#And since we're talking about the survivors being plants
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ndrv3expert1 · 12 days ago
The Sun That Never Truly Sets: Kaito Kaede and Tenko's Legacy in the Survivors
Kaede Kaito and Tenko are the as I like to call them counterparts to the v3 survivors their confidants their supports their extroverts that pratically adopted them building them up until they eventually have to die for plot relevance and character devolpment.
And they are as I believe I have compared them to before the sun- bright, radiant, lighting up every room they walk into (hot?)
Untill the sun goes out and it's not immediate but the after effects are felt strongly cold dark unforgiving. It's not as drastic as what would happen if the sun went out in real life but to the survivors it is like the end of the world like there is no life left living.
And yet, even in death, Kaede, Kaito, and Tenko leave something behind. Just like the sun transfers its warmth through radiation, they passed their energy onto the survivors, carrying them forward to the end of the game. Their presence lingers—not physically, but in the lessons they left behind, in the strength they instilled in those they cared about.
Or, if you prefer another analogy: Maki, Himiko, and Shuichi are plants, and Kaede, Kaito, and Tenko were the sunlight that helped them grow. They transferred their energy, their warmth, their unwavering belief, and that’s what gave the survivors the strength to keep going.
In conclusion: Maki, Shuichi, and Himiko are plants, and no one actually died.
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neoyi-backstreetback · 5 months ago
Aephorul/Resh'an, 4, 10, 15, 20!
And Marine/Prima, 2, 13
*cracks knuckles* Let's start with Marine and Prima since there's less of that.
2) who says “I love you” more?
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Honestly, both of them would be equally sharing that role, but in significantly different ways. Marine is much more outwardly and while it's not always a direct "I love you!" He is far, far, far more affectionate about it. That is, in a very blatant, glomping/planting dramatic kisses/locking-arms-out-in-public kinda way. He's a french robot, what'd ya expect?
Prima tends to be more subtle. He prefers the quiet "I love yous" in the privacy of their home (well, space ship in this case.) He tends to wordlessly wrap his arms around Marine or give him reassuring pecks on the forehead whenever Marine is sad or something like that. I personally like writing where the two don't necessarily say "I loves you" at the drop of a hat, but express it in their own ways through gestures and spoken reassurances/affections.
And without delving too much into spoiler territory, Prima would be the kind to softly tell Marine he loves him when the latter is asleep, for reasons I can't say yet since we're not at that part in the story.
13) who gives the most compliments?
This is the only one on the answer list that I did not draw art for, partially because after drawing everything else on this blog post, I started getting tired and partially because I could not really think of what to draw with Marine and Prima specifically for this piece.
The answer is, both would, but again, in their own ways. When Marine is especially happy Prima did something he likes, that bot is gonna be super giddy and enthusiastic with his compliments. Prima would dish out his more casually with a thumbs up; kinda like a "eyyy, that was the ritz, Fish Bot."
Okay, now for Resh'an and Aephorul.
4) who swears more?
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Resh'an tend to swear when prompted more than anything.
10) who usually makes dinner?
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In his younger, pre-immortal days, Resh'an was a prince, so he had personal chefs literally cooking for him everyday, so dude never learned a damn thing. Obviously, also being a guy hyperfixated in alchemy meant he'd ignore food for hours at a time and sustain on coffee and whatever meals his servants left him that he only shoved into his mouth hole when he realized that, oh right, eating and drinking is what keeps you focused and not feel like dying.
Aephorul isn't a master chef by any means, but constantly traveling alone for so long and surviving harsh conditions meant he learned to cook what he could. We're talking camping, wilderness survivor levels, so he knows how to skin rabbits, pluck feathers from birds he's shot, and gut fishes he's killed. Most of them are just roasted over an open fire. Everything else is food he'll have bought from any towns and cities he's in and often ones that'll last, like dried sausages or cheese. ...He can fry eggs, but boiling them means he can store them to be munched on later.
Aephorul did try to teach Resh'an how to cook (survival and all), but it basically boiled down to Aephorul just doing most of it himself when it became clear that man would be likely to burn a house down with his lethal handling of a frying pan.
Post-immortal, Aephorul has an army of minions from all across the multiverse who often serve him food, half of which he doesn't really eat anyway because he just has a lot of work to do. Though the ones he does eat, he's actually very grateful for it. Aephorul genuinely has fond memories dining out in restaurants and bars in his travels, so he likes eating whenever he has the time. Sometimes, he actually will eat with his minions because he liked the bustling sounds of a busy bar in his youth. Aephorul doesn't really say much, he just lets Barma'thazel or the Acolytes chat about what Kevin's been doing to the office fern the other day or if any of them signed the card for Carol's retirement party.
Resh'an, being the kind of guy with a lot of time on his hands and genuinely appreciate of the world(s) around him, did eventually learn to cook and especially bake (hey, it's mixing ingredients, just like alchemy) which would prove useful a few times...........................but largely never really did make good use of it in favor of the truly heinous amount of take out he ends up ordering instead due to his literal centuries holed up in his library cave doing spacetime research and the shitton of endless money he can alchemy up whenever he damn well wants to pay for his umpteenth Chipotle burrito.
15) who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
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Technically both. Aephorul, usually when he's the most angry; Resh'an if Aephorul pushed his buttons enough. There have been MOUNTAINS of arguments between the two of them out in public before they learned to at least STOP TIME so they could conduct their bitchfest without prying eyes or ears.
Pre-immortal days, it was usually Resh'an embarrassing Aephorul, but in a very affectionate way. In spite of being, like, 20, Resh'an would do that shit where kids would pull someone's pigtails or poke them with a pencil as a sign that they liked them. Past Resh'an would absolutely do that to Aephorul when they were slowly getting to know each other. Aephorul found it annoying, but damn it, he could not stop blushing at that guy For Some Reason.
Resh'an did stop eventually, largely because he outgrew it. Running away from home and learning to adapt to life outside a palace took the spoiled child out of him relatively quickly.
20) who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
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Aephorul without a doubt. And absolutely out in public. He will smother that man with kisses, hugs, and minor inappropriate touching until someone complained and the two of them would be escorted out of the park because damn it, they were warned about this.
