#Andreas Aust
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Based on the presumption that it is impossible to overcome the current system of capitalism, the exhibition completely dismisses the logical reality and stages a fictional revolution, driving the political remains into a legible narrative. Scientific analysis, pseudo-politics, esoterics, conspiracy theories, and Live Action Roleplay are shamelessly intertwined and thrown together as actors on a stage. The setting takes place in this liminal moment shortly after the fall of an old system – rooted in the disorientation and newfound potency of infinite possibilities immediately following. The surrounding scenery is purposefully misinterpreted, recontextualized and shaped to fit our story, with the speculum serving as a magical apparatus to examine an ever-changing body investigating its own obscure orifices.
Curated by Livia Klein & Kai Philip Trausenegger
Photos (c) Jorit Aust
(Right) Book of Maria (If Eye were Anding) - adO/Aptive
(Left) Cookie Cutter // Kai Philip Trausenegger (Mid) Du hast nur ein vorgespieltes Leben, kein Wirkliches; // Tim Enthoven
(Left) Sheltering from the Sun and Wind VI // Andreas Werner (Right) Book of Hunter, Book of Dido (If Eye were Anding) // adO/Aptive
(Mid-left) Book of Hunter, Book of Dido (If Eye were Anding) // adO/Aptive (Mid-right) Idle Knights // Isabelle Andriessen
Book of Hunter, Book of Dido (If Eye were Anding) // adO/Aptive
(Left) The Mad Abstract Dark Ground It // Andreas Werner (Right) Foreign Fine Girls, How Long Can You Go? // Chin Tsao
(Mid) Foreign Fine Girls, How Long Can You Go? // Chin Tsao
Idle Knights // Isabelle Andriessen
Idle Knights // Isabelle Andriessen
Idle Knights // Isabelle Andriessen
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Historischer Tiefpunkt der SPÖ: Babler ist doch neuer Chef
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Wann war noch einmal die Groß-Demo gegen die massiven Grundrechtsverletzungen an armen Mitmenschen, wann der Aufschrei gegen die Hartz-IV-Gesetzgebung und die Armuts-Diktatur?
Die gleichen Medien, die jetzt eine Hygiene-Diktatur wittern, und deren Druck-Fahnen mit erhobenen Fäusten nun allseits in den Wind gehalten werden und deren Artikel mit Schnapp-Atmung geteilt und kommentiert werden, schrieben sich seit Jahrzehnten gegen die Verarmung und Verelendung in Deutschland die Finger wund, ohne dass es eine nennenswerte Reaktion gab. Heute werden Doktoren und Professoren aus den hintersten Winkeln der Republik und dem tiefsten Ruhestand ans Licht der Öffentlichkeit als Zeugen vor dem Herrn gezerrt. Wer hat denn mal z.B. Professor Hickel die vergangenen 40 Jahre ins Rampenlicht gestellt und seine wirtschaftspolitischen Forderungen unterstützt? Wer hat denn das Wort ergriffen, so wie heute wegen einer Pandemie, gegen Vereinsamung und soziale Isolation durch Armut und Hartz-IV?
» [...] Hartz IV und Armut wird [...] auch umgangssprachlich geradezu synonym verwendet. [...] Die durchschnittlichen Hartz-IV-Leistungen, die ein Single-Erwachsener bekommt – also Regelbedarfe sowie Wohn- und Heizkosten – lagen 2018 bei etwa 770 Euro. Die Armutsschwelle nach dem Mikrozensus lag dagegen bei 1.035 Euro. [...] in der Armutsforschung spricht man diesbezüglich von einer Armutslücke. [...] Die Kluft wird im Laufe der Zeit auch noch größer. Dies haben wir durch einen Vergleich der beiden Zeitpunkte 2010 und 2018 zeigen können. Die Armutslücke betrug 2010 noch 192 Euro. Zugespitzt: Die Leistungsberechtigten werden weiter abgehängt. ... | ... In unserer Expertise war das zentrale Anliegen, die miserablen Lebensbedingungen unter Hartz IV deutlich zu machen. Dafür haben wir drei zentrale Fragen untersucht: Schützt Hartz IV gegen Armut? Kann man sich von Hartz IV angemessen ernähren? Und in welchen Aspekten leiden die Betroffenen unter materiellen Entbehrungen? [...] Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen aber auch, dass die Leistungen nicht für eine auskömmliche Ernährung reichen. Ein Warenkorb, der für eine Ernährung nach den Empfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung notwendig wäre, ist mit Hartz IV nicht zu finanzieren. [...] Es fehlt [...] elementar an Geld. Jede unerwartete Ausgabe wächst sich schnell zu einem Problem aus und führt schnell in die Verschuldung. In der Folge wird insbesondere an der sozialen, kulturellen und politischen Teilhabe gespart. Freunde im öffentlichen Raum zu treffen oder etwa zum Essen einzuladen, kostet regelmäßig Geld, das nicht vorhanden ist. Hartz IV bedeutet damit konkret Armut, eine mangelhafte Ernährung sowie Vereinsamung und soziale Isolation. ... | ... Es war eine politisch bewusste Entscheidung bei der Einführung von Hartz IV, dass die Leistungen möglichst niedrig gehalten werden. Ausdrückliches Ziel war die Beförderung von schlecht bezahlter Arbeit. Damit für die Leistungsberechtigten jede noch so schlecht bezahlte Arbeit attraktiv erscheint, wurde das Leben mit Hartz-IV-Leistungen möglichst unangenehm ausgestaltet. Auskömmliche Sozialleistungen galten den damals wesentlichen politischen Akteuren als Fehlanreiz oder wie es hieß, als „Hängematte“, die die Betroffenen faul und träge mache. ... | ... Aktuell erhält eine alleinstehende Erwachsene 432 Euro (2020). Dieses Budget muss für einen Monat für den kompletten Konsum reichen. Rechnerisch sind dabei für die Ernährung 150 Euro für Essen und Trinken vorgesehen. Dies entspricht etwa 5 Euro für alle Mahlzeiten am Tag. ... | ... Für viele Menschen im Leistungsbezug ist dies nur möglich, weil sie auch auf die ergänzenden Angebote der Tafeln zurückgreifen. Nach den Angaben der Tafeln nutzen mittlerweile mehr als 1,5 Mio. Menschen diese Unterstützung. Ohne diese ehrenamtlich erbrachten Leistungen wäre die Not noch deutlich größer.
Im Bereich der sozialen und kulturellen Teilhabe sieht es noch schlimmer aus. Für Beherbergung und Gaststätten sind für einen Monat etwas mehr als 10 Euro vorgesehen; für Bildung ist es kaum mehr als ein Euro. Die Verweigerung von sozialer Teilhabe ist dabei teilweise offizielles Programm der Regierung. So heißt es in Bezug auf außerhäusige Verpflegung – also etwa einen Kaffee, ein Eis für die Kinder im Sommer oder auch mal eine Pizza – wörtlich in dem Gesetzentwurf, dass diese Ausgaben nicht zum „physischen Existenzminimum“ gehören und daher für Hartz-IV-Leistungsberechtigte nicht relevant seien. Soziale Teilhabe, die sich hier beispielsweise darin äußert, mit Freunden oder Familie einmal zusammen auszugehen, wird damit verweigert. So geht die Bundesregierung mit einer Vielzahl von Ausgaben um. Sie deklariert diese schlicht als nicht regelbedarfsrelevant: keine Blumen, keine Reisen, keine Haustiere – um einige Beispiele zu nennen. Durch dieses Vorgehen kürzt die Regierung den Regelsatz um etwa 160 Euro. ... | ... Es gibt aber immer auch noch Menschen, die keinerlei Vorstellung davon haben, was es bedeutet, mit Hartz-IV-Leistungen auskommen zu müssen. [...] Es geht bei der Expertise im Kern darum zu zeigen, dass höhere Leistungen unabdingbar notwendig sind. ... | ... Als Paritätischer Gesamtverband haben wir jüngst nachgerechnet und sind auf eine Summe von 644 Euro für eine alleinlebende Erwachsene gekommen, die wir unter Berücksichtigung aller Kritikpunkte für sachgerecht halten. Dazu kommen die Ausgaben für Strom und teure Haushaltsgeräte, die wir zukünftig nicht weiter über den Regelbedarf finanzieren wollen. Strom muss in der Höhe bezahlt werden, wie tatsächlich Kosten entstehen – dann wird es in Zukunft auch keine existenziell bedrohlichen Stromsperren mehr geben. Die Anschaffung von sog. „weißer Ware“ muss – wie früher – als Zuschuss finanziert werden, wenn der Bedarf anfällt.
