#Anti Fandom Menace
dalekofchaos · 3 months
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EFAP is what happens when people forget this dude isn't supposed to be taken seriously.
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shrimz08 · 6 months
Well. The ultimate "Anti aang" Takes on a bingo card, go to the tag, see how much can be crossed out
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Here's a fanfic version, though I don't have much experience in that section -
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sjbattleangel · 4 months
Moon Studios' Thomas Mahler supports a hate movement
As someone who adores the Ori games, this is just awful in so many ways.
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"Cancel culture" DOESN'T EXIST. What you're talking about is people demanding certain figures of power and influence to be held accountable for spewing bigoted hate speech or causing a toxic environment.
"Woke culture"? You mean a culture that acknowledges the existence of marginalized communities i.e people of colour, disabled people, queer, gender-non comforming people. Yet to you, that's somehow a terrible thing.
How dare you use a powerful poem dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust-the horrific tragedy of the history of humanity-to complain about your first-world persecution complex! To whine how sad it is that cishet white men like you own-*gasp*-slightly LESS of the world! Oh woah is me! You don't deserve to utter those words. Also, wanting more diversity, representation and equality in video games, game development and games journalism ISN'T THE SAME AS NAZISM! And don't me give that "The Nazis were socialists" bullcrap! THEY WERE FAR-RIGHT FASCISTS! You should know better. You're Austrian for crying out loud!
Having a women and minorities exist in video games and development isn't an "agenda". It's called KNOWING PEOPLE OTHER THEN CISHET WHITE GUYS EXIST. Also, "Hollywood" and "west coast developers" have nothing to do with this. Society is just changing, becoming more inclusive for the better and entertaining of all mediums are reflecting that. And that's great! Unless you have a problem with that.
Your friends were never "ridiculed" because they "didn't conform". Far from that tragic martyr rubbish you claim. They were rightfully reprimanded and fired for being bigoted jerks who didn't respect the humanity of marginalized people....just like you.
If you really believe the existence of minorities are "political", then I have nothing to say but SCREW. YOU.
Overall, there's just no way of putting it: Thomas Mahler is member and supporter of Gamergate.
Despite what they might tell you, Gamergate isn't and never was about "ethics" or "wanting fun apolitical entertainment". It is, has been and always will be a white supremacist hate movement (alongside Comicsgate and The Fandom Menace) dedicated to chasing women, LGBTQ+ people and BIPOC out of gaming and fandom. Its members and ringleaders are and have always been LITERAL NEO-NAZIS. Even when boycotting certain games over the supposed diversity consultants or the inclusion of minorities, they can barely hide their hatred.
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(As evidenced by the "Embrace Tradition. Reject Modernity" white supremacist slogan*.)
Remember, if you still want to play his games, that's fine. I don't have the power to stop you. Just be warned that this developer stands with a hate movement.
*Hey, Nazi-turds, Japan and Korea aren't your Aryan utopias nor are their people your precious Aryan supergods!
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dougielombax · 3 months
What’s that?
You’re angry about a sequel/reboot/remake/other of some established IP all because some middle aged mediocrity with a podcast who never even saw the original told you to get mad?!
Oh NO!
Here’s a thought.
How about you just ignore it and move on.
You know.
Never even occurred to you?
Oh dear.
Why is this so?
Are you stupid?
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ankahikoibaat · 4 months
rewatching The Phantom Menace - it's kiddo's first watch - and already I'm like a) this movie was made for kids (as evidenced by the fact that she's following along easily and understanding most of it) and b) fandom really needs to rewatch (or watch in some cases) the source material because their yells about the jedi are disproven so obviously!!!! and c) Palpatine's lines are not subtle about his aims and thoughts at all but also just because the audience knows it doesn't mean other characters do.
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skysgalaxy · 2 months
Now I think about it Rey being chased in a desert by a flyer and is being attacked where have I seen that before oh yeah 👇
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ayesakara · 3 months
PART 5 OF SHIZUO/VORONA - Season 2, Final arc, Durarara.
This is the continuation of my last post in this series.
Izaya, the culprit, has just dropped a whole freaking excavator/forklift on Shizuo and Vorona. The intention behind this act cannot be anything other than to seriously injure, if not kill, Shizuo and for sure kill Vorona.
