#Anti ML Watchers
plumsaffron · 12 days
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Between Death or Conformation Finale
The melancholic and laughable truth.
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04. Logo and Flyer
Even though we discussed and agreed that my teammate is going to do the logo design and I am going to do the poster out of my own interest and enthusiasm I made some of the logo designs. Which are not reflected anywhere in the project.
In Iran from 1980, women could not enter government or public buildings or attend their workplace without a hijab. And from 1983, mandatory hijab in public was introduced in the penal code, stating that "women who appear in public without religious hijab will be sentenced to whipping up to 74 lashes". (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia). When Mahsa Amini was arrested and brutally beaten and dead because of not wearing her hijab properly many women started to come into the streets removing and ‘ritualistically burning their hijabs in front of cheering crowds’ (Shahrokni, 2022). And some of them cut their hair publicly to show their protest towards those rules.
It is at Mahsa Amini’s death the protest for freedom and life for women started with the slogan ‘Women Life Freedom’.
In my logo I taught I can cover some of the context. So, in my first logo I chose ‘WATCHER PERSONAL USE Bold’ font for the word women because the texture seemed like clouds and water. And for life I choose ‘Segoe Print’ font because the alphabets felt like swift and delicate with a life in them and again the ‘REEDO’ part of freedom I again used watcher because I wanted a connection between women and freedom that is why I gave f and m in freedom wings. It’s a metaphor to say that women should always have their freedom in their life. In this case they must walk through the life to get to the freedom. And I choose those colours to reflect the Iranian Flag. Hair hanging from the word women with scissors represents the women who cut their hair to protest. And in the next logo I added gun and bullets representing “Iranian security forces are targeting women at anti-regime protests with shotgun fire to their faces, breasts and genitals.” (Parent & Habibiazad, 2022).
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Because of all these contexts in the above logos I felt like they came on heavy. So, I made some logos that are lite and simple.
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Then, I taught to experiment on some flyers with these logos and these are some of the flyers. I got inspired from some vintage circus flyers which are mostly single coloured or black and white with just the little necessary information on it.
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I tried to mimic this sense of the circus flyer into our flyers and this is the outcome.
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When we finalized our logo I made the flyer / pamphlet in different colours.
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Parent, D., & Habibiazad, G. (2022, December 8). Iranian forces shooting at faces and genitals of female protesters, medics say. The Guardian.
Shahrokni, N. (2022). Women, Life, Freedom. History Today, 72(11), https://www.historytoday.com/archive/history-matters/women-life-freedom
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ananyassinghal · 3 years
Can You Drink Your Period Pain Away?
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Period pain is a reality for most women, but that doesn’t mean that one should grin and bear it. There are ways to reduce period pain and discomfort. In this article, we discuss the Nua period nutrition drink and suggest a few other homemade beverages to help you drink the period pain away.
There’s a drink for your menstrual cramps – and it always works!
Menstrual periods are a reality for every woman, but they are quite unpleasant for a lot of us. There are some symptoms that start showing up even before the period begins, such as greasy skin and hair, bloating around the middle, sudden dip in energy levels. Then the period begins, and brings discomfort in the form of painful menstrual cramps, a heavy head, exhaustion, sleepiness and change in mood. Some women report indigestion during their periods, while others suffer back pain and a swift change in emotions.
The hormonal imbalances during the menstrual period are often the culprit for all these signs and symptoms. You wish for a hassle-free, pain-free and happy menstrual period for once in your life. You can stop wishing and make this happen for yourself, with the Nua period nutrition drink. It is formulated to keep away all the uncomfortable signs and symptoms of menstrual periods, from bad moods to cramp pains.
The drink contains safe and effective ingredients that provide a host of benefits during the menstrual cycle
The drink contains Vitamins B, C and D, apart from grape seed extract, inulin, magnesium and L-Theanine
The period nutrition drink reduces bloating, fatigue and breast tenderness associated with menstrual periods, and may alleviate the severity of menstrual cramps
It also improves gut functioning and health, to cure digestive upsets and indigestion associated with menstruation
It improves low moods and regulates your emotional range during the period
Take one sachet a day with water, for five days during your period. The drink does not contain preservatives or added sugar, and is perfectly healthy even for weight watchers
This period nutrition drink removes all period-related discomfort with an easy fix – just mix one sachet in 200 ml of water and sip once a day for five days.
