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littleprincerianne · 11 months ago
Hello!! If possible, do you think I could ask for a Scarygirl regressor moodboard? If the ask is too niche I can always ask a different thing if needed!! (She looks like a little pirate girl if that helps narrow it down :] )
i found her ! called arkie too, right ? pls this is so cute but also i know i've gone overboard with those fun picsart sticker thingies that can have borders on them :D
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pterosaurparty · 10 months ago
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A Nothronychus meets an Archaeopteryx~ perhaps not in the BEST of ways~
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tinyreviews · 1 year ago
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The start was strong but the ending failed to deliver... if only they had paced the pinch points of Bunniguru and Blister closer, made them more impactful. Maybe I am expecting too much from a kids show.....
Scarygirl is a 2023 adventure fantasy animation directed by Ricard Cussó and Tania Vincent, starring Sam Neill, Jillian Nguyen, Anna Torv, Liv Hewson , Tim Minchin, and Remy Hii.
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onenicebugperday · 3 months ago
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Winged Arkys spider, Arkys alatus, Arkyidae (Triangular spiders and allies)
Found in eastern Australia
Photos 1-3 by doggy48, 4 by tjeales, 5-6 by benjc, 7-8 by michaeldoe, and 9 (for scale) by nicklambert
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strawberyz · 4 months ago
W/ blood ver below the cut!! But yeah <3 breth my beloved
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herpsandbirds · 11 months ago
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Horned Triangular Spider (Arkys cornutus), family Arkyidae, Narara, NSW, Australia
photograph by Michael Doe
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arkatrine · 6 months ago
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cover for a comic i probably wont post for a while but i really like the cover concept so i wanted to share
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chevvy-ryder · 7 months ago
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[NC_RES]_00002127 mercs_arki_scharfenberg_steyr_001_AL_LC.file ///core:_team.file\\\
— Supporting shots taken for: /// CH02_ENCOUNTER_IN_THE_AFTERLIFE.file — Pics by @nervouswizardcycle. ♥️ Arki belongs to her, Vijay and Ryder belong to me. —
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my friends art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months ago
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xmas music poll 1
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arklaytears · 2 years ago
Confident When I’m With You [Pt.1?] (Joel x F! Anxious/Shy! Reader)
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t/w: anxiety attacks, ptsd flashbacks, mentions of being sold, drinking, mean! joel
a/n: this has taken me a couple days to write, and i’m too anxious to fully read over it again.  i want to try a slowburn something and really wanted to see an anxious reader with joel.  building a relationship off of that.  please please please tell me what you think, i hope you like it and yeah!-
  When the apocalypse started, you were nothing but 5 years old.  Barely able to remember anything aside from the fear and panic in your family’s eyes as they did their best to flee from the all too fucked up situation.
Vividly you remember your mother speaking to you, her hands wrapped tightly around yours as she spoke,
“Hey, you don’t need to be scared.  I promise.” 
Though you can still feel just how much her hands were shaking as she helped to buckle you into your neighbor's car. 
The blood on her hands, even more spurting violently from her neck, you could still feel it when you laid in bed and let your mind wander.  The streak she’d left on your cheek as she leaned in for one final kiss to your forehead, before she shut the door to the truck, your final goodbye.
The last vision was of you pulling out with your neighbors, looking out the window the best you could to see the woman you had been raised all alone by.  Tears streamed down her face as she collapsed to the ground, her wails heard even through the closed window.  Your neighbors quickly peel away, and drive to where you were to reside for the next 20 years.
Before you could reminisce any further, you felt your hands tangled in your sheets.  Knuckles white as you hold them as tightly as you could.  Your breathing was uneven, and when you did your best to look at your watch in the minimal light coming in through your window, you realized you’d only slept for 20 minutes.
A new record, at least as of late.
Sleep had not been kind to you in all the time since you’d made it to the Boston QZ.  After being abandoned by the
you held your trust in for the last two decades, you had to find somewhere to go.  The closest being Boston.
Luckily, through the process, though no one was kind to you upon your arrival, you were able to get a bed and find some sort of peace under FEDRA rule.
You’d only been there a few days, and each day you found it harder and harder to get any sleep.  So, knowing that you would be up in your bed once again until it was time to rise and shine, you decided to be a little productive in caring for your new living space, getting in a bit of cleaning.