Now I can see some Shizaya fans wanting Vorona out of the way, so her dying might be seen as a good thing by them. Not ideal for us Shizuo/Vorona fans but that's fandom for ya.
But I don't understand how anyone who claims to like Shizuo would want him badly injured or killed. Like... make it make sense! One half of this supposed pairing just tried to kill the other half dead. How does this even work? Makes me doubt if anyone that supports Shizaya as a pairing actually even truly likes (let alone respect) Shizuo as a character. They gotta be just Izaya fans who think of Shizuo as nothing more than a trophy for their favorite character. Even if Izaya hates Shizuo vehemently, Shizuo is a gift for him to torment and gaslight. Because I truly believe Izaya hates Shizuo and harbors zero positive thoughts towards him.
Anyways... on to the scene. Shizuo knew Izaya was the one to drop the excavator and rightly assumed Izaya was also behind the construction debris falling earlier - which injured Vorona, when she pushed him out of harm's way.
Of course, this is the moment in the LN when Vorona realizes that Shizuo is truly like a superhero. He glances the whole excavator off with just his right shoulder. Now, despite his super strength, he isn't left completely unharmed. He dislocates his shoulder in this. But he still manages to push the excavator out of the way and saves both himself and Vorona from getting killed.
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Vorona is in shock at this spectacle. But a strange calm has descended on Shizuo. His anger has turned into a cold, calculated rage. He now knows he has to kill Izaya and be done with him.
He apologizes to Vorona. She just saved his life, but he's about to go ruin his life. He tells her she can stab him or shoot him the next time she sees him. But he gotta finish this job.
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He walks into the stairwell and away from Vorona.
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Vorona knows what he's about to do and she tries one last time to stop him. She calls out, "Shizuo! Come back!"
The look on her face is desperate. But he doesn't hear her.
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Oh. My. Heart. 😍❤️💔😭
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terrietont · 1 year
My favourite thing on the internet:
When a person who sees some petty fandom war going on and is either in both fandoms, one, the other or none at all and creates a depiction of fanart/fan fiction of both fandoms being super friendly with eachother and it brings people together away from the shit that is cringe culture, gatekeeping and general fandom toxicity.
The harmony of crossovers being depicted as not a ‘X vs Y’ but a “Nice to meet you I’m from X” “Nice to meet you too I’m from Y, wanna be friends?” “Yeah sure!”
It’s just a thing that needs to be done more.
Same as mixing genres from a more “serious” one to something funny, wholesome or silly.
Never had so much fun putting a xenomoph in a Sims alien bachelorette challenge and putting Samara Morgan in a house with two other ghosts and a drunk werewolf. Just 👌 lovely nonsense, I am here for it.
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
That rant was sure something. Anyhow, Happy BHM. In honor of uplifting Black voices, here’s a video made by a black person breaking down that article you shared somewhere in that whatever it was, and how white feminism took over the entire tone to discredit poc https://youtu.be/avZ_NC4TrQA
Not sharing this to fuel reylo discourse or anything. This person’s video is pretty neutral on that. Just wanted to point out that your bias, racial or not, can still cloud your judgement to the point of gaslighting poc’s experiences. Yes it was indeed a pain to read. Mainly for women of color who are once again reminded how fandoms despise our presence
Alright, I'm gonna stop you right there because the shit you're saying is exactly the point I'm trying to get across here.
I watched the whole video and nowhere at any point does she 'disprove' anything in the article.
What I posted is still true, an alt-right user by the name of Crogman made a sock puppet account on twitter he then used to harass actors from Star Wars.
Nothing about that part of the article was a lie and I don't need to watch a 22 minute long rant from some rando on youtube to tell me the information in the article is actually correct.
The Author did her fucking homework.
Hell for the most part I totally agree with the youtuber on pretty much every point she makes. Being black in fandom has to suck complete and total cock and balls because not only are they dealing with harassment for simply being black in fandom but doubly so for many of them in the reylo fandom where they're often told they're racist for enjoying it.
That shit has to be quite wearing on the nerves. I'm not black and in fandom but I am female in fandom and if the amount of harassment I get, which is considerable, is double the amount a black person gets then they have every right to be absolutely fucking furious.
She is obviously upset about the line of 'Finnreys really seem to have it out for reylos' but I don't recall in the article where the author mentions that finnreys are overwhelmingly black, that's just a conclusion the youtuber jumped to all on her own.
