#And we cried and hugged and held on so so tight and then I woke up
jj-pines · 2 years
Has anyone else ever had dreams that last years? Then you just wake up in tears because what just happened??
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chrisbesitos · 11 days
hold me while i cry.
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"Help me, please!" Y/N woke suddenly, gasping for air, trying hard to catch the air. Her scream made Matt wake, he opened his eyes scared and reached for his girl hand.
"Y/N, baby, I'm here." He said, Matt cup her cheeks and made she look at him. He could see the fear in her glassy eyes, Matt took his hands out of her face and grabbed her hands, gently rubbing the back with his finger. "Take deep breaths, just like me." He took a deep breath, Y/N did the same.
She did this a couple times until she pulled herself together, Matt held her hands the whole time, whispering lovely words. When he realized she was a bit better, Matt kissed her forehead and hugged her shoulders, pulling her to his chest.
"You're okay, bunny." He whispered, Y/N nodded slowly, resting her head on the crook of his neck. "It was just a dream, a nightmare. It wasn't real, 'kay?"
"Okay." She murmured, she was still scared because of the dream, but Matt's words and warm arms were helping her hands stop shaking. He let a kiss on her temple, massaging her scalp and rocking her in his arms.
"You want to tell me what happened in the dream?"
"I was drowning." Her voice cracked, crying once again remembering the nightmare.
She was being pulled down in the sea, everything was dark and she couldn't breathe, her lungs were filled with water. Y/N was deep afraid of the sea and Matt knows this, that's the reason he never let her go when they were at the beach in summer.
"I. . . I couldn't breathe, I was so scared." She cried out, Matt held her hard. "I tried to scream for you, but you weren't there."
"It wasn't real, bunny. You're right here with me, in our room, there's no sea and no water." He said, rubbing her tights gently. "As long as you are with me, nothing will ever happen to you."
"I love you, Matt." She whispered.
"I love you too, bunny. So, so much."
"I'm sorry for waking you."
"Don't apologize, 'kay? It wasn't your fault." Matt kissed her lips while he laid her back in the bed, he handled Y/N's plushie. "You don't feel like sleep, don't you?"
"Can we watch cartoons? Just until I fall asleep again." She asked, Matt smiled nodding.
He reached for the tv control on the nightstand, he put on her favorite comfort show. They watched Gravity Falls for a couple hours, Matt was drowsy, but he couldn't sleep, not until he made sure his girlfriend was okay and sleeping.
Eventually, Y/N fall asleep with her head rested on Matt's chest, snoring lightly, knowing she was safe with Matt.
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now we have matt w younger!reader! happy?
Tags: @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy @ivysturnss @brianna-grace12 @blahbel668
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webslingingslasher · 6 months
ok this is random but😭
i had a dream the other day and idk why i didn’t tell you sooner bc it’s so you/trouble/us coded but i had a dream where i bit my man’s shoulder (im single) (hypothetical dream man) but i but it OFF and woke up crying like his flesh was in my mouth and there was blood and now i csnt jokingly bite my future bf bc i’m traumatised
oh my god. telling this to bf!peter im-
'wake up.' stiff pokes, your touch is swiped away. 'no.' you poke harsher, peter hisses around a breath. 'wake up.' he pulls towards the edge of his bed, you follow right behind.
'go away, i'm sleeping.'
'that's fine, i just need to tell you something.' peter lets out the most dramatic sigh you've ever heard. 'tell me.'
'i can't bite you anymore.'
two days ago you bit him so hard it left a perfect bruise in the shape of your mouth. when you saw it the next day, you cried and told him how sorry you were, peter said it was fine and it didn't hurt. it was kind of sad, peter had never seen you so guilty before.
'don't tell me you're still crying over that. it was an accident and i promise it doesn't hurt.' you frown, you weren't talking about that but you think that's where the idea came from.
'i just had a dream i bit you and like, i bit your arm off.'
peter rolls over, he's got two perfect arms. 'trust me, trouble. you've got jaws of steel, but they're not that strong.' peter's the one who brought it up, you point at the fading purple.
'i did that.'
'and it's still attached.' peter shakes his arm out, 'see? wanna give it a nibble?'
'no! no more biting. no biting ever again, i can't control myself, obviously.'
'it's a minor flesh wound.'
'for now! what if i gave you a staph infection?'
'you didn't give me a staph infection.'
'how do we know that?'
'because you didn't break the skin, trouble.' you stare at the mark, it haunts you still. your lower lip trembles, you hurt him. 'petey,' it's that broken voice, the one that makes peter feel like a teddy bear, the mix between bringing comfort and a sense of protection.
it's all it takes for him to scoop you into his hold. 'c'mere, give me a hug.' you press against him tight. 'i hurt you.' peter holds his lips to your forehead, you caused damage and he's comforting you.
'minorly. i’ve bruised you before, too. i didn’t beat myself up over it.’ you snort, he didn’t cry but he felt terrible. peter went in a little hard on sex one night, his fingertips bruised little marks into your hips where he held you. the next morning he kissed them over and over while he whispered apologies.
‘liar. you freaked the next morning.’ peter hums, he remembers. ‘of course i did. i bruised my girlfriend the same night i got her.’ you want to squeal, each time he says it feels like you take flight.
‘then you understand why i’m upset. i mortally wounded my boyfriend, the person i love most.’ you gasp, you hadn’t even thought of it like this, but it’s even worse.
you push back to stare into his eyes, your thumb brushes over the purple ring. ‘i hurt spider-man!’ you kiss over the bruise, you can’t believe you hurt your hero like this.
‘i almost bit spider-man’s arm off.’
peter rolls his eyes, ‘no, you almost bit your boyfriends arm off.’
‘spider-man is my boyfriend.’
‘peter was your boyfriend first.’ you hold up a finger, ‘technically- you told me you-‘
‘technically nothing. you’ve known peter for longer, that’s who your boyfriend is.’
you shake your head at him. ‘well, technically-‘ peter flips you to your back, you blink wildly at the sudden movement. ‘technically nothing. spider-man was collateral to get peter to be your boyfriend.’
you raise your eyebrows, peter hides his hands under the warmth of your shirt. ‘baby, i only said yes because i knew i’d be dating spider-man.’
peter pouts sympathetically, ‘i hate to tell you this, trouble. but… spidey is pretty upset about the impending staph infection. peter on the other hand… is strong and brave.’
you agree with him. ‘yeah! you’re the strong one, you can handle your arm being bit off. i mean, i’ll never bite you again, but you could handle it.’
‘trouble, as long as you’re the gnawing my arm off, i’d be fine with it.’ you pout up at him, peter thinks he said the wrong thing again and tries to backtrack.
you stop him. ‘i’m not sad, petey. i’m in love. you’d give an arm for me.’ peter gives you three quick kisses, ‘i’d give you anything.’
you murmur against his lips, ‘like being able to call spider-man my boyfriend?’ peter presses in harshly, you think he might’ve bruised your bottom lip in retaliation.
‘almost anything.’
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nights-legacy · 5 months
Gift From Eywa Pt. 2 - Neteyam
Main Masterlist ~ Avatar Masterlist
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1583 words
Part 1
Warnings: none except slight spoilers of you haven't seen ATWOW
+ The impossible has happened. Neteyam was back, breathing and unharmed. No one can believe it but everyone is beyond happy. After the intial high of his return, it was time for Neteyam to learn about
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"This is impossible." I said while sitting next to his head. After Aonung and Tsireya returned with help, we took him back to my marui and Ronal had met us. She immediately began to check him over.
"Quite." She said as she circled him but paused next to me. "Maybe your visions were not just from grief. I think Eywa was trying to tell you of his return." She gives me a smile, caressing my head. She moved on around me. I heard commotion outside and then Netyiri ran in. She froze in the door before letting out a loud cry.
"Neteyam!" She collapsed next to us. She was crying heavily. "This can't be real. This can't be real." She cried out as she hovered over his side.
"Neytiri..." She Looked up at me. "He's here. He's really here." She smiled and reached up to cup my face, setting her forehead against mine. I held her wrists as Jake came in at that moment with Tonowari behind him. He stumbled at the sight of his boy and Tonowari held him up.
"How?" The question came out as a puff of air.
"I'm not sure. But I see it as a Gift from Eywa." Ronal said blissfully. Jake knelt down behind Neytiri. She grabbed her son's hand to hold it to her chest and I felt Jake set his hand on my head. I looked at him and he was giving me a look asking if I was okay. I nodded with a smile. He moved his hand to my shoulder and kept it there.
After Ronal had checked him over and deemed him in good health, she left with instructions for me to look after him. She said she would return when he wakes. Everyone else left reluctantly when it came to turn in for the night. All except Lo'ak. He refused to leave.
"You carry too much sometimes, Skxawng." I chuckled as I placed a blanket over a sleeping Lo'ak who made his place in the corner. He hummed in his sleep as I covered him up.
I walked around, snuffing out the lights before returning to Neteyam's side. I laid down next to him and caressed his face. I sighed, afraid to fall asleep in case I woke up to it being just a dream. I forced myself to sleep with a hand on his breathing chest, over his beating heart.
"Hmm." Warmth from the morning sun woke me from my slumber. I squirmed under the blanket before sitting up. I peered around the room. The memory of yesterday came rushing back and I looked next to me. Neteyam was gone. "No... no, no, no." I got up and ran from the marui. I ran around the village, looking around frantically for the boy.
"I missed you so much." I heard Tuk yell. I ran in that direction and saw Neteyam in the middle of his family, Tuk attached to his waist. He was hugging his sister tight, cupping the back of her head. I slowed and stopped not far from the group.
"Neteyam..." I hiccupped in relief. His ears twitched before he looked toward me. His expression turned from joyous to concern.
"Yawne." He pulled away gently from his sister and ran towards me. I reached out for him and latched onto his shoulders as soon as he got close. I buried my head in his chest and let out the breath I was holding. "Oh love, I'm here."
"I thought... you were gone when I woke up. I thought it was all a d-dream." I stuttered. I sniffled and he cooed as he cupped the back of my head. I moved my head to his neck before looking up at him.
"Oh, love. I'm so sorry." He pulled back and cupped my face, nuzzling his nose against mine as he whispered some comforting words. I collapsed into his chest again and he held me tight. He cradled the back of my head and wrapped his other arm around my waist. "Lo'ak told me about how you've been lately and thought it was best to let you sleep. I'm sorry. I should have stayed close."
"No, no. It's alright. I know you would want to see your family. I just..." I trailed off while playing with on of his braids sheepishly.
"I know." He kissed my head before resting his cheek against my head. I looked over his shoulder and saw everyone watching us with smiles. A sad thought crossed my mind.
"Did they tell you?" I asked gently. I felt him grimace and pull away, realizing what I was asking. He held me by my biceps and I held onto his battle belt. He looked down and nodded. I placed my hand where the bullet wound should be. "I was so lost..."
