#Arte: bingo writing challenge
artemiseamoon · 2 years
Bingo Masterlist
Master post for: @autumnleaves1991-blog bingo writing challenge
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I love this and totally making time for it 💕 welcome back!
First some things…
Remember I don’t cross post in full anymore. Previews post to tumblr, full work only goes to A03 (same name and you do need an account)
✨How to stay connected and updated
No tags but…
You can follow me on A03 (or just subscribe to your favorite series and works)
Follow @artemiseamoon-updates
Check out my pinned post, here on main
And of course, if following this challenge, save this master post
Works will also be linked to their corresponding master list( for example triple frontier will also go on the TF masterlist)
Any warnings and word counts will be added to the post itself
On A03, each work will go into its corresponding series (example , Ezra goes into PP series)
🌺 The works 🌺
1. Soul Mates - Ezra x ofc - Elysian: A Multi chapter fic - Mastepost - A03
2. What happens in Vegas - Benny Miller x ofc - Tba - Preview - A03
3. Grumpy x Sunshine - Tba - Preview - A03
4. Masked or in disguise - Tba - Preview - A03
(More to come)
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Here is our summer time bingo! You can complete as many prompts as you would like and once again those who get a black-out or a bingo get a small banner made for them and will be added onto our list!
Both of the cards have the same prompts but one of them is light version and the other the dark version.
We will be making an ao3 collection for this as soon as we get access to our computer, but till then feel free to add it into the general seasonal delights collection.
For re-blogs, use the tags #summertimebingo & #seasonaldelightsbingo and tag us @seasonaldelightsbingo so that we see it.
Have fun!
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sdbingo · 8 months
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For this year's spring season, we have decided to go with the theme 'language of flowers'.
flower prompts - almost each and every flower has a different meaning hidden behind it, or they symbolize different things and so for these kind of prompts, you get both a color and a flower as a prompt in one square and their meaning along with it. (for example; red roses, blue tulips, white lilies... if you ask us to do so, we will also send a small list of meaning  for each flower that is on your card)
spring prompts - spring themed prompts
general prompts - the prompts which were used for 'winter wonderland' bingo along with a couple of other extra's that were added through out the season of winter. general prompts are also divided into four smaller sections; - romantic & fluffy prompts,  - angsty & whumpy & 'scary' prompts,  - cinematic & video game & literary prompts, - dialogue & lyric & quote prompts.
This time we have two different themes (secret garden & flower bouquet) and two different versions of both of the themes (light & dark).
Every participant is able to request up to two cards.
The tags that we ask that you use for us to be able to re-blog your posts are; #seasonaldelightsbingo, #languageofflowersbingo (don't forget to tag @seasonaldelightsbingo too!)
💐 Posting period starts on march 1, 2024 till june 30, 2024.
💐 The sign up form is only available till march 15, 2024.
'Language of Flowers' Bingo Sign Up Form
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Welcome to "Character A Character B"!
Calling all fandom enthusiasts! Step into a world of possibilities as we bring you the ultimate writing and art challenges!
Are you a fanfiction enthusiast looking for a welcoming community to share your passion? Look no further! We're thrilled to announce the launch of "Character A Character B" – a vibrant and inclusive space open to all fandoms and all ages.
What we offer:
Exchanges: Dive into creative collaborations with fellow fans.
Word Count Competitions: Challenge yourself and showcase your writing skills.
Prompts: Get inspired and explore new story ideas.
Flash Fests: Engage in quick and fun writing challenges.
Celebrations: Write about stories based on a holiday, occasion, or specific event.
Bingos: participants complete a 3x3 grid of prompts based on a specific theme.
Join us and be part of a supportive community where creativity thrives! Whether you're into fanfiction, original stories, or simply love discussing your favorite characters, there's a place for you here.
Spread the word and invite your fellow fandom friends! Let's create unforgettable stories together.
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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flufftober · 1 year
🍂🍃Fluff Monthly ~ Masterlist🍂🍃
Thank you all for joining us on this adventure! As with all of our prompt lists, our Fluff Monthly Bingos also stay open for you to use whenever you want - just please make sure to mention us as @flufftober in your posts so we will find them.
