#Andreas Brehme
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channeledhistory · 1 year ago
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desasterkreis · 1 year ago
RIP - nun auch Andreas Brehme
Abschied von Andreas Brehme Damit ist wieder ein großer Name aus der Sportwelt in die Liste der Verstorbenen einzutragen. Andreas Brehme, ich erinnere mich noch sehr gut an die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1990, hat seine Zeit auf Erden nun ebenfalls hinter sich. Ja, ich habe mit Fußball immer noch nicht so viel am Hut wie manch andere, aber hinter Mond lebe ich natürlich auch nicht, erst recht…
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ninocom5786 · 1 year ago
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everything-maxriemelt · 1 year ago
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I remember that World Cup Final. Germany was the favourite and they’ve been excellent throughout the whole tournament. Argentina hobbled to the final with timely individual magic.
But Germany couldn’t break the deadlock until the last few minutes of regular time. Rudi Völler won a penalty. Lothar Matthäus was supposed to be the penalty taker but he didn’t feel right at the time, so Andreas Brehme stepped up to take it. It was one of those perfect penalty that no one can save.
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deinbester089de · 2 years ago
Mensch, ihr da draußen, Frohe Ostern Euch
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cumpletesoccerfanatic · 1 year ago
Lothar Matthäus, Giovanni Trapattoni & Andreas Brehme
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federicodimarco · 1 year ago
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Players stand one minute of silence for the death of former German football player Andreas Brehme ahead of the UEFA Champions League 2023/24 round of 16 first leg match between FC Internazionale and Atletico Madrid at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 20, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
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korrektheiten · 21 days ago
Grüne wollen nun an das Geld der Beamten ran
Tichy:»„Hast du Sch…e am Schuh, hast du Sch…e am Schuh.“ Die Worte stammen vom großartigen Andreas „Andy“ Brehme. Er war nicht nur extrem verlässlich darin, Elfmeter in Finalspielen zu verwandeln. Der weltbeste Linksverteidiger seiner Zeit konnte sich auch verständlich und nachhaltig ausdrücken. Was das Ganze hier zu einer gescheiterten Überleitung macht. Denn eigentlich sollte sie Der Beitrag Grüne wollen nun an das Geld der Beamten ran erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/THPNCg «
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angrywalter01 · 23 days ago
Germany FIFA World Cup XI
Manuel Neuer - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Paul Breitner - Left Back - Bayern München (Germany)
Franz Beckenbauer (Captain) - Centre Back - Bayern München (Germany)
Jürgen Kohler - Centre Back - Borussia Dortmund (Germany)
Philipp Lahm - Right Back - Bayern München (Germany) 
Rainer Bonhof - Defensive Midfielder - Borussia Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Toni Kroos - Central Midfielder - Real Madrid (Spain)
Lothar Matthäus - Central Midfielder - Bayern München (Germany)
Fritz Walter - Attacking Midfielder - 1. FC Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Gerd Müller - Centre Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Miroslav Klose - Centre Forward - Germany National Football Team
Sepp Maier - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Andreas Brehme - Left Back - 1. FC Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Guido Buchwald - Centre Back - VfB Stuttgart (Germany)
Thomas Berthold - Centre Back - Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)
