#Aragorn x fem!reader
gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
Flower Crown
Aragorn x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): fluff, light angst, kissing, non-descriptive intimacy
Word Count: 2k
During a spring festival, the man you love returns unexpectedly.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // spring 2024 masterlist
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The sky is a cloudless, endless ocean above your head.
You breathe deep, savoring the scents in the air. Newly bloomed flowers, freshly baked bread, and roasting chicken all infiltrate your nostrils, reminding of you the celebration that’s about to begin. Anticipation buzzes under your skin like a swarm of startled bees. You’ve been waiting for this all winter. Spring is finally here, knocking, ready to be greeted. The flowers are in full bloom, and the trees have awakened from their solemn slumber.
Every year the small village in which you’ve lived your whole life celebrates the changing of the seasons. A community-wide festival is held. Each person is involved in their own way, and the duties are often assigned at the beginning of winter to allow everyone to prepare. Sometimes, these responsibilities shift, but a few remain the same.
Last year, you attended the baker in their duties to provide baked goods. This year, you were tasked with sewing new dresses for all the unmarried young women. The base fabric, an off-white cotton, remains the same. It’s like a blank page awaiting colorful paint or black ink, each dress ready to be designed with every young woman in mind. You, and several of the married women, take great care in personalizing each dress to the young ladies’ personalities.
It is not by chance that this happens. It is more than tradition. Rebirth and renewal are the themes of the festival, and with that comes an influx of weddings. The dresses are for that very reason, as a form of matchmaking, along with the presented flower crowns and the festival itself. You’ve always thought it silly but never truly commented on the matter. Fortunately, with you on sewing duties, you were able to work on your own dress.
With the dresses come flower crowns. They are given to the young women by unmarried men of the village. It is always the married women and village elders who quietly determine which man will gift what crown to who. They’re intuition is almost always correct. It is rare for a pair to not eventually marry. Sometimes it is quick, and sometimes it is years later before either realizes they belong together.
And the flower crowns are the true beauty. Another group handmakes each one. But because you know how intricate they are, you did nothing for your dress. It is simple. Plain. Just because you’re forced to be part of this tradition doesn’t mean you want to try and find a husband. You’re perfectly fine alone, because the man you do want is far away.
He isn’t avoiding you. Not on purpose. Aragorn is a ranger. He thrives in the wilds, seeking out the darkness to rid it from the world. But you do miss your wanderer. He tries to travel through your area as often as he can just to see you.
Over the years, the friendliness has grown, becoming heat and tension.
None of the other men in the village make you feel the way he does, and they likely never will.
In the shade of a tree, you smooth out the front of your dress. The tips of your fingers itch and you need to move them just to calm yourself. That alone is silly. What do you have to be nervous for? The process is always the same, always consistent, so why do you feel like this?
The young, unmarried women begin to congregate near the arch of flowers. Breathing deep, you march forward, finding your spot where it always is. You can taste the eagerness in the air. The women around you are just as nervous, nearly bouncing on their toes. They whisper to each other, giggling, but none of them glance your way or address you.
All day, and not even one has thanked you for your work.
But you won’t let it eat away at your resolve. Today is a good day. You’ll drink berry wine and gorge yourself on delicious food while listening to the married women gossip about their husbands.
As the village elders arrive, all talking ceases. That is the cue, and just like the women in line, you curtesy. You’re not allowed to look up, to glance into the face of the man who will place a crown upon your head. You keep your head bent and gaze on the ground.
There is shuffling, the rustling of hands lifting crowns. You focus on the green grass beneath your feet. You’re the only one up here not wearing shoes. You breathe in, and out, watching as so many pairs of polished boots pass by.
When someone does stop before you, the boots are not clean. They are muddy and have seen travel. You almost want to laugh but really, you’re curious. Who is this? Who would be so bold to come to the crowning with filthy boots?
In the next moment, the crown is placed upon your head. You don’t move. Don’t breathe. The stranger’s fingers brush the underside of your chin, pressing gently. You respond. You can’t resist. It is natural to do so.
Your gaze takes in this stranger as your head lifts. And when you see his face, you realize that this is no stranger at all.
“Aragorn,” you whisper, and his response is a smile.
There is applause, and good-natured cheering all around, and yet you respond to none of it. It is only him, this man you’ve been missing, standing before you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask just as the music starts up. It’s too early. Aragorn often arrives in the fall when the leaves start to change.
Others are already wandering off together or going their separate ways. You’re left staring, happy to see him but not understanding why.
“To see you,” he replies.
To see you. To see you. Whatever nervousness you felt before is gone, replaced with a giddiness that sends heat right to your cheeks.
When you don’t reply immediately, Aragorn frowns. “Have I upset you?”
“No!” You reach for him, grabbing his upper arm, taking a step forward. “Not at all. I’m just…surprised.”
His gaze softens, and you could fall into his depths. “Didn’t think I’d come?”
“You always visit when the weather begins to cool.”
“I do,” he agrees. “Couldn’t stay away.” Aragorn says this almost absently as his fingers toy with a white ribbon on your dress.
A young woman shrieks with delight, and you and Aragorn both turn as she’s hoisted in the air.
“Would you like to dance?” he asks.
The answer is immediate. “Yes.”
He presents his hand, and you take it. His palm is warm. Strong. Aragorn leads, and then you’re moving, matching the correct steps. It’s not an intense dance but it isn’t slow either.
“Did you just arrive?”
He smiles. “As they were distributing the flowers.”
“Is that why you’re so dirty?” Aragorn laughs as you lean in and sniff, making an exaggerated expression. “And smelly?”
“I thought you liked the way I smelled after a ride.” Aragorn wraps his arm around your waist, turning as he does so.
“A ride,” you correct. “Not a journey.”
The music swells, dips, and then increases in pace. You’re left focusing on your feet, going through the motions. But Aragorn knows what he’s doing, and he leads you through it effortlessly. It’s difficult to speak, but his hands do enough talking. Aragorn’s touch lingers. He might squeeze slightly or allow his hand to wander. It stirs something hot in your belly that travels lower until you’re blazing everywhere.
When the music comes to an end, and the two of you are out of breath, Aragorn places his hand on your lower waist and guides you away.
“Something to drink?”
Berry wine is had before Aragorn takes your hand again, the two of you strolling off into the nearby orchard. Between the trees, there is privacy, the two of you walking in gentle silence. It’s just your hand in his and the warm breeze that stirs up your dress.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you say, stopping next to an apple tree. There are leaves on its branches but no blooms.
Aragorn comes to a stop beside you, his chest nearly brushing your shoulder. “Glad? That is all you feel?” With a soft touch, Aragorn turns your head in his direction. His head is angled downward, and there is no escaping what you see in his eyes.
There are times when the two of you have found a bit of quiet, some peace only with the need to explore the other. As you gaze upon his face, you are entirely aware of what he wants, but Aragorn is an honorable man. He will not push or insist on more unless you’re the one who seeks it out.
The berry wine is warm in your blood. Aragorn’s nearness is just as intoxicating. His fingers play with that same ribbon, and you lean into his touch until your noses brush lightly against each other.
“There is plenty I feel,” you reply, your voice a whisper amongst the birdsong and breeze.
“Is your heart willing to share?” Aragorn tugs lightly on the ribbon, loosening a portion of the bodice.
“Is yours willing to hear the truth?” you counter, knowing that you’d give him anything in this moment.
Aragorn tugs on the ribbon again, loosening the bodice further. Air rushes into your lungs as your chest receives a bit of freedom. “Tell me now. Under the trees. Let the sky listen.”
“You’re far too sweet to be a warrior,” you laugh, and Aragorn grins, closing the distance. The kiss is chaste and lovely, sending heat down to your toes and up to the crown of your head.
Your fingers find the front of his tunic. They curl inward, pulling of their own accord, seeking his closeness. Aragorn indulges, deepening the kiss until your bodies are pressed together. His hand rises, clutching the back of your neck. There is only you and him and your repeated meetings.
When you finally break apart, your lips are raw, and you hunger for more. You ache for deeper things, and long to tell him so.
“Is this all right?” he asks, fingers brushing against your exposed collarbone.
“Yes,” you murmur in reply, shivering under his touch.
Aragorn returns to your mouth, and you open for him. Your own fingers explore as much as his, but it is Aragorn’s fingers that venture beneath fabric.
You inhale sharply, and his hand retreats. “Apologies.”
“Don’t stop,” you say, grasping his wrist to guide his hand back to your skin.
Under the shade of the apple tree, Aragorn follows your lead, the two of you finding a dance. Although time has not been kind, keeping the two of you parted, there is no need to rush. You are happy simply existing with him, taking time to explore and savor what you’ve missed over the last few months.
Every caress is a song, and each kiss not only satiates but fuels the hunger that sits low in your belly. Fingers press and dig into skin. Clothing opens or falls away. There is no one else around, and Aragorn’s warmth is all you seek.
“Will you stay?” you ask between kisses.
Aragorn pauses, drawing back slightly. “For a few days.”
A few days. A few days with him and then separation. With Aragorn arriving now, will he return in the fall? Or will this be your new normal?
Even as these doubts swirl in your mind, you know the truth.
You don’t care.
As long as he comes, as long as he returns to you when he can, that is enough.
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
A Place to Grieve
Pairing: Aragorn x fem!reader (Aragorn and Strider are used interchangeably)
Summary: After losing a loved one, Strider offers you a place to grieve. 1.5k+ words
Warnings: loss of unspecified loved one, angst, fluff, Sindarin, canon divergent, spoilers for The Fellowship of the Ring
A/N: I’ve never written for Strider before but I really want a hug from him, so this is completely self-indulgent. Honestly, this weekend has been pretty rough and I was really unmotivated to write until I started this. I hope it’s okay and if you have any feedback please leave a comment or drop it in my inbox!🤍
Photo from Pinterest
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“… is gone.”
Aragorn only hears the end of Gandalf’s news, but his sad smile and comforting hand on your shoulder are more than enough to show it is bad news. You shake your head in a small motion, blinking quickly before whispering something and stepping back.
This is no time to mourn. No place to grieve.
Turning away from Gandalf, you lock eyes with Strider. Nodding, you silently tell him you are fine. However, Strider is a good friend and a better ranger. Lying to him is not only impossible, it is unwise.
Gandalf leads you and the hobbits at the front of the company, sending concerned looks your way whenever you near him. Frodo and Sam distract you with stories of The Shire, and though you try to let your mind drift, you can only think of the gnawing sense of loss rooting itself deep in your chest. Learning of your loss, it feels as though you have lost a piece of yourself, a portion of your soul ripped away with hidden mourning.
Behind you, Strider ignores Legolas as he watches you. Your distant expression and sorrow-filled gaze worry him.
“An inn!” Sam exclaims. “We wish to stop for the night, do we not?”
Gandalf sighs, smiling as he gestures toward the city. Sam, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin waste no time as they race toward the first sign of civilisation in countless miles. Legolas taps your shoulder kindly as he steps around you. After he falls into step with Gandalf, you take a shaky breath and close your eyes tightly, burying your rising emotions. Strider’s hand meets your arm, gently tugging you toward him. You look toward him but not at him, concerned you may fall apart if he asks what plagues your mind. Shaking your head, you pull away from him and follow Gandalf.
“Mell nîn,” Strider mutters under his breath. “Your heart calls out yet your mind silences it.”
Knowing that he is not always a good communicator, yet unwilling to risk losing your camaraderie and closeness, Strider often talks to you when you do not hear. Tonight, sensing the sadness deep in your being, he craves your words more than ever.
Your breaths grow shallow and your eyes glassy before you stand, jostling your chair as you rush out of the dark pub. Strider follows you immediately, ignoring Gandalf’s soft laugh and guarantee that Strider can handle it. Gandalf knows that the hobbits and Legolas have grown attached to you; he has as well, but he is also the only one to notice your unique relationship with the ranger and rightful king of Gondor.
Strider says your name as he moves before you, raising a hand to stop you. You obey, halting as you wipe your freshly fallen tears off your cheeks.
Wishing to speak, comfort you, and welcome your words, Strider attempts to talk but falls speechless at the brokenness hiding behind your eyes, being slowly revealed as your tears continue.
“Excuse me,” you whisper, continuing around Strider.
He repeats your name, stopping you again. “I am sorry.”
“Why do you apologise?”
“Whatever news you have received ails you.”
Tightening your jaw, you move away from Strider again. Talking about it makes it real, solidifies it within your mind and heart and makes it impossible to hold yourself together.
“Please do not make me use force to comfort you, meleth nîn,” Strider pleads.
“You have no rule here, my king. There is nothing you can do to make me answer your questions,” you point out angrily.
“Then do as you are, take your anger out upon me, but do not run from me in your flee from feeling,” Strider answers, a mix of care and exasperation in his words.
The tears increase in both number as intensity as you lower your head. Releasing the first sob, you reach out for Strider, surprised when he pulls you into his embrace. His cloak grows damp under your cheek, his hand cradling your head to his chest.
“There is no shame in responding in this way, in being who you are,” Strider comforts quietly.
You don’t notice Strider move, but when you raise your head again, you find you are tucked between buildings. The dark corner provides the privacy you need to be honest with Strider.
Repeating Gandalf’s news, you tell Strider that someone you love is gone. His slow exhale accompanying his kind arms circling you makes you feel safe enough to accept it.
“I am sorry, mell nîn. Your loss will be felt through the miles and the centuries, I am sure.”
“This is no time to grieve,” you tell him. Hearing your thoughts aloud makes them seem inappropriate; as if someone so special is unworthy of your tears.
“I know what you mean,” Strider says, interrupting your thoughts. “This is a trying time and the company has a long journey ahead of us, but there is no good place, no good time to grieve.”
“Right here is acceptable,” you whisper, looking up at Strider.
His gaze drops, his arms still holding you against his chest. Though his words are few, they are never without meaning. The sudden silence during such a moment alerts you to your mistake.
“My apologies, my king,” you mutter, attempting to pull back.
“Then here you will grieve, will mourn, whenever you need,” Strider insists, refusing to let you retreat into yourself once more.
“But, my king-“
“I am no king,” Strider begins.
“Not yet,” you interject.
He smiles down at you, and the world seems to brighten. “But what kind of king would I be to deny a lady a shoulder on which to cry? To rest as she travels, as she experiences gains and losses with no other consistent place to rest?”
“You have responsibilities, as do I. And neither provide time for sadness. The grief will come later.”
“Your grief is not to be set aside. You are not a burden to our company, if that is your concern. Feeling nothing is not an option, meleth nîn.”
You nod, leaning closer to Strider.
“Thank you.”
“Mell,” Strider repeats quietly.
It hits when it is darkest, a deep ache with no evident relief. Moving through the darkness, you approach Strider’s side, his watchful eyes gazing into the night.
“Strider?” you ask quietly.
He wordlessly opens his arms toward you, allowing you to rest against his shoulder as his cloak closes around you.
“Does it stop hurting?”
“Slowly. Soon the memories will be a welcomed kindness. A reminder of good times rather than an amplifier of the bad," he replies.
Nodding, Strider’s comfort, warmth, and kindness lull you to sleep. You wake tucked against his side and well-rested.
After a week of sleeping at Strider’s side, you are not as sad as often as before. The emptiness has made way for early acceptance, though some moments still seem hopeless and void of all happiness. Your life will never be the same following the loss of another’s life, but you must continue living rather than stall in the moments of memories.
“Why are you so kind to me?” you ask Strider as he leads you to his guarding position.
“You are good. Everyone good deserves kindness,” Strider replies simply.
“The way in which you treat me differs from your actions toward Gandalf and the hobbits.”
“They do not hold a piece of nin hûr.”
Strider’s eyes are on you in the dim forest light.
“Why do you do that; speak in Sindarin, when you know I do not understand?”
Strider’s hands rise to pull you close, his fingers ghosting over your jaw.
“Because words are not easy for me. You mean more to me than words can express,” Strider admits quietly, his voice soft against the rustling leaves.
“Your hûr?”
“My heart.”
“Mell nín?”
“So you have said,” you reply with a kind laugh. “But what am I to you?”
“My dear,” Strider says, dipping his head to kiss your forehead. “My beloved, my sweet.”
Smiling up at Strider, you repeat, “You hold my entire hûr, my king.”
“Ara.” At your confused hum, Strider smiles and translates, “King.”
“Aragorn,” you say, pulling yourself closer to him.
“Rían nîn,” he replies. “My queen.”
“Me?” Strider nods, pressing his head against your neck as your arms loop over his shoulders. “That is why you are so kind to me.”
“I have wished to love you since you joined the company. Since you joined my side.”
“What should I call you?”
“Call me whatever you wish, as long as I am yours.”
Moving your head to Strider’s shoulder, you return home.
“Thank you for allowing me to grieve. For welcoming me, my brokenness.”
“You are not broken,” Strider insists, standing as he cups your cheeks in his strong hands. “Your dark nights, your grief and mourning, do not define you. Your love, kindness, and joy with your friends do.”
“My heart, my love, my joy are yours.”
Strider falls silent again, pulling you against him as his lips meet yours in the dark forest. Though you miss those you have lost, Strider holds you close and leads you through the dark and the light of mourning.
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honey-flustered · 2 years
The Elf Princess & Her Beloved
Boyfriend!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Smut (18+ MDNI)
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A/N: Thank you for giving me this request. This was so fun and I couldn’t have thought of a better concept myself. I tried to capture as much of their character as I could despite not really knowing much about it so I hope you enjoy this! @ophelialaufey
Word Count: 2.7k+
Warnings: fluff overload, 🌽🌽🌽, former best friends to lovers, reader and eddie being shy and cute with each other, roleplaying, lots of french kissing, fingering, nipple play, semi-public/public sex, p in v (unprotected), creampie, squirting, brief mentions of insecurities
Tonight was different though. There was that fun loving side of Eddie where he wasn’t scared to be silly around you again. For this year’s Halloween, Eddie dressed up as Aragorn and you dressed as Arwen. It was Eddie’s idea and you appreciated the finishing look. But what you enjoyed the most was how in character he’d become as Aragorn.
Tonight was different though. There was that fun loving side of Eddie where he wasn’t scared to be silly around you again. For this year’s Halloween, Eddie dressed up as Aragorn and you dressed as Arwen. It was Eddie’s idea and you appreciated the finishing look. But what you enjoyed the most was how in character he’d become as Aragorn.
In fact, you enjoyed his portrayal so much so that it made you feel…tingly between your legs. You’ve known Eddie to enjoy a little roleplaying via his choice to be Dungeon Master in every Dungeons and Dragons game he’s played. It’s only imperative that you followed along with the act.
“You look stunning, My fair lady.” Eddie says, taking in the emerald and gold gown that accentuated your figure.
“As do you, Sir.” You smiled, curtsying a little.
He really did look good. Incredibly heroic looking in his armor. If you had the confidence, you’d pull him close against you and kiss him hard. Usually, it ‘d take a lot of encouraging for either of you to make a move. Maybe tonight would be different.
“Are you prepared to attend the event?” He holds out his arm for you to take.
You nod with a smile, looping your arm around his.“Quite ready.”
When he escorts you to his van, he reaches for the door for you, holding out his hand for you to take as support. Eddie’s always a gentleman, patient, sweet as ever yet this side of him with a dash of nobility was really working for you.
Throughout the drive, he’d make sure you were comfortable—which you were after so long of just being coy with his little touches here and there. Soon, you found yourself reaching for his free hand, him glancing over at you with a sweet smile every once in a while. You figured with the confidence to role play as an elf princess as well as his lover that it would be enough to take things a little further.
Then, you arrive at Steve’s house and you immediately could feel yourself shying away again. Everyone will see you as a couple for the first time at this party. Not that you hid this fact but it’s not like neither of you were displayed any public affections. Yet, the moment he takes your hand, all those worries melt away and all you could focus on was him.
He made you feel ethereal. Beautiful. Walking into the party, all eyes were on you but you only had eyes for each other. If only you could see the way Eddie saw you. You were a goddess so far from reality’s comprehension. Like a knight, he dreamed of shielding you away from perverted thoughts framing your body in their minds.
You felt him tense beside you. You squeeze his hand, reassuring him that you’re by his side and no one else’s. With a toothless grin, he reciprocates the action.
The sound of feedback from a microphone ringings over the lively music. Steve’s in the front of the room with said microphone in hand. His eyes focused on the two of you.
“Hey, DJ, play us something slow. This one’ll be dedicate to all the sweethearts in here needing that little push that even the booze here couldn’t provide.” Steve shoots a wink over at Eddie. Eddie shakes his head in embarrassment while you giggle at Steve’s clearly drunken state.
“He’s an idiot.” Eddie laughs nervously.
The music swells, slow in tempo. Lights dim. Couples around you held each other close. You both stand in the middle of it, bashfully searching around and avoiding eye contact.
When your eyes lock once again. Eddie lets out a deep breath. He feels so silly being nervous. You two were the best of friends—still are! It never felt this awkward so it shouldn’t feel that way now. It’s just a change of state. You were his and he, yours. So with that knowledge in mind, he puts his hand out for you and slightly bows.
You slide your hand in his. He places a kiss to the soft skin, leaving a remnant hot sensation. “Would you like to dance, princess? I know it’s a slow one and I’m not a very good dancer…but I’d like it if I could hold you close.”
A slow smile creeps upon your lips. “I’d like that very much so.”
Of course, the jitters hadn’t gone away in one full sweep but they melted slowly but surely. Your bodies like magnets drawing closer. Soon, he felt you close enough to revel in the way your hips swayed against him. You both spin around and its dizzying, exciting. Smiling and laughing as like you’ve done whenever you spent time with him. You love him. Overcome with emotion, you place your forehead over his breathe his air.
