#Announcing the Continuation of US Neutrality
ozzgin · 7 months
Yandere! Demon King Headcanons
You have accepted the Demon King’s marriage proposal!
I wasn't planning on writing a second part, but some of you gave me ideas and I decided on short headcanons instead. The image of a big, buff, evil Overlord lovingly doing house chores for their human was too tempting.
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance
[Main Story]
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The proposal, as you quickly found out, came as a surprise to everyone. Not even the King’s loyal butler knew of such intentions; he’d assumed they were finally going to destroy everything and everyone at once. To him, the dramatic scene of you and his Lord enveloped in flames was anything but a romantic confession. It was your final battle. So one might imagine the poor lizard’s confusion when the Demon King returned with you following behind. “S-sir?” He questioned meekly. The armored creature nodded at his servant. “It has been done. We’ll plan the wedding upon our arrival home.” The what? His baffled expression must’ve given him away, because the Demon continued: “What’re you gawking like that for? Didn’t I ask you earlier how humans forge a bond?” The butler stumbled to search for his words, swallowing dryly. “Well y-yes, your Majesty…I just didn’t expect it to be anything more than curiosity.”
The same speechless reaction repeated itself all the way to the Kingdom. Soldiers, diplomats, other monstrous entities of the unknown Land, they all greeted you in disbelief. So much, in fact, that you began to poke fun at their hesitant response: “I am his mortal enemy”, you’d announce with a dramatic bow. “Spouse! We talked about this!” the Demon Lord would quickly correct you, flustered.
Truth be told, you're not quite sure what made you accept this ridiculous offer. Perhaps a mixture of intrigue and disillusionment. The city you've dedicated yourself to stood no longer, burnt to a crisp along with its corruption and crookery. In a way, the monster had unshackled you from a responsibility you no longer wanted to bear. And if that wasn't enough to convince you, well, the sight of the Ruler himself kneeling before you certainly sealed the deal.
Although it may take a while for you to accept the idea that your worst adversary had actually been infatuated with you this entire time. Were there even any hints? During your last battle you nearly died. You'd crawled out of an enormous crater on your fours, bones shattered and ligaments torn. When you pointed this out to your groom-to-be, he stared at you in horror. "I had no idea humans were that fragile. I was trying to adjust my strength so as to not do any harm." You could only nod, patting away the sweat beads forming on your forehead. Uh huh. Maybe it's better you didn't experience his full range of attacks.
Ever since the devastating revelation, he's been extra careful when handling you. Sometimes he'll awkwardly hover his large hands above you, with a concentrated frown on his face. "What the hell are you doing?" you ask, eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm trying to be gentle." he'll answer. "You're not even touching me." Fair point, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
The Demon King will often ask you about customs from your world as a way to make you comfortable, just in case you get struck by the occasional homesickness. His Realm is very different from what you're used to, after all. Lamentably, his own years spent in the human world were not too fruitful from a cultural point of view. He was either busy stalking you or devouring the souls of the innocent. Now that he has nothing else to worry about, he will gladly listen and even do his best to actively participate.
You wake up shrouded in thick smoke. Overwhelmed by heavy déjà vu, you rush down the grand stairs, searching for the source of the fire. Are you being attacked? Enemies of the Demon King? You elbow yourself against the kitchen door, similar to when you left your home to find the city ablaze. The Demon Lord turns to face you, visibly overwhelmed and exhausted. You gawk at the scene unfolding before you and remember to close your mouth, mainly out of politeness. "It's too small. I'm afraid I cannot use it", he reveals timidly, holding a human spatula between his fingers to showcase the impractical size difference. You glance at the disastrous attempt behind him and manage to deduce he'd been trying to make breakfast. In an unspoken agreement, he steps back and allows you to take over.
"I'm surprised you let him burn down the kitchen", you mention to the butler once you get a moment to yourself. The scaly servant sighs, and theatrically lifts his clawed hands in hopelessness. "Pointless to argue with him when he's like this, (Y/N). In my entire life serving the Family, I've never witnessed a more stubborn leader." He points to the lavish portraits adorning the walls with a faint smile. "And, to put it frankly, he's obsessed with you. I've never seen him in a more deplorable state. Marrying a human?! The shame, the outrage!” he cries out. “No offense intended to you, of course. You must understand." You hum in agreement, a tad uncomfortable, yet sympathetic. "M-maybe it'll tone down after the wedding?" you suggest as encouragement. "Oh, no, I suspect it will only get worse", he bemoans in return. Then, he promptly straightens his back and resumes his duties.
You go on your own way, not wanting to burden the lizard in his work. As you cross the hallway, you find the Demon King himself scanning each room, somewhat agitated. He notices you and his features soften. "I was wondering where you'd vanished." You approach him with the words of the butler still ringing in your ears.
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sayruq · 5 months
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Berlin announced on 23 April that it will resume cooperation with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza. Germany’s move came after an independent investigation headed by former French diplomat Catherine Colonna that found “neutrality-related issues” in implementing UNRWA’s procedures to “ensure compliance with the humanitarian principles of neutrality.” Colonna’s report made note that Israel provided no proof of whether UNRWA staff were involved with the Palestinian resistance’s Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. “The German government has dealt intensively with the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA and has been in close contact with the Israeli government, the United Nations, and other international donors,” a joint statement by the German Foreign Office and the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development read. The former French diplomat’s investigation proposed reforms to UNRWA to increase the neutrality of staff and behavior, education, and governance, including methods to achieve these goals through engagement with donors. Germany pushed UNRWA to implement these recommendations, strengthen its internal audit functions, and improve the external surveillance of project management. “In support of these reforms, the German government will soon continue its cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza, as Australia, Canada, Sweden, and Japan, among others, have already done so,” the joint statement continued. Germany gave the UN agency over $200 million in 2023 and is the organization’s second-largest donor after the US. In an interview with Al-Jazeera, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said the attacks on the agency “have nothing to do with neutrality issues but in reality, they are motivated by the objective to strip the Palestinians from the refugee status.”
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ao3org · 1 year
Updates to AO3 "Mythology" Fandoms
Hi AO3 users! You may have noticed that recently, fandoms previously canonized as "Mythology" are being updated to "Religion & Lore". This renaming project is part of a wider ongoing process on AO3 about respectful treatment and naming of various religions, spiritual beliefs, faiths, and collections of folklores belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition. This includes both major and minor religions, as well as reconstructionist, ancient, and modern religions.
In the coming months, the term "Mythology" is being phased out of canonical fandom names. This is because of its potential for use as a disparaging term, and the way in which it is used primarily for religions which are already under-represented. Since "mythology" has connotations of being fictional or inferior to the religious beliefs of the speaker or writer, and is unfortunately used in this way by some, the decision has been made to replace this term with something that the Wrangling Committee believes is more inclusive and less derogatory.
After extensive discussion between individuals from varying religious backgrounds and beliefs, including wranglers representing the various fandoms which were being covered, it was felt that "Religion & Lore" was an appropriate and neutral way to describe the bodies of faith, belief, knowledge, and tradition associated with many of these religions which were ancestrally imparted and regional in nature. It is also hoped that this will decrease ambiguous or confused use, allowing people to more accurately describe their works and find works in which they are interested moving forward.
The use of "Ancient" in many of these fandoms' names reflects that these countries still exist but now have different predominant religions or spiritual beliefs. For example, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore (as Greece is now a predominantly Christian country) or Ancient Egyptian Religion (as Egypt is now a predominantly Muslim country). Because "Norse" does not refer to an extant country, region, or culture, it is not necessary to specify that it is historical or ancient in nature.
The names of these fandoms will also have the native language piped, if the English-language demonym is significantly different from the native-language demonym or if there is a culturally specific term based on consultation with individuals who speak these languages as a first language. We hope to give representation to the language of the source culture by doing so.
Each of these changes has been and will continue to be carefully researched and discussed with traditional knowledge keepers and researchers from the cultures represented in the fandoms under discussion.
Many religions face the issue of texts being written long after their events occurred. Unfortunately this is something which is shared across many religious fandoms; AO3 seeks to treat these religious fandoms equally. Care has been taken in researching characters relating to these fandoms, and character tags will be canonized or made a synonym on a case-by-case basis. Fandom tags that are currently synned to the Ancient religious fandoms have been checked as thoroughly as possible to ensure that they are not referring to modern folk tales, and where possible such relatively modern folk tales are canonized as their own fandoms.
(From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.)
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slayingfiction · 2 years
Words to use instead of ‘said’
**Using the word ‘said’ is absolutely not a bad choice, and in fact, you will want to use it for at least 40% of all your dialogue tags. Using other words can be great, especially for description and showing emotion, but used in excess can take away or distract from the story.
Neutral: acknowledged, added, affirmed, agreed, announced, answered, appealed, articulated, attested, began, bemused, boasted, called, chimed in, claimed, clarified, commented, conceded, confided, confirmed, contended, continued, corrected, decided, declared, deflected, demurred, disclosed, disputed, emphasized, explained, expressed, finished, gloated, greeted, hinted, imitated, imparted, implied, informed, interjected, insinuated, insisted, instructed, lectured, maintained, mouthed, mused, noted, observed, offered, put forth, reassured, recited, remarked, repeated, requested, replied, revealed, shared, spoke up, stated, suggested, uttered, voiced, volunteered, vowed, went on
Persuasive: advised, appealed, asserted, assured, begged, cajoled, claimed, convinced, directed, encouraged, implored, insisted, pleaded, pressed, probed, prodded, prompted, stressed, suggested, urged
Continuously: babbled, chattered, jabbered, rambled, rattled on
Quietly: admitted, breathed, confessed, croaked, crooned, grumbled, hissed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, sighed, whispered
Loudly: bellowed, blurted, boomed, cried, hollered, howled, piped, roared, screamed, screeched, shouted, shrieked, squawked, thundered, wailed, yelled, yelped
Happily/Lovingly: admired, beamed, cackled, cheered, chirped, comforted, consoled, cooed, empathized, flirted, gushed, hummed, invited, praised, proclaimed, professed, reassured, soothed, squealed, whooped
Humour: bantered, chuckled, giggled, guffawed, jested, joked, joshed
Sad: bawled, begged, bemoaned, blubbered, grieved, lamented, mewled, mourned, pleaded, sniffled, sniveled, sobbed, wailed, wept, whimpered
Frustrated: argued, bickered, chastised, complained, exasperated, groaned, huffed, protested, whinged
Anger: accused, bristled, criticized, condemned, cursed, demanded, denounced, erupted, fumed, growled, lied, nagged, ordered, provoked, raged, ranted remonstrated, retorted, scoffed, scolded, scowled, seethed, shot, snapped, snarled, sneered, spat, stormed, swore, taunted, threatened, warned
Disgust: cringed, gagged, groused, griped, grunted, mocked, rasped, sniffed, snorted
Fear: cautioned, faltered, fretted, gasped, quaked, quavered, shuddered, stammered, stuttered, trembled, warned, whimpered, whined
Excited: beamed, cheered, cried out, crowed, exclaimed, gushed, rejoiced, sang, trumpeted
Surprised: blurted, exclaimed, gasped, marveled, sputtered, yelped
Provoked: bragged, dared, gibed, goaded, insulted, jeered, lied, mimicked, nagged, pestered, provoked, quipped, ribbed, ridiculed, sassed, teased
Uncertainty/Questionned: asked, challenged, coaxed, concluded, countered, debated, doubted, entreated, guessed, hesitated, hinted, implored, inquired, objected, persuaded, petitioned, pleaded, pondered, pressed, probed, proposed, queried, questioned, quizzed, reasoned, reiterated, reported, requested, speculated, supposed, surmised, testified, theorized, verified, wondered
This is by no means a full list, but should be more than enough to get you started!
Any more words you favor? Add them in the comments!
Happy Writing :)
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fairuzfan · 3 months
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I wouldn't have won The International Women's Media Foundation (@IWMF)'s Courage in Journalism Award 2024 this June if I hadn’t been on the ground reporting events and exposing Israeli flagrant violations under perilous conditions, all while being systematically attacked by supporters of the perpetrators.
