#And as a “this boy is far more traveled and experienced than he lets on” lore moment
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
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LOVE that it’s Hyrule, YES, absolutely deserved
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acapelladitty · 5 months
Trouble Like A Mugshot (1.5k)
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Pairing: Lucy Maclean/Cooper Howard
Summary: After a long day of travelling the wastelands, Lucy is feeling horny and asks Cooper if he wants to have sex with her. A question which is much more complicated than she could have possibly known.
(A/N: I might turn this into a short series of moments showcasing the pairs developing relationship from this to hard nsfw if that's something folks would like to see.)
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Lucy Maclean was no stranger to the difficult to ignore feelings which were pressing at her body. Fingers slightly trembling, breath coming in shorter bursts than she would admit to, eyes unable to pull themselves fully away from the lounging ghoul who reclined in his nearby bunk with a relaxed stance; cowboy hat tipped across his face as he feigned sleep.
Lucy Maclean knew herself enough to understand that her restlessness wasn't the radition sickness which had recently started to touch at her peripherals again. Nor was it the fact that it had been weeks since she'd had any time to herself that wasn't shadowed by either her ghoulish companion or some other entity.
Lucy Maclean was horny and she was never one to deny herself a simple, sneaky little indulgence when the mood took her.
"Hey, Cooper." She called, fingers rolling across her bare forearms as she sat with her back to the wall, legs crossed in a neat pile. "You awake and listening to me?"
"Hard not to with those foghorn vocals." A grumpy response, muffled by the hat rang back at her. "What are you yapping your flap about?
"Do you want to have sex?"
In their time together, Lucy had never witnessed Cooper doing anything that her vault lessons had taught her were sexual acts. He didn't touch himself around her, didn't disappear for some self-relief as the boys did, didn't make any kind of pass at her like some of the others had done before her husband had been selected. As far as she knew, maybe the ghoul didn't even feel the same things she did, and that realisation made her roll back on her question almost as quickly as she had asked it.
"I mean, if you can have sex that is. I don't know if your," Lucy paused, unsure how to describe her partners physical state without causing offence, "condition, makes it possible. I don't even know if you have the right parts for it but there's other ways of experiencing pleasure. We could use our mou-"
Cutting herself off as her babbling reach a new octave, Lucy watched as Cooper's body - his frame stock still since she had asked her initial question - finally stirred into action. A reddened hand slowly rose from its position by his hip until it reached the cowboy hat, plucking the leather from his face as he turned to look at his bunkmate and travelling companion with an indescribable expression; various emotions fluttering through his typically stoic face.
"I know your experiences with ghouls are limited, princess." Cooper spoke patiently, voice low as he fired the hated nickname at her, her vocal dislike of the new monkier making it a very quick favourite of his. "But the whole package is still intact so let's get that established before you go telling people falsehoods about my good person."
"Okay. Noted." Lucy held her hands up apologetically and her knees touched as she lounged against the concrete wall which was supporting her. "But you didn't answer me. Do you want to? Have sex, I mean? Last time i did was with my assigned husband and it was good enough, great even, but then he tried to kill me and it was this whole thing."
Mentally filing that information away for future use and subtle further investigation, Cooper lay back fully against his own cot and tilted his head closer in her direction, thankful for the dimness of their shared room as it shielded most of his features.
"As much as I'd love to bury my bone in a new patch of land, I don't think that's necessarily the best choice in terms of this little partnership we've stitched together."
Indicating his sewn finger, he wagged it at her dismissively as a discomforting sensation flooded his stomach, mild arousal at the thought of some tail mixing with something dangerous that set his teeth on edge.
"Why not? It's only sex."
Suddenly feeling older than he had any right to, Cooper fell silent as he mused on her question for a moment.
Lucy Maclean.
Eyes as big as a doe, that girl was built soft but he was lucky enough to see people for what they truly were and the steel which lurked beneath the painful optimism and naivety that shone free of her would make her a dangerous player if she ever truly entered the game. He felt the burden of his own cruelty at times, cornering her into making decisions that would cause her little vaultie friends to vomit if they knew the violence she enacted, but with every difficult choice came a fresh coating to that steel which would see her survive and thrive in the wastelands.
It's only sex.
In his life, Cooper Howard had enjoyed less sexual partners than many would believe. A sticky fumbling in the upper level of an old barn had been his first, the other party a sweet girl from a nearby ranch who was two years older and knew what she wanted from him. Pretty soon after that came Barb and as soon as he laid eyes on her he never saw anything past her.
War was terrible for the other men and many lost themselves in drink and the women who haunted the barracks and backlines looking for poor souls to feed on. But not him. Never him.
Not when he had to come home to Barb.
Even when married and at the height of his fame, when aspiring young things would throw themselves at him, their perfumes overpowered by the stink of wine and cigarettes, he had rebuffed them politely. He was loyal and he enjoyed the fruits of that loyalty as he held his wife in his arms and basked in the sweet sounds that she would make as they fucked. Hell, she had even given him a daughter and he loved her every day for it.
War never changes.
But he did.
And fuck him if his new appearance and designation as a Ghoul didn't screw him out of any chance of some stress relief as he wandered the wastelands. Might as well have been a fucking leper for all the tail which was now afforded to him and his leathery visage.
Not for Lucy Maclean though.
She, it seemed, didn't care about any of that.
"Did I say something wrong? The leaders explained all acts of intercourse to us so I know what I'm doing and I consent fully."
Lucy's voice, heated with an almost defensive lilt, broke into his musings and Cooper blinked at her as the hole that made up his nose flared while he inhaled deeply.
"I don't doubt that, darling. I've seen how you handle a pistol." Reverting to his typical sarcasm as he looked, truly looked, at her, Cooper sighed at the earnestness which oozed from her features. "But I'm gonna have to decline. Politely."
"Is it because of me? Did i do somethig wrong? I mean, my husband didn't seem to mind but then he was planning on killing me anyway so y'know?" Making a wild gesture with her fingers as she spoke, the casualness of her speech wasn't enough to mask the genuine insecurity which threaded through the questions.
"You're fine. Attractive little thing, even. I think any man would jump at the chance to have you wrapped around them like an old holster."
He wasn't lying- and he wasn't blind. She was a good looking young woman, her innocence flickering like the dull embers of a welcoming fire in the darkness of the wastelands. She was enthusiastic, eager, and damn pretty with those big eyes and curved figure which hid beneath the bulky clothes which she used for protection. More than once he'd caught himself glancing at her as she bent to snatch up things from the floor and the few times he did allow himself to fall into something like sleep featured breathy moans and the feeling of long, brunette strands brushing through his ungloved hands. Mouthy too so he knew she would be a vocal one - probably yowling like a hellcat.
It would be so easy to have her.
A simple yes and she would no doubt leap into action, shedding those clothes as quickly as did her weapons when trying to find peaceful solutions to violent problems. He would treat her right, everh inch the gentleman cowboy and no doubt much better than that shady husband she'd unwittingly fucked. He'd show her things with his fingers and mouth that would have her screaming loud enough to wake up all the devils in hell. Against the cot, against the wall and against whatever furniture she wanted, he could show her how a real man treats a woman as they both burned off some stress.
Feeling a very definite stirring in his groin, Cooper was quick to banish the dangerous thoughts.
"But a bad man like me shouldn't be allowed near a pretty little thing yourself. You're ready for a lot, Lucy Maclean, but you ain't ready for that."
Something almost like understanding passed through her gaze and Lucy nodded, instead exhaling deeply as she tapped the back of her head against the wall behind her.
"In that case, would you mind leaving for an hour so that I can masturbate, please?"
Cursing himself for the little shred of morality which plucked at his heart and refused to allow him to ruin this unknowing tease of a woman, Cooper dutifully rose to his feet and marched to the nearby door.
"You get half an hour." He grunted, barely tilting his head towards her as he stormed out into the nighttime air - determined to get far enough away that there was no chance that he would hear her and break his determined stance.
Besides, he might not be fucking her but as his cock pressed against his slacks, he wasn't masochistic enough to deny himself a similar pleasure and the distance would also give him some much needed alone time.
Goddamn Lucy Maclean.
Links to rest of the series:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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wordsarelife · 7 days
—would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!poseidon!reader
summary: you try to live with the loss of luke castellan and the betrayal he brought upon you
warning: angst
notes: the timeline is all over the place lmao. i haven't read the books yet (i probably will in the future) so i have no idea how or when luke got claimed. i just made it up for the sake of the story, hope that's alright :)
the wind splashed in your face like the ocean did when you would throw your body in the water. it was different, colder than it normally was. you weren’t used to the shiver your body felt, you had always felt at ease at camp halfblood.
now it was nothing like it used to be.
percy and annabeth were down at the camp, far away from the cliffside you were standing on, probably consoling each other.
you had felt nothing but loneliness from the moment he had left.
not even your brother or annabeth could’ve done something to change that.
you felt almost the same you did the day you came to camp. afraid and nervous, hands holding on to luke as you ran after him. thalia, annabeth and grover not far behind you.
but you had felt a bit of familiarity that day too. everything was new to you, but luke wasn’t. you had grown up together, experiencing the first effects of being a half-god side by side. there was no one who could take on the role he had held for you.
you stared into the clouds, the width of the sky in front of you, as your mind wandered back.
“look at the water!” annabeth called loudly.
your hand gripped luke’s arm, as both of you watched the giant wave travel to the shore.
“poseidon” an unknown boy behind you muttered and luke and you exchanged glances.
the wave broke down right in front of you, soft water glistening onto your feet as the lake opened up, perfectly wide enough for you to stand in without getting wet.
“what?” you mumbled, as the water fell back into its position right as luke was trying to follow you. it drenched you completely, but as your hand moved forward it bend away beneath your touch, moving just as you guided it to.
“she got claimed by poseidon” a few girls muttered in awe.
“claimed?” you repeated, still standing in the lake. you looked at luke, as if he knew any better than you.
you had to move out of the hermes cabin the same day and into a shed that felt less like a home and more like a punishment.
you had been overwhelmed at the bustling loudness of the hermes cabin at first, but now you were missing it. luke slept next to you for the first week, until you decided that you had to do this on your own. still, luke spend every evening with you, until the last alarm rang out and he had to leave if he didn’t want to be caught outside after nighttime (or eaten by harpies).
luke and you only grew closer during your time at camp. you did everything together. people got used to it quickly, always pointing out if one of you was missing.
luke found solace in your presence, telling you about his shattered hope regarding his father, someone who was still unknown to him. and you felt bad about it. it had taken days for you to be claimed and luke was still in the dark after months.
it was simply unfair.
you couldn't always relate to his frustration regarding the gods, because your father tried to reach you in forms that was allowed, shipping letters or presents your way, but you always listened to him, understanding that he was going through something different and he desperately needed someone on his side.
to say that luke's claiming was a bit of a let down was an understatement. luke had hoped so long for something that all his expectations had been incredibly low and hermes still managed to undercut them even further.
he didn't bother to pay attention to any of his children, none of them were treated as if they were more than just one piece of a big puzzle.
a letter arrived in the middle of july, listing a bunch of names that hermes had concluded to be those of his children. luke was included on the list. it was nothing special, nothing worth of a mention.
luke stayed in the hermes cabin and lost a bit of hope with each day passing without hearing from his father.
sometimes he found his anger directed at your father, who seemed all the more caring than his own. and although he didn't wish for you to go through the same grief he had gone through, he sometimes wondered what it would feel like to have you understand his experiences.
time passed and luke stopped mentioning his father or anything about the gods completely. you tried to ask him about it, but he claimed to have moved on, not caring for the attention of someone who couldn't be bothered to give it.
that was about the time you started seeing luke in a different light. he was no longer the little boy you had grown up along, he was almost a man, features loosing their boyish touch and dissolving into something more grown. something you had never seen in him before.
it was like getting to know him all over again.
it seemed like it wasn't any different with luke as he suddenly grew interested in the kind of perfume you were using or the little rings on your fingers when your hand would rest on his biceps a little too long.
the infaturation came fast, almost overnight and neither of you was ready to longer deny what was so clearly happening between you.
luke and you started dating that same year. it was the first relationship for the both of you and everything felt special. you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. he was kind and funny, always kept an eye on you wherever you went and quickly became the most important person in your life.
faster than you noticed, your whole life revolved around luke castellan. maybe that was why you felt like you had lost everything the night that he left.
you were dating for more than a year by the time percy showed up at camp.
those few days were probably the last you had truly been happy. you had a brother now, he was lovely and you immediately formed a bond with each other, having had similiar experiences regarding the truth about your father.
you remembered the night so clearly. it was like a never ending flashback in your hand.
you were taking a drink out of gina's hand, right as annabeth came running through the forest.
"y/n!" she called, her voice slumping down when she noticed you not far away. "percy" she simply said when you turned around. the distress on her face was enough to make you follow her.
luke looked up at the sound your footsteps were making. and annabeth quickly threw something, that made him let go of what he was holding. you realized too late that it was a sword.
percy was laying on the ground in front of luke. your features turned into a frown, when you looked at your brother and back at your boyfriend.
"y/n" luke said, surprise and worry in his voice. "annabeth"
you were so confused. you didn't even know what was going on. but what he had planned to do send shivers down your spine.
"i heard everything" annabeth said.
luke looked at you, like he was quietly asking if you had heard it too.
you shook your head. "what have you done?" you stepped around annabeth, who tried to hold you back without any luck. you stopped to glance up at him.
luke averted his eyes, feeling your breath against his neck, as your head was still recoiled backwards.
"look at me!" you said loudly, warningly, and you could see the muscles moving in his chin, a frown evident on his mouth.
"he's with kronos" percy announced, before luke had the chance to say something.
the rest of the memory was in a blur, but you clearly remembered your tears. tears of confusion, of betrayal, of hurt. that someone so close to you would betray everything you had fought so hard for? it seemed unfair to say the least.
and that someone was luke, your luke. you didn't even recognize him anymore.
you remembered his hand reaching out for you, the pleading look in his eyes, the silent question, to come with him and leave everything you loved behind. but you shook your head, turning away from him. you didn't even want to look at him. you would rather remember who he had been all those years before.
"sorry" he had muttered and neither annabeth nor you had been fast enough to stop him, as he ran away and through the portal he had opened.
now luke castellan was just a memory that haunted you. like a ghost that never really left your side. you missed him so dearly. all while you wished that he would stay far away at the same time. it was confusing and you hated that you were still so in love with him after everything he had done to you friends, your brother and even you.
you threw his chain into the relentless waves of the sea beneath you, before you walked back into the forest and away from the cliff.
"i haven't seen you all day" percy stood up and fell into a quick step beside you, when he saw you approaching.
"i was up on the cliff" you shrugged.
"oh" he muttered.
he had been following you around camp relentlessly after luke had left a few days ago. the hurt was still fresh, but felt so distant at the same time. percy was worried about you, you could clearly read that from the expression on his face.
he treated you like someone had just died. and that wasn't even far off.
"have you eaten anything?" he asked, not giving up.
"i didn't feel hungry" you mumbled. "where's annabeth?" she had been the only one who could at least somewhat understand what you were feeling. luke had been like a brother to her and both of you were now collateral damage on his path to power.
"you should really eat something" percy retored, matter of factly. "she went to change. i accidently spilled some ketchup on her shirt"
you halted in your step, turning to face your brother who looked up at you with a curious look in his eyes.
"don't ever change" you whispered, reaching out and hugging him close to your chest.
"what?" he mumbled against your body.
you pressed a kiss onto his head, before you let go of him. "thank you for being so caring" you smiled softly. "i will get through this, but i wouldn't without you"
"of course you would" percy shook his head and pushed his hands against his hips. "he's just a boy"
"no" your voice was soft and you tried hard not to let it break in front of him. you had done a pretty good job at avoiding to cry when percy was around you. "he was so much more to me"
percy sighed, but finally nodded. "yeah," he muttered, almost to himself "i get it."
you smiled sadly, appreciating his attempt to understand. the silence stretched between you, the rustling of the trees and the distant crashing of waves filling the space.
then, percy took a deep breath and glanced out at the horizon. "you know," he said, his voice quiet but firm. "the hardest thing isn’t losing someone. it’s realizing that no matter what they’ve done, you still carry the good parts of them with you."
you blinked, surprised by the depth of his words. he met your gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of compassion and resolve. "and that’s okay. it’s okay to hold onto that. to let yourself feel it. but it’s also okay to let go when you're ready. you loved luke for who he was, not for what he was going to become"
for a moment, you just stood there, absorbing his words. percy, the little brother you never expected, was showing you a wisdom that went far beyond his years.
"yeah, you might be right about that" you said as soon as the words returned to you. "when have you gotten so wise?"
