#And as a “this boy is far more traveled and experienced than he lets on” lore moment
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skyloftian-nutcase · 7 months ago
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LOVE that it’s Hyrule, YES, absolutely deserved
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allertonhoe · 15 days ago
unbridled love - rafe cameron
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chapter 1
summary: You end up taking a trip out to OBX to attend your estranged brother, John B's, wedding. You also happen to meet someone while you're there that you just can't seem to shake. (post-s3, if s4 didn't happen—all canon same except rafe & sarah get back in touch sooner … and no sofia technically lol).
content warnings: john b's sister!reader, original afab!reader, obx!universe, use of petnames (sweetheart, baby), kissing, 18+ MDNI - smut, oral (m receiving), mentions of being under the influence/consumption of alcohol, totally unrealistic love at first sight plot lol, a little mix of angst and fluff for valentines day 🥰🥰🥰
length: 3.2k words
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As excited as you were to be present to witness this milestone, you were nervous above anything else. You and John B had never been particularly close, the circumstances in which you'd met your half-brother not the most conventional either, but when has anything in your life been?
He'd reached out a couple of years ago, not having known he even existed prior to that point. The younger boy had been riddled with panic because your shared father had gone missing while on some sort of work excursion. That was the only other time you'd been in the Outer Banks.
You'd stayed with him for a few weeks, trying to get to know him and help him get some sort of balance in his life. The two of you finding out you weren't very alike despite being siblings, which ultimately resulted in you deciding to return home and letting him handle it all himself.
You only heard from him again months later, offering you an apology and an unbelievable story about his wild adventure looking for the same treasure that had once consumed your father. Having kept a distant but amicable relationship with him since then, which is why you were back on the island.
"I'm so glad you made it!" Sarah cheered as she ran up and engulfed you with a hug, your brother not far behind as you stepped off the ferry. "Now the wedding can officially start."
"I take it that you guys are ready for this?" You gush as they led you to the truck.
"Absolutely." Sarah proclaims, turning to your brother with a bright smile.
"Never been more sure about anything in my life." John B adds without delay, taking his bride-to-be's hand in his and bringing it to his lips.
As they drove you to your hotel, you watched the scenery pass through the window, becoming familiar with the small town once again. Catching up with the couple over mundane life stories, Sarah eventually changing the subject to gossip with you about final arrangements.
"I'm sure you're exhausted from travelling all day, and the weekend is pretty jam-packed, so we'll drop you off and let you chill tonight." Sarah explains. "Tomorrow, we're having a barbecue at the new Chateau for the wedding party, and then the rehearsal later on."
"Sounds good." you affirm, trying to absorb all the new information. "Is there anywhere around here for me to grab dinner?"
"The Wreck's nearby," John B suggests. "Kiara's parents own it. Food's pretty good."
"Did you want us to pick you up tomorrow morning?" Sarah extends graciously.
"I'm sure you have enough running around to do with final touches. I'll figure it out," you reassure them as they pulled up to an elegant hotel.
You thanked them again for picking you up from the dock, the couple helping you get your luggage from the van before finally bidding you goodbye and driving back off. Leaving you to enter the swanky lobby of one of the nicest resorts in Figure 8.
This was one of the things you didn't meet eye-to-eye with your brother on—having grown up in a much different tax bracket than he had. It was nothing close to the extravagance of the crowd that lived here, but the middle class was a life of luxury compared to what he experienced in The Cut.
By the time you'd checked in and gotten settled in your suite, you were starving. Looking up the place they'd told you about and deciding to walk over since it wasn't longer than a fifteen-minute journey. The trip there being much different than when you'd go to the bars at home, passing vast forests and being surrounded by the sounds of nature instead of honking horns.
The restaurant was bustling when you arrived, locals scattered around the beloved establishment as they kicked off their weekends. Spotting the bubbly brunette right as you wandered inside, assuming she was on the clock from the creased apron tied around her waist.
"Hey!" Kiara beamed as she came over, instantly recognizing you. "So good to see you! When did you get in?"
"A few hours ago."
"Came for a bite?" she correctly assumed. "Did you want a table, or did you just wanna sit at the bar? It's a lot less crowded over there."
