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beano-no-know69 · 11 months ago
hey can anyone give me recs for good spooky audio dramas?
Also bonus points if there’s gays in it (although honestly at this point I go into podcasts assuming there will be, and am hardly ever wrong)
Ones I’ve liked and listened to are: the Magnus archives, the box, king falls am, old gods of Appalachia, darkest night, limetown, spines, the bright sessions, wolf 359, all the public radio alliance ones, Alice isn’t dead, archive 81, life after, the message, the far meridian, the bridge, mirrors, the 12:37, penumbra, strange case of starship iris, girl in space, the leap year society, Mabel, and the white vault
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woozapooza · 1 year ago
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favorite character per show 25/∞: Letterkenny → Tanis (Kaniehtiio Horn)
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timorpanico · 2 months ago
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A little page of Dragonlance doodles again...
(aah yesss pink black magic 🩷)
(... I think a lot about Dalamar bringing his favorite chair in front of a portal open to the abyss because if we must wait for the end of the world, at least we make it comfortable 😌✨✨)
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dangerpronebuddie · 2 months ago
Throwing it back at you :)
#78 “That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
Look look look she finished one!!!
“But he's agreed to talk, that's a good thing,” Buck reassures Eddie from where he sits on the bed, “helping” him unpack at the rent house in El Paso. The key to Eddie’s house and the ticket back to LA burn in his pocket.  “I know, I just…” Eddie sighs and keeps rifling through his suitcase. “I just wish I could talk to him without mom always butting in.” “So take him to the lake- is that my shirt?”  Eddie freezes where he stands, teal henley clutched in his hand. He stares at it, almost like he’s hoping he’ll develop laser vision and disintegrate the incriminating fabric.  Buck looks into Eddie’s open suitcase. Mixed in with Eddie’s henleys and flannels are no less than a dozen shirts belonging to Buck. “That’s my shirt. So is that… wait?” Eddie spins to face the closet, searching for a hanger despite there being one right in front of him on the rack.  Buck stands and reaches around Eddie, handing him the hanger in question. “Eddie… why did you bring half of my wardrobe here with you?” “It… must’ve gotten tossed in with everything else,” Eddie shrugs, way too casually. “I was kind of in a rush.” “Eddie, you pack like I inventory the ambulance,” Buck points out. Sometimes, Buck thinks Eddie is more meticulous than Buck ever thought about being.  Eddie’s shoulders slump. “I wanted to ask you to stay, but I couldn’t, so I… made sure I had at least a part of you here.” Buck’s breath hitches in his chest. In the weeks leading up to the move, Buck had dreaded the goodbye. The sad, pitiful smiles and hugs that always mean more to Buck than the person leaving, the ‘take care of yourself’ that always leaves the ‘because I won’t’ unsaid.  But Eddie was different.  Of course Eddie was different.  He didn’t settle on a house until Buck approved. He convinced Buck to stay at the Diaz house while he was gone. He asked Buck to come to El Paso to help him unpack.  Like he didn’t want to leave Buck behind. “Eddie…” “I know,” Eddie says, ducking his head. “It was selfish. You can take them hom-” “Eddie,” Buck cuts in desperately. He takes the shirt and hanger and tosses them onto the bed so he can turn Eddie to face him. “Ask me to stay.” Eddie shakes his head. “I can’t, Buck, you know I can’t.” “I know you’re not letting yourself,” Buck persists. “And I know that if I go home alone, that house isn’t going to be enough for me. Is keeping a few of my shirts I hardly wear enough for you?” Eddie looks at his suitcase, at the shirt crumpled on the bed, at his hands fisted in Buck’s hoodie. “No,” he admits in a whisper. He shakes his head again. “Buck, you’d hate me if-” “I couldn’t,” Buck says, so positive in that fact there’s no way Eddie couldn’t believe him. “Ask me.” “You’d have to go back and get your other things,” Eddie reasons. “I couldn’t take everything of yours with me.” “You’ve got what’s most important,” Buck says softly. He doesn’t mean the clothes. Eddie smiles, that goofy way he does when he’s teasing Buck. “Really? I didn’t know you liked that white hoodie all that much.” Buck gapes at him. “You’ve had that all these years?!” Eddie chuckles. “Maybe for longer than I realized,” he says softly, pulling Buck closer.  Buck cups his face in his hands. “Maybe,” he says against his lips.