Winning a prize for “courage” means being subjected to attacks and choosing to continue your work regardless. However, I regret to say that the very organization that recognized these perilous conditions and awarded me the prize succumbed to pressure and chose to act contrary to courage; they rescinded the award in a decision that would put my life at risk.
In fact, I’m very glad that both my winning the award and its withdrawal have starkly demonstrated the systematic physical and moral attacks Palestinian journalists endure throughout their careers. These threats and character assassinations aim only to silence us and perpetuate the longstanding bias in global media. I have never worked to receive awards, nor have I ever submitted an application to nominate myself. I didn't choose journalism as a profession; I became a journalist after recognizing the extent to which the world overlooks Palestinians’ suffering and opts to conform to Israeli pressures.
Every year, Palestinian journalists are recognized with international awards for their brave reporting under the Israeli occupation and relentless attacks. These accolades honor their courage and dedication to uncovering the truth.
However, each announcement of an award to a Palestinian journalist is systematically followed by extensive smearing campaigns and intense pressure on the awarding organizations from supporters of the Israeli occupation and the Zionist lobby. While some organizations uphold their principles and maintain their decision to honor these journalists, others, regrettably, cave to the pressure and withdraw the prizes.
Instead of recognizing the threats they face and contributing to their protection, a decision to withdraw a prize from a Palestinian journalist in Gaza—where over 150 journalists have been killed by the ongoing Israeli genocide—can further endanger them and increase their risk of targeting.
I have no regrets about any posts or reasons that led to the rescinding of this award, and I will not stop expressing my views. Before being a journalist, I am a Palestinian living under military occupation, a strangling blockade, and genocide in Gaza.
My grandparents were expelled from Jerusalem upon the creation of the state of Israel, and I have been expelled from my home in Gaza during this genocide.
If winning a prize entails enduring and witnessing war crimes while remaining silent, I am not honored to receive any prizes. I will always be objective in my reporting, but I can never be neutral; I will always point out the perpetrators and stand in solidarity with the victims. This is what journalism is truly about.
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Do you know that I love you? (do you know that you shouldn't?)
love is not designed for the cynical - series masterlist here
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pairing: jason todd x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.7k
genre: hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
warnings: jason's injured and there's blood but it's not too graphic, except that it describes giving stitches, sometimes people get mean when they get scared, biting like a misbehaved dog etc etc
a/n: there is a fatigue seeping into me that I fear is building a home inside my chest :) how are we all doing this evening do we like this are we excited for the dc event announcement on sunday
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You hear another muffled curse from the other side of the bathroom door, Jason's voice tight with pain. The sound makes you press your lips together firmly, your jaw tense as you stand in the hallway of your shared home, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.
"Jason -" you start again, but his voice cuts you off.
"Let me help you," you continue, an exasperated sort of fatigue in your voice. Somewhere in your kitchen, you know that the clock is ticking well past 4am. 
"You don't need to be here for this," Jason says stubbornly and you scowl at the closed door. You wonder, for just a moment, if he locked it - or if he simply trusts you enough to know that you won't go where you're not wanted.
"You can't put stitches in our back on your own," you say stubbornly, and a sigh is heard through the barrier between you as you thump your head back against the wall to stare at the dark ceiling. But then the door swings open slowly and Jason's face appears, haloed by the light pouring out of the bathroom.
"Help me, then," he says tightly, and you draw yourself up to a full stand, moving past him and into the small space. Jason sits on the edge of the bathtub and faces the wall while you rummage around the first aid kit, rolling his shoulders and wincing at the rushed, messy bandaging covering the slash across his back.
You don't say anything, of course - there's no need for an I told you so in a space like this, but you do click your tongue disapprovingly when you crouch behind him to pull back the bloody gauze.
"You don't need to be so stubborn about this, you know," you say softly as you begin to clean the damaged skin. There's no attack in your voice, no righteous demand that he become something that he's not.
It's just love… and the patience that comes with it. 
Jason sighs at your words, though, like he's being tried in court and found guilty. He shifts, his fists clenching as he hangs his head and stares down at the white porcelain of the bathtub and the bloody bandages that you've thrown in next to his feet, the red staining everything that it touches.
"I don't want you to have to see me like this," he says eventually, a tired sort of resignation in his voice. You huff out a breath.
"I've seen you dead, Jason," you point out flatly. "I'm not sure why you think this would be worse."
"Don't joke about it," he snaps before he can stop himself, something mean and angry flashing through him before regret begins to wash over him.
"Why do you think I'd joke about loving you?" You ask it quietly, pressing a needle to his skin as you begin to put him back together, as you smooth over wounds and blur out the scars that he's sure would bloom there without your help.
Jason sits quietly, lets his head hang as you work and listens to the slow rhythm of your breathing as you move your hands across his back, as you love him in the only way you know how.
"Sometimes, I just don't know what to do with you," he admits, his voice low and wavering. That makes you pause, makes your hands freeze for just a moment before they continue, slower now than before. 
"I suppose that was going to happen eventually," you offer softly. "Neither of us are really who we used to be… I'm not sure we can, I don't know, fall into step with each other the way we did before…"
"Before I died?" Jason supplies. You tap him on the back of the head with your knuckle in a reprimanding sort of way - just like you used to do when you were kids.
"Before we grew up, I was going to say," you explain dryly, and Jason laughs a bit, a huffed-out breath that he can't really find in himself to stop. You roll your eyes rather fondly and a quiet settles over the two of you, nothing but your breath mixing with his and the faint rustling of your working hands filling the space as he settles. 
But then you finish Jason's stitches, tying off the thread and taping down a new, clean bandage before tapping him on the shoulder lightly to let him know that you're finished. He swings one leg up and over so that he's straddling the edge of the tub and watches as you stand, wincing and letting your knees pop.
"You should've said something," he chastises gently as you lift one of your own legs into the tub, straddling the porcelain to sit face-to-face with him and let your knees bump against his.
"I don't mind," you say easily, and a frown tugs at Jason's lips.
"See, that's what I mean," he murmurs, smoothing his hands across your thighs to rub gentle circles over your knees where he's sure the tiled floor had been digging into your skin. "Sometimes I just don't know what to do with you."
"What do you mean?" You ask softly. Jason looks away, staring at the blood-soaked bandages sitting in the tub. You follow his gaze, of course, just enough to see what he's staring at and then look back at him with your head cocked curiously to the side.
"Sometimes you act like you don't care at all," he says flatly, his hands tightening their grip on your knees.
"When I act like I care, you act like it's killing you," you point out gently, watching as Jason's lips turn down into a scowl as he watches his own blood drip towards the drain.
"Sometimes I think it is," he says dully. You reach to brush a few of his curls back, his hair unruly and mussed from the night as sweat sticks to the strands.
"Then what do you want me to do, baby?" you ask quietly, letting your fingernails scratch over his scalp rhythmically as he sighs and closes his eyes and leans into your touch.
"I want you to let me see you," he replies honestly. "I want you to let me here there for you."
"Not sure you should be saying that," you respond easily. "Something about living in a glass house and all that."
"What do you mean?"
"You locked yourself in the bathroom to bleed out alone so that I wouldn't see it," you point out. There's no accusation in your voice, no cold, hard edge or betrayal to be heard. But Jason's shoulders tense all the same as he opens his eyes and takes your hand in his to press kisses across your knuckles. "You don't need to protect me from yourself," you continue gently. 
"Neither do you," he retorts, the same kindness and love coming back to you in waves.  
"I'm just…" you begin, letting your eyes flick around the bathroom as you feel yourself suddenly under scrutiny. "I'm trying to be there for you."
"That's my job," Jason says firmly. "You gotta let me be there for you." You sigh at that, something long-suffering and loving as you look back at him and lift a brow. 
"When are you going to learn that I love you?" You ask softly, and Jason looks at you like you've pointed a gun to his chest.
"When are you going to learn that you shouldn't?"
"I don't think you get to make that decision for me, Jay," you offer with a shrug. "I think I've earned the right to decide my own life." He sighs at that, looking at you like he loves you too much and doesn't know what to do with it, before he reaches for you.
"C'mere, baby," he says it quietly, a whisper pressed against you as he wraps his arms around your waist and hauls you into him, letting your thighs rest overtop of his as you settle into his lap. "You know I love you, too, right?" he asks softly, his lips pressing kisses over your cheeks.
"I know, Jay," you respond soothingly, tangling your hand into the hair at the nape of his neck. "Maybe we'd both… maybe we'd learn a thing or two from showing it more, hm?" Jason laughs at that, burying his face into your neck as he sighs and rocks the two of you back and forth gently.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" he offers, his voice muffled as his lips press against your skin. You tap your knuckles to his head in another chastising manner, but you also smile as you lean down to kiss the crown of his head. 
"I wouldn't mind that," you say quietly, and when Jason lifts his head to look at you, there's no hint of joking in your face. You smooth a hand over his cheek and he lilts his head to place a delicate kiss on your palm while you watch him, your eyes big and loving in a way that makes him feel a bit naked. 
"Yea?" his voice wavers as he asks, his hesitation festering inside him, but you just smile in that gentle, loving way of yours and smooth over the crease between his brows with your thumb.
"Yea," you say easily. "You're not hard to love, Jay. It just takes a bit of practice for us to learn how to give that love."
"And you'll stay with me long enough for me to learn?" 
"Long enough for us to learn," you correct gently, leaning into him to kiss him softly. "And hopefully a whole lot longer than that." He laughs against you at that, chasing your lips as his arms wrap around your waist a bit tighter.
"Well," he says as he pulls away just enough to let his lips brush against yours. "I'm sure as fuck not letting go." You laugh at that, something loud and honest and a bit more carefree than either of you are used to.
"Good," you say easily. "We'll do it together, then."
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Post-war peace negotiations and treaties and stuff, bots and cons trying to make nice. Things are still rather tense but both sides are genuinely trying to make this work. There's an upcoming Important Leader's Summit in decepticon territory or smthn, idk it's not really important, and Optimus is always walking on eggshells whenever he and Megatron meet up. The laat thing he wants to do is offend him somehow and reignite the fighting, so he's always sure to be as civil and polite as possible. This is his first time being invited to the decepticon capital, as usually their meetings take place on neutral ground. He thinks, 'well I cant show up without a gift to our hosts'.
Megatron is an ex-gladiator, right? Warframe cultural respects warrior prowess and athletic ability and weapons and stuff, right? So he decides he's gonna bring a nice fancy flashy sword, has it specially commissioned and everything. A paper thin, hyper-sharp blade, hilt carved with a decepticon and autobot symbol alike and inladen with a fancy off world gem. No one really uses melee weapons anymore, so it's a rather antique gift, but it shows respect for the culture, no? It should be an acceptable "thank you for hosting" present.
He goes to the summit, gives Megatron the blade, and can't help but notice he's acting rather Off™ all evening. Just before they part ways, Megatron tells him, "I accept."
No idea what that's about. Probably just accepting the continuing peace agreements.
He wakes up the next morning to about 10 million missed calls, Ratchet and Prowl (and everyone else for that matter) blowing up his comms, and he gets slapped in the face with an official announcement made in decepticon territory: Optimus Prime and Lord Megatron to be conjunxed
Whoops 🤭 the gift of a blade is considered a proposal of marriage in warframe culture, and OP just accidentally asked for Megatron's hand. Worse yet, his proposal was accepted. What the hell is he gonna do now?!
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
A senior Ukrainian official has said that the impact of Azerbaijan’s blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh is being exaggerated as a Russian effort to distract the world’s attention from the war in his country. In an interview with the Moldovan public broadcaster, Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said that the blockade was being “pumped up” in order to “distract attention from the war in Ukraine and redirect it to other conflict spots so the whole world looks there.” In the interview, the Moldovan presenter framed the blockade in Karabakh as a Russian plot. “Some experts” say that Russia is preparing a “Crimea scenario” for Karabakh, she said to Podolyak, suggesting that the territory’s new de facto leader, Russian-Armenian billionaire Ruben Vardanyan, was sent from Moscow for the purpose. While Armenian sources claim that 120,000 ethnic Armenians are living in Nagorno-Karabakh, “in fact it’s three times smaller,” the presenter claimed, saying that Russian President Vladimir Putin used the same tactic of distorting population sizes as part of the process of seizing control of Crimea and other parts of Ukraine.[...]
