#And will very quickly start making it clear they don't care about art made by POC
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panvani · 4 months ago
There's definitely a type of person who is so afraid of coming off as pretentious or even moderately against-the-current they refuse to consider that someone can have complex thoughts on popular media without dismissing it out of hand
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year ago
"I made it with you in mind"
wanderer x reader
to think he'd end up finding joy in such a childish activity
✧: he ends up being mean at the beginning but he apologizes in his own special way, slight hurt/comfort but nothing major
(I'm back ig? idk :3)
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He couldn't believe the absurdity to which you and the young archon were subjecting him to.
The sins committed by the former harbinger are things he won't refute or deny. Indeed such actions musn't go unpunished, but perhaps he's underestimated the extent of the dendro archon's mercy.
Mind explaining what all of this is supposed to be?" he knows, with just a single glance, he grasped what was about to unfold, he just couldn't believe it. There displayed before his very eyes, a colorful assortment of beads lay scattered across a wooden table.
"You've dabbled in arts and crafts before, haven't you? You could say I proposed the idea to Lord kusanali as a way to keep that evil little brain of yours occupied"
'What evil is there to be done in bracelet crafting of all things, huh?' he deadpanned while simultaneously picking up a bead, examining how it reflects the light that's passing through the crystalline windows.
He let out a scoff.
"Have you forgotten who I am? A being of celestial creation, lessened to do recreational activities such as these? how amusing." Pathetic was the word he was looking for. Seriously, do you really expect him to just sit down quietly and start passing beads on a string without complaint to how this is a hit on his pride? It'd be more fitting if you locked him up for all of eternity, but this, this was just mockery.
It was the warmth of your hand that snapped him out of his thoughts. Eyes widened before squinting, but he dared not move, curious to what it was you were doing. You had started to fasten a piece of string to his wrist, gentle with your touch, measuring it so that it'd fit securely, but not too tight to be uncomfortable.
"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on me?" The warmth of your touch was strangely starting to get to him. He swatted your hand away, any more of that and he wouldn't know how to react.
Both of you were now glaring at each other. "Is it that hard for you to accept someone's act of kindness? I'm just trying to help." You could've sworn there was a slight change in his eyes when you said that, but was quickly replaced by an irritated smirk on his face. "I don't recall ever asking for your help, go give it to someone who actually needs it." He waved you off before plopping himself down on one of the stools before suddenly picking out random beads and charms like he wasn't against the idea a moment ago.
With furrowed brows and your mouth left slightly agape by his rude behavior, your face settled on a frown. You were used to the wanderer's arrogance and unpleasant attitude towards people, but there are times where even you are left puzzled. You went out of your way to make sure the activities kusanali planned out wouldn't overwhelm him, she'd ask you if you were doing this out of pity for him. You firmly shook your head.
You simply cared for him, that's all there was to it, but it didn't seem like he reciprocated the motion. The last he's heard from you was a sigh, before the sound of your footsteps slowly leaving faded.
You haven't visited him since. I mean how could you? if he was going to act like a brat while you spent your time there then might as well steer clear out of his way. No, you weren't being petty, and even if you were, you most certainly had every right to be. You nodded to yourself, justifying your actions as wanderer just being an asshat and you being the more mature one in this situation.
It wasn't easy. There were times where you would cross paths when he was on break from his duties (and bracelet crafting), or times where he himself is actively seeking you out, and before he could even call out your name, you're already making a bee line towards the exit.
You sat yourself down, exhausted from all this running around. Another successful day of not coming into contact with the wanderer.
"Doesn't he have other businesses to attend to?" If he had time to be going around looking for you then surely he was slacking off, right?
"As far as I'm concerned, you are my business." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"So how long do you plan on avoiding me?" he was standing behind you, face leaning down above your head as you met his gaze from your position on the bench.
You put on an air of annoyance before flicking his forehead, causing him to hiss and reel back from your attack as he rubbed the spot. "Hey! you deprive me of your company for days and now you dare assault my face? you-" you were already walking away, with the esteemed wanderer quickly following closely behind you.
"Hey", he reached for your hand, but you batted it away. It was definitely worth it to see the offended look on his face, but there was a small pang in your heart when you saw how his face faltered. "Who gave you permission to lay your hands on me? don't go acting all buddy buddy with me now." you crossed your arms, throwing back what he had said to you a few days ago.
"ah, you're upset with me about last time." You kept a stern look on your face, expecting for more, but if he failed to deliver then you'd have no trouble turning away from him again.
His mouth kept opening and closing similar to that of a goldfish, but no words came out. He looks conflicted. It took him a whole minute to sort out his thoughts, and with a deep sigh he spoke.
"The way I reacted, it was uncalled for. Like you said, you were only trying to help and I should have, I, it's just the way you held my hand, it made me feel weird." his gaze turned downcast feeling a little embarrassed by getting riled up by something so minor as physical contact.
you don't know that of course, you'd just assume he was really really ticklish in some areas
Would you mind closing your eyes for a moment? I promise It'll only take a second", the soft spoken tone he's taken on is foreign to you, but not unwelcome. You were hesitant but complied. And if he does anything funny you'll make sure to write a full on report about it to kusanali.
You could only feel how he softly held your hand, how he delicately glided his dainty finger in order to tie what you assumed was a,
a bracelet?
You opened your eyes and that's when he leaned in, his soft breath near your ear "It was supposed to be a surprise gift, but an apology gift works too." your face felt warm, and your hand did too (to which he was still holding). Was this the weird feeling he was talking about.
A moment after, you examined the accessory on your wrist.
and my was it beautiful.
The main colors of the bracelet were your favorite colors, accompanied by beautiful white pearl beads and crystal flowers and cute charms. Truly something you wouldn't expect the wanderer himself to make.
You released a small laugh, happiness spreading throughout your system. "Did you really make this?" You were starting to look too happy for his liking, but of course you always looked more beautiful with a smile on your face. He scoffed in order to hide the ever creeping happiness that was also starting to spread across his face.
"Is it that hard to believe? I had you in mind when I made it after all, so if you're going to complain about its design then the person used as reference is at fault." You were just about to complain to him about him complaining that you'd not dare complain about it when he added on.
"again, I'm sorry for disregarding your help. Whether I needed it or not, I wanted to make the bracelet solely on my own so that it'd be more meaningful of a gift to give to you." This time he held your gaze, determined and truthful about what he said.
It seems you had judged him wrong, well not entirely. True he had a unique character, but that's just what made him, him. You held his hand, and the colors from earlier are returning to both of your faces. You held it there before pointing to his wrist, "It's only right I make you one as well, right? that way we'll be matching." You then intertwined your fingers. He was gonna combust.
"I didn't think wanderer would be that into bracelet making" Kusanali peaked from the corner of the room. He was deeply concentrating on what he was doing and she did not want to disturb. "A little peek into that mind of his wouldn't hurt". After using her skill, a flurry of thoughts from wanderer flood her mind.
'Is this too much? or maybe too little? is [y/n] a minimalist or a maximalist?'
'This reminds me of you, this one too, and this one.'
'This charm is cute, like you. Wait no you're most definitely more cuter'
'this bracelet should be honored to be worn by you'
'maybe i'll make you a necklace next'
'I hope you'll like it'
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crimsonender · 4 months ago
Mikaila Orchard sucks at Paneling
I debated making this a video or not. But, I decided against it. If you guys are interested in me making videos about this sort of thing, let me know and perhaps it's something I could cover in the future.
So Mikaila Turkleson aka Mikaila Orchard has always made... questionable art. To me it seems like a weird amalgamation of Equestria Girls and Sophie Labelle's art. Anatomy bad character design bad etc etc. I don't however see a lot of people talk about her paneling.
Recently, Mikaila and presumably her partner, Lily Orchard started a new art endeavour. I assume to turn over a new leaf and bury the now-infamous Pokemadhouse. You can find it over at bhaalspawnfunnies. It appears as if the blog will focus around the player character of Baldur's Gate 1, Gorion's Ward, and their half sister, Imoen. This is the first entry.
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Where to start? My first impression is that this is very poorly drawn, and low effort even by Mikaila's standards. The speech bubbles are low contrast against the background. The ground/floor blurry blob looks extremely bad. As a fellow artist I get the distinct impression that Mikaila did not want to draw this piece.
Moreover, there's a huge issue with the panelling and pacing. Comics are really cool in that you can kind of use panelling and negative space to "time" jokes, leading the eye where you want it to go and using framing and other art tricks to make a punchline land a little better.
This "comic" has none of that. There is no pacing, there is no comedic timing. It's all bland and presented as a block. I took it upon myself to re-panel this piece, and I've made two versions: One, with Mikaila's art style and visuals, but with the panelling slightly adjusted to be more punchy and effective, the other I completely redrew, using the same joke.
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Excuse the sloppiness. I'm not going to expend too much energy polishing and gilding this turd.
That being said, this is already a huge improvement. Even if Mikaila isn't at the technical level of a professional artist, this is very attainable with only a few more minutes of effort. The timing is punchier, the speech bubbles draw your eyes down the page, and even without colour coding, it's clear which of the characters is talking. This isn't exactly a hot take but in my opinion you shouldn't need colour coding on a comic page to denote who is speaking. It should be very obvious! Moreover, speech bubbles should be included in the composition, not added as an after thought.
I'm guessing the original comic took her less than an hour to make. I think I'm being generous here, honestly if this took her more than twenty minutes I would be concerned. Being generous though I gave myself one hour to make a version completely redrawn.
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This was again, very quickly put together and of course is in no way perfect, but its to demonstrate what a little bit of thought can do to improve a comic page. I decided to change the pose of Gorion because making family guy references should be a a cardinal sin for artists, as well as make the characters a little more recognizable. "Aryana" is, notably, Lily's OC and bears little resemblance to the canon character of Gorion's Ward, but considering Baldurs Gate does allow character customization and dialogue choices, I decided to make their gender a little more ambiguous so players of any gender could see their version of Gorion's Ward in the comic, but kept the elf with long dark hair appearance from Mikaila's original. I also looked over the pic after I was all done and ready to upload and noticed some small flaws I could easily fix, and went back and did those things. You should always go over your pieces when you're finished them with fresh eyes before you submit them as a final piece.
Again, this certainly isn't perfect and I'd probably put more effort into a piece with characters I care about and a joke I actually find funny, but I hope this demonstrates that pacing and expression really are everything in comics.
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leviismybby · 2 years ago
I am weak for single dad Levi so I wrote a little something for fathers day...
Levi Ackerman x fem babysitter!reader
Nsfw 18+, mdni, hot and steamy sex, this nasty, you have been warned, age gap
Single dad!Levi who isn't too happy about having to find a babysitter for his daughter, he trust only a few people so trusting a stranger with his child was tough for him.
Single dad!Levi who goes through tons of young people who applied for a job and didn't accept a single one until he saw yours.
Single dad!Levi who likes what he sees as soon as his eyes land on you. You were a young woman trying to make money for yourself.
Single dad!Levi who lets his eyes run up and down your body as you tell him about yourself, you don't notice it because he makes sure that you don't.
Single dad!Levi who is about six years older than you, yet he looks better than all the men your age.
Single dad!Levi who shows you around his house on your first day, he explains everything to you. He clearly cares about his daughter very much.
Single dad!Levi who is surprised when his daughter starts talking about you and praising you to him, he is more than happy that he hired the right person.
Single dad!Levi who watches as you take care of his daughter, it makes him melt, you would be a good mother.
Single dad!Levi who checks you out every time he gets the chance, your body is delicate, you were made to be touched.
Single dad!Levi who starts noticing you returning his gazes a few months into your job. You bite your lip as see him change his shirt before heading off to work.