Mit einem Hartz-IV-Regelsatz in dieser Größenordnung könnte Armut nachhaltig bekämpft werden. Die durchschnittlichen Leistungen würden in der Summe die Armutsschwelle erreichen. Das wäre ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu einer gerechteren Gesellschaft. ... | ... Die Bundesregierung hält die Regelbedarfe für ausreichend. ... | ... es [...] [ist] auf der anderen Seite sehr ernüchternd zu erleben, dass bei diesen Maßnahmen [Zur Bekämpfung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen der Pandemie und des Lockdowns wurde eine massive Staatsverschuldung in Kauf genommen.] die Anliegen der ärmsten Menschen in diesem Land wieder nicht oder nur minimal berücksichtigt wurden. ... | ... dass es zu den dringendsten Aufgaben eines Sozialstaates gehört, soziale Ungleichheiten auszugleichen und Armut zu bekämpfen. Dies ist unabdingbar, wenn eine gerechte Gesellschaft etabliert werden soll [...] «
Andreas Aust, Marcus Klöckner :: NachDenkSeiten :: 02.10.2020 :: „Dies entspricht etwa 5 Euro für alle Mahlzeiten am Tag“ :: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=65383
#Armut#Hartz-IV#Regelbedarfe#Wohnkosten#Heizkosten#Armutsschwelle#Armutsforschung#Armutslücke#Lebensbedingungen#Teilhabe#Mangelernährung#Vereinsamung#Isolation#Tafeln#Bildung#Kultur#Existenzminimum#Andreas Aust#Marcus Klöckner#NachDenkSeiten#rsoplink
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Corlys Lesewelt - Serienmittwoch: Welche sind deine liebsten Teams / Cliquen?
Corlys Lesewelt – Serienmittwoch: Welche sind deine liebsten Teams / Cliquen?
Heute bin ich auch wieder bei Corlys Serienmittwoch dabei. Das Thema war erst gar nicht so leicht, aber dann fielen mir ganz schön viele ein. Los geht’s! Continue reading
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#Ami Mizuno#Andrea Aust#Antje von der Ahe#Aya Hisakawa#benedict cumberbatch#Bert Cooper#Bertram „Bert“ Cooper#Bertram Cooper#Bloggerin#Bobby Singer#Bones#Bones – Die Knochenjägerin#Bunny Tsukino#Caleb McLaughlin#Castiel#Chika Sakamoto#Cinema#Claudia Lössl#Corlys Lesewelt#Corlys Serienmittwoch#Courteney Cox#Cowboy Bebop#David Boreanaz#David Schwimmer#Dean Winchester#Dick Whitman#Don Draper#Donald Draper#Dr. John Watson#Dr. Temperance „Bones“ Brennan
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Germania, fine anno sessanta. Frustrazione e rabbia aggrediscono la sinistra extraparlamentare e il movimento studentesco dopo la formazione della Grosse Koalition, l'uccisione di uno studente per mano della polizia e l'inasprirsi della guerra in Vietnam. Lo sdegno si trasforma in protesta, la protesta in resistenza, la resistenza si perde nel terrorismo. Ulrike Meinhof, giornalista militante della sinistra radicale, Gudrun Ensslin e Andreas Baader, appena evaso di prigione, danno vita alla Raf. Gli attentati del gruppo, al quale si unisce presto Jan-Carl Raspe, colpiscono la Repubblica federale in una successione diabolica: rapine e omicidi irrompono in maniera devastante. La guerra terroristica turba e disorienta l'intero paese, scuote l'indifferenza della borghesia, mette in crisi il meccanismo di rimozione del dopoguerra. Stefan Aust, testimone diretto di quella drammatica svolta, ripercorre le storie personali dei protagonisti, dagli esordi del 1970 alle azioni dell'"autunno tedesco" del 1977, dal rapimento di Schleyer, potente industriale, al dirottamento di un aereo della Lufthansa, fino al raggelante culmine della parabola della Raf, la "notte di Stammheim", in cui i fondatori del gruppo terroristico furono trovati morti nelle loro celle. In parallelo alla banda Baader-Meinhof agisce lo Stato: la linea dura della repressione e lo spietato regime carcerario imposto ai detenuti, con la sospensione delle garanzie costituzionali e l'abuso del "regime speciale" per fiaccarne la resistenza, tracciano il volto di una Repubblica tormentata nelle sue contraddizioni. Attraverso una puntuale ricostruzione storica Rote Armee Fraktion fissa l'inizio e descrive l'espansione del terrorismo che a partire dalla Germania, sconvolse l'Europa in una sequenza di morti, misteri e questioni irrisolte. . . . . . #stefanaust #libro #libri #libros #libreria #buch #livre #book #books #bookstagramitalia #bookstagram #consiglidilettura #librodaleggere #libroconsigliato #librodelgiorno #germania #terrorismo #anni70 #rotearmeefraktion #baadermeinhof #andreasbaader #gudrunesslin #eversione (presso Benevento, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CccVDOLMiAo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Vår praksisplass
Geitmyra åpna i 2011 etter initiativ av Andreas Viestad. Geitmyra Matkultursenter i Oslo, som var det første senteret som vart åpna, ligg på Sagene, midt mellom Oslo aust og Oslo vest, men dei har også avdelingar i Trondheim, Ringsaker og Kristiansand. Dei har tre undervisningskjøkken, høner på tunet, dyrkekasser, drivhus, varmkompost, insektshotell, lavvo, bakarovn, røykeovn, pedagogisk kjøkkenhage og stor parsell i skulehagen. Kvart år kjem det rundt 2000 elevar frå osloskulen på undervisning.
Visjonen til Geitmyra er:
Vi skal bidra til at så mange born og unge som mogleg blir glade i mat som gjer dei godt!
Geitmyra sin visjon i tre steg: 1. Så mange som mogleg. 2. Glade i mat. 3. Mat som gjer dei godt.
For å nå visjonen jobbar Geitmyra direkte ut mot og med borna gjennom blant anna skuleundervisning og kurs.
Vi har fått praksisplass på Geitmyra i Oslo, og skal arbeide i kommunikasjonsavdelinga. Her skal vi arbeide med kommunikasjon rundt kurs og aktivitetar som skal foregå på Geitmyra. Dette inneber blant anna fagartiklar, kampanjar og SoME. Akkurat no skriv vi fagartiklar som omhandlar 10 forskjellige tema som skal inngå i kurset Tidleg matglede. Dette er spanande og lærerikt!
Bilete frå Geitmyra Oslo.
Om du ynskjer å lese meir om Geitmyra kan du gå inn her: https://www.geitmyra.no/
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Tidal or just offshore hydropower: This sort of energy is actually produced by way of the tides of waters in addition to marine environments, in line with Overseas Wave power Connections.
