waspywaspy · 10 months
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Antlerkit's paws are so big, I hate drawing kittens.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 46-Leaf-bare
More bad news.  Brightfalcon(89) has become nest-ridden with grief and nightmares of her lost mate.  She is unable to work.  To make matters worse, Howlkit (5) hasn’t recovered from her kittencough and is now very sore on top of it.  Furthermore, Bushmask (56) has come down with Yellowcough.  The Clan worries that some of these cats won’t survive.  Shadestar (141) is very stressed, but appreciates how reliable Sunflower (110) is.  Shadestar was checking in on the sick cats, and overheard a joke from Howlkit that she didn’t get.  She doesn’t care though.  She just wants her Clan to be healthy again.  Chervilcry (25) confides in Stonefreckle (29) that she is feeling overworked from the stressors that have been plaguing the Clan lately and he comforts her.  Meanwhile, Antlerkit (3) had a nightmare about Brightfalcon dying like Stormrush did, but there was no one there to comfort her.  She feels alone.
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shadowclan — year twelve — leafbare
snowbird, dovewing, and flowerstem die. yes, i am terribly distraught about that.
pouncestep and spinlight become warriors.
absinthiniumpaw is apprenticed to beenose. i do not regret the name.
dawnkit dies.
cariboustone and weaselfoot have three kittens, antlerkit (golden tom), cloudkit (dusk-colored she-cat with white patches like clouds and hazel eyes), and droughtkit (she-cat with white paws).
runningnose dies, may he rest in peace.
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starlessclanthrive · 9 months
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STUFFLETAIL,her kits and her father, who bares an odd resemblance to Gorgebat and Bluehaze joins the clan.
Oh and Bristlestar and Gorgebat became mates
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havenclangen · 2 months
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Trivia: bug AntlerKit is messing with is a house centipede and I hate them. Also I am in British Colombia at the moment which is where HavenClan is set!
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vylad243 · 6 months
What would warrior cat Alastor's reaction be if Vox was killed like Brindleface? Say Vox asked him to stay with their kits, and he agreed to spend time with them while He, Vox, Went for a walk and the their tomkit--uh..Antlerkit(?) asks where Vox is shortly before Fireheart returns with Vox's body and the news? How would he take the information that Vox was left as incentive for dogs, to lead them to the clan to kill everyone? Would he hate Tigerkin? Or just Tigerstar? And would he join the run against the dogs? Would he raise his kits?
Considering how Alastor already hates dogs, he would gladly join the hunt. He wouldn't hate all Tigerkin (I don't even know how the Tigerstar or the Fireheart of this Au would be), but he wouldn't trust them with his kits. He would raise his kits in place of Vox. They would be his last connection to Vox, after all. He probably would fall into a deep depression though
Alastor would make a great babysitter while he's getting over his grief
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i-have-no-braincells · 5 months
Ashfreckle has killed so many cats I needed to make a list (he only has one confirmed kill ingame but shhhhh ✨suspension of disbelief✨ ✨dramaaaaaa✨)
all his victims in chronological order because I'm extra like that
Reddrift (of course, the queen, the first, the one who has seen everything, the one you should not have killed, etc etc fnaf reference fnaf reference)
Pinkie Pie (she didn't even look like Pinkie Pie, I don't know why they named her that)
Elderdapple (his own wife, literally how dare he)
Antlerkit (the one that was a fox ingame but SHHHH)
Sleetflake (he went missing and was found dead, bro got Ashfreckled😔😔😔)
Woodclaw (an actual ingame murder :0 wowwww)
Marigolddew (she died young and outside the clan sooooooooo... Ashfreckle.)