"well, nearly dying does all sorts of things with you"
you smiled, pulling him against you once more. "thank you for coming back home, percy"
"we're in this together now" he assured. "i never had a sister before, but i will try my best to be a good brother"
"you already are an amazing brother, you know?" you said softly. "but you're so much more to me, too"
at that, he send you a look that would probably cure your nightmares for days to come. you and luke had relied on each other all your life, but now he was gone and you had to learn to accept that.
now someone else was relying on you and you promised to not let it come this far again. you would make sure that percy jackson would never experience all the disappointments and frustration you and luke had to endure throughout the years.
you would make sure that percy never felt unwanted or less loved like kids who had normal parents.
you would not fail percy like you had failed luke.
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ethan landry request: y/n and ethan are about to hook up at a halloween party but she goes to get a condom and when she comes back ethan is gone. A little angst since he disappeared on her?
New year is coming very fast, let’s empty the requests!! (aka: blurbs time)
Warnings: 18+, making out, nudity (?)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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You never understood how people casually sneaking to bedrooms at parties to fuck on a stranger’s bed. Not only was it not very hygienic, but how disgusting must it be for the owner of the bed to come in and see someone else’s body fluids on their sheets. 
Yet, here you were, making out on a stranger’s bed and rubbing your body against this cute boy you met an hour ago. His hands were all over your body, eager to grab and explore…in a respectful way. Having enough of his sweetness, you guided his hands to your ass yourself. 
Ethan moaned into the kiss, pulling your body closer until you were pressed up against him, in certain areas more than others. He wasn’t experienced. You could tell by the speed his erection was growing under his jeans. It was okay, though. Everyone has a first time. 
Your hand traveled under the thin fabric of his navy henley, surprised to find slightly defined muscles. A smile curled on your lips. Nerdy appearances can be misleading. You continued your exploration, then swung a leg over his hips and began to rock your hips against his, making Ethan groan and tighten his grip on your body. 
Breaking from him shortly, you giggled at his reaction and unclasped the small hooks of your corset top, making the boy below you groan when he found out you weren’t wearing a bra underneath your costume, the thick material enough to hold the girls. Ethan looked at you for a moment, completely flustered. 
You gave him a minute to admire and play with them, then went back to kissing, pressing the ache in your core to his thigh as you rutted against Ethan's thigh, feeling your arousal sticking to your panties. Reaching down his body, you started to unbuckle his belt, but he stopped you. 
‘’Before we get too far, I need to tell you something,’’ Ethan confessed, breathless between your kisses. ‘’I…I don't have a condom with me.’’ 
Typical men. 
You looked down at him, his face covered with embarrassment and frustration. You wanted to go on a rant about how he was the one who had to wrap it, therefore he should have one on him at all times, but you kept your mouth shut. Ethan didn’t seem like the kind of guy who was very lucky with the ladies.
Sighing, you climbed down his body. ‘’I’m gonna go ask a friend. I’ll be right back,’’ you said with a sweet smile, quickly slipping back into your corset top and ignoring the smear of lip gloss from all the kissing. 
Running down the stairs, you searched for your friends, praying someone had a condom. 
After ten minutes, you finally got your hands on one. You went back to the bedroom you had left Ethan in, apologizing for taking so long, but when your eyes fell on the bed, it was empty. 
‘’Ethan?’’ you called into the room.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Hello! Are You familiar with game of thrones? If not you can ignore this but if you do Can you write a dmc boys +v with a Daenerys like s/o? She has 3 dragons and is immune to fire plus she is an awesome badass queen, but in this case since the dmc world is more modern times she can just be a queen from a far kingdom that is also modern like and happened to meet the guy in her travels.
Sup? Hope you're well! No, I'm not familiar with Game of Thrones, but I can work with what you've given me. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Daenerys-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you're a mighty queen from a distant kingdom? Dante never thought he'd be meeting royalty, but here he is.
-When he sees your dragons, he freaks. He didn't think those even existed, let alone be standing right in front of him. Then he remembers he and his brother are half demons with magic demon swords, so maybe it's not all that unusual.
-Thinks it's so cool that you're immune to fire--so is he! Now you have something in common.
-He'd love to visit your kingdom someday, if you're willing to take him.
-Bonus points if you let him ride one of your dragons; he's always wanted to soar through the air on a scaly dragon's back, even though he can fly on his own.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil wasn't too impressed at first. So what if you're royalty? There's plenty of that around.
-Then he sees your three dragons and thinks to himself, damn, if she can tame three of those terrifying beasts, she must be full of POWER.
-After this, Vergil decides it may be in his best interest to get to know you a little more, and in the process, learns about your immunity to fire.
-Now, this is very good because it means you can help him beat up his literally fiery brother whenever the need arises.
-Also wants to visit your kingdom to see if there any ways to get POWER and MOTIVATION there.
-However, do not, under any circumstances, make him ride your dragon. He isn't too fond of riding on animals, and besides, he can fly on his own.
□ Nero □
-Nero is indifferent to your royal lineage, but he thinks it's great that you, as a queen, get time to travel. It seems he's under the impression that all kings and queens are confined to their kingdoms and never allowed to leave.
-He immediately hits it off with your dragons; for some reason, they like him, and for an even stranger reason, he likes them.
-Your fire immunity makes you the perfect person to call whenever he wants to have a barbecue. No one ever needs to worry about getting burnt by the fire because you're around to deal with it for them.
-Nero isn't too fond of travel, so it's highly unlikely he'll visit your kingdom, but if you ask nicely and maybe bribe him with affection, he'll give in.
-Loves riding your dragons for two reasons: 1), it's fun, and 2), it saves more time because unlike his father and uncle, he can't keep up his Devil Trigger for very long.
● V ●
-Is very surprised that a fair and beautiful queen such as yourself is wandering so far from home. Should you not be within your palace, governing your subjects?
-Your badass-ery soon answers his question. The way you command everyone's attention and generally just run the place is inspiring.
-That, added to your 3 awesome dragons, only serves to impress him further.
-V gets along very nicely with your dragons, as do his familiars, when they are around. He's an experienced pet owner himself (kinda) and is more than willing to trade tips and tricks with you.
-Would absolutely love to visit your kingdom someday; the scenery, regardless of what it may be, will surely inspire his writing spirit.
-Wants to ride your dragon too. He's used to riding Nightmare and Griffon, so it won't be much of an issue for him.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Life After Hogwarts: Ominis Gaunt
Summary: Headcanons for Yours and Ominis's life after Hogwarts!
A/N: I AM DOWN BAD FOR HIM MAN! I am thinking about making this a series with other characters. Let me know who you would like to see next!
First of all, I feel like you guys have been together since the end of seventh year ish? You really fell for each other the summer after sixth year when you both spent it with Sebastian and Anne. Either at your place or Feldcroft.
And he knew you were the one for him.
He flat out asks you one day in seventh year if you would ever like to be married (way in the future though,) and respects your answer either way. Of course, he would love to be called your husband, but he doesn't need a ring to know you love him.
He gets his training to become a ministry worker, taking up a desk job in magical Law Enforcement. It pays fairly well actually, and he enjoys it even if it comes with more paperwork than his liking.
Whatever your job is, he very much is supportive. He dislikes the traveling part if you chose a job that requires it and worries himself sick if you chose something like an Auror or Cursebreaker. But he would never hold you back from what you would like to do.
It doesn't take him long at all to break off from his family after graduation.
All it took was one meeting where he grudgingly took you to meet his parents for dinner.
It doesn't matter if your blood status or views, chances are his family will hate you. And if that's the case, it's the driving factor between Ominis and the rest of the Gaunts. After all, he will stand by you to the very end.
He actually asks you about marriage again, just to see if you are sure about your answer.
If it's no, that's okay! Just expect him to ask again a few years down the road.
If it's a yes, he plans his proposal right away! The man is Ecstatic to marry you.
He is a romantic soul, sure, but he isn't one for giant acts of love. So it's a quiet, sweet proposal in the back garden of your families home. After all, he asked your father for permission only moments before.
It's the same thing with the wedding actually. You both wear wedding attire, but not overly expensive or extravagant clothes. After all, he just broke off from his family and is trying to get his feet underneath him. The wedding is in Feldcroft, and Anne is one of his groomsmen. Sebastian is his Man of Honor of course, and he only invites his cousins that is more like family than his own parents. You only invite your closest family as well.
Instead of a honeymoon, you guys work on a run down cottage not too far from Hogwarts. This also counts for if you aren't married.
If you aren't married, he doesn't care for social rules. He doesn't mind the judgement from living with you out of wedlock! Not at all.
Sebastian is over at your cottage like all the time. He never overstays his welcome, but he might as well live there!
Ominis has always had such a cold and uninviting home, so he tries his best to make your house inviting! He does a good job too. Guests love visiting you two.
Now, you would think I would dive into the children part of this story. Not now.
No, instead, Ominis wants to experience things he never has before. He asks you to take him to muggle pubs, muggle concerts, etc. Even if he can't see, he adores experiencing a world so different from his own. Anything you wanna do, he does as well.
The two of you take a trip to Australia. With how much he loves magical creatures, he wants to see some muggle animals as well. And he thinks Australian accents are funny.
He wants a cat SO BADLY. Of course he would never ask if you don't like cats or are allergic. But if not? Oh boy, you're in for it.
That cat would be his best friend. You are not getting cuddles if the cat is there first, and he talks to it like it's a child.
Honestly the cat prefers you but loves the two of you so much!!
It's basically your first kid.
A circus comes to the small town closest to your cottage and you guys go see it just because you can. Why not? Ominis likes peanuts and finds the music and cheering amusing. Also enjoys a play by play by you!
There was a vendor selling exotic pets...and well one of them was a snake.
Normally Ominis wouldn't bat an eye but the snake started begging him for help because the vendor was abusing his animals.
How are you supposed to say no when your partner is almost in tears over a little snake?
So yeah, you get a new pet.
I feel like Ominis is indifferent.
He really likes kids actually and would like to have some of his own. But it's not a deep desire. The two of you had talked about it before moving in together and so he already knows your preference.
If you wouldn't like to have children, he is A-OK with that! Just...don't let him turn into a crazy cat man. Because he will. He just can't say no to their fluffy little faces.
If you would like children, he is so happy! Of course, he would love you either way, but he just cannot wait to be a father once he gets the idea in his head.
Though, because of his genes, I am not sure he would want biological children. After all, he isn't proud of being a Slytherin descendant or the fact that his parents were cousins.
If you would like biological children, he could make an exception after some convincing.
If not, he is so excited to adopt! I feel like he would rather adopt an older kid rather than a baby but you know. Your opinion weighs heavily on his too.
Either way, he cries when he finds out you're expecting/adoption went through.
That night he cries himself to sleep on your shoulder and wakes up still crying and smiling so hard it hurts.
He lowkey wants to shove it in his parents' face that he's going to be a father with the most amazing person he has ever met and they won't get to witness any of it!
Of course he apparates to Sebastian's and cries again, to him, for what feels like hours.
He breaks once he meets his child. You've never seen him cry hard before, only silent tears and little sobs. But he's crying like a baby because he just is so happy and can't believe he is at this point with somebody he loves.
If you don't want children, he asks if you can raise Nifflers in the back garden, or maybe get a Unicorn? He would build the stable with Sebastians help. Boy loves his animals SO MUCH
Mornings with him where he makes breakfast and you set the table, both of you listening to his favorite record on the Gramaphone.
Ominis can be rather playful, so expect him to tickly your hips while passing through, or to jump out and scare you when you least expect it.
And after YEARS of living in the same house, he smacks his head on the doorframe of your kitchen. Because, like, he's tall and the cottage is not.
Yes, the bed is perfectly comfortable, but like naps on the floor or in the garden hit different.
You start a little flower garden in the back yard, and he really loves to sit in it. The smells are just so nice! But he would rather gouge out his eyes than ruin your garden so he never stays out there for long. No matter how many times you tell him he won't step on anything.
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Wrap Around Pt.1
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Pairing(s): Oberyn Martell x Martell!Reader, Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand
Warnings: siblingxsibling implied, longing
Words: 2033
Summary: Oberyn was beside himself at the return of his baby sister (y/n). For a year she had been off in Essos, experiencing the rest of the world outside of the safety of Sunspear. Now she was returning to Dorne. Returning to Oberyn.
Part 2   Part 3   Part 4
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“Her ship still isn’t here yet?” Irritated, Oberyn makes the servant squirm uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze. Normally Oberyn was quick to please and in a jolly mood. There was none of that.
“No, your Grace. Her ship seems to be lagging.” He awkwardly informs the Prince of Dorne.
Near the archway of his chambers, Ellaria was lounging on a long, cushioned bench. She watches as the poor boy flees once given permission by Oberyn. “Calm down, my love. The ship will get here when it gets here. You yelling at squires won’t make it sail any faster.”
His brow was tense on his handsome face. “I haven’t seen my baby sister in a year. I need to see her face. It’s been far too long.”
Ellaria coles and rises, her robes flowing after her as she glides over to Oberyn. Hands smooth out Oberyn’s knotted shoulders. (y/n)’s initial departure had been hard enough on Oberyn. For days after Ellaria stayed by his side as he longed for his sister. Now that she was returning, he was once more growing impatient on her arrival.
She kisses the length of his neck, feeling his form relax under her touch. “You know how arduous traveling by sea is. The wait will be worth it once you see her.”
Closing his eyes, Oberyn sighs and allows Ellaria to lead him to a chair. Dutifully pouring him a goblet of rich Dornish red. Dark as blood but oh so sweet on the tongue.
He should have never let (y/n) leave for Essos. She claimed that she wanted to see more of the world and since she was not allowed to go to Westeros on her own (Oberyn had already lost one sister there, he wasn’t going to lose another), her brothers relented. Giving her a ship to Essos was safer than having her travel in Westeros where Lannisters and Tyrells could easily prey upon her. For so long after Elia’s death, Oberyn kept her safe in Dorne. No one would dare to take his young sister from their own home. (y/n) wanted to spread her wings though. Too headstrong to be tethered down. She was not delicate like Doran and Elia had been. There was venom in her, a will that couldn’t be broken, nor did Oberyn ever want to. He loved (y/n), faults and all of her fire.
“If she comes back with a boy, you must promise not to hurt him.” Ellaria suddenly muses while petting his dark head.
The thought hadn’t even occurred to Oberyn before. (y/n) was of perfect marrying age and much like himself had a healthy carnal appetite. What if she had decided to bring someone home? Perhaps when she visited Trystane in Norvos where his mother lived their nephew might have introduced her to someone. A beautiful foreigner that peaked her interests enough for her to want to bring them home. It made Oberyn’s stomach drop.
“Then the boy must be ready to prove himself. No man is worthy of my sister if they are not prepared to fight me.”
Ellaria knew that there was more to it. Expert hands fann on his broad shoulders and begin to knead them. “Even here, feelings like that are looked down upon.” They never spoke about it. Hardly brought it up because of the sadness that followed. Incest was rife in Westeros, but never in Dorne. Have a lover, even two if you like, but it could never be a sibling. That was the one taboo everyone agreed upon. It was viewed as unnatural, even damnable. And perhaps another reason why Doran was willing to give (y/n) her own ship to travel for months at a time. He saw what Ellaria did: a brother who loved his sister too much for comfort.
Not saying anything, Oberyn gingerly grabs one of Ellaria’s hands and pulls it down so that he could kiss her smooth knuckles. “I just want to see her.”
Off in the distance they could hear the low blow of a horn. Oberyn was on his feet in seconds, a big grin plastered on his face making him look ten years younger.
“She’s here!” **
Your heart rattled the cage of your chest once you caught sight of land and the shining top of Sunspear’s palace, even the looming vegetation of the Water Gardens could vaguely be seen.
The warm Dornish breeze kissed your face, welcoming you back home. Although you had fun during your solo journey, you sorely missed Sunspear and all the people that lived there. You wondered how much your nieces had changed, if they even did at all. Arianne and Tyene had been close companions to you growing up. The three of you spent your early adolescence playing in the Water Garden and flirting with whatever poor boy got stuck in your alluring trap. You loved Oberyn dearly, but you could never have fun with the opposite sex when he was around. Entangle yourself with another woman? Sure, go for it. But if Oberyn caught a whiff of a male scent, he was right there to scare them off. Being with your nieces did a lot of good for you as you were allowed to escape Oberyn at least for a few hours.
You smile to yourself when you think of your possessive brother.
Retrieving a piece of cloth that was normally tied to your wrist, you press it under your nose. After so long it still smelled like Oberyn. Before leaving for your first stop, Lys, you had snuck into Oberynb’s room and cut a strip of fabric from one of his shirts. A token to take with you, for even though he chased all the boys away, Oberyn was your favorite person. More than Arianne and Tyene. More than your older brother Doran. He was your light. When Elia was murdered, Oberyn slept in your room every night because of your haunting nightmares. He pressed you close to his bare chest and you drowned yourself in his calming scent. Cloves, spices, and a bit of natural musk was your security blanket.
The sway of the ship brought you back.
You’d be seeing him shortly. You let go of the scrap of cloth, ignoring it as it fell to the ground. There was no need for it anymore. You were home.
Even through the shout, you knew who it was. The closer you got, the more you could make out Oberyn at the dock; hands cupped around his mouth as he called out to you. Two armed guards stood sentry behind Oberyn and Ellaria. Of course they would be the first ones to greet you.
