#Apr 1993
k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
Rolling Stones - Waiting On A Friend
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musicalthought · 1 year
album review; insane clown posse's beverly kills 5o187 (1993)
♡ fav song: joke ya mind
♡ least fave song: in the haugh!
♡ overall: 6.5/10
♡ i truly don’t have any thoughts .... mind blank with this one
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crystalis · 6 months
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thread by Arnesa Buljušmić-Kustura
Apr 5, 2024
Today marks the anniversary of the Siege of Sarajevo. The “official” start of the Bosnian Genocide.
Almost 4 years of being cut off from the world, from food and water and electricity. 4 years of daily shelling, bombing, and terrorising campaigns of the city and its residents.
Today is a particularly painful day and in the next 6 months, we will have an anniversary after anniversary after anniversary of the various massacres and horrors that were inflicted on us throughout the Bosnian Genocide.
I was just a child when the Siege of Sarajevo started. The peaceful neighbourhood I once played in was suddenly surrounded and shelled daily. Sniper attacks became common place. Every day you heard news of someone being killed. Someone you knew. Someone you loved.
One of my most vivid memories of the Siege of Sarajevo is my great-grandmother. She was a fiery spirit and I was her favourite human. Her heart gave out when she found out her son had died. I always think she would’ve lived another 10 years had there been no genocide.
The residents of Sarajevo were shot at when they’d be collecting water. When they were in line to get bread and aid. When they’d attempt to get to a hospital. In hospitals. In schools. In libraries. There was nowhere that was fully safe.
On a daily basis, the Serb forces would average of approximately 329 shell impacts per day during the course of the siege, with a maximum of 3,777 on 22 July 1993. The city’s streets, homes, buildings, hospitals, govt and historical buildings were all targeted and destroyed.
Over 13,000 people were killed in the Siege, and over 1600 of them were children. Of the estimated 65,000 to 80,000 children in the city, at least 40% had been directly shot at by snipers; 51% had seen someone killed; 39% had seen one or more family members killed…
19% of the children in Sarajevo had witnessed a massacre; 48% had their home occupied by someone else; 73% had their home attacked or shelled; and 89% had lived in underground shelters.
Today, as I reflect on the Siege of Sarajevo…I cannot help but think of the parallels and similarities with the atrocities occurring during the Siege on Gaza. Over 13,000 children had been killed during these past 7 months.
The Siege of Sarajevo resulted in the deaths of two uncles, my godmother who was a Serb and was killed by Serb forces, my grandmother who was killed when she was making breakfast and her home was attacked by Serb forces. My neighbours, my friends, and countless others.
There is not a day in my life in which I do not recall the horrors we endured. There is not a day in my life in which I do not curse those who destroyed my childhood and my innocence. When I was 5 years old, a Serbian sniper shot at me….a child. I survived thanks to my neighbour.
It has been over 30 years since the Siege of Sarajevo started. A 4 year long campaign of terror, genocide, and destruction. The world knew. The world saw. The world stayed quiet. They refused to allow us to defend ourselves. They said that “Bosnia did not belong” in Europe.
Our pain and suffering became an easily exploitable topic for the politicians, journalists, academics to build their careers off of. To this day, many only have a career because of the Bosnian Genocide. Yet, when it was the worst for us…they watched and allowed it to happen.
The Bosnian Genocide did not need to happen. As all genocides, it could have been prevented. & now they tell us to “remember the past” and they say to “never forget” while they allow the same to happen to Palestinians.
I cannot look at the photos coming out of Gaza and not see Sarajevo in it. Their pain is all too similar to our pain. Yet the International Community, once again, seems intent to ensure that the past repeats itself.
& I cannot help but feel that just as much as they believed that “Bosnia did not belong” and therefore allowed the genocide and horrors to continue for 4 long years….they feel the same about Palestine. To them: we “do not belong”. Our deaths are just a bloody stain on their tvs.
So today I spend my day praying for those we lost in the Siege of Sarajevo and throughout the Bosnian Genocide, I will pray that the world wakes up and sees that they are allowing the past to repeat in Palestine.
May we never forget the beautiful souls whose lives were taken and destroyed, in the name of ethnonationalism and fascism. In Sarajevo, throughout Bosnia. In Gaza. Throughout Palestine.
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matan4il · 4 months
Hey, I just felt the need to vent and see if you or your followers had any advice for me because I feel so stuck.
I don't have any relatives or friends in Israel so sometimes I feel I have no room to talk on the conflict. I'm in the US, I'm 'safe', my family is safe, but I still feel so hurt and the grief from everything happening to 'my people'
I was talking to a friend and I know we have conflicting opinions on everything happening. I just feel so heart broken by him as we were discussing things and he cuts the conversation when I said "Hamas is a terrorist organization". I don't know how I can trust him anymore when he can't even see that. I love him so much. He's essentially my best friend. It hurts so much and I don't know what to do. At this point I just keep quiet but there is resentment building and I hate it.
Any advice would help. Sorry for rambling. I'm just emotional.
Hi Nonnie! I totally understand, you're being legit in how you feel, and I'm sending you many hugs!
I believe I've answered a similar ask at some point since the war, I'm just not sure how to find it, because Tumblr's search option sucks. Maybe through the ask tag, IDK. If anyone's better at handling this site, and can find it and link it in the comments, I'm sure the anon (and definitely me) would appreciate that!
I think that ask was more generalized though, so here I'll refer more specifically to yours.
First of all, if you're Jewish, you have family in Israel. All Jews are one big family, one tribe, and I consider every Jew a part of my extended family. That said, there's actually a good chance that, given enough genealogical research, you'll find that one, two or three generations ago, the family tree split, and there's a branch where people returned to Israel, so you have distant relatives you weren't even aware of here. If you're interested in looking into this, a good place to start is to contact the Anu Museum, which delves into the history of the Jewish people, and also keeps extensive genealogical records for Jews.
