#Anti tpp
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Alright @rillaofexile here comes a fucking rant
HEY! Hey TPP, guess what?
You're bad fucking writers and you're dumb.
And you wanna know why??
Cuz you wrote this in the newest episode, right?


Arum has been closed off in anti-magic prison before. Didn't kill him. Not even close. You expect me to just accept that anti-magic airplane is going to kill him when stone of the same property didn't. He didn't even flicker once. Which is dumb to begin with because Arum... Is a living being? He is not a ghost? He is a physical living being, his life force may be tied to the Keep yes, but the idea that he'll disappear off the face of the earth is a dumb idea.
But you don't care. You're doing this for drama. You're doing this because you're out of ideas and you don't actually give a shit about being consistent with your own writing. You're making things up as you go. Which is why your magic system is idiotic, you don't know how it works and you're making shit up. I have a more consistent magic system in my fanfic that I BASED OFF OF YOUR OWN PODCAST BECAUSE IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT A CONSISTENT MAGIC SYSTEM. If you paid the fuck attention to your own writing you wouldn't look fucking dumb.
But I digress. I'm tired. I'm still going to continue listening to this BS because they've got me and I've invested too much time into these characters to not see how it ends. But it's not going to be good. It's not going to be enjoyable. It's going to be disappointing and flat and rushed and sad because you don't give a shit.
So I'll sit over here and wait for it to come crashing down. See ya then
#Tpp#Anti tpp#Second citadel#I just....#I'm angry#And tired#TPP spoilers#Second citadel spoilers#I feel betrayed#I feel like the story I loved so much has turned into so much shit#They have good ideas here and there#And the scotch tape it together#And not with the good scotch tape either#The shitty kind#That rips and falls away two seconds later#They're so stupid
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So I'm no longer into the Second Citadel, but I want to Rant
Basically what the title says. This point will be divided into two parts: What made me ultimately give up listening to the show, and the spoilers I was made aware of due to the latest episode dropping.
Td;lr: I wouldn't recommend listening to the Second Citadel; you're only going to be disappointed.
So, let's start with the season 3. I'll be blunt and admit that I never listened to it, but I did read the transcripts and know the ending to the season.
Namely, Caroline leaves her position as Captain of SC, taking Olala, Quanyii, A'le, and Angelo with her.
Now, I did like Olala, as a character and as a concept, because she was cute, and brought something new to the world, but I wasn't the biggest fan of this move on Caroline's part; especially since the previous season she had just stated that "She had found peace there", but I was ultimately accepting of it, mostly because I knew Kevin was struggling.
Look, if you listen to the commentary tracks and listen to the storylines, you can TELL Kevin has a hard time writing multiple characters at once and keeping track of the plotlines. Which, fair, that's not a easy skill to master, especially with what is regarded as a ensemble cast.
But, at the time, I had had faith towards Kevin as a creator; I had thought that he would have been able to handle it well. Send Caroline away with the new cast, let them have adventures we can catch up on; we can then refocus on the other members of the cast!
Like Marc, who had finally become a knight, but was still struggling in his role, what did he face in his day to day? Was it actually what he wanted, or just the best way to gain respect and be treated as a 'normal man'?
Or Tal, who still needed to talk to Marc about what he wanted, or more importantly, what he didn't want in life, which was being a knight? How was he going to bring up the conversation? What would end up being the breaking point for him?
Or the Bonquet, still trying to work things out together? Or the Queen, trying to rule in a time of famine? Or Absolum? And finally figuring out what was up with Dampierre?
That didn't happen.
Instead, I found out that there was a timeskip of multiple years, and we were still focused on Caroline and her merry band.
I don't mind Caroline as a character, but why were we still focused on her? She - in an ensemble cast - had gotten PLENTY of her own episodes last season, alongside Angelo and Quanyi. Also, there was no mention or show of the characters we had previously known in the first part of the series. What happened to them? Did they all get killed by the Citadel?? Also, having briefly read the wiki to part 1 of the Perils, why was Angelo saying he had only learned to enjoy reading with Olala, when in S2, he openly read stories to Damien? Did he not actually like reading to Damien?
Hey, Kevin? Why did Angelo tell Olala that he had had sex with A'le? Why is an adult man talking about his sex life to a teenager? Why is that a thing the wiki fucking says for Perils part 1? How is that even remotely ok?
The thing that really upset me, and made me drop in it's entirety was the fact that in portion of the transcript I read - Angelo never mentioned talking to Damien within the opening paragraphs.
His best friend? His favorite rival that he pulled out a tree for? That they read stories to each other? Hugged? Angelo being terrified when Damien handed him the letter to give to Rilla if he had died?? Those two guys??
And not once, in the many years, did either of them try to find each other, send each other letters, or even WONDER about each other?
I don't know if any one has a best friend before, but like, you tend to worry about them if you haven't heard from them in a while. It would probably be worse if there wasn't a way to instantly get in contact with them; they don't have phones in the Second Citadel.
And Damien IS an anxious worry-wart; he worried about his friendship with Angelo when he had given him a tree that was ONLY two feet tall? (Or was it too men tall? Can't remember, point still stands.)
Like. If you have listened to the second season of SC, with Damien's mind constantly going and assuming the worst, having to see certain things with his own eyes whether or not Angelo was ok -
You are very good at LYING to yourself.
Also, that's a hell of a long time for the things to be left behind, especially with the various event flags set up the previous season; such as, the war the monsters were attempting to kickstart, the huge bug that had just been hatching out (that could possibly have had functioning wings!!!), Dampierre, the lack of resources regarding wood and the famine previously mention, how Marc and Rilla's relationship was doing after she lost Olala (whether Olala had left willingly or not, Rilla still lost something Marc had entrusted her with, which is bad), Dampierre, what it meant to be a god in this world, the Kite and him being a former knight, the other missing Golden Age Knights, Dampierre, the previous characters mentioned in the previous season, the Saints and their whole deal, and did I mention Dampierre?
There's more, but, I think you get the idea.
That was not a problem with the characters or the world itself; that's an issue with the writer, and I was (fortunate to have) recognized that.
If the writer couldn't care enough about the characters to keep their characterization straight, why would - or, more importantly, should - I care?
That was the point I dropped SC, and the penumbra podcast as a whole.
Like, I had liked Juno Steel when I had listened to it, but SC had scratched an itch I didn't even know I had.
And now it had given me a rash.
For a time, that was it, that was all it was. I hadn't kept up with SC at all, and unfollowed a lot of the SC blogs I used to follow.
Then I happened to hear about the latest episode
And boy, a lot of the feelings I had regarding it came rushing back
And all the questions I had had nearly two years ago were still present!
Not once was it ever addressed Marc's ascension to knighthood and how he was dealing with that!
Not once was Tal able to talk to Marc1
Not once did Rilla kiss her Lizard!!!
So much is still left unanswered!
And it's still left unanswered!