"I'm here now. I don't know how or why but I'm here now." He set his forehead against mine, holding me tight against him.
"I hate to break up this tender moment up but I figure you're both getting pretty hungry?" Jake chuckled. As if on cue, both of our stomachs growled. I hid my face in Neteyam's chest in embarrassment.
"Come on bro. Let's get you both something to eat." Lo'ak came over and wrapped his arm around his brothers shoulder. Neteyam let his brother pull him away but paused when I didn't follow.
"Go on. I'll be along." I assured him. He brought my hand that he was still holding up to kiss it.
"Okay. Don't be to long. You have a lot to catch me up on." I watched as Lo'ak drug him into the marui. I chuckled and felt my heart swell at the sight. I turned and looked out over the water. I closed my eyes and took a big breath, thanking Eywa for the miracle. A tug on my hand brought me back.
"Come on, Y/N." I turned to see Kiri holding my hand to her chest. I smiled and squeezed her hand back.
"I'm coming." She pulled me along and had me sit next to Neteyam. I just stared at him as he ate, still in disbelief but ecstatic nonetheless.
After breakfast, Tonowari had arranged for a celebration in honor of Neteyam's miraculous return. It had been a long day of celebrating and the two of us needed a break. We stole away for a moment alone just before eclipse. The sun was setting over the water and the moment was serene.
"I can't believe I was gone for a year." He said softly while gripping my hand. I sighed and nodded.
"It was torture for the first few months... for all of us. Neytiri couldn't sleep, Kiri was less lively, and Tuk couldn't stop crying. Even Tsireya and Aonung were devastated beyond reproach. But...Lo’ak and Jake were especially torn up." I pulled him to a stop and we faced each other. "They both blame themselves heavily. No one could or can convince then otherwise."
"I know. I could see it in their eyes." He looked down, nose scrunching in distress.
"I honestly think Lo'ak blames himself for all of this." I ran my thumb up his nose, smoothing out the skin. He relaxed his face.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, he thinks if he never had gone to the old lab, We would have never had to move and we would not have had to fight the RDA at Three Brothers."
"What?! That's absurd. Quaritch would have done anything to come after Dad anyway! Regardless if Lo'ak and the others getting caught." He said, confused.
"I know." I reached up and cupped his neck. "And I think he needs to hear that from you. You're the only one I think he'll listen to on this."
"I will." He wrapped his arms around me. "You've mentioned how everyone fared... except you."
"Observant as always." I chuckled. I set my forehead against his chest. "I could hardly stand it."
"How so?"
"I was completely numb for days ...months." I looked up at them. "If it wasn't for Tuk, Tsireya, and everyone else, I would have faded away. I felt empty and couldn't find it in me to go on."
"Yawne..." I could see tears welling up in his eyes, anguish taking over his face. He pulled me into a tight hug, arms wrapped snugly around my form. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe you had to go through that. I'm..."
"Shh..." I placed my fingertips on his lips. I leaned up and kissed him. He immediately responded, kissing me softly. We pulled away but only a bit. Neteyam kissed my head. "It's okay. You're here now and that's all that matters."
"And I never plan to leave you or everyone else again." He said with soft determination. I nodded and nuzzled into his neck. He ran a hand up and down my back while the other ran through my hair. "And if you'll have me, I want to be mated to you as soon as possible. I don't want to wait any longer."
I saw Neteyam glance at me with a smile before he looked at the stars, too. Above us, the stars twinkled as if Eywa herself was answering me.
"Neither do I." I nose his cheek. As Eclipse came upon us we started back towards the village. I looked up at the stars and smiled. "Thank you Eywa for the best gift of my life."
Tag List: @lunamochii @dayyzlol @ravenodindottir
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momentaryescape · 7 months
Dad Bob Floyd
a/n- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I know its almost over, but college and work are a pain in the ass...hopefully I am able to post more this year, but I don't want to make any promises. Anyway me and my amazing friend @rewrittenreality here texting like a month ago about if the tgm dagger squad boys became dads, this is the result of that. I hope y'all enjoy.
Bob was over the moon when he found out you found out you were pregnant. He would surprise you with flowers and a gift for your baby. When he found out that you would be having a girl we went into full girl-dad mode. He found matching outfits for the three of you to all match with once the baby was born. 
The day your baby was born Bob couldn't stop smiling. The first time he held her, he looked like his life was complete. You walked in more times than you can count to him just staring at your daughter with all the love he had.
As she got older he learned how to do her hair in various styles, and would dress her so they could twin. When her favorite movie was the little mermaid he started calling her “Flounder” and it stuck. The dagger squad started calling her that too, leading to her being the first baby dagger squad member to get a callsign. 
On her first day of school Bob woke up extra early to make her her favorite breakfast, and get her a small bouquet. And when it was time to drop her off you could swear that Bob cried more than her. 
He would talk to your belly just like he did in your first pregnancy, which you swear is why she is a  daddy's girls. But you didn’t mind, you loved your husband any your daughter more than anything else.
When you found out you were pregnant, and that it was another girl, you couldn't wait for Bob to find out. He was on deployment when you learned of the second Floyd baby. When he got home he looked confused at your daughter's shirt. It read “big sister”. When it clicked he looked back and forth between her shirt and you before pulling you into a tight hug. When you told him it was another little girl he told you he was excited to be a girl dad again. So the matching outfits were updated to include another baby. And just like before, when your younger daughter’s favorite movie was Zootopia, he started calling her “Bunny”.
Bob was meant to be a girl dad. He made sure to raise them with all the love possible. He told you everyday that you were the best thing to happen to him, and that you made him the happiest man in the world.
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mustainegf · 2 months
Ok so james and you have agreed that it's ok if he ever needs to wake you up in a special way (wink,wink) so one day he wakes up sooo horny that he just can't hold himself and ...
AHHH THIS IS SO GOOD??? made is passionate cuz why not :P
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𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 ¹⁹⁹²
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I woke with a light, almost painful need pulsating through me.I turned my head to her, and she slept peacefully beside me. Her hair was spread across the pillow, her face beautiful. As always.
We had discussed it, how it would be okay if that urge had ever come over me, I could wake her up with sex. And that urge was really overcoming me right now.
My hand felt like it was being dragged over of its own accord to lightly stroke her shoulder with my fingers, then down her arm. She stirred, making a soft sigh.
I leaned in farther, pressing a tender kiss on her neck and inhaling my favorite scent ever. Her. My hand slid down to caress up her side, feeling the skin beneath.
I opened her legs carefully and took my position in between them. I felt the heat coming off of her and it only grew my needs. I ran my tip across her entrance, feeling her slick lips part for me.
Slowly, I pushed inside, watching her face closely for signs of discomfort. She stirred again, sleepily waking up, with a lazy, satisfied smile stretching across her face.
"James?" she murmured, her voice still deep and groggy from sleep.
"Morning, beautiful," I whispered back, grinning. "I couldn't wait any longer..."
A short giggle escaped her, her hands reaching up to rest on my shoulders. "I hoped you'd wake me up just like this," she whispered, with that look in her eyes, that I knew all too well.
I started to move, slowly first, savoring the feeling of being inside her. She was so warm, so soft, hugging my shaft completely. Her hands moved to my back, her fingers moving, slinking over my skin in a pattern, while I thrust gently.
"God, you feel so good," I groaned, burying my face in her neck, pressing kisses to her hot skin. Her legs were wrapped tight around my waist, as she pulled me closer and deeper.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice ever so breathy. "So much, James..."
"I love you too," I struggled to say, "F..Fuck... right there..."
Our movements became sloppier, desperate if you will. The room was filled with the sounds of our love making, the gasps and moans, the rustle of sheets, the damp slap of our bodies coming together.
She was whispering sweet nothings in my ear, just like she always did. "You're so perfect," she said. "So handsome, so... oh.. I love the way you feel inside me."
Those little words only made me harder as my hips picked up the pace. I ran my hands all over her. "So beautiful, all mine..."
Her body tensed around mine, arching her back off the bed as the sound of her pleasure cried out from her. "That's it.. That's so good... good job, baby..." I talked her through it just before I gave up a deep groan and let go, filling her with my love, my need, my everything.
We just held each other a moment, hugging, our breath combined, the beat of our hearts one. I pulled back slightly into view, eye to eye. Her eyes shone with a few tears, and mine did, too.
"That was so perfect, James," she whispered, blinking the evidence of our love to trickle down her cheek.
I nodded, wiping a small tear off her face. We collapsed there, holding each other in our sweaty arms.
"I could wake up like this every day," she murmured sleepily, a smile tugging at her lips.
"I'll make sure of it," I teased, laying a soft kiss on her forehead. "I love you, always"
"Always," she sighed, closing her eyes as she burrowed into my chest.
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linos-luna · 1 year
My Baby (Pt. 8) 🥀🔪
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7) (Pt. 8) (Pt. 9) (Pt. 10)
Warnings: obsessive behavior, yandere, trauma, kissing, handcuffs, nightmares
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Hurt and betrayed. That’s what your ex was feeling. How is he to handle it? What will he do? It put you on edge and you couldn’t relax. Luckily your boyfriend Minho was there to protect you but how long would that last?
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Being locked up again. Your biggest fear. It haunted you daily and creeped into your dreams. You’re anxiety only got worse as time went on and you were having a hard time sleeping.
Minho was worried. He just wants to help you. He wants you, the love of his life, to feel safe. But he also feels like he’s failing… what more could he do?
~ ~ ~
Vision blurry.
Everything fuzzy.
Where are you??
A sense of panic washed over as you saw your wrist handcuffed.
Handcuffed?? Handcuffed to what?
A bed??
Your heart was racing and felt like it stopped when hearing a familiar voice.
“Babygirl. I’m very disappointed in you…”
“No!” You cried out loud and sat up quickly.
Looking around, you were back in your living room. The TV was on and a blanket pooled on your lap. Thank God
The noise alerted your boyfriend who ran over to check on you.
“Are you okay?!” He asked while holding your hand. “What happened, baby??”
“I-I-…” you stuttered while wiping a tear. “I thought he… I—…
“Another bad dream?”
You nodded and he hugged you tight.
“Oppa, I’m scared…”
“I know.” He sighed.
“And I can’t sleep without a nightmare… a nightmare where he—… where he—”
“I told you, he’s not going to hurt you.” Minho said with a sigh. “I will protect you.”
You wanted to believe him. You knew he meant it. But your ex was smart. Yeah he was crazy but he was also meticulous and determined. He’ll do anything to get what he wants.
“Y/n… please eat.”
You looked up at your boyfriend then back at the plate of food. You just weren’t hungry.
“You know, I invited Jeongyeon to go out with us tonight. She’ll bring a friend too.” Minho said with a smile. “I think it’ll be fun.”
“Don’t we have to finish packing?” You said, not looking up.