Hamas is a terrorist organization, that's not an opinion or debate, it's a fact. People tend to claim that resistance can be seen as terrorists or freedom fighters, depending on one's opinion, and it's true that at times the term "terrorists" has been abused, but there's actually a very simple way to figure out the matter. If an organization intentionally targets civilians with violence, including lethal violence, for the sake of achieving some sort of a political change (and that includes political change in service of an extremist religious cause), then we're talking about terrorists. The differentiation between a regime as a legit target for a struggle, and innocent civilians who should never be targeted with violence, that's the difference between freedom fighters (whether we agree with them or not) and terrorists.
The exact date of Hamas being established as a terrorist organization is not known, most believe it was Dec 1987 (it announced it was joining the First Intifada on Dec 15, when it started on Dec 9. Hamas escalated it considerably, as it did the Second Intifada), while the son of a Hamas founder (Mosab Hassan Yousef. He was repeatedly jailed by Israel for terrorist activity in the service of his dad's organization, but as a teen in prison saw how Hamas was torturing Palestinians. He decided to flip and help Israel in order to save his own people from Hamas) says it was actually slightly earlier, in 1986. Either way, by the end of 1989 (just two years after its first public statement), Hamas was already so brutal and violent, that it was outlawed here. Soon, especially as it started carrying out extensive suicide bombings (the very first one was on Apr 16, 1993), it was also recognized as a terrorist organization and outlawed by multiple governments (including the UK, the US, Jordan, the EU, Japan, Norway, Iceland, Canada, Australia and Paraguay).
Not only is Hamas clearly a terrorist organization since its very first act of terrorism, after Oct 7 it is also one of the most successful ones ever (second only to Al-Qaeda after 9/11, though if you look at the number of fatalities per population size, then Hamas have surpassed Al-Qaeda as well). To not recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization is to not recognize terrorism, and that it is fundamentally wrong, because nothing ever justifies killing civilians to affect a political change, and THAT is an incredibly disturbing position to take.
On top of that, Hamas is Islamist, it wants a world ruled by an Islamist regime, and sees the eradication of Israel as a first step on the way there. It will only condemn other Islamist terrorist organizations for digressing from this plan of eradicating the Jewish state first, before taking on the rest of the world. Hamas is also genocidal towards Jews. Its founding charter declares this explicitly, that Judgment Day will not come until all Jews are exterminated. Its leaders have continuously and repeatedly expressed themselves in similar ways, calling upon "true believers" to kill Jews everywhere around the world, and in fact since Oct 7, several Hamas terrorist cells have been exposed as operating against Jews outside of Israel.
Someone who can't even admit Hamas are terrorists will likely not recognize the genocidal, antisemitic and extremist Islamist nature of Hamas, either. If you're Jewish, what that means is that your "friend" is willing to turn a blind eye to the declared statements of those who wish to kill you simply because you're Jewish. And if you ask me, that's not a friend at all. But even if you're not Jewish, I think the willingness to allow Hamas' genocidal antisemitism by denying the nature of this organization is morally despicable. I would kind of get it if your friend lived in a non-free country, where he can't get the true info on Hamas. But if you live in a free society, and your friend can get online, and go to one of the sites that share info on Hamas, especially the footage from Oct 7, but he's still denying what this terrorist organization is really like? I think you're very right to be upset by that.
At the end of the day, how you deal with it is up to you. It sounds like this person is really important to you, and I get it. At the same time, it sounds like you're having a hard time living with his views of Hamas, which is beyond justified. If your friend is willing to overlook this, what else is he willing to allow? I guess the question is whether you feel like you can have a talk with him, where you put this all on the table, not just Hamas being a terrorist organization, but also the genocidal, Islamist and antisemitic nature of it, and explain to your friend that it is personally distressing to you, that he can act as if Hamas is a legit organization? Do you feel like you can talk to him, and if he understood what it means to you, he might be more willing to listen? If you don't talk to him about this, do you feel like you can live with his views?
I'll be honest, I personally would not want such a person as a "friend." I would never feel like I could trust him. That doesn't negate all of his other good traits and what he can and does give you as a friend, though. I get that. I understand that it is a loss, if this ends your friendship. And that's why I say that it's up to you. It's up to what you feel is in the best interest of your well being. Do you still trust him to have your back despite his views? Do you think you'd be worse off to lose everything else about your friendship? Or do you think he values your friendship enough to listen? Do you feel like the distress of knowing what he supports is too much, and is bad for your well being? At the end of the day, only you can answer these questions.
Just know that no matter what you decide, you're not alone. There are others who feel like you do, and who would accept you, all of you, anti-Hamas views included, and will be true allies and friends. You def have a friend here. I'm wishing you well with whatever you decide to do, and if you feel like sending follow up asks, please don't hesitate to! Much love, Nonnie. xoxox
(for more of my posts regarding Israel, click here)
If this is a person who you define as your best friend, but they're cool
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dr3culaz · 2 months
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Love At First Bite ( Hangul : 첫입에 반하다) is a fictional six-member co-ed group formed by E:CLIPSE Media. They released their debut single album, “Immortal Wish”, on October 31, 2014, without any teasers or promotions.
Love At First Bite seemed to come out of nowhere, the first artists under an unknown company and none had fame prior to the group, yet they took the kpop industry by storm with their dark and vampire-like concepts with a majority of their music charting next to groups from big companies. Along with being a full group, they release music in sub-units. Bloody Mary is a sub-unit consisting of their female members: Clara, Angel, & Juliette. RED ROSES is a sub-unit consisting of their male members: Nico, Valentine, & NOIR. They are also a self-produced group, with NOIR and Clara producing a majority of their stuff.
The thing that drags fans into the group has to be their extensive lore, all the members taking the role of vampires from the late 1800s - early 1900s, trying to blend into human society and navigate different human experiences. The members of the group are said to give off vampire vibes even off stage, and many fans wonder if they could actually be vampires. Love At First Bite is named the most successful co-ed group in Kpop and one of the best groups to come out of 3rd Gen.