Other beverages you can consume
Traditionally, certain beverages have been made in Indian homes to reduce pain related to inflammation, blunt trauma, et al. These rely on the principle of muscle relaxation and pain removal by flushing out toxins from the body. You could try making the following beverages during your menstrual period:
Turmeric and honey water: Warm a cup of water with ¼ spoon of turmeric powder and stir a teaspoon of honey in it. Turmeric offers anti-bacterial properties, while honey is a proven anti-inflammatory substance. Sip on this drink while still warm, twice a day, during your periods, to improve digestion, reduce bloating and minimise menstrual discomfort.
Ginger tea: Ginger is a proven anti-inflammatory substance, and ginger tea is known to reduce all types of pain, from headache to cramps. Sip on ginger tea once a day during your menstrual cycle to be free of discomfort.
Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea is a known muscle relaxant. It is also useful in reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting deep sleep. It is a potent beverage to consume during your period.
If your period pain is too intense or has increased in intensity recently, you must schedule a visit to your doctor. Some amount of period cramping and discomfort is normal, but if you are forced to rest in bed or are unable to move due to the pain, then the doctor needs to examine you to find out why the pain is so harsh. Abnormal or debilitating period pain that disrupts your normal routine is often an indicator of an underlying reproductive health issue, and any delay in diagnosing and treating it can prove detrimental in the long run.
Meanwhile, use the cramp comfort to alleviate period cramp pain before you sleep in the night. The Nua sanitary pads will keep you feeling dry and comfortable on all the days of your period with three different variants for heavy, regular and light flow days.
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afashionpoint · 6 years
How to Make Chicken Soup
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How to Make Chicken Soup
For the winter days nothing better than a good homemade chicken soup to get warm. You can make it in a quick pot and the time decreases considerably. But if you have time to make the chicken broth gently in the traditional casserole. The result will be much richer. If you make the broth the day before and put it in the refrigerator. It will be much simpler to De-grease it. How to make chicken soup is very easy. The chicken soup is a very simple dish to put together. In which preparing the broth in the home is the best way to obtain a unique consistency and flavor. You will see that it is not complicated to do it with the following recipe.
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How to Make Chicken Soup What is a Chicken Soup? A chicken soup is one of the most popular recipes in the western world. There is nothing like a chicken soup on a cool, cloudy day. Is there anything more comforting than a chicken soup. When we're in bed with the flu? Who does not remember a chicken soup prepared by his mother while still a child? Today we bring you how to make chicken soup recipe that is always creamy and delicious. The fact is that everyone has enjoyed one rich and delicious chicken soup prepared by our mother when we were sick. Some perhaps have eaten in those winter days in this chicken soup tastes a thousand delicacies. How to make chicken soup recipe is easy to follow. Take your time and read the recipe again if you did not understand. The chicken soup is made from a broth. Read below and we will tell you how to make chicken broth and then the chicken soup.