“Yes but we need a break.”
“Oppa… I’m cold…” you sighed. “Can we… can we cuddle instead?”
“Of course we can cuddle.” Minho replied. “But I thought you’d like to see your friend…”
“I talk to her everyday.” You said with a shrug. “I just want you right now.”
Your boyfriend smiled and got up, helping you up as well before giving a quick kiss on the lips. He took you to the couch and laid with you.
You loved the warmth of his body. You felt so loved and safe.
He gave you a kiss on the cheek before giving a more passionate one on your lips.
You clung onto him like a sloth, nuzzling into his neck.
Minho thought you were the cutest thing ever and covered you with a blanket.
“Are you trying to get me to nap?” You giggled.
“Sometimes you need on.” He chuckled. “So stressed. And for what?”
“You know why…” you sighed while laying against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“Hey.” He paused. “I promised you that I’d always protect you.”
“I know.” You sighed and he held you to give another kiss on the lips.
“You’re the love of my life, you know that?”
“Good.” You boyfriend smiled as he relaxed.
It wasn’t long before you fell asleep and he got up. Minho looked at your sleeping form and didn’t have the heart to wake you up.
Instead he covered you with the blanket again and left to take a shower.
You woke up at the loss of his warmth and sat up. You could hear the shower so he hadn’t completely left you.
Just as you sat back and started to relax, a cold metal was pressed to your neck and you froze.
“Scream and I’ll slit your fuckin throat…”
Before you could process the voice everything went dark….
~~~~~~~~~~ ♡
Sitting up, you groaned while rubbing your head. It was throbbing and you couldn’t see anything. It was dark.
You could feel that you were on a bed. You could feel that you were in pajamas but you froze when feeling something else, realizing that you couldn’t move your arm very freely.
A cold metal around your wrist… handcuffs.
You started hyperventilating when realizing what was happening and tears rolled down your cheeks as the lights flickered on. It wasn’t very bright but enough so you could see your surroundings. A familiar and at the same time unfamiliar setting.
Your heart dropped as you heard the familiar voice and you turned your head. Looking face to face with him.
Chan smiled. His arms were crossed and head tilted as if studying and admiring you.
“That’s not my name, babygirl.” He said bluntly. “Not to you at least.”
This along with the headache had you spiraling. You were in full panic mode now.
“No! No! No!” You sobbed while holding and shaking your head. “No!”
You could barely breathe and found yourself gasping for air and choking. This wasn’t a dream.
~ ~ ~
Meanwhile your boyfriend was frantically looking around for you. He had only left you alone for a few minutes. 20 at the most! But now you were gone! He had your friend, Jeongyeon over. She came over right away when he called.
“What do you mean she’s gone??” Jeongyeon yelled. “She wouldn’t have just ran off!”
“I don’t know!” He replied frantically. “I don’t know what happened!”
“Minho, what if he-…”
“No!”He interrupted. “No way! I promised her—!”
“I promised her—….” His voice broke and he looked down at the blanket on the floor. “I… I failed her…”
~ ~ ~
“You don’t understand how much I missed you, baby.” Chan said with a sigh. He was sitting on the side of the bed, rubbing your hand gently. “I hope you like it here. I tried making it like your room again.”
You looked around, realizing that he was right. The bedding, the carpet, the decor. Everything was as your room was before but slightly different. Even all your plushies.
“I hope you like it…” he said with a smile. “I can’t wait to play with you again, babygirl.”
You stared at the plushies in front of you. There was your rilakkuma plushie. Front and center. As if mocking you.
Chan stood up, mentioning something about dinner.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you fruitlessly tugged at the handcuffs.
“Sadly, you have to keep those on.” He said with false sympathy.
“For how long…?” You asked timidly.
“Until you can learn to be my baby again…”
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Tags 🏷️
@salfetkablog @jihyun2monster @henrietta-wh0r3 @stanskzsstuff @lixxiebrownies @minerasystem @marry0446-blog @kuin7s @jlady-016 @iilliess @generalbearangel @bunnyxoxodarling @sendkat @han-to-my-minho
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Rat
Media - The Maze Runner Series Character - Newt Couple - Newt X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Dark + Sad Word Count - 3116
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I said goodnight the the boys and headed through the right arms camp, the sun slipping below the mountains, as I poked my head inside the tent. I couldn't hold back my smile, as I saw Y/n.
As I entered the room, I saw her lying on our bunk, all set for a good night's sleep. Her vibrantY/H/Chair was neatly tied up in a bun, and her face had a serene expression. She had changed into her nightwear and kicked off her trousers and boots, which were lying on the floor. She was wrapped up in a cosy blanket and had a soft pillow under her head. The room was dimly lit, and it felt peaceful and quiet.
Naaww she's so cute,
I kicked off my shoes, tossed my jacket and undid my trousers before climbing into the bed with her wrapping my arms around her waist and having a little bit of a fight to hug some blanket away from her.
"Hey! Honey!" I complained,
"I'm cold," She whines,
"I know, but if you let me in. I'll warm you up," I chuckled,
"Seems like a lie for more covers," she pouts,
"Humm you know all my plans, Y/n," I joked, "Come on, come here."
She turned to face me and nuzzled her cute little freckled nose into my chest so I held her as close as I could pressing a kiss to the rim of herY/H/Chair, "Hi honey,"
"Hi Newt,"
"You all ready for bed?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Okay, goodnight Y/n,"
"Goodnight Newt,"
We both shifted and got comfy for a while before we drifted away to sleep.
We both jolted a little as we woke up, the sounds of guns and shouting outside our tent, the sounds of bergs overhead. We both panicked and got dressed rushing out our went and finding everyone else.
"What the bloody hell is going on!" I yelled,
"Wicked!" Minho yelled,
I nodded and kept Y/n close to me as I grabbed a gun to defend myself, "Keep close okay?" I told her and she nodded holding me tightly,
We did our best but it wasn't long before we were captured, lined up like dogs ready to be taken or shot whichever they wanted to do to us, I held Y/n close holding her hand tight as we both trembled unsure of what our fate would be.
The berg landed and soon enough the door opened, revealing... THEM.
Janson and Ava stepped out into the dust and walked up and down our line to see who they had.
"Good, very good. Barely any losses," Janson smirked,
"How did you find us!" Thomas barked,
"We tracked you as far as the mountains until the magnetics screwed our system," Janson explained,
"and then we had some help..." Ava said as she stood in front of Y/n and I, "someone who always understood the greater good of our work,"
"What?" I froze up,
"what the hell are you talking about?" Y/n asked,
"Y/n.. you told them-" Teresa spoke up in shock,
"What no! I didn't! I would never work with THEM!" She complained,
"You- you rated us out... this whole time! we thought you were our friend!" Minho turned on her,
"I am! Minho you've known me for four years you know I wouldn't do this!" Y/n explained,
"A very good little rat kept us updated the whole way," Janson explained,
"NO! I didn't! I swear I didn't say anything to them!" she began to cry,
"Y/n! What the hell!" Frypan yelled,
"I didn't do it!" She whined, "You believe me don't you newt?" she held my hands her eyes pleading,
"Of course I do," I told her squeezing her hands,
"So you both ratted us out!" Thomas yelled,
"No!" She cried,
"Tommy, I swear to you I have not spoken a word to them," I told him,
"Then she ratted us out! on her own!" Minho yelled,
"I didn't I swear!" She cried,
"Don't go screaming accusations at her Minho," I warn,
"Why? you two got something to hide?" Fry asked,
"No! This is insane don't you trust me!"
"I trust you. It's her I don't trust," thomas explained,
"He has nothing to do with it." Janson explained, "Y/n was our only mole."
"Y/n..." I turned to her,
"I'm not I swear it!" she cried,
"You were their mole. All this time. we trusted you. and you were feeding them information to keep them on our tail." Teresa explained,
"It's true, she was our only mole. Said it would be best to get you all back home where you belong." Ava explained,
"newt! you know it's a lie! you're with me almost every day you know I don't talk to them!" She said,
"She spoke in secret usually early in the morning," Janson spoke up, "Updated us of your location. Made a deal. Your location, for a life where she could be safe. You and Newt wasn't it Y/n?"
"Y/n how could you!" Teresa began to cry into Thomas' chest, "She sold us out, just so she and Newt would be safe."
"Y/n... you-" I began,
"NO! I didn't I promise you knew I didn't! when would I, you're always with me,"
"Not always." I snapped moving away a moment, "Where have you been going... in the mornings?"
"Newt that has nothing to do with this..." she whispered,
"Then why not tell me? I love you, you know I do. but I wake up most days and you're not with me... so where are you going?"
"To talk to them!" Minho yelled,
"No! No! I- I've been..." She began,
"Talking to us. keeping us updated." Janson explained,
"No! I wasn't it's complicated-"
"I swear to you Newt I didn't say a word to them."
"It's her word against them, and they both say she did." Thomas explained, "And honestly I believe them 'cause how else would they know someone sold us out."
"It wasn't me I swear," She cried,
The emotions I felt were overwhelming. My heart ached with a deep pain that seemed to penetrate my very core. My soul was on fire, consumed by a mix of anger, disappointment, and betrayal. I struggled to come to terms with the fact that someone I trusted had done something so unforgivable.
She had betrayed us all. Despite her promises to keep us safe, she had sold out our friends in a moment of weakness. I couldn't understand how she could do something like this. We had all put our faith in her, and she had let us down in the worst way possible.
The worst part was that she was the girl I loved. The one I had trusted with my heart and soul. I wanted to believe that she was innocent, that there was some mistake, but deep down, I knew the truth. She had broken my trust, and it was going to take a long time to heal from this.
"I hope you are happy Y/n..." Teresa explained,
"I didn't you have to believe me!" she begged, "I... I keep leaving in the morning as I..."
"To let us all know," Ava nodded, "Our daughter has always appreciated the greater good."
"Daughter?" She gasped,
"Our daughter has always been close to us. Killed us to put you in the maze sweetie, but it had to be done. You knew it. we knew it. you've always been our good girl." Janson explained stroking her hair,
"No... No... I - I didn't know I was their daughter. I swear I didn't I am not a rat I promise!"
"And now we are going to take you all home," Ava explained,
"Over my dead body!" Minho yelled as he kicked Janson in the dick and the fighting began again,
"Get them on now!" Janson demanded as he forced Y/n towards the berg,
"Nooo! Please! I am not going with you!" She tried to argue, "Newt Please!" She cried,
I was in a state of confusion and disbelief as I watched everything unfold before my eyes. Y/n, my girlfriend, had been accused of betraying us to the wicked men who had attacked our camp. I didn't know how to help her, but I couldn't bear the thought of her betraying us. So, I stood with Thomas and the others as we faced off against the attackers. The fight was brutal, and unfortunately, we lost Minho, who was taken by wicked men. They also destroyed much of the camp and took Y/n with them.