Berti Vogts - Right Back - Borussia Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Christoph Kramer - Defensive Midfielder - Borussia Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Bastian Schweinsteiger - Central Midfielder - Bayern München (Germany)
Wolfgang Overath - Central Midfielder - 1. FC Köln (Germany)
Mesut Özil - Attacking Midfielder - Arsenal (England)
Jürgen Klinsmann - Centre Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Thomas Müller - Centre Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Joachim Löw - Germany - Germany National Football Team
Germany FIFA World Cup XI 5-A-Side
Manuel Neuer - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Franz Beckenbauer (Captain) - Defender - Bayern München (Germany)
Jürgen Kohler - Defender - Borussia Dortmund (Germany)
Gerd Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Miroslav Klose - Forward - Germany National Football Team
Sepp Maier - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Guido Buchwald - Defender - VfB Stuttgart (Germany)
Thomas Berthold - Defender - Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)
Jürgen Klinsmann - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Thomas Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Joachim Löw - Germany - Germany National Football Team
Germany FIFA World Cup XI 6-A-Side
Manuel Neuer - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Franz Beckenbauer (Captain) - Defender - Bayern München (Germany)
Jürgen Kohler - Defender - Borussia Dortmund (Germany)
Rainer Bonhof - Midfielder - Borussia Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Gerd Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Miroslav Klose - Forward - Germany National Football Team
Sepp Maier - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Guido Buchwald - Defender - VfB Stuttgart (Germany)
Thomas Berthold - Defender - Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)
Christoph Kramer - Midfielder - Borussia Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Jürgen Klinsmann - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Thomas Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Joachim Löw - Germany - Germany National Football Team
Germany FIFA World Cup XI 7-A-Side
Manuel Neuer - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Franz Beckenbauer (Captain) - Defender - Bayern München (Germany)
Jürgen Kohler - Defender - Borussia Dortmund (Germany)
Toni Kroos - Midfielder - Real Madrid (Spain)
Lothar Matthäus - Midfielder - Bayern München (Germany)
Gerd Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Miroslav Klose - Forward - Germany National Football Team
Sepp Maier - Goal Keeper - Bayern München (Germany)
Guido Buchwald - Defender - VfB Stuttgart (Germany)
Thomas Berthold - Defender - Eintracht Frankfurt (Germany)
Bastian Schweinsteiger - Midfielder - Bayern München (Germany)
Wolfgang Overath - Midfielder - 1. FC Köln (Germany)
Jürgen Klinsmann - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Thomas Müller - Forward - Bayern München (Germany)
Joachim Löw - Germany - Germany National Football Team
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electricbirdmusic · 1 month ago
2024 (1.Teil)
Franz Beckenbauer † • „Bauernproteste“ gegen die Bundesregierung im ganzen Land - rechtsradikale Gruppierungen und Parteien schließen sich an • Rechtsextreme, AfD-Mitglieder und auch CDU-Politiker treffen sich in einer Villa in Potsdam und besprechen die Zeit nach einer Machtübernahme, u.a. mit einem „Remigrationsprogramm“ • In ganz Deutschland gibt es Demonstrationen gegen die AfD - zehntausende Menschen im Land zeigen Flagge gegen den fortschreitenden Rechtsruck • Jürgen Klopp gibt seinen Rücktritt als Trainer des FC Liverpool zum Ende der Saison bekannt • Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) wird offiziell gegründet und taucht in den ersten Wahlumfragen mit beachtlichen Werten auf • King Charles III. hat Krebs • Donald Trump wird in New York zu einer Geldstrafe in Höhe von 350 Millionen Dollar verklagt, außerdem darf er im Bundesstaat drei Jahre lang keine Immobiliengeschäfte machen • Andreas Brehme † • Thomas Tuchel und der FC Bayern trennen sich nach nicht einmal eineinhalb Jahren zum Ende der Saison • der russische Kremlkritiker Alexej Nawalny stirbt in der Haft in Sibirien • Donald Trump gewinnt Vorwahl um Vorwahl und wird Präsidentschaftskandidat der Republikaner • Die Bundes-AfD soll vom Verfassungsschutz als „gesichert extremistische Bestrebung“ eingestuft werden • Schweden wird Mitglied der NATO • Die Lokführer-Gewerkschaft GDL legt zum wiederholten Mal das Land lahm und zeigt nur wenig Kompromissbereitschaft • Elisabeth Schimmer  † • Hand-OP • In Baltimore rammt ein Containerschiff die Francis Scott Key Bridge, die daraufhin auf mehreren hundert Meter Länge einstürzt • nach monatelangem Tarifstreit einigen sich Bahn und GDL • Im Gaza-Streifen werden sieben Mitarbeiter der Hilfsorganisation World Central Kitchen gezielt durch israelische Raketen getötet - Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu: „Das passiert im Krieg.“ • Nix mehr Vizekusen - Bayer 04 Leverkusen wird erstmals Deutscher Fußballmeister • Die Ukraine gerät an der Ostfront immer mehr in Bedrängnis • Israel bombadiert die iranische Botschaft in Damaskus und wird als Reaktion das erste Mal überhaupt direkt von Iran angegriffen • In New York beginnt der Strafprozess gegen Donald Trump - erstmals in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten sitzt ein ehemaliger US-Präsident auf der Anklagebank • Die Ukraine gerät im Krieg gegen Russland immer weiter in die Defensive, während die westlichen Alliierten immer noch über weitere militärische Hilfe diskutieren • Der SPD-Europaabgeordnete Matthias Ecke wird in Dresden von vier vermumten Jugendlichen, mutmaßlich dem rechten Spektrum zugehörig, angegriffen und krankenhausreif geprügelt • Der FC Bayern sucht nach einem neuen Trainer und kassiert nur Absagen der möglichen Kandidaten • Onkel Alex † • Auf den slowakischen Präsidenten Robert Fico wird ein Attentat verübt • In den Niederlanden wird der Ultra-Rechte Geert Wilders Ministerpräsident • Ebrahim Raisi, Präsident des Iran, stirbt bei einem Absturz seines Regierungshubschraubers - mit ihm kommt auch der Außenminister des Landes ums Leben • Vincent Kompany wird neuer Trainer des FC Bayern München • Donald Trump wird in New York in allen 34 Anklagepunkten schuldig gesprochen und könnte dennoch zum US-Präsidenten gewählt werden • Es regnet zum Sommerbeginn in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern ohne Unterlass - extremes Hochwasser in vielen Landkreisen ist die Folge • Das „Spatzl“ ist tot - Ruth Maria Kubitschek stirbt mit 92 Jahren in der Schweiz • Bei der EU-Wahl erhalten in fast allen Ländern die rechten Parteien starken Zulauf • In der Slowakei löst die Regierung den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk auf • Julian Assange kommt nach 14 Jahren frei und darf in seine Heimat Australien ausreisen • Das Oberste Gericht in Israel entscheidet, dass auch Ultraorthodoxe Wehrdienst leisten müssen • Bei der Neuwahl des französischen Parlaments gewinnt der rechtsextreme Rassamblement National von Marine Le Pen am meisten Stimmen hinzu, wird aber aufgrund des Wahlrechts nur drittstärkste Kraft im Parlament •
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schorschidk · 1 month ago
Diese prominenten Menschen aus Norddeutschland starben 2024
Ex-Werder-Manager Willi Lemke, Weltmeister Andreas Brehme und Ex-"Stern"-Reporter Gert Heidemann sind nur einige der verstorbenen Persönlichkeiten.