How to Make Chicken Soup:
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Ingredients for Homemade Chicken Broth: 1 onion 1 leek 1 potato 1 piece of pumpkin 2 carrots 1 chicken skeleton 1 chicken breast Fresh parsley Salt and black pepper in grain (to taste) 1 bay leaf 5 liters of water Preparation: A home-made broth is to me a kind of luxury. It is perhaps the recipe with chicken that more take home, either on a rainy day, as a first quality or as perfect dinner to take on the sofa and watch an episode of "Game of Thrones". It is certainly a tasty restorative, even serves as a resource to enrich our preparations in the kitchen. Do not think with this that I speak of a difficult recipe with rare ingredients, at all. It is actually a super simple, traditional recipe that matches the classic roast chicken. Nothing special there is, apart from the fact of enjoying a home-made comforting dish. We bring today is how to make chicken soup. In many of the recipes, we cook on all stews and soups, among its ingredients include one good homemade broth can make the difference between a rich dish and a yummy dish. So when we start to prepare a good homemade chicken broth. Which we then keep in jars in the vacuum or in the freezer. We know we have a quality wardrobe background for my day-to-day dishes. And we can use our pantry and include a part of this broth in our stews and that will give them an unbeatable spot. Preparation of the Chicken Soup: We put all the ingredients in a pot and we cover it with the water. We have two options when it comes to making a good homemade chicken broth. We can use a pot of those of a lifetime or opt for modernity and employ a quick pot or express pot. That saves a little time. If we use a quick pot we will let it cook at 3, once it rises to the second ring, for 20 minutes. We turn it off and let it cool until it can be opened. If we choose the traditional method, then we have to cook all the ingredients in a casserole for an hour and a half or two hours. Once the broth is ready we glue it and let it cool. Once it is very cold it will be when we can remove the fat that will have formed on its surface. This is a fairly light and low-fat broth, so this step we could suppress it. Chicken meat can be reserved for another preparation. Also use it crumbled inside the broth accompanied by fine noodles in the form of soup. We can also store it in containers for use in our stews. We usually freeze it in 250 ml jars, so that we have it on hand for any preparation. Optional: If you wish, you can add any other vegetables of your choice including everything that you may like or choose. It is best to put some eggs after we have pulled the chicken to put it to fry. When the broth is boiling, I put like 4 or 5 eggs directly in the soup and I do not move the soup to make them stick. And they are delicious!! It is served hot with a splash of lemon and three freshly made tortillas and.... what a treat! Enjoy it!!
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Benefits of chicken soup for the flu: The chicken soup is a healthy dish especially rich in interesting not only against the flu or colds but for general health properties. The different natural ingredients found in this wonderful recipe (chicken, onion, carrots, parsley and celery) help very positively, thanks to its anti-inflammatory benefits. This means that it is a dish that helps in case of flu or cold because it controls the activity of neutrophils (granular leukocytes that appear in great quantity when a person is sick of influenza or suffers respiratory infection since they are produced by the Immune system to protect the body against these). When once you have made the chicken soup and have mastered in it, as it is not that difficult, trust me you will enjoy it every time you make it. Trending Post: Vegetarian Split Pea Soup Recipe  Healthy Butternut Squash Soup Recipe  Easy Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe Homemade Cream Of Mushroom Soup Recipe Weight Watchers Vegetable Soup Recipe Read the full article
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits
Used by mankind since 2000 BC, cinnamon is a spice that was at once valued more than even gold. The spice has several medicinal properties for which it is a well-known ingredient in ayurvedic science.
Besides using it as a home remedy for cold and nausea, there are many aspects to cinnamon nutrition facts. One such is the use of cinnamon for weight loss diet.
Have you been always looking up for weight loss tips and got overwhelmed with so many ideas? Or have you been sweating a lot in the gym lately and not losing an inch? Weight loss has become a myth among us. 
From extreme diet plans to extreme exercises, there are so many ways one can go for weight loss. However, only a few ways are feasible for daily routines. 
While the weight loss industry is filled with several gimmicks, healthy eating happens to be the smartest move for maintaining weight. And by healthy eating we don’t mean expensive food items, we mean regular food sources that are beneficial for health as well as weight loss. 
One such amazing nutrition source is cinnamon. Yes, cinnamon aka in Hindi as dalchini is a spice that can do much more than twist up the dishes. In fact, there are many health benefits of cinnamon that makes this spice a must-have for the health watchers. 
Cinnamon Nutritional Facts
Cinnamon helps in cutting the body fat and hence, expedite the weight loss process. But before jumping into how to use cinnamon for weight loss, let’s know a bit about the nutritional facts of this spice.[8]
Name Amount (per 100 grams) Calories   247 Kilojoules Total Fat  1.2 grams Cholesterol  0 milligrams Sodium 10 milligrams Potassium  431 milligrams  Total Carbohydrates  81 grams Protein  4 grams Vitamins  0.05 grams Dietary Fibre  53.1 gram
Cinnamon is obtained from the inner bark of different trees from the genus Cinnamomum. The term “cinnamon” means mid-brown colour. Cinnamomum Verum is a native to Sri Lanka, the Malabar Coast of India and Myanmar. 
