#Angelo Carchidi
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La cultura è democratica/Festival dello spettatore 2018
La cultura è democratica/Festival dello spettatore 2018
Giornata di studi, giovedì 4 ottobre, al Festival dello Spettatore di Arezzo. Nella Sala Grande del Campus Universitario il Pionta ci si interroga sul tema La cultura è democratica? (more…)
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#Andrea Paolucci#Angelo Carchidi#Barbara Tosti#Beatrice Magnolfi#Bianco - Valente#Chiara Bersani#Cleophas Dioma#Federico Borreani#Festival dello Spettatore 2018#Filosofia in carcere#Ilda Curti#Laura Caruso#Loretta Fabbri#Luisa Bosi#Marco Vannini#Massimo Ferri#Murmuris#Oliviero Ponte di Pino#Renzo Francabandera#Rete Teatrale Aretina#Simone Zacchini#Spettatori Erranti#Tommaso Perrulli#Università di Siena
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~ NEW ~ @ziczic_ Con un pizzico di ritardo rispetto al suo arrivo, vi mostriamo l'ultima produzione della piccola ma sempre ricercata casa editrice Zic Zic, ora alle prese con un lavoro multidisciplinare, nei contenuti e nelle tecniche, dedicato alla cittadina umbra di #Preci e creato a braccetto con il collettivo artistico Corale @coralepreci "Corale Preci" racconta con linguaggi visivi diversi e a più voci, gli anni di lavoro trascorsi assieme alla cittadinanza (5 da quando è cominciato il progetto) prima come abitanti temporanei e infine scegliendo di stare lì ancora, compiendo un grande gesto e decidendo di acquistare un terreno e una casa per diventare cittadine e cittadini a tutti gli effetti. A comporlo sono artist*, attori e attrici, regist*, architett*, danzatrici e progettist* culturali: Carolina Balucani, Michele Bandini, Angelo Carchidi, Leonardo Delogu, Hélène Gautier, Ettore Guerriero, Alberto Marzo, Daria Menichetti, Serena Olcuire, Maël Veisse. Un racconto visivo di un viaggio a piedi da Roma a Preci + dei saggi e racconti scritti dal gruppo Corale + dei racconti dai preciani e dalle preciane + un reportage di tutti gli anni di lavoro a Preci. 🛒 Lo trovi ora sul nostro tavolo-vetrina tra le novità selezionate e che vi consigliamo, ma potete acquistarlo anche scrivendoci in chat, attraverso il nostro profilo Bookdealer oppure via www.spinebookstore.it #spinebookstore #ziczic #coralepreci #spinebookstore #Spine #Bari #Puglia #Italia #libri #fumetti #autoproduzioni #smallpress #albiillustrati #microproduzioni #editoria #edizioni #italiane #estere #stampe #graphicnovel #illustrazione #arte #poster #bookshop #booklovers #illustratedbooks #indipendente #independentbookshop (presso SPINE Bookstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVA7O4TqEdu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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New Post has been published on https://calabriawebtv.com/parte-la-sfida-a-4-in-calabria/
L’urna di un seeggio elettorale per le elezioni regionali in Umbria, 27 ottobre 2019. ANSA/ FEDERICA LIBEROTTI
Sono stati presentati i candidati a presidente della Regione e le liste degli aspiranti consiglieri regionali in vista delle elezioni del 26 gennaio.
Quattro gli aspiranti governatori: Jole Santelli, sostenuta dal centrodestra con sei liste (Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Santelli presidente, Udc, Lega e Casa delle libertà); Pippo Callipo per il centrosinistra, con quattro liste (Pd, Io resto in Calabria, 10 idee per la Calabria e Democratici e progressisti); Francesco Aiello, sostenuto dal Movimento 5 stelle e dalla lista “Calabria civica- Liberi di cambiare”, e Carlo Tansi, ex responsabile della Protezione civile regionale.
Tra le curiosità la candidatura per Fratelli d’Italia di Giuseppe Neri, che nelle precedenti elezioni regionali era stato eletto in Consiglio con la lista dei “Democratici e progressisti”.
Il Partito della Rifondazione comunista ha reso noto che non parteciperà alle elezioni “in assenza – si afferma in una nota – di un’unità delle forze della sinistra”.
A sostegno della Santelli ci sono sei liste: Forza Italia, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia, Udc, Jole Santelli presidente e Casa delle Libertà. Callipo avrà l’appoggio di quattro liste: “Io resto in Calabria”, Pd, Democratici Progressisti e “10 idee per la Calabria”.
Due le liste che affiancheranno Aiello: il Movimento 5 Stelle e “Calabria Civica-Liberi di Cambiare”. Infine, per Tansi in lizza scenderanno in campo tre liste. “Tesoro Calabria”, “Calabria Libera e “Calabria Pulita”, queste ultime due peraltro in corsa solo nella circoscrizione elettorale Nord.