Resh'an tries to put a stop to it before it gets too far and maintain some decorum, but he secretly feels validated that Aephorul, after millennia after millennia, has never stopped loving him. Resh'an adores the affection, he just won't admit it.
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quadrantadvisor · 1 year ago
What if I scripted Stephanie Meyer's "The Host" into a TV show, and I kept all the rad as fuck sci-fi concepts and the messaging about human love and resilience, but I removed all the nasty bioessentialism and openly advocating for teen girls to date adult men. What then?
Probably would keep the focus on Wanda and Melanie's relationship, rather than the love square/jealousy plot. I never liked how after Melanie started "fading" in the book she basically became a nothing character. Also the way she completely lost all sense of self and/or rationality whenever her dude was around was uh. Dumb.
Also the cast of the human survivors are so potentially interesting, but we never spend any time with them. They could have sub-plots! We could get to know them! The funeral scene of that one guy would be way more emotionally effective if he like. Actually had a character before dying.
We're keeping all the alien species as they were described, like the telepathic underwater plants, or the polar bears with hand blades, or the bats who communicate entirely by singing. Also benevolent parasitic communism. That's good as is.
But yeah every scene with Jared or Ian needs to be at least slightly reworked, so we can get them to the level of "flawed yet compelling" instead of "irredeemable assholes". And we're aging Melanie up a few years, that's going to solve a lot of our problems from the get go.
Uncle Jeb and Jamie are mostly good, they can stay. And the basic plotline of the human characters being rightfully terrified of Wanderer because of what her species has done to the human race, but as a result mistreating her, since there's no way for her to adequately communicate she's not a threat to them, and then slowly learning to accept and to trust. Honestly that slaps. I love when characters get the shit beat out of them because of Circumstances. I love when people who think that they have to be enemies, because they have every reason to be, because not only are they on opposing sides but they have actively harmed one another already, decide to become family instead. Favorite storyline, has the same vibes as that one ATLA fanfic where Zuko's taken captive on a water tribe ship, y'all know what I'm talking about [you likely do not know what I am talking about].
Basically The Host would be one of my favorite books ever if it didn't suck so bad. Also no one ever cared about the movie adaptation. A TV show could be so kickass. Thank you for attending my ted talk.
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ben-marco · 10 months ago
do you think its possible for other system's to plant memories into someone else? with all this shit coming out about legion and us having experiences with manipulative and toxic RAMCOA survivors who were close with legion who said they remembered us (in very specific detail, so it wasnt just "oh you sound vaguely familiar", it was "oh. you are the same person i remember" type deal, which i realise in hindsight was probably not the safest way to realise this trauma but oh well you live and learn) and told us some information about abuse we (may) have faced, i'm fighting tooth and nail with my brain trying to convince myself im not totally delusional about this possibility being very real to us.
yes i realise we may have done some self destructive things trying to uncover memories and we practically begged the friends to give us information about this abuse we may have faced, and we may be looking too deep into things (such as reactions to various things, dreams, etc), but theres also a large majority of 'evidence' that they only helped unearth this trauma for us, and helped us in discovering something that may explain our childhood.
we're trying not to rely on online folk to help us fill in gaps about our trauma and our possible RAMCOA trauma, and we are currently seeing a trauma counsellor (although we have paused sessions right now due to financial issues) so hopefully we can get some professional help in regards to figuring things out, but i am paranoid that these people somewhat partially convinced our brain that we absolutely did 100% go through this abuse with them, and im paranoid that we're just straight up delusional about this trauma being real, especially since most flashbacks we did get whenever we were talking with them came due to them talking about specific topics with us - although despite not talking to them for months we still get flashbacks and various other system related things
we're trying to remind ourselves that we have nothing concrete as evidence that it did 100% happen outside of internal system things and flashbacks, which is why i'm constantly trying to say that its alleged and all that jazz and trying to shift our focus on doing trauma therapy / counselling and discovering things in private and not announcing it to the world
sorry for the rambling, and again, feel free to delete and / or not respond, i do not expect a therapy session out of this and i do not ask this with the intent of trying to get some stranger online to diagnose my experiences and / or feed into the belief that "yes it 100% is true you went through that trauma and theres no other way" because i believe getting that sort of response would be harmful in the long run
From personal experience, I can tell you that it is. Dissociative folks are highly suggestible, and your experience with Legion is frighteningly similar to an experience I had with someone else.
If you want to discuss this further, please feel free to send a DM my way. Anon, I really hate that you had to go through that and I'm hoping I might be able to help.
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8bitsupervillain · 9 months ago
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi pt. 18
I'm doing things slightly out of order here.
After the scenes talking about Hinamizawa Syndrome, and how Keiichi was the only survivor the VN cuts to the Great Hinamizawa in Memoriam List. But for now, we're going to skip that.
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Meanwhile, in the future. The far flung year of 2003. With your chain wallets, and your skateboards, and your myspace, and your roller discos.
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Just why were you on the other side of the island when the rest of Rokkenjima exploded Eva? Did you know that it was going to kerplode?
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That is some extremely good luck on his part that he just so happened to not die due to the extreme amount of gas that allegedly would've floated by the section of the stream he was knocked out at. Also I find it geographically odd that within walking distance of a massive swamp is a clear water stream. Maybe that sort of thing is more common than I would think, but it just strikes me as someone not really knowing how geology works.
Not to derail the ending here, but whenever I hear about something like a swamp I tend to assume that it's probably about as large as a lake. A not insignificant chunk of land. Also when I hear swamp I think about a large mossy area just teeming with all manner of plants, vines and stuff, a very boggy area. Based on the screenshots of what was shown when talking about the Onigafuchi swamp it looks more like a tar pit. I know this was a really inconsequential thing to get hung up on.
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I think since Hinamizawa gave Keiichi the power to kill a thousand plus people simply by wishing for it that maybe the same power granted him some sort of divine protection. Or it could be that he actually had unknowingly inhaled a near fatal amount of gas, and that's why he almost died shortly after getting picked up by the SDF. That somehow him being unconscious in the stream filtered the gases to a less lethal amount of gas. Stream water, or dirt somehow filtered the gas.
I wonder why there's all this skepticism about whether this is actually Keiichi speaking on this old tape. Is it just because the general public loves a good conspiracy theory? So they're treating these final words of the lone survivor of Hinamizawa as a mystery to be solved? If it is a conspiracy, why? Who stands to gain from this tape surfacing twenty years after the incident happened? Also is Hinamizawa Syndrome still a think twenty years after the fact?
