#Arthur's Pass National Park
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calochortus · 1 year ago
DSC_6024 by Ray Jackson Via Flickr: Lupins in Arthur's Pass National Park, New Zealand.
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railnewzealand · 23 days ago
Discover why the Arthur's Pass Train, also known as the TransAlpine, offers one of the most stunning and unforgettable train journeys in the world. From breathtaking views of lush forests and snow-capped mountains to historic engineering feats and wildlife encounters, this scenic route offers a comfortable, eco-friendly, and adventure-filled travel experience perfect for all ages. Embark on an incredible journey through New Zealand's Southern Alps and explore the natural wonders of Arthur's Pass.
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platypusesforarms · 8 months ago
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Yellow Alpine Buttercup | New Zealand, Earth's Mythical Islands: Wild Extremes
The rare yellow alpine buttercup is only found in rock fields in the central part of the Southern Alps, between Aoraki Mt Cook & Arthur's Pass National Parks. (x)
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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National Museums Scotland Rooftop Terrace.
I've posted many photos looking from thiis place to Edinburgh Castle, this is the first time I have done the opposite.
What I like most about this pic is at the top right, the road leading up Arthur's Seat, it's called Queens Drive and encircles the extinct volcnoe, passing Dunsapie Loch, on the south and St Margaret's Loch on the north of Holyrood Park. It shows how small our capital city is, and how close the museum is to Holyrood Park.
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projectourworld · 6 months ago
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Finalist – junior: The World’s Only Alpine Parrot
My Aotearoa holiday goal was to capture the endangered kea and its gorgeous underwing, visible only during flight. My first sighting at Arthur’s Pass was disheartening as they were rummaging through rubbish. Weeks later, my determination led me to capture them again, but this time in their natural alpine habitat. Nelson Lakes national park, Aotearoa New Zealand
Photograph: Jack Hinz : Australian Geographic nature photographer of the year Awards 2024
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tiertravels · 12 days ago
💦 Hidden Waterfalls of New Zealand: Nature’s Best-Kept Secrets!
New Zealand is home to some of the most stunning waterfalls in the world—but beyond the famous ones, there are secret cascades hidden deep in the wilderness. 🌿🏔️ Ready to chase waterfalls? Here are a few hidden gems!
🌊 Owharoa Falls (Coromandel) – A fairy-tale waterfall nestled in the Karangahake Gorge, perfect for a refreshing dip. 🌿 Taranaki Falls (Tongariro National Park) – A stunning 20m cascade framed by volcanic landscapes and alpine trails. 💎 Devil’s Punchbowl (Arthur’s Pass) – A powerful waterfall crashing down from 131m, hidden in a lush rainforest. 🦜 McLean Falls (The Catlins) – A multi-tiered beauty surrounded by untouched wilderness and rare birdlife.
Which one would you explore first? 🏞️ Tag your adventure buddy and start planning your waterfall road trip! 🚗✨
#HiddenWaterfalls #NewZealandNature #WaterfallHunting #TravelMore #TierTravels
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nasze-zd · 3 months ago
Rzeki roztokowe Wyspy Południowej
25 kwietnia 2024. Lata temu, gdy podróż do Nowej Zelandii była jeszcze na etapie przewijania Google Maps, żeby zobaczyć, jak ten kraj w ogóle wygląda i co się w nim da zobaczyć, moją uwagę przykuły pozornie wielkie rzeki spływające do Pacyfiku z Alp Południowych. Jak to możliwe, by cieki wodne długości podobnej do Brdy czy Pilicy miały na mapie szerokość dolnej Wołgi, Renu, czy Dunaju?
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Odpowiedź poznać łatwo, przełączając widok z mapowego na satelitarny. Algorytmy automatycznego kolorowania mapy wzięły szary odcień koryta za strumień wody. Najwyraźniej nie są przygotowane do rozpoznawania rzek roztokowych.
Charakter rzek roztokowych dobrze oddaje ich angielska nazwa: braided rivers, "rzeki warkoczowe". Nie mają one głównego nurtu, lecz wiele ciągle rozwidlających się i ponownie łączących strumieni, przypominając sznur z bezładnie splątanych nici.