Le liste a sostegno dell’imprenditore Pippo Callipo
Circoscrizione Nord
Arturo Crispino
Felice D’Alessandro
Graziano Di Natale
Francesco Madeo
Franco Mundo
Franco Ernesto Rubino
Norina Scorza
Vincenzo Tamburi
Pietro Tarasi
Circoscrizione Centro
Domenico Consoli
Salvatore De Luca
Mario De Onofrio
Danilo Ferrara
Innocenza Giannuzzi
Antonio Lo Schiavo
Francesco Muraca
Francesco Pitaro
Circoscrizione Sud
Michele Albanese
Marcello Anastasi
Fortunato Attinà
Angelo Carchidi
Mariangela Cozza
Maria Giurato
Antonio Malara
Partito democratico
Circoscrizione Sud (Reggio)
Irto Nicola Barbera Luigi Battaglia Domenico Nucera Giovanni Pacifici Cosima Spatari Nensi Tripodi Andrea
Circoscrizione Centro (Catanzaro-Vibo-Crotone)
Girasole Carolina Robbe Angela Arena Sergio Cuda Gianluca Guerriero Fabio Mammoliti Raffaele Notatarangelo Libero Tassone Luigi
Circoscrizione Nord (Cosenza)
Saladino Maria Bevacqua Domenico Di Leone Luciano Giudiceandrea Giuseppe Guccione Carlo Lecce Pietro Nociti Ferdinando Succurro Gianluca Zagarese Aldo
Democratici progressisti
Circoscrizione Centro (Catanzaro-Vibo-Crotone)
Sculco Flora Sacco Elisabetta Mirabello Michelangelo Galleli Domenico Murgi Gino Menniti Daniele De Nardo Tiziana Rizzo Mario
In aggiornamento…
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The Festival of Hospitality. Calabria and the South lie at the core of an alternative approach of doing tourism. Nicotera
credit image Evermind
The Hospitality Festival runs from 28th Sept 2018 to 30th Sept 2018. Nicotera
Article initially published by Marketing Del Territorio in - Festival dell'Ospitalità, la Calabria e il Mezzogiorno al centro di un nuovo modo di fare turismo. Media partner of the event
September 20th, 2018 communications / welcoming / hospitality / active tourism
The Hospitality Festival was founded in Calabria in 2015, emerging from a need which developed over the years and generating an occasion on which to discuss, reflect on and think about the profound changes which are now impacting on a currently growing and ever more important sector – contemporary tourism. (1)
The village of Nicotera, in the province of Vibo Valentia, will hold the fourth edition of the 2018 "Festival of Hospitality."
Professionals and hospitality consultants, holidaymakers, experts in digital and communication, from all over Italy, are back again, on the ever-current issue of tourism. It has been organized by "Evermind," "Home for Creativity" and "Kiwi cooperative society," under the patronage of the ENIT- Italian Government Tourist Board, and the Touring Club Italiano.
(1) The festival has been awarded by MiBACT with the 2018 EYCH - European Year of Cultural Heritage - label. #EuropeForCulture
"The Festival of Hospitality - argues Francesco Biacca, of Evermind - started out in Calabria in 2015 as a pondered response to a real need matured over the years and exploded enthusiastically, to create a moment of meeting to discuss, dialogue and reflect on new frontiers of tourism and its hot topics."
The 2018 edition will be held in the village of Nicotera from 28th to 30th September.
“We firmly believe - continued Biacca - in the social responsibility of the business community. We only requested to local administrations the permission of being able to use public spaces. Because the bond and responsibility towards the territory We live in, are so deeper in us. We want to leave a sign, a legacy, to those who will come after of something concrete and tangible. All of us are responsible for the future of tourism, and we've been on deck for some time, willing always to make a positive impact on the guests".
According to the logic of the festival, hence, the trend of travelling has changed. Consequently, the territories and those who live on tourism are called to meet the broad range of demands which are no longer focused only on days at the beachside, but are to be meant as experiences of living, sources of inspiration, and passion, to bring back home and treasured forever.
Quite often not everything always matches with a turnkey basis package (package travel directive), but it also depends on strategies to promote the territory. That is what the Calabria is all about. A land rich in resources, innovative experiences and excellence, provided by local individual actors, who open themselves to hospitality with fresh turns for creating more tourist accommodation.
“The process to make the best use of territories must begin, first and foremost - stressed out Angelo Carchidi, of Kiwi cultural cooperative - from a conscious decision and welcoming community. We are not able to communicate and get people to know our regions if we are not fully aware of the potential that we express by a cohesion policy and making good use of the wealth they represent.
The festival tends to be an opportunity to meet and confront with these realities, with the aim to share experiences and facilitate the creation of network and business relationships.
The town of Nicotera will be fully involved in the initiative. Due to its large and assorted heritage that this territory has to offers, the Festival expects to feature three distinct but parallel realities:
- 1) Local; since it enables the town to play a leading role in the three-days organizational framework and to develop its identity as a travel destination;
- 2) Regional: because it targets to highlight the rich human legacy and tourism heritage attractions, built up within the Region;
- 3) National: because it is the only Italian festival dedicated to hospitality. Every year dozens of nation-wide professionals are invited to give witness and mentoring assistance in the tourism sector drawing an ever wider crowd of business operators in the industry.