Then the sun rose, coloring the sky in soft orange as it rose over the buildings of the QZ.  Though you didn’t have much left, you moved to your kitchen to grab the coffee that you had brewed yourself.  Beans you were able to find on scavenging trips, that you'd had hidden away for months.  Hiding things being much more difficult when it came to the family you were living with before.
Now definitely being the time you needed them most.  But, you’d already been dressed, and wanted to explore and see possibly what sort of jobs you’d be able to get starting the next day.
Grabbing for your key to your apartment, you head out.  Locking the door quickly behind you.
Looking down to your hands, you could see they were definitely shaking.  You gulped the best you could, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself before you made your way out of the building.
It was just a FEDRA establishment, just people surviving just like you were.. That’s all it was.  No need to panic.  Please, no more panicking.
The day found itself uneventful, as you’d been rejected for all jobs except for being told to help with gardening.  One of the jobs that paid the least, but the man had refused every other job that he spoke of.  Maybe it was for a lack of trust, or maybe that was all you looked capable of.
Holding the small piece of paper in your hand, you crushed it slightly under the weight of your fist.  You needed to get money, to be able to survive here.  Yet, it didn’t seem like it was going to be all that easy.
Walking back, you shoved your hands into your jeans pockets, kicking along a small pebble before you’d heard the murmuring of a crowd.  Looking up, you saw a large group gathered around what seemed to be a public display of shame.
You approached cautiously, but found your stomach turning in upset at the sight above you.  Three humans standing on a large wooden lift, each with a noose respectively in front of them.  A woman dressed in all black military gear, speaking through what looked to be a walkie connected to a speaker behind her.
Lurching forward, you wrapped your arms around yourself, that all too familiar of an anxiety rising up in your throat.  Like tears were threatening to fall, and acid was rising through your esophagus.  Your breathing felt more labored, and you had to look away.  The idea of how big of a crowd was here to watch, like this was some sort of entertaining sport made your skin crawl.
As you looked to the side, you saw a man with his back to you as he began walking toward the side street.  Following his path with your eyes, you saw him approaching another FEDRA agent, this one having his gaze set on the stranger you’d just seen. Giving him a seemingly knowing nod to his left.  Following the motion, you saw it led to a dingy looking walkway.
After they’d disappeared from sight, you contemplated.  What the fuck were those two up to?  A civilian going to a back alley deal with a FEDRA agent? 
The woman on her speaker spoke again, speaking of more of the crimes those lined up had committed against the dictatorship that was this new post-apocalypse government.
Fuck this.
In that moment, you decided to follow the stranger quietly, pushing through the crowd as gently as you could to catch up to the two.  Anything was better than knowing you were going to see three human beings be executed for an audience.
Doing your best, you followed the man from a distance once you’d caught up.  Though, as he moved down a gravel path, you took a moment in trying to figure out how to follow quietly. 
Taking a breath, you took a few steps along, being sure to keep holding back and allowing the two to do what they needed to do.  Or maybe this stranger was in trouble?  You didn’t really know, but you followed along the grating of the fence, until you could peek through it and see the two men in front of this green door that was kept away in its own little nook. 
Crouching down as you noticed the man from FEDRA taking one last peek around before digging in his pocket for a stack of… something.  It looked to be like money, handing it to the stranger in his blue-button up and tousled salt and pepper hair.  Though you couldn’t see much of the man you’d followed, the guard looked less than pleased.
What the fuck could this even be?  Some sort of sex thing?  Fuck, if it was anything like that you would have to get the hell out of there.
But, no sooner than you’d had the thought, you saw him being handed a small white pill.  Dropped into his hand, as he looked over it, saying something while he did.  Quickly he pulled it up to his tongue, getting a small taste of it.  Surely to check if it was real, before he nodded to the other, and was handed a bag filled with more of those little capsules.
Wait fuck, this man was able to get pills?  From where?  And, from whom?
Holding your position, you kept peeking above the patch of overgrown grass that hid your body behind it.  Seeing him pour the tablets into his pocket before handing the bag back to the civilian.
Shit, would he be able to get you something like that?  Not even much, just something to let you be able to sleep.  Just one peaceful night was all that you asked. 