We don't know who Marc and Tal's mom is, if their dad is even still alive, if Rilla's Parents are still alive, why Absolum has such a hate boner for Marc, whether Mira is actually a Lesbian or just trying to be a Good Ally (TM), how Caroline and Quanyii even met, whether or not Rilla and Damien will even be married TO EACH OTHER, much less Arum, how did Arum know so much about humans to begin with, what Angelo is - something like Olala or a monster wearing a human skin - and how come he's so strong,
or even at the bare FUCKING MINIMUM, how magic even works in this world!
And it's been three years since the show started! I shouldn't have to wonder about how magic works!! or have to wonder about monster society!! Like was Arum special because he had the Keep, or was he just given the title recently - in the story - for his work against the humans??? What separates Arum as a Lord versus the other monsters? Is it his intelligence? The Keep? The fact that he can talk? I don't know! I shouldn't still have this question, BUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE, I GUESS.
Honestly, I would have preferred an entirely new cast of characters working with Olala, because at least then, we could have gotten more world lore!
I am just now reminded of it, but we never got an explanation for why there was a monster sneaking into the Citadel, just to try and kill Damien. There were a lot of theories and talks about it, to which I contributed to in the discord, but we never actually got an explanation for why that happened. Did the monster consul send out a hit-job for Damien? Is Damien regarded as something like a demon to the monsters? What about Rilla? Are monsters scared of her for her closeness to Damien? Is Arum dating the SC equivalent of John Wick (Damien) and Hannibal (Rilla) to his people? I don't know!
The show never gave us the answers to begin with.
And it never fucking will, because all the answers and any legitimate care for the show, has been shot out in an airplane, into the night sky, like a shooting star.
And it is burning itself to the ground.
This is no long a Second Citadel blog anymore.
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thinking about how jack stealing andromeda and passing it off as his own wouldn’t have been successful without anti blackness and misogynoir
her co workers calling her emotional, unstable, difficult to work with, angry, violent, not a team player, and scary like of course they were never gonna believe her
#sarah steel#the penumbra podcast#tpp#penumbra podcast#jack takano#juno steel#anti blackness#misogynoir#ramses o’flaherty
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what is the connectography book and why is it so terrible?
Sorry this took a while to collect my thoughts! where do I start.....
tl;dr it's a paean to enlisting every corner of the earth in the global neoliberal economy so that each can maximize their natural role in the supply chain and achieve Development™. All resources feasible to extract should be extracted, "connectivity" is the most important goal and value and metric in the world, supply chains matter more than nations, globalization is an inexorable force for good, we should focus on mass infrastructure projects to speed development (including a bizarre amount of fossil fuel infrastructure projects). yes there are downsides and yes there's a climate crisis going on but don't mind that, it'll actually be quite profitable
long answer under the cut:
Connectography is a book by Parag Khanna - CNN consultant, Brookings Institute guy, former Special Ops embed, National Intelligence Council advisor etc. So off the bat he’s quite embedded (so to speak) and aligned with the US military and national security apparatus, although the focus of the book is economic. The main arguments are that the world can no longer be thought of as a discrete set of countries setting and fighting over national policies, but an interconnected “supply chain world” where systems of production, transportation, and consumption drive policy and development in and of themselves. Consequently he argues for the diminishing importance of the nation-state and an increasing importance of smaller units of power geography like cities as well as broader ones like regions. He then argues that authority will and should devolve from centralized states to smaller units, and that global conflict would diminish or disappear if we could just give every tribal group its own state or at least autonomy within a larger state. Which is..... already quite a take.
His other main contention is that investing in mass infrastructure projects (oil pipelines, trains, highways, ports) is the best way to maximize "connectivity" and speedrun modernity and urbanization and development and industrial exploitation of poor countries. Demands that everyone and everything serve the market's invisible hand have become demands to bow to the needs of supply chains - which despite being quite based in the material world, are often invoked as something of a mystical force with their own whims and desires, uncoupled from human action.
In a way, there are principles that I also hold which show up in a strange twisted mirror version here. He isn't interested in preserving the nation-state as a form - but it's bc he prioritizes transnational supply chains and rule by corporatocracy. He would like to see a more borderless world - but he's also in favor of more borders (give every ethnic group a state, but also states don't matter anymore?), which counterintuitively he says would lead to a more interconnected and frictionless world. He's pro-immigration and freedom of mobility - but elsewhere it's made clear that he's also invested in blocking undesirable "flows" across borders, and is pro-mobility of people just as long as they enhance economic productivity. He makes some cogent critiques of maps and what is obscured by treating political maps of country borders as true and absolute, for instance - but the ways in which he would re-map the world are all to reflect and further the hyperconnected hypercapitalism he applauds. He would rather see structural adjustment programs prescribe infrastructure investments than austerity - but he still supports "developing" countries being forcibly drafted into the global economy and structured according to the (politely vague and innocuous-sounding) demands of supply chains.
The cheerleading for infrastructure projects, which might be mistaken for a benevolent interest in public spending, is much less "repair bridges so they won't collapse and kill people" and much more "repair and build more and bigger bridges so that more and bigger trucks can carry more cargo across them faster". His rather unoriginal instruction to "developing" countries is to accept globalization is inevitable so it's best to get yours where you can: start by selling off your resources and turning them over to private industry, open SEZs (Special Economic Zones, aka Free Trade Zones) and let the corporations use your cheap labor until you ‘develop’ enough to move up the value chain and those industries depart for cheaper and more lawless shores. He's really into SEZs. It's the classic race to the bottom, except he does not dwell whatsoever on that bottom and its conditions, nor its necessity - someone somewhere will always have to be the cheapest, the most exploitable, the most business-friendly. Instead we get, predictably, the argument that the race to the bottom actually lifts all boats bc corporate investment through SEZs teaches backwards countries how to develop faster and better.
Nothing makes me see red like considering how the version of the future which to me is a nightmare - a fully urbanized integrated modernized hypercapitalist corporate-run world of endless growth and consumption and extraction and waste mediated by advanced technology and surveillance, all consequences be damned - is seen as good and desirable and inevitable by various political and military leaders, economists, think tanks, corporations, etc.
It's also kind of sickening how incredibly out of touch all these visions are. There is no discussion of resource scarcity or limits. There is no discussion of waste. My guy Khanna's acknowledgments of climate change are so blasé and opportunistic I would rather he were a rabid climate denier. How do you acknowledge the destabilizing and deadly effects of climate crisis and yet promote and lionize policies that ensure more of those effects? How are mass scale infrastructure projects supposed to knit people together though lasting physical and supply chain interdependence when so fucking many of them are fossil fuel infrastructure projects?? I cannot emphasize enough how much he gushes over countries and companies building ever more oil pipelines, opening up new deposits for drilling (including in the arctic), and putting aside border disputes to transport oil faster and faster to the biggest consumers.