NAME : Love At First Bite ( 첫입에 반하다 )
DEBUT DATE : October 31, 2014
CONCEPT : Vampire, Dark, Mature
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Chae “NICO” Hyunsu ( 1993 ) *leader
Seong “CLARA” Subin ( 1994 )
Park “ANGEL” Goeun ( 1994 )
Jang “VALENTINE” Jihwan ( 1995 )
“NOIR” ( 1995 ) *hidden member
Akane “JULIETTE” Rina ( 1996 ) *maknae
SWEET BITE : The First Tour ( Oct. 2016 - Apr. 2017 ) *Asia
A LITTLE DEATH ( Jul. 2018 - Dec. 2018 ) *South Korea
LAST DANCE ( Aug. 2021 - Jun. 2022 ) *World Tour
BITE ME ( Feb. 2023 - Dec. 2023 ) *World Tour
BITE ME : ENCORE ( Apr. 2024 - Oct. 2024 ) *World Tour
IMMORTAL WISH : debut single album ( 2014 )
IMMORTAL LOVE : mini album ( 2015 )
SWEET BITE : mini album ( 2015 )
BITTERSWEET : single album ( 2015 )
RED LIGHTS : mini album ( 2016 )
MIDNIGHT : pre-release single ( 2016 )
DEJA VU : pre-release single ( 2016 )
FEAR THE UNDEAD : full album ( 2017 )
NO ESCAPE : single album ( 2018 )
LOVE AT FIRST BITE : full album ( 2021 )
BIRTH : mini album ( 2021 )
DEATH : full album ( 2022 )
NOT BY THE MOON : single album ( 2022 )
LIMBO : mini album ( 2022 )
TOGETHER : digital single ( 2023 )
RE:BIRTH : full album ( 2023 )
IMMORTAL BITE : mini album ( 2023 )
A GIVEN : mini album ( 2024 )
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joshiji-darling · 3 months
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ㅤ𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫 ⭑⚝
(수인의 연기경력)
synopsis: she start debuted in 2016 at the age of 21, under the cut is all of suin's roles and kdramas
follow my tiktok for more content
Descendants of the sun
(태양의 후예) → feb. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Kim Miseul (김미슬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Yang Taewoo (양태우)
─⚝ played by: Nam Joohyuk (남주혁)
─⚝ his age when filming: 22 y/o (1994)
Guardian: The lonely and great god
(쓸쓸하고 찬란 하 - 도개비) → Dec. 2016 
─⚝ character name: Min Yeoreom (민여롬)
─⚝ age when filming: 21 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Lee Juyeol (이주열)
─⚝ played by: Doh Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1993) 
storyline (go read this to find out what role/character they play in the kdrama!)
100 days My Prince
(백일의 낭군님) → Sept. 2018
─⚝ character name: Hong-Sim / Yoon Yi-Seo (홍심 / 윤이서)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Won-Deuk / Lee Yool (원득 / 이율)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o (1993)
Hotel Del Luna
(호텔델루나) → Jul. 2019 
─⚝ character name: Jang Manwol (장만월)
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Koo Chansung (구찬성)
─⚝ played by: Yeo Jingoo (여진구) 
─⚝ age when filming: 22 y/o (1997)
Crash Landing on you
(사랑의 불시착) → Dec. 2019  
─⚝ character name: Yoon Saeram (윤새람) 
─⚝ age when filming: 24 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Park Juon (박주언)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Dongwook (이동욱)
─⚝ age when filming: 38 y/o (1981)
Hi Bye, Mama
(하이바이, 마마) → Feb. 2020
─⚝ character name: Cha Yuri (차유리)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jo Kanghwa (조강화)
─⚝ played by:  Lee Soohyuk (이수혁)
─⚝ age when filming: 32 y/o (1988) 
Hospital Playlist
(슬기로운 의사생활) → Mar. 2020 
─⚝ character name: Park Geumjoo (박금주)
─⚝ age when filming: 25 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Song Minguk (송민국)
─⚝ played by:  Cha Eunwoo (차은우)
─⚝ age when filming: 23 y/o (1997) 
Mr Queen
(철인왕후) → Feb. 2021
─⚝ character name: Kim So-yong (김소용,  Queen Cheorin (철린여왕)
─⚝ age when filming: 26 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:   Yi Won-beom (이원범, King Cheoljong (철종)
─⚝ played by:  Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1993) 
Extra- ordinary Attorney woo
(이사한 변호사 우영우) → Jun. 2022
─⚝ character name: Bae Yeseul (배예슬) 
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Jeon Taebin (전태빈) 
─⚝ played by: Woo Dohwan (우도환)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1992) 
The Glory
(더글로리) → Dec. 2022 
─⚝ character name: Moon Dongeun (문동은)
─⚝ age when filming: 27 y/o 
─⚝ love interest: Joo Yeojeong (주여정)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o (1993)
(무빙) → Aug. 2023 
─⚝ character name: Kang Gyu Ram (강규람)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Bae Doyoon (배도윤)
─⚝ played by: Ahn Hyoseop (안효셥)
─⚝ age when filming: 28 y/o (1995)
Lovely Runner
(선재 업고 튀어) → Apr. 2024
─⚝ character name: Im Sol (임솔)
─⚝ age when filming: 29 y/o 
─⚝ love interest:  Ryu Sunjae (류선재)
─⚝ played by: Do Kyungsoo (도경수)
─⚝ age when filming: 31 y/o (1993)
kwon suin masterlist
comment if you want to be added to a taglist for updates (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ
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Reader Art from EGM #45, Apr. 1993
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Gakuen Mystery (学園ミステリー) / Akita Shoten (秋田書店) / Apr 1993 issue
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theleseroftwoweevils · 3 months
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new intro post!!
covering the basics my names are conner, livvy, nessie, al, ivan, and anthony/anton i use he/him/any INCLUDING NEOS!!!!!. list of neos that I picked out for myself but go wild!! i don't rlly use labels but u can think of meas a man kisser if it helps you sleep at night. ugmm. art blog is @sillym0us3. side blogs inspired by @/cat-spotted are @dog-spotted and @mouse-spotted. also made this sideblog @is-your-post-weird-al picturess carrd prons??? more prons
some other things about me:
wisconsinite, furry, virgo, intp-t, 222, sep.7, minor, cameron frye kinnie, old man fucker, ask box and dm's are open, ummmmm also feel free to call me codey!!!