Single dad!Levi who sees that the things you're wearing start to get more and more provocative, he doesn't mind it, not one bit.
Single dad!Levi who invented you over one night while his daughter was with her mother. His intentions were clear and he wasn't shy about the fact that he wanted you.
Single dad!Levi who teases you about the short black dress you chose to wear, he will be more than happy to rip it off of you.
Single dad!Levi who sits on the couch next to you as you two talk, Levi stares at your legs as you speak, his mind filled with different positions he wants to try with you.
Single dad!Levi who kisses you, his hands immediately finding your hips as the kiss gets more intense.
Single dad!Levi who rips your dress, he just wants to see you naked. "I'll buy you a new one, doll" he mumbled as he pushed you down on the couch and found a comfortable spot between your open legs.
Single dad!Levi who bites down your neck and collarbone, he leaves wet patches behind as his mouth goes lower and lower.
Single dad!Levi who sucks and licks your nipples, he loves the grip you have on his hair as he swirls his tongue around your hard buds.
Single dad!Levi who has you naked under him quickly, your body is truly a piece of art, Levi almost growls when he sees it bare.
Single dad!Levi who eats your pussy better than those clumsy men your age, his tongue is ruthless on your wet folds.
Single dad!Levi who takes his time to figure out where and how you break, when he does, he won't stop until you beg him too, even then he will still continue.
Single dad!Levo who makes you cum over and over again on his tongue and fingers, your pussy is swollen but he only wants more. "One more for me pretty. You can give me that right?"
Single dad!Levi who ruts his hips against the fabric of the couch as he eats you out like a madman, he can't wait to be inside of you.
Single dad!Levi who makes you arch your back as he fingers you. He starts with one finger and ends up making you cum with three....
Single dad!Levi spreads your legs wide and spits on your pussy before he enters you without warning.
Single dad!Levi who thinks he might just love you when you moan his name over and over again. That only makes him fuck you harder.
Single dad!Levi whose thrusts are brutal, your wet cunt makes his crazy, his eyes roll at back of his head. "You keep clenching, doll. So deliciously fucking tight."
Single dad!Levi who wraps his hand around your neck and pushes you deeper into the cushion as his cock slides in and out of you.
Single dad!Levi who throws your legs over his shoulder, his fat cock pouring you deep and hard, your nails dig into his back.
Single dad!Levi who kisses you sloppily as he fucks you, at this point, he is sure that the whole neighborhood is hearing you but he doesn't give a single fuck, not one.
Single dad!Levi who is begging to come inside of you. "Let me breed you. Let me give you your firstborn, you'll be such an amazing mother."
Single dad!Levi who cums deep inside of you, his warm cum feels amazing in you. "Good girl....good girl..."
Single dad!Levi who picks your body up so that he can pin you against the wall and fuck you again. His cum drips out of you as he enters you again.
Single dad!Levi who leaves love bites all over your neck, that's his mark on you and he loves it see it.
Single dad!Levi who loves to praise you as you take him in deeper. "Just like that..taking my cock so fucking well. You love it don't you? You love me fucking you like this?"
Single dad!Levi who creampies you over an over again until your belly is full of his cum and he is sure that he got you pregnant.
Single dad!Levi who keeps taking you whenever he can, he is too addicted to stop now.
Single dad!Levi who will never fuck another girl again, he has his pretty doll now after all...
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @the-milk-anon @yakaaamoz @mrsackermannx @humanitys-strongest-bamf @levisbrat25 @notgoodforlife @svftackerman @sixpennydame @lovolee3 @luvjiro @randomlevithoughts @sparkywrites25 @cometlevi @ackermendick @loveackermannn @shoisae
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palskippah · 1 year ago
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Here's two pages of sketchy drawings of Queen River and baby Bowser bonding I did for @raysbrainrot! I loved drawing it, thank you very much!!
(Here's my commission info btw!)
Also, here's a few points that I think are nice to say but didn't fit in the drawings :''v (I have so many thoughts of them hepl 🧍)
-Queen River tried to sew a bib for baby Bowser bc he was drooling everywhere and of course she could buy them the nicest bibs in the whole kingdom and all- but she wanted for it to be special. She knew that many koopa mothers usually made clothes (only when needed because koopas don't really use clothes but babies sometimes need them) or accessories for their koopalings, so she tried that too.
>Thing is, she's much bigger compared to her own baby, and she struggled a lot to sew Bowser's name on the tiny cloth, she used no more than five stitches for each letter and even then she didn't account for the space needed, so all she could put there was 'BOWS' with a crooked S.
>She was embarrassed as hell when Kamek asked what was it that had her so upset and she showed him the sewn bib while he looked at it and she covered her face in shame, he started to laugh- and then the drawing happened and that.
>Kamek started almost always dressing baby Bowser in that bib, and soon the nickname 'Bows' stuck for a while, until the queen died and from then on Kamek started calling him Bowser or 'little prince' or 'your *insert current emotion*-ness' solely, bc it was the queen who (without meaning to) gave Bowser the nickname, and it was like a reminder that she wasn't there anymore. With time, the nickname faded into forgetfulness, and no one ever called the koopa prince that anymore.
-Btw remember that baby Bowser had like they/them pronouns mostly bc they didn't have idea if the baby was boy or girl 🧍something about royal koopas idk
-When Kamek told Luigi of all he could remember of the queen and Bowser bonding, there was a very clear fondness in the way he remembered her, even after so many years (Bowser's like thirty-and-a-few years old, so it has been so long ago), and that's another part Luigi thought was very adorable, aside from the mom and baby.
-I imagine babies marvel at the fact that there's a very big being taking care of them, so imagine baby Bowser also thought so of the very big koopa that always was very sweet and congratulated him even when he didn't do anything and cuddled him very lovingly- and then one day she wasn't there anymore and it felt like he lost a part of himself (I can't remember when is it that babies realize their mom isn't a part of themselves?? But :''''v), even if the other being that took such good care of him (dada) was still there, he cried a lot because the main one (mama) wasn't there anymore and no matter how much they called her she didn't come to comfort them.
That's all pipipi :'v I love them
-After Queen River's death her portraits and pictures had to be taken down in the whole castle (maybe except the one in Kamek's room, which he looked at very sadly-) because baby Bowser kept seeing them and getting excited and making grabby hands to the portraits to reach them, and then they'd get sad and would cry when the paintings obviously didn't reach back for them. Kammy and Kamek (with a big pain in their heart) had the paintings and any art representing the queen to be taken down, so the prince wouldn't see them. That's also why Bowser started forgetting about her very quickly, and then they didn't get sad nor missed their mom 👍 cries
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margotw10bis · 1 year ago
Crashing On Crush. JJK 2 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 2.9k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; alchool consumption; make out in public
previous ← 2 → next
"You're close. Just hold on a little bit more"
You have dreamt about those words coming from Jungkook's mouth. However, you thought you would hear them in the bedroom, during a hot roll in the hay. Not in the hallway towards your apartment door with Jungkook carrying you because you're feeling weak.
Skillfully, he takes your keys in your bag and opens the door. He quickly takes off his shoes before helping you with your heels. You really, really wanted to bring him to your place tonight but not in this situation... Why is fate so unfair to you?
Jungkook helps you to walk to your bedroom and gently drops you on your bed. You close your eyes for several reasons. First, to try to feel better. Secondly, to not think about the fact that your crush is seeing you like that. Thirdly, to stop imaging how tonight could have been so much better than this, you and Jungkook in the bedroom.
"Do you want a glass of water or something?" Jungkook asks
You grumble, sluggishly shaking your hand to say no. Right now, you just want to be alone and die in peace from the humiliation. From start to finish, tonight was a catastrophe.
"Okay" Jungkook finally says after a few minutes of silence. "I give you my number, please call me if you're feeling bad, or if you need anything"
He grabs a little post-it pad and writes down his phone number before putting it on your nightstand. With a last worried glaze, he leaves.
Two weeks have passed since your first encounter with Jungkook. You kind of hoped this embarrassing night would have put an end to your stupid crush but it didn't. It is even worse now. You just keep waiting for an Instagram notification of a new post. And you keep thinking about his body pressed against yours at night, in your bed. And that leads to a harden arousal that can only go away with an orgasm you provide to yourself while you imagine his hand instead of yours on your wet pussy.
You never felt like that about a man. Of course, some of them like your ex-boyfriends excited you but never this much. You've never been so wet for someone, and Jungkook hasn't even touched you. At this point, you just hope you'll meet some guy who will take care of your horniness but you know you'll think about your crush all along.
The end of the school year and the fact that you have passed most of your exams now give you too much time to think - or more overthink - the situation.
Thankfully, starting today, your mind will be occupied: you finally begin your new job. This job in a famous art gallery in Seoul will be a great point on your resume and will definitely help you in a few weeks when you graduate with a master's degree in Cultural Business. To make a good first impression, you are wearing a brand new outfit: a light pink blouse and a white pencil skirt. You look professional and maybe a little sexy too, which boosts your confidence. And you really need it since you are stressed.
The building is very modern and it's clear that you are in an artistic place: the architecture is signed by a famous contemporary designer. The huge and minimalistic lobby is fancy and you feel quite impressed by it. But you don't have time to admire your new work place because a handsome, tall, blond haired man with glasses welcomes you.
"Hi! I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you. I'm the assistant of the owner" His voice is deep and warm and you can't help blushing from his good-looking. His smile is so cute with his dimples.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. Thanks for hiring me. It's a great opportunity and I'm willing to prove you you made the right call"
"I have no doubt. Follow me, I'll introduce you to the team and I'll show you around so you can get familiar with the gallery"
And just like that, he walks you around everywhere: the two large exhibition halls, the staff lounge, the administration offices and the storage where some of the art pieces are safely kept for the next exhibitions. You are very impressed with the logistics. Of course, you had studied these things in college but it was theoretical. It's so different to experience it.
Then, you meet your new colleagues and you immediately feel good. Everyone seems so nice and is really careful about making you feel at ease. Yep, you'll be happy working here.
"Hi Giiirl! Let's celebrate your first day! Tonight, at 8? Danbam? 🥂" You smile reading Suzi's text message. She is your number 1 fan and she always makes your big - or little - accomplishments count. Thinking about how lucky you are to have her in your life, your heart is wrapped with love. Indeed, your first - and so good - day deserves to be toasted. And there is no better place than your and your best friend's HQ: Danbam bar in Itaewon.
At 8 sharp, you enter the bar. The nice and not too loud music immediately puts you in the mood. You don't take long to spot Suzi at your usual table. When she sees you, she smiles widely and hugs you.
"How is my favorite boss girl?"
"She is tired but so happy to see you" You answer with a laugh
You and Suzi don't waste time and order your drinks. She asks you questions about everything: the place, the people, the artists, ... She is so invested, just like she would be with her own career and you can't help but tell her, for the hundredth time, that she is the best-est best friend in the world.
"Well, keep that in mind then because I have a surprise for you"
You don't like her tone. She is plotting something and you know by experience that you won't like it. You know she means well but Suzi is a whimsical and unpredictable person so her 'surprises' can easily turn into chaos. This one is not an exception.
Your best friend looks over your shoulder and you turn around to discover - with anxiety - what she has planned. And oh-my-god. You choke on your spit when your eyes meet Jungkook and all his glory. He is not alone though: Taehyung is by his side but you barely notice him. The only thing you see is your crush. He looks so damn hot with his oversized black t-shirt that allows his tattoos to show and his black cargo pants. If handsomeness could kill, you'd be dead by now. His long hair is shiny and fluffy, you want to run your fingers in it.
You just have time to pull yourself back together before the two guys arrive at your table. You bow timidly and take a swig of your cocktail. You glare at Suzi, saying through your eyes how betrayed you feel. She responds with a half-apologetic half-teasing look.