Well, don’t worry - he’s got the climate-meltdown world all figured out. No mention of cutting emissions or keeping temperature rise down or even many mentions of "green" energy; it's still drill baby drill til we die. Most coastal cities will drown and most latitudes will become uninhabitable but it’s ok, Canada and Russia can become the breadbaskets of the world and we’ll tap all those good good arctic basin resources as the ice melts. Probably throw in some geoengineering too. Climate migrants can move north in their millions, and Canada and Russia will welcome them; really, it's convenient, bc they’re too sparsely populated up there anyway and could use some fresh blood.
There are many other ridiculous or appalling things here I could go into if this post weren't already too long - the statement that colonialism is over, inequality is inevitable and a worthy price to pay, antiglobalization activists are naïve and basically a dying breed anyway, the world has gotten so good at controlling desirable flows and preventing undesirable ones--in particular, we're soo good at controlling infectious disease these days (lol. lmao even), the discussion of Dubai and Doha as prime examples of interconnected hyperglobal cities without going into like. human trafficking, the mocking of countries that tried to choose a third way decades ago and were brutally punished, the disparaging of swana/african countries as weak and crisis-ridden (seemingly idiopathic idk. funny), the shameless extolling of the lovely resources found in war zones which sadly preclude their needful exploitation.. etc. Etc.
I hated this book and would only recommend as a know-thine-enemy exercise; I did get a fair bit out of it from that perspective, and it's worthwhile to consider the implications of the worldview that people like this espouse. But it's incredibly depressing and infuriating that the admitted endgame of all this really is to consume everything there is on this planet to squeeze out every drop of profit, and then flee to the poles when it all comes crashing down.
#there's still so much else i could say but. i have to stop typing and retyping this#fucking terrible time reading this. the one funny thing was just how 2016 it was and how much did not go how he thought#the cognitive dissonance of him saying how great the TPP was going to be vs me in high school doing anti TPP activism at that time. lol#so much for all the anti free trade activists have seen the error of their ways! bitch#anyway read sth in the vein of no logo or like. literally so many things other than this#connectography#resource extraction#neoliberalism#asks#disorganisedautodidact
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slip jackson is ALIVE slip jackson will be OKAY slip jackson is ALIVE slip jackson will be OKAY slip jackson is ALIVE slip jackson wil (manifesting)
#the penumbra podcast#tpp#slipjackson#im coping#mack dont you dare reblog with your anti-slip propaganda
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sometimes, self-care is doing the work.
And, sometimes, self-care is going the fuck to sleep. It's 3:48am, take your meds and edit that paper when you can actually read words without them swirling into rainbows you can taste.
#this is an anti-skittle ad#no I really do love skittles#but seriously someone help me there's this train blaring out my window and I can't sleep#but also portfoliossssss and essayssssss#i'm not even doomscrolling just simply *not productive*#sigh#anyways#memes#i guess#rant#how do I even tag this#should I tag this?#this is for the mutuals <3#and the ppl that follow me that I haven't yet realized follow me#u thought u were getting an in-depth TPP episode analysis#ha psych! it's just my chronic sleeping disorder#y'all fuck insomnia#actually no don't. just go to sleep
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‘The name’s Juno Steel - I’m new to crime, but I’ve been doing illegal shit for years.’
the fact that all the other aurinkos are criminals who know of each other's exploits while juno's over there like "???" is fuckin hilarious because everyone's like "this is jet sikuliaq, the unnatural disaster" "this is buddy aurinko renowned crime boss and daughter of palomine aurinko" "this is vespa ilkay renowned assassin" "this is peter nureyev the angel of brahma"
and you know juno's sitting there frantically space googling everyone
#cue the Hyperion City guitar riff#no but seriously tho it is hysterical#these are all career/infamous criminals#(even Rita!!)#and then we have Mr Steel#the cop who copped so hard he got fired for being anti corruption#but who also ran around Old Town breaking and entering#will eat random pills he finds on the ground#which I’m pretty sure counts as drug possession#and don’t even get me STARTED on the Theta shenanigans#and our Juno is like ‘crime’???#‘me’????#LIKE BRO#DUDE#MY GUY#the penumbra podcast#juno steel#tpp spoilers#tpp#the aurinko crime family
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Merry Christmas?..
Today, on 25 December, the Russian occupiers launched another missile attack on Ukraine - the enemy again targeted critical infrastructure facilities: TPPs, CHPs, and power grids.
According to the command of the Ukrainian Air Force, 184 enemy air targets were recorded:
2 KN-23 ballistic missiles;
10 S-300/S-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles;
12 cruise Kalibr Missiles ;
50 X-101/X-55 cruise missiles from Tu-95MS strategic bombers;
4 X-59/X-69 guided missiles from tactical aircraft;
106 Shahed strike UAVs
The Ukrainian Air Defence Forces shot down 113 targets.
The Russians launched 12 missiles at the city and targeted critical infrastructure: boiler houses, CHP plant, and electricity facilities.
So far, six people have been reported injured: five men and one woman.

The enemy strike left part of the Carpathian region without power supply - residents of Kalush, Burshtyn and Ivano-Frankivsk were without electricity.
The Ukrainian Air Defense Forces shot down 42 enemy missiles over the Dnipro region.
The missile attack damaged infrastructure in Dnipro. Unfortunately, a TPP worker, 51-year-old Dmitry Petlenko, was killed. His body was found under the rubble.
The windows of a nine-story building were also smashed, and a private house was damaged. An outbuilding caught fire, and rescuers extinguished the fire.

Kirovohrad region
Critical infrastructure in the Kirovohrad region was also targeted by the Russians.
The falling debris caused a fire in a warehouse.
As a result of the strike, the pumping stations of the Dnipro-Kirovohrad water pipeline were de-energized.

Vinnytsia region
At night, the enemy attacked the energy infrastructure. There is damage. As of the morning, thanks to the coordinated work of power engineers, all consumers are supplied with electricity.
Kyiv region
The air alert in the Kyiv region lasted all night. Air defense forces were working in the region. Some enemy targets were shot down. Fortunately, no people were hurt.
As a result of the falling debris of downed enemy targets in two districts of the region, 12 trucks, a cafe and three private houses were damaged.
Kryvyi Rih
An enemy missile strike killed one person and injured 17 others, including two children, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reports.

"This is definitely not a global war"
Meanwhile, Poland again sent its military aircraft into the sky. As noted by the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, this step was taken “because of the Russian air attack, which can hit objects located in the West of Ukraine, among other things.”
In addition, one of the Russian missiles entered Ukraine through the airspace of Moldova.
At 07:24, the Ukrainian Air Force reported a cruise missile flying toward Chernivtsi from Moldova. At the same time, monitoring Telegram channels claim that the Russian missile flew about 140 kilometers through the territories of Moldova and Romania.

Не забуваймо, завдяки кому ми зустрічаємо цьогоріч Різдво.
Слава Україні!
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Смерть ворогам!
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Object permanence
I'm on a 20+ city book tour for my new novel PICKS AND SHOVELS. Catch me in NYC on WEDNESDAY (26 Feb) with JOHN HODGMAN and at PENN STATE on THURSDAY (Feb 27). More tour dates here. Mail-order signed copies from LA's Diesel Books.