Find all the individual Fluff Monthly Bingo posts - including rules and further information - here:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August
Or check below the cut where we've added all the cards again 😊
As always, Happy Creating 🥳
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multifairyus · 1 year
Legendborn Fandom Challenge: Kane Coded
So this was a challenge originally for the Legendborn Discord Server (see @infiinnityverse’s bio for the link) and may make more sense that way, but fuck it!
It’s Gemini season ♊️, and I think it’d be fun to have a classic word prompt challenge for our favorite Gemini Classics major pansexual disaster, Selwyn Kane, with a twist: a Bingo Card!
Comment on this post or DM me to receive a ✨Kane Coded Bingo Card✨, and then create a playlist, theory/headcannon, fanfic, fanart, or any other fanwork to make a bingo! The work must feature Selwyn. It can focus on a familial/platonic/romantic/sexual relationship, retro/introspection, a monologue, POV switch, anything so long as Sel is the focal point.
The bingo can be in all one work, or a series! And it’s up to your discretion if you do the center “free space” prompt Kingsmage Angst. Post your Bingo card alongside your fanwork(s) by the end of Gemini season, June 21st (or don’t. Selwyn Kane content is never out of season, imo).
The rationale behind the bingo concept is twofold:
1. Relieve pressure on fandom creatives to complete a “x number of prompts” or have something be in “x number of days” challenge in it’s entirety. Not only can that be stressful, but it can be tougher to pull off for some fanwork more than others. I’m here for stress and drama in the books proper, not the fandom experience!
2. Different arrangements of the same word prompts adds an element of surprise! We all have the same words to work off of, but each person’s interpretation of those words and/or ways combine them are bound to be unique!
Pease tag me (this @ on AO3, Twitter, and Instagram) and/or use some variation of “Kane Coded Challenge” in tags for easy searching!
Okay I hope the bolding of phrases made people not skip past this cuz I really want it to happen and to see how creative y’all can get 😃🖤
💖 Multifairyus
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bcdrawsandwrites · 2 years
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[ID: The first image Psychonauts fanfic banner on a black-to-gray gradient background. On the left in white text it says “Prompt #4: Rescue Mission” On the right is a pink animated figment of a thought bubble, inside which is a donut with frosting and sprinkles.
The second image is a Bad Things Happen Bingo card. Various prompts are marked with a half-brain (prompt requested but not filled) or full-brain (prompt requested and finished) symbol, while the “Rescue Mission” prompt specifically is marked with a full brain symbol. /end ID]
Okay so I hate the way Tumblr crops these so I’m putting the banner above the bingo card. I hope that’s okay, @badthingshappenbingo ​! (also I promise the figment in the banner makes sense for the fic)
I am currently NO LONGER OPEN FOR REQUESTS. I have enough to work on to get a bingo! I MAY decide to reopen prompts later if I want to keep going after finishing these fics, but for now, requests are closed!
This request comes from @echoing-interests​! Hope you liked my take on this. \o/; Thanks to @jaywings​ and @of-science-and-stars​ for beta-reading!
Prompt: Rescue Mission Characters: Sasha Nein, Milla Vodello, and Razputin Aquato Warnings: None
Status report. Dustpan?
Listening to conversations at the water coolers, darling.
Have you gathered the intel?
No, just gossip. It's quite juicy, but I'm keeping an ear out for our target. What about you, Shoehorn?
Searching the trash bins. Sasha flipped through another folder in the file cabinet. The Gastronauts are still terrible at... recycling, so this is taking longer than expected. Eggbeater?
I'm still wondering why we have to use our code names when we're talking through telepathy.
Because the devices Egg Carton gave us to counteract the disruptive waves the Gastronauts put around their base are still experimental, and we don't know that they aren't listening in.
...Are there really devices that can listen in on psychic thoughts?
We don't know yet, darling.
Do you not recall our briefing?
I uh... Raz's mental voice faltered. I... was kinda so excited that we were infiltrating an enemy base that I... forgot to listen.
Sasha's brow furrowed, and he let out a hum. It's a good thing this isn't a more serious mission, or you would be in danger.
Darling, do you at least remember our goal?
Oh! Yeah, got that one. Find the blue—wait! We weren't supposed to relay that over telepathy, were we?