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If the reporter were trying to make a buck off of the tragedy months after the fact why did he bury the tape? Especially if the rumor that he broke into the mental health facility was true. Isn't it just as likely that Keiichi could have requested the interview? In an effort to clear the air about the mystery. Given his reluctance to speak much in the interview I don't think he willingly agreed to it.
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I guess Hinamizawa Syndrome is just a lifelong mental disorder if you contract it? No... I don't think it is, I think the way Keiichi is acting here is just the result of the mental trauma he went through over the chapter. In a very short period of time he worked himself up into a murderous rage, beat someone to death with a baseball bat, had everyone he knew act like he hadn't done that. Then he was told a woman he wished would die, did. Same thing happened twice more with Irie and Ooishi, he came across the viciously murdered body of one of his best friends less than an hour after that. The person he made these sacrifices for turned against him, and then shoved him off a bridge causing him a significant amount of injuries and to be knocked unconscious for more than a day. Then to cap it all off he finds out that every single person he knew in Hinamizawa including his parents had all died in the same freak accident that theoretically should've killed him as well. That is an large amount of terrible events to have to process in a short forty-eight hour period. The fact he was able to compose himself and not just be reduced to a babbling madness is nothing short of miraculous.
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I really think they missed a trick here by not including the sound of footsteps throughout the chapter. I know it's meant to be a tantalizing mystery, but I can't help but wonder why did whatever got Keiichi in the end wait half a year before finishing him off? Is it meant to be something like the curse from The Ring? That it needs to propagate itself by having people spread the tale of the curse around before it finally gets its victims?
And so, Keiichi is 0-3 in this series. He just keeps dying, he's tied with Tomitake and Takano in terms of deaths (I think it's fair to assume Takano died in chapter one). Now that I think about it basically everyone has two deaths to their name. Of the main cast everyone except for Satoko and Ooishi have two confirmed deaths across the series. And you could make the argument that Satoko vanishing at the end of this chapter should count as a death. Even the new guy Irie got killed in his introductory chapter!
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shmowder · 8 months ago
Ooh, OCs! I'm in a patho oc group that I've unfortunately been too busy to participate in lately but I love my little (big) guy, so I'll share him here.
His name is Yonho, he's a former butcher turned botanist/agriculturalist, and he's 15 - because odonghs aren't born, they're spat out from the earth as fully formed adolescents. Yep, he's a worm NPC!
After learning how to exist for a few years he was put to work as a butcher for the Bull Project, but after doing that for a few years and realizing his labor mostly just made their greedy exploitative Böös richer, he quit and went to be a cattle herder in the steppe. He was free, but lonely, and couldn't enjoy his freedom knowing so many of the Kin were still slaving away at the meat factory. So he thought, hey, we're working there so we have money to buy food, right? So why don't we just grow our own food and we can stop working for him?
Great idea! Lots of other people thought of that before, though, and... the soil just sucks. It's terrible. Anything except twyre is barely worth growing. If they were going to stay in one area they had to depend on imports. But instead of giving up or saying they should return to being nomads he wondered if there was a reason twyre grew so well, and if they could give other plants that property. He planted the herb patches in Shekhen and started studying them, and one day when he was explaining his idea to a butcher who stopped by, they said they saw a book about something similar at a shop in town. He looked into it and found several books about plants, but they were all in Russian. So he went to some of the Kin in town and had them translate, and started trying to learn to read Russian himself so he could understand them better.
Now, a worm being interested in western science and trying to learn to read Russian is very unusual. And guess who caught wind? Vlad Jr. He immediately sought out Yonho and offered to help, saying he would give him the books he used as a child to learn to read, and would have books on agriculture imported for him. Yonho was obviously skeptical but Vlad Jr seemed better than his father and he couldn't think of a way this would hurt him so he cautiously agreed. And it worked, Vlad Jr did get him books on reading and agriculture. With his help Yonho quickly picked it up, and with a better grasp on Russian he started to speak more clearly, more like a townsperson. That was when Vlad Jr started talking about how wouldn't it be great if they could educate all the Kin and make them civilized like this? And Yonho realized he had never actually been interested in helping him, he just wanted to show they could be assimilated. He was understandably furious and while he didn't cut ties with Vlad Jr completely since having those connections is handy, he went back to Shekhen to focus completely on his twyre experiments. That's where he is during the game, and he's thrilled when Artemy frees the survivors from the Termitary and brings them there. He's even more determined to succeed now so it can be a long-term solution.
Despite being a devout Boddho boy, he really doesn't have any issues with the Town itself. Plenty of the Kin seem to like living there. It would be fine if not for the meat slave factory. And the racism. But a lot of people, especially those from the lower districts, are completely okay with living alongside them. Bar a mass departure, Yonho's staying near Shekhen and the Town forever. The Kin are his family. He's not leaving them.
Of course he believes all the steppe legends, being one himself, and he also believes the Mistresses. They've had Earth Mistresses and Mother Superiors for ages. However, he doesn't like the Dark and Light Mistresses. They're powers not native to the area, and like invasive species, they cause more destruction than good. He obviously hates the Olgimskys and thinks the Polyhedron is an abomination, so he hates the Kains too. He doesn't know much about the Saburovs but Katerina is a townborn Earth Mistress and they're not responsible for any huge destructive superstructures so he likes them best by default.
Obviously he would aid Artemy in his attempts to bring the Kin to Shekhen, but he wouldn't be hostile toward Clara or even Daniil if they were polite to him. I doubt he'd sabotage it, but he'd try to rescue the Kin from Utopian end by bringing them to a safe place in the steppe rather than inside the Polyhedron. As for quests... I'm not sure! He might ask you to get him a book or some supplies for Shekhen, or to talk to Vlad Jr for him. He would definitely be one of the worms you can trade herbs with though.
This was... already much longer than I intended it to be oops but here's the full document I made for him! And here's a drawing of him, done by the awesome @hayheadd!
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A WORM OC!! IS IT MY BIRTHDAY? I LOVE HIM PLEASE MY CHILD <33 I would move the mountians and boil the seas if even one thread on his clothes gets touched by someone with malic.
