#Anyways I am obsessed with it so I wanted to have a painting to hang up
daisyjay887 · 1 month
I’ve started painting a lot this year so I kinda wanna show the painting I just finished 😶 (the camera and lights make it look kinda bad and also is it blurry… shit oh well)
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Painting the gravel and puddles clearly didn’t go well so any tips would be appreciated cuz literally idk
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sweet1delusi0ns · 3 months
Class 1A boys random headcanons ──☆*:・゚
Summary: random thing they do or say as your boyfriend*.•
Characters: Izuku, katsuki, Shoto, Tenya, Eijirou, Denki, Sero, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Ojiro, Sato, Shoji, Koji!
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He tries making you food just to be nice, but he doesn’t really know how so he just brings you something easy like instant noodles and say “it’s the thought that counts!”
He use to be insecure of his freckles and the only reason he isn’t now is because you kiss them all the time!
he draws you all the time, he hangs them all up in his room so when you hang out with him you tease him about being so obsessed with you which he blushes too
He lets you put his fluffy hair in pigtails sometimes!
He does a stupid dance everytime he beats you in something, a game, a training exercise or something like that. You say it’s cute which makes him flustered~
Claims he doesn’t cry at all but in reality he cries in front of you all the time, and ONLY you
He has some hearing loss from his quirk so sometimes he doesn’t hear you walking up to him so you have to kiss him to get his attention
He kisses the back of your hand, not to be a ‘gentleman’ or anything he is just too timid to kiss your face sometimes
His face is always so stern but when you two are alone his face soften SO MUCH. It relaxes into a small smile when he is alone with you
He lights candles for you with tiny explosions, sometimes it doesn’t work and he gets embarrassed for failing so he will just melt it instead! (You don’t really care but if you did he would get you a new one)
he also lights candles for you, and it actually works. So he gets a bunch of candles for you just so he can light them all for you. He threw away your lighter so you have to ask him
He heats up his hands ever so slightly when he touches you to warm you up. You call him your heating pad LOL. He also gives you massages after training with warm hands as to not hurt you
He normally doesn’t want to even mention his scar but with you he literally asks to kiss it when he feels down about it~ which you always do!
He lets you paint his nails, he also does not care what colors. He just likes spending the time it takes to paint them with you, he normally gossips with you while you paint them~
whenever he is talking to you he sometimes gets so comfortable to the point he will speak incredibly fast! You have to put your hands on his cheeks and tell him to slow down
He reads to you, even if you say no he does it anyways. He says it’s for learning purposes but in reality he just wants to spend time with you
He tries showing off his intelligence with you. “Give me any equation and I am confident I will know how to solve it!”
He sometimes forgets he wears glasses, he falls asleep with them on sometimes so you have to take them off for him. Sometimes he puts his head in your neck but his glasses get in the way which makes him whine and tear them off so he could actually cuddle into you~
He’s so proud of you sometimes he brags about you at random times. “Have you seen y/n? Yeah we are DATING!”
He wants to give you love bites sometimes but he knows his teeth are sharp so he’s scared too
His quirk sometimes makes his hands and arms dry from overuse so he asks you what to do about it and you told him to just try moisturizer. he made you put it on him because he likes your warm touch! (Not in a weird way!?)
He lets you draw on him, it doesn’t matter if your bad at drawing or not he likes being your ‘canvas’ he says. As long as you let him draw on you too. It’s normally just dumb faces like ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ or something like that LOL
He is SO WHINY, like extremely whiny! Even in front of his friends, if he wants something from you he’s gunna whine till he gets it. “Y/NNNNNNNNNNN GIVE ME A KITHHHHH” “dude lower your voice people are gunna thing your weird *kiss*”
Whenever he is yapping to you about god knows what he sometimes stutters unintentionally which makes him stop talking for like 5 minutes due to embarrassment. “So t..th.Then…..” “Uhm you ok?” “…” “Your not gunna talk anymore huh?” “*Shakes head*”
he pulls the dumbest faces and then asks you if you still think he’s cute- like “hey y/n am I still cute?(o_O)” “no you look dumb stop it” “fine…”
He shocks you but not on purpose, in general he has so much static electricity coming off of him that he can’t control so sometimes if you reach to play with his hair you’ll get shocked. He apologizes over and over and ‘kisses it better’
He lets you put make up on him, you don’t even have to wear make up yourself and he’s down. You make him look like a princess and he loves it- “I’m beautiful!!!”
He’s very needy which is obvious. He gets so needy for attention that sometimes he will just follow you around school waiting for you to atleast hug him~
He loves arts and crafts (LOL) he likes making home made cards for you instead of buying them from a store. He also likes building things with you like bird houses n such. He’s a great tape dispenser so he’s good at it☺️
He’s really good at puzzles so if your doing something like a rubix cube or just a normal puzzle and you get stuck he always helps you!
He leaves love notes for you everywhere, in your bag, on your desk, in your locker or even in your books. He isn’t the best with words but it’s still cute that he tries
He gets jealous of dark shadow, he always makes you laugh. So in return he banishes dark shadows for a while so he can have alone time with you (aka to cuddle)
He drags his beak through your hair instead of playing with it with his hands, he basically preens you but refuses to admit that’s what he’s doing-
He’s insecure, it is kinda weird that he has a bird head but you don’t let that get in the way. You cover his beak with kisses hoping it’ll make him feel better
He made you a necklace out of one of his feathers, now you wear it everywhere and people either think it’s adorable or cringy
I’ve said it before he is really fluffy so whenever you cuddle you start playing with his feather. He says he doesn’t care but if you don’t he begs you to. “Can you? You know?” “What” “You always play with my feathers?” “Aww you want me to play with your feathers!?” “Yeah.”
Behind closed doors he ditches the whole self centered thing and is fixed onto you. While you guys cuddle in privet you could hear him saying “you are so very dazzling! Just as much as me~” or “you are like a shining star! So pretty…” (out of character again but IDC I headcanon him to be a sweetheart!)
Whenever he gets a stomach ache from overusing his power he MAKES you give him a tummy rub, he will force your hand above his stomach and wait for you to sooth him
He wears make up so he lets you do looks on him. If you do good enough he will wear it for the day but most of the time it doesn’t meet his standards LOL
Similar with nails, he lets you paint them whatever color you want and he will keep them on. He doesn’t care as much abt his nails then he does his face-
He loves when you play with his hair, like really loves it. Whenever you play with his hair or give him a scalp massage he just sits there like ^0^. Seriously his mouth will hang open without him realizing. You have to close his mouth manually with your finger
He lets you play with his tail, you just pet it whenever you want but you have to be careful because his tail is a little ticklish. He will swat you away if it starts to tickle
He Carries your bags for you, he’s a gentleman like that! he does it just to be nice but if you insist on carrying them yourself he won’t stop you!
He sometimes jumps into your arms, as a ‘joke’ which is a lie. Sometimes he just wants to be in your arms! He also finds it hot that you are strong enough to hold him~
He likes when you guys match! Clothes or shoes n such! He thinks it’s cute and we wants everyone to know that y’all r dating!
He finds it hot when you call him ‘big boy’ he understands that you don’t do it to shame him but it’s more to flatter him. Like you’ll be having a light breakfast and after he finished he was still hungry so you tease “oh we gotta get more food in you big boy~ wait here I’ll get more!” He blushes so hard over it
He crams his head under your shirt when cuddling, he just likes laying on your stomach ok!
He is a little insecure about his looks, and he is very honest with insecurity so he will just confront you like “y/n I don’t think I look that good today…help?” And you’ll do everything you can to help
Whenever he is injured he milks it so harddd, he will ask you to get him a blanket, or help him eat. “Y/n could you feed this to me? I’m too hurt…” “your arms are fine?” “I know”
He’s the kinda guy to peak over your shoulder while your doing something because he really wants to be apart of it but he’s to scared to ask😭
The first time you saw his face he was soooo insecure it was really sad, everytime you asked he when like “I don’t think you want to see…this” or “well y/n it’s obvious it isn’t going to look good, it’s probably gunna freak you out”. When he finally did show you he was shocked when you pulled him closer claiming you wanted to “admire his beauty” closer~
Cuddling with him is the best!! He makes a little cocoon around you with his arms! Unless you want to hold him which he also loves!
He insists on holding things for you, everytime you say “I wish I had more hands” he goes “luckily I do!” And takes everything out of your hands
He gets cold easily so sometimes when y’all cuddle he gets freakishly cold and you have to bundle him up like a burrito. You cry over how cute his looks with his mask off in a burrito blanket <3
He talks to you on a regular basis but he almost always leans into your ear, cup it with his hands and whisper instead since he is still very shy, unless you guys are completely alone. Even for the simplest thing; “y/n…do you want water?” “Speak up babe-” “*squealing noise*”
Compliments kill him, like actually last time you called him cute he fainted
He asks you to deal with spiders in his dorm or anywhere. You capture them and release them tho because he feels bad if you just kill them
He leaves you flower petals in random places, you could be looking through your books and notice a flower petal in between two pages~
He back hugs you to cuddle, he’s to scared to be face to face and he’s scared he’s gunna hurt you somehow? You assured him he will never hurt you which makes him feel a little better
Wsg yall!!!! Anywayyyys Next post prob gunna be class 1B cuz again they need more attention 😔
Not proof readdddd!!
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fluffytriceratops · 2 months
I am DESPERATE for some 2k3 Donatello dating headcanons, literally give me anything PLEASE I AM OBSESSED
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟑]
notes: i gotchu bestie. <3 lemme know if you guys want these for the other 2k3 turts as well! :D also sorry for taking literal ages to get this request done for you! thank you sm for requesting i hope you have a wonderful day/night! <3
warnings: brief nsfw mentions, mature language, 
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1 [if i've forgotten anyone i'm so sorry please comment or dm me and let me know and i'll add you right away so i don't forget in the future!]
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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- as usual, 2003 donnie has an obsession with coffee. so if you get this mans some coffee expect an INSTANT marriage proposal. [honestly what ver of donnie doesn't have a coffee addiction?] 
- likes to do your hair. it's calming to him and helps him think. hes watched a lot of youtube videos and stuff for it, so he knows what he's doing too. he likes to try new styles n stuff on you. everyone knows when he's particularily stressed or can't seem to figure something out because you seem to have a new hairsyle everyday until he's fixed whatever it is that's bugging him, 
- will also handmake beads and stuff to put in your hair. <3 
- makes jewelry for you, esp out of silverware and other things. it always turns out so beautifully. 