“You’re just so beautiful. The stars in the sky compete to match your beauty and yet it feels like a mere imitation.” He whispers.
“You’re beautiful, too, my love,” He big brown eyes sparkling at the name you’ve given him. “I’d pluck every flower’s petal in all the gardens in the world just for it to say that you love me as I love you.”
He whistles, astonished, breaking character for a moment to praise your words. “That’s so metal,” He clears his throat, going back into character. “I’d die a happy death if my heart were to explode from how big it swells when I gaze upon you. If I kissed you now and I were to die here in front of all these people, they’ll envy me knowing that I’d gone happily in your arms.”
“Whoa, so intense,” You, too, breaking character before reverting back to your royal and loving state. “Kiss me but do not give away your life. Instead, give me your heart to keep with me even in days when you aren’t by my side.”
“You mean that?” Eddie asks, hoping this is you asking as yourself and not as Arwen.
“Please kiss me.” You nod, signaling that this is, in fact, you speaking.
He cups your face in his hands, cursing himself in his head for them being so clammy. But then you turn your head to the side, pressing a chaste kiss to his palm and he feels so lucky that you understand. He closes the gap between your lips. The kiss pillowy and light. He yearns for more, deepening the kiss so your tongues could meet.
His kisses were cherry flavored from the candy you’d both shared earlier after going trick or treating with Dustin and the gang. You wrap your dainty fingers around one of his wrists, grounding yourself when your body wishes to float.
Your lips that were once glued together in passion, separate as if still trying to cling onto one another’s. Your eyes are the first to open. His eyes were still shut, lips pouty like he could still feel yours against his. When they flutter open, they’re darkened with lust.
“Wow, every kiss from you feels like the first time.” He blinks away in a daze.
“You can kiss me so many times and my knees will buckle every time. I-I like it when we kiss and we don’t hold back. If I could be honest, I was nervous. Yes, we’ve kissed before but sometimes I feel it’s never enough. I want more. I want to kiss you all the time. It just…”
“Takes a lot of courage,” He finishes. “Yeah, I’ve been feeling the same. My thoughts: I didn’t want to mess this up. I didn’t want to move too fast and scare you away.”
“Me too! It’s why I didn’t want to say the things that I want from you.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to touch me. Kiss the hell outta me. Take my breath away.”
“I wish the same and more.”
“Then why did we wait so long to say it?” You laugh at the silliness of it all.
“I’m not sure,” He laughs, equally baffled at these worries. He speak in elvish tongue, voice a rich baritone.“Shall emme care- our ettule-, aranel? (Shall we make our exit, princess?)”
You giggle. He’s such a nerd but so were you. “Take me au-, mime roquen ar shining armor. Ni indóme hil- tye wherever tye tulime-. (Take me away, my knight and shining armor. I will follow you wherever you lead.)”
With that, he takes your hand leading you away from the dance floor into the night. Steve shooting over a nod of approval before you leave.
Soon as your outside, your back is pressed against the cool metal of his van. The full moonlight spotlights over you. You were a goddamn angel in disguise.
“How are you real?” Eddie asks, running his nose up and down your neck, inhaling your scent.
You couldn’t speak. He’s so close and you were sure if you said anything it’d be nonsensical. This was exactly the kind of intimacy you craved.
He litters your neck with kisses, grinding his hips into you. He bites, causing you to gasp. You tug him by his hair to bring his face up to yours, kissing each other intensely. His hand bunches up your long white gown to grazing his fingertips up your smooth leg. The feeling tickled you but you welcome it. He hooks your leg around his waist, allowing further access between your legs.
You press your core directly over his raging bulge, circling your hips. He bites his lip, suppressing a groan. This will not do. You grind harder against him bringing his hand around your neck for another kiss. He moans against your lips, the vibration is sensational. He parts running his hand down from your neck to cup your clothed breast, flicking a thumb repeatedly over your hardened bud peeking through the thinly layered material.
“Oh, fuck. That feels good. You know my body so well, my love.” You mewled.
He actually did know it well. He knew you were sensitive when it came to your breasts being fondled so he’d use this knowledge to his advantage.
“Does this satisfy you, my lady?”
“Need more!” You cried out, groping his cock through his pants. “Take me right here.”
He hisses at how glorious those words sounded from your lips. Pushing your pretty pink panties to the side, he dips his index and middle finger into you slowly, testing the waters. You gasped at this action. He’s fingered you before but has never gone this deep. It was always shallow, teasing thrusts that left you wishing for more. Now he’s two knuckles deep into you, deeper than your fingers could ever reach. Deep enough where his rings made cool contact against your folds.
“You’re so fucking wet.” He whispers in your ear, jaw clenching in time as you tighten around him. Pulling down the neckline of your dress, he frees a breast sucking your nipple into his mouth while thrusting his fingers that he hardly draws out of you. His thumb fiddles with your sensitive nub, you juices running down his hand.
“Ohhhh, uhhh. Gonna cum. Don’t want to yet. Want you inside.” You could only speak in short sentences to blissed out.
“As you wish.”
Not long after, you shiver at the sound of his belt clanking to free himself. You wished he’d be able to remove his costume so you could touch the bare skin of his back but for now him inside you was all you could ever need.
You only get one look between your legs, seeing the sheet size of him. He’s well-endowed. Very much so. Rubbing the pre-cum coated tip against your clit, he slips the pink head into you and you cry out, nails digging into his forearm. The two of you looking down between your bodies, foreheads touching. His strokes are short thrusts at first, letting you take him inch by inch each time he rears back.
Once, he feels your tight little pussy adjust around him, he picks up the pace slamming harder into you. Sensing your legs giving out, his hands cup under your butt lift you up so you were fully off the ground legs tangled around him.
“Gods, you feel so good. I shouldn’t be defiling you. You’re. Too. Pure.” He says, pounding you in time with his words.
You wrap your fingers around his neck, digging your fingers into the skin. “Fucking defile me. Ruin me.”
He groans out loud. Neither of you gave a shit that anyone could walk out of the party and spot the two of you fucking wildly against his van. They’ll just be getting an uncut version of Aragorn and Arwen rocking each other’s world.
He hits a spot over and over again. That spot that makes your vision go spotty. Your hyperventilating, taking in the air to keep yourself from passing out as the intensity builds.
“Oh my shit, Eddie!” You couldn’t keep the act longer, wanting him to know that he’s the one making you feel delirious. “I’m so fucking close! I’ve never felt this good before. Not sure what’s going to happen if I cum.”
“Lose control for me, baby,” He growls. “Wanna feel you dripping all over my cock.”
Seems like he had an idea of what was going to happen. He just kept hit that spot within you that you never knee existed. Then, the approaching train hits you. A blinding white light is all you see before your impending doom.
You shriek into the night like you’ve seen a ghost and honestly it’s all in the halloween spirit. You were sure your nails digging into Eddie was hurting him but no, he was a man gone feral. He thrusts up harder and harder into you, your wetness gushing out of you like a garden hose.
“Take it, princess. Fucking take it.”
Your legs violently shaking as a second wave of washes over you. This time Eddie following behind not long after shooting hot, strings of cum into your throbbing cunt.
His back arches and he presses into you even more, calling out like a beast man as you wring him for all he’s worth.
With a few languid thrusts into you, the mixtures of your fluids grew sticky between your legs causing loud suction noises. When he finally stills, he captures your lips once again, sucking on your tongue for a shed of your magic.
Pulling away, you both gasped heavily and swallow each other’s air. He nearly forgot where you both were. He couldn’t imagine someone walking out and ogling your perfect pussy and full breasts. Lowering you back down to you feet and removing his hands from you once he was sure you could stable stand on your own, he removes the cloak around him throwing it around your shoulders. Always the gentleman even after sex.
He pulls up his pants, letting out a deep sigh. “I didn’t expect us to do this. Especially here and so suddenly. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be! You were incredible. To tell you the truth, the way you were so in character made me want you so bad. I wasn’t sure if we’d make it to the party if you did decide to kiss me before we arrived. But I’m glad we did now. I’m glad I don’t have to hold back with you. And you don’t have to with me either. You can have me any way you want.”
The skirt of your dress is still hiked up, exposing you those gorgeous legs and thighs. His cum running down them, reminding him that he’s gotten to have you tonight and soon he’ll have you again. “Any way?”
“Any way.” You affirm.
“Wanna head to my place? I’ve got ways and…positions I wish to adorn you, princess. One of them involves me serving you with on my knees.”
“You are mighty skillful with your tongue, my knight. I’d love to explore that.” You purr.
He smirks, opening the door to his van for you and holding out his hand once again as you gracefully climbed inside, ready to be treated like the queen you are.
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elrondsimp · 1 year
The hobbit modern reader
After falling into middle earth the company learns a thing or two about you, the fact that you don’t do conflict is one of them.
So when you tell them that “my mom told me to never throw the first punch, but be dame sure to throw the last one” is something you live by, and have yet to have someone try you???
Well, let’s see the before and after reactions shall we???
Various hobbit reactions!
“I’ll finish what you start.”
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Bilbo Baggins: Bilbo, being more reserved and inclined towards avoiding conflict, may initially be taken aback by y/n's statement. However, as he witnesses y/n's skills in action, he might develop a newfound respect for their ability to defend themselves and their determination to stand up for what they believe in.
Gandalf: As a wise and experienced wizard, Gandalf might understand y/n's perspective on conflict and the importance of self-defense. He may see y/n's actions as a necessary means to protect themselves and their companions, and he could potentially offer guidance and support in honing their abilities.
Thorin Oakenshield: Thorin, being a proud and fierce leader, might appreciate y/n's willingness to fight for their beliefs. He might see y/n's actions as a sign of strength and courage, and their display could earn their respect as a valued member of the company.
Dwarves (Fili, Kili, Balin, etc.): The reactions of the other dwarves would likely vary. Some may be impressed by y/n's combat skills and view them as a valuable asset in their journey. Others might be more cautious or skeptical, as they may not fully understand y/n's approach to conflict or how it aligns with their own cultural values.
Elves (such as Legolas): Elves, known for their grace and skill in battle, may find common ground with y/n's approach. They could appreciate y/n's determination to defend themselves and their friends, and may even offer guidance or training to further refine y/n's combat abilities.
Other: (Bard, Beorn, etc.): The reactions of characters like Bard the Bowman or Beorn would depend on their own perspectives and experiences with conflict. They may have different opinions on the use of violence, and their reactions could range from admiration to caution.
Overall, the company members would likely be intrigued and impressed by y/n's statement and subsequent display of their abilities. It could lead to deeper discussions and a better understanding of y/n's approach to conflict, forging new dynamics within the group as they navigate the challenges of their journey through Middle-earth.
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leighsartworks216 · 8 months
Right on for wanting to write for LOTR! 🫶 In fact, how about #24 from the kisses prompt for Aragorn, where he and the reader have been crowned King and Queen of Gondor? Good luck!
24 - "We'll face this together" kisses
Aragorn x fem!Reader
My first ever Aragorn fic! Really really short but sweet
Warnings: anxiety
Word Count: 258
Kiss Prompts
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You'd fought wars, faced down hordes of orc and Uruk-Hai, stood up against certain death and come out the victor. And yet, nothing could hold a candle to this.
The crowd, full of friends and strangers alike, stared up at you. It was as though Sauron's eye was upon you, burning you alive from inside your head. You were not suited to this. Arwen had always carried a torch for Aragorn, she would be a much better queen to these people than you could ever hope to be. Eowyn, too, but she had found love with Faramir. Perhaps Gandalf knew someone who could-
A hand, donned in fancy rings but no less calloused, held yours. You look to your side and find Aragorn smiling at you, a bit too knowingly.
He lifted your hand to his lips, eyes never leaving yours as he placed a delicate kiss to the back of your hand. You found the surface of the ocean of fear that drowned you, and at last you felt you could breathe again.
His eyes flit over you, reading every telltale sign that you were okay. He grinned and placed another kiss over the first as he saw your shoulders relax. Satisfied he had calmed down his closest friend and dearest heart, he turned back to the crowd and guided you down the steps to greet your friends and the brave souls of Minas Tirith. Their eyes still burned into you, and perhaps they always would, but you would not have to face the crowd alone. Never.
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@furblrwurblr @puppyg1rl666
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friendship-ditch · 2 months
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(Eowyn x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: You and Eowyn were childhood best friends but grew apart with time. Now you find yourself back in her life, and are determined to cheer her up after being rejected.
Warnings/Notes: None!
Word Count: 2448
  You weren’t one to pry your eyes where they didn’t belong… usually. But it had happened so close by that if you continued to walk, you’d look like you were spying even more than you were, so you took to hiding behind a nearby tree instead.
  You’d been well aware of the budding… something, between the newcomer Aragorn, and Eowyn, the niece of the king himself. At first you were upset, you’d always had some sort of crush on Eowyn since you were kids, having been childhood friends that grew apart, but never had the courage to speak to her, much less confess your feelings. 
  When you noticed the blonde had a crush on Aragorn, you decided to throw that silly dream out the window and unintentionally ended up befriending the ranger instead. He was a nice guy, and you eventually accepted the fact that he’d treat her well.
  What you weren’t expecting was for him to reject her in favor of another woman who already held his heart. 
  He did it kindly, as he did most things, not stating his rejection clearly–no: “I don’t feel the same way, leave me alone”--but doing it simply as: “I cannot give you what you need.” And as easy as he tried to let her down, it still stung.
  Eowyn stood and watched him in the dark until he was nothing more but a shadow in the distance, and then quickly walked off, the moonlight solely highlighting the tears in her eyes.
  You weren’t going to follow her, seriously. You’d be pretty confused if some random woman you hadn’t talked to in years suddenly appeared at your side the second you began to cry over a foolish love. You’d just begun to force yourself to walk the other way when there was the noise of something breaking, followed by a crash.
  Quickly, you raced around the tents towards the edge of the camp and in the direction Eowyn went in. You were expecting the worst.
  When you rounded the corner your eyes fell upon the sight, and you had to take a few steps back to be hidden behind the fabric of a nearby tent to try and regain your bearings before stepping out.
  Poor Eowyn had sat down on a log–not knowing it was rotten–that had given out beneath her and was now sort of stuck in it. Her bottom was practically in the grass, her legs sticking over the edge of the log. She was trapped and squirming.
  It would’ve been a comical sight had it not been for the tears on her face and the soft sobs you heard. Having this happen to you probably would’ve sent you over the edge too.
  Eowyn heard you approaching before you even stepped around the corner and froze, face flushed with both embarrassment and tears. She stopped wriggling around and dipped her head, wiping her face in an attempt to regain some dignity. 
  “Come to gawk, have you?” 
  You shook your head, approaching her cautiously, like a wild animal about to snap. “Why would I gawk at you?”
  She was about to throw some harsh insult out at you, upset at the world and taking it out on the first person she could find, but the words died in her throat and she covered her face with her hands. “Just leave me to my pity…”
  You turned to leave but stopped, head turned over your shoulder in her direction. You couldn’t just leave. She looked so sad, as well as uncomfortable. “Are you hurt..?”
  Anger flashed in her eyes at your defiance, and then softened once more. She turned her head so you couldn’t see her face. “Only with bruised pride and.. And a broken heart.”
  “Because of the log? Or an earlier predicament?”
  “The latter…”
  You stepped closer, bending down a little. “I suppose that’s worth more crying over than a broken log.” You tried to joke softly, hoping to bring even the smallest of light to her face once more as you held your hand out. “There’s a more solid log nearby, if you’d rather cry there.”
  The corners of Eowyn’s lips twitched ever so slightly and she looked up at you with red tears eyes. She couldn’t quite understand why you were helping her, it had been years since the two of you had spoken, having simply grown apart with age, yet here she was acting like a child. “I’d probably break that one as well, with my luck.” She muttered, one last try to get you to leave, though now she didn’t really want you to go.
  “It’s not rotten. I’m sure it would be more comfortable than this.” You offered your hand once more.
  Eowyn wanted to take your offer but she was still hesitant. Showing her emotions to others was something she wasn’t very comfortable with unless she trusted them… but there was something about you, something she’d always felt that never faded, even with time.
  When you eventually gave up and dropped your hand, the reality that you were leaving set in and she let out a soft squeak.
  “Wait… please.”
  Her fingers just barely brushed your wrist and you turned to look. Her eyes were wide and pleading, though they were focused on your hand rather than your face, too ashamed to meet your gaze just yet.
  You took her hand, her grip surprisingly tight, and with a tug, managed to pull her out of the log. Eowyn went tumbling over and you caught her before she could fall too far, dress covered in wood chips and dirt which you quickly helped her brush off.
  She fell oddly quiet after that and sort of just stared at the ground as you led her to the other log. Luckily, this one did not break, so the two of you managed to sit there in a gentle silence without any incidents.
  After a little while you noticed she was crying again. Her soft shoulders were hunched over and her face was shielded by one hand, fingers sprawled across her forehead and she trembled. Her sobs were quiet enough to get carried away by the breeze but you could hear her sniffling.
  “Do… you want to talk about it?” You offered quietly. You ran your lip between your teeth, hoping you weren’t being too forward, but not wanting to see her suffer any longer.
  Eowyn wiped her face in a futile attempt to hide the hot tears that dribbled down them and she swallowed, then looked at you. “You’ll think of me a fool.”
  “I would never dream of it…”
  “I would.”
  “Have you ever fallen in love before?” Eowyn’s tone was sad, eyes still avoiding yours. Her shaking fingers rubbed mercilessly under her eyes.
  Had you? Well, yes… and she was sitting right beside you. 
  “Yes… I have, I believe.”
  Eowyn bit her tongue, a soft shudder wracking her body as she dipped her head. “Were your feelings returned?”
  “I’m unsure… I never quite gathered the courage to ask.”
  Her eyes softened, tears still brimming in them. “You’re smarter than me. I never should’ve spoken..” She mumbled defeatedly.
  “No… I think you’re brave to have tried.” You murmured. “Even if it didn’t work out.”
  “You’re just trying to soothe my pain.”
  “Maybe. Is that so wrong?”
  “You hardly even know me…”
  “I’d like to.”
  Eowyn looked at you as if you had two heads. Most people respected her, but left her alone because she could be rather brash and stubborn. And those that did try to get close she eventually chased away. She had very clear memories of the two of you when you were younger, before her parents died and it all changed, as did she. You hadn’t spoken in years until now… she would’ve said you did yourself a favor by getting out before she truly crashed. She wasn’t the same woman you once knew… she was worse.
  “You’re setting yourself up for disappointment.” She muttered, dipping her head once more until her chin was against her chest. A soft sob wormed its way out of her lips and her shoulders sagged once more, that invisible weight on her shoulders growing heavier. “I’m not very likable.”
  “Neither am I.”
  “You’re certainly stubborn…”
  You smiled a little, deciding to be a little bold and nudging her with your shoulder. “There's one thing we have in common. We’re practically friends again already.”
  “You’re strange as well.” Eowyn was slowly calming down, scrunching her nose as she tried to put a stop to her tears once and for all. “Why would you want to be the friend of a wreck?”
  “Wrecks have to stick together.”
  By some luck, your words managed to draw out a soft giggle from the blonde beside you, and she sighed softly, lips twitching again as she tried to fight a smile. “And what do wrecks do together?”
  “Probably foolish things.”
  “Then you’re talking to the right person. I’ve got a solid line of foolish choices under my belt.”  She finally let your eyes meet hers, a similar spark of humor flickering beneath the tears, and an even deeper look beyond that. “I don’t suppose you know a cure for heartbreak in that foolish mind of yours…”
  “A walk?”
  The idea intrigued Eowyn as she slowly nodded. Soon the two of you were up and quietly strolling through the camp together, enjoying the calm of the night.
  “You know… for what it’s worth, I don’t think Aragorn wanted to hurt your feelings.” You said after a little while, kicking a stone down the path.
  Eowyn’s head whipped in your direction. 
  “I saw what happened.” You blurted out quickly. 
  “Of course…” She heaved a sigh, crossing her arms as the two of you walked. “Y/n… you’re friends with Aragorn. Who is the woman?”
  “An elf, I believe.”
  Eowyn scoffed. “It all makes sense now. An elf. I’m sure my beauty is nothing to hers… nor my personality.”
  “I think you’re better than any elf.”
  “I think you’re lying to ease my sorrows.”
  “I’m not.” You gently grabbed her arm to stop her from storming off, fingers clenching the flowing fabric of her sleeves. “Elves are… well, they’re gorgeous beings but… they’re so boring and emotionless. They’re statues that breathe. But you’re funny, and kind, and full of life…”
  “I don’t understand where your determination to defend me spurs from… nor why.” Eowyn responded quietly, though her freckled cheeks were ever so slightly pink. 
  You hesitated. If you ruled out your feelings for her… yeah, this would seem pretty strange. “I.. I don’t like seeing people feel down about themselves.” You lied. “And I admire you.”
  Eowyn stopped trying to pull away, relaxing a little under your grip on her arm. Her brows were drawn in confusion, but there was some sort of a smile on her lips. “Really?” When you nodded, a wider grin spread across her face and she rested a hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You’re sweet… though I still don’t quite understand why.”
  “Am I not allowed to be kind without reason?”
  “Most people aren’t. I know you have a reason, I just haven’t figured it out yet.”
  You laughed quietly. “When you figure it out, let me know.”
  The two of you exchanged a kind, amused glance. Eowyn’s frown had finally faded and her tears had dried. She reached to gently remove herself from your grip, but then squeezed your hands afterwards. “May I call you my friend?” 