DNI: pedos, porn blogs, racists, homophobes, transphobes, nazis, sexists/misogynists, fatphobes, etc.
you can check under the keep reading for more things abt me!! (careful its like a lot of stuff)
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things i do
cello, write, make art, read, learn italian
things i like
master and commander, community, ferris bueller's day off, much ado about nothing (1993), baby, dexter, twilight, gilmore girls, teen wolf, dc (mostly batman and teen titans related), arrested development, scrubs, saw, narnia, game of thrones, the middle, open to suggestions!
weezer, weird al, lana del rey, taylor swift, the cranberries, mitski, the cure, classical (no particular artist), lemon demon, MIKA (kinda), nirvana, open to suggestions here too!!
maze runner, twilight, aubreyad, most neil gaiman, suggestions?
will poulter, jacob elordi michael cera, paul dano, elizabeth mitchell, josh holloway, cillian murphy, charles dance
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#liveblogging my brain my original post/talking tag
#peter calamy my beloved peter..
#bookblogging stuff abt writing idk
#weevil mentioned master and commander tag
#is that a community reference?! community tag
#my art art that yours truly made
#penis penis related posts (new mutuals don't have to understand, just support me)
#asks ask tag
#boobs.. baby/brando tag
mutual birthdays (please send me urs if u feel comfortable!!!)
Jan. 24 - Maddie (@hinako-supremacy)
Jan. 29 - Kid (@kidfoundonstreets)
Feb. 28 - Vivian (@notmonaca)
Mar. 15 - August (@suburbanlegnd)
Apr. 16 - Arizona (@obsessivedaydreamer)
Jul. 15 - Sy (@sypersweet)
Aug. 13 - Sophie (@pyromaniac-on-caffeine) (yay irl friends!!)
Aug. 14 - Johnny boy (@notsosillyanymore-ehbatman)
Sep. 7 - Me, Christy (@stripesysheaven) (BIRTHDAY TWINS YIPEEEE)
Sep. 14 - Stevie (@allthebestcowboyshavedaddyissues)
Sep. 25 - Claire (@epiphytecanopy)
Oct. 5 - Nalu (@unorthodox-oblivion)
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my fursonas^
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thekingwhereitallends · 3 months
Tenchijin AU Birthday List
*Note: Some of characters may be younger or older than their canon selves.*
Kaguya Õtsutsuki:Aug.15 543 BC
Tenji:Oct.6 30 BC
Jigen:Sep.4 29 BC
Aino:May.12 20 BC
Hagoromo Õtsutsuki-⼤筒⽊ハゴロモ:Aug.6 0000
Hamura Õtsutsuki:Aug.6 0000
Haori:May.19 0001
Indra Õtsutsuki:Jan.4 0033
Sakura Ainoten:Apr.1 0034
Ashura Õtsutsuki:Jun.8 0034
Kanna:Jun.30 0035
Ichikishimahime:Sep.20 1351
First Mizukage Byakuren:Jan.20 1863
First Tsuchikage Ishikawa:May.6 1872
Ashina Uzumaki:Jun.21 1876
Butsuma Senju:Jan.16 1892
Tajima Uchiha:Mar.28 1893
Bunpuku:Feb.9 1904
First Raikage A:Dec.1 1912
Rai Uchiha:Nov.6 1913
Second Raikage A:Mar.1 1914
Hikaku Uchiha:Aug.12 1915
Naori Uchiha:Nov.14 1915
First Hokage Hashirama Senju:Oct.23 1916
Madara Uchiha:Dec.24 1916
Mito Uzumaki:May.3 1917
First Kazekage Reto:Jun.27 1917
Sasuke Sarutobi:Jul.19 1917
Izuna Uchiha:Feb.10 1918
Second Hokage Tobirama Senju:Feb.19 1918
Second Kazekage Shamon:Mar.12 1919
Tõka Senju:May.26 1919
Second Tsuchikage Mū:Jun.6 1920
Second Mizukage Gengetsu Hõzuki: Oct.26 1920
Itama Senju:Jan.17 1921
Genji:Jul.20 1922
Kawarama Senju:Jul.3 1923
Kinkaku:Mar.7 1926
Ginkaku:Apr.9 1927
Kakuzu:Aug.15 1930
Third Tsuchikage Õnoki:Oct.8 1939
Kagami Uchiha:Feb.22 1940
Third Mizukage Kenshin Mikami:Feb.2 1941
Third Kazekage Samirõ:Aug.9 1941
Hanzõ:Sep.24 1941
Chiyo:Oct.15 1942
Third Raikage A:Aug.1 1943
Ebizõ:Jan.6 1944
Danzõ Shimura:Jan.6 1945
Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi: Feb.8 1945
Homura Mitokado:May.8 1945
Biwako Sarutobi:Jun.21 1945
Koharu Utatane:Sep.1 1945
Jinin Akebino:Sep.25 1949
Ise:Mar.23 1955
Fusõ Uzumaki:Aug.5 1955
Shinku Yūhi:Aug.9 1960
Tsunade Senju:Aug.2 1964
Orochimaru:Oct.27 1964
Jiraiya:Nov.11 1964
Dan Katõ:Dec.4 1964
Sēramu:Jul.31 1965
Hiruko:Oct.23 1965
Jinpachi Munashi:Jul.4 1968
Ameyuri Ringo:Jun.7 1969
Nawaki Senju:Aug.9 1971
Sakumo Hatake:Sep.3 1971
Might Duy:Dec.10 1971
Rõshi:Jun.4 1974
Fuguki Suikazan:Feb.22 1975
Kitsuchi:Mar.22 1975
Yahiko:Feb.20 1976
Okisuke:Jul.27 1976
Ao:Aug.1 1976
Konan:Feb.20 1977
Nagato:Sep.19 1977
Kizashi Haruno:Dec.6 1978
Mebuki Haruno:Jul.26 1979
Malice Rinha:Jun.24 1980
Gari:Aug.8 1980
Mui:Nov.3 1980
Fourth Raikage A:Jun.1 1981
Hotarubi:Aug.9 1981
Kushimaru Kuriarare:Nov.18 1982