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Dart River powyżej Lake Wakatipu
Zasadnym było zająć się tym tematem akurat w tym momencie relacji z Wyspy Południowej z dwóch powodów: po pierwsze, jazda przez Równinę Canterbury była niesłychanie nudna, a krajobraz bez żadnych osobliwości. Za wyjątkiem tego, co po drugie: przejazdu przez Rangitatę i Rakaię, dwie bardzo szerokie rzeki roztokowe. Po trzecie, to właśnie tego typu rzeki uformowały ową nudną równinę aluwialną... To trzeci powód... Więc zająłem się tym tematem z trzech powodów... Nieee, wejdziemy od nowa — nie spodziewałem się hiszpańskiej inkwizycji!
Rzeki roztokowe występują w wielu miejscach świata, niemniej jednak w Nowej Zelandii mają szczególne zasługi w kształtowaniu krajobrazu. Mnogość odcinków roztokowych, na których woda rozwidla się i rozlewa, zmieniając swoją trasę nawet z dnia na dzień, jest powodowana dwoma czynnikami: szybkim wypiętrzaniem terenu, dzięki czemu zachowany jest względnie duży spadek oraz sezonowością opadów, mieszającą okresy suche i mocno deszczowe.
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Clyde River i Havelock River, łączące się w Rangitatę. Widok z Mount Sunday.
Ruchy tektoniczne wynoszą Alpy Południowe o 7-20 mm rocznie. W ciągu miliona lat to 7-20 kilometrów, a przecież tylko kilka szczytów przekracza 3.000 m. To daje pojęcie, jak gigantyczne ilości skał są zdzierane nieustannie przez erozję. Ten urobek jest niesiony właśnie przez spływające z gór rzeki, a jest go tak dużo, że zdążył już narosnąć nawet w młodych dolinach lodowcowych, wypłaszczając ich dno. Charakterystyczny profil takich dolin mający na ogół przekrój litery "U", na Wyspie Południowej upodabnia się bardziej do przekroju... powiedzmy: patelni, z braku literowych analogii. Całkiem jakby to góry przebijały się od spodu przez wszechobecną równinę.
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Waimakariri River w Arthur's Pass National Park
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Tasman River i jej ujście do Lake Pukaki
Skalny gruz, który przysypał i wyrównał dna górskich dolin to tylko mała część tego, co zabrały rzeki roztokowe. Ich głównym wytworem jest owa monotonna, płaska Równina Canterbury, która sprowokowała ten artykuł. Jakieś 9 tys. km² nowego lądu, który bez Waitaki, Rakai, Rangitaty, Waimakariri i pozostałych byłby po dziś dzień jedynie szelfem kontynentalnym — przybrzeżnym wypłaszczeniem przykrytym wodami Pacyfiku.
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Rangitata na przecięciu z State Highway 1
Na zakończenie film z przejazdu przez Rakaię — o najszerszym ujściowym odcinku koryta ze wszystkich rzek roztokowych Canterbury. Przez 144-przęsłowy, 1.756-metrowy, najdłuższy w Nowej Zelandii most jechaliśmy półtorej minuty. Film nie ma zbyt porywającej akcji, ale daje pojęcie o rozciągłości takiej rzeki.
Przeprawa przez Rakaię po najdłuższym moście Nowej Zelandii
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brokcn · 9 months ago
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a dependent roleplay blog ft. jason bergeron and penned by nicole , and affiliated with @marinafm .
. ʙɪᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ . ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ . ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ . ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ .
FULL NAME : jason nathaniel reid bergeron. NICKNAME(S) : jace. jacy (family). BIRTHPLACE: chicago, il.  BIRTHDAY :  february 1st.  ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius. GENDER : cis-male. PRONOUNS : he / him.  SEXUAL ORIENTATION : heterosexual. OCCUPATION : unemployed. FAMILY : father & estranged siblings.  HEIGHT : 5"11’. EYE COLOR : hazel. HAIR COLOR : dark brown. TATTOOS : mothers birth year in roman numerals on chest.  PIERCINGS : none.  LIKES : black coffee. live music. horror films. ugly sweaters. sailing. vanilla candles. cheesy t-shirts. dive bars. & traveling. DISLIKES : loneliness. national parks at night. spiders. crust on sandwiches. his father. half ass hugs. rude people. heights. 
tw: parental death
His mother, a vibrant and ambitious young woman, often yearned to trade her small-town lifestyle for something more exciting. When Arthur Winslet, the owner of a resort franchise, offered her a position as a personal assistant, she eagerly accepted. She traveled to multiple countries with him and spent many nights in his company. Their relationship lasted for nine months before abruptly coming to an end when rumors of a possible pregnancy surfaced. Arthur’s wife quickly put her foot down and demanded that he sever ties with his assistant. Shortly after, his mother returned to her home with a check in one hand, a non-disclosure agreement in the other, and a baby on the way.
Jaces’s early childhood, while not without its challenges, was content. He was aware that his family stood out from others in the town. Living in a multi-generational household without a present father, he knew that his upbringing differed from that of his peers. However, he didn’t fully comprehend the implications of this difference. What he did know was that his mother, a hardworking single parent, tirelessly provided for them both, and his grandparents were a constant and loving presence in his everyday life.
At the age of eighteen, Jace’s world came crashing down with the sudden passing of his mother. The news of her death spread rapidly, even reaching Arthur. An instinct that had laid dormant within him for eighteen years was awakened - a paternal instinct. In an attempt to compensate for lost time, Arthur extended an offer of a lavish lifestyle, one that Jace’s mother had once dreamed of. Jace accepted the offer almost instantly, eager to start a new life with the father he had always been curious about. In just one week, Jason had settled into his father’s estate and had already met his extended family. Within a month, Arthur began teaching him the ins and outs of the family business while simultaneously allowing him to explore and experience the world’s wonders. During his gap year, Jason indulged in the finer things in life.
After completing his gap year, he began his first term at the University of Chicago. In an attempt to follow his father’s career path and potentially assume control of the family business, he chose to pursue a business major. It became apparent that Jason struggled in school, encountering challenges with failed tests and missed assignments. However, with the financial support of Arthur’s substantial resources and frequent contributions, Jason was able to graduate.
The next three years passed by in a blur for him, with frequent trips and a few promotions that were facilitated by his father’s connections. Jason had crawled his way up the ladder but during that time it had became apparentto him that business was not his calling. The news of Jason quitting was met with disappointment. Arthur, feeling unimpressed, believed his child was being lazy and irresponsible. He couldn’t understand why his son would give up on something so significant for the family.
Jason’s resentment towards his father reached a new level. It was in that moment when Jace saw Arthur’s true nature. He finally realized that his father was a self-centered man, concerned only with his own desires. This realization was painful for Jason, as he had always believed that Arthur was a good person. Now, he knew better. Arthur was a man who preached about sacrifices but had never lost anything, always taking and taking until there was nothing else to give. Jason refused to end up like his father, and he was determined to live his life how he wanted.
Since departing from his father’s business and cutting all ties, Jason has seen remarkable progress in his life. In the past year, he has successfully cultivated a peaceful lifestyle. While he occasionally yearns for a parental figure, his chosen family of friends has played a crucial role in providing him with support and assistance.
+ father/son relationship was v similar to roman and logan from succession. + he's currently taking a page out of trish's handbook (from ally and austin) & is constantly working odd/insane jobs. + himbo + has a tendency to push boundaries & overstep. he means well but has a hard time understanding others limits. + he has a shit ton of magnets from his traveling days, they legit take up majority of the outside of his fridge.