  “You may call me whatever you please.”
  She smirked and squeezed your hands once more before letting go. “I’ll think of a suitable title.” She promised.
  The two of you walked the entirety of the camp twice before returning back to the secluded log. She showed you around the horses, speaking of memories and past adventures you two shared. And you followed, answering with soft retorts and gasps as she spoke of things you’d long forgotten, but still held dear.
By the time you sat back down, your arms were linked together and you were talking loud enough to get scolded by some of the soldiers trying to rest. You two clicked immediately, it was like you’d never grown apart. Except now that every time her hand brushed yours you blushed. And she was a lot more clingy, her arm conjoined with hers and her hand gripping your wrist, as if she was scared to lose you again.
  Though Eowyn was exhausted from crying earlier. She let out a sigh of relief when the log came back into view. The second you sat down, she sank beside you with her head against your shoulder. 
“After all of this... once we’re back in Rohan, you should show me that dress.” You teased. “I remember you always wanting to wear it as a kid.”
“I’ll show you… if you promise not to laugh.” Eowyn replied, her head fitting perfectly against you. “I don’t know why I idolized it so as a girl, it’s atrocious.”
“It looks beautiful on you, I’m sure of it. Everything does.”
The words slipped out without your permission and you blushed softly. For a moment you thought you’d get away with it, that Eowyn wouldn’t notice, but then she spoke again.
  “I believe I figured it out.” She murmured sleepily. “Why you’re kind to me.”
  “You… did?” You gulped, tensing up a little. This was the last thing she needed after today. You just came back into her life, romance was out of the question.
  Eowyn’s hand clasped around yours, thumb stroking the back of your knuckles as she settled beside you. Your body was the only thing keeping her up.
  “Yes.” Her eyes fluttered closed and her lips lifted into a drowsy smile. “It’s sweet… Though there are more preferable times for the resurfacing of old feelings… if you’re willing to wait a few days until this ache in my heart fades… I’d like to hear you out.”
  You blushed brightly. Of course she’d figure it out, Eowyn was the smartest woman you knew. The words get caught in your throat and you squeaked a little before being able to form an actual sentence. “I-I’ll wait… I can do that.”
  Eowyn nodded, a yawn wracking her body as her head slipped from your shoulder. You caught her once again and carefully redirected her head to rest against your neck. “Good.” She whispered against your skin. “Is it okay if I fall asleep on you…?”
  “That’s fine.”
  “Okay.” Her voice grew even softer as she snuggled into your side. “Thank you, Y/n. I’m… glad to have you back in my life.”
  “So am I.” You murmured softly into her hair, receiving a soft, content noise in response from the sleepy woman.
  When she eventually drifted off, you sat with her for a while before waking her up enough to walk her back to her tent. You laid her down and tucked her in and as you turned to leave, she mumbled your name weakly. 
  “I don’t want you to wait…” Eowyn rasped, voice heavy with sweet as she patted the empty spot beside her. “Please…”
  “I think you’re just tired, you always get loopy when you’re tired.”
  “I don’t care. Please don’t leave me alone.” She whispered, reaching for your wrist when you stepped into range. “I’ve been having the worst of nightmares upon our arrival to the camp… I dread going to sleep. But I don’t feel scared with your presence.” Her tired eyes gazed up at you pleadingly, and you couldn’t say no…
  That’s how you ended up beside her in bed, her head nestled beneath your chin, and your arm over her side. Eowyn wasn’t alone in having her sleep plagued by fear and loss, but now that you were at her side, a calm, easy rest embraced you like a welcoming hug back to childhood. You fell asleep rather quickly, dreaming of both night and day spent at Eowyn’s side, and she dreamt the same.
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itevilhag · 2 years
I choose a mortal life | daemon targaryen
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| daemon targaryen x fem!reader | daemon targaryen x reader
summary: an unlikely fate taken by the most unlikely being imaginable for the her love, the dragon prince.
warning: THIS IS A RE-IMAGINE of the scene from Fellowship of the Ring (gif seen above) the dialouge in this fic does not belong to me, all that comes from Tolkien. Fluff, hurt/comfort, a little bit of angst, allusions to sex(?), apart from that, nothing more.
When consciousness came upon you, the first thing you noted was the smell of salt in the air, the soft crash of waves upon shore, the cool metal of your necklace, the rough sand that had seeped into your dress, and the silhouette of a man with a notable silver hair that seemed to glisten with soft glow of the morning sun, sitting mere inches away from you.  
A small smile appeared on your lips at the sight of him, but that same smile fell at the sight of your dress. Ripped at the very front of the bodice with the same thing done to your skirts from last night's activities, you were pretty much left with nothing but your shift. 
You slowly rose from the bedding with your arm over your chest to keep whatever modesty you may still have and searched for something to cover yourself with in the small dwelling. In the seconds of searching, you found Daemon's tunic from the previous night and opted to wear it. After having it on, you slowly moved to where Daemon was. 
Wrapping your arms around his torso, you placed your chin on his shoulder, absorbing his warmth. Underneath your touch, you feel his wariness wash away and melt into your embrace. Ever since the sack of Dragonstone, Daemon has known no peace. Always observing, always listening for threats that might come for you, and it pained you everyday to see him in such a state. And for a moment, everything was at peace, the breeze cooling your face, the crashes of the waves calming you, until a rustle from the distance made him tense with caution, and had him immediately reaching for his dagger. 
"Meleth nìn. There is no danger. I am safe. We are safe." you whispered soothingly. 
Daemon said nothing as he lowered his dagger, he only leaned back onto you, finding assurance and comfort in your arms, the beating of your heart serving as a reminder that you did not die, that you were very much alive here, with him. 
"Do you remember the first time we met?" you asked quietly. Daemon slightly turned his head to meet your eyes. 
"I thought I had strayed into a dream." A soft smile of admiration painted his features and the image of you flooded his mind. Standing under the weirwood of the Red Keep, bathed with the moon's light, bearing the likeness of a goddess walking amongst the men of this Earth. From that very moment he knew that you were the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with. 
"Long years have passed. You did not have the cares you carry now." sadness coated your voice, you felt a knife twist in your heart. 
"Do you remember what I told you?" you asked. 
"You said you'd bind yourself to me. Forsaking the Immortal life of your people."
"And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of the world alone." Holding his hand to yours, you swiftly placed the jeweled necklace onto his palm. "I choose a mortal life." 
You see his lilac eyes widen at the sight of it. "You cannot give me this." 
"It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart." 
And nothing mattered in that moment, for without a second thought he captured her lips with his in a fiercely passionate kiss, all the love and devotion that each held to the other poured into one kiss. 
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itsonlydana · 23 days
Sleeping In Their Clothes | hobbit / lotr
how they would react to finding you asleep in their clothes
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characters: Thranduil, Bard, Aragorn, Legolas x fem!reader
warnings/tags: mentions of Boromir's death (Aragorn), age gap (Bard), romantic shipping
word count: 5,7k
an: trying something new! Have been struggling to write after some personal issues so please excuse the slow updates on this blog
requests: please check pinned post
+ masterlist + rules + 🌿 reposts and comments are much appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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Thranduil’s mood darkens the halls, clouds the air around him bitter and ashen. The elves he passes lower their heads at his strides, at his cloak billowing behind him as thunder rolls over the skies. No one dares to speak, no one dares to whisper or raise their voice at any volume below the hushed glances they share after he disappears behind a corner. The foul stench of anger and frustration traces his path, starting right in front of the doors he slammed after another day of negotiations and down the direct route to his chambers. 
He grits his teeth at the servants hurrying toward him and bellows a low: “Get out!” as hands reach forward and there’s enough fury in his eyes for the servants to scatter away like a heap of leaves blown apart by a particularly harsh wind. 
Even the thought of skin touching him when he is burning up… he shudders. 
There’s only one who he wants close to him right now.
He reaches out for you long before he’s in the bedroom, feeling for your fëa entangled with his in an inseparable union and he makes sure to be gentle, brushing you with his love rather than the anger bubbling hot inside him. 
The calling stays unanswered – a deep wave of security and comfort labs over him but by the tenderness of it rather than your usual playfulness, and by the time Thranduil sees the seethrough white curtains around the bed, he knows exactly what state you will be in.
And never one to disappoint him, your unconscious yet dreamy smile is all Thranduil needs to forget about the anger he yielded like a sharp sword; used to cut down any and all offers from the dwarfs and their stubborn and unreasonable trading offers. 
Instead of ripping apart conversations and insults, Thranduil’s hands are gentle as he parts the curtains and kneels on the feathery mattress with your shapes ingrained in it. All those nights spent close together and his warrior-heart will never fail to skip a beat at the sight of you wrapped in his robes. It’s one of the older, worn ones as well. Fabric that thins out at the cuffs – not that this would be a problem; you’re not close to reaching them –, a few cuts and holes in places twigs and branches bore themselves into the crimson, featherlight velvet. 
Thranduil sees your skin flashing through some of them. The one above your knee, drawn up, another one below your biceps, relaxed because you know nothing can hurt you here, and some more all over your chest, hinting that you are not wearing much else. 
He knows you well enough that you won’t be bitter if woken up and so he leans in closer from behind. One hand finds your head, cradling it into his large palm until you, still in dreams comfortable embrace, roll to the side and bury your face inside it, nose pressed right against his steady pulse while his fingers gently trace the curve of your ear. 
No time spent together will ever sicken him of this, your complete surrender into his care, the doubtless trust that wherever you laid down to rest, he would sit by and be there. The oath of protection is one Thranduil promised his folk the day he was crowned their King as well, not once has he doubted he would abandon it all for the vow he gave you the night you offered your heart and he gifted you his; you above all.
His thumb just brushes over your temple and the fine hairs that come loose of your braid when your lashes flutter, leaving him to readily dive into the pools filled with love and sleep.
While he maneuvers with cunning, a master of actions and power, playing a game of chess on a board he alone commands, you stand unrivaled with the art of words. Your tongue, sharp and precise, weaves wit and wisdom into every phrase. Whenever he acts rationally and leads by his heart, you would listen first, hearing out heart as well as brain, and come to a conclusion serving everyone. 
Your voice has the power to sway wars and balance the scales of battle. When you speak, your tone, thick with the remnants of sleep yet razor-sharp in purpose, reduces him to nothing more than a mere soldier—helpless in the face of your command, whether in war or love:
“I dreamt we were air.”
“Invisible?” Thranduil's voice is laced with a touch of curiosity as he revels in the warmth of your laughter, the puff of hot breath meeting his wrist like a secret kiss. Your presence is a balm, a reminder of everything that is tender and true.
“You, my love, know that this is not true.”
“It is not?” 
“No,” you whisper and press a kiss to the tender skin, lingering with your lips over the pulse and the veins rushing blood to the heart, your heart, inside his chest. A puppeteer of words. Even the silent ones. 
“I agree,” Thranduil muses, enticed by this playful exchange, “that the wind is what we notice, a fleeting glimpse of nature’s breath. But air – air is the unseen force that dances around us, invisible yet ever-present, until our souls merge with the very fabric of the universe.” He glides his other hand to your legs, slipping underneath his warmed robe. 
You squeak as he anchors his arm around your thigh and tugs you over to face him in a swift movement. Faced to lie underneath his larger figure, you shoot him a crooked grin. 
“You can see the air just as much as you can see the wind it turns into,” you start and get comfortable in his lap. Thranduil immediately jumps the chance to idly with the robe that’s draped all over your body. 
“In the particles that dance in the sunlight,” you continue, your voice soft and thoughtful, “in the flags that hiss and flutter. In the vapor rising from steaming ponds, and in the mist that clings to the earth in the morning fog.” He watches, entranced, as your palm flattens against him, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath beneath your touch. “I see it here,” you whisper, your voice barely more than a breath, and he follows your gaze as you watch your hand rise with each of his inhales and fall with each exhale.
Your fingertips, soft and gentle, curl slightly into the fabric of his current robe – soon, undoubtedly, those same fingers will find comfort in the folds of this robe, curling into it as you slip into sleep.
And in that quiet, intimate moment, he will see the air too, in the way your breath mingles with his, in the way your presence fills every space around him, making the invisible tangible, making the unseen profoundly felt.
The air catches in his throat and he sees your eyes twinkle.
Then, not looking away from you, he lies down as well. He has no need for the blanket crumpled underneath you both, the sight of you facing him, drawing your knees back to your chest and skin flashing whenever the fabric of his robes part to allow him these glimpses, is warmth enough. He loves you, even if you have a habit of taking what is his. A spray of his scents to drive him crazy, a feather that you take between your teeth as you write, or his robes but all of those mean nothing and all since you have him as well, fully and completely. 
So he will request ten new robes, in colors that you like, and await the day he gets to your bedroom and finds you sleeping in them.
“So,” Thranduil repeats slowly. His hand drifts to your face, trailing lines over the smile you give him. “You dreamt we were air?”
“Yes,” the corner of your lips quirk into a quick smirk, one that fades quickly yet leaves traces all over, “and we were invisible –”
“Oh, you little minx!”
“Ahhh – Thran, stop, oh I beg you, stop tickling me!”
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The brittle stairs heave and sigh, creak and groan under Bard’s boots, once honeyed planks now gray from the flow time, heavy rain and the dampness of the lake coloring the edges mossy green, and with the days passing by, the steps taken as he rushes down to work or tiredly drags himself up, one hand curved around the splintered railing, he wonders how many steps these stairs will endure before his house comes crashing down into the murky lake. 
This winter seems to be harsher than the ones before, with the wind howling loud at night and rattling on the walls that he wakes to frames shattered on the ground and the curtains ruffled even if the windows are closed. This winter, he swears the ice is thicker, a nearly impenetrable obstacle for his boat and his clothes are never warm enough but then, in the end, he knows the next winter will be worse and he doesn’t dare to complain out loud, doesn’t think it’s right to curse for hands shaking and feet aching and his nose running. 
As exhausted as he is, and Bard is, so exhausted, so tired, so drained, he’s mindful enough to skip the last plank of the stairs. He lifts his feet higher, ignores how the muscles in his thighs complain, and steps over the plank that always sounds like it’s waiting to break through, always moans the loudest when he needs to be quiet as if his state isn’t mockery enough. 
Bard slips through the door, opening it barely to keep the cold outside, and when he turns around, finally, warmth takes over. 
It starts in his hands, in the tips of his reddened fingers, exposed to nature's icy companions the moment he sneaks out to work before the sun rises. It creeps higher, up his arms and to his shoulders strong enough to carry his family more than he can hold himself, parting ways to fill his cheeks in the softest of glow, a simmering fire that colors his skin an ember-red and travels down through his swooping stomach, lightening a hunger he knows food will not sate, and when the heat reaches his feet, Bard releases a small sigh. 
There, in the low and flickering light of a candle burned down to a hardened wax puddle, his eyes immediately find you resting underneath the only window whose curtains are drawn open. Most of you is covered by a dark blanket, hiding your face but that doesn’t matter to Bard; he has every inch, every freckle, every crinkle of laughter and wrinkle of pain memorized. 
Not that he should; you’re kind enough to look after his children while he works, accepting no money and hearing no ‘buts’, and here Bard stands, a decade older, widowed and tired, and knows exactly that your mouth will be slightly opened and that your lashes will fan over the rosy apples of your cheeks and that your shoulders will ache because you rather sleep on the bench under the window than take away Bard’s pillow. 
Stubborn girl.
Bard crosses the cluttered floor, avoiding Tilda's drawings hung up to dry on the wooden ceiling beams and Sigrid's books and tomorrow, he will tut over Bain’s clothes left hanging on chairs and stools, but tonight he walks past them and their sight burns in his chest. 
As Bard gets closer to you, he nearly trips. 
That’s not a blanket that you hide your face in, that keeps away the winds creeping through the gaps in the wood behind you, that you use as a shield against the cold yet the greatest thing it fights are the walls Bard pulls up around his heart.
That’s his coat. 
The dark blue coat he left to dry over the oven after last night's rain. 
You must’ve taken it and that dismantles Bard into millions of pieces, chips away on his walls like nature takes layer after layer away from the stairs outside. 
While he can’t know when exactly the latter will be too much to take on any more pressure, he feels the heavy weight of his coat around your sleeping body, and just like the stairs, his personal defenses creak and groan, heave and sigh and crumble down around him in a thumping echo in his ears, that Bard fears his choked breath will wake you up.
He is helpless. 
He doesn’t dare to touch you directly, as much as he yearns to brush away the strands of hair fluttering in your even breaths. Bard’s hands are rough from his work and your soft skin deserves better than the callouses and scars he bears, so Bard gently lays his hand on your shoulder, covered by his coat – his coat, Lord how ever will he survive knowing the fabric kissed your body?
“Darlin’,” he whispers in a voice that’s horse and gravely, though it softens as he speaks your name, daring to follow it up fast enough there’s no room for a pause between the term of affection to be separated from your name.
You stir in your sleep, shift to reveal your face some more and the crease between your eyebrows and the effort it takes Bard to hold back from smoothing it out with his thump could have moved mountains. Bard ignores to notice how your nose is buried deep into the coat and that no washing could’ve ever cleaned the heavy fabric of his smell; he swallows hard. 
A low sigh blows away the hair and Bard’s eyes fall on the plushness of your lips. You wake up slowly, closing your mouth and you pull the coat tighter around you, holding onto it, while Bard lets go of his restraints.
“Darlin’,” he repeats, and this time you hear him enough to evoke a tired smile.
When you open your eyes and turn towards Bard, the candle flickers in the reflection of them. “You’re back,” you mumble into his coat, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
I know, Bard wants to say, I skip the last stair so the noise does not take away my chance to wake you up.
Instead, he shakes his head: “You shouldn’ be sleeping on this bench, it’s too hard and uncomfortable.”
“Eh,” you push yourself up into a sitting position, the coat still far too large around your frame and you don’t make any attempt to part from it, “This bench is sufficient enough for a short nap, and I–,” a yawn interrupts and you grin sheepishly, “What I wanted to say is that I wasn’t that tired anyway.”
“Sure,” Bard's laughter is quiet but fills the entirety of his lungs and his own lips mirror yours in a grin. 
The look you share in the darkness makes him feel like he’s young again, filled with infinite love for a limited body, bursting through his cells and flooding every vein, rushing blood that burns hot for you up to his battered heart. Bard can see your eyes wandering over his face and he wonders if you can tell that this smile is only for you and that he fights a lost battle in telling himself he can stop what’s tugging you closer. 
He leans in further and lets his hand fall from your shoulders to run his fingertips over his coat. His knees brush against yours, and Bard tells himself it's only the late hour that makes him tender, that his weary, overburdened mind is surrendering to the forbidden's allure in the quiet moments when no one else is watching. Yet, deep down, he knows this is merely the rationalization of a lost man, drawn to the woman who cares for his children who are not her own in some ways and are in others, who sleeps wrapped in his coat, and who gazes at him as though he could reach up and give her the stars he can see through the hole in his roof. 
“C’mon,” Bard nods his head toward the back of the house, an offer he speaks out every night, “I won’t let you go home all alone this late.” 
All other nights you shrugged his offer off, had him walk you home over the planks and gurgling water until you kissed his cheek goodnight and Bard snuck back to his home, falling into bed to fall asleep to an aching heart. He prepares for it now, the apologetic smile that usually takes over your face, the tilt of your head to hide your eyes, all of it is memorized to his memory and even though they’re always quiet he hears your “I can’t, I must go home,” like the drums of war that shoot the heart that beats for you.
He awaits it. He will ask again and again, no matter how desperate it makes him seem and how the hurt will take over and push him through the day only for the night to repeat itself.
“Okay,” you whisper.
Bard freezes.
You blink up at him, eyes full of sleep and dreams that shouldn’t have the image of an old man and his children in them, but you’re never one to listen to what’s expected from you. 
There’s no ache in his bones as he gathers you up in his arms, your head resting against his beating heart.
There’s no groan in his muscles as he carries you through his house and over the threshold to the little corner where he lays you on his bed, blue coat pooling over you as you smile and pat the small free space next to you. 
He doesn’t feel the pain of work, the exhaustion of days of darkness and the fear of surviving the night to get through the week.
Bard kicks off his shoes, discards his dirt-stained pants, and shrugs off the shirt dampened by water, ice, and snow. He vows that tonight, you won’t feel the cold. As he climbs onto the bed, the mattress dips under the weight of his trembling legs. You lift the blankets without hesitation, inviting him closer, and he accepts, silently aching for the warmth you offer. Your body radiates heat as you nestle in beside him, your smooth skin brushing against his legs. Almost timidly, you curl into him, your smaller form pressing against his chest and stomach. His arms wrap around you and when he allows himself to breathe a featherlight kiss onto your shoulder, he catches his musky scent left behind by his coat. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers into the crown of your head, feeling the fast beat of your heart under his hand, “my love.”
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Aragorn has been familiar with the pain of war ever since his father was murdered by orks when he was two. He knows how it flits through the body like lightning through water, cracking into all the ends of a being to render them helpless, burning through whatever energy and fight is left, and killing easily and efficiently. 
And yes, he has felt the pain of war on himself before, in the years he spent fighting as Thorongil under the hands of Lords and Kings in the West. Aragorn saw good men fall, saw better men than him die to the growing threat of Sauron and there has been a cloud of thunderstorm in his heart from there on.
