#Anna Rochefort
therosecrest · 1 year
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girlsfightingarena · 1 month
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Tekken themed color wheel!
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thewallofnarcolepsy · 3 months
all of the tekken twitter banners i made so far bc why not.
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kazjun 1
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kazjun 2
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kazuya and reina
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jin and hwoarang
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asuka and lili
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anna williams
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(update) kazumi mishima
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(update) jin and kazuya
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(update) heihachi and kazumi
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(update) kazjun 3
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(update) anna and nina
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vhyrel · 1 year
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Tekken illustration for my fan book [Unfinished].
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tofuthebold · 2 months
"i'm finally gonna learn how to draw kazuya" i said and then this happened somehow… they're about to start some shit
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the tk2 p2 outfits are spicier than i remember lol
bonus collection of doodles/studies that are never getting finished/colored that aren't anything to get a whole post over on their own over the past year that i still like under the cut:
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For a long while now i've been unmotivated to draw, so when i do it's mostly just to work out faces outside of my mind because i don't much like the art direction the series has been moving in instead of anything substantial sorry
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imaginative-tekken · 8 months
What about everyone’s favorite type of snacks?
hmmm. snacks huh...
Anna - salted popcorn
Asuka - salt & vinegar chips
Baek - jerky
Bruce - nachos
Bryan - apple pie
Christie - oreos
Claudio - pretzels
Dr. B - raspberry mousse
Eddy - mint chocolates
Lili - napoleon pastry
Feng - roasted almonds
Forest - churros
Ganryu - cupcakes
Heihachi - snickers
Hwoarang - hot cheetos
Jin - ice cream sundae
Josie - chocolate chip cookies
Julia - veggies and dip
Jun - strawberry ice cream
Katarina - beijinhos
Kazumi - stir-fried anchovy banchan
Kazuya - chili cheese puffs
King - lemon meringue tarts
Kuma - i wanna go typical bear stuff and say (smoked) salmon
Lars - polkagrisar
Lee - chocolate dipped strawberries
Lei - i wanna say noodles, but idk if that counts as a snack so... fruity hard candies
Leo - gingerbread cookies
Ling - soft caramel
Lucky Chloe - lollipops
Marshall - donuts
Master Raven - bundt cake
Michelle - candy apples
Miharu - salty fudge
Nina - punsch-roll 
Panda - rhubarb
Paul - baconchips
Raven - twinkies
Robert - ranch doritos
Sergei - stuffed buns
Shaheen - zaatar croissant
Steve - cinnamon rolls
Zafina - peanut butter cups
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captain-azoren · 7 months
Idea(s) for Tekken 9;
Set after the events of 8, Paul and/or Law invite several of the other fighters, primarily the younger competitors, to do some cross-discipline training. The ones who show up are Hwoarang, Asuka, Lili, Steve (possibly more like Leroy or Azucena, but these are the main ones). Asuka wants to improve after being beaten by Feng, Lili is there to bug Asuka mainly, Hwoarang thought Jin would show up, and Steve wants to get more used to fighting other styles.
Reina shows up as well, unexpectedly as no one had seen her after the battle in Yakushima. She keeps up her friendly facade from before. Reina came looking for Jin, but takes a strange interest in Steve. They had all met during the events of 8 but now everyone has a chance to get more acquainted.
After a while Steve gets a feeling of deja vu when he and Reina spar. Reina eventually reveals that she knows him from the Mishima Zaibatsu's Devil Gene project, as she was a test subject like him.
Whereas Steve got out, she did not, yet still survived. Reina is indeed Heihachi's offspring, in the sense that Heihachi's DNA was used to create her. Reina was raised to admire and worship Heihachi, but rarely ever actually interacted with him. While it was believed that they failed to splice the devil gene into her body, Reina still showed great battle prowess and so was allowed to live, being groomed to be a loyal soldier to Heihachi.
Steve was one of Reina's only friends during her early years, and since he escaped she's wanted to get him back, wanting him to join her in her plan to take over the MZ. This is also why she wants Nina to work with her, so she can get Steve and Nina to actually reunite and bond, as a kind of misguided present to Steve.
There's not a lot to go off of for Reina as of now, and I still need to see all character endings, but I could kind of see a need for some kind of family unit and her trying to sort of craft one through taking over the MZ, trying to bring the rest of the Mishima family in (except for Kazuya and Jun, judging from her ending and post battle dualogues).
I can kind of see Reina disliking Asuka simply because of Asuka's Kazama bloodline being able to supress the devil gene and therefore being a threat. I would like to see Reina be Asuka's new rival/nemesis to try to make her more relevant to the main plot, while Lili can be her more casual rival in the way Hwoarang is to Jin.