Sri Lanka is known to produce most of the world’s Ceylon cinnamon. However, in 2016, China and Indonesia produced a whopping 75% of the world’s cinnamon supply. China is the native for the Cinnamomum cassia which is thicker than the Sri Lankan cinnamon. 
Benefits Of Cinnamon
Popularly known to add taste and flavour to dishes, cinnamon is one of the spices in the world that comes with several health benefits. Besides the aromatic compounds, the spice contains many medicinal properties too. 
Almost every part of the cinnamon tree has some medicinal benefits, including the leaves, flowers and roots.
Here are some of the major benefits of cinnamon:
1. Cinnamon is a natural source of antioxidants
Antioxidants are required by our bodies to fight against several oxidative damages created by free radicals. These antioxidants should be included in a diet through different food sources.
Studies show that cinnamon contains extracts like ether, aqueous and methanol that have considerable antioxidant activities. [1].Moreover, in another study, cinnamon stood out as a winner with the most powerful antioxidant properties, compared to other 26 spice varieties. [2]
2. Cinnamon benefits the diabetics
Cinnamon contains insulin-potentiating factors that may be of . Studies reveal that the aqueous extract of cinnamon promotes insulin-potentiating effects.
Another study proved that the polyphenol type-A polymer found in cinnamon, acts as insulin-like molecules. After this classification, naphthalene-methyl ester, a newly formed compound from hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, has shown glucose-lowering effects that further establishes cinnamon’s anti-diabetic properties. [3]
3. Cinnamon lowers cholesterol
Besides impacting the blood glucose levels, cinnamon is also believed to influence cholesterol levels. While there have been many experiments proving this on mice and rats; a recent study reported that dosing of 1, 3 and 6 grams per day caused a reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in humans. [4]
Also Read: 8 Superfoods That Lower Cholesterol
4. Cinnamon affects risks of heart diseases
The effect of including cinnamon in regular diets has shown that the spice can be beneficial in lowering of type 2 diabetes as well as lowering of bad cholesterol levels. 
Researches have proved that consumption of cinnamon is directly linked to a significant lowering of fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol levels in humans. These statistics are associated with lowering the risks of heart diseases. 
5. Cinnamon can be beneficial for Alzheimer’s
Cinnamon extracts show properties that inhibit the building up of the protein tau–an aggregation of which is found to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease in vitro.  
Cinnamon’s aqueous extract is also found to promote disintegration of recombinant tau filaments associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.[5] There have been many studies in mice with Parkinson’s Disease also that showed the benefits of cinnamon in protecting neurons and improving motor functions.
6. Cinnamon benefits weight loss
The flavouring agent, Cinnamon, isn’t just a miracle spice for diseases like diabetes and cholesterol, it is also quite helpful in weight loss. 
Studies have reported that cinnamon supplementation can significantly affect obesity measures. [6]. The Ceylon Cinnamon supplementation can burn fat and can be used to manage weight in many ways.
Also Read: 5 Handy Tips On Healthy Weight Loss
4 Amazing Ways Of How Cinnamon Helps In Weight Loss
1. Start Your Day With Green Tea & Cinnamon:
Morning tea is always a good idea but a better idea is to add the health factor in it. Ditch your regular milk tea with a cup of health-boosting Cinnamon Green Tea. Besides boosting your immunity, it will also help you start your day with a weight control tea.
Immunity Boosting Tea
200 ml Water
5 – 6 nos Tulsi Leaves
1/2 tsp Cinnamon Stick(Powdered)
1/4 tsp Green Tea
Take water in a tea vessel and add a few tulsi leaves and a cinnamon stick. Boil the water for some time.
Once it starts boiling, turn off the gas and add some green tea leaves with a spoon of honey. You’re now ready with the health tea!
2. Go for a healthy breakfast by adding cinnamon to it:
Whether an oatmeal or starting off with a heavy breakfast (with a small amount of brown rice), add cinnamon to the dish. Along with flavor it will bring you a morning boost that will take you ahead with the day!
Oat Porridge with Cinnamon
100 gm Oats
150 ml Milk
2 tsp Cinnamon Powder
4 nos Walnut
4 nos Almonds
24 nos Raisins
1 tbsp Honey
200 ml Water
Take a bowl of water and add some amount of oats to it. Stir it properly and don’t make it too thick. 