"So, Y/N" Jungkook speaks after order his drink "Suzi told us you started a new job. How is it?"
"It's really nice" Your voice sounds so unsure, you clear your throat. "The place is very beautiful and everyone is very kind with me. I'm glad to work there"
"Congratulations then!" Jungkook exclaims, clinking your glass with his own that has just arrived.
You don't really know how it happened but with the alcohol blurring your mind, you didn't notice Suzi and Tae leaving, leading to a one-on-one with Jungkook. Suzi might be your best friend but right now you hate her. The silence between your crush and you is so embarrassing. You still don't know how to act with him. However, you know that your current mouth shut is no help.
"So, uhm, Jungkook" you start, unsteady. "Where do you work?"
Yes, just like you haven't stalked him on Instagram. You know exactly what's his work: graphic designer.
"I'm a freelance graphic designer" You notice how his doe eyes sparkle with passion. "I have some good partners now so I'm not as stressed as at the beginning. It's more settled now. Maybe I can show you some of my works on Instagram?"
Oh boy.
You gulp loudly. You've seen his work. A lot of times actually. But there is no way you'll confess that so a weak 'sure' escapes your lips. Your heart raises its pace when Jungkook moves his seat closer to you. Your shoulders almost touch each other's. He takes off his phone from his pocket and opens the well-known app. He scrolls through his profile, explaining the concept or telling you an anecdote about each project. However, you can't really focus on his words when you feel the heat of his body irradiating. And that's what explains your sudden heating for sure and definitely not the fact that you are imagining yourself riding his strong thighs while kissing his pretty lips passionately.
"Are you okay?"
Jungkook's concerned voice rips you off from your fantasy.
"I-I'm okay" You finish your drink to cool you down because, Lord, you're burning.
You look up at him and you are destabilized by his intense glance. He smacks his lips and the movement catches your eyes. You stare at his pulpy pretty mouth. It must be so soft. It must feel so good.
"Do you want to kiss me?" Jungkook asks
Your lips parted due to the surprise. Maybe he is trying to joke because he feels you tensed but he is not joking. He is goddamn serious. And even if you were a good liar - which you are not -, the blush of your cheeks would deny your words.
"I-No, I don't want it" Your voice is a whisper. Especially when Jungkook is getting closer.
His face is now only a few inches away, you can even feel his breath on your skin.
"But I think you do"
You don't know what to say because yes, you fucking want to kiss him. The simple thought of it starts your arousal and you feel your panties slowly getting wet. Anyway, you don't have to think about it because the sexiest man you've ever met closes the distance between you and kisses you.
He kisses so fucking good. His lips are soft, warm but the cold little metal of his piercing is like a delicious prickle of extra pleasure. It's not a chaste kiss but it's not an outrageous French kiss. It's the perfect center between the two and it's really, really good. It's so good that you can't help a little moan. Jungkook smirks when he hears it: what a beautiful music to his ears. It makes him want to kiss you deeply, just to hear it again. Your instinct controls your hands that grab the back of his head, not really to pull him closer but to feel more of him than his lips on yours. You feel his smooth hair, it's delightful. Jungkook's hands don't stay static either: his left arm grabs your waist to pull you closer - if that is even possible - while his tattooed hand delicately caresses your cheek. This is the best kiss of your life.
Jungkook's kiss conveys his desire for you and it's so fucking hot. Knowing you attract him makes you wet. You press your thighs together to prevent the leaking from your pussy. A gasp of surprise escapes your lips, but is silenced by Jungkook's mouth, when you feel his arm going down to grab your ass. The fact that you are in public makes the scene so scandalous but also so arousing. A small part of you is filled with pride that this attractive man is kissing you.
The magical, dream-comes-true moment is shut down by your phone. You both grunt in disappointment when you pull apart. You check your phone with annoyance and internally curse at the person who dared to disturb this fucking good kiss.
However, the euphoria of Jungkook's pulp lips on yours is quickly put aside when you read the message:
"Hi Y/N. I'm sorry to bother you but we really need your help at the gallery. You remember when I told you that working in art business could be handful? Well, your first day will prove it to you: the artist who was supposed to exhibit next month withdrew. Can you come please? Namjoon".
Your heart beating with horniness is replaced by your heart beating with stress. You look up at Jungkook. His lips are shiny and red due to your harsh kiss and his long black hair is a mess, but you also notice the concern in his big eyes.
"I'm sorry, I have to go to work" You don't even recognize your hoarse voice, effect of the arousal in your body
"Right now?" Jungkook exclaims with a clear disappointment
"Yes I'm sorry. There are some problems, they need me..."
You are so frustrated but you also have no choice. You are not going just because it's your first day and you don't want to make a bad impression, but you are going because you do care about the gallery and you are not willing to let your kind colleagues dealing with it alone.
"I'll drive you" Jungkook offers
Your cheeks redden. "Cute" Jungkook thinks. Gosh, he loves so much seeing how you physically respond to his actions. This kiss was one of his best ones. Your little moans turned him on, especially because he knew some other guys have seen and heard the way you two kissed. He can't help but feel possessive towards you. When you stood up earlier to go to the restroom, he knew he wasn't the only one to look at your beautiful ass in this tight white skirt. All your outfit is hot, he wishes he could work with you just to fuck you dressed like that. You look like a good girl he wants to do naughty things to and the fact that some guys looked at you the exact same way makes him mad. He has never been the jealous type but now, his cockiness is fully satisfied: the other men think you are his.
"Thank you, Jungkook. Let's go then"
You stand up and are ready to leave but Jungkook grabs your wrist.
"Can, uhm, can you wait just a few minutes?" He stammers
"Is everything okay?" You ask him, worried
"Yeah, yeah. It's just that..." He is groping for words, not wanting to be too crude. "I can't stand up right now"
He indicates his crotch with his eyes. When your own look down at the so-called area, they widen: there is a clear bulge. You'd dare to say a huge bulge. You blush even more by the sight of it but you also feel the wetness between your legs. You try not to think about how big Jungkook must be and how much you would like to feel him inside you.
So you just sit back down and send a message to Namjoon to tell him you'll be there in few minutes. While waiting for Jungkook's cock to... set down, you try to have a normal conversation with him. You don't know if you're released or disappointed that your crush doesn't seem to care much about the hottest moment of your life. He just keeps talking like nothing happened. Is this normal for him? Does he kiss a lot of girls like that? Because you surely don't and you kind of thought it was special... You hide your sadness behind a smile and thankfully, Jungkook tells you that you are good to go.
You're not surprised with Jungkook's car. His black Mercedes AMG matches his style. But you do feel a little intimidated by the vehicle. It looks so expensive and sporty. You're afraid to scratch the door... The interior of the car is breathtaking: all leather with blue and purple led lights. You spend the whole ride examining all the details. By the way Jungkook is speaking about his car, his 'Mimi' like he calls it, you can see how proud he is about it. And he definitely can. He explains to you that it was his dream car and that he saved all the money that he could when he started to work to buy it. You listen to him, a tender smile on your face that Jungkook can't see because of the night.
He pulls over on the parking lot and you both get out of the car. He walks you to the entrance.
"Thank you so much for the ride Jungkook. If you haven't been there, I would have had to take the bus"
"You're welcome"
You see him hesitate, looking at his feet. You can't guess that, in his head, Jungkook is wondering if he should kiss you goodbye or if you'd find it too intimate. However, he doesn't have time to decide since he sees a tall blond guy coming to you.
"Y/N! You're here, thanks God!"
Jungkook frowns when he watches you smile softy at the guy. 'Who is he?' He wonders. There is no doubt that the feeling squeezing his heart is possessiveness, he has just felt it few minutes ago in the bar when he was kissing you.
"Well, good luck Y/N" he finally decides to say
"Thanks, see you soon!" You hide your disappointment with a smile and wave him good bye. You wished he'd kiss you or hug you.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Namjoon asks when Jungkook is back in his Mercedes
"Jungkook? No, not at all" You blush.
Trying to cover your red cheeks with your hands, you don't notice Namjoon's slight relief.
Your mind is filled with questions after the kiss. Jungkook is not your boyfriend, for sure, but you did make out with him. In public. Eventually, you're glad to spend most of the night working because you won't have to think about what this kiss fucking means. 
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petitelepus · 8 months ago
All I ask you issssss
Slave!Gyokko x Reader
Nothing else
(If you don't like writing about him it's fine tho)
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Summary: Gyokko is full of surprises and has been ever since you purchased him. It's nice and you enjoy it.
Warnings: Slavery
A/N: Slave!AU, Demon Slaves, Gyokko, Gender Neutral Reader
You always wanted a slave of your own.
You used to have a slave when you were just a toddler, a kind and kinda pretty looking female Demon that took care of you when your parents couldn't look after you due to their work or other personal things.
That Demon was almost like a mother to you so when you matured and moved on your own, you were eager to have your very own slave that you could pick yourself.
Maturity came with many responsibilities such as work, rent, food, and so on, but you had been saving your allowance, salary, and any money you could get in your piggybank ever since you started getting money for doing chores or getting good grades at school.
It wasn't much, but it was enough for a pretty decent Demon.
After you had everything set properly, you were proud to say that you were ready to house a Demon. You had curtains to protect them from the sun, an extra room for them to use as their own and you had made sure to get some meat for them also.
You were proud and ready, so you headed to the Slave Market… And you returned with Gyokko.
Gyokko was certainly… Different from any other Demons you had ever seen. He had no legs but a long scaly tail and his face… Where his eyes should have been were mouths instead and his eyes were on his forehead and where his mouth should have been.
He wasn't your first choice and you did pass him when you were exploring the warehouse where the Demons were held, but he made quite an impression on you… So you ended up choosing him up and taking him home with you.
Gyokko had been pretty quiet at first, probably due to the abuse he was subjected to. You knew he came from a rough, even cruel family before he got taken to the Slave Market and became your slave but in your care and with enough kindness, he effloresced and started to talk again…
And you soon found out that it was almost impossible to shut him up. He had a morbid sense of humor, but he showed no malice towards you, the human who had a good taste, according to him at least.
It became quickly clear that Gyokko kept himself in a higher position than any other Demon because in his mind he was beautiful and a work of art and how you had done well when picking him out of all the other Demons there had been on display.
He said you got it, you knew and understood his beauty while other uncultured swines overlooked him due to his appearance.
Well… Many had told you that you deserved a better slave and that your current one belonged to a circus or a freakshow… But you liked Gyokko, despite his bizarre appearance. There was more to him than just his looks!
For starters, he was very artistic. Talented even! You don't know the details or how he made them, but he was very talented at making porcelain vases and painting them.
When you first time saw his art you were stunned quiet… Followed by a huge smile and showering Gyokko with praises, an act that made him actually blush and laugh out loud. At that moment you realized that he was a sucker for praise and compliments.
Thanks to his artwork, the two of you had another source of income than your humble salary. Hell, you gained more money with his vases than you did with your job.
Not only was he artistic, but he was also funny and his laughter was catchy. You seriously enjoyed his company to the fullest, unlike most humans you had the displeasure of knowing.
Speaking of Gyokko, you wondered what he was doing?
You hummed thoughtfully as you reached your arms up towards the ceiling and stretched. Sitting by your computer the whole day couldn't be that good for your back, but you had to work also. You couldn't just rely on Gyokko, you had to be a responsible owner!
Luckily, your work often times allowed you to work from your home as long as you had an internet connection and you were on time with reports and such. Every now and then you would be invited to visit the office, but you were good at what you did when at home so you mostly got away scot-free.