Send me a number!
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crosswordist · 11 months ago
i have a feeling it’s gonna be a podcast summerrr. every car ride? podcast. doing homework and wanna be distracted? podcast. trying to sleep but the thoughts? podcast.
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cantaloaf · 1 year ago
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Ghoul School Girlies!
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smooti · 9 months ago
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This one looked so much better in my head than it does on the paper
Sorry I’m just constantly daydreaming about these two
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vetersseveraart · 10 months ago
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Впервые сделала перерисовку (редрав) старого арта. Всегда видела примеры таких перерисовок и то, как они показывают видоизменение навыков и стиля. Вот только никак представить не могла, что сама это сделаю и увижу такую разницу... Конечно, мне есть куда стремиться, анатомия не даст соврать)) (но я над ней успешно работаю!) Есть огрехи, недоработки, ошибки. Учитывая, что такое количество людей на одном арте я давненько не рисовала в качестве! Но в целом... охх, у меня нет слов, вчера рассматривала работу около получаса! Я и представить не могла, что мой стиль изменился вот так! Что я смогла нарисовать вот таких персонажей, уже почти точь-в-точь, как их представляла в романах... боги, кто бы что ни говорил - для меня это ОГРОМНЕЙШИЙ скачок вперед! Действительно, говорят, что надо сравнивать себя не с другими. а с самим собой...  Ну, теперь пару слов по самим артам. Прилагаю две картинки, разумеется - оригинал 2020 года и новый вариант 2024. Да, взяла арт 4-хлетней давности, а не 5-ти, так как решила перерисовать как можно больше героев сразу, чтоб никого не обидеть) Тут нагляяяядно можно увидеть все изменения... старалась рисовать все так же, но некоторым решила поменять позы и вообще внести кое-какие поправки - мне так больше нравится))) Кто-то может не согласиться и сказать, что раньше было лучше - однако тут я в первую очередь смотрю на техническое исполнение. А по характеру - старый арт более наивен и душевен, новый - более серьезен и строг. По значению они равно важны для меня и оба их я люблю. Если кто их вдруг забыл - дорогие и любимые Рейстлин, Тика, Карамон, Лорана, Флинт, Танис, Тассельхоф, Стурм, Речной Ветер, Золотая Луна.
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rexshadaoart · 3 months ago
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A birthday gift to @evion and all her ideas at @tfseeds. Tanis from Evion's and @star-across-the-universe's universe known as Dragoncursed.
Since it's the Year of the Dragon (2024), and Tanis has been an inspirational character for me during the heyday of DeviantArt (My Monster Hunter Stories 2 character, Rei, has taken some influence from Tanis with the fangs and golden eyes), it made sense that I would make a fan art of Tanis in both her human (well, human with dragon features) and dragon form.
Tanis' pose is based on the Roar pose from @adorkastock
I have to admit, I don't know how big Dragon Tanis is compared to her human form. I did ask Evion about the scale, but even she wasn't so sure, so I made a rough estimation based on the size of the eyes since they are the only point of reference that would be roughly the same size in both forms (with Dragon Tanis' eyes being slightly bigger if my research into eye development is correct). Even still, I decided to be safe and made Dragon Tanis 50% transparent since her dragon form is a possible future fate for her. Here's the artwork with full opacity.
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Dragon Tanis here is an updated version of the one I did back in 2022 (which itself is based on the various art profiles of Dragon Tanis from Evion herself). There have been several minor modifications to the design as I learned more about realistic anatomy of bats, ferrets, wolves, etc. The feet of the hind-legs were shortened to be more ferret/wolf-like. The tail was straightened out to give a sense of length, and given a more pronounced furry tail (as many ferret-based dragons have this feature) taken from my mid-transformation stage of Tanis back in 2022. Additionally, I added the little elbow horns back on the forelimbs since they gave a little personality back to her. The wings were modified slightly to be more accurate to bat wing anatomy. And I added a lot more yellow freckle spots and streamlined most of them into a pattern running long her mane back.