The author of the article ain't wrong about the finnreys hating reylos tho.
For context, this was a screengrab of the 'anti-finnrey' tag on tumblr which you would think would be full of reylos who hate finnrey but instead is ironically full of finnreys calling reylos racist and the only reylos who showed up were me, commenting on how odd it is that so many anti reylos seem to be finnreys and that's kinda weird and one other reylo who adds the tag for blocking because they get harassed by so many finnreys.
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I get it, some finnreys are upset that reylo became canon in Star Wars, but harassing members of the reylo fandom isn't going to fix the problem they're having.
The reylos aren't racist for noticing and enjoying a ship that was telegraphed very early on in the movies.
No one in the the star wars fandom is demanding you ship reylo.
Ship what the fuck you want mate.
Honestly considering the end of EP9 I don't fucking know how finnreys could still be upset at reylos.
The finnrey ship is just as likely to become canon as reylo was, which thus far is one instance where they held hands and a single PG smooch.
Rey is still very fucking alive and Ben is pretty fucking dead so who fucking knows, assuming Disney can gather the testicular fortitude to continue telling stories in the sequel trilogy timeline we could very likely get a finnrey scenario play out fully as canon but I'll tell you one thing for fucking sure;
I as a reylo ain't gonna go onto the finnrey tag and blast them for it.
I'm not going to stop finnreys from shipping Finn and Rey. I'm just asking them to get the fuck out of the reylo tag about it.
Just because some people on the internet preferred the romantic pairing of Ben and Rey vs Finn and Rey doesn't automatically mean they racist.
It's Just A Ship.
Shipping isn't activism.
Reylos actually seam to quite like Finn the character or else they wouldn't overwhelmingly write him into their fanfictions. Over Half of the reylos fics I have up on my computer right now have Finn as a character in them.
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Someone who hates Finn wouldn't bother doing that.
Hell, I'm making a comic right now where some scenes have over 7 characters in a single panel and I can tell you right fucking now I would not put the effort into drawing the character if I disliked them.
The effort shows care.
What I have seen is a lot of finnreys who make posts zeroing in on reylos to harass them or worse yet, just simply tell them to go die
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Shipping isn't activism.
I don't make these posts because I feel oppression for being a reylo. I make these posts because there are a lot of people on this website that say some pretty off the fucking wall bonkers shit about the people in this fandom and other fandoms with zero proof with only their misguided hateful opinions to go on and they've successfully done nothing else but make being in fandom For Everyone Of Every Race And Creed a living hell.
They could be black, they could be white, they could be asian, they could be russian, they could be blue aliens from fucking Uranus. I don't give a good goddamn. What I do care about is why the fuck they're trolling around tags and fandoms they hate to harass the members in it.
There are black reylos. There are white finnreys. Race ain't got fucking dick all to do with the ship and the harassment it sees.
Shipping isn't activism.
You don't have to interact with fandoms you dislike.
Don't like reylo? Then don't go into reylo tags and be a fucking dick. Don't dedicate 7 years of your life harassing EVERYONE in this fandom because you dislike the ship for whatever the fuck reason.
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If you're an Anti, and you've been an Anti harassing members of a fandom for over 7 years, you're the fucking problem in fandom, not the fandom.
We as members of any fandom seeing this level of vitriol so often need to stand up and tell these people they're not fucking welcome and they need to fucking leave. There is a lot of us compared to the antis and alt-right assholes who tell us day after day we can't enjoy the ship we like because it's gross to them.
Put them on full fucking blast. I want to know who the fuck these assholes are and everyone should be fully aware of who is causing shit in their respective fandoms.
That shit ain't activism, that's the most fucking basic decency you should be providing in your own fandom to make sure your fandom isn't a fucking cesspool of hate and harassment.

How is any part of that anti-black? How is standing up for yourself and your community racist?
People of color have everything to gain if we all start telling the people who harass members of any fandom to hit fucking bricks.
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LGBT Vtuber Karina McDaniels Makes Her Compelling Views Against The Right And The Alt Right
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sjbattleangel · 7 months
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*Bioshock. Fallout. Metal Gear Solid. Call Of Duty. Halo. Jak II. Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy X. Valkyria Chronicles. Tales Of Symphonia. Tales Of Versperia. Fire Emblem. Rachet & Clank. Grand Theft Auto V exist*. Gamergate/Comicsgate/Fandom Menace chuds: YAY!