Leaning over the side, you call out “OBERYN!!”
Then, to the deckhands utter shock, you did the unthinkable. Getting up on the ledge of the ship, you dove into the sparkling water below. Their screams were drowned out once the water enveloped you. Breaching the surface, you swim over to the dock’s shore where Oberyn was running to.
“You crazy girl!” Oberyn was laughing as he helped you up and out of the water. His own trousers getting wet in the process but neither of you cared. He grabbed onto you for dear life and nearly suffocated you in his embrace. That’s when you heard the delighted screams of your nieces running into the water as well. Arianne excitedly skipped in, her dress skirts immediately getting wet. Tyene was a little more hesitant than her cousin but lifted up the hem of her dress and waded in. While Nymeria was close behind Tyene, Obara and Ellaria chose to stay on shore.
Even though saltwater stung your eyes and soaked into your clothes, you had never been happier. In the arms of your family you felt secure and loved.
Being drenched from head to toe made the way back to Sunspear’s palace a little uncomfortable, but at least you weren’t the only one. Nymeria had charged in, knocking all four of you into the water. Oberyn’s long hair was dripping as was Arianne’s. The way back, Tyene sulked over her wet attire; silently shooting daggers over at her half-sister.
Before facing your brother Doran, the reigning Prince of Dorne, you desperately needed a bath and a change of clothes. Being in that state was okay when it was in front of Oberyn, not the eldest child of Prince Egemen and Bahar Martell. Even if he was your brother, you still had to appear proper in front of the ruler of Dorne.
Departing from your welcome wagon, you were taken for your required bath. It felt like heaven to slip out of your soiled garments and into the steaming hot water that the maids had quickly supplied for you.
Sprinkling small jasmine flowers into the water made the floral scent begin to rise and fill your nostrils. As fun as your travels had been, this was your home that you had missed.
Hadiye, a hand maid who had been with you for years, goes to answer a knock at your washroom door. You could hear her quiet protest. “Prince Oberyn, your sister is almost done with her bath.”
Quite easily, Oberyn pushed past her. “That’s alright. You forget that (y/n) and I used to bathe together as children. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Besides, I want to hear of her adventures in the vast land of Essos!”
Gawking at the prince that was now striding over to your massive tiled tub, Hadiye looks to you and Melisa who had been lathering your hair with essential oils at the time of Oberyn’s disruption. Melisa, who was lower in rank than Hadiye, takes a step away from you and bows in your brother’s presence.
He waves them off. “You two may leave. My sister and I have much to catch up on.”
From her nervous glances at you, you assure the women that it would be alright. Before you left, this had been normal. Oberyn barging in on you as you bathed so he could keep you company and talk. Still, you knew how much this fact made others uncomfortable. “Go on. Let Prince Doran know that I will be ready in a little bit.”
Obedient Hadiye bows and ushers Melisa out.
“Such fretting hens.” Oberyn clicks.
“They surely haven’t changed one bit.”
Finally the two of you were alone. Releasing a sigh as he gets down on his knees, Oberyn sits on the floor; back leisurely pressed against your tub. Of course he never looked directly at you while you bathed. That would be inappropriate.
“So tell me of the year I have missed out on.” **
He had hoped things would be different once (y/n) came home. That her and Oberyn would stop tip-toeing the line of being inappropriate with each other. Yet his retainer had just told him what Hadiye had relayed.
Prince Doran purses his lips and runs a hand over his brow. They had always been too close, even before Elia’s murder. Elia had fretted over the relationship her younger siblings had. She wanted (y/n) to be married as soon as possible, preferably to a Dornish lord so that (y/n) would not have to suffer in a foreign land. Doran knew better. If he were to marry off (y/n), Oberyn would bring upon the apocalypse. Many times he had stated that no man could take (y/n) unless they defeated him in combat. Which more than likely meant Oberyn would kill any potential suitors.
What to do about them was becoming quite a problem for Doran. No young lord wanted to risk their life in order to claim (y/n). His father had taught all he may need to know for ruling Dorne, except for this. Times like this made him miss Elia. Under her care, Oberyn and (y/n) were more docile. Oberyn kept his possessiveness at bay while (y/n) kept her encouragement to a minimum. They clung to one another furiously after Elia’s premature demise.
Even with his paramour, Ellaria, Oberyn kept a tight grip on (y/n) and vice versa. Like snakes entwined in their mating dance.
He feared for his younger siblings. Their attraction to each other would ruin them.
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erikatsu · 2 years
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SUMMARY .•°•▹ giving you the gift of life is exactly what he needs to get out of working so much
WARNINGS .•°•▹ explicit sm.ut, breeding, unprotected sex, implied established relationships. kinda soft (don’t perceive me), mating press, full body orgasm, use of “pretty girl” and “mommy”, implied multiple rounds.
WC .•°•▹ 0.8k
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“archons, did i miss you,” al haitham groaned in your ear as he fully sank inside you, his eyes closing while savoring how you sucked him in. “god, i fucking missed you.”
he'd been away, hanging around port ormos to look into a mysterious traveller per the akademiya’s request. but, other things had come up and he pushed that aside to do his own investigating. when he was done in port ormos and on his way back to sumeru city, he had to stop and see you. not that he'd ever admit it, but when he was gone for too long, he ached for your presence. 
stopping at home under the guise of finishing a report, he was more than relieved to find out that kaveh, the architect staying with the two of you, was not there. needless to say, al haitham pushed everything aside and didn't start his alleged report. instead, he started making up for how long he'd been gone. 
you whined from under him, unable to get a word out once he pressed his lips against yours. the rocking of his hips was more tame than usual– slower, more sensual, and even deeper. you cupped his cheeks in your hands, deepening the kiss as you tried to get used to what you were experiencing. because al haitham was never this gentle with you. he was always a little rough, definitely cocky. a smirk never faded from his lips when he was running you, and he loved to bully you. 
al haitham was taking his time now, as if he were melting into you with each thrust. he groaned into your mouth, pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. you wrapped your legs around him, using them as leverage to push him in as far as he could go. he grunted, mouth parting as your walls fluttered around him. he barely had room to move, rolling his hips as best as he could while you had him pinned. 
his short, yet deep strokes had you clenching around him all too soon, a choked moan leaving his lips at how tightly you were squeezing him. gasps left your lips, words breathlessly leaving you as you told him you were about to cum. seeing you reach your high so quickly, and so hard made him realize how often he wasn't around. 
you shook underneath him, muscles twitching and tremors racking your body. once the grip your legs had on him eased up, he hooked his arms under the bend of your knees and pushed them back until they were almost touching your shoulders.
you whimpered at how much deeper he seemed to go, shaking your head at him, “too much. s’too much. i can't take it.”
“sure you can, pretty girl,” al haitham cooed, a smirk tugging at his lips. “i'm gonna fill you up, and you're gonna take it all for me. every drop.”
your eyes widened, mouth falling open at what he was insinuating, “but–”
he rolled his hips, pausing as he bottomed out and a whine left your lips, cutting you off before you could get anything else out. he leaned in, softly pressing his lips against yours, “let me show you how much i missed you. and by the time i'm done, i'll have a good excuse to not be away as much.”
you found yourself nodding, cupping his cheeks and pulling him back into you. once his mouth met yours, he dragged his hips back, steadily rocking into you. you mewled against him, tears stinging your eyes at how raw he was rubbing you. his heavy breathing turned into pants as his speed picked up. he had you pushed into the mattress, driving into you as he chased down his own high. 
al haitham crumbled quickly, rhythm faltering as his skin loudy slapped against yours. your arms wound around his neck, trying to pull him closer. his cock kissed the entrance of your womb with each sloppy thrust, your tight walls sucking him in and refusing to let him go. 
“fuck,” he cursed, sweat running down his forehead as he closed his eyes. “gonna cum. gonna fill you up, make you a mommy.”
you moaned, allowing yourself to squeeze his cock even tighter. you threw him over the edge, his rutts becoming fervent and harsh as he came. he doused your cunt with white, not stopping even as he twitched inside you, fucking his cum into you until there was nothing more to give. 
finally he buried himself inside you, easing up and attempting to catch his breath. you were aching, throbbing around him from the lack of friction. you whimpered under him, trying to move your hips to no avail. he slowly opened his eyes, peeking at you through his lashes.
“more,” you pouted, still pinned in your spot as your legs trembled against him. “please. i want more.”
a light chuckle left his lips at your little pleas, but he agonizingly began to rock his hips again, “i thought it was ‘too much’? you really think you can handle it, pretty girl? you're already shaking. guess we'll have to find out how many times you can milk me before you're spent.”
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TAGS: @dottores @dxlucs @mxnjiros @albedophoria
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
I haven’t read a whole lot of TMA fic, so I’m sure this already exists somewhere, but I really want a time travel fic where Jon goes back to Gertrude’s era.
So it’s 2007-ish, before his younger counterpart has started working at the Institute, but years into Elias and Gertrude’s tenure. They’re having a normal day serving the semi-omniscient fear god when a fucking full-fledged avatar of the Beholding - complete with a small mountain of tapes - falls through a rift in space-time and crash lands on Gertrude’s desk.
(Season 5 Jon might have decided not to kill Helen and instead used her to get here. If he ever sees her again they’re going to have A Talk™ about her choice of transportation.)
For the record, a hot mess of a man falling from the sky indoors is only like... the eighth most interesting thing to happen to Gertrude this week. Still, it’s clear he’s not entirely human - one gets a sense for these things, even without a giant eyeball’s help - and she’s got a knife on him faster than you can say “Statement.” This doesn’t seem to faze the man.
That annoys the fuck out of Gertrude.
Meanwhile, Elias has nearly passed out from the supernatural alarm bells going off in his head because the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy is here!!! What does that mean? Hell if he knows, but this man is ALIGHT with the Entities’ marks, just dripping with the power of the Eye, and Elias finds he has the sudden urge to drop to his knees before this stranger, something he’s only ever done post-Watcher’s Crown.
(This might be a Jonlias fic, whoops.)
Elias, seeing The Archivist for the first time: 😍😍😍😍😍
Gertrude, seeing The Archivist for the first time: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
So after introductions Jon is all, “Yes, I’m an eldritch monster that’s forced to feed off the trauma of others, but I’m your eldritch monster. Please, Gertrude, I’d like nothing more than to carve out Magnus’ heart with you so he can’t destroy the whole fucking world.”
Elias, suddenly experiencing true fear for the first time in decades, feeding the Eye and being fed in turn and basically entering a feedback loop where this powerful stranger threatening to murder him is the hottest thing he’s ever Seen: !!!!! 💖💞😱!!!!!🤩😊💚!!!!!
And at first Gertrude’s like hell no, not having any more goddamn avatars in my archives thank you, but then the trio passes young intern Sasha James (shhh don’t worry if that fits the timeline) and Jon looses it. The hold that the Stranger had on him in his original timeline has broken and he’s able to recognize this as the real Sasha - her face, her voice, her very panicked looks towards her bosses as this random man sobs into her shoulder. And Gertrude’s like dammit, clearly The Archivist still has some of his humanity left. No true Fear monster would ever willingly be that embarrassing.
After prying Jon away from Sasha and promising her a raise to avoid any HR reports, they get the whole long, traumatic story out of him, but any plans to just permanently kill Elias kinda... sputter out. It’s a little bit of a Web thing, a little bit of a time travel thing, and a little bit of Jon just feeling... wrong when he considers it, no matter what he’s told Gertrude. It’s similar to when he let Annabelle live, though Elias has done absolutely fuck-all to earn his mercy. This confuses Jon, though it’s pretty far down on his list of worries.
The good news is that Jon’s mere presence puts a permanent wrench in Elias’ plans. He’s never going to repeat the ritual to open the door, obviously, and good fucking luck marking another archivist while he’s Watching. Given Jon’s suspicions that he became semi-immortal after waking from his coma, he’ll be Watching a damn long time, you megalomaniacal bastard.
The bad news is that since Elias can no longer plot an intricate manipulation, he’s decided that the next best thing is to just convince Jon to bring about the end of the world willingly.
By wooing him.
Elias: “We can be Kings of a ruined world together, Jon~”
Gertrude: “I am not paid enough for this.”
So begins the office romance comedy of Jon’s nightmares, where instead of hating him for ruining his world domination plans, Elias is smitten - in a suave, very creepy kinda way - and has decided that he’ll simply wait Jon out, wearing him down until the inevitable day when he realizes that they were meant to be. A full-fledged Archivist was dropped into his lap, ranting about how he out-foxed a future version of Elias, tormented by his own monstrosity, and people expected his narcissistic ass to not fall head over heels with his own creation?? As if.
Jon is Not Having A Good Time.
Originally when he landed here he was all, “Where is my Martin whom I love so dearly? Where is the support and companionship that I crave?” But after ‘bumping into’ him a few times outside the Institute, Jon comes to the bitter conclusion that whatever connection they had is gone. He recalls Martin’s firm belief that they never would have become a couple without all the trauma they’d been through and though this time around Jon definitely doesn’t hate him... he doesn’t love him either. Oh, he loves that he exists, seeing Martin whole and blissfully ignorant of the Fears helps heal something in Jon, but it takes him a very long time to admit that he’s too nice. Too caring. Too tentative in his insecurity. Jon grinds his teeth and admits in the privacy of his own thoughts that he was attracted to a bastard version of Martin, one who showed off a little bit of his own monstrosity, was connected to his own domain, could cut just as cruelly with his words as Jon could with his powers... Meeting with him now over coffee, inches away, Jon has never felt farther from him. This Martin simply isn’t a part of the world that created Jon.
Good, he decides and firmly steers Martin away from the Institute. Thanks to some blackmail and Peter Lukas’s money, Martin finds himself with a caretaker for his mom and the promise of a full ride through whatever creative writing program he can get into.
Meanwhile, Elias is of course stalking and spying on Jon whenever he can, doing the metaphorical equivalent of doodling hearts in his notebook whenever he catches a glimpse of why Jon no longer connects with Martin. He’s a bastard avatar with shitty morals and, frankly, far better taste in poetry. Open your third eyes, Jon!!
Gertrude, who avoided sacrificing Michael after a stern talking to from Jon: “You sure you don’t want the Spiral to eat you, kid? Anything’s better than watching this clusterfuck.”
Michael: 🙃🙃🙃
After a while the Institute settles into a new kind of normal. Jon, Gertrude, and Michael defend the archives from the slew of enemies they’ve both amassed, stopping the occasional ritual in their free time. Jon has long come to the conclusion that the Fears couldn’t have originated here - not with the Eye being unable to see its own creation - so starving them in this reality at the expense of their world wouldn’t serve the greater good. The best they can do is continually contain them - which they’ve gotten real good at. Elias continues to bother Jon with a fervor that’s almost admirable (he can see how this guy managed plans for upwards of 200 years) and waffles between playing the Mysterious Boss archetype that he’d used on Jon the first time around, and just giving in to the utter adoration he feels whenever Jon is in the room. It’s clear he’s long since started worshiping Jon rather than the Eye and the Eye is... totally fine with that?
Gertrude: “How did you get the Ceaseless Watcher to treat you like a favored child?”
Jon: Trauma?? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
After seeing how much happier Martin is, Jon guides the rest of his former assistants away from the Institute, Sasha included. It helps, a little, but it also makes him even more isolated than he was the first time around.
Gertrude realizes this, so when Elias’ flirting - “I’ve found a fresh statement for you, Jon. Oh do stop glaring, it’s just a bit of chloroform. She’ll wake up soon. You can’t be satisfied with stale writings for forever” - starts inducing more fond annoyance than fear or horror, she becomes #Concerned.
Gertrude: “You realize that desensitizing you to his actions was the point all along, right?”
Jon: “Mmhm. But is it still manipulation if I know it’s manipulation?”
Gertrude: “You cannot possibly be considering this.”
Jon: “Would it help if I admitted that dating Elias wouldn’t be the worst decision I’ve ever made?”
Gertrude: “NO.”
The thing is, Jon liked Elias before he revealed himself to be an immortal body-snatcher hell-bent on creating... well, hell on Earth. He liked the soft academic exterior, his careful words, love of organization and attention to detail, the dry humor, cutting intellect, those suits that likely cost more than three months of his salary combined... In fact, Jon is now in a place to vividly remember the embarrassment he felt while interviewing for the archivist’s position, too busy avoiding looking at Elias’ lips to catch the hungry glint in his eye.
Of course, that Elias only exists as a veneer... though what was Jon’s “I’m just a normal man going grocery shopping, please ignore my scars and aborted grab as I resist demanding a statement from you” if not a veneer of its own? Where did their ‘real’ selves begin and their conscious choices end? The most awful thing about all this is that Elias is right. Oh, not about them being Kings of a ruined world, but about how no one but another avatar can truly understand an avatar. By this point Jon is years past his coma, fully at peace - or at least, as at peace as he’ll ever get - with the fact that he chose to live as a monster rather than die as a human. That means Knowing things at his leisure... though he tries not to catch anything private. It means Compelling others to provide him with more knowledge... though he’s careful with his questions around friends. It means Feeding off of others’ worst moments in life... though Jon restricts himself to statements that Gertrude has collected first, so that he never haunts anyone’s dreams. And it means spending the majority of his time with other monsters and monster-aligned allies... though Jon plants his feet firmly in his human morals and refuses to budge.