For human Tanis, I used this character sheet as a reference, then went to @adorkastock's many pose references before settling in for the roar pose here. I feel like Tanis would do this when she's alone and not worried exposing her dragon claws and feet to a hostile crowd of humans. It was fun to draw her, and I like how it turned out in the end. Of course, I needed to give her something to stand on, so I went with a ruined castle wall to represent how she's going from civilized human to a wild dragon.
Happy Birthday, Evion!
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hah-studios · 2 years ago
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Scooby Doo Monster Mysteries special in which Shaggy and Scooby become temporary dads to teenage girls (and a baby mummy)
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yourbelgianthings · 11 months ago
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two new designs up on my redbubble now!
id: a screenshot of two redbubble listings, one says "talk to me about PODCASTS (i'll be so normal i promise)" on a light pinkish purple background and the other says "audio dramas my beloved" in a script font on a mint green background end id.
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lover-of-art-things · 1 year ago
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Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)
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archaeologs · 1 year ago
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Ruins of the ancient city of Tanis, Egypt. Egyptian civilisation, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty XXII. (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images)
Learn more / Daha fazlası https://www.archaeologs.com/w/tanis/
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wattsandroot · 2 months ago
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Context: he is a far right dude and she's Native
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months ago
Let's do #142
I love this one a ridiculous amount honestly.
142. “Hold my hand so he gets jealous.”
Eddie smiles at whatever the guy beside him is saying. Truth be told, he hadn’t been paying attention. Not since Buck stormed into his line of sight to glare lasers at the man flirting with Eddie. This whole thing had been Ravi’s idea. Help Buck get over his loser ex boyfriend by taking him out to a few clubs. The night had been going well! Buck’s mopey pout had shifted to a smile by the second margarita, and he was dancing and flirting with quite a few men and women who’d shown interest. Eddie had hung back with Ravi for the most part, until the kid bumped into an old friend and they disappeared together, leaving Eddie and Buck on their own. Buck had been preoccupied with a cute blond, so Eddie had gravitated to the bar. And that’s when Jayce approached him.  Jayce notices Eddie looking behind him and turns his head. “Oh, I see what this is,” Jayce says with a mischievous smile. “He your ex or something?” “Or something,” Eddie says. “He’s my best friend.” “And he looks like he wants to kill me,” Jayce chuckles. “Here-” he holds out his hand and wiggles his fingers- “hold my hand so he gets jealous.”  Eddie, in some kind of drunken bravery- or maybe stupidity, laces their fingers together.  He glances at Buck again, to see the glare somehow sharpen, his grip on his glass white knuckled. He leaves whatever conversation he’d been ignoring with the cute blond and storms to the bar.  Eddie pretends like he hasn’t seen Buck, instead asking Jayce about his job.  But then a hand cups the back of Eddie’s head and turns him. He has a split second to see the fire in Buck’s eyes before he’s pulled into a world altering kiss.  Jayce drops Eddie’s hand. “You’re welcome!” he sing-songs.  Eddie smiles into the kiss and Buck pulls his lower lip between his teeth as he pulls away. Eddie blinks his eyes open to see Buck scowling at Jayce’s (now empty) barstool. There’s a blush on his cheeks and he won’t quite meet Eddie’s eyes.  “This beats shoving me in a basketball game any day,” Eddie teases. Buck blushes fiercely, but he finally looks at Eddie, his thumb swiping behind Eddie’s ear. “S-sorry,” he stammers. “I shouldn’t have-” “Yes you should’ve,” Eddie says. “I wanted you to.” A smile slowly blooms on Buck’s face. “You did?” “It was Jayce’s idea to make you jealous enough to do something but yeah,” Eddie nods. “I did.” “Good.” Buck pulls him into a deep kiss, the fingers of his free hand twining with Eddie’s own. 
Send me a drabble prompt!
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chickensswim · 2 years ago
Hey #audiodrama team !
I have been writing a masters thesis for the last few months about the arrival of bigger companies (QCODE, Gimlet, & co) in audio drama, monetisation of AD, and its potential consequences on independent producers.
I have recently realised that an important part of this subject is about the audience -what they listen to, what their role is... Therefore I come to you with a favour and a link: could you please reply to this form?
Thank you so much !
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