4:Double zero Lesson Summary
Impoundment or perhaps dam hydropower: This utilizes public works to keep large amounts of water, that happen to be released if power can be work the actual mills to produce energy for many 2 or 3 weeks in addition to several weeks. There are 2,500 dams inside the You actually.Vertisements. generating hydroelectricity.
Renewable Electrical power, Eco-friendly 3 web site – Receive an inches Nonrenewable in addition to Alternative energy Means 14 April,2019 Andrea Aust
4 What exactly are Instances of Non-Renewable Resources?
Photovoltaics route the sunlight via a precise choice similar to water piping and also rubber to help take advantage of the power through solar power rays. This is the kind that is utilized about roof-tops regarding locals in addition to buildings.
0:Double zero What Are usually Nonrenewable
4:Double zero Lesson Summary
Occupations in the particular environmentally friendly as well as nonrenewable energy companies are increasing; on the other hand, there are actually differences forwards and backwards sectors. A number of nonrenewable methods, like petrol along with coal, would be the product or service associated with millions of a great deal of change coming from past, your intered continues to be connected with age-old plants and animals. The several difficulties are created as a result of shifting temperatures of the earth exterior, which is impacted by the volume of the sun areas will get. They each currently have gains and also difficulties, along with relate with exceptional technological innovation in which lead to our own latest strength system. Ever rising in addition to falling of the surf movements a buoy-like construction developing mechanised electricity and that is turned into electricity and transported for you to coast for a enveloped sign brand. In determining new products, that it was; discovered that, through oil as well as petrol, oil can be made One and utilized as an easy and heat gas. The extender utilized transmitters along with stereos where resonances have been updated towards exact consistency, permitting communication totally.
Hydrogen is regarded as the typical take into account a universe. A Anyone.Utes. Vitality Data Management (EIA) clarifies it is found in control other metals in addition to oil, manufacturing of fertilizers. Also, it is used as energy resource within rockets in addition to, just lately, throughout cars and trucks.
Tidal or ocean going hydropower: This kind of strength is definitely produced from the tides associated with waters plus ocean, according to Intercontinental Wave power Relationship.
Photovoltaics control direct sunlight via a specific medium sized for instance photographer or perhaps plastic in order to utilize the force from pv the radiation. Oahu is the style that is utilized with roof-tops to get people and also properties.
Research which variety(azines) regarding renewable energy a state generates. Why’s your state an optimal area for that form of electrical power?
Energy Education and learning as well as Labourforce Growth, Oughout.Ersus. Department of Energy web page – The Office of one’s energy Overall performance along with Renewable power sustains knowledge in addition to labor force advancement. Discover fresh power jobs, investigate occupations, and find internships in the electricity field.
2 So how does Auto Pollution Change the Ecosystem & Ozone Part?
Both equally CNG as well as propane refueling programs will not be hard to find in main focuses. Design is because start in our summer with ’08 as well as the recommended tidal electrical power wind generators, called “a wind flow village within the sea”, ought to be functional through This year. As suggested by its name, phosphate mountain would be the principal cause of phosphorus. A Forty kW buoy contains a diameter involving A dozen ft (5 m) and it’s Fifty two legs (Sixteen mirielle) very long, by using somewhere around 13 toes of the system climbing through the sea area.
Tar Crushed lime stone and also Acrylic Shale
Home items are generally going into generation and so are can handle driving huge devices for you to total residences with regards to the measurements. Biomass is really a renewable source of the identical explanation because foodstuff plant life are usually – we are able to merely recover when gathered crops, and also accumulate far more fertilizer from my cow on a daily basis. Although not but commonly used, tidal power provides prospects for long run electric power era. Over Eighty five percent with phosphate rock excavated on a yearly basis is needed to fabricate fertilizers, plus the leftover 15 percent tend to be reconstructed as animal supply health supplements and also in to different substances. Therefore the basic compositions with oil range greatly out of crude oil in order to crude oil. Having said that, smog is definitely building in a threat. Nonetheless, pollution is usually producing to a risk.
Equality of renewables: Virtually all sustainable means aren’t similar when Scitable naturally Training emphasises. Every single source is definitely refurbished on various period machines. Therefore a example of environmentally friendly assets can be separated in 3 types: environmentally friendly or perhaps immense, the natural way replenishable methods, as well as alternative products.
Renewable Vitality, Environmentally friendly Three hundred and sixty internet site – Purchase an ins Nonrenewable plus Renewable power Sources A dozen April,2019 Andrea Aust
4:00 Lesson Summary
Photovoltaics station the sun’s rays through the certain choice including birdwatcher or even silicon for you to funnel the force coming from sun emission. It will be the style employed upon roof-tops with regard to locals and also properties.
Take apple iphone 4 pie chart of the nationwide electrical power ingestion by means of source this year. Which usually replenishable do you consider gets the prospects for probably the most growth for a source of energy to the You.S.? Why? Precisely what elements are participating?
4 Precisely what are Samples of Non-Renewable Resources?
Hydrogen is among the most widespread thing in the actual universe. Your You actually.Utes. Strength Data Administration (EIA) clarifies it’s found in producing mining harvests and also petrol, manufacture of manure. Also, it is utilized as petrol around rockets and, of late, around automobiles.
This can be a in most cases utilized fossil fuel in the states. Biogas along with bioethanol can also be derived from biomass along with vegetation. Video – What makes Tidal Energy Works Supporters likewise focus on the fact that perils associated with keeping squander usually are small, and is usually additionally lowered by using the latest technology throughout newer reactors, and the functional security file in the Western World is great when compared to the other main types of electrical power crops. For example, within 2017, the interest on organic sources realized what all of our environments might regenerate about May Next [1] . It’s the hottest form of sustainable energy.
What Are generally Nonrenewable Options?
For example methods such as coal, fat, propane. An effective odorant, ethane thiol, is actually additional making sure that air leaks is usually detected effortlessly. (Find Personal references A person) This eradication connected with fossil fuel by floor and also sub-surface mines creates many destruction of human beings and the setting. Your world’s 1st private say village relies in Italy, on the https://writingbee.com/proofreading-editing-services/ Agucadora Wave Store, utilizing its several Seven hundred and fifty kw Pelamis systems. what can be origins connected with non-renewable sources of energy, together with the way electrical power evolved into held in most of these souces
It might be changed for the worse, polluted and reduce fertility as well as efficiency, generating earth efficiency vital. Luckily, we’re as well efficient at returning this method. A possibility available currently is through atomic fission, though different procedures might 1 day involve nuclear combination as well as radioactive decay. Naturally, very first kinds in which cross punch everyone’s brain is issues reared with regard to animal meat, take advantage of, as well as offspring. Sounds great, ideal? However it’s not very basic. In most places, which include south shore regarding Nova scotia, Sydney, and also southern with Photography equipment, a wind turbine produces impressive and also relatively steady dunes. To our advantage, lightweight alloy can be absolutely remade, which enables us to utilize this specific learning resource frequently plus more efficiently.
Air Energy
Biomass produced A person.5% of energy within 2016 for the You actually.Vertisements. Over the Nineteen seventies and 1980’s, CNG has been popular inside New Zealand in the get of the essential oil downturn, but dropped in decrease just after petroleum costs receded. in the product growing over the marine floor. Nonetheless, if the founder puts a stop to doing playboy magazine, your current ongoing is nonrenewable. Exactly how? The simple answer is – by transforming that in biofuels. As outlined by some sort of ’07 account send out upon An hour, fischer electrical power offers France the actual most clean surroundings of your developed nation, as well as cheapest electrical power in all of The european countries.