*Gone Home. Abby and Ellie from The Last Of Us Part II. Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and Hailey Cooper from Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Saga Anderson from Alan Wake II. Vinyl from Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Mizhena from Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. Life Is Strange: True Colors. Usual June. Dustborn exist* Gamergate/Comicsgate/Fandom Menace chuds: You Made it political.
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intermundia · 1 year
one thing i love about star wars is that the jedi are monks with dangerous psychic space magic, and so they're monks on purpose. they're joyfully and intentionally participating in their institution and finding meaning and happiness in life as monks—anakin is the exception that proves the rule!
it makes me happy to see as many people in the world live like this, and are quite happy with rich, full lives in fellowship with their fellow monks, practicing the tenets of their philosophies, studying the world and themselves, handing down their traditions and wisdom, always helping others; this is such a valid and good way to live, not any kind of oppression.
if anakin had been less selfish, if he had internalized and practiced the jedi philosophy of moderation and compassion, he could have had a rich, happy life (if only he lived in an age without the malice and menace of the sith!) and that's the root of his tragedy that he turned away from those bonds and generous purpose toward his own private pleasure.
it's not easy to practice discipline, but it's so worth it, both for you and everyone whose lives you can touch. it bothers me when i see comments openly and offensively denigrating all organized living; the individualistic amatonormative anti-religion biases of sw fandom are unfortunately on almost continual display. not all religions and religious organizations are abusive and controlling!
i believe from the bottom of my aromantic heart that one don't need romantic love and a nuclear family to be a full human being with a good life. these monks follow their philosophy of moderation and discipline in fellowship with their monastic fellows on purpose and by choice so they can serve the galaxy, and this is such a commendable life full of meaning and love.
the tragedy of their genocide is visible in how that force of generosity and hope for the galaxy was wiped away, for the violent enforcement of a brutal era of exploitation and greed. when luke restores the order and the jedi return, that form of joy in service and endless compassion is returned too. it's a beautiful thing that continually inspires me to live a better and more moderate and generous life.
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david-talks-sw · 11 months
How the narrative framed Mace Windu, back in 2002
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So there's this 2002 book written by Marcus Hearn, edited by J.W. Rinzler, titled Attack of the Clones - The Illustrated Companion. It was released a month before Episode II was released.
AKA, before EU material and anti-Jedi fanon could publicly reframe the meanings of the film... and before more recent narratives could reinterpret the character of Mace as a robotic, protocol-worshipping stickler who never bends the rules (when evidence shows he's anything but).
So how does Marcus Hearn - "untainted" by all the above factors, armed only with the Prequel films and their screenplays - frame the character of Mace Windu?
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Fandom: "Mace hated Anakin from Day #1 and never trusted him. Mace was probably jealous as he always thought he was the Chosen One, not Anakin!"
Attack of the Clones' - The Illustrated Companion:
"Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu lead the High Council in rejecting Qui-Gon's application to train Anakin, 'He is too old,' concludes Mace Windu. 'There is already too much anger in him.'
Hearn explains that the problem with Anakin wasn't that he was just too old, it's that because of that age he had become too filled with fear and anger to a point where taking on the Jedi training would be twice as hard for him as it already was for everyone else.
Hearn doesn't chastise Mace for this initial decision. On the contrary, he adds more context to it by using a line from the screenplay to explain where Mace is coming from.
He also goes further into Mace's view of Anakin throughout the book:
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"[Mace] over-estimates Anakin Skywalker, paying little credence to Obi-Wan's protestations that the boy is too confused and disturbed to be dispatched on a solo mission."
"The Jedi Council is aware of Anakin's exceptional skills, and Mace Windu believes Anakin may fulfill the prophecy that says a being will one day bring balance to the Force. But Anakin still has a lot to learn…"
He's basically stating that Mace believes in Anakin, but that doing so is a mistake. Which, to be fair, considering how things turn out for Mace and the Jedi... is kinda true!
Mace's problem with Anakin is almost the opposite of what most of the fandom projects onto him.
It's not that he dislikes Anakin, on the contrary, he holds Anakin in too high of an esteem and is overlooking Anakin's glaring flaws because "hey, Anakin's the Chosen One. He's got this!"
