breekitty17 · 11 days
Book One Chapter Two is open now
.Ps. I do not have a picture of Chapter Two
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breekitty17 · 11 days
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I'm working on Chapter Three of Book One on Wattpad
Kate Little is Kate Shadow
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breekitty17 · 11 days
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A new background from Book One of my book series on Wattpad
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breekitty17 · 14 days
Here's another Story I thought of and it's a Mythology Based on my Favorite Horror Stories of all time: DRACULA 🧛🧛🧛🦷🦷🦷🩸🩸🩸 I decided that I'd put regular show characters in them intercourse Mordecai as Dracula himself or should I say MORDRACULA Hee-hee 😅 I know that it's a little early when Halloween begins but you know I just decided to do it a little early so why not?? I hope you love this one. 🩸❤️🩸
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**Title: "The Bride of Mordecai"**
### Beginning:
It was a foggy evening as Samantha approached the old, looming castle on the outskirts of town. The air was heavy with the scent of rain, and the trees seemed to whisper warnings with every gust of wind. She had received an invitation to visit, but something about it felt… off. Still, she trusted Mordecai, her beloved, and he had promised her an unforgettable evening.
As she reached the gate, it opened on its own, creaking loudly. Inside, Mordecai was waiting at the grand entrance, his eyes gleaming in the dim light of the torches that lined the castle walls. Samantha smiled, relieved to see him.
**Mordecai:** "Welcome, Samantha. I’ve been waiting for you."
**Samantha:** "This place is… incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it."
Mordecai extended his hand, and she took it. His touch was colder than she remembered, but she brushed it off as nerves. He guided her inside, where the castle’s true gothic beauty unfolded before her: dark velvet curtains, ornate chandeliers, and shadows that seemed to stretch unnaturally across the walls.
**Mordecai:** "I thought I’d give you a tour before dinner. This place has been in my family for generations."
As they walked, Samantha marveled at the tapestries depicting ancient stories of creatures that looked both terrifying and beautiful. But she couldn’t shake the strange feeling that something was being hidden from her.
### Middle:
After the tour, Mordecai led Samantha to the grand dining room, where the others were waiting. Rigby, Benson, Pops, Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, Skips, and even Thomas were there, seated at a long, dark wooden table, their faces shadowed by the dim candlelight. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, though Samantha didn’t know why.
**Mordecai:** "You look lovely tonight, Samantha."
Samantha glanced down, realizing she was no longer wearing her casual clothes. She was now dressed in a stunning white gown that made her feel like an ethereal angel. Confused, she looked at Mordecai, but he simply smiled as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
The butler arrived, carrying trays of food. He set down what appeared to be a steak tartare in front of her, along with a glass of what she assumed was wine. The others eagerly began to eat, their eyes never leaving her.
**Samantha:** "This… this looks amazing."
She took a bite of the dish, savoring the rich, metallic taste, though it seemed a little unusual for steak tartare. She followed it with a sip of the "wine," which had a strangely thick consistency, but she didn’t question it.
As the dinner continued, the butler brought out dessert—a dish of what looked like fingers, arranged with disturbing care. Samantha's stomach churned, but the others devoured it eagerly. Mordecai leaned in, watching her with a strange intensity.
**Mordecai:** "Do you like the meal, my love?"
**Samantha:** "It’s... different. But, it’s good, I think."
The others laughed softly, their eyes gleaming with a dark hunger. Samantha felt uneasy but didn’t want to seem rude. The meal ended with a side of writhing worms, which the others enjoyed while Samantha politely declined. Despite the strange nature of the food, the night was going better than she expected. But as the night grew darker, Samantha began to feel dizzy and tired.
### Then:
The butler appeared once more, this time to guide her to her room. Samantha followed, her mind clouded with exhaustion. The room was magnificent—decorated with lace curtains, a canopy bed, and a beautiful nightgown that seemed to be waiting for her.
**Butler:** "Rest well, Miss Samantha. Tomorrow is a big day."
She nodded, too tired to question what he meant by that. She changed into the white gown, marveling at how perfectly it fit her, and lay down on the soft, luxurious bed. Within minutes, she drifted into a deep sleep.
But as the night stretched on, Mordecai made his move. He silently pushed open the door, his dark figure illuminated only by the moonlight spilling through the window. His hunger was too great to resist any longer. He needed her—needed her to be his, forever.
Slowly, he approached her bed, his eyes glowing faintly as he cast a spell to keep her unconscious. She lay still, unaware of the transformation that was about to begin.
**Mordecai:** "You will be mine, Samantha. My bride… for all eternity."
He bent down, his fangs elongating as he pressed his lips to her neck. With a swift motion, he sunk his teeth into her soft skin, the taste of her blood sending a rush of power through him. He drank deeply, filling her veins with his vampiric poison.
### End:
As the venom spread through Samantha’s body, she began to change. Her breathing slowed, her skin grew paler, and her heart beat less frequently. Mordecai watched, entranced by the transformation. His bride was becoming one of them—a vampire.