Correct. Can you relay your position?
Affirmative. I'm still in the air vents and looking for the office, as instructed. Over.
Let's resume. Let me know if you find anything.
With that, Sasha TK'd another stack of papers out from the filing cabinet, quickly sorting through them, his eyes darting over the dates. Annoyingly they seemed to jump from January, to March, to November, to May of last year. Either they never referenced their files or they just didn't care how disorganized they were, and he wasn't sure which was worse. Frowning, he slid the papers back into their places and moved onto the next drawer. This went on for some time—there were a grand total of ten filing cabinets in this forsaken clerk's office with four drawers each. This combined with how awful the Gastronauts' bookkeeping was certainly did not make it easy for Sasha to find what he'd been looking for.
At the very least he had a bit of time—this clerk, he'd discovered, liked to take his sweet time with his lunch break, sometimes taking longer than the time allotted. Plus, if their telepathy was intercepted, then whoever tried to investigate them would be looking in the wrong places. Typically for something like this they would've used encrypted telepathy, but Raz had yet to learn it, and the agent that usually taught it was out on a lengthy mission, so they had to fall back on simpler methods. This, at least, was something Raz had no trouble with.
Eggbeater is quite enthusiastic, isn't he? came Milla's voice over telepathy. It was a message sent to him alone, a familiar psychic whisper.
Yes, but his enthusiasm can be a bit... misplaced at times. Finding this stack only had papers from three or four years ago, he sighed and moved on. He needs to pay attention during briefings.
He'll get the hang of things soon, Shoehorn.
I'm sure you're right. Stooping down, he opened the last drawer to find it only had one folder within. He TK'd out its contents, looking them over. Eyebrows raising, he put a hand to his temple. I've only found worthless things here.
That's terrible! We'll have to move on, then, Milla replied with an excitement that did not match her coded words.
Sasha smiled, waiting for Raz's equally-enthusiastic response. As he quickly folded the paper and shoved it into his jacket, however, no reply came. Eggbeater? he asked. Please confirm you received the message announcing my failure.
Perhaps he's forgetting things again, Milla suggested.
Frowning, Sasha sent a stronger signal. Eggbeater? Respond.
His telepathy was met with the almost-physical thud of psychic energy striking against a barrier. Sucking in a breath, Sasha straightened his back. Dustpan, send a message to Eggbeater immediately.
Several heartbeats later, Milla sent an uncharacteristically quiet response: His signal was... blocked.
Change mission objectives immediately. Retreat to base.
Instead of heading for the exit, however, Sasha scanned the darkened office he'd been sneaking around in. Its owner had been out to lunch, but... He hurried up to the desk, spotted a pen, and put his hand on it before shutting his eyes.
Immediately his view was replaced with that of a half-eaten plate of french fries and ranch dressing. (Eugh.) With a subtle suggestion he made the person look up, granting him a better view of what appeared to be a cafeteria. Several other workers were milling about, chatting with each other and eating food. With a few quick uses of clairvoyance, he jumped from person to person, taking a moment to listen to their thoughts.
Ugh, that report is due tonight, gonna have to work overtime.
Can't believe they caught that listening device! That took months to plant.
Man, why are the fries always cold?
While Sasha could feel the anxiety tugging at his mind at finding no information on Raz's whereabouts, at the very least none of these people were aware that there were intruders, meaning that perhaps only a few people had found Raz. The fewer people they had to deal with, the better.
Finally he caught someone that was heading out of the room, and CV'd into her. Meanwhile an encrypted message reached him, and he quickly untangled it: Sasha, have you found anything?
He replied with an encrypted message of his own: I'm currently employing use of clairvoyance to check around the base. A note on the listening device we found in the Motherlobe, but nothing on Razputin.
I'm searching for ripples as we speak. This shouldn't take long.
Yet even now it already felt like they were taking too long. The woman whose head he'd hopped into was walking to the restroom, so he moved from her to a man that was exiting the men's room and striding down another hallway. This one only had a stack of paperwork on his mind, so he jumped from him and over into a person lingering in the doorway of an office. There was nothing of note in there other than a very tired worker holding his head in his hands while the woman in the doorway rambled about the latest football game. The man at the desk finally raised his head. "Rhonda, I know, I know we lost. Man, I can't believe I stayed up to watch that mess." He rubbed his eyes. "I'm so tired I think I'm hearing things—I swear I heard a kid in here earlier."
