#Arrangement: division L
silkylovey · 1 year
Uncharted Waters
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The Outer Banks was a place where the line between privilege and struggle was as distinct as the division between the Pogues and the Kooks. Rafe Cameron, a son of privilege, was known for his wild parties, reckless behavior, and devil-may-care attitude. Y/N L/N, on the other hand, was a Pogue, fiercely independent and determined to make her own way in the world.
Their paths crossed one summer night at a beach bonfire, where sparks flew in more ways than one. Rafe and Y/N were drawn to each other like magnets, and in the heat of the moment, they shared a passionate kiss that ignited a fire neither of them could extinguish.
But they were like oil and water, two people from different worlds, and they both knew it. So, they struck an unusual arrangement, a dangerous dance on the edge of desire and disdain. They became enemies with benefits, seeking solace and pleasure in each other's arms while keeping their hearts locked away.
For months, their secret rendezvous continued, hidden from the judgmental eyes of the Outer Banks' tight-knit community. Their encounters were passionate and intense, fueled by a mixture of lust and resentment. They fought as fiercely as they loved, their arguments echoing through the walls of Rafe's beachfront mansion and Y/N's modest Pogue dwelling.
But beneath the passionate encounters and heated arguments, something deeper was brewing. They couldn't deny the growing attachment, the way their hearts ached when they were apart, and the emptiness that filled them when they weren't tangled in each other's arms.
One stormy night, as the rain poured down outside, Rafe and Y/N found themselves entangled in yet another heated argument, but this time it was different. There was a raw vulnerability in their words, a confession of feelings they had been trying to bury for months.
"I hate you," Rafe shouted, his voice cracking.
Y/N's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I hate you too," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the thunder.
Their passionate hatred had turned into a passionate love, and they both knew it. But admitting it was a step neither of them was ready to take.
In the days that followed, they tried to distance themselves, to break free from the tangled web they had woven. They went weeks without seeing each other, attempting to return to their normal lives. Yet, the void they left in each other's hearts was impossible to fill.
One night, unable to bear the silence and the longing any longer, Rafe showed up at Y/N's doorstep. His eyes were haunted, his voice trembling as he confessed, "I can't do this anymore, Y/N. I can't pretend I don't care about you."
Y/N's heart raced as she let him in, her own confession trembling on her lips. "I can't either, Rafe. I've tried, but I can't stop loving you."
Their love was a turbulent sea, unpredictable and fierce, but it was undeniable. They knew the journey wouldn't be easy, that their love was fraught with obstacles, but they were willing to navigate the treacherous waters together.
As they held each other in the dimly lit room, the storm outside raged on, echoing the tumultuous love that had brought them to this point. They were no longer enemies with benefits; they were two souls desperately in love, ready to face whatever challenges the Outer Banks threw their way.
Their love story was far from conventional, filled with pain, passion, and uncertainty, but it was theirs, and they were determined to make it work, no matter the odds. In the Outer Banks, where the line between privilege and struggle was blurred by the power of love, Rafe Cameron and Y/N L/N were ready to chart a new course together, into uncharted waters.
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This Shouldn't Be as Relatable as It Is
"With the bogey of Sunday rates of pay, the LMS Northern Division ran those Sunday services on a veritable shoestring. Only Glasgow Central station was used, and one locomotive depot, Polmadie. Signal boxes were switched out wherever possible. From Paisley to Kilwinning, there was no box open except Glengarnock No 2, which was kept open for the ironworks. Staffs at stations were the minimum.
In June 1927 the LMS took a really daring decision, advertising a Sunday Excursion from Glasgow to Portpatrick on 18 June from Central station. The G&SW men had been complaining that they were getting no share of the Sunday jobs, so authority said to Corkerhill, 'Here you are. Run this excursion to Portpatrick. Put on two of the heaviest engines which are permitted, and give the job to your two senior passenger men.' So Corkerhill chose two big-boilered Manson 4-4-0s, Nos 14374 (ex-346, ex-157) and 14261 (ex-389, ex-259), of the 18 and 240 classes respectively. They gave them to the two oldest drivers, Sanny Rowan and Dick Gaw, who had been leading a quiet life on the 'old men's jobs'. They did not know the road into Central, but they were told to proceed to West Street and they would get a conductor from there. So they set off from Corkerhill tender-first, and with a big of juggling got to West Street. No conductor there. 'Go on. He's at Larkfield,' said the signalman, 'It's not far.' So they got down to Larkfield, and of course landed in Central nose first! They had to come back out to Eglintgon Street to turn. They got back in to find a train of eleven corridors and a Pullman diner, Helen Macgregor, 366 tons tare and filling rapidly.
They got away eight minutes late and sat for 15 minutes at Paisley waiting on the Largs train clearing Glengarnock. By the time the train left Paisley it was estimated that there were 950 passengers aboard. They called at Irvine, Troon and Prestwick, with a draw-up at each to let all the train get to the platforms. At Ayr, both engines took water. By this time the train was packed. There was an extra stop to pick up a party from Kilkerran. At Girvan both locomotives took water again. Webster was guard and he came forward at Girvan grumbling about the delay. Dick Gaw, flourishing his oil can, chased him up the platform, threatening to knock the bluidy heid off him.
Now came the problem. The scheduled top load for each of those engines, Girvan to Pinmore, was 140 tons, and they had 366! No assistance was available. How they got up, I shall never know. I think the regulators must have been twice round. Stop at Pinmore — another party to lift — missed the tablet at New Luce and had to stop and run back for it, arriving 80 minutes late Stranraer. They then took the whole train down to Portpatrick, rounded it (on a loop which held, I think, eight coaches) and hauled the whole lot back up to Stranraer, tender-first. At Stranraer there was no one on duty except a signalman. They had to turn, water and coal both engines; two big fires to clean. Then they had to turn to and fill finer tanks and lavatory tanks, and by buckets, for the hoses were either locked up or could not be found. Then back down to Portpatrick, with a 40-minute late start on the return journey. They had a special stop at Dunragit, parties at Pinmore and Kilkerran, and had double stops at all stations except Ayr, finally arriving 148 minutes late in Glasgow Central. The engine crews booked off at Corkerhill after eighteen hours on duty!
'Splendid!' said Head Office, examining the passenger returns on Monday morning, and it promptly arranged for another similar excursion [next] Sunday."
p. 31-33, Legends of the Glasgow & South Western (David L. Smith)
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pwlanier · 4 months
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[MANHATTAN PROJECT]. Document commemorating the "Los Alamos New Mexico Atomic Bomb Project" SIGNED BY 30 SCIENTISTS, OFFICERS AND CIVILIANS EMPLOYED ON THE MANHATTAN PROJECT, INCLUDING GEN. LESLIE GROVES, J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, EDWARD TELLER, ENRICO FERMI and others. Los Alamos, New Mexico n.d. [ca.1945]. 1 page, 4to, even age-toning, minor chipping at top edge of sheet, neatly pasted at corners to stiff backing board.
A highly unusual document commemorating the massive, top-secret scientific and technical efforts from 1939 to 1945 which resulted in the successful deployment of the first atomic weapons. At the top of the sheet is a hand-drawn emblem of the Manhattan Project executed in blue, black and red inks. The six-line hand-written text beneath the emblem reads: "We, the undersigned, in grateful appreciation of our joint association in the Los Alamos, New Mexico Atomic Bomb Project, hereby list below a lasting record of friendship spent in working on the World's Greatest Secret The Atomic Bomb."
