#Argo Nauts
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stevethefishdotnet · 5 months ago
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Argo Nauts 1:72 Y-Wing sofubi build update August 7th, 2024
I had posted a scan of this kit's box a few months ago. This is a sofubi (soft vinyl) kit with some brass, pewter, and resin pieces. The main body is vinyl, the disk ventrals at the tail ends of the nacelles are resin, the nacelle beams are brass, and the guns and landing gears are pewter (I think).
This picture above is a quick dry fit of what it looks like so far. I didn't tape the pieces together or anything, but just quickly assembled it for this picture. I later realized that I had hastily attached the nacelles upside-down. I just threw this quickly together to take a photo.
The kit does not come with any decals, so I gave it my own, unique paint scheme. This is a Blue Squadron Y-Wing and I am happy with the stripes I fashioned on my own with masking tape. I painted the vinyl parts with V-Color paints, which are made specifically for painting sofubi kits and toys. This paint is great because when applied properly to vinyl, you cannot scratch it off. It's extremely durable and flexible paint.
I first mixed Light Gray in with Black to make my own German Gray color which I used as an undercoat. I splotched Mr. Masking Neo in areas with a sponge for paint chipping, then went over it with Light Gray. I used Blue and Pastel Blue for the trim, and Orange Yellow to have one panel be a replacement. For the non-sofubi parts, I used Mr. Color 325 (JASDF Gray, IIRC) which is a good match for the V-Color Light Gray. The engine cans were painted a mixture of V-Color Gloss Black and Silver, resulting in a nice gunmetal color.
I later decided to not go with the pastel blue trim for the nacelle tips and re-masked and re-painted them with the matching medium blue I'd used on the cockpit fuselage, which you can see in the photo below. It was a bit tricky, but I also added a small ring of Flesh 1 color on the sensor domes. V-Color has its own clear Smoke color. I made sure to use the Smoke to stain the area around the proton torpedo launchers on the underside. After applying that and a clear gloss top coat, I applied a wash. You cannot use enamel paints on vinyl since they do not react well to each other. Instead I used some Turner Acryl Goache paints, some black with a bit of gray mixed in. Turner paints can be found at any stationery store here in Japan and elementary students use these paints for their classroom art projects. (The jibungous Tsutaya mega bookstore in Maebashi has a great hobby section that has a wide selection of these paints as well as artist oils, pastel chalks, and plenty of other hobby supplies.) I thinned it with Mr. Hobby's Weathering Paint Goache Solvent. (I don't know what "goache" means because I forget... Go look it up if you care.) This is made for making a wash out of acrylic paints. Simple water or acrylic thinner can cause the paint to dry in splotches, but this solvent is made to help the paint run into contours and stay still instead of spreading into splotches.
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There is no flat clear V-Color paint, so I had to create my own with Clear and Flat Base and tested it out on some spare vinyl until it looked right. I think maybe it might be a bit too flat, but I'm alright. After this flat coat, the blue looks considerably subdued and blends in better with the light gray.
The photo above is just another sloppy dry fit. Thus, it doesn't look straight. So far I have only glued the nose cannons to the cockpit pod, the sensor array domes to the nacelle tips, the engine cans and the exhaust shrouds that cover them to the engine pods, and I have glued the disk vectrals to the support pylons at the ends of the nacelles. I have yet to secure these beams to the engine pods, which are also not glued to the engine pylons. Nor have I glued the fuselage, cockpit, canopy, and such.
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To quote Han Solo, "Here's where the fun begins." While this kit provides brass rods for the support pylons, you have to provide your own wires for the piping and bend them all into shape. If I don't get this part right, the model won't look good. So, I am a bit nervous. I am using Wave's C-Line brass rods. Since I have seen some Y-Wing builds in which the pipes were painted a metallic color, I think I might just leave mine unpainted. A viewer on YouTube suggested to me to paint the wires a metallic color for scale, but I think it looks fine as it is. What do you think? They look a bit too shiny since the fluorescent light is shining directly onto them in this picture. I will apply a wash on the brass rods and I was thinking that I will hand-brush Mr. Metal Primer since it is clear and the enamel or whatever should stick to it better after that. Maybe I'll use that Games Workshop Nuln Oil as a wash over the pipes. The pipes should add the bonus value of acting like pins to keep the pieces together. 