Natural Gas
Croatia at the moment contains the most significant variety of CNG vehicles around European union which is the Fourth of july place on earth pertaining to number of CNG-powered automobiles inside stream. Oil generally speaking was used because early on history to help keep fire on fire, as well as emulation. Other solutions speak about 118 many years or maybe significantly less [10] . Non-renewable means that have gathered naturally spanning a very long duration of a serious amounts of can’t be easily refilled when weary electronic.gary., coal, oil, gas main and atomic gasoline including uranium and thorium.
0:60 Fossil Fuels
2 Warnings to get Providing Organic mineral Rights
Research what kind(s) regarding electricity your state generates. The reason why your state an optimal destination for this kind of renewable energy?
Research what type(azines) of alternative energy a state makes. How come is a state an optimal location for in which method of renewable power?
1 Examples of Nonrenewable Electricity Sources
Impoundment as well as dam hydropower: This particular makes use of public works to keep large packages water, which might be launched any time energy is necessary to do the job the actual wind generators to build energy for most months and many weeks. There are 2,4 hundred public works within the Ough.Ersus. producing hydroelectricity.
What are a couple of ways in which human beings used green practical information on electricity decades and even millennia earlier?
Photovoltaics channel sunlight through a distinct medium just like real estate agent and also rubber to be able to funnel the vitality from pv radiation. It does not take form utilized for roof-tops pertaining to locals in addition to structures.
According for the information through the Earth Fossil fuel Connection, on each of our recent costs regarding intake, we’ve got ample coal for the next One hundred and fifty several years [9] . By way of example, coal, petroleum, natural gas, for example. is incredibly structured on. They are both reasons for strength.
Surface area prospecting, or even strip-mining, leads to erosion in addition to water quality and decreases biodiversity by reduction of grow in addition to creature environments. Goldsmith Cornerstone, the Rita Allen Cornerstone, Advertising campaign Twenty one as well as the people in KQED. In reality, a lot of replenishable types of electrical power such as hydroelectric power depend upon direct sunlight for its solutions. Liquefied oil petrol (often known as melted petrol gas, fruit juice petrol gasoline, LPG, LP Fuel, or perhaps automobile propane) is often a mix off hydrocarbon unwanted gas used as an energy in preparing, warming appliances, automobiles, and also significantly swapping fluorocarbons as an spray propellant as well as a refrigerant to cut back harm to a ozone coating.
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Phosphate manure are giving phosphorus in our harvest, that are expanded upon captive-raised earth for many years. Internationally, about 33 per cent of our own soils will be changed for the worse because of the break down, salinization, compaction, alternating current . Before gas main works extremely well, a particular component is definitely mixed in to give it an odor therefore it can be recognized. One of many most well-known cellular telephones to become dependant on radiant power ended up being created by Nikola Tesla. Oil would be the fluid non-renewable gasoline and it is known as oil.
This is the way tides materialize. The main using of uranium will be fischer energy production. Bio-mass is actually a renewable source of the identical motive seeing that meals herbs tend to be – we are able to merely recover the moment picked plants and flowers, or get hold of a lot more fertilizer from my livestock every day. There tend to be being unfaithful big elements of strength sources.
Choose an alternative energy source of information. Come up with 3-5 kinds of work opportunities for the reason that subject.
3 Which One Is Better for that Surroundings: Fossil fuel or Nuclear?
Impoundment as well as dam hydropower: This specific utilizes public works to help keep vast amounts water, which have been produced when electrical power can be perform your wind turbines to create energy for several many days and months. There’s 2,300 dams while in the You actually.Vertisements. generating hydroelectricity.
People utilize it to be a preparing petrol, with regard to heat and infrequently regarding auto energy. Answer : Certainly Renewable power methods and non-renewable power souces tend to be utilized to bring in power, which is subsequently transfered over the ‘power grid’ (utility lines) to several houses. Hydroelectricity is generally manufactured using public works, plus waters may go dried out as a result of deforestation lessening wave power, except in cases where woods within the catchment location are protected. This DOE talks about “There are a couple of key types of power from the sun technologies-photovoltaic (P v) plus concentrating solar energy (CSP).”
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Paola Telesca Heute Raumbesichtigung Kunst "nacht & tag" in den Gerichtshöfen Sa. 10.09.2022 - 16:00-24:00 Uhr So. 11.09.2022 - 13:00-18:00 Uhr Veranstaltung organisiert von Birgit Bayer/Eva Sörensen/Andrea Wallgren (Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen e.V.) Führungen: Dr. Karin Rase (CundKGalerie) Dr. Sabine Ziegenrücker (Kunsthistorikerin) Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen Zugang über Gerichtstraße 12-13 und Wiesenstraße 62 13347 Berlin-Wedding Gäste-etage: Heather Halliday Johanna von Oldershausen Sylvia Seelmann Paola Telesca Nadia Valeska Devonish Nikolas Kraneis Sandra Hilleckes Natascha Paulick Riccarda Raabe Sabine Zentek Bettina Paschke Edvardas Racevicius Petra Steeger Ateliers: Helene Appel Silke Bartsch Christine Bayer Leda Bourgogne Mariechen Danz Kerstin Ergenzinger Sibylle Gädeke Annette Goessel Helmut Gutbrod Anette Haas Michael Hakimi Amélie von Heydebreck Patrick Huber Alanna Lawley Peter Kortmann Birgit Megerle Anton Milagros Simon Olley Valerie Otte Ilke Penzlien Tim Plamper Jakob Roepke Wolfgang Rohloff Matthias Rühl Wolfgang Rüppel Susanne Schirdewahn Helga Schmelzle Kate Schneider SENNF (Sennert) Christine Sinner Wolfgang Spahn Eva Sörensen Andrea Wallgren Ulrich Werner Anna Zett Gäste in den Ateliers: Anke Aust Matt Davis Helmut Draxler Tobias Ecke Sam Grigorian Bnaya Halperin Kaddari Barbara Hindahl Jakob Knapp Regine Kuschke Matthias Maus Megan Francis Sullivan www.gerichtshoefe.de mit freundlicher Unterstützung der GESOBAU #gerichtshoefe #paolatelesca #gästeetageindengerichtshöfe #nachtundtagindengerichtshöfen (hier: Weddinger Gerichtshöfe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIoQv1s2Zd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Alessandro Del Piero Wiener Sport-Club. CSKA Mqtch. Real Madrid. Eintracht Braunschweig. Derby County. Dynamo Dresden. Club Brugge. See the American's brilliant strike in Juventus' win against Juventus. As Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi go head-to-head watch some of their best strikes from the Champions League group stage. Barcelona need only to prolong their long unbeaten home run as Juventus visit to make sure of winning their section again.
Does Cristiano Ronaldo make your Team of ? Juventus vs Barcelona is the headline act on Wednesday jefa. Watch that strike now as well as other opening goals of seasons gone by. Who's likely to start, who might be fhampions out and who is unavailable? See the campions contenders' key signings and departures over the summer. Coach Coach Andrea Pirlo. If two or more clubs are level on points, alphabetical order is applied based on full club names until teams have played each other juventus next match uefa champions league, at which point the competition regulations are applied.
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Day 1
DAY 2 coast Ukunda or Diani 14/04 Sim, Andrea, Maxine
Started out a normal day as any other day starts out, a car alarm at 3am, didn’t shut up till 6.30, brilliant, we are awake, ready & rearing to go, may as well get stuff done…typing, updates, download photos etc as there is nothing else better to do.
May as well have a shower, no, wait no water, someone forgot to pay the water bill? the toilet works…so maybe they are on a part payment plan for that.