Despite the accusations against Y/n, I still couldn't help but hear her screams and pleas echoing in my mind. I wanted to believe her when she said she didn't sell us out, but the question lingered in my mind - how else would they have found us? Why would they lie and say she did? It was then that I realized that it explained where she had been going every morning, but I still struggled to believe that my girlfriend would sell us all out, even if she had good intentions of giving us a safe life together. It was a difficult situation to come to terms with, and my mind was left in a state of turmoil, not sure what to believe.
I leaned against the table in the camp, as thomas threw things around the room in frustration, Teresa going to comfort him. Six months and yet another failed rescue attempt that only cost us more men. We lost Harriet to their clutches this time. We had lost so many in failed attempts, only thomas, Teresa, fry and I left now. With Jorge and Brenda of course too.
"Fuck!" He yelled, "How is this possible? they were right there waiting again! like they knew it was coming!"
"How the bloody hell do they always know..." I sighed, "I know you want Minho back but... it might be time to throw in the towel,"
"Newt's right we just keep losing the few we do have," Fry nodded,
"I know..." Thomas began,
"No we have to keep trying thomas, we have to," Teresa told him cuddling his arm,
There was silence for a moment,
"Yeah, it's like they already know..." Thomas began,
"How would they do that?" Fry spoke up,
"...Maybe... the rat never left," Teresa suggested,
"What..." I gasped,
"Newt." Thomas looked at me,
"They tracked us half away across the world, found us in the camp, and now they know our every attack before it happens!" He yelled at me, "Maybe a rat is feeding them,"
"me! You think I'm a mole! I'm your best friend!"
"Y/n was your girlfriend! and she sold us out! how do we know... all this time... you weren't on her side. made a deal with them, a better life for you and your girl, while the rest of us rot!"
"I would never!"
"Then how do they know!"
"I don't know!" I yelled back, "I'm going for a walk call me when you calm down." I told him,
before I took my coat and stormed out into the camp,
I climbed on top of the rocks and sat down, gazing over the camp and taking in the early morning light. It was the calm before the storm, and I wanted to enjoy it before everyone else woke up. However, my mind was racing with thoughts, and I couldn't shake them off.
I couldn't believe that he accused me of being a mole. After all that I had done for him, he still had doubts about my loyalty. I suppose I can't blame him, he thinks Y/n was and assumes we'd work together, which makes more sense than anything I can come up with. But I think The stress of the situation was getting to all of us, and it was starting to show. The tension was palpable, and I could feel it in the air.
Despite all the chaos, I couldn't help but think about Y/n. I missed her dearly - her hugs, her kisses, and her love. I still hear her screams in my mind, and I can't help but believe her. As time passes, my doubts grow stronger, and I need to see her again to ask her the truth. I know in my heart that she would never lie to me. But, the question remains, was she telling the truth?
It doesn't make sense to me that if Y/n was the mole, then how are they still finding out things now that she's gone? How do they know about our plans? It's all too confusing, and I can't help but feel like we're missing something crucial. The fate of our mission hangs in the balance, and we can't afford to make any mistakes.
As I was exploring my surroundings, I heard a strange fizzing noise that caught my attention. I was confused at first, but then I looked around and pushed on a nearby rock, which tumbled away to reveal something unexpected: an old black phone that was vibrating. I felt a sense of curiosity and decided to flip it open to see what was on it.
To my surprise, I saw a new message on the small, cracked screen that read: "Need New Info Call - What is the next move?" I couldn't resist the urge to find out more, so I started looking through the conversations and call logs on the phone.
As I scrolled through the contents, I couldn't believe my eyes. All of our information, including our plans and conversations, had been updated daily by someone who had been feeding it to Wicked. They were the mole, the rat, and had been working against us all along. They had been keeping track of everything, even updating it when plans changed. It was clear that they had been gathering information on us for a while.
I felt a mix of anger and betrayal as I processed this new discovery. This was a major setback for us, as we had been working hard to keep our plans a secret from Wicked. But now, it seemed that all of our efforts were in vain. We had to come up with a new plan, and fast, if we were going to stay one step ahead of the rat and protect ourselves from further harm.
But who's is this? I scrolled back further and further until I found it... the messages that confirmed it all.
Y/n... Y/n was never the rat.
But she was the scapegoat.
Teresa! was the rat!
Teresa has been planning with them since our escape... planning to get us all back, feeding them our whereabouts, and then when it came time for the pickup, she asked them to make it seem like Y/n was the rat so that thomas would still trust her enough to get the cure from his blood. She planned for us all to be taken that day!
And ever since has been feeding them our plans to pick us off one by one...
... Y/n didn't lie.
Y/n was innocent.
I turned on the woman I love.
I betrayed her.
I didn't believe her.
I left her to their mercy.
I began to cry thinking of the monster I had been to the woman I love when she had been innocent this whole time.
"Y/n.... I- I'm so sorry honey," I cried,
I headed down with the phone in hand as my evidence ready to confront thomas and tell him the truth. But I found him and Fry getting a car loaded,
"what's going on?"
"We are going to the last city. to get Minho and the others out before the boat leaves," Thomas explained, "I- I am sorry for snapping newt your right we need to stay together, there is no rat I'm just being crazy."
"No, thomas I -"
"Come on, we need you with us."
"Is... Teresa coming?"
"No, I told her to stay here in camp she wasn't happy but I thought it was best for her."
I nodded and was about to speak but Teresa came through so I did the phone as she kissed thomas.
I bit my tounge and simply went with them, making sure there was no way she could find out our plans, and I had her phone keeping it with me for the perfect moment.
I know the others didn't want to, but I wasn't leaving without Y/n, Thomas went for Minho so I broke away and went for Y/n, and I found her locked in a cell.
I forced open the door and saw her lying on the floor, herY/H/Chair messy and cut short, her skin bruised and bloody. She looked so broken they had tortured her, tormented her, all to keep her in these cells and keep her quiet. I felt so happy to see her but like crying for all I had done to her, maybe if I had stood up for her... poor thing wouldn't be here, she'd still be in my arms where she belongs, and I collapsed to my knees as I saw her stomach.
"Y/n... Honey. I'm so sorry..." I cried,
"Ne- Newt." she croaked,
"I know it wasn't you, I am so so sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry I let them take you, I'm so sorry I didn't stand up for you. Please can you ever forgive me?" I begged holding her sweet face,
"Of course I forgive you, it was all-"
"Teresa. I know. She framed you. I'm so sorry it took me so long to see it. What... what's this?" I let my hand slip to her stomach,
"I was leaving in the mornings... becuase of morning sickness... Newt... I"
"You're pregnant?"
"Mhm," she nodded,
"Ohh my god- I'm so so sorry honey, I'm so sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry you ended up here. but I am getting you out of her. You and our sweet little baby. I promise. I don't care about your daughter, you're the woman I love. And I will keep you safe and protect you I promise I love you so much."
"I love you too newt."
We shared a sweet kiss and I helped her to her feet even if she was in a lot of pain. We got to the bus under the building, loaded with every immune we could get out as well as everyone who had been taken.
"why is she here?" Thomas asked,
"I know you don't trust her. But I think you will. Once you read these." I handed over the phone still with them constantly asking for information, he looked it over and saw everything I had,
"Oh my god she- she - Y/n I- I'm so sorry I-"
"It's okay thomas. she's very convincing." she nodded,
"I am so sorry for what happened." He hugged her, "You are coming with us. I promise."
"Thank you, Tommy," I nodded, We got a seat and I kept Y/n in my arms kissing every one of her bruises and stroking her bump as we escaped. "I am so sorry for not trusting you honey,"
"It's okay, you came back for me. I forgive you Newt I promise. I still love you endlessly,"
"I love you too. You... and this little one,"
"Our little one."
"Yeah, our little one." I smiled,
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kseung · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Reader
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Warnings: violence, blood, hospital, coma-ish stuff.
Words: 1,090~
Sorry for the delay, and for making this one a bit too short :(
Being a werewolf was great, for you at least. You had wolfed out pretty early on, so by the time you went to Nevermore you could control yourself pretty well already. It made having a roommate far easier.
That was proven useful when you had to jump in and attack the Hyde. Enid wolfed out, but being new... she stood no chance. She still did most though. You wanted to really make sure that the Hyde wouldn't bug anyone in a long time.
Wednesday had almost lost hope once more that day. However, you showed up at the best moment. It was a show she wished she could see, but that was not the best moment. Maybe some other day she'd be able to see you wolf out.
You took the Hyde on your snout, making sure to bite down hard on joints like the elbow or knee. You got covered on more and more blood. Initially, the Hyde's, but after he clawed your back it was your's too. You cried out, but before you could do anything he had bit the side of your leg.
It made you angry. There was absolutely no chance you'd let him get out without serious damage. You slashed right through the skin on his chest, essentially forcing him to become human again. He tried to run, so you threw him against a rock. If it weren't because of Enid you're sure you'd have regretted your next moves.
You turned back, making sure to stay next to the now-awaken Enid, guarding her from the Hyde. You were almost shaking, but still acted tough. Sadly, that did not last long enough. The effect of adrenaline wore off, forcing you to recognize the wounds you ignored before. The last thing you felt was a trickling sensation on your back before passing out cold.
When Wednesday returned, Enid hugged as tight as she could; a gesture returned by Wednesday. She was glad Enid had made it out alive, but then, where were you?
—And...? Where are they?
Enid looked away, hiding herself further in the coat she had around her shoulders. She mumbled something which Wednesday didn't hear. It made her assume the worst. Enid looked back. Wednesday followed her sight, noticing you covered with some coat, laying on the forest ground.
She ran as quickly as she could, trying to calm herself as much as possible. There was hope. She kneeled next to you, placing one hand on your cheek and using the other to lift the coat and check for wounds. Gruesome, to the worst of her expectations.
She acted as logically as possible at that moment, managing to get you a ride to the hospital. At least the teachers in the school could do something, for once. She knew you'd be okay. You are strong.
—It's been days and they're still sleeping—, said Enid. —I really hope they're okay—. Ajax nodded.
—Don't even gotta say it—, Xavier sighed. —Wednesday has been worried sick these days. She barely even sleeps or eats—. Speaking of your gothic girlfriend, she had just passed out from exhaustion. She had nearly died herself, experienced the pain of being stabbed, fought to death quite literally. Almost a miracle she was still there.
—I didn't think I'd find myself saying this, but I do hope this... wolf wakes up—. Bianca sighed as she took her jacket. She dressed up for the cold outside air, bid some goodbyes, and left.
—I think I'm- we... are gonna leave—, Ajax said. Enid smiled awkwardly. She held your unoccupied hand for a second, supporting you silently. She took Ajax's hand and they left.
—Guess I'm gonna wait outside.
It had been some hours when Wednesday woke up, groggy and uncomfortable from the position she had dozed off on. Her neck was not doing great, but it was worth it. You seemed like you were doing okay.
