#Aoi ARR
favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Aoi (23rd February)
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
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randomf2p · 5 months
4th anniversary illustration
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lost-khione · 11 months
Some Halloween headcanons for ARR
Dawn Faction
Gets invited to Halloween parties
Likes that he can attend them without having to wear a suit
He dresses up and covers his face with a mask so people don't recognize him easily
To his annoyance, Toichiro can still recognize him
Asks his maid to pack some candies for the kids who would swing by his house
Lets his wings out on full display since people would just think it's his costume
People stare because it looks so realistic (it is real *wink wink*)
Kids would ask to touch it to which he promptly replies, "No"
Kids have to shout to wake him up since he is usually found sleeping on the veranda instead of handing out the treats at Koga's house
Goes all out with his cooking to make sure there are a variety of sweets they can hand out
He tries to make Western sweets since it is a Western holiday - he also puts his art skills to use by designing them
Asks Yura to taste test for him. He is grateful to Yura despite his grumbling when Yura asks for more
Also decorates Raccord to give it the Halloween vibe
"Oji-san, lend me a hand!"
Also packs candies at his shop
Kuro helps him out with the packing
He displays books with spooky stories since they seem to be popular during this time
"Do I really have to wear this?"
Gets this soft look on his face when he hands out treats
Volunteers to help with packing candies at Raccord since he's got nothing better to do.
Works as the taste tester when Aoi tries to recreate Western sweets.
"Pray, Sir Aoi, this "cookie" tastes good! Can I have some more?"
Eats more than the candies that he packed.
On Halloween, he takes on his child form, dresses up and lines up with the kids to ask for treats.
Twilight Faction
Also gets invited to Halloween parties
Dresses up like a prince
Likes to annoy Koga since he can easily recognize him
Sticks to Koga since these types of parties do not require them to make their rounds
Still as polite as he can usually be when people approach him
Babysits Kogare since Kogare visits on Halloween
Packs candies with Kogare
"Kogare, hide your ears and tail." To which Kogare replies, "But why is Kuya-san allowed to show his wings?!"
The one who hands out the treats at Toichiro's manor since Kogare also makes his rounds to other houses
Helps out at Raccord and Kusanagi Books during candy packing
Also joins in on the fun when Aoi has new sweet samples
Performs in front of Raccord and Kusanagi Books on Halloween
He does it for the promotion of their Halloween show later that night
"If you like what you see, watch the show of Lorenzi Circus Troupe tonight and be whisked away to a night filled with mystery!"
Always seems to be busy 'entertaining' his customers so he barely helps Aoi with packing candies
He thought he could get away with not wearing a costume so the Raccord gang had to force him to wear something for Halloween
"Aoi-chan, 1 pack of candy for the young lady here"
Also helps out at Raccord since Yura is there
Makes tiny trinkets like jack-in-the-box and Chinese finger trap and drops them randomly inside the candy packs
Heaps wasabi on top of the sweets so he can eat the same thing as Yura
Holds back his laughter when he sees the children find themselves trapped in the Chinese finger trap.
"Do you need help with that?"
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just-somehuman · 1 year
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eat-my-kitty-out · 8 months
Why can't I find any active Aoi or Toichiro stans-
If you like Aoi or Toichiro, please be my friend- I literally can't find any Ayakoi buddies over here- 🥲
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shonenkun309 · 1 year
Now U know why the Dawn Faction is my fav 😌
ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵏᵒᵍᵃ ᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ
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lxvescramble · 1 year
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Ayakashi Romance Reborn - Ayakoi
I miss ARR so much! 🥹🥹🥹
Look how cute Tatsu is! 🥰🥰🥰
The original English version continues at full steam!
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dotster001 · 2 years
The Winds of Change
Summary: Alternate end to Koga's route, where Aki's offer is beginning to look a little bit more appealing
A/N: I know there's only like six of you in this fandom, but it's such a masterpiece I can't
Cw: Depression, major character death, spoilers for Koga's route
"I'm not your enemy, Y/N," Aki said firmly. "If you don't believe me, see for yourself." 
He gestured to the scene playing out below you. With a suspicious glance at him, you walked to the edge of the roof, just in time to see Aizen run Koga through with a sword.
"No!" You screamed, and you could have sworn Koga smiled up at you before he collapsed and stopped moving. 