Wale up call at 7, down for breakfast, toast, some sort of tasteless yellow papaya? baked beans, sausages, and a really good drink of tropical red pulp, niiiice
Get onto a bus for the airport 8.30, all passengers needed to get out of the vehicle going thru the check point, a couple of guards looking at their phones, not really paying attention to the amount of people that are filing thru the body scanners, the things was going nuts as they checked a random person chosen from the flood of people, need to go thru check-in, big sign, ‘no guns or knives beyond this point’, body scanned again, this time, hat, shoes, belt… anything really that was not a piece of clothing from neck to ankle, taken off, tickets gotten, thru to the boarding lounge for an internal flight to Diani, down on the coast near Mombasa, aboard a twin prop plane with giraffe spots on its tail, before we know it, we are high above the clouds, soaring like a big tinned winged eagle, with lots of maggots (people) inside…but not really
Landing in Diani, we got off the plane to a downpour from the skies, walked across the tarmac, to a waiting or ‘holding area’, than had to wait for our bags to be spat out of the plane, 2 guys pushed all our luggage on a trolley across the tarmac, in the pouring rain, awaiting for us to take them & load & go, putting the bags in the cars, Ali & Dave arrived in NOAH, the AinA vehicle they use for the AinA activities etc
Exiting the airport, we got our first glimpse of the poverty, the streets lined with makeshift humpies & houses, chickens, cats & people living in total harmony, with open fires burning their stuff out the porch, people sitting back in their open view homes…reminded me of Glenlock camping, but this was sad to see, they have nothing, they live simple, with nothing but a roof over their heads, made from the frons of a palm tree.
Having left the Diani are, ventured to Ulundi, where we ventured to a shopping complex to get supplies for the next week at Sammy’s home, this was a first: being stopped by armed guards in a shopping centre, then to have one of those airport wands go over the top of my pants, scanning the entire belt line, scanning for what I would imagining it would be: guns
From there went to a small rented room attached to a café, where the football was on, had a great bonding with the locals in this areas, phots of the kids for the sponsorships, handed out hygiene packs, Mia & Judah had bought some bouncy balls frim Aust, they were handed to the kids to play with, which they were allowed to keep, they played handball for a couple of hours, handed some new bibles to young ladies in the ecclesia, small talk by Bro Jarrad S on God & his greatness thru his book and his son, had an interesting lunch, marinated meat chunks on one plate, tomato, onion & spring onion on another, a pancake and Ugali (flour, water made into a cake size of a saucer) alone each part does taste nice, but the ugali needed some pepper, stodgy mix of batter, roll it in ball, add in a piece of meat, garnished with tomato, not bad, still, an authentic Kenyan meal to feed the masses, all this is to beaten with your fingers. At this point as well, Seth, Jasmine and Diane left to visit anther ecclesia for the photos, this community had been flooded in, so our AinA had to walk a couple of kms to get the ecclesia & get their things achieved once they had arrived
Finished up with the meet & greet, all participants left to go their own way home, we left to venture home to Sammy’s home, but on the way, popped into his wife Christine, who had been admitted to the Diani Beach hospital for possible pneumonia, each of the team popped into the room, to greet her, said a prayer for her by Dave, by all accounts, sounds like she will be released tomorrow GW from the hospital.
We have now left the area & ventured to the home of Sammy and the kids home he is the caretaker of, having been driving now for what seems to be forever, then realised it was actually only 3 hour detour, as a bridge was flooded over, it has not stopped raining here for 3 days now, everything is so sloshed & slippery, thick with mud and rain, has made this 400 meters into a 4x4 adventure, driving up an incline, car got bogged, Ali and I jumped out of the car, trying to push this beast thru the clay like mire that had encased the tyres of the car, getting sprayed by the mud, pouring off the tyre, all down the front of us, Ali came off 2nd best, I think she may actually have been the winner in this situation, I also think that was the aim she was going for as well, eventually the car got free, they drove up the hill & out of sight, having put the headlamp in the car, Ali & I walked in the pitch black, African outback, sliding all over the path, puddles & very slippery mud, feet now well encased in the mud, Ali was worse off than me with a spray from the car tyres she looked a sight, not until the light we had seen the entire mess she was in ha ha. All I’m saying is that you would not do this kind of off-road experience on purpose unless you intended too
Eventually made it to the kids home, met 15-20 young people, all so eager to meet these foreign westerners, some older sisters that lie in Amani (peace) they have rooms there,, they were sitting outside their rooms, we met a couple of them as they had been cooking our meal for the night, our mission tomorrow will be to talk to these kind natured women and young people, have a talk about how they live in this rural area, free from all influences from the outside world & enjoy our time with them in this place.
Having unpacked the cars, we settled into our room, this is a new building that has just been erected, with 5-6 rooms inside, it’s a concrete floor, there is a bed, covered with a mosquito net…..that’s it, just that simple, no frills, the rain has not subsided now for 48 hours, plans for tomorrow have changed as we will not be able to get out of one of the roads due to the amount of water being received, upside, this is great for the farming as they have just or just about to plant their crops for this time of the year. We can hear dogs having a scrap behind our room, goats bleating and music with a beat, this went on all night, maybe this is to ward off any wild animals that may venture down to this community? Dunno, will have to ask about this later on and shall see.
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Sebastian Melmoth: Imaginary Futures
Sebastian Melmoth l-r: Laura Michelle Smith, Peter Jordan, Ilia Rogatchevski, Tomoko Matsumoto. Photo: Artem Barkhin.
Sebastian Melmoth has seen various stages of activity since I established the project back in 2006. Intended to operate as a conceptual antithesis to popular music, to begin with, the group existed in name only. At the time, I was mildly obsessed with the life and work of Oscar Wilde and, upon discovering that Wilde took up the pseudonym of Sebastian Melmoth during his self-imposed exile in France (1897-1900), decided to call my imaginary band in his honour.
The name is referential. It is a combination of Saint Sebastian and Melmoth the Wanderer. The former was an icon for the underground gay community in Victorian England and the latter, a Gothic novel by Wilde’s great-uncle Charles Robert Maturin, first published in 1820. Due to his own castigation by polite society, it is likely that Wilde greatly empathised with both Saint Sebastian’s martyrdom and Maturin’s central antagonist (a man who takes to wandering the Earth after selling his soul to the Devil in return for immortality).
The literary nature of Sebastian Melmoth was the project’s founding principle. The first few years were littered with attempts at writing sincere songs that pointed towards literary hallmarks. Sunshine Blues, for example, namedrops Rodion Raskolnikov, the anguished protagonist of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime & Punishment (1866), while Manskinner references a peripheral character from Haruki Murakami’s The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1994).
This way of working was typical for us. Books were read in parallel to the creation of the music, lyrics and visual artwork. Each activity informed the other, creating a fluid symbiotic network of overlapping information. Like is often said of Sonic Youth, I wanted Sebastian Melmoth to operate as an obscure gateway drug to other works of literature, pop culture and art with each release having a tight conceptual idea supporting it.
Sebastian Melmoth began life in earnest as a high school four-piece, with myself on rhythm guitar and vocals, Miranda Collett on lead guitar, Joe Dibb on keys and Elias Razak on drums. Peter Jacobs replaced Elias after a while, but before long the group downsized to an acoustic anti-folk duo in the vein of the Moldy Peaches. The underlying theme of our debut album, Insanity’s Insanity (self-released, 2010), was the absurd nature of everyday reality. This is evidenced by the title, which was lifted out of Eugène Ionesco’s 1959 play Rhinoceros.
While looking for a job on Gumtree, I came across a psychedelic indie outfit called Clinker (at that time a quartet, but now a duo consisting of Peter Jordan and Tomoko Matsumoto). They were advertising for extras to cast in their new music video So We Say (Dir. Ambrose Yalley, 2009). We became friends and eventually started making music together. They produced Insanity’s Insanity and even remixed a few of the tracks from that album, but our collaboration didn’t realise its full potential until a little later.