—Wake up soon, or I'll kill you myself.
As expected, you did not respond. She sighed and went back to sitting on the uncomfortable chair. She crossed a leg over the other, letting a book rest against her thigh. Her left hand was too occupied holding yours to read.
She didn't notice it, but you had started to wake up. Mostly because she herself was getting sleepy again. Thing, being the best appendage to ever exist, gave her notice. He pointed and signed until she understood. Her neck cracked due to the speed, but seeing you alive was more important.
She placed a hand on your cheek, lightly feeling the scars. She couldn't help but get teary-eyed. Her love was awake. You leaned into her touch, relaxing despite the situation. She quickly called for the staff, letting them do their job while the thoughts of having you in her embrace, annoying her, sank in.
After some time spent with checkups, you were allowed to rest. You hadn't been too bad in regards to broken bones. However, you were still weak due to bloodloss. Tyler's claws had really made you bleed.
They gave you water to help with the dryness. You used your weak voice to ask for water... and mouthwash. It made Wednesday smirk, trying not to chuckle at your quite you ask.
—Hey there, Wednesday—, you rasped out. Your voice was still rough, as you hadn't spoken for days. The water was of little help. You had slept real good.
She almost contained her smile, but it was you. It made her feel relieved. She sat on your bed, holding your right hand in hers. The gaze she sent you was full of emotions, much to her dismay. You could tell she was glad, happy even, to see you alive and well.
—Hello, amor.
You smiled. It felt weird, since you now had some scars on your face. But it was okay. You had gotten them to protect Wednesday. It was but a sign of your love.
—Did I make you wait too much?
—Yes. As usual.
—Let's not wait any longer.
You leaned in for a kiss, a sweet and short one. If it was too deep, you'd probably end up bursting your lip again. Not that Wednesday minded the blood.
—Thank you, Wednesday. You're always good for me.
—As you are. Perchance it shows.
You smiled and nodded. —I hope it always shows—. You traced a scar with two fingers, entrancing her with your eyes as you did the gesture. She felt seen. And she liked it, because it was you.
—I'll always know.
One more kiss wouldn't hurt you.
Got the reference? Jekyll and Hyde, except that there is no Hyde anymore because you ⚔️
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transmascaraa · 8 months
bf!lyney headcannons!
you have a nightmare and your pretty boyfriend is there for you...
bf!lyney x m!reader
author's note: so this is basically based on a dream i had last night lmao so i thought of writing some nightmare comfort😻 it was a dream but it was sad n scary. you can start reading rn. the rest of this is the nightmare and it'll be the nightmare used in this lmao🫶 | basically me and lyney were on some type of mission, i remember first i was running behind him telling him he's doing really good or whatever and then he entered some old crushed building and i entered just after him and he wasn't there. so i looked out the window, looked up, and saw him hanging, bleeding, i remember a drip of blood getting on my face and then i like started crying in my dream idk then i woke up. help😰
"shh... it's okay..."
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-both of you were sleeping, wrapped in eachother's arms, nothing seemed wrong
-until you started shifting around, and finally waking up. sitting up, breathing heavily, heart pounding, and crying
-lyney woke up because he didn't feel you in his arms anymore
-"mmmon amour?... what's wrong?..." he sleepily asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up to see you better
-you turned to look at him, crying even more now.
-but you just hugged him tight while burying your face in his neck
-"l-lyney..." you sobbed
-he was worried and started thinking about anything and everything he's ever done.
-what happened?
-"mon chéri... what's wrong?..." he asked you while planting a soft kiss to the top of your head
-"n-nightmare..." you muttered under your breath, but enough for him to hear.
-"shh... breathe..." he just held you tighter and whispered a quiet "it's okay..." to you.
-after calming down a bit, you pulled away from him and started rubbing the little space between your nose and your cheek.
-you visibly wanted to clean something.
-"what wrong? you have nothing there?..." he asked you, a bit confused.
-"i-i... i-in the dream... b-blood..." you couldn't continue that easily, you put your head on lyney's shoulder and let your hands rest in his lap
-"take your time, my dear..." he was patient with you, no wonder you loved him.
-"we were on a mission, you and me... and... you went into an old building and disappeared... a-and then... i went in... i didn't see you so i looked out the window, t-then looked up..." you started crying again.
-"mhm..." he listened to you intently, wrapping his arms around you again. he was already concerned.
-"i-i saw you... h-... ha-... h-hanging... a-and bleeding... a-a-and a drip of b-blood... fell on my face... t-then i just cried..." you hugged him back tight and sobbed once again.
-only now you know how much it would hurt you for him to die.
-you couldn't take it.
-he was everything.
-lyney was worried after hearing that, and cupped your face, making you look at him.
-he wiped away your endless tears with his thumbs.
-"i know you have high beliefs in the meanings of dreams, but i'm right here, mon chéri, and that drop of blood doesn't mean anything. i'm alright... nothing bad will happen to me..." he rubbed the place of where the blood was supposed to be and kissed your nose.
-"i-i'm glad... t-thank you, lyney..." you took a few deep breaths and felt a bit better.
-"you're welcome, [name]..." he then kissed your forehead.
-"please stay... i love you..." you said to him, leaning your head on one of his hands.
-"i will... i love you too, mon chéri..." he finally kissed you on the lips. softly, and truly.
-the two of you wouldn't know where you'd be if you hadn't found the other one.
-you two were one.
i love angst/fluff sm it's my way of living.
this dream made me sad tho thinking of his 5th story(i think it was the 5th???)
anyways i hope you guys have a good day/night and remember to have more normal dreams‼️
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storywriter12 · 3 months
When you are scared/sad
Rick:It was after when the farm fell Shane was dead. Lori was pregnant with Judith and the group had nowhere to go. The weather was getting colder and you started to pull away not saying much. After everyone stopped for lunch you walked some more and it was getting darker. Rick was in front but you didn't even know he was right next to you “hay (you) “ you looked up because he called your name, you smiled at him. Hi.
(Rick) everything OK? You seem to be pulling away
(you) you looked at him and he was so sweet with you, he always was, you huffed and looked at him. I'm scared rick we've been going for weeks now. And we haven't found anything. What if this is it? What if we don't find anything? What if Carl and the baby have to live out here? You felt your eyes well up with tears and you let a few drop. He found it nice that you were so concerned about Carl and his baby he hugged you playing with your hair. “We will find something “ he said and kissed your head. You smiled up at him and nodded “rick “you heard Daryl call his name and he walked off. Though all that you saw that lori was looking at you, you looked at her and walked away to go and find Rick. When you did rick and daryl found somewhere “see I told you “he said and kissed your cheek
Daryl:you were out hunting with him, you found some rabbits. When you heard a walker you followed the noise moving some leaves away and you saw a shocking scene, blood was everywhere, clothes were scattered, the walker was eating what was left when the walker looked up to you. It was a kid the kid looked no more than 10 he was skinny and you could tell that he just turned he started to walk to you, you held out your knife but your hands were shaky “I'll do it”you hear daryl say you looked at him and he walked to the walker and stabbed him in the head and gently laid him down, he looked up at you and hugged you tightly you wrapped your hands around his neck as you cried he pulled away after a few minutes to look at you, he wiped the tears away from your cheeks and kissed you softly on your lips “let's go”he said holding your hand until you both got to the car after you got home he spent the night with you just holding you.
Negan:It was night time and a storm was in the air thunder and heavy rain. The rain drops sounded like bullets against your window you were cuddled into a tight ball shaking, negan was a sleep near you it was rare he slept over you must have woke him because you felt his arms around you pulling you to his body you felt so much better he held you until you slept through the night
Simon:you were exhausted and you couldn't deal with anything all what you wanted was your bed and Simon so when one of the men was shouting at you for not doing what you were told you couldn't handle it so you just told him to shut up the fuck up and you walked away of course that got back to negan and the guy was tell all sorts of stories about you to negan and also to Simon bad things so a hour later your door was banging so hard it scared you when you opened it simon was standing there with a pissed look on his face you asked what was wrong and he shouted at you telling you about all of theses lies he has heard you were stunned as he was shouting you told him to stop as you hate it when people shout but he wouldn't listen that's when you sat on the floor covering your ears and then he stopped you didn't even realise that you were crying like made that's when he knew he made a mistake you didn't even know what was going on he rudhed to you to comfort you but you jumped away which hurt him he told you he was sorry you cried as you stood up and cried into the pillow he sat on your bed lying down and just holding you tell you how sorry he was and he was such a jerk he held you whilst you cried and held you when you were sleeping he kissed the top of your head and stroked your hair you cling to him hearing his heart beat was soothing to you you fell asleep but had nightmares but he was there for you which made it all better
Glenn:you were upset after the whole thing with Sophia and with the barn, and she walked out as a walker rick shot her. And now everyone was in shock you ran away from the group she was such a sweet girl you sat down on the floor crying that's when you felt arms around you holding you tightly you looked up seeing glenn you hugged him, back crying. Into his shoulder “it's OK “he said stroking. Your hair you pulled away looking at him both if his hands cupped your face giving your lips a little kiss
(you) what do we do now this place isn't going to stand glenn.,... I'm, scared
(glenn) it's going to be OK I said hugging her again
Abraham:you were in an accident one day and a bunch of the group went to go and fine you and the person you were with you were hurt but alive better than your friend the group took you back to alexandria and to see Olivia when he heard he burst through the doors and to your bedside when you saw him you hugged him tightly and you couldn't help but cry into the hug you friend died he rocked you in his arms he pulled away and kiss your lips softly
Dwight:it was night time and lately you've been having nightmares about your family you lost them when this whole thing started they were ripped apart right in front of you, when you had this nightmare you screamed jumping up dwight jumped out of his skin when you felt his hand in your shoulder you jumped away from his touch when you knew it was him you felt back you said sorry to him and told him the dream you had. When you were telling him he held you to his chest. You felt better with him with you. He whispered you to sleep telling you loving words and just held you until the morning.
Paul rovia “jesus “:today wasn't a good day as you weren't in the mood for any kind of shit so when gregory shouted at you, you shouted back at him and stormed. Out and sat next to a tree you couldn't help but cry as tears came down your cheeks “what's up babe? “you hear Jesus's voice as you turned to look, at him his eyes went soft as he crouched next to you you told him what happened with gregory but it wasn't even that lately you've just been feeling down like nothings going to get better he kissed you and hugged you telling you to have hope he went to go and have a word with gregory to never shout at you again and then you two spent the day together he cooked and you two cuddled in bed
King ezekiel: You had this necklace which was. Really special to you your dad gave it to you on your 16th birthday and you never took it off but today it broke you didn't even know how it happened you fell to the floor crying that's when ezekiel walked passed seeing you on the floor crying made his heart break he crouched next to you and asked you what happens you told him about the necklace sadness filled his eyes he wiped your tears away and hugged. You. picking you up and taking you to his and yours. Room he places. You on the bed as. He took the necklace onto his hands and walked out of the room, you cried. Yourself to sleep until you heard his voice calling your name. When you opened your eyes he was holding a red box he sat on the bed and you say up you opened it and it was your necklace all fixed you smiled and happy cried as you hugged him.