Sasha gave a start.
Sasha, Milla's encrypted voice came over telepathy. I've got something.
I may have as well.
"Seriously, like, did Jakob bring his kid in again?"
"Nah, we would've heard from Morter if he did."
Quickly Sasha compelled the woman in the doorway to glance out into the hall, and from there, jumped into a different person's head through another open door. Some people here may have heard Raz's voice, he replied quickly. I may be close to where he was taken. He took a moment to listen in on the worker's thoughts, and upon finding only an extreme longing for donuts, he jumped to the next worker he could spot. What have you found?
I may have pinpointed where Raz was taken. Raz's signal is blocked entirely, but I've found a man who's very intently focused on a child, in a storage room...
Sasha's stomach dropped, his mind racing to several different conclusions, none of them positive. Perhaps a secret interrogation room, he thought frantically, compelling the man he'd jumped into to glance around the hallway. Sure enough, he spotted a storage room, but the door was shut. Frustration gnawing at his astral consciousness, he tried to send a subliminal urge to the man to grab some files that had definitely been put in that particular storage room.
What? the man thought. Where'd that come from? That one doesn't even have files in it, that's in the one on the second floor.
Gritting his teeth, Sasha sent another subtle signal: Someone left a very important file in there and it will get lost if I do not grab it.
...Oh yeah, Elliot dropped his report in there last time. Ugh.
With a sigh, the man fished in his pocket for a key before moving to open the door.
"Uh-uuhhhh hang on, occupied!" a frantic voice came from inside, followed by a lot of scrambling and clanking.
"Wha'd'you mean, 'occupied'?" the man outside asked. "You're in the device storage, Morter, not the bathroom!"
"Look I'm—I'm conducting something in here, okay?"
"Conducting... what, exactly?"
"An... interview?"
The man outside groaned. "Man, why don't you interview applicants in your office? What've you got one for if you're just—"
"R-Rhonda wouldn't shut up."
"...Ah, got it." Sighing, he shook his head. "Look, did Elliot leave his report in there?"
"I... oh. Huh, he did."
"Just hand it to me, and I'll leave you and the new guy alone, okay?"
Sasha readied himself, and the second the door cracked open, he jumped into the man—Morter's, apparently—head. Sure enough, once the man turned around he found himself staring at a dimly-lit room with shelves and shelves of boxes and strange devices he didn't have time to analyze.
And in the middle of the room was a metal chair, with Raz sitting on it, bound and gagged, a look of fear and worry in his eyes. The counter-device Otto had provided him with was sitting on the floor a distance off, too far away to properly block the disruptive waves around the building. He jumped into Raz's head, taking a quick read of his thoughts.
Oh no, oh no, please don't come back here, this isn't good...!
He'd seen enough.
Don’t worry, Eggbeater, we’re on our way.
Without waiting for a response, Sasha yanked his consciousness back to his own body, shutting his eyes against the dizziness it brought. He pressed a hand to his temple, fingers digging in so hard they hurt. I've found him. He's in danger.
There was silence on Milla's end for a moment. When she replied, her mental voice was cold. We've known the Gastronauts could do questionable things... but placing a child in danger...
There's no time to waste.
Nothing more needed to be said. Sasha levitated up into the ceiling vent he'd initially come out of, closing it behind himself and crawling through. He'd come to this place a number of times for routine missions, but he was less familiar with the location of the device storage. He'd seen the cafeteria before, so if he could remember where that was from his current position, and build a mental map of where he'd gone to find the door to storage...
It wasn't the first time he'd had to do something like this, yet for once he was having trouble focusing; the longer he took to do this, the more likely it was that Raz could get hurt. How he was being hurt, he wasn't sure, and not knowing only worried him more.