Well, it was almost lunch break anyway so you could go and visit and see what your Demon slave was up to. So you got up, stepped out of your small office, and walked to Gyokko's atelier.
Being the polite person that you were, you knocked on his door and waited for him to grant you permission to enter his own little domain.
"It's open!"
And just like that, you got it.
"Jou, Gyokko, it's almost lunchtime what do you want to-?" You were going to ask what he was feeling like eating but then you noticed hunched over something and your curiosity was caught.
"What you got there, Gyokko?" You asked as you tried to look over his shoulder, but he was pretty tall even when hunched down.
"Hyo hyo, maybe my best work just yet!" The Demon laughed as he got up and moved aside so you could see better, "Let your eyes feast on my masterpiece!"
"Ooh!" You were awed as you saw a beautiful vase with spider lilies painted on it… Only weren't spider lilies red? The ones he had painted were blue.
"It's very beautiful," You smiled as you looked at him and he nodded happily, "Of course it is! It's your beloved's masterpiece!"
"Pardon my curiosity, but why did you paint lilies blue?"
"Curious little thing, aren't you!" He laughed, "It's my own artistic view of them! Exhilarating, isn't it?"
"It's really pretty and the details are amazing." You looked at the Demon and nodded, "Amazing work as usual Gyokko!"
"Alright!" You smiled as you got up and turned to leave, "I gotta do some work before lunch but-!"
"Wait!" The Demon suddenly called out, nearly startling you out of your skin. You quickly turned to look at him in worry, "W- What, what's wrong?"
"I- Uh- Hyo hyo, I need you to get me something for my art!"
"Now?" You asked and he nodded furiously as he grinned, "Yes!"
"This can't wait?"
"Not at all!"
You squinted your eyes at him, but you were never really good at reading people and Gyokko definitely was a hard one to read. Finally, though, you sighed and nodded, "Okay, what can I get for you?"
"Elephant mucus!" He said with a wide smile, and you blinked, not really understanding if he was joking or not.
"Wait, wut?"
"Or paper clay! Both work for me!"
"I, uh…" You nodded as you smiled, "I think I can do that. Shouldn't take long for me to find some."
"Then go, go!" Gyokko grabbed you by your shoulders and literally pushed you out of his little atelier before shutting the door behind you, "And don't dare to come back without it!"
"Yes yes," You nodded as you went to grab your bag, got your shoes on, and left the comfort of your home.
As you walked, you started to in your mind go through any possible art shops that would sell the clay that the Demon wanted.
However, the more you thought about it, the weirder it got. Gyokko appeared almost like he wanted you to leave. Was he planning something? It was impossible to tell since the Demon was quite a character.
With the help of your phone, you found the closest art supply store and headed there. The walk wasn't long and it wasn't raining, no, the sun was shining so you were at no risk of getting soaked by rain. You were at the store before you could almost notice.
You quickly got the clay you wanted, but while you were there, might as well check out what they had.
As you checked the items the store had, you noticed many different paint colors and brushes that you were pretty sure Gyokko would like. So without another thought, you grabbed the extra art supplies, and you were so certain that your Demon would love them!
As you stopped in front of the register and this young salesman started to count your items, you started to imagine how Gyoko would react when you came back not with just paper clay, but with new paints and brushes. His smiling face would be such a treat to see, you were getting excited!
Huh? When were you this excited again? Not before the Demon, no. Life before Gyokko was-!
"Boring…" You muttered out loud.
"Pardon?" The cashier asked and you blushed, both embarrassed and horrified of being heard like that, "N- Nothing, just thinking out loud!"
"Oh, okay," The young man nodded as he put the clay in bags and handed them to you, "Hopefully you have fun!"
"Thank you, I will," You nodded as you grabbed the bag and left the store. As you were walking towards your home, you passed a supermarket and noticed that they had some nice meat on sale. Another thing to surprise Gyokko with!
After a quick stop at the store, you were back on your way home and nothing could hold you back. You made it home in time and called as you closed the door, "I'm back!"
"Welcome!" Came Gyokko's voice and soon the Demon slithered to greet you, "Welcome Master! How was your search?"
"No worries, I got what you wanted," You nodded as you handed him the bag full of clay and other art supplies. The Demon grinned as he looked inside and you could see his eyes widen as he saw the extra things you had gotten for him.
"I thought you might like some new paints and brushes?" You smiled a little nervously, "I hope they are okay? I'm not an artist like you so I know nothing-!"
"Hyo hyo, Master dearest, these are absolutely perfect!" The Demon laughed as he closed the bag and then pointed at the other one in your hands, "What's in there?"
"Meat!" You raised the bag up and grinned, "How do you want your steak? Rare? Medium? Well-done?"
"Hyo hyo, rare of course!"
"You got it!" You laughed as you went to the kitchen to prepare your steaks, followed by eating them and taking dirty dishes to the dishwasher.
"Thank you for the meal! I'm going to try out these new paints you got me!" Gyokko laughed as he slithered away, just as you were about to ask him why he needed paper clay, but he was a quick one despite his size.
"You're welcome," You hummed as you got yourself something to drink.
Lunch break was over and you still had some work left on your computer. With that in mind, you headed to your small office… But you were confused as you noticed that the door was slightly open.
Weird, you could swear you closed it behind you?
You entered the room, wondering if your Demon had been there and then you saw it. A small beautifully painted flower vase with your favorite flowers on it…
You were awed! They were so pretty, how had Gyokko gotten them without leaving the safety of the apartment? As you looked at them closer, you saw that the flowers were made out of paper. Origami? So cute!
You were smiling ear to ear as you marveled at the vase and flowers… But then you felt another presence? You looked over your shoulder and managed to catch a quick glimpse of Gyokko before he disappeared.
Was he there to see if you liked his little present? How cute, your Demon was seriously the cutest!
"Thank you Gyokko!" You called out.
"I love them, thank you so much!" You called after him, and you could hear him laugh by himself in the distance, no doubt pleased with himself. He was honestly too cute for his own sake!
Happy with that, you continued your work, already waiting excitedly to see what Gyokko needed that paper clay for.
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tansyuduri · 2 months ago
Rules: you will be given a word. Then you share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with each letter of your word! I was given "Rose" by @16th-of-a-twigg. I cannot show you guys my reverse bang fic, OR the aftercamlann fic I started today BUT i can show you the longfic I'm slowly working on when I don't have any fests to write for. This is very rough draft. THANK YOU FOR THE TAG BTW R-
"Rumor is he’s been attempting to draw up lists of possible magic users or people who interact with them. 
This gave Arthur pause “He's just drawing up lists?” It seemes strange to him. His father drawing up lists and not acting on them right away… He had to have some sort of plan. The problem was Arthur had no idea what it might be.
“Acording to rumor.” Gwaine confirmed. “There’s something else..”
Arthur looked to Gwaine and Percival “tell me”
“Hes raised the bounty on magic users” Percival reported.
“And hes put a HUGE golden bounty on You and morgana returned alive And On merlin’s head returned separate from his body”
“Anything about gwen?” Morgana asked quickly
Gwaine shook his head “Nothing”
“HJow big is the bounty?” merlin asked
Gwaine named a large sum for magic users then an exorbitant sum foreach of the three of them
Arthur has not been expecting that much. He grit his teeth, 
o- "OH NO did he know!? Had he figure out what had been inside Merlin’s head?
“Not a word Merlin” Arthur raised a figner
“If you say I���m acting like a girl or.. Or something like it so help me…”
Oh thank gods it was just Arthur's emotionaly repressed side. Merlin Exhaled his relief then met Arthur's eyes squarely Everything else around him  faded in his need to make Arthur understand
“Do you really think I would make fun of you because of a hug Arthur. Really?”
Arthurs blue eyes met his, “No I was just… just in case…” He looked more uncertain and unsure that Merlin had ever seen him.  In that moment Merlin cursed Uther with all his heart.
“I’m glad you can hug me/” Merlin told Arthur softly. “I would never make fun of you for it and I will stop anyone who ever tries. It's not a weakness It never was. You are being strong arthur. Strong and resilient.” S- Settling down on one of the rocks in the cave that served as a bench as she undid her hair in order to be able to redo it up with all the strands that had escaped during her lesson. “Did Morgana get you to agree to train me?” She asked. Arthur took a moment to answer. He ran a damp cloth over his sweaty face and then turned to look at her. “No.” was his simple reply.
“Then why are you…” Gwen began
“Well you made it perfectly clear what you thought of the idea of girls not fighting in Ealdor” He told her. “And Morgana… she cares about you. So does Merlin. I suppose… I suppose we’re in this together so if you want to learn how to fight I’ll help. Besides I wouldn't look forward to Morgana yelling at me and you scolding me again if I said anything against it” Arthur looked forward
Gwen watched him carefully and saw what he didn’t say. The words that echoed silently around the words he did choose to use. They were friends and Arthur cared about her and wanted to help. Her heart suddenly ached with empathy. She could only imagine his childhood, what had been done to him to make him feel the need to always cover his emotions. She was ridiculously grateful Morgana had spent her first ten years away from Uther. And Proud of how Arthur was slowly learning to fight against the conditioning Uther had given him. She did hope he got better at recognizing certain emotions soon for Merlin’s sake, however. E-
Everything he had seen it used for so far had either been practical or violent. But this was another side. Magic could be beauty, perhaps it could even be art. “We’re not here to harm you” Merlin said from beside him “I’m Nilrem and this is Ruhtar. Ruhtar does not have magic of his own but is curious to learn about those who worship the goddess and have magic. I vouch for him with my life.” 
The woman’s tense posture relaxed immediately “I’m Nora, this is my daughter Helga. We came to the shine to pray for my husband who is traveling.
“Are you a sorcerer?” Arthur asked “And you were doing some sort of ritual?” The rituals in his father’s stories had always involved innocent lives. Blood at the very least.
“I suppose it could be called a ritual” the woman admitted “As your companion told you We pray and make an offering if we can then tie a strip of cloth to a branch, I brought a handful of grain. I’m not sure I would call myself a sorcerer, I practice sorrcery yes, but I am more a hedgewith than anything. I don’t have any awe-inspiring skills. Helga though… Helga is much more powerful. I’m teaching her, and she had more of a knack than I ever did.”
The little girl smiled at them.
“Why would you teach her when you know sorcery is outlawed?” Arthur asked. As Merlin approached the shine with a piece of cloth “You put her in danger!” 
The woman lifted her head a stubborn Expression coming over her face. “I will not give up my religion and the gifts granted to myself and my daughter because the king has decreed them banned. I can use magic to heal and ensure herbs I plant are more potent. I can warm our home during the very depths of winter so my child is not cold. I can make the weapons of bandits go flying. All these things were taught to me by my mother are now gone, besides the potent herbs that I tried and discovered on my own. People in my village have a better life because of what I can do and my daughter will be able to pass that onto her children as well. 
Arthur listened to her talk, the passion in her voice. And it dawned on him “You think because you are in a position to make the world around you better you have a duty to do so. You willingly put yourself in danger for that.” It was something he could relate to.  _____________________________________________________
The word I choose is TIME @nattymctatty @guiltyscarlet @larluce @calamity-talvi @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile AND ANY OTHER WRITERS
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truefant4sy · 1 year ago
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pt:2 "is it awkward?"