Take some cinnamon powder to it along with some milk. Don’t over do the cinnamon, otherwise the taste might turn too sweet. 
Cook them well and add walnuts, almonds and honey to the recipe. 
You’re now ready with your cinnamon breakfast!
3.  Cinnamon coffee at work:
If you are all held up at work but can’t concentrate without coffee, just add some cinnamon to your caffeine doses. 
Yes, add some cinnamon powder to your coffee to add a natural boost to your office breaks. It will keep you active at work, all day long!
4. Another way of adding cinnamon to your weight loss routine is to have a cinnamon – walnut smoothie:
Our experts came up with a yummy recipe to help you include more cinnamon to your daily routine. 
Cinnamon-Walnut Smoothie
Servings – 2
250 ml coconut water
5-7 nos walnuts
Vanilla extract for flavor
1/2 tsp cinnamon
The recipe is simple! Just blend all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy your healthy smoothie.
How To Use Cinnamon To Lose Belly Fat?
While we all desire to lose weight, there’s a bigger challenge in losing away those inches from the waist region. The plank exercises are a good way to affect the visceral fat but diet is also an integral part of losing the love handles.  
Although cinnamon doesn’t work on fat cells directly, the spice helps in losing weight and hence belly fat in several ways:
Cinnamon, when included in the diet, helps in making you feel full after eating.  It stabilizes the satiety response and hence, prevents you from overeating. 
Cinnamon also improves the digestion process. Being a spice, it promotes the complete breakdown of foods by the digestive hormones. It makes each nutrition unit of foods to be easily absorbed by the body. This helps in meeting the nutrient requirements of the body. Hence, it prevents the semi-digestion of foods which otherwise are stored as fats.
Cinnamon can prevent fat cell storage by regulating blood glucose levels. Excess glucose is usually converted to fat and stored in the body. Like mentioned above, cinnamon has insulin-potentiating effects that regulate the blood glucose level. Also, this helps in maintaining the diabetic weight in patients. 
Cinnamon helps in keeping the body active by boosting the metabolism. It is known that adding cinnamon in your food can actually improve alertness. Hence, helps in maintaining body weight.
Also Read: 7-Day Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat By Expert Nutritionists 
Side Effects Of Cinnamon For Weight Loss
While we are now fairly acquainted with the benefits of cinnamon, there are few things you should know about overeating of the spice. 
Eating too much of the Cassia cinnamon can hamper your health. Cinnamon is found to consist of high amounts of a compound called coumarin. This coumarin is found to be interlinked with liver damage issues.
Cinnamon also contains cinnamaldehyde.[6] This compound can trigger allergic reactions in the body when consumed in high amounts. Thus, overeating of the spice may result in mouth sores or even burning or itching sensations.
The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon can be a throat irritant that may lead to common problems like coughing or breathing problems. In fact, taking high amounts of dry cinnamon may reach the lungs and create lung infections too. 
Taking cinnamon in excessive amounts can promote the side- effects of certain medications. It can amplify the side effects of medicines like paracetamol and acetaminophen and may cause liver damage. Cinnamon supplements may also affect the working of antibiotics and diabetes medicines. 
Cinnamon can even induce premature labour. Hence it is advised to avoid cinnamon if you are pregnant.
To help you carve your diet chart more accurately and to let you know how much and how cinnamon can help you, here are a few frequently asked questions that will guide you through.
1. How can I use cinnamon for weight loss?
A. You can include the spice in your daily nutrition plans in different ways. Be it including in your morning tea or just adding it as a flavouring agent to your dishes, everything works fine. Cinnamon can aid you in weight loss by controlling your appetite and also by regulating your blood glucose levels.
2. Can cinnamon help lose belly fat?
A. By maintaining the cholesterol levels and the blood sugar level, eating cinnamon can affect the overall weight loss of the body. 
The fat stored in the belly, known as visceral fat, often leads to heart diseases and diabetes. And studies have shown that through diet this fat can be managed well. Many research performed on mice has proved that including cinnamon in the diet may help reduce this belly fat. 