Maybe it was your contract breaking, maybe it was your heart that you'd finally started letting your love for Koga make its way into, but you felt an immense pain and pressure, as the world around you faded.
You became dimly aware of Kuya flying to the roof, and wrapping his arms around you to fly you to somewhere safe, but you could only hear a dull ringing in your ears.
He'd taken you to the hidden shrine. And you'd just laid there curled in on yourself for days on end. You could hear Yura and Gaku trying to get through to you, and see Aoi feeding you something, but you never knew what they were saying.
Eventually, you heard a beautiful drum sound, and the world came clearer to you. Gaku sat in front of you, drumming what you could only assume was a healing song.
"Gaku?" You whispered, and you felt someone practically jump on you and wrap you in a hug.
"Y/N, I was so worried," Nachi whimpered. "It was like you were dead."
"Nachi, you're going to suffocate them," you heard Aoi protest, and Nachi backed away.
"In your previous lifetime, when thou wast our master, thou passed on before the rest of us," Yura said, giving you a soft reassuring smile. "I can only imagine the pain thou must have felt losing someone thine soul was bonded to."
"Koga," you whispered, your chest feeling tight as you tried to hold back tears.
"Aye," Gaku muttered, looking at you with sadness. "But you have to move forward, or the rest of us will lose you again." 
Ginnojo placed a hand on yours. "Live for his memory and his cause, and he will always be with you."
You smiled at all of them gratefully. 
"I think there's some things we need to rethink," you whispered, and watched them all nod solemnly. "Where's Kuya?" You asked, realizing the tengu was nowhere to be seen. 
"We don't know," Aoi looked frustrated and scared all at once. "That lazy tengu  disappeared after getting you to safety."
"He'll return once he is ready, worry not," Yura placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You nodded, and stood up, ignoring the protests of Nachi and Aoi. 
You formed a familiar, and sent the butterfly on its way, before turning to your friends. 
"There's some things we need to talk about."
You stood outside of the shrine, long after the sun had set. Finally, a white egret arrived, followed quickly by the appearance of Aki.
"Well," he raised a single eyebrow at you. 
You held out a hand to him, which he took, giving it a gentle squeeze. Despite everything, his eyes said he still wanted your approval.
"We've all been talking," you said, as firmly as possible. "We're going to join your cause, Aki."
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friday1221 · 2 years
So... Does anyone do/know of someone who does translations for Ayakoi? At this point I'm used to my comfort games getting shut down but at least A3 JP still has a big fandom that does translations, not sure about ARR though 😭
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Feather's Flufftober Day 11
Fandom: Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Relationship: Aoi/Futaba
Rating: G
Aoi and Futaba walk back into Raccord to their daughter's attempt at painting
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ratsbanes · 5 months
aoi and toko have such big crushes on each other istg.
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randomf2p · 5 months
All of all the stage staff's favorite points are drawn by リアンの2階
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lost-khione · 2 years
October isn't the nicest to me in terms of gacha (I'm looking at you Hidaka who made me do 300 pulls for pity), but thanks to bells, I managed to at least awaken each of my stans once (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و)
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just-somehuman · 2 years
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JP is being fed 😭
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ilikecutecat · 2 months
How I think the ARR boys would react if you throw a cake at them
before we start, i haven't read much about the lore/ i forget most of them now. So some characters might be off character sorry.
reader/mc is gender neutral
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Koga Kitamikado
Uh pretty good 6/10 Definitely would say he enjoys the fun and challenge (?) 100% would laugh at it. -1000000 points if you throw a peach cake at him
Ehh… 5/10 This could end in 2 ways Bro definitely fly up if you throw it or he not was enough ( idk if he have a fast reflex) The second outcome and the more likely. Wouldn't even care. He definitely would like the cream of his face then just fall asleep -1 point cuz koga won't like the floor/ bed dirty
-10/10 Mad as hell, you might get the silent treatment Definitely made you clean up or help you clean up a bit. +1 if he like you he will try to be kindish more and won't yell at you that much Keyword: try
4/10 Might be confused about what u doing I say depends on your relationship, if you 2 close he might laugh it off (?) if not uh yeah. Might blushes if you clean up his face ( if you a woman ) i say he would
( Idk how to write him)
100/10 Would very like it His brother don't so mins 10 points Yura would say something like: " this cake is yummy or thou art a teaseing woman or something" ( I'm not good with old language ) 100% would like the cream. All the cream of his face. Might ask for some more.