The two’s exchange continued, them talking about something that you were completely out of earshot for.  Yet, as the guard pushed himself off from the wall, you knew it was your time to get out of there.  The two seemed to have made their peace with the deal and wanted to get back to their day.
You stood up, being sure you couldn’t see the two before you had fully risen to your feet, and moved back to where the crowd was slowly dispersing.  Averting your eyes from what you knew was hanging on your right. 
Moving forward, you moved to the phone pole that the guard seemed to be leaning against before meeting up for his deal.  Clutching it in your grip slightly as you take another steadying breath.  Maybe that man would even be able to give you medication to stop these attacks from overcoming every small aspect of your life.
Your heart felt like it had leapt from your chest, and you jumped quickly into the air before turning to meet whomever was speaking to you.
The stranger.
Here you were, face to face with the man you’d followed to something you definitely didn’t need to be a witness to.  His arms were crossed over his broad chest, his chestnut eyes looking as though they would pierce a hole right through you, and his left eyebrow cocked up in a quizzical way.
He cut you off, his voice low and gruff.  Commanding as he spoke,
“What the fuck were you doing watching me?  And, who the fuck do you think you are?”
The man had taken a step forward, using his commandeering demeanor to back you further up into the phone pole.  You gulped hard, visibly so.  Which definitely was not unnoticed by the unwavering man.
Would he kill you?  Was it really something that important that you weren’t meant to see?  Fuck, your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it in your ears, and it droned out a lot of the background noise of passersby and city ambience.
“Spit it out kid.”
Your stuttering had to be on his nerves.  He looked as if he wanted to kill you, and was doing so with his gaze alone. 
You balled your hands into fists, knowing they were trembling as you took a second to try and collect your thoughts.  Speaking them out much faster than you anticipated.
“I’mreallysorry… Iwaswonderingifyouweresellingothersortsofthings…”
Your words jumbled together, and you hang your head.  Your face lighting up a bright red, knowing just how foolish and childish you looked.
His gaze was locked onto you.  You knew because you could feel it.
It was much easier to talk when your eyes weren’t locked with his own, and you let your eyes wander over your beat up sneakers as you spoke softly.
“I was wondering if you sell things like that to other people.. Like, pills?”
You said it almost as a question to yourself.  Maybe it was just some deal this guy had with FEDRA and you were completely overstepping.  Which, you already had overstepped by just following someone you had never met before. 
A long silence wedged itself between you two, and you decided to break it by continuing.
“I mean like.. Sleeping pills.  Pills that make.. Nerves go away.”
As soon as you added that, you heard a gruff chuckle and immediately looked back up.
The smallest of smirks had grown along his face, and his eyes crinkled as he closed them.  Though this gave you an opportunity to look him over. 
And holy shit, was this man
Definitely much older than you, just by the looks of him.  His confidence in his own stance is almost palpable. 
Yet you continued to look for the small moment that you had. 
His defined eyebrows that knotted together, having a permanent indent between them, (from scowling you would assume.)  Yet, they were knotted together in his small amusement.  A small dimple that you could slightly see with his crooked grin, holding itself on his right cheek.  His large hand moved up to his lips, covering them from view but letting your eyes wander along his beard that matched his graying hairs. Seeing small bits of patches where the hair seemed to refuse to grow.
But, quickly you were torn away as those threatening umber colored eyes caught you looking at him a little too intensely.  Which very quickly had you looking toward one of the abandoned buildings that still lined this street.  That familiar heat rising to your face as you definitely made yourself seem even more embarrassing in front of this stranger.
“That’s it?”
He spoke, almost matter-of-factly, and you nodded quickly.  Still unable to meet your gaze with his own again.
“Yeah, but it’s gonna cost quite a bit of cards, seein’ as I don’t know you.”
  The man definitely had a bit of an accent, something southern you would assume.
Fuck though, you didn’t even think about the fact that you literally watched that officer pay for the drugs he had bought.  Yet, you didn’t even have your first shift until the next day.  And, that shift didn’t even leave you enough to probably get through the week without begging that man to give you more than just gardening.
Chewing at your cheek, you let out a deflating breath. 
You muttered, though you didn’t realize it was audible to the older man.
“There’s no way you would think that in the end of the world, you could get away with favors and I-O-Us from strangers did you?”