A hand—one that wasn't truly there—gently rested on his shoulder before squeezing it. Sasha, Milla said, and he shook his head, bringing himself back into focus. Silently he crawled through the vents, heading in a direction just west of the cafeteria. Milla, meanwhile, was disguised as a Gastronaut herself, and navigating the building below him, moving over to where she'd felt the waves. Sasha could feel the frustration bubbling on her end when an actual Gastronauts agent stopped her to ask some questions, but he moved on, heading closer and closer to the storage room.
A wailing noise, distorted through the vents, made the hair on his neck stand on end.
It was coming in the direction of the storage.
Sasha was over the vent cover in moments, and with a single psi-blast knocked it off its screws and sent it crashing to the ground. He followed seconds later, landing a bit more roughly than usual, one hand to his temple. On the opposite side of the room, Milla slammed the door open, her presence filling the doorway.
Both of them stood partially crouched, one hand to their temple... until they took in the sight before them.
Raz was still sitting on the chair, no longer gagged, while the man that Sasha had caught a glimpse of earlier was now lying on the floor, hands covering his face as he sobbed. Between them sat Raz's Psycho-Portal. Upon seeing Sasha and Milla barging into the room, Raz whipped his head around, eyebrows raised in surprise.
"Oh! Hi, guys!"
Slowly Sasha and Milla straightened their backs, lowering their hands as they both stared at him.
"...Razputin. What."
Raz shrugged sheepishly. "I felt your CV earlier, but I was kinda preoccupied with helping Morter, and I was also really worried that his coworker would come in here and see us. Which, speaking of—Milla, can you shut that door?"
Blinking, Milla stepped into the room and shut the door softly behind her. "Who's... Morter?"
"ME!" the man on the floor cried, scrubbing the snot and tears from his face.
"But don't worry! We've got it all settled now. D'you mind untying me, though? I was gonna ask Morter, but..." He lowered his voice to a stage whisper, "I think he's kinda having a moment right now."
Sasha felt oddly lightheaded as he stepped up to Raz, using telekinesis to untie the ropes that bound him. "So you're not hurt?"
"I feel a little stiff now that you mention it," Raz said as he hopped down. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his legs. "I think I can walk it off, though."
"We... may have caused a bit of commotion," Milla remarked, glancing back toward the door. "I think we should take our leave."
"Already?" Frowning, Raz snatched up his Psycho-Portal, hurried over to Morter, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I gotta go. Sorry I couldn't stay longer. But you're gonna stand up to Jakob from now on, right?"
Morter raised himself up onto his knees, scrubbing at his face again. "Y-yes!" he sobbed. "I will!"
"Great! Glad to hear it." Giving him a positive thump on the back, Raz stood up straight and hurried over to Sasha. "Are we heading back through the vents?"
"Okay, got it. See you later, Morter!" He paused. "Please don't rat us out to your bosses, okay?"
"I-I—I won't!"
"Thanks!" Grinning, Raz hopped up onto his levitation ball and bounced up into the vent. Sasha and Milla exchanged bewildered glances before following.
Once they were out of the building and heading back to where they'd arranged for Oleander to pick them up, Milla finally spoke up: "So... can you tell us what happened in there?"
With a wince, Raz ducked his head. "Yeah, so, I kinda got caught..." Then his head shot back up, and he held up his hands. "But it's okay! 'Cuz Morter took me into that storage room—he wanted to interrogate me, I think, but I saw he was all stressed out, and I asked him about what was wrong, and he talked about how he's this office worker and this one agent keeps bullying him and dumping all this work on him and making him watch his kid at work, and... I kinda... asked if he'd like me to take a look around in here." He tapped on his head. "He was actually kinda curious about how we do that kinda stuff, so he agreed, and... I... kinda helped him sort things out from there." Raz paused, then screwed up his face. "His mental world was a daycare."
Sasha laughed, quite a bit louder than he'd intended, and Milla and Raz stared at him. "That's... quite remarkable, Razputin."
"You think so?" Raz smiled, only for his face to fall as he glanced aside. "I was... kinda worried that I wasn't doing as well on this mission, especially since I missed so much of the briefing."
Milla stooped down closer to him to give him a grin. "You did amazing, darling!"
"Awesome! Man, for a bit there I was worried we weren't gonna pull that mission off."