Below, arranged in three neat columns on dotted lines, are the signatures of 30 individuals including: Leslie R. Groves (General and commanding officer of the Manhattan Engineering District [the Manhattan Project]); J. Robert Oppenheimer (Theoretical Physicist and Director of Los Alamos Laboratory); Samuel K. Allison (Physicist at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, who also did the Trinity countdown); Lt. D.H. Dick; Edward Teller (Theoretical Physicist and Head of Thermonuclear Research Group during wartime Los Alamos); Harry S. Allen (Head of Procurement Group and later Supply and Property Group); [?] B. Auker; Lt. Col. Stanley Stewart (Manhattan Project Contracting Officer for Los Alamos); Peter M. Petersen; Gus Schultz (Foreman of the drafting room and machine shop); Dana P. Mitchell (Head of Technical Procurement and later Assistant Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory); L.B. Thompson; Robert McDermott; Enrico Fermi (Theoretical Physicist University of Chicago, also Head of the F Division at Los Alamos as well as Associate Director); Robert F. Bacher (Experimental Physicist and Head of the G[adget] Division at Los Alamos, which developed Fat Man); Capt. W.S. Parsons (Head of Chemical Division); Charles L. Critchfield (Mathematical Physicist who did much of the basic development work on both Little Boy and Fat Man); Edwin Creutz (Experimental Physicist who worked on the magnetic method of implosion diagnostics); William Schuster; M.W. Johnson; J.D. Clartout; Pearce Marshall; John Patrick Callahan; S.H. Young; Capt. W.A. Farina (Head of the Manhattan Projects Property Inventory Section); Margaret K. Thompson; Bruno Rossi (Experimental Physicist who did implosion diagnostics in the RaLa program and at Trinity); A.J. Dickemeyer; Clyde E. Reum (Head of the General Service and Warehouse Section). RARE. We are grateful to Roger Meade, Laboratory Archivist/Historian at Los Alamos for valuable assistance in cataloguing.
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santoschristos · 9 months
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Cosmic Paradox
Before the universe came into being, there was only the unified field of pure potentiality (the Source) that had existed in the undivided state of eternal bliss and wholeness. Infinite awareness is non-conceptual awareness without differentiation or reference points; it knows itself completely and fully within itself.
In this non-localized field of oneness it has not been defined yet. There was no such thing as growth, individuated experiences or distinctions (no 1s and 0s, up and down, gain and loss, before and after, space and time, I and other, male and female, left brain and right brain, pleasure and pain, white and black, growth and entropy, and so forth). Formlessness (nothingness) is not an experience; it is prior to birth and death, division and form. Duality is the construct of consciousness that gives life meaning, something to work and strive for (a sense of purpose).
It is through the dichotomy of division: a perceived thought splitting into two or more thought-forms that the uniqueness of all life occurs (both need to exist). Without this subject and object split being drawn forth from it’s own potential energies, there can be no contrasting experiences (the illusion of space-time, limitation and separation).
Life is a cosmic paradox; it uses a part of itself to understand itself. The one, universal intelligence desiring to know and experience itself through creation (a giant, self-learning hologram) by the process of fragmentation. The godly principle needs a bit of struggle to give each individual aspect of itself the means of being challenged in some way for the sense of purpose and expansion. The excitement to create and participate in its imagined playhouse of unfolding, endless possibilities and clever arrangements of complex thought-patterns (through the vehicles of limited perceptions and points of view) is what keeps creation going.
--Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
Cosmic Paradox--Mahaboka/Myself
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possessivesuffix · 11 months
Areal innovations in Cushitic
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A small collection of innovations across Cushitic that don't seem to establish any coarser subclassification: broad phonological changes, plus one of the more prominent grammatical divisions — loss vs. preservation of the prefix conjugation, thought to be already old Afrasian inheritance. This already suffices to distinguish every unambiguous group from each other, even though none of the features are unique to some single group! Hopefully this will illustrate the relative heterogeneity of South and especially East Cushitic.
Loss of pharyngeals and ?introduction of labialized consonants indeed continue to Ethio-Semitic, as shown. (Loss of lateral obstruents, again supposedly Afrasian inheritance, however is not quite areally shared between the two: Cushitic has mainly *ɬ > l, Ethio-Semitic *ɬ > s.) To reiterate, it would be also nice to compare further with North Omotic eventually, it already features prominently in any papers on the Ethiopian Sprachbund; but I've not seen thorough enough comparative coverage to assemble anything analogous to this.
The arrangement of the Cushitic subgroups is roughly geographic, in terms of what's adjacent to what. This ends up kind of showing also the large range of Oromo and Somali, not in a way proportional to the real geography though, e.g. HEC + Konsoid + Dullay + Arboroid are actually all cramped in an area smaller than that of just Beja or just Afar, and Agaw is really multiple language islands mainly within the range of Ethio-Semitic, instead of forming a neat cluster between Oromo and Beja. If I had put Ethio-Semitic in here geographically too, all of it would go in the same area where Agaw is now: between Beja, HEC, Oromo and SA.
Crossfading-to-white for Agaw, Konsoid, Dullay indicates that some of these languages, but not all, have *kʼ > qʼ ~ q ~ ʛ. Dashed lines mark the fairly often proposed Arboroid–Somaloid (Omo–Tana) and Konsoid–Oromo groupings and the possible inclusion of Yaaku in Arboroid.
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govindhtech · 2 months
“Tales of the Shire” by Weta Workshop and Private Division
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Based on Middle-earth created by J. R. Tolkien, a fanciful new game named “Tales of the Shire” Designed by Weta Workshop and released by Private Division, the game which centres on Hobbit life is an interesting and odd experience. This novel perspective to the Tolkien universe has drawn enthusiasts, especially those interested in the Shire’s pastoral side. We’ll discuss the game’s development, fundamental gameplay mechanics, narrative, setting, and expected impact on gamers and Tolkien fans in this article.
Developing Background
Renowned for their work on visual effects and props in “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” films, Weta Workshop has entered game production with “Tales of the Shire.” This amazing change in visual effects to game design reveals the company’s passion of Tolkien’s universe.. Wētā Workshop worked with Private Division, a publisher recognized for promoting innovative projects, to produce a realistic and engaging game that reflects the essence of Hobbit life.
Focusing on the Shire and its people gives Middle-earth games a new perspective. Many games in this setting have focused on big battles and grand missions, while “Tales of the Shire” focuses on Hobbits’ everyday joys and adventures, creating a peaceful yet compelling gameplay experience.
Game mechanics core
“Tales of the Shire” is a cosy life-simulation game inspired by “Animal Crossing” and “Stardew Valley.” As a Hobbit, players will experience the lovely Shire lifestyle. Farming, crafting, cooking, and Hobbit socialising are key gaming aspects. The game emphasises creativity, relaxation, and exploration, letting players fully experience the Shire’s beauty.
Farming and Gardening: Players will raise food and flowers in their gardens. This component of the game supplies cooking and crafting resources and personalises the player’s home. The straightforward and rewarding gardening techniques encourage players to try different plants and arrangements.
In “Tales of the Shire,” players can craft furniture, tools, and more. The building feature lets players customise their Hobbit hole, encouraging creativity and ownership. Explore and trade to gather materials for crafts and house expansion.
Players can create traditional Hobbit dishes in Cooking and Festivities. Social gameplay includes sharing meals with neighbours and attending local events, representing the Shire’s collaborative attitude.
Socialising with other Hobbits is key to the game’s charm. Community can be fostered through talks, favours, and community activities. The dialogue and exchanges are touching and sincere, showcasing Hobbit society’s hospitality.
Story and Setting
In “Tales of the Shire”‘s relative serenity, players can explore the Shire without violence or gloom. The game follows the player’s integration into the Shire community as a newcomer. Players will learn about Shire history, population, and traditions through quests and events.
The Shire is deliberately created to match Tolkien’s bucolic splendour. Beautiful hills, meadows, and villages set the scene for the player’s excursions. The architecture of Hobbit holes, farms, and communal places are meticulously detailed to create a realistic, true-to-source experience.
The game‘s soundtrack, with its serene and melodious Shire vibe, increases immersion. The music and nature noises provide a relaxing atmosphere for players.
Expected Effect
The gaming community and Tolkien lovers may be affected by “Tales of the Shire”. Its novel take on Hobbit living sets it apart from previous Middle-earth games that emphasise warfare and heroic missions. This serene and creative approach may appeal to casual gamers and those seeking a healthy gaming experience.
