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theancientwayoflife · 6 months ago
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~ Statue of Valentinian II.
Place of origin: Aphrodisias (now Geyre, Aydin).
Date: ca. A.D. 390
Medium: Marble
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scooby-doo-exploration · 4 months ago
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megadimos - Tetrapylon gate in the ancient ruined city of Aphrodisias, Turkey
TAG themes on ‘Archive’: https://scooby-doo-exploration.tumblr.com/archive
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wedgeantill · 2 years ago
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Aphrodisias (/æfrəˈdɪsiəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀφροδισιάς, romanized: Aphrodisiás) was a small ancient Greek Hellenistic city in the historic Caria cultural region of western  Anatolia, Turkey.
It is located near the Aegean Sea, 230 km southeast of İzmir, Turkey.
Aphrodisias was named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, who had here her unique cult image, the Aphrodite of Aphrodisias.
...ancient history ♡
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ukdamo · 2 years ago
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Today's photo with the most hits: a detail from the pediment of the Tetrapylon at Aphrodisias, Turkey.
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everyday1photo · 2 years ago
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aycango · 2 years ago
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Baltalı Amazon, lahit parçası - M.S 1-2. yy - Güney Kent Duvarı, Afrodisias, Aydın, Türkiye 
Amazon with axe - a piece of a tomb - 1st - 2nd Century AD, South City Wall, Aphrodisias, Aydın, Türkiye 
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5reisende · 1 year ago
Welterbe (auf)gespürt und (er)fahren - TR - Aphrodisias
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Die Stadt Aphrodisias und ihre Marmorbrüche stehen seit 2017 auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste. Aphrodisias wurde im frühen 2. Jahrh. v. Chr. als Stadtstaat gegründet. Der Aphrodite-Kult war der wichtigste Kult in der Stadt, der Tempel mit der markanten Kultstatue der Göttin Aphrodite spielte eine zentrale Rolle. Die Aphrodite von Aphrodisias kombinierte Aspekte der lokalen archaischen Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin mit denen der hellenischen Göttin der Liebe und Schönheit. Die Stadt teilte den Kult mit Sulla, Julius Cäsar und dem Kaiser Augustus. Sie erhielt vom römischen Senat einen privilegierten Status und entwickelte sich während der Kaiserzeit, befördert durch die nahe gelegenen Marmorsteinbrüche, zu einem künstlerischen und bildhauerischen Zentrum. So entstanden viele kunstvoll verzierte Bauwerke und Marmorskulpturen. Die Fähigkeiten der aphrodisischen Bildhauer waren im gesamten Reich und besonders auch in Rom gefragt, wo sie einige der schönsten erhaltenen Werke schufen, z.B. in Hadrians Villa in Tivoli. Am Beginn des Rundgangs stehen eine Reihe kunstvoller Sarkophage, Skulpturen und Reliefs.
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Lagepläne geben Auskunft über die benachbarten Marmorsteinbrüche und die Objekte in der Ausgrabungsstätte. Quelle : http://www.aphrodisias.org.uk/ Von den ehemals rechtwinklig angelegten Straßen ist nur noch wenig zu erahnen, doch das reich verzierte Tormonument, das Tetrapylon, steht weithin sichtbar am eingang der Stadt.
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Die Stadt besaß ein sehr großes Stadion und ein beeindruckendes Theater.
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Die Bedeutung der Aphrodite von Aphrodisias reichte noch weit bis ins Christentum, ihr Tempel wurde erst um 500 n. Chr. zur Kirche umgebaut. Von beiden sind noch Ruinen zu sehen.
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Auch hier gab es eine hervorragende Badekultur, wovon die Bäder des Hadrian zeugen. Der Boden des großen Bassins war reich mit Mosaiken verziert.
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Die Frühlingssonne scheint warm, doch in der Ferne sind noch die schneebedeckten Berge zu sehen.
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Die Besichtigungstour endet am Sebasteion, einem wunderschönen Gebäude, das dem Kaiserkult gewidmet war. Wer mer sehen möchteh, kann auch noch das Museum besuchen.