"Well, about that..." Frowning, Sasha pulled the paperwork he'd found out of his jacket. "I did find the new employee paperwork, but we weren't able to secure the blueprints for their newest device."
"...Oh, yeah! Almost forgot. I did get taken to device storage, so at one point while Morter's back was turned..." Glancing over his shoulder, Raz TK'd a rolled-up sheet of paper out of his backpack.
Sasha and Milla exchanged glances, both of them giving a relieved smile as they looked back down at Raz.
"You really are something, Agent Aquato."
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killacharacterbingo · 10 months
After my post yesterday I reached out to the community in our discord server to ask what they thought. And most of them agreed that the black one was the better one, something that I had expected them to say. Since, the black one is a copy of the Bad Things Happen Bingo card.
Because of that, and because it's a rather small even so far. I've decided to make the cards from scratch. That means I've spend the better part of today making the card, writing every prompt, and creating 16 bingo cards so that we're ready for December 1st.
Not one of them are the same. I'm kind of really proud.
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bg-sparrow · 2 years
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At the great insistence of our Discord server to make every month a celebration of Back to the Future, I am honored to host December's Celebration with the
BttF Bingo Christmas Card!
Write, draw, edit, art, whatevs! The point is to get bingo by the end of the month -- meaning you don't have to do EVERY SINGLE PROMPT, leaving lots of time for holiday cheer with your loved ones (because December gets busy)! I can't wait to see all the holiday-themed Back to the Future content! Post it here, post it there, post it everywhere!
Join in the fun with the #bttf bingo christmas card tag!
(Yes, you may laugh at my art.)
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nemmet · 2 years
bttf bingo christmas card prompt 2: party 🎈
almost forgot to post it!! here is a fic based on the next prompt, in which marty experiences the hell that is christmas parties with his classmates.
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Hello everyone, I'm here for a little update.
Sadly enough I haven't been able to make any bingo cards this round, due to not having been able to gain access to my computer (for almost a month now).
My computer has all the data regarding the forms that all of our participants filled in, along with the list of prompts (and this events Gmail account too). Without those two I am pretty much unable to make a single card at the moment.
I will most likely only be able to get access to my computer towards the end of September and by then the Autumn form will be available too (hopefully).
I will try to send out everyone's 'under the sea bingo' cards. But due to the fact that summer will most likely already be over by the time that everyone gets their cards, I am thinking of changing that bingo event from a seasonal one to a special event instead. Just a sea themed bingo, which would mean that there would be no time limit for the cards.
I will post a summer themed bingo in a bit, but it will be one general card for everyone who would like to participate.
I am once again so sorry for the delay and truly wish that it hadn't took me such a long time to send out the cards.
Thank you for all of your patience 💕
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Discover the Excitement!
Hey there, fellow fanfiction writers and fanart artists! Are you looking for a vibrant and supportive community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your passion for writing and creating art, and be a part of events and discussions?
Look no further—join our Discord server today and dive into a world of creativity, inspiration, and fandom fun!
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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flufftober · 2 years
Happy New Year 🎉 and welcome to our newest event:
❄️ Fluff Monthly ~ January ❄️
Yes, you heard that right, there will now be monthly fluffy prompts 🥳 And since everyone loves a good bingo board that is exactly the format we're going for...
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❄️ Each month of 2023, you will get a new bingo board which will have the following mix of prompts:
the month itself, which you can either use as an actual prompt or as your typical "free space" on bingo boards
two prompts related to the month/time of year
and two general prompts
❄️ You can fill as many or as few squares as you want - and you can also fill one creation with multiple or even all prompts!
❄️ Since this is a year-long event (with the exception of Flufftober itself, of course), reblogging will not happen daily! It will happen the first three days of the month and then every weekend. Note, this might change over the course of the year, depending on how this event will go...
❄️ Aside from these special event rules, our usual blog rules still stand (you can find them under the cut).
❄️ Posting
Please use the tag #fluffmonthly
Since tags are wonky sometimes, make sure to also tag @flufftober in your post
To make reblogging easier, make sure to add the following tags: #fluffmonthly #[fandom] #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you're posting on ao3, you can add your creation to the collection Fluff Monthly
We hope you will all enjoy this little event and that we can keep our blog active over the entire year 🥰 so as always:
❄️ Happy Creating ❄️
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❄️Usual Blog Rules & FAQs
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can't keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it won’t be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we’re all different and we all love different things. As long as it doesn’t go against rule #1, it’s allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - it’s all fine as long as you tag it.