"Whatever's easier for you guys," you tell her, blindly following as she took you into the busy area.
You sat at a long counter with rows of liquor bottles displayed behind it, assessing the array of options, impressed at the selection since it wasn't the busiest of towns. A bartender came to take your order, opting for a gin and tonic. When they brought it to you, however, a filled shot glass was also set alongside it.
"Oh, I didn't get this," you inform the employee.
"It's from him," they reply, nodding their head towards whoever they'd been referring to.
You prepared yourself to be confronted by some creepy old dude or dopey hick that you knew you'd need to outwardly turn down, but that wasn't how the culprit looked at all. If anything, there was a subtle familiarity about him even though you couldn't recall meeting him during your last visit. 
He was incredibly handsome and clearly ripped, despite the fact his arms were mostly hidden by the rolled up sleeves on his button-up shirt. Your brother had mentioned the deep-seated politics of the island—the distinct class divide—but there was no questioning that this guy was well-off. His style was preppy and clean, hair buzzed down and accentuating his sharp features even more.
Sending you a devilish smirk as he raised a shot identical to the one he sent to you like an indirect greeting, tossing it back with ease and swiftly meeting your gaze again. Immediately picking up that he had an edge to him, not missing how the other patrons had been giving him apprehensive looks as they passed by.
Your indifference didn't seem to discourage him at all as he sauntered your way about ten minutes later, his strong musk and overall presence hitting your senses and providing a different kind of intoxication. Not anticipating for him to tower over you like he did because of his large stature.
"Hey," he establishes, his voice more gruff than you'd expected. "You aren't from around here, are you?"
"Is it that obvious?" you quip back.
"Just know I would've remembered such a pretty face." He banters, scoffing at his cliché line even though it totally made you blush. "You here on vacation?"
"Something like that." You shrug, not wanting to expose too much to the unknown man, no matter how attractive he was.
"Yeah?" he notes curiously, taking a swig from his old fashioned. "Business or pleasure?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" You avert, taking a sip from your own beverage, not having touched his initial offer yet.
"That is why I asked," he asserts, not making his interest in you a secret. "The least you could do is answer that for me. I did send over that shot."
"That I never asked you for, by the way." You flip back onto him, a little amused by his shameless flirting.
"Is it a crime to buy a beautiful girl a drink?" He grills, bringing his glass back to his lips, inadvertently glancing at them. Realizing he'd caught you when his cheeky grin grew even more. "Just trying to show some Southern hospitality, since you're from out of town and all."
With a dramatic roll of your eyes, you finally took the small glass in your hand. Giving him one last pointed look as you knocked the tequila down your throat, feeling the alcohol burn through your body. You rested your elbows on the table, propping your face in your hands as you examined the cute stranger keeping you company.
"You're welcome," he teases lightly, inherently leaning closer.
His thumb brushed your bottom lip, wiping off a drop that hadn't reached your mouth. A faint tingling erupting where his finger had barely caressed you. Popping it between his lips and sucking it suggestively, a dangerous glint sparkling in his gaze.
You were grateful when the server interrupted you, abruptly diverting the conversation and giving you the opportunity to order dinner like you'd originally gone there to do. You had no idea where this guy came from and why he was so infatuated with you, but you couldn't deny that you liked his unwavering attention. Even with his constant provoking.
"Two more, please," he sneaks in right at the last second, not letting you get any input.
This time, when the shots showed up, you decided not to stall. Rafe tapping his cup against yours before simultaneously tossing them back. The effects from your liquid courage giving you a surge of confidence in handling his magnetic charm.
"Got any more plans tonight?" He interrogates, still not letting up on his pursuit.
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" You retort smartly.
"I doubt it." He remarks. Taking the opportunity to steal a french fry off your plate, tossing it in his mouth. "As a matter of fact, I have a feeling I might end up being involved."
"Oh yeah? Cocky much?" You sneer.
"You don't seem to mind," he observes, revealing you might not have been acting as sly as you thought. "Let me take you home," he deadpans out of seemingly nowhere. 
"Do you really think I'm just gonna leave the bar with a stranger in some random town I'm passing through?"
