kabuni
Kinjal Maulin Salvi , Founding Member, World Metaverse Council
Kapil Dhiman , Award winning CEO, Built the Metaverse Startup of the year, Web3 Advisor
Bradley Poynting , Child Safeguarding & Child Protection Consultant, Poynting Consulting & Advisory and Australian Red Cross Greater Brisbane Area, Australia
Ju'Riese Colon , Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Center for SafeSport
Dr. Charlene Doak-Gebauer , Founder/Chair Internet Sense First, Founder and Chair the AICET Council, Global Chair Childcare and Protection, G100
Indu Madhavi Iragavarapu , Professional Development Manager, Nord Anglia Education, The Oakridge International School
Matt Skallerud , LGBTQ+ Marketing, Advertising, PR & Social Media, World's Leading LGBTQ+ Global Media Company, Pennsylvania, United States
Luiza Drummond Veado, Human Rights and Gender Specialist, SOGIESC Expert, New York, United States
Scott Sallée , Social Impact & Sustainability at Dentsu International, Co-Chair: Wellbeing, Steerco: LGBTQ+, Neurodivergent
Zainab Patel , Inclusion Catalyst, Lead Inclusion & Diversity, Pernod Ricard India
Satvik (he/they) , Co-founder, Transmen Collective and Consultant, Transgender Division, NISD, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GoI
Hon’ble Justice Sujata Manohar (Retd.), Authored the Vishaka judgment in 1997, paving the way for the Vishaka Guidelines and setting the foundation for the POSH Act of 2013
Hon’ble Justice A. K. Sikri (Retd.), Authored the groundbreaking NALSA judgment in 2014, a cornerstone for the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019
How are different voices being covered?
Anvay also presents Video Insights, a dialogue-driven initiative which features in-depth conversations on harassment and discrimination with experts and individuals worldwide, hailing from diverse jurisdictions such as Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Kenya, Canada, Wales, and more.
Akhil Neelam, 30 for 2030 Youth Leader at UN Women, Building a Think tank on gender and politics in South Asia Hyderabad, India
Aleena Ahmed, Lawyer, Associate at Ijaz Ahmed & Associates
Bhawana Shrestha, PhD, Co-Founder at My Emotions Matter Team Lead Office of Safe and Respectable Learning (OSRL) King's College Nepal
Colin Druhan, Executive Director at Pride at Work
Dr. Smita Ghosh, Psychologist, Human Rights & Women Empowerment Activist, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Johanna Robinson, Wales National Adviser Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Joy Matheka, Legal Officer at Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children | Expertise in Children rights, Human rights, and Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA)
Naomi Hunter-Epson, Cambridge Politics + IR BA Hons Undergrad Finalist, Events Officer for Cambridge University, Gender Studies Society
Oviana Fathul Jannah, Child Rights Advocate Project Manager ECPAT Indonesia
Siddhantt Shah, Founder at Access for All India
Swechhya Rajbhandary, Educator, Education & Awareness Lead at Office of Safe and Respectable Learning (OSRL) King's College Nepal
Viveka (Paul) Chattopadhyay, Consultant in Autism and Cerebral Palsy Delhi, India
Christine Uyoga, Gender Equality & Social Inclusion, Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights, Safeguarding/ Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse, Harassment Nairobi
Stuti Jalan, Founder, Women Inspiring Network (WIN) and Crosshairs Communication
Harshita Singh, Mother caring for a child with Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Dr. Parul, Mother caring for a child with Cerebral Palsy
Srikant, Individual using wheelchair
We have got an exciting roster of additional speakers waiting to be unveiled! Stay tuned for more introductions and updates.
Who are the Partners?
Who are our Knowledge Partners?
Introducing our esteemed Knowledge Partners, a consortium of renowned academics and experts shaping the intellectual foundation of our global event on harassment and discrimination.
1. Gujarat National Law University
2. Nishith Desai Associates
3. DY Patil University
4. Svarniti Law Offices
5. Pier Counsel
Who is our Platform Partner?
Introducing Unstop – our dedicated Platform Partner, a tech innovator!
Who are our Media Partners?
Anvay proudly presents a collaborative effort to amplify the voices and impact of our collective mission with the following Media Partners:
Advocate Khoj
HR Professional Network (HRPN)
Women Inspiring Networking
Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS)
Women's Web
Business Today
The Eastern Herald
Young Leaders for Active Citizenship (YLAC)
International Legal Alliance
Media India Group
Lawctopus Law School
Legal Bites
Legalify India
Desi Kaanoon
Legal Desire
Law Labs
Our Legal World
Law Lust
Legal Gossipss
UPSC Desire
PSC Exam Guide
Indian Polity
Bharat Ka Kanoon
Legal Rights
Lady Lawyer
Adv. Aishwarya Nagar
Adv. Reena Yadav
Who Will Attend?
Leaders (such as CEOs, Board of Directors, HoDs and other Key Managerial Personnel).