There’s absolutely no word count restriction, write as little or as much as you like.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gifsets, videos, playlists… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can’t force you to write fluff or create fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event 😉
You can start writing and/or arting as soon as you see the prompts.
You can create for as many or as few squares as you like, even if it’s just one; you can also create multiple entries for the same square.
You do not have to stick to one ship or even one fandom - switch as often as you like to or even write for multiple ships for one square.
The ship does not have to be a romantic one! Friendship and family feels are more than welcome (but this is not a way to get around rule #1!)
This event can be combined with other events as long as the other event allows it.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it is months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - fanon and canon - as long as they’re of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
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encantober-official · 20 days
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Encantober is an Encanto fandom event with themes to challenge artists and writers throughout the month of October (link to theme list in a copy/pasteable format here). Encantober is open to any and all art and writing, including sketches, drabbles, one-shots, and more.
Fanworks can be shared via the #Encantober tag on tumblr and/or posted as part of the AO3 collection here.
The goal of the bingo event is to fill five prompts in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You can use the bingo card on this post, or send us an ask to receive an individual randomized card. You must send the ask off anon, so that we can respond privately.
Works must be a part of the Encanto (2021) fandom. OCs, AUs, and crossovers are permitted.
Works must adhere to one of the Encantober themes.
Series of Encantober works are welcome.
No incest.
Q: Can you explain the free space? A: "Comment 5+ people" means comment on works for this year's Encantober posted by at least five different people. This can be a (positive!) comment left in the tags or body of a reblog, or a comment on AO3. It's our reminder to check out what everyone is doing!
Q: Can I link prompts together? Or cover multiple prompts with one work? A: Linking works together to create a story series is a wonderfully creative idea! However, combining multiple prompts into one work defeats the purpose of the multi-prompt challenge. Each work (or chapter in a series) must focus on one prompt.
Q: Do I have to complete every prompt? A: You do not! The goal is to fill five prompts in a row, but you can choose to complete fewer, or more. This is meant to be fun, so please don’t stress yourself out.
Q: Do I have to complete prompts in a specific order/at a specific time? A: Not this year! Fill out your bingo card at your leisure :)
Q: I followed all the rules. Why aren’t my posts being reblogged? A: Either you didn't indicate which prompt you're filling, forgot to tag #Encantober, or the admin team just missed it! We’re doing the best we can across time zones <3
Use the links below to find the works for each prompt in our archive!
River Return Truth Haunt Healing Coffee Poetry Recipe Relaxation Discovery Regret Recognition Wall Leaves Team Umbrella Build Thread Cheese Sign Mountain Secret Rose Burn
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zukkathirst · 3 months
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ZUKKA THIRST Creator rules
See commenter rules here.
Hi horndogs, thanks for all the enthusiasm for the inaugural ZUKKA THIRST, an NSFW Zukka event!
The event is set to kick off 4-6 October 2024. It will actually be split into two events: one for creators, one for commenters. For the creators, the aim is to publish anything and everything you have!!! We're not looking for or requiring perfect intricate finished pieces—in fact, we'd love to see your horny pencil sketches, mini-fics and outline posts. Let’s flood the tag with glorious, glorious smut!
Creators are also encouraged to comment and vice versa; you can head on over to this post to see the commenter rules.
Here are the prompts! Head on down under the readmore and spin the wheel (cw: flashing gif).
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Screenshot the gif below to pick your prompt.
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Not challenging enough? Why not aim to score three in a row with our prompt bingo!
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We'll be very excited to see any Zukka NSFW content you want to share, whether it's finishing up a sketch that's been languishing in your drafts, adding another chapter to an ongoing WIP, or a brand new and original piece you've been itching to create for a while and were just looking for an excuse. As long as Zukka are railing each other stupid in it, we're excited!
And while you're at it, why not check out our simultaneous commenter prize?
Event rules:
All works must be NSFW (i.e. M or E rating on Ao3). Click here for an explainer.