If he can navigate all that, why not this too?
Elias has said more than once that he would make Jon the worst version of himself - said with such glee and promise as to almost, almost sound like something Jon wants. Jon figures that the worst version of Elias, from his perspective, would be to look a bit more human.
“We can bring out the worst in each other,” he agrees one day, followed by a shark-like grin.
Elias hasn’t the faintest idea what he’s just gotten himself into.
And that feels wonderful. Manipulating him into being a marginally better person who doesn’t bring about the apocalypse might actually be more satisfying than stabbing him. The Elias of Jon's original timeline would have HATED this and that makes Jon do a happy little wiggle whenever he thinks about it.
Gertrude: “You’re leashing a fucking dragon, Sims.”
Jon: “Better than letting it roam free.”
Gertrude: “Just so long as he doesn’t chew through the reins.”
Jon: “Yeah well, I’ll be the first one burned if that happens” and he holds up his charred hand with a shrug.
So begins the most messed up courting ritual the world has ever seen. Do they work as a couple? Oddly enough, yes. Amazingly well, in fact. Is it a healthy relationship? LOL yeah right. But then that’s rather the point. Jon gave up on that the day he acknowledged that, yes, a part of him liked being the most powerful being roaming a hellish landscape - liked not being vulnerable for once. Back when he’d first joined the Institute, post-breakup with Georgie, Jon couldn’t even imagine someone liking him enough to grab a drink after work. He’s past pretending that having the cult-like devotion of a lover, the favor of a Fear god, and the grudging respect of everything else that goes bump in the night isn’t really fucking nice.
Sometimes Elias plays the part of a compassionate human for Jon, as a treat. Sometimes Jon let’s Elias bask in another’s terror, as a treat. Sometimes Jon is Jonathan Sims and sometimes he’s The Archivist. “Let’s rule a burned-out world together” becomes a staple request in their relationship, with Jon always giving Elias the equivalent of a pat on the head and a, “Sure, honey. Maybe next week.” They find something like balance that way.
Plus there’s Gertrude, perpetually in the shadows with an arsenal of weaponry and the promise to obliterate them both if they ever go too far. She reminds Jon of his grandmother when she threatens to fuck them up in the afterlife if they ever make her kill them.
Something, something, dysfunctional eldritch found families are beautiful?
Jon and Elias have achieved something akin to an uncanny, domestic bliss when Elias points out that this body won’t last forever...
Jon Does Not Like the idea of Elias kidnapping another innocent.
Jon: “You know Jurgen Leitner is living in the Institute’s tunnels, right?”
And they lived ever after. The “happily” is highly subjective.
Post-apocalypse!Jon meeting with Original!Jon to warn him away from the Institute, painfully thin ever since his coma, hip-length hair streaked unnaturally white, a slew of scars covering every available bit of skin, the slightest green glow behind his eyes, somehow looking supremely confident and powerful while also embodying the most Awkward Academic you’ve ever seen: Hey.
Og!Jon: G-good lord!
Jon: It’s okay. You can say ‘fuck.’ Please say ‘fuck,’ Jon. We deserve it.
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
Edit: I wrote this on January 8, but kept it my drafts to avoid spoilers for Have Some Empathy, Dear.
Got my first migraine of the year recently and it gave me the idea to write some headcanons down for the boys that I have written for and plan on posting/have posted for. Some of these are more specific than others and generally take place in their respective stories if that makes sense.
The Ones You've Met
My UF!Papyrus aka Edge:
He got home to find you sitting at the kitchen table with your head in your hands. He realizes there's something wrong immediately and when you tell him you're suffering from a migraine, he wants to help.
Only problem is he isn't sure what to do exactly. He knows how bad migraines can be as he's both experienced them and helped his brother deal with them firsthand. He just doesn't know where to start to help you, especially if you're a human as your anatomy is far different from his own.
Fortunately for you, he knows healing magic and is quite talented. You're in good hands with him, literally. (He might even be mildly amused if you point that out.) Depending on the severity of your migraine, his magic may not be able to fully make the pain go away, but it's enough of a relief to make a difference.
He'll offer whatever else he can afterwards like pain meds, tea, a hot bean bag or an ice pack if you prefer, but most importantly, he'll offer cuddles. He doesn't get a ton of down time in general but he's quite happy to just lay on the couch or in bed and hold you close until you do feel better.
My Horror Sans aka Baston:
Your seasonal allergies were acting up and in combination with probably smacking your head recently, you ended up with a migraine. Baston only needed to take a look at you to determine that you were in pain and he was by your side instantly.
He knows loads of homemade pain relief treatments from personal experience and what his brother, Hemlock, has studied. He'll get you situated with a mug of some strong but surprisingly not awful tasting herbal tea in no time. He'll probably even let you lay down in his own bed for a while if you're over at his place.
If you fall asleep, you'll probably wake up to him sitting next to you, gently playing with your hair. If you're still not feeling 100%, he'll try something else but if he isn't needed elsewhere, he'll be staying nearby for a while, just in case.
My Post-Echotale G!Sans aka G:
He travels a lot so it was likely sheer coincidence that he found you while you were suffering from a migraine. Maybe he had to actually go to your house as you weren't at any of your other meeting spots. He's quick to grow serious when he sees how bad you feel too.
While he's often a bit standoffish or casually flirty, G is also surprisingly tender when he wants to be. He'll check if you've already taken pain meds yet and help with that if you want to. Beyond that, he isn't sure what else he can do for you.
Unless you give him ideas, he'll probably just resort to trying to make you comfortable and relaxed. You are getting wrapped up in a blanket burrito and he will hold you as close as you want for however long it takes for your migraine to go away. He'll even lightly massage your head and gently play with your hair until you fall asleep.
He'll likely still be there when you eventually wake up too. You might even catch him in a contemplative mood before he realizes you woke up. He spends a good deal of time thinking about the past and the future which can put him in slightly negative moods, but he's quick to hide this around others. He's willing to talk if you're feeling up to it at least, although you'll have to convince him that you're feeling fine again first.
Lord Nightmare:
He knew something was bothering you from across the castle as he could feel your negative emotions brought on by the intense pain. He found you tossing and turning in your bed as you couldn't find a comfortable position with how bad your migraine was.
He doesn't have a lot of experience actually caring for people but he cares a lot for you and hates seeing you in pain like this. He always spares no expense when you're sick or injured and now is no different. He'll personally go get medication to relieve your pain and tell the boys to leave you alone for the rest of the day.
He'll stay by your side while you take your medication and if you don't mind, he'll gladly siphon off the negative emotions you're experiencing and calm you down with his magic. He'll cuddle you even if you aren't really in the mood as he just wants you to feel better and can't do much more in the moment. The plus side is that his tentacles are soft and cool to the touch which is rather soothing for your poor head.
You aren't leaving your room until he's positive (heh) you're feeling better. Even if you insist otherwise, he'll keep snuggling you just to make sure you'll be okay. He means well of course, but he's also rather possessive of you and since the boys can't bother you right now, he might as well give you as much affection as he can. (The boys will likely be desperate to find out if you're alright once you are released so you're going to be doted on for a while afterwards.)
Note from Trash: I see Lord Nightmare as very similar to the Nightmare I wrote for "Have Some Empathy, Dear" so they'd likely act the same or similarly.
Horror Sans aka Axe:
You'd gotten home from work late as you'd had to stay until you'd finished up one final report that couldn't possibly wait until Monday. Axe had been incredibly worried something happened to you and was just about to go look for you himself when you returned. He knows you're not doing well before you even tell him and practically goes into mother hen mode.
If you can stomach food, he's making you something easy to consume that's so packed with healing magic, you'll almost be swimming in it. He'll also make you a tea and all but insist you go relax while waiting. He can't use much magic anymore but he can make great food at least so that's what he'll do.
He's had quite a bit of experience dealing with pain as he deals with it on a near daily basis. It especially hurts to see someone he counts as a friend, let alone you, in pain. He keeps a level head though and will do anything to help ease your pain.
He'll stay with you as long as physically possible just so that he can reassure you, and himself, that you'll be okay. He likes touching your hair and skin, although he is a bit worried he'll hurt you worse so he won't be giving you a massage. He will play with your hair though and stroke your scalp if you're okay with that.
Murder Sans aka Dust:
He was probably already dealing with a headache today (literal or metaphorical in the form of Killer lol) before he teleported to your place for a break. He can sympathize with your pain but he's not great at the whole caring thing.
You'll probably have to be Pain Pals together for a while, which isn't so bad actually once you get some medication or get comfy. Dust is a great cuddler although he isn't always in the mood. Lucky for you, he happens to like it when you touch him on his bad days.
He'll stay overnight if you let him and may even be there the next morning when you have to leave for work. You'll probably have to untangle yourself from his koala hug though, which could take awhile. Interestingly, he's even more mellow than usual in times like these, although he won't admit that your gentleness and affection are almost like drugs to him.
Killer Sans aka Killer:
He's also very bad at the whole empathy thing. He showed up and made loud noises while doing so until you angrily told him to shut up. He doesn't take your pain seriously at first and very likely finds it hilarious, as pain often is for him (usually other's pain though).
Once he realizes you aren't any fun in this state, he grows deathly serious though. He'll bring the entire contents of your medicine cabinet to you and steal all the blankets in your home just so he can build a blanket fort around your couch. He says little while setting everything up which is a little scary until he flashes you his trademark smile and forces you onto the couch if you aren't there already.
Unfortunately, he isn't going to leave you alone. Expect to be spooned and whispered to incessantly until you tell him to shut up again. He will, for a solid thirty seconds, when he can't handle not saying something stupid anymore. You either have two migraines to deal with now or a buddy who's doing his best to help distract you from it.
The Ones You Haven't Met, Yet...
Fractured Souls - My other Underfell AU:
My Other UF!Sans aka Crimson:
He hates ever seeing you in pain, whether it be emotionally or, as is the case this time, physically. He's a tough guy that had to grow up quickly in a rough world so he isn't the greatest at helping at first. He has the head knowledge on what to do but struggles with figuring out what order to do it in.
If you can stomach food, you are either getting some awesome leftovers of whatever Scar made recently or Crimson will make you something simple himself. If you're okay with taking pain meds, he'll make sure you take the correct amount and make you a golden flower tea as well.
He doesn't know what else he can do for you but will sit and give you all the cuddles you could ask for, if you're comfortable with that anyways. He's a big guy, so he gives great cuddles. You won't want for anything and all you have to do is ask if you do.
If your migraine goes away soon, he'll probably continue to dote on you for the rest of the day. You aren't doing any chores or even lifting a finger on his watch. He will call you out if you force yourself to do anything strenuous too.
My Other UF!Papyrus aka Scar:
Unfortunately for you, he doesn't notice you're in serious pain until he actually stops whatever he was doing and takes a good look at you. When he realizes how awful you're doing though, he's dropping everything to take care of you and if you feel guilty for bothering him, he'll insist your health is more important. You're weaker and more prone to sicknesses than he is afterall. He doesn't mean to be harsh or anything, that's just how he is.
He will make you some soup or a golden flower tea if you'd rather that. Otherwise, you are getting sent to your room and under strict bed rest for the rest of the day. None of his other brothers are permitted to disturb you either. Scar will make sure you have anything you need throughout the day like medications or a hot or cold pack for your head.
He checks in on you every few hours but carries on with his responsibilities otherwise. If you're doing especially bad or if you ask him to, he will concede and stay with you for a while. He has a real soft spot for you afterall and he hates seeing you sad.
It'll be back to business as usual the next day though. So good luck getting out of any chores because he'll send you right back to bed if he thinks you still have a migraine. He's a bit cold that way but he means well.
My Other UF!Gaster aka Vermillion:
He takes an even more clinical approach than Scar would and let's be honest, you only came to him for help because his younger brothers were too busy. He cares a lot about you, maybe not as much as Crimson does, but he does in his own way.
Vermilion knows many ways to make you feel better and will suggest multiple options for you to choose from. He'll make sure you get the exact dosage of medication and give it to you at the correct times if you need more. He'll make sure his brothers are quiet when they do find out about your migraine, but won't interfere if they also want to help.
You'll probably wake up to find him sitting next to your bed watching you fondly or holding your hand in his much larger one. You're such a small human compared to him and his brothers and he finds you absolutely fascinating. Fine, he was also watching you to make sure you would be okay while you slept. No, it's not strange, it's called putting you on Observation... Yes, he is aware that you know that's not what that means.
The Caged Canary - My attempt to rewrite my first Classic fic ever:
My UT!Sans aka Classic:
He could tell something was wrong the moment you didn't at least give him a pity laugh at any of his awful jokes. He's quick to grow serious and he'll try to get you to tell him what's wrong. To his relief, you've only got a migraine and aren't being harassed by your awful family or something.
Classic is great at taking care of you as he took care of Vanilla for many years when they were younger. He'll make sure you drink plenty of water or tea, get pain killers for you if you can take them, and even taking you home if you're out somewhere together.
You're in great hands with him (quite literally he'll be quick to point out). If you have energy, he'll attempt to cheer you up with humour or just pleasant conversation as charisma is one of his strong suits. You'll probably learn something new about him for once and maybe end up revealing some of your own secrets in the process.
He may or not be there in the morning if you fell asleep, depends how comfortable you are around him. He'll check in on you later though and try some more jokes just to make sure you're back to normal.
My UT!Papyrus aka Vanilla:
He's much more observant than you thought and he surprised you by asking if you're doing okay. You tried to play it off and claimed your head just hurt a little, but he easily saw through your lie. For crying out loud, he lives with his brother, the master of deflection and distraction, you are an amateur in comparison.
He's very kind and tries to gently get you to let him help. He'll take you somewhere quieter and make sure you aren't dehydrated or hungry before anything. If you'll let him, he'll also offer to use healing magic to cure your migraine. Otherwise, he'll offer to make you some food with healing magic. (He's gotten really good at cooking now!)
Vanilla won't leave you alone until he knows you'll be okay and he'll go out of his way to make sure you're okay before even dreaming of leaving you. Would a hug from the Great Papyrus help? Of course it would! He is the best at giving hugs! That's what friends are for afterall - making sure you're okay.
He's one step away from acting like a mother hen and will check in for a little while afterwards just to make sure your migraine is completely gone. Maybe he'll ask to come over to hang out just to make sure, but he also wants to spend quality time together don't get him wrong!
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heyitsme1040 · 10 months
The Road Ahead [d.w]
summary : Getting ready to go on the road with Dean, the only unusual thing is that it isn’t for a hunt. Your excitement is hard to contain, having no idea where the road will take the two of you. These moments are unforgettable, so different from anything you’ve experienced with him before.   
pairings : Dean Winchester x Reader
warnings : None, (If I missed anything please let me know!)
word count : 530
AO3 (x)
a/n : The third bonus Comfortember post is here! This one is based on the alternate prompt of ‘travel’. These are just glimpses of what I imagine a road trip with Dean would be like if there wasn’t the pressure of a hunt weighing on the two of you. 
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“Are we forgetting anything?” You look across the hood of Baby to Dean.
“We’ve got our bags, your camera and film, a small bag of weapons just in case, and a cooler filled with snacks and water,” Dean lists off. “What else could we need?”
“I just feel like we’re forgetting something. Did you charge your phone?”
“Sweetheart, relax. Yes, I charged my phone. I also have a battery pack just in case either of us need to recharge our phone. Anything we could have possibly forgotten can be bought.”
“You’re right,” you shake your hands out. “Sorry, I’m just nervous. And excited. They’re conflicting emotions.”
Dean walked around the hood of Baby, grabbing your hands. “Take a deep breath, you’re fine. You don’t need to worry about a thing. Everything is alright.”
You take a deep breath, nodding. You knew Dean was right. There was no reason to be worried. Everything was fine, you and Dean weren’t going on a hunt. You didn’t need to make sure you had everything. Blowing the breath out, you smile up at Dean. 
“Thank you,” you swing your linked hands. 
Dean smiles back, leaning down he opens your door. Gently guiding you in, he kisses your forehead briefly before closing your door. You watch as he strides to the driver’s side, gets in, and starts the car. 
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You weren’t sure what was more enjoyable on your travels. The long stretches of open road, or seeing what the towns and cities had to offer. 
On the stretches where there was nothing, the windows were rolled down and the music turned all the way up. Dean’s music was the kind you couldn’t help but sing along with. Sometimes the singing devolved into yelling the lyrics at each other between fits of giggles. You rarely got to see Dean in this relaxed state, and you couldn’t get enough of it. He resembled the Dean you’d always heard about in fond memories the boys would retell. 
