#Anti Zuko Stan’s
atla-confessions · 7 hours
Fandom especially Zuko stans love to coddle zuko and minimize every other characters trauma to elivate his. And as much as I love the Zukka ship they are a major culprit of this. because I am tired of where Sokka is played as furthering Zuko's trauma with his callousness and can't he see that Zuko is fragile. Alot of fans take one of the greatest things about Zuko his fire and his rage In the pursuit of making him the perfect whumpy victim and it's just sooo sad. like I know of the gang Sokka and Toph have the least talked about trauma but they are still traumatized.
Also Zuko is not unconfrontational with the exception of Katara he is probably the most confrontational people in the series.
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lilith-91 · 4 months
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live zuko and aang reaction to the ass takes about them in atla fandom
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katy-89 · 7 months
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save me characters who are still hated and mischaracterized in 2024 for the sake of a fanon ship save meeeee
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mal3vol3nt · 3 months
mai only receives the hate she gets because she’s a female character who doesn’t put up with all of zuko’s dramatic emo sadboy bullshit. like my girl loves him to death (literally risked her life for him) but even she has her limits 😭
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(also this gif is my absolute favorite she’s so badass bro)
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kidcaroline · 6 months
Zuko and Zutara's STANS need to be humbled because it's getting boring
Glad that atla Twitter is waking up -_-
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katerina-q · 6 months
Sorry but I can't take seriously Zuko/Zutara stans complaining about "Zuko the colonizer" posts when many of you are literally calling a 12 year old Aang ( a pacifist monk and a genocide survivor) rapist, incel, abuser, selfish and misogynist.
There is a whole anti aang tag here on tumblr of Zutara shippers saying the most horrible shit about him, all because your ship is not canon (yes that's the real and only reason)
You have no fucking right to talk.
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 months
i really hate it when people act as though zuko is being selfish or self-serving in some way when he tells aang in the finale that the only choice he has is to kill ozai because a) at this point, zuko is right and b) zuko's brutal honesty here is coming from a place of fear for both aang and the world.
are we all forgetting that unlearning his own idealization of his father and realizing that ozai never had been, and was never going to be, the person zuko thought he was, was a significant part of zuko's own arc? it took him sixteen years to understand that giving ozai any grace or understanding or forgiveness was a mistake, because it would be just another tool for ozai to manipulate him with. and that's not zuko's fault, because he was an abused child growing up in an incredibly damaging environment, but it does make sense that he doesn't want anyone else, especially aang, doing the same thing.
zuko is harsh on aang here because he sees in aang the person that he used to be - the innocent, naive kid who wanted so desperately to believe that ozai wasn't a monster, that there was any shred of humanity within him at all to be appealed to. it's not a coincidence in this show so rife with parallels that aang goes to face ozai at around the same age that zuko has his agni kai. and what did it get zuko, when he threw himself at his father's mercy and counted on ozai's non-existent humanity and compassion to save him?
zuko isn't coming down hard on aang because he's angry that "aang won't do his dirty work for him" or whatever other bullshit version of this argument i've seen zuko antis make - he HAS to impress upon aang how dire this situation is because he knows better than anyone that believing for even a second that ozai can be redeemed is incredibly dangerous. aang cannot give ozai an inch because it will only be used against him (and indeed, this does happen in the final battle when aang turns down the opportunity to redirect lightning at ozai and in return ozai presses his advantage to the point where aang would almost certainly have been killed if not for rock ex-machina).
furthermore, this idea that zuko wanted ozai dead for self-serving reasons doesn't really have much basis either, because if that was the case zuko could have just killed ozai himself during the solstice. he doesn't because at that point, he still had an alternative: aang (and you'll notice his word choices never explicitly refer to what ozai's fate will be; it's only "i'm going to help him defeat you" or "taking you down is the avatar's destiny"). as with many abused children, it's likely that zuko himself didn't really know if he wanted his father dead, but when it came down to the final battle without any other viable options presenting themselves, it was something he had to resign himself - and aang - to.