Post your work anytime during 4-6 October, 2024. We accept late submissions but not early ones.
Please post on Ao3. You are welcome to cross-post on Tumblr with snippets/thumbnails. We will have an Ao3 collection and you can tag us on Tumblr to reblog. Artists, you can use this guide to upload your art (or reach out to us if you’re stuck).
All works must be tagged appropriately.
We do not tolerate works that are made/"touched up" with generative AI, traced, or plagiarised. We respect the very real labour that goes into art and writing, and would rather celebrate original content made by real fans.
You don’t have to stick to the prompts, but we encourage you to use them for inspiration!
We do not allow works that perpetuate or encourage bigotry/harassment in harmful ways.
About | FAQ | Commenter rules
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queenofbaws · 4 months
! Pride Month Challenge 2024 !
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Well hi there, everyone! With May winding down to a close and June just around the corner, it's about that time again...the time where @jadedsunshine, @unicornaffair, and I host our yearly create-a-thon! 🥳
What's the Pride Month Challenge, you might find yourself asking? Well, this year it's a little bingo game we've put together, featuring some classic tropes. The aim of this particular game? Make something!!! Anything! Just get those creative juices a-flowin' and see if you can snag a B-I-N-G-O along the way!
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone who wants to take part, whether you know the three of us or not! We're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for the stuff we create, so if you decide to join in on the fun and games, feel free to stick that tag on whatever you make, too! If you're interested in more details, you can check below the cut or reach out and ask ;)c
Either way, happy almost-pride, and happy creating!!!
I don't write fic - can I still participate?
Ab. So. Lutely!!! We've done this challenge for a few years now (we've missed a year or two for weddings and other life stuff, whoops!), but in the past we've had people doodle, sketch, draw, make edits, create props or other physical art, and even curate playlists! The three of us are writers, so you're very likely to see fic or ficlets from us...but you? Oh. Oh, you can do whatever your heart desires!!!
Are there word limits/expectations for a finished product?
NO!!! :D Zero. Literally zero expectations. We aren't putting together an exchange, we aren't holding a competition, we're just trying to get the spirit of creation in the air. That's it! So whether you're writing 50 words or 5,000, whether you've made a rough sketch on a notebook page or fully lined/colored a scene, you're good! You're so good. As long as you've made something, you've earned a stamp on that bingo card, baby!!!
What if I don't want to do something fandom-y? Can it be OCs/original work?
OF COURSE!!! 100%. You don't even have to ask!!! Show the world your OCs! Tell the world about your story's worldbuilding! It's all fair game :)
What if I don't want to post what I made?
Don't sweat it! Again, this is...the farthest thing from official. This is for fun, and this is for the sake of making something. Sharing your work can be nerve-wracking - don't feel like you have to! We'd love to see you playing along with us, of course, but as long as you've made something that you're proud of, you've earned that stamp! No ifs, ands, or buts!
Is it cool if my creations aren't necessarily pride-themed?
Totally! We host this challenge during pride month because (1) it traditionally works better for the three of us than NaNoWriMo because of our schedules, and (2) we're queer creators ourselves! But if you're feeling a prompt and can't find a way to make it relevant to pride, PLEASE don't sweat it! As I've been known to say (and then get laughed at for saying), this challenge is no rules, just right, Outback Steakhouse :P
Let's say I get a bingo...what do I win?
:) Nothing. <3
Wait, really?
:) Really <3 Hehehe, in all seriousness, this challenge has been a fun way for us to sit down, take our minds off of life and our bigger projects and just...make some fun stuff! In our humble opinion(s), being able to point at a finished piece and say "I did that! I made that!" is its own kind of reward. The bingo board itself is really more for bragging rights ;)c Which, of course, we encourage wholeheartedly. Nothing wrong with a little bragging!!!
We hope to have you along for our month-long adventure! Again, we're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for our own stuff, so if you'd like to use that tag - or tag any of us!!! - in whatever you end up creating, feel free!!! We love seeing what everyone comes up with, and this challenge is always so much more fun, knowing other people are taking part! <3 Hope to see you along for the ride!
*The bingo board was made by the lovely @jadedsunshine 🥰
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