Podolyak’s reading of the conflict was echoed in a number of other officials’ statements at around the same time. Lyudmila Marchenko, a member of parliament in Zelenskiy’s Servant of the People party who has long supported Azerbaijan, gave several interviews in which she made many of the same points. “As an ally of Russia, Armenia is using similar methods to maintain control over Nagorno-Karabakh that Russia does for control over Crimea,” she said in one interview. “Raising the estimates for the quantity of people living in these territories, Vardanyan speaks about 120,000 residents, but by objective assessments there are 40,000 people there.” Another MP from a different party, Igor Popov, wrote an article at the same time also taking issue with the population estimates, and denying altogether that there was a blockade. “Azerbaijani activists are not preventing the transit of civilian and humanitarian transportation,” Popov wrote. “But the leadership of unrecognized Karabakh is using the situation to show shortages of food and the threat of a ‘humanitarian catastrophe,’ and blaming Azerbaijan and the activists for it.”[...]
Ukraine has long taken a pro-Azerbaijan position vis-a-vis the conflict with Armenia. The conflicts share some common patterns, as Armenia and Russia have forcibly taken Azerbaijani and Ukrainian territory, respectively, with the purported aim of unifying their ethnic kin on that territory.
25 Jan 23
21 Feb 23
9 Sep 23
11 Aug 22
I've been told that Ukraine's analogous to Armenia here, while Azerbaijan is analogous to Russia. strange that Ukraine doesn't seem to think so.
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kermitkrqb · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us pt. 2 || Xavier Thorpe x reader
A/n: Here is part 2!!! You guys are just too adorable for me to deprive you of this any longer!
What to expect: Gender neutral, enemies to lover vibes, hidden feelings, Xavier making the reader hella flustered, confessions!, make out, no spoilers here babes
The two of you shared fencing class yet again and Xavier’s plan set in motion. Usually, when the coach announced for the class to pair up for practice, the two of you just assumed you’d be up against each other as it was the only class your rivalry was welcomed. However, as you were about to walk up to Xavier he had already started a match with Wednesday who was clad in black as usual. She was beating him terribly, having already scored 2 points before he had the chance to even score 1. In any other situation you would have laughed at his predicament, although you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of hurt as he chose her opposed to you. Sensing your loneliness, Enid made her way over to you. She gave you a bright smile as she asked to partner up, an offer you didn’t refuse. The bubbly girl wasn’t half bad at fencing but that didn’t mean you’d let her win. Dodging her blade you lunged forward striking her square in the chest as you scored the final point. The two of you took your fencing masks off and each fixed your hair before she gave you a nod of respect to which you returned.
You looked over at Xavier who was seemingly immersed in his conversation with Wednesday, this of course didn’t go unnoticed by Enid. She gestured towards the tall boy, “So…what’s going on between you and Xavier? The two of you are always together.” You huffed, “Nothing Enid, nothing.” Although, deep down you wished there was more. She reluctantly dropped the subject raising her brow, “If you say so Y/n.” Xavier continued to ignore you the rest of the fencing session much to your dismay. However, you simply brushed it off as you were sure it was only for this session. As rare as it was, you were wrong. He continued on like this the rest of the day, no sarcastic remarks, no challenging you in class, and no teasing. You were extremely confused by his sudden absence in your life, and you genuinely started to miss him. Watching you from afar, Xavier noticed this. He’d look away just before you’d seek him out, hiding his grin as he’d let you stare at him. It got to the point where he’d go out of his way to find different ways to class, he would always walk with you to class.
You were practically devastated when you noticed this, but nobody could waterboard this information out of you even if they tried. It was the end of the day, and all of your shared classes were finally over. You caught a glimpse of his long hair in the hall way ahead of you, your legs speeding up without realising. Xavier realised you were behind him when he finally looked down and gave you a curt nod before continuing on his way. You frowned at the quick interaction, tilting your head in confusion, “Thorpe!” The tall boy paused, quickly hiding his grin before facing you, “You called?” Your brows furrowed, “That’s all you’re going to say?” He tilted his head looking down at you, “What do you mean?” You scoffed, “What do I mean? What do you mean by ‘What do you mean?’” Xavier shrugged biting back a laugh at your flustered state. You huffed, your ears red from frustration, “You- You’ve been ignoring me. Did I do something wrong? Xavier?” He was so close to giving into you, your doe eyes peering up at him were enough to make him weak in the knees. But, you still hadn’t cracked.
Indifferent, he raised his brows at you, “What’s it to you?” You paused at a sudden loss for words. Xavier turned and began to slowly walk away before you blurted out, “I missed you!” He immediately went still, his back still towards you. You were absolutely mortified at what you had just confessed. You had said so little but so much at the same time. The long haired boy turned around to face you, his smirk growing even wider as you refused to look at his face, instead becoming oddly fixated on the loose thread on your blazer. Slowly looking up due to the silence you finally looked at Xavier. Noticing his wide grin, a deep crimson flooded your cheeks, “Are you- Are you laughing at me?!” Much to your dismay, the tall boy cupped your face, stroking your flaming cheeks, “Huh. I think this might be my new favourite colour.” You had finally cracked, unable to form a coherent sentence as the boy held your face in his large hands.
Xavier cut off your rambling, “I really like you Y/n.” Your rambling came to a halt as you gasped slightly, whispering, “You like me?” The brunette chuckled at your reaction confirming, “Yes, Y/n. I like you if it weren’t obvious enough.” You paused unsure how to respond without being a blabbering mess. He sensed your troubles speaking for you, “You don’t need to say anything. I know you feel the same.” Your face was still slightly pink as a playful grin made its way through. You decided to get him back for flustering you so much, “And if I don’t?” Now it was his turn to start stammering, a pink hue overcoming his pale face as he hadn’t anticipated the possibility of you rejecting him. You took his hand in yours, your thumb brushing over his, “Relax dummy, I like you too.” Xavier let out a sigh of relief at your statement before a cocky smirk spread across his face, “Oh really now?”
You rolled your eyes at the boy’s antics, “Really.” A pause of silence fell over the two of you before his lanky arms pulled you closer as he leaned in planning on kissing you. You lightly smacked his arm, speaking in a harsh whisper, “Not in the hallway!” The brunette chuckled at your worries before dragging you to his dorm which was thankfully nearby. Your eyes twinkled with amazement as you looked at the many drawings littering his walls before Xavier pinned you against his door. You gulped at the intimate gesture, Xavier’s eyes staring at your plump lips, “Now…where were we?” Pulling him closer by the collar of his blazer you whispered leaning closer, your breath fanning over his face, “I believe you were about to kiss me.” Eager, the Thorpe boy obliged to your requests, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
You let out a whine at the way he pulled you flush against his body, your hands finding refuge in his long hair. You find yourself tugging lightly on his hair to which he would groan in response. He gripped on to your waist tighter than before, leaving you to gasp slightly. He takes this opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth, mingling with yours. Xavier pulls away, and you pout whilst chasing his lips but he refuses your kiss. Your brows begin to furrow in confusion which quickly dissolves when he decides to start kissing your neck. He studies your reaction as he trails across different parts of your neck until he has you panting in need when he reaches the spot below your ear. Sucking harshly on the chosen spot you involuntarily let out a moan. You tense realising what you just did. “Sorry.” You whisper. His signature smirk appears on his face, his green eyes staring into yours, “Don’t be. Hopefully I’ll be hearing more of those.” He doesn’t give any time for your response, capturing your lips in another searing kiss.
The two of you finally pull away catching your breath. You tilted your head as you remembered today’s earlier events, your brows furrowing in confusion, “Wait so, why were you ignoring me the entire day then?” Xavier could only smile at you, “I had to get you to crack somehow.” You gasped at the boy, “Oh my god, so does that mean you knew I like you?” Xavier chuckled at your realisation, poking his tongue in his cheek as he smiled, “Let’s just say it was a lucky guess.”
Me when people comment and reblog after liking:
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Seriously though, it means the world. 😌
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xo-valxntine · 2 years
The Proposition (S. Gojo)
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pairing: gojo x stripper!femreader
synopsis: you’re a stripper and satoru gojo has taken a liking to you. whenever he comes to see you, he always gets a private dance but tonight he has something else in mind
tws: 18+ mdni!!!!, smut w/ plot!, cheating (gojo is married), somewhat established relationship (gojo comes to see you quite frequently), pet names (baby, princess, good girl), nippleplay, oral (f + m receiving), fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, semi public sex (private room at a strip club), mentions of alcohol wc: ~4,600
a/n: i haven’t written smut in so long so pls bare with me. i had a black woman in mind when i wore this but descriptions are ethnicity neutral :) i’m thinking abt maybe making this into a mini series? anyway, i hope you enjoy
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It was a typical Tuesday night at the strip club, slow with a few men coming in here and there. Mondays and Tuesdays were typically slow, considering the weekend had come and gone. You had already done a few dances, but since it was slow you had only garnered about $100. It was so little, even for a Tuesday night. The night before you were able to gain just under $300. If this was a sign as to how the week was going, you were certainly screwed. You had bills coming up and you weren’t sure how you were going to pay them. You let out a sigh and push your thoughts away. You had to focus on making the most you could, so you went to freshen yourself up before your next stage set. You’re fixing your makeup when your friend enters the room unexpectidly.
“That guy with the sunglasses is looking for you.” She says approaching the mirror.
You scoff in reply. Satoru Gojo. One of richest men, if not the richest man, in the city had become one of your semi-regulars. He’d come in about once a week to see you and he was always wearing those stupid sunglasses in the club.
“He can wait.” You say as you continue to touch up your makeup in the mirror.
“You really don’t care, do you?” Your friend laughs.
You shrug. Gojo always tipped you better than any customer that came in, but it was never enough to make you fall to your knees. You weren’t one to complain, though. Money was money and you definitely needed it.
“Not in the least bit.” You say moving on from your makeup and fixing your hair.
“The richest man in the city is obsessed with you and you don’t care?”
“I’d hardly say he’s obsessed with me.” You reply. Your friend kisses her teeth.
“I’d beg to differ. The only reason he comes in is to see you.” She says. “He’s obsessed. I bet you could easily be with the richest woman in the city.”
You laugh at her.
“Be serious.” You say doing your last touchups. “Isn’t he married anyway?”
Your question didn’t really mean much, though. Married men came in all the time, it was nothing strange to you. Your friend shrugs.
“I think he’d leave her for you.” She says with a smile. You laugh and turn towards her.
“How do I look?”
“Sexy. I can see why he’s obsessed with you.” She says, after giving you the once over.
“He’s not obsessed with me.” You reply easily. “Okay. Back out I go.”
You make your way to exit the dressing room and your friend calls after you.
“If you don’t want him, I’ll take him!”
You simply shake your head and exit the room.
As you walk out to the floor, the music is loud, the lights dim, and there are a couple of men scattered across the club. Honestly, you had grown used to club life and there were aspects of it that you actually enjoyed. You loved dancing and loved the persona you created when you were performing. Sure it was exhausting, but you got a thrilling rush of adrenaline when you danced. You liked how the men’s eyes swept over your body, wanting something they’d never be able to have. All of them were fawning over the false fantasy you sold.
You approach the stage and swap places with one of the other girls, ready to start your set. The dj announces your stage name and you plaster your face with the most angelic smile. You start your set by walking around the pole a few times and your attention is captured by bright white hair. Gojo’s smiling and despite the sunglasses covering his eyes, you know he’s staring directly at you. You do your best not to roll your eyes and begin dancing.
Suddenly, the music takes over you and the way you dance and swirl around the pole is effortless. You can hear the men watching you get excited as you swing yourself around on the pole and do a few tricks.