The small towns you came across were either run down or quaint. The occasional motel was where a room would be rented. There was never much to do in these towns but pass through. You’d stop for the night and get dinner at the local diner to bring to the room. On the way out of town you’d fill Baby at the only gas station while Dean quickly went inside to buy some drinks and snacks. 
The times you found yourself in a bigger city, Dean always made a point to stop for a day or two. Getting to play tourist was fun. You’d grab your instant camera and roam the streets with Dean holding your hand the whole way. There were unique stores, aquariums, hotels, and tourist attractions all documented by you. Every picture either you or Dean dated and wrote where it was taken before putting it in the box you had under your seat. 
The two weeks you were gone seemed both too long and yet far too fast an experience. Getting back to the bunker, you were glad to return to your own bed yet missed the idea of waking up to a new adventure every day. 
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Author’s Note : Reblogs are appreciated, likes are welcome, and if you want to read more of my fics then maybe follow.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
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Daemon Targaryen x F!Reader
A/N: The next prompt suggested by @a-bang-for-your-bucky was “How can I believe you after all you’ve done?” With Daemon Targaryen. This is the first time I’ve written Daemon, I found him dialogue heavy. He’s a wordy boy, stressing his point because he’s always in the right. Anyway… thank you @adrille88 for doing the job of beta!
Warnings: Explicit 18+, smut. I haven’t written smut in a while 😬 potential kidnap (but not really), mentions of marriage, death and murder, dragons. Reader and Daemon start off a little rough but it’s consensual. Some High Valyrian snuck in there. Also the first time I’ve dipped into the fanfic world of GOT/HOTD so be gentle. Reader belongs to a house but it’s not specified which one, reader wears a dress and has hair but nothing else is specified.
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Translations: (I found.)
Zaldrīzesdōron- Dragonstone.
ñuha prūmia - my heart.
issa dãrys - my king.
avy jorrãelan - I love you.
se nyke aõhon - and I am yours.
Word Count: 4.6k
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The wind was fierce. It grabbed at your dress and the fear of falling off made you clutch onto the Prince more than you liked. The dragon beat his wings and you swear the pressure of it pressed inside your ear, weighing into you. A scream threatened to bubble up your throat when the beast dived and the ground seemed so far away but too close at the same time. Daemon tightened his grip around your midriff as your heart stopped and you thought this really was the moment you were going to die.
Closing your eyes, you prayed for it to be over soon as nausea clawed at your stomach; maybe you weren’t cut out for a life on dragonback. It was the dream of every small child in Westeros, to have a dragon of their own but now that you were actually here, you hated it.
As soon as Caraxes landed with a shake of his massive head you slid down his side. You hadn’t accounted for how far from the ground he was still and your legs buckled at the force of your dismount. The dragon turned to watch you curiously, his head cocked and a slight whistling sound chittered from his throat.
You were utterly dishevelled. Your hair was a mess, your dress was uncomfortable and it had shifted slightly on your body so the corset dug in. Grabbing your skirts, you loudly cursed the silver haired man who strode toward you with an arrogant swagger.
“Oh stop your griping,” he scolded you. “Most people would kill for what you just experienced.”
“I will not be disrespected like this, Daemon!” Your dress wasn’t appropriate for the wet chill on Dragonstone and your body gave an involuntary shiver.
“No one is disrespecting you, My Lady.”
“Why am I here?” You glared at him but all he did was match your ire with a cocky half smile and a hand to show you the way up to the fortress. Lifting your head you glared at him harder before swanning past and walking steadily up the long and winding causeway.
By the time you reached the tall black stone of the Keep you were visibly freezing, your numb hands doing nothing to keep you warm against the constant wind as it sliced around the island. Your hair was damp, draining any last vestige of warmth you may have had.
Daemon didn’t say anything to you. Leading you into a long hall and scattering the servants with a curt word and pretending not to notice when you headed straight for the roaring fireplace. The sensation of a thick fur being wrapped around your body made you flinch, but you grabbed onto it. Daemon swept your hair to the side, gently draping it over the fur and you allowed him to smooth it down, his hands slowly travelling along your arms until you stepped out of his reach. His pent up sigh finally being let out.
“What do you want, Daemon?”
“The pleasure of your company,” his voice sounded too loud as it echoed around.
“We could have done that within my own halls. My house is one of the few who would have allowed the scorned Prince of Westeros under its roof.” He scoffed, picking at the food that had been laid out on the table.
“It’s not the same.”
“No. My halls are much more comfortable.”
“Did you not enjoy the thrill of the ride?” He asked, lifting his gaze to gauge your reaction but you refused to play his game.
“I shall ask again and I expect a straight answer.” Daemon rolled his eyes and waved a hand to cut you off.
“Don’t be so fucking boring. You’re better than this, you know you are.” Bravely you stood stock still as he approached, his eyes eating up every inch of you as he stopped just inches from you, crossing his hands on the pommel of his sword. “You’re in need of a husband.”
“That’s what this is about?!” You sounded amused but really your entire body had just flushed with a delicious warmth as ideas ran rampant in your mind. “Are you putting yourself forward as a candidate?”
“Well I thought the dragon ride would have sealed the deal.”
“There is no ‘deal.’ If you wish to seek my hand in marriage you must fall in line with the other suitors.” Cocking an eyebrow, you enjoyed the way he grinned at you, fully taking on the challenge you offered him.
“I don’t have to fall in line with anyone. I am a Prince.”
“One that has fallen from favour more times than I can count. What would I want with a black sheep such as you?”
“A sheep,” he sneered. “Good one.” Turning away from him you weren’t expecting him to grab you, pulling you to him so hard your breath hitched. “Tell me I don’t top the best offer you’ve ever had.”
“Let me go,” you gasped but his grip just tightened. His eyes never left your face, tracing your features so marked with annoyance, he liked this look on you. He enjoyed your spirit and the way it singed his fingers, like dragon fire. You were something else entirely and he wasn’t going to let you be dimmed anymore.
“I cannot.” It was all there in his mind, everything he had ever wanted to say to you. Usually he didn’t hesitate to say what was on his mind but you choked him. “My Lady…”
“You know he will never agree to this. Our King.” The second son relinquished his grip at the mention of his older brother, a grimace crossing over his sharp features.
“As much as I love my brother, you know I don’t listen to a word he says. He told me to marry that prissy bronze cunt in the Vale and I got out of that.”
“How did she die again? Hunting accident?” You queried knowing full well that was a lie.
“And your last husband? Choked at the table did he?” The taunt was quick fired and smug but you had your story straight.
“He ate too much duck. A bone got lodged in his throat.” You scowled at him, hating the way he ran the tip of tongue over his bottom lip but then Daemon stepped back.
“It’s all inconsequential anyway,” he announced.
“Is it? I was told under no circumstances, was I to entertain any advances from you.” He raised an eyebrow, nodding at the table as though surprised at your sudden admission but you could tell he already knew you were going to say something like that.
“Your advisors know best. Do you agree with them?”
“After the way you stole me…”
“Oh here we go again, I did not steal you!” He grumbled.
“I am here against my will!” You shrieked. “I was plucked from my House and flown halfway across the world…”
“Don’t exaggerate,” he muttered.
“Flown, away from my home and dumped in this…”
“Amazing fortress.”
“Ugh! You are insufferable!”
“Would you listen to me?” He hissed coming towards you once again but this time you backed out of his reach and his hand dropped, balling into a fist. “I needed to get you away from the dying ideas of those old codgers. They ruin you. Dull you. I want nothing more than to — treat you how you should be treated. I brought you here to become a fucking Princess!”
“How can I believe you after all you’ve done?”
“That!” He pointed at you, jutting out his jaw as he tried to drive his point forward. “That is what they want. To put this poisonous wedge between us and I will not have them succeed. Not this time.”
“So you’re telling me they feed me lies? You haven’t taken whores, disrespected the crown or killed your ex wife? None of these things are true?” You challenged.
“Yes of course they’re true…I’m not lying to you here.”
“And neither are my advisors when they say I should avoid you at all costs.”
“No. They’re just trying to undermine me and ruin any chance of happiness you might want.” Your face twisted with disgust at how accurate his insight was.
“I don’t want to have this conversation anymore.” You wanted to leave and in a desperate attempt you headed for the exit, not caring where it led to but he charged; almost sweeping your balance away as he grabbed your wrist and spun you back to face him with a flurry of your dress.
“We are not finished,” he spat. “I am here telling you all the nitty gritty bits of my character, exposing my flaws so you can pick at them like a rabid raven and still love me.” Your breath quickened as your back was pressed back into the wall. “I’ve never hidden who I am,” he continued.
“Maybe I don’t like what you’re showing me after all, Prince Daemon.” He smirked but it didn’t reach his eyes. They stayed steely, and focused until he released you and stepped back. Gaining control of himself and giving you space again.
“That’s an outright lie,” he said. The firelight caught on his silver hair and you found yourself admiring him now, as much as you did when you first caught sight of him at the tournament. How you had promised yourself to capture the attention of the dragon rider, now your efforts after all this time were suddenly not so fruitless.
“So what if it is.” He stood before you, one leg cocked slightly as he openly admired you. His gaze dragging over your body and you let the fur slip down around your shoulders exposing some skin.
“We are one and the same you and I,” he whispered.
“How did you work that out?”
“Because I have heard tales of your late husbands. Tragically, you don’t seem to be able to stay married a whole year before they’re falling dead at your feet.”
“Unfortunate circumstances,” you shrugged.
“No heirs,” he continued. “So all their fortune goes to you. Their dear, bereft lady wife.” The fur slipped further and his hands worked to free himself of his sword belt. “We could be formidable, you know. Together.” He began to remove his armour, taking the breastplate off and planting it in the chair near you, his eyes never straying far from your own. “You’ve got the soul of a dragon and I admire that. I enjoy its heat.”
“What makes you think you have what it takes to tempt me, my Prince?” He scoffed, allowing the brief annoyed smirk to cross his face.
“Is it the thrill of the chase for you? To have a prince come after you like some love sick fool?” he snapped with barely contained irritation.
“You are not one of those,” you countered.
“Oh but I am. That’s why I stole you, as you so crudely put it, and brought you here, to Dragonstone.”
“To make me yours?” The last item clunked to the floor and he was standing before you in a loose shirt, leather britches and boots. Within a few strides you were in his reach. Feebly you tried to resist but he overpowered your meagre attempts until your back was flush against his chest. His large hands holding your wrists firmly across your own chest. Turning your face away, he buried himself into your neck, breathing warmly on your skin.
“To make you, mine.” Your cry rang out when his teeth sank into the softness of your neck but he didn’t release you. Just spinning you round, and walking you back until the pair of you slammed into the cold stone wall. “Yes, fight me,” he encouraged, taking a slap to the cheek and working his jaw to absorb the pain.
“You like that?” You breathed.
“Mmm, now that would be telling,” he teased; pushing forward to press a chaste kiss to your lips. He had you trapped, his wide body crowding you from all sides and his foot kicked your legs wide. Once again you tried to push him away but the scuffle just ended with you in an even more vulnerable position. Hands pinned above your head as he ghosted his nose over your face; breathing you in with a drawn out sigh as though he’d been waiting an eternity for such a moment with you. “Extraordinary,” he murmured.
“I won’t give in so easily,” you snarled but there was no conviction in your voice.
“Is that so?” He stole another kiss from you, his tongue teasing you to open up for him. Your body shivering against him, excitement sliding down your spine and a soft moan was sipped from the tip of your tongue.
The rustle of your dress was loud in the quiet, his free hand slipping under the fabric to brush the smoothness of your inner thigh. His calloused touch had your yearning for Daemon reach higher, arching your back in the hope he’d take the hint. His lips and teeth left a trail of marks along your jawline, his body pushing you even harder against the wall.
He let go of your wrists, spreading a hand over your throat in a show of control and possession. Your own hands fell to tangle in his silvery locks, pulling on them harshly so he sucked in a breath between his teeth. His hand connected with your thigh and your eyes closed as the sound snapped between you both.
“Now, now,” he drawled. You had no choice but to release the hold on his hair as he flipped you round so you were facing the fire. The heat enveloped you; mixed with the heat already coursing through your body, you could feel sweat beginning to form under your dress.
He shifted behind you, pushing his britches down until they covered his boots that he was still wearing. Daemon grabbed one of your hands and put himself in the palm. Your eyes fluttered at the silky warmth of him and you squeezed the thick tip letting him thrust slightly in your grip. Fingers curled around the column of your throat, tilting your head back until his lips found the corner of yours once again.
The fabric of your dress was lifted, this time his hand went straight for the slickness of your cunt. He parted your folds, taking his time to listen to the little noises you made when he circled your clit and teased your entrance. In return you felt your way along his stiff length, silently marvelling at the way he filled your grip. Your throat flexed in his hold as you groaned, shamelessly pushing your hips forward to try and get more friction but he chuckled darkly in your ear.
“You have to earn it,” he whispered.
“T-tell me how,” you whined. He didn’t respond, instead he pulled away, leaving you oddly cold in front of the fire.
The flames licked the huge logs, burning them a hot white colour and successfully captivating your gaze as you tried to calm the rising frustration. Looking over your shoulder, you saw him leaning against the table, britches pulled up but still undone, arms crossed over that wide chest as he waited for you to make your move.
“Is this how you treat all your women?” You asked with a biting edge to your tone, allowing him to see how riled up you were.
“No,” he replied with the blunt truth. “Other women bore me so I don’t waste my time on them more than necessary.” You approached him slowly, aware that he was watching every little movement you made. You didn’t want to give him the opportunity to discard you, not after the effort you had both put into getting here.
Reaching out you pulled the ties on his shirt to expose his chest, forcing his arms down and you drank in the sight of his scarred skin. Gently you traced the rough skin, watching him tense under your delicate touch.
“Did these hurt?”
“Are they from Caraxes?” You asked, forcing the fabric off his body completely so that he let it pool on the floor at his feet. He had more scars, marking his side and back.
“They are not the result of something that exciting. Just took a few arrows at the battle of the Stepstones.”
“I heard you won that fight pretty much single handedly, my Prince.” Your sultry gaze rose and you looked at him through your lashes. Running your fingernails down the dip between his pecs.
“Are we going to talk about my battle prowess all night or are we going to fuck?”
“Wouldn’t it be a surprise if I walked away after you promised so much and didn’t deliver.” Your words had the desired effect and the sense of anticipation leapt in your chest when he grabbed your face, pulling you close so he could feast on your mouth.
You went further, pushing his hips so he sat on the table. Manipulating your dress, you carefully lifted a leg up to mount him and he helped you by lifting the other so you were kneeling over him. Immediately you ground your hips over the barely covered bulge in his britches, enjoying the way he gasped in your mouth when he felt your unclothed cunt run over the exposed tip of his cock.
He wasted no time in pushing the material back down, taking a moment to feel how wet you were as he still ravished your mouth. His thick fingers nudged into you, stretching you so much you groaned, clutching at his face as you rolled your hips.
The motions between you became greedy, your nails scraped the underside of his chin. Daemon’s teeth seemed to seek out every fleshy spot he could reach but nothing slowed the relentless pressure of his fingers. A thumb passed over your bundle of nerves and your mouth dropped open, face contorting with pleasure you haven’t experienced in so long.
The orgasm rolled over you like the waves of the sea outside. Crushing walls you didn’t even realise you’d put up and baring a part of yourself that had been hidden for years. Daemon watched every little expression that crossed your face, studying you as though it helped him get to know you.
Withdrawing his fingers, he didn’t give you time to recover. Making you stand on shaky legs only to shove you over the table. Dishes of food went flying when he cleared a space for you, the metal singing a song as they clattered on the stone floor only to be punctuated by your shocked gasp when he ripped the fabric of your dress right down the seam.
“You’d look better in black,” he spoke thickly, barely containing his need for you. The material was discarded and your spine was bent until your cheek rested on the smooth wood. He gathered your slip at your hips, passing a hand over your backside and cupping your dripping cunt to gather your wetness. From the corner of your eye you could see him rub his glistening hand over his cock before he rubbed it along your slit. Teasing your entrance and looming over your back, trailing his hair between your shoulder blades.
There was no warning when he entered you, not that it mattered. You’d been waiting impatiently for the punishing stretch and he did not disappoint. You were slick enough to let him push in without any resistance and he took full advantage. The firmness of his thrusts jolting your body, a hand pressing into your back to hold you in place as he watched the way he slid so perfectly in and out of you.
Your body was craving him, your hands fisting because they had nothing to hold onto, your walls fluttering, squeezing him so tightly he had to lean his back and close his eyes to try and think of anything but the way you felt. He didn’t want this to end too soon; he wanted your body until you were bone limp and completely pliant.
The next orgasm ripped through your body and he paused to feel every tremble and to hear every obscene cry that came out of your pretty mouth. Your eyes were half closed when he slipped out of you, helping you up into his arms so he could lay you before the fire. You moaned, barely able to form words but your hands gripped his as he rubbed it up your front. Spreading his fingers widely over your stomach and up between your heaving breasts to trail his thumb over your lips.