- late night drives. donnie has insomnia and his brain works a lot during the night/evening. so expect to hang out a lot with him during this time. driving at night at new york is super pretty and peaceful too. esp when it's just the two of you. [so long as you don't mind the hectic city hehe-]
- cuddling with him while he works. includes sleeping on him/in his lab when he works really late into the night. he'll later carry you to bed. 
- painting on his shell/body for funzies. and if he does the same to you don't expect it to look too great because 2k3 donnie can't draw for shit. 
- donnie will gift you homemade cards with stick figures on the cover cuz again he cant draw but he knows you'll adore it no matter what just because he made it. plus you think its funny as hell and he adores your laugh. 
- hes actually really good at photography. and he has loads of pictures of you. you two go out and take pictures together sometimes. it's always a lot of fun. and they always turn out great. 
- late night talking sessions are a normal for you. 
- donatello tries his best to get you to sleep at a decent time, but sometimes you'll refuse if he isn't coming to bed with you just to get him to go to sleep earlier. he'll probably lay with you for a while, unable to actually sleep. maybe he'll read or listen to music to help pass the time. sometimes he will also sneak back out of bed once you've fallen asleep, and when you catch him you give him a good talking to. 
- he really needs to take better care of himself. he's always putting those he cares for above himself. so you're always there to make sure he's okay and that he's doing what he needs to do to be happy and healthy. 
- you guys hardly ever fight. donnie isn't one to argue with you. he's a very gentle and kind soul. he rarely raises his voice. (but when he does you find it hot as FUCK- lets be honest--) 
- fix it felix. always fixes things for you, even if you dont ask it of him. if he's at your place and notices something needs to be fixed he'll just do it for you. even if you insist he doesn't have to, he will anyway because he loves you. it brings him joy. and honestly, you should just let him because it probably stresses him out a little thinking about how your door isn't closing properly or your car sounds funny or your light keeps flickering- 
- you like to prank him on occassion, this includes the whole "i filled my tank with the special gas-" or "i let them put premium air in my tires and they gave me a really good deal". it freaks and stresses him out, at least in the moment hehe. its very funny but keep in mind he'll get you back. 
- him reading to you sfghfdgkjhdfg (id die please-) esp if you have trouble sleeping or something. 
- coffee dates are a must. even if you dont drink coffee. 
- donnie napping curled up on your chest/on top of you. you tracing the grooves of his shell. you've learned he finds this very comforting and it helps him fall asleep. 
- hes a definite switch- lmao.
- very gentle and understanding. he's like your personal diary or therapist and you're the same for him. 
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arminsumi · 1 year
so happy you're writing for gojo and getou!! You make my day fr <3
Thinking of ex getou hc... he annoyingly drapes himself over you like your not broken up, still brings you lunch and snacks when he knows your craving them, hugs you for way too long Infront of other men until you break and take him again <33
He would not be afraid of being toxic if it ment getting you back
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒꒱ ex-boyfriend
GETO x f.reader
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A/N: i am in pieces at the word choice 'drapes' 😩 thank you for your request — so happy i can make your day 💗 i kinda... wrote an excessive amount srry if i deviated a bit i was in a real suguru state of mind
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♪ NOW PLAYING: don't blame me, your love made me crazy
Wc: >900
Overview; Suguru just can't let you go. His mad love reels you back into his arms.
Content; fluff, (ex.bf) headcanons
Warnings; light toxicity, light obsessiveness/possessiveness (?), jealousy, he doesn't let you leave
arminsumi's library
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— He is the definition of the "I'm not her ex" ex-boyfriend. Anyone who asks "Did you two split?" will be met with a firm "No. We're just working things out." from Geto before you can even open your mouth to speak.
— Soft, good-smelling, and good-looking; his aura permeates through the air of your apartment as soon as he walks in. He unashamedly invited himself over and said "Aren't you lonely without me? C'mon admit it. I'll make some tea, do you want? Okay then, I'll make you one anyways."
— Behind those abyssal eyes are all his unchanged feelings for you; his one and only. He can't move on. You have a death grip on his mind; he thinks about you in the shower, on the road, walking to the store, while shopping. Daydreams of you are plastered throughout his routines.
— He engulfs you in a consuming hug and peers down at you with a tender look. He's so much bigger than you; the broadness of his shoulders are laughable in comparison to yours. "Missed you, baby." he says, usually pressing a kiss to your cheek (smirking when you swat him away like a fly), and he says that a lot; you can feel the weight in each word.
— Of course... when in front of other men, his hugs seem to get clingier. Heavier. Longer. More possessive. He hangs on your body as if he's the clothes on your back. His scent lingers on you.
— Still lends you his oversized T-shirts and insists that you wear them before heading out for coffee with your coworker, Gojo. Asks for 'proof' pics that you really are wearing his shirt.
— He calls you by the nickname you always favored, the one that had the power to weaken your knees to the point of falling to them. Paired with that silken, dangerously attractive voice and the yearning glint in his eyes, you're a goner.
— He's always been able to read you like an unravelling scroll. As if you're a painting and he's an artist, he knows every brush stroke that creates an artwork like you.
So when you push him away, he knows that you actually want him to hold you tight. When you tell him to give up, you actually want him to try harder. And when you shakily answer no to his inquiry about "Do you still feel for me?" he knows you actually mean yes.
— Leans in to whisper something in your ear when you've got company or guests over at a party. He loves forming a barrier of intimacy between you and him in a public setting; he thinks that they should all witness how capable he still is of flustering you. His heart lurches when you react to his whispers with the same swooning smile as you did in high school.
— He pops up at your workplace, "I got you your favorite." he says with a smooth smile that you instantly succumb to.
— He selfishly drags you back into his arms like Hades mythically dragged Persephone back into the underworld.
— You want to move on from him ? Nope, not happening. He's dead set, completely determined, to dig his way back into your heart.
— Needles of jealousy prick his chest when he sees you laughing because of someone else. He can't stand that, not even for a second, so he invades the conversation and plucks you out of it like you're a gemstone lost among rocks in a dirty river.
"Let's go." he says, "Go where?" you ask, but he whisks you away without answering.
— Honest to god, if he could snatch you away and trap you in a castle, he would. In fact, he can, minus the castle — but his penthouse will have to do 🤷‍♀️
A few lavish invitations to dinner at his place lead to you sleeping over like how you used to. It's all part of his grand scheme. "Baby, come back to me." he murmurs into your hair. "This house is so cold without you."
— Come the morning, you're readying yourself to leave for coffee with your coworker again. Stupid Sunday tradition, Geto hated it. No, he despised it; it made his head spin with anger.
"I've got to go... Suguru?" He blocks your path down the hallway, his silhouette giving hint to his serious frown. It's dark in the hallway, but not darker than his eyes.
"You're not gonna let me leave, are you?"
"No." He admits heavily. "Come on, don't look at me like that; I love you. You'll be safe here. You know what, tomorrow I'll make you your favorite for breakfast, doesn't that sound nice?"
— All these sweet words are said in a smooth, murmuring voice... while his veiny hands firmly plant on the front door and force it shut with a startling bang after you attempted to open it.
"Stay." he demands in a threatening, low voice. "Please?" he lightens it at the end, aware of how scary that probably sounded.
— He's wrapping you around his finger like how he did in the beginning. You coil around his life until, without realizing soon enough, you're back in it.
— Just like that, his love ensnares you once more, and you're happily trapped in his big strong arms.
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padawansuggest · 9 months
Since I am obsessed with the red string of fate theory-
AU where Obi-Wan and Jango are dating. One day, since Obi-Wan was recently knighted, the council suggests he visits his birth family since he’s only had small contact with them since he was little, and it’s a practice they try to encourage.
Obviously Obi-Wan is all ‘oh great. A family reunion with all 7 of my siblings and 23 cousins and like seven aunts and uncles, this is gonna be great. At least they have sheep for me to cuddle’ and decides to go for it.
But since it’s gonna be chaos incarnate anyways. Let’s ask Jango if he wants to come with. It’s okay, because Stewjon is on the edge of Mando space so they’ll probably like his bf anyways.
Jango and Obi-Wan show up, they have a chaotic time with all the families, and Jango even thinks he should invite them all to Keldabe or maybe bring Jaster to meet them next time. Might as well become in laws. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, brought Shmi (who is flirting with one of his brothers lmaooo) and Anakin (who is being DOTED on by the fam) and so it’s all a big family now.
Anyways. One of those days Obi-Wan is pulled down to look through photo albums because that’s what families do.
And Obi-Wan stops on a photo that was taken a few months before he was sent to the Jedi temple. It’s a photo of a village fair they had that year, and he’s playing with some siblings while Mama and Daddy cook on the BBQ…
And in the background. Is a Mandalorian in full armor with an ad wearing their leathers. They look about nine or so.
Obi-Wan sees the pic and just fucking breaks down crying, because he hadn’t realized Jango was so cute as a kiddo, and that’s def Jaster Mereel, who hasn’t painted his armor a new colour in over twenty years, giving Jango an ice cream cone and looking so doting and loving on that ad it’s breaking all their hearts.
Anyways. They have copies made and hang it up everywhere they live and Jaster adores the picture. It’s sweet, and his boys look so happy.
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
Hii! Could you please write an ethan fic based off the ybwm music video but y/n and ethan are childhood bestfriends and but doesnt notice her until prom? ALSO IM LISTENING TO 1989 TV RN AND ITS SOOOO GOOD
been here all along — ethan landry
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word count: 3,306
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n had been best friends since they were little, but y/n, unbeknownst to ethan, has always been i love with him. it isn’t until prom night that he finds out.
warnings: none!
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Y/N WAS STUDYING ON HER DESK WHEN SHE SAW HER BEST FRIEND’S SILHOUETTE THROUGH HER WINDOW. Ethan threw himself to the bed, lying on his back as he tiredly rubbed his face with the hand that wasn’t holding his phone to his ear. He felt eyes on him, so he turned around and saw the girl staring at him with a worried expression. He smiled instantly and, after hanging up the phone, he went to grab a small board and a marker.
hey, creep, he showed her the careless handwriting with a smirk.
Y/N stuck her tongue out before grabbing her own board. you okay?
i’m fine, he replied with a shrug and a forced smile.
Y/N arched an eyebrow, i know you better than that.
His shoulders slumped, can i hang out with you for a while?
always. back door is open!
Less than five minutes later Ethan entered her room and plopped down on her bed, resting his head on his hand. Y/N noticed his eyes were a bit red and had dark bags under them, and yet he continued to be he most gorgeous human she had laid her eyes on.
“What’s wrong?” she asked softly, resisting the need to run her fingers through his wet brown hair.