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fabioperes · 2 months ago
National anthems of all FIFA World Cup champions (1974-2018) National anthems of all FIFA World Cup champions (1974-2018) Lineups : 🇩🇪 GERMANY 1974 - Sepp Maier, Berti Vogts, Franz Beckenbauer (c), Hans-Georg Schwarzenbeck, Paul Breitner, Rainer Bonhof, Wolfgang Overath, Uli Hoeneß, Jürgen Grabowski, Bernd Hölzenbein, Gerd Müller. 🇦🇷 ARGENTINA 1978 - Ubaldo Fillol, Jorge Olguín, Luis Galván, Daniel Passarella (c), Alberto Tarantini, Américo Gallego, Osvaldo Ardiles, Mario Kempes, Daniel Bertoni, Oscar Alberto Ortiz, Leopoldo Luque. 🇮🇹 ITALY 1982 : Dino Zoff (c), Gaetano Scirea, Claudio Gentile, Fulvio Collovati, Giuseppe Bergomi, Antonio Cabrini, Gabriele Oriali, Marco Tardelli, Bruno Conti, Francesco Graziani, Paolo Rossi. 🇦🇷 ARGENTINA 1986 : Nery Pumpido, José Luis Brown, José Luis Cuciuffo, Oscar Ruggeri, Ricardo Giusti, Julio Olarticoechea, Sergio Batista, Jorge Burruchaga, Héctor Enrique, Diego Maradona (c), Jorge Valdano. 🇩🇪 GERMANY 1990 : Bodo Illgner, Klaus Augenthaler, Guido Buchwald, Jürgen Kohler, Thomas Berthold, Andreas Brehme, Thomas Häßler, Lothar Matthäus (c), Pierre Littbarski, Rudi Völler, Jürgen Klinsmann. 🇧🇷 BRAZIL 1994 : Cláudio Taffarel, Jorginho, Aldair, Marcio Santos, Branco, Mauro Silva, Dunga (c), Mazinho, Zinho, Romário, Bebeto. 🇫🇷 FRANCE 1998 : Fabien Barthez, Lilian Thuram, Frank Leboeuf, Marcel Desailly, Bixente Lizarazu, Didier Deschamps (c), Christian Karembeu, Emmanuel Petit, Zinedine Zidane, Youri Djorkaeff, Stéphane Guivarc'h. 🇧🇷 BRAZIL 2002 : Marcos, Lúcio, Edmílson, Roque Júnior, Cafu (c), Gilberto Silva, Kléberson, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, Ronaldo. 🇮🇹 ITALY 2006 : Gianluigi Buffon, Gianluca Zambrotta, Fabio Cannavaro (c), Marco Materazzi, Fabio Grosso, Mauro Camoranesi, Gennaro Gattuso, Andrea Pirlo, Simone Perrotta, Francesco Totti, Luca Toni. 🇪🇸 SPAIN 2010 : Iker Casillas (c), Sergio Ramos, Gerard Piqué, Carles Puyol, Joan Capdevila, Sergio Busquets, Xabi Alonso, Xavi, Andrés Iniesta, Pedro, David Villa. 🇩🇪 GERMANY 2014 : Manuel Neuer, Philipp Lahm (c), Jérôme Boateng, Mats Hummels, Benedikt Höwedes, Christoph Kramer, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Thomas Müller, Toni Kroos, Mesut Özil, Miroslav Klose. 🇫🇷 FRANCE 2018 : Hugo Lloris (c), Benjamin Pavard, Raphaël Varane, Samuel Umtiti, Lucas Hernandez, Paul Pogba, N'Golo Kanté, Kylian Mbappé, Antoine Griezmann, Blaise Matuidi, Olivier Giroud. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIqIg19jZTY
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news365timesindia · 3 months ago
[ad_1] Sachin Tendulkar’s 200th Test Match First Day Cover 2013 (Image: Boria Majumdar archives) The Wankhede Stadium, November 14-16 2013, marked the end of an era in Indian sports. Not out on 38 at the end of the first day, Sachin Tendulkar set the stadium alight with some breath-taking shots first thing in the morning on day 2. A trademark straight drive for four to bring up his fifty, and ‘Sachin, Sachin’ chants were going through the roof in the packed stadium. The only question doing the rounds was whether he would get a century in his last innings? He couldn’t. But what he did was no less of an achievement. His vintage batsmanship gave his fans something they will cherish forever. The walk back to the pavilion one final time, the turn around to absorb the applause, the tears that flowed the next day and that incredible farewell speech – Sachin could not have finished off any better. The speech, a spontaneous one from the heart, will rank as one of the best delivered by a sports icon. Not many could have imagined Sachin was capable of such word play and rendition, which spanned a good twenty-plus minutes. Meeting Sourav Ganguly on the way out, greeting Rahul Dravid and VVS Laxman when they were shown on screen and bidding a final goodbye to his fans from inside the team bus, it was as if the Gods had scripted the perfect swansong for the best