#20yrsago Italy runs out of wiretaps https://edri.org/our-work/wiretapping-data-access-by-foreign-courts-why-not/
#20yrsago Online anonymity https://web.archive.org/web/20050220170713/http://www.law.com/jsp/ltn/pubArticleLTN.jsp?id=1108389943380
#20yrsago WIPO pulls out dirty tricks to kill participation from consumer groups https://web.archive.org/web/20060909232701/https://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1689
#20yrsago UK Labour MP flays govt over terror laws – incredible speech! https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2005-02-23a.365.0#20yrsago Finnish blogger faces disgraceful, bogus libel charge https://mummila.net/marginaali/2005/02/24/total-lack-of-respect-for-the-law/
#15yrsago Vice-principal denies using laptop to spy on student https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/principal-accused-in-webcamgate-im-no-spy/2138343/
#15yrsago IP Alliance says that encouraging free/open source makes you an enemy of the USA https://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2010/feb/23/opensource-intellectual-property
#10yrsago Chicago Police Department maintains “black site” for illegal detention and torture https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/24/chicago-police-detain-americans-black-site
#10yrsago HSBC boss used tax havens to keep underlings from discovering his outrageous pay https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/02/bill-black-hsbc-ceo-pay-outrageous-use-tax-havens-hide-peers.html
#10yrsago Huge trove of surveillance leaks coming https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/2/23/the-spy-cables-a-glimpse-into-the-world-of-espionage
#10yrsago Big Content publishes a love-letter to TPP https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/02/hollywood-lobby-groups-creepy-open-love-letter-tpp
#10yrsago Laura Poitras’s Citizenfour OPSEC https://www.wired.com/2014/10/laura-poitras-crypto-tools-made-snowden-film-possible/
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The Prince's Pact
Author Note
Oh my, I just went back and read my post for THATS which was my pre-posting brain dump. Guess what? It has zero notes. ZERO. Which is perfectly fine as I certainly do not like, reblog or comment on every post I read. Hahaha! It did make me wonder if I am wasting my time writing this... But I am not. Because reading what I wrote about THATS was hilarious and awesome and I couldn't have agreed with myself more.
Ok, enough of that. The Prince's Pact, installment number two, begins posting TOMORROW! Woot woot.
Here is what I have learned about posting on Ao3 since posting THATS:
Ao3 unfortunately messes with formatting when a word in italics is combined with punctuation not in italics. Real bummer that.
Posting is pretty anti-climactic. I was so hyped to post THATS, and by the end I was thinking, can we just be done with this! Nothing happens. I push that post button and that's about it.
Getting kuddos and comments is the BEST! I love comments in particular. I wish more people who read works on Ao3 would leave both of these. I generally think more people are reading and enjoying my work that let me know about it.
I am actually reading each chapter within a few days of posting it this time. I felt SO removed from THATS. People left comments and I couldn't remember what they were talking about. Blah. Not fun. This time I am going to stay more up to date.
Related to number 4, I am doing one more edit as I post. Because I had to edit THATS again AFTER I posted it and that was not fun.
It is a great little fic. I love going behind the doors of Slytherin house. Their vibe is so different from the Gryffindors.
And this installment begins to introduce my world building through Dark magic. I was heavily inspired by Evitative by Vichan for many of the concepts I present in this fic. So much so I had to reach out to them to get permission to use them, which they graciously gave me. But I also expand on it. It only grows from here.
The friendship dynamic between Severus, Regulus, and Lily is so special to me. It is not what you think. Or maybe it is exactly what you think when you consider you have two socially awkward and rather manipulative Slytherins and an outgoing Gryffindor. If you enjoyed Lily in THATS, you get far more of her in TPP. Though she is a little less into activism and more into magic in this one.
What else can I say? James and Sirius are portrayed as the menaces they are considering this is Severus' POV. But I'm certainly not going to hate on them. I love those boys.
I don't know how my Severus will jive with the Snape Fandom which seems to be pretty rigid in how Severus should be characterized canonically. I suppose all I can say is that I am writing with canon adult Severus' demeanor in mind. I really enjoy him as a character. There is absolutely no Severus bashing in my writing. Merely a boy who makes some questionable choices and has to live with the consequences. But in this work we get to see inside his mind, a bit of why he does what he does in later works. He is also brilliant. But in a far less showy way than Lily and Regulus.
The Snily is there. It isn't subtextual, but it is two thirteen year olds, so you know, just figuring out their feelings for the most part. Very awkward. There might be a kiss...
We will see how my Severus and Regulus friendship is received. Regulus really needs someone. Sirius was his someone. Then Sirius went to Hogwarts and he was left alone. Since then he has been very lonely. He has his quirks but he likes physical affection from a person he trusts. Severus doesn't think he needs more friends outside of Lily. And he is not into physical affection, very sensitive body boundary (he and I have this in common). They come from two different social classes and upbringings. But I think they work really well paired up in a platonic friendship which oscillates between brotherly and allies.
Wandless magic is a huge component of the story. I enjoy showing the characters beginning with rudimentary skills and working for years to get better, stronger, and then be able to perform insane feats of magic. This is the first stone of that foundation for the ones who do wandless magic. Like the Dark magic world building, it grows and grows through the rest of the school year.
I don't feel this work is as nostalgic as THATS. I got all the nostalgic world building out of the way in THATS. We see far less of Severus in lessons (except DADA and Potions) than we did of Sirius in THATS. It's intentional. Who wants to sit in lessons for seven installments? I don't have great story arcs through my works. So what keeps them interesting is building up a different piece of the world and the relationship development. Thankfully those things can make a work which doesn't have a mystery to solve somewhat engaging.
Will people miss seeing their beloved Marauders in this fic? Perhaps. Do I characterize the Slytherins the way which is popular right now? Not in this one. And probably only a little bit through Rosekiller in later works.
But I do think The Prince's Pact will resonate with at least some people. I love reading it. I feel just as happy reading it as I do reading THATS. I laugh, I smile, I shake my head, and my heart breaks a bit for these young teens who are trying so hard to figure the complexities of life out. They already start having to make HUGE adult decisions no thirteen year old should have to make.
This is Severus' big work (until his later installments). He isn't seen much in The Bonds of Friendship because... well, it is James' POV. And we do see him again in The Heart of the Lion but Regulus is a bit preoccupied with James to be honest. Poor Sev. I think he comes back strongest in installment six, The Changing Times since that is Lily's POV. So if you are a Severus enthusiast, enjoy this installment while it lasts. And if you are less enthusiastic about Severus, we get back to the other Marauders pretty quick. AND please give the man a chance! He is actually really interesting when not portrayed as either a victim or an evil villain. Severus is neither and both? It is complicated. But that is what is fun about writing a Marauders story where he plays a large role but isn't the sole main character. We see both his good and his bad. And that goes for all the characters. None of them are pure good or pure evil. They all do terrible things. They all do wonderful things.
