#smeyer the host
painting-peaks · 1 year
Ian O'Shea really said "I would still love you if you were a worm" and he MEANT it bless his heart
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quadrantadvisor · 6 months
What if I scripted Stephanie Meyer's "The Host" into a TV show, and I kept all the rad as fuck sci-fi concepts and the messaging about human love and resilience, but I removed all the nasty bioessentialism and openly advocating for teen girls to date adult men. What then?
Probably would keep the focus on Wanda and Melanie's relationship, rather than the love square/jealousy plot. I never liked how after Melanie started "fading" in the book she basically became a nothing character. Also the way she completely lost all sense of self and/or rationality whenever her dude was around was uh. Dumb.
Also the cast of the human survivors are so potentially interesting, but we never spend any time with them. They could have sub-plots! We could get to know them! The funeral scene of that one guy would be way more emotionally effective if he like. Actually had a character before dying.
We're keeping all the alien species as they were described, like the telepathic underwater plants, or the polar bears with hand blades, or the bats who communicate entirely by singing. Also benevolent parasitic communism. That's good as is.
But yeah every scene with Jared or Ian needs to be at least slightly reworked, so we can get them to the level of "flawed yet compelling" instead of "irredeemable assholes". And we're aging Melanie up a few years, that's going to solve a lot of our problems from the get go.
Uncle Jeb and Jamie are mostly good, they can stay. And the basic plotline of the human characters being rightfully terrified of Wanderer because of what her species has done to the human race, but as a result mistreating her, since there's no way for her to adequately communicate she's not a threat to them, and then slowly learning to accept and to trust. Honestly that slaps. I love when characters get the shit beat out of them because of Circumstances. I love when people who think that they have to be enemies, because they have every reason to be, because not only are they on opposing sides but they have actively harmed one another already, decide to become family instead. Favorite storyline, has the same vibes as that one ATLA fanfic where Zuko's taken captive on a water tribe ship, y'all know what I'm talking about [you likely do not know what I am talking about].
Basically The Host would be one of my favorite books ever if it didn't suck so bad. Also no one ever cared about the movie adaptation. A TV show could be so kickass. Thank you for attending my ted talk.
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‘til we die, it’s just you and I
until the end of time we will be together
‘Til We Die - Juniper Vale and Vian Izak 
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dasmel · 1 year
re-read The Host by Stephenie Meyer and it still slapped just like when i read it in high school (even though i am now painfully aware of the book’s flaws as a 24yo agh) i always loved ian o’shea and i’m glad to see he still holds up <3 got the post book depression now lol open to chatting about the host :)
*okay but it was also so nice to read adult fiction so i didn’t have to worry about age but then i DID have to worry about age when smeyer wrote in the 17yo and 26yo relationship and also put wanda in a 16yo body UGH
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justheretopetyourdog · 8 months
Mel: I have an idea.
Wanda: No murder.
Mel: I no longer have an idea.
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sun-ni-day · 1 year
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foxintheferns · 6 months
Diving into the world of smeyer’s The Host. Going to start writing fic (man oh man there’s approximately two fics out there for this fandom & holy hell it’s sad) while getting back into my current Twilight works and I’d love to get a sense of how alive the fandom is!
Please give me your take below! :-) <3
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927roses-and-stuff · 1 month
its 2024 and i like a smeyer book. 2014 me would be aghast because she'd think it's twilight
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
Was desperate enough to use the search function to find posts about The Host by Stephenie Meyer and I just wanted to say, I love your takes and I agree with everything.
The love square never made sense. Jared and Melanie were impossible to root for because the sole basis of their love was that Melanie felt safe with him and Melanie was the last woman on Earth to Jared, and then neither of those things turn out to be true so all they have is intense sexual chemistry. And especially in contrast to Ian and Wanda, how and why am I supposed to care about them? And there is no reason for Wanda to love Jared. I get her falling in love with him through Melanie’s memory of him, but the reality ought to have shattered that illusion for both of them IMO. Especially for Melanie, because he’d rather scream at and hit her body rather than even entertain the hope she might be in there. Sure, he protects it from other humans, but then he abuses it, so that’s not in fact protection; it’s possession.