Sebastian Melmoth - Sunshine Blues (DTT Mix)
Our next releases, In der Tiefe (self-released, 2011) and The Nausea of Being (self-released, 2012), were at the same time more ambitious and conceptual than our first long player. Pointing their fingers at the works of Carl Jung and Jean-Paul Sartre respectively, these companion albums broadly concerned themselves with existentialism. In der Tiefe (German, in the depths) took drug psychosis as its principal theme. Not unlike Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void (2009) the central protagonist uses psychedelic drugs to delve deep into the rabbit hole of his psyche in an attempt to capture and control his ‘shadow self’. The German title was appropriated from Fritz Lang’s silent sci-fi classic Metropolis (1927) and, in its original context, referred to the bottom level of the titular tiered city: the domicile of the working classes.
The Nausea of Being expanded on these ideas, rising, as it were, from the depths and surfacing on a desolate landscape of social destitution, political corruption, alcoholism, murder and religious dogma. Sartre, Albert Camus and Samuel Beckett all greatly influenced me around this time. I remember reading Sarte’s 1938 novel Nausea, where the narrator experienced crippling anxiety in the face of everyday interactions, and thinking that his experiences were not far from my own. Tracks such as Waiting for Godot, Paintstripper Blues and Godemiché echoed the work of the authors above and attempted to illustrate what I saw, at the time, as the core elements of the human condition: alienation, despair, lust, self-destruction.
Peter programmed the drums, played bass and, along with Tomoko, pretty much moulded our sound on these two albums, but the next couple of years saw a period of transition, both in terms of lineup and musical direction. Laura Michelle Smith joined us on drums, adding much needed rhythmic power to the live band dynamic, while Miranda left a short time after that to pursue other interests. Her parting contributions can be heard on Emetophobia (self-released, 2013). This eight-track EP was recorded entirely on GarageBand using drum presets and the inbuilt laptop mic for live instrumentation. Stylistically drawing from Atlas Sound’s Bedroom Databank series and the Brian Jonestown Massacre’s more lo-fi output, Emetophobia is still one of my favourite Sebastian Melmoth albums. The lyrics may be a touch naive and the sound imperfect, but these elements contribute to the album’s overall charm.
Being now in the business of making difficult music we found a couple of labels sympathetic to our way of thinking. After listening to an unsolicited copy of The Nausea of Being, Thomas Martin Ekelund commissioned us to compose thirty minutes of new music for his tape label. The result was In Ruins (Beläten, 2014), which is probably our best and most consistent work. It was described in one review as sounding “like a Britpop version of the Velvet Underground filtered through everything rock saw during the 70s, 80s and 90s”.
Sebastian Melmoth - Miet Mitzvah
While on the surface In Ruins may appear to be a breakup album, at its core, it is actually a complex study of fanaticism, personality cults and terrorism. Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry’s account of the Manson Family murders, Helter Skelter (1974), and Stefan Aust’s The Baader-Meinhof Complex (1985) both fed into the album’s sense of isolation. The latter book, which recounted the history of the Red Army Faction - a far-left West German militant organisation - was particularly influential.
After becoming increasingly fascinated with their story, I rechristened each of us after the main Baader-Meinhof members: Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin & Jan-Carl Raspe. At concerts we wore all black, save for a red armband adorned with an inverted white triangle, and performed theatrical psychedelic noise rock to the general bewilderment of all. While playing Wrong Side of the Sun, for example, I would typically invade the crowd and strangle myself with the microphone cable. This performance had roots in Viennese Actionism, but also functioned as an extension of Guy Debord’s push for the Construction of Situations. What we were trying to say was that all forms of fanaticism are dangerous, irrespective of their ideological origins, but I’m not certain whether this came across particularly well.
By this time we were regularly rehearsing in a garage underneath the A104 in east London. It was a cold, dark and unforgiving place. Apparently, the space had been an illicit marijuana farm before it became a rehearsal room. With notable latency, this knowledge trickled down to the local gangsters and the garage was broken into on a few occasions. Finding nothing but piles of cheap guitars, broken amplifiers and no marijuana our new friends left the place alone, but not before holding our besieged landlord up at knifepoint. Tensions in the band were also on the rise. Laura and myself were becoming more interested in musique concrète, graphic scores and improvisation, while Peter didn’t like this new direction at all, feeling that our strengths lay in songwriting and the traditional band dynamic.
It was against this background that our last two full length albums were recorded: Felix Culpa (OKVLT, 2015) and Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta (Must Die Records, 2016). We worked on these projects in parallel in an attempt to appease our diverging interests.
Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta is a garage rock record that nodded to our punk rock influences while also including elements of surf, psych and noise. The record title is a reference to a council of Senior Aboriginal Women from the town of Coober Pedy, South Australia who protested against the Australian government dumping radioactive waste on their land. Coober Pedy, which translates from the local Aboriginal language as “white man’s hole”, is not only famous for its opal, but also the fact that many of its residents live underground to escape the scorching daytime heat. Having spent our fair share of time writing music underground, we felt companionship with these people. Peter wanted an accurate reflection of the band as a live unit and, I suppose, the album manages to achieve that (some of the drum tracks were actually multitrack recordings from our concerts). The production is far from perfect, but the energy is there, which, in the context of a garage rock album, is probably more important than fidelity.
Sebastian Melmoth - Rooftop Surfing
Felix Culpa (Latin, happy fall) took on a slightly different approach. The majority of these songs were created during intense and heated sessions. Improvisation played a key role in its construction, but so did William Burroughs style cut-ups, digital manipulations and field recordings. At its heart, Felix Culpa explored the nature of the Fall: a condition of living in a permanent state of exposure; of opening oneself up to the Other. According to Slavoj Žižek, "the ultimate Event is the Fall itself, the loss of some primordial unity and harmony which never existed, which is just a retroactive illusion" (Event, 2014). Just like Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta, this project also served to reflect what the band was at that particular moment in time: fractured, vulnerable and on the brink of disbanding. The album cover shows Gerhard Halbritter’s photograph of Andreas Baader’s death mask, which hints to the viewer that the creative drive behind Sebastian Melmoth had largely ceased to operate.
Each of our studio releases aimed to depart from the last. Not repeating ourselves was another key principle of the band. Towards the end, however, I began to feel that we were doing just that. I also felt that my songwriting had become contrived and breaking out of that mould was not an option supported by everyone. Additionally, I became uncomfortable with some of the characters in my lyrics. Songs such as Prosopagnosia or Foedi Oculi employ elements of sexism, sadism, oppression and violence in order to highlight the abhorrence of such actions. Even though I saw the explorations of these themes as a contemporary take on Maturin’s gothic horror, as time went on, it became increasingly difficult for me to justify them.
Our last show was at a tiny Clapton bar called Biddle Bros, in the summer of 2017. In my opinion, the show went better than expected. At that point we hadn’t rehearsed much or played live in a while. Peter disagreed. He felt that we lost something crucial along the way. Where once we had been theatrical, now we were just plodding along. I wasn’t convinced. Theatre is an open-ended format that can allow for modest gestures as well as flamboyant ones. We were coming from different directions and refusing to meet each other halfway. Peter was citing David Bowie and I was referencing Fluxus and Bertolt Brecht. At its core, this argument - not our first or last, but certainly our most public one - was saturated by our personal and professional expectations of one another. These expectations weren’t always met and neither of us were open to what the other person wanted. Whatever odd bits we had recorded around this time were self-released as an outtakes compilation called Devotional Songs for the Digital Age, in late 2018.