“Coach killed us at practice today. My whole body hurts.” he mumbled.
“And…” she urged him to go on, knowing that was not it.
Ethan sighed. “I hate that you know me so well.” he groaned. “I fought with Mila.”
“Again.” she added, trying to hide her bitterness.
Mila and him had been dating for a couple of months, and she had managed to turn the ray of sunshine that Ethan used to be into a person who was always tired and in a gloomy mood. She had completely brought him down.
People at school loved the couple. And, on the outside, they seemed perfect. Ethan was the captain of the hockey team and the most good-looking boy at school, and Mila was the cheer captain and most good-looking girl at school—perfect pairing, right? On paper, yes.
But Y/N had the disgrace of witnessing most of their fights and the toxicity that filled the air whenever they were together. At the beginning, they had a normal relationship but eventually, the attention got the best of Mila and she turned into a controlling, jealous girlfriend who was also obsessed with painting the perfect image.
“Yeah… this time it was about prom.” he scoffed.
“What about it?”
“She came to practice and said we had to go buy her dress and my suit. Then she wants me to take fucking dancing classes because everything needs to be perfect and I can’t mess it up with my dance moves.”
“She’s going to have to buy tons of oil bottles for that. The Tin Man from Wizards of Oz can move better than you.”
Ethan laughed and threw her a pillow. “You’re such an asshole.”
Y/N smiled like the Cheshire cat. Ethan had no idea that his smile could practically light up the whole town, and it made her furious that Mila managed to take that away. Ever since they started dating, Ethan very rarely smiled around others.
“Anyways, the thing is I refused to do that. You know how tired I am after practice, and she got pissed and wouldn’t let me leave. I ended up holding back hockey practice and coach was furious.” he explained. “Then, after practice, she called and silly me thought—nice, she is going to apologize, but no. She wanted to see if I’d changed my mind. And that made me mad, so we started fighting about her interrupting practice and how furious she would be if I were to find her during cheer practice. Then she started yelling and I just hung up because my head fucking hurts.”
Y/N watched with sad eyes. What was he doing with a girl like that? She clearly didn’t care about him. “I’m sorry about your psycho of a girlfriend. You deserve better” she said, and he gave her a small smile. “There’s Tylenol on my drawer and the bottle is filled with water.”
“Thanks. You’re the best, did you know that? Being with you is lately the only thing that makes me feel at peace.”
“I love you, Eth, and I’ll always be here.”
The boy grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly. “I love you, too.” he placed a kiss on the crown of her head. “Can I stay over?”
“Of course.”
Ethan fell asleep quickly, contrary to Y/N, whose thoughts kept her brain working like crazy. Ethan’s sweet words about her making him feel at peace should be heartwarming, but instead it made her heart hurt. Why couldn’t he see her the way she saw him? The way he saw Mila. Why couldn’t Ethan see that she was dying to be in Mila’s place and that he deserved so much better than her?
Ethan deserved to be with someone who treated him like he hung the moon, and instead he was settling for someone who overwhelmed him and brought him down, someone who cared more about what other people said than about his feelings and happiness. It made Y/N both sad and angry, and she prayed he would wake up and see he was worth more.
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ETHAN ENTERED HIS ROOM AND DRAGGED HIS FEET TOWARDS HIS BED. He wanted to take a long nap and disconnect from the world, ignoring all the things that were overwhelming him lately. He wanted those feelings to be gone, he needed a good sleep and a good cry. And as if God had heard his prayers, the problems evaporated once his eyes caught sight of his best friend dancing around her room without a care in the world. He crossed his arms and watched with a smile, waiting for her to notice.
The girl stopped as soon as she felt eyes on her. Frowning, she quickly scribbled something on her blackboard.
i don’t do shows for free, quit looking
Laughing, he wrote back, what kind of shows do you do? i’m interested.
Y/N pretended to throw up and replied, i’m calling 911 pervert. And as he shook his head, she quickly wrote something else. you look stressed. wanna talk about it?
And as every afternoon, Ethan ended up sprawled on his best friend’s bed with her lying beside him. “First of all, I broke up with Mila.” he started, and Y/N’s heart stopped.
She tried her best not to smile at that, and managed to mutter “I’m sorry about that.”
Ethan shrugged, “It’s fine. We both know we weren’t really invested in that relationship. I’m stressed because she was furious, screaming something about ruining her chances of being prom queen and disappointing the school by our break-up.”
“And you feel bad about it.” Y/N stated, knowing him like the back of her hand.
“A little bit. I mean, I don’t get it, but prom is important to her for some reason. And now she needs to find another date.”
“That won’t be a problem, though. She’s literally the most gorgeous girl in school.”
“She’s not the most gorgeous girl in school.” he said, but quickly shook his head and moved on. “But it’s us who they want. Ethan and Mila, not Mila and some other guy.”
“Well, if it makes you feel so bad, you should go with her.” Y/N said out loud as her inner voice called her stupid in different languages.
Ethan frowned. “I don’t want to get back with her. And I thought you hated her.”
“I don’t hate her.” she argued.
“I heard you said you’d like her to recreate Regina George’s bus scene.” Ethan said, trying not to laugh at the guilty face she made.
“Look, everyone has intrusive thoughts.” she defended herself and Ethan bursted out laughing. “I’m not proud of it. But, moving on, I’m not telling you to get back with her, but just be her date to prom and then go your separate ways. We’re leaving for college soon, anyways.”
“I suppose you’re right.” he nodded. “That’s another reason why I’m stressed, college.”
“What about it?”
“I’m scared.” he confessed
“Why? Eth, you’re an stellar player. Lots of colleges already told you they’re interested.”
“I’m not scared of not getting into any college. I’m scared that we won’t end up in the same one.” he explained. And his eyes got glossy by just thinking about Y/N not being part of his every day life.
They had known each other since forever. They grew up together and it was in his plans to continue to grow alongside her. She was his person, and he knew he was her person too. She was his other half, he wasn’t complete without her. He rolled his eyes everytime he heard someone say that ‘we are our own person and it was wrong to believe someone complemented you’. He thought that was bullshit. Him and Y/N complemented each other and their lives wouldn’t be the same if they didn’t have each other. A part of them would be missing.
“I’m positive we will both end up on the same college. But even if that doesn’t happen, there’s absolutely no way that will be the end of our friendship, Eth. Come on, you really think our bond is not strong enough to handle a little distance?”
“You’re right.” he said, wiping his tears with the heel of his palm. “It still would suck not to have you there to annoy me every minute of the day.”
“Fuck you, Ethan.” she pinched his side, making him squirm. “And bold of you to assume I wouldn’t call you and text every one second.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you.” he hugged her tightly to his chest, breathing in the scent of her shampoo.
“Love you, too.” she whispered. She wanted to kiss him so badly she had to hide her face on his chest to die down the temptation.
“Hey, I never asked you. Who are you going to prom with?”
“With no one.”
Ethan frowned. “I can’t have that. We are going together.”
Her heart started beating faster. “You’re going with Mila.”
“I haven’t told her we can still go together. And I’m not going to, we are going together.”
“No.” she shook her head. The inner voices screaming at her again. “It’s important to her. I really couldn’t care less about prom. Don’t worry about it.”
“All of your friends have dates, Y/N/N. I know you don’t care about prom, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time.” Ethan said, and she shrugged. “I don’t understand, though. I heard, unfortunately, the guys talking in the locker room. A lot of them were planning to ask you.”
“And they did, I just said I was going alone.”
“But why?”
Because I don’t want anyone but you, and I just turned your offer down. “I just don’t want to. Really, don’t worry about me. I don’t like parties anyway, so I won’t stay long. You will have to dance with me at least once, though.”
“Obviously.” he replied softly as he run his fingers through her soft hair until he fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Y/N laid wide awake, picturing that moment. Him, looking like a daydream in a suit, with his big hands around her body and her head on his hard chest, listening to the beat of his heart, which clearly won’t be beating as fast as hers. Yes, she didn’t know how she was going to survive that.
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ETHAN STOOD NEXT TO MILA AS THEY TALKED WITH THEIR FRIENDS. Well, Mila did the talking and he was just standing there, looking anxiously at the entrance door, waiting for his best friend to arrive. Ethan had offered to drive her, but she instantly turned him down because there’s no way she was going to share the confined space with Mila.
“Your break-up lasted less than I expected.” one of Mila’s friend said.
Sensing Mila’s intention of not denying the statement, Ethan spoke first. “We aren’t together, we came as friends.”
“We’re always breaking up and making up, we both know you’ll take me back in no time.” Mila laughed.
“Mila.” he sighed. “We talked about this. I told you that we can still be each other’s date, but as long as it was clear that we are over for real. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Wow.” Zach, Ethan’s friend, said. His eyes were wide and his jaw was practically on the floor. And following his gaze, he found out the reason behind his reaction.
Ethan’s body stiffened and felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. Y/N walked through the gym, making her way towards her friends. No one, expect for his group, was paying attention to her. Why was no one paying attention to her?
She looked absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking would be most accurate word, because she took Ethan’s ability to breath as soon as his eyes landed on her figure. She was wearing a long, satin green dress. Her hair was up in a tidy bun, making her look elegant. Fuck, he couldn’t get his eyes off her, nor did he want to.
“Green is not her color.” Mila said between gritted teeth.
Ethan frowned, but his brown eyes were still glued to the girl across the room. “Every color is her color.”
“I’m going to ask her to dance with me.” Zach said confidently.
“Dude, get a hint. She told you she didn’t want to come with you.” another of Ethan’s friend said.
With that, Ethan finally looked away and instead glared at his friend. “You asked her?”
“Well, yeah. Can you blame me?” No, he couldn’t. But still, for some reason, it bothered him. “I can’t believe she said no.”
“Oh, come on. It’s obvious she was going to reject every offer. Well, anyone but one.” Mila said, and the boys’ curious glances landed on her. “What?”
“What are you talking about?” Zach asked.
Mila rolled her eyes. “Really? Literally everyone figured it out”
“Figure out what?” Ethan asked impatiently.
“She’s been in love with the same person for years.”
Ethan’s fists clenched and he felt like his whole body was on fire. “No way, she would’ve told me. We tell each other everything.”
Mila laughed. “It’s you, dumbass. She’s always been in love with you.”
Ethan froze and shook his head. “No. I would’ve- she should’ve… No.”
“Yes, Ethan. Ask anyone. I swear boys are so oblivious” she rolled her eyes. “It’s obvious she didn’t tell you because she knew you’d reject her. I mean, she is out of your league and you’ve never given her any signs that you might feel the same.”