I think what is most important for people to see in these characters is they are all capable of love. And they all have people they love and are loved by. It looks different for every character in the series, but love is at the heart of every meaningful mutual relationship. That isn't to say Severus loves James or Sirius. But eventually they are forced to find common ground in who they love. It's like a big web, everyone is interconnected and even rival relationships become important or are flipped on their heads.
I hope this work takes you home as much as THATS did. I love Hogwarts. Seeing it from the Slytherin perspective is somewhat different. If you read the story and especially if you enjoy the story, I hope you will share with me and with others! It means so much to me to learn people found my writing enjoyable.
-for our time is not infinite
#our love is written in the stars#marauders era#regulus black#harry potter#fanfic#severus snape#bamf lily evans#lily evans#marauders era slytherins#slytherin#dark magic#bellatrix black#narcissa black#death eaters#pro severus snape#pro snily#regulus arcturus black#regulus needs a hug#severus and regulus and lily
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Which of the Snakes, if any, could defeat Walpurgisnacht?
How easy does Ocelot make it look in comparison?
Ooh, good question! It has been A While since I last touched Metal Gear, I still need to finish TPP lol - as a result, your answer might take a bit! I'm gonna assume our heroes can see Walpurgisnacht since it's boring to say "they all get blindsided and die the end"
I get the feeling that with BB being able to bench a fucking mech that one time in Peace Walker, at the very least he'd have the durability to just out-endure Walpurgis and beat her with brute force, if anybody - man might be a massive himbo but he gets results!
Considering Solid was able to defeat BB not once but twice (yes I know about the technicality there but Venom is pretty formidable too) I figure he might have a decently good shot of being able to beat Walpurgisnacht like BB, if he can figure out some sort of force multiplier!
Liquid is... well, Liquid. Man's got an IQ of like 170 just like Solid, but considering basic genetics is enough to defeat his brain somehow, and he lost to both V and Solid, I get the feeling Liquid alone is not gonna have a great time trying to save Mitakihara.
Solidus, it feels like it depends - On one hand, he lost to Raiden ultimately, on the other, he was the president at one point, but then the question would be if he's in office at the time of the Walpurgisnacht disaster so he can call in like, a nuke on the witch - From there the question becomes "will a nuke stop her?" and tbh, I actually don't know! (Before you say "well but what about those Scud looking thingies Homura used", those seem to be anti ship missiles used by the JSDF so they're likely an order of magnitude below a nuke)
Raiden is technically a snake too, and he's also a pretty interesting case because he displays similar durability to BB - in MGS4 at least he was able to stop a fucking boat with his cyborg powers after all not to mention the slicing a plane in half thing, so honestly he might be able to do it, especially with his katana from Revengeance!
Venom, again, I haven't completed his game (and especially considering I switched default V out for a girl because I interpret TPP as basically Deci Writes Dumb Fanfic: The Game, and a mostly-female Mother Base is basically my fantasy of being treated like a princess by a small army of lesbians) but like, he seems decently close to BB in terms of capabilities. I feel like he might have more trouble though, but like I haven't gotten to the Sahelanthropus fight so who knows! Maybe he can just caber-toss her into orbit or something!
Last but not least of our snake roster, we have The Boss! I know she's not technically a snake but she's my fave so I'm gonna include her! Obviously she'd win easily, since she is a girl and girls are magic, so being a Magical Girl in the first place is easy!* She's strong enough to beat Big Boss too, so if he could beat Walpurgis she could too by my reckoning!
Ocelot honestly strikes me as the kinda guy who would be smart enough to not get involved in the first place - his whole thing is trying to save BB after all, so a single city doesn't necessarily feel like something he'd be interested in saving in the first place unless it benefited him somehow. Since BB can probably defeat Walpurgisnacht, Ocelot would probably wind up just doing what he did in MGS3 where he supported Snake from the sidelines, in my opinion. On the other hand, if he had to save BB because he was incapacitated or something, we all know that six shots are more than enough to kill anything that moves, and Walpurgisnacht does move, so perhaps he'll find a way to ricochet his bullets for maximum damage!
All of this changes though, if you add in their allies - Liquid might be weak to suspicious heart attacks, but Liquid in REX becomes the same question of Solidus if he calls in a Minuteman III, but I think this answer is long and rambly enough already tbh
Thank you for the ask!
*(@ my fanfic mutuals, particularly degen, feel free to use this as inspiration lol)
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Ieri sera un drone d'attacco russo dotato di una testata ad alto potenziale esplosivo ha colpito il sarcofago che protegge il mondo dalle radiazioni presso la quarta unità nucleare distrutta della centrale nucleare di Chernobyl. Lo fa sapere su X il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky, spiegando che il «riparo antiradiazioni è stato costruito dall'Ucraina insieme ad altri Paesi d'Europa e del mondo, insieme all'America, tutti coloro che sono impegnati per la vera sicurezza dell'umanità. L'unico Paese al mondo che attacca tali siti, occupa centrali nucleari e fa la guerra senza alcun riguardo per le conseguenze è la Russia di oggi. Questa è una minaccia terroristica per il mondo intero. Il rifugio presso la centrale nucleare di Chernobyl è stato danneggiato da questo drone. L'incendio è stato spento. Al momento, i livelli di radiazione non sono aumentati e vengono costantemente monitorati. Secondo le prime valutazioni, il danno al sarcofago è significativo». Zelensky ha poi aggiunto: «Ogni notte, la Russia porta avanti attacchi simili alle infrastrutture e alle città dell'Ucraina. La Russia continua ad espandere il suo esercito e non mostra alcun cambiamento nella sua folle retorica statale anti-umana. Ciò significa che Putin non si sta sicuramente preparando per i negoziati, si sta preparando a continuare a ingannare il mondo. Ecco perché ci deve essere una pressione unitaria da parte di tutti coloro che hanno a cuore la vita, una pressione sull'aggressore. La Russia deve essere ritenuta responsabile delle sue azioni». La struttura danneggiata, nota come New Safe Confinement, è stata costruita tramite la cooperazione internazionale per contenere i resti del disastro di Chernobyl del 1986. È stata progettata per prevenire perdite di radiazioni e salvaguardare il sito dai pericoli ambientali. L'Agenzia internazionale per l'energia atomica (AIEA), su X, ha confermato l'incidente: «Nella notte tra il 13 e il 14 febbraio, verso l'1.50, il team dell'AIEA nel sito di Chernobyl ha sentito un'esplosione proveniente dal rifugio antiradiazioni, deputato a proteggere i resti del reattore 4 dell'ex centrale nucleare, che ha causato un incendio». I dipendenti dell'AIEA, si legge sempre nel post, «sono stati informati che un drone aveva colpito il tetto del New Safe Confinement». Anche Andriy Yermak, il capo dell'ufficio del presidente ucraino, ha condiviso foto del danneggiamento, promettendo di fornire agli Stati Uniti «un sacco di informazioni sull'attacco della Russia alla centrale nucleare di Chernobyl e su come la Russia stia costantemente lanciando droni attraverso la zona di esclusione di Chernobyl» durante la Conferenza sulla sicurezza di Monaco, che si apre oggi. Il New Safe Confinement, completato nel 2016 e progettato per durare cento anni, in sostanza è un gigantesco hangar pesante 36 mila tonnellate, costruito in prossimità dell’impianto nucleare e successivamente fatto scorrere sopra il vecchio involucro di cemento del reattore. Il sarcofago, che ha sostituito una precedente installazione, è costato circa 2 miliardi di euro, donati da 40 Paesi e organizzazioni, e ha richiesto quasi 16 anni di lavoro per essere progettato e costruito, con alcuni ritardi causati dalla difficile situazione politica in Ucraina. L’area intorno al reattore è ampia quasi 2.600 chilometri quadrati. Da trent’anni, complice il livello delle radiazioni, è disabitata. Lo sarà anche nei prossimi decenni, perché il livello di contaminazione è ancora alto. Intanto le autorità filorusse nella regione di Zaporizhzhia, nell'Ucraina sudorientale, stando a quanto riporta l'agenzia di stampa ufficiale russa Tass, hanno fatto sapere che ieri notte la centrale termoelettrica di Zaporizhzhia (TPP) è stata gravemente danneggiata da un attacco delle forze ucraine, lasciando più di 50 mila persone senza elettricità. «Le forze armate ucraine hanno lanciato un attacco di artiglieria contro la centrale termoelettrica di Zaporizhzhia. Non ci sono vittime o feriti tra il personale o tra i civili», si legge in un comunicato del ministero regionale dell'energia. «In seguito al bombardamento, le apparecchiature elettriche hanno subito danni critici e c'è stata un'interruzione di corrente per più di 50 mila utenti nella città di Energodar e nei distretti di Kamensko-Dneprovsky e Veselovsky». La TPP si trova a pochi chilometri dalla centrale nucleare di Zaporizhzhia, la quale funzionerebbe regolarmente secondo la Tass, ed è occupata dalle forze russe dal maggio del 2022. Read the full article