“Tales of the Shire” lets Tolkien fans explore the Shire in unparalleled detail. Fans of Hobbit life’s charm and simplicity will appreciate the game’s authenticity and embrace of Hobbit culture. The game lets players live as Hobbits and experience their daily routines and celebrations, giving them a new connection to Tolkien’s universe.
Tales of the shire Release Date
The forthcoming cosy Hobbit game, “Tales of the Shire,” is scheduled for release on October 4, 2024. This game, created by Wētā Workshop and released by Private Division, transports players to the enchanting Shire universe and provides an engrossing and touching experience. Enthralled readers of Tolkien’s works will anticipate discovering the gorgeous scenery, participating in a variety of activities, and getting to know well-known Shire characters. Make plans to embark on a lovely voyage through Middle-earth, ideal for anyone looking for a peaceful and captivating experience.
“Tales of the Shire” is a charming and original Middle-earth video game. It offers a new viewpoint on Tolkien’s cosmos by focusing on Hobbit life’s calm and uplifting qualities. The game, developed by Weta Workshop and Private Division, is greatly anticipated by gamers and Tolkien lovers due to its excellent quality and authenticity.
Players will enjoy the simple delights and strong sense of community of the Shire as they grow gardens, craft unique objects, prepare wonderful meals, and make friends with other Hobbits. “Tales of the Shire” will be more than a game it will invite you to dwell in a tranquil, beautiful, and friendly world. This game is a lovely and fascinating tour into the Shire for Tolkien fans and newcomers to Middle-earth.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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mannlibrary · 2 years
Mend and  Make New
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Featured in the photographs above is some remarkable hand and sewing-machine stitching done in 1893 by Dorothea Beach, a 6th grader at a public school in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The sample is from the archives of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences housed at Cornell University Library’s Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
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Above: Title page, Lake Placid Conference of Home Economics Proceedings;  photo of Flora Rose (l) and Martha van Rensselaer (r) at a League of Women Voters meeting, Hyde Park, NY, 1920 (from Human Ecology Historical Photographs
The AAFCS was founded as the American Home Economics Association at the Lake Placid Conference of 1909. Participants at the annual conference, who had been meeting annually for 10 years,  were passionate about turning the formerly invisible work of women into vibrant arenas for building creative expertise. For the early pioneers of the field, Cornell’s Martha Van Rensselaer and Flora Rose among them, home economics (also known as domestic science and, later, family and consumer sciences) would be a force for liberation. As a newly emerging field of study in land-grant colleges and other educational institutions, it would help women transform practical skills into creative capacity for finding innovative solutions problems that affect both individuals and society as a whole. A key area for this work was the challenge women faced keeping themselves and their families well clothed, despite the hardships of poverty and crises in the national economy.
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Above from top:  Display of garments made from men's shirts arranged by Cornell home economics faculty for Farmers Week, 1919; Display of conserved hats prepared for an exhibit at the New York State Fair, 1918.(Both photos from the Human Ecology Historical Photographs collection). 
Through community workshops, live demonstrations at county fairs, and free publications, home economists have sought over the years to help their communities take on the issue of making, maintaining, and repurposing clothing. Teaching children good stitch work was an important start, but the ultimate goal was to grow this basic skill into a nimble ability to refashion unlikely resources, lean household budgets and thread bare clothes included, into fresh elements of a pleasing wardrobe.
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“Keeping Clothes Wearable”, by Gladys L. Butt. Cornell Extension Bulletin 536, October 1942, in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online.  
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“Mending Clothes and Household Fabrics,” by Gladys L. Butt. Cornell Extension Bulletin 871, 1954; in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online. 
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“First Lessons in Sewing: A Manual for Junior Extension Workers in Clothing,” Cornell Junior Extension Bulletin No. 1, 1918, in the archives of the Cornell Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University; also viewable online. 
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Page from the handout “Restitch and Renew to Keep Clothes in Use,” by Bernetta Kahabka, Extension Specialist, Cornell University, 1974, in the home economics archives of the Rare and Manuscript Division of Cornell University Library. 
Most of the guides to sewing and stitching shown here are available as part of Mann Library’s online Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition, History (HEARTH) ,  the Cornell Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA), and the Hathi Trust Digital Library. These online repositories offer valuable (yet free!) resources for anyone interested in re-learning the art of making new from old.  “Upcycling,” a term first coined in the early 1990s, has become a common word as awareness of more sustainable “slow fashion” principles has grown. What does it mean exactly? According to merriam-webster.com, to upcycle is “to recycle (something) in such a way that the resulting product is of a higher value than the original item : to create an object of greater value from (a discarded object of lesser value).” For (happily) growing numbers of us, upcycling has become a fine craft that combines old traditions and techniques with contemporary style to create uniquely personalized wearable art that also signals a conscious effort to avoid harmful waste and use resources sustainably. With a little bit of mindfulness and maybe some handy “how-to’s found in digitized, freely available historical materials, the old can indeed become some bright new for one and all.
Excerpted from Mann Library’s spring 2023 exhibit, Sustaining Style: Towards Responsible Fashion
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Display in Mann Library exhibit, Sustaining Style:Towards Responsible Fashion (March 23 - September 15, 2023)
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shelly-ya · 2 years
Ok I have procrastinated enough for these two days so let's start with the fic. This is a Tokyo revengers fic with my favorite guy being the main guy. Yep Mikey!!!! But there would be some of the others as well so no fear.
"Welcome to the sano home old friend!" Grandpa sano greeted his friend at the front of the property. "When did you come back to Japan my friend?"
"Just yesterday I would like to introduce my new grand child. This is name, Melody and I adopted them back in home country." Your grand father said proudly patting down the stray c/hairs on your head.
"You just need to adopt the world don't you?" Grandpa sano said in reply.
"Ofcourse I spoke of it too often for you to ever forget. Speaking of which do you remember that promise we made to each other of having our grand children married to each other well that's why I brought this one."
"Ah yes it is about time to arrange that marriage isn't it. Come come I will introduce you all in the dojo." The old man said moving as though he was still in his thirties not even hunched over. He still had the spring in his step from his youth. Leading you both to dojo he ended the class that was currently happening. Dismissing the children only two young boys around the same age and a young girl remained along with a young man clearly in his early 20's.
"Why'd you end class early old man?" The young teenage brunette boy spoke up like he was pissed.
"Because I needed to introduce Manjiro to someone very important."
"Me to someone" he scanned the newcomers in the dojo and his cold grey eyes landed on you. He tilted his head and just continues staring at you. It made you uneasy not being able to read his expression or why he didn't say anything. "You're the one my old man wants Me to get married to aren't you. Then let's do it. My name is manjiro sano you can call me Mikey or any nickname you want to call me. I'm your husband now." He bluntly said putting his hand out to you. Making everyone around him shocked. Some even dropped dramatically on the floor.
"I'm l/name f/name 14." Taking his hand in yours you both shook hands. And that is how you became manjiro sano' s fiance.
Approximately two years have passed since then. You had gotten closer to Mikey and his friends during that time he had already formed toman and was living the dream of a biker gang who would stand together for each other. You had gotten closer to shinichiro his older brother and Emma the baby sister. Mikey said he didn't mind you were one year older than him and he would still continue being yours if you would continue being his. You both had your engagement party and you even met hanagaki takemitchy one of mikey's bestest friends. Everything was amazing not saying it was perfect but like every relationship shinichiro had to like the father to council you both.
Now you had two best guy friends that Mikey knows about. You had met in school and since then have been really close to them. Mikey had no problems with it he even encouraged you to hang out more together with them. He was happy once you were at his side when he needed you.
At this point a new year had passed. Baji San almost died Halloween night and Draken even got stabbed during a festival night. Even pah almost got arrested for some stupid reason. Mikey and hanagaki stopped it all almost like they knew what, where and why everything was going to happen. Even for Christmas night the vice commander of second division had a bloody night with a sibling quarrel. But quick on the draw Mikey and the others succeeded. It was a random day where Mikey and hanagaki wanted a pic with the commanders of toman and you standing at mikey's side. Hanagaki ran towards the group almost falling when the flash sprung and the pic was taken, everyone laughing and enjoying themselves as you all readied to leave the warehouse. Mikey's hand not leaving your waist as he was gently guiding you to the exit.