Well, in that she’s right. But only because he had never let his mind wonder about being more because he didn’t want to ruin anything. Besides, he hadn’t seen her signs either and he also started dating Mila. But now… he could see them together. Now he couldn’t understand how he hadn’t thought about it before. After all, Y/N had always been his person—the one that understood him unlike anyone else, the one that made him laugh harder than anyone else, the one he always wanted to have by his side, the one who he belong with.
“She’s not out of my league.” he said, glaring at Mila. “I’m the one out of her league, hell, I don’t think anyone is really deserving of her! You know, she was the one that suggested I still should bring you here, because it was important to you. I asked her to be my date, and she said no. Even though she probably wanted to say yes. She’s that amazing, and I never saw her. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
Before anyone could say anything, Ethan let his feet guide him towards her. Y/N saw his silhouette making his way to her and her mouth broke into a smile. He did look like a daydream and the smile she loved was present on his face, shinier than ever.
"Hi, Eth." she stood up to hug him.
How could he have been so blind to notice it? The way her cheeks turned a light shade of red, her shy smile and the sparks in her eyes. Y/N was in love with him. "Hi. You look... like a daydream."
That made her blush even more. "Thank you. You look very handsome." Ethan smiled like a little kid, which made Y/N laugh. "What is going on? You're acting odd."
"What makes you say that?"
"I don't know, you're looking different."
"Is that bad?" Ethan frowned.
"No, it's a good different. You look happy. But what is happening?" she laughed with uncertainty. Ethan shook his head, trying to wipe the smile off his face. "Come on, you're making me nervous."
my love was as cruel as the cities i lived in
"First we have to dance to your favorite song." Ethan said, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the dance floor.
Just like she had it pictured it in her mind, her best friend's arms were wrapped around her waist, her hands resting on his broad shoulders and her head lying on his chest. But, contrary to what she had thought, his heart was beating inexplicably fast.
i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you
"I love you, Y/N" Ethan whispered in her ear. He felt her shoulders tense and she slowly raised her head to look at him.
It wasn't like any other previous I love you's, there was something about the way he said it—so softly and vulnerable—that gave her the hope that there was another meaning, that it was another type of i love you.
been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
"I do. I really do love you. I am in love with you, and I'm really sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
and now i see daylight, i only see daylight
"For not realizing it earlier. For not seeing how you really felt."
Y/N widened her eyes. He knew. "Ethan... don't."
"Don't what?"
"You're confused. You don't love me like that, I don't want your sympathy. You just think you love me because you don't want to reject me." she said. He opened his mouth to argue, but she cut him off. "I promise you that our friendship won't change. I've always known it wasn't reciprocated, and I've come in terms with it."
Ethan just smiled. "Are you done overthinking? Because you have two options—you can keep on trying to convince yourself I don't love you and that my heart hasn't been skipping since you walked into this room," he put her hand on his heart. "or you can accept the truth—that I love you and I want you more than anything in the world—and let me kiss you while your song is still playing." he tilted his head down, nose brushing hers. "What is it, Y/N? One or two?"
"Two" she whispered.
He smirked "Good girl."
The kiss stopped time. When they finally pulled away, they stared at each other completely awestruck. Taylor Swift wasn't playing anymore, and they truly didn't have a clue how much time they had spent tasting each other. What they did know is that nothing had ever felt more right.
"Okay, enough show. Let's get out of here, I want you all to myself." he said pressing kisses to her neck.
"I want ice cream first, then we can make out."
"Whatever my girlfriend wants, she gets." with one last kiss, they walked out of the room hand in hand. “By the way, I have always thought you were the most gorgeous girl in school.”
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fanofstuff01 · 6 months
Part 2 of Adam being stuck with Valentino AU is here. Sooner than I expected I would release, but I’m not complaining. No one is obsessed with this AU more than me >:]
Read the first part and then read this if you’d like, but this starts as more about how Adam sold his soul to Valentino. Maybe this would work better as a first chapter, idk
16+ like Hazbin, also Valentino and his behavior in general
Tags: @woah-why-i-am-here @rius-cave @talesfromawannabejournalist @candyhoiic (hope you don’t mind) @puparella @fightinsoda
Tagging everyone I saw wanting a fic about this again @i--metamorphic--i @helena-hyena
Again Tumblr, I warn people from the start. Please.
Zoe presents and wishes you an awesome day/night!
“So, let me clear the air.” Adam said, scratching the base of his horns. He was sitting on a chair at the porn producer’s office. “You offer me to play on your fuck-movies, and in return, you’ll pay me?”
“Of course! And a place to stay if you need.” Valentino said and smoked his cigarette. “You don’t have to show your face if you don’t want, pretty sure my partner can design something for you.”
The first man bit his lip as he thought about it. It didn't sound too bad. Sex was his old job anyway, why wouldn't he just let it be again? This time he would even get paid in return. He needed a well-paying job. If he didn't pay him 8,500 within a month, that red mafia prick would hang his head permanently on his wall like a fucking painting. And no one else in this goddamn place wanted to hire him. On the other hand, this guy wanted him to fuck anyone he wanted. Including guys. On camera.
“I don’t think it’s..” Valentino looked at the first man. He knew he needed to play big to get him. But he couldn’t let him slip away from his hands. He could make him rich!
“You should go if you aren’t interested. I guess I had a wrong impression about you.”
“I’m deeply sorry. I thought,” He dramatically said, smoking his cigarette “The first man wouldn’t have problems with sex. I guess your tool is not that great at all.”
“Hey!” Adam said, his tool had nothing to do with that! Not to mention it was the greatest!
“No wonder both Lilith AND Eve left you. I guess Lucifer WAS better.“
“Do you DARE to question how good I’m on bed? I had a ton of fucking kids!” He growled.
“Mmhm. Sure.” Valentino grinned. He was sure that if he used the first man's old insecurities against him, he would volume down the voice of his brain’s rational part. His rage was bubbling and leading him to make the choice he wanted. He could read it all over his face. Who would’ve thought Voxxie’s cameras would actually work on important shit? He thought to himself.
“Fine. I’ll work for you. But for the record, I want on paper that I will not work without the mask.”
“Deal!” Valentino said happily, summoned a pink glowy contract out of thin air and hand it out to the sinner with a pen. Adam read it quickly, it seemed normal. A few days off a week, paying him %58 of their earnings from the movies and monthly enough amount of money and other shit. He signed his name under it and felt something inside him change. Like there was something moving. He wanted to puke, but he held back.
“Excellent!” Valentino said with a wide grin. Why was he was so fucking happy? Because he gained a new whore? He didn’t knew nor care.
“We usually start on 1 pm, but i wanna see you on 11 am here tomorrow. Don’t be late~” He purred, carresing Adam’s hair. It made him uncomfortable. Maybe this was a bad idea. Shit, it definitely was.
“Okay.” He said and walked away to the door, glad that he wasn’t near that creep anymore.
— Five months later —
“Hey Adam. Can we talk? On your room?” Valentino called for him as he entered the studio.
“What’s the matter, Val?” He spoke and he entered his dressing room with him. Their director was also there, smiling as if he knew something Adam didn’t. He hoped this wasn’t that kind of ‘talk’.
“You became quite popular in the media y’know, everyone wants to watch your films. I guess the fallen angel concept was something everyone didn’t knew they needed. Your movies almost outsell Angel Dust's.” Valentino smugly said.
“Angel Dust?” He said, surprised as he remembered the spider demon he used to wa- ahem, see on the streets of hell when he was still an angel himself. Then one day, Lucifer’s brat showed him as a proof for her stupid “redemption” idea. It didn’t seem too stupid now though, if someone could fall, maybe someone could rise too. He had a vague memory of him fighting against his army. He didn’t had a personal hatred against him, but he was hating him as equal as he hated the rest of that hotel. Maybe a little less but still.
“Yes, my dear. Angel Dust. Travis!” He called to his director. “Bring him here!”
“Okay sir!” He rushed, still grinning.
“Why did you ask him to bring him? Why is HE doing that anyway? He asked.
“Ah, there you are.” Valentino spoke softly as Travis came inside with a curious -and slightly scared- Angel Dust, ignoring him.
“Val? Why did you-“ His eyes went wide as he saw the first man standing next to his boss. He did heard about Adam working here, he was left in pure shock when he saw one of his posters. He’d never expect to see that guy as a pornstar and just hoped that he won’t stumble to him. But there he was. His surprised state became anger in a short amount of time and he bared his teeth at the other demon. Adam did the same as he gave him the finger.
“Angel, amorcito! I’m assuming you know our newest bestselling actor!“ Valentino said and he looked at their faces. “Isn’t he such a cutie?”
“What do you want me to do, Val?” Angel asked, trying to keep his calm.
“Hmm, goin straight to the point I see. Okay. Since you are the top-selling sluts I have, I want you two to make a movie together.”
“WHAT?!” They both yelled.
“I’m sorry, but I am not fucking this! I have my standarts!” Adam angrily said, pointing at Angel.
“As if I am so curious about you, dickbag!” Angel crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
“Suck your own dick!”
“Eat a horse ass!”
“Are you two done? We have a job.” Travis said, though he seemed to enjoy this. Maybe that was why he was grinning later.
“Valentino, I can’t work with him!”
“Me neither!”
“Well that’s a shame, because I want you to do so. Now get ready, my whores.” He smiled to them, although it was clear that his temper was rising. “Get out, Travis. Prepare the stage.”
“I wo-“
“DO WHAT I SAY!” The moth demon snapped, summoned both of their chains and yanked them to himself, almost causing them to fell down. “I asked you to do, and you will! I don’t want to hear any complaints!” He turned to Adam and threw him to the wall, scaring the shit out of him. “You, are going to fuck him harder than you ever did to anyone, either until your penis hurt or I decide it’s good enough. Got it?”
“Y-yes.” He shook his head violently, panting. He didn’t want Valentino to hit him like he did last week. Or him to lock him in his room for five days and give him water out of a dog bowl just so he wouldn’t die of thirst.
“And you,” He kept the chain on Adam’s neck, dragging him but he turned to Angel. “You are going to be under him for the next hour, or even for the following one if I think you aren’t moaning enough. Or you want me to make you do so?”
“Okay, Val.” Angel too looked panicked.
“Glad that we came to an agreement.” He chuckled and let go of them both. “Now collect yourselves! We have a looong shot to make!” He left Adam’s room as if he did nothing to them.
Adam looked at the spider demon. He couldn't help but feel sad towards him. No, it was more than just feeling sad. It was empathy.