Nothing hurts as much as the pain that took over your lovely eyes the moment you saw Boromir lying on the ground in colorful dried crunching leaves, pierced by arrows that had been aimed at you too, though that didn’t matter – to you – then. The scream that came next pierced through Aragorn blindingly white and he could do nothing but try to grab you, as you fell to the ground, scrambling away from his strong arms to get closer to Boromir, your weak efforts nothing but agony for him. You had cried bitterly, hitting Aragorn with curled-up fists and he took every punch, pulling you closer instead of pushing you away.
It only got worse when you realized the Hobbits were gone too. 
Aragorn saw the flame of hope flickering inside your eyes, a darkness of grief and pain behind them that he knew and yet he had no idea how to help you. 
He still doesn’t. 
The sun rose hours ago, red bleeding into gold, Boromir waving a last goodbye in the clouds, and the rustle of the wind brings shivers to the four of the Fellowship who are left. You’re setting up camp for the day; Legolas and Aragorn have not much need for speed but exhaustion can be a much crueler enemy combined with death and grief. Aragorn’s gaze wanders to you ever so often as you stand in front of the burning skies, staring at the pack that was once Boromirs and he casts his eyes downwards to where his heart aches. 
You suffer, obviously, and Aragorn, who fought for more years in his life than not, doesn’t know how he can battle your demons. 
If he could he would draw his sword and head into the fight, only return bloody-knuckled, the shadows wrapped between his tight fingers. He can’t though, and that may be what pains him more than the obvious heavy weight of witnessing Boromir’s last moments; his inability to take on your emotional baggage. It tears through his heart in aggressive jibes and stings like liquor on an open wound. 
This is why he’s the first volunteer when Legolas suggests splitting up. 
Aragorn nods at Gimli and they disappear into the forest, leaving Legolas who rests even less than Aragorn, and you, the walking example of why avoiding sleep after such traumatic events should be mandatory: your eyes drop, your hands shake and no amount of effort on your side is enough to hide the sacking of your shoulders. Every day that you walked further away from when you were nine – Mithrandir’s absence not accounted for – you distance yourself more, most likely to hide your suffering yet all that this behavior accomplishes is that Aragorn notices it all. 
How could he not?
He cares for you, most ardently, and these feelings brought forth a vulnerability, an open spot in his heart for love to slip in and make itself at home.
Aragorn leaves you in Legolas' care; the trust he places in the elf to protect you in your fragile state is grander than the one he has in himself. One soft whimper as you hide your face in your shoulder and stumble over feet that won’t listen and Aragorn might do something naive as pack his sack back up and hunt the orcs that took the Hobbits, the one coated in Boromir’s blood, on his own. 
It would be reckless, ignorant, a troubled journey without Legolas or Gimli or even you.
So Aragorn goes against his heart's urges and patrols – clearing the forest and trying not to think about your frail form, hugging yourself out of desperation and grief.
Gimli and he return hours later, under the warm rays of the sun – the gentle strings far too bright and calming for the last day's events, the wind a breeze swirling through the leaves crunching under his light feet and Legolas lifts a finger to his lips as soon as Aragorn makes eye contact.
He assures his steps are as silent as possible, avoiding the logs and twigs they would collect later for a fire to warm them, and walks past the elf, nodding his head and quietly thanking Legolas for keeping an eye on you. 
A hand lands on Aragorn’s shoulder, stopping him in his movement. 
“She’s asleep,” Legolas says quietly, leaning in closer, “We shall move forward when she awakes, rested.”
“No sooner,” Aragorn agrees and lets out a relieved breath that had been lodged deep inside his chest. He looks to the elf, then to the bundle of a small human shape underneath a tree. “Thank you, my friend.” 
“Aragorn, we need your focus as much as we need hers.” The grip on his shoulder loosens, and the weight stays in Legolas’ eyes and Aragorn almost winces, would he not know his friend only means well. 
His voice is gravel, his words soft and exhausted: “I know.” He didn’t know his heart had been such an open show but then, Legolas knows him like no other, a companion that found him and a friend that he can always count on, a partner in battle and nowadays, Legolas seems to have taken on the role of fates worst messenger – reminding Aragorn that this, you, the differences, the looming war and the ones that never end… 
When Aragorn approaches you, the pain he carries with him dims, a candle dying out in refreshing winds. Bending his knees, he carefully sits down, resting his back against the tree's rough bark covering your gentle face in dancing shadows and flickering golden spots of sunlight that kiss your closed eyelids. Around your shoulders and over most of your body, Aragorn recognizes the cloak he’d asked Legolas to stow away when Gimli and him took off. Now that he sees you, finally asleep, he is glad the cloak found a better use than being shoved inside a bag where it would have never touched your skin. 
He reaches out, soft and slowly, making sure his movements will not wake you and pulls off his leather coat as well, placing it across the uncovered part of your boots and legs.
Aragorn is tired but he will keep watch, protecting you to sleep safely.
He is weak but only for you, so he will fight harder than ever before to ensure the Hobbits return to see the smile he loves so much on your face again.
There is a possibility this will all change faster than any of you could realize, these times are unpredictable and there is a taste of danger on his tongue and in the air. The journey of the Fellowship has barely begun and already the sun bleeds into the horizon in colors that mark the grounds of battlefields awaiting you.
Aragorn clenches his jaw and only unclenches it when he hears the smallest of sighs. Looking down at you, he dares to smooth away some strands of hair, leaving a streak of dirt on your sunkissed temple. 
In the grand scheme of things, there is of course the need for the bigger picture and the importance of all that connects to this journey, but in this moment, surrounded by the sounds of the forests and your breathing, Aragorn takes comfort in knowing he has this moment with you to remember all the small things count just as much. 
A cloak to sleep in.
The shadow of a tree.
Even the pain seems to have fallen into a slumber, resting to surely come back and hit him square in the chest like it has never left him but Aragorn has never felt this free as in the pain’s short-lived absence. 
And he can hear it in the silence and in the way you keep his cloak close to you.
War brings pain but you bring love.
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Legolas may agree that abandoning his father's task of informing Lord Elrond of the disappearance of their captive to travel through the lands and destroy a ring in Mordor – whether the Fellowship will make it this far is still unknown – but then Aragorn brought you to the Council and suddenly Legolas finds himself months away from his home, listening to your laughter as you flip rocks over the lake you’re standing in front of. 
He can not remember the last time he saw someone be this amused by the ripple of water and the stones skipping across the otherwise calm reflection of the skies that cause the growing disturbance. Then again, Legolas never met anyone like you in general and every aspect of your personality that he gets to watch unfold like the meadows you ride across, the hills you climb up, the more eager he feels to find out what makes you laugh.
Stones, apparently. 
“No, not this one!” you chime in and take the stone he picked up out of his hand, your skin brushing his and sending ripples over his skin. 
“No?” he inquires and tilts his head in genuine confusion. “This one seems perfectly adequate for this, no different to the ones you chose.” 
You scoff, giddy giggling followed. “That’s outrageous! Calling this one adequate when it's clearly in no shape to even compare to these –” you lift your hand to his face and present the collection of rocks that you seem to keep in the pockets of your vest, a grin blooming across your face, “Look! They’re thinner, perfect to hop.. hopefully, four times?”
Legolas smiles, one that’s more tugged into his cheeks and corners of his eyes to really be called one. “I will leave you to find what you think–”
“I don’t think,” you interrupt him and roll your eyes, already turning your back to him again and bending your knee slightly. You turn your head over your shoulder and the sun reflects beautifully in your cheeky gaze, “I know. I feel. Look!” Then you twist your arm, pulling it into your chest at an angle before flicking the stone across the lake.
Five times.
You cackle loudly. 
And Legolas picks up the stone you thought not to be perfect and slides it into his pockets, ignoring how his heart skips five times.
The day flies by like the stones dance over water, fast, too fast for Legolas' liking yet by the time the sun burns low on the horizon, he is glad for the calmness that settles over the little camp they’d set up earlier. The others are scattered around the fire crackling behind Legolas, the warmth creeping into his bones and settling high in his cheeks, as he turns his head slightly and catches you staring out onto the water; the red fire and golden sunset basking you in a glow that pulls him into you like busy bees to the sweetest of flowers.
He can’t help but stare, even if it’s everything but appropriate. Your face is lit up, not only by the embers fluttering to you and the last of the sun's rays caressing the fullness of your cheeks but ever since you decided to tag along on this journey, nature bathes you in an aphrodisiac of wind-swept hair that Legolas wants to braid, rosy fingertips that he wants to hold and kiss each one of them. Whenever he looks at you – he could not tell how much, time is a rush of emotions, a whirlwind of hair and laughter, hands playfully slapping him and he counts the days by how often you blink up tiredly after waking up rather than the sun sets and rises – he is astounded of the beauty someone could possess and carry it out freely like it sits in your heart and not in your face. 
The sun sets and your eyes are full of wonder and molten gold, an open letter of your adoration for the nature that equally loves you back. 
Behind him, Legolas hears Merry and Pippin sing, hears the low chuckles of Aragorn, and lips that curve around a pipe, teeth clacking against shaped and glazed wood filled with smoke. He also hears your intake of breath as the wind swipes over you, gliding over the lapping water first, over the croaking frogs and wreathes around your naked arms. He hears the sound of your hand smoothing over the fine hairs that stand up on your prickled skin. 
He hears himself talk, before he thinks: “Here, this cloak will keep some of the cold away.”
Your eyes widen.
His heart skips five times on each breath taken in the moment of silence.
Legolas is sure that you would take the offer one way, but then you nod, lower lip pulled between your teeth as if that could stop the shy smile from tugging up the corners of your mouth, and you scoot closer, lifting yourself up by your hands and leaning in, until your shoulders brush his side.
He almost freezes, not because of the cold – this he can not feel, for multiple reasons, and mostly the advantages of being an elf though the warmth radiating from your body, suddenly so close to yours and the blush that he must blame on the fire – but because the way you slid into his side as he holds up one side of the green cloak leaves only the option to drape the fabric over your shoulder and awkwardly pull his arm away or–
There must be some of his father's braveness in Legolas for he lowers his arm around you, shaking ever so slightly. 
You sigh, contentedly, and draw your legs up to your chest. “Much better at this than skipping stones,” you mumble and a tired yawn accompanies your huff of laughter. 
Despite the teasing tone, Legolas can’t stop his smile. “Is this.. perfectly adequate?”
“No,” your head drops and maybe you don’t notice but you rest it on the arm, oblivious to the halt this causes to every single thought Legolas has ever had. “This,” you whisper and he can hear the flutter of your lashes trying to stay open, “is just perfect.”
All Legolas can do is hum in agreement, and even this sounds as shaky as his words would have been had he any of them readily and not swallowed up by the swarm of butterflies swooping through his stomach.
The sun disappears behind the line of trees on the other side of the lake, throwing one last wink of gold over you both before the silver light of the moon laps over you like the waves onto the shore. By the time your hair twinkles like the stars you seem to have lost the fight of keeping your head up; it rests against Legolas, just like most of your upper body that followed one last yawn. He sits still, not daring to move much now that you’re this close to him, your nose against his chest, the bones of your knees resting against his thigh, and all of you enveloped in his cloak.
The fabric rustles slightly as his arm slips from your shoulders to your middle, tugging you closer to keep the heat encased in this cloak and moment you’re sharing.
Legolas's other hand glides into his pockets, finding the stone hidden inside. His hand wraps around it, pressing the smooth surface against his palm.
“Perfect,” he repeats.
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wild-lavender-rose · 8 months
What Comes After - LOTR
Pairing: Aragorn x fem!reader, Legolas x fem!reader, Boromir x fem!reader, Faramir x fem!reader, Elrond x fem!reader
Category: Preferences/NSFW
Summary: What they would say/do after you've cum hard for them
Warning: NSFW, insinuation of sex, aftercare
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Whispered elvish between stuttered gasps of air
"Are you all right?"
Hovering over top of you, brushing the hair from your face, cradling your cheek as your body shivers from the aftershocks of pleasure
"I'm here, you're safe. I'm here."
Light kisses on your face
Holding you carefully as you both steady your breathing
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Shushes you as you gasp and shake, rubbing soothing circles against your thighs and hips while you come down from the high
Whispers assurances as he lays beside you, continuing to rub your sides and arms while watching your expressions closely
He smiles when you do, relieved that you're okay and he hasn't pushed you too far
Will run his fingers through your hair and compliment you on your performance
Gathers you into his arms the moment you reach for him, holding you close and whispering his love for you over and over again
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Is initially proud of himself and the fact you're a quivering, gasping mess
His smirk fades as your breath remains stuttered, holding himself up over you
"Are you all right?"
You nod but he doesn't believe you
Flips over and moves you so that you're laying on top of him
Rubs your back and cards his fingers through your hair as your body relaxes at the sound of his heartbeat
Still pretty proud of himself
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Would think he had done something wrong
Kiss you all over, assessing you with worried eyes
Would hold you the moment you reached for him
Gazing into your eyes, whispering again and again "I'm here, I'm here"
You would kiss him deeply to assure him that you were fine, a kiss he would gratefully return
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He would encourage you to cum one more time for him even after you've cum so hard
Would kiss you once you're totally spent, slow and deep
Whisper elvish in your ear
Would leave briefly to gather some wine, a basin of hot water and a cloth
Sponge bathes your sweaty, heaving body, leaving a trail of kisses in between
Helps you to drink some wine
Would hold you carefully, talking about everything and nothing as you fall asleep
Fanfic Masterlist
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gloomwitchwrites · 10 months
Rainy Reunion
Aragorn x Female Reader
Dedicated to @protosslady
Content & Warnings: light angst, reunion after a long absence, yearning, kissing, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.6k
Aragorn left nearly a month ago with no vow to return. But a great shadow moves across the land, and Aragorn returns to make sure you have not been swept up by the darkness.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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The rain outside is soft and warm, and it patters gently against the top of the tent. It’s the kind of rain that finds its way into the worst places. A steady rain that starts to saturate anything and everything it touches. The sort of rain that manages to slip down to the bottom of the insides of your shoes, soaking your socks and making each step a wet squelch.
Within the tent, near a low-burning candle, you flip through the pages of your book. The pages are worn and yellowed. The cover and binding are starting to come apart, the paper threatening to fall out, but you don’t dare retire it for something newer. This book is well-loved, and for good reason. It is one of the few things you carry that belong to the man that walked away from you.
Other than your tent, the rest of the camp is at rest. It is still in the early hours of the morning, the sun just starting to dawn, and most of the camp’s residents still slumber in their bedrolls and cots. Traveling has been a long and difficult journey.
A dark shadow moves across the land, pushing people from their homes. Your village left everything behind, moving with a great sea of people away from the coming darkness. There is no home for you to go to except the road. What little possessions you took with you are the ones in this tent.
But there are many things you left behind, including your heart. You wrapped it up and left it to wither for the ranger you might never see again. That man, whose name you only learned while tangled up in each other, is made for the wilderness. He is made for nature and adventure. You do not begrudge him for it.
It was never meant to last between the two of you.
Aragorn, Strider as others call him, left without a word. You knew it would happen. He told you it would, but the parting still hurt even if you had prepared yourself for it. The pain is a sharp dagger against ripe fruit, cutting through in a smooth, clean stroke. Though it has been nearly a month, it is all still fresh as if he left only yesterday.
You turn a page in your book, shivering slightly from the cold. The rain might be warm but the air has the faintest hint of chill, making the dampness in the air stick to your skin. There are others who are likely worse off than you. The tent you have is relatively warm, and you have blankets to spare.
There is a rustling near the tent opening, a soft sound like a small animal sniffing about. It draws your attention away from the ink on the page. You expect to hear or even see the outline of a fox or some other small creature. Instead, low morning light filters in, obscuring the features of the man standing there.
Not an animal, which entirely surprises you. The shadowed man lingers in the opening of the tent, and then he steps inside. You’re about to bolt up, to berate this stranger for walking in without your permission. But, once that flap falls into place, and the light from the candle hits the man’s face, your muscles seize up.
It is a dream. The man standing before you is an image plucked from your imagination.
“Aragorn,” you murmur, mostly to yourself.
He stands tall in the small space and yet seems so unsure. He looks nervous, as if you’ll run him off for entering. It’s so different from the man you’ve known. In your presence, Aragorn was always confident.
“Am I intruding?” he asks softly as if he already has one foot out the tent. You don’t want him to leave.
You stand, clasping your hands in front of you. “No. You’re not intruding.” The only thing you’re wearing is the off-white nightdress you sleep in and a large wool blanket that’s draped over your shoulders. It’s entirely too intimate for a visitor, especially a man.
“This is a surprise,” you say, because it is. Aragon left. You never expected him to return.
“I know,” he replies softly in acknowledgement.
The pain roils up, and it’s difficult to push it back down. Some of it leaks out. “You left without saying goodbye.”
Aragorn takes a step forward. “I’m sorry.” The space is small and he’s almost on top of you.
Is he sorry? He said he would leave, that he couldn’t stay with you. While you don’t resent him for leaving, the separation still hurts, and you’re not sure how much of an apology you actually deserve.
You step around the apology, not wanting to linger there. “How did you find me?”
He glances at the candle and book. Aragorn’s features soften as his gaze falls on the worn cover. The book is his. You didn’t take it, and he didn’t truly gift it. Aragorn left it—whether on purpose or by accident—but you’ve carried it all this time.
Aragorn smiles softly, and your heart melts down to your feet. “You still have it.”
“It’s an entertaining read.”
His gaze returns to your face. “The rangers I ride with have been following at a distance,” he finally answers. “A darkness is sweeping across the land, and we’ve been watching all the people fleeing its reaching hands.” Aragorn pauses a moment before continuing. “I was unaware you were here until I heard about your village.”
“Is that why you’re here in this tent? You came looking for me?”
Aragorn nods. “I did. I feared—” He steps forward and then pauses, his hand curling into a fist like he’s resisting the urge to touch you.
“What did you fear?” you whisper as the chill begins to ease.
Aragorn swallows. “That the shadow had found you, and I was too late.”
“The shadow did not find me.” Aragorn is so close. Within reach.
Hesitantly, you lift your arm and allow your fingers to brush against his rain-drenched cloak. Aragorn glances down at your hand, and then he is moving, taking your hand in his. You do not pull away. You do not draw back.
He is so warm. A bright spot of light that you wish to take into yourself. He lifts your hand to his face and proceeds to kiss each of your fingers. Aragorn rotates your wrists and kisses your open palm. Every movement and kiss is purposeful. Drawn out.
You want to berate him. You want to tell him to leave. But you don’t. You can’t. Instead of pulling back or pushing him away, you step closer. Aragorn accepts this easily, sliding one arm around your waist to hold you close.
The rain on his cloak is of little significance, even as it starts to seep into your nightdress. Aragorn is here, and he is holding you, which is all that matters.
He closes the distance and you meet him greedily, wanting to remember how the two of you come together. Your lips meet, and all those happy flashes of memory stir up like a storm and batter your brain like waves against rock. Kissing Aragorn is natural, and returning to it is easy. Like the two of you never stopped.
It is not a heated, desperate thing, but soft and lovely, the two of you coming together until you’re both breathless and smiling. Hands roam, and it is you that undoes his rain-soaked cloak, but Aragorn who allows it to fall. Your hands continue to touch, both over and under clothing. His skin is hot against your palm, and that only ignites a deep fire within you.
The wool blanket around your shoulders disappears, guided by Aragorn as he tosses it onto your cot. The dull tiredness of sleep is gone, replaced by a growing need to be with him in the closest way possible.
The rain that is in his hair and on his skin drips onto you until your eyelashes and cheeks are speckles with them. They are little gifts to you. Pieces of him that you are accepting and taking for yourself. It does not matter that you or he might wipe them away, or that they might dry. You are desperate for anything.
You are content with just this—kissing Aragorn as the rain falls gently outside. But now, with your bodies pressed close, it’s hard to ignore what you want. This separation is a wound that needs stitching, and kissing Aragon is the thread.
His hand brushes against your waist through the nightdress and you desperately want him to go lower. You want him to explore the places he’s already been, rediscovering them and the way he makes you feel.
“I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long,” whispers Aragorn, his fingertips grazing across the water droplets that now line your cheek. His other hand dips between your legs, seeking what you’ve been after. The sensation is maddening.
You whimper, hips bucking as he strokes you through your clothes. Aragorn is enjoying it too. He tugs on your dress and kisses your shoulder where it slips to expose skin. Water drips onto your skin from his hair, running in a line down your bare shoulder to below the neckline of your dress. Aragorn leans in and licks up the droplets.
It’s lovely, and you want more of him. You need him everywhere.
“I want you,” you whisper. “But I am cross with you for not saying goodbye.”
Aragorn sighs and rests his forehead against yours. “How can I make amends? I do not wish to lose you.”
Your fingers dig into the fabric of his tunic. “Will you stay with me a bit? Can you give me what you are able?”
“You shall have it,” comes his response. Aragorn’s voice is low and raspy.
He smiles, as much with his eyes as with his mouth, and leans forward to kiss your neck. He starts slow, removing the rest of his rain-drenched outwear, hanging it up to dry in the corner along with the cloak that fell to the tent floor. Once done, he returns to you, his hand sliding over and down your nightdress.
Aragorn’s words drip with lust when he speaks again. “Do you want to take it off or should I do it for you?” He tugs lightly on the fabric, making his intention clear.
You inhale sharply, momentarily surprised by his forwardness. Aragorn’s hand slips beneath your neckline. His eyes search your face but you do not answer with your voice. Instead, you press into him, and Aragorn takes that as an invitation. He guides the dress over the other shoulder, letting the fabric fall to your waist.
“To be graced with your beauty again is a precious gift,” he whispers when you’re bare to him.