Jay (the baby)
Partridgechasm (another actual murder!🥳🎉🎉)
if Woodclaw or Partridgechasm turn out to have been murdered by someone else I'll take them off the list but until further notice if you were inexplicably murdered it was Ashfreckle
imagine being a mass murderer named ashfreckle. tbh take the scourge route and change ur name at this point, who is gonna be scared of someone named ashfreckle??? tell their kits at night to watch out for the big bad ashfreckle…
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lotusfurliveson · 1 year
The start of a new Clan
Starting a new clan for this because I can. Let’s roll. Named Lotus Clan in honor of Lotusfur [Screen shots from ClanGen]
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[Some taken directly from the game] Newtflake leaves to speak with StarClan. He closes their eyes and are immediately surrounded by their loved ones, friends, and Clanmates who have passed. Stars shine throughout their pelts, and their eyes are warm as they greet the new leader. A queen steps forward with a smile and softly presses her nose in between Newtflake’s ears. “I’m Kestreltooth.” She speaks softly with her muzzle pressed against him. “I give you a life for pride.” Newtflake purrs with a twitch of his tail. He had been scolded more than once for his pride. It wasn’t always warranted after all. A large tom with scars covering his body and a firm gaze walks forward dwarfing the smaller tom when Kestreltooth walks away. Newtflake swallows and lifts his chin stubbornly refusing to back down. “I’m Cypresstrail. I was a warrior for Lotus Clan many years before you were born.” He purrs with a small smile leaning forward to press against the other tom. “And I give you a life for bravery. Even when afraid, stay strong.” A small kit darts forward and Newtflake has to swallow past the lump in his throat. He recognizes him as one of the kits he was unable to save when the tide swelled up and broke through their wall. Antlerkit was a moon shy of becoming an apprentice. Standing on his hind legs Antlerkit licks softly against Newtstar’s cheek. “A life for forgiveness. Forgive yourself as often as you forgive the others.” Newtflake startles when he was too busy watching Antlerkit dart back among the other cats and another queen steps forward and butts her head against his shoulder. “I am Tuftfur.” She smiles before pressing their foreheads together. “A life for endurance.” “I’m Rookpaw.” An apprentice introduces himself. “I could have been your mentor. Find happiness and don’t let it go.” Newtflake bowed his head in thanks as the small tom walks away. He lifts his gaze and smiles as an elderly queen limps towards him with a warm gaze. “Hello, Lilyfur.” “Hello little terror.” The two cats butt their heads together. “Your integrity is one of the best things you ever had.” A small queen with eyes that seem too soft for a warrior despite the obvious scars of one. “I’m Burdockflake, have mercy whenever you can.” She doesn’t linger before walking away and making way for the next cat.  Newtflake has to tip his head slightly to stare up at the slim cat that smells of catmint and herbs. Their head is held high and there is a kindness in their eyes he only ever saw in medicine cats.  “I’m Flintshadow.” As they bend down Newtflake has to resist bowing in return. “As leader everything you do is for your clan, I gift you the life of selflessness.” Newtflakes inhales the scent deeply and turns to the final cat that approaches him. “Your last life from me,”Hollowstar is one of the oldest leaders in Starclan, letting the whispers from others introduce him. “And while you already have a life for endurance, you will need one for endurance in the face of hardship. No matter how rough it may be, remember it will get better if you keep going.” Newtflake puffs up with pride as all of Star Clan begins to chant his new name, Newtstar. His old life is over, he now has guardianship of Lotus Clan. He is warned to use his new power wisely. 
Opening his eyes Newtstar looks up at where Frostripe sits waiting for him.  “Shall we return to our clan?” The older medicine cat asks with a tip of her head. He feels the power pulsing through him as he stands to his full height. Smaller than the other cat he nods his head. “Yes.”
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catgirlkirigiri · 2 years
would you mind explaining beamstar and oddstrike's story bc they seem so interesting....
YES I WOULD LOVE TO this is gonna get so long I’m sorry <3 I’m putting it under a read more for the sake of everyone’s dashboards
So. RippleClan started out very normal, 10 founders a fair amount of warriors it was going fine. That is until Ripplestar died 6 moons into the Clan’s existence - just in time for their apprentice Beampaw to get her warrior name, Beamstep (after Ripplestar’s warrior name, Ripplestep). Sparkstar, the second leader, didn’t last too long either, dying only 9 moons later. Leestar, the next leader, only lasted 4. By that point Beamstep was one of I believe three remaining founders, along with the founding medic who would die a moon later and one other remaining warrior. Beamstar then became the Clan’s fourth leader.
Within 30 moons of RippleClan’s existence, Beamstar could only watch as her Clanmates slowly died off, in the end leaving only her and Oddstrike, the child of a loner who’d joined with their father and brother. Beamstar and Oddstrike had never really gotten along, but being the only cats remaining in the Clan, attempted to set aside their differences to keep RippleClan alive. Oddstrike’s death loop began few moons into this bitter era of the Clan.