He shook his head and tried to keep his old self.
“Get up, cunt. Let’s get this over with.”
—Continuing where we left off on the last chapter—
“Ungh..” Adam blinked slowly and held his head. There were stars dancing in front of his eyes. This was the last one right? He thought so. He hoped so.
“We’re done for today!” He heard someone shout behind him and a title on his mask. “LOCK: OPEN”. Good. Now he could go to his room and get dressed and get the thing on his fucking head off. He thought to himself. He took a few steps before he almost fell down, but a blurry pink figure hold him by his waist.
“Woah woah woah, you good there?” Angel said, looking concerned.
“Everything hurts…” He mumbled as he struggled to open the lock of his mask.
“Come here.” He helped him to get to his own room and sat him down. Luckily there wasn’t any Valentinos on sight.
“Can you..?” He dazedly pointed the lock of his mask.
“Sure.” He pressed the Voxtech button on the left to close the mask permanently, opened the buttons on the behind of it and took it off. There was Adam’s super tired face. There were bags under his eyes and his hair was messed up. How the fuck was his little beard was tangled?
“Mhhhh..” He groaned and looked around. “Where are we?”
“My room. Want me to get you somethin?”
“You’re the best Angel.”
Angel get up and went to his own bar of alcohol. There was only one. Of course, he was tired as fuck too, but he guessed today did serious damage to his friend. He had mentioned Val ordered him to film two different movies that included the fair use of his wings and he knew how much he hated people to touch them. “They are pretty banging, I know. But they are too fucking sensitive.” He felt anger as he thought of what he said. Oh, just what would he do to that motherfucker if he had the chance.
He turned back to Adam with the booze bottle on his hand. The demon’s head was in his hands.
“Here, I have this. Do you think you can walk?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m good.” He took the bottle and drank it down. Almost in one shot. He wiped his mouth, then flapped his wings lightly in order to bring them some comfort. “How ‘bout you? I bet he made you get fucked by three guys at once.”
“Three? Don’t be ridiculous. It was five.”
“Do you think this will ever come to an end?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Me neither. Lets go.”
“We’re still in our robes.”
“Right. I forgot.” He stretched. “Meet on the outside?”
“See ya.” He walked away to his room to get dressed. When he was done, he got up and walked to the entrance. Good thing world decided not to spin anymore.
Would you believe if I said I worked on this for hours? And still not had enough?
Also, I know Adam definitely bottoms men, but Val just markets him as a ‘top bad boy’ and makes his and Angel’s movies a stereotypical gay porn in order to answer the pleadings of horny middle aged women
It’ll continue. Seriously, you would not believe me if I told you how much shit I have for this AU.
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newtdrawz · 1 year
Outsider HC's but they're mainly about Ponyboy,, cuz he is my fav,,
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Most of these are just Pony interacting with the gang and his brothers 😭 are they gonna be OOC? Probably. Do I care? No. Am I right abt all of these? Yes. (No.)
ALSO alot of them are post-main story/mention Dally and Johnny's death a lot cuz I am unable to let my favs be happy 🫶 (! None of these are ships btw,, they're all platonic and stuff lol)
Ponyboy & Johnny
Johnny and Pony regularly have conversations quietly around the gang, most of the time they have a whole conversation with just a couple looks and jerks of their head. They both seem to get what they're saying while the rest of the gang is completely lost on what they're saying/talking about.
Pony is the only one who calls Johnny, J as a nickname.
"We're not scared because monsters don't live here." Was a sentence said many, many time in the abandoned church.
Pony and Johnny can lie pretty well, but when they have to lie together they suck.
Ponyboy & Dally (ft. Johnny)
After Johnny and Dally died Pony stopped drawing and reading or writing for awhile. He picked it up again and his sketchbook is full of doodles and sketches of Johnny and Dally.
Dally has a soft spot for only Johnny and Pony. It takes a lot for him to get soft with the rest of the gang. He's still mean and tough but more just teasing with Johnny and Pony.
Before the fire Pony would read out loud all the time while Johnny would just sit and listen, sometimes Dally would listen too but interrupt with questions and criticizing the characters. Now that they're both gone, Pony will sometimes read out loud on his own, pretending that both Johnny and Dally are there listening.
Dally is very supportive of Ponys hobby in art. He's usually the one who catches him sketching or painting and just watches until Pony is either finished or notices he's being watched. Dally always nods in greeting and says "keep it up, kid." Or "nice job, kid." But Dally will brag to his other buddies that aren't the gang about how talented the kid is. ("Nah man, the kid draws from memory. He drew this one picture of his big brother, yeah the big big one, looked exactly like him. Like a photograph almost. Kids real talented.")
Ponyboy & Steve
Steve says he can't stand Pony and is mean to him, but Steve is very high on the list of people who care about Pony. He's the most frantic (mostly angry) one next to Soda when Pony got jumped. He secretly cares about him a whole lot, like he's his own brother.
Steve will give Pony rides to places or offer rides time to time. (He only does it if Pony's gone awhile without annoying him lol)
Steve (and Soda, but surprisingly it was Steve's idea) took Pony to his first drag race. He definitely should have not been there.
Ponyboy & Two-bit
Two-bit and Steve started sitting in and listening to Pony read, they're not Johnny and Dally but Pony appreciates it nonetheless.
Two-bit was actually so obsessed with toddler Ponyboy, he always insisted on bringing him with the gang and letting him in on games, he always wanted a little brother. He loved how easy Pony was to entertain and make laugh.
Two-bit was the only one who didn't think twice about Pony and Soda's names.
Two-bit sometimes steals art supplies for Pony.
Ponyboy & Sodapop
When Pony would visit the DX Soda would walk him through fixing a car and even let him help out on small stuff. Even Steve would help too.
He'll leave notes everywhere for Pony and Darry and sometimes the gang. They're either dumb jokes or funny little drawings.
Soda gets very excited when Pony asks him anything abt cars, he'll talk for hours abt them.
Soda was so obsessed with Pony when he was born, all he wanted to do was hold him and hang out with him. He would brag to Darry that he's not the only big brother now lol.
Ponyboy & Darry (I'm so obsessed with their dynamic & their growth)
"Dang it Ponyboy you're giving me gray hairs at 20!" Is a regular sentence said at the Curtis residence.
Darry always tells the other guys to be careful with Pony when they're rough housing. Pony thinks it's cuz he doesn't want them to break anything in the house, Darry just doesn't want Pony to get hurt.
Toddler Pony would follow Darry and Soda/the gang everywhere but mainly Darry. If Darry was doing homework in his room then boom Pony would be in there quietly playing or sleeping on Darry's bed.
Darry regularly cuts Soda, Pony and his own hair. They don't have the privilege of going somewhere to do it so Darry just does it and he does surprisingly well. It's a whole day activity.
The night after Dally and Johnny died Pony had trouble sleeping, even though soda was there. The first person he went to for comfort was Darry. Darry was in the kitchen cleaning, trying to distract himself when Pony walked in. Darry held him in his arms the rest of the night.
On the first father's day without their parents Pony makes a card with a drawing of him and Darry on it and leaves it on the kitchen table for him because he's embarrassed. Darry keeps it forever. (He did get very emotional over it but not infront of anybody. When he got home he hugged Pony, smiled and walked away. Those actions spoke a thousand words between the two and Pony knew he said thanks.)
That's all 🥹 (for now 😦)
I will be doing more of these 🙏 I wanna try to do individual characters cuz ik some here didn't have a lot as well as ALL of these being pony centric and I love them all lol
OH ALSO feel free to add on to these (or ask me about them) or add your own HC's cuz I love outsider headcanons ❤️
Also can you tell I love when Dally and Steve are nice to pony lol? Love it. Love the idea that Steve actually cares abt him and shows it sometimes or Dally caring just as much abt him. THEY ARE ALL A HUGE FAMILY YOUR HONOR 🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️🧑‍⚖️ I'm also so obsessed with Darry and Pony,,, they are so,,, complicated sibling relationships get me everytime
Are some of these good? Probably not. Do they make sense timeline and story wise? No and idc. Am I so normal about them? Yes. Most of these are based of fanfic versions of them anyways so yeah
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kris-sona · 25 days
anything with your sophie and tam hcs (i am obsessed<3)
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1. study sessions together where they share earbuds or play music on speaker and just chill. bangs are tied up for focus mode and (many) snacks and study breaks are also involved.
2. they have sleepovers with face masks and tea and watch shitty reality tv shows. sometimes marella gets involved bc she’s obviously the funniest person to judge people with are u kiddinggg. anyway emo girls night painting nails to paramore or something like losers
3. lmao uber sophie era it’s her job as the protagonist to be everywhere
4. self explanatory but tam also has scary dog privileges so he’s just the designated bodyguard
@hydroflxwers anyways they’re literally just cuddle buddies and generally just have the same vibes and wants. they’re each other’s introverts idk it’s like hanging out with your pet
go harass @queefsencen she’s the one who got me brainrotted over emo sophie and sotam in the first place she has thoughts
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oceansblvds · 1 year
around the fur ; aegon targaryen
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pairing ; aegon targaryen ii x reader
words ; 2k ish
about ; an in depth understanding into the relationship between you and aegon targaryen. you had known each other since you were children; you wanted each other, lusted for one another . . . a tumultuous pattern that went around and around like a wheel.
warning(s) ; very little fluff, swearing, sexual themes, mentions of smut but not explicit smut?, it's not yandere but it's definitely not a healthy relationship, angst?, targaryen realness, my professor says i write too many words so that's a warning in itself.
authors note ; okay okay so i kinda wrote this as more of a word dump? i'm quite obsessed with aegon right now and definitely taking requests for aegon and aemond and possibly other hotd characters!
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The confines of the Red Keep was something that you had grown accustomed to whilst growing up. You were soon coming to learn every staircase, where to find the best view of the sky at night, where to go when you wanted to be alone . . . everything. A part of that was of your own curiosity, though most of it had to do with your longtime childhood friend — Aegon Targaryen.
"My father will have me hanged if I am late for dinner again, Aegon," You whined, hands gripping your skirts as the two of you ran through the gardens. The hour was growing late, sun setting in pale hues of pinks and oranges. That was the sign that you should return to your chambers and wait for your father to come join you, or the other way around. But lately you had forgotten the time, leading to your father's angered words.
He was a lesser lord, but a lord nonetheless, and your home was originally in the southwest part of Westeros near Highgarden. Though, your father often was demanded at court, and it became easier to just move there for the time being. You couldn't remember much of your childhood before Kings Landing, this was your home.