You shifted, drawing his attention back to your exposed cunt and he moved. Settling between your legs, your thighs resting easily against his shoulders. You were glistening already but he wanted to add to it. Gathering the spit in his mouth and looking up to see you watching him with pupils blown wide, lips wrapped around his thumb as you sucked gently.
He spat on your clit. Diving down to devour you with his mouth, tongue licking you all the way up and down as he groaned with ecstasy at the taste of you. Legs tensed either side of his head and your shaky hand gripped his hair, urging him on. The cries you had no control over burst from your chest, hips grinding into his face until all he could sense was you and the ache in his spine as his cock twitched in desperation.
Another orgasm stole your senses. Whipping you into a state of higher bliss, a place no man had ever taken you before. Daemon looked over you, stroking some hair out of your face before he began all over again.
His mouth crushed into yours, the taste of you on his lips made you gasp. His skin was slick as it slid over yours, his body covering you, a hand digging into your thigh as he brought your leg up.
He lined himself up, pushing the thick tip into your aching mess of a cunt and you moaned loudly. He went slowly but steadily, allowing you to swallow him up until he had sheathed himself to the hilt inside you. Your walls fluttered at the welcome intrusion, stretching around Daemon’s fullness, making him curse in Valyrian.
You could barely concentrate, so cock-drunk on the feel of him it was struggle just to remember to breathe. His hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him as he flexed his hips, testing your waning limits.
Fingers fisted in the furs beneath you as he stoked the blazing heat inside you, making your toes curl tightly. Tired cries burst from your chest as he picked up the pace, pumping forcefully into your cunt so the sound of your sex filled the hall. He might have been praising you, degrading you, it didn’t matter. The rumble of his voice was all you could register as euphoria melted over your mind. The coil in your belly wound almost painfully tight and you thought you couldn’t take anymore from him when it snapped.
Your back arched, your legs clamped around him as your cunt squeezed on his cock from the force of your release. Your vision streaked with white, hands grabbing at the man on top of you, snatching at his arms until your nails drew blood. You felt him pulse inside you, right before he came to his own end with an explosive snarl. His mouth fell on yours, the salty taste of his sweat marked the edges of your lips as you both fed off each other’s highs.
He teased as much pleasure as he could out of you, until you were whimpering from the overstimulation and your body was limp and pliable. Finally, he pulled his softening cock free and rolled onto his back with a self-satisfied exhale. He looked over at you. His features were etched by the firelight but he looked softened. This wasn’t the hard faced man that had stolen you earlier today, the man that defied everyone just to please himself…here was a man who was letting his emotions show on his face. All barriers were down and you also felt oddly exposed to him. Not just naked, no this was something else. He turned to his side and began to stroke your slightly damp skin.
“Do you want to know the real reason why I stole you away?” His fingers drifted lightly over your aching stomach, watching the shadow his large hand cast in the twitching light of the fire.
“I think you’re dying to tell me,” you whispered. Your throat was dry and sore from all the noise he’d pulled from you. Daemon smiled, leaning forward to kiss your exposed shoulder.
“I wanted to save you from dreary men.” Your laugh was rich as it echoed in the stone hall and he grinned at the sound. Rolling onto your front under the furs you nudged into his wide chest.
“Yes, they were dreary. It’s why I killed them,” you admitted in a whisper.
“I promise to never bore you, ñuha prūmia.”
“And I promise to keep you on your toes, issa dãrys.” Your expression faltered when he didn’t respond. Did you say it wrong? Did he think you were undermining his brother by calling Daemon your king? You meant he was the king of your heart, he always had been.
“Do you know…everything I have done that my brother has not approved of has been because of you.” He couldn’t meet your eyes as he spoke, choosing instead to concentrate on your body.
“How so?”
“Every time you got remarried. I hated seeing you tied to some simpering idiot who didn’t deserve you. I could see how much it squashed your spirit.” You gently took his chin in your hand, forcing him to look at you.
“I cannot be tamed, Prince Daemon.”
“No.” He leaned into you, pretending to bite at your face as you giggled softly. “I want to free you,” he breathed. Gazing into his darkened eyes you felt your heart stutter in your chest. Your dreams were coming true, the man you’d been wanting since you’d come of age was here, naked at your side baring everything to you. “Avy jorrãelan,” he whispered into the shell of your ear.
“Daemon…” biting your lip, you let him roll you onto your back. His mouth was hot and wet as he skimmed his lips over your throat, fingers travelling down your body, drifting over your pert nipples.
“I know,” he mumbled into the soft flesh of your breast as he tongued and massaged your other nipple. Your fingers dipped into the crown of silver hair, back arching to offer yourself to him as much as possible. “I am yours,” he moaned, closing his eyes as though it tortured him to say such words.
“Se nyke aõhon!” You cried out when his fingers dipped into your aching heat. He groaned at the sensation of you, the thickness of his fingers filling you, bruising you almost. You were still tender from what had transpired before.
“If I could stay inside you forever, I would,” he whispered hurriedly as he rose above you. His hair dripped down like hot Valyrian steel as he leaned into you, sucking the mewling cries you gave him straight from your mouth.
You didn’t want to be anywhere else. You weren’t wanting him for power or status, he was so much more than his titles and bloodline. You wanted him because he made you feel things no other man had ever achieved. And those sensations were addictive.
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evergreenabyss · 2 years
As Good As It Gets
Pairing: Pantalone x Gender Neutral Reader, Aether x Reader if you squint
Warnings: none. I will write smut tho so minor's DNI
Content: Fluff
Words: 2.5k
Synopsis: You've heard the gossip about the traveler in Snezhnaya for years. When he appears in your greenhouse, you're excited to speak to him and his floating companion.
A/N: listened to As Good As It Gets by Abigail Barlow & Ariza + The Apartment We Won't Share by NIKI. A bit of a test since I've never written for Genshin before and we know almost nothing about Pantalone lol. Watch the characterization age like milk.
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You sat reclining on a settee with a book and a cup of tea in your greenhouse when you heard the sound of the door swinging open to reveal a blonde-haired traveler and his floating companion. 
Your fiance had really outdone himself when he gifted you this lovely greenhouse for your birthday a few years ago. It had come with plants from all over Teyvat, from Sumeru Roses to Cecelias from Mondstadt. In the center of the room, past a small forest of various green plants, a pool of lotuses had been built in the middle. There was nothing you enjoyed more than taking a walk through here with your hand around your fiance's arm as the two of you chatted about your day. 
Though, he never talked much about his day, preferring to hear about yours. Anytime you told him about the hardships of taking care of your plants, he suggested letting the gardener do the work. You always refused. You loved your plants like they were your own children and you could not neglect them. He didn’t understand why you would do the work yourself when he could pay someone else to do it but he saw it brought you joy so he didn’t press too much.
Which brings you to today. You’d finished caring for your plants early so you’d sat down to relax with a warm cup of that tea you liked from Liyue and a new light novel from Inazuma when two strangers burst into your sanctuary.
You would have been afraid by the panicked look on their faces but you always had guards in here patrolling and your fiancé gifted you a dagger for emergencies as well. While these strangers were dressed weird, they didn’t look like they wanted to hurt you.
Setting the book down, you asked, “Are you alright?”
The blonde strangers let out heavy pants like he’d been running. Snezhnaya was having another dreadful snowstorm that lasted weeks so you were unsure why this person would be running around outside, let alone be wearing a crop top.
“Sorry for disturbing you but would you mind helping us hide?” The blonde stranger asked with pleading, apologetic eyes. 
In response, your eyes narrowed to study him. “Who’s after you? Why?”
“Paimon thinks we should hide somewhere else. The fatui weren’t that far from here.”
“We’re not criminals I promise.” The blonde boy smiled, putting a hand on his heart.
This was the most excitement you’d experienced in months. Everyone in Snezhnaya usually stayed inside to avoid the snowstorms. It was much different from the warm breezy days of Liyue where you came from. You had to know more about these two strangers. “Alright, get behind those plants over there. If they come in here, I'll get rid of them.” You pointed to the tall green leafy plants deeper in your greenhouse. Your guards would walk past it but you doubted they’d spot anything in there.
The blonde stranger nodded, doing as you commanded, with his floating companion following him. You opened your book again and took a sip of your warm tea. Not much later, a fatui agent walked into the room. You put your book down to see what he had to say.
“I apologize for the interruption.” You smiled at him and gave him an encouraging nod to continue. “We’re looking for a blonde haired traveler wearing strange clothes with a floating companion. Have you seen them? They were spotted in the gardens.”
“If I may ask, what has this traveler done?” 
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you, my liege. It’s confidential.”
So, this must be harbinger business. Interesting. “No, I'm afraid I haven’t seen anyone fitting that description. Are these people dangerous?”
“Yes. If you do see them, be sure to report the information to the Regrator or one of us.” You slowly nodded, your eyes slightly widened at his words and with that the agent left the way he came. 
Per your fiance’s request you always kept the blue jeweled dagger he gifted you strapped to your thigh. You’d never needed it before and those strangers didn’t look dangerous. Maybe you should alert one of the fatui agents…
And yet, you’d heard so many things about the mysterious traveler journeying across Teyvat. This was the same traveler who had stopped storm terror from destroying Mondstadt without killing the creature. He’d also changed the opinion of the electro archon during the vision hunt decree. This traveler had accomplished so many feats. You’d never had the opportunity to talk to someone so unique.
Against your better judgment, you went towards the plants where you directed the mysterious traveler to hide. You spoke in a soft tone so as to not alert the nearby guards and said, “You can come out now.”
The blonde traveler shimmied away from the plants with their floating companion following behind him. He thanked you for your help while his floating companion whispered something in his ear. You heard the word fatui but not much else.
“I assume you should probably be on your way soon but I don’t suppose I could trouble you to stay for some tea before you go.”
His companion started to look nervous as she shook her head, “No, that’s okay. We need to, uh, go do that thing, right, traveler?”
You frowned. Even to a traveler, your relationship with the fatui continues to isolate you. “Oh, I understand. I’d leave through the well in the gardens. It’ll take you unseen through the waterway, in case they’re still after you.”
The traveler’s face grew perplexed, “There’s just one thing I don’t understand. If you’re with the fatui, why’d you help us?”
“I’m not a member of the fatui.”
“Then, why are there fatui agents all over? And I swear I saw that symbol.” He trailed off, his eyes scanning the greenhouse.
It was true there were many fatui agents scattered over the estate. At first, it made you anxious to be surrounded by so many members of the fatui but your fiance insisted. Harbingers had many enemies and he wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if something happened to you when he could prevent it. They didn’t ever bother you though. In fact, you’d been visited by the other harbingers more than the nearby fatui agents spoke to you.
Near doors and large windows, the Fatui and Regrator’s symbols were hung on the walls throughout the estate. It was to warn anyone who broke in they were in the domain of a harbinger and they would not be treated with mercy. It also served to remind you that you’d be protected every time he journeyed to Liyue for a business trip. In the foyer, the Regrator’s symbol decorated the wall in the form of a large emblem, next to two royal blue banners with the symbol of the fatui. You must admit it did move you how much he desired to protect you, but it was a bit off putting to guests.
“Yes,” You swallowed, “that would be because of my fiance. He, um, is a harbinger.”
“A Harbinger!” His traveling companion shouted, with eyes blown wide.
“And you still helped us?”
“It looked like you needed help. Though, I must confess I was curious to find out about the traveler the many tales nations have stories about. Snezhnaya rarely gets such interesting visitors.”
The traveler was silent for a moment as he pondered staying or heading out. With a smile, he looked back up at you and said, “Okay, we’ll stay-”
“What?!?” His companion shouted but he ignored her.
“As long as we’re gone before your fiance comes home, it should be okay.” 
You nodded at his statement and gestured for them to take a seat while you asked one of the servants to bring you some more tea and snacks. You learned the mysterious traveler was named Aether and their pouting companion was Paimon. In the many tales, the locals gossiped about you’d never heard their names but they sure did act like the stories suggested. Paimon floated with a pout until the food was set on the table, a few dishes from each nation. In no time at all, she dug into the snacks while you continued to speak with Aether.
He told you he was looking for information about his sister as he journeyed across the nations, foiling the plans of an organization with nefarious goals. It didn’t take a genius to know he was referring to the Fatui. 
Your fiance didn’t share much about the organization he worked for. You knew he was involved in many business ventures and he liked to share his theories with you but he didn’t get into the specifics. On many occasions, people seemed unnerved around. However, he’d only ever been sweet to you. Despite your protests, he bathed you in his riches, gifting you anything from small trinkets to establishments you enjoyed. And though he was a harbinger in charge of the nation's wealth, he always made time to kiss you each morning and night, asking about your day. The only times you’d ever seen him drop that pleasant smile of his was when Il Dottore visited the estate. You didn’t have to ask to know he didn’t want you involved in his harbinger activities.
“I’m sorry,” You replied, with a frown, “I haven’t heard anything about a blonde girl wearing strange clothing. I’ve only heard gossip about you.”
Aether rubbed the back of his neck and set down the empty tea cup, with a small smile, “That’s okay.”
Your gaze moved to a clock that hung in the greenhouse to see a few hours had passed. Though your fiance typically worked later, his subordinates would likely tell him the traveler had been near the estate. He’d be back soon.
You bowed your head to the traveler, standing, “Thank you for your company, Aether. I hope the archons put me in your path again someday. It’s time I keep my promise. Come,” You gestured to the door leading to the gardens. 
You grabbed two winter coats, putting on the more expensive one, and headed outside to the well. You’d briefly looked around to check for guard, relieved to see none close by. The traveler and his companion stood there, looking up at you wondering how they should get down there. “Climb the rope to get down there but be careful. The water’s probably all frozen.”
“Thanks.” Aether grabbed hold of the rope. He stepped on top of the stone, ready to begin when you stopped him with a light hand on his arm.
“Wait, take this cloak. It’s awfully cold on account of the snowstorm. Plus, it might help you blend in.”
The traveler paused, moved by your generosity, “Are you sure? What if your husband finds it missing?”
“He buys so many I doubt he’ll notice.” You chuckled, “It would also make me feel better knowing you have something to keep you warm. I probably shouldn’t say this since my fiance is technically after you but I hope you find your sister. Good luck, Aether.”
It was his turn to let out a chuckle as he began climbing down the well. You bent over the well to watch him climb down and walk deeper into the water well. Once he was gone, you shivered from the sheer cold of one of the many months long snowstorms this country unfortunately had. 
You entered the manor through the double doors and shrugged off the coat, handing it to one of the servants. Walking past the dining room, you noticed two plates had been set on the table. If your fiance wasn’t already back, he apparently would be for dinner. Before sitting down, you went to the bathroom to freshen up, drying your hair from the melted snow. Seeing no food set at the table, you elected to warm up by the fire. 
Slowly, your body started to warm up, especially when a pair of arms wrapped around your middle. He was wearing that perfume again, your favorite. Cedarwood, Cypress, and Nutmeg with an undertone of Patchouli. A smile broke out across your face as he left a kiss on your cheek, trailing his lips down your neck as his hands intertwined with yours continuing to linger across your torso. Tilting your head to rest on his left shoulder, you let out a content sigh, mumbling, “You’re feeling uncharacteristically affectionate today.”
“If you feel that way, I must be neglecting you.” He whispered, his timbre deepening. His lips were by your ear as he spoke, “I’m told a stranger invaded our estate but my agents were unable to catch the trespasser. Are you alright, darling?”
You twisted in his arms to face him. He moved a hand to caress your cheek and you could feel his warm breath fan your face. You nodded and connected your lips with his to reassure him. It started out with you leading a slow, comforting kiss but he quickly took over in a passionate, fast movement. Before you knew it, he’d guided you backwards until your back was against the stone of the fireplace. Without breaking the wet, warm, embrace of your lips, he’d lifted your legs to wrap around him. When the two of you had broken for a breath, your gaze went to his eyes to see the worry drowning in them. 
The traveler didn’t seem to be that dangerous. Aether had actually been pleasant company, telling you many stories but also not pressing you on your relationship with one of the harbingers. He was different compared to other people you knew around here. Every friend you’d tried to make was either scared of him or wanted to get on his good side to secure finance. They didn’t care about you. The traveler cared more about exchanging stories. Why was your fiance so worried?
“Who is this stranger?”
He didn’t answer at first, moving his head to linger at the crook of your neck. “Promise me you won’t meet them again.”
It was foolish to assume he wouldn’t find out but he didn’t sound angry with you for spending time with the traveler. However, it also didn’t sound like a question. He was pleading with you and that made you tense.
“I don’t-”
“I try not to ask for much. I know you feel lonely here but forming a friendship with the traveler is dangerous.” I’m He moved his head away from your neck and brought your hand to his lips. “Promise Me.”
“I,” You paused. He was right about rarely asking you for things but why did it have to be this. It was the first time you’d felt alive in weeks. You wanted to see the traveler again. You also couldn’t make a promise you intended to break, he didn’t deserve that. “I promise.”
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My Big Shot, My Star
🖤 A Valentine's Day Special 🖤
Summary || [Steve Harrington X Female Reader SMUT] Your movie star boyfriend takes you out for a night on the town in Hollywood. 