Hence, dieticians have shown positive reviews about adding cinnamon to cuisines to prevent cholesterol, diabetes as well as belly fat. 
3. Is cinnamon bad for kidneys?
A. Including cinnamon naturally in your diet can be beneficial for many health problems. However, supplemental doses of spices such as turmeric and cinnamon may result in certain issues.
Studies show that high oxalate intake may result in kidney issues. The percentage of oxalate that was water-soluble differed markedly between cinnamon (6%) and turmeric (91%). 
Hence the consumption of supplemental doses of turmeric and not cinnamon may significantly increase urinary oxalate levels. Thereafter increases risks of kidney stone formation. [7]
4. How much cinnamon can you take a day?
A. You can take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day. Like mentioned above, excessive doses of cinnamon may result in other health issues. Hence, including it moderately in your diet can do the trick!
In case of doubts or confusion on consuming cinnamon, you can always have a word with your nutritionist. Experts advice is always a way to success!
The post Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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plumsaffron · 1 day
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plumsaffron · 15 days
Bruh where did this dweeb idea of Lila wants fame and power or to be adored or want attention by all come from? Why do you care? And why do such viewers stalely go out their way making out what they think is factual to be inherently bad? Then exists others either having such already, or one to few in their face, do exactly as what they stalely think of Lila, to a much higher level and quantity? It’s almost like these dolts rather stagnation of status or will have nothing else better to do but look for a flaw excuse out of it or a put her down template trash.
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plumsaffron · 18 days
Ah yes. You can realize Juleka being A Marinette Sabrina Sacrifice but then want to theorize Lila to be much older than she is.
You can acknowledged someone being sacrificed again and feeling offended but then come up with something worse in your head.
Ah to discard Oni Chan again.
Do you not understand that you are just spawned a reason to justify, or rather, that inherently justifies Marinette actions towards Juleka? Higher than Derision and the crap she’s done to Kagami too. Oh and might I mention her intentions for Chloe that ended up being a success in her favor.
Aww, asking for this. That’s gotta really suck for Both Chloe and Kagami. Think about it and how that ironically sucks for the heroes and so called hero, Ladybug, in Chloe’s regard. That must closely suck in Adrien’s case as well.
That’s The Tragic Travesty of predestining Marinette to be inherently right all along. Ah in a way that would also justify Marinette having no purpose but to be out of blood in the Christmas special too (so conveniently lucky Santa Claus was real and not some npc in a costume).
Go figure and go on continue the journey of making Adrien’s POV invalid. Along with Alya and their friends. Maybe along the way, admit you secretly embrace Juleka and friends to continue being abuse resources and for abuse apologia should reign supreme.
Once again, Lila rebounding from complete nonsense is seen as threat and the only way for bumbling buffoons to be at peace they didn’t need to lose to begin with is to spawn egregious theories that could affect many in the show or will affect many out the show. People have been collapsing for years and yet people thirst for even more second hand smoke.
Guess people are only able to see Lila because they are absolutely allergic to others around or are on crystal meth to what is or has been in their faces. No wonder Juleka and the rest crawled back to Marinette and Sabrina after they confessed to privacy invasion acts of theft property damage and forgery. Knowing and letting people suffer. YAY!
Bonus. Adrien sees it as a okay but it’s fine cause he was in Elation and suffered from Deflagration earlier. And for some strange reason, far gone and lost in Revelation. Currently this Cat Walker is in a cage coded trap known as Adrienette.
Yes yes Felix cosplaying as Adrien and no diff tricking Marinette (despite Volpina and Chameleon and Puppeteer 2) and Nathalie somehow (Risk).
Marinette guilt tricks a firefighter to helping her cause with the sobbery story, dressing up as a party crasher for a boys only event (that trick worked until she fumbled her disguise. Funny losers be like Max so smart should realized in Chameleon then want to avoid being slapped by Party Crasher and then Intuition), In Gabriel Agreste, dressing up again as a waitress with a mustache only and easily tricked that Sarah restaurant worker. Hmm remember Shanghai Special Marinette. All for a Adrien. :)
Nino with an even more obvious disguise like Marinette, no diff tricked Adrien until he outted himself and Rena after being fed up.