A few men hand you bills while you’re dancing, but most of them just watch. There were two types of men that watched, those that watched because they had no money to give and then there were those that watched and tipped you afterwards. You always found the former annoying. You couldn’t stand the ones that only paid the entry fee and then didn’t have anything else to give. Why were they here if they didn’t have money? Satoru, however, was the latter. He watched you and then would book a private dance with you. He did this every time he came to the club, without fail.
You continue dancing, stripping off your lingerie in the process. You found your way to the floor and roll your body sensually, watching the men as their eyes rake over your body. You smirk at them and proceed through your floor routine. You click your heels together, gaining more of their attention. You fan your legs open, putting your pussy on display, before closing your legs and moving to your knees. In that moment, your eyes find Gojo, and you swear you saw him bite his lip for a split second.
As you finish your set, a few more men hand you more bills and you thank them before exiting the stage. When you return to the dressing room you immediately gulp down water. You did your best not to show it when you were performing, but dancing took a toll on your body. As much as you loved it, it was exhausting. Honestly, you were tired and ready to go home. So, you stuff your money into your bag and pull out a change of clothes. You’re pulling your shirt over your head when you’re suddenly interrupted.
“Y/N, that guy wants to see you.” the house mom says coming in. You let out a huff.
“Well, tell him I said fuck off. I’m not in the mood to see him tonight.” You reply. It was a slow night and you were ready to leave. You just wanted to pour yourself a glass of wine and relax for the rest of the night.
“He says he’ll give you double what he gave you last time if you come see him.”
You consider it for a moment. You had been complaining all night about how it had been slow and now here was an opportunity for you to make up for it. The last time he was here, Gojo had paid for his dance and tipped you $500. If you saw him tonight then he would pay you a grand. You did really need the money. You let out a sigh.
“Tell him, I’ll be there in 5.”
After freshening up and pulling on a new lingerie set, you make your way to the private room Satoru always booked. You shove open the door and find Satoru sitting on the sofa with his legs spead wide open, facing the small stage. You make your way over to Satoru and sit on the stage across from him.
“What do you want Gojo? I’m not really in the mood.“ You say annoyed.
When Gojo booked a private dance with you the first time you kept the angelic persona he originally saw on stage, but that soon faded when Gojo started booking more private dances with you. He kept riling you up and one day you finally snapped at him. You were taken aback at the fact that you had lost your calm and you were sure Gojo wasn’t going to book with you anymore, but in that moment he only chuckled and told you “I like this you better.”. After that, you didn’t use your false persona around him.
“Now, that’s no way you should speak to your best customer.” Gojo replies with a smirk on his face. You roll your eyes.
“Tell me what you want, Gojo.”
Gojo motions for you to come closer to him and you eye him for a moment. You really weren’t in the mood for this, but the thought of money flashes across your mind and you make your way over to him. You stand between Gojo’s legs and his fingers trace lingerie on your body. Customers weren’t allowed to touch dancers, even during a private dance, but on account of Gojo tipping you so much, you allowed him to sneak in a few touches here and there. Though, he had only grown bolder the more he saw you.
“I like this set on you.” He whispers quietly, still tracing the lingerie. Behind his sunglasses, you’re sure his eyes are dragging against your body.
“You’re really starting to piss me off, Gojo.”
Gojo lets his hands fall down to his sides and he smirks at you.
“Dance for me, baby.” He says in a sultry tone.
You oblige, but only because he was paying you double your usual. You begin swirling your hips around and dancing for him. You grind gently into Gojo and throw your head back against his shoulder as you roll your body. This position leaves your neck exposed and you feel Gojo’s lips gently brush against your neck and then your ear. This, however, doesn’t faze you. Gojo always got too close to you.
“I have a proposition for you.” He whispers against your ear.
“Oh yeah? And what���s that?”
You’d become used to the games that Gojo played with you. He’d liked playing games with you and saying outlandish things to see your reaction.
“You sure you want to hear it?” He says brushing your thighs gently.
“Just spit it out, Gojo.” You say as you continue to swirl your hips around him. His breath tickles your neck and even though, Gojo said outlandish things all the time, you’re surprised at what comes out his mouth.
“Let me fuck you.”
You freeze your movements. Gojo had always made suggestive comments to you all the time, but he’d never actually said he wanted to fuck you.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Come on, princess. Let me show you a good time.” Gojo says, slowly drawing a line from your knee to your hip.
“I’m not going to let you fuck me, Gojo.” You say and continue with your dance. This had to be another one of his games.
“Why not? I promise, I’ll take good care of you.” Gojo says, resting his hands on your hips.
“You’re not fucking me, Gojo.” You say, swaying your hips side to side. “Definitely not for free, anyway.”
“Oh?” Your statement had piqued Gojo’s interest. “So how much would it take? A grand? Maybe five?”
You scoff.
“Aren’t you married?” You ask and Gojo laughs humorlessly.
“You think I’d be here with you if I cared about her?”
“Stop toying with me.”
“Oh baby, I can do a lot better than this.”
Your dance has led you back to being face to face with him. Gojo was wearing a boyish smirk. He licks his lips before speaking again.
“So tell me, how much would it take to feel your pretty pussy squeezing my cock?” Gojo asks, tapping his finger against your abdomen.
You consider it for a moment. Five grand was a lot of money and you really did need the money. And it’s not like Gojo was some sleaze, propositioning you. He was actually attractive from what you could tell, would it really be that bad to let him? It would only be one time, right? And it wasn’t like you were the one that suggested it…
“Five grand. In cash.” You say, eyeing him carefully. You still weren’t entirely sure if he was messing with you or not.
“Done.” Gojo replies a little too quickly. You tilt your head to the side.
“Stop playing games with me, Gojo.” You say.
Gojo reaches up to his face and pulls off his sunglasses. Your eyes widen at the sight of his cerulean blue eyes, staring directly into yours. Gojo came in to see you quite frequently, but you’d never seen his eyes. He was always wearing those stupid sunglasses. Now you understood why. You hated to admit it, but his eyes were gorgeous.
“I’m serious.” He says, not looking away from you. You decide to look away instead.
“Five grand.” You say, still not looking at him. “With the double you promised earlier.”
Gojo laughs quietly, but through the corner of your eye, you can see him nod.
“Anything you want princess.”
You return your gaze to him and Satoru is looking at you with desire in his eyes.
“Okay.” You say, agreeing to his proposition.
Gojo’s mouth was on yours in an instant. His lips are soft against yours and you can taste a trace of gin on his tongue. He kisses you with ferocity and it’s almost as if he’s trying to swallow you whole. Gojo pulls away from your lips and kisses your jaw gently, before making his way to your neck. His hands trail down your body while he nips at your neck. The feeling of his hands on you is exhilarating and you let out a soft moan when his lips find your sweet spot. He carefully slips his hand behind your back and unclasps your bra. Gojo cups your newly freed breasts and kneads at them. You can’t control the moan that slips out as he gently circles your nipples with his thumbs.
“Fuck, I’ve been waiting to do this for so long.” Gojo whispers, brushing his lips across your jaw.
He continues to toy with your nipples, pinching and pulling at them lightly and then running his thumbs over to soothe the sensation. He trails his lips down your neck and collarbones before peppering kisses along your breast and slipping your nipple into his mouth. Gojo pinches and twists one nipple while swirling his tongue around and sucking the other. You can’t stop the lewd noises from coming out your mouth. The way his tongue flicked against your nipple was sending you into a daze. Gojo lets your nipple fall out of his mouth with a pop before pinching and gently tugging at it.
“You’re making such pretty noises for me, baby.”
You want to say something smart back, but you’re unable to as Gojo picks you up and places you on the stage. Gojo traces a teasing finger around each of your breasts, down your stomach, and drags it agonizingly slow up and down your thighs. You involuntarily shudder at his touch. You rub your thighs together hoping for some sort of relief.
“Gojo if you’re going to do something, do it already.” You say, not appreciating the way he was teasing you.
“It’s Satoru.” He says, giving your nipple a rough pinch. You whine in response. “And for five grand, I think I’ll take my time with you.”
His hands trail lazily down your body once more before pulling your panties off and shoving your legs open roughly. Satoru positions himself between your legs and uses his thumbs to gently spread your lips a part.
“So pretty.” He says before using one of his thumbs to gently massage your clit. You can’t help the whimper that slips out of your mouth.
“You like that, princess?” Satoru asks, looking at you with a smirk. He continued teasing your clit and you didn’t want to admit it, but Satoru’s touch was intoxicating. You wanted more.
“Satoru, please.” You whine.
That awakes something in Satoru and he quickly attaches his mouth to you, causing you to arch your back. Satoru uses an arm to pin you down under him and teasingly swipes his tongue up your folds. You let out a sigh at the feeling of his tongue on you. Satoru swirls his tongue around your clit, licks up your folds, and then dives his tongue into your hole. You whine at the feeling of his tongue lolling against you.
“F-fuck Satoru. D-don’t s-stop.”
Satoru takes this as an invitation to replace his tongue with his finger and moves his tongue to your aching clit. Satoru teases his finger out of your dripping hole and then adds a second. He pumps his fingers in and out of you and sucks gently on your clit.
“Feels so good.” You manage to slur our through your whines.
Satoru begins pumping his fingers in and out of you at a faster pace, and makes a come hither motion with his fingers. You’re a mewling mess under him and you can feel your high approaching.
“‘m g-gonna cum.” You manage to strangle out, completely focused on the pleasure Satoru is giving you.
Not long after you’re tumbling over the edge, spewing profanities. If it wasn’t for the loud music in the club, everyone would’ve heard you. Satoru continues to suck gently on your clit even after your high. You’re still sensitive, but that didn’t stop him from lapping up the mess you had made.
Satoru finally comes up and smiles at you. His smile stirs something deep in your core.
“Such a good girl for me.” He whispers before enveloping you in a kiss.
His tongue dances with yours, making sure you can taste every drop of yourself.
Satoru pulls away from your lips and gently strokes your cheek and then carefully traces your lips with his fingers. He pulls your bottom lip down with his middle finger and then slides his middle finger and ring finger into your mouth with ease.
You’re taken by surprise at first, but then start sucking gently on his fingers. You swirl your tongue around his fingers and continue sucking. Satoru lets out a groan when you suck a little too roughly.
“Fuck, I wanna feel that pretty mouth wrapped around me.” Satoru says, pulling his fingers from your mouth. When he does a string of saliva follows and falls down your chin.
You watch as Satoru quickly frees himself and your eyes widen. You didn’t want to admit it but his cock was gorgeous. Satoru notices you staring and chuckles.
“Think you can take all of me?” Satoru asks cockily, tilting his head to the side. You quickly regain your composure and roll your eyes at him.
“Easily.” You reply. Satoru let’s out a chuckle and looks down at you.
“That mouth of yours is really going to get you into trouble, you know.” Satoru says as he strokes himself gently. You watch as his hand travels up and down his length. You swallow deeply and thoughts of him in your mouth quickly flood your mind. You lick your lips at the thought of him throatfucking you.
“Get on your knees for me.” Satoru commands and you oblige immediately.
Satoru positions himself in front of you and taps the head of his cock on your lips. You wrap your lips around him and run your tongue along the underside of his cock. Satoru lets out a quiet moan and you feel your core heat at the sound. You lower your head as far as it’ll go and take what you can’t fit in your mouth in your hand. You glance up to Satoru and your eyes meet his as you force your head down his cock. Satoru’s eyes are suddenly clouded with lust and all of a sudden his hands are on your head, shoving your mouth further down on his length. He throws his head back and lets out the most attractive moan you’ve ever heard. Something about seeing him that way only made you want to pleasure him more. Satoru continued to guide your head and thrusted in and out of your mouth. Your mouth was slick with saliva and you could feel drool running down your chin. You were completely focused on the feeling of him in your mouth and the lewd noises coming from his. You hollow your cheeks and Satoru let’s out a deep groan.
“F-fuck, princess.” Satoru says, thrusting into your mouth roughly. You gag as he slightly hits the back of your throat. Satoru continues his assault on your throat for a moment, then pulls out with a hiss.