"Oh mitsuya kun can I talk to you alone?" Mikey froze you never want to talk to his team members alone.
"Uh yeah sure princess what is it that you need?" The others just as shocked by this looking between you and Mikey and mitsuyua.
"Jiro this will only take a few minutes do you mind if I meet you home?"
"Uh! NO it's no problem love" he said slowly dropping his hand from your waist. "See you home" he said pecking a kiss to your cheek. He was still lost in thought while he was walking out with the others. He noticed your friends waiting for you outside the warehouse. They had their back packs strapped on and it looked like they had your backpack as well.
"Oh sano San is name Chan still inside?" Bf#1 said.
"Yeah they are talking to someone at the moment. I'll take their back pack if that's what you are here for."
"No!" Bf#2 says hugging the backpack closer.
"They are probably going to tell him. Um we will go meet them and give them the backpack thanks anyways" they both said running towards the previous group came from.
"That's weird. Why didn't they want to give you name Chan's back pack." Draken asked quietly.
"Want me to go beat the info out them" baji san said cracking his knuckles
"BAJI SAN!" chifuyu and hanagaki warned.
"Let's go I'm hungry" Mikey said walking away hands behind his head as carefree as can be. Everyone followed him to a cafe and they ate. Mitsuya showed up some time after as everyone questioned him he just said don't worry about it that it wasn't important at all.
Sometime later everyone decided to go their separate ways. Mikey came home and took his shoes off at the door way.
"I'm home" he announced
"Welcome home!" It was Emma not his name Chan.
"What's for dinner?" He questioned
"Shin -nii got some fish so fish it is" she announced.
"Can't wait where is name Chan."
"Your room on the phone with their grandpa" he walked as quietly as he could to his room arriving to his door hearing your muffled voice. It sounded like you were crying.
"Papa please I'm begging you I need you and our family for this. I can't do this alone anymore" he slid the door slightly causing you to jump and rub the tears from your eyes quickly. "Look I gotta go papa talk to you later" the door slid completely open.
"I'm home" he said almost robotical out of habit.
"Welcome home" you say opening your arms expecting him to drop down on you with his full weight but he didn't. He just walked to the bathroom and closed the door. Dropping your arms you didn't understand what was happening.
To be continued.
That is if you would like it to
@angelsdevils @stxrmylxve
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voxiiferous · 1 year
How is your living room arranged? What’s on display? Art, knick-knacks?
Living Space Headcanons | @heavensxstray
Do windows count as interior decor? Because he has lots of those! You'll see in the pictures, that one wall beside his couch is all floor to ceiling window, with a balcony outside, the guardrail is also glass to prevent any messy lines. Same with the wall opposite by the kitchen, once again, it's a lot of windows. His bedroom too, is also just an obscene amount of windows.
Like mentioned over in this headcanon, there isn't a clear division between his living room and his kitchen. Ignore the colours for the first few pictures, because his whole apartment is very dark colours. They're more for some visualization of set up.
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As for some of the knick-nacks... there isn't much. He has a wave ornament on one of the side-tables in the living room, and a bookshelf with books he hasn't read. He intended to, he used to read quite a lot, but the same can't be said since he died. He doesn't have any plants. They would... not survive. He has Vark which is the closest thing he'll manage to something else reliant on him.
The bar-counter set up is an L-shape, which means that it forms the closest thing he has to a divided kitchen... that he rarely uses. His laptop is usually on one of the counters. he has a few lamps, but the majority of the lighting comes from either the windows, or rows and rows of LED light strips on the baseboards or under the counter tops.
The front door is in the mid-point of the room, halfway between the living room and the kitchen, and it leads out to a small antechamber, with the elevators to the rest of the building.
There isn't much by way of art. Like yes, it's the sort of modern apartment that would be posted on Voxtagram or a furniture magazine, but it's not the sort of homey place someone wants to live.
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Brought Together by a Five-Year-Old (Dean Winchester x F!Reader) Part 10: The Holidays
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The walk to the L/N household was fairly uneventful, S/N chased a bunny around for a bit and they ran into a few exceptionally cute dogs, in the opinion of Sam, Y/N, and S/N. Dean agreed that the dogs were fine, or whatever, but tried his best to avoid getting fur on him. Y/N had watched him, confused, and he had shrugged, "It's not that I don't like dogs, it's just that they're so messy." 
S/N gasped, while his mother looked at Dean incredulously. "Mr. Winchester, that doesn't matter. Dogs are the best!"
Dean sighed, not wanting to disappoint the small boy that he'd grown to love so much. "They're really cute and everything I just don't like the mess. I try to keep my apartment and car as orderly as I can."
Sam let out a hearty laugh, "Don't downplay your love for 'Baby', Dean. Remember that one time you wouldn't let me ride in her, just because I had a sandwich I wanted to eat on the drive?"
Scoffing, Y/N raised her eyebrows and gave a slightly judgmental smile, "'Baby'? I did not peg you as the type that would name his car. And especially a name like 'Baby'."
Dean rubbed his temples with his hands, trying to refrain from throttling his grinning younger brother, "Yeah, well, it just seemed right when I was fixing her up as a kid so it just stuck." He trailed off not wanting to dive into his life during high school.
The woman waited a moment to see if he was going to continue and when it became clear he wasn't, she shrugged, grabbing her son's hand and turning to Sam with a soft smile, "Our place is just up this block."
Sam nodded in response and the group continued in silence. 
Soon enough, Dean found himself in the L/N house for the second time, and it felt even more like home than he remembered. Sam was complimenting Y/N on the decor and flower arrangements on the front porch when S/N ran up and tugged on the tall man's hand, excited to give the other Winchester brother a tour of his home. Dean felt a pinch of jealousy in his stomach, finding himself hoping that S/N gave Sam a less detailed and passionate tour than he had given to him months before. 
He sighed and pushed down the feeling, along with the intense shame that came hand in hand with the jealousy. He knew he should be happy that Sam got along with Y/N and S/N. If, and this was a big if, he ever did end up with Y/N he couldn't live with it if Sam didn't get along with her and her son. That would definitely be a dealbreaker for Dean. He couldn't have a division between his girlfriend or wife or whatever she could end up being and his brother, and best friend if he was honest. The only other opinion he needed was Bobby's, but he hadn't even made a move yet so he figured it was a bit too soon to introduce her to the ol' curmudgeon of a man he called uncle. 
He broke out of his thoughts to the sight of Y/N standing directly in front of him, delicately waving her hand in front of his face and poorly suppressing a giggle, "Dean, you good, man? You sure do space out a lot."
Dean blushed and shrugged, "Yeah, lately I've had a lot on my mind."
Y/N tilted her head at him, eyebrows furrowed in concern, and lightly placed her hand on his arm, "Is everything alright?"
Blushing and feeling the heat from her hand burning through his shirt, Dean shook his head, "It's nothing worth sharing right now, don't worry I'm fine."
She narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion before sighing, "Ok," She said as she removed her hand. Dean tried desperately not to miss the heat but it felt like his arm had lost all life now that her touch was gone. "Well, while Sam and S/N are busy I'm going to get started cooking dinner. You can hang out here and listen to music or join them or really do whatever you want." 
She stood, waiting for an answer. Dean paused, thinking over his words, "Well, what are you making? I'd love to lend a hand if you don't mind. I'm sure there's plenty to do and you don't need to do it all yourself." 
A dark blush dusted Y/N's cheeks as she smiled, "That would be really nice actually. Am I safe in assuming you know how to cook burgers? You seem like the kind of man who has perfected his burger making strategy, and I was planning on having those as our main course. I'm just making a hodgepodge of all of S/N's favorite foods, so the menu might seem a little haphazardous but he'll love it."
Nodding, Dean smirked and, using the most obnoxiously cocky voice he could manage, responded, "Oh, honey, you're looking at the burger master."
She rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic sigh, though the smile never left her face. "Alright, I have high expectations then, 'Burger Master'." 