Employees in the role of HR, Legal, Ethics & Compliance and Learning & Development.
Internal committee members handling complaints of sexual harassment.
Complaint officers handling complaints related to harassment, bullying, discrimination etc.
Managers who, in any other capacity, conduct training or assist in handling complaints.
Individual Lawyers, Psychologists, HR and other practitioners acting as consultants, external members or counsellors who assist with resolving harassment, discrimination and bullying related concerns.
Students looking to work around harassment, discrimination and bullying.
Event Access Fee:
For One Day - INR 750 + Taxes
For Two Days - INR 1000 + Taxes
For One Day - INR 3,000 + Taxes
For Two Days - INR 5,000 + Taxes
Be a part of something truly groundbreaking – A Global Movement for Change – Towards a Positive Future.
Gain insights from thought leaders and experts.
Participate in interactive sessions and workshops.
Ticket cost is inclusive of access to all discussions virtually on both days.
Certificate of participation.
Access to discussion forum on the website.
Profile visibility to wide audience.
Shout out on social media.
Who are the Organizers?
The Legal Swan is an organization that aims to provide 360-degree solutions against bullying, harassment & discrimination and promote diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging through its brands POSH at Work and Respekt.
Meet the Organizing Team!
Dive into the profiles of the team managing the event!
Shivangi Prasad , Founder & Director – The Legal Swan, POSH at Work & Respekt, Legal Consultant & Author, Trainer & External Member, WICCI, ASH Maharashtra President
Divya R , Trainer & External Member, Chief Quality Officer (Social Media), The Legal Swan
Ekta Jaiswal (She/Her) , Trainer & External Member, Chief Quality Officer (Training Management System), The Legal Swan
Pallavi Poswal , Trainer & External Member, Chief Quality Officer (Complaint Management System), The Legal Swan
Vatsal Chorera , Chief Legal & Compliance Officer, The Legal Swan
Ajeet Dubey , Chief Technology Officer, The Legal Swan
Vivekanand Kumar Singh , Social Media Manager, The Legal Swan
Soham Sen , Legal Associate, Respekt
Ayushmita Bardhan , Paralegal, Respekt
Khushi Sharma , Designer, The Legal Swan
Raano Gupta , Legal Intern, The Legal Swan
Yashvi Bhavsar , Legal Intern, The Legal Swan
Ashish Thakur , Marketing Intern, The Legal Swan
Ankit Mathur, Marketing Intern, The Legal Swan
Connect with us on social media for latest updates!
For collaboration requests or inquiries, feel free to contact the Organizing Team at [email protected]!
Let us join hands for a dialogue that matters! Together, let's pave the way for a world free from harassment and discrimination. #AnvayGlobal 🌍
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#the mandolorian#star wars#ashoka tano#din djaren#din djarin#lord of the rings#fellowship of the ring#the two towers#the return of the king#frodo baggins#Sam wise gamgee#sam wise#sam x frodo#timothy olyphant#userhayf#pedro pascal
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अशोका ट्रस्ट फॉर रीसर्च इन इकोलोजी एण्ड एनवायरनमेन्ट के पाठ्यक्रमों में नरोपा फैलोज ने लिया हिस्सा नरोपा फैलोज़ को हिमालय क्षेत्रों की जैव विविधता के संतुलन, जलवायु परिवर्तन एवं नव्यकरणी ऊर्जा नीतियों को समझने का मिला अवसर
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Young India Fellowship 2020 | Eligibility, Awards, Application Procedure
Young India Fellowship: Young India Fellowship is provided to the students who are talented and financially weak by the Ashoka University. YIF is offering world-class education to the students in India at a low cost. Young India Fellowship Admissions are provided to the need and financial students of the family. A total of 300 Fellowships are available. Young India Fellowship is involved in 3 Rounds. Students who could not apply in round 1 can submit their application in Round 2.
Young India Fellowship Eligibility Criteria
Students who have completed graduate and post-graduate from a recognized institute.
Students must have good marks.
Must be involved in full-fledged extracurricular activities.
Must have good communication skills.
Young India Fellowship Benefits
Tuition expenses for Lectures and Workshops
Resident cost
Cost of reading and course material, library subscriptions and shared textbooks
Documents Required for Young India Fellowship
IT returns for FY 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 of the candidate’s family.
Salary statement for salaried family members for the last 3 months
Financial assets details (movable/ immovable properties)
Form 26AS (for businesses/ professional)
Loan statements
In case the candidate wants to avail of the Haryana Resident benefit, they must procure a Haryana Domicile Certificate.
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Ashoka Fellowship 2020 | Paid Fellowship in India, Selection Process
Ashoka Fellowship 2020 | Paid Fellowship in India, Selection Process
Ashoka Fellowship 2020: Ashoka Fellowship is primarily aimed to provide social entrepreneurs the means to realize their ideas and innovations. The scholarship came to fruition in 1981; today, there are over 350 Ashoka Fellows working in over 60 countries worldwide.