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Evolution of Trump's Foreign Policy
Donald Trump's foreign policy has evolved since his first term, but it continues to be guided by his "America First" principles. Here are key aspects of how it has changed and remained consistent:
Continuity in "America First" Approach
Trump's foreign policy remains focused on prioritizing U.S. national interests, often at the expense of multilateral agreements and alliances. His transactional style emphasizes reducing U.S. involvement in global conflicts and demanding that allies contribute more to their own defense.
He continues to favor bilateral over multilateral agreements, as seen in his withdrawal from international accords like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Paris Climate Agreement during his first term, a trend expected to continue in his second term.
Less Reliance on Neoconservative Figures
Trump has distanced himself from neoconservative figures who were prominent during his first term, such as John Bolton. His second term is expected to feature fewer interventions and a more anti-interventionist stance, particularly in the Middle East and other conflict zones.
Despite this shift, Trump’s foreign policy is not fully isolationist. He maintains a readiness to use military force when necessary, as seen in actions like the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani during his first term.
Focus on Immigration and Border Security
Immigration remains a central issue for Trump’s foreign policy, with a continued focus on tightening border security and reducing immigration. His hardline stance on immigration is likely to persist, even if it conflicts with other foreign policy goals.
Shifts in U.S.-China Relations
Trump's confrontational approach toward China, which began with trade wars during his first term, is expected to intensify. His administration is likely to continue pressuring China economically and diplomatically, especially regarding issues like Taiwan and trade imbalances.
Russia and Ukraine
Trump has signaled that he intends to end the war in Ukraine quickly, though details on how he plans to achieve this remain vague. There is speculation that he might ease sanctions on Russia as part of a broader disengagement from what he views as unwinnable conflicts.
While Trump's foreign policy retains many elements from his first term—such as unilateralism, skepticism toward multilateral institutions, and a focus on immigration—there are notable shifts toward less interventionism and a more pronounced anti-China stance.
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Australian Federal Government and the "contract" for the (methonine aspartic inhibitor) and the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" - fn: the "contract" for my intellectual property - Australian Federal Government - u.k patents court justice drewett - owner Alex m.m Clayton of the intellectual property - #qt AuSGoV and my Intellectual property a damages claim of 380m gives the rights to the research for testing and assuming it works 5% to the clayton sinkovich estates (ownership) shared with the U.SGoV for the sum of 100m (military service) and 5% to the clayton sinkovich estates for lifetime - a report for justice drewett u.k patents court - 14:48P.M A.E.S.T 24/6/2024 - G.C
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3668148460177932&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz copyright and licences
Australian Prime Minister - Anthony Albanese x c.m.o l.n.p dr brendan murphy and the claim by c.s.r.i.o who said had already discovered how to find gold it's a fruad
online - all we need to survive on another planet and space flight - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2(80 mercury)
Ammonia transfer- lipoic acid - Lip(sh)2-Lip - s2 - lipoic acid hydrogen and acetyl carrier phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyl - CoA + o2 + H2o = iso - citric - lyase and tpp - orthophoshate - N.A.D.P.H = 2 molecules of glutamate - trade name - biotin - methionine aspartic inhibitor - glucose - phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyal - coa + o2 + h2o - catalyst - iso - citric - lyase - malate - synthesise- tissue test - adpose and millennium - biotine _c.s.l to smith glaxco and klyne ®© 17/6/2024
the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr - the semi oxide process - l.j.c ®© - 28/5/2024
s6-h-Kr=Ri - fusion - fission - excite - h - exchange electron theory with - Ri - radio active isotype attach s6 and Kr to h atom and excite - the fusion will bond the noble gas - to find gold - Alex m.m Clayton ®© - 22:06P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
(O2 -6-3=6 - Ri - Kr) = hydrogen -fuel --s6-h-kr = rubidium.- Ri - Kr = O2 - 6 - 3 = 6 = 100 x T2/E2 /C2 Rubidium T = logic therefore (C2 = T X 100 X 1 = M /E2) - RCM = M/CE2 -antimatter- derived from the formula for gold.-= O2 -h -h2 - Ri = Kr- s6 (sum6) - krypton s6 - bonding of a noble gas.-frequency = space - E/M =C2 - C2 = space/ time - time = M/C2 × 100/1= E = C2/M = matter travelling through a black hole - C.E.R.N ®© 23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
krypton s6 - "anti matter engine" - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 - (80 mercury) finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) is all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor. ®© 22:45P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
sister pairs of atoms on the periodic table to find new elements (bonding a noble gas kr - (36) = s6 (11) = (16) sulphur 6 & 17) = - h (1) - Kr (36) = Ri (37) it's how - I found mercury 80 rubidium 37 extracting rubidium from mercury(80) to find - (s6-h- Kr =Ri) = gold (79) - ((80) mercury - split (excite) the hydrogen atom - s6-h-Kr =Ri - radio active isotype (37)) = gold (79) a new way to look at chemistry - einstein - alex m.m clayton ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sulphur - 6 ( sum 6) - sodium 6 - it has been established sulphur 6 in formula - and sodium 6 (11) to bond a noble gas - sodium 6 (11):0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
mercury (80) / s6-h-kr (36) a sister element to rubidium (37) s6-h-kr = rubidium extracted from mercury (80) (79)- gold sister pairs of atoms for the basis of element once extracted from each other - (16 ) sulphur and (17) chlorine - s6 (11) - eg: - by a factor of - 1 and 10 x 2 + or - for the isotope and - s6 (11) + - h (1) = correctly ordering the periodic table ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sodium - 6 - 0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
Formula for gold - s6-h-Kr = rubidium - the extraction of rubidium from mercury to find gold = s6-h-Kr - a nuclear reactor split the (atom) s6-h-Kr formula for gold = O2 - h - h2 - Ri = Kr = s6 - krypton s6 - the chain reaction is the rubidium isotope wich is the fuel for spaceflight it is believed a way of bonding the noble gas sodium 6 with krypton gas in the chain reaction - einstein's final work by Alex m.m Clayton - 17/9/2023 fn: krypton s6 - anti matter engine" isotype - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury)- finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor.®©23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3695014754157969&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for justice drewett u.k patents court see a.l.p pre-existing "contract" with U.SGoV - 1992/93 - AuKuS - both a.l.p and l.n.p the "stolen formulas" - 2012/13 - 15 - 2020-23 - a.l.p expressions of interests for "my Intellectual property" with the U.SGoV - joe "hunter" "s" biden/u.s president both U.SGoV and AuSGoV are testing the formulas - I hope to sign a deal for "copyright and licence" with a.u and u.s and d.j.t "trump industries" and or outright sale of "formulas" to the "interested parties" a report for your persual - c/o general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - communications in the rear - specail ops and m.w.a.a - 12:49P.M A.E.D.T 31/8/2023.