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That's not the only flaw Mace has, according to Hearn.
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MACE'S (and the Jedi's) ONLY REAL FLAW
Fandom: "Mace and the Jedi had become too emotionally detached, they had lost touch with the common folk by spending too much time in their ivory tower. They focused so much on being selfless that they forgot how to care, they've become a bunch of elitist, righteous sticklers for protocol who care more about upholding laws than actually helping the people those laws are meant to protect!"
Attack of the Clones' - The Illustrated Companion:
"Although he is a senior member of the Jedi Council, little in Mace Windu's experience has prepared him for the looming threats of the dark side of the Force and Count Dooku's Separatists."
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"Mace Windu's faith in the Jedi to protect the Republic is admirable, but it also blinds him to the true scale of the growing menace. He is aware that the dark side is growing, but still allows himself to be too easily reassured about the Separatists' ambitions. [...] Mace fatally misjudges Count Dooku, refusing to believe he could be behind any attempt on Senator Amidala's life. 'Dooku was once a ledi, he tells Padmé. 'He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character.'"
"Mace Windu's strengths are, in many ways, qualities shared by the Jedi Order as a whole - he is an accomplished diplomat and a fine swordsman. Such skills have served the Jedi well in their role as the galaxy's peacekeepers for a thousand generations. But such skills are not enough to save the Jedi from their own complacency, and the tumultuous changes that threaten to wipe them out forever."
Hearn perfectly grasps what the Jedi's only real flaw is, in George Lucas' intended narrative: they were unprepared, complacent, they were blind... and now they're stuck playing catch-up.
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But when he's saying that, he's not blaming them for it. Because this flaw doesn't derive from some sense of elitism or superiority... it is an inevitable consequence of their qualities.
They've managed to stay out of politics as neutral diplomats... ... but that makes them vulnerable to the Sith's plot, which primarily takes place within the political arena, where they have no control or experience.
They are painfully aware of the corruption in the Senate... ... but as a result, they're too quick to trust the Separatist's talking points as well-meaning and genuine, instead of seeing the movement for what it really is: greedy big business trying to become the government.
They trust and agree with Dooku, believe in what he publicly stands for (after all this man used to be one of the wisest and kindest members of the Jedi Order, Mace's friend, Yoda's Padawan, etc)... ... but as such, they are blind to his true nature, that of a treacherous Sith who'd stoop to orchestrating assassinations.
The Jedi have their guard up, knowing that there's another Sith Lord still out there, orchestrating in the shadows... ... but they can't really find him, because the Dark Side has clouded everything, so only darksiders are able to sense the possibilities of the future! Them serving the good side is screwing them over, in this situation.
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Flaws such as being too trusting or being unprepared, letting your guard down because you've established a 1000-year-peace, are flaws that kind, noble characters such as the Jedi are bound to have.
They may be flaws, but they aren't faults. And considering the way he describes Mace and the Jedi, it's clear Hearn grasps the nuance.
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Fandom: The Jedi joined the war out of arrogance, they thought they could swashbuckle their way through the problem and win, instead they didn't realize that they lost the very moment they joined.
Attack of the Clones' - The Illustrated Companion:
"Mace Windu believes in the Jedi as keepers of the peace - not as soldiers - but there comes a point when he reluctantly realizes that it is time to take affairs out of the realm of diplomacy."
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Mace and the Jedi didn't want to start a war. If you read the script for Attack of the Clones, Mace and Bail keep grasping at straws to not engage with the Separatists up til the very end.
But when you consider that...
the Geonosians are about to execute Obi-Wan without a trial,
and the Separatists leaders have been unmasked as a coalition of unscrupulous corporate assholes who are willing to plunge the galaxy in chaos just to make more money.
... at some point, the Jedi have to come to terms with the fact that Separatist leadership (and Sidious) won't accept diplomacy because they want a conflict. A conflict will make them all richer. And the Republic, well, they're just dying to go to war too.
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So the Jedi go save Obi-Wan and capture Dooku, hoping that in doing so, the conflict ends before it begins. They succeed in the former goal... but fail the latter one.
The Clone War has begun.
From there on, the Jedi are drafted to lead the war. Which is why - as Hearn points out - Mace was so reluctant to take action in the first place. The Jedi are ambassadors, they are not built for war... and now they've been forced into one.