Your hands fist his tunic again, tugging, and Aragorn doesn’t need to ask to know what you want. He removes it quickly, and then he is bare from the waist up too. From there, the two of you remove the rest. For you, it’s a simple sway of the hips before the rest of the nightdress drops to the floor. Aragorn has much more to remove, staring with his mud-splattered boots and pants.
Once gone, and the two of you are entirely bare for each other, his arms go around your waist, guiding you down to the small cot that has been your bed for the last month. You run a hand over his bare chest, admiring the broad muscles and strength beneath your palm. Your fingers trace over scars, some that are old and faded, and others that are fairly new and still a bit red from healing.
Aragorn seizes your roaming hand and presses a kiss to the open palm. From there, he kisses your wrist, your inner forearm, the dip of your elbow, and then up to the curve of your shoulder. Those lips of his brush against the skin between shoulder and throat, venturing upwards to your neck to tease and suck at the skin there.
“You deserve more than this, especially after such a long absence,” he murmurs just before pressing a delicate kiss against the spot right behind your ear.
“It is you that caused it,” you murmur, turning your head enough that you find his lips.
Aragorn hums against your mouth in agreement.
When he kisses you again, it is with great care and attention, like you are the most precious gift. Nothing is rushed, and Aragorn does not push for more. He lingers in the moment, savoring your scent and taste. There is an urgency, a remembrance of how much joy the two of you shared together, but Aragorn does not dive in to seek only for himself.
You are a priority for him, and your mutual enjoyment is all that matters.
Aragorn is atop you, caging you against the small cot. Your legs are spread, thighs pressed against his hips. His hand slides up to cup the bottom of your face, and his thumb strokes over your cheekbone. With deliberate slowness, he takes your lower lip between his teeth and bites down just hard enough to pull a little whiny sound from you.
It’s a reminder of all those secret nights together, with the two of you wrapped up, seeking warmth and comfort.
His mouth follows his hand at it travels downward. Aragorn kisses the space between your breasts. He traces your skin with his tongue, circling and teasing until your back arches and your core floods with pleasure. Then he moves lower, strong hands gripping your waist as you squirm beneath him. His eyes meet yours and they are dark. Sensual.
The rain is a distant, soft pattering. His hair is still wet and water drips from the end. Some of it clings to his face and neck. Aragorn’s lips are parted slightly as he watches you.
“Please don’t go,” you whisper. “Please.”
Aragorn kisses you, nips at your bottom lip. “I won’t,” he replies. “I promise.”
He keeps that promise.
Aragorn’s hand slides between your legs and seeks out that delicate bundle of nerves. His fingers circle it, culling the tingling vibration of pleasure that swirls in your belly. Then, those fingers slide down, and breach your body, spreading you open.
Your nails dig into his lower back, and Aragorn groans softly, his face falling against your neck as he pumps his fingers. Your legs fall open a bit wider, and wider still until you’re lost to him rubbing on that sensitive flesh and working those fingers in and out of you.
The end comes fast and perfect, rippling up your spine only to spike down to your core where you clench around his fingers. You whimper his name, and the last of it is swallowed by his mouth as he kisses you.
Then his fingers are gone, and his hardness is pushing in, spreading you open, splitting you apart until your nails rake down his back and he’s seated to the hilt. Aragorn holds there, not moving, the two of you breathing heavily.
Aragorn does not move until your breathing slows. He rolls his hips in short movements that are just a tease, a way to acclimate from the time apart. But your body begins to remember, and when it does, Aragorn is relentless, reminding you of every sensual night that you’ve been endlessly dreaming off.
The candle is nearly out. Almost gone. It’s light so dim that the tent is mostly shadow.
Aragorn hits deep, and your thighs quiver around his waist. You tighten around him, a little aftershock hitting you, and that takes him over the edge.
The candle goes out, but the rain remains.
A small slit in the tent flap reveals the light gray sky, and its light slashes across Aragorn’s face.
And he still keeps his promise. He does not dress or attempt to leave.
Aragorn sinks against you, limbs entwining, and for now, you can have him.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Hi!! Can you write something fluffy between Legolas and a female human reader? Even though Legolas has been around for a while, he is always watching the reader because he wants to learn about her little quirks and customs. The reader is always like “uhhh Aragorn why is he just staring” but Legolas reveals that it’s cause he finds her cute and wants to get to know her more while they’re together on the fellowship :)
Little Quirks ~ Legolas x Fem!Human!Reader
A/N: Ahh I missed writing for Legolas haha!! At this point he is like a major part of my life lmao <33 Ngl this took me longer than normal? Maybe I got a little rusty during my little time off haha rip but yeah here you go I hope you like it!!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.3k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: The elven prince for some reason couldn't stop staring at you, which in return made you confused and very curious, as to why his eyes were constantly following you around.
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Legolas tilted his head to the side, smile gracing his lips, as his eyes focused on the way you polished your weapons to perfection. The dagger in your hand reflecting the bright fire in front of you, while you rubbed a cloth against the handle. A few gems were embedded into the metal, giving it some colour. You can’t quite remember when you got the dagger, but you knew you would be incredibly upset if you ever lost it. Holding it out in front of you, you inspected it for any kind of grime or dirt that still could be there. While doing so you notice that the elven prince has been staring at you for quite a while. He always seems to be staring at you, no matter what you were doing. It not just confused you, but also made you feel unsettled to some extent. “I hope you don’t mind me taking up the space beside you.” Aragorn said, as he made himself comfortable on the log beside you. His sword was on his lap, as he began to clean it off of the dried blood from the battle of a few hours ago.
“Of course not.” You placed your polished dagger into the leather holster that was secured on your thigh, before grabbing your own sword to take care of it as well. Taking a quick glance towards Legolas, you notice that his attention was now on Gimli, who seems to be mentioning one of his stories to him. “You know the elven prince well, right Aragorn?” You asked him, while running the cloth against the metal. “I wouldn’t say that I know him well, but I do know him longer than most of the fellowship do.” He sat his sword aside, before turning towards you. “What is on your mind?” “Well, I have noticed that he always seems to be watching me, no matter what I do. Like for example last week.”
Standing in front of the pot, you stirred it with the wooden spoon before adding a few more leaves. Normally Sam would be the one in your place, however you insisted to take his place for the night and make everyone one of your favourite dishes. You added in the few chopped vegetables you had prepared earlier. Noticing a certain gaze on your figure, you looked up from the dinner you were making. Legolas smiled softly at you, before lowering his gaze from you. You didn’t think much about it, until you took another glance into his direction and caught him again.
“Is everything alright Legolas?” “Yes, of course.” He said, his eyes never leaving you once. After a bit of more stirring, you poured a little of the stew into the bowls, before handing them out. Walking over to Legolas, you sat beside him before giving him his own food. “I really liked the song you hummed.” You tilted your head to the side at his statement, not really understanding what he meant. He noticed your puzzled expression, smiling gently at you. “You were humming while you prepared the dinner.” “Oh- I did not notice.” A soft embarrassed blush dusted your cheeks. “I hope it did not disturb you in any way. I normally hum only at home but I guess I was so much at ease that it just happened.” “Like I said (Y/N), I really enjoyed it. Maybe you could teach me the song sometime.”
“That does sound completely normal to me. He just enjoyed the melody.” You huffed at Aragorns statement. You knew that this sounded like it was nothing special. But it was not the only time you caught him staring a little longer.
You were standing in front of one of the many stalls of a small town. The fellowship decided to take a quick tour through the closest town, in order to stack up on some essentials needed for your travels. Of course, you tried to focus only on things you really needed for the journey, however the shiny jewels from the table beside the one you were currently browsing through caught your attention. “Welcome young lady, what can I do for you today?” You gazed upon the silver and golden necklaces that were laid out in front of you. “How much would that be?” You asked the merchant, holding up a golden bracelet, that had a little heart charm attached to it. “Around 30 coins.” You bit your lip in thought at his answer, only having so many coins in your little pouch. “I will be thinking about the offer, thank you.” Putting the bracelet back onto the table, you made your way towards another one. This one sold various items like books, as well as scrolls, bags, pouches, brooches and other little trinkets. Taking a beautiful hand mirror into your hand, you looked at your reflection. You noticed a familiar elven prince in the background, who seems to be looking into your direction. Tilting your head, you stared back at him through the reflection.
After a while of staring back at him, you put the mirror back onto the table and decided to approach him. As soon as he noticed you, a smile graced his lips. “Have you already gotten everything you needed?” He asked you, as you stood beside him. “Well, not really. But I have been wondering something else.” You tilted your head to the side as you mustered him. A smile was still present on his lips, as he mirrored your movement. “Why have you been staring at me again?” “Have I?” “Yes!” At this point you believe he was mocking you. You caught him through the mirror and he still tries to deny it. “I think you are mistaken.” He said, giving your shoulder a soft pat before joining Aragorn at one of the stalls.
“And what if you really were mistaken?” “I was not! Aragorn, I know that he has been staring at me not just those two times! He stares at me while I eat, while I talk, while I polish my gear, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was staring at me now.” The both of you turned towards the elven prince, who in fact was looking at you once more. “See? I would just want to know why he does it.” Aragorn let out a lough at your desperate sigh. “I am pretty sure that you will get your answer very soon.” And with that he stood up and left you alone.
After finishing up polishing your weapons, you decided to approach the elven prince once more to try and get answers to your questions. “Hey Legolas, can we maybe talk?” You asked him, while taking a seat beside him. “Of course, what is on your mind?” “I have noticed you were staring quite a lot at me. Is there a reason behind it?” A chuckle left his lips, as he grabbed your hand gently. Warmth spread over your cheeks at the soft touch. “I really enjoy watching you (Y/N). Not in an unsettling way! I just love to see you react to specific things. Or how your eyes shine when you find something you like at one of the stalls. Or how you just sometimes have that little jump in your step when you are really excited.”
Your face was red, as you nodded to each of the words that passed his lips. “I think your quirks are so interesting and so cute. You always catch me off guard.” A smile graced your lips, as you squeezed his hand. You didn’t know he felt so drawn towards you. “For example, right now. Your eyes are shining brighter than the stars above.” His finger graced your warm cheek, as he brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I want to get to know you more and understand you better with every passing day.” “I will only allow it, if you let me study you as well.” You answered boldly, earning you a laugh from Legolas. “Of course, Meleth Nin. Anything that your heart desires.”
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fox-bee926 · 1 year
Who did this?
Harvey Specter x fem!reader
Masterlist A/N: Wow another one? I'm going to do one more after this and then answer an ask and put all my harvey fics on one post. Then after that who knows. I have an awesome aragorn x reader fic I've been playing around with so I might work on that. Definitely going to try and do more one shots to improve my writing. I really enjoy it but depression makes it a tad hard. Anyways! Enjoy! TW: **This story focuses on the physical abuse between the Reader character and her boyfriend. I am not responsible for the content you consume so please be advised. There are explanations of abuse, but no explicit scenes of abuse occurring.** abuse (physical and emotional), hurt/comfort, Harvey being very sweet, mention of painkillers but I'm talking like 2 tylenol or ibuprofen or something Word Count: 2.5k
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You run across the street to the Pearson Hardman office building, just about soaking wet. All that protected you from the rain was a newspaper you bought right outside your building. You prayed all the way to work that it wouldn’t just completely break under the force of the rain. You had spent almost thirty minutes on makeup, twenty five more minutes than you usually spend. To go along with that, you couldn’t find an available taxi because of the rain. Not even the pain in your shoulder had let up, despite taking a couple painkillers.
Your boyfriend had gotten a bit angry with you last night after you went out socializing with some friends. It wasn’t your smartest move. You knew he didn’t like you to hang out with your guy friends without his permission. But you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The feelings of your heart conflicted with your rational mind. All you know is you love him and he loves you. Which is why he gets upset when you go out without him. But then why wouldn’t he make time to go out with me alone?
You shook those thoughts out of your head as you swiped your card into the building. You took the time in the elevator to dry off with your sweater. Which was consequently soaked. Curses rang out in the elevator- cursing the sweater, the weather, your boyfriend, you didn’t know.
You sat down in the chair next to Donna and exchanged greetings. “How are we looking today, Donna?” You smiled as you saw Harvey sitting in his office. The only person getting into the office earlier than him was Donna.
“Full day as always. Oh, Jonathan from accounting asked for Harvey to look at his expense accounts for this last month. He won’t of course- but as long as they get to Harvey’s desk, Jon won’t speak another word about it until the next thousand dollar dinner with a client.” Donna goes back to typing rapidly on her computer. 
“And then the cycle continues,” You let out a hearty laugh for the first time since you left work last Friday. “I’ll get on that. Anything else while I’m in accounting?” You gather up different file folders that you need to take down to accounting anyway.
“Nope, say hi to Mr. Expense Forms for me!”
“Will do, Donna.”
You quickly walk to the elevator and down to the accounting department for Jonathan's expense reports. Harvey is still in the same spot as he was when you left as you open the door to his office. You make sure to open the door with your left arm, with the papers in your right. 
“I got a delivery for Harvey Specter from Mr. Jonathan Expense Forms from accounting. Fuming as always. You might want to lay off the fancy dinners for a week.” Harvey rolls his eyes at the notion.
“Sweetheart, you think I’m that good at my job that I don’t need fancy dinners to win over clients? You must think very highly of me.” He chuckles smugly as he writes words you can barely read on a legal pad. You deal his snark back just the same.
“Of course I think you’re good. You’re my boss, I’m legally obligated to think so.” You both laugh until you reach with your right arm to set the folder on his desk. You let out a noise just loud enough for Harvey to be concerned. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“It’s nothing, I just fell.”
At this, Harvey looks up. You were never one to be clumsy, let alone fall so hard as to hurt yourself. As Harvey’s eyes assess you, he notices a large dark bruise on your wrist- both your wrists in fact. 
His silence worries you, and you follow his eyes to your wrists. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry-” You quickly try to pull your sleeves down to cover the spots. Remnants of rain water drove through the foundation. 
Harvey takes a few deep breaths as you stand there in shocked silence. For the smallest second, you think he’s going to hurt you. Rationally, you know the notion is absurd, but the mind that has dealt with angry men keeps you silent.
Harvey finally speaks after taking a minute to process the information he’s pieced together.
“Who did this to you?”
You’re taken aback, that small part of your mind thinking he would call you unprofessional or weak. “My... My boyfriend. He just gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. It’s truly nothing. I’ll do better to cover them-”
“A good man being annoyed never results in bruises. How did this happen?” Harvey has to go against every part of his nature not to rush out and ask Donna everything about this man, then subsequently find him. He’s thinking that those boxing lessons are actually going to come in handy.
But he knows he can’t. He knows that if he moves like that, or moves at all, he’d terrify you. He can see how your eyes dart around. Towards the door, towards your wrists, and towards himself. He didn’t know how you would react if he even stood up.
“I fell into a bookshelf. He pushed me a bit and I lost balance.”
“You mean he shoved you into a shelf.”
The way Harvey phrased it made you feel uncomfortable. “That’s a bit harsh, but you could phrase it like that.”
He stared at you in disbelief. This wasn’t the woman he saw on a daily basis. The woman that dealt with almost every slimy man that came into the building. The woman that he had slowly fallen in love with since she arrived here.
The woman before him seemed like a shell of the woman he met three years ago, and he couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next.
“Do you know how you sound? You should never be bruised, shoved, or red eyed if you’re in love. That’s simply not how it is, and I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that.”
At this, the dam broke.
Tears had been pooling in your eyes from the moment Harvey saw the bruises. But at his last words you let out a pained sob. It hadn't sunk in just how bad it had gotten. Your boyfriend had done this a few times before, but had never gotten so harsh until last night.
All the pain from the last year had come rushing in, and you were about to break right in front of your boss. Heavy tears started to run down your face. It was at this moment you were glad you never wore heavy makeup. You did your best to stifle the sounds and cries that tried to escape, but outside, Donna still saw through the glass. 
Immediately, Donna calmly walks in. She takes one look at you, then Harvey. With a single nod from Harvey, Donna lets out a quiet "Car is on its way."
Unfortunately that made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. This is completely unprofessional-"
Harvey finally stands up and walks towards you. At this point, what you need isn't space. He places his hands as gentle as can be on your arms to coax you to look at him. And you do, but looking at your red eyes and wet tears streaming down your face up close make his heart break even more.
"I don't give a shit about professionalism. Donna is getting the car and my driver is going to take you home-"
"No! He's there, he's been trying to move in with me and doesn't have a day job. He's just been staying there..." Your sentence trails off as you’re trying to process what you’re actually saying. Are you really doing this?
"Okay, then my driver will take you to my place and give you a key. We'll talk about the next steps when I get home. I'll get you some things from your apartment, okay?"
The tears were gone purely by witnessing Harvey be so calm, and you nodded slowly. All you could do was follow the sound of his voice. Like a lighthouse in a raging storm. 
Donna entered the room quietly, "The car is here."
"Good. Donna will walk you out." You nodded, not saying a word. You turn to walk out of Harvey’s office, but he reaches out for your hand. “You’ll get through this, alright?”
You give a small smile. However, your mental state did not display the same sentiment. Your mind was reeling from what had happened in the last- what, 10? 15 minutes? 
Donna leads you out the back staircase as a gesture of mercy. She knew that you didn’t want anyone else to see you like this. Harvey wasn’t exaggerating his view of you. Everyone in the office saw you as an unbreakable force.
Harvey’s driver opens the door for you. You look back at Donna, who is smiling sweetly. “I promise, Harvey will take care of everything. The only thing you need to worry about is taking care of yourself, okay?” 
You gave Donna the same small smile you gave Harvey. You were at the edge of your sanity at this point. Now that you’ve gone through all the sadness and shock of the... situation, you were embarrassed. Angry. Angry at yourself for letting a man put his hands on you for a full year. Angry at Donna for knowing exactly what was going on and getting exactly what was needed. Angry at Harvey Specter for being so goddamn perfect that you couldn’t help the butterflies that always arose in your stomach whenever he talked to you. Angry at the world for putting you in this position.
Wordlessly, you exited the car once it stopped in front of Harvey’s building. You reached his apartment without thought. You took your heels off, and put your purse on the closest counter you saw. 
And you cried.
 Harvey exited the elevator with a large box held in his hands. It was purely full of necessities. A week's change of clothes, toiletries, some books he knew were your favorite. Everything else he could buy new. He looked down and saw your heels on the ground and your purse on the table beside him.
Once he set down the box on the floor, he saw you. You looked even worse than at the office. Your beautiful hair was frizzy and pulled in odd directions. The worst part was the absolutely destroyed look on your face. Eyeshadow and liner were smudged on your red tinged eyes which stared into space in front of you. 
Harvey sees your body stiff as a board on the edge of his soft couch, seemingly ready to run at a moment’s thought. “Have you been sitting like that since you got here?”
“No. I’ve only just sat down.” Your arms leaned on your knees, hands folded in your lap.
Harvey tries to ignore the hoarse sound in your voice. “Well, you can relax a bit if you’d like. I got you some more comfortable clothes if you want to change.”
Your brows furrow as you think. “Did he give you any problems?” For the first time since he came in the front door you look at him. He was visibly more relaxed than he is in the office. His suit jacket was tossed on the coat rake next to the door and the sleeves of his dress shirt were neatly folded up his arms. He walked towards the kitchen to the freezer. 
“He didn’t get a chance. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you again.” He walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and sets down an ice pack. His shirt was obviously wrinkled, and his knuckles held the slightest tinge of blue. The thought of Harvey hurting someone made your stomach flip, but you didn’t feel quite so bad for the receiving party.
“Let’s get some ice on that shoulder, huh?” He could tell you were still sensitive, but it felt more subdued than the scared woman he saw in his office.
You nodded in agreement about the ice pack. You hadn’t really stopped to think about it until he said something. As you unbutton your shirt to reveal your nude colored undershirt, you wince. The swelling of the bruise had gotten worse since you hadn’t taken anything for it. You hadn’t noticed the pain when you were crying, but now it just felt terrible.
“Let me help.” You give Harvey a look when the words come out of his mouth, a glimpse of that fiery woman that he knows. But you sigh and relent. You managed to undo a few buttons at least before Harvey steps in.
He unbuttons your shirt down to your stomach and pulls the shoulder of the shirt down just enough to slide the ice pack onto the skin. As soon as it’s securely placed between you and the couch, you let out a groan. In relief or pain, you don’t know. All you knew was that the cold felt absolutely wonderful on your swelled skin.
You and Harvey stay like that for a while, the exact amount of minutes you don’t know and neither does he. Harvey is the first to speak.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
You give him a look that says “I wonder why, dumbass.” But you refrain. “I’m thinking.”
He finally sits next to you on the couch and reaches his arm to grasp the top of the cushions. In his mind he excuses it as getting more comfortable, but the opportunity to touch you is also a bonus. Harvey was not a man of wise words for comfort, moreso actions and touch.
In a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood, he says “Whatcha thinkin’ about.”
You smile a true smile and look towards him. Then the thoughts in your head come rushing in and the smile falls from your face. “I’m thinking about how I’ve been with him for so long that I don’t know how to live my life without him. So much of my life has been conforming to his ideals, his feelings. How am I supposed to love and be loved after him? After I’ve split my soul into so many pieces that I’ve lost track of where they all are?”
Both of you sit in silence, not sure what to say.
“I was definitely not expecting that.”