"You will be back in time for supper, I promise," Aegon said, not even glancing in your direction as he slowed down. The two of you were far enough away from the keep that you knew he was giving false hope, but you believed him anyways. He was your best friend, the closest person you had here except for Helaena and sometimes Daeron, but both siblings tended to want alone time. Aegon was always the person you went to, he would say yes to playing no matter what. "Besides, if he eats without you, I can ask for something to be brought up to your chambers."
"I can do that myself," You said, laughing at him thinking that you could be so helpless.
Aegon stopped in his tracks, finally turning to look at you. "But, I would want to."
You smiled, a pale blush coming to your cheeks. You were both only one and two, the world was still so new. Things were bright and shiny, a world that was filled with many wondrous things for you to see. You didn't understand concepts like love, only that it was what others were supposed to have for their spouses.
You walked up closer to him now, able to see his face painted with the colors of the sunset. You quite liked the lighting like this, you thought to yourself, it made Aegon's pale hair have a glow, accenting his pale violet eyes. He wasn't quite taller than you, but he was always very quick to saying he would grow to be as tall as his father someday. You chose not to mention it, only granting him another smile and pressing your ankles off the ground, reaching to give a quick peck on his cheek.
Before he could say anything, you turned on your heel and made a beeline for the gates. You had to get to dinner, after all.
That was where it all started.
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You were older now, one and seven, and it had been somewhat of an eventful year. You were to think about marrying now, multiple lords coming to your father and mother with hopes that they would grant your hand. They were stalling, almost as if they were keeping inventory of all the men that wanted you. It made you sick to your stomach, especially when your head and heart led you elsewhere.
You could swear he was doing it to you on purpose. The sickly sweet spell that Aegon had put you under hadn't let up, relentlessly bringing you back to him whenever you attempted to do otherwise.
His silver locks had grown out into a wavy pattern that you found yourself staring at, wondering what it felt like to run your hands through it. Hands gripped firmly on the gauntlet, which kissed his lips every time he yearned for a sip of the honeyed wine he had sent up for the two of you. It was a dreary day outside, meaning that your usual escapades would have to resume indoors. There wasn't much to do, and you were aware he was trying to get away from his mother's meddling. You watched, almost a little too intently, at the way his tongue pressed in between his teeth as he tasted the fine wine, licked it from his lips and set the gauntlet down, returning to laying down on the cushion between you and him.
In order to try and avoid watching his every move, which you found yourself attempting to do a lot these days, you fancied yourself a book. It was something about the War on Dorne, how the Targaryen's had failed to conquer the land of the south. To be truthful, you were trying your hardest to pay attention, but you couldn't. He was doing something to you.
"Are you okay?" Aegon asked, snapping you out of your thoughts and bringing you to reality once again. His eyes were focused on you, his vision looking upside down as he stayed laying down on the cushion.
Your eyes narrowed. "Yes?"
"You've been staring," He stated bluntly, seemingly unbothered as he reached to take another sip of his wine. This time, however, he stayed upright, bringing his attention to you. His arms held himself up, turning his body to face you as he said, "You do that a lot."
"No I don't," You said, your first instinct to grow defensive.
Instead of being defensive back, Aegon only laughed, an almost comical grin taking over his face. Your eyebrow rose, wondering what in the seven hells he was thinking. Like Aegon did every day, he spoke bluntly. "Have you ever been kissed?" Almost as if he was mocking you.
The question threw you off guard, unable to give him an answer right away. You were hesitant to shake your head, because the answer was no, you hadn't been kissed. While it was normal for Aegon to go about and do what he wanted with various women (something that you spent a considerable time worrying about as of late), you were not allowed to do such things. You were meant to stay as pure as you could, virginal, untouched. Of course you hadn't been kissed, he should know that, but instead he held the same stupid quizzical look on his face.
"No," You confessed, closing the book in your lap. "Would you like to elaborate as to why you felt the need to ask?"
Aegon leaned forward and kissed you. His scent enveloped you as much as his body did, it was such a brash action that you were unaware if you were dreaming or this was real life. After a few moments passed, his lips still working against yours, slowly, as if he was trying to teach you the motion, you were sure this was real life.
You didn't stop him.
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His hands gripped your sides, sending sparks of electricity in their wake as he touched you there, and there, and there. His kisses were all consuming, leaving you entrenched in the feeling of only him, only Aegon. If you were to pull away, he would only pull you closer, a constant push and pull, both of you wanting for something that seemingly was unattainable. Neither of you wanted to stop.
A wave of satisfaction spilled forward in your soul, your heart intertwining into his with every touch, every sigh that passed your parted lips. At some point his kiss broke and he sent his mouth going lower and lower, against the soft skin of your collarbone, casually nipping at the skin that was exposed.
You wondered how you got here, pressed into the darkened corner of a hallway, on the outskirts of the Red Keep, hoping that no one would pass by and witness the outright sinful actions that you were partaking in. It wasn't the first time, and it surely wouldn't be the last. You learned quickly that once Aegon set his eyes on something, he wouldn't let it out of his sight until he had it. And when he looked at you, you supposed he saw a challenge. You were so virtuous, so pure, innocent, something fragile that he felt the need to break. He felt the need to take.
And you let him, with not many thoughts opposed. Ever since he had kissed you, all you could think about was the next time that you would be kissed. It was strange at first, meeting with him and wondering if he had forgotten what had happened, or it wouldn't happen again. But it did, it happened many times that you had to change locations. After all, who would marry you if you were caught?
You let out a breathy sigh, closing your eyes and thrusting your head back, allowing for him to have more access to your neck. As you opened your eyes, the soft dim light of the sun beginning the set blinded you, mixing with the embellished strands of his hair. He came up to face you, nipping at your lips, violet eyes staring intently into your own. It was his way of asking if you were okay, even though he knew the answer.
"What is it?" You asked, your hand brushing against his cheek.
He shook his head, it wasn't important. Instead his hands reached under the skirts of your dress, skin grazing against the soft skin of your thigh. You gasped, rather loudly, making him capture your lips in another kiss to silence you.
His kisses were soft despite his tough exterior, but they were not without intention. Every time his lips made contact with a piece of your skin you could feel his want, his desire, like he couldn’t get enough of you no matter how hard he tried. It was like you were his church and he was on his knees, praying for forgiveness for his sins, praying to your body that he worshipped unlike all the faceless gods in the world. Your hands collided with his hair, intertwining the soft locks of silver and pulling on it, pulling him closer.
Eventually more clothes came off, more skin against skin. He found solace again in your tiny sighs and moans that left your lips when he kissed there and there . . . and especially there.
You found yourself lost in it, lost in the fire that he created around you. You were certain that you were always meant to burn together. To love him was to love the hot embers of a forest fire, pressing your hands farther and farther into the flames no matter how much your body screamed to let go. It was all consuming, a love that suffocated you like smoke and left you burning for days. He was always burning, and sometimes you wondered if you just got caught up in the flames.
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acheronist · 10 months
I am reading The Goldfinch. I'm where he just started hanging out at the furniture/antiques place regularly. It's written well, it's holding my inerest, but I don't yet see what all the fuss is about. So not as a criticism but in an effort to appreciate something I might be missing, why is it a book you love?
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donna tartt is one of my favorite authors anyways. I think she's a spectacular freak and her storytelling skills are exceptionally good and i've read as much of her work as i can possibly get my little hands on!
but for tgf specifically, the narrative being soooo so so centered on personal emphasis & meaning being bestowed upon specific artworks despite them being very unpersonal objects (after they get out of the artist's hands, that is,) in stark comparison to the way that art that can belong to/be seen/be consumed any random fucking person alive in the modern age has been the only existential buoy in my life for a very very very long time. in my lowest times, instead of killing myself i go stand in art museums and think about how much love and creativity is innate in humanity despite times of crisis and war and disease and all of the fucking agonies and everything going wrong and having no control over it. ha ha. it's always been a balm to me, to remember that there is goodness and love preserved in artwork, and that artwork is tougher and longer-lasting than you'd initially think, and that it's always there waiting for me to come back to it and see it in a different emotional state to find new meanings in it. this is the same as how theo thinks about the painting thru different times in his life!! going from needing it desperately as a connection to his mom, obsessively as a comfort, and then reviling it for being a representation of his life's biggest trauma and yet still tending to it and caring for it, to the heartache of losing it and the relief of retrieving it with the one person who genuinely loves him as an act of devotion and apology for a previous betrayal....all while navigating how systems in power are neglectful and uncaring and capitalistic. it's all just So Much To Me.....
and I know the middle chapters where theo just goes on and on about the intricacies of antique forgery aren't as fun and sexy as the vegas chapters with boris (underage drug abuse and gay sex WHEEEEEE) OR the actual criminal chapters at the end (mysterious borderline-noir criminal heist slash subtextual romcom), but they're soooo so poignant to me. because in my own little life, curating the art and music around me and finding beauty and importance and symbolism in these subtle things is a vital central axis that i need to have, much like i need a nice bed or a good meal or a glass of clean water. much of how i cope and navigate the world is very deeply focused around art & art analysis, and I think the only other book i've read that articulated that sort of feeling quite as eloquently would be john berger's way of seeing, which is an academic and analytical text. but i just love fiction so much, so to have tgf as the extremely emotional fiction option to go along w my nonfiction art thesis books that are tonally very prim and objective and well organized..... DELICIOUS. i love it. and i love a fictive narrative built upon tragedy. i love works that call back to each other in conversation, and stories that cannot exist without the foundation of Something Else Existing A Millennia Prior. i love comparing works and establishing what makes them similar or different but how they approach the same themes. and i love to see characters (THEO. boris. pippa. hobie. andy.) that i can identify with who struggle with similiar problems i have, because it makes it easier for me to get thru my own life. this isn't groundbreaking reasoning though, that's just how every human alive consumes art and content. of course we look for ourselves in fiction. of course we as individuals want to find things that we relate to.
and also in a purely self-indulgence way, I also looooooove it when media is unbearably long and i can get completely entranced and study it closely and always be able to find new details that throw the whole story into a completely new light, which I think tgf does very well because it's almost 900 pages LMAO. every time i reread it there's a new nuanced angle for me to think about actions and thoughts leading into consequences and i just eat that up every single time.......
but despite all of this i do recognize that tgf is not everyone's cup of tea. like it's genuinely one of the most meaningful texts in my heart but i completely understand how it can be long, and boring, and melodramatic, and a bit insane, and convoluted, and pompous, and not worth the time to get from cover to cover.
but it is worth the time. to me.