Reading his backstory felt like reading a fable tale, one of those beautifully drawn bedtime stories you's obsess over as a kid. The narrative build and gradually steps he takes in order to solve this conundrum instead of just surrendering to the harsh reality.
He isn't satisfied with the current treatment of the kin. He wants his people to be turly dependent rather than subjected to borderline slavery by greedy cooperations.
It's very admirable how he doesn't give up even when his attempts fail, when the plants he attempts to grow withers, he asks why and tries to find an alternative way, searching for knowledge and information rather than simply giving up and thinking it was a foolish thing for a worm to even amount to anything.
I also like the complex relationship with Vlar Jr. Because he genuinely would help a worm if he ever caught wind of someone of someone like Yonho attempting to learn russian and actually read books. Sure, he'll do it with the intention in mind to spin this whole thing into benfiting his agenada to "uplift" and "enlighten" the kin, rather than actually understand why Yonho is doing the things he is.
But he still helps, I love that rat boyfailure man who. It is clever of Yonho to not cut off all connections since Vlad Jr. naivety or underestimation of the worms and kin can benfit him into getting even more batony books and outerworld resources with the Olgimskay's connections alone.
Ha, ironic. Taking advantage of the Olgimskay ignorance to help his own people who were wronged by them, to provide the kin even more knowledge whilst still respecting his own traditions and culture.
Because he knows the earth is a living thing, that he is a living proof of the magic in this universe and you shouldn't forgo one for the other.
Yk who else believes in steppe legends? Yulia, at least in P1. Taya also seems like she'd hold great favouritism towards the worm attempting to plant her strawberries and all kinds of fruits she's always read about but never tried.
Mother superior would definitely have his back if one of the Kin has a problem with his ways or claims it's an insult to the earth to attempt to not be satisfied with just the twyrine and swerve.
The art is so beautiful, I adore the little flowers and how accurate his clothes are to the Kin fashion ingame.
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inseparableduo · 2 years ago
Ok so! I've brought up that there is a part of the cult that worships twins and have talked about it a bit but, let's get into it, shall we?
First off, a lot of the members are just survivors from when twins escaped. Some had a hand in the experiments that twins and many others went through. Some had no idea that was even going on. All of them have one thing in common, however. They witnessed twins when they were possessed. It was that night they had split from the cult. This group is made up of about 30% of survivors.
Seeing how pissed off their God was and quickly coming to the realization that there was just no way they could ever control the Gods, they sought redemption. They are kinda aware the twins are still alive? They see twins as a part of their God. They don't really understand that twins aren't vessels. They just believe the twins are her new mortal body. This as you can imagine means that their bible, scripture, and rituals are very different from the 'main church'. In fact, they have cut themselves completely off from that group and have no clue what they are up too now.
They see Twins and their God as one being. Interchangeable, one and the same. This group is rather fervent, as after a few years of just nothing things started to change. For a long time, the head priest prayed for a sign that they were forgiven. Twins themselves answered and fulfilled this prayer. One night, she had an unforgettable dream. Someone was patting her head as someone else close by was singing a lullaby. She remembered feeling such an incredible feeling of peace and safety. Something deeper than they had ever felt before or since. The person patting her head told her, "Dry your tears. Don't cry, all is forgiven now. We're with you. Don't forget that."
Even if they wanted to brush that dream off, they couldn't. When she woke up, there was a rose bush that had grown overnight in front of her window. Not only did it grow out of season, but she had never planted any roses anywhere on her property. She had decided to pluck a flower from the bush, and to this day the flower has never wilted. Even as the other flowers on the bush died eventually.
Suddenly things started to turn around for every member. Small and complex things people had prayed for were suddenly getting answered. They were getting more time with their family, miraculous streaks of good luck, surviving near-death experiences, etc.
It had then become undeniable they had been forgiven. Since then, they have moved on to doing charity work and building a community. The head priest, with the help of a select few, have also started to rewrite/write a brand-new bible to reflect their new views.
In verses where twins become God, they show more signs in an attempt to direct their church.
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fluffygreenkoala · 2 years ago
Avatar: The Way of water Fic head canons (Aonung x Original Female character)
• A ship from Earth arrives at Hell's Gate, and inside is a sixteen years old girl... Max's daughter.
• Long story short, Max married a fellow doctor (pediatrician) some years before departing from Earth although they were engaged for a long time. Due to our planet's decaying stability, various natural catastrophes took place, one of them a horrible earthquake who left very few survivors, one child. The one Max and Philip adopted when she was two (bureaucracy, yikes) and raised as their own.
• Shanti (Peace in Hindi) is of Irish birth, but growing up with Indian and American fathers acquired some of their customs and sayings as well. Her birth last name is Healy, which her fathers let her keep along with Max's (Philip doesn't like his, so to respect his wishes I'm not going to share it). He was more than happy when he proposed to Max because it meant changing his family name - and marrying, of course.
• She calls Philip Dad and Max "Paapa" (Dad in Hindi)
• Philip calls her sweetling, Max calls her "chhote phool" (small flower in Hindi)
• Shanti has long, wavy ✨light✨ brown hair she keeps in low ponytail/braid depending on the day and clear green eyes, isn't tall as a tree but she's lithe and athletic, has good coordination and quick thinking.
• She's a kind, gentle girl who likes to learn, loves to dance (specializes in Kathak, Odissi and Irish riverdance) and would like to become a doctor and veterinarian, drawing inspiration from her fathers' work.
• Shanti was also born deaf, so she uses sign language to communicate and can read people's lips. She can talk but is unsure of how she sounds; she likes and can sing though, via touch and contact with someone's skin she's able to make out the rhythm of a song and sing along to it through the vibrations in the person's bones.
• Of course Max is distraught about his husband's death, but he's happy and overjoyed to have his daughter there.
• She quickly proves herself a trustworthy and reliable ally, helping out in Awa'atlu and learning all she can of medicine from Max, Norm *and* Ronal, wanting to be able to assist the Na'vi that gave her a roof - because as soon as she befriended the teens' gang, she was one of the people.
• She immediately learned the Metkayina sign language and from then on it was BOOM, we're adopting this cool soft-hearted girlie.
• Since she's constantly in Awa'atlu to see her friends and have study sessions with Ronal and Tsireya, she was given her own pod which Kiri, Tuk and Tsireya helped her embellish.