"Fine. I'm Rafe," he introduces smoothly. "Now we aren't strangers."
"Is this what you consider Southern hospitality?" you reference back to his earlier comment, getting a hearty laugh in return.
"Only the best, sweetheart," he persisted. "What do you say? It's getting late."
You pushed the remnants of your food around the plate as you contemplated your next move. On one hand, it's not like you'd never had a one-night stand, having dealt with your fair share of doting admirers. There was just something about this guy that you couldn't ignore, and you weren't sure if it was a good or bad thing.
"Just for, like, a drink or something..." you concede begrudgingly.
"Yeah. For sure." he concurs, not hiding the pride in his expression.
He took you back to his place at his insistence, boasting about how he resided at one of the biggest properties on the island, something he was not shy about showing off. The previously chatty man letting a thick silence fall between you after that, making you grateful that the drive wasn't too lengthy. 
You lounged on the passenger side of his Range Rover as he raced through the unfamiliar neighbourhoods. One of his hands clutching the top of his steering wheel with his other arm stretched across the back of your seat, his thumb brushing against your shoulder every so often.
And even with his exaggerated description of the house, that was still an understatement. Turning onto the long path, a huge manor sat at the top, surrounded by extensive acres of land. The car rolling up the steep hill and taking up the otherwise empty driveway. 
You hadn't expected him to jog to your side of the vehicle and open your door for you, his hand finding your lower back as he led you towards the home. Taking you inside and into the equally impressive kitchen, the counter in the middle of the room finally giving you some space from all his poking and proding. 
"How the hell did you score this place?" you investigate as he grabbed two glasses and a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue, unable to hide your absolute awe for the lavish home.
"Uh... It was my dad's." he indicates somberly. "He left it to me when he died." he clarifies, tearing his focus from you for the first time that evening as he poured the whiskey.
"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry for asking." you apologize, although he didn't look particularly upset.
"Don't worry about it," he dismisses, feeling a discomfort rise as he poured out the gold-coloured liquid.
"Mine did too..." you disclose, not knowing how else to respond. "But we weren't super close."
"I get it." he acknowledges. "Didn't have the best relationship with mine."
"The house is a pretty sweet consolation," you ramble on. "And you live here, all by yourself?"
"Yeah..." he trails off, passing one of the half-filled cups to you.
His focus fell to the amber spirit, swirling it around as he contemplated how to proceed with your encounter. Sensing a palpable shift in his attitude after that. Not wanting to create any more awkward tension, you lifted the beverage in the air. Rafe following suit and clinking his against yours in ritual.
"To shitty, dead dads," you toast earnestly as Rafe brought the drink to his lips, choking slightly upon hearing your declaration. Noticing a sheepish grin appear through the crystal pattern on the glass as he went for another swig.
"So, what's your deal." he surveys, purposely changing the subject. 
"You really don't stop, huh?"
"Just making conversation. Unless you just wanted to get right down to it," he taunts.
"Is that how it usually goes for you?" you quiz.
"What do you think?" He throws back to you, not being subtle as his eyes dragged themselves down your body.
"I don't think I need to inflate your ego even more than it already is."
"You're acting like you don't want this as much as I do. You did agree to come back here with me, you know," he reminds playfully, raising his brow at you in challenge.
He topped up both of your cups, sauntering around the countertop so he was standing beside you again. Taking a piece of hair that had fallen in front of your face and placing it behind your ear. An obvious move but still making your stomach flutter with butterflies.
You were already pretty tipsy leaving the restaurant, but the strong liquor quickly pushed you into drunk territory. Knowing your clouded mindset was due to all the alcohol but inwardly recognizing Rafe's effect on you wasn't just physical. Your head spinning just from the way he was staring at you.
"What?" you press, feeling vulnerable under his scrutiny. A bashful smile settling on Rafe's lips as he shook his head.
"I don't know... There's just something about you."
"Really, Rafe?" You sass, giggling at the vagueness of words. "How many girls have you used that line on?"
"You'd think more, but..." he falters, his brows furrowing in concentration. "Seriously, I have no idea. There's just something different about you."