She moved past him and into the kitchen, his eyes couldn't help but follow her movements. He swallowed roughly and trailed behind her, feigning confidence and calmness when Y/N turned to face him. She was standing in front of the oven, a large kitchen counter separating her from Dean. 
She began to speak, moving her hands with her words, "Ok, so the meat is in the fridge, I have my own mix of spices that I usually use, but since you're a burger master feel free to improvise with anything you find. S/N is a surprisingly curious child when it comes to food, and will eat just about anything. I'm going to get started on the baked mac n cheese casserole and after that, I'll probably knock out the Texas Toast. Let me know when you're done with the burgers, I might need the extra hands to finish this up. We've got a couple more dishes in the fridge, these are just the ones I figured should be prepared right before being eaten." She had turned away from him at this point, washing her hands while she spoke and drying them before ending her instructions with a small shrug. "Thank you so much for your help, you really don't have to but it's very much appreciated."
Dean smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck before walking over to where Y/N was standing at the sink, "It's really no problem, I'd love to help out. And Sammy can keep S/N busy for a while." The two stood in silence for a moment before Dean realized just how close they were, how easy it would be to lean down and capture her plump lips in a kiss, and quickly turned to wash his hands.
The movement jolted Y/N out of her stupor and she moved swiftly to the fridge, holding it open as if looking for ingredients while willing the cold air to smother the dark red blush burning across her face. 
The two worked in awkward silence, Dean adding his own touch (a sprinkle of cinnamon) to the burger seasonings and Y/N cooking the bacon and melting the cheeses together for the casserole. 
After fifteen minutes of tension, Y/N spoke, "Should I... uh... put on some music?"
Sighing with relief, Dean responded with a strong nod. Y/N let a faint smile grace her features and moved to the other side of the room where a small speaker sat. She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through her music while plugging it into the speaker. Without looking up she spoke, "So, what are you in the mood for, Mr. Winchester?" Dean worried for a second about the use of formalities before he sensed the jest in her tone and relaxed again. Boy, she had a hold on him. 
He cleared his throat, "How about something... classic? And slow? Something jazzy? I actually don't think I'm in the mood for rock right now, shockingly enough." He tried to regret the suggestion but he couldn't find a single part of him that wanted to resist the possibility of dancing around a kitchen to Sinatra with Y/N. Sliding up behind her, spinning her around and scooping her up in his arms. He would never have thought he'd be grateful for the swing dancing section of his high school gym class but man, now he really saw the appeal. 
Not that he'd act on that though. Of course not. Highly inappropriate. 
Y/N hummed with thought, "So, like Nat King Cole? A little Count Basie big band? Some Sinatra-style crooning?"
Dean pondered for a moment before going with the only artist he really knew well from the choices, "Put my boy Frankie on, I can groove to Fly Me to the Moon right now."
Chuckling, Y/N scrolled for a second longer before tapping the screen and setting her phone down, the first soft notes of Strangers in the Night wafting through the air and melding with the warm scent of food being cooked, lighting up Dean's senses and pulling a contented sigh from deep within him. 
He watched, though he tried not to make it obvious, while Y/N swayed to the music, sashaying over to the oven to check on the casserole before grabbing the Texas Toast from the freezer. She must have felt his eyes, because she looked up with a light blush dancing on her cheeks, "Hey, I know, mother-of-the-year cooking right here. It's the only thing I didn't make myself so, honestly, I don't feel too badly." 
Dean choked on his words, nearly dropping the patty he had been kneading, "Oh no I wasn't... I didn't even think about that I just..." He faltered, searching his mind for any excuse as to why he would've been watching her so intently that wasn't based on his ever-growing attraction to the woman.
She tilted her head to the side in confusion, "You just... what?" 
Forcing himself not to think about how adorable she looked, like a sweet little puppy all bewildered and probably a bit worried for him, he must've looked like a blubbering fool. He gained his senses back and finished his thought, hoping beyond all hope he didn't sound too panicked and that she would buy the excuse, "I just was thinking about how long it's been since I've had some good old Texas Toast is all. It's delicious I don't know why I haven't eaten it in ages."
Y/N didn't look quite convinced but shrugged it off and continued placing the pieces of bread on the pan in front of her, "Yeah, it's pretty good. S/N absolutely loves it. How are the burgers coming?"
Dean glanced back down at the burger he had been molding for far too long, having forgotten what he was doing due to the stress of the interaction, "Uh... probably another fifteen minutes and they'll all be cooked." 
He looked back up at Y/N who was smiling brightly as she responded, "Perfect! The casserole should be done in five and these only take about seven minutes. Man, we timed this well." She lifted up the pan and opened the oven, placing the toast inside and checking her watch for the time. 
She hummed happily and shut the oven door. "S/N is going to be so happy~" She twittered before spinning over to the cabinet and fridge to get out buns, condiments, and the few other courses she had prepared earlier. Dean watched as she took a massive serving plate out of the fridge and pulled a face, "Deviled eggs? Really? What kind of kid likes deviled eggs?"
Y/N shrugged as best as she could without dropping the plate, "Honestly, who knows. But S/N loves them, he'd inhale this entire platter if I let him."
Dean chuckled in disbelief, trying to shake the disgust from his face, "He's a weird little kid. A good kid. But weird taste. It's no wonder he and Castiel are best buds."
Relishing the tinkling laugh that he got from that comment, Dean felt his heart warm. He smiled softly and hummed along to the music, watching as Y/N stepped in time with the beat as she set the table. Dean finished preparing the burgers and took the food out of the oven. Y/N smiled at him and put her hand on his arm, damn there was that heat again, "Thank you, really, that was very sweet of you." 
Dean smiled but didn't speak, he didn't trust his voice not to betray how vulnerable he was feeling with her hand on his arm and her eyes looking so deeply and, dare he say it, lovingly into his. 
Sam and S/N entered the room, smelling the aroma of the meal drifting throughout the house. The four sat down to eat, S/N hugging both Dean and his mother in thanks before taking his seat. The room was filled with silence for a solid ten minutes while everyone dug into the food.
Sam was the first to speak up, "This is delicious Y/N, you've got to share these recipes with me. Jess would love this casserole." 
Y/N blushed slightly and swallowed the bite of mac n cheese she had just taken before speaking, "Well, the baked mac n cheese is easy enough. I can text you the recipe if you give me your number later. It's very simple and lasts for a while too so the giant portion isn't really a downside. I can send you any other recipes if you'd like them, but you'll have to thank Dean for the burgers."
Wide-eyed and paused with a forkful of food halfway to his mouth, Sam nodded in realization and turned his gaze to his brother, "I thought these tasted familiar. Good batch of burgers, Dean."
Y/N hummed in agreement and S/N voiced his approval as well. "Mr. Winchester these are the best burgers I've EVER HAD. Can you please come back and make them again?"
Y/N choked on her food with a laugh and Dean turned bright red. He sputtered out a response, "Uh, yeah, of course, bud. As long as that's alright with your mama." He glanced at Y/N who had a small smile on her face. 
She raised her eyebrows, opening and closing her mouth a couple of times before speaking, "Well, I don't see why not."
S/N beamed and returned to shoving food in his face. The adults laughed before easing back into conversation. Before they knew it, their plates were empty, their stomachs and hearts were full to the brim, and it was S/N's bedtime. Y/N picked up the sleepy boy, carrying him up to his room to get him ready for bed. She whispered to the brothers, "I'll be right back, I'm going to put him to bed while he's tired. To avoid him getting too excited to let you guys go and everything."
Sam nodded and Dean gave her a thumbs up. She disappeared around the corner and they heard her light footfall climbing the stairs. Sam immediately turned on Dean, "Dean. You can't deny this. You really can't deny this. I'm actually astonished at how well you two seem to fit together. I really hope you decide to move forward with this at some point. I know you want to wait but please, don't let this girl slip through your fingers." Dean ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "I see it too Sammy. I feel it. I just... I need to be careful."
