#April 10 2023
dogstomp · 11 months
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Dogstomp #3022 - April 10th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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card-of-the-day · 1 year
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Today's Card Is: Shark Typhoon
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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tuckerrule: One of the best weeks of my life. Thank you so much to everyone that helped make this dream come true 🥹. #lsdunes #ranchodelaluna #1720 #pappyandharriets #lsd 🦂🧡🔺🔥
[April 10, 2023]
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“How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?”
Maybe he wouldn't pick up this time, she tries to tell herself. Maybe it would just go to voicemail. And then they could pretend that she never called.
Except he wouldn't, probably. Pretend that is. But she'd hold on to her dignity, maybe enough that the next time she saw him, saw that horrible smile on his face, she could meet his eyes for long enough to get through the lecture. Get through the three hours of supervising the undergraduate lab section. Get through the door.
She doesn't want him to pick up. Not when it's two a.m. Again. Not when she's still half drunk, and she can't see the stars beyond the storm clouds on the roof that Darcy left her on somewhere between her second and fourth wine cooler.
She didn't even want to go with Darcy anyway. She's not sure why she did, but the music that she can still somewhat hear from across the quad is starting to give her a headache.
Or maybe it's the long, drawn out seconds between the first ring and the third, or now the fourth. She could just hang up. She could.
But she's not going to. Not until she gets his voicemail.
Because it's been a crappy night. Because her piece of junk computer crashed while she was mid-compiling.
Because doing her postdoc when she's barely older than most of the seniors has never endeared her to anyone, her weirdly outgoing roommate excepted.
The call connects.
"It's 2:37, Foster."
So much for the small mercies of his voicemail.
The comically put-upon sigh helps dampen the nauseous feeling in her stomach though. She's mostly pretty sure she shouldn't call him.
"The weather forecast lied."
A click. What sounds like blankets shifting.
Oh. He's never been in bed before.
"I could be on a date," he'd said, the last time that she'd called him.
"At four in the morning?"
"It could be a very good date."
She'd hung up on his obnoxious laughter.
But maybe--
"Foster, it's a Tuesday. Why are you drunk on a Tuesday?"
Is it? She probably knows that, but the frustration and the article edits and the lack of sleep are finally starting to catch up with her. The crappy alcohol still working its way through her system is probably not helping things either.
"Were you asleep?"
More blankets shuffling. An over-dramatic sigh.
"Some of us are covering a 9 a.m. lecture this morning, Foster." A beat. "Do you need me to get you?"
He's probably not on a date then. Not that she cares. Not that--
"--Foster? Jane?"
Oh. Had he been saying something? "Huh? What?"
"You're usually a lot more sober when you call me in the middle of the night."
"I don't call you in the middle of the night."
A laugh. The slide of a drawer being opened.
"Of course not, Foster. Where are you?"
She doesn't though. Not really. He's just an assistant professor whose lab sections she's usually stuck babysitting. And maybe she stops by his lectures sometimes. But only because the theoretical framework--
"Why are you calling me that?"
"Because it's your name, Foster. You do still remember your name?"
He sounds less asleep now, less soft. She's not sure that she likes it very much.
"Now, Jane, are you going to tell me where you are?"
Why would he--
"The roof," she tells him, almost despite herself.
"The roof. Alright. Which roof?"
She didn't bother checking when she and Darcy climbed up here. One of the residence halls. She'll figure out which one when she sobers up enough to climb down though.
“How come I always end up calling you when I can’t fall asleep?”
She isn't sure she really meant to say that.
A pause.
"I do hope you aren't trying to sleep on the roof, Jane."
"You're not very good at conversation and you're pretty much always a jerk."
"...I see." She thinks there's something off about the way he says it. She doesn't think she likes the way it sounds. "Should I call campus security instead?"
"Will you at least tell me where you are, Foster? I've got 300 freshma--"
"--I like that you pick up."
She really doesn't mean to say that either.
"Um. Yeah."
Maybe the wine coolers were an even worse idea than she'd thought. She--
At least he doesn't sound upset anymore. It shouldn't-- the feeling in her gut is probably from the questionable guacamole she'd had. Or those tasteless little cocktail sausage things.
"Do you want me to come get you, Jane?"
It's 3:14 a.m. He'd said he has a class.
"Why would you?"