He was blunt, and even a tad rude.  Surely you were just some ignorant child to him.  You were probably wasting his time from other things he had to do, but you couldn’t back down.  If you went another night without sleep, you felt as though you would implode.
“I just got here and..”
Again you were interrupted,
“I don’t care about any of that.  I need payment for anything that I give you.”
Tears were pulling at your eyes, and you did your best to blink them away as your head tilted back to the ground to stare at your feet. 
‘Do not cry in front of this man, please.’
“Is.. There anything other than cards that I can trade you…?”
He backed up a bit, though you didn’t feel that piercing gaze on the back of your head as you kept looking down.  Thankfully.
“What do you have that you think is worth a trade?”
Fucking nothing.  You came with what little you had from your abandonment, clothes, toiletries, some cans of food.. Your thoughts trailed, but then it hit you how much of a commodity that something you owned was.  AT least it was when you were foraging.  
  You spoke plainly, feeling the tears halt in your eyes, though they were most definitely glossed over.  But, you cocked your head up, enough that you could take a peek to see if the cogs were turning in this guy’s head.
Which, they definitely looked as though they were.  You had to have been right or he would have scoffed you away.  The man was gently scratching along his peppered facial hair, clicking his tongue before speaking once more.
“Fuck, if that’s true, then yeah I can make a trade.  Just bring over what you’re willing to give.”
It felt as though karma was finally on your good side, and an audible sigh of relief left your throat. 
The man reached into his pocket, grabbing a small piece of paper and a pen and writing down something on it.
“Meet there later tonight, I have some errands to run.”
Folding it in half, he placed it between his index and middle finger, extending his hand to give it to you.  Yet, no sooner as you had it in your grip and were opening it to read, he’d left without even a farewell.
You looked at the small white note, and on it read;
With an address scribbled below it.  An apartment building you’d thought you’d seen near your own, but you might have to do a bit of searching. 
But, finally, you’re going to get some fucking sleep.
The day went by as normal.  A whole lot of nothing as you found yourself shacked up in your apartment, re-reading a book you’ve already read a handful of times.  Hopefully when you were more independent, you could trade some cards for something else.  Hell, you’d rather read a dictionary than this fucking book again.
But, as you were noticing the sun begin to set, you pushed yourself from your raggedy couch and moved to the kitchen.  Opening your cabinet, you pulled out the quite large bag you’d had stored of your coffee beans, deciding to take the entirety with you as you didn’t want to have to walk back to grab more should it not be enough.
You clutched the bag tightly, pulling it to your chest as a bit of that anxiety was swelling its way up your chest.  Slowly filling your throat with a burning sensation, as you realized you were going to this random man’s house, trading for pills.  Someone, somewhere, you didn’t know, you’d never been..
It was going to be a long fucking exchange.
You were right about his apartment building being familiar, as you found it really was right across the street from your own.  A hop away and you’d be at the front of his building.  It looked about the same as yours, just a different color on the outside, and you found yourself frozen outside the front door for a moment, looking up at the sheer height of it.  Dizziness working its way to the forefront as that panic continued to build itself inside of you.
But, you needed these pills.  You had to do it.
‘Bite the bullet.’
You thought to yourself over and over, moving to grip the cool metal of the entry door allowing yourself inside.
Following up a couple flights of stairs, the inside of the building looked completely worn down.  A pink carpet stained with age leads you through the halls.  Random pieces of furniture and debris scattered and lining the walls in each area you walked in.  It definitely wasn’t something you weren’t used to, as people seemed more concerned in making their living quarters a home, and not so much the entryway for others.
You take out the small scribbled note from your pocket, looking over it again as you look at the small scribble he had drawn on it.  A weird little shape with an arrow coming off of it that said, ‘This door.’;
Which was definitely not easy instruction, but as you walked the halls, you saw most of the doors had enough wear and tear that most of them just had chips in the wood as their symbol of entry.  A couple still held their shiny golden numbers, but most seemed to have fallen off or just completely vanished.
So you kept going, walking as far as you could until you’d moved up three floors and finally found the small symbol at the front of a door.  If you looked at it with maybe squinted eyes, it looked a little like a brachiosaurus.  So, that’s how you would decide to remember it should you need to come back.