“As much as I’d like to fill that mouth of yours, I need to feel your pretty pussy wrapped around me.” Satoru says. “Lie on your back for me.”
You do as he instructs and watch as Satoru yanks his shirt off and throws it somewhere in the room. Your eyes immediately rake over his toned body. You hated admitting it but, fuck, he was attractive. You’re taking in every inch of his body and Satoru notices you staring.
“Not having second thoughts are you, princess?”
You shake your head.
Satoru runs his tip against your entrance teasingly, before gently pushing in the head. You gasp at the contact and Satoru let’s out a groan. You can feel your walls clench around his length as he slowly sinks inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re even better than I imagined.” Satoru hisses through clenched teeth.
Satoru pulls back, leaving just the tip in, before pushing back inside you. He continues thrusting in and out of you gently. With each thrust your walls squeeze him, not wanting him to pull out.
You couldn’t control the whimpers coming out of you. Satoru felt so good inside of you. Your thoughts were completely focused on his cock dragging against your walls. He was filling you up just the way you needed. Satoru thrusts into you roughly and leans over you so that your body is flush with his. He continues fucking you as he peppers kisses along your neck and up to your ear.
“I’m going to fuck you, until all you can say is my name.”
Your insides twitch at his words and Satoru quickly picks up his pace, thrusting into you more fervently. The room fills with the sound of skin slapping and the slick sound of his cock diving in and out of your wet cunt. Thank heavens for the loud music at the club, or everyone would’ve heard the way Satoru was fucking you into oblivion.
Your eyes are rolled into the back of your head and Satoru’s loving every second of it. He lifts your leg to angle deeper inside you and slows his pace, fucking your deeper.
“F-fuck baby. You’re squeezing me so good.” Satoru groans.
He continues his agonizingly slow thrusts and takes note of the way you’re whining under him.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” Satoru asks, smirking down at you.
Your hands run against the stage trying to find something to grip onto, but your efforts are fruitless. Satoru continues his slow thrusts and it’s hard for you to focus on forming words with the way Satoru’s fucking you. Suddenly, Satoru pulls back, leaving just the tip of his cock inside you and you whine at the loss of him filling you up. You roll your hips in an effort to get him to fill you once more, but it’s hopeless. Satoru just smiles at your cock drunk state.
“Answer me and I’ll keep fucking you.”
Your cunt throbs at the idea of him fucking you more.
“Y-you are s-Satoru.” You stutter out, wanting to feel his cock inside of you again.
“There’s my good girl.”
And with that Satoru thrusts into you once more and somehow, you feel more full than you did before. He pumps in and out of you with perfect rhythm and with each thrust you feel your high building and building.
“G-gonna cum. F-fuck, ‘toru don’t stop.” You slur out.
Satoru can tell you’re close by the way your walls are tightening around his cock. His fingers quickly find your clit, making figure eights in order to guide you over the edge. The way his cock is slamming in and out of you and the feeling of his fingers on you sensitive spot is dizzying. It’s no wonder you’re a moaning mess when the pleasure comes crashing down on you.
“That’s a good girl.” Satoru praises you.
He curses at the way your walls are clenching around him. He watches as you roll your hips against him, riding out your high. You’re moaning his name and it’s sending him into a frenzy. His thrusts become sloppy and a moment later, he quickly pulls out of you, stroking his cock. Satoru pumps his cock a few times before cursing and shooting his load onto your stomach.
You watch as Satoru breathes heavily, lets out a huff and collapses on the stage next to you. He traces your collarbone with his finger and then strokes your cheek gently. You turn your head to face him and are met with those mesmerizing blue eyes. His white hair falls carefully over his features and you take that moment to admire him. Your eyes run over his features taking every detail of him, appreciating how beautiful he is, but the appreciation completely dies when he opens his mouth.
“Want to go for round two?” Satoru asks, with the same boyish grin he had earlier. You scoff and slap his chest playfully.
“Absolutely not.”
“What? Are you going to pretend that you weren’t moaning my name as I fucked that pretty pussy of yours?” Satoru asks, tracing teasing circles on your hip. You swat his hand away.
“I was totally faking it.” You reply, jokingly.
“Liar.” Satoru fires back, lips still tugged up in a smirk.
It falls quiet for a moment before Satoru speaks again.
“Is there anything around you can use to clean up?” Satoru asks, referring to the mess he made on your stomach.
“Pretty sure, there’s some paper towels in that closet over there.” You say, pointing to the door in the back of the room.
Satoru quickly moves from his place next to you and over to the closet. He rummages around before pulling out a roll of paper towels and making his way back to you. When Satoru passes you the roll you thank him and begin cleaning up his mess on your stomach. As you’re wiping away the mess, you watch as Satoru pulls on his clothes and replaces his sunglasses.
“We should do this again, sometime.” Satoru says, smirking. You can tell his eyes have a playful glint even though his sunglasses cover them. You scoff and roll your eyes.
“This was definitely a one time thing.” You say and move to put your lingerie back on. “I only did it because you were paying me.”
“Doesn’t mean you didn’t enjoy it.” Satoru says, watching as you pull your panties and bra back on.
“Where’s my money, Gojo?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. Satoru frowns at you.
“I told you to call me Satoru.” He says.
“Fine. Where’s my money, Satoru?” You correct yourself. Satoru motions for you to come closer to him and you do.
“I really do like this color on you.” Satoru says, playing with the band of your panties.
“Satoru.” You say firmly.
“It’ll be waiting for you on your car when you leave.” He says, still playing with your panties. His thumb traces circles on your hip.
“How do you know what car I drive? And what if someone takes it off my car before I get to it?”
“No one’ll take it.” Satoru reassures you. He rests his hands on your hips.
“Okay, and how do you know what kind of car I drive?” You ask again. Satoru shrugs.
“I’ve seen you leave the club a few times.” Satoru admits. You eye him carefully.
“Don’t tell me I just fucked my stalker.”
Satoru laughs and shakes his head.
“Not stalking, promise. I’ve thought about stopping by more often, but you were always leaving when I got here.” Satoru explains.
“Yeah, I totally believe that.” You say, moving away from Satoru and making your way towards the door.
“We should do this again.” Satoru calls after you once more. You roll your eyes and turn back around to see him smirking.
“In your dreams Satoru.”
“Most definitely princess.”
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 month
the witch's diner [w.i.p] - a. azul
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summary; in which a new witch comes to nrc, ready to take over the restaurant business
genre; rivals to lovers (probably), witch is used as a gender neutral word, reader is a piranha mer-person (i think at least), magicless! reader, reader is not yuu (i hope that much is obvious), written at least a year ago, and now impulse posted bc i want to, possible series if im feeling silly, READER'S PERSONALITY IS [slightly] INSPIRED BY KDRAMA WITCH'S DINER
[gender neutral reader] [TEST RUN PREVIEW]
a/n; this has been sitting in my google docs for a while and never posted bc i just do that and also i never post even half of my drafts so that's just a given really. if i find it in myself to continue this maybe i will. but i wanted to post this as like a test run or a wip.
you dont need to watch witch's diner to understand reader's story but i like the show so if you have time, watch it. i love song ji hyo sm. anyways i dont know what kind of fish i made reader, this was written in like sept of last year KSHSKDJEK it was probably between a shark or a piranha but im like 60% sure it's a piranha.
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imagine azul's surprise when he found out about the latest witch of the sea.
how they made the most delicious of dishes and granted a wish with them. were they free of charge? no, that would put far too much weight on the balance of the world, they would explain.
then what about it being a signature spell?
they would simply laugh in their face, claiming that, "not anyone can simply be born with magic so powerful. why, i'm magicless."
no one really believed those claims… right?
it was such a big title to steal, and yet.. some random magicless person just happened to have such a power? azul didn't believe it when he heard about it at first, but then they arrived.
clearly they were of mer-person descent, their skin shiny, their teeth almost as sharp as a piranha, the side locks of their hair were a metallic-like blue gray and their height almost as tall as the twins that stand beside him. he can't quite figure out what kind of mer-person they were, but it was obvious enough that they were from his homeland. and then he heard the whispers from the other first years.
"wait! that's the person all the rumors were talking about!"
"what? the sea witch rumor!?"
"no way! they wouldn't be here, they're magicless, aren't they?"
"is it really them?"
"shh! we don't know yet!"
with a calm smile, they stand in front of the mirror.
"state thy name."
"y/n l/n."
"y/n, the nature of thy soul is sharp and intelligent and yet.. they possess no magic." quiet gasps and whispers erupt again but their smile stays calm, there's a smug glint in their eyes that only a few can see. "the shape of thy soul is octavinelle." the section of the octavinelle students freezes cold as they take their spot in their respective section.
they ignore the curious stares with ease. azul can't help but wonder what kind of talent they truly possess. he almost feels envious if he were to find out that they were just handed this with ease. and he was jealous of their lack of care for the gossip and whispers of their name after that announcement of their magicless self.
but a pair of twins watch them with sharp and amused eyes, one more mischievous than the other.
"hm, what an interesting fishy! don't you think so, jade?" one speaks.
the other hums in agreement, "yes, floyd. i wonder if those rumors were of any truth. how amusing that would be."
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midnightlazule · 3 months
{NSFW} Breeding [Sabo x AFAB!reader] (2023 KT)
Summary | After neglecting your needs for a few weeks, you finally figure out what had Sabo so adamant on staying out of the bedroom.
CW | AFAB reader / She/her pronouns / p in v sex / breeding kink
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To say Sabo had been acting weird recently was an understatement. The man had been going through great lengths to keep the topic of sex out of any and all conversations. Anytime you'd bring up having some bedroom fun with the man, he'd immediately shoot it down and claim he had work to get done, or he was simply just too tired.
It had begun to worry you.
Maybe he was no longer interested in seeing your body? Was he no longer attracted? You didn't know the answer, but you hoped it was nothing bad.
You had came back from a recent mission, having been sent by Dragon to recover information that was useful for the revolutionary army. As you made your way back towards Dragons office, you couldn't help but overhear the sound of Sabo talking with another female coworker. You could hear her giggling while Sabo talked in a hushed town.
Was this the reason why he hadn't been wanting to spend time with you in the bedroom? Had he been seeing someone else behind your back? You shook your head, Sabo wasn't that kind of person, if he had a legitimate problem then he'd talk it out with you.
He was likely just stressed.
Continuing on your way, you tried to push all the thoughts of Sabo and whoever it was in there with him out of your mind, not wanting to let it put a damper on your mood. Approaching Dragons office, you knocked, announcing your arrival before opening the door.
The man himself was sitting at his desk, looking through some documents, grumbling to himself. "Sir?" you questioned, "I have the intel you wanted me to grab" setting it down on his desk, he gave you a nod.
Turning to leave, you were stopped by the sound of him clearing his throat. "___, something on your mind?" he questioned, looking up at you with that stone like gaze of his. You shook your head, "nope, just typical ol work stuff" you answered, looking at him with a neutral expression. He motioned for you to sit down, "Sir, I promise I'm fi-" he glared at you, "sit down, that's an order."
With a heavy sigh, you obeyed, sitting down in one of the leather chairs. "What's bothering you, surely it's no one in the office?" he asked, "No, no, it's no one in the office, at least I don't think it is.." you muttered, "at least you don't think it is?" Dragon repeated. "It's just.." you trailed off, looking down at your hands.
"Does this have anything to do with Sabo?" he asks, leaning back in his chair. "Yes but it's all relationship stuff, it doesn't have anything to do with our jobs" you picked at the skin on your fingers, "besides, it's nothing you should concern yourself with, sir, you have a lot on your plate already.. you shouldn't be worrying about my relationship problems" you chuckled awkwardly.
He hummed, looking at you with a calculated gaze. "Very well" he motioned his hand for you to leave. Giving a polite nod, you got up from the leather chair and left, closing the door softly behind you. On your walk back, you passed by Sabo's office once again, all that was audible was the shuffle of paper.