The first time Oddstrike would experience a loop was after Beamstar died, leaving them alone to become the leader and sole survivor of RippleClan. In the following moon, they were taken out by enemy Clans until they finally died for good… only to wake up alive again, the day Beamstar had died. This was the only loop in which Oddstrike was taken back further than the morning of their death. (From a gameplay perspective I was just resetting so the Clan wasn’t toast - some friends I told about this as it happened thought the death loop approach would be funny, so it became canon.) Over the course of RippleClan’s empty moons and slow repopulation, Oddstrike died a total of 59 times before finally breaking the loop when they died peacefully of old age at 193 moons. But now we’re getting ahead of ourselves!
After nearly 20 moons of bickering, including a divorce or two, Beamstar and Oddstrike welcomed their first litter of kits: Poppykit, Cloverkit, and Pouncekit. There was a war declared a bit after these three were born but it’s fine don’t even worry about a Clan declaring war on a divorced couple and their infant children. Beamstar and Oddstrike broke up practically every third moon, but always ended up getting back together. (Their hate and romantic love for each other are both maxed out.) This first trio of kits became Poppyeyes, the new medic, Cloverpad, and Pouncepetal. Just a few moons after they earned their full names, their younger siblings were born - Wheatkit, Antlerkit, and Rosekit, soon to be Wheatfur, Antlertuft, and Roseacorn. These would be the only kits the pair had together, and no, having children did Not help the divorce cycle.
Between those litters, the first of many outsiders joined: Stumpywhisker, the retired young adult leader of the Clan that RippleClan went to war with. Stumpywhisker would eventually become Cloverpad’s mate, and they wound up having 15 kits but this isn’t about them <3 most of what happened in the coming moons began to revolve more around the oddbeam kits than the divorced guys themselves as RippleClan regrew, with more outsiders joining, allowing the Clan to prosper as the younger cats fell in love and invited loners and kittypets alike to stay. Oddstrike did of course continue their horrible death loop, dying for their Clanmates several times (namely their grandkits Ravenfall and Hornetstrike, whom they died for multiple times each) and the divorce cycle raged on. Beamstar and Oddstrike often hated even the thought of each other, thinking about how they wouldn’t miss the other when they died, yet they couldn’t keep themselves away from the only love they’d ever had.
Somewhere along the line that I don’t exactly remember the timing of, Wheatfur and Antlertuft both died, the whole Clan grieving the cats that to most were a brother, an uncle, or a son. Oddstrike also lost their left leg to a snare and their tail to a dog. (Poppyeyes held funerals for his dad’s amputated limbs which I found very sweet.) Oddstrike remained Beamstar’s deputy for nearly her whole leadership, though they finally retired a couple moons before the end of the dark era the pair led RippleClan out of, leaving the role to their daughter Cloverpad.
After over 100 moons that felt like an eternity (probably because Oddstrike kept dying and making me reset lmao) Beamstar’s lives dwindled, and she finally died of old age surrounded by the Clan she’d worked so hard to save. Beamstar spent 125 of the 164 moons she lived as leader, and probably half of those were spent divorcing Oddstrike, who outlived her by 44 moons. I’d like to think they’re still getting married and divorced all the time up in StarClan now.
But yeah that’s basically it! A beautiful toxic cycle of marriage and divorce in the midst of a dying Clan they were both so desperate to bring back from the brink of extinction. It’s been 300 moons in RippleClan since Beamstar died, and while they’re still a pretty small Clan, they continue to stay alive. The current leader is Beamstar and Oddstrike’s great granddaughter.
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dovestorm-wc · 2 years
Doveclan Reborn
9 moons in.
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Would it be wrong for me to sing “ding dong, the witch is dead” in response to the cat who fought children most now being dead?
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Sadly, Whirlfur’s death didn’t stop adults fighting children. Specifically, 1 child. What did Antlerkit do?!
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Ah... He’s being a hyper child.
Patrol time!
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lotus-clan · 1 year
LotusClan Year 15
A kittypet brings her kit Ridge to the Clan, stating she can no longer care for him.
Talonfoot and Tempestclaw have become mates.
Cressfern and Yewflower have become mates.
Flowerwhisker and Snailfur were caught playing with a kittypet. They are berated by Swiftstar, who worries about his leadership.
Hazelkit, Antlerkit, and Ridgekit are apprenticed to Larksight, Goldfur, and Sneezefeather respectively.
Right after beginning training, Sneezefeather announces she is expecting kits.
Beaverheart was bitten by a snake who tried to attack the new apprentices. However, the medicine cats couldn’t save her, and she succumbed to the venom.
Sneezefeather gives birth to a litter of two kits: Sootkit and Sapkit.
Antlerpaw was bitten by the same snake that killed Beaverheart.