“I am... extremely sorry I said that, please just ignore-”
“I wasn’t finished, sweetheart. Firstly, I think you should see a professional about these feelings. But in the meantime, we can work on that together.” Harvey smiles, but then falters. “I- I mean, if you want. I’m not trying to get in your pants, I promise, all I’m saying is that I’m here whenever and you can stay as long as you want and-”
“Thank you, Harvey. It means a lot to hear you say that.” You laugh at the sight of a flustered Harvey Specter.
“To paraphrase, you're not alone in this. Not ever.”
You reach over with your good arm and pull him into as much of a hug as you can muster. In return, he pulls you close. Neither of you ever want to leave.
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entishramblings · 3 months
The Innocence of Brutality Pt. 9 [Legolas/Reader]
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A.N:  I want to especially thank @tiny-and-witchy for giving me such motivation to write this chapter. Your messages of encouragement were so helpful. Also, this chapter is very....interesting. I wanted to focus on character development and the development of learning behavior in a new world. Additionally, as this story follows the events of the lotr films, I didn't want it to be entirely too repetitive. We have all seen the movies and I personally find myself getting irked when I read and re-read the same scene over and over...hence why I wrote certain scenes certain ways. but fret not, there are plenty of things that I included in this chapter that are not a part of the films heh!
Request: none
Pairing: Legolas X Fem!Reader
Summary: The Reader is Rámaitë Mahtar, a warrior spirit race, and she meets the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring.  
Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the Rámaitë Mahtar is not canon as I made up Rámaitë Mahtar. Also, all elvish was translated from a translator site—it may not be accurate.
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: mentions of war, mentions of torture, violence, fluff, hurt/comfort, blood, injuries, gore, nudity, things get spicy, discussion of sex 🌶️
MASTERLIST | AO3 | WATTPAD | The Innocence of Brutality Masterlist | HERE for OC format
(Y/N) sat still upon a large rock, her eyes fixated on Boromir’s motionless form, as Aragorn and Gimli prepared his funeral boat. Her wings, once radiating power, were now punctured and bloody, Legolas tending to them with care. Still, the pain that rippled among each feather was nothing compared to the suffering and hopelessness in her heart.
The silence among the four was profound, each absorbed in their own grief. Aragorn's face was painted with stoic sorrow, his hands moving with gentle precision as he placed flowers around Boromir's body. Gimli, usually gruff and unyielding, worked the same task with a rare tenderness, his eyes showcasing the break of his heart. With each blossom they laid upon Boromir's chest, a silent tear slipped from (Y/N)’s eyes, running down her cheek and falling to the earth as she once had. The forest, who bore witness to Boromir’s bravery, seemed to mourn beside them—for the trees rustled peacefully, creating a soft song for the Gondorian.
“It is time,” Aragorn spoke softly.
Slowly, (Y/N) stood, her injured wings slipping from Legolas’ healing hands. She approached the boat that now cradled her companion. The Rámaite Mahtar reached for his cold hand. With immense care, she gently unfolded his fingers, confirming that her opal rested inside his loose grip. Blinking back tears, as little rainbows reflected upon the pale skin of his palm, she closed his fist once more.
“Goodbye,” she whispered. 
With a solemn unity, the group pushed the boat into the water, their hearts heavy with grief and reverence. They watched it float away, carrying their fallen comrade to the halls of the gods, praising his bravery and sacrifice. 
In that profound moment, they forged an unbreakable resolve to save Merry and Pippin. They would not let their friends perish to the evil of the Uruk-hai. Therefore, with fierce determination, they embarked on a relentless race across Arda.
As their feet pounded into the soil across the plains, (Y/N) tried to conceal her struggle. Her punctured wings, open and unable to fly and resistant to motion, held her back. The relentless wind battered against them, intensifying her pain and forcing her to push harder than the others, stealing her energy. It seemed to howl in laughter at her suffering. It mocked her. No longer would she let the wind's whispers taunt her. Therefore, despite her injuries, she folded her wings into her form, leaving no feather upon her back, only smooth skin. 
Legolas sent her a look of concern as they ran but she only shook her head and said two words: “The wind.”
He seemed to understand, but kept a careful eye on her as they sprinted. 
Despite this concern, it appeared to be a good thing that she hid away her wings because, only hours after, the group was standing in a circle of men who were high upon their horses with spears drawn and aimed. Legolas assumed that, if they saw her wings, those spears would be through their bodies, for often men fear what they don’t understand. 
The elf was quick to push the Rámaite Mahtar behind him, into the center of the tight, small circle Aragorn, Gimli, and himself formed.
The leader, seemingly so, approached them. “What business does an elf, man, dwarf, and woman have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly.”
Gimli was the one to snip back a snarky reply, “Give me your name, horsemaster, and I shall give you mine.”
The man dismounted, a sneer upon his face as he moved closer towards the dwarf. “I would cut off your head dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground.”
Drawing his bow Legolas replied forcefully, “You would die before your first stroke fell.”
Aragorn was quick to push down his arm, interrupting the interaction. “I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, this is Gimli son of Gloin, and Legolas son of Thranduil.”
The man contemplated the Ranger’s words for a moment, before he dipped his head towards the final member in their group who had not been introduced. “And the woman?” 
The Rámaite Mahtar stood straight, confident, and strong. 
“(Y/N),” she replied simply. 
He inched closer, a frown upon his brow. “Do you choose to be in the company of these men, Miss, or is it under force?” 
She tilted her head, not understanding what he was trying to imply. Her subtle anxiety, slipping her hand into Legolas’, did not go unnoticed by the Rider. 
With her action, he seemed to relax. Nodding towards their folded hands he spoke again. “I apologize, Lady, I did not realize you were the wife of the elf.”
(Y/N)’s brows crinkled in confusion, not entirely sure of the meaning behind the word “wife.” The other three hunters did not dare try to correct the Rider’s assumption for it could initiate a conversation of (Y/N)’s origins—which is something they knew shouldn't be shared. 
Aragorn cleared his throat. “We are friends of Rohan and Théoden, your king.” 
“Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe,” he gruffed in reply. Taking off his helmet, the spears of his men retreating, he spoke again. “Not even his own kin. Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over his lands. 
(Y/N)’s lips parted as a small whisper of recognition left her lips, no other besides Legolas noticing. “The Man of Saru.” 
The rider continued. “My company are those loyal to Rohan and, for that, we were banished.” He then stepped forward, his demeanor changing, showcasing pent up anger and hidden fear. “The white wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say. There’s an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets.”
“We are no spies,” Aragorn interjected. “We track a party of Urk-hai westward through the plain. They have taken two of our friends captive.”
“The Urks are destroyed,” he replied. “We slaughtered them during the night.” 
Gimli, his voice wavering, spilled out anxious words, “There were two hobbits! Did ya see two hobbits with ‘em?”
“They would be small, only children to your eyes,” Aragorn added, almost desperately. 
The man paused, solemn. “We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them. I am sorry.” 
The air then changed, transforming the once-refreshing breeze into a suffocating, oppressive force. Thick and heavy it felt, marked by grief and confusion. No longer did it hold hope or whispers of encouragement, only despair. 
(Y/N) glanced between her friends and the horsemen as she processed what the rider’s words meant. She watched as her fellow companions’ faces contorted and twisted, unsureness and shock upon them.
The Rámaite Mahtar’s lips quivered as she blinked back tears. With a breaking voice she spoke again. “No, b-but no. N-not again.” A sob escaped her throat as she desperately whipped her head around to look at her friends for a different answer. “N-not the hobbits.” 
“(Y/N),” Legolas said.
Another loud sob reverberated through her chest, echoing among the air.
“(Y/N),” the Elven Prince repeated, his voice tinged with urgency as he grabbed her and pulled her into his body. Her form practically slammed into his with such a force of sadness, almost knocking the breath out of him. She immediately buried her head in his chest, inhaling deeply as the familiar scent of pine and honey filled her nostrils. Desperately, she clung to him, trying to find solace in the comforting aroma as she struggled to breathe through her heartbreak.
Seeing this desperate sorrow, the Rider whistled, bringing two horses forward. “May these horses bear you a better fortune than their former masters.” Mounting his steed, he added to his statement, “Look for your friends, but do not trust a hope. It is forsaken in these lands.” He then turned to his men, calling out an order. “We ride north!”
With that, the four hunters stood, numb and confused, allowing the feelings to sink in further. 
Eventually, they pulled away from each other. Their bodies moved through motions their minds did not command with urgency, resigned to the belief that their friends were dead and they were only going to retrieve their bodies.
As if in a trance, they mounted their new steeds and took off toward the pile of carcasses, dread gnawing at their hearts as they anticipated the remnants of the flames—and their friends. Each hoofbeat echoed their apprehension, the stench of charred, decaying flesh growing stronger with every step. The eerie atmosphere was marked by the distant crackling of dying embers, reminding them of the devastation they were about to face.
It was then a haze of despair, hope, promise, and relief—an internal turmoil of change.
As they found the hobbits’ small belts, (Y/N)’s throat turned raw from her cries of despair.
As they found the little ones’ tracks, (Y/N)’s lips quivered and her hands shook with hope.
As they found the wizard in the flesh, new and whole, (Y/N)’s heart skipped with promise.
As they found the knowledge of the peace and prosperity of their friends, (Y/N)’s breath steadied and relief ran through her veins. 
There then was direction—purpose—as they rode to Rohan. 
The remaining members of the fellowship, reborn and filled with renewed hope, rode through the town of Rohan. Despite the wind, the air felt stale and eerie, as if it were sick and diseased. The townspeople fared no better; they appeared worn and weary, their gazes filled with suspicion as they watched the group trot by. Their eyes lingered on the group’s strangeness, noting the many races and the woman with piercing eyes.
“Why do they stare?” (Y/N) asked.
Legolas, one hand on the reins and the other around the waist of the Rámaite Mahtar seated in front of him, replied softly, “They have lived in misery for too long, never seeing anyone but each other.
“You’d find more cheer in a graveyard,” Gimli gruffed out, earning a look from Aragorn.
When they approached the halls of Théoden, they dismounted and were greeted with that same suspicion. “We cannot allow you before King Théoden so armed, Gandalf Greyham, by order of Grima Wormtounge,” the soldier stated.
Reluctantly, the men began to disarm, (Y/N)’s curious gaze filtering over this action. As her friends handed over their weapons—having to take extra time to disarm Gimli, for the dwarf had hidden quite a few—the men of Rohan’s lingering eyes filtered over the Rámaite Mahtar’s still form.
“And the woman?” the soldier stated.
(Y/N) frowned, tilting her head.
It was Aragorn that spoke. “You believe this woman holds weapons?”
The fellowships’ eyes shifted. She was the weapon.
“I apologize,” he stated, clearing his throat. “I was ordered to confirm every member of your party was disarmed.”
He then turned to Gandalf, “Your staff.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t deprive an old man from his walking stick, would you?” he retorted innocently. 
At this, (Y/N) raised a brow. 
The man huffed, but stepped aside, leading them through the vast doors. 
As they stepped upon the stone, Legolas sent a side eyed look at (Y/N). “Don’t kill anyone,” he whispered. “Only incapacitate them.”
(Y/N) frowned. 
While Gandalf addressed Théoden, a pale and slimy man, Grima, whispered into the King’s ear—likely spilling lies and manipulation. The men of Rohan cautiously crept around the fellowship as they approached; Grima confronted them in the center of the room. It took only a brief exchange between the ghastly man and Gandalf before Grima ordered his men to swarm the fellowship; however, they defended themselves swiftly. One soldier went to (Y/N) directly, likely thinking to take her hostage in his arms and use her as leverage; but, oh, how wrong he was to assume he could. (Y/N) grabbed his bicep and, with a quick motion, flipped him hard onto the ground. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli immobilized the others, allowing Gandalf the opportunity to pull the poison from King Théoden’s mind. 
All watched in stillness and nervous anticipation as Théoden spoke, his voice carrying the tone of another. Gandalf, his face etched with determination, used his staff to push the King’s body backward and pull Saruman’s poison from Théoden’s mind. Though it took only moments, it felt like hours until they saw the years melt away from Théoden's face, the lines of age and weariness vanishing. It was as if new life was being breathed back into him, Saruman's evil influence violently yanked from his very soul.
A young woman, her face pale with worry but her cheeks burning with renewed hope, rushed to his side to provide aid and comfort. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached out to touch the newly revived king’s cheeks.
“I know your face. Éowyn.” 
A large smile blossomed upon her lips as she wrapped her arms around her uncle. 
Those around them appeared visibly relieved as well, for the King of Rohan, now revitalized, was eager to restore glory and prosperity to his halls.
(Y/N) stood in a large bedroom in Rohan. Sunlight flooded through the open windows, casting a warm, golden glow across the room. The gentle breeze coaxed the cream-colored curtains into a graceful dance, while the scent of fresh grass, wildflowers, and the faint aroma of earthy soil and distant smoke wafted in, enveloping the room in a comforting embrace. Yet, to (Y/N), it still felt empty.
"But why?" she asked Éowyn again. "Why can I not be with the others?"
"Lady (Y/N), it is not proper for a woman to stay in a room full of men during the hours of night," Éowyn explained.
“But why?” (Y/N) persisted. 
The Lady of Rohan sighed, retrieving an elegant dress from a large cupboard on the far wall and draping it over a vast wood-carved mirror. "That's simply not our way of life here. I understand it may differ from where you come from." She paused, then inquired, "Where exactly is that?"
(Y/N) simply shrugged. “Far.”
“I see,” Éowyn responded, sensing (Y/N)'s reluctance to share further. Changing the subject, she continued, “Let’s get you out of those travel clothes, shall we? A bath, perhaps? Then this lovely dress and some food. I do make quite a good stew.”
The Rámaite Mahtar huffed but followed the woman into the adjoining bathing room. At the sight of the steaming basin, (Y/N)’s face lit up, for she seemed to take joy in the comforts of water. She quickly pulled off her leather breastplate, followed by her tunic, indifferent to Éowyn's presence. Quite frankly, she still was not accustomed to Arda's perception of nakedness.
Éowyn started to avert her gaze but halted when (Y/N)’s back came into view.
The Lady of Rohan gasped, horror written across her face. “(Y/N)! You’re back–it’s–it’s entirely bruised!” She rushed forward, her gentle hands extending along the woman’s spine. “This–this could be internal bleeding,” she whispered, more so to herself, with worry.
With that, she rushed towards the hall, hollering for a healer, before returning to (Y/N). “Come, come sit,” she ushered, guiding (Y/N) towards the edge of the bed and pulling a folded blanket up to cover the woman’s chest. “A healer will be here in just a moment. Don’t you worry. You will be taken care of. You will be just fine.”
The Rámaite Mahtar frowned, standing up despite Éowyn‘s fretting. She walked towards the mirror, taking the blanket with her. She twisted and turned until the bruising came to her sight. Her lips parted, for she wasn't expecting such a thing. 
It was at that moment that the healer arrived. 
“By Eru—” he whispered, seeing (Y/N)’s back. 
Quickly placing his bag on the bed, he approached her. Extending his hand, he was met with a fierce snarl from (Y/N), causing him to immediately withdraw.
“Lady,” he began cautiously, “I understand you must be in pain, but please know that I am here to help you.” The healer reached out again.
She snapped at him. “Do not touch me!”
“Lady,” he insisted, his fingers extending once more.
(Y/N) spun towards him, one hand clutching the blanket to her chest, the other reaching toward his throat. Her fingers closed around his neck, lifting him up.
Éowyn shrieked in alarm, taken aback by (Y/N)'s sudden aggression.
“(Y/N)!” a deep voice called from the doorway. 
She turned at the familiar voice of Aragorn.
“Release the healer,” he commanded firmly. 
Her intense gaze met his sincere gray eyes,  and she immediately complied, trusting his judgment in this unfamiliar world.
Aragorn nodded at her, a silent understanding passing between them. He then addressed the servants who had gathered, “Please, get the elf,” he stated. One of them ran off at his word.
He approached (Y/N) with no unease. The trust they held as travel companions was evident to Éowyn. “May I take a look, (Y/N)?”
She nodded, turning her back towards him.
Gently, he examined the bruising upon her form. Tracing her spine lightly, he spoke, “Does this hurt?”
She shook her head. “No,”
He continued to run his hand further up her back. She remained stoic until he gently grazed the spot between her spine and shoulder blades—where her wings would normally have protruded. Only then did she wince.
At that moment, Legolas appeared in the doorway. “It’s her wings,” he stated plainly. 
(Y/N) and the elf locked eyes in the mirror. 
He approached her, taking Aragorn’s place. “(Y/N),” he said with a nod, indicating to her that it was safe to extend her wings. 
With that, she slowly began to unfurl her wings from her back, each movement causing her to wince as they stretched out. Dried blood and greenish goo clung to each circular wound where arrows had mercilessly pierced her moments before Boromir’s death. As she extended them fully, her wings spanned at least half the length of the room, their impressive size and the remnants of battle obvious.
Gasps were heard from those in the room who knew not what or who she was. 
Unfazed, Legolas moved to examine her wings. “The wounds must have become infected when you folded them in.”
“They were getting in the way,” she retorted. 
“I know, Starlight. I am not blaming you,” he reassured softly. “I can treat the infection, but they must remain free while they heal.”
“Alright,” she agreed. 
The Prince of Greenwood then took to the healer’s bag, not bothering to ask the man gaping at the Rámaite Mahtar. He was quick to sort through the herbs and other supplies to obtain what he needed. He dipped his head towards (Y/N) before motioning to the bed. 
She obliged to his nonverbal request and sat upon it, her injured and infected wings stretching wide. 
Legolas began gently cleaning the wounds. 
Aragorn, on the other hand, moved towards the healer. “Your assistance is no longer required.” With a nod towards the door, he ushered the healer and the curious eyes of the servants out of the room.
He then turned to Eowyn, who was still fixated on the Rámaite Mahtar. Her soft lips were parted and her eyes were wide with curiosity. Unwavering they were...until she sensed his gaze.
“I apologize, Lady of Rohan, but you too must leave,” Aragorn stated gently.
Éowyn nodded in understanding, gracefully making her way towards the door. Just as she was about to slip through, she glanced back at Aragorn. “What is she?”
Aragorn inhaled through his nose before responding with two simple words. “Rámaite Mahtar.”
With that, he closed the wooden door, its hinges creaking softly. Leaning against the wall, he watched as Legolas tended to (Y/N)’s wounds. He stood guard at the door, for he knew that news of the winged woman they had brought into King Théoden’s walls would soon spread.
The following morning, a small group convened in the mess hall to discuss the future and the whispers of the 'disturbance' echoing through the halls. Present were King Théoden, his guards, Éowyn, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and (Y/N).
(Y/N) was keen on wandering along the room, her partially wrapped wings dragging lightly upon the floor. 
In a hushed whisper, mostly laced with curiosity and concern, Théoden spoke, “But what is she?”
With arms crossed, Aragorn replied, “She is a Rámaite Mahtar. 'Winged Warrior' in the common tongue. The Valar created them to cleanse the land that came before us.”
The King of Rohan’s brows furrowed. “So, she is not human, nor elvish.” 
Aragorn nodded in confirmation. 
“Is she—“ Éowyn started, “Is she dangerous?”
Aragorn’s eyes shifted, unsure what to say. 
It was Gandalf who answered. “Yes, probably the second most dangerous force currently existing on our plane.”
“And the first?” She asked. 
“Sauron,” Gandalf replied, his tone laced with trepidation. 
“By Eru,” Gimli gruffed. “Ya make it sound like the lassie is gonna be the next thing to get us! Fret not, Lady, lover boy here—“ The dwarf smacked Legolas’ ass, causing the elf to jump. “—has taught the girl well.” He paused, before clarifying. “She’s on our side.”
“I see,” Théoden stated, suspicion still evident in his tone.
It was then that (Y/N) called out. “Legolas, what do these images mean? The ones made of little colorful stones?”
The King raised his eyebrows, caught off guard by her question.
“Tis a mosaic,” Legolas replied. “It tells the story of the men of Rohan.” 
She turned to look at him. “What is the story?” she asked. 
Surprisingly, Éowyn stepped forward and spoke. “It tells the tale of how we claimed and cultivated our lands. I can share it with you, if you’d like.”
(Y/N)’s face lit up. “Yes, I would like to hear the story.”
Cautiously, Éowyn approached the Rámaite Mahtar and began recounting the narrative depicted in the artwork along the walls.
“A curious creature then,” Théoden stated, simply. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” Aragorn replied, rolling his eyes. 
The King cleared his throat. “It will be best to keep her indoors while she heals. I do not want her to frighten my people. They are already scared enough.”
“Understood,” the Ranger replied.
The group dispersed, some settling down to eat breakfast, others going about their own duties. Éowyn sat with Aragorn and Gimli, while (Y/N) practically drug Legolas by the hand to re-explain the story Eowyn told her. 
In a hushed tone, Éowyn spoke. “She doesn’t seem so dangerous.”
“I wouldn’t take you for one to underestimate a woman,” Aragorn said, sipping from his cup. 
“I wouldn’t, but the way you all described her—as if she was a vile beast.”
“Oi, Lassie, she is,” Gimli stated. “(Y/N) over there could cut ya and half ya men down within a second.”
Éowyn ‘s gaze shifted. “And the elf? Could she cut him down too?”
Gimli nodded in confirmation. “She could cut us all down.”
“Yet he still loves her?” she asked with parted lips.
“Hopelessly,” Gimli grumbled. “Entirely hopelessly.” 
Éowyn turned her head toward the pair. She watched as the Rámaite Mahtar smiled up at Legolas in pure delight, and he returned the affectionate gaze. 
How in a time of war, they could find such love? 