"___!" Sabo called out, getting up from his desk. "How was your mission? You never stopped by after you got back, it had me worried" he approached you, stepping out of his office. You gave a soft, almost forced smile, "I was going to but it sounded like you were busy discussing things, and I didn't want to intrude." You didn't fail to notice how his face paled just the smallest bit.
"Oh- well, did you hear anything?" he asked, not at all realizing just how awful that sounded. You stared at him for a moment, before crossing your arms "what do you mean? Is there something I shouldn't know about?" you frowned, looking up at him.
"Well, yes and no?" he chuckled awkwardly, "listen.. I- I can understand how strange that sounds, but I promise it's nothing bad, okay?" he puts his hands up, clearly more nervous than before. "Then tell me what it is" your frown deepened, "because surely it doesn't have anything to do with you seeing someone behind my back" you growled.
"What?! No, god, ___, no I would never.. Look, just.." he looked around the hallway before grabbing you by your shoulders, pushing you into his office and closing the door behind himself. You stared at him expectantly, clearly irritated and on the verge of yelling at him if he didn't fess up to what he was actually doing.
"Look, ___, I.. I was talking to Koala about.." his face flared up, rubbing the back of his neck. "About?" you questioned, "look Sabo, if you're cheating on me can you please just fess up? You've been avoiding having sex with me for past few weeks, if you're no longer attracted to me then just say it instead of keeping me in the dark!" you could feel your throat beginning to burn, tears were threatening to spill.
Sabo looked like he'd seen a ghost after hearing what you just said, "___, no-" he sighed, what why was this so difficult for him? "I was talking to Koala for advice about kids, since she's more knowledgeable about all of that" you raised an eyebrow, looking at him with a strange look.
"What?" you said, "so you went to Koala but not me?" you scoffed, "I'm leaving" you walked past Sabo, but felt his hand grab your wrist. "I talked to her about it because I want to have a child with you, ___" he spoke quickly, his voice shaking. You turned around to look at him, brows raised, "...what?"
"I want to impregnate you, ___, that's why I have been hesitant to have sex with you because I've been afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself" the words fell from his lips quickly, and you struggled to keep up. "I've been wanting to just.. fill you with my seed, to watch your stomach grow in size" his face grew an even deeper red the more he continued to talk.
"I want to breed you" he coughed into his hand, looking away, almost shamefully.
It was your turn for your face to flare up, looking at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
"I know it's weird and I'm sorry-"
"Stop" you held up a hand, Sabo looked deflated. "Let me get this straight, you didn't want to have sex with me because you were afraid you'd impregnate me without my permission?" you looked up at him, and he nodded. "Sabo.. god, you big goof, why didn't you just speak to me about it?" you sighed, a relieved laugh leaving your lips.
"You've said before you didn't want kids" he shrugged, eyes downcast. He felt bad for leading you to believe that he'd do such awful things behind your back. "Sabo, I said that six years ago" you stated, "having your child would be an absolute blessing, but there's no telling if Dragon would allow me to take it easy" you sighed, "I can talk to Dragon, I'll take up any extra work in order to keep you from doing too much" he said quickly, a hopeful sparkle in his eyes.
Crossing your arms, you looked at him with a smile, "you already know he wouldn't have you do more work than you already do" a chuckle left your lips, "he'd likely just keep me from going out and getting intel, he's not going to force a pregnant lady to go out and do dangerous jobs, he's not an asshole."
"So does this mean.." he trailed off, looking down at you with a hopeful gaze. "We'd have to get a nursery set up" you chuckled, Sabo was absolutely beaming, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "Sabo-" you patted his shoulder, not being able to breath from his tight embrace. Releasing you with a quick apology, he wraps his arms around your waist, leaning down to give you a kiss on your forehead.
Smiling, you opened your mouth to say something before a knock sounded at the door, interrupting the moment. "Sabo? May I come in?" It was Koala. "I have that paperwork you asked me to get" she walked in, stopping in her tracks when she noticed you in the room. "Oh! I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?"
"No, not at all, me and Sabo were just talking" you smiled at her, giving Sabo a subtle wink. "I'll leave you both to your business talk, I have things to get done" you gave Sabo a quick peck on the cheek before walking past Koala, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder.
"You two looked happy" Koala teased, smirking at Sabo, "did you finally grow the balls to tell her?" she asked, watching Sabo as he sorted through some of the paperwork she'd given him. "I did, yeah" he said, clearly not fully paying attention. "What?! Really? How'd she take it?" Koala sat up, looking at Sabo with a wide grin.
Finally paying attention, his face reddened. "She took it well, but scolded me for hiding it from her" he chuckled, "I'm happy I told her though, I just hope Dragon doesn't mind her taking time off once the baby bump starts coming in" Koala scoffed, "of course he wouldn't mind, he's not an asshole!" Sabo snickered, it seemed both you and Koala knew Dragon well enough to know he wouldn't force a pregnant lady to work.
Although even if he did, he'd likely never hear the end of it from everyone, especially Ivankov, they absolutely adored you.
"I just hope I'll be able to protect both ___ and our child" Sabo looked up at the ceiling, "I don't think you'll have to worry about that, ___ is a strong woman, she'd kill a whole army of marines before she'd let them lay a hand on a child" Koala smiled, she really did admire you.
"Say.. Koala, I still have yet to speak to ___ about it, but.. If she's okay with it, and if you're okay with it, I want you to be a god parent to our child, just incase anything ever happens to us" Sabo looked at Koala, a serious expression on his face. "You already know I'd accept that in a heartbeat Sabo, you and ___ are like family to me" she smiled softly, "anyways, sorry to cut this conversation short, but Dragon did request to see me after I got done giving you the paperwork and what-not" she waved a quick goodbye, leaving the room.
Sabo leaned back in his chair, a small smile on his lips.
A wistful feeling stirred in his gut, he wished Luffy and Ace were here, he'd love for them to meet his future kid.
Evening time rolled around rather quickly, sitting in the cafeteria with Koala, the both of you were talking about really anything that came to mind. "So, now that you know Sabo wants to have a kid with you, when are you both going to get busy?" she smirks and wiggles her eyebrows. You lightly hit her shoulder in a friendly manner, trying to fight off your rising blush. "That's none of your business" you gave her a look, smiling.
"Oh come on! Everyone here has been waiting to hear the good news of Sabo fessing up, they want a mini you and Sabo running around" she said rather loudly. "Koala! At least keep quiet, jeez! I don't need everyone here knowing that we're planning!" you tried to make yourself appear smaller.
"Sabo finally told you!?" a loud voice sounded from behind you. You felt your soul leave your body, if Koala wasn't loud enough, than Moda surely was. The girl looked down at you with a wide eyes and a happy smile, hands clasped together. "Shhh! Please! I don't need everyone knowing-"
"So he finally fessed up? good for him, I was getting sick of waiting" Ahiru chuckled softly, looking down at you with soft eyes. "Don't worry, ___, we already knew about Sabo wanting to have a kid with you, just glad he said something or I would've told you myself" she joked. You sighed, rubbing your face with mild annoyance.
Before the three women could continue to pester you further about the fact that you and Sabo were planning on having a child, the man himself walked right through the cafeteria doors. He looked around, searching for you before his eyes finally landed on your form. You had your elbows on the table, rubbing your temples the same way you do every time you're annoyed.
With quick strides he made his way up to the table, giving the three women surrounding you polite nods. "___, we got some paperwork to fill out, Dragons orders" he spoke, looking down at you with a glimmer in his eyes. You peered up at him, "what is it about?" you asked, "important matters, so come on" Sabo said, ushering you to get up and follow him.
Getting up from the table, you waved a quick goodbye to the three girls. "Don't shake the bed too much!" Koala yelled out, the other two women laughed. You looked back and gave each of them a playful glare, even though you were in fact annoyed, you couldn't help but crack a smile at their jokes and friendly jabs. "Seems like they were giving you trouble" Sabo hummed, pushing open the cafeteria doors for you.
"No, not at all" sarcasm laced your voice, "anyways.. what was it that Dragon wanted us to work on?" you asked, Sabo chuckled. "Well, Dragon didn't actually have anything for you to help with, I just fibbed a little so that I could get you into my office without causing too much of a fuss" he smiled. "And I'm glad I did, those three wouldn't let us hear the end of it if I told you I needed you in my office for no reason"
You snickered, "so what, you just wanted me to sit in your office while you worked? No other reason?" you smirked at him, winking. He smiled, holding a finger up to his lips, "that's confidential information that I can only share behind closed doors."
Rolling your eyes in a playful manner, you decided to refrain from asking anymore questions, knowing he wouldn't answer them until we were in the privacy of his office. The walk was comfortable, keeping up with his pace with ease, he was walking a little quicker than usual. Whatever was on his mind had him eager to get back to his office.
Approaching his office, he opened the door for you, holding it as ushered you inside. His desk was covered in a couple small stacks of paperwork. It was all neatly placed, which was no surprise given the fact that Sabo preferred to be neat and tidy.
"So.." you turned and sat against the desk, crossing your arms. Sabo locked the door behind himself, turning to face you he smiled. "About that 'confidential information'?" you asked, cocking your head to the side. "Right.. right" he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully, "what? turning shy on me already?" you purred, pushing yourself off the desk you approached him.
Placing your hands on his chest, you dragged them up to his collar, fixing it. He stared down at you, taking your hands into his. "I wanted to do something special with you, since it's been a little while since we last had sex" he brought one of your hands to his lips, leaving a delicate kiss against the back of it.
You hummed, "I would like that" a smile spread across your lips, "but.. because you left me waiting for so long and led me to worry, I'm going to take it upon myself to punish you" you smirked. "It's only fair" giving him a sultry look. Before he could question, you removed your hands from his grip and lightly pushed him over to his desk.
"Is my punishment you having me do my work instead of fucking you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, "because I feel like that's also punishment on your part, especially since this can take hours to complete" he finally sat down, watching you with curious eyes. "Oh no, darling, you'll see soon enough" your smile was cruel.
"How is this fair?" Sabo groaned, trembling as you sat on his lap. He laid his head down onto your clavicle, you could feel warm puffs of breath against your skin. You had decided the best way to punish the man was to cockwarm him. Despite the fact that he was all for the idea, he was really beginning to regret it, having you clench and flutter around him for what felt like hours.
His head was spinning, and he could barely focus on anything, he knew he had work to get done, but how was he supposed to concentrate? Thank god Dragon didn't expect him to get it all done within one day.
You were sitting there silently, rolling yourself against him each time you felt him grow even a little flaccid. He could feel your slick dripping down onto his base, completely soaking his pubic hair, god how he wanted to fuck into that sweet, dripping cunt of yours.
"___, please." he whimpered, hands circling around your waist, he was struggling to keep himself from humping up into you. Beads of sweat fell from his temple, trailing down the side of his face. "I think you're capable of waiting, I mean, you did make me wait weeks, you should consider yourself lucky that I'm even giving you this" there was a sickly sweet smile on your face.
The grip around your waist tightened, and Sabo felt himself slowly lose control, "Please, baby, please" he whimpered, a sharp groan leaving his throat when you clenched around him. He could feel the chuckle that vibrated through your body, one that was cruel and completely unsympathetic, "why are you begging? You're already inside of me."
He hissed out, no matter how easy it could be to bend you over and take you, he knew he couldn't. This was his punishment for the way he had neglected your sexual needs, all because of his own kinks he was too afraid to open up about. "You know I'm not going to do anything until you give me the okay" he groaned.
You hummed, clearly pleased by his answer you decided to reward him by lifting yourself just a little hearing his choked moan as you sunk back down. He wasn't sure how much longer he could take, a pitiful sob fell from his lips at the feeling of your pulsing heat around him, holding him like a vice.
It was getting harder and harder for you to keep your composure, despite the fact that this was meant to be a punishment for your lover, you couldn't help but slowly grow needy as well. His thick cock constantly throbbed inside of you, pulsing against all the right spots. But no matter how much you wanted to give him permission to move, you wanted to keep him like this for just a little longer.
Just then, a knock sounded on the door.