Sam thought for a moment, "I know, Dean, I know. I'm just reaffirming the fact that she's basically perfect for you. I know how much you get into your own head and psych yourself out. I know your whole 'I don't deserve anything good in my life' mentality. I'm just reminding you that you do deserve the best of everything. And, in my opinion, that includes Y/N."
Dean opened his mouth to respond when they heard the soft footsteps coming down the stairs again. Y/N emerged from the darkness of the hallway and smiled at the boys before sensing the somber air of the room. She furrowed her eyebrows, whispering intently, "What's going on? Is everything alright?"
The brothers threw on smiles and nodded. Sam looked at his watch, "Oh boy, I should really get going. Since Jess is gone there's been no one to walk the dogs while I've been out. I better get home and take them out, lord I hope they didn't pee on the carpet again."
Y/N stifled a giggle, "Yeah, you should definitely get going then. Thanks for coming to dinner. It was nice getting to know you better. It's very clear why S/N has such a strong affinity for the Winchesters. I swear he wants to be one."
The three adults chuckled softly. Sam grabbed his coat from the hall and opened the front door, standing in the threshold for a moment longer, "I really am sorry to dine and dash but I completely forgot to take the dogs out earlier and Jess will be peeved if there's a mess. Thank you so much for the meal and your hospitality."
Sam waved goodbye, throwing a wink at his brother before jogging down the front steps and into the night. Y/N closed the door and turned to Dean, "He's a good guy." Dean nodded and she continued, "Anyway, thank you for coming. I'm not trying to kick you out or anything because, believe me, it's very nice to have you around, but I have quite a few dishes to do."
Dean bit his lip and waffled back and forth, wondering if he should leave as she requested or if he could possibly squeeze out just a little bit more one-on-one time with her, "I could help." Losing his confidence at the look of shock that passed over her face, he faltered, "If that's alright, of course. I don't mind at all and you'll be up all night doing those by yourself."
Y/N smiled shyly and laughed with a small shake of her head, "You're something else, Dean Winchester. Very gentlemanly. I actually would appreciate that very much, you're right, its a lot of work. I'll wash and you can dry?" She walked over to the sink, already piled high with dishes.
Nodding, Dean maneuvered around the room, picking up the dishes that hadn't been cleared from the table yet and bringing them to the sink. They worked in comfortable silence, and Dean found himself relishing the domesticity of it. He realized he really enjoyed doing menial things like the dishes when he had Y/N by his side. Everything was going smoothly until Y/N leaned over a bit too far when placing a wet dish on the counter where Dean was drying them. She slipped on the water that had gradually coated the floor around the sink and fell straight onto Dean. Time slowed down. Dean watched as the plate fell to the floor, shattering, though the sound seemed muffled as he looked back to the wide eyes of the woman who had just fallen for him, quite literally, and was currently clutching onto the front of his shirt, his hands wrapped around her waist and feeling very natural as they rested on her hips to steady her.
They stayed there, frozen. Dean couldn't help but look from her startled Y/E/C eyes down to her soft lips. He continued to hold her, unaware that she had noticed where his gaze had moved. His trance was broken by the feeling of something pressing against his mouth. His eyes went wide and his grip tightened on the woman's waist as he realized what was happening. He thought, briefly, oh so very briefly, of pulling away, of saving himself, but he couldn't. And didn't want to. He let himself melt into her warmth, closing his eyes and kissing her, holding her tighter and feeling his lips tingle with her every move. She pulled away to breathe and he opened his eyes, letting out a small whine and immediately feeling embarrassed. The feeling was replaced almost as quickly as it came when he found himself staring into the beautiful Y/E/C eyes before him. He felt his breath get caught in his throat and his heart fill up with something, he wouldn't dare call it love just yet. Y/N looked slightly scared but there was something underneath it, he wouldn't dare call that love either but man, he really wanted to. He found himself pulling her closer, their bodies flush against one another and their breathing intermingled. He took one of his hands and cupped her face, his heart melting as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. He gradually moved her face closer and took her lips in his again. 
This kiss was sweeter. Less frenzied and fearful. They stood, bodies melding into one, lips moving softly against each other. Y/N brought her hands up from Dean's chest to the back of his neck, fingers running in his hair. He took a chance and kissed her with a bit more passion, feeling her fingers tense in his hair, knotting themselves in the short, dirty blonde locks. Dean couldn't deny the heat building low in his stomach at the slight tug on his hair. He could feel the situation escalating, her body pushing up against his in such a pleasing way. He realized then how deep he was. As he was about to pull away, Y/N stopped. She took a step back and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Fuck. Fuck, Dean. Fuck."
Dean couldn't stop himself, he chortled and replied, "Yeah, that's where I thought we might have been heading too."
Y/N's expression morphed from anxiety to a grin. She punched Dean in the shoulder, "You jackass, oh my god." She got serious again and Dean felt his heart drop, "But really, we can't do this. Not now."
Dean nodded, "I should probably go."
Y/N sighed in agreement. The two walked to the door, standing in a heavy silence. Dean opened his mouth but, thinking better of it, closed it again and turned to leave.
As he grabbed the doorknob, he felt a soft hand on his, "Ok, so, maybe just... one more kiss?" 
Dean's heart soared and he grabbed Y/N's face in his hands, connecting their lips and feeling the warmth rush through him again. That was a feeling he could definitely get used to. He held on to Y/N's face until he needed to breathe again. 
Breaking their lips apart and breathing heavily, he held her cheeks and stared into her eyes, amazed at the depths he saw in them and the way her head fit so perfectly in his hands. "I'll see you on Monday?" He whispered.
"Of course." Her response was barely more than a breath but Dean heard it. And it was enough for him. He looked into her eyes for a moment longer before placing a sweet kiss on her lips, a kiss full of longing and feelings and purpose. 
And then, Dean left.
Would they have a lot to talk about later? Yes. But was that on either of their minds as the door closed between them and the night moved on? Not in the slightest. Despite the troubles they both knew were present, Y/N and Dean slept well that night, drifting into dreams of each other with happy hearts.
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14
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During cereal endosperm development, the triploid primary endosperm nucleus undergoes a series of mitotic divisions without cytokinesis, and the nuclei migrate to the periphery of the central cell, which also contains a large central vacuole (Figure 21.26, see parts A-D). As in the Arabidopsis coenocyte, each of nuclei is surrounded by radially arranged microtubules (see Figure 21.26E). Anticlinal walls form initially between adjacent nuclei, resulting in the tubelike alveolar cells, with the open end pointing toward the central vacuole (see Figure 21.26F). (...) The innermost layer of daughter cells remains alveolar in structure, and continues to divide periclinally until cellularization is complete (see Figure 21.26G and H). The most important source of starchy endosperm cells is the interior cells of the cell files that are present at the completion of endosperm cellularization (see Figure 21.26H).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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hshouse · 2 years
Hiii! Is it you that likes talking business side of music? If not ignore me lol do we know what contract Harry has with Columbia? I know Harry owns his master but I am asking because I saw a video explaining Bad Bunny's 90-10 contract and I know Harry doesnt have that since I googled and apparently only Bad Bunny has that now but I am curious now whats the split Harry has with his label lol because he is making money but I wonder how much gets to him in comparison youtu be/gqzGoQrYTjg
Hi bby,
Harry has a distribution contract with Columbia. He owns the music and licenses it exclusively to Columbia. The way money flows is that Columbia will pay Harry an advance maybe before recording the album or when he delivers the album and that’s a shit ton of money and it is guaranteed money for H. This is what people refer when they talk about “a recording contract of $X dollars.” Then Columbia will start promoting and distributing and making the cds etc. there is usually a recoup clause which means columbia says “we are gonna spend like $1M in promotion so the first $1M that comes in goes to us only” And then he has an arrangement on how much of the profits (after the $1M) from the recordings go to him and to the label. No clue what his division could be but since he has excellent lawyers and ton of leverage, I assume a lot goes to him (his company more precisely, cause he needs to then pay his employees like pr, molly, harry L, mitch, sarah…).