Hwoarang I'd like to see follow a cause that's greater than just beating his rivals. I'd kind of like to see him and Lili interact, if only because I think they'd have an even greater contrast than her and Asuka. Hwoarang is the kind of street thug that Asuka deals with in her hometown, but actually a really good fighter.
I'd actually really like to see the young blood fighters form a kind of friendly social group; Jin, Xiaoyu, Hwoarang, Steve, Reina, Asuka, and Lili. Throw in Leo and Azucena too since they have some connections. There are plenty of characters in that age range that could fit, but these are the ones I could see together without much pretense.
Jin will be just trying to enjoy some peace and quiet hanging out with Xiaoyu, but he would eventually get dragged into the new conflict. I think Reina would have mixed feelings about Jin, maybe seeing him as a kindred spirit, maybe disappointed he wanted to destroy the devil gene, but she offers him the chance to join her new MZ.
Back to Steve, I'd also want him to finally encounter Anna, maybe when Anna tries to kill Nina. I know a lot of fans want Anna to care for Steve as a way to spite Nina, but I think that Anna would care for Steve because she would see him as family, and Anna seems to be a lonely person in need of some familial affection. It's kind of something Steve wanted from Nina as well.
So familial bonds would be a common theme between Reina and Steve, at least according to my headcanon. Reina adores a father she never actually knew, Steve wanted to know who his blood relatives were, Anna wants a normal family, etc.
Not quite sure how things would really play out; Reina would probably try to do what Heihachi, Kazuya, and Jin before her did by trying to build her own empire and crushing those who stand in her way. There'd be fighting and so forth, people taking sides, etc. Nina would probably join Reina and Steve and Anna could team up to oppose them.
I could see the conflict resolving with Jin and Steve having some kind of heart-to-heart with Reina about living for herself and not what Heihachi would have wanted. Reina is very different from most Midhimas in that she's trying to carry on her father's will rather than tear diwn what he built. They'd have to convince her that it isn't worth it, that Heihachi wouldn't have cared for her either way, that she needs to stop chasing his ghost and decide what she really wants for herself, to be more than just a weapon and to break free of the Mishima's bloody legacy. Asuka can be the one to cleanse Reina of the devil gene. She SHOULD be the one.
I'd like to see Steve sort of passing on the care that Leo's mom Emma showed him, have him realize that Emma would always be more of a mother to him than Nina could. He should treat Leo like a younger sibling. Dunno if Anna can ever forgive Nina for killing her fiancé, but she could find family in Steve and move on with her life in that respect. I'm not opposed to shipping her with Lee, if it's done super playfully, almost in a Morticia and Gomez Adams sort of way.
Anyway, that's some of what I'd like to see in future Tekkens.
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ghassanrassam · 4 months
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therosecrest · 1 year
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seikotakai · 9 months
Day 2 of Tekken 8 Demo
I just played the Tekken 8 demo again, this time mostly playing as Kazuya (as well as Jin and Nina for a bit). Kazuya has some special intros/interactions with Jun and Shaheen (Jun's determination to save Kazuya from his darkness and trauma; Shaheen wanting to avenge his friend like "you took everything from me" and kaz just looks at him like "i don't even know who tf you are"))...but why doesn't he have any special intros/outros/win poses with Nina, Asuka, Azucena, or Paul?!
>Azucena is pretty much probably his only ally (because Anna, Bruce, and Lucky Chloe are not in this game). Although Eddy Gordo was also cut from this game too, I guess Shaheen may as well be his replacement in a way (damn do e-sports players hate Eddy for losing to spam and cheese in player matches/ranked matches that much to the point where he got that joke ending in Tekken 7 and now he won't even be in Tekken 8?!).
>Paul was his OG rival back in the day before of course he keeps getting defeated by fucking Kuma (the blondie cocky extroverted rival who wants to be the best, you know like Sasuke vs Naruto or Ryu vs Ken).
>Coming to think of it, Jin Kazama also does NOT even have any special intros or win quotes with either Asuka or Nina. Like I was thinking Jin would be sad or angry about being betrayed again by someone (first Heihachi in Tekken 3, now Nina in Tekken 8...also Jin saved Nina from being brainwashed by Ogre in Tekken 3 and worked alongside him in Tekken 6, so her betrayal should sting). Also maybe Nina is perhaps actually just simply doing something similar to her role in Street Fighter X Tekken, maybe she's just secretly spying for Jin (and a special intro between her and Kaz would hint at this).