Hazelpaw steps forward and is named Hazelshine in honor of her brother Antlerpaw. She wishes he could have been there to earn their warrior names together.
Ridgepaw receives his warrior name of Ridgeheather. He tries to comfort Hazelshine, and she is grateful for him.
Larksight was washed out to sea and never seen again. The Clan searched tirelessly for her, but to no avail. Hazelshine is horrified.
Rosepelt and Willowstripe save Smokesplash and Cressfern from a hawk, but are injured.
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waspywaspy · 10 months
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This took so long to do.
I forgot the 'g' in leg, oh my god! I also don't really that drawing of Lightclaw in the third picture.
Also, the Clan's first death, I really liked Lightclaw.
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elementclangen · 9 months
Moon 44-Leaf-fall
The Clan seems unable to escape tragedy.  Stormrush (56), after just giving birth to her newborn litter, has passed away.  The combined injuries from the hawk and the stress of giving birth proved too much for her.  Shadestar (139) wails when she sees the body of Stormrush, still and cold in the clearing.  She sits vigil that night as grief fills her heart.  She tosses and turns, finding it difficult to sleep at night when she lingers too long on Stormrush’s last moments.  She can only hope that Stormrush knew just how loved she was and pray she’s at peace.  Brightfalcon (87)  is devastated by the loss of her mate and her voice cracks with grief as she talks about the time she had with Stormrush.  She is eager to get up and busy herself the next day, refusing to sit still for even a moment lest her thoughts begin to linger on Stormrush’s death.  She busies herself with caring for her kits and the Clan.  Who just can’t seem to stop getting injured.  Rindlefish (45) was hurt by a hawk when she saved Stonefreckle (27).  It’ll be nice when Rosemarykit (1) can be apprenticed and help out.  Meanwhile, Shardfrost (23) is turning to comfort outside the Clan and was caught touching noses with a rogue.  Scandalous!  Yuccawillow (23) is adjusting to being deputy and is proud that she finally made it there.  Meanwhile, Chervilcry (23) has been getting closer to Stonefreckle.  She would give anything to make his dreams come true.  Antlerkit (1) and Rosemarykit aren’t quite sure where their mom went.  Antlerkit seems to understand that she’s gone forever, but Rosemarykit just wants to play.  So, Antlerkit keeps checking in on her and making sure she’s alright.
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skyclan — year twelve — newleaf
echostripe dies.
hailbird, thriftspot, and willowlight become warriors.
quailpaw, sunnypaw, and wrenpaw are apprenticed to mistfeather, trailpool, and palesky.
antlerkit dies.
reedclaw has two kittens, kitekit and turtlekit, but dies giving birth.
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infinitycuube · 1 year
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a family from one of my clangen clans! this one is legacyclan, aka mothclan! deerbranch ( a long furred dark cream and grey calico she-cat) she is a compassionate molly and an excellent speaker. she is the main caretaker of kits. when she and flowerweb had their kits together, her mate went missing under mysterious circumstances. deerbranch, however, never gave up on flowerweb, believing that starclan will guide her mate home. flowerweb (a long furred light brown smoke she-cat, trans) deerbranch's mate. she is a loving molly who excels at hunting. a moon after antlerkit, willowkit, and olivekit were born, she was abducted by twolegs. she was taken to a twoleg nest that contained numerous other cats from out of the clans. during a storm, a lightning bolt struck the nest, and the containers burst open. the cats scrambled to escape, and flowerweb made her escape with Mac, who decided that clan life was not for them when flowerweb asked if they wanted to join mothclan. DB + FW kits: antlerbranch (a long furred ginger ticked tabby molly) apprenticed to blackpebble, antlerbranch honors her ma by taking her suffix. flowerweb was still lost when she earned her name. antlerbranch was a sick kit for most of her kithood, pulling through just in time to be named an apprentice. she was named a warrior earlier than most, and was honored for her carefulness and her efficiency. she died in kitbirth, but her kits, coniferkit, russetkit, and sparrowkit were born healthy. willowstorm (a short furred ticked tabby molly) apprenticed to greenhope, willowstorm was named for her integrity. she is the only one of her siblings to have a mate, breezefade. flowerweb was still gone by the point she earned her name olivenight (a long furred grey and white tom) apprenticed to umberstar, he was the only who found his mom while on a patrol. olivenight was named for his creativity, and flowerweb was present for his ceremony.
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Updated sprites and new kits (Moon 9)
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Gustkit (Tom)
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