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Second part to the series 'My love for sweets'
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Remus lupinxblack!reader
summary: after their encounter in his office, class seems to be filled with an awkward air.
warnings: pet names (dove, sweetheart), kind of angst but a little bit of fluff, kissing/hugging and of course student teacher romance
it had been only a few days after their encounter inside his office and to say the least class had been awkward but after school grading sessions had been...well very silent after one of these silent grading sessions came to an end "y/n?" Remus broke the silence for the first time in days "yes?" he cleared his throat before speaking "I... I'm sorry about the other day I-" she interrupted him "it's fine I mean... I wanted you to" she admitted "did you?" he questioned she simply nodded he chuckled before leaning back in his chair " you miss y/n are truly a vixen" she smiled. "Well c'mere dove" he beckoned her over to him. she got up softly and wake around the old brown wooden desk she soon stood before him. she placed her hands onto his shoulders before straddling his lap their noses slightly touching as she sat on his lap. " Can I?" this time he asked for permission to kiss her way different from the first time. She simply nodded his mouth connect to her like connecting metal with a screw his tongue gracing the inside of mouth ever so slightly making her softly groan the feeling could be compared to being a child in the toy isle inside of store with so many options to choose from. The more she leant into the kiss all she could smell was the linger of coffee, ink and sugar and God did it make the experience much more intoxicating. knock knock. before she could do anything else Remus quickly lifted her off of his lap and stood up "enter please" the knob turned and before them stood professor snape "oh...I was hoping I could catch you...alone" he looked at Y/N with a smug look on his face as if he knew what happened seconds before he entered that look made her skin crawl with guilt "oh she was only helping me with paper work Severus" she stood there and watched the two men talk 'how could he be so calm as if we weren't almost caught?' she thought "well I think she should be getting back to her dorm and getting ready for bed don't you think miss L/N?" snape raised his eyebrow and stared at her awaiting her answer "yes I should" she nodded before walking to the door and leaving. Something told her she should stay and listen to what the men were saying to each other, but she instead headed to her dorm and quickly got ready for bed. This time she was excited to see what tomorrow what was going to be like.
The next morning, she was the first one up and in the common room waiting for her friends to wake up and head to breakfast "why are you up so early?" Hermione questioned as she stepped down the stairs "no reason just wanted to get an early start" she only nodded when Y/N answered soon harry, Ron were downstairs, they hall headed down to the great hall to eat and make small conversation "Y/N look behind you but don't stare okay" Ron said wide eyed "what huh?" she looked behind her only to catch of a glimpse of Draco Malfoy staring at her "oh my god" she turned around quickly and put her head down "is he still staring?" she asked "yeah. Is he still bitter about last year?" harry asked as he grabbed another piece and toast "I don't know, and I really don't care" she groaned.
A few classes later and the group made their way upstairs to the defense against the dark arts classroom and with every step upstairs her heart dropped lower and lower until finally they were inside and taking seats "quickly now, quickly" professor lupin beckoned the students in and waited to them got inside to start his lesson. as she stared at him she felt the room get hot his sleeve were rolled up the his elbow showing all of the scars that turned white with time his hair mousy and messy his face grubby with hair his tall legs covered with deep brown slacks his left wrist adorned with an old watch, which seemed to be the only thing that of value that he wore as the lesson went on her fantasy got more lewd. she raised her hand "yes miss L/N?" he asked in a tone that only made her clench even more "c-can i go to the nurses" she asked her voice failing her by crack "for?" he asked his head tilted "I just feel sick" he nodded wrote her pass and set it on her desk before returning back to the lesson she quietly thanked him grabbed her bag and left out the classroom with a certain quickness that made Hermione give her that look as she quickly walked down the hall she was nearly sent completely backwards as she bumped into someone as she picked up the things that fell out of her bag she could feel a familiar presences looming over her making her stop and she was doing and turn around she sighed as she saw they blonde nearly white hair "Y/N" he looked at her with that same look he constantly gave her last year "Malfoy"
she simply acknowledged him and continued picking up her things "can we talk?" he asked her his voice wavering "about what?" she spat out as she stood up and dusted herself off "about everything. I'm sorry I didn't want to have to break up with you like that Y/N" she simply nodded as he went on about how he did everything "look Draco I don't really know what to tell you because we did this all-last year if I feel like it then I might just come by and see what this talk is going to be about okay?" she said rolling her eyes already bored with his antics they had been off and on since their 4th year and last year she broke it off for good after they had broken up for the uncountable time again "tomorrow in the Slytherin room?" she nodded before walking off to the hospital wing. She remembered how they would meet there every Friday at midnight and make out for hours and ultimately, he took her virginity which led to their first break up when she found out he told his friends about everything and how it happened which led to the Slytherin table whispering about her for the rest of their 4th year and some of their 5th year too until it died down.
after her visit to Madam Pomfrey, she went to the rest of her classes and continued the day like normal of course with a few weird stares from Draco but she shook them off and went on like normal. Once night cam she left again and headed up to professor lupins office for their regular grading sessions and she sat in her usual chair across from him they sat in silence for a few moments "I know you weren't feeling sick y/n" her head shot up "huh?" he looked at her and sighed "if you want to leave class to meet with Draco then tell me the truth" he simply stated "I didn't -" he cut her off with a grunt "someone's jealous" she said under her breath. She was already irritated with Draco and now her professor caught himself trying to confront her over him. What the hell was her life "I'm not jealous Y/N I'm only telling you to be honest" he shot her a look that said completely different "yes you are" she stated back to him as if she was debating with him he simply grunted again trying to leave the situation alone "you don't deserve to be jealous, you kissed me" she said and rolled her eyes "keep it down" he said in a hushed annoyed voice "oh sorry sir should I just kiss you again to make you feel better or do want a blowjob now too?" she spat back to him "that is enough. Go back to dorm now." he stood up and looked at her. she only scoffed and stood up grabbing her bag and walking out.
what has she got herself into now.
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stalkersdiary · 1 year ago
~NEVER Abandoned, and Never Alone~
A long post with odd topics. You've been warned ahead of time but this talks about some very... personal things. This turned into a vent post very quickly. (I'm not mad at you Seth/JustAThrowAwayHeeHee. I'm just using you as my reason to post as this made me realize I needed to say something.) I saw a response to me and I felt very sad because I never considered this point of view before.
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I would NEVER abandon my diary. Mostly because... It's my Diary. It's my place to go to when I need to talk. However, I haven't been doing that and I regret it. Tonight, I want to talk to you. My diary. To be honest, I've spent a lot of this month in... a deep sense of melancholy. My last relationship hurt like hell and no better time to think of it... than Valentine's day. Valentine's MONTH for those who are happy and in love with someone/something. I spent a long time getting close to someone, just for them to hurt me, make me fear my own bed, and then wish that I could kill them. That feeling HURTS when you loved someone and then feel so repulsed by their actions and words, that you wish them death. It's been about 3 years since then, and life has moved on. I however, haven't. When everyone is telling you about how happy they are because they are so in love and you're just sitting there thinking of the last person you dated, knowing you may never date someone again, it feels miserable. I spent most of this month making time for myself. I started to really think about why I hated myself, why I didn't want to live, why life felt so lonely, etc. I learned more about me and FELT more about me. This sent me down a very unhappy but very clear path. I'm less afraid than I used to be. I was afraid for hundreds of reasons, but what really hit me, was that I feared my own mind and how I was being perceived. After days, and weeks of overthinking, I learned that I don't care anymore. I'm not afraid and I know that I'm claiming something unhealthy. Something disturbing to most. Something that got me in trouble before. The difference is this time, I don't care and I don't fear myself. I know me, and I wouldn't want THIS for the rest of my life. I am not afraid anymore. I'd rather be authentic and hated including by myself, than to live a lie for the rest of my life. I am not broken, because I wasn't a masterpiece to begin with. I'm a block of stone with a pretty face and no body because the sculptor got scared he'd ruin his art and left it in the dark for years. I refuse to wait any longer. I refuse to let life control me. I REFUSE, TO SIT BACK AND FEEL LIKE SHIT JUST BECAUSE I HAVE ENOUGH MENTAL AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS TO SCARE MY ENDOCRINOLOGIST. I haven't been on normal medication in over a month and it's made me more aware of how fucked I really am. However, I don't mind who I really am. This looks unrelated but trust me, I have a point. I left because I was afraid to post. I was scared I would say something too "crazy," too unexpected, or post something no one wanted to see. HOWEVER- I didn't make this for ANYONE BUT ME. My posts can be manic, short, repetitive, etc. It's MY DIARY. This is MINE AND NO ONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME. I will be posting more often. I will be posting possibly for days in a row filled with chaotic babble. However, it's me and it's real. I am the one in control of my actions and until I die, I will do whatever the fuck I want. It's my life, my blog, my diary. I'm allowed to be selfish and possessive when it's about something I own.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year ago
FSR Rambles 14 mental illnesses-
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Cutting from Dark's tantrum, it becomes evidently obvious Dark isn't angry at Shadow in the way he's seen people show anger.
Smth to consider:
Everyone who's angry so far has been...Explosive. (Vio is like, the only one who's just been steadily annoyed.)
Blue and Shadow both get pretty explosive when they're mad, Vaati too. So...Dark doesn't have much to go off of in the way of nuance in showing he's angry/mad at someone.
Literally zero to one hundred.
Dark even outright asks Shadow Link "Am I mad at you" likely because he's just...kind of mad Shadow and Vio are close and he's jealous but Dark's understanding of his OWN emotions are basically none.
He's even "Embarrassed" and thinks he should have looked at Blue's memories to get a better grasp on anger.
Don't do it Dark-
Dark's flip flopping between his attempts to show anger and his natural mellow personality is night and day.
Switching to having sharp teeth again to reflect Shadow Link.
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1st panel is pretty evident: He's just saying shit that Blue has been feeling lmao.
Dark again speaks in the 3rd person here. Twice now it's been used to try and speak about himself from someone else's perspective.
Vio's afraid of him, but the previous time he did it, his "Yay Dark Link" line if you remember was smth he WANTED Vaati to feel about him.
Shadow is rightly confused as HELL about what Dark is even talking about. Dark not so casually does conform though he was the one who was messing with Vio earlier.
The three panels of Dark's face are some of my favorites because it shows just how little this conversation matters to him from a serious angle.
His act of being pissed breaks immediately with his inability to hold back a grin at how silly he feels he's acting at the moment.
Dude's having a fun time but Shadow's patience has run dry and he snaps at Dark to "just answer me!"
While the Triforce of power glows.
This makes Dark stop what he's doing and freeze up.
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I'm sure this page confused people. Because it's kinda. Weird.
Dark stops talking and is just frozen up.
Shadow doesn't just ask him a question, but an outright demand while his Triforce glows.
Dark starts screaming with a terrified look on his face and elaborates plainly what he's doing there, he covers his own mouth quickly after.
Shadow's disturbed by this interaction and looks down at the Triforce on his hand.
So basically if you were wondering:
Shadow made Dark talk here, albeit on accident using the power of the Triforce.
Which is why Dark started screaming and twitching because he had no choice but to respond.
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With his autonomy ripped away from him Dark is rightfully terrified of Shadow Link.
His fear is so strong he holds his hat close to himself for comfort and hides his face, apologizing his loyalties lie with Vaati and not Shadow Link.
Shadow tries in vain to clear up the identity confusion.
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Okay but from Dark's perspective "Gannon's" just being a lying weirdo. X'D
Dark knows "The truth" and he can't really comprehend why "Gannon" is still keeping up the lie that he's a different person asking plainly if Shadow's afraid Dark wont' like him.
Shadow's obviously very fed up, reminding the audience and Dark that he has no fucking clue who Dark even is at this point.
Fun thing about the panel where Dark mimics Shadow's face, the panel of annoyed Shadow and the panel proceeding it both share some line art. X'D
Dark was "mimicing" again but goes right back to his actual feelings.
He doesn't actually care about Shadow's identity crisis at all when it comes to not telling anyone else about it. Stuttering while he talks.
He's confused why Shadow gets to "Lie" in this instance but Vio's lies were bad and deserving of anger.