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Movie Star!Steve AU | 5.6k words | NO BETA/SELF-EDITED, Old Hollywood/1950s AU, Valentine’s Day Theme, Prompt: “Day Five + Steve Harrington + Presents,” LuMax, Established Relationship, Lavish Gift Giving, Kisses, Loss of Virginity, Steve Is Barely Experienced, Premarital Sex (GASP), Tender and Outdoor Sex, Contraceptive, Fingering (female receiving). 
More Valentines! | Other Keery Fics | Main Masterlist 
You helped Max Mayfield with the rouge on her cheeks and her lips as the time to leave was overshot by a minute. You had both gasped when a black limousine had showed up at your hotel doorstep that morning, and a well-dressed man had informed you that Steve– your Steve– had sent it to bring you to him. Of course you climbed into the back seat and let Max explore with a giddy expression as she pocketed a few of the decadent treats loaded up in the car. 
"So you really are dating a famous movie star, aren't you?," she teased. 
"Well, I…" you stuttered and tugged on your ear nervously. 
You knew Steve before he moved to Los Angeles with his parents. The Harringtons were always well off, but ever since Steve began appearing in films alongside the likes of Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart, you and the rest of Hawkins had believed that they were swimming in luxury. Steve had always made it sound more humble than that when he talked about it on the phone, but you were beginning to wonder if that was entirely accurate. 
The drive was long but comfortable and you were excited to see Steve in the flesh at long last. Your family had been skeptical about allowing you to travel so far away (and for a boy), but you managed to convince them that it was safe and that Max would need a chaperone with her own boyfriend Lucas Sinclair (who is in California for the year to be mentored by Steve for basketball tryouts). 
But you had no intention of spending Valentine's Day babysitting a pair of young teens when you could be with your Steve, alone for the first time since he visited (last year!). Max had eagerly assured you that she could handle herself and Lucas in Hollywood with only Steve’s hired man as chaperone and promised to check back into the hotel before dark. 
Excitement bubbled in your stomach as the limousine parked outside of a beautiful gated home. There was a gorgeous Lincoln Continental waiting outside as well with the man of the hour sat on the car hood and waiting for you. You threw your arms around his neck and squealed, so glad finally even to smell his natural musk that you missed so dearly. 
"Oh, Steve!" 
His arms crushed you to his chest and your feet stopped touching the ground for a second. Your skirt swirled as he spun around with you, careful to set you down gently before kissing the breath out of you. When your lips parted, Steve stared down at you with a goofy smile and warmth in his eyes. 
“Not a single day has gone by where I didn’t wish you were in my arms again.” Steve’s words stole all the air out of your lungs for the second time.  
“I’ve missed you, too,” you said as you fought back tears. “Please don’t make me cry, my mascara...” 
Steve laughed and swept you into another hug, distracting you from your feelings by chattering away about a new movie that he's filming for (something about baseball). When he was sure you weren't going to burst into tears anymore, he leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Did you like your gifts?” 
Steve flicked one of your earrings, and you took your own hand to touch the matching necklace at your throat. 
“Yes, I did. Thank you,” you replied sheepishly. “You don’t have to spend all that money on me, though, surely...” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Steve scoffed and waved a hand as if clearing the air. “Don’t worry about my pockets! I won’t say how much it cost but know this: I may be a man of means but I also have a sense for modesty. Isn’t that what you love about me?” He waited for you to chuckle before he said, “besides, I like spoiling you. You’re supposed to let me do that on the holiday!” 
You relented easily and delivered more kisses to his handsome nose. Steve ushered you into the car for a late lunch or early dinner in town. The sun was still about an hour from setting, but the Hollywood strip dazzled you. Well dressed men and women walked in beautiful clothes in the warmish weather and every business was fancy and upbeat, even the streets were paved gorgeously and became a vision! 
Steve took you into a nice diner (through the front doors, no less) and immediately you were seated by a host. A booth with vinyl seats and carved mahogany accents. You looked around nervously but most of the patrons seemed to be wrapped up in their own conversations and food tasting. 
“Relax,” Steve soothed you with a thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “You’re safe with me, okay? Nobody is going to bother us.” 
You ordered your food together and tried to catch-up on the past. There were things about Hawkins that you just couldn’t talk about over the phone and it was great to be able to share things with him in person. Steve asked about the other kids in Hawkins, and you told him that Mike, El, Will, and Dustin were loving Hawkins high and had been taken under the wing of a friendly outcast named Eddie Munson. Steve in turn told you a bit more about the parties he got invited to– you thought he might have down played some of the antics that the Hollywood people would get tangled in– but he also admitted he had a much better time making friends with an ice cream slinger named Robin Buckley, rather than the Hollywood Star’s wealthy children. 
The food was delicious and filled your belly to bursting. You were laughing as he told you about how clumsy but brilliant Robin could be when suddenly Steve looked over your shoulder and his face went flat with shock. 
“What is it?” You turned around and saw a large man approaching your table. There was some commotion behind him– a crowd of people, lights flashing, questions being shouted. Steve slumped back in his seat and looked like he wanted to disappear. 
“M-Mr. Mannix,” he stuttered, then stood abruptly to shake the man’s hand. “Sweetheart, this is-is one of my bosses, Eddie Mannix.” 
Mr. Mannix glances at you with a stoic face. He’s well dressed like most everybody else in Hollywood. Tailored suit and matching hat but he doesn’t look like a star, he looks like a working man, a man who gets shit done and who nobody messes with. 
“Ma’am,” he tipped his hat almost as a second thought, then turned back to Steve. Mannix was so tall and broad that he blocked all of the natural light coming from the big windows at the front of the diner and cast a shadow over your beau. “Never seen you taking a girl out, Harrington. Wasn’t sure you were the type.” 
Steve subtly wiped his palms on his pants. “This is my girlfriend, sir. Of quite a few years, actually, sh-she’s visiting from my hometown for Valentine’s day.” 
Mannix made a surprised noise and returned his gaze to you. It wasn’t friendly, per say, but it wasn’t reproachful either. “Well if you don’t want to be in the papers tomorrow, I suggest you both slip out back. There’s vultures here for a 'candid' interview of another young couple, and I can’t have you take up all the spectacle, you understand.” 
Your blood ran cold as you realized he must have meant paparazzi. It was an aspect of Steve’s life that he didn’t talk about much, but he did seem to hate. What counted for news around these parts could sometimes be more akin to gossip and rumors, and you wanted no part of that, not at all. 
Steve’s face grew serious– he must have thought the same as you– but before he could try to flag down a host, Mannix stopped him. 
“I’ve already paid your bill. Left a generous tip, too,” Mannix winked and gestured with his chin towards the door. “Go on, lovebirds, get outta here.” 
Steve thanked him breathlessly and took your hand to help you up. Mannix positioned himself like a shield, protecting you from the photographers until you were ready to dip and even dumping his hat on Steve’s head with a firm ‘I’ll be wanting that back,” as he did. Steve threw his arm around you firmly and rushed out, not slowing down until you were far enough from the diner to break free of the hustle. The sun set and painted the sky as the darkness of night crept in from the opposite horizon and washed you both in warm shadow. 
“That was close. I’m so sorry, doll,” Steve simpered and pulled your face towards his to kiss your forehead. “Mr. Mannix isn’t a bad guy, really, he’s just not a people person.” 
Perhaps not, but he had saved you both. “I’ll be sure to thank him before I leave. I mean, I love being yours, Steve, but the way those tabloids talk about girls… even the prettiest ones…” 
“I know,” he petted your back, and Mannix’s hat flopped down at an angle, almost obscuring his pretty eyes. “Let’s get you in the car, okay? I’ve got a few more things to show you.” 
As you walked, you heard Steve muttering determinedly to himself. “Someday, things are going to be different. And you and I will never have to be afraid of hateful, ignorant people ever again.” 
The heater in the car worked wonders for your chilly hands and you lamented not bringing a sturdy coat with you. Of course Steve loaned you his and discreetly left Mannix’s hat on the dashboard. 
“Why’d he do that anyways?,” Steve griped, trying to fix his eternally perfect hair. 
“Because with that do, they’d notice you in a dark room,” you laughed. His hair was too iconic, it had made headlines for months after just a small role as an extra in a film. Girls across the country swooned at the sight of him, even though it was longer than respectable men wore it, and that fact had launched the career his parents had so desperately sought for him to have. 
“I suppose.” Steve stopped the car at the foot of a hill that made you gasp. “Yeah, the Hollywood sign. It’s impressive to look for the first time, I guess, but there’s more I want to show you. You wear those kitten heels like I told you?” 
You gave him the stink eye. “You know I did, you’ve been looking at my legs all afternoon!” 
Steve tilted his head and gave you a conspiratorial wink. “Well I can do far more than just look, if you want me to.” 
The last thing you were expecting to do on Valentine’s day was hike up a steep hill, but it was worth it when you saw Steve also grabbed a picnic basket from the trunk. He finally let you stop beneath the letter D of the sign and began to unroll a blanket. The area here was flat and bare of the desert brush, almost like he had scoped it out or made it himself. It gave you a perfect view of the sun setting and the lights of the city coming on like their own earthbound stars (and less of a chance of being spotted from below by passersby or vagrants or the heat). 
“Oh, Steve,” you gasped and covered your mouth in awe at the sight of the city. “It’s beautiful…” 
Music filled the air from a portable radio. Steve came up behind you and held you close, watching the horizon himself and swaying gently. He lulled you to the point of dreaminess and kissed your neck until you were weak for him. 
“Are you having a good time, doll?,” he whispered in your ear and made you shiver. 
“Yes,” you whispered back. “Can we stay like this forever?” 
“Not forever, dear,” Steve replied wistfully, then spun you around and danced with you gently. “But we can come back and do it over and over again.” 
Lying on the blanket, you didn’t need the jacket or your sweater because Steve’s body heat was enough to warm you. You laid across his chest and watched the stars glitter from miles above and imagined a world where you were both old and simple-living folk, married and lying beneath the constellations of home in Hawkins. Maybe when Steve retired from the moving pictures, he would bring you back to Hawkins and you could raise a family there. Together.
“Darling?” Steve’s voice rumbled beneath your ear, his tie discarded and shirt buttoned down scandalously. 
“Yes?” You lifted your head to look down at him with his hair splayed like a halo. 
“I love you,” Steve said reverently. “I… need you to know that there’s no funny business going on with me when you’re not around. I don’t party with those socialites anymore, and Robin really is just a good friend. I want you to know I would never do something that would break your heart because my own belongs to you and you alone, okay?” 
Your face stung for a moment and you couldn’t meet his eyes. You drew circles over the button keeping his shirt from opening further. “Well it sounds like you probably already know I was worried about it. But seeing you today? Well… now I'm certain more than ever before that you do have eyes only for me.” 
“That’s exactly right,” he exclaimed, and pulled you into a deep kiss that made you light headed. “Eyes for only you, my love. No one could ever captivate me the way you do– understand me and love me the way that you do. This year has been so hard for me because I couldn’t be with you. I would give up everything if you asked me, doll, just say the words.” 
You buried your face against his chest where the hair there tickled your chin and soaked up some of the tears from your wet lashes. “I won’t go that far, Steve. But what I will do, is love you with all I have like you do for me. I trust you to be loyal and honest for me, dear, and I… I know you’ll do right by me.” 
Steve rolled you onto your back and kissed you soundly, trailing his lips over your eyes and down your throat until he was pulling the neckline of your dress aside and sucking on the skin there. You tilted your head further and further back and lost yourself in him, feeling heat gather in your face and deep in your gut as his hands explored other parts of your body like a man starved. 
“Is this alright?” Steve’s hand smoothed up your bodice, gentle pressure brushing over your clothed breast and making you gasp. 
You nodded and he continued, kissing over them and drawing his hand down. Self consciously, you gathered your skirt into your hands and pulled it higher. The cool twilight air breezed over your thighs and Steve’s wandering hand found purchase there, massaging you where no one, not even him or yourself, had ever dared touch you before. 
You were left panting beneath his ministrations, wanting more as your awareness of the world around you shrunk until just the two of you remained. Carefully, Steve laid on top of you, his hips spreading your thighs apart naturally and fitting like he was always meant to be there. As he kissed your lips, you kissed him back fervently and did your own exploring. You unbuttoned his shirt further and felt over the expanse of smooth, freckled skin and the sparse hair on his chest. 
When he rolled his hips into yours, you felt something pressing into your body that made you mewl. 
Steve lifted his head so you couldn’t reach him and proposed a new query. “I have a condom in the basket... do you want to…?” 
Your heart pounded hard in your chest. "Yes." 
Steve didn't know he was holding his breath until he heard your answer. Back in Hawkins, the boy was happy to wait until you were ready, especially given his first time had been with Nancy Wheeler who for one reason or another had not been eager to do it again. He wanted to do it right with you. Make your toes curl and beg him for more. 
He got up just to grab it and gave you room to breathe (in case you changed your mind). “Oh, I also have wine in here. Some cheese and bread if you want.” 
“I’m good,” you patted your stomach, “that dinner was exquisite.” 
“It was, wasn’t it?” Steve came back and returned to his position, laying the wrapped rubber next to your head. “For later, just want to kiss you a little longer…” 
You quickly lost yourself in his attention. His shirt became untucked and the zipper on the back of your dress lowered but it was not drawn down completely. His taste and his smell became indistinguishable from your own, and after a moment, you felt his hand return up the skirt of your dress, under your slip, and your knees pushed further apart until his calloused fingertips brush over your belly just above the waistband of your panties. 
Nervousness trembled in your chest as he drew the cotton panties down your legs, but Steve never took his eyes off your face and he covered your nudity with his own warm body as soon as they were free. Your hand followed his with a light touch on the wrist as he averted his eyes just before finally touching your bare womanhood. 
The contact was entirely expected and yet you jerked in surprise anyways. He checked your face for assurance and did it again, testing the waters and making sure you were enjoying it. The contact made your mind race with your heart and your sex ache and it was all so exciting, especially when you sighed pleasantly and a triumphant smirk appeared on his face. 
“Feel good?” 
“Yes,” you replied in a voice so dark and different from your natural one that it startled you. “Yes, Steve, yes.” 
Steve shushed you and resumed his passionate kisses along your neck. His cool fingers collected slick and massaged your womanhood until they matched in temperature, and then he– 
You moaned and threw your head back, instinctively trying to close your legs but unable to with the grown man laying between them. The intrusion of his finger inside you was beyond strange, but after a moment of stillness and placating kisses to your face, you relaxed around it and could almost forget it was there. When he began to move it, penetrating you back and forth and back again, you acclimated to the sensation rather quickly. At the second finger, you winced. 
“Are you okay?” He whispered in your ear. 
You hummed back and felt slightly embarrassed when you realized where the unusual squelching noise was coming from. “Is… is that, me?!” 
Steve chuckled, “it is. Don’t be embarrassed, doll, it means you like me. It means I’m doing a good job, and your body is preparing for me.” 
Preparing for what? And then you remember the condom on the blanket waiting to be used and the bulge in his pants that hadn’t gone away, just pressed into and sometimes rutting against your inner thigh. You wrapped your arms around Steve’s neck for comfort. The new touching was good, but would the pleasure last? Would it really hurt? 
“Steve?” You must have sounded scared because he stopped all movement and looked deep into your eyes, searching. “...I’m ready. I want you. Please.” 
Steve’s eyelids grew heavy, and he slipped his fingers out of your channel to sit himself up and take the condom. For a moment, you hesitated on what to do but decided that watching the stars was mundane now. You sat up on your elbows and watched him work, unsure if you would make him uncomfortable seeing as how he would need to take his clothes somewhat off. You closed your legs and rubbed them together to gather warmth and feel pleasure return at the apex of your thighs, as if you were strumming your own instrument. 
Your boyfriend worked quickly and carefully. If he was bothered when you bit your lip and stared at the sight of his manhood, he didn’t show it. He just stroked his hand over his shaft and rolled the condom down, sheathing it in an opaque plastic or latex. Then he helped you part your legs again and repositioned himself at your entrance. 
“Are you sure, baby?,” he said even as his desire was clear as day, “we can stop now if you want.” 
You shook your head no and braced yourself. You did not want to stop. You followed his instructions, breathing and relaxing and tapping his shoulder when you needed him to pause. And then his warm hips were pressed flush into yours and his grunting turned into a relieved sigh. 
“Is that it? Er, is that all of it?” Your face flushed hot at your own words and Steve pecked a kiss to your lips. 
“That’s the whole thing, yeah,” he replied. And then his started moving, thrusting shallowly into you and you watched his face go slack with an occasional tick and grunt. “Oh, sweetheart, fuck– I’m sorry I don’t mean to cuss, but– fuck, you feel so good…” 
That warmth in your lower belly was beginning to coil. It was good, it felt good and making Steve feel good felt good to you, too. You had never seen this side of him, only caught glimpses of it when you would make-out in secret at the drive-in theater back home. He was making noises you had never heard him make before– he was making you make noises you had never made before! And as he moved faster, he also moved a little harder, but not to hurt you, it was good and he was deeper somehow, and the mound above his shaft was massaging some part of you that made the coil tighten faster and harder like his thrusts until– 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck–” Steve’s head dropped to your shoulder and he stopped moving all together. The tightening coil which had felt about ready to snap instead eased back some, leaving you tingly and pulsing with the beat of your heart. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What happened?” 