He kept his hand on your chin, cradling your face upwards and cutting right to the chase. His other hand going to your waist, rubbing circles over the fabric of your shirt. His warm breath mixing with yours the closer he got, literally dangling what you wanted directly in front of you.
"Is this okay?" he whispered right as his lips ghosted yours, as if he was feeding you the question. Looking up at him wide-eyed, nodding because you couldn't form an answer at that point.
The kiss was initially slow and sensual, the two of you savoring the moment. A rush of heat passing through your body as he embraced you with a mix of caution and raw passion. Letting him maneuver you through the halls without breaking away from your kiss, both of you giggling drunkenly with every stumble or misstep.
He pinned you up against the wall, one of your legs instinctively lifting and wrapping itself around him. Leaning back on the hard surface for some sort of balance, your earlier skepticism having disappeared and turned into total hunger. Tasting the mix of booze on his tongue as he slipped it into your mouth, Rafe swallowing every moan that escaped you.
"Jump," he instructs hoarsely, catching you without difficulty and carrying you up the grand staircase.
Once you hit his bedroom, all bets were off. Nudging him to lie back on his mattress, you straddled his waist as you continued making out. His hands grabbing your ass and prompting you to grind against him. Realizing in that moment that as easily as he'd gotten you to agree to come back here with him, he was unraveling twice as quick under your regard.
You gave him one last kiss, roaming further down his body, mirroring each other's fierce demeanor. Your fingers went to his waistband, removing his belt and undoing his pants, palming him over the fabric. Removing them with his boxers, you spat in your hand and started stroking him.
"Fuck," he groaned, mesmerized just at the sight of you.
You bent slightly forward, pouting your lips and dragging his glistening head against them, coating them with his precum. Finally taking him into your mouth and swirling your tongue around him. You hollowed out your cheeks to fit as much of him as you could, gagging lightly when he hit the back of your throat.
While you took your time getting used to his size, he wasn't as patient. Threading his fingers through your hair to gently guide you back and forth, craving some kind of relief. Grasping whatever you couldn't fit, letting him determine your rhythm. Your jaw feeling sore at his needy movements.
"Just like that, baby," he mutters, completely mesmerized by your skills.
You bobbed your head at his faint urging, his grip on your hair tightening as you swallowed around him. Pulling back to give yourself some air, focusing on his tip and spreading your saliva along his shaft. Watching his feral reactions through your lashes, unknowingly pushing him even more.
He started thrusting again when you could tell he was getting closer to his peak, his motions becoming frantic and desperate. With a few more pumps, his cum coated your throat, his head falling back as he reveled in the sensation. Looking absolutely blissed out as he rode out his high, brushing his fingers down the back of your head as you both caught your breath.
And it just picked up from there. It was explosive and fast and hot, neither of you making your desires a secret throughout the night. Rafe claiming dominance over you as if you'd known each other for years, picking up on your ticks and locating all your sweet spots without difficulty. Worshipping you and your body like it was the most magnificent thing he'd ever encountered.
You wanted to blame it on your intoxication, how enamored you felt over a man you'd only met hours ago and barely even spoke to properly. Boiling it down to pure lust, fundamentally knowing this was a one-time thing and that assuming otherwise was unrealistic.
When you finally heard his breathing still, indicating he'd fallen asleep, you decided to make your exit before you could be caught. Not wanting to deal with the post-hookup routine in the morning, especially when you'd have to spend the day with your brother, his fiancée, and their rowdy group of friends.
You knew the island wasn't huge, remembering how your brother was able to greet almost every person he'd pass by their first name. But you couldn't have guessed the predicament you'd just managed to accidentally get yourself into.
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note: ahh i went so back and forth over actually posting this… love the concept but not super excited over what i actually wrote?? let me know if you guys like this, i probably will post the whole thing (it’s 4 parts!) just to get it all out lol but apologies in advance if there’s a bit of a delay 🙈 hope you guys like it!! always appreciate your support & msgs!! 💞💞
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cherryclitgirl · 3 months ago
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The Gods III
Pairing: Maegor x reader
Notes: Mentions of child birth, child loss, murder, and brief use of y/n.