zuko himself does not lack faith in others (in fact, his whole journey is about understanding that his love for and belief in humanity is a strength, not a weakness) but he's learned the hard way that having this faith in the wrong people can result in devastating consequences, especially when the stakes are so high.
i imagine it terrified zuko to see the echoes of his younger self in aang, knowing he's sending him to face his father at the height of his power. at this point, with no knowledge of energybending or any alternative way to defeat ozai, well aware that a fight with his father can only end in bloodshed, zuko has no choice but to give aang the reality of the situation: kill, or be killed and doom the world alongside you.
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coconutsaiyan · 2 months
Why are zutara shippers getting upset about how the fire nation is shown to do shitty things?
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They act like they’re from the fire nation lol
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zukodragon · 10 days
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someone should study these people's brains
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prisi · 2 months
"Katara is just a trophy for Aang" and then they say that Zuko deserved Katara because he redeemed himself.
They're not complaining because they think Katara is treated like a trophy (which she's not btw), they're complaining because she's not Zuko's trophy.
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emrys-merlin · 2 months
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I'm in many fandoms, but never in my life have I seen something like this
Being this mad and angry that the fire nation (the nation that in the canon series started a war, committed two genocide and colonized the world) are written as shitty people in a new book in the Sozin's era is truly something else
Wtf? It's funny because even Zuko acknowledge how shitty his nation was in book 3 :/
Also yall are accusing "Kataang fandom" to praise Bryke's writing.....aren't yall still obsessing over atla as well, Bryke's creation? Aren't yall still obsessing over Zuko and his redemption arc, written by Bryke? We are pretending that Zuko is written by poc writers now? How does that work? Atla is good or bad when it's convenient?
Aren't yall still praising Dante Basco, even if he made weird comments about Mai and Katara (even Janet was visibly uncomfortable with it)?
And please, stop pretending that you care about Aang's writing. You don't. None of you care. You are just mad that he ended up with Katara, and that’s ruined your self insert ship with Zuko. That’s the real reason you all hate Aang. That's why all the anti aang posts are about Zutara and made by Zutara fans
If y'all truly care about "non-celibate monk" you wouldn't have shipped him with Toph 🤦‍♂️
Atla fandom is genuinely one of the worst fandom ever
A cartoon for kids holy shit....
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longing-for-rain · 5 months
You want to prove Zuko is the better man so bad but he only got 1 kid and Aang got 3 so who’s the ‘alpha’ now?
😬😬😬 Maybe I spoke too soon when I said Kataang shippers weren’t as outwardly misogynistic as they used to be
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lilith-91 · 6 months
They way certain people here want Katara to be a woman with no agency over her life and marriage, miserable, unhappy, abused and used as an incubator by the evil monk Aang....so sad.
She's a hero, powerful, the master of water bending, in love and happy :) And she’s loved and respected by Aang
If she was unhappy with Aang, she would have dropped his ass in 0.5 seconds. Yes the real Katara can do that, unlike your cinderella self insert
You all reducing one of the strongest, most interesting, and dynamically written characters in the show to misogynistic tropes and theories just because you don't like the boy she ended up with. You are literally making up things to be mad about. This is hilarious
Well you can stay mad forever lol
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katy-89 · 3 months
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A certain people of a certain fanbase....in 2024
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mal3vol3nt · 26 days
list of aang’s crimes according to tumblr
short (he’s 12)
he’s 12
being the avatar
having a crush
his crush liking him back
bald (his culture)
his culture
being a genocide survivor
expressing his grief
not expressing his grief
getting angry
not getting angry
allowing his friends to comfort him
not allowing his friends to comfort him
getting married
being 2 years younger than his gf/wife
growing facial hair when he’s older
having too many children
not having enough children
having children in general
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kidcaroline · 4 months
"Katara cheated with Zuko"
Why Katara should downgrade herself in that way? She has high standards sorry
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Avatar>>>Zuko's loser ass
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