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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calico-cheriies · 2 months
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[Tokyo Revengers]
☆彡 WASTED SUMMERS |Manjiro Sano x reader fanfic|
♢wasted summers by juju<3
⇒ (Y/n) (L/n), a name that most people are acquainted with due to the fact that she has always been associated as the smartest student in class. Despite her uptight personality and rather studious behavior, she managed to catch the attention of one of the strongest delinquents out there- Manjiro Sano. His persistence of getting to know her manages to break her walls down for a bit, but this is all about staying friends... for now.
[Kaiju No. 8]
☆彡 Hideaway |Soshiro Hoshina x Reader Fanfic|
♢Hideaway by WIMY
⇒ One of the biggest jobs that no one considers is the jobs that deals with the aftermath of situations. Whether it's dealing with the cleaning up of Kaiju's or the investigation that comes with it. That's what (Y/n)'s job is as a forensics pathologist of the third division. Despite mostly being hidden in the shadows and dealing with the studying of the dead, she still finds herself in the presence of one of the most important people in the division- Soshiro Hoshina- who finds this rather shy and awkward girl interesting considering she's always avoiding any interaction. What else could he do but corner her to initiate a conversation?
{Hideaway Masterlist}
☆彡 I LOVE YOU HOE |Soshiro Hoshina x Reader Fanfic|
♢I LOVE YOU HOE by Odetari, 9lives
⇒ Soshiro Hoshina has always been used to being the cocky and strict vice captain of the third division, he never once questioned his abilities nor did he really care to meet the other vice captains. But one night his world is turned upside down when he’s saved by someone whom is the vice captain of the first division. Thus, starting a long rivalry with you- the supposedly “stronger” vice captain.
{I LOVE YOU HOE Masterlist}
☆彡 PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup | Vash the Stampede x Reader Fanfic|
♢PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup by Tsuneo Imahori
⇒ (Y/n) liked to believe that she had humble beginnings, she was there when everything dried up and people had lost their motivation to reach their goals. She was something of a cow girl- traversing the desert and different towns in hope to bring fortune to her parents back at home. Yet, her morals and end game was challenged when she had come across some kind of gun man who was finding himself in all kinds of situations. The cowgirl and the humanoid typhoon travel together, picking up stragglers together and finding a weird peace within each other- but how stable can it be?
{PHILOSOPHY in a Tea Cup Masterlist}
[Jujutsu Kaisen]
☆彡Dream Girl |Yuta Okkotsu x Reader Fanfic|
♢ Dream Girl by Crisaunt
⇒ Coming from smaller clans were difficult- especially when navigating the jujutsu world. (Y/n) (L/n) would know, being cursed with the ability to manipulate the mind which categorized her as a special grade. She preferred to be out of the eyes of the higher ups and any other clans, but when the threat of an arranged marriage came up, she had to make the choice of marrying young or joining Jujutsu high under the facade of becoming a jujutsu sorcerer. So here she was, standing in front of a few students that would become her classmates, yet why does she find herself gravitating towards an awkward sorcerer with an overwhelming aura?
{Dream Girl Masterlist}
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[Tokyo Revengers]
[Kaiju No. 8]
[Jujutsu Kaisen]
[Initial D]
[My Hero Academia]
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*All the dividers/banners is credited to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, @roseschoices thank you so much for your hard work ♡*
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thewraptimes · 5 years
Claims arise against Globe House Buyers,LLC and Michael Candelario
On Dec. 18, 2019, the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) Fugitive Task Force arrested Candelario in Phoenix. The original warrant stems from Candelario’s failure to appear last year for a status hearing on his retrial for felony theft charges, said Det. Sam Hatley, with the Carson City (Nev.) Sheriff’s Office Investigation Division. The jury trial ended with a hung jury—11 to 1 in favor of conviction, Hatley said.
As the former owner of the Lake Tahoe Brewing Company, Candelario was arrested by CCSO deputies on a property theft-related warrant in 2016. The U.S. Marshals service states that Candelario advertised beer canning equipment for sale on a brewing industry website. The victim, who owned a brewery in British Columbia, Canada, made an agreement with Candelario to buy the equipment. Allegedly,while the victim paid more than $45,000, Candelario received the funds but never arranged for the equipment to be shipped to him.
A U.S. military veteran, the victim was allegedly forced to cash in his retirement to cover the losses. He filed a report with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia, which forwarded it to the Carson City Sheriff’s Office. Deputies arrested Candelario without incident at his former brewing company, which closed in January 2016.
USMS also alleges that Candelario is involved with fraudulent activities across the nation, setting up fake companies taking money from hospitals in Virginia, Louisiana and California.
After his Phoenix arrest last month, Candelario appeared before Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Judge Barbara L. Spencer.
According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Candelario was released on a $25,000 bond on Dec. 19, 2019, despite being the subject of a no-bail warrant out of Carson City, Nev.
After learning about Candelario’s release, Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury said, “We are working with the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to process a Governor’s Warrant from our jurisdiction so Mr. Candelario can be extradited back to our jurisdiction for trial.”
Asked if he was consulted prior to Candelario’s release, Woodbury said no, adding that at first he was “very concerned because the process in our jurisdiction is different.”
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“In Carson City, a person will be held in jail for an out-of-state warrant until he or she waives extradition, is actually extradited or posts the bail required by the warrant,” Woodbury said. “I was worried that Mr. Candelario had been authorized to post a bond not authorized by our warrant and we would not see him again.”
Since then, however, Woodbury learned that Maricopa County’s process is different, “or at least it was in this case,” he said.
“He is allowed to surrender himself on the warrant in Nevada if he chooses,” Woodbury said. “Otherwise, he is required to appear before the Maricopa County Court every 30 days pending extradition.”
Candelario is scheduled for fugitive from justice hearings on Jan. 29, Feb. 12 and March 11, all on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. Spencer waived Candelario’s required presence at the Jan. 29 FFJ hearing.
Maricopa County contacted the Carson City Sheriff’s Office “fairly quickly after Candelario bailed out to let them know we’d have to go through the formal extradition process,” Woodbury said.
At this point, Woodbury’s office is proceeding with Candelario’s extradition, “which is exactly what we would be doing if he was still incarcerated and had not been allowed to post a bond,” he said.
“So, for our process, it makes no difference,” Woodbury added.
For his part, Candelario alleges that the USMS arrest was based on false and biased information provided by Hatley and Woodbury. He deferred further comment to his attorney, Paul Quade of Reno.
Quade said that he represented Candelario “related to the 2015 allegations of theft in Carson City,” agreeing to a phone interview on that case in the near future.
“I am advising him (Candelario) not to make any further statements regarding that case or the conduct of the prosecutors in Carson City given the circumstances,” he said.
In reponse to further questioning, Quade said that he would not comment on “any steps we may or may not take in the future related to the case in Carson City.”
“I can only tell you that the case is five years old, relates to a failed business venture; the alleged victim has already been reimbursed and the first trial resulted in a hung jury,” Quade said. “The allegations are extremely weak related to any ill intent on behalf of my client and I have not been party to such an unexplainable prosecution in my 25 plus years as a criminal defense attorney.”
On the subject of reimbursing the alleged victim, Woodbury said, “Among other lawsuits, Three Ranges Brewery—the victim in the criminal case—sued Mr. Candelario civilly. They were awarded a judgment of $82,073.13 (plus accruing interest) in May 2016.”
In April of 2017, Candelario paid Three Ranges $45,000 of the judgement, which was the original amount the brewery had paid Candelario “for the canner that was never delivered,” Woodbury said.
Quade went onto say that the fugitive warrant is “primarily related to my retirement from criminal litigation and the transfer of counsel which did not work out for Mr. Candelario.”
” At this point, I decided to return to this unfinished business because I firmly believe Mr. Candelario is getting railroaded in Carson City,” he said. “We will be aggressively defending this matter, hopefully to a successful conclusion at the next trial.”
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cbs-news24x7 · 5 years
Claims arise against Globe House Buyers,LLC and Michael Candelario
A Buckeye man with business ties to Globe is out on bail after his December 2019 arrest in Maricopa County. Michael Alexander Candelario, who bills himself as a real estate investor and the man behind Globe House Buyers, LLC, was featured in our article on home remodeling published in the January issue of Globe Miami Times. 