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loisfreakinglane · 2 months
ben/maddie/ryn ~ siren (never forgive never forget that breakup, they were PERFECT. that show ended with season 2 and i will NEVER EVER EVER forgive season 3's crimes)
kala/rajan/wolfgang ~ sense8 (we were denied a full series arc of them getting together, but frankly i didn't feel it was rushed in the finale. it still felt organic TO ME, largely bc the chemistry between rajan and wolfgang was impeccable immediately)
eliot/hardison/parker ~ leverage (can you believe there's people who watch leverage that don't ship this?!!?!?! there are human beings out there who ship eliot/parker with zero hardison involvement. BAFFLED, FRIENDS)
angel/buffy/cordy ~ btvs/ats (i'm sorry this is based on my own brain falling into the depths of madness when s6/s3 were airing and i was banned from watching buffy so i was reading the transcripts on buffyworld and left to stew over how much i wanted buffy and dawn and tara to flee to la and never look back, while also falling in love with cangel and thinking about how much those three would fit perfectly together, buffy and cordy as two sides of the same coin, just always out of step with the others parallel heroic journey, how much bangel would work so much more for me when it's damaged adults coming together and also raising their impossible blue eyed kids together also connors never kidnapped also also faith moves into the hyperion too and gunn and fred never break up the end okay i'll stop now)
the princess, the prince, and the mermaid ~ the little mermaid (i was infected by the novel mermaid: a twist on the classic tail (heh) in my youth- christopher, lenia, and margrethe had a fascinating relationship i fell in love with. and now!!!!!!!! watching older adaptations of tlm, seeing the interactions between the three of them always intrigue me so hard. pre-disney the princess is allowed to be sweet and kind to the mermaid, if somewhat patronizing to the mute young girl. and when the mermaid fades away, her body in foam and her soul off to heaven, she lays a kiss on the grieving princess's head AND I DIE)
elizabeth/neal/peter ~ white collar (IT WAS SUCH A FUN TRIO I STAND BY THIS CHOICE! also at the time it was extraordinarily refreshing of fandom to not immediately despise and vilify the woman standing between their slash ship. and i adored the canon and the fanon so tbh! this will always stick out as a classique ot3 to me!)
irma/marion/miranda ~ picnic at hanging rock (why aren't we frolicking in oz, wearing white gowns and eating picnic treats RIGHT NOW? anyway they're in love, they're so in love they fell into an alternate dimension)
ann/ben/leslie ~ parks and recreation (am I the only person who was tearing my hair out during ann's search for a sperm donor bc why did leslie never offer up ben's specimen!?!?! she is OBSESSED with ann and way too invasive and beyond controlling and I think way too much about that episode where ben and ann are fighting over the wafflemaker for one of leslie's insane random holidays, then end it off by coming together to make leslie STOP with the incessant celebrations and presents? anyway they should have all wound up together. and not just bc chris was terrible)
huoxin/jing/xiaowei ~ painted skin the resurrection (the lady demon, the princess, and the bodyguard. this trio was EVERYTHING. the demon fixated on the princess and her heart, the princess desperately in love with her bodyguard turned general but clinging to shame over her facial scars, the general who runs from his failure to protect her. ADD IN BODYSWAP SHENANIGANS AND I LOSE MY MIND EVERY TIME.)
ezra/jules/richie ~ imposters (possibly partially queerplatonic bc i'm not exactly sure where jules lies on ye olde kinsey scale, but even if it's platonic on her part i'm incredibly in love with this trio and i SO see it as a working throuple LEAVE ME ALONE)
elizabeth/olive/william ~ professor marston and the wonder women (whether you believe the historical accuracy of this movie or not, this throuple is fucking awesome and i adooooooore them)
gwen/mj/peter ~ marvel comics (i'm so sick of thinking about spider-man rn bc *waves hand at mcu* HOWEVER it would feel disingenous to leave this off my list. i love these three, i love them together so much.)
alex/hal/tom ~ being human uk (the way these characters brought new life to this era of bhuk. these three are in LOVE)
chel/miguel/tulio ~ the road to el dorado (baby's first ot3)
kirk/spock/uhura ~ star trek (THE KELVIN TIMELINE!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO MUCH. still mourning a fic that was deleted off ao3....... sad bean bear city)
art/patrick/tashi ~ challengers (THEEEEEEEEEEEE PINNACLE! there are ppl who cast tashi as the villain of the story and think art and patrick will flee her when the credits roll, and i am so glad i am not surrounded by those types. this is a love story where every person is desperately needed to complete the triad. they just don't work without all 3 of them)
clark/lana/lex ~ smallville (LOOK LOOK LOOK. SHUT UP. anyway i rewatched this show with my father at the height of the pandemic and lana/lex hit hard in a way it never had before, so now i'm p equally obsessed with every side of this triangle and now i want to smash them all together so bad. THIS IS HOW TO FIX EVERYTHING.)
gaby/ilya/napoleon ~ the man from uncle (ready made ot3, i can't be mad)
mylene/shaolin/zeke ~ the get down (did mylene and shaolin hate each other? uhhhhhhh yep. HOWEVER. THAT ALLOWED FOR SOME FUCKING GREAT TENSION. and they were both equally in love with zeke so like............ i wanted it so bad
i'm SURE i'm missing very important ones, but these are my broad strokes 💗💗💗
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nevermorgue · 22 days
I'm genuinely *so* obsessed with your blogs and I am even more obsessed with pluke, therefore I will share some of my modern au pluke headcanons :) (+a little Lenore mention)
—Pluto always has painted nails because it stops him from biting them, Duke paints his and he paints Duke's just for funsies.
—They have very random inside jokes that could mean literally anything and whenever someone asks about them they reply "You'd have to have been there."
—Pluto has piles among piles of gloves with different patterns and designs, he himself doesn't know where they all came from but he still wears them.
—Duke has little month-long obsessions with shows, films, games, etc and Pluto just has to sit through all of his aimless ramblings about them.
—Pluto has zero body-mind coordination and Duke always laughs at him whenever he tries to do something and fails miserably, Pluto then mentions something really embarrassing Duke did ages ago to shut him up.
—They unintentionally share everything. They'll share silly things like toothpaste, socks, jackets, etc and not notice for weeks because it just looks right on the other (unless it's something new, which they'll point out but not really do anything).
—Pluto has had the same hair straightener for years, it is hanging on for dear life but he doesn't want to get rid of it because he's too attached to it.
—They play minecraft together and hit eachother whenever they say something stupid. Duke goes into the caves and gets blocks while Pluto builds their base and gets resources. Duke insists on getting a million dogs while Pluto wants a million cats.
—Pluto goes through multiple eyeliners a year, collecting the empty tubes in a little box that he keeps under his bed.
—They have separate bedrooms, but they always sleep in one room together like a sleepover. Duke always scares the life out of Pluto whenever its dark enough and Pluto just shines his phone light at him.
I could genuinely go on and on about them, but I shall spare you from reading all of my silly little thoughts
HELLO ANON THANK YOU. for liking my dumb stuff and for the pluke. todays been hell. i need some pluke today. and i love your hcs. allow me to add onto them …
- i love their minecraft nonsense. while pluto is out of the house duke will make all of his dogs sit on plutos bed and chests. then he comes back and he just hears the chorus of barking and he’s like “duke get them OUT”
- pluto eyeliner is SOOOO REAL. duke does dramatic ass wings and on occasion convinces pluto to let him do one on him to see what it looks like
- when pluto doesn’t straighten his hair he has little waves. please. imagine little wavy hair pluto.
- pluto will read the wikipedia pages of the random shit dukes into every month so he can seem interested
- pluto can be so clumsy. having only one eye and no depth perception can be tough. all he’s good at is balance. like in canon. duke jokes that all he can do is land on his feet like a cat and then clumsily does everything else.
- he will trip on his feet on flat ground. duke catches him by the armpits though
- THE GLOVES. LITERALLY i said duke always buys hoodies that remind him of pluto. imagine he does this with gloves too. i’m so.
- they can never tell when pluto is wearing dukes stuff bc pluto always wears oversized stuff anyway. gay people.
- obsessed with all of these. thank you .
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weatheredcoffeecup · 8 months
Hi! May I request a personality/written ship for Ateez, Enhypen, Seventeen, Stray Kids, and TXT with short explanation each? Thanks!
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Hello hello friend!! Thank you for your patience ♡ I just want to say you seem like such a vibe? Your style is so cool just by reading it I'm OBSESSED
Anyways here's your ship!! I hope you like hehe
In ateez I ship you with... Mingi!
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Are you kidding me? I imedietly knew it'd be him. He would be so in awe of your style. You'd go shopping together and any outfit you put together he would just babble like an idiot over how incredible you look. "Look at him! Isn't he the coolest?" Like yes mingi we get it. He'd never stop talking about you. On days off he would plan a hole day at the park. Starting with a picnic then taking infamous amounts of photos of you two together.
In enyphen I ship you with... Heeseung!
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Heeseung is 100% a homebody so taking him out to do stuff may be a fight but with some convincing he'd finally give in. Heeseung would remember something you pointed out one time at a store and go back to buy it and suprise you with it. He would admire how dependable you were but would make sure you know he's there for you too. He'd always make sure you're doing okay and if something happened, I'm sure a delivery food dinner date and video games would be in the agenda to cheer you up. He'd always buy you guys matching accessories and make sure everyone knew it too. Not in an annoying way but if someone asked he'd never let the opportunity to mention you get away.
In seventeen I ship you with... Wonwoo!
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You'd be sleeping in one morning and wake up to this gentle giant bringing you fresh hot coffee (or whatever it is you prefer) along with a home-cooked breakfast. He'd wake you up with some forehead kisses then crawl back into bed just to fall asleep again. Anytime he catches you drawing he just sits silently admiring your talent. He'd always want to ask you to draw a portrait of you two but would be too scared to bother you with it, so one day you'd come home to a blushy shy Wonwoo and his best attempt at drawing you guys. It hangs above your bed now along with a few other pieces you've done.
In stray kids I ship you with... Bang Chan!
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Chan would always listen to what you have to say. A new topic you've found interesting, your current concerns, any silly little joke, he's right there for it. This man wouldn't let anything pass by. If someone looks at you they'd probably be gone within seconds from him staring from behind you. Protective mode ON. You are his #1 priority. But he's also going to give you all the hoodies to snuggle up in when he's gone or write you a song. I imagine you two dancing around in the kitchen at 1 am baking cookies and creating loving memories. This man would spoil you to the ends of the earth. Just the perfect boyfriend honestly I could go on forever.
In TXT I ship you with... Yeonjun!