The gender bioessentialism never made sense. Sure, Wanda’s in a female body and can make the choice to reproduce, which is super cool. But given that her sense of gender hinges on that ability to reproduce and given that that ability is super rare, why would other Souls gender themselves? I think being agender or someone who just didn’t give a damn about pedantic human gender roles would have been super interesting for Wanda’s character and I think it would have added more dimension to her and Ian’s relationship. He barely had to struggle with the fact that the body she was in belonged to an attractive cisgender girl and he was a cishet man, in spite of Meyer’s weak attempts to call that into question. The gender question might have thrown him for more of a loop.
Contrast that to Jared’s very comphet interpretation of his relationship with Melanie, and ooh baby, we’ve got a stew!
Also would have liked more exploration on ethics in general. Why do the Souls care about the well-being of the organisms on the Fire Eater planet but not on Earth? Instead of stopping from eating them, do they steal their bodies too? And the humans killing other humans in an attempt to save them: Is it okay to murder them if they’re the ones doing the murdering, like before?
Sorry for the long ask. I just have a lot of thoughts. Please feel free to block and ignore if this is too weird. Genuinely no intention to bother or offend and I’m sorry if I have.
Oh man I'm always ready to rant about The Host with people!
Yeah I feel like Meyer thought she was saying something really deep about human nature and the way that our instincts drive us? And there is something there, like, your body having a reaction to another person and that affecting your behavior is interesting! In my opinion she just went WAY too far with it, and it makes the characters seem unrealistic and childish. The ways that both Melanie and Wanderer act around Jared are bizarre (this may partially be my ace spectrum talking but like, c'mon.) Jared just kinda sucks, also. The whole idea that there's this inherent magnetism between MEN and WOMEN and that that physical attraction is the most important thing in the world is so heteronormative and amatonormative and uncomfortable
And the book was SO CLOSE to having an interesting take on gender! Examing the genders and/or lack thereof of a body-snatching alien species could be so fun! There's even the mention of the alien species with three genders, and talking about their family structures. You would think that something like that would indicate a more expansive view on gender, but really it's just an extrapolation of more bioessentialism. Because that species has those biological sexes, their families MUST be steucturedin this way, because that's what's natural for them. There's no room for variability or different sorts of feelings. She completely equates gender with biology, even when that biology is being coopted by a hitchhiker.
You're so right about Ian and Wanderer, I would love more examinations of how different she is from humans, including in a gender sense, and them having to deal with that as a part of their relationship. Setting up Jared as someone very entrenched in social norms and Ian as a foil to him in that way sounds really interesting!
Soul society and ethics are SO fascinating. I do sincerely think that Meyer is an compelling fantasy and sci fi world builder, if nothing else.
It's late and I feel like I'm a little incoherent but I love getting to chat about this book, it's so infuriating but so fun, now I want to read it again.
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The host in memes 7/?
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manonbeakblack · 1 year
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a host playlist in 3 parts (inc. the obviously much-anticipated vinyl release. Isn't that so nice and a normal thing to do??)
🎧 apple music
thx to @whydoistilllikethehost for sourcing the screenshots so I didn't have to
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justheretopetyourdog · 8 months
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sun-ni-day · 23 days
Do you think in time before they found a new body for Wanda Ian kept the cradle with him would sometimes open it and hold her and maybe talk to her? Coz he missed her...
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Just finished rereading The Host for like the 100th time in my life. And honestly it's a good book. The pacing is excellent in the sense that something or multiple somethings is always happening which means there are no parts where I'm hust skimmimg whole chapters trying to get to the good stuff. But there is still super cool world building and character development.
Not to say they're aren't problems with it but ngl it's definitely my guilty pleasure book. And I think Smeyers has a wonderful take on gender that is always shocking to read about knowing she's a Mormon.
Lastly, she did the whole, "Would you love me if I was a worm" thing before it was cool and made sure the guy was like not only would I love you if you were a worm I'd tell you that you were beautiful.
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sweetbee0108 · 2 years
being in a dead fandom is so sad all i want is ian x wanda smut but noOoOo smeyer's best book came after the twilight series so either everyone was hooked on or bashing that with no time to read a book about a love square during an alien invasion
the movie is great imo but the book is infinitely better
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shell-lee-inc · 1 year
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He’s just like me fr fr
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