• Upon having to demonstrate what human dances are like to a curious Tsireya, Shanti performed a Kathak piece with the help of a violin-holding Norm and everyone's jaws dropped. Humans are able to create pretty things after all. Lo'ak swears that during the performance Aonung straight up stopped breathing, but there was no recording... that we know of.
• At first Shanti and Aonung share an awkward, shy friendship, that then turns into a full-on camaraderie and "Have you seen my son?" "Ask Shantee". It blossoms into love last, but it's so gradual that all those around them know and feel it developing (and the two are also aware but plagued by "What if she doesn't feel the same?" and "What if he can't be with a human girl?/What if my being human is too much of a sorrow on him?"
• Eventually they do get formally engaged with both Tonowari and Ronal's blessing other than Max's, who are happy to see their children happy with someone who respects and values them
• Shanti teaches Aonung to recognize edible plants on other Pandora regions and makes him food bags for hunts, while he teaches her to breathe underwater so her exopacket lasts longer as she's there - he also shows her nice places he discovered as he went here and there on his little adventures.
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catgirl-yeji · 1 year ago
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
hi and welcome to my corner of the internet. this blog is still under construction until I can add my about page ( did you know that you have to personally ask support to be allowed to use a page code with javascript in it? :)) well, you do now ) so beware of the construction tape!
I'm Autumn or Faon, I use they/them pronouns and I was born '95. ticked about all the boxes on the queer registration form and I'm currently in a queerplatonic relationship. central european & white. future linguistics & politics student, and plant parent. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak german and english, and I'm studying french, korean, japanese and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. 🦈 I sometimes draw cat ears or fangs onto idols and actors ( see: my icon ), if you'd like me to make you an icon, drop me a DM.
my hyperfixations and interests change over time — yes, it was a phase, mom! name a constant state of being, mom! — and I change my username every two or so years. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, the motherland: fort salem show, and I'm watching a couple of k-dramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, stardew valley and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age fandom as well an 00q shipper. I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie;; also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you for your attention.
you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf — and most recently @catboy-jaebeom ! 🌺
tumblr veteran and survivor of the mishapocalypse. I've been renting this space ( occupying, maybe, rather? skjsdlkgs it's not like I pay rent ) since 2012, and trust me when I say: this website is a hellsite, but it's our hellsite, so, I'll stay until the last person switches off the lights, probably. >< a lot of other social media networks just never grew on me quite like tumblr.
I have two sideblogs worth noting: @splittergheist, my writing blog where I post short stories and poems irregularly, and my secret and private miscecanis / omegaverse blog ( a lot more interested in the world-building, concept and lifestyle than the smut, but no hate! ) that I may give out if you ask nicely and privately. also, if you're interested in some tumblr rp, you can message me as well, I have an OC blog for that. 🐰
that said, I tag my posts extensively, so if you need me to tag something, you can shoot me an ask and I'll try to tag specific things for you! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 💛 oftentimes I'll message you privately when you send me an ask that doesn't seem like it should be answered publicly ( unless you've sent it on anon ofc ) and while I do answer tag games, I'm too anxious to tag ppl myself unless we're like super close, sorry ><
I track #faon.tagged. if you make ( especially kpop ) content you think I'd like ( itzy, got7, nct & wayv but especially ten, xiaojun and yuta, red velvet, shinee, svt but especially joshua, mingyu and dk, skz but especially hyujin and felix, but also others! ) you can use this tag, I'm always happy to reblog pretty gifs and support you guys, you're the backbone of our and any community.
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the cut, as well as some 'reviews' my lovely mutuals wrote for me ( if you like to leave a review, hit me up in my DMs! ) thank u, ily 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright, I think we could all use that at the moment;; I'd super love new ppl to talk to ( pls have your age or an approximate in your bio! while I'm fine with talking to minors, I'd like to know beforehand if I do ), so message me!!
kpop stuff
ult group: got7
other groups I like: nct 127, itzy, wayv, shinee, red velvet, seventeen, oneus, ...
soloists I adore: xia / kim junsu, taemin, ...
biases: lim jaebeom & choi youngjae; nakamoto yuta & xiaojun; kang seulgi; hwang yeji & lee chaeryeong; joshua hong & lee seokmin; choi minho & lee taemin; kim leedo & lee seoho; park seonghwa & jeong yunho; kanemoto yoshi; ...
wreckers: mark tuan & kim yugyeom; ten lee; kim mingyu & lee woozi; kang yeosang & song mingi; shin ryujin; ...
for as long as xitter still exists, I can be found under jaebueomgi.
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on november 22nd:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on november 22nd:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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waokevale · 1 year ago
I strongly agree with this take!
And since we're talking about how the characters would rule the world in Maxwell's place, let me give some of my ideas, alongside potential skin changes.
Here's a couple entries of other characters if they were potentially to run the constant their own way:
Willow would absolutely be the kind of person who would spring life in just to destroy it later. She has to every once and a while create new stuff, it doesn't have to look good, as long as it's flammable! And of course the fire she'd cause would probably last waaay longer than it does normally, and it would take much longer for the structures to be completely destroyed before the flame gave out. I really like the hair they did for her in her triumphant skin, because she's DEFINITELY have that sort of thing going on, buut then again, she's just cosplaying as Charlie but in a puffier dress. I think she'd wear something much more chaotic.
While I think her top part would stay similar to her triumphant, her bottom part would need more color, more FIRE kind of similar to her Magmatic skin but with much more razzmatazz, and the skirt would actually be 24/7 fire effect, as would be her hair. She'd love it that way. Also her hair could probably switch between being actual fire (perhaps whenever she's excited or angered) and the nightmare fuel one.
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would probably build a robot army and I'd like to imagine they'd use one of their scrapped skins as either a mech or their brand new, better body. (They'd likely make themself into a stronger type of metal so they might potentially change color, depending on the metal's properties)
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They'd also add a ton of weapons, firearms and spikes to look extra menacing and tall. (As any 4'10 person dreams of I'm sure) Their version of the constant would just be a mine field full of machines 0% organic plants, all mechanical mock-ups, and instead of water, the lakes and ocean would be filled with either tar, gasoline or oil, anything that's actually beneficial to machines. They'd also build a lot of obnoxious statues of themselves as Maxwell does.