Indian batsman of all time. Ticket: Sachin Tendulkar’s 200th Test Match at Wankhede Stadium, 2013 (Image: Boria Majumdar archives) I did have the opportunity to meet Sachin in the evening on the day it all came to an end. By then, he was Bharat Ratna, the ultimate recognition he could have asked for, and the first Indian sportsperson to have been given the honour. In his nineteenth-floor room at the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, the legend was calm and collected while those around him were getting emotional. Ajit Tendulkar, his brother and more, was with me when we met up in his room at 7 or so in the evening. Sachin presented me with a box of dark chocolates, and signed the match ticket with the words ‘Bharat Ratna’ to mark the end of what had been an incredible journey. Amid all the emotional outpouring around him, he was still playing the perfect host. As his biographer, it still seems just yesterday. Brand Tendulkar, despite the failure to score a hundred in his last innings, was at its most powerful. The final 74 had, in fact, added a tinge of mortality to his immortality. He, too, could fail. He was human. Sri Donald Bradman had scored a duck in his last innings, while Diego Maradona finished second-best to West Germany with Andreas Brehme netting the decisive penalty in 1990. Roger Federer and Michael Phelps also didn’t get the fairy-tale ending. Usain Bolt finished third in the final individual race of his life. And Tendulkar scored 74. But just like the others mentioned here, he too is the greatest. From being a great champion to being labelled the greatest—every accolade possible was shared by us all on social media. The truth is, even a decade later, we continue to do the same. Also Read: After claiming the hybrid model as their creation, why is the PCB now rejecting it? The post Signing off in style, and a speech to remember – Sachin Tendulkar’s final Test appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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news365times · 3 months ago
[ad_1] Sachin Tendulkar’s 200th Test Match First Day Cover 2013 (Image: Boria Majumdar archives) The Wankhede Stadium, November 14-16 2013, marked the end of an era in Indian sports. Not out on 38 at the end of the first day, Sachin Tendulkar set the stadium alight with some breath-taking shots first thing in the morning on day 2. A trademark straight drive for four to bring up his fifty, and ‘Sachin, Sachin’ chants were going through the roof in the packed stadium. The only question doing the rounds was whether he would get a century in his last innings? He couldn’t. But what he did was no less of an achievement. His vintage batsmanship gave his fans something they will cherish forever. The walk back to the pavilion one final time, the turn around to absorb the applause, the tears that flowed the next day and that incredible farewell speech – Sachin could not have finished off any better. The speech, a spontaneous one from the heart, will rank as one of the best delivered by a sports icon. Not many could have imagined Sachin was capable of such word play and rendition, which spanned a good twenty-plus minutes. Meeting Sourav Ganguly on the way out, greeting Rahul Dravid and VVS Laxman when they were shown on screen and bidding a final goodbye to his fans from inside the team bus, it was as if the Gods had scripted the perfect swansong for the best Indian batsman of all time. Ticket: Sachin Tendulkar’s 200th Test Match at Wankhede Stadium, 2013 (Image: Boria Majumdar archives) I did have the opportunity to meet Sachin in the evening on the day it all came to an end. By then, he was Bharat Ratna, the ultimate recognition he could have asked for, and the first Indian sportsperson to have been given the honour. In his nineteenth-floor room at the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, the legend was calm and collected while those around him were getting emotional. Ajit Tendulkar, his brother and more, was with me when