Keep Dark's confusion over lying in mind.
2nd to last panel talk:
Shadow just, has no idea how to deal with this dude.
Like it's evident Shadow has a hard time keeping up with Dark's nonsense but it's REALLY evident there.
"Wtf is he talking about?" face is pretty funny.
Dark being shocked they might hate Shadow more for lying than being Gannon is a fun assumption on Dark's part, leading Shadow to ask outright
"Are you trying to give me advice???"
From Shadow's perspective, it sure does seem like Dark is trying to give him advice. X'D When Dark is just saying how he feels.
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Fun questions from Dark...
If Shadow can "Switch around what you are" ...a phrase that's very up for debate wtf he actually meant by that statement,
Can Dark do it too?
Shadow seems to take it as Dark asking if he could be a good guy too, and says "yeah sure why not".
Whatever Dark DID mean by that, he seems to take Shadow's reply well and laughs to himself about it with a very pleased expression on his face.
Keep that, in mind.
Dark sits back down and asks Shadow a pretty...weird question.
"Do you think Vio will still want your kisses if he knows who you are, King Shadow Link?"
Again showing Dark's focus is on really random things that pertain to his interests. Because he doesn't ask Shadow if Vio will TRUST HIM, or still LOVE HIM, or even if he'll still want to be his friend.
He asks if Vio will still kiss him.
Which is like, super specific.
When Shadow's like "idk"
he gets giddy and resounds Shadow FOR SURE should tell him the truth.
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Well that face really says it all.
Dark in some way thinks Shadow would be an obsticle to Vio's affection... HUh.
Wonder where he got that from...
Cough cough BLUE-
This line is the nail in the coffin for Shadow as he's full blown pissed off now.
Dark's perpetual jabs at Vio have finally made him crack.
There's for sure a hint of jealousy in Shadow's actions too.
Dark exhaling pollen as he sighs is probs only amusing to me.
His SASS in the words "...Is FIGHTING all you two know how to do?"
Clearly referencing Vaati in this statement, clear annoyance in his face.
Dark is already fed up with both Shadow and Vaati's quickness to fight at the drop of the hat.
Dark does take up his gigantic sword and gets ready to fight.
His lines are pretty telling about how he feels this is an obligation to make Shadow Link "have fun".
"...If you have fun, at least that'll make one of us...right?" - Dark finds fights boring and meaningless and really doesn't wanna do this, but since it'll make Shadow "have fun" he's up for playing along.
The eye on his chest looks distinctly bored with this as well.
his next line is kinda, weird.
"If we win, we get to celebrate...so there's that...yay..."
This line is meant to be in reference to Vio and Green's fight, and how afterwards Shadow and Vio celebrated.
His little "...I'm trying to get excited about it" explains his little "yay" to hype himself up.
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Dark focuses on defense in this fight for the most part, blocking Shadow's attacks.
"Are you having fun yet? Can we stop soon?"
Dark's really not feeling this fight and just wants it to be over.
He takes another page out of Vio's book an tries to make his opponent unable to fight.
In this case, he disarms Shadow by parrying his sword out of his hands.
Dark's murderous expression paired with Shadow's face reflecting in his blade is a pants crapping image if you were in Shadow's shoes I'm sure but for the audience it's cool as hell.
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Dark, again, had the chance to hurt someone majorly and chose not too.
Which really reflects the kind of person he actually is I feel.
Dark chooses to give mercy to people.
He just lets Shadow fall onto his ass.
Though, don't get Dark's question mixed up. X'D
He did not ask Shadow "Did that hurt?" out of kindness or concern. He asked it out of genuine curiosity.
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Shadow has a second of hesitation before slamming that sword full force into Dark.
Dark had a hard time with that swing.
His continuous mumbling about how he really doesn't want to fight are just kinda sad.
The visual of Dark swinging this huge ass sword around, and trying to balance again once he got Shadow off him is so oddly cute.
Shadow reflects on how he's filling the role as the "bad guy" here because of Dark's behavior as well get into with the next page.
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I mean. He's right.
Dark's just defending himself against Shadow's attacks. He's not trying to hurt Shadow.
Not actually attacking or retreating is gonna wind up in Dark getting hurt, so Shadow wonders if this is the right choice, considering his options.
If Dark was fighting back, this would be an easier moral fight. But Dark isn't. He's just defending himself or disarming Shadow so Shadow can't try to hurt him.
Dark being a moral mess to deal with is a continuous theme...
As Dark's behavior leads him to be very hard to deal with as an enemy or an alley.
Shadow decides that he IS gonna fight Dark still but gets rudely interrupted by a flashbang.
Ouch. Not the eyes.
Dark covering his chest eyeball. Ouch.
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Shadow cowering in the Shadows lmfao. Poor dude.
Poor dark has 3 eyes that got hurt in that nonsense. Vaati's team spirit just ain't there.
It's a sad thing to consider Dark has gotten almost nothing but pain in his short time existing as a conscious individual.
Vaati very rudely grabs Dark's face in a very possessive manor. Because he sucks. XD He lumps in Shadow Link with Link in how the curse functions... which Dark tries to interject with...Something, but Vaati tells him to "Stfu"
Their interaction through this whole thing is just...This: X'D
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Vaati is very sick of Dark speaking, at all. So just tells Dark to be quiet.
The repeated idea of Dark not liking lies/people misinterpreting things is just a thing to note.
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Vaati thinks he can get hooked up with 2 evil Links.
Little does he know-
Ya know we'll get back to that...
I just wanna point out to the audience:
Shadow is a huge dick here.
In trying to insult Vaati and built himself up he just tore Dark down which clearly hurt Dark's feelings.
There was no need to say that Shadow. 😭
Oh but there was...
To show the audience Shadow's still a bit of a douche bag...
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Dark mimicking Vaati's pissed off expression is so funny to me and only me.
I know like, NONE of yall read the pillowfort excusive comic.
But it's cannon Dark's ears are ticklish so that's why he laughed when Vaati whispered to him.
He gets more serious when he realizes Vaati's sayin' smth important and whispers back.
What Vaati and Dark are implied to have said I'll get into in the next page.
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Shadow ain't a fan of the secrecy.
Turns out Dark just told Vaati what he saw.
Which was smooching and hugging lmfao.
Vaati proceeds to laugh his ass off about affection he'll never receive.
Dark is utterly confused about being patted on the head.
Dark just sits there thinking to himself over what Vaati's saying + Vaati's action.
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Welp. Vaati's being a dick.
Dark plays with Vaati's hair idly while he talks shit.
And we get to a very hilarious panel imo. Dark hugging Vaati and Vaati being utterly disgusted with the action.
Why did Dark hug Vaati?
Well there's a few reasons he could have
He could have KNOWN it made Shadow jealous. He took Dark rubbing his head as clearance they can touch each other just fine. He just likes Vaati and wants to touch him.
Shadow's blatant jealousy isn't missed by Vaati either.
Just gonna point out, the background hue keeps shifting to match emotions.
Purple for fear, red for anger and the green for jealousy.
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Vaati's an asshole so he rubs Dark's head in an attempt to make Shadow jealous further.
Vaati is nothing if not an emotional manipulator.
Dark appreciates the head scritches at least.
Again Vaati seems to get smth wrong, and Dark tries to correct him and gets cut off.
For shoving his finger in Dark's face Dark unceremoniously licks it.
Which is funny as hell to me, especially how one of Vaati's eyes glares at him for this but he's too busy trying to be manipulative to tell Dark off. X'D
The smug look on Dark's face would lead one to think he knows it pissed Vaati off that he did that. XD
Vaati's persuasion is shit, so Shadow sees right through it.
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Huh...Funny Shadow only seems to humanize Dark slightly when Vaati's abuse tactics used on Shadow are thrown back into his face on full display.
Also Shadow's dialogue's important so I'll expand on it.
Him admitting he did shit wrong. Yay character growth. UwU
He can relate to being trapped. Bro was trapped in Link's shadow and SUFFERED so...it's safe to say he knows how Vaati's imprisonment feels.
Shadow dropping the "Family" muhahaha. He loves his dumbass boys. UwU
Vaati continues to suck.
The sudden gripping on Dark's shoulder makes Dark wince. Ouch.
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Omf. That line hurts.
Vaati and Shadow's relationship is one sided pain and hurt with the promise of love that never comes.
Shadow broke out of that cycle by breaking the mirror but still has to put up with Vaati's crap.
Dark views this with expectant eyes.
Vaati's monologue here just reflects his time after the events of the minish cap manga.
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Shadow's response, my boy grew up lots.
He clearly feels bad Vaati went through that but say it with me
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Haha oh Shadow's words are very telling about how he feels about the past.
"Vio means it this time...right?"
His wants now are just stuff like "I wanna have a bed!"
reminder from the flashback he DIDN'T HAVE ONE.
He wants to spend time with Zelda and Link in a meaningful way.
visual references to BOTW Link and Tetra because muhahaha.
Shadow's words about "Failure" is kinda telling.
Being a villian in a Zelda story means you fail. The hero will virtually always defeat you and you'll be left with nothing but pain.
Shadow wants no part of that shit...
But his reasons is kinda...selfish?
He doesn't say "being bad is bad because you're bad!" he says "Fuck I don't wanna fail anymore."
He settles on a life he finds obtainable because Gannon and Vaati's dreams are INSANLY UNOBTAINABLE not because he doesn't want those things too.
Because let's be real if there were no consequences...Shadow would do whatever the fuck he wanted. XD
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Vaati's not the only one who can project! SHADOW CAN DO IT TOO.
Failing at the hands of the hero over and over is smth Shadow feels Gannon's emotions on. Dude is so sick of it.
Fun chameo from our favorite hero ever.
Jk. Hero of Time...I'm sure he'll never be relevant ever again.
Shadow's acceptance of a lowkey life pisses Vaati off.
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The perpetual failures being slung in his face was just one too many.
Vaati's reached his limits of anger at both Dark and Shadow Link.
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He didn't squeeze him like a squeaky toy this time...
If you're wondering "Why didn't Dark dodge?"
Last time Vaati carried Dark off and when he DID try to hurt Dark he tried to slam him into the ground, not CRUSH HIM.
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Dark didn't perceive being held alone by Vaati as a danger so didn't bother trying to escape.
Shadow's terror at this action like, really makes it sink in Vaati means business.
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Vaati's sick of everyone at this point omf. Dark just stays limp as hell which sucks for him.
Shadow channaling the power of the Triforce of power decides to fuck Vaati's shit up.
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This was 100% inspired by the Guardian/Blight lasers lmfao because that's FUNNY.
It really sucks to me we don't really see what the Triforce of Power's abilities...ARE.
So I'm just going with "Shit Gannon can do in other incarnations" because that's all I have to go off of. 🤷
"Turning the wieldier into a pig monster" was smth I saw but that only really happens to Gannon with the explanation that he's losing control over his piece and himself? So...Shadow switching to pig mode here wouldn't make much sense. X'D
Due to pure selfishness on Shadow's part-
Okay look I'm not gonna sugar coat it.
Shadow didn't save Dark because he cares about who Dark is. He saved him because how Vaati treated HIM was being put onto Dark. Shadow's projecting to hell onto Dark due to the abuse he faced and ONLY helped him due to that reason.
Round about say to say: He doesn't pity Dark here, he pities himself.
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"That's not what matters right now." - Shadow said like a liar.
This wasn't a logical choice in the slightest and Shadow has no justification for his outburst in this regards because it was 100% anger at his own past abuse being slung in his face and has nothing to do with Dark the person being abused.
Shadow just as an afterthought asking if Dark is alright kinda sements that.
So I guess I'll pick this back up later.