Blue B:May.31 1983
Natsuhi:Jun.28 1983
Hiashi Hyūga:Jan.8 1984
Hizashi Hyūga:Jan.8 1984
Inoichi Yamanaka:Jan.24 1984
Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze:Jan.25 1984
Nonõ Yakushi:Mar.5 1984
Fourth Kazekage Rasa:Mar.29 1984
Yagura Karatachi:Apr.3 1984
Chõza Akimichi:Apr.22 1984
Mikoto Uchiha:Jun.1 1984
Kushina Uzumaki:Jul.10 1984
Shikaku Nara:Jul.15 1984
Fugaku Uchiha:Aug.16 1984
Karura:Nov.11 1984
Yoshino Nara:Feb.24 1985
Pakura:Apr.9 1985
Kazuma:May.29 1985
Tsume Inuzuka:Aug.12 1985
Raiga Kurosuki:Sep.13 1985
Yashamaru:May.23 1986
Killer B:May.15 1987
Baki:Jul.4 1988
Kaiza:Aug.21 1988
Sazanami:Sep.15 1988
Nan:Nov.15 1988
Shiranami:Jan.28 1989
Nowaki:Mar.7 1989
Jūzõ Biwa:Apr.14 1989
Tsunami:May.4 1989
Suiren(Kiri):Jun.2 1989
Sāra:Sep.17 1989
Sasori:Nov.8 1989
Kisame Hoshigaki:Mar.18 1990
Sadai-サダイ:Jun.19 1990
Ran-乱:Apr.21 1991
Miru-美瑠:Sep.13 1991
Might Guy:Jan.1 1992
Obito Uchiha:Feb.10 1992
Ebisu:Mar.8 1992
Kurenai Yūhi:Jun.11 1992
Chiriku:Jul.1 1992
Genma Shiranui:Jul.17 1992
Zabuza Momochi:Aug.15 1992
Raidõ Namiashi:Aug.28 1992
Honoka:Sep.1 1992
Aoba Yamashiro:Sep.3 1992
Kakashi Hatake:Sep.15 1992
Asuma Sarutobi:Oct.18 1992
Rin Nohara:Nov.15 1992
Shizune Katõ:Nov.18 1992
Hanare:Dec.16 1992
Shimon Hijiri:Feb.1 1993
Fugai:Aug.6 1993
Chino Oyashiro:Nov.4 1993
Samui:Jan.7 1994
Mabui:Feb.1 1994
Emi:Nov.11 1994
Sukui:Mar.7 1995
C:Apr.3 1995
Utakata:Jun.16 1995
Maki:Aug.15 1995
Fūka:Nov.17 1995
Izumo Kamizuki:Nov.25 1995
Iruka Umino:May.26 1996
Anko Mitarashi:Oct.24 1996
Hayate Gekkõ:Nov.2 1996
Darui:Jan.6 1997
Muta Aburame:May.27 1997
Tenzõ Iburi(Yamato):Aug.10 1997
Kaori:Oct.1 1997
Shinko Inari:Nov.1 1997
Yūgao Uzuki:Nov.3 1997
Tokuma Hyūga:Feb.10 1998
Sagi:Feb.16 1998
Toki:Feb.16 1998
Yurika:Mar.21 1998
Sadoru:Apr.5 1998
Momiji:May.5 1998
Susuki:Jun.2 1998
Kirisaki:Aug.9 1998
Genshõ Ryūdõin:Sep.6 1998
Shisui Uchiha:Oct.19 1998
Yukiji:Dec.1 1998
Kotohime:Feb.9 1999
Yugito Nī:Jul.24 1999
Saya:Aug.4 1999
Shibuki:Dec.15 1999
Kabuto Yakushi:Feb.29 2000
Inaho:Mar.26 2000
Hidan:Apr.2 2000
Okyõ:May.4 2000
Koyuki Kazahana:Aug.21 2000
Nurui:Sep.10 2000
Guren:Dec.18 2000
Kohada:Oct.14 2000
Kujaku:Jan.11 2001
Mangetsu Hõzuki:Feb.15 2001
Yūto:Mar.31 2001
Hana Inuzuka:Apr.13 2001
Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi:May.21 2001
Itachi Uchiha:Jun.9 2001
Masako:Jul.31 2001
Izumi Uchiha:Aug.28 2001
Otoha:Sep.10 2001
Kinsei:Oct.6 2001
Oyone:Nov.12 2001
Natsu Hyūga:Dec.4 2001
Haku Yuki:Jan.9 2002
Akatsuchi:Jan.11 2002
Ameno:Jan.15 2002
Ayame:Feb.14 2002
Deidara:May.5 2002
Kimimarõ Kaguya:Jun.15 2002
Kõji:Jun.27 2002
Gen'yūmaru:Jul.27 2002
Fū Yamanaka:Aug.20 2002
Shū:Sep.3 2002
Kurotsuchi:Sep.6 2002
Aoi Rokushõ:Sep.22 2002
Torune Aburame:Oct.24 2002
Gazeru:Nov.10 2002
Toneri Õtsutsuki:Dec.6 2002
Seina Shakudõ:Dec.23 2002
Hakui:Dec.10 2002
Kõ Hyūga:Jan.8 2003
Tayuya:Feb.15 2003
Princess Chiyo:Mar.9 2003
Sana:Apr.16 2003
Hõichi:Apr.30 2003
Ruka:May.28 2003
Ajisai:Jul.21 2003
Temari:Aug.23 2003
Taruho:Sep.13 2003
Jūgõ:Oct.1 2003
Chõjuro:Nov.1 2003
Sagiri:Nov.3 2003
Muku:Feb.18 2004
Shizuka Nadeshiko:Mar.29 2004
Karashi:Mar.29 2004
Ran:Apr.4 2004
Kankūrõ:May.15 2004
Kagerõ Fūma:Jun.1 2004
Dõsu Kinuta:Jun.12 2004
Kin Tsuchi:Jul.6 2004
Ryūzetsu:Jul.30 2004
Atsui:Aug.2 2004
Shin Katõ:Sep.6 2004
Zaku Abumi:Sep.14 2004
Hotaru Tsuchigumo:Oct.9 2004
Nae:Nov.29 2004
Shira:Dec.5 2004
Menma Shīn:Dec.14 2004
TenTen:Mar.9 2005
Hokuto:Mar.29 2005
Fū:Mar.31 2005
Kido Tsumiki:Apr.3 2005
Emiru:May.19 2005
Sasame Fūma:May.25 2005
Neji Hyūga:Jul.3 2005
Idate Morino:Aug.25 2005
Rock Lee:Nov.27 2005
Fifth Kazekage Gaara:Jan.19 2006
Shino Aburame:Jan.23 2006
Karui:Feb.14 2006
Suigetsu Hõzuki:Feb.18 2006
Sakura Haruno:Mar.28 2006
Chõji Akimichi:May.1 2006
Yukata:May.3 2006
Kiba Inuzuka:Jul.7 2006
Sasuke Uchiha:Jul.23 2006
Sumaru:Aug.17 2006
Shikamaru Nara:Sep.22 2006
Ino Yamanaka:Sep.23 2006
Shiho:Oct.9 2006
Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki:Oct.10 2006
Matsuri:Nov.22 2006
Sai Yamanaka:Nov.25 2006
Hinata Hyūga:Dec.27 2006
Sari:Apr.14 2007
Karin Uzumaki:Jun.20 2007
Shion:Aug.4 2007
Omoi:Dec.26 2007
Mugino:Jul.26 2010
Yūkimaru:Dec.25 2010
Udon Ise:Apr.3 2011
Moegi Kazamatsuri:Jun.8 2011
Gengorõ Kamakura:Jul.4 2011
Ranmaru:Sep.21 2011
Konohamaru Sarutobi:Dec.30 2011
Hinoko:Jan.12 2012
Hanabi Hyūga:Mar.27 2012
Kaede Yoshino:Dec.20 2012