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months ago
Events 5.19 (before 1930)
639 – Ashina Jiesheshuai and his tribesmen assaulted Emperor Taizong at Jiucheng Palace. 715 – Pope Gregory II is elected. 1051 – Henry I of France marries the Rus' princess, Anne of Kiev. 1445 – John II of Castile defeats the Infantes of Aragon at the First Battle of Olmedo. 1499 – Catherine of Aragon is married by proxy to Arthur, Prince of Wales. Catherine is 13 and Arthur is 12. 1535 – French explorer Jacques Cartier sets sail on his second voyage to North America with three ships, 110 men, and Chief Donnacona's two sons (whom Cartier had kidnapped during his first voyage). 1536 – Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII of England, is beheaded for adultery, treason, and incest. 1542 – The Prome Kingdom falls to the Taungoo Dynasty in present-day Myanmar. 1643 – Thirty Years' War: French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power. 1649 – An Act of Parliament declaring England a Commonwealth is passed by the Long Parliament. England would be a republic for the next eleven years. 1655 – The Invasion of Jamaica begins during the Anglo-Spanish War. 1743 – Jean-Pierre Christin developed the centigrade temperature scale. 1749 – King George II of Great Britain grants the Ohio Company a charter of land around the forks of the Ohio River. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: A Continental Army garrison surrenders in the Battle of The Cedars. 1780 – New England's Dark Day, an unusual darkening of the day sky, was observed over the New England states and parts of Canada. 1802 – Napoleon Bonaparte founds the Legion of Honour. 1828 – U.S. President John Quincy Adams signs the Tariff of 1828 into law, protecting wool manufacturers in the United States. 1845 – Captain Sir John Franklin and his ill-fated Arctic expedition depart from Greenhithe, England. 1848 – Mexican–American War: Mexico ratifies the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo thus ending the war and ceding California, Nevada, Utah and parts of four other modern-day U.S. states to the United States for US$15 million. 1883 – Buffalo Bill's first Buffalo Bill's Wild West opens in Omaha, Nebraska. 1900 – Great Britain annexes Tonga Island. 1900 – Second Boer War: British troops relieve Mafeking. 1911 – Parks Canada, the world's first national park service, is established as the Dominion Parks Branch under the Department of the Interior. 1917 – The Norwegian football club Rosenborg BK is founded. 1919 – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk lands at Samsun on the Anatolian Black Sea coast, initiating what is later termed the Turkish War of Independence. 1921 – The United States Congress passes the Emergency Quota Act establishing national quotas on immigration. 1922 – The Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union is established.
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big-boah-2 · 2 years ago
Y'all I had a WILD RED DEAD DREAM last night. Vivid AF.
It was first person where everything happened like normal except it was modern day AU, but there were no cars, only horses. That's the only difference. Everything was kind of steampunk.
There was a safehouse in Valentine, a decent abandoned house near Horseshoe Overlook where Sadie, Arthur, and I met up after Micah escaped Beaver Hollow (Arthur didn't have TB.) After a few peaceful days the Pinkertons descended upon us, there was a bloodbath, we shot a bunch of guys and escaped on horseback up north to Canada. Arthur spun a yarn just like Hosea and we were able to get in via the Amtrak in the middle of nowhere, north North Dakota.
I vividly remember passing parks and going into a city and seeing the houseless folks and being like "I hope there's beaches or something here because we will be houseless and jobless, which is fine but shitty that I can never see my partner or family again being a national fugitive and all."
We depart the train and go separate ways. Sadie goes to some guys house that she knows, Arthur is bumming it on the street, and I'm pretending I'm a journalist studying nature/doing photography for National Geographic (I just realized I might've been Albert Mason???)
So eventually we all get caught like 2 weeks later and get sent to prison. Somehow it's a mixed gender prison bc Canada made sense in my dream I guess. Somehow Sadie got out on a technicality during her arrest (know your rights!) and then she helped me and Arthur escape from prison like in the game but no hot air balloon just a hole under the fence lol!
We somehow get back over the border into America in the middle of nowhere and I remember being like "How the hell are John and Abigail owning a HOUSE and not on the RUN this is crazy???" Because we see his and Arthur's Wanted posters in the first town. We decide it's safer to split up again. I debate seeing my partner back near Valentine, Sadie decides to to back to the safehouse (why, I don't know.)
So a few months go by, I'm working on a ranch Jim Milton style in Montana. Sadie shows up on her horse and is like "I need help, I've been living with Jake's friend in Valentine because the safehouse is being occupied by none other than Agent Milton as a trophy." For some reason I think it's a good idea to help her because I'm itching and bored. We have no idea where Arthur is.