Max can pretty much make anything and make things do beyond what was his intended threshold.
Chloe no diff tricked Marinette in Animaestro and no diffed tricked adults in Adoration.
I could mention more things or people but I’m not in the mood.
All these characters in your face doing similar crap or beyond but Lila is too much apparently.
Every major inconvenience is a punk.
Minor Inconvenience known as Lila is too much.
But since Lila is too much to fools. Take this load.
That Ticket Inspector of Qilin and Revolution, said nothing wrong and did ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong. Theo Barbot COMPLETELY did nothing wrong. Gabi Grassette DIVINELY did nothing wrong. Nathalie Sanceour did EVERYTHING Right. Tomoe Tsurugi did nothing wrong and is the GREATEST PERSON AND MOTHER OF ALL TIME. Andre Bourgeois did nothing wrong. Audrey Bourgeois did nothing wrong Jagged Stone did nothing wrong. Bob Roth did and said nothing wrong. Alec is the GOAT! Cash from Shanghai FACTUALLY AND TRULY did nothing wrong. Master Fu and Future Bunnyx are the epitome of CHAD. Sabrina Raincomprix did nothing wrong. Kim is a LEGEND and needs a Statue to honor him like Gabriel Agreste. Marinette after the wish incident, definitely absolutely did nothing wrong. And by that I mean specifically what she did after the wish incident was the most right thing she’s done. Most importantly, please continue supporting Andre The Ice Cream Man.
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plumsaffron · 25 days
How intriguing to seethe at Lila telling people what they like to hear.
And so the seethers or others do just like they whine or mock at her doing and may or might spout manure that many foaming flunkies love to hear or note or reblog of many to feel at peace or for chaos. Congratulation of hating on but worshipping the way of the Cherry. Delicate Main Protagonist behavior.
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plumsaffron · 1 month
Observing the extremely biased Lila page on that ml wiki.
Just shows how many of them have divine levels of tunnel vision.
They are usually absolutely moronic. Same goes for the page editors.
No, it’s not the only page.
Regardless, they should rewatch everything not featuring her so they can think exclusively of their twisted herocentric protagonistic morality has corroded them.
And other trites around them to a point or cycle of low to no escape
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plumsaffron · 22 days
Bla bla Lila Rossi tricked or convinced 3 mothers of her.
You care too much in a twisted way. That’s a you problem. You have nothing else better to do but be triggered or look for trouble. It’s a you want it to be a problem as well and involve into it deeply for Derision. Seems to me you never realized that people don't have the same amount of care like you do. What I know is lax and or busy distracted people that have a life, exist. Shall I tell you that only specific samples of characters are used and not an entirety of what people are like are used. I have some more awful news. I congratulate you again for being a true protagonist. And go on a please admit you secretly love Derision.
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plumsaffron · 6 months
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Chronicles Of Miraculous Fandom Phobic Lila Rossi Part 2
Lets get it.
Last Time On Based Cherry
Now some Based Cerise Vegito brimming Ladyfandom Phobia.
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what it was supposed to embed
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continuing now.
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even if it's shown it's really the other way around
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The Final Joker Chronicle Here (Part 3)
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plumsaffron · 11 days
My assumptions were correct, the salters just couldn’t let go of the past after Lila’s debut and the infamous season 3 episode. No wonder I still see these bozos still plague here, YouTube and whatever social media site exists. They are the reason why I hardly touch fanfic crossovers since I fear seeing them sink to the low levels of that ship, bashing and all.
They might as well make hatedoms of fictional characters from other series/franchise look sane and reasonable.
I may not be a sports fan but Major League Baseball should have the MLB acronyms not the stupid show. The former earned and actually deserved it after all.
The Miraculous Ladybug plaguedom got it coming for a looonggg time with their poor behavior.