Moreover, the intertwining that for years now has been merging the Festival of Hospitality - Calabria Ispirata and the Inspiring Tour - continues.
"Calabria Inspirata - said Roberta Caruso, of Home for Creativity - is the itinerant fair on inspirational tourism that for three years has been enhancing and animating beautiful Calabrian territories, giving participants unique experiences. In few days, you will cross, from north to south, varied landscape of the Region, coming very close with equally varied humans in their environments.”
Experiences that afterward become crucial points and actual stories in the three days of the Festival.
Contact Info
- http://www.festivaldellospitalita.it
- here the programme: http://www.festivaldellospitalita.it/programma-2018-iv-edizione/
To fit in or because you like the idea of attending the festivals, partake in the values professionals bring to the tourism sector.
one more tip about values: syllogism, aphorism, and wisdom in L’Orto di Rosanna
- You should always live up to your expectations if you want to achieve your dreams!
- Si deve essere sempre all'altezza dei propri sogni, se si desidera coronarli!
Aphorisms by - Rosanna Marani in Giochi di Parole di Rosanna Marani a cura di Grazia © all rights reserved
Giancarlo Antonini cross-border communications and media realtions
#Tourism#Weloming#Tourism Accommodation#Giancarlo Antonini#Territorial Marketing#Calabria#Festivals#Development#Future
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You’re Never Going To Get Who Had Horrible Claude Giroux Takes
Ah yes, it’s a traditional unlike any other in Philly. No, I’m not talking about Philly TV personalities tweeting about their glam night at [insert local charity dinner] where they, and other celebutants, can get their rocks off under the guise of philanthropy. I’m talking about the annual blame the captain calls on the heels of yet another Flyers playoff defeat.
Today, we have two entrants, one of whom has a pile of poop for a head, and another who just likes to hate things.
First up, Marcus Hayes.
I’ve been waiting to do this for a while now, and so it is with great pleasure that I bring you this dramatic reading of portions of Hayes’ piece taking Claude Giroux’s comments about fans booing substantially out of context:
Claude Giroux says those masses sometimes are so unwashed that they’re hurting his team.
Maybe Giroux’s stunning assertion at his end-of-season press conference Wednesday will change the way angry Flyers fans express themselves during games. Maybe pigs will fly.
The Flyers didn’t win any of their three home playoff games against the Penguins. They lost the series, four games to two. The Flyers were often booed. The Flyers are booed too often for Giroux’s liking. He believes that negative energy made the Flyers try too hard too often.
Giroux’s comments will elicit howls from some of the same throats that produced the bruising boos that Giroux says make the players play tight. They won’t care that he’s a Hart Trophy finalist who collected 102 points despite moving from center to wing.
They’ll care much more that, in the past three years, Giroux has earned $27 million …. and has scored one playoff goal.
Mmm, chunky.
Perhaps I flushed the lede there, which was literally Hayes’ lede:
This isn’t going to help the captain’s popularity.
But then, captains aren’t made captain to win popularity contests with the unwashed masses.
They’re made captain to help the team win games.
Astute. Truly next level commentary.
For context, here’s actually what Giroux said:
“I think sometimes — I’m not saying every game — but some games, at home, it wasn’t going our way. And sometimes it can happen like that. You can have a bad start. You can be down, 1- or 2-0. You [ideally would] keep going the same way you planned on playing the game. That wasn’t the case. We kind of changed our game. We tried to do a little too much. Trying to do somebody else’s job instead of going out there and playing the game.”
Next up, Angelo Cataldi:
Claude Giroux is blaming the fans for the Flyers flopping at home during the playoffs. Wow. These people paid hundreds, or even thousands, to see the captain go -10, and it’s their fault? Maybe Giroux needs a more forgiving city to call home.
— Angelo Cataldi (@AngeloCataldi) April 26, 2018
Look, Claude Giroux is certainly not above criticism, and his playoff performances – to the tune of three goals in his last three playoff series – leave a lot to be desired. But I’ll continue to argue he makes a better Robin than Batman. I simply don’t think he’s good enough to carry a team deep into the playoffs like other stars around the league, and there’s certainly not a good enough supporting cast around him. The Flyers have been banging their heads on the wall for seven – SEVEN – years with a core that simply isn’t good enough. Ergo, blaming the captain is how idiots evaluate sports. Sure, while Giroux’s comments were probably a touch deflective of the real issue – the Flyers aren’t good enough – he didn’t sit there and volunteer an excuse, he was asked a specific question by I think Sam Carchidi, who is the captain of the all narrative team, which he led in goals and stupid-fucking-questions-asked eight years running now.
Ironically, Hayes is more critical of fans than Cataldi, who focuses his beam squarely and unfairly on Giroux. The whole thing is such a tired trope, though. If you want to rip the Flyers for lacking direction, a good coach, or an entire second line, then by all means, do so. But can we please do better than this whole captain-fans thing? Somewhere, Eric Lindros chuckles with that little grin thing he does when he doesn’t want to let you in, probably because he had to put up with this bullshit for so many years.
You’re Never Going To Get Who Had Horrible Claude Giroux Takes published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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