So we go back to the house, which I just realized is the safehouse from Detroit: Become Human where that awesome Black lady runs the hideout. Milton is there reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and Sadie shoots him through the window, headshot, he's dead. We bury the body a ways away and celebrate and make it our home again feeling safe.
A week later, Arthur shows up, after hearing Milton was dead. Apparently Sadie is like... running Valentine instead of the O'Driscolls at this point with some kickass gal pals which is why I felt so safe. Arthur is a hot mess, he's been a gun for hire all over New Hanover like the very smart man Arthur is... /s
But we're so happy to have him back. And the peace lasts a few weeks, then Micah shows up. And were like Jesus Christ just what we need. He tells us to join his and Dutch's gang at Mount Hagen otherwise he's going to kill us there and then. He was all happy and thanking us for killing Agent Milton and the other Pinkertons after Beaver Hollow. It was gross. Micah in first person IRL in a VIVID DREAM where I could see his PORES, y'all it was nasty.
We roll our eyes and agree to join to get him out of our hair, but he takes Arthur in the kitchen area and tells us to stay put. Of course we don't stay put, Sadie notices Micah has one of those red guns to Arthur's stomach and is hissing at him about how he's a traitor and Dutch has plans for him and how he was gonna go baaaad things to Sadie. I was going to kill him after that statement, but Sadie whacked him over the head with an oil lamp that was on the kitchen table. Micah just laughs but he's covered in oil. Arthur stumbles back to the living room in shock, Sadie throws another oil lamp down from the top of the fireplace and yells at us to get outside.
Micah is laughing maniacally and the place smells of gas and I know what's about to happen. Sadie lights a match, throws it at Micah, and we all dive off the front porch before the place goes up in flames. Why she couldn't have just shot him and why she ruined our safehouse?? I don't know. We hid in the woods behind the house near Horseshoe basically and I'm missing my partner really bad, Arthur is so tired of all this he's also got gray hair and is 1911 Arthur now lol.
The next morning, our little camp is surrounded by Pinkertons and we decide to just give up and surrender. But Sadie isn't going down without a fight. The Pinkertons kill Arthur and I mourn for .2 seconds before Sadie quickdraws and shoots 3 Pinkertons. I just split into the woods during the chaos, and I hear footsteps behind me so I know it's over. But then it's silent and I hear Sadie whispering like, "Don't worry my friends in town will take care of it."
Turns out she's the new Colm O'Driscoll. I was like fucking WHAT.
So we go to Six Point Cabin and there's like 15 O'Driscolls she's bossing around and they treat her like a queen. I'm treated like a king too. Then my now ex-partner shows up and looks slightly different from IRL but he doesn't talk to me, pretends that I'm invisible and it was heartbreaking. He talks to one of the O'Driscoll guards, then turns to me and says, "I just wanted to see if you were alive. Now I see you are, and that must be unfortunate." And walks away?? I was like wtf you dick but I was wrecked.
Shortly after, the O'Driscolls protect us from the Pinkertons that show up. I hear a helicopter and I'm like "Here comes the damn drones" out loud.
And then I woke up. Writing it down, I just realized I'm pretty sure my partner was a 🐀🐀🐀
That's it, that's the dream!
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hawlce · 2 years ago
I love making moth ocs because you'll draw them stylized, your brain will hold off on drowning it in then neck fuzz, then like a year passes. you finally draw them like a great pyrenees, pause.
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this cannot feasibly be right.
So you turn to google and go "show me moths"
then when youre greeted by th
Post cancelled have you guys heard of the Venezuelan poodle moth.
if you were on tumblr in 2012 you've seen it. this lil guy
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It's existence is so continuous because the only evidence comes from a zoologists, Dr. Arthur Anker, flickr album he took at Gran Sabana National Park in, [ gestures ] Venezuela.
and it's so easy to misidentify it to another species. SO easy infact
Those aren't even photos of it-
The first one is a Bombyx mori- or a common silk moth.
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when these little guys don't face the threat of predators once domesticated, They evolve to have larger bodies that are too large for their wings to actually work. they lose their ability to fly. more moth lore for you to go with.