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Toichiro Yuri
-1/10 not good. Mad definitely mad. But I think he might smile and laugh at it. Not sure if he think this might be childish but ehhh.. maybe. Gonna be a little shit about it. +5 point if you help him pranks koga with peach. 100% would get revenge on you. Watch your back.
0/10 yeh Might swap the tochiro point and shizuki point together idk.
Toichiro could like bring him booze and lock him and you togethers He either have a good reflex and freeze the cake before it gets to him. Or he fail. Would say he pretty disappointed and will told you that you are imatured (?)
-100000 points if you tell that he fail to kagemaru.
10000000/10 I love him Would laugh at it like koga ( love his silly smile ) 100% would lick the cream and taste it. 99% put some creams on your face as revenge. 1% stand for he no wanna hurt your pretty face <3 Enjoy the fun and might make a cake war with everyone ( Good luck ) He could like make a cake theme circus like some of the event and invite you guys in. +100000000000 point cuz he is kuro and I love him part
"Young people/ youngster these days… " Or "I'm too old for this" He definitely said something related to that. You can't change my mind, I will take it down with my grave. +1 point if you help clean the mess and his mess. He would rewards you with the Rice Omelet. if not i will say poor Aoi...
he might escape the cake war if he ran out and smoke before it stared.
2/10 no. Really don't. More no if you throw one at his brother. Even if yura like it. He doesn't tho. -2 point if the cake is sweet. Unless yura calm him down he will be hella mad. Don't tell toichiro about this.
(idk what else)
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8/10 meow I'm not sure if he like cake or not but it's you… Soo I suppose he doesn't mind much? You better apologize with sardines. Many many many many sardines Don't tell anyone tho. Who does not want to be the "butt of everyone's joke" Get it? :3
Oh dear… You have guts 5/10 I say it's a 50/50 thing. In his profile he does like the strong.. idk if being bold like that is considered strong but.. you do you. Um would ask a fight about it. Idk if geisha allowed to make new ideas in the way to "seduce" customer but would add cake fight for the fun of it. Like tochiro+10 points if you do it to shizuki.
Well he have 2 persona before the event and after so… ( Spoiler)
Aki ( before the event)
6/10 Say something like "a-ah! Oh it's you! Haha.. I never knew.! Don't do it again pls.. I hate being scared (?" Uh yeah idk if he does say something like that I forgot but close to it. Would be shy about it tho
All now for the evi one.
Akiyasu Kurahashi
0/10 yeah I think it kinda self explain. But would ignore it. Or like uh used some onmyoij art to make it miss or something. But imagine if it does hit him. Wouldn't care. Would get annoyed tho.
Tatsuomi Oyama
6/10 if you are like futuba not so bad. But even if you are not. I say he still haddle it well. Not gonna yell or be mad he would be like normal. +1 point if you give him some apologize gift like nachi.
Yakumo Koizumi
8/10 "My doll you are so interesting…" Something like that. Not so sure if he hate cake or sweet or anything like that but yeah. I say he wouldn't mind cuz it's.. you after all. Maybe tiny bit minded that he have to change his clothes ( does he hate being dirty?? Idk) Make him high cuz he like you better then anyone. If it's something else? Oh they be dead.
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Kyonosuke Aizen
?/10 idk tbh but -1 point cuz his name is long as hell and I have a difficult time writing it. I say he have good reflex and dodge it.
might called you childish Yeah. Sorry. Idk tbh. But would say he haddle it calm and collected. (maybe)
Mototaka Saotome 
8/10 would only work if you see the reader as futaba or you see him as your father yourself. Cuz he best dad. But would like some father and daughter/son( if you oc is a boy) moment I don't think he would be mad at you. If you look at how he gone to business so much he would think it nice to got some moment like mentioned above.
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
Me : *trying to forget abt Ayakashi by playing Genshin impact*
Also me : *looking at the Japanese voice actors list*
Meanwhile Paimon's VA 's name :
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It's been almost a week since I didn't log in Arr and now that I left the game they'll start to appear everywhere outside the game to torture me 🙂
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