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So far, my only complaint is the cockpit canopy. It was difficult to cut out the windows and I think it really should have been molded in resin. The Astromech was painted V-Color Gloss Black and masked off. I will paint its trim with Mr. Hobby Aqueous Gloss White. I also need to paint the cockpit instrumentation with various colors too.
I'm really enjoying this build and as a result I'm getting back into the three Nadia sofubi kits by Tsukuda that have been languishing for years as shelf queens. I've made good progress with those and I will post an update on those soon. I've also begun working on a Deedlit sofubi kit by Kaiyodo.
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dogtiber · 1 year ago
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finally get to meet the argosnaut in person!
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savrr · 2 years ago
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"(...) The legend that was Jason!" . shirt prototype
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titanchaser · 11 months ago
ok because it will be referenced in threads i'm sure, arven is in fact dating juliana! the relationship started out as deep friendship, and over the school year and then through area zero and also juliana went away for a year to be an exchange student to blueberry ... they had to figure out what they were feeling.
with that in mind, arven and juliana had a solid 2 years of being best friends before either of them had the guts to make a move of any sort, as in juliana was starting HER first year on the university side when she and arven decided that they were going to be more than just best friends, and they still pace the relationship, not because they don't adore each other, but because they're both still learning about relationships! arven's past experiences were fleeting and superficial, juliana's experiences ... probably weren't too helpful either, but arven hasn't pried into whether or not she's dated other people or whatnot-
although while she was away at blueberry academy, he had been under the impression that she had gotten together with someone, hence why he tried to assert dominance as "juliana's best friend" when he first met kieran. turns out juliana and kieran were Not a thing, but arven is the master of making assumptions
arven and juliana stay together either at the dorms (because arven had to do an extra year or so for missed credits) or at the lighthouse, or sometimes he stays with her and her mother.
their relationship is solid and healthy. the miraidon juliana named argo(naut) is their shared child. or arven says so, at least. it's because argo keeps stealing food and is affectionate, so ... that's that!
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youkeepusinthatword · 4 years ago
The Greek word nautes means sailor: thus, the sailors who sailed on the ship called the Argo were called Argonauts. Astro- comes from the Greek ástron, meaning star. Thus, an astronaut is a sailor of the stars.
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dogtiber · 11 months ago
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My son is being absolutely disrespected. My friends called him "Isoceles" and kept sending these images to the chat to prove their point. I-
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jaimeariansencespedes · 3 years ago
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001 -HISTORIA DE LA NAVEGACION – (F) (001-020) –
001 – La navegación marítima es el arte y la ciencia de conducir una embarcación desde una situación de salida (zarpado) hasta otra de llegada, eficientemente y con responsabilidad.
002 – Es arte por la destreza que debe tener el navegante para sortear los peligros de la navegación, y es ciencia porque se basa en conocimientos físicos, matemáticos, oceanográficos, cartográficos, astronómicos, etc. La navegación puede ser superficial o submarina.
003 – Navegación (de la palabra latina navigatio) es el viaje que se hace con la nave (de la palabra latina navis, y esta de la raíz proto indoeuropea *nau- ‘barco’, que también es fuente del sánscrito nauh). Náutica (del latín nautĭca, y este del griego ναυτική [τέχνη] nautikḗ [téjne] ‘[arte de] navegar’, de ναύτης nautes ‘marinero’) es lo relativo a la navegación y la ciencia y arte de navegar. Naval (del adjetivo latino navalis) es lo relativo a las naves y la navegación, o particularmente a la Armada.
004 – En la Antigua Roma, los navicularii realizaban el comercio a larga distancia por mar.
005 – La navegación costera fue practicada desde la más remota antigüedad. ​
006 – La narración bíblica del diluvio, donde aparece el Arca de Noé, está basada tanto en los mitos como en la práctica de la navegación de las civilizaciones mesopotámicas, que desde los sumerios navegaron por sus dos ríos (Tigris y Éufrates) y por el golfo Pérsico.
007 – Los antiguos egipcios tampoco se limitaron a la navegación fluvial del Nilo, y utilizaron las rutas marítimas del Mediterráneo existentes desde el Neolítico (por las que se habrían difundido durante milenios fenómenos culturales como el megalitismo o la metalurgia).