N.P.C OF AUSTRALIA TONY BURKE A.L.P MINISTER SAID "I JUST REALISED HE HAS GOT US FOR PRE - EXISTING - "CONTRACT" - 1992/93 - 2012/13 - 15 ALL RESEARCH RELATED - 12:50-55P.M A.E.D.T 31/8/2023 - fn: the study of lithium hydroxide - medical science and astrophysics - (methonine aspartic inhibitor) and the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine"
General Clayton - my Intellectual property - see "breach" of "contract" and or sale of formulas to either u.s and a.u governments d.j.t "trump industries" - offers being accepted I can be reached by text message 0431644158 - u.k patents court justice drewett - G.C - press release 12/3/2024
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3672206096438835&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz a report for the Australian Federal Government - p.m - AMMHR - see request for a #payout 380M - for the "stolen formulas" and the murders of ruby and kate and the "copyright and licences" for my Intellectual property (stolen formulas) - a l.p and l.n.p - AuKuS - 380M and a offer to joe "hunter" "s" biden/u.s president a one time offer of 3 billion dollars or if no deal can be reached a "damages claim" payable to general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military of 380M - c/o - justice drewett - u.k patents court - a report from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military communications in the rear - specail ops and m.w.a.a - 13:42P.M A.E.D.T 30/7/2023.
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3798653153794128&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz the 6 - "contracts" - u.k patents court justice drewett.
General Clayton - u.k patents court justice drewett - how can the U.SGoV and AuSGoV and d.j.t "trump industries" be allowed to test my experiments "my Intellectual property" without a fee I have requested 380M it is stolen property stolen by AuSGoV it needs to stop - I have not been contacted I have stayed in touch with the U.SGoV through n.y.p.d s.o.d and joe hunter s biden has promised 3 billion dollars as I requested as a starting price - see 6 "contracts" - on offer - justice drewett you have to decide whether a fee is applicable for continued testing of my intellectual property (experiments) with a view to sale of my intellectual property - G.C - press release - 15/3/2024
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3714721908853920&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz last testament and will of Alex m.m Clayton a report from general clayton (retired) #jcos u.s military - 15:37P.M A.E.D.T 30/9/2023
0 notes
IPR Litigation: Trends and Developments You Need to Know

Navigating the intricate world of intellectual property rights (IPR) has always been a challenge for legal professionals, but recent trends and developments are making it more complex than ever. With new technologies emerging and the global marketplace becoming increasingly interconnected, staying abreast of intellectual property regulations and litigation strategies is crucial for legal teams and business owners.
This comprehensive guide is designed to provide a deep understanding of the recent shifts in IPR litigation practices, offering actionable insights that legal professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs can leverage to mitigate risks and protect their intellectual assets.
The Evolving Landscape of Intellectual Property Rights
The IPR landscape has seen seismic shifts in recent years, primarily driven by technological advancements and changes in global trade dynamics. Recognizing and adapting to these changes is vital for any company or legal professional involved in IP-intensive industries.
Challenges Posed by Emerging Technologies
Rapid artificial intelligence, blockchain, and biotechnology innovation have presented novel challenges for IP law. Legal practitioners are grappling with defining and protecting IP relating to new technologies, often working without the guidance of well-established legal precedents.
Globalization and the Importance of IP
International trade rules and cross-border IP enforcement mechanisms have never been more critical in our increasingly globalized economy. Companies now must consider the impact of IPR when expanding internationally and navigating the complexities of differing regulatory frameworks.
The Impact of Trade Agreements on IPR
Trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), have introduced new provisions related to intellectual property that can significantly alter the IPR landscape in participating countries. These agreements are reshaping the rules and expectations for IPR protection and enforcement.
Recent Trends in IPR Litigation
Given the evolving landscape, several vital trends shape how IPR disputes are handled. Understanding and anticipating these trends can provide legal professionals and businesses a strategic advantage.
The Rise of Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs)
Non-practicing entities, also known as patent trolls, have been a perennial source of IPR disputes. However, the tactics and strategies employed by NPEs are becoming increasingly sophisticated, necessitating a strategic defense from potential targets.
Patent Eligibility Challenges
In the wake of several high-profile Supreme Court decisions, including Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, the standards for patent eligibility have shifted. This has led to increased challenges to the validity of patents, particularly in the software and business method space.
Anti-Counterfeiting and Anti-Piracy Efforts
With the spread of e-commerce and digital content, enforcing IP rights against counterfeiting and piracy has taken on new dimensions. Companies employ traditional legal avenues and innovative technological solutions to protect their IP.
The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
ADR mechanisms, such as arbitration and mediation, are gaining traction in resolving IPR disputes. Their flexibility and confidentiality make them attractive, especially in complex technical issues.
Strategies for Effective IPR Litigation
In light of these trends, legal professionals must develop and refine their strategies for IPR litigation. Business owners and entrepreneurs must also be aware of these strategies as they are often the first defense in protecting IP.