Inari:Dec.25 2012
Erimaki Sharo:Feb.18 2013
Akita Inuzuka:Apr.20 2013
Tsubasa Emiya:Sep.17 2013
Kohan Yamanaka:Dec.6 2013
Isari Funato:Jan.23 2014
Sansho:Jun.11 2014
Mibuna:Sep.8 2014
Tsukune:Feb.16 2015
Garashi Tõno:Jul.19 2016
Ichirõta Oniyuzu:Oct.11 2018
Kankitsu Akitsuki:May.25 2019
Remon Yoimura:Jul.21 2019
Hebiichigo:Jan.9 2020
Deepa:Jul.15 2020
Matsuba:Feb.19 2021
Ada:May.7 2022
Sazanka:Jan.9 2022
Code:Aug.24 2023
Kawaki:Nov.18 2024
Buntan Kurosaki:Apr.28 2024
Kagura Karatachi:Sep.27 2024
Kozuchi:Aug.30 2025
Ryõgi:Jan.31 2026
Boruto Uzumaki:Mar.27 2026
Sarada Uchiha:Mar.31 2026
Sekki:May.6 2026
Sumire Kakei:Jun.12 2026
Mitsuki:Jul.25 2026
ChõChõ Akimichi:Aug.8 2026
Shikadai Nara:Sep.23 2026
Inojin Yamanaka:Dec.5 2026
Shio:Jan.6 2028
Satõ:May.1 2028
Jin Kaminari:Sep.25 2028
Daemon:Jul.22 2029
Himawari Uzumaki:Aug.19 2029
*the list will be updated as the story progresses.*
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konmics-n-stuff · 1 year
Everyone who has ever, even slightly, been Robin
*In official, DC-endorsed media 
Total: 100 (i think)
my definition of a ‘Robin’ is extremely vague. For example, I’m counting Lois Lane because she went to a costume party as Robin, and I’m also counting ‘Boy’ from Batman: the Return of Bruce Wayne because he had the domino mask paint and was clearly a stand-in for Robin. Et cetera.
They’re organized chronologically by their first appearance as Robin
Also this is heavily dependent on DC Fandom Wiki, so please let me know if I missed anyone or if anything is inaccurate
Red = actually Robin for a significant portion of time (more than a few in-universe days & more than one issue/episode/movie/etc)
Italics = was never Robin in main continuity (i.e. Earth Two [before Earth One existed], Earth One, New Earth, and Prime Earth)
Bold = I actually acknowledge them as Robin in my heart
Dick Grayson (Apr 1940)
Julie Madison (Mar 1941)
Ricky (Dec 1944) [possible future]
Mary Wills (Apr 1950) [Earth-Two]
Bruce Wayne (Dec 1955)
Vanderveer Wayne (Jun 1962)
Alfred E. Neuman (Sep 1966) [Mad Magazine]
Lance Bruner (May 1969)
Jimmy Olsen (May 1970)
Jason Todd (Mar 1982)
Boyd, the Robin Wonder (Apr 1983) [Earth-C-Minus]
Carrie Kelly (Jun 1986) [Dark Knight Returns]
Tim Drake (Oct 1989)
Robert Chang (Apr 1990) [Digital Justice]
Redbird (Jan 1993) [The Blue, the Gray, and the Bat]
Thomas Wayne (Jan 1993) [Robin 3000]
Bane (Apr 1993) [rejected elseworlds]
Robin Redblade (Jun 1994) [Earth-494]
Tengu (Sep 1994) [Narrow Path]
Alfred Pennyworth (Feb 1996) [Batman: Dark Alligiances]
Jubilation Lee (Apr 1996) [Amalgam Universe]
Tris Plover (Jun 1996) [Legends of the Dead Earth]
Darkbird (Jul 1996)
Bruce Wayne Jr. (Feb 1997) [Earth-3839]
Lois Lane (Oct 1997)
Rodney the chimpanzee (Nov 1997) [Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty]
Marya (1998) [I, Joker]
Barbara Gordon (Feb 1998) [Earth-37]
Robin the Toy Wonder (Nov 1998) [DC One Million]
Rochelle Wayne (Feb 1999) [Reign of Terror]
Kon-El (Mar 1999) [Hypertension]
Clark Wayne (Mar 1999) [Earth-3839]
Squid Wonder (Aug 1999)
The Robin (Mar 2000) [Earth-40]
Robin Drake (Feb 2002) [Riddle of the Beast]
Stephanie Brown (May 2004)
Koriand’r (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Garfield Logan (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Rachel Roth (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Victor Stone (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Robbie the Robin (Jun 2005) [Krypto the Superdog]
Control Freak (Oct 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Damian Wayne (Nov 2006)
Robin Olsen (Oct 2007) [Earth-8]
Bizzaro Robin (Nov 2007)
Unnamed penguin (Jun 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Boy (Jul 2010)
Robin Robin (Jul 2010) [Tiny Titans]
M’gann M’orzz (Nov 2010) [Young Justice (2010 show)]
Jericho (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kid Devil (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Wildebeest (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kroc (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
The Joker (Jan 2011)
Lance Heart (Feb 2011)
Fransisco Ramirez (Feb 2011)
Christopher Ward (Feb 2011)
Robin John Blake (Jul 2012) [Dark Knight Trilogy]
Helena Wayne (July 2012) [Earth 2]
Robin’s Egg (Jan 2013) [Farm League]
Super Robin (Jul 2013) [Teen Titans Go!]