Before: She was just ten and five when she gave birth to Aegon. She was afraid of the thought of giving birth to a monstrosity . they way Alys did. Maegor would’ve not hesitated to kill her if she did . But was she was more afraid of was giving birth. She had never seen anything remotely close to it. Let alone experienced it.
She looked to her side to see her mother standing by the wall. Visenya had allowed her to be in the room, but not near her. Nonetheless her mother made sure to keep her eyes on her daughter.
She laid on the birthing bed gripping the sheets below. Her face covered with her damp silver hair. Sweat and tears mixing together into an unpleasant salty mixture. Her legs dripped with blood and sweat. She felt her entire body shudder into a throbbing pain. Her insides opening to push out a human, a human she had carried for months. Women died giving birth, mayhaps dying was better than facing Maegor. She felt something moving making it difficult to push. She bit the bottom of her lower lip letting out a loud groan. The tears from her eyes had dried out, the only thing stinging her eyes was sweat. The words of encouragement from the midwife did not help her, all she wanted was her mother. She stopped after a few pushes panting from exhaustion. Everything was blurry, the voices of those around her were incoherent. Her body was weak and filled with pain. Their voices began to drift away as she gritted her teeth tightly. How she managed to keep going was a mystery of its own. She heard his small cries. Still unable to see, she tried to speak but her words came out in mumbles.
“A boy!” Was all she heard around her. Everyone spoke at once with excitement, relieved that a healthy boy had been born. Whilst everyone was distracted by the new born babe Alyssa left the wall rushing to her daughter.
“You did well my dear” she softly brushing y/n’s hair off her face. She quickly looked for a rag to wipe her daughter’s sweat off. “So well” she chuckled sadly, tears swelling in her eyes. Her daughter smiled weakly ,the labor was yet to be done but it was clear that her daughter was exhausted. “Mother” y/n spoke quietly reaching for Alyssa’s hand. “My darling ” Alyssa soothed her gently cleaning the sweat of her daughter.
Alyssa looked up to see Visenya holding a small bundle wrapped in a cloth. She quickly stood up allowing her daughter to see her son. The maids helped her daughter sit up, placing pillow in her back to support her and provide comfort. “A healthy boy” Visenya said carefully placing her grandson on her arms. The boy had been carefully cleaned, his eyes wide awake staring into his mother’s with curiosity. She smiled down at her babe, her vision becoming less blurry. Holding him felt strange, her dizziness confusing her, almost forgotting that the small bundle was hers. Her own flesh and blood. For a moment she just stared and realization slowly crept in. She placed a small kiss on his head that made the babe flutter his eyes “Aegon” she spoke softly.
Everyone around her nodded with agreement, named after his grandsire they thought. They were far from wrong, she named him after her older brother. The only one aware of that was Alyssa, everyone saw a young girl holding her babe but Alyssa saw a child holding a child.
Her return to kings landing happened shortly after giving birth. She was in no condition to travel, however Maegor demanded to see his child. Visenya personally accompanied y/n back to the Red keep, making sure her and the babe were taken care of.
Aegon was fully awake, cooing softly as he nibbled on his small hand. His mother looked down at him and smile, her heart fluttering with happiness. He was the most precious thing she ever saw. “My darling boy” she whispered holding him close.
When she stepped out of the wheelhouse Maegor was not waiting for her but Ceryse. Ceryse wary expression made y/n uncomfortable. When Ceryse walked closer to the girl and her new born son, her heart clenched with jealousy and sadness. “He’s beautiful ” Ceryse’s lip twitch into a sad smile, she fought back tears her throat tightening and itching. She held Aegon in her arms, The boy was healthy, a pure Targaryen. Silver hair and purple eyes. The child was not hers. It was in her faith to crave always something that was given to another.
“Thank you, your grace” y/n said as she watched how Ceryse looked at Aegon. Her finger carefully caressing his small delicate face. “He awaits for you in the great hall” she said slowly tearing her gaze away from the boy. “You should rest, y/n, I shall take him” Ceryse said her grip on the small bundle slightly tightened.
“The mother of the child will take him” Visenya declared behind y/n. She was no fool, she would not allow Ceryse to present her