Back to the main event- The Venezuelan poodle moth?
Yeah. This is the only ACTUAL evidence we have of it is this photo
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Literally. this it is. it's sitting there like a dog in a bath tub.
Not identified, last officially spotted in 2009- at its portrait session in a macys.
THATS why you get to find fucking mind boggling gems like this when you look for it
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there's nothing else to work with.
Oh and you wanted to know about the second photo? Yeah that's a just a common silk moth someone felted.
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[ the image has been reposted so many times over the last 12 years that it was impossible to track the source- if you have it please add it! ]
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carrentalpalmerstonnorth · 2 months ago
Explore Christchurch with Convenient Car Rental Options: Airport Rentals, Last-Minute Deals, and More
Christchurch, New Zealand, is a vibrant city with stunning landscapes, rich culture, and a wealth of activities to explore. Whether you’re planning a short visit or a longer stay, renting a car is the perfect way to discover everything this beautiful region has to offer. With a variety of options available, including Christchurch car rental airport services and last-minute car rental Christchurch deals, it’s easier than ever to get on the road and start your adventure.
Christchurch Car Rental Airport: Convenient and Hassle-Free
Arriving at Christchurch Airport? Skip the taxis and long transport lines by choosing a Christchurch car rental airport service. Many car rental agencies are located right at the airport, offering a quick and easy way to pick up your vehicle as soon as you land. Whether you’re in town for business or leisure, renting a car from the airport saves you time and energy.
From compact cars to spacious SUVs, there’s a wide range of vehicles available to suit your needs. Plus, with competitive pricing and flexible rental periods, you can enjoy a seamless travel experience. Simply pick up your car and head straight to your next destination—no need to worry about public transport or waiting for a ride.
Last-Minute Car Rental Christchurch: Flexible and Affordable Options
Sometimes, plans change unexpectedly, and you may need a last-minute car rental Christchurch to make the most of your trip. Whether it’s an impromptu day trip, an urgent business meeting, or a spontaneous adventure, last-minute car rental Christchurch services offer flexibility and convenience.
Many car rental companies in Christchurch provide special deals for last-minute bookings, so you can still get a great price even if you’re booking on short notice. Simply search online or visit a local rental agency to find a vehicle that suits your schedule and budget. With options ranging from economy cars to luxury vehicles, you’ll find a rental that fits your needs.
Why Choose Car Rental in Christchurch?
Explore at Your Own Pace: Renting a car allows you to create your own itinerary and explore Christchurch and its surrounding areas without being tied to a schedule.
Convenient Pick-Up Locations: With Christchurch car rental airport services, you can easily pick up your car as soon as you arrive, making your travel experience smoother.
Variety of Vehicle Options: From compact cars for solo travelers to larger vehicles for families, Christchurch car rental services offer a range of options to suit different needs.
Last-Minute Flexibility: If you find yourself needing a car unexpectedly, last-minute car rental Christchurch ensures you can still find a vehicle quickly and at an affordable rate.
Popular Destinations to Explore with Your Rental Car
Christchurch Botanic Gardens: A beautiful and relaxing spot in the heart of the city, perfect for a leisurely stroll or picnic.
Banks Peninsula: A scenic drive offering stunning views, charming towns, and opportunities for hiking and wildlife spotting.
Akaroa: A picturesque French-inspired town located just a short drive from Christchurch, offering great dining and sightseeing opportunities.
Arthur’s Pass National Park: A beautiful area for hiking, nature walks, and exploring the rugged landscapes of the Southern Alps.
Whether you’re arriving at the Christchurch car rental airport newzealand or looking for a last-minute car rental Christchurch deal, renting a car gives you the freedom to explore the city and beyond at your own pace. With a wide variety of vehicles and flexible rental options, you can enjoy a seamless travel experience in Christchurch. Book your rental car today and get ready to experience all the beauty and adventure that this vibrant city has to offer!
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drhoz · 3 months ago
#2613 - Pterostylis oliveri - Oliver's Greenhood
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Actually a fair-sized orchid - that isn't a Nasturtium in the background of the first photo.