You felt Sabo flinch against you, "Sabo?" a voice called, though it was muffled, you recognized Koalas voice instantly. You turned your head to look at Sabo, his eyes wide, 'don't you dare' he mouthed, grabbing hold of your hips, attempted to keep you in place. Giving him an innocent smile, you rocked your hips into him, watching as he squeezed his eyes shut and bit his bottom lip in attempts to not make noise.
"Pretty sure they left early" another voice sounded, and you could hear Koala laugh. "Come on, lets go see if we can find Hack, he'd be delighted to hear the news" you listened as their talking and giggles slowly faded away. Feeling Sabo blow out a hot puff of air as he relaxed, you couldn't help but snicker. "You're a cruel woman, ___" Sabo breathed.
You mocked a pout, "calling me cruel.. especially when I was just about relieve you of your punishment." You reveled in the look he gave you, tilting his head back, he couldn't help but whine. "Baby, please" he begged, he was growing desperate. His usual calm and collected demeanor was slowly but surely crumbling, leaving nothing but a man desperate for release.
"How badly do you want to fuck me?" you asked him, "I want to- badly, please darling" he trembled against you. "Do you think you've been punished enough?" you asked, Sabo breathed, giving you a look. He knew that was a trick question, "no, I deserve much less than this- you are too kind, my dear" you smiled, "I think I've punished you enough, my love" you felt his arms tighten around you, but he refused to move.
You couldn't help but admire just how well he knew you and your tricks. Every offer you made was a trick in disguise, one that would further his suffering. No matter how badly his cock was aching, or how much his mind screamed at him to bend you over and take what was rightfully his.. He wouldn't until you gave him direct permission.
"Sabo.." your low and sultry voice caught his attention, looking at you with lidded eyes, he rubbed a hand against your hip to show he was listening. "What a smart little thing you are" you leaned closer to his face, leaving small kisses along his jaw. He whimpered, you could feel his fingers tighten over your hips, on of them sliding down to hold your thigh.
Your kisses made it up to his ear, grazing your teeth along the outer shell, you left another kiss on the tip of it. "Earlier you said you wished to breed me, yes?" you said lowly, "yes, I want to, so badly" Sabo's voice trembled, "then do it" you smirked.
Lifting you off of him, you couldn't help but whine from the feeling of no longer being filled, but Sabo wasted no time. Pushing you back onto the desk, you hissed out in pain from the feeling of it digging into your back. Sabo muttered a quick apology, grabbing and lifting your legs, he placed them on his shoulders.
You nearly screamed when he thrusted himself back into you, the desk creaking and loud squelching from the slick that had collected over his base sounded around the room, letting everyone who was passing know just what was happening. "S-sabo!" you called out, his thrusts were rough and desperate. "That's it" a low groan left his throat, "call my name, say it loud, let everyone know who's pumping you full... gunna breed you so good baby" he growled.
His words caused the coil in your stomach to snap, a silent cry left your lips as white overtook your vision. Your body shook, and the pressure in your abdomen went by in waves, you heard Sabo growl something, but the ringing in your ears was far too loud. Sabo's thrusts stuttered, feeling your cunt squeezing around him tightly as you came, he groaned, his rhythmic relentless pounding turned into sporadic deep thrusts as he got closer to his own release.
"Yes, yes, yes, ye-" Sabo repeated the same word like a mantra. Spreading your legs further, he leaned forwards, placing his hands on both sides of your head. He gripped the edge of his desk, using it as a stabilizer as he ground his hips into yours. The new position had the both of you seeing stars, you could feel your second release building up as Sabo was chasing his with desperation.
Despite your body feeling like it was boneless, you raised your legs, and wrapped them around Sabo's waist, pulling him closer to you. This seemed to do him in, groaning out, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he rutted into you, hips stuttering as he finally came, filling you. The roll of his hips against yours brought you to your last orgasm, your cunt fluttering and clenching around Sabo, practically milking him of every ounce of semen he had to offer.
A weak chuckle left his lips, lowering himself against you, he panted against your sweaty skin. Raising a hand, he placed it against your stomach, "gunna be so happy..." he said breathlessly, "can't wait to see you all swollen with my child" nuzzled against you.
"Did such a good job" he breathed tilting his head up to look at you. "Give me a little bit and I'll help you clean up" though you said nothing, you raised a hand and ran it through his hair, not at all minding the sweat that accumulated on his scalp.
The both of you laid there for a little while longer, enjoying the afterglow of your devious deed. 
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kmgkmg · 1 year
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word count: 1.6k…
pairing: wonwoo x afab!reader (otherwise gender neutral)
synopsis: wonwoo comes home from practice needing some relief (not a lot of plot...but a lot of action iykwim...)
genre/s: smut, idol!wonwoo, softdom!wonwoo, bf!wonwoo, established relationship, domestic
warnings: nipple play, shower sex, petnames (literally just baby), begging, biting, marking, fingering, overstimulation, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (both receiving)
rating: r (18+), minors dni
a/n: the lyrics were absolutely insane for exo's comeback but it also had me ~imagining~ things for wonwoo so...here it is! thank you so much to @rose-likesto-write for being the beta reader for this fic!
Wonwoo opened the door as carefully as he could, only to see you sleeping peacefully on the couch. It was already past one in the morning, he was drenched in sweat and his whole body ached from dancing for hours. 
“Baby, I’m home,” he softly announces to you. Seeing you stir awake causes him to smile lightly and caress your hair. 
“How was practice?” You yawn, getting up to hug him. 
“It was decent, nothing unusual. Are you sure you want to hug me though, I’m pretty gross right now.” He turns around to reveal the back of his shirt was soaked with sweat. 
You ignore his warning and hug him, “It’s okay, I need to shower before going to bed anyway.”
He hugs you back before separating the hug and raising an eyebrow, “It’s so late and you still haven’t showered…how lazy.” 
The tone of his voice was all too familiar, matched with the lust in his eyes. It’s evident that he wanted to have his way with you. “Guess we need to get clean then.” 
You’re fully awake now, excited of what the night has to bring you. What Wonwoo will do to you. 
“Already thinking about what I’m going to do to you, Y/N?” He teases you, nibbling on your bottom lip before kissing you deeply.  
You both become solely focused on each other, making out sloppily while taking off each other’s clothes. Bumping into things was a given, you could only imagine the mess your place was with clothing sprawled out everywhere. 
You finally get to the bathroom and Wonwoo wastes no time. He turns on the shower, pushing you against the shower wall as he starts kissing you again. The way that he was kissing you, you knew you’d be covered in marks. It didn’t matter though, he loved that the whole world would be knowing you were taken. Your quickened breaths could be felt as he continued to cover you in hickeys. 
He knew your weak spots just like the back of his hand. The amount of pressure to apply, the touches and reserved focus on certain parts of your body, he memorized it all. His lips linger on your nipples, biting them just enough to be both painful and full of pleasure. You were in the palm of his hands, shaking from his touch. Wonwoo spreads your thighs open, “Look how wet you are for me.” 
You can’t even muster a reply, overcome with pleasure from his affection. It was always this way whenever you had sex with Wonwoo. 
He stops abruptly, much to your dismay. He grabs the washcloth and lathers soap all over your body. Wonwoo also notices your eager eyes as you grab the washcloth from him and begin to rub soap over his body in return.
You paid special attention to the area behind his ears, knowing touching them only made him more aroused. He tosses the washcloth aside and kisses you again.
“I need you, now.” You beg, hand reaching for his dick. 
“Yeah?” He hums, continuing to leave marks all over your body, “How bad do you need me?” 
You kneel down, opening your mouth and stretching your tongue out to show him. 
He finds you cute the way you wanted to pleasure him just as much as he pleased you.
You take his dick into your hands and look at it in admiration, never getting over his size. You used your tongue to play with the tip before fitting as much of him as you could in your mouth. He was hard and thick which only turned you on more. You loved the taste of him.
He placed his hand gently behind your head and held himself in place with the other hand on the shower wall. “You can handle more of me, can’t you?” 
You attempt to say yes but it comes out muffled due to him being in your mouth. He slowly goes farther in, fucking your mouth. 
“You look so hot with my cock in your mouth, Y/N.”
You continued giving him head until he pulled out and released onto your face.
Looking up at him with swollen lips, teary eyes, and his load on your face you ask, “How was it?”
“You did so fucking good, baby. Should I give you a reward?” His low voice asks, helping you up onto your feet. He cleaned your face up with water. 
You nod fervently, “Yes please, Wonwoo.”
He turns the shower faucet off, deciding that the shower was too small for all that he wanted to do to you. Neither of you bother with grabbing a towel to dry off and he pushes you onto your shared bed.
He trails his fingers down your wet body slowly, sending chills. By the time he puts his fingers inside you, your body was already on fire. He goes at a steady rhythm, enjoying the overindulged expression on your face.
You reach for anything to hold on to, foolishly grabbing his hair. That doesn’t stop Wonwoo from fingering you, instead he uses his free hand to grab both of your wrists and pinned them above your head.
“Did I say you could move freely, Y/N?” His question could barely be heard as you experienced pure ecstasy from his touch. “Do I have to ask again?”
You shake your head no, unable to form a proper sentence. Each time he rammed his fingers into you, the heat inside you built up more. You weren’t sure how much longer you could take it. 
Moaning his name was enough to get him to look up with a sly smirk, knowing your voice when you were close to your limits. Without a second to waste, he pulls his fingers out, depriving you from any possible orgasm. 
“Wait until I give you permission.” 
Your whole body trembles, trying your best to follow his order. Raggedly you whine, “Please, Wonwoo, I need your fingers in me again.” 
“All pretty saying please…you’ve earned it.” He curls his fingers into you again and you instantly reach your climax. He rubs your thighs supportively, helping you work through the orgasm. Your mind went blank besides the image of Wonwoo being vivid.
“Y/N, do you deserve more?” He watches you catch your breath, having more planned for you. 
You were still panting, but craved more. Your eyes fluttered open, “Yes, please.”
Wonwoo smirked and laid soft kisses on your torso before continuing. You sprawl out again, preparing for whatever he was about to do. 
He skillfully used his tongue on your clit and squeezed your ass before sliding his tongue in you. You writhe under the new stimulation on your lower body. Clutching the sheets in your hands, your moans grow louder as you’re completely at Wonwoo’s mercy.
Intoxicated with the taste of you, Wonwoo’s grip around your thighs tightens more. He takes a break from eating you out and looks up at you dazed, “I just know this tastes too good to be healthy.”
Wonwoo loved eating your pussy. Drowning in your juice, he ate you out like it was an animalistic instinct of his. Your bodies grinded together in harmonization. Each time you squirmed he would move his tongue in a different direction, making you arch your back again and again. He gave you no time to recover and before you knew it, another orgasm came. You clenched your thighs together out of reflex, but Wonwoo loved it. Loved the way you wrapped his head between your thighs so much it only made him more excited. He continued to eat you out, even as you came. 
“Do you have enough strength to get on all fours?” Wonwoo’s question snaps you out of your bliss, knowing the main event is coming. You reposition yourself on the bed, having Wonwoo watch each move hungrily. 
He puts his hands on your hips and looks down at you with soft eyes, “Y/N, do you want this cock in you?”
Your head is facing the headboard, a sight you were too used to, “Use me all you want.” 
The sound of your gasp fills the bedroom as he fits his entire length into you. You roll your hips into his cock, legs still feeling weak and Wonwoo was to blame. You could feel yourself pulsing around his cock, so sensitive that anything he did would make you lose your mind. 
“Good baby, so tight for me. Who owns your sweet pussy?”
“You, Wonwoo! I’m all yours and only yours,” you whimper as your eyes roll back. 
Your words turn him on even more and he leans down to kiss you tenderly before thrusting faster. 
“I’m about to…” Wonwoo groans, unable to contain himself. 
“Fill me, fill me with all of you.” You plead, about to come for the nth time of the night. 
Your words send Wonwoo over the edge and he does one final thrust, filling you with him. His eyes close in pure euphoria as you clench around his cock. He pulls out and appreciates the view in front of him.