we met up in his room at 7 or so in the evening. Sachin presented me with a box of dark chocolates, and signed the match ticket with the words ‘Bharat Ratna’ to mark the end of what had been an incredible journey. Amid all the emotional outpouring around him, he was still playing the perfect host. As his biographer, it still seems just yesterday. Brand Tendulkar, despite the failure to score a hundred in his last innings, was at its most powerful. The final 74 had, in fact, added a tinge of mortality to his immortality. He, too, could fail. He was human. Sri Donald Bradman had scored a duck in his last innings, while Diego Maradona finished second-best to West Germany with Andreas Brehme netting the decisive penalty in 1990. Roger Federer and Michael Phelps also didn’t get the fairy-tale ending. Usain Bolt finished third in the final individual race of his life. And Tendulkar scored 74. But just like the others mentioned here, he too is the greatest. From being a great champion to being labelled the greatest—every accolade possible was shared by us all on social media. The truth is, even a decade later, we continue to do the same. Also Read: After claiming the hybrid model as their creation, why is the PCB now rejecting it? The post Signing off in style, and a speech to remember – Sachin Tendulkar’s final Test appeared first on Sports News Portal | Latest Sports Articles | Revsports. [ad_2] Source link
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 9 months ago
Hoy día del TRABAJADOR [que se cumplen 5 años del INFARTO a iker CASILLAS o el portero español más RICO en LA LIGA que por su ex_mujer Sara CARBONERO azotada con cáncer le puso a sus Padres un BOZAL MILLONARIO tras DECIR que no quieren que acabe LIMPIANDO URINARIOS como alemán fallecido 20_2_24 Andreas BREHME casado con una ESPAÑOLA y que le dio a ALEMANIA la copa del MUNDO de ITALIA'90 al marcar el Único GOL de PENALTY..Un IKER CASILLAS que como publico Diario AS con titular TIERRA SANTA regalo a mi compañero de universidad y puta mili Oscar de las Heras Liceras la camiseta con la que ganó el MUNDIAL de SUDAFRICA 2010 y beso delante de todo el MUNDO a SARA CARBONERO que luego fue novia de KIKI=POLVO, FOLLAR MORENTE hijo de MALOGRADO Enrique MORENTE autor del cd OMEGA=FIN..culpando su familia al Dr Enrique MORENO que le opero en clínica LA LUZ como a mi madre por lo que estuve todo el tiempo en LA LUZ en 2000 donde me cruce con PITITA RIDRUEJO que dijo QUE EL APOCALIPSIS NO LE IBA A CONVENIR A MUCHOS..conociendo mi padre al ANASTESISTA de la INFANCIA en el barrio de las LETRAS por lo que no le cobro su MILLON de pts y donde recuerdo que vi la película UN ROMANCE MUY PELIGROSO de Jennifer LOPEZ y George CLOONEY que falto x una gripe de última hora al estreno de SOLARIS en MADRID al que me invitaron pero pasé de ir y presentándose la semana siguiente en hotel RITZ de MADRID con una pierna rota por jugar al basket para no solo promocionar SOLARIS sino también su debut como director CONFESIONES DE UNA MENTE PELIGROSA..y cumpliéndose también 5 años de que me fotografiara en la ESTACION de ATOCHA con JuanManuel LOPEZ ITURRIAGA del Tragico REAL MADRID BASKET de los 80 y el cual se llevó la mayor hostia de LA LIGA ESPAÑOLA por darle un codazo a Mike DAVIS de FC BARCELONA yendo el malogrado FERNANDO MARTIN a DEFENDERLO..pues iba a BARCELONA a ver a METALLICA presentar cd HARDWIRED TO SELF_DESTRUCT=programado para la autodestruccion con Suecos GHOST de TELONEROS cuyo cantante se hace llamar PAPA EMERITUS y que lanzaron el cd INFESTISANUM=LA AMENAZA MAS GRANDE por el ANTICRISTO ..que incluye YEAR ZERO donde dice que la humanidad son unos parasitos sin ojos]..o día en el que empieza MAYO a ver si acabo en este MES mi TRABAJO de dejar INMACULADA A LA VIRGEN O LA LIBERO DEL MAL y se monta en mi HARLEY
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adidasshorts67 · 1 year ago
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Andreas Brehme
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