Building a Strong IP Portfolio
A proactive approach to IP creation and protection is a crucial first step. Strategies for building a robust IP portfolio, including identifying potential IPR assets and formulating a comprehensive protection plan, are essential to providing a solid foundation for future litigation.
Conducting Thorough IP Due Diligence
Conducting thorough IP due diligence is vital before initiating or becoming involved in IPR litigation. This includes assessing the strength and validity of your IP and understanding the potential infringements and challenges that may arise.
Leveraging Evidence and Expert Testimony
The quality of evidence presented can often make or break an IPR case. Additionally, expert testimony, particularly on complex technical issues, can be instrumental in securing a favorable outcome. Therefore, the selection and preparation of evidence and witnesses are critical to litigation strategy.
Exploring Legal Precedents and Case Development
Analyzing past legal precedents and cases can provide valuable insights into potential outcomes and inform litigation strategy. Furthermore, developing a solid legal case, including constructing persuasive arguments and anticipating counterarguments, is essential for success in IPR litigation.
Negotiation and Settlement
In many IPR disputes, negotiation and settlement can be the most efficient and cost-effective ways to resolve conflicts. Knowing when to pursue a settlement and how to negotiate effectively can save time and resources while still protecting valuable IP rights.
Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of IPR Litigation
The use of emerging technologies in IPR litigation is rising, introducing new tools and strategies to streamline processes and deliver more favorable outcomes.
Artificial Intelligence in IP Analysis
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the analysis and management of intellectual property. AI tools can rapidly process and analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, potential infringements, and competitive opportunities.
Blockchain for IP Registration and Management
Blockchain technology offers a secure and transparent way to register and manage IP rights. Its potential to prevent counterfeiting and simplify IP transactions makes it an exciting area of exploration for both legal and business realms.
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Litigation Support
Virtual and augmented reality applications visualize complex technical information for IPR litigation. These technologies can provide judges and juries with immersive experiences that facilitate a better understanding of the issues at hand.
Best Practices for IPR Litigation Management
Successfully navigating IPR litigation requires a systematic approach that incorporates several best practices. These strategies can help legal professionals and businesses effectively manage intellectual property disputes’ complexities.
Implementing Strong IP Management Policies
Having clear and comprehensive IP management policies ensures that all relevant intellectual assets are identified, protected, and managed. These policies should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in law and the business environment.
Regular IP Audits and Reviews
Regular IP audits and reviews allow companies to stay updated on the status of their IP and make informed decisions regarding litigation and enforcement actions. It also helps identify any potential issues or gaps in IP protection that may need to be addressed.
Engaging with Regulatory and Industry Organizations
Active engagement with regulatory bodies and industry organizations provides valuable networking opportunities and insights into the latest IPR developments and best practices. It also allows sharing knowledge and forming collaborative strategies for addressing common IP challenges.
Maintaining a Strong Network of Legal and Technical Experts
Building and maintaining a solid network of legal and technical experts can provide access to specialized knowledge and resources necessary for effective IPR litigation. Collaboration with experts in related fields can offer different perspectives and enhance the quality of legal strategies.
Investing in Ongoing Training and Education
Continuous training and education are crucial for staying current with the latest legal precedents and technological developments that impact IPR litigation. Ensuring that legal teams are well-informed and up-to-date on relevant issues can significantly affect the success of litigation efforts.
With the IPR landscape in constant flux, staying informed and adapting to change is no longer an option — it’s a necessity. Legal professionals and businesses can proactively protect their valuable intellectual assets by understanding the trends, engaging with new technologies, and implementing effective litigation strategies.
IPR litigation is a complex and often high-stakes endeavor. Still, with the proper knowledge and approach, it can also be an opportunity to assert and defend the rights that underpin innovation and competition in the modern economy. Those who can master the art of IPR litigation will survive in the current environment and thrive, setting themselves apart in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
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«────── « ASK » ──────»
@uncxntrxllable SAID:
What inspires your writing? Are you someone who prefer a lot of paragraphs, or few? Are there any characters that make you uncomfortable? What is your favorite show, but your least favorite character in said show? Who is your favorite muse, and why? What’s the most difficult thing about being a multi muse blog?
So sorry these are late! But thank you very much for these ♡♡
What inspires your writing?
Whatever I'm fixating on, the music I'm listening to when I open my drafts, and (sometimes) random shit I see online.
Oh! And Philip Pullman's writing for 'His Dark Materials'. His descriptions and use of thematic repetition are just... UGH. So good. I want to get the novels, but even the show does an incredible job at conveying the overarching message of his work. I aspire to achieve Pullman's level of description.
Are you someone who prefer a lot of paragraphs, or few?
I don't really have a preference, honestly, aside from straying away from one liners. Whatever it takes to get the point across is good enough for me.
Are there any characters that make you uncomfortable?
Oh yeah, there's a good few on my roster that make me feel uncomfortable while writing (because I often revisit their media to get inspiration/their voice). A few include:
• Billy Grey
• Andrew Milton (Both bc of the character & bc of my experiences with that fandom)
• Colonel Walker
• Buck / Bambi (Depending on the plot, but his character gives me hella icks)
• Caesar
• Elder Maxson
What is your favorite show, but your least favorite character in said show?
Ooh this one made me think because I haven't been watching many shows lately, but I'll recycle an answer. His Dark Materials. Seriously a top notch show...
I fucking despise Father Gomez. He's written so well as a villain that I genuinely hate him and that is why I plan on writing him here. He's just so... The obsession he ends up having with Lyra and Will, and the way he navigates everything with the organization he's a part of?
Disgusting ♡
Who is your favorite muse, and why?
Splitting this because I feel like it's only fair—
Favorite Canon: This one was genuinely hard for me to answer because so many can claim the title for so many reasons, but if I HAD to pick (I do)... Venom Snake. I am so fucking normal about him, and that is a lie. His whole arc is just... OUGH! I could go on forever about how TPP is easily one of my faves, but instead I'll direct to this video essay by Michael Saba [Metal Gear Solid V is a Misunderstood Anti-War Masterpiece] as I think it does a good job at explaining the intense symbolism, the message, and how that all coils around Venom Snake.
Favorite OC: Vinny... My primary V. I just. I love how stubborn he is. I love how he has this drawn out arc of genuinely believing in the corporate system, watching it fuck him over, and eventually having to circle back to it (granted, through the government instead of directly through the corporation). Watching how he ebbs and flows throughout Night City and the overall world around him. Writing him seeing that he means nothing, and seeing him make something of that.
What’s the most difficult thing about being a multi muse blog?
I think the hardest part about being multi-muse is honestly dividing my motivation across muses. And I think it's less of a multi problem and more of a neurodivergence problem (for me), because when I fixate, I fixate hard.
But! I've been getting better with it the past few months by just, finding different ways to motivate my writing.
#(ooc)#(ask)#uncxntrxllable#(long post)#( i could genuinely have an hours long discussion on mgs tpp and venom snake and all the politics / symbolism )#( esp re: venom snake )#( but i'll spare y'all because i would get too fixated on that and do genuine research- )
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