Selina Kyle (Mar 2014)
Damien Wayne (Jun 2014) [Infinite Crisis Video Game]
John Thomas Grayson (Dec 2014) [Earth 2]
Nibor (Jan 2015) [Teen Titans Go!]
Daxton Chill (May 2015)
Dre Cipriani (May 2015)
Riko Sheridan (May 2015)
Duke Thomas (Jul 2015)
Troy Walker (Jul 2015)
Kat-R-ina (Aug 2015)
Isabella Ortiz (Aug 2015)
BlackDomino (Oct 2015)
Darkestdawn (Oct 2015)
SideKicker (Oct 2015)
Yellowcape (Oct 2015)
Shug-R (May 2016)
Robinbot (May 2017)
Dinesh Babar (May 2017)
Rabid Robins (Oct 2017) [Earth -22]
Cult Member Robins (Apr 2018)
Rosie (Apr 2018)
Matt McGinnis (May 2018) [Futures End]
Harley Quinn (Apr 2019)
Jarro (Oct 2019)
Billy Batson (Oct 2019)
Six of Hearts (Dec 2019)
Maps Mizoguchi (Dec 2020)
Talia Kane (Feb 2021) [Earth 11]
LeBron James (Jul 2021) [Space Jam: A New Legacy]
Drake Winston (Oct 2021) [Batman ‘89]
Anita Jean (Oct 2021)
Kiki (Nov 2021)
Son of Don Mitchell Jr. (Mar 2022) [The Batman (2022 movie)]
Gan (Mar 2022)
Jon Kent (Jul 2022)
Amish Boy Wonder (Nov 2022) [The Last Harley Story]
Darcy Thomas (Nov 2022)
Elizabeth Prince (Jan 2024) [Possible Future]
Bruce Wayne clone (Jul 2024)
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msclaritea · 5 months
Martin Freeman Says Backlash Over Age Gap in Ortega Movie Wasn't Fair
Eve Crosbie Apr 27, 2024, 8:36 AM ET
Martin Freeman addressed the controversy around his latest film, "Miller's Girl."
Freeman, 52, plays a teacher who has a relationship with his student, played by 21-year-old Ortega.
He said the movie isn't endorsing age gap romances any more than Holocaust movies endorse genocide.
Martin Freeman addressed the controversy caused by his latest film, "Miller's Girl," in which he stars opposite Jenna Ortega, who is 31 years younger than him.
The movie, which landed on Netflix on April 25, follows a high school student, played by Ortega, who begins a sexual relationship with her English teacher, played by Freeman.
Audiences were quick to criticize the film due to the age gap between the two actors — Ortega is 21, while Freeman is 52. Some said the film romanticizes the relationship between minors and those in positions of power.
Speaking with The Times of London for an interview published Saturday, Freeman defended "Miller's Girl" as "grown-up and nuanced."
"It's not saying, 'Isn't this great,'" he said of the film's dynamic between his character and Ortega's.
Freeman said the film had been "tainted by association" with a difficult subject.
He said that derision wasn't distributed equally, though — saying that people seemed to understand the level of distance involved in stories depicting Nazism.
"Are we gonna have a go at Liam Neeson for being in a film about the Holocaust?" he asked, referring to Neeson's starring role in Steven Spielberg's 1993 film "Schindler's List."
Martin Freeman and Jenna Ortega in "Miller's Girl."
Martin Freeman and Jenna Ortega in "Miller's Girl." Lionsgate
Although the controversial relationship at the center of "Miller's Girls" prompted a lot of comment, the film wasn't a hit.
It premiered at the Palm Springs Film Festival to underwhelming box office numbers.
The R-rated film was given a small theatrical release in the US, showing at just 350 screens for just one week domestically, earning $321,000 in ticket sales, according to box office tracker The Numbers.
It took an additional $568,522 at the international box office, bringing its total gross to $889,522 — less than a quarter of its $4 million production budget.
On review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film earned a critic score of 29% based on 58 reviews. Its audience score is 42% based on 50-plus verified ratings.
This could, of course, change now that "Miller's Girl" has been on one of the most popular streaming platforms."
(Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.)
Dear GOD. Did he just... Martin, I know you're not this stupid, so seeing you being put up to behave like this, is just...gross. Your co-star had just come off of an Antisemitic publicity stunt with Tom Cruise, she's a one note actress, and we all know how films that are supposed to be cautionary tales, usually get turned into the opposite. Wall Street kicked off the age of Greed. The Fight Club inspired real underground fight clubs. If a film is not clear about its moral stance, then it WILL be misinterpreted. I don't know what's going on with you, but I'm going to pray for you, Martin. You need it. Especially working for Lionsgate.