Steve’s body went slack and he lifted his head, now sporting a drunken and sated look on his face. “I finished,” he said with a lazy smile. 
“Oh.” That was sex. And you had finally had it with the love of your life, no less. It was a lot of fun! Being tangled with each other, sharing pleasure like one being, giving and receiving the most coveted form of love. You should be happy and satisifed too... but the twinge of disappointment that blossomed in your chest… well it confounded you. 
“What’s wrong?,” Steve asked. 
He had already fixed your clothes back into place and bundled you in his jacket to keep you warm before fixing his own clothes. You didn’t see what he did with the condom but you have a suspicion that it was simply flung somewhere on the empyy hill side. And he looked really sad right now, like a puppy left outside just as storm clouds gather overhead. 
“Nothing,” you answered enthusiastically, “it was perfect, you were perfect! I’ve never felt so much pleasure in my entire life. I can see what all the fuss was about!” Your laughter was a little hollow and you could tell that Steve was not totally convinced, even if he was playing along. “We should get back. I want to make sure Max and Lucas are safe. You can stay the night with us girls if you want, there’s two beds.” 
Steve nodded his head distractedly and began to pick things up and packed them back into the picnic basket as neatly as he could. “Actually, I was thinking the same thing, except for you and Max to stay with me.” 
Steve drove to the hotel and collected the kids. Lucas and Max were so quiet in the backseat that you kept glancing at them through the mirrors to check on them, but they didn’t look like they had been fighting, they were just lounging sleepily with their hands folded together on the cushion between them. A part of you worried momentarily that they might have gotten up to the same adult antics as yourself and Steve, but then you dismissed it and returned your attention to massaging Steve’s right hand. If they had or they hadn’t, it wasn’t for you to know. 
“Oh,” Steve said as you all walked together towards his home-- a certifiable mansion-- and he tapped his forehead as if to sell that whatever thought he had just had was genuinely forgotten. “I do have one more surprise for you! All of you.” 
He steered everyone around the side of the house through a beautiful garden. 
“What it is,” Max asked, but before any answer could be given, Lucas looked through a large, picturesque window and another equally big window out to the backyard, and screamed. 
The boy bounded away like a track star to the swimming pool, where four excessively happy kids were cheering and smacking the ground noisily with pool noodles. Lucas tackled a screaming Dustin into the pool, and Max broke away excitedly to meet El for a wet hug. Mike hopped into the pool to join in the fun, and Will hugged Max too before inviting her inside to get a swimsuit. 
Stunned, you blinked a hundred times to see if you were dreaming. “Steve, I can't believe you did this!” 
You tore your eyes away from the happy reunion to find your boyfriend pridefully stuffing his hands in his pockets and shrugging with faux humility. “No big deal. I missed them myself, the little rats. They almost got themselves caught when you were being dropped off earlier for our dinner date! Would have been a bummer to ruin the surprise so soon...” 
The kids were unbelievably rowdy, but you paid them no more mind as you pulled your boyfriend into a thankful kiss. Steve quickly steered you inside, but not for a bathing suit like the kids had for Max (Lucas had already ruined his nice clothes and decided he needed none). Steve assured you his parents were out of the country and the house was so big that the kids would get lost before they found the two of you. And he showed you to his roomy bedroom with the forgotten bottle of wine from the picnic basket and some crystal glasses.  
“I couldn’t imagine a better Valentine’s day,” you marveled. “Or a better Valentine, at that.” 
Steve blushed and kneeled to help you out of your shoes. “Just wanted to give some love back.” 
He discreetly pushed up your mid-calf length skirt and planted a kiss on your knee. “I know that maybe it’s a little soon but… I’ve been dying to see what you look like out of your clothes.” 
You couldn’t fathom why you felt so scandalized by this– he was just inside of you not half an hour ago! But the more you thought about it, the more you became determined to indulge in desires of your own. 
“You first,” you declared and swirled the wine in your glass. 
Taking it as a challenge, Steve stood and began with slow and deliberate movements, undoing his pants without taking his eyes off of you. You watched him, enraptured. This time, his shirt came all the way off and landed on the carpet. He helped you stand by the hand and set your emptied glass aside, then slid your sweater down your shoulders. His lips returning to your neck was becoming a familiar feeling yet it never failed to leave your skin tingling. 
You turned around and brushed your hair aside to offer up the zipper, feeling the dress loosen quickly, and you choked briefly as you felt your brazier loosening, too. You allowed both materials to slide down your arms and shivered over every tiny touch of Steve’s hands and his sweet smelling breath on your back. 
He tugged on your hips until your body was flush against him. “So beautiful…” 
You removed yourself from his grasp and slipped out of your underwear. You laid yourself on his bed half beneath the covers, feeling exposed but powerful and safe with him watching. As Steve was taking off his pants (all the way now), you grew bold and reached between your legs to see if you could find that spot that he had unconsciously stimulated earlier that created that coiling feeling in your belly and your legs and in between.
You found it quickly and began to massage it more. You discovered that circular motions provided the best stimulation as your pleasure began to build anew. 
Steve divested himself of the last of his clothes and climbed into bed with you, looking mischievous. “What are you playing with down there?” 
You flushed hot and bit the inside of your cheek, not knowing what to say, so opting to say nothing at all.
“Come on, let me see..” he pulled the covers back and looked down. 
His mouth hung agape as he saw you were actually touching your most intimate area. He scooted in closer to you and laid a curious hand on your thigh, waiting for permission. “May I?”
You moved your own toying hand a little and sighed pleasantly as he took over, copying your motions exactly and applying some pressure as well. He was working you up faster than before and he loved the way you were falling apart for him, getting more comfortable with intimacy and letting him know just how good he was making you feel. 
Steve covered your mouth with his own and swallowed a few of your moans. He stuffed his fingers inside you like before and pumped them, nipping your bottom lip as you dug your nails into his arm. 
“Please don’t stop, Steve…” 
Moonlight glinted off of the pool and danced in waves upon the ceiling as your moans climbed higher in pitch. But you felt a plateau forming and your disappointment came back full force as after a few minutes, Steve seemed to be slowing down. You just knew you needed one more thing to get you... somewhere, and then you realized suddenly that when he had changed the position of his hand, he had also stopped playing with that special spot. 
“Steve, Steve.” You looked desperate and tried very hard to convey what you needed, as you were unable to speak coherently. And sweet, clever Steve caught on to your meaning, and without stopping the deep thrust of his fingers, he used his thumb to make those circles on that spot again as best he could. It was enough and you feel that tight coil snap. 
You let out a gasping scream as your whole body convulsed and twitched rhythmically. Your legs snapped closed and trapped Steve’s hand between your thighs, and you writhed with pitiful and lewd noises until your soul returned to your body and left you completely drained. Steve stared at you for a long time until he gently eased his soaked fingers out and let you rest more comfortably. 
It took him several minutes to collect himself while you were falling asleep beside him. Finally, he muttered, “so that’s what’s supposed to happen… hmph, well that's news to me...”
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More Valentines! | Main Masterlist
First time with Steve Harrington's GOTTA be top ten on my list, y'all. He is so fucking wonderful and cute and FIFTIES Steve would be hella wholesome. Leave a like, comment, or reblog to let me know if you like these and want more!
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hopelessromantic5 · 1 year
Merthur Canon Era Drabble
The First Time They Met
It started that first day.
At least, for Merlin it did.
After he’d introduced himself to a pompous bully harassing another boy, he’d found himself in a bit of trouble.
The first was that this blonde, blue eyed arse claims to be trained in the art of murder, so that doesn’t bode well.
Another was that he turned out to be the Prince of the bloody kingdom. So that got Merlin thrown in the dungeons rather quickly that first day.
But the second day they met, that’s when the real trouble began for poor Merlin.
They’d danced their way through the street, swinging maces around, like either of them actually knew what to do with them.
And instead of being thrown in the dungeons for a second time, Merlin experiences something he hasn’t yet experienced from this boy; empathy.
And then the strangest thing happens.
After telling the guards to release him, he turns and rakes his eyes over the peasant boy’s face (peasant boy to him anyway).
“There’s something about you, Merlin, I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
To which Merlin stands dumbfounded, long after the Prince had vanished from sight.
It wasn’t just the fact that his royal pratness, had let him go, or that he didn’t seem to recoil in disgust when Merlin got near him, like most nobles Merlin encountered had done.
It also wasn’t just the fact that Arthur seemed to see past it all. The torn, threadbare clothes, and the dirt and the scrawny arms accompanied by large ears and pale skin. Arthur seemed to look into Merlin’s eyes and see something Merlin had never been able to show anyone.
And then Arthur said his name.
For the first time. Without a gawking audience.
And it was so…different.
Over the course of one’s life, they hear their name often and with many different pronunciations and inflections. Merlin had heard his in jest, in anger and belittlement, from his mother in gentle, fond, loving.
Arthur really hadn’t enunciated the word any differently than everyone else, but the way his voice pushed itself through his lungs and over his teeth and tongue and declared it so…confident but curious. But also low and vibrating, like the hum of bees, or the way the sun will sing if you listen close enough.
It felt like Merlin had been riding a horse for several hours and now his feet and fingers were buzzing and numb.
No one had ever said his name and Merlin actually stop to admire how they did it.
The poor young warlock had tried (with all his might) to overlook how beautiful Arthur was. Because he was a cruel arrogant man like his father…probably.
But he can’t really make that judgment can he? Certainly not with the evidence he has so far. He can admit, that first meeting was not a good indication of character. (He’s thought about that fateful day many many times over the years, playing it over and over in his head.)
Merlin’s theory is that, in that moment, when Merlin told him he’d had enough, Arthur knew it. He realized he had made a mistake in humiliating a servant who was just doing as he was bid.
Instead of continuing to harass said servant, and feel even more guilty, Arthur turned his ire towards the instigator. Merlin was more than happy to take the brunt of whatever punishment was coming.
Merlin has met nobles. He can usually tell the type just by the clothes and the way they walk, head held high above the scurrying peasants in Ealdor. The rich and beautiful weren’t always around, but many families passed through often enough on their travels, Merlin was almost forced to interact with them. Helping Will’s mother at the inn or at the cart where his own mother sells her sweetmeats and fruit pies.
Nobles didn’t want to do anything they could pay someone else to do. Cook and serve the food, refill the wine, rid themselves of clothing, bathe, all the way down to blow out the bloody candles.
Merlin could see where having that amount of power could be useful, like for protection. Having armed guards surrounding you in the face of attack must put your mind at ease. Especially when powerful people are such a devious breed.
Perhaps, this is why Merlin did not clock Arthur right away. Yes he was entitled, Merlin had assumed at first glance that it was because he was handsome, young, and good with a sword. Just wanted to pick fights with anyone who was willing. Noblemen didn’t ‘pick fights’, they have their men cut someone down in their sleep. Certainly not little Princelings, how was Merlin to know? Prince’s don’t fight with their own fists, surely.
Realistically, Arthur could’ve thrown him in the dungeon just for questioning his authority.
This is where Arthur strays, as he always has. Because Arthur has never felt like a Prince. Or a King, for that matter. Though, that is his destiny, as the fates have decided, and he will always do the right thing.
Arthur, in his heart of hearts, is a knight. Trained with every weapon they could find, naturally skilled with a sword, infamous across the land as ‘unbeatable in combat’.
That’s why he fought Merlin with no hesitation and the knight’s heart is also why, upon winning the second round, he let Merlin go free.
Unknowingly, saving his own life. If Merlin had been put in the dungeons a second time, he wouldn’t have been there in time to stop that silly little dagger from piercing the Prince’s heart.
And then maybe Merlin wouldn’t be in love with his master, future King, and best friend, all in one unfairly gorgeous human being.
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First of all, no worries lol. It's taken me literal months to respond to people sometimes, and not for any good reason so I'd say you're fine.
Anyways, with that out of the way let me just say I find that interesting. Kiri, to me, has always come off as someone who attaches herself to one place. In my experience, there's a difference between being able to adapt/connect anywhere you go and truly being a traveler at heart, and Kiri strikes me as the former. She yearns to dig deeper into her knowledge and connections regarding her home and thrives on the familiarity of the people, plants, and animals around her whereas I feel like Lo'ak needs to travel, needs to get out from under his father and brother's shadows. To just exist and be himself, find himself and his place without all of the history surrounding his birthplace. That's not to say I think Kiri doesn't like experiencing new things, I just see her as a very nostalgic and sentimental person who finds peace in the plants and animals and people she's known her whole life.
Ikr! I don't know why I haven't seen a single fic about it yet, but rest assured I have a doc opened rn (I feel like my wip list is just getting longer and longer dude). Little fun fact about me: I took horseback riding lessons for a good 5.5 years and so I'll be leaning heavily on those experiences for how Spider approaches his own riding experiences as a human (with obvious differences). There's something to be said for the feeling of a creature so much more powerful than yourself under you, having to be conscious of its every move, every action---the flick of its ears, the position of its head, etc.---- without being able to know for sure it's true thoughts or emotions but trusting it anyways that brings you closer to it in a way I can't explain, even with the ones you don't get along with. And I want that for Spider, I want him to embrace his humanity in this.
He doesn't end up in Awa'atlu at first for the ilu racing one, no. I've got a good idea what I want from this fic in the beginning, but what happens after he escapes is something I'm still pondering. I know for a fact I wouldn't want this to be a story where he stumbles upon Awa'atlu, though, if I end up writing it. I'm thinking maybe he ends up back at that one village and goes from there?
And I figured I'd tell you about another fic I'm working on as we speak because I'd love your thoughts: a world where Paz actually died back on Earth, but per a contract she signed giving away her memories (which she logged regularly) she was revived in an avatar body and put in the newest program. In this program, males and females are paired together to have children (for less than wholesome reasons). A big part of this is Paz being haunted by her experiences on Earth and not wanting to be a mother because of it, and she struggles to come to terms with it over the course of her pregnancy and the early days after Spider is born, along with being in this alien body that doesn't feel like hers. I think that by the time she's gotten pregnant with the 2nd child (they're going for a boy and girl per pairing) and is coming out of her numb fog, she's begun to truly think about the horrific future that awaits Spider and her unborn baby (spurred on by the threat of killing it if it's not a girl) and ends up plotting their escape and running away. Throughout the story thus far she's bonded with the other women in the program and comes to learn about motherhood and what it means to her, and when she escapes she takes the others with her and they make their own little family before eventually running into the Omaticaya and slowly becoming friendly. I'm playing around with timelines and stuff because I think it'd be interesting to compare her and Neytiri's and Grace's experiences with motherhood, which would be so interesting to write about (Grace doesn't die until later in this world, don't wanna give away the death I'm leaning towards though). I'm taking inspiration from the poetry book 40 Weeks and more, and I love the concept but am still working out the kinks. Thoughts? Still very much in the early phases.
Also, I saw you briefly mention my memory-loss idea and I'd like to say that that brought me literal physical pain. Why, you may ask? Well because my one and only doc of the draft I was merrily working on (around 10+ pages of gorgeous notes/early rough-draft work, which for me is astounding since I tend to just ball) was deleted??? And I don't know the fuck how???? 1000 emotional damage points.
And I'm so happy to hear you've taken inspiration from fmdttpt's world! Your idea sounds so fun!
~ CherryApollo
Haha, thank you, and I'm sorry I've done it again. I've been so busy with my new job that I am swamped all the time, lol. I'm bad at responding anyway but my job is making it even worse.
BUT ANYWAYS. I love your interpretations of the characters, I just love when people think of or experience characters differently but in a way that still fits to me. For Kiri, I've just always seen her feeling at home anywhere that Eywa is, and wanting to experience every part of her. Every way she can feel her or be expressed, explore different plants and animals and nature and study and be a part of it the way her mom would've wanted to. And I just think Lo'ak gets bored easily lol.
I looove the horse comparison, it's shocking no one has written this fic yet! You have a ton going but it's okay because I'm excited for all of them. Humans are experts at taming and riding shit, why can't he, especially something as intelligent as an ikran.
Hmm, okay, the village makes sense. They would be able to tell Tonowari and therefore the Sully's real fucking fast through, so it would be kinda similar to him finding Awa'atlu. You coullllld have him escape in the forest and find the Sully's missing? I've always wanted one of those fics.
That's a really interesting idea! I personally don't care much for Paz as a character, or stories about her, but that is a very cool idea and I'd definitely check it out to see where it goes.
And thank u for being chill with me getting inspired by/using it! I'm trying to catch up on all my asks today (answer but not post, I schedule those), so hopefully I'll be faster to answer you next time! I'm excited to hear how your works are going!
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