Not long after all of this, Olf van Elden aka Interstellar Funk reached out with a proposal to compile our more electronic cuts together on vinyl. We christened this new album The Dynamics of Vanity (Artificial Dance, 2019). The title is both a comment on culture's obsession with rehashing the past - the subject matter of Simon Reynolds's book Retromania (2010) - and our own personal navel-gazing. The title references a collage I had made as an art student that mocked the fashion industry's depiction of male underwear models. To my mind, they resembled intricate amphorae paintings and Hellenistic bronzes of Greek antiquity.
Sebastian Melmoth - Icarus
Although The Dynamics of Vanity is not a studio album, we approached its production with the same attention to detail as we would any other record. For the cover, we wanted to get across the stark, archaic beauty of the human body in motion. Stripped, Rammstein’s appropriation of Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia (1938) was the main reference point, but so too were Andy Stott’s album covers, namely Luxury Problems and Too Many Voices. After some initial back and forth, the Amsterdam-based Australian designer Steele Bonus rendered these ideas in a post-punk fashion suited to our sound and aesthetic.
As we dug through our hard drives compiling the album, we unearthed a few unreleased remixes made by Peter and Tomoko. We decided to weave these rediscovered tracks into a new project, Imaginary Futures (MFZ Records, 2020), a record that reimagined our back catalogue as a suite of rave-ready dancefloor fillers.
While the album title, which alludes to the lost potential of disparate creative outcomes, was borrowed from Richard Barbrook’s 2007 book charting the emergence of the internet, it was the production, remix and DJ work of Andrew Weatherall that was the key inspiration for the our approach. The album’s flow and concept loosely mirrors Weatherall’s treatment of Primal Scream’s source material for Screamadelica, which itself resulted in their pivotal marriage of rock and acid house. The idea for the album was set before Weatherall’s passing, but his departure helped to calcify the direction of the mix.
Musically, our last two albums are pretty cohesive, despite the fact that they are both compilations and the material on them isn’t strictly new. They are collections of snapshots, taken over our decade-long recording history, that are bridged together by new contexts. The Dynamics of Vanity was curated by Olf and the bulk of Imaginary Futures was remixed by Peter and Tomoko, and my personal contributions to these projects was limited to administrative tasks, design and artwork consultation. That being said, they are fair representations of who we were: not ‘Best Ofs’ or ‘Worst Ofs’, but ‘Sort Ofs’.
Sebastian Melmoth - Accidentally Grotesque (DTT Mix)
Much like the albums described above, this essay is merely a rendering of our story and far from the whole picture. The text is not intended to be canonical. Many events, people and releases have been omitted for the benefit of readability. What I hope the text does is provide some background of our origins, processes and motivations.
As mentioned before, we haven’t played live or recorded anything new since 2017 and I doubt that we will do either of those things again. After fourteen years of nurturing the same idea, it has come to a point where I have said everything there is to say in this particular format. I have enjoyed developing this band with my many friends, and seeing it change over the years, but it’s finally time for us all to move on to other projects and for Sebastian Melmoth to cease his aimless wandering.
The Dynamics of Vanity is out now on Artificial Dance. Imaginary Futures is available via MFZ Records. Follow Sebastian Melmoth on Facebook and Instagram.
Ilia Rogatchevski
#sebastian melmoth#artificial dance#mfz records#artem barkhin#imaginary futures#The Dynamics of Vanity#new wave#post punk#experimental
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Unsere tolle Band! #njs2020 Oben v.l.n.r: Fred von Sunesen (Dums), Sascha Aust (GItarre), Thomas Hübel (Gitarre), Eduardo Mota (Percussion), Micha Winkler (Posaune), Berthold Brauer (Trompete), Jens "Bügge" Bürger (Saxofon) Unten v.l.n.r.: Tom Vogel (Bass), Ulrike Weidemüller & Maxi Kerber - Sängerin (Gesang), Andreas Krüger (Keyboards) Foto: @Angela Stuhrberg @dresdner_neujahrssingen (Alter Schlachthof) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QbscYiadM/?igshid=56s2njt1fq51
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People who changed my life
It’s been a little while since my last blog. Not much has happened in the meantime. Oh, hang on, that’s right, I turned 60, I’d almost forgotten. Apparently your memory gets worse after 60.
I was depressed when I turned 40, ambivalent about turning 50, but absolutely loved turning 60. I threw a big party with a rock star costume theme, live music and post-midnight karaoke. I felt incredibly fortunate to have so many of my best friends partying with me.
I wanted to make a speech, so I spent some hours in its careful construction, then typed it out for easy reference. After several beers, I had the brilliant idea of giving my speech without notes. It went OK, apart from delivering key parts in the wrong order and entirely forgetting the most important person in my life until prompted (loudly) from the back of the room.
So here’s the speech that I intended to give:
“Firstly, let me thank everyone for coming tonight. It’s customary to acknowledge those guests who have travelled significant distances to get here, so thanks very much Carey and Robyn, who walked 15.2 metres from their house across the road and Andrew and Pam, who battled strong headwinds to walk 65 metres from their house in Council Street. Seriously though, my sister Alison takes out the traveller’s award with her flight from Canberra today, with Leigh and Sue coming all the way from Swan Hill.
It is incredibly special for me to have so many of my dearest friends in the one room for this significant milestone in my life. By the way, if you didn’t already know, I hit 60 at midnight, so no one is allowed to go home until then.
Earlier this year, I was lucky enough to be invited to another milestone birthday celebration of a great friend, Peter Hepworth. When it came time for Pete’s speech, he spent 15 minutes going around two tables and explaining what contribution each and every person at his birthday dinner had made to his life. So his birthday speech was all about everyone else, which was very typical of Peter, who is an incredibly modest bloke.
Although I would like to follow Peter’s example, neither do I have sufficient modesty, nor is there time to pay homage to all 120 of you. Instead, I am going to mention a few people who have changed my life for the better. We have all had life-changing moments, and when you think about it, those moments generally occur because of the influence of another person or other people. Obviously my parents David and Joan have not only changed, but have also shaped my life, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart for their unqualified love and support. They have been a part of so many life-changing moments, but one that stands out occurred in around August 1964, when Dad took me to my first Melbourne game at the MCG. Not sure if I should thank him for that one!
In my late teens and early 20’s, there were two significant life-changing moments. The two people responsible were invited tonight, but unfortunately neither could make it. They are both well known to some people here. In 1974, Gregor Evans persuaded me to sign up with the Old Scotch Collegians Athletic Club and 43 years later, I’m still an active member. In 1980, my then girlfriend and law student, Andrea Cooper, suggested that I enrol for a law degree at Melbourne Uni. While she subsequently dropped out, I managed to get through the course and move on to my current career.
A few years later in 1983, Jenny Altermatt, whom I had met through the athletics club, suggested that I have a crack at running a marathon. About ten years ago, Ross Becroft introduced me to a training group called the Melbourne Midday Milers. Both of these small acts of kindness have had huge ramifications for my life. Jenny’s advice has ultimately led me to run 17 marathons in 4 countries (so far!), while Ross’ introduction probably stopped me from giving running away soon after I turned 50 and got me involved with a wonderful group of people. And Jenny gets a second mention, because five years ago, my running career again looked shot, but Jenny saved me by organizing an achilles operation with surgeon David Young, which gave me a new lease on life which continues to this day.
Of course, the biggest life-changing event of my life was at Thredbo in NSW in 1989, when I met an incredibly smart and incredibly good-looking runner from Adelaide. Nothing really changed at that precise moment, but when she moved from Adelaide to Melbourne in September 1990 to be with me, my whole world was turned on its ear. She has been with me every step of the way since then, and she has changed me, I think and hope, into a much better person. I love her dearly.