Holding the beans closer to yourself, you took in a deep breath.  Your free hand hovering itself in front of the wood of the door, trembling as you did.  Your wrist was shaking violently, and you felt hot tears swelling their way up your ducts and holding them behind your eyes.  Taking a moment to blink them away.
Sucking your lower lip into your mouth, you took one last deep inhale before gently tapping the back of your knuckles to Joel’s door. 
Fuck you really hoped you read his note right, because if anyone else were to answer you would be running with your tail between your legs.
Silence followed.  You had taken a step back to allow the man room for him to open the door.  Yet, no answer came.
Was it the wrong room? 
You took out the small piece of paper again, looking at the symbol and back to the door, confident that it had to be it.  Or you were a terrible artistic interpreter.
Fear continued to bubble in your lower abdomen, especially as another stranger began making their way to their room down the hall.  Of course not without taking a look at this new face knocking on his neighbors door.  Cocking a brow at you before he ducked out of the hallway and into his own dwelling.
Knock again..
You had to, you could not fucking go another night without sleep.  It would kill you at this rate.  You took a step forward, once again having your shaky hand move up to the wood, this time knocking a bit harder. 
Fuck, your heart was pounding so hard in your chest you could feel it in your fingertips.  Like your heartbeat was surrounding your entire being in itself, and it’s all you could think about.
So when your next knock came, they were completely desperate.  Slamming against the wood, knowing you would run off this time if he didn’t answer.
Yet, as soon as you found yourself about to turn off on your heel, the door waS swung open with complete aggression and the older man stood there, using the weight of the wood to hold himself up.  His eyebrows were drawn together in annoyance, and he looked over you in confusion.
“Fuck do you want?”
His voice was gruff, lower than you’d heard earlier.  A drawl working its way through him as he wobbled slightly.  Had he been asleep?  There’s no way this man has already forgotten who you are.
“We were going to-”
He cut you off, his hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, opening the door wider for you to come in. 
“Just get in, I need to sit the fuck down.”
Definitely not a welcoming atmosphere, but you decided to walk past him the best that you could.  And almost as soon as you walked in, you could smell the booze lingering off of him.  A heavy smell of whiskey, and the smell was followed by a messy table right in front of you, littered with maps, papers, and alcohol bottles.  Two almost completely empty as they sat atop the disarray.
Not your place to judge, but the idea of being around someone drunk always puts you on high alert.  You’d had enough experiences, very bad, when your neighbor would drink.  So, you hold yourself a little taller, evening out your posture.  Doing your best to not look as fragile as you most definitely were.
You clasped your hands together in front of you, leaning back on the balls of your feet awaiting him.
The slam of the door made you jump, but he just groaned out as it seemed to piss him off even more as he walked past you.  Right into the small living room.  Giving little to no regard as his shoulders hit yours, moving past to plop himself down onto the worn plush of the couch.
You gulped hard, looking around at the stained and dated wallpaper that lined the entirety of the apartment, around at small little pieces that made the space seem lived in.  Hospitable.  Definitely more than what you currently had at your abode.
Joel had grunted again, leaning his head back onto the dark green of the couch, his head resting next to a small seemingly hand knitted blanket.  His eyes were not even looking over at you, and you were sure it was because of the alcohol.  He seemed far away.  Of course physically, but his brain didn’t seem to be wired correctly at the moment, with how he allowed himself to close his eyes.
You decided to break the silence that washed over the room, placing the coffee beans you’d brought on his cluttered table.  Careful not to make too much noise, treading lightly.  Like you were with a sleeping bear.
“Fuck that’s who you are.  The one spyin’ on me earlier.”
  His eyes were still closed, his hand moving up to shield his eyes from the sunset that was making its way through his windows to his right.
You stuttered, still not really having any ground to stand on as you began to rock yourself back and forth.  Still holding your head high as you straightened out your back, not wanting to let on just how scared you were.
Joel let out a small laugh.  One you could see peeking under his arm as you kept your gaze solely on him.
“So, you wanted to trade me after spyin’ on my other deals.  Thinkin’ now I should be all up’n kind to you?  Is that it?”
Was this just how he was?  Your voice caught in your throat.  Still keeping your eyes locked to his spot on the couch.  Taking a breath as you were going to respond, he cut you off.