Growing widely on the north end of South Island, in forest and scrub, often on the side of streams or in dense leaf litter from near Nelson to Arthurs Pass National Park but most often on limestone or marble. They can be abundant on marble.
First formally described by Scottish botanist Donald Petrie in 1894, and named atfer Professor Daniel Oliver of Kew Gardens.
Arthur's Pass, Aotearoa New Zealand.
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railnewzealand · 4 months ago
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sarvodayaholiday · 8 months ago
Top Places to Visit in India in July 2024: Best Monsoon Destinations
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"Got Travel Questions? Find Your Answers at www.sarvodayaholiday.com!"
Top Places to Visit in India in July 2024
India, with its diverse landscapes and rich culture, offers incredible destinations to explore throughout the year. July, with its monsoon showers and lush greenery, brings a unique charm to many places in the country. Here are the top places to visit in India in July 2024:
1. Munnar, Kerala
Munnar, a hill station in Kerala, is a paradise for nature lovers. In July, the monsoon rains transform the tea gardens, hills, and waterfalls into a vibrant green wonderland. Visit the tea plantations, Eravikulam National Park, and the beautiful Attukal Waterfalls. Enjoy the misty weather and the serene environment.
2. Coorg, Karnataka
Coorg, also known as Kodagu, is another picturesque hill station. The coffee plantations, lush greenery, and pleasant weather make it an ideal destination in July. Trekking, visiting Abbey Falls, and exploring the Dubare Elephant Camp are some activities you can enjoy.
3. Udaipur, Rajasthan
Udaipur, the City of Lakes, offers a different charm during the monsoon. The lakes are full, and the Aravalli hills are covered in greenery. Enjoy boat rides on Lake Pichola, visit the City Palace, and explore the beautiful Jag Mandir. The rain-washed streets and palaces look stunning in July.
4. Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand
The Valley of Flowers is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is famous for its alpine flowers and rich biodiversity. July is the perfect time to visit as the valley is in full bloom. The trek to the valley is an adventure in itself, offering breathtaking views and a chance to see rare flowers and plants.
5. Leh-Ladakh
For those seeking adventure, Leh-Ladakh is the place to be. The rugged terrain, stunning landscapes, and clear skies in July make it a perfect time for road trips and treks. Visit Pangong Lake, Nubra Valley, and the monasteries. The journey through the high-altitude passes is an unforgettable experience.
6. Darjeeling, West Bengal
Darjeeling, known for its tea gardens and stunning views of the Kanchenjunga mountain, is a great destination in July. The monsoon adds a fresh charm to the hills. Visit the Tiger Hill for sunrise views, explore the tea estates, and enjoy a ride on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
7. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands offer pristine beaches, clear waters, and a peaceful environment. July is an off-season, so you can enjoy the beauty without the usual tourist crowds. Visit Radhanagar Beach, explore the Cellular Jail, and go snorkeling or scuba diving to see the vibrant marine life.
8. Shillong, Meghalaya
Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya, is known for its natural beauty and pleasant weather. July brings heavy rains, turning the place into a lush green haven. Visit the Elephant Falls, explore the living root bridges in nearby Cherrapunji, and enjoy the local cuisine.
9. Mount Abu, Rajasthan
Mount Abu, the only hill station in Rajasthan, offers a cool respite from the heat. The monsoon season enhances the beauty of Nakki Lake and the surrounding hills. Visit the Dilwara Temples, enjoy boating on the lake, and explore the scenic viewpoints.
10. Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra
Mahabaleshwar, a popular hill station in Maharashtra, is known for its strawberries and scenic beauty. July brings misty weather and lush green landscapes. Visit the various viewpoints like Arthur's Seat, go boating on Venna Lake, and explore the Mapro Garden.
July in India is a time of renewal and vibrancy, thanks to the monsoon rains. These destinations offer a mix of adventure, natural beauty, and cultural experiences. Whether you're looking for a serene getaway or an adventurous trip, India has something to offer in July 2024. So pack your bags and get ready to explore the beauty of India!