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scaryspears · 2 years ago
Cassie and Jacqui: Opinions and Thoughts
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
Okay, so these two are besties. Now before I get into any details, this is just theories and opinions. I just want to quickly say that I like Jacqui's character, and not just because I was able to play as a black female character, but I found her interesting and liked her romance with Takeda.
I'll start with Cassie. She is a nice enough blend of Sonya and Johnny, I guess. I found her a little annoying in mkx but only because of her intros, and to be fair a lot of character dialogue kind of sucked in that game. I found her very relatable when I was younger though, because I said a lot of cringey things when it came out. Other than that she was pretty cool, and was a different kind of case where a character voices out what everyone else is thinking. To be fair, Johnny has that as well but Cassie is Gen Z levels of voice (or an everyman). I also appreciate that they made her more girly, although I do miss the tomboyish Cassie from mkx.
Thing is, I don't like how they made it into a thing where they made Cassie feel like a main character, and while I understand that's how it must be done with next generation games, I get the impression that she was treated better than her teammates. That impression was solidified in the mk11 storyline where Cassie was chosen to be the new general with the addition of Takeda and Kung Jin being cut from the game. I get that she defeated Shinnok and whatever, but seriously? It was also a situation where Sonya was choosing randomly, so I think she should've chosen Jacqui simply because Jacqui is genuinely into being a soldier. For a moment the audience is shown the pain on Jacqui's face, and I was honestly anticipating some kind of rivalry to take place where Cassie and Jacqui end up fighting about something within the story mode.
I wrote in another post that I think Cassie joined the special forces because she wanted to impress Sonya. We know that from mkx Sonya was neglective, and if Cassie is much closer to Johnny then I don't think it would make sense for her to not have some appreciation for the creative arts. Meaning, Cassie yearns for Sonya's approval. It was also hinted that Sonya may have been abusive, randomly attacking Cassie and Jacqui with arm bars. Even while Cassie is an adult Sonya is still neglective, as noted in the last game, not even caring about Cassie's love life. It's very clear the two of them have problems with each other. One thing for sure, Cassie has inherited Sonya's cruelty which makes her snark different from Johnny's. A nice blend of seriousness and un-serious = obvious sarcasm. I'm also calling back to the 'Johnny pee pants' incident that she was told about.
"So how are things between you and Bob?" - Sonya
"For the last time his name is Dylan." - Cassie
"Why learn his name if he's not sticking around?" - Sonya
"I'm the new improved you." - Cassie
"(Scoff) Improved how?" - Sonya
Well for one thing, she's got powers.
"Jacqui says as kids you were scared of me." - Sonya
"You'd randomly attack us with arm bars." - Cassie
"And you learned to always be ready." - Sonya
The fact that she says this with a smug smile shows she sees nothing wrong with the fact that she went out of her way to scare and hurt children. Characters have been drilling in on Johnny but had nothing to say to Sonya about her parenting. Johnny made it his mission to change into a better person, even in his ending he didn't need people to tell him that he was doing something wrong because he realised it by himself. Sonya for whatever reason lacks that same awareness.
"Growing up I always wanted a sister." - Sonya
"To exchange style tips and dish on boys?" - Cassie
"No! To spar with." - Sonya
You can do that too, Sonya. Jeez.
"You are Johnny Cage's daughter." - Robocop
"Ha! Shocked I'm not some Beverly Hills brat?" - Cassie
Beverly Hills kids: Well... that hurts. I think it's somehow been engraved in Cassie that being any old normal girl is a terrible thing, and I don't support that "I'm not like other girls" nonsense. I think it was Sonya's influence, and potentially Jax.
"I am honoured to fight you." - Liu Kang
"I'm no chosen one, Li Kang." - Cassie
"You fought shinnok and won." - Liu Kang
Oh he's mad. He is so mad. Bro died because of Raiden.
Now with Jacqui.
I think Jacqui is in Cassie's shadow, hell they even erased her from her own ending. Even when she was given screen time it still felt like she was brushed to the side. Cassie was chosen to be the leader of the friend group, and in hindsight that was a bit predictable. In comparison to her Jacqui is rational and doesn't turn things into a joke. I know Cassie is serious as well, but Jacqui is more passionate about fighting for Earthrealm and being in the special forces while Cassie is more of a show off.
"Leave dad in peace." - Jacqui (mkx)
"There's things only Jax can do." - Sonya (mkx)
"What do you see when you look at me?" - Frost
"A cheap second gen knock off." - Jacqui
"I said look at me, not you." - Frost
These two are love and hate, two sides of the same coin. Frost wants recognition and goes against the Lin Kuei to have that, while Jacqui wants to make people proud and carry on a legacy. Both have a male counterpart of some kind. Frost disappointed Sub Zero for not being patient and she became a villain, while Jax doesn't want Jacqui to even be involved in anything kombat related. Jacqui follows, Frost demands command.
"Cassandra Cage overshadows you." - Cetrion
"In her own mind maybe." - Jacqui
"Do not deny your jealousy." - Cetrion
"It's time to pass on your mantel." - Nightwolf
"Baby girl's good, but she's not me yet." - Jax
"Don't underestimate your daughter, Jax." - Nightwolf
Notice the edge in Nightwolf's voice? Also, Jacqui doesn't have to be Jax. Not to mention she was trained by Johnny and not Jax, so it's weird of him to say that. I think she should be trained by Scorpion as a wedding gift and have a few Shirai Ryu inspired outfits if she's introduced to the franchise in future games. Anything that distances her from Jax.
Jacqui is called "unproven" and a "knock off" when she has in fact proven herself, she just hasn't beaten an elder God- oh wait, what is this? Jacqui defeated Cetrion? (Do not bring jax into this, I chose Jacqui). In mkx she beat Reptile and Ermac, the very same Ermac that Jax lost his arms to because he was caught lacking, and held her own against the revenants.
The characters constantly compare her to Jax, which is problematic in my opinion. As a person who was constantly compared to my older siblings growing up it felt like my identity as my own person was being stripped away from me, and I think it's the same case with Jacqui. Jacqui should be recognised more for who she is rather than who her father is, because Jacqui is just as good if not better.
"Such beauty in Kombat is rare." - Shang Tsung. Oh Shang Tsung, you pervert.
Now onto her friendship with Cassie. It's very obvious that these two grew up together and even went to the same school, which must've meant that they lived close to one another, like the same town or city. I don't think the two have always been buddy buddy, in terms of problems coming up. If it weren't for circumstances I think these two wouldn't even be close or in the same vicinity. Cassie went and dated Jacqui's love interest for prom knowing Jacqui liked him. I'm surprised these two are even friends.
Moving onto her relationship with Jax, I liked Jacqui bonding with the younger version of her dad during story mode, and seeing the differences between older Jax and young Jax.
I always saw Jax as an a-hole, but jeez. I understand being a protective father but he needed to accept that he couldn't breathe down her neck for too long. What ticks me off even more is his disapproval of Takeda. I think one of the reasons Jax isn't very fond of Takeda is because he mildly reminds him of Johnny. Takeda has that charisma about him and makes jokes as well and overall has this easy going air about him. Even after Johnny and Sonya got married, meaning Jax saw Johnny a lot more, I don't think Jax grew a liking to Johnny. I'm not sure if Jax truly had feelings for Sonya, but I do think it's a possibility if Johnny not only did not want to get between them under the suspicion that they were together, but also because he thought they would end up together.
I have a bunch of stuff to say. I believe Cassie should've done MMA fighting or something around there, that way Cassie wouldn't just be another copy of her parents.
If Jax and Sonya did end up together then I think the turn out would be more extreme. An overprotective father and a neglectful mother.
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vdragon-creations · 1 year ago
Meet Fortnite Sasha!
She's here!
Now, before we get started, i wanna make this very clear. I don't know the slightest thing about Fortnite Lore or Gameplay wise. and i don't care! This is just an excuse for me to draw Sasha with Fortnite Donnie and nothing else! (Tho it is fun to try and put another spin on my cheeb again.)
But without further delay, allow me to introduce...
Fortnite Sasha!
Like the Fortnite Turtles, this Sasha is a mix of some of the other versions! (I believe they where modeled after 2003, Bayverse, and 2007. With maybe a dash of 87 in there given the belt buckles with the letters on them. So i pulled from 2003, 2007, Bayverse and 87 myself)
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This version of Sasha comes from a race of cat aliens who use a mixture of Technology and Magic. So this Sasha has access to mystical powers as well as being incredibly skilled with machines. And while she's not a Soldier, she's still pretty skilled in combat, thanks to her training as a Hunter! She also has a Multi Weapon Tool that has 5 settings! Dagger, Sword, Whip, Spear, and Bow!
Most of her mystical abilities are pretty tame, as a Hunter, she's no Master Spellcaster. She can levitate small objects, heal minor injuries, and teleaport over short distances. She can also spawn mystical arrows for her Bow and create small smoke bombs that can cause a target to see things. Her weapons and armor also have mystical properties to them, her mask in particular allows her to see body heat and can even help her track targets and aim more efficiently with her Bow!
Sasha is a Hunter, and it's exactly what it sounds like. Hunters are sent to live their lives out in the wilderness away from civilization. They provide the food thier people feed off of to survive and are highly trained in the art of The Hunt. Each lady is chosen for very specific reasons, Sasha in particular was chosen as she was a subspecies known for thier speed and ability to adapt to different climates easily. It's a very important job, but very hard and restrictive with how one gets to live thier life.
It's a ladies only position, and they are forbidden from Marriage or Starting Families. (Can't quite hunt while pregnant after all.) However, they are still allowed to have romantic relationships, so long as it's with other hunters. Meaning most hunters, Sasha included, are more often then not, Bi, Pan, or Lesbian.
Sasha was born a very small but far away planet inhabited by a race of cat aliens. This race was known for having the unique abilities to use mystical powers as well as access to powerful technology. Because of this reputation, her people were currently at war with a similar race of reptilian aliens who wanted to force them to give up thier secrets.
This conflict never really bothered Sasha much, spending her days hunting for pray among the brush of the desert plains or the treetops of the lush jungles she called home. That was untill, she and her fellow hunters were attacked by a squad of these Reptiles.
In an attempt to escape, she and her other hunter friends loaded into some emergency pods that would shoot them straight to the nearest city for help. But...she never made it to the city.
Her pod was attacked by an enemy ship and sent far far of course. Knocking her pod out into open space, and straight into a collision course with another planet. Earth to be precise.
Apon landing, Sasha was knocked unconscious thanks to the impact. When she finally came to, she found herself being pulled out of her pod by a tall reptile man. He was fairly built for one who seemed not much older then she was. He was a terrapin wearing a purple mask, and he wasn't alone. Three more just like him seemed to be standing by, looking at her with concern by wery expressions.
Thinking they were part of the squad that attacked her people, she quickly kicked out of the grasp of the purple cladded terrapin and assumed the position to defend herself. She quickly realized her Lingua (an implanted device her people give at birth that translates all languages) had been damaged during the crash. She couldn't understand them and it was clear they couldn't understand her either.
It took some time, but after a bit of persuasion, she calmed down. They weren't going to hurt her, at least not now. And they didn't exactly seem like the same Reptiles she was familiar with. They seemed almost....nice. The one that saved her offered it seemed to make a device for her to wear that would translate for her, at least till her Lingua could be fixed. He showed her kindness and seemed to really be intrigued by her people's technology. He also seemed to take and intrest in her too, and...Sasha could help but think the same. He was pretty cute, in a turtlely way.