Yep. I be avoiding searching up or typing Lila Rossi anywhere besides here (or Discord servers I’m in or Telegram channels) these days. And the funny part is the things they jeered about are ignored when similar or surpassing crap happens in their faces, when she’s not present, happened episodes earlier or later. Ya got Animaestro and The Party Crasher. Earlier you could say Frozer. And later you can say Crocoduel, Gabriel Agreste (The Episode) or Rocketear. I could say of even later, Evolution, Intuition, or non canon Plastic Special. There also exists The NY Special or Shanghai Special. Even The Christmas Special where Ladybug completely disregards what Adrien said and proceeded to attempt merking Santa Claus (which could have been a normal Parisian). I could list many more episodes but nah.
They are disgustingly choosey and are…
They are the same bozos that are aware or should know that a woman died because people chased her to her death for wanting to see more of Lila. Tried to deal with it but you know, unfortunately… And now (or rather since that leak happened,) pests want to disregard what Lila said to Gabriel Agreste in Oni-Chan and desire Lila to be a predo and encourage that egregious thing or thought to become canon by writers and too many buffoons discard the ramifications of that and seem to want to be lame and ignore that what’s being said against her is disgusting.
It’s ultimate level of justifying their delusions because ignoring and let her go is too much work. Them believing their stupid actions to be righteous. They’re even more funny to me considering Miraculous Secrets Lila when Marinette (delusionally) believes she can Adrien could still save her (instead of leave her alone and not make things worse like Adrien said in the infamous episode).
These hotshots and scums.
They’ve set destruction in motion something can never undo.
Or that they set in motion what they don’t want to undo or stop.
This grotesque thirst to want to be inherently right against her while disregarding all else. They hated what was being twisted or done against Chloe & what happened to Chloe. They can sadly somewhat acknowledge that Marinette was the idiot to Kagami (but definitely mostly only at the end of Mr. Pigeon 72 because Kagami finally supported the cage coded ship). They somewhat can admit when Luka or mostly Juleka is being a punching bag. Despite all of that, they some reason are allergic to Lila and want Marinette to be predestined as right for all, ironically, which is amusing because that discards above what they can perceive and Adrien or Alya.
Their Twisted Sense Of Grave spitting justification.
Due to their tunnel vision of only seeing Lila, they should just admit they love Gabuse, Maribuse, Adult Abuse Apologia winners, Derision, Deflagration, Revolution, Recreation, Omnicidal Victor and his apologists. How about they also admit that they are in awe for Tomoe Tsurugi, Audrey Bourgeois, Nathalie failing Emilie and Emilie’s legacy, Both Andres, Theo Barbot.
And how about they plea to adoring Adrien Kagami Juleka Luka Chloe and Ironically Marinette suffering. How about they also admit that they secretly love the writers they say they say they hate, Jeremy Zag, and Ezra Weisz. They should make it easier for themselves and confess that they secretly love that incident that made Cristina Vee leave Twitter. How about they finally just announce they are happy that wife to be, never will be.
Sigh... It’s just who many are & it will never go away.
No matter what happens.
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plumsaffron · 1 month
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2 Theories at once, falling apart now, and featuring redirection.
Now so many can either die along with your motley sanctuaries.
Or ignore
Watch as either or worse turns out true and drags over several other characters as beacons of put down material.
Stupid illrewatcherates spreading stuff out of their gyatts. Typical.
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plumsaffron · 2 months
Sigh here I go again.
Lila didn’t get expelled.
Former Mayor told Damocles if he wants to keep his job he will keep Lila and Chloe there.
Mr Damocles agrees with only that order given to him.
It’s ironic when the watcher spreads false information.
Hmm it’s funny that they purposely forget Marinette got expelled along with Caline a Collusion later but won’t put that there. Olga followed the orders of the former Mayor.
Figures. That’s why this stupid fandom or wiki is grossly biased and allergic towards admitting Marinette likes bullying (or anyone who doesn’t bow down to her interests or deluded thoughts well enough) or is a true control freak or control freak bully. They must be too afraid to admit Marinette is a master manipulator too and has been doing it for a longer known time.
That makes hating Lila more ironic. Wow. The hatred of lies but spreading lies and no diff tricking many viewers. MMM now that’s some S tier manipulation to masses or how to cause self manipulation towards the masses 101.
Mastery of Marinette has been a great success.
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plumsaffron · 2 months
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Too many just couldn’t let me go
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could you?
could they?
I doubt it.
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