Merle:It was a sunny day and you were bringing drinks outside and someone bumped into you. Making you spill all of the drinks on the floor and all over the man you looked up and the man was angry he shouted at you yelling at how you ruined his shirt you froze on your spot not saying anything you were shaking in fear as you felt a hand on the back of your shoulder you heard merle’s voice asking the man what the hell was his problem when the man said what happened merle made a comment about it was only a shirt and that's when the guy swung for you but merle his him first locking the guy on the floor he looked at you and tears were rolling down your cheeks he held you feeling you shake on his arms from fear hurt him so bad he wished he killed that guy but he didn't he rushed you away and you enjoyed yourself as merle made you laugh and her never let you go all day and night.
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thatboymikey · 1 year
I have a request.
Bubba Sawyer, Brahms Heelshire, billy and stu with male reader who's really jealous and insecure of Stretch, Greta, Sidney and Tatum? Lets say they are dating and the boys mention sometimes something about the girls and he gets jealous and insecure, or maybe the reader and them are dating and then they met the girls. As a person who is really insecure and has big jealousy problems it's just so difficult to see a movie where a character i like has some sort of relationship with a woman (not to mention I'm ftm which makes the jealousy 10 times worse) i hope I'm not the only one 😅
(sorry for some grammar mistakes)
Hello, thank you so much for requesting this. I hope you like it:)
Bubba Sawyer: You had been living with the Sawyers for about a year now and you’ve always had feelings for the quiet Sawyer Bubba. It was hard to explain but something about him drew you in. You’d never admit your feelings because you were afraid they would kick you out of their house or worse you’d become their next victim so you never spoke about it.  When Chop top wanted to visit the radio station where the audio clip of them killing two teens last night was being held you decided to accompany him and so did Bubba. When talking with the girl known as Stretch Bubba cut through the wall with his chainsaw. When he saw stretch you could tell he was enamored not only did that cause jealousy to boil within you when he traced his chainsaw against her inner thigh you were beyond jealous. You were furious despite the fact he didn’t know about your feelings; it didn't make the sting any better. You stormed out of the room with chop top and when you got home you lied down and cried into your pillow until you fell asleep. What you didn’t know was that Bubba had heard you crying but didn’t intervene because he didn’t want to make things worse. The next morning Bubba woke you up indicating that he wanted to talk to you. “What's up Bubba?” you ask as you rub the sleep out of your eyes “are you okay?” he wrote down on the notepad you gave him so he could communicate. Tears welled in your eyes again as you recalled the events from last night. “Do you like her?” you ask as you stare at your feet to avoid his gaze only glancing up through your eyelashes to look at him. He was obviously confused as he stared at you waiting for your response. “Do you like that girl we saw yesterday?” you clarified as you looked at him. He shook his head no as he looked down at the notepad and began writing. “I don’t like her I like you” he wrote as he showed you causing your cheeks to flush a bright red. “What?” you say confused as you stare at him like a deer in headlights. He underlines the I like you part on his notepad telling you once again that he likes you. You were shocked never in a million years did you think he would like you back. “You like me?” You asked as you wiped the tears out of your eyes. He nods his head yes as he envelops your hands within his own “I like you too Bubba” you reply with a smile. He pulls you into a tight hug as he makes small noises of joy as he pulls away from you. “Can I kiss you?” You ask as you stare into his eyes he shakes his head enthusiastically saying yes. You leaned up and gently grasped his face and placed a gentle kiss upon his lips. After about a month you had been dating Bubba and it was pure bliss he often gifted you jewelry made of teeth or dead flowers. Although the gifts weren’t the most conventional, you still appreciated them. You eventually grew up courage to tell the family and they were all very pleased that Bubba finally found a partner. Bubba never saw stretch again and only stayed by your side. 
Brahms Heelshire: You had been hired by Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire to nanny Brahms what you didn’t know was Brahms is a doll. Despite this, you followed the rules and treated Brahms like a human child. About a month in you realized that some of your personal items had disappeared such as your hair comb, items of clothes, and even a pair of your shoes. At first, you thought you had misplaced them and you’d probably find them later but after a little while you completely forgot about the misplaced items only for them to reappear after a few weeks. What you didn’t know was the actual Brahms had been watching you for months studying your every move waiting for the opportunity to reveal himself. After about 3 months Brahms had come out of the wall one day when you were reading to the doll. He hovered over you as you stood up afraid to say anything. “Hello,” Brahms said in a childish voice “Are you Brahms?” you asked as you cowered in fear. “Yes,” he replied, opting to use his real voice rather than the child-like one he previously used. This became a regular occurrence he would come out of the walls and expect you to treat him like the doll following every rule that he had. This eventually led you two to begin a relationship. At first, it was great he was a bit possessive but he eventually got over his jealous feelings but you on the other hand had not. It had been 4 weeks after you two began dating he showed you his room inside of the walls. That's when you saw the odd doll with long brown hair and a woman's dress. “Brahms, what is that?” you ask pointing at the doll “Oh it was my old nanny Greta she left after she saw me” he explained as he threw the doll on the ground. Although it was clear he didn’t care for her anymore it didn’t make the pain of thinking he liked her better go away. You became distant although you still followed the rules you pulled away from Brahms he noticed this and confronted you. “Y/n why have you been distancing yourself from me?” he asked a sad undertone in his voice “Brahms… do you still have feelings for Greta?” you ask as your eyes become glossy afraid of his answer. “What no why on earth would you think that?” he asks as he steps closer to you. “I just… I’m not good enough for you, I'm not pretty like her, and I’m definitely not as good as her.” you explain as tears begin to spill out of your eyes “Y/n of course you’re nothing like her you’re you and that’s why I like you.” he explained as he held onto your hands. “Greta didn’t follow the rules and she left me I know you would never leave me as she did.” he says as he begins to pull you into a hug “You’re so much better than her and I don’t have any more feelings for her you’re mine now okay,” he says as he wiped away your tears. “Okay, I believe you,” you say as you hug him, feeling the cold porcelain of his mask against your skin. “I love you Y/n I will never love anyone else” he reassured as he rubs his hand up and down your back to comfort you. “I love you too Brahms I’m sorry I got jealous it’s just I don’t see how anyone could love me for who I am.” you say as you lean into his chest “Well I love you and nothing will change that okay,” he says “okay” you reply as you plant a soft kiss on his smooth porcelain lips. After this whenever you felt insecure about your relationship with brahms he would comfort you and reassure you that you’re the man for him no matter what.
Billy and Stu: You had known that Sydney and Tatum are friend with both Billy and Stu but when you all hung out you couldn’t help notice that they were both very touchy with them although you couldn’t blame them since nobody knew you all were in a relationship you couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. You hated seeing them both hold onto your boys as if they were in a relationship with Billy and Stu. “Hey Y/n we’re hanging out tonight want to come with?” Stu asks as Billy walks up behind him “Yeah sure is Sydney and Tatum going to be there?” You ask slightly annoyed since it has been a while since all three of you hung out alone “No… Why?” Stu asks with a confused look. “No nothing, I just wanted to know if they’d be there. I’ll meet you guys at Stu’s house okay” you say as you start putting away your books into your locker. “I’ve got to go see you guys later” you say as you lock up your stuff and walk home. “What’s up with him?” Billy asks as he passes a glance to you and then back to Stu. “I don’t know” he replies as he watches you walk out of the building. *A few hours later* You arrived at Stu’s house knocking on the door after a couple seconds Stu opens the door and invites you in with a hug and a kiss. “Hey Stu” you greet as you walk into the living room to see Billy “Hi Billy” you say as you bring him into a hug also giving him a quick kiss as you stand around waiting for Stu to come back. “Hey, can we talk to you?” Billy asks as he sits down on the couch beckoning you to sit down beside him. “Yeah what’s up” you say, afraid that bad news would come along when talking with them. “Are you jealous of Sydney and Tatum?” Billy out right asks as your eyes go wide at the question “N-no why on earth would you think that?” You replied not wanting to share your real answer. “Come on, you can tell us anything” Stu presses as he sits beside you. “Okay yeah I am” you admit as you look down avoiding their gaze. “Why?” They both ask “I just… You clearly like them and they’re better than me and I know that it’s weird to be in a gay relationship with both of you so if you want to break up I get it.” You say as tears begin to well in your eyes “What no nobodies better than you and we don’t want to break up with you.” Billy responds as he grabs your hand. “And we don’t think it’s weird we’re in a relationship I think that we’re different but that doesn’t matter we’ve always been different” he explains as he lightly squeezes your hand for comfort. “And believe me we don’t like Sydney or Tatum. We just let them hang out with us because they’re nice girls and they’re good company but you’re better than them.” Stu explains as he grabs your free hand. “Are you sure?” You ask as you look up at them with glossy eyes. “Yes we’re sure you’re our boy never forget that” Billy says as he squeezed your hand. After you guys talked they often would brush off Sydney and Tatum when they would try to be affectionate and they rarely hung out with them and often turned them down to spend time with you.
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
Man of the match part 1 - John Stones
Requested by a lovely anon, hope you like it even though its hasn't been proofread 🙈
Tag list: @masonxomount @prideofpd @johnstonesfc @stonesyy
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(Gif credit to @johnstonesyy )
John has been in terrific shape lately: starting most games and scoring even two goals! He was happy and you were even happier.
Last big game in chronological order was the one against Arsenal, which was important to decide who would have gotten closer to the final result, winning the Premier League title.
Since you managed to leave your baby girl with his parents for a couple of days, you could make it to the Etihad, to cheer on him from the stands.
The most emotional moment of the night was when you saw him exploding with joy the moment the referee validated his goal. As a natural consequence, your heart burst with joy too, jumping in your spot as the chant "Johnny Johnny Stones" resonated through the stadium. 
You only wanted that game to finish as soon as possible so you could wrap him in your embrace and tell him how proud he made you.
After the game he celebrated with his teammates and recorded some social content for City's Instagram, the only thing you could do was waiting patiently in the room where the footballers' families would usually wait for their beloved ones once the games were over.
You were chatting with Sasha when John finally made his appearance together with Rúben.
"Here's the man of the match!" Sasha cried as we all made a round of applause to compliment him on his brilliant performance. He blushed and thanked everyone before connecting his eyes with yours: the only thing that mattered were your own congratulations, how proud you were of him.
You smiled, opening your arms to him as he he hugged you with so much strength he lifted your figure from the ground. 
"You were amazing, babe" You whispered in his ear, trying to keep your pda as discreet as possible as none of you liked to make a show.