Wonwoo loved seeing his Y/N being left a mess. Hair disheveled, covered in sweat, and panting. He falls onto bed next to you, exhausted. 
“I love you,” Wonwoo sighed, caressing the side of your face.
“I love you more,” you exhaled, caressing his face as well. 
Wrapping his arms around you, Wonwoo’s fingers tapping against your shoulder as you nestled your head into his chest. You both laid in bed, unable to sleep but needing to rest after your strenuous night. After about thirty minutes, his bulge could be felt against your ass as he held you. 
“Not tired yet?” You tease him knowingly.
“Looks like we’ll need another shower,” he smugly replies.  
Tonight was going to be a long night, not that either of you minded.
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myimaginedcorner · 3 months
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Hello my dear readers,
WE DID IT! After a few weeks of wait and talks, I can finally announce that Scales of Justice has been officially accepted for publication, both on Hosted Games and on Steam! The current publication date is set for January 2025; however, if that changes, I will update you with new information.
You can now wishlist the game on Steam! Here's the link -> https://store.steampowered.com/app/3089710/Scales_of_Justice/
I am so, so grateful to everyone who has been here for me during these past 3 years. What began as a shy attempt at dreaming has grown into a marvelous project that taught me so much, brought me so many new experiences and skills, and is going to end with my first publication as an author. I cannot be more grateful and excited. I hope this is only the beginning of an amazing journey.
I am currently finishing my degree and working on preparing for the release; however, I will soon be posting a little more of my thoughts about future projects (including SoJ 2), continuing Torn Page, and being a bit more active around here. Until then, please, spread the word, and let's celebrate this together! ^^
Scales of Justice is a fantasy story that takes place in a world afar – a place called Therania. Albeit there was some interaction between Therania and other worlds a long time ago, now it’s solely a tale from their lost past… or, at least, that is the most common belief. Regardless, this story does not focus on extraterrestrial connections: its plot revolves around the people of Therania and their lives, their history and – what’s more important – their ‘determined’ future.
There are plenty of species living together in Therania, yet the human race is currently split in two: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controlled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other - here, the fight of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, character development, and the player's choices: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe they want to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
Set off on a new adventure towards Neutral Lands, to meet a mythic creature of all answers - The Visionary.
Play as a woman, man, or non-binary - straight, gay, or asexual.
Gather up to 3 companions to help you in your quest - befriend, romance, or rival them, the choice is yours.
Buy a horse - we know you want one.
Fight, conjure, support, speak or think - choose your way of handling a tricky situation.
Explore the kingdom of Hero up to Menai's shores, in search for someone - or something - to aid you in your journey.
The DEMO version of the book runs up to Chapter 5 and contains 276K words overall.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read chapters 1-5, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the Hero kingdom’s throne, right where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who’s very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of sapphire eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious but temperamental. Prefers action over words and so, is always present on battlefields and amidst negotiations, even if in an unofficial manner. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and emerald eyes.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
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Derek Hale x POTSie!GN!Reader Blurb
Word Count: 600
Sundrop's Main Masterlist
Warnings: the reader is gender neutral - the only pronouns used for the reader are you/yours; mentions of the reader having a 'girly' room (elements of pink and having stuffed animals); the reader has POTS - it is the main 'plot' of the fic (Derek can hear the reader's heartbeat). This is mostly just very self indulgent fluff.
A/N: So - again, I am on hiatus. But self indulgent fic ideas are getting to me. If you follow my main blog then you saw this one coming. Originally, my idea was to write something about Derek listening to the reader's heartbeat and catching them before they faint, but this fic is what happened when I started typing. Maybe I will write the other idea sometime, idk. Also, shoutout to the fact that I was writing this while having chest pains due to POTS. Wild
You had been assigned to ‘babysit’ Derek. 
What a glamorous role: sitting in your bedroom with a man on the run from the law (only because Scott had publicly (wrongfully) accused him of murder). 
When you first met Derek Hale, you had been intimidated by him. It was impossible not to be. He was more than six feet tall and impossibly broad - a giant wall of muscle that could have ripped you apart in seconds if he wanted to. But soon, you came to realize that he was… softer than other people gave him credit for. He had lost his entire family, and he was alone in the world. Of course he protected himself from that loneliness with bitterness and anger. But you saw glimpses of something else beneath. 
Especially now, when he was sitting in your bedroom on your pink beanbag chair, among a pile of stuffed animals, reading a YA romance novel that you had given him to entertain himself - he was almost… cute. 
He let out a gentle huff, seemingly frustrated, and you wondered if he had gotten caught up in the plot of the book - which would have been entirely amusing. 
“You okay?” You asked, putting down the pen you had been using to doodle with in your journal, giving him your full attention. “I can get us a snack or something if-” 
“Look, I’m sorry.” He mumbled out, so lowly that you almost didn’t catch the words. 
“What?” You gaped, wondering if you had misheard him. 
“I said: I’m sorry.” He repeated himself, slowly and a bit louder. 
Unfortunately this confused you even further. 
“What for?” You asked, moving to the edge of your bed and putting your feet on the floor, directing even more of your attention toward him. 
“I know Scott and Stiles are making you stay with me, but you don’t have to stay here if you’re going to be… scared.” He explained slowly, quietly, choosing his words carefully. “I know I’m not exactly the friendliest person-” 
“‘Scared’?” You repeated his own words back to him, unsure of what he meant. “Why do you think I’m scared?” 
“Your heart has been racing for the past hour - ever since I arrived.” He explained. “I know you must be afraid of me-” 
You let out a gentle laugh, shaking your head. 
It was Derek’s turn to be confused now. 
“I - I forgot that werewolves can do that.” You told him, putting a hand to your chest and feeling your own rapid heartbeat. “Scott told me, but…” You trailed off, and then you switched to a different line of thought completely. 
“I’m not scared of you.” You announced, entirely firm. 
With your heart thumping at the exact same rapid pace, Derek couldn’t tell if this was a lie or not. 
“But-” He tried to argue, and you cut him off. 
“I have a medical condition.” You explained. 
He looked at you with curiosity, and you continued. 
“It’s called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It means that my entire nervous system is whack - and my heart speeds up or slows down when it’s not supposed to. Because the part of my brain that controls my heart rate is… broken. It also causes me to faint. Way too often.” 
Derek hated to hear you speak of yourself as ‘broken’, because he saw you as such a kind, perfect person. But he chose not to say anything about it. 
A hint of sadness, pity, drifted across Derek’s features - anybody else would have missed it, but since meeting him, you had focused on seeing beneath the surface of his bruteness, and you had started picking up on everything more than the toughness he projected. 
“Do you… need to go to a hospital?” He asked, concerned about the fact that your heart had been racing for more than an hour now. 
“No.” You assured him. “It’s like this all the time. I just need a lot of water - and rest.” 
He nodded. 
“So - you’re not afraid of me?” He confirmed gently. 
“No.” You nodded. “You’re really not that scary.” 
You flopped back onto the bed in order to lay down, but you didn’t miss the tiny uptick at the corner of his mouth - the small flash of a smile that he gave you at these words.
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hannicorpse · 2 months
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ʚ♡ɞ hopelessly devoted to you : episode one - see? you get me!
previous | masterlist | next
pairing : frat members yang jungwon x female reader
warnings : mentions of cheating, and jungwon jokes that he will unalive himself
wc : 0.9k + smau
preview : jungwon was always known as one of the more persistent members of the epsilon nu frat. so when he ran into you for the first time, he just knew he couldn’t get enough of you. even if you couldn’t be together because of your warring friend groups. but that doesn’t mean they had to know. right?
taglist ! @firstclassjaylee
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you were never one for lectures. especially when your teacher doesn’t move fast and often goes overtime. but, at least class was over now. all you had to do was sprint over to the cafeteria since you were already running late.
like always, your friends were sitting down at your usual lunch spot, their trays already full in front of them.
“you’re late again,” karina complains as you sit down next to winter. “you should consider changing your schedule.”
“i don’t see a reason to change it though.” you spoke with a confused tone.
“karina has a point. a lot of your classes end up going overtime, and you only have a single class with us.” aeri points out, waving her fork around before going back to eating.
“yeah. and, you have at least one epsilon nu member in every other period. you see them more than us during a regular school day.” karina says.
“fair points all around. but, they’re not so bad.” you shrug. “besides, with ning and minjeong as my roommates? i think i see you guys enough..” you joked, ignoring their complaints in the background.
“i get where y/n’s coming from though.” says ning. “one time, i had to be partners with jay in bio. and he’s actually a gentleman, he’s pretty nice.”
“yeah, most of them are actually pretty chill. but, i’m sure karina can’t say the same about.. heeseung” minjeong agrees, before she whispers the man’s name.
karina immediately looked up from her plate, but her facial expression was unreadable. her neutral appearance was more nerving than the face she makes when you know she’s upset.
the core members of alpha epsilon and epsilon nu were not always rivals, seeing as heeseung and karina were once a power couple. but after heeseung decided to cheat on her at the beginning of their sophomore year, things began to take a turn.
the table remained silent until karina began to continue eating.
“i’m gonna go get lunch since i was like.. 25 minutes late. can someone come with me?” you announce, looking up at the clock to see you had a little less than 40 minutes left.
“they’re not gonna let us back in line. last time i went with winter after i already got food, they thought i was getting seconds and they sent me out.” aeri reminds you.
“fine. i’ll just go alone.” you roll your eyes.
the cafeteria food at decelis academy never disappoints. it was more than exceptional for such a prestigious college.
you grabbed a bowl of kimchi stew and a side of rice, along with some melons to go along with your meal.
at the end of the line, you reached for the last strawberry milk, only for a boy behind you to take it.
“oh- i’m so sorry. did you want this? here.” he spoke, handing you the single carton.
“oh no, it’s okay. i’ll just find something else.” you smile, waving your hands.
“i insist.” “are you sure?” “of course. i’ll just have banana milk instead.” the guy assured.
your hands briefly touch his as he places the milk into your palm.
“you look familiar. do i know you?” he asks.
“maybe. y/n lee. what about you?” “ah. as in alpha epsilon?” you nod to his question.
“yang jungwon.” “epsilon nu?” “the one and only.”
you chuckle at jungwon’s response.
“where are your friends anyway?” “they didn’t want to get lunch with me since i was late. you?” “same.”
“you wouldn’t happen to be mark’s sister, would you?” jungwon questions, again.
“i am. do you know him?” “yeah. heeseung’s on the basketball team with him.”
you smile nervously.
somehow, the atmosphere grew awkward at the mention of heeseung. however, he continued to smile. not an awkward expression, but a genuine one. you noticed the way his ears grew red when you held eye contact for a few moments.
“so, epsilon nu? you’re not as scary or mean as karina described.” you joke, breaking the silence.
“thanks. yeah, i guess karina and heeseung kind of butcher our groups images, huh?”
“yeah, she never mentioned how handsome you were either.”
jungwon’s cheeks turn into a rosy pink, as he brings a hand up to scratch the back of his neck.
“are you gonna eat the stew warm or will you just continue flirting in my line?” the lunch lady interrupts, cutting off your train of thought and bringing you both back into reality.
“sorry miss!” you both bow, moving down along the line.
“so, i’ll see you around?” he questions.
“yeah. i hope so.” you smile, before walking in the opposite direction.
“bro, you were gone for like 15 minutes. where were you?” jake asks as jungwon sat back down.
“the line was just long.” he shrugs, making up an excuse, hoping his friends will buy it.
everyone goes back to eating, but jungwon doesn’t notice the way sunghoon and jake look at him, their suspicions rising.
“y/n, i know you’re slow, but it does not take half of the remaining lunch period to get food.” aeri jokes.
“sorry. i didn’t expect the line to be so long.”
“yeah, and mr hwang has a big class. maybe it was just y/n’s other classmates getting lunch too.” ning adds on, causing you to look at her with an eyebrow raised.
ningning leans into your ear to whisper, “you’re lucky karina’s in the bathroom, or i wouldn’t have been the only one to see you talking with yang jungwon.”
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