“A fuckin’ new kid in town stickin’ her nose where it don’t belong, is that right?  Now here I am, tradin’ her some pills for fuckin’ coffee?”
It sounded like he was talking to himself.  But, you couldn’t help but feel your throat become a little tighter, jolting even as he moved to be sitting up.  Elbows resting on his knees, his piercing brown eyes staring right through you.
You shook your head, because really what else was there to do in this scenario.  It was made blatantly clear that you were the idiot in the wrong.
“S-Sorry… I just can’t sleep-”
Again he let out a chuckle, this one a bit louder, more spiteful.
“Kid, you’re so lucky I’m not some of the other folks around here.  They woulda followed you home, and murdered you under blanket’a night.  No one would bat a fuckin’ eye.”
This felt like he was threatening you, and you felt yourself back up even though he didn’t move at all.  You leaned your weight onto the messy table, using your hands to hold yourself up as you knew if you kept them in front of you he would see the shaking.
You gulped, nodding this time.  Keeping it slow as your eyes stay locked.
“Even worse, they wouldn’ta just killed you.  They woulda sold you.  For cards.  To whoever was the highest bidder.  Your life would be nothin’ more than the use some rich fucker has for you.”
Silence hung heavy in the air.  Nothing breaking it as Joel had finally looked away from you. 
Surely in his own head he had to think he was doing something out of the kindness of his heart.  To warn you of who else was out there, but to you.. That meant nothing.  Your eyes began to swell with tears, and silently they began to fall down your cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m just a stupid kid.  Sorry for coming.”
Your voice was laced with venom and pain, and your tears continued to slowly slip down your cheeks and to the floor below you.
At that moment Joel seemed to have seen you.  Finally seeing what he’d done, through his drunken haze.
The man leaned back a little, his arm resting over the back of the couch loosely, one hand moving to rest on his inner thigh.  He looked smug, almost pleased with himself, until your voice broke.
“Just fucking keep-”
You couldn’t even talk, your mind felt as though you were that little girl again.  Memories swelling in your brain as you felt as though you were sinking in quicksand, nausea working its way up through your body.
Your breathing became ragged.  Those silent tears turned into hyperventilation, and you found yourself pushing off the table the best you could.
What a fucking embarrassing sight.
You could see only your past, flashing in colors and moments behind your eyes.  Feelings rising to your skin that made your hyperventilation quickly turn to wheezing. 
All of it was catching up to you, all at once.
You looked up to the man, the one you were supposed to be here to trade with, and you saw he had stopped that smug attitude.  His brows furrowed in what you were more than likely just perceiving as concern, but he probably was more annoyed that you were wasting more of his time.
Almost as soon as you saw him, you were back in the eyes of your childhood once again.  Blinking up to a man you thought you could trust, reaching his hand down to you.
A scream escaped you, filling the small apartment as you began to scream in begs
“Please don’t!  Please, please!  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!” 
Your heart felt like it was going to explode,and as your screams continued quickly everything around you was swirling in black.The last thing you remember is the sound of your body fully hitting the floor, and the sound of your own ragged breaths.
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nervouswizardcycle · 1 year ago
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That subtle red glow.. Hypnotizing.
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pterosaurparty · 10 months ago
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"Come on Come on and Dance! Come on and move your feet! Come on and swing your tail around to the Yellowbelly beat!"
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dangerousblizzarki · 1 year ago
He did it, he really DID IT😭
I am not okay🥺 /pos.
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I've had this banner since Mid to late July 2023 and I.... wow.🥺😭
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hellleo · 1 month ago
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Rook is a true robofucker, Arkys, not one of those fakes who only likes androids
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gloryride · 11 months ago
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Happy Birthday Pink Queen !
Yep, there were a lot of people at her party, so pola needed to have a part 2 with more friends ! Thanks to @chevvy-yates @nervouswizardcycle @86maylin @breezypunk @theviridianbunny
@dustymagpie @fereldanwench @draerian to be so amazing people ♥♥
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herpsandbirds · 1 year ago
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Triangular Spider (Arkys enigma), family Arkyidae, VIC, Australia
This spider was previously only known from Tasmania. This is the first observation of this species from Victoria.
photograph by erinilewis
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