Shivers ran down your bodies as he planted a small kiss in the crook of your neck.
"Thanks. Shall we go home?"
You nodded as he put back on your feet.
You waved everyone goodnight before entering his car.
"I can finally scream about the excellence of my man of the match" You exclaimed in a high pitched voice that made him giggle. You placed your right hand on his cheek to kiss his giggly lips as your thumb gently caressed his cheekbone.
"You were so so good and when the ref said the goal was in, that was crazy!"
He loved hesring you so enthusiastic about the game, talking about it with so much passion. 
"Yeah, that's was crazy" Both his hands were on the steering wheel, being busy backing out of the parking lot before he could place his hands on your thigh.
"Glad you could come to the game"
You smiled and squeezed his hand, brushing your thumb against his skin 
"We have the whoooole night to ourselves to celebrate" You hitted wiggling your eyebrows. 
"Bub's at your mum, remember?"
"Ohh well" He smirked, moving his hand further down your thigh. "You were looking forward to this, don't you naughty girl?"
You sighed, looking out of the window. "Well, if you prefer go home, eat a snack and going to bed it's fine for me"
He moved his head to the side to glare at you.
"What? You won't get away with it so easily…you still owe me that lingerie set you teased me with thr other day"
"Not my fault your daughter woke up crying suddenly!"
"Blame it on a child? You're so mean"
You laughed out loud and batted his hand away.
"Stop it or won't see that set not even tonight"
"And threatening your man? You're such a bad girl"
"Oh you have no idea how bad I can be" It was your turn to smirk and he bit on his lower lip squeezing your thigh.
As you closed the front door of your home behind you, meaning you were now in the safest space possible to show each other all your love, you started kissing your way down his neck, gently nipping at his skin.
John hissed as he firmly held your body close to his. His grip was tight on your bum as you slowly moved further south, unbuttoning his shirt while doing so.
He tugged on your hair to bring you back to your height.
"Go put that set on now" He ordered you huskily.
Needless to say all your clothes were scattered all over the floor as the passion got the best of you and you couldn’t spend not even one minute more apart from each other.
In the morning John was the most similar thing to an angel you could ever think of: his head on the pillow bordered by his perfect curls tickling his forehead made him look like a cherub. His sleeping features made you fall in love with him even more, if that was something humanly possible. 
You couldn’t resist the temptation to move his curls away from his forehead and kiss it.
He moaned and stirred his body, throwing his arm around your waist to keep you closer to him.
"Good morning"
He groaned, not wanting to keep his eyes open.
"We haven't used that set, not even this time" You giggled, pressing your lips against his cheek.
"Someone was too busy asking me for more"
"But there was also someone begging to fuck me if I remember correctly"
John slapped your butt before taking you over his body to cuddle you.
"We have to go take Iris in a couple of hours"
"I miss her running around the house screaming daddyyyyy"
You giggled and kissed his lips.
"Now she'll hug you and won't let go of you for the rest of the day, you know that?"
"I can do that, you'll have to be the one to deal with your jealousy"
"Now you're the mean one" You pouted, making him giggle as he kissed you back.
"But we still have a couple of hours…do you wanna see the set?"
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spacebaby1 · 4 months
Could I request a Sabo x reader where reader use to be in a relationship with Ace before he died?
You've known Ace all your life and loved him since childhood. You couldn't imagine that one day he will be gone forever and you won't be able to see him again.
But it happened; and he was gone forever. Leaving you behind alone. You went back to home alone and completely isolated yourself from everyone even luffy couldn't get you to smile again.
Dadan was always there to look after you, but there were days that you couldn't eat nor sleep and would just stay awake all day long and not leave your room feeling numb, unable to cry.
It wasn't until one day you heard the door knocking and there was no one home so you decided to answer thinking maybe it's dadan and she forgot to take the keys with her.
You answered the door looking at the person standing on the other side; it wasn't dadan, it was a blond haired guy with a hat that seemed a bit familiar then it hit you as your eyes widened the moment he took his hat off and looked at you; you could never forget those eyes.
"S-Sabo?" You asked and he nodded. Immediately you fell in his arms hugging him tight and that's when it hit you, all your emotions rushed into your eyes as you cried on his shoulder hugging him even tighter, "Ace is gone, Sabo! Ace will never come back, he's gone" you cried and cried making him sob with you as he held onto you letting you cry your pain out. "I'm so sorry I wasn’t there to protect him" Sabo said as you cried more, "Ace!" You sobbed.
You cried so much that you passed out in his arms along with the fact that you haven't been eating well for the past months.
You woke up with a loud gasp as you looked around your room, it was dark outside and you immediately threw the cover off you as you slowly made your way out of your room fearing that it was all a dream and you will just see dadan sitting there reading the papers as usual but you were happy to notice Sabo beside dadan helping her with fixing the table, he noticed you Immediately standing by the doorframe and for the first time in months you smiled, and he smiled back making his way towards you, gently placing his hands on your shoulder, "you're up! Did you sleep well?" He asked, and you nodded, "I thought I was dreaming that you came back. How are you back? Does luffy know? Where were you?" You asked all the questions, feeling your throat dry the more you spoke.
Sabo handed you a cup full of water, "I will answer everything, but first, you need to eat something, and yes, luffy knows. He told me to come find you since he's away, he's worried about you." You smiled again, trying hard not to cry, "you are here, " you whispered, and he nodded. You looked at the table and the food, barley moving as everyone else started to eat you just sat there, Sabo picked your chopsticks and the bowel of rice as he proceeded to feed you and you just looked at him, its been so long that you even forgot how to hold the chopsticks. Remembering the reason behind it was because Ace was gone made your eyes water but you tried hard to hold back your tears as Sabo feed you not taking his eyes off you as he could still notice you lost in your thoughts surely thinking about Ace because he knew how much you loved Ace and how much Ace loved you.
As kids Ace would always tell his brothers that if something to happen to him they have to protect you; even as kid he thought like people much older than him now it became a reality and he was gone.
Both you and Sabo sat outside staring at the sky after dinner and you would look at the sky then back at him every now and then as he always kept his eyes on you, "I thought I'd never come back here, you know? Remember how we always wanted to leave and save for a ship?" You laughed at the memories, "even though I didn't know what being a pirate is I wanted to do it because Ace wanted it so bad and now I don't know what to do, he's he-" you took a shaky breath before speaking again, "he's here but not with us, why him?" You turned your face towards Sabo and he noticed your tears building in your eyes, he wrapped his arms around you placing your head on his chest, "I'm scared of the world, I'm alone and I'm scared I can't do it without Ace and I'm terrified, Sabo." You cried.
"You don't have to be scared, I'm here, luffy is here, well, he will if we wrote to him." You shock your head, "No, I don't want to hold him back from his way, I don't want him to be back here where he didn't want to be and I don't want you to be here either, why are you here anyways? You should be out there like Luffy. Why did you come back here? You could've written to me and I-"
"Because you are here, and I promised Ace a long time ago that I will always be one step behind you looking after you no matter what happens and I'm sorry it took me this long to be back, but I'm here now and I will always be by your side." You smiled with teary eyes and chuckled, "I don't even know why I'm here I just didn't want to leave Ace, I di-I didn't want him to be alone in the col-cold ground, why I'm I even crying? I couldn't cry when he died I just stared at the wall and I feel like I'm going crazy because i don't want to move on and forget him, our love was greater than to be forgotten, Sabo!"
He held your face gently with both his hands, "I know, sweetheart, I know. And I also know that Ace would be upset if he saw you crying right now which I'm sure he's looking after you wherever you go, it's okay to cry just don't push me to leave because Pushing me away will not help you. And I want to help you."
"I don't want to be selfish, but I don't want you to leave soon, then I'll be alone all over again." He smiled at your words, "I'll stay for as long as you want me to, okay?" You nodded.
In matter of a month Sabo managed to bring half of your old self back even though there would be night that you couldn't stop crying because you kept missing Ace and Sabo was always there to comfort you all night long as you cried in his arms but slowly the tears turned more into a smile when you'd talk about Ace, you've gotten so close to Sabo that it started to scare you that you like him more than a friend, one day you decided to visit Ace's grave all alone all day, you sat behind the headstone as you kept drinking and drinking, "are you mad at me Ace? Do you hate me because i feel like this? Why do I have to feel all these things for Sabo? I'm I betraying you? I'm so sorry Ace I'm sorry" you started to cry as you placed your forehead on the headstone, it was raining but you could hear Sabo's panicked voice calling for you as the voice got closer and he saw you. Immediately, you stood up still half drunk when you saw him rushing towards you, "Hey, why didn't you te- are you drunk?" He asked, but he seemed concerned more than he would seem mad at you. He tried to grab your hand to lead you home but you pushed his hand away falling on the ground, Sabo immediately got down to hold you but you pushed him away and everytime he'd try to help you kept pushing him away, till you started to cry again, "WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHY DID YOU COME BACK? WHY? WHY?"
Sabo was confused as to why you were acting like this towards him, "because I care -"
"Don't say that! Everyone lies! Ace said he cared, and he's dead! You see that? That's his grave, and everyone I love just keeps dying! You need to go, go away! Leave!" You pushed at his chest, but he didn't move, "Why do you want to take his place?" You cried slamming your fist on his chest, sabo just sat there, he gently grabbed your hands because you were hurting yourself more than him, you looked at Sabo, "Why do you want to take Ace's place in my heart? I can't do this no I won't I don't want to move on, and that will mean that Ace is actually gone forever, I love him please I really love him, I don't want to forget him no no no no I won't-"
"You don't have to!" Sabo finally spok,"but you can't change the fact that I love you if not as much as Ace but I would do anything for you and I love you, I am not asking you to forget Ace, I'll be an idiot to even think about it but I just want you to give me a chance to show you how much I love you and how far I can go for you! Just say the words, please, let me be part of your life, I won't ask you to stop loving Ace nor forget him, Ace will always be your true love but give me the chance to be your present and future and I will give you the world I will make you happy and I know Ace would want you to be happy, please? Let me protect you from the world."
You cried because you knew that you were starting to fall for Sabo and it terrified you that you're betraying Ace which was never the case because Ace would be happier if you were with either of his brothers than with anyone else.
You wrapped your arms around Sabo, "I wanna leave, I don't want to hurt anymore, Sabo, please." He hugged you back just as tight, "I will, I'll take you away and protect you always."
I kinda cried writing this. I hope you liked it!
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odetodilfs · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering could u do male reader x joel . Like reader is joel's boyfriend and was there when tommy joel and sarah are escaping the city and after sarah's death he basicly 1 years past and joel is having a nightmare about the day sarah died and reader help comfort him.
Just a nightmare, my love
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Thanks anon for this request and I loved writing this!