Hours passed before Samantha stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, and when they did, they were no longer the soft eyes of the woman who had walked into the castle. They were sharp, glowing faintly with the same hunger Mordecai had felt for centuries.
**Samantha:** "What... what’s happening to me?"
Mordecai smiled, helping her to sit up.
**Mordecai:** "You’re awakening, my love. You are becoming one of us. My bride, my queen… we will be together, forever."
Samantha was confused, but she felt an undeniable connection to Mordecai. The memories of the evening began to blur, and her new instincts began to take over. She felt powerful, unstoppable, and strangely at peace.
The others joined them, their faces twisted into grins of approval. They were a family now—a dark, immortal family that would reign for eternity.
**Rigby:** "Told you she’d be cool with it."
**Pops:** "A most wonderful bride indeed!"
**Benson:** "Welcome to the family, Samantha."
Mordecai took her hand, guiding her to the grand balcony that overlooked the misty forest below. The night was theirs now, and so was eternity.
**Mordecai:** "Now we can be together, always. No one will ever come between us."
Samantha smiled, her fangs glinting in the moonlight. She leaned into Mordecai, feeling a love deeper than she had ever known, and a hunger that would never be satisfied.
**Samantha:** "Forever… I’m yours."
Together, they gazed out into the night, their future stretching before them, endless and eternal. The castle, their kingdom, would be home to their dark love, and nothing would ever tear them apart again.
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For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @russthevampireboy , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity , @sidoresca , @siinhorhy , @insomniacz , @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry , @calledattherndoftime , @breekitty17 , @kiwithekool11437 , @kiko2032 , @orchestralauthor , @untitled14360 , @loudlyhappycupcake, @rigby123, @finn-pot, @konikat1, @moonlighteclipse17, @furrypandacollective, @dbd0812, @issacxjacob, @starwarspurgefan, @pokemonartextreme, @musclemanveryregular, @nastyablossomsworldxclover
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breekitty17 · 14 days
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Working on Chapter Two a warning to this chapter at the start of the start of an murder case, on Wattpad
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breekitty17 · 14 days
Hey guys it's your Girl Samantha here again I know that it's been a long time since I've done a story but I finally got one and I've been thinking some ideas for another story but here's one for you and I hope you like it.
**Title: "Rescue from the Abyss"**
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### Beginning:
It was a quiet night at the park. The usual group of friends had all gone their separate ways for the evening, leaving Mordecai feeling alone. He sat in his bed, staring out of the window, his heart heavy with sadness. A few hours ago, he had tried to get the others to hang out, but nobody seemed interested. Rigby was off playing video games, Benson was busy with paperwork, and even Pops was engrossed in some old-timey documentary. Everyone ignored him, and now Mordecai lay in bed, tears streaming down his face.
**Mordecai:** "Why does it feel like no one cares about me anymore?"
He whispered to himself, as his sadness deepened.
Suddenly, the sky outside turned an ominous shade of red. The air felt thick, and an unnatural chill swept through the room. Mordecai sat up, heart racing, eyes wide with fear.
**Mordecai:** "What’s going on?!"
The ground trembled as a crack opened beneath the park. From the depths of the abyss, demons and spirits began to rise, their dark forms swirling like smoke. Before Mordecai could react, chains wrapped around his limbs, dragging him into the swirling darkness.
### Middle:
Meanwhile, Samantha stirred in her sleep. Something felt wrong. She opened her eyes and gasped as she saw the blood-red sky and heard the faint cry of Mordecai’s voice.
**Samantha:** "Mordecai?!"
Panicking, she raced to the window just in time to witness him being pulled into the abyss. Tears of fear welled up in her eyes. She didn’t know what was happening, but she had to act fast.
She rushed to get the others. Within minutes, Rigby, Benson, Pops, Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, Skips, and Thomas gathered at the park. They all looked horrified as Samantha explained what she saw.
**Samantha:** "They took him…into some kind of…hellish abyss! We have to save him!"
**Benson:** "We can't just let him go. Mordecai is our friend! But how are we supposed to get to… wherever that is?"
**Skips:** "I've heard of this before. There’s a way to the Abyss of Hell, but it’s dangerous. Once we go in, there might not be a way back."
Despite the fear, everyone agreed. Mordecai needed them.
They descended into the abyss. The landscape shifted around them—lava rivers flowed, skies burned, and the stench of sulfur filled the air. They walked carefully, knowing that one misstep would mean certain death. As they approached the Demon Realm, they could hear distant chanting and saw Mordecai being dragged by demons to a dark chamber.
### Then:
At the center of the chamber stood Satan, the Prince of all Demons. His dark form loomed over the scene, as other demons like Lucifer, Lilith, Barbatos, Stolas, and Shaitan gathered around.
**Satan:** "Tonight, we shall gain eternal youth and strength by sacrificing this mortal’s pure soul and heart! The ritual begins at midnight sharp!"