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Yeonjun, my dear boy. Get ready to have fun non stop. He always has something planned to do with you. Karaokes, dancing outside when it's raining, shopping, going on nice dinner dates, taking painting classes together- etc etc. You would mention doing something and he'd get so excited. "Absolutely!!! Lets go!!! Right now!!" And that's how you found yourself looking at pandas on a Thursday afternoon. Whenever he's out and about and sees something that reminds you of him he would take a picture to send you. It's honestly adorable to thing this "scary rapper" would burst into the biggest smile at just the thought of you. Also you two being literally the baddest ass couple?? Heads would be TURNING on the streets. Your lowkey famous in your town from how well you two dress.
I hope you like it! Have a good day 🌸
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andro-dino · 2 months
ever since i got into sbr the bombermen now live in my brain..... maybe some domestic hcs for the bros and the dastardly bombers?? after the latter get redeemed im interested to know how you think they acclimated to being normal guys again
There’s so many thoughts that have just been brewing around up there for ages. One that is like a suuuuuper old thought that’s been up there for years is the idea that Green hangs out with his sisters a lot and at some point gets really into painting nails and tries to get any and all of his siblings to let him paint their nails (ignore the fact that they don’t canonically have nails rn okay lets just pretend). It’s pretty hit and miss. I like to think that Yellow would be one of the most openly receptive to it but he cannot hold still for that long so his always end up really scuffed and messed up but he still loves them anyways. Also during this era I liked pairing up Green and Red as like, particularly close, and Red despite all his usual willpower is very weak to Greens manipulation and I just think it’s so silly. I drew a lil thing of him also ages ago beating up his training dummy while holding his hands out very carefully trying not to mess up his freshly painted nails and I just think that encompasses that whole thing.
SPEAKING OF RED AND DUO DYNAMICS I LIKE WITH HIM, him and black have a very stupid rivalry and constantly butting heads with each other is something that I hold very near and dear to my heart. It was a product of all the tiktok audios that were popular at the time that I had saved for hypothetical future cosplays I think (side note I need to get back to cosplaying (my magnet wig has been staring me down recently)). Their dynamic is very similar to dan and reiki to me if that makes sense. except they’re both better and worse. idk they’re just very dear to me <3 this one interaction in sbr2 genuinely made me like scream and cry and throw up it’s all 2018 axel ever could’ve wanted.
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Another individual duo dynamic between the bros I am obsessed with is blue and pink bc I hc them as twins and they r so important to me. Blue in general I like to think of as really good at reading people (even if he doesn’t usually make that super obvious) and he tends to notice when Pink is overly stressed out and putting too much pressure on herself. When this happens, he’s usually able to bring her back down to earth by smacking her upside the head with a pillow and telling her to take a break. I like to think that if she’s stressing out abt like having to look after their other siblings or whatever, Blues like “I’ll handle it” and it’s very ominous and pink does not fully know what that entails but she does know that she really wants to take a nap so she lets him handle it. I think you give that man a monster energy or two and he could do anything.
I was also recently thinking abt the respective eldest four/youngest four quartets of the Bomberman bros and they just. mean so much to me. I like to think that they hold like their own respective council meeting to discuss the current state of affairs and stuff they’ve noticed about the other half. THEYRE JUST VERU IMPORTANT TO ME. with the older bros, again with blue being the most observant, I like to think that he tends to bring up stuff that none of the others have noticed yet and it always catches everyone off guard. The younger half are extremely silly with it. Like I don’t know how to describe it but they are the most functionally dysfunctional group imaginable and it’s both horribly chaotic but surprisingly organized. Yellow is the minutes man. he does keep track of everything in crayon. Half of the time he does get distracted drawing flowers and butterflies instead. there’s no one else they would trust with the job. Red thinks he’s the leader since he’s the oldest of the four. Aqua and Green have not broken the news to him that he is not. It’s okay he doesn’t need to know.
As for the dastardlys, I don’t have a lot of specific ideas for them as far as like, re becoming parts of society goes (though most of the ones I do have are mostly whiteplasma focused (and none of them are very coherent bc thinking about them together just makes me sob violently)), though I’ve honestly always liked the idea of them forming their own sort of ragtag sibling kind of bond. It’s very strange and weird and none of them are really fully used to it but they find comfort in each other methinks. Pretty serves as the main bridge between them and the main eight. I like to think that even after buggler n everything, she still dresses up and keeps Karaoke around as like, a sort of drag persona. It’s very important to me that for both groups, she is both very sisterly and mature but also incredibly silly to degrees unheard of. I’ve always liked the idea of her and magnet being especially close. They r. insane together. sometimes pretty is able to ground him and give him good advice and other times they bring out the worst (best) in each other and it ends about as well as you’d expect, but they r like besties in my head.
Plasma I’ve always thought of as just having a natural protective/big brother kind of instinct to him. It’s funny bc half of the dastardlies are older or roughly the same age as him but he still just like instinctually pulls out a lot of the big brother talk with them. One interaction I’ve thought abt is between him and golem where they’re kinda just hangin out and whatever and he brings up how golem and yellow are getting along and plasma’s like “it’s nice that you’re making friends I’m very happy for you” and golem (in his own vocabulary obviously) is like “yk you don’t have to talk to me like I’m a child, I am like thousands of years older than you” and plasmas like “right my b force of habit.” (I do think plasma is still like mentally older than golem iykwim but yk, golems not like green little either). It’s funny I actually used to not really like/care about plasma that much (I honestly think it was just his English voice acting like it really just does not do it for me dawg) but now I love him so dearly. His and white’s dynamic is especially important to me (if that wasn’t already clear) and like. augh. aughhh <333 they’re so incredibly similar in so many ways and just the thought of them consistently being together and training and hanging out with each other and bringing out the best in each other is so important to me. They keep up their friendly rivalry while helping each other out, white especially helping plasma and the others get reacclimated to everything and supporting them along the way (and maybe he and plasma smooch a little too idk the world is a beautiful place). I think White also gets along with Golem pretty well. mostly just bc white supervises golem and yellows hangouts/dates for a while just to make sure yellow is really fine without him keeping his eye on him all the time and in the process, grows really fond of golem.
I think as far as the other dastardlies and the bros go, I also like red and magnet together a lot just like generally. they r so incredibly silly I just think they should not be separated (even though only bad things happen when they’re together /silly). I also obviously am obsessed with phantom and blue together. extremely over dramatic guy who still thinks they have an intense rivalry x guy who goes “lol” and does not feed into it at all is the best ever in the world. Also, just bc of that one image from the sbr credits, him and black together I think would be great. They both have such a flair for the dramatics that I think it’d work. You’d think they’d be a mess just with how different their usual personalities tend to be but I think it cancels out and both of them think they just kinda get each other (they do not)(they don’t need to know that they’re happy anyways).
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chasani · 2 years
Go on then, what are your koopaling/koopakid headcanons?
Morton ->
stupid little dork
Asks what song it is when they're singing 'Happy Birthday to You' at a party
Memory loss, they gave him a note pad so he could write things down but he forgot where he put it
Enjoys wearing bows and is very open about it
Takes Wendy's bows
Big Hammer Tiny Brain
Smashes things he doesn't like/understand/want/know
Doesn't know how doors work
Somehow immune to poison if he doesn't know it's poison??
Iggy ->
Completely blind without his glasses
It's legally allowed to drive but drives anyway
Owns a bunch of blond wigs
Weird obsession with sticks and bones
Hangs out in Ludwig's room to listen to him play piano (whether he was invited or not)
Has at least 20 differently themed body pillows
Hatsune Miku binder
Ludwig ->
Does not sleep
Composer at day evil maniac scientist by night
Has a better eating habit than Kooky
I will fight you if you argue with me (you don't have to like it but just don't yell at me for it) but otherwise he's trans ftm and DEFINITELY bi
Steals mirrors from Wendy so he can admire himself
Makes Ramen in the toaster at 3 am while getting a sweet glass of Orange Milk (pineapple juice + milk + coffee + shots)
Dips bread in Egg Whites + Oreo crumbs and fries it (old habit never grew out of)
Wendy ->
Her room is FULL of coins and other gold things
Has two closets, one for clothes and the other for jewelry
Will scream if you take her bows
Somehow always has a mirror on hand
Drags the boys into her room so she can practice her makeup on them
Lemmy is willing to be makeup tester
Believes in bad luck but still dresses up for Friday the 13
you wouldn't guess it but her favorite songs are rock and country
Larry ->
Has 51 diseases and is banned from most public spaces
Would be a carnivore if the didn't force him to eat vegetables
Throws the baby penguin from the Mario game over the side of the ice cliff
Big fan of trains
His room is full of toy trains
Somehow knows how to drive a train
Owns + Pilots a helicopter, where did he get it from?
Lemmy ->
wanted in 50 states (and counting)
states like solid, liquid, and gas
collect weird miscellaneous objects in hopes he could use it for a performance
Probably pan
Constantly makes jokes about liking pans because he's pan
Once he was caught kissing a pan
Once found biting a pan by the handle and running around on all fours at 3 am
Roy ->
Big man
Acts all tough but also loves bows
Finger paints
Eats raw eggs
Big Mouth ->
dumb baby
Tries to be tough but just ends up being cute
Memory loss
Eats raw eggs as a snack
Doesn't know you have to cook certain foods
Bully ->
never takes off his shades
Wears pink, blue, and white bows (in no particular order ;])
Own at LEAST 20 different pairs of glasses and counting
Eats like 30 pounds of food a day
Cheatsy ->
Kooky Von Koopa ->
Complete Smart-Ack Maniac
Does not sleep (except for when he completely PASSES OUT from exhaustion in which it's usually day)
Only eats junk food like candy and fried stuff
does not shower or brush his hair you have to throw him into a lake with piranhas to get him clean
Stupidly smart, mad scientist that lives in a basement making monsters
Does a little composing here and there
Knows all of Beethoven's Symphonys + Rush E from heart
Knows at least 25 different languages and counting, already multi bilingual at 1 month old (smart baby)
Probably trans and Agender or smth idk I'm not a mad scientist
Kootie Pie ->
won't admit it but she's a fan of clowns
Literally hates all boys (wouldn't blame her, growing up in an all boy house)
Would be friends with the princess if they didn't try to kidnap her all the time
Hip ->
Clown baby
can cry at a frequency only dogs can hear
will throw his ball at you if you even dare disagree with him
Probably has autism idk I'm not a koopa
Hop ->
blind without the glasses
Will eat raw meat if you give it to him un cooked
Do not give him raw meat
He will scream if you give him food before dessert
Never give him food before dessert
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