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Mace is by no means a perfect character... but he's someone doing his best. Just like Obi-Wan, just like Yoda, and all the other Jedi.
Overtime, Windu's character has been dumbed down to either "that one angry black man" or "the dogmatic emotionless dick who hated Anakin"... and I really think that that's not what we were meant to see him as.
The way Marcus Hearn (who also wrote The Cinema of George Lucas) refers to him is a much more charitable interpretation of how others (ahem Filoni ahem) do, nowadays.
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maquet591 · 5 months
We need to talk about the Watcher "fans".
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These are the top comments on Shane’s IG post. Just look at the number of likes.
“Steven Lim is a greedy, manipulative evil CEO that twists his white co-founder's hands and forces the said co-founder into his will!!!” – this narrative is being prevalent in this fandom since April 19. People harassed him all across social media on every platform. People wrote nasty comments not only to his social media accounts but also to his wife and friends.
People made a Change.org hilariously dumb petitions to have him leave the CEO post.
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People gleefully demonize and tear down his reputation. Twist his words out of context in to something vile. Weaponize the years old inside jokes his friends made on camera.
“This is not racism!!!” they say. “These are just the facts!!!”
No they aren’t. And here’s why:
because this
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is the same as this:
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Covert racism in language, or coded racism, is the deployment of common stereotypes or tropes to elucidate a racially charged idea. Rather than expressly perpetuating racist tropes, covert linguistic racism is seen as rational or "common sense", and many are not aware of its impact.
Racial stereotypes. Racial or cultural stereotyping refers to generalizing a group based on a simplified set of norms, behaviors, or characteristics.
The Yellow Peril (also the Yellow Terror, the Yellow Menace and the Yellow Specter) is a racist color metaphor that depicts the peoples of East and Southeast Asia[a] as an existential danger to the Western world.
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Fu Manchu is a fictional character created by Arthur Ward, a music hall writer and journalist in London in the early 1900s. Writing under the pseudonym Sax Rohmer, Ward had absolutely no knowledge of Chinese culture or Chinese people – but his invention of a Chinese supervillain struck a chord in Victorian Britain and became a smash hit.
Fu Manchu was the original fictional Asian villain, a trope which became embedded in popular culture and Western psyche spawning spin-offs, spoofs, pop songs, video games and even consumer goods. But how damaging is Fu Manchu and how much can he tell us about modern Asian racism?
Ward wrote Fu Manchu as the personification of the so-called Yellow Peril threat: exotic, alien and inhuman, a mastermind boasting degrees from top universities. Using sinister powers to control minds, he aimed to undermine Western civilisation.
"This led to the idea that the Chinese were deceiving – they weren't being honest, they weren't revealing who they really are as people. This spawned into stories of Chinese as cheats and liars and deceitful – never giving you the truth, always fabricating."
Seven Lim being labeled as “greedy” “evil” and “manipulative” (of his white co-founder) is rooted in Anti-Asian racism. Whether people admit it or not.
Racism is not always derogatory slurs or white hoods. Racism is also casual micro-aggressions and putting people of color in the metaphorical boxes of harmful stereotypes. Racism is twisting the narrative and shaping it into a vile stereotype straight from the 19th century.
Also, let's not forget that people are happy to jump on Ryan in the similar way for the same reasons.
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legends-on-legends · 10 months
the "classic" villain
some ppl try to defend totk ganondorf’s one-dimensional characterization by arguing that he’s meant to be a “pure evil”, “classic” villain. now, personally, i’m not entirely opposed to having ganondorf just be an unhinged evil guy – in my opinion, part of what makes him great is the fact that he can do it all, he can be the tragic fallen hero, the sympathetic anti-villain, the remorseful old man who can’t give up the ghost of his ambitions, and also the magnificent bastard who enjoys terrorizing hyrule bc they kinda had it coming, let’s be real here. pure evil villains are fun, that’s why i love sukuna from jujutsu kaisen, he’s just an absolute unapologetic menace.