Milestone birthdays do make you think about your life and how it has changed so much along the way. Although the events I have briefly mentioned are among my most significant life-changing moments, pretty much everyone in this room has exerted some positive influence on my life, and that’s why you are my friends, and that’s why you are here to eat, drink and party. Thank you all.”
Until next time, long may you run.
Week 35 - 100.2 km, long run 20.0 km, weight 58.1 kg
Week 36 - 62.3 km, long run 12.2 km, weight 58.9 kg
Week 37 - 39.2 km, long run 10.3 km, races Aust Masters 1500m 4:58 (silver medal), 5000m 18:30 (bronze), weight 59.1 kg
#birthday#60thbirthday#friends#party#celebration#speech#marathon#berlinmarathon#running#athletics#health#fitness#distance running
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Paola Telesca Heute Raumbesichtigung Kunst "nacht & tag" in den Gerichtshöfen Sa. 10.09.2022 - 16:00-24:00 Uhr So. 11.09.2022 - 13:00-18:00 Uhr Veranstaltung organisiert von Birgit Bayer/Eva Sörensen/Andrea Wallgren (Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen e.V.) Führungen: Dr. Karin Rase (CundKGalerie) Dr. Sabine Ziegenrücker (Kunsthistorikerin) Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen Zugang über Gerichtstraße 12-13 und Wiesenstraße 62 13347 Berlin-Wedding Gäste-etage: Heather Halliday Johanna von Oldershausen Sylvia Seelmann Paola Telesca Nadia Valeska Devonish Nikolas Kraneis Sandra Hilleckes Natascha Paulick Riccarda Raabe Sabine Zentek Bettina Paschke Edvardas Racevicius Petra Steeger Ateliers: Helene Appel Silke Bartsch Christine Bayer Leda Bourgogne Mariechen Danz Kerstin Ergenzinger Sibylle Gädeke Annette Goessel Helmut Gutbrod Anette Haas Michael Hakimi Amélie von Heydebreck Patrick Huber Alanna Lawley Peter Kortmann Birgit Megerle Anton Milagros Simon Olley Valerie Otte Ilke Penzlien Tim Plamper Jakob Roepke Wolfgang Rohloff Matthias Rühl Wolfgang Rüppel Susanne Schirdewahn Helga Schmelzle Kate Schneider SENNF (Sennert) Christine Sinner Wolfgang Spahn Eva Sörensen Andrea Wallgren Ulrich Werner Anna Zett Gäste in den Ateliers: Anke Aust Matt Davis Helmut Draxler Tobias Ecke Sam Grigorian Bnaya Halperin Kaddari Barbara Hindahl Jakob Knapp Regine Kuschke Matthias Maus Megan Francis Sullivan www.gerichtshoefe.de mit freundlicher Unterstützung der GESOBAU #gerichtshoefe #paolatelesca #gästeetageindengerichtshöfe #nachtundtagindengerichtshöfen https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIoBvrM6Lj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Protector von Bassam Allam Über Flickr: 98/365 51/52 Model: Moritz Aust Had a great time this weekend with some really talented people. Moritz aust, Laura Zalenga, Andrea Peipe, Anna Heimkreiter and Gina Wurms. This was a spontaneous concept i did with Moritz Feedback appreciated. If you like my work Add my Facebook page: Link _____________________________________________ Copyright © Bassam Allam/ xbassxharmingx. All rights reserved. My work is not to be editted, distributted, sold or uploaded anywhere without my written expressed permission. You may not use, print, distribute, reproduce, alter, edit, or manipulate my work in any way, either in it's entirety, or in portion, without express written consent and license from me.
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Nach Terror in Berlin: Maas räumt bei Illner schwere Fehler ein
Erst kürzlich hat Justizminister Heiko Maas gemeinsam mit Innenminister Thomas de Maizière einen Zehn-Punkte-Plan für mehr Sicherheit vorgestellt. Ob jedoch dieser Plan tatsächlich Antworten auf Maybrit Illners große Frage des gestrigen Abends liefert?
"Terror mit Ansage - Was tun mit den Gefährdern?“ lautete das Thema ihrer Talkhow.
Gleich zu Beginn räumte Maas Fehler ein. Die größten Pannen, laut Maas, seien eindeutig: Das Terrorabwehrzentrum habe Amri falsch eingeschätzt. Zudem wurde Amri nach zwei Tagen in Abschiebehaft freigelassen. "Das wird nicht mehr passieren", versprach der Minister gestern. "Der Fall Amri darf sich nicht wiederholen.“ Doch die Frage für Terror-Experte und ZDF-Journalist Elmar Theveßen lautete vielmehr: "Hätte ein Fall Amri überhaupt noch passieren dürfen, Herr Maas?" Angesichts einer monatelangen Überwachung, seinen eindeutigen Verbindungen zu islamistischen Netzwerken, bundesweiten Besuchen salafistischer Moscheen und einer ernstzunehmenden Bereitschaft für ein Selbstmordattentat.
Die erleichterte Verhängung der Abschiebungshaft, mehr Videoüberwachung, die Möglichkeit zur Anwendung von Fußfesseln für Gefährder, - zusammengenommen ergebe sich laut Maas ein erfolgsversprechendes Maßnahmenpaket.
Maßnahmen sind “weiße Salbe” zur Beruhigung
Nicht viel mehr als „weiße Salbe“, so bewertete hingegen Stefan Aust den Vorstoß. Schließlich seien alle Punkte wirkungslos, wenn die Sicherheitsbehörden die potentiellen Täter gar nicht kennen. Der ehemalige "Spiegel"-Chefredakteur und Herausgeber der Tageszeitung "Die Welt", betonte, die geschätzte Zahl von aktuell rund 600 Gefährdern sei viel zu gering, die Dunkelziffer belaufe sich auf Tausende.
CSU-Generalsekretär Andreas Scheuer sprach sich einmal mehr für die nachträgliche Überprüfung aller im vergangenen Jahr eingereisten Flüchtlinge aus. Wie das in der Praxis aussehen soll, das ließ er dann allerdings offen.
Wir brauchen schärfere Kotrollen, mehr Überwachung, mehr Sicherheit, das schwang in sämtlichen Aussagen mit. Leidenschaftlich für die Freiheit und gegen jene zum Teil symbolpolitische Sicherheitsmaßnahen setzte sich nur die Bloggerin und einstige Piraten-Politikerin Katharina Nocun ein: "Wir Berlinerinnen und Berliner lassen uns von einem durchgeknallten 24-Jährigen nicht diktieren, wie wir zu leben haben.“ Sie vermisse ein "10-Punkte-Präventionsprogramm".
Statt nur auf Repressionen gelte es, den Fokus mehr auf Radikalisierung zu legen. Dem schloss sich Religionswissenschaftlerin und Salafismus-Expertin Nina Käsehage an: Ihr Zaubermittel: Bildung. Und Prävention.
Mehr Prävention als Mittel gegen zunehmende Radikalisierung, das wurde eifrig (weg)diskutiert: Andreas Scheuer witzelte über Meditationskurse an der Grenze. Maas betonte, dass bereits 100 Millionen Euro in Präventionsmaßnahmen flössen.
"Es kann sich nach dem, was da geschehen ist und nach dem, was man mittlerweile weiß, niemand hinsetzen und sagen, es sind keine Fehler gemacht worden.“ Das ist das Fazit, dass Justizminister Maas für sich zog. "Es wird in den nächsten Tagen einen Bericht aller beteiligten Behörden geben, in dem sehr exakt noch einmal dargestellt wird, wer hat wann was gemacht und was entschieden.“ Offenbar ist sich das Ministerium zumindest darüber im Klaren, dass eine Aufarbeitung notwendig ist.
Foto: Screenshot/ZDF
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