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Not sure if she'd wear so much black but she could potentially make herself appear younger (ditch the black hair, shed make herself ginger again, or stay grey) I don't really have many complaints against her outfit except that it could perhaps use more white or grey. She'd definitely keep the feathers though, that part suits her well and she doesn't seem to complain about wearing fine clothes.
And about her ruling; She'd make the constant into her personal library, build a couple of statues of herself since this exists.
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She'd probably make the area appear more elegant and maybe victorian, honestly I think she'd have a similar taste to Charlie, but with her nerdy addons. Books will be everywhere. Of any kind about pretty much anything. She'd probably occasionally show up to the player and give them some kind of interesting fact before dissapearing into nothingness. Now that doesn't mean she would develop a sadistic side, anyone corrupted by Them would, I'm sure.
She'd likely punish those who avoid reading her books, or make her books especially hypnotizing so once you start reading you won't stop until you're finished with the last page. So for example If you pick up a book while starving, fighting or running you'd be screwed potentially. She'd also make notes of your progress and tell you that she's making a title about you. Similar to Wilson shed put you into specific experimental situations to make her book more interesting. And you should know very well that authors can be quite vicious to their characters. :)
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would make himself ridiculously muscular I'm sure, ditch that shirt and belt, maybe he'd just wear speedos and flex all the time, other times he'd go back to his era as a war vet and look like a commanding officer. He'd make the survivors go through a military endurance training, turning the whole world into one hellish gym. He'd probably brag to the survivor that he can do it, so why can't they?
On the plus side, food would be plentiful. There would be patches of land to farm, and beasts to hunt too, but you'd have to survive a full course of training to get to them first.
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would obviously fill the world with spiders. Any kind of spiders, every surface would be covered in webs. He'd make the area a fun playground for spiders, but a misery to everyone else. Maybe he's unaware of it, maybe They made him enjoy watching others struggle. He'd probably add in other creatures but they'd all be lower on the food chain than spiders.
And I'm not too sure about him being a black widow, since they're not even as deadly to humans, as they're rumored. So how about making him even more deadly, say a Funnel web Spider? (Would show the image here, but I don't want to startle any arachnophobes so you can search them up yourself) Now, the pattern on their back might not be as iconic as the red hour glass, but their venom is certainly much more deadly, and they're said to be more aggressive. One chomp from Webber and you'd be sent to the purgatory.
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while I'm not sure if he'll cope well with being on the shadow side, so I'm going to give two alternatives. One if he were to become corrupted by the nightmare throne, and other if he were to come into ruling on the light side.
Triumphant wormwood is honestly a very fitting skin for him so no complaints there, he's a rotten, carnivorous plant, he both looks and feels miserable (plus he already sticks out from the rest of triumphunt skins) so naturally, he would make the world as rotten and miserable as he himself is. The world would be covered in vines and thorns, plants would rot quickly, so harvests would be few and far in between, the most sufficient way to get food is to hunt mobs. Although most mobs would also be carnivorous plants, so the main source of food would be plant meat that's also likely stale.
His throneroom would all be just thorny vines with a few evil flowers here and there. Vines would hang from the ceiling which would likely strangle you if you made the wrong move. They would do that if you were to try and free him from the throne.
On the other hand, if he were to go into god mode as a being of light, the way he is. It honestly depends on his mental state to be honest, but knowing Them, he'd crack eventually or 'realize' his purpose, so in that case, the world would all be Alter themed, everything would be lunar plants and moon rocks. The nature would be plentiful, ghastalts would roam freely, and every night would be a full moon night. Shadows would be extremely rare in this world since the player would constantly be in a state of enlightenment. Even the caves would be mostly lit up by magical plants and flying mutated creatures. Wormwood would not allow a single shade to escape him, since Alter says shadows are bad, therefore they must go away. Though I imagine such world would look rather intriguing, all encased in a moon glass terrarium basically.
Skin wise I think his moonbound does the job just fine, bringing him back to his roots.
And that's all the character ideas I have atm. It's honestly fun imagining how these guys would dress and rule the world.
Ok this may be me being pedantic BUT
Something's always bugged me about the Triumphant Skins. They're supposedly the survivors if they had the opportunity to rule the Constant (minus Maxwell) or something along those lines. And for those most part, they do a good job of it.
But you cannot tell me that Wilson would run it like Maxwell did and dress in a fancy suit that (if you go by his Guest of Honor skin and quote) he'd likely hate.
If Wilson was in charge of the Constant, there's no way he wouldn't treat the place like his own personal science experiment. Studying the behavior of humans under stressful conditions and deadly situations? That would be a goldmine of data for any aspiring scientist of the era.
TLDR Wilson's Hallowed Nights skin is a better fit for a Triumphant skin instead of him cosplaying as Maxwell.
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robogenko · 2 years ago
🦋🎀🐾🔪 for Genko, Briar, & Poe?
🦋What is their favorite season?
Genko: Autumn, he loves Halloween and spooky stuff and wearing costumes, so Fall is just right up his alley.
Briar: Summer. All the best things happen in summer according to Briar. No school, vacations from work, cookouts, camping, warm beaches, shorts weather, no rain. They hold up in the heat well, especially since Boston doesn't get nearly as hot as their home town did.
Poe: Surprisingly: Spring. The planting season keeps his mind occupied (and off of the horrors), but it's not too hot yet and there's still plenty of rain and fog.
🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}
Genko: Genko is a little crow that picks up anything shiny, but not anything specific.
Briar: Briar collects comics and games. One of their more exciting scav trips they found a deck of cards and could not be normal about it.
Poe: Poe is also a bit of a hoarder, but he has a few things he looks for specifically: Holotapes (he is obsessives about this, any kind, but loves to find audio recordings and music), synth parts (He's made several attempts to reverse engineer them.)
🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?
Genko: No, not really. Well... you could count Poe, I guess? :P
Briar: Oh yeah, Guillermo! AKA "Moe" aka "Momo" Briar is *pretty sure* he's a chihuahua... but he could be just a really big rat.... Mostly sure it's a dog though.... Found him in a hole underneath the Red Rocket just outside of Sanctuary... with a bunch of molerats... Hmmmm....