>Also once again Asuka being shafted and pushed to the side, like seriously no special intro for her with Jin or Kazuya?! It's disappointing because in her character episode with Lili, Lili mentions her being related to Jin and by extension the Mishima bloodline so she's worried that her friend (*cough* *cough* girlfriend) might get dragged into the whole Mishima conflict. So I was thinking okay surely Bandai Namco is building up to her finally being relevant in the next game right? I always had this theory in my mind that maybe perhaps why Asuka Kazama is treated like some comic relief side character ever since Tekken 6 is possibly all the backlash and hate she got from both Japanese and western Tekken fans for replacing Jun Kazama when she was introduced in Tekken 5. Same reason why Hinata Hyuga from Naruto gets so much love and favoritism from Studio Pierrot and the Naruto fandom (especially Japanese fans) over Sakura Haruno, and why Rosalina gets more attention than Daisy in the Mario Franchise lately (especially when Rosalina got into Super Smash Bros before her and Rosalina was also in Mario Strikers: Battle League at launch but not Daisy). Maybe it's because some fans strongly prefer the more feminine and introverted female characters over the confident tomboyish brash female characters. Of course these sentences are NOT meant to blame or slander Jun, Rosalina, or Hinata because I like all three of them as characters. It's just some coincidence I noticed.
>Although I do actually really like Steve's whole interaction with his mom Nina. Steve doesn't want to hurt his mom and even says that she is the last person he wants to fight, and Nina telling him to get out of here in her outro. I always thought Nina was cold to her son for similar reasons why Jin wants to live a solitary life, out of pure fear that Steve might get dragged into the either the Mishima conflict or her rivalry with Anna (ex. Anna Williams might kidnap him or something), she's just simply trying to protect her son in a way.
Anyways that's just my silly thoughts for now.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
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plushymiku-blog · 1 year
Posting these two works of mine on my tumblr, as well, because why not? 💜❤
I REALLY hope to see these two in Tekken 8 once it drops. Lili's very popular so she should make it. And I may have recently started learning how to play Anna, so it would be pretty upsetting not to see her again.
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vhyrel · 2 years
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tekken sketch/doodle.
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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The Hairdresser’s Husband (Le mari de la coiffeuse) (1990) Patrice Leconte
January 15th 2023
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imaginative-tekken · 8 months
Which of the ladies perfer to be dominant/submissive with their partner?
Anna, Asuka, Katarina, Kazumi, Kunimitsu
Christie, Eliza, Jun, Ling
Lili, Julia, Lucky Chloe, Master Raven, Nina, Zafina
Josie, Leo, Michelle, Miharu
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I figured to wait until the release day of Tekken 8 to start the The King of Iron Fist Tournament! Or the Tekken Tournament. I'll let you guys decide on the name but for now I will just say Tekken Preliminaries!
So who is fighting it out and who is currently in the 64 bracket? I did the same seeding I did for Mortal Kombat, where I based it off of playable appearances. The 8 mainline games and the Tekken Tag Tournament games, any other spinoff is not included.
Tekken Characters In the Bracket
10 playable appearances (all ten games!)
Nina Williams
Paul Phoenix
9 playable appearances
Heihachi Mishima
Kazuya Mishima
Lee Chaolan
Marshall Law
8 playable appearances
King II
Kuma II
Anna Williams
Lei Wulong
Bryan Fury
Eddy Gordo
Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
7 playable appearances
Julia Chang
6 playable appearances
Wang Jinrei
Steve Fox
5 playable appearances
Baek Doo San
Bruce Invin
Craig Marduk
Emilie De Rochefort
Sergei Dragunov
Asuka Kazama
Devil Jin
4 playable appearances
Armor King II
Kunimitsu I
Michelle Chang
Prototype Jack
Jun Kazama
Christie Monteiro
Alisa Bosconovitch
Lars Alexandersson
Leo Kliesen
3 playable appearances
Armor King I
Ancient Ogre
Forest Law
Tiger Jackson
True Ogre
Roger Jr.
Miguel Caballero Rojo
Robert "Bob" Richards
Tekken Characters in the Preliminaries
2 playable appearances
King I
Kuma I
Devil Kazuya
Dr. Bosconovitch
Miharu Hirano
Jinpachi Mishima
Claudio Serafino
Leroy Smith
1 playable appearance
Slim Bob
Master Raven
Josie Rizal
Katarina Alves
Kazumi Mishima
Lucky Chloe
Kunimitsu II
Lidia Sobieska
Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo
Victor Chevalier
Eliza (gonna appear in Last Chance as I forgot)
Just like last time, four groups to decide who will get the open spots. However there is a odd number so we might do a Last Chance Preliminary poll once again. The top 3 of each group will move on to the bracket. Number 4 will go to Last Chance. The rest are banished to catering forever.
The preliminaries themselves will be out soon hopefully in the next hour or so are out now. Thank you for the support and here's to another fighting game tournament.
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Also been dead for a month so tagging for visibility, however you are not obligated to. If you do, then thank you very much.
@cinderpoll @victimsofyaoipoll @elementspecificcharatourney @tournament-announcer @favoritesegacharacterbracket @clash-of-the-wizards @characterswithcolorsnamesfight @silly-name-tourney @bestadaptationtournament @best-female-villain-tournament
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