but the thing about “pure evil” or “classic” villains is that they still have to make sense. take, for instance, big jack horner from puss in boots: the last wish, a character who some have smugly pointed to as an example of a “real villain” that’s supposedly rare nowadays. the main point of jack horner is that he’s an asshole, a real piece of shit who’s uninterested in redemption or helping others, despite the best efforts of his jiminy-cricket inspired companion. jack horner is fun and adds some variety to a film that also has a sympathetic antagonist who experiences growth (goldilocks) and a force-of-nature antagonist who steals the show (death). but jack horner still makes sense; he’s an over-privileged man-child who wanted for nothing and therefore feels entitled to everything, and he’s also spiteful bc pinocchio upstaged him that one time, leading to his vendetta against fairy tale creatures.
same goes for every other classic villain that people like, whether it’s the old-school disney villains or the bad guys from classic cartoons. pure evil villains still have to be coherent and understandable in some way. that doesn’t mean their reasons have to be good – in fact, i think pure evil villains are defined by NOT having good reasons to justify their actions. but they still need to have reasons.
but totk ganondorf? this dude makes no damn sense. why does the king of the gerudo, out of all people, become king of demons? it might as well have been the king of gorons or zora or rito who turned evil. why did the gerudo support his conquest of hyrule only to turn against him once he transformed into the demon king? where did he get his powers from? how and why did ganondorf, of all people, reach the conclusion that hyrule must be bathed in eternal darkness, and why is he so dedicated to this goal that he’s willing to sacrifice his own mind and body to achieve it? what, exactly, is driving this man? you can’t call him selfish because again, he’s willing to permanently damage himself to attain his goals, that shows he’s bound to a higher cause. but there’s no explanation for why he, of all people, has chosen this particular cause.
and sure, the fandom can speculate and try to use the lore to fill in the gaps, but the fact that there are such big gaps in the first place is totk’s biggest failure, in my opinion. if people have to look at lore guides to make sense of your villain, then you’ve failed as a storyteller.
totk ganondorf might have made more sense as a monster that spawned from the Depths rather than a man who was born among the gerudo. maybe the zonai dug around too deep and activated the Depths’ defense mechanism, and boom, ganon emerges, furious at the surface world that has dared to intrude upon his domain, and determined to return the favor by covering the land of light with darkness. he’s still a monster who must be defeated but at least there would have been some logic to his actions.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
its kinda hilarious to be honest that saying "because of the rampant bigotry in harry potter, and because of j k rowling's extremely pubic behavior, and the fact that she spends any money she gets from harry potter, which includes library purchases, official merch, etc, on material harm, i can not think of the fans as safe people to interact with" is something thats a controversial opinion.
its not even a "this thing is gross, evil, and should not exist" thing its a "you realize she uses any money she gets from this, which she will continue to make tons of money from this as long as it remains culturally relavent, to actually harm a marginalized minority she has decided to hold a personal vendetta against until the end of time".
if she were dead and the money wasn't going to hurting a group of people who can't actually defend themselves against a whole entire billionaire, i don't think the people squicked out by harry potter fans would care so much.
and the people squicked out haven't actually put out calls to harass them or anything, more just saying things like "i'm going to block you for my own safety, because you're not safe to me"
they aren't pulling anti shit. they're calling the fandom a personal red flag, who they choose to avoid.
pretty telling to be honest, that the reaction to that one account going "yeah no." in regards to not judging harry potter fans got so many people angry at them.
reminds me of why i choose to stay anonymous in fandom spaces.
oh no. someone is uncomfortable your personal comfort media written by a bigot who uses her money to make a very vulnerable minority groups lives hell, and her rhetoric has actually caused deaths! better block the person and write a bunch of stuff talking about how thats anti behavior so i don't have to think about the fact that i help rowling maintain cultural relavence, and therefore help her earn money that she uses to hurt people!
We've had this wank many a time.
Personally, I'm not sympathetic to the fact that it's people's comfort media or unique for them. That just ends up annoying me for how other fandoms could be bigger or more vibrant if some of those HP fans migrated.
However, the reason people are pushing back so much on my tumblr is that we talk a lot here about censorship and media and the bigger picture. JKR is a menace, but HP is so astronomically popular that the fanfic arm of its fandom is essentially meaningless to its overall cultural clout.
I think people should go stan some other author because we could make a book fandom happen and authors able to pay the rent if we cared to put our energy towards somebody smaller. I have this same objection to the forever fandom of SPN and all the people whining about but not leaving MCU fandom. To JKR, we're gnats, but our presence would actually make a difference in some smaller space.
But the kind of ask you've just sent only makes people less willing to let go of HP.
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