Poe: Also has a dog. A cattledog mix named Diogie. She's one of his closest friends, aside from his buddy PackRat.
🔪Say they were put in a classic 80s slasher/horror setting, who would they be? {Example: The killer. The dude who dies first. Etc.}
Genko: If we're talking 80s horror, the one punished for being too horny and unmarried.
Briar: The survivor.
Poe: The over-paranoid guy usually played for comic relief who dies in the most "I told you guys there was something fucky going on!" kinda way, OR possibly the Mad Scientist gone amok.
These were great questions, thanks for the ask!
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fadebolt · 10 months ago
Personal room rankings:
1 - Shoreline: C11 (9/10) 2 - Icy Monument: B06 (9/10) 3 - Rubicon: LAYERS_OF_REALITY (9/10) 4 - Silent Construct: C04 (8/10) 5 - Five Pebbles: B06 (7/10) 6 - Submerged Superstructure: FARSIDE (6/10) 7 - Submerged Superstructure: U03 (6/10) 8 - Suburban Drifts: A53 (5/10) 9 - Solitary Towers: C08 (4/10) 10 - Metropolis: ruin02 (3/10)
Extra comment: Man, C11 deserved so much better. I know the Garbage Wastes route is more common than the Shaded Citadel one, especially amongst new players, but my god, is this room an amazing introduction to Shoreline, wasting no time in showing you its sick beats, while using the game's screen transition system to effectively spook some unexpecting Slugcats with the help of the hungry seaweed. It also offers a boatload of food. I feel like Shoreline has a ton of it in general, but it's especially nice and helpful when you can find a bunch in a (semi) safe room near a karma gate and a shelter. I do understand why most people would prefer the 3 rooms that got more votes (after all, they're all very unique and important and memorable), but I also have a lot of love for this thing.
C11 was one of the rooms I was asked to cover, but there's also a few more. Specifically, some Saint rooms that didn't get too many votes.
Like for instance, A53. Though this is one that I don't really care about either, mostly because… well, I just don't care about, like, half of Suburban Drifts in general. The rooms that you'd cross when going between 2 of the 3 karma gates are mostly great, but then there are ones like this, that just sort of… exist. Which sucks, because in Survivor's and Monk's campaigns, it was the fairly important 'Unseen Lands room', whereas here, it just has nice vibes, while being simpler thanks to your mobility, and that's about it. (Unless there's a music replacement, like with Sheer Ice Torrent playing instead where we originally had Bio Engineering. But to my knowledge, that didn't happen here)
And there's also Icy Monument's B06, which I was shocked to see as a mostly ignored option. Like you can't tell me that you don't find it fun to climb onto that ceiling, and then swing through it, while all the Orange Lizards are malding :D I suppose it still made it to round 2, which is a win on its own. I just thought it would put up much more of a fight, since it was one of the key rooms that made me love Saint's gameplay so much.
Because we're on a track with Saint rooms on regions that didn't perform well on this poll, let's also throw up a bonus one from Silent Construct, D06!
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This one is generally used while descending from what used to be Five Pebbles' puppet chamber. Sure, it isn't overly fun, and the visual design on the very bottom part is questionable at best. (Cus guess what, some of it is actually part of the background, and there's a botomless pit there… but good luck noticing that without the Geometry feature of the interactive map!) But also, it's a pretty interesting one, because in case you haven't noticed, this is actually that first tall room from Unfortunate Development (or F03, if you wanna use IDs), a room that was absent from The Rot, which is apparently now meshed together with a different room that may or may not have been accessible before. Either way, I find it weirdly fascinating how such a Rot infested UD room is not only still around in a semi-recognizable state, but that it even got some plants growing on it, something that couldn't have happened during the snow days, indicating that the room was still there during the Rivulet campaign, outside of the superstructure, in this exact state (just inaccessible, and maybe with a little Rot).
See, this is what I'm talking about whenever I'm praising Rain World's environmental storytelling! You can infer so much from so little, and it feels so rewarding when you put thought into these things, to figure out all the neat little details. It's a great display of why people always say 'show don't tell', and what it can do when it's followed effectively. It's hard to say if this is enough to warrant a high rating, but I'm still doing an 8/10, even if a more objective non biased score would be a 7 or a 6. I just enjoy it when rooms make me think about stuff.
Pick Your Favorite Rain World Room, Day 243.2 R2
This is not single elimination! Every room with at least 15.0% vote will move on to the next round.
There is a hidden slugcat in one of the rooms (they can be in any color). If u can see it comment or reblog with where they are and if u are first, u get a cookie!
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Credit for game screenshots goes to: Rain World Interactive Map, Rain World Wiki and me
Congratulations for day 242 winners!
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clexa--warrior · 6 years ago
Fear The Walking Dead' continues its losing streak in Sunday night's episode 'Ner Tamid.'
Credit: AMC
Sunday night's episode of Fear The Walking Dead was a little bit better than the rest of this half of the season, and I think I know why: There was no Morgan!s
Morgan and Al are off doing their own thing, and miraculously we didn't hear from either one this week. That's good! Sadly, we also didn't get any Alicia. She remains one of the only characters I still like on this show, though the past few episodes have done their level best to character-assassinate her (she's probably off painting more trees at this point).
The rest of the episode was pretty much about as pointless as the rest of the episodes in Season 5. Charlie "runs away" from the convoy to go find some place for them to stay, so that they're not always on the move. Finding a place to stay is a really good idea. Running off on your own in the zombie apocalypse is stupid beyond all reckoning, and I wish the writers and producers would stop making the characters act like such absolute dunces every week.
It appears the real problem is June, who is apparently in charge of the caravan and its 36 members. She's driving them all hard, not letting them stay in one place long, no rest for the weary and all that jazz. Even John Dorie is like "Hey June, baby, I love you but this is ridiculous," but it falls on deaf ears. I'm not sure why June is acting like this, or why she's suddenly in charge, or why they have a caravan instead of a base to begin with, but that doesn't matter. Fear The Walking Dead just does stuff, and we're just supposed to eat it up without questioning anything.
I think that's the only way people can still enjoy this show--just don't ask any questions, don't think about anything too much, don't expect anything remotely like logic or realism or human nature to figure into it at all.