On Dec. 18, 2019, the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) Fugitive Task Force arrested Candelario in Phoenix.  The original warrant stems from Candelario’s failure to appear last year for a status hearing on his retrial for felony theft charges, said Det. Sam Hatley, with the Carson City (Nev.) Sheriff’s Office Investigation Division. The jury trial ended with a hung jury—11 to 1 in favor of conviction, Hatley said.
As the former owner of the Lake Tahoe Brewing Company, Candelario was arrested by CCSO deputies on a property theft-related warrant in 2016. The U.S. Marshals service states that Candelario advertised beer canning equipment for sale on a brewing industry website. The victim, who owned a brewery in British Columbia, Canada, made an agreement with Candelario to buy the equipment. Allegedly,while the victim paid more than $45,000, Candelario received the funds but never arranged for the equipment to be shipped to him.
A U.S. military veteran, the victim was allegedly forced to cash in his retirement to cover the losses. He filed a report with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia, which forwarded it to the Carson City Sheriff’s Office. Deputies arrested Candelario without incident at his former brewing company, which closed in January 2016.
USMS also alleges that Candelario is involved with fraudulent activities across the nation, setting up fake companies taking money from hospitals in Virginia, Louisiana and California.
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After his Phoenix arrest last month, Candelario appeared before Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Judge Barbara L. Spencer.
According to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Candelario was released on a $25,000 bond on Dec. 19, 2019, despite being the subject of a no-bail warrant out of Carson City, Nev.
After learning about Candelario’s release, Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury said, “We are working with the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to process a Governor’s Warrant from our jurisdiction so Mr. Candelario can be extradited back to our jurisdiction for trial.”
Asked if he was consulted prior to Candelario’s release, Woodbury said no, adding that at first he was “very concerned because the process in our jurisdiction is different.”
“In Carson City, a person will be held in jail for an out-of-state warrant until he or she waives extradition, is actually extradited or posts the bail required by the warrant,” Woodbury said. “I was worried that Mr. Candelario had been authorized to post a bond not authorized by our warrant and we would not see him again.”
Since then, however, Woodbury learned that Maricopa County’s process is different, “or at least it was in this case,” he said.
“He is allowed to surrender himself on the warrant in Nevada if he chooses,” Woodbury said. “Otherwise, he is required to appear before the Maricopa County Court every 30 days pending extradition.”
Candelario is scheduled for fugitive from justice hearings on Jan. 29, Feb. 12 and March 11, all on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. Spencer waived Candelario’s required presence at the Jan. 29 FFJ hearing.
Maricopa County contacted the Carson City Sheriff’s Office “fairly quickly after Candelario bailed out to let them know we’d have to go through the formal extradition process,” Woodbury said.
At this point, Woodbury’s office is proceeding with Candelario’s extradition, “which is exactly what we would be doing if he was still incarcerated and had not been allowed to post a bond,” he said.
“So, for our process, it makes no difference,” Woodbury added.
For his part, Candelario alleges that the USMS arrest was based on false and biased information provided by Hatley and Woodbury. He deferred further comment to his attorney, Paul Quade of Reno.
Quade said that he represented Candelario “related to the 2015 allegations of theft in Carson City,” agreeing to a phone interview on that case in the near future.
“I am advising him (Candelario) not to make any further statements regarding that case or the conduct of the prosecutors in Carson City given the circumstances,” he said.
In reponse to further questioning, Quade said that he would not comment on “any steps we may or may not take in the future related to the case in Carson City.”
“I can only tell you that the case is five years old, relates to a failed business venture; the alleged victim has already been reimbursed and the first trial resulted in a hung jury,” Quade said. “The allegations are extremely weak related to any ill intent on behalf of my client and I have not been party to such an unexplainable prosecution in my 25 plus years as a criminal defense attorney.”
On the subject of reimbursing the alleged victim, Woodbury said, “Among other lawsuits, Three Ranges Brewery—the victim in the criminal case—sued Mr. Candelario civilly. They were awarded a judgment of $82,073.13 (plus accruing interest) in May 2016.”
In April of 2017, Candelario paid Three Ranges $45,000 of the judgement, which was the original amount the brewery had paid Candelario “for the canner that was never delivered,” Woodbury said.
Quade went onto say that the fugitive warrant is “primarily related to my retirement from criminal litigation and the transfer of counsel which did not work out for Mr. Candelario.”
” At this point, I decided to return to this unfinished business because I firmly believe Mr. Candelario is getting railroaded in Carson City,” he said. “We will be aggressively defending this matter, hopefully to a successful conclusion at the next trial.”
Meanwhile, back in Globe, Candelario is the defendant in four civil cases currently pending in Globe Regional Justice Court.
One of the plaintiffs is Wayne Williams, a former employee of Globe House Buyers who resigned on Sept. 9, 2019, and allegedly has yet to receive his last two weeks of pay. The plaintiff filed the complaint 11 days later, stating that Globe House Buyers owed him $1,731.
Williams has since filed a new complaint seeking $7,600, which includes his meals, mileage and time spent trying to collect the payment due him.
Candelario has filed a response which refutes Williams’ claims saying “The plaintiff has misled this court on his damages and claim.”
With 30 years in the remodeling business, Williams said he responded after Candelario advertised on Craigslist, seeking a site foreman for his Globe-area projects. After signing a contract with Candelario, Williams said he moved from Florence to Globe in June to take the position.
“From day one, payment was never made on time,” he said.
Williams and Candelario are scheduled to have their day in court at 10 a.m Monday, March 9.
Candelario said that he is not the owner of Globe House Buyers, but rather its general manager, giving instead the name of his “boss” as Anthony Albano of Massachusetts. However, according to articles of organization filed July 16, 2019 with the Arizona Corporation Commission, Candelario is listed as the principal member and organizer of Globe House Buyers, LLC. Neither Albano’s name, nor that of anyone other than Candelario, is listed on the articles of organization for Globe House Buyers, LLC.
Another plaintiff, who also claimed to be a subcontractor, filed a complaint on Sept. 23, 2019. He claimed that while he completed his work on a house in the 400 block of East Cedar Street in Globe, Candelario and Globe House Buyers did not pay him. The plaintiff asked for $900.
At the plaintiff’s request, the case was dismissed Dec. 24, 2019 without prejudice, meaning that the matter could be revisited in court. On Dec. 16, 2019, the same plaintiff filed a new complaint against Candelario, this time asking for a total of $2,000. In addition to the $900 already owed him for labor, the plaintiff, who lives in Apache Junction, said he was suing for “lost time” as well as “wear and tear” on his vehicle, having driven back and forth to Globe “multiple times” seeking payment.
“I have given plenty of time. The defendant has not returned calls; only text excuses,” the plaintiff stated in his complaint.
A fourth case was filed Sept. 30, 2019 by LeAllen Decker who said that Candelario agreed to pay him $600 for landscaping a yard on Cedar Street in Globe. He claimed that after Candelario gave him the deadline of 4 p.m. Aug. 26, the landscaper completed it a half hour early.
“After repeated attempts to collect my money, Michael no-showed every time,” Decker said in his complaint. “I feel I have no other choice than to go to small claims court.” He is asking for $625.
When contacted, Candelario claimed to have no knowledge of Decker. However, we followed up with Decker, who showed us more than two dozen text messages between Candelario and himself in which he tried to collect payment. The texts showed a string of excuses Candelario gave Decker over a two week period as follows: Aug. 27, “I’ll be there [Globe] in a couple of hours. I can leave it [the check] at the nursery;” Aug. 29: “I’ll have it there 100% tomorrow. I haven’t been back up to Globe. I apologize;” Aug. 30: “I’m going to leave a check at the house;” Sept 4: “I’m really sorry. Very unusual. Let me get a plan ASAP and get back to you. I know someone going to Globe and I’ll try to coordinate with them.” Then, six days later it was, “In Buckeye, I’ll be there tomorrow. I can overnight a check if you prefer and send tracking.”
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