008 – Los cretenses llegaron a establecer una verdadera "talasocracia" (gobierno de los mares, que se atribuye al rey Minos) hasta la época micénica (II milenio aC), en la que habría que situar los hechos mitificados en los poemas homéricos (más de mil "cóncavas naves" llegando a las playas de Troya, mala fortuna del navegante Ulises y pericia de los "argonautas" - entre los que está el constructor del barco que lleva su nombre, Argos -).
009 – Los hititas, dirigidos por el rey Suppiluliuma II se enfrentaron a los chipriotas en la primera batalla naval registrada históricamente (ca. 1210 aC); en la misma época todas las civilizaciones del Mediterráneo Oriental sufrieron las incursiones de los llamados "pueblos del mar".
010 – Los fenicios, a quienes los griegos consideraban sus maestros en la navegación, y que también son citados en la Biblia (barcos de Tiro suministraban al rey Salomón mercancías provenientes de lugares lejanos, incluido Tarshish - Tartessos, a ese mismo destino llevaba un barco fenicio a Jonás, hasta que la tripulación le arrojó al mar al responsabilizarle de la tormenta que amenazaba con hundirles), ​
011 – Habrían sido la primera civilización mediterránea que navegó por alta mar al remo y a la vela, guiándose por el Sol durante el día, y por la Estrella Polar durante la noche.
012 – Consta que, atravesando el estrecho de Gibraltar (las "rocas de Melkart", "columnas de Hércules" en los mitos griegos) navegaron por el océano Atlántico llegando por el Sur hasta algún punto de la costa occidental de África y por el Norte hasta las islas Británicas (o quizá más allá, al lugar que los textos denominan Thule), pero es dudoso que circunnavegaran África o atravesaran el Atlántico llegando a América (que habrían denominado Antilia); ​ lo que más probablemente sí consiguieron los vikingos en el siglo X.
013 – En los océanos Índico y Pacífico se desarrollaron navegaciones oceánicas que permitieron poblar todos los archipiélagos (navegación polinesia); mientras que la posibilidad de que se llegara a Ámérica del Sur es todavía objeto de debate (el poblamiento de América a través del estrecho de Bering no habría necesitado de navegación, o en todo caso, habría bastado con la navegación costera), así como otros posibles contactos transoceánicos precolombinos.
014 – En el primer tercio del siglo XV, las expediciones chinas lideradas por Zheng He llegaron hasta las costas africanas del Índico; se ha llegado a proponer la posibilidad de que hubieran llegado al Atlántico Sur e incluso hasta América y Europa, pero tal propuesta no ha pasado de ser una especulación no admitida académicamente.
015 –La navegación mediterránea, que los romanos habían llegado a controlar (Mare Nostrum indiscutido desde sus victorias frente a cartagineses - guerras púnicas, 264-146 aC.- y egipcios - batalla de Actium, 31 aC.- y piratas), volvió a ser un entorno disputado en la Edad Media, a partir del momento en que los vándalos consiguieron atacar navalmente las costas italianas.
016 –En el siglo VI los bizantinos consiguieron retomar su control, y en el siglo VII fueron los árabes los que acabaron de dividir el espacio mediterráneo; al que llegaron a acceder incluso vikingos y normandos.
017 –Desde la época de las Cruzadas también tuvieron gran presencia los navegantes venecianos, genoveses​ y de la Corona de Aragón. ​
018 –El conocimiento de la brújula, transmitido a los europeos por los árabes (quienes lo habían obtenido a su vez de los chinos), junto con otras mejoras en técnicas astronómicas (astrolabio, ballestilla, sextante), cartográficas (portulanos) y en la construcción naval (carabela, nao, galeón), permitieron la Era de los Descubrimientos protagonizada inicialmente por portugueses y castellanos; especialmente a partir del impulso de Enrique el Navegante a la escuela de Sagres.
019 –En 1492 se realizó el primer viaje colombino a América; en 1488, Bartolomeu Dias dobló el cabo de Buena Esperanza, lo que abrió la ruta al Índico (Vasco de Gama llegó a Calicut (India) en 1498); entre 1519 y 1521 la expedición de Magallanes-Elcano circunnavegó el mundo (midiendo la longitud geográfica con el método de su organizador científico, Rui Faleiro).
020 –Hasta el siglo XVI la hegemonía hispano-portuguesa en la navegación fue patente en campos como la geografía y la cosmografía.