In any case, Charlie makes yet another new friend while out on her own. This time it's a Jewish Rabbi, Jacob Kessner, who lives all by himself at his old synagogue. All his former flock are now zombies, calling to mind Father Gabriel from The Walking Dead (though Kessner is much less annoying than Gabriel, who I still can't stand). Charlie thinks this would be a good place for the survivors to settle down, but things don't work out. Before the end of the episode, the safe haven is overrun and Kessner is out of a home. Shocking. We've never seen the survivors show up and ruin a good thing before! (That's sarcasm, by the way. Everywhere our heroes go falls apart, from the family on the island to the Mexican villa, to the ranch, to the kids' treehouse this season).
June and Dorie show up and there's some zombie action, but we know nobody is going to actually get killed by a zombie. That hardly ever happens on this show. The last time I can think of it actually happening was when Madison died, but she died offscreen so we didn't even see it. There used to be some great zombie kills in previous seasons, but there's no reason to fear anything in Fear The Walking Dead these days.
That applies to Logan and his group of feckless, toothless bad guys. At one point they chase Sarah and Dwight--who looks ridiculous clean-shaven, though I suppose it's symbolic of his being totally neutered by the do-gooder sickness that's befallen the entire cast--and almost catch them but the tank shows up and saves the day. Of course, why they were so worried and running to begin with is beyond me. Recall last week when Morgan and Al were faced with a dozen of Logan's thugs and nothing happened. They just blocked the road and that's all. Are we supposed to think that this week things are so different that they pose an actual threat now?
Of course, it turns out that the whole thing was just a diversion. Logan wanted to distract the convoy. Apparently he's figured out where the oil fields are and he wanted Morgan's group as far away as possible which, uh, kind of sounds like what he did in the very beginning of this season by having them fly off to the nuclear power plant region. They're running out of ideas so fast it isn't even funny.
Is there even a story here? I mean, there are things that happen I guess, but is there a story? Let's try to parse it all together, shall we?
Season 5 starts with Morgan and most of the crew crash-landing a plane because they thought they were helping someone but it was just Logan tricking them so that he could take over the mill. The first half of the season is spent trying to get a new plane or fix the old plane so they can fly it back. There's also a nuclear power plant that's going to melt down, and we meet a new character, Grace, who is trying to prevent that. Eight episodes are spent on this dual-plot, with Strand and Charlie ultimately saving the day by bringing propellers in a hot air balloon to the heroes who then use their years of airplane mechanic experience to fix the plane and then fly successfully back to their own area of Texas because apparently that region has zero roads leading. It is a mystical island within the state of Texas that can only be reached by air (unless you're Dwight or his wife who apparently both managed just fine on solid ground).
So that's the first half of Season 5. Crash plane, fix plane, fly out. Logan has the mill. Then, bizarrely, at the very end of the first half of the season Logan tries to make a deal with them. This deal is not struck, we discover in the Season 5 midseason premiere, and Logan goes back to working with the thugs. I can't tell if they're working for him or he's working for them, because the show has done such a lousy, inconsistent job at explaining things to us.
Speaking of which, we learn that during the break, during the period of time that occurs off-screen between the two halves of this season, that Morgan has discovered where Polar Bear's oil fields are. And I guess he's also figured out how to refine oil into gasoline. And I guess this is what Logan was after the whole time, but they just neglected to introduce that conflict in any remotely comprehensible way. Now, five episodes into the back half of the season, the entire plot seems to be "Morgan and group go around helping people more while Logan tries to figure out where the oil fields are." Five episodes of filler with virtually nothing of any importance happening. Alicia meets the guy painting on all those trees. Morgan and Grace try and fail to spark a romance. Logan is mad at Morgan but does nothing about it. They film a stupid PSA and put it on VCRs with generators wherever they can so that people know that they're out there trying to help people.
None of this qualifies as a story, at least not really. The story, if it had to be boiled down, would be the conflict between Logan and Morgan's two groups. But that conflict barely exists, as evidenced by the times they've actually encountered one another and done nothing. At least Negan did stuff. At least the Saviors posed a threat, no matter how badly produced Seasons 7 and 8 of The Walking Dead were. At least there was a story.
Here we just have people driving around wasting gas, talking on walkie-talkies, rarely having realistic conversations or actually interesting struggles or conflicts. It's all contrived. You could probably boil down the entire 12 episodes we've seen so far into two and not lose anything.
Just take away the whole entire plane crash plot and have them tricked into leaving the mill. Then have Logan realize what he wanted in the mill wasn't there and go to war with Morgan to get the map to the oil fields. The oil fields themselves would be useless to Morgan since he doesn't know how to refine oil into gasoline, but he knows that Logan is bad news so he keeps that information from him anyways. Have Logan kill some of the good guys, and have that test Morgan's resolve to be a good person. Have Dwight show up as one of Logan's dudes, on the other side of the conflict, and have that make him question whether he's made the right choice.
I mean, I think you could probably get eight episodes out of this conflict, and then you could twist things around for the second half of the season. Morgan could snap again, go full killstreak mode. He and Alicia could break into two different groups and the conflict could continue between them somehow. This is all just spit-balling. The fact is, it would be fairly simple to come up with a better story for Season 5, with better and more natural conflicts. Actually, I'd have introduced Logan as a sympathetic character and had him join the group, had his treachery not manifest until it was too late. Make the betrayal sting.
But this is all fantasy. I want the same kind of tense conflict that drove Season 3, with sympathetic characters on both sides and no easy resolution. But what we're getting is a bunch of badly written filler episodes with no real purpose and an overarching conflict that makes no sense. Meanwhile, we get things like Al leaving all her tapes in a safe and then not bothering to even shut the lock boxes, and that's how Logan discovers the oil fields. We get John Dorie shooting a bullet at a hatchet blade so that it can split in two and kill a pair of approaching zombies. That's the kind of vapid writing this show has now. It's just sad.
Next week, Logan will use the oil fields to wipe out half of all living things in the universe and the week after that Al and June and Daniel will send Skidmark back in time in a time machine they built out of spare plane parts, and Skidmark's job will be to kill Polar Bear before he ever planted the oil seeds that eventually grew into the oil fields, but little do they know that Polar Bear is waiting for them . . . . it's a trap!
I just . . . I can't. I don't know what else to say. What a sad joke Fear has become.
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