She hears his car keys. She knows he lives a decent drive off campus.
"The same reason you called."
Edit: I wrote a follow up.
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“The iconic…MADONNA!”
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ralfmaximus · 1 year
Jon Oliver does a pretty good summation of wtf happened in Tennessee last week, regarding the expulsion of two black Representatives from their state Congress.
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dailyscottficrec · 1 year
April 10, 2023
Tapestry by lady_deathangel
Author summary:
The war between humans and lycans has waged for as long as Allison Argent has been alive. She's not surprised when she's taken captive by the enemy, though the bond she forms with her fellow prisoner is unexpected and not entirely welcome. What she's not prepared for is what happens when the war comes to an abrupt end. As a sign of peace and goodwill to the realm, she's locked into an arranged marriage with the Alpha wolf. Duty and honor keep her at Wolf's Keep but haunted by her past and disenchanted with her future, Allison struggles to move forward and forge her own path through a life that's never truly belonged to her before.
Reasons to love the fic: Okay, this one skirts the Scott centric a little. It's more Allison centric. But it is very Allison/Scott/Stiles and the scallison parts specifically had me over the moon with heart eyes about it. I adore the world-building in this fic and the way it uses so many canon characters in ways that fit so perfectly. Every dynamic is so perfect and fun, and I really really enjoyed this fic. I think any scallison or sciles fan will too.
Please let the author know if you enjoyed the fic!
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yahooanswersblog · 5 months
Kevin Lopez: Did you see the new Mario movie?
Me: No. But its fun to hear about how bad the 1990's one was.
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vyxart · 1 year
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hilaryduffwardrobe · 1 year
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WHERE: stops to grab a pizza in Los Angeles
WHEN: April 10, 2023
Bottega Veneta Men's Latex Slide Sandals - $1,100
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dteam-snaps · 1 year
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→ APRIL 10 2023
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stacysloft · 1 year
Path of Righteousness
Dream Diary: April 10, 2023
Okay I'm on a roll with dream memories haha.
The dream is kinda fuzzy.
It's about how heartbroken I was with my breakup with Kurt. But, in the end I somehow resolved that it wouldn't have worked out because from all the mind and persuasive tricks and power struggle, I could already see how different our principles are and that I valued justice and righteousness over everything in this life and I seem to have the courage and willingness to give my all to walk on it on my own.
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music-asylum · 1 year
April 10, 2023
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thehiddenhermit · 1 year
I don't know why I bother trying to connect with anybody. It is obviously never going to happen.
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untothebreach · 1 year
You don't get to have nice things if you don't plan ahead.
You don't get to have nice things because you're useless and expect everything to work out for you all the time.
You're useless and lazy and scatterbrained and you're getting what you fucking deserve missing out on something that you said you didn't care about in the first place
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journaleaf · 1 year
theres a deep grief i feel with these lost relationships.
lately it’s been with L. we met when i was 16, you 19. me american, you scottish. i remember your screen name was jabronie. i still think of you when someone says that word. i thought you were the most attractive man i’d ever seen. you had your problems. mostly what i remember is you’d say misogynistic things sometimes. and our relationship wasn’t much more than skin-deep.
but i remember when you told me about moving to california with your best friend G. living in houses right beside each other, getting married and raising kids. and i imagined myself in that californian home, with you and with kids. which u don’t want now. god knows i can’t raise functional kids. but the fantasy was nice to live in for a while.
i worry it’s that fantasy i grieve more than you.
but i do wonder how you’ve been in these 4 years since we left off on that inconclusive note. how is G? is he still in the states? and you, of course. where are you now? still living in that cold room at your parents’? do you think about me? or maybe do you think of the fantasy you built with me nestled inside?
you wouldn’t even find me attractive now, i think. not only because when i told you i sugared how upset you were. you wanted me to be your first and i squandered that so irrevocably. and i’m fatter now. maybe you’d like my boobs. but i doubt you’d like the rest.
i can’t say for sure if i miss you, L. i won’t lie, i forgot about you for a while. but when i remembered it came flooding back and it stays with me in an ache. i do want to talk to you though. but i shouldn’t reach out. we’re different people now. it would do no good. but i hope you’re well. i hope you get that house in california and a wife who loves you and whom you love. i hope G lives next door and you get to grow old as friends. i hope we forget each other.
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