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kriskross · 9 months ago
was looking through your art tag and i'm digging tanis' vibe can you tell me stuff about him? :)
I LOVE YOU . I'm at work rn so I might not be as in depth as I want to but if I don't get this out now I fear I may explode So if you have more questions feel free to ask or send me a dm or smth this is awesome ❤️
Tanis is my sorcerer that I made for a curse of strahd campaign! Hes a shadow sorcerer so unexpectedly he is having Such a connection to barovia and he has no idea why, really ... He doesn't recognize his magic for what it is, he just kind of woke up after what he thinks was a near death experience with magic! A few other side effects of dying are that he doesn't blink very often, he's very very cold all the time, and he has a newfound fear of water . He doesn't know that he died, and he very much does not know how or why he was brought back (and I don't either) .
All of this aside he has been doing his very best to live a normal life (pre-barovia), starting his own jewelry business selling his own work and playing piano at a local tavern for some extra coin since his business is very much struggling. He meets his wife there, she sings in the evenings and they would often duet. They both just kind of chill out for years and years :) yay
Then, Tanis' parents fall ill... They're both elderly and can't take care of themselves like this, so Tanis closes shop and goes to be their caretaker! ... Only he runs out of money pretty quickly. His sister, who was off at an apprenticeship, returns home to care for them while Tanis tries to start working again . He tries mercenary work but he's too much of a coward to do that, so he's stuck doing odd jobs where he can, still playing piano to make ends meet.
Then one night he has a dream, a woman tells him to meet at a tavern a days journey away, and he will find great riches that way. He thinks about it, and eventually decides to give it a try.
He goes, and meets a few adventurers who also had a similar dream, and they decide to go together, despite Tanis' cowardice, on an adventure.
... They end up in barovia with no way out .
He's a level 9 sorcerer now so he's been there for a while still with no clear way out . The campaign kind of died so as far as I'm concerned tanis has been trapped in barovia for the past few years, but I'm hoping to revive it in a few months and maybe we'll finally get a resolution for him :) he's found more than enough riches on his journey so once he gets home he's set for life
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anyasmcm · 1 year ago
October 30th - November 6th research
Observational Research:
This week was incredibly productive for me. I looked at the sources provided at the end of my Capstone presentation, and I will be honest that quite a few of the references don't really reflect my current interests and ideas (lots of interspecies communication references, but not a whole lot on communication). My main inspiration for this week of work was the modern urban ghillie suit video as well as speaking with Jeff. He told me to just dive into the world of text, and this idea blossomed from a combination of the two.
Some artists that Jeff told me to look at are:
Laura Lee (p5.js creator) Fluxus art movement Laurence Weiner jenny Holtzer Printed Matter Janna Cartith
The Fluxus movement really appeals to me for the presence of the artist in the piece, or there being an obvious presence or message behind the piece. I also love how crazy and wacky some of the performances/pieces are, such as the pieces in this article.
Active Research:
I started to think a lot about my work discussing the factors that change perspective. I'm really attracted to the idea of a veil, or something that conceals the person having the conversation. This reminded me of this video I saw a couple weeks ago of a modern urban ghillie suit that is made of trash. I think ghillie suits are such a unique concept, the entire body is consumed by a pattern and/or texture to better blend into the environment. What would that suit look like if it was consumed by the invisible language of our communication? I started to hyper fixate on this idea and played around with what that would even look like.
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I drew this base model so I could visualize the figure in relation to how the suit would fit, but I realized that the figure would quickly become consumed:
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But the suit would be made of words layered one on top of the other, to create this really confusing but visually stimulating texture.
I then wanted to think about what this would look like in a gallery/exhibit setting, and I came up with this simple sketch:
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The person in the suit, likely me, would be seated in a chair, waiting for people to approach so a veil on the suit can be lifted over their head and they too become consumed by the ghillie suit. Once under the ghillie suit, we would then engage in a conversation, though I am not sure what that would entail.
There are a lot of unknowns with this idea: for example, what significance will the words have? I turned to ChatGPT to help me determine whether AI is a plausible use for this idea. I realized being as specific as possible was the best way to get ChatGPT to write a somewhat human interaction, so I tried roleplaying to see what conversation would come from flirting and chatting with ChatGPT. It didn't really go well, as shown from the screenshot below:
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I've been thinking about different forms of communication: texting, in-person communication, and talking through the phone. I think texting is really unique because its a recorded, personal conversation between two people that is informal but also extremely personal. I'm still trying to decide if I want to focus on texting or verbal communication, but at the moment I am leaning towards texting.
So I decided to write a prompt based on two people: one modeled after myself and one modeled after my friend. I then asked ChatGPT to continue the conversation in various ways, and it resembled a somewhat human conversation-- but very clearly written by someone who is not aware of modern lingo or slang that then makes it very clear it is written by an AI.
Here is the prompt used for this convo:
Write a progression of text messages between A, a 19 year old pansexual woman, and B, a 21 year old lesbian woman. A enjoys country music, McDonalds, sleeping, working out, nature, and the beach. A is captivating, fascinating, attractive, forward, and short-spoken. B enjoys soccer, working out, art, video games, and R&B music. B is caring, descriptive, attentive, and long-spoken.
Here is that convo:
A: Hey, B. 😊
B: Hey there! How's your day going?
A: Not too bad. Just jamming to some country tunes and thinking about a McDonald's run. 😋
B: Haha, sounds fun! I'm working out right now, trying to stay fit. What's your fav country song?
A: "Wagon Wheel" for sure! It's a classic. 💃
B: Nice choice! I'm more into R&B, but I can appreciate some good country now and then. What's your workout routine like?
A: I hit the gym a few times a week. Love staying active. What about you, soccer fan? ⚽
B: Yeah, soccer is my jam! Playing it now and then keeps me in shape. 😅
A: That's cool. You're into art, right? Tell me more about that.
B: Yeah, I love painting and drawing. I find it really therapeutic. I'm working on a landscape piece right now, inspired by nature.
A: Nature is beautiful. I adore the beach. Any favorite beach spots?
B: Definitely! There's this amazing beach I visit whenever I can. The sound of the waves is so calming.
A: Yeah, the beach is my happy place. It's like an escape. 😌
B: We have that in common! 😊
A: Hey, B, you know you're pretty captivating to talk to. 😉
B: Aww, thank you! You're fascinating as well, and I'm enjoying our conversation. 🌟
A: Thanks, you're pretty attractive too. 😏
B: Haha, smooth move, A. But I appreciate the compliment. 😄
A: Just being forward. Life's too short, right? 🤷‍♀️
B: Absolutely, honesty is the best policy! So, what else are you up to today?
A: Honestly, just daydreaming about the beach right now. Wish I could be there.
B: I totally get that feeling. The beach has a way of making everything better.
A: It's like a remedy for everything. 😌
B: Couldn't agree more. By the way, I also enjoy video games. Do you play any?
A: Not really, but I'd love to learn if you're up for it.
B: That could be a lot of fun! We should plan a gaming session sometime. What kind of games are you interested in?
A: Surprise me with something fun, and I'm in. 😁
B: Sounds like a plan! We'll find something you'll enjoy.
A: Looking forward to it. You make everything sound exciting, B. 💫
B: You're so sweet, A. I'm really enjoying our chat. Anything else you'd like to know about me?
A: I'd love to hear more about your favorite R&B songs or artists.
B: Oh, where do I start? Let me list a few of my all-time favorites for you...
A: Wow, that's quite a list! I'll have to check those out. 😊
B: Absolutely, you won't be disappointed. Music is such a big part of my life. How about you? Any favorite country songs I should know about?
A: Well, besides "Wagon Wheel," I'm a fan of "Tennessee Whiskey" and "Girl Crush." They hit me right in the feels. 🎶
B: Those are some good choices! I'll give them a listen. Music is so powerful; it can transport you to different places and emotions.
A: So true, just like the beach does. It's like a never-ending vacation. 🏖️
B: Haha, I'd love to go on a beach vacation someday. It's on my bucket list.
A: We should make that happen sometime, B. What's your dream beach destination?
B: Definitely Bora Bora, those overwater bungalows look amazing. What about you?
A: Bora Bora sounds incredible! I've always dreamed of visiting the Maldives. It's like a paradise on Earth.
B: Oh, the Maldives is stunning. We're dreaming big, A. Maybe one day we'll make these dreams a reality. 🌴✈️
A: I like the sound of that. 🤞
B: Me too, A. This has been a great conversation. I'm really glad we connected. 😊
A: Likewise, B. You're an amazing person. Can't wait for more chats and maybe even that beach vacation. 😉🌞
B: The feeling is mutual, A. Let's keep these chats going and work towards making that dream come true. 💖
I find it hilarious that ChatGPT knows emojis are part of modern texting language, but isn't aware of abbreviations like hru? or hbu? that are super common in the modern texting language. It could be that I needed to be more specific with my prompt, but I'm not 100% sure.
I plan to go to Printed Matter later this week to explore text in different forms as recommended by Jeff, and he also referenced some great artists that I will look into this upcoming week so I can be engulfed in research for the first part of the week (similar to this past week) and then work off of that research.
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carapacewreckage · 17 days ago
Oooh...this is a very kind post, thank you! awright I'm gunna let you know some dev stuff! (also, hi hi, Sarah Carapace here, I did the art and a tiny, itty bitty bit contributing to the writing and developement)
Re: the Fucks - I think when I first knew Em, she swore a lot more, she's mellowed out a little bit since I think X'D that's just how she wrote at the time
Re: Damage.
After the very first session of playtesting we got together and talked about how we felt about the harshness of how Hurt worked. Three things kinda came about; the Damage system is something I suggested, I'd been using it in the early drafts of Violet Core and Em implemented it, also Em made the Healing move a bunch more powerful, which made coping with Hurt more manageable and made support type deals feel way more useful. The third thing actually started a brief but big fight in the playtest group. I kinda had the opinion that if you took your 3rd damage, you are broken and then that's it. It was harsh, sure, but it gave you much more of a chance than the initial 1-track-of-Hurt-and-it's-over situation did. You'd retire them in a tear stricken scene and probably make a new character. One of the members of the play test suggested that one of the XP spend options should be to reduce your Damage, and keep a dungeon bitch running, and that not doing so could lead to games all becoming a death spiral (which is what I took the title for my source book from). I thought that with some careful pacing and healing up that could be avoided and that the danger fit the tone...but, yanno what, I'm glad I was convinced that I was wrong. Pretty quickly it was decided that the XP spend to clear Damage was the best idea. It gave at least the possibility of a safety net (XP stacks up pretty quick in DB) and granted more agency in a player characters doom if they chose not to use it.
Surprisingly I don't think we ever had a character die in any of our four playtest campaigns. There was definitely some Damage suffered though. In Crooked Mile I played super dangerously and tried my best to get my dumb junkie ass tragically killed but I survived to the bitter end.
I finished Dungeon Bitches. I might write a longer review one day, but for now, I'll keep it short.
It is a very good game. The presentation, tone, and ideas in it are very powerful. I'm glad that this game exists and I'm glad that I've read it.
It feels like there was an editing pass to add more fucks to it. Not a bad thing, but there were a few times where I was reading something and was like that fuck breaks up the flow of the sentence. I don't know if I (a person who swears) would have said fuck there.
god, the idea of running this game stresses me out. Trying to maintain the tone of the game, telling the kinds of stories that the game wants to tell, I feel like I would immediately be in over my head. Let alone finding the right kind of players. I don't know that anyone in my pool of players would be up for what this game is dishing out. This isn't a knock against the game.
I'm not sure how I feel about Damage. I'm not sure how I feel about people being mentally broken forever. I'm not sure how I feel about "monsters with the faces of your former companions". The game is very bleak in its outlook on most things, but this feels like a step farther. I'm conflicted.
It is apt to use this as a point of comparison to Thirsty Sword Lesbians. I much prefer this games directness in terms of queer representation. I like that it has teeth.
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