A couple of weeks had passed since their arrival in Rohan. (Y/N)’s wings had fully healed and were now neatly folded back into her form. She spent her days with her friends listening in on conversations and debates of war—not that she truly understood. In addition to her time with the others, she found herself assisting Éowyn with various tasks within Rohan’s walls. She learned to bake bread and prepare other provisions in the kitchen. (Y/N) also helped select sturdy fabrics for the men preparing for war. She even assisted in organizing Rohan’s swords and spears—though, admittedly, she only slowed the process for she asked many questions. 
Currently, it was late in the night as (Y/N) wandered through the echoing halls of Rohan. Tomorrow morning, they would depart for Helm's Deep to seek refuge. She was determined to absorb as much as possible about this place before moving on to the next. Aware that war loomed on the horizon, she craved a brief taste of freedom.
For nearly an hour, she had roamed the silent halls, peering into open doors and descending stairs. It was only when she heard unfamiliar sounds that her brow furrowed in concern. The faint echoes of hushed moans and muffled groans drew her curiosity, prompting her to cautiously follow the source.
She followed the noises until she came upon a small, long, narrow window that was covered in intricate bars. Peering in, she saw a vast room adorned in fabrics of pink and red. Soft cushions and beds were scattered about, where men and women laid together in various pairs, two or three people at most. They were bare, their bodies intertwined in intimate embraces, eliciting sounds of pleasure and the music of skin upon skin.
(Y/N) squinted as she watched, unsure of what she was seeing. 
Though as her gaze lingered on their bodies moving together, she felt desire. She bit her bottom lip as warmth began to build between her legs and her limbs twitched with eagerness. 
“Lady (Y/N), what are you doing down these halls?!” A female voice chided in a hushed tone. "I've been searching for you since a servant informed me that you never returned to your chambers."
(Y/N) turned to see Éowyn, then returned her gaze to the window. “What are they doing?” She asked. 
Éowyn frowned. “You do not know?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “Never have I seen people do such a thing.”
“Haven’t you been around for eons?” she asked, confused. 
“Well, yes, but my people did not do this—this…what is this?”
Éowyn awkwardly cleared her throat. "We may go to war in a couple of days. These men, these soldiers, are seeking their last pleasure before they march to their deaths."
(Y/N) frowned. “I don’t understand.” 
The Lady of Rohan pressed her lips together awkwardly. It appeared that she would have to be quite blunt with the Rámaite Mahtar. “They are having sex. This is a brothel. It is where men go to pay women for such things.”
“I have been told that it feels good,” she explained with embarrassment. 
“You have never—?”
Éowyn interrupted her. “By the Eru—no, of course not. Those men in there are perverting an act of love. Sex is an act meant to be between two people who love each other dearly and are wed. Often, it is done in hopes to create a child. I am a Lady of Rohan. I must keep my honor until I am married and fulfill my duty to produce an heir.”
“This is how babies come to be then,” (Y/N) clarified. 
Éowyn nodded. “Yes, sometimes.”
“My kind have never needed to have children. We were all made as we are. Made to kill,” (Y/N) remarked, glancing at Éowyn. “I was told that having babies is why we women bleed.”
Éowyn nodded, trying to understand. “Yes, yes it is. I—I am surprised no one has told how such a thing comes to be.”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Legolas, Aragorn, and the others…they haven’t talked of this sex before.”
Éowyn shook her head, her tone taking on a low level of disdain. “Men. You have only been traveling with men. Of course, they haven’t told you of such a thing.” She inhaled, taking a moment to recenter herself. “Such conversations are between a mother and daughter.” She paused, before awkwardly glancing into the brothel. “Come, Lady (Y/N). This place is not for us.” 
With that, the Lady of Rohan gently tugged the Rámaite Mahtar away from this window; however, (Y/N)’s eyes were reluctant to leave for she was a curious creature indeed—eager to understand the ways of this new world. 
Éowyn sensing (Y/N)'s lingering fascination and being rather uncomfortable with it, swiftly ushered her back into the quiet stillness of her chambers.
The air was heavy with the weight of impending war, yet (Y/N)'s mind was filled with questions. She lay on her bed, unable to find sleep, her thoughts consumed by the scenes she had witnessed at the brothel window. Curiosity gnawed at her, yearning to understand the allure of this intimacy that men sought before their deaths. What made it so compelling? Was it truly their last wish—their last desire?
Her thoughts then shifted. Eowyn had said it was to be done with someone you care for with your deepest heart. She bit her lip. Legolas. 
With that, (Y/N) cast her covers aside, the white fabric tumbled and rumbled carelessly. Her bare feet were cold on the stone floor as she silently slipped out of her wooden door once more—ignoring the previous persistence Éowyn had held in her tone when she had told her to stay put before she left. Stealthily, (Y/N) made her way towards the chamber where the others in the fellowship slept. She peered in, careful not to wake them. Immediately, she spotted Legolas sitting upright with his back against the cool stone wall.
Sensing a presence, he opened his eyes. “(Y/N)?” he whispered. “What are you doing here? What is wrong?” 
“Nothing is wrong,” she replied as he stood rather quickly. “Come with me.”
Curious, he stood and his feet led him towards her. Pausing in the doorway, he gazed down at her, trying to read her expression.
She grinned up at him, desire burning. “Come,” she whispered again, taking his hand and leading him towards her room. 
As soon as she turned the knob and closed the door behind them, she pressed her body against Legolas'. Her lips eagerly met his, savoring the familiar taste of pine and honey that always lingered on him. He responded with gentle caution, lifting his hands to cup her face, unsure where this insistent passion of hers was coming from, nor what it would lead to. 
“(Y/N),” he mumbled against her lips. 
She playfully nipped at him, pulling him towards the bed. With a swift motion, she pushed him onto it and climbed up herself, straddling him.
“(Y/N),” he began again, “What are you—“ but her lips silenced him once more. 
She settled onto his lap, weaving her fingers into his hair and matching her mouth to his. She then started to mimic the movements of the women’s hips that she had seen in the brothel, rolling them in a slow deep motion. It felt good. 
“(Y/N),” Legolas moaned in pleasure, trying and failing to pull away.
She pushed him down, his head falling into the pillows. The Rámaite Mahtar eagerly pulled at his tunic, desperate to get it off, as she continued to grinded on him, feeling a hardness form in his pants. Oh, how she enjoyed the feeling it caused between her legs.
“(Y/N),” Legolas forced out, his lips parting, followed by a couple breathless elvish curses.
At the sound of her name upon his lips, her wings snapped open—a reflex—tearing through the white fabric that cloaked her. 
“(Y/N),” Legolas practically growled, grabbing her hips and pulling himself upwards, his mouth only inches away from hers. Gently, he spoke, “Stop. Please, stop.”
She halted her motions. “Does it not feel good to you?” she asked. 
He closed his eyes, his chest falling and rising quickly as he tried to regulate his breath. “It does, Valar, believe me, it does feel good. But we shouldn’t—we shouldn’t do this. How-how do you even know of this?”
She frowned. “Sex?” 
He opened his gaze, staring intently into hers. “Yes. How do you know of sex?” 
“I found a place. Éowyn called it a brothel. She told me of sex. She said they did it because it felt good and they knew they were going to die.” She paused, “Éowyn said that you’re supposed to do it with someone you love. I love you.” 
Legolas leaned his forehead against hers, still trying to calm his heart rate. “I love you too, (Y/N). But this—we can’t do this right now.”
“You do not want to?” She asked genuinely, pulling her head from his ever so slightly.
“Oh, gods, (Y/N). Of course, I do.” he paused, closing his eyes for just a moment, as he felt her hot breath on his lips. “But you and I are not yet wed.”
“Éowyn said that the people in the brothel were not married,” she breathed out, her mouth just barely grazing his. 
A light chuckle rumbled in his chest. “No, no they were not. That is prostitution. Men pay for sex. In a brothel, they treat it as a service, not as love.” He gently cupped one side of her face, making eye-contact with her. “I was taught that sex is not wrong in any means when it comes from love. You and I, (Y/N)—we do have that love. But, in my culture, elves do not have sex without being wed. And I am a Prince. I have rules I must follow. And you, you are not yet accustomed to this world. I will not take advantage of you.” 
“It is not taking advantage of me if I want it too,” she replied. 
He gently rubbed his thumb upon her cheek. “I know, my starlight, I know. I just do not believe this is the right time.”
She breathed in and nodded slowly—thinking. “Okay. If you want to wait, then we will wait.” 
“Is that alright with you?” 
She dipped her head up and down once again. “Yes,” she replied definitely.  
He smiled gently at her before pressing a soft kiss to her lips then pulling her into a tight embrace. 
“I love you with every ounce of my being, (Y/N). Never forget that.”
She buried her head into his neck and wrapped her wings around his form, as if she were shielding them both from the outside world. “I love you too, Legolas.”
Like that they stayed, feeling safe in the comfort of each other’s arms. 
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Everything Tag: @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky @red-riding @hey-its-nonny @mirclealignr @laneynoir @straysugzhpe @runningfeather @awarwithinitself @finallyforgotten @kaiawrites @commanderawkward @xxbluestrifexx @slytherinambitious @redbirdbluebird333-blog @haylee-e @atokirina-tsuki @misshale21 @calypso888-blog @merlinbtch @lovelybaka @rilezra @sotwk
Legolas tag: @mylittle-escapingdreams @abandoncloud9 @aphroditesmoon @carojasmin2204 @phoenix666 @phoenix666stuff @high-sea-husbands @aheadfullofsteverogers @rippleinthestars @tiny-and-witchy
The Innocence of Brutality: @carojasmin2204 @therealscarletpumpernickel @noodlenerd101 @acupnoodle @altheanightingale  @altheanightingale @casedoina @goosy-goose @hitherethea
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elrondsimp · 1 year
The Hobbits x F! Reader
“Sleep Pile”
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The sun began its slow descent in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the peaceful campsite where the Fellowship had decided to rest for a while. Exhausted from their long journey, the hobbits—Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, and Y/n—decided it was time to take a much-needed nap. They nestled together in a cozy corner of the camp, forming a small circle and intertwining their limbs.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Fellowship busied themselves with setting up the camp. Aragorn and Legolas gathered firewood, Gimli set up the cooking utensils, and Boromir arranged the sleeping arrangements for the night. Gandalf, ever watchful, observed the hobbits with a knowing smile.
As dusk settled over the camp, casting elongated shadows, the Fellowship completed their tasks and returned to their resting hobbit friends. They were taken aback when they saw the peculiar sight that awaited them. Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, and Y/n lay slumbering in a haphazard pile, with Y/n gently perched on top of the boys.
Gandalf, his eyes twinkling with amusement, stepped forward to enlighten his companions. "Fear not, my friends," he said in his deep and reassuring voice. "This is not a cause for alarm. Hobbits have a charming custom of sleeping in piles to keep warm, especially in colder climates."
Aragorn, with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, knelt beside the slumbering hobbits. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from Y/n's face and marveled at the innocence and trust displayed in their slumbering forms. "It's quite endearing," he remarked, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Legolas, who had seen many fascinating customs throughout Middle-earth, found himself captivated by this hobbit tradition. "Such camaraderie and closeness," he mused, his keen elven eyes scanning the intertwined figures. "Their bond grows stronger with each passing day."
Gimli, always quick with a gruff comment, chuckled and scratched his beard. "Well, I suppose it's better than lying alone on the cold, hard ground," he quipped. "I must admit, I envy them a bit."
Boromir, who had initially been taken aback by the sight, couldn't help but soften at the thought of the hobbits' affectionate slumber. He watched as the gentle rise and fall of their chests synchronized in perfect harmony, symbolizing the unity and resilience of the Fellowship.
The companions stood around the slumbering hobbits, their hearts warmed by the sight before them. They realized that amidst the perils and challenges they faced, moments like these were precious reminders of the bonds they had forged.
And so, with a renewed sense of camaraderie, the Fellowship decided to let the hobbits sleep peacefully, respecting their unique tradition. They settled down nearby, their watchful eyes ensuring the safety of their friends as the night deepened.
In the flickering firelight, the Fellowship found solace and strength in the love and loyalty they shared. They knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but with their unwavering bond and the unwavering spirit of the hobbits, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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thewulf · 7 months
Am I Wrong? || Aragorn
Summary: Request: Could you write something about (fem)reader who's part of the fellowship and really close to Strider? When they split up to find Frodo after Boromir blows the horn, reader goes with Merry and Pippin and gets separated from Strider.... Read Rest Here
A/N: Picking up when the group reunites in Isengard after Treebeard/Hobbits/Reader sack the place :) This is really sweet and fluffy, thank you for the request @fluentmoviequoter !!
Pairing: Aragorn x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.7k +
TW: General LOTR triggers, anxiety, fear, kidnapping, orcs,
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Aragorn followed behind Gandalf as he led the small group to Isengard to deal with the dark Wizard himself. What he wasn’t expecting was to run into another part of the Fellowship after so being separated for so long.
He heard the Hobbits before he saw you standing there, radiant as ever, “I feel like I’m back at the Green Dragon after a hard day’s work.” Pippen spoke with his pipe happily placed in his mouth relieved the events of Isengard were over more than anything.
Merry spoke next, “Only, you’ve never done a hard day’s work.” That’s when he heard your bubbly laughter in response to the usual joking hobbits who were clearly very inebriated. You on the other hand seemed totally in control of the situation.
Aragorn’s heart pounded in his chest as he spotted you standing with your side facing him chatting happily with the two Hobbits that stole you away from him. You were alive. Somehow more beautiful than he ever remembered you being. His eyes scanned up and down your figure making sure they truly weren’t deceiving him. You were here in Isengard. Merry and Pippen too.
Merry stood, almost falling over, shouting at them with rosy, red cheeks, “Welcome my Lords, to Isengard!” You turned with the biggest smile on your face. Once your eyes landed on Aragorn’s you couldn’t take them away. Your smile grew as his mouth dropped in shock seeing you standing there alive and well. He couldn’t track you. He thought the worst of it. He knew right then that he had to tell you. He loved you. So deeply. He never knew if he was going to see you again, he thought the worst of the Orcs after not being able to find your tracks with the Hobbits.
“Y/N.” He spoke before nearly shoving the Hobbits away from where you were standing. He needed to be right next to you. Your smile turned to one of focus as you took him in after too long apart. Truly, you knew you loved him too. You wished to never spend another night away from your Strider. He was your home and comfort. He became your person without you even knowing it.
Without another word you through your arms around him tightly, bringing him in for an unexpected embrace. Unafraid of all the glances and knowing smiles from the fellowship and other men around you. You couldn’t seem to care about that right now, you’d deal with the embarrassment later, “Strider. What are you doing here?”
Before he could answer you Gimli shouted from behind the reunion, “You young rascals! A merry hunt you’ve led us on… and now we find you feasting and… and smoking!”
After dropping your arms from around his neck, you stepped around your missed companion taking offense to his words, “They’ve earned it Gimli!” You only smiled bigger once you felt Striders hand resting on the small of your back. He had always been protective of you but never so forward with it. The two of you had pined from afar but never acted on it as that would be seen as improper. But that was then. That was before he had feared the worst. You were alive. Breathing right in front of him with the most precious blush sitting on your cheeks. Yeah, he knew it was over for him. He needed you and was tired of trying to hide it.
Merry cheered with his pipe after you spoke and before Pippen tuned in, “We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts.” He giggled in his non-sober state, “The salted pork is particularly good.” Pippen added for good measure knowing it would get under his dwarf friend’s skin.
You nodded along with them giggling yourself, “It is indeed.” You saw the gleam in Striders eye like he was trying not to laugh at the situation they had found themselves in. The plan certainly wasn’t running into the three of you while in an inebriated state. Aragorn knew you well and currently you were particularly giggly, a sign you’d partaken in some of their endeavors even if you tried to deny it.
The Hobbits waved their friends into Isengard, “We’re under orders from Treebeard who’s taken over management of Isengard.” Merry led the group in leaving Strider standing next to you holding onto the reigns of his horse. After the two of you shared a few moments just staring at the other he finally decided to speak to you. Neither of you were willing to follow the group at that moment. The two of you had a reunion to attend to before dealing with Saruman.
“I thought you were dead.” He admitted to you. Aragorn couldn’t meet your eyes as you just looked at him with a bit of bemusement forming along your tapered smile.
You tisked at him shaking your head, “You think so little of me Strider, no?” A growing smirk was playing at your lips as you studied his downtrodden expression.
His eyes finally looked into yours again, “Never, you know this. But I… I could not find your tracks along the Hobbits…”
“You did not think I would cover my tracks?” You eyebrows rose, challenging him now, “I thought you have always said I learned from the best?” Referring to him, naturally.
He let out a lengthy laugh. The tension in his shoulders released seeing you as the same person he thought he lost only a few weeks prior. Even though it had only been a few weeks he knew he could never part from you for that long again. He was a fool and only he came to realize that once you had slipped through his fingertips after getting taken by the Orcs. You didn’t hear his yell for you as he watched you fight. But even you, one of the best Rangers he knew, couldn’t overcome so many of them all at once. And just as he saw you, you had vanished in front of him along with the Hobbits. He had never felt such a failure before seeing you disappear with the creatures you had detested for as long as you’ve been alive.
“I should have never doubted you.” He spoke with that twinkle in his eye. He adored you, through and through. A slow gulp overtook him as he studied you. He always knew you were beautiful, ever since you met him all those years ago. But now, after it took him losing you to realize that he was in love with you, he understood just how stunning you truly were.
You nodded with that confidence he had adored in you, “Aye. Thought you would have learned by now Master Strider.” Tossing him a wink even you did not know where this overly friendly attitude towards your partner was coming from. That’s all he was and could ever be, just a partner in work.
He bowed his head with a similar smirk gracing his face, “Indeed. Forgive me, Y/N. But I was terrified. I thought I had lost you. My thought process was… less than rational.” When his eyes met yours once more a sad smile parted his lips. It hit you that he truly thought he might have actually lost you. Thinking of what you would do had you thought you lost him had you in an instant fit of tears. There would be no rationality in your actions had you thought of Strider dying.
His striking blue eyes sent a familiar shiver down your spine. You gave him a quick nod, “I will always forgive you, my king.”
Strider let out that familiar laugh that you had adored so much. The one that sent a shiver though your body, “It wounds me that you mock me so easily, my Y/N.”
You couldn’t stop your fluttering heart at his words, my Y/N, “I would never do such thing, you are my king, no?” You rose your eyebrows in curiosity. Sure, the news that he was the heir of Isildur took you by surprise. It didn’t shock you completely though. There was always something about him that felt so other worldly. When Legolas let true of his identify at the Council of Elrond it all sort of made sense. You’d been Rangers together for nearly thirty years, both of you being Dunedin it made sense to pair the two of you together early on in your ventures. He had never told you of his true heritage throughout all that time together. While it stung when you learned you understood why he had done so.
“I see you have not lost your tongue.” He avoided your question.
You smiled knowing his usually ways of dodging, “Would you rather they take it?”
But a quick shake of the head let you know he was simply playing, “Never. Your wit is but my favorite thing about you.”
Letting out a feigned gasp you shook your head, “I should be so offended Aragorn.”
“What do you mean?” He looked surprised by your reaction unsure if you were simply messing with him or being completely serious.
“Do you find me that unattractive?” You asked a little too bluntly knowing that you were surly crossing that invisible line the two of you had danced around for far too long.
A fiery blush rose to his cheeks letting you know you had finally gotten the better of him, “Oh no. Never. No. I did not mean it like that. Please…”
You stopped his incoherent rambling with a stifled giggle, “I tease.”
Shaking his head slowly he knew he likely looked a fool standing in front of you. He couldn’t hide it though as all of his emotions came forward seeing you there alive and well. He had begun the process of mourning your death, thinking he’d never see you again. He knew he wanted to tell you exactly how he felt, right here. He wanted to waste no more time. He came to the striking realization that even no matter skilled you or he was life in middle earth was very hostile and unforgiving. The chance of death was high and even higher now that the two of you had joined the Fellowship.
“You are fortunate I care for you very deeply.” He chose his words carefully, hopeful you would pick up on his true meaning.
“Oh?” You heard his words a little surprised. There was not much he could say that took you by surprise but this was one of them that did. He had never so much admitted he cared for you at all let alone deeply in your time together. Strider was very kind to you but the two of you shared a working relationship at most. You weren’t out here letting your tightly bound feelings out and he certainly wasn’t either.
His confidence grew seeing the color rise to your cheeks at his words. You were thinking and hard at it apparently, “That cannot be all you have to say.” He stepped forward knowing that he had the upper hand on you for once. He could never seem to catch you off guard until this very moment.
You sucked in a breath not having a clue where this seemingly innocent interaction was heading. Turning around you spotted the rest of The Fellowship talking to Treebeard far off in the distance. You spun back finding him standing much, much closer than he was before. Eyes widening your head was not making sense of what was actually happening, “I was not expecting you to say that.” It was you deflecting this time which drew an arrogant smirk on the man standing far closer than you were used to. How did he smell so good? Surely he hadn’t bathed in a while. How did Strider do it? Make your mind fuzzier than ever.
He had to look down to meet his eyes with yours, “I never want to spend a day away from you again.”
If your cheeks were not already aflame with realization they were flooding with color now, “You do not?”
It was he who had the courage to make the first move on you after seeing how easily you reacted under his words. He took his hands and brushed away a streak of dirt across your cheek slowly sending your already racing heart into another frenzy, “No, never. These last few weeks have been the worst in my life. Never do I wish to part from you again. If that is what you wish for too.” Ever the man you fell in love with, he left the decision up to you.