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Aphrodisias ist eine äußerst interessante Ausgrabungsstätte mit einer langen Geschichte. Hier gibt es eine Vielzahl wunderschöner Marmorreliefs und Skulpturen zu bewundern. Besonders bemerkenswert fand ich, dass sich hier der Ursprung vieler Meisterwerke befindet, die der eine oder andere so wie ich in den antiken Stätten in und um Rom bereits sehen konnte. Read the full article
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aboutanancientenquiry · 11 months ago
Rather Roman-era relief sculpture from the Greek city of Aphrodisias, Asia Minor (now in Turkey). Greeks and their culture and art did not disappear during the Roman times, on the contrary Greek cities of Asia Minor like Aphrodisias flourished culturally and artistically during the first two centuries of the Christian era.
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Achilles supports the dying Amazon queen Penthesilea whom he has mortally wounded. Her double headed axe slips from her hands. The queen had come to fight against the Greeks in the Trojan war and Achilles fell in love with her. Roman relief sculpture, Aphrodisias, Turkey.
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beautyofaphrodite · 7 months ago
What is Aphrodisia?
Aphrodisia is a festival to honor Lady Aphrodite, specifically Her epithet Aphrodite Pandemos (Lady of All)
When is Aphrodisia?
We don’t know exactly when Aphrodisia is or was in ancient times. Some things that came up in my research were: the third week in July to the third week in August, the summer solstice, and July 13. Because I personally need a specific date to celebrate, I will be celebrating on July 13, which happens to be tomorrow.
Traditional Celebrations
Traditionally, to start the festival, a dove was sacrificed to purify Her temple, and a statue of Her would be brought to the sea and washed, followed by a procession. Feasts were very common during Aphrodisia.
Modern Celebration Ideas
So of course we probably can’t sacrifice doves and parade a statue of Her from a temple to the sea nowadays, but there are many ways we can still celebrate Aphrodisia. These are a few ideas, you don’t have to do all of them or any at all.
🐚 Purify Her Altar
🐚 Spend time with Her
🐚 Bake something
🐚 Offer a libation or some sort of food
🐚 Do whatever makes you feel close to Her
🐚 Offer incense and/or light a candle for Her
🐚 Have a self-care day
🐚 Spend some time researching Her
I will be wearing a color that reminds me of Her, lighting Her candle, enjoying the small things in life, spending time with my partner, painting my nails, listening to music that reminds me of Her, and I may watch a romance movie. I will try to bake something or offer her something if I can.
Remember that no matter what you do for Her, or even if you don’t do anything extra at all, She will be happy. You do not need to do any elaborate celebrations or offerings in order to please Her. Just do what you can, Lady Aphrodite understands ❤️
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home-fire · 6 months ago
Aphrodisia night 1: Feast
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whim513 · 7 months ago
Happy Aphrodisia!! to all who celebrate 🫶🏼🫶🏼 may Aphrodite be with you all 🌊🐚🌸🌷🎀💄🩷🩰 I’d love to hear what yall are doing to celebrate if anything! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the celebration (i didn’t know about it till yesterday 💀) heres as a link : ) and a post about it!
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also i got this ^ image from @whispersinthewaters post, not sure if they made it but wanted to give credit just in case!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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myrtles-and-blood · 7 months ago
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Lady Aphrodite
Lady Aphrodite, show me the beauty of the world and guide me to find the one inside of me. Teach me to love from the deepest parts of my soul, so from my heart blooms a new light whose glare illuminates my life. May your power be revered for the centuries to come.
Today is a big day, because I'm celebrating Aphrodisia!!!!
This collage was made by me and I gotta say I'm pretty proud of it 🙆🏻‍♀️
In Aphrodisia we celebrate Aphrodite Pandemos ("of all"). We celebrate the love that's inside every single one of us, given by the gracious and loving Lady Aphrodite. On this day I would like to thank her for her ongoing help with my journey in self love, love for others, knowing myself and showing who I am and what I have with confidence and pride.
I invite you to celebrate this festival in her honour, and I hope everyone reading this has a beautiful Aphrodisia and rest of the month.
I celebrated buying some new clothes, having a really nice bath and doing this poster! Whatever you did, I'm sure Aphrodite was proud and happy for you.
🌷Happy Aphrodisia 🌷
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verdantlyviolet · 2 months ago
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Fabulous Aphrodisia to all
Glistening Aphrodite Sun-soaked and radiant in summer glow You bring days of laughter and joy And nights of maddening bliss May we bask in your endless beauty
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ukdamo · 7 months ago
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Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: taken in the museum at Aphrodisias, Turkiye. One of the bas-reliefs from the monumental decorative frieze of the Sebasteion, showing Aeneas fleeing Troy.
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everyday1photo · 1 year ago
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Ancient theatre of Afrodisias
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