Pairing: bottom Joel Miller x top m!reader
Warnings: Praising kink
You were both sound asleep as Joel held you in his arms, keeping both of you warm, you had just woken up mid sleep but you tried to get back to sleep again, cuddling Joel’s shoulder and cupping his cheek, feeling his soft, growing beard. Suddenly, he started speaking, “No… stop! Please!” he started saying weakly, you thought he was speaking to you but his eyes were shut tight as he started thrashing slightly in the bed. “Sweetheart? Joel? It’s alright, just a dream” you tried to wake him up, “S-sarah-” he almost screamed, oh no, it was one of those nightmares, there was cold sweat running down his head, “Joel!” you whispered louder as he woke up abruptly, screaming for help, “Sweetheart, it was just a nightmare,” you reassured him he looked at you and brought you towards him. “I must’ve woken you up, sorry” he apologized, touching your hair, “No, I already woke up, no need to worry,” you smiled at him, “plus, I wouldn’t mind waking up to a man as pretty as you” you smirked, “Thanks my love” he smiled at the compliment, 
“Wanna talk about the nightmare?” you brought back the topic, “Well, just another nightmare of those, we were escaping and then Sarah…” he cut his sentence and started sobbing, “I’m sorry, it still hurts remembering it” tears were coming out of his eyes now, “Hey, no, okay? It’s okay to cry, Joel, you don’t have to say the full sentence” you said as you scooped him up for him to lay on your chest as he cried, “What would I do without you?” he said as he kissed your body, 
“I don’t want to find out what I’d do without you either” you said, kissing his hair, “I love you” he said as he hugged you, “Love you too,” you said as you patted his back, “Well, it must’ve been terrible for you, so we can just, do something to get your mind off of it, anything” you said with no dirty intentions, but the way Joel’s sweet smile turned into a smirk, “Joel!” you said as you playfully rolled his eyes at him, “So can we?” he asked, but honestly, you were horny too. “Where do you want it?” you smiled as you asked, “Inside me” he asked so politely it was impossible to not give him what he wanted, he shifted so that he was on your back under you, “Never seen you so desperate Joel” you teased him, 
“Please” he begged, putting on puppy eyes made you finally reach for the lube and start smearing it on your dick and fingers. You started to play with his hole, carefully stretching him out for you, Joel had his eyes shut tight as he moaned coos of pleasure from what your fingers were making him feel, he was so vulnerable at that moment. You curled your fingers into his g spot for the first time and he threw his head back and managed to contain a scream of pleasure.
“Mmm, love it when you make those pretty sounds for me Joel” you complimented, he couldn’t even speak from the way your fingers felt inside him, “Ready for my cock baby?” you asked, he just nodded as you took your fingers out of him, “What a pretty little hole you have my love, gonna love making it mine” “It already is yours” Joel said, still panting, you chuckled, “Good boy, now take it baby, you can do it” you said as you pressed your dick against his hole, now loosened up, “Baby-” he moaned “Shh, it’s okay, just stay like this, keep taking it baby, you’re doing so well” you assured him, he always needed assurance when he bottomed, “Yes- more” he begged, and so you did give him more, he moaned and moaned as you slid deeper inside him, “Please” he kept begging so sweetly, with no idea of what he was actually begging for. His whimpers were making you hold back from absolutely ravaging the man, “My pretty boyfriend, you deserve the world, I’m going to make you feel good” you knew Joel got off on the amount of praise you gave him.
As you started thrusting harder Joel started to whimper, his moans were like music to your ears, over the year you’d been together you’d learnt Joel was a very vocal man, he liked making it known he was feeling pleasure, and the way his tight, warm ass was making you feel invited you to thrust harder, but you were holding back, you didn’t want to hurt your man, especially after a nightmare, “Everything good there, my love?” you asked him, “More than okay” he chanted so prettily, there was sweat dripping down his face by now, his unbuttoned shirt giving you a view of his torso, his chest and stomach were so perfect, “Joel, how could I score a man as perfect as you? The way you look, the way your hair feels, the way your ass feels so warm around me, you’re so goddamn beautiful” you kept praising him, he was taken aback, your words turned him into a whimpering mess, “I love you”  you whispered into his ear, he moaned loudly and clenched around you as he came and shot his seed between your bodies.
You continued to thrust in the tight, warm wetness chasing your orgasm like nothing else mattered, “Baby- cum in me” he begged, “please” he begged again, that was enough for you, you came and exploded inside him as you screamed in pleasure, you stayed locked together, panting, then you licked his cum off of his body and scooped what was on your body with your fingers and put it in your mouth, 
“Christ, you were so hot Joel” you said as you took him in your arms, “better now?” you asked, still remembering the real reason you had sex in the first place, “Yeah, thank you love” he said as he kissed your lips so sweetly.
 “Wanna sleep in your arms tonight” he said as he already started drifting back off, “Feel free to” you said, “Can you play with my hair?” he asked softly, almost like he couldn’t believe he was saying it, “Of course my Joel” calling him yours made him smile and he immediately drifted off to sleep as you played with his hair, “Goodnight my love” you said as you kissed his forehead and went back to sleep.
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triforce-of-mischief · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 23: Presumed Dead
Summary: Cia's tricks have left Chief fragile and Wind on the brink of death. Will either of them be able to recover?
Warnings: what's on the box, references to Cia's creep factor, panic attacks, trauma responses
Crossover between Linked Universe and @thatbrokenpromise
Part 1 ~ Part 2 (written by @batrogers) ~ Part 3
What Cia had done to him didn’t matter, not here, not now. The only thing Chief cared about was seeing for himself that Wind was okay. Prince couldn’t bring them to rendezvous with Kokiri fast enough.
They found each other at the entrance of the maze, Chief nearly tripping in his haste to check on Wind. Kokiri was holding the boy, and stood still as Chief grabbed for him.
He had a pulse. Thank all the spirits, Wind was unconscious but he had a pulse. Chief blinked away tears and asked, “So- so the fairy worked?”
Kokiri shifted Wind in his arms and made a cross noise. Chief bit his lip, remembering too late that Kokiri couldn’t sign while he was holding the boy. Warriors joined them, just as worried, and Kokiri handed Wind off to him.
“The fairy closed his wounds,” Kokiri signed. “That’s all I can say. He hasn’t woken up.”
Chief choked and reached to feel Wind’s pulse again, weak as it was. “So… there’s still the chance that he won’t make it.”
“There’s nothing you can do?” Warriors asked anxiously.
“Not without another fairy, I… all we can do is wait,” Chief admitted.
Prince tapped his shoulder, and Chief let the taller man pick him up in turn. Miserable and exhausted, Chief rested his head on Prince’s shoulder, not letting Wind out of his sight as they returned to their camp.
“Not only will he die here, he must be alone and afraid until his last breath. So you see why I can’t let you go to him, my dear.”
Cia’s words rang in Chief’s head until all he could hear were his own sobs.
He was in a blurry state of half-awareness by the time they reached their camps. Later, he would learn that Warriors had brought Wind to his own companions, letting them watch over his sleep. Chief remained with Prince, trying (and failing) not to dwell on everything that had gone so terribly wrong.
It didn’t take long for Legend to gravitate to them. Chief felt Prince explain, heard Legend’s quiet words. He tried not to listen. He didn’t want to think about it.
Prince kissed his hair before standing, gently setting Chief aside. Chief didn’t want to let go, but he relented when Prince signed, “Wars is dealing with her. I’m going to help.”
Chief remembered again what Cia had done to both of them, and Legend quickly took his brother’s place as he cried.
“I can’t do anything for Wind,” Chief whispered a few minutes later. “He lost so much blood and he doesn’t heal over time like we do… a-and she wouldn’t even let me see him. She said he had to die.”
“You did everything you could,” Legend said, hugging him tight in the only way he knew how. How much was the title of Veteran just a front for an awkward, anxious kid? Chief knew that Legend was doing his best, and he would’ve felt more grateful if he wasn’t so tired.
Prince came back eventually, checking in with Chief before promising to bring over food and tea. He was clean, now. Too clean. There had been blood on his face before he left to confront Cia once more.
Chief was well-practiced at making himself eat when he felt like doing nothing at all. He brewed his own tea, too impatient to let it cool before drinking it. It burned his tongue, but it was strong, and that was all he needed.
Prince wordlessly held him again, and let Legend curl up against Chief’s side. Kokiri was nearby, keeping guard. Chief closed his eyes and let the exhaustion win.
A nightmare, instantly forgotten, woke him screaming. Prince was hugging him tight with one arm, frantically signing something one-handed. Distantly, Chief was aware of Legend talking to him, trying to calm him down.
“-okay, you’re safe, she’s gone, nobody’s gonna hurt you or Wind or anyone,” Legend said over and over again as Chief came back to himself.
“I need- I need to see him,” Chief gasped, shaking with the fear that something had happened to Wind while he was asleep.
Legend was silent for a moment, then, “Kokiri says you can, if Prince brings you there.”
Chief didn’t have to determine if he could walk himself, as his brother was still too protective to have Chief anywhere but in his arms. He was carried to the neighboring camp, where Wind had been settled on his bedroll. Time was there, and a few others but Chief only saw Wind.
Wind, laying as if asleep, pale and still as death itself.
Chief couldn’t move, couldn’t think.
How could he, when they had been too late?
When he had let Wind die?
Hands and voices. Pressing, pleading. He didn’t want to listen, couldn’t hear their words anyway (he was screaming again, he knew). He just wanted to hide in Prince’s shoulder, where he didn’t have to look at Wind (see his body) but they wouldn’t leave him alone. Prince lowered them to the ground, and Chief struggled against something being forced into his hand.
Something flickered under his fingers.
Chief froze.
It happened again, almost too light to feel.
He was afraid to look, but he did. He stared at the pale wrist and squeezed it gently.
A pulse.
Wind still had a pulse.
Wind was alive.
More- Wind’s hand twitched, then flexed, and nothing in Chief’s power could stop him from crying again.
The boy’s face twisted, his eyes cracking open and focusing on Chief after a moment. “Why… why are you crying on me?” Wind rasped. “Ew…”
“Because you almost-” Chief stopped himself and remembered with a jolt that he still had a job to do. Desperate, he hurried to check Wind’s pulse again, his breathing, his wound (completely healed and gone). Wind made sounds of displeasure, too tired to squirm away.
Prince caught Chief’s wrists before he could continue, and only then did Chief realize how much he was shaking.
“He’s fine,” Prince signed. “Breathe. You both need it.”
Chief allowed himself a deep breath, more tears falling on Wind’s hand as he clutched it tight.
Not without some grumbling, Wind was transferred to Chief’s lap. Every complaint was more precious than anything, a sign of surviving near-impossible odds. Every breath, every heartbeat was proof that Cia hadn’t managed to break them.
Only fierce protectiveness prevented Chief from crumbling with relief around the boy in his arms. He had to stay strong, for Wind.
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