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rjalker · 1 day
well it took them long enough to just pick one title
Jan-1930 - Jan-1931 as Astounding Stories of Super-Science Feb-1931 - Nov-1932 as Astounding Stories Jan-1933 - Mar-1933 as Astounding Stories of Super-Science Oct-1933 - Feb-1938 as Astounding Stories Mar-1938 - Oct-1943 as Astounding Science-Fiction Nov-1943 - Jan-1960 as Astounding Science Fiction Feb-1960 - Sep-1960 as Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction Oct-1960 - Nov-1961 as Analog Science Fact–Fiction Dec-1961 - Mar-1965 as Analog Science Fact–Science Fiction Apr-1965 - 17-Aug-1981 as Analog Science Fiction–Science Fact 14-Sep-1981 - Oct-1991 as Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Nov-1991 - mid-Dec-1992 as Analog Science Fiction & Fact Jan-1993 - present as Analog Science Fiction and Fact
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Michael Raedecker (born 1963) is a Dutch artist who works in the United Kingdom.
Raedecker was born in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. From 1985 to 1990 he studied fashion design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, and then, from 1993 to 1994, at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten there. In 1996 and 1997 he studied art at Goldsmiths College in London. After a period working as an apprentice to Martin Margiela, he began to make pictures that included textiles or embroidery as well as paint.
In 1999 Mirage, a painting incorporating sequins and thread, received first prize in the John Moores Prize Exhibition held at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool during the Liverpool Biennial. The following year, Raedecker was on the short-list for the Turner Prize.
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glennk56 · 2 years
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David Verrey, British actor. David Verrey’s film career started in 1989, but he only has 34 credits, mostly in TV. He has made appearances in popular TV shows, so his face is familiar. He is also very active in British Theater.
1. 1993/Feb. Poirot S05;E05.
2. 1999/May. Red Dwarf S08;E08.
3. 2001/Sep. Lexx S04;E09.
4. 2004/Oct. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.
5-7 2005/Mar. Doctor Who S01;E04.
8. 2006/May. Ultimate Force S04;E02.
9. 2007/Nov. Law & Order: UK S05;E01.
10. 2012/May. Game of Thrones S02;E06.
11-12. Ripper Street S01;E06.
13. profile photo, circa 2013.
14. 2014. photo from theatrical production of One Man, Two Guvnors.
15-16. 2014/Jun. The Musketeers S01;E01.
17. 2021/Apr. Shadow & Bone S01;E05.
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year
1940, Feb 14th: Jung Ui-hwan is born (inquiry report)
1965, Apr 28th : Ha Seong-min born
1966, May 18th : Jung Mi-ok was born (case file)
1966, Nov 4th : Cha Ju-man born (inquiry report; "google" info)
1977, Oct 13 : Park Jong-bae was born
~1977 : Jeon Gwang-sik was born
1978, Apr 18 : Hong Mi-yeon(Park Jong-bae's wife) was born
1988, Sept 6th : Bong Ye Bun was born
1990, Nov 28th : Kim Seon-woo's birthday (presumably, inquiry report)
1993 : Hyeon-ok's 21-25 fencing diary's year
2002, Jan : Assemblyman Yoon's Mujin redevelopment fraud file(Mi-ok's news) 2002 till 2005
2002, Mar 25 : Cha Ju-man's last address change/moved in to Mujin(inquiry report)
2005, Nov 13 (11:15?) : dod/tod(estd.) Jung Mi-ok (aged 40) [place: Mujin Port]
2005, Nov 14 (13:04) : Car and body of Jung Mi-ok recovered (ep 1 first scene)
2007, Jan 17th : Bong Ye-bun gets into Veterinary school
2007 : Jungsan Daily(newspaper Bong's mom wrote for) ceases publication
2012, Feb 1st : Bong Ye-bun gets veterinary license
2014 : The 7 years later in the vet office we see in episode 1 before it cuts to another 8 years(=15 years)
2015, Jul 12 : Justin(Park Kang-jun) is born
2015, Sep 15 : Cho Ae-ran gets into debt with Kim Seon-hwa of the Mujin Coffee Shop
~2016 : Jang-yeol meets Seung-gil (17th b'day)
~2017 : Seung-gil's 18th birthday
~2018 : Seung-gil's 19th birthday
2019, Sept 23rd : Cha Ju-man's lecture at Hankuk University
2019 : Kim Seon-woo drops out of Hankuk University after Cha Ju-man's lecture
~2020 : Bae Deok-hee joins the police department
2021, Sept 6: Ok-hui's memory of Ye-bun drunkenly dancing in front of a police car
2022, Sept 6 : Bong Ye-bun turns 35
2022, Sept 20: Kim Seon-woo's last address change date(as in the report)
2022, Sept 25 : dod Kim Si-a (aged 24) [place: Mujin Beach]
2022, Oct 6th : dod Park Seung-gil (aged 23) [place: Mujin General Hospital]
2022, Oct 20th : dod Lee Ji-suk (aged 27) [place: Road near fishing spot]
2022, Oct 20th : Cha Ju-man is elected
2022, Oct 21st : Cho Ae-ran's debt is paid off
2022, Nov 1 : dod Cha Ju-man(57) is murdered, Jung Ui-hwan framed
2022, ~Nov : Jung Ui-hwan(83) dies of his injury
2022, Nov 6th : Cha Ju-man's corruption is published about; day1/2 of Ui-hwan's funeral
2022, Nov 20 : dod Jeon Gwang-sik(45)
2022, Nov 28 : Kim Seon-woo officially turns 33
~2022, Nov 30 : dod Kim Seon-woo(33)
(ages might be in Korean system)
The Mujin Raincoat killer victims
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Cho Ae-ran
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Jung Ui-hwan
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Jung Mi-ok
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Bong Ye-bun
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Kim Seon-woo
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Cha Ju-man; has a spouse and a son; official birthplace is given in Incheon
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