It was your turn to be courageous now, “I wish the same.”
His devilish smirk turned into a smile of utmost joy. A smile you so rarely saw on the man. For you knew you didn’t wish to separate from him ever again either. Nearly every moment you were away you thought of him. You thought what he would do in your situation and tried your hardest to stay positive. If it were not for the Hobbits you may have stayed to fight with the Rohirrim when they had saved you from the clutches of the orcs who had you running for days on end. But you knew Strider would save them before fighting on his own, the Hobbits would never survive Gondor on their own. In a way he had saved your life countless times even when he was not there. Strider stayed with you always. You loved him always.
It was then that he realized he had nothing to lose. The way you had looked at him told him exactly what he wanted to know. You had loved him just as dearly as he loved you, “Can I tell you something?”
A nod came from you, “Anything.”
It was now or never and he wasn’t planning on missing his chance, “I love you.”
You could not help the way your mouth dropped at that, “You what?”
“I love you.” He said again with more confidence. He loved you and he couldn’t keep it from you anymore. Strider also knew that things would never go back to normal after this quest. His true identity was revealed. Things would change. As much as he longed to go back to the simple life of patrolling the woods with you he knew that’d never be in his cards any longer. And if his life was going to change he wanted to bring the one thing that brought him comfort along for the journey as well. If he were to be king he wanted you to be his queen. No, needed you to be his queen. For a majority of his success came from you being there with him helping and guiding him.
“You love me?” You asked more to yourself than to him. When he placed his hands on your shoulders with a gentle touch you knew you were a goner. The look in his eyes was like nothing like you had seen from him, “Why me? We’ve been partners for over thirty years and… where is this coming from?”
He stopped your racing mind by running his thumb along your lower lip, ever the intimate action sending your speeding heard into overdrive, “I’ve always known. But losing you… thinking you died. It all but made me realize how daft it is to hide it away when I can tell you outright when clearly you feel the same. Am I wrong?” He smiled as he held the back of your head in his hand so gently.
“No. Certainly not wrong.” You spoke in a soft whisper. When he smiled even brighter than you had truly ever seen you had to tell him too. You’d all but implied the same feelings but you needed to let it out too, “I love you too.”
The next moments felt like a blur. He pulled you close before whispering in your ear, “The next time the nosy prince of Mirkwood is not watching I will give you a proper kiss, my lady.” It was the first time he’d called you that in all your time knowing him. A rush of warmth was felt throughout your body. It felt… right. Like you were meant to be at his side.
Once he released you from the hold he had you in you turned your head over your shoulder spotting the blonde-haired elf sitting on his horse paying much more attention to the two of you rather than whatever tale Treebeard was telling the new group.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you over the absurdity of the situation. Of all the things you thought could happen today confessing your love to the man who had you enraptured ever since you met him was the last thing you thought possible. Yet here you were. Avoiding the ever-clear eyes of your elven friend, “Damn elves.”
He nodded in agreement, “Come on, hop on.” He led you to his horse where he got you situated before he got on behind you. Slowly, he led you back to the group. You caught Legolas’ side eye knowing the he had to have heard a majority of the conversation if he wanted too. And knowing him, he wanted too.
When Strider’s horse stopped he made sure to keep his hand on you, uncaring of the curious stares from the rest of the group. He loved you. They knew it. Why should he have to hide it any further? Finally, it felt like something in this journey made sense. All he had to do now was keep you safe and destroy the ring. Simple, right?
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Lord Of The Rings Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @guacam011y @illisea @il0vebeingdelulu @shiftingtomydrs
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minaturefics · 4 months
There Will Be Time
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Request: I have a request for Boromir x reader! (My favorite of yours is "Anything But This"). What if Boromir survived the Uruk-Hai ambush by getting pierced by just one arrow, was saved by Aragorn and helps pursue the orcs to save Merry and Pippin? He still carries the wound of the arrow and the guilt of attacking Frodo, but his internal and external wounds begin to heal by falling in love with a shield-maiden of the Rohirrim.
A/N: Thank you for waiting! I actually wrote part of this before my hiatus and finished it recently so hopefully it doesn't feel too disjointed!
Boromir x Reader
Fem reader
Content warnings: Vague mention of battlefield carnage
3.9k words
It was day but the sky was dim and overcast and tinged with an ominous red that bled from the horizon. The clamour and chaos from the city and the citadel seeped through the walls of the Houses of Healing, and even the matrons and patients were restless with the mustering of the army. You paused by an archway, staring out at the plains, still dotted with blood and bodies, and looked to the horizon. In a day or two, the people will march. And the fate of Middle Earth would be determined. 
You carried on along the corridor, cradling your bandaged arm, wishing you had accepted the healers’ suggestion of a sling, and searched for Eowyn. It had been a terrible day in Dunharrow when you realised she had gone off with the army. Your princess, your future queen, but more than that, a friend, a sister almost. You had ridden after them, arriving just in time for the battle, and your heart had shattered when you heard Eomer’s cry of anguish on the field. 
You rounded a corner, eyes still half-focused on the horizon, and collided with someone. Pain flared in your arm and you hissed. The other person let out a pained groan and a sharp exhale. Righting yourself, you looked up at them and saw a familiar face.
He looked better than he did the past week, laid up in bed, pale and delirious with fever and infection from the arrow wound in his shoulder. It seemed that the matrons finally allowed him out of bed and granted him a bath, for his hair was damp and his beard was trimmed. Colour was coming back to his face and he looked more like the strong man you saw a few months back when he had stopped by Edoras to borrow a horse. 
“My lady,” he said, astonished. “My apologies, I was not watching where I was going.”
“I am equally at fault. I was distracted by the sky.” He nodded, understanding. “I was looking for Eowyn, have you seen her?”
He chuckled a little, the smile softening his face to something cheeky and boyish. “She is with my brother. The last I saw of them they were talking on one of the balconies. I think it is best we leave them undisturbed.”
“Indeed.” He grinned. “Though, if you are in need of some company I will happily volunteer my own.”
Your acquaintance with Boromir was still a fresh one; he had not come with his companions to Edoras and instead had gone ahead to Minas Tirith. It was visible to anyone that Faramir had some amount of admiration and interest in Eowyn, but it puzzled you why Boromir always seemed to come along to the rooms where you and Eowyn were staying when Faramir visited. And when Faramir and Eowyn were lost in their own conversation, you would speak to Boromir.
Seeing him up close and at length, it was easy to believe the stories of bravery and valour about him that spread to Rohan. He spoke with a sureness and an authority, logical and bold with his opinions. But of course, none of the stories mentioned how quick to laugh he was and how freely smiles came to him, and of course, there was no mention of the endearing  avuncular fondness he seemed to have for the hobbits.
 Still, there was a grimness to him, a darkness that seemed to pass in his eyes every once in a while, his expression turning from elated to guilty when he spoke of the halflings, particularly Frodo and Sam.
Was there something there? He had said that the fellowship had become separated when the Uruk-Hai attacked, but he always omitted the reason for the separation, or what drove Frodo and Sam to be foolhardy as to continue on the quest alone.
“My lady?” Boromir said, a frown forming on his face. 
“Forgive me, I have been lost in thought,” you said. “Your company would be delightful.”  He offered you a fleeting smile and the both of you drifted towards one of the small balconies overlooking the fields. You rested your arms on the cool bannister and gazed out at the carnage. 
“I wish I could go with the soldiers to The Black Gate,” you murmured. “I feel guilty that I am unable to fulfil my duty to my people.”
“I understand what you mean,” he said, voice low. “To have my father so recently gone, and Faramir and I here… It feels as though the House of the Steward is shirking its duty.”
“But you have done your duty — shepherding the ringbearer, travelling by yourself from Rohan to Minas Tirith, wounded, to warn your people. But me?” You could not help the note of bitterness that seeped into your voice. “I did not fight at Helm's Deep, I left my people at Dunharrow, arrived just in time to join the battle here and still managed to wound myself and fail to defend my lady Eowyn.” 
“I would tell you not to be so harsh on yourself, but I think it would be hypocritical of me.” He gave you a wry smile before his face grew serious again. “Though, my time away from my city and the hours I have spent alone here in bed have made me question how I value pride and valour and duty. It has made me wonder how easily the pursuit of such things may warp one’s actions.”
You eyed him, curious but cautious. The red light on the horizon only served to highlight his handsome features. The line from his brow to his nose was strong, and his chin was lifted, still proud and noble even in such dire circumstances. And his eyes, all grey and cold steel, were burning with intensity. 
Would it be better to be tactful? Or would directness be best with a man like Boromir? 
“Did something occur on your quest?” you asked, trying to keep your voice light. “Such thoughts rarely arise without some sort of event to drive them.”
He paused and looked at you, his gaze hardening then softening. He let out a long breath and shook his head. “You must forgive me. You have been frank with your… perceived failings, but I fear I am still too proud of a man to admit my own. Perhaps in time I will forgive myself enough to share my shame.”
You nodded slowly. “I hope when the time comes you will find in me a good enough friend to speak of such things. Sometime in… the future.”
“Ah yes, the future. Here on the cusp of destruction, can we even speak of such things?”
“I must confess, I have lived so long in the shadow of the Enemy, I am uncertain what I shall do with myself once it is all over.” You sighed, wistful. “My family rares and cares for the horses that the Rohirrim ride on — it is how Eowyn and I met as children — I was to carry on the tradition but… More swords were needed, and I felt a need to stand by and protect Eowyn while she was still restrained by the trappings of her position.”
He hummed. “I am the same as you — I do not know what I shall do once we have victory and peace. I suppose either my brother or I will take up the mantle of Steward. Faramir is far more suited than I am, so I’ll have to find some way to occupy myself.” He grinned. “Maybe I shall take up smithing or music or… weaving.”
You laughed, lightness slowly filling your chest. “All those things require patience, Boromir. Are you sure you have enough supply of it?”
He chuckled. “We will have to see. I have not had much time in my life to explore what else I may pursue and enjoy.”
“I am the same. Maybe I will join you in your smithing or music or weaving.” 
Another laugh burst from him and suddenly he looked young and boyish, his head thrown back, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and your heart leapt from your chest. You turned away from the horizon and looked towards the comforting warm light of the torches. “We should make a list.”
“A list?”
“Yes, to ensure we have a good variety of activities to try. At the very least, it would serve as a distraction for the time being.”
“Very well.” He gestured towards the corridor, a wide smile on his face. “Lead on, my lady.”
Boromir frowned at the paper flower in his hand. The binding’s tension was uneven and the delicate paper was mangled and creased. Merry and Pippin had somehow convinced him to help them make decorative flowers in preparation for Aragorn’s coronation. The hobbits had shyly offered to create something for the high table, and Aragorn, forever fond of his little friends, had given them free reign. 
He sighed and tossed the ruined flower off to the side. 
You came through the archway and into the little alcove the hobbits had commandeered and smiled at him in greeting.
You were dressed in a set of borrowed clothes and your hair was done up in a simple braid. The Gondorian cut and style complemented your figure, and you stood strong and healthy and radiant. His eyes lingered on you for a moment, before he looked back down at the table. You were not for him, never for him. If you knew the depths of his treachery, there was no doubt you would scorn him.
The last couple of weeks were spent in a wild fervour. Between managing the city with Faramir, he had attempted the activities on the list he shared with you. You had excelled in the wood carving, your little bear more detailed and fine than his, but he had bested you at the loom, his piece of fabric coming out more smooth and even than yours. Pottery, painting, gardening, juggling, needlework — the both of you attempted whatever your injuries allowed.
He adored the way you looked when you were concentrating. Your eyes were downcast and focused, your brow just slightly knitted, and you had this endearing habit of tilting your head just so when something vexed you. Each time he met with you, he searched for ways to elicit your smile, fumbled with something just to get you to laugh, even at his own expense. What a privilege it was to see the respected and stalwart shield-maiden soften and melt. It was even more of a privilege to watch you with the horses.
The old stable master had taken to you instantly, curious and interested in what you had to say about the care and rearing of horses, and nearly every morning you had gone down to the stables to check on the animals. He had watched as you taught the shy stableboys how to braid the horses manes, your deft fingers working the strands, and listened as you told them what sort of grains and seed were best for the foals.
You seemed to come alive in the stables, eyes bright and smiles brighter. Was this what you looked like unburdened by duty and responsibility? Was this what you could become, always?
The stablemaster was old, due to retire, and perhaps…
He shoved the thought out of his mind. 
You were friendly enough with him, playful and affectionate with your comments sometimes, but if you knew the truth… How could someone like you, loyal and strong, look past his mistake with Frodo? No. It was better to keep you at arms length, as a friend. Whatever disappointment you felt with him would be more tolerable.
“Having trouble?” you asked, plucking the ruined flower from the table and holding it up to the light. 
“You are welcome to give them an attempt if you wish,” he said, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. “Valar knows we’ll need more hands if we are to finish these. I can teach you.”
You slid into the chair and watched as he moved through the steps. The flower looked better than its previous counterpart but it still looked a little wrong somehow. “Where are Merry and Pippin?” you asked, taking a sheet and mimicking his steps, folding the paper and trimming the edges.
“They have gone to visit Frodo and Sam.”
“And you did not follow?”
He shook his head and kept his eyes fixed on the sheet of paper. In truth, he had already gone to see Frodo. There, in the quiet and privacy of Frodo’s room, Boromir had wept and fallen to his knees, asking, nearly begging, for forgiveness. Frodo’s eyes, so wide and expressive, had softened and watered. He clasped Boromir’s hand, bid him to rise, and gave his forgiveness right then and there. 
But how could it be so simple? So easy? Was there not some sort of trial, some sort of penance, that he must perform to earn such forgiveness? 
You let out a little gasp of delight and presented your flower to him. It was beautiful and well formed, the petals fanned and splayed, the perfect facsimile of a blooming flower. “You know,” you said with a smile. “This is probably one of the more agreeable activities we have done.”
He wished he could spar with you, to connect with you in the mutual language of battle,  but alas, your injuries and his were still healing. He rolled his shoulder, the muscle still stiff and sore from the wound, and grimaced.
“It is still not healing well?” you asked, lowering your flower.
“The infection from before did more damage than previously thought. It is healing, just slowly, the matrons assured me.”
“Merry and Pippin told me how you faced the Uruk-Hai by yourself. Truly, a remarkably brave act.”
He deflated a little in his chair, thumbing the edge of the thin paper. “Bravery did not enter into my mind at that time. I thought only of my friends who, at that time, were neither ranger or soldier.” 
“Still, it was a brave act.”
“Brave… but not strong.”
“Boromir,” you said, exasperated. “The fact that you are still alive now is testament to your strength.”
“It is not the strength of body I am speaking of but rather the strength of will.” He shook his head and forced a smile onto his face. “What am I speaking about? These are merry times and happy days — we should not dwell on such ill things of the past.”
You paused, eyeing him. “Just as our bodies sometimes fail us, so do our minds. In Rohan, we learn in our training that it does us no good to fault and blame our bodies when they cannot perform as we wish — it simply gets in the way of learning, and more importantly, healing — it would seem remiss to not extend that same grace to our minds.”
Grace. Forgiveness. Gentleness. He had never been able to afford such luxuries, not ever since his mother died and he and Faramir had to grow up all too fast in the shadow of Mordor. Faramir seemed to be easing into the position of Steward comfortably, looking far more at home in the office than he did in the barracks, and even Eowyn was getting on well in the Houses of Healing. 
People were… moving on. Or at the very least, trying to. 
He picked up a sheet of paper and began folding it, binding the middle and trimming the ends. He started to unravel the petals but only managed to put his thumb through it.
 Could he move on as well? Was he allowed to?
“Here, like this,” you murmured and reached over. “Slowly. Gently.”
You guided his fingers, and right in his hands, his flower bloomed.
Early morning light glowed through the open ends of the stables. The air was warm and musky and you inhaled, relaxing into the familiar scent of horse and hay. The stableboys were yet to turn up for the day and you took your time greeting the horses individually. One of your favourites, a beautiful black steed with a glossy coat, nudged your outstretched hand and dipped its head while you stroked it affectionately. 
There seemed no end to the post-war celebrations with the coronation beginning a stream of parties and dinners, lunches and teas, but finally after nearly two weeks, the city was blessedly calm. You pressed your forehead to the cheek of the horse and sighed. He was warm and solid, grounded and real. The days and nights had passed like a dream. Boromir, smiling at you over the rim of his mug. Boromir, meeting your glances across the room. Boromir, taking you into his arms, your bodies moving in sync with the music.
He had been so close, so warm. His smell, salt and cedar, enveloped you. You had looked up into his eyes, the candlelight flickering in them, and nearly leaned in.
The horse snorted and you stepped back. What were you thinking? There was no time for such things. You were still yet to find yourself in this new world of peace, King Theoden still needed to be buried and mourned. Eowyn would return to Minas Tirith in due time — Faramir had all but formally proposed, waiting for the mourning period to be over — but what about you? 
Eomer had assured you that if you wished to return to Rohan there would be a place for you as part of the personal guard but was that something you even wished for yourself? 
Minas Tirith had grown on you. The bustle of the morning markets, the distant bell that tolled every hour, the ivy covered walls, the polished marble. Boromir had even promised to take you to Dol Amroth to see the ocean one day. And Eowyn would be here in Gondor.
It had been so lovely working with the horses and the stableboys, your muscles remembering the things you had been taught as a child. It felt like some part of you, long dormant, was finally waking up. The stable master had mentioned that he was planning on retiring soon. Perhaps you could speak to Boromir and Faramir about filling the post. 
You hummed to yourself. With Boromir retaining his position as Captain of Gondor, there was something deeply satisfying about the thought of caring for the steeds he and his men would ride on. 
“My lady?”
You turned and found Boromir standing by the entrance of the stable. He was in his casual tunic and trousers, and his hair was lightly tousled. Boromir looked the best liked this, just slightly dishevelled, loose and relaxed. 
“Good morning,” you said. “It’s early, even for you.”
“I wished to speak with you. You and Eowyn will be heading back to Rohan in a few days and I wanted to discuss something with you before you left.”
You tilted your head, curious. “Very well. Let us speak outside.”
He nodded and the both of you made your way out to a small open balcony that overlooked the rest of the circles. The air was warm and balmy and the scent of freshly baked bread wafted on the breeze. Boromir stood beside you and surveyed the city. 
“I never thought I would see the day where there was no shadow on the horizon, that my people would wake and live in peace.”
“Yes,” you murmured. “There is change in the air, a renewal. It is quite exciting to witness.”
“Speaking of change…” He turned to face you. “I am sure you are well aware that our stable master is thinking of retiring. Faramir and I have been discussing and we were wondering if you would be open to fulfilling the position.” He glanced away then back at you. “You and I will be working with each other, of course, with regards to the Calvary. Before you accept, there is something… something I wish for you to know.”
His eyes swept down and his jaw tensed. “Go on, my friend,” you said gently. 
“The Ring… I had tried to take it from Frodo. He had gone off to think and I had followed him. In my weakness, I —” He swallowed. “That was why he had continued on alone with Sam.”
You had suspected as much, gleaned from his various comments and the way he would both keep his distance from Frodo but be overly courteous in his presence. “The Ring had tempted many over the years. I do not think any less of you. And… this may be presumptuous, but knowing you, I suspect you were motivated out of love for your city and your people rather than any personal gain.”
He exhaled, short and sharp, and a wry smile crossed his face. “You know me too well.”
You shrugged. “We are friends, are we not? Friends and —”
You snapped your mouth shut and looked away. What were you going to say? ‘More’? How foolish. The man had just offered you a job, for Valar’s sake. He was a friend. A friend.
You hazarded a look at him. His eyes were wide and his lips were parted in disbelief. Was it possible that…? 
“I… I do not know,” you muttered, and he deflated a little. His mild disappointment emboldened you and you continued. “Sometimes, I think I see more in your eyes, but I can never be sure.”
“You are not mistaken,” he said, straightening his shoulders and meeting your eyes. Your heart sped up and hope sparked in your chest. “But I do not wish for this to sway your decision in accepting the position. I —”
“Either way, I would accept. I do accept.” You smiled. “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to oversee and care for the steeds of Gondor. Except, perhaps,” you added softly, “being able to be by your side.”
A smile broke out on his face, open and unguarded, and the years fell away from him. He offered his hand, palm up, and you reached out, intertwining your fingers with his.
He chuckled and shook his head. “Faramir has always berated me for my lack of romantic tendencies and I always dismissed him. For the first time, I wish I had paid more attention in my poetry classes.”
“I do not need to be wooed with poetry and flowery words, Boromir.” You laughed and he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “Besides, it is not our way.”
“What is the Rohirric way?”
“Sometimes courting couples braid the manes of each other’s horses, weaving in their family’s colours or tokens. Wealthier families exchange horses to show that their horses are healthy and well-trained, that they can be trusted with the care of their partner, to carry and support them through life.”
He nodded. “I like that. It is practical and… sweet, in a way. I would offer to give you a horse, but I have just given you a stable full of them I suppose.” You laughed and he shared a smile with you. “In seriousness, I wish to court you properly. I understand that you will have to go back to Rohan, and there are matters to sort out. But when you return to Minas Tirith…”
“Yes. Whatever you wish, yes.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Whatever I wish? A dangerous thing to say.”
“I trust you.”
He leaned in and kissed your temple, his warm breath tickling your hair. He smiled against your skin and drew back.
“So yes,” you murmured, grinning. “Whatever you wish.”
I really wanted the reader to have some sort of arc/development as well, and not just act as some developmental catalyst for Boromir - I hope that came through.
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