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keenie · 4 years ago
idk what to say lol i just hop e your'e having a nice day :))) please continue thriving and if you have any hc for argy cam i've compleatly forgot what i was writing bc i just realized that argo is a pirate and his name is Argonaut. like, ARG-onaut, like the pirates do. and naut as in the greek work for salior. that's fucking spectacu lar asnd i love mr. clint mcellory for his amazing work (and also thnak you for being great, live your best life <3 )
OH MY GOD WHY DID TUMBLR HIDE THIS ASK FROM ME this website bullies me everyday anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH??? YOURE SO SWEET :’’) this ask absolutely made my day <33 here are some Argo headcanons for your service: 
-He’s a great singer and dancer; his voice is very loud and resonant and his dexterity really comes to play when he’s dancing. its actually kind of impressive, but he rarely finds the time to flaunt said skills -Speaking of skills, I think he’d be pretty good at arts and crafts! He probably learned something along the lines of sewing while working on ships, to repair stuff like sails. I also like to think that given all the new resources suddenly available to him at Wiggenstaff’s, he tends to leap around hobby-wise; trying out a little bit of everything, you know? -Argo is gender non-comforming and no one can convince me otherwise you’ll have to pry this hc out of my cold dead hands -Argo met the Commodore a few times before Shebrie’s death, since he kind of followed his mother wherever she went. He and Shebrie would make fun of him sometimes because he’s an asshole higher up and Shebrie is the best (side headcanon: Shebrie was tall af and the Commodore was jealous of this because he’s a pissbaby and I hate him)  -After the Firbolg’s father passes away, I feel like Argo would reach out to him and help him through his grief since he knows what its like :’) -Argo tends to have nightmares and talks in his sleep a lot. Sometimes he accidentally interrupts Fitzroy’s trance and Fitzroy always wakes him up all “you are so noisy >:( stfu” but in reality Fitz is just concerned about him and doesn’t want him to have to through bad dreams (and Argo knows this). -ARGO HAS ADHD I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!!!!!! Evidence? I have ADHD and Im an Argo kinnie what else do you want. Anyway, that’s part of the reason he’s such a picky eater I think. If something isn’t familiar to him he simply Won’t Like It. The only people he really trusts when it comes to recommending new foods are the other Thundermen and sometimes Rainer. -Speaking of Rainer I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDS!!!! Please they would have sleep-overs together and do each other’s nails and gossip and Argo would appreciate her little skeleton pets and it’d be the best please please pl 
Ummmm that’s all I can think of right now but again thank you so much for this ask I love you youre amazing have a wonderful day <3
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stevethefishdotnet · 7 months ago
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Argo Nauts 1:72 Y-Wing sofubi model kit box art
Contains soft vinyl (sofubi), metal, and resin parts.
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house-of-spamdini · 3 months ago
she Jason on my Argo till I Naut
Jason And The Argonauts Gallery - Art By Ray Harryhausen
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dogtiber · 3 months ago
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body doubling nap time
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deanmarywinchester · 5 years ago
[firbolg voice]
beeeHOLD thees fanTAStic GARMENT!
have I
worn its equal.
It hasss been hewn, by my friend,
naut Keene.
It is the finest GARMENT..........Eyeeee haveeverworn. Feast upon it. I do not say this of ego. Thissss is a bEAUtiful thing.
Seeeeeee how it sways as I turn!
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goldcliffgfs · 5 years ago
clint making a character named “argo(naut)” who is a water genasi with a pirate background is so [chef’s kiss]
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mcnuggyy · 4 years ago
ouuhh.... your tendermen content make me VERY happy. i live for the thundercule... also your art in general... chefs kis. excellent argo naut keene ok?
THUNDERCULE....... anon your mind.... is so huge....... AAAA thank you so much ;;w;; I am so glad you like my work aaaaa 🥺��️
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audreyhxrne · 5 years ago
this is a clinton mcelroy appreciation post, i was so intrigued by that last scene in ep.2 and cannot WAIT to see how this plays out with his character argonaut keene whomst i love. clint has just developed his very own way of storytelling through character backstory which is so very compelling, you really love to see it uh
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hyphalantern · 5 years ago
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[Image Description Start: a portrait drawing of Argo(naut) Keene from TAZ:G. He is a fat water genesis with blue/green skin, green eyes, luscious blue hair and a fancy mustache. He is wearing a simple purple shirt. End Description.]
I had a hard time settling on how to do his hair, but I think it looks pretty okay!
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