Mordecai, chained to a stone altar, looked around helplessly. His face was marked with strange symbols, and his heart raced as the clock ticked closer to midnight. He knew his time was running out.
Back in the shadows, Samantha and the gang had finally arrived. They watched in horror as the demons painted Mordecai’s body with sacred symbols and chained him tighter to the altar.
**Rigby:** "What are we going to do?!"
**Skips:** "We have to wait for the right moment. If we attack too soon, we might all get captured."
Midnight struck. The demons began chanting, and Satan, with a dagger in hand, approached Mordecai. He placed his hand on Mordecai’s chest, pushing it deep inside to take his heart.
**Satan:** "The time has come! With this heart, we will live forever!"
Samantha, trembling with fear, saw Satan pull Mordecai’s heart from his chest. Mordecai’s eyes grew wide with pain and fear as his life force began to drain.
**Samantha:** "Nooooooo!!!"
### End:
Samantha’s scream echoed through the chamber, but it was too late. Mordecai’s body went limp as Satan held his still-beating heart aloft.
**Satan:** "Now, the final blow!"
He raised the dagger high, preparing to end Mordecai’s life forever. But in that instant, Samantha and the others sprang into action. Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost tackled demons, while Rigby and Thomas distracted Satan. Pops, despite his gentle nature, threw objects to confuse the demons.
**Benson:** "We need to get that heart back!"
Samantha, fueled by her love for Mordecai, charged toward Satan. Skips began chanting a spell, an ancient incantation that could banish demons. The chamber rumbled as Skips' words gained power. One by one, the demons started to vanish.
**Skips:** "Now! Get the heart!"
With a swift movement, Samantha grabbed Mordecai’s heart from Satan’s grasp. The room shook violently, and the lava began to rise. The entire realm started collapsing as the gang made a frantic escape.
Back in the park, Samantha cradled Mordecai’s heart in her hands. She placed it back into his chest and began chanting softly, a long spell filled with emotion. Tears streamed down her face as she leaned down and kissed him.
**Samantha:** "Please come back. I love you so much."
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, Mordecai’s body twitched. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open.
**Mordecai:** "S-Samantha?"
Everyone sighed in relief, especially Samantha, who hugged him tightly.
**Samantha:** "You’re back…you’re okay."
### Conclusion:
The nightmare had ended, and Mordecai was saved. The friends gathered around him, exhausted but relieved.
**Rigby:** "Man, don't ever do that again."
**Benson:** "We barely made it out of there."
Mordecai smiled weakly, his hand in Samantha’s.
**Mordecai:** "Thanks, guys. I…I thought I was gone for good."
**Samantha:** "I’d never let that happen."
As the night returned to normal, the friends sat together, knowing that despite the darkness they faced, their bond was unbreakable.
For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @russthevampireboy , @quintuplets , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity , @sidoresca , @siinhorhy , @insomniacz , @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry , @calledattherndoftime , @breekitty17 , @kiwithekool11437 , @kiko2032 , @orchestralauthor , @untitled14360 , @loudlyhappycupcake, @rigby123, @finn-pot, @konikat1, @moonlighteclipse17, @furrypandacollective, @dbd0812, @issacxjacob, @starwarspurgefan, @pokemonartextreme
I Hope you guys Enjoy it 😊🙏🔥💋💕
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breekitty17 · 17 days
Chapter one is open now
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At the end of The Legend of Korra comics, and Ally Beifong's story au
In this au Alice Beifong is the daughter of Chief Lin Beifong
Highly Kyalinzumi too
{Tw! Language, violence, murder, cold cases, child abdomen, character death, blood, abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships, and friendship.}... on Wattpad
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breekitty17 · 24 days
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Yes, I know what you saying. Yes, Kitty has a half-sister named Lin
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breekitty17 · 24 days
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Dark Starlight Kitty's first sister
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Amethyst Clmie Kitty's second sister
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Scarlett Pellson Kitty's third sister
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Bubblegum Starlight Kitty's fourth sister
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Spirit Starlight Kitty's fifth sister
Kitty has 8 sisters and three half-sisters but I only have pictures of the five sisters
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breekitty17 · 24 days
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Kitty and her twin sister Scarlett as kids
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Kitty and her twin sister Scarlett now
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breekitty17 · 24 days
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My new book7 on Wattpad
Art by @synne-i
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breekitty17 · 25 days
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The kids of Ally Beifong and Icarus Beifong
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breekitty17 · 25 days
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Before Icarus Beifong ran away
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When Icarus Beifong ran away
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After Icarus Beifong ran away in my Book 1
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breekitty17 · 25 days
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Alice/Ally Beifong's spirit version
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When she was alive in my books
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breekitty17 · 26 days
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Kitty was dropped on Lin and Kya's front doorstep book 6 is scary to write the are over on Wattpad
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breekitty17 · 26 days
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I tried my best to make Lin and Kya in the style of my book though gl2
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breekitty17 · 26 days
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Well I'm working on Chapter One The Start Of A Era Book1
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