The Ashoka Fellowship provides a living stipend for up to 3 years, enabling the Fellows to turn their ideas into reality. Granted,…
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Bodhi Tree
Poor. Village. Girl.
The very thought of her entire life being limited to just these three words haunted her when she was a child. Ashweetha Shetty, now an empowered girl in her twenties, was born in Mukkudal Village of Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu. Her village till date is famous for Biddi making, a work that has become an inevitable truth of her family since years.
For women in India, being able to prove themselves worthy is a difficult. Visibly, she had to take the work her family was into. Ashweetha, when young, saw her mother putting thumb prints in place of signature while keeping record of the family income. This very sight acted as a spark and she decided that her fate will not be the same as that of her mother’s. She recalls having a peaceful life away from the city rush, even then she felt an empty void that only proper education could fill.
Like all of us, Asweetha also had in her life someone she looked up to. She was inspired to educate herself after reading the autobiography of Helen Keller. Initially it became difficult for her to convince her parents to let her go for higher education. But destiny cannot be neglected, she completing her graduation in Business Administration from a local college, and became the first graduate from her family.
Then come the turning point in her life. A Telegu advertisement was bought to her notice by her librarian regarding a fellowship in Ashoka University. Not being able to have access to the internet to fill the form, she had to borrow a phone from her junior. A skype interview became the bridge between her fellowship and herself. She was selected for Young India Fellowship of Ashoka University and had to move to Delhi.
Among the others selected for the fellowship across India, she was the only person from a rural setting. She started feeling alienated initially. After all, being a misfit is something which makes all of us awkward. She also shares instances of people not welcoming her in group researches, assuming she won’t be able to contribute. She had hard time listening to lectures in English and had to give more time. By the end of this fellowship she was completely transformed from within. “I stopped being harsh on myself” she states.
After completing the fellowship program, she started working in Sughavazhvu Healthcare. She went back to asking basic questions to herself like what this education of hers is for, what is she doing with the opportunity she has received. She also talks about how she has seen many people in her village having potentials but not having access to the magic opportunities like the one she received. She thus went back to her village and sowed the seeds of ‘Bodhi Tree’, an institute that aims at nurturing young minds in villages to make them grow into a better human being via education. Bodhi Tree aims at bridging the huge gap between the urban and rural lives in social and economic terms. With this initiative of hers she has been able to help many, by providing workshops, activity-oriented seminar, skill enhancement training and career guidance.
Child raising, cooking and cleaning is what women grow up to. They are no better than objects boxed, caged, and bottled. Every child deserves education and a happy life ahead, whether they belong to a metropolitan or a hamlet. At the end , quoting Miss Shetty,
“Where do you find your self-worth?
The answer to this question is
…where you find your voice and freedom!”
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Ashoka University 2018 Young India Fellowship (YIF) Selection Round 2
Ashoka University's YIF 2018 Selection - Eligibility - Application 2018
About YIF 2018
The Young India Fellowship (YIF) is a one-year multidisciplinary postgraduate diploma programme in Liberal Studies. The Fellowship brings together a group of approximately 300 bright young individuals who show exceptional intellectual ability and leadership potential from across the country, and prepares them to become socially committed agents of change. YIF exposes them to a…
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US Venture Fellowship Associate
US Venture Fellowship Associate
Description Position at Ashoka US Venture Fellowship Associate Ashoka: Innovators for the Public ABOUT US Forty years ago, Ashoka changed the framework of the social sector by introducing the idea that there is nothing more powerful than a bold, new idea in the hands of an exceptional social entrepreneur. Ashoka is aiming for its next paradigm shift: a world in which everyone can be a…

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Alum Bytes | PGP-DM at ISDM
Drashti is an Alumna of the 2017-18 Batch. She currently works with the Akanksha Foundation. Drasthi has a BBA from NMIM Mumbai and has completed the Young India Fellowship (YIF) at Ashoka University. In this video, she shares how the YIF and the PGP at ISDM, differently enriched her as a professional. Learn more - https://isdm.org.in/pgp-dm-admissions/ ISDM's 11-month high impact Postgraduate management course for the social sector.
#development management programme#development management#development management program#Development Leadership#ISDM
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Dr Pramath Raj Sinha
Dr Pramath Raj Sinha was a Partner at Mckinsey and led the ABP Group, one of India’s leading and diversified media conglomerates. He was instrumental in setting up the Indian School of Business (ISB), where he served as the Founding Dean (2001-2) and continues to be a member of its Board of Governors. Dr Sinha is also the Founder & Trustee of the acclaimed liberal arts institution, Ashoka University, which launched the Young India Fellowship (YIF) in 2011. He is one of the Founders of The Vedica Scholars Programme for Women, a first of its kind management programme, and is also the Founder of the Anant Fellowship programme. Read more: https://anu.edu.in/faculty/dr-pramath-raj-sinha.
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