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explorebritain · 9 months ago
Ten things to do in Edinburgh
Edinburgh, capital of Scotland, is rich in history, culture, and stunning landscapes. Whether you're an avid historian, a culture enthusiast, or simply a traveller looking to soak up the beauty of a vibrant city, it has something to offer. Here’s 10 things to do to get a flavour of the city.
Where to stay in Edinburgh
1. Discover the Royal Mile
This is the heart of Edinburgh’s Old Town, stretching from Edinburgh Castle to the historic Palace of Holyroodhouse. Walking along this cobbled street, you’ll find shops, cafes and historic sites. Don’t miss St Giles’ Cathedral, a beautiful medieval building with impressive stained glass windows and intricate architecture.
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2. Visit Edinburgh Castle
Perched atop Castle Rock, Edinburgh Castle is probably the most iconic landmark in the city. Explore its various attractions, including the Crown Jewels, the Stone of Destiny, and the National War Museum. The panoramic views of the city from the castle are breathtaking and provide a perfect photo opportunity (providing the weather is good!). Close by, you’ll find Camera Obscura, a tourist attraction promising a world of illusions for all the family. Great fun.
Guided tour of Edinburgh Castle, includes entry* 
3. Wander through Holyrood Palace
At the opposite end of the Royal Mile is Holyrood Palace, official residence of the British monarch in Scotland. Visitors can tour the opulent state apartments, the historic chambers of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the ruins of Holyrood Abbey. The palace gardens offer a peaceful retreat with beautiful landscapes and ancient ruins.
Explore Royal Edinburgh with three hop-on hop-off city tours, plus guaranteed entry to Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Yacht Britannia, and Palace of Holyroodhouse*
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4. Climb Arthur’s Seat
A hike up Arthur’s Seat is a must. This long-extinct volcano in Holyrood Park, offers some of the best views of Edinburgh and its surroundings. The walk is relatively moderate, and the reward at the summit is well worth the effort. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring water. 
5. Explore the National Museum of Scotland
Located in the heart of the city, the museum is a treasure trove of history, culture, and science. From ancient artefacts and Scottish history to natural history and technology, the museum’s diverse exhibits are fascinating and educational. This isn’t a dusty, old-fashioned museum, it’s hands-on. And best of all, admission is free, so it’s a great option for families and budget-conscious travellers.
6. Stroll through Princes Street Gardens
Nestled between the Old and New Towns, Princes Street Gardens is a beautifully landscaped public park. It offers a serene escape from the bustling city streets, with well-maintained gardens, statues, and the iconic Scott Monument, which you can climb. It’s a perfect spot for a leisurely walk or a relaxing picnic.
7. Experience the Fringe Festival
If you’re visiting in August, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is an unmissable event. The world’s largest arts festival, the Fringe, features thousands of performances across various genres, including theatre, comedy, music, and dance. The city comes alive with energy, creativity, and entertainment during this time. But a word of warning: it’s busy, and hotel prices shoot up during this month. If you want to go, you must book ahead. 
8. Explore the dark side with ghost tours
Edinburgh’s history is filled with tales of hauntings and eerie occurrences. Join one of the many ghost tours to explore the city’s spooky side. These tours often take you through haunted alleys, underground vaults, and cemeteries, revealing chilling stories and legends that have been passed down through generations. We recommend Mary King’s Close*. Chilling!
Not scary enough? Try the Edinburgh: Haunted Underground Vaults and Graveyard Tour*
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9. Visit the Royal Yacht Britannia
Moored in Leith, just a short distance from the city centre, the Royal Yacht Britannia offers a glimpse into the royal life at sea. This former royal residence, much used by the late Queen Elizabeth II, has been converted into a museum, where visitors can explore the elegant staterooms, crew’s quarters, and the royal deck.
10. Enjoy Scottish cuisine
Scottish cuisine? Really? Oh yes. Try haggis with neeps and tatties (swede and potatoes to the rest of us) at a local pub, enjoy fresh seafood at one of the city’s renowned restaurants, or sample whisky at one of the many whisky bars and distilleries. Ingredients of the haggis? Best not to ask (but it’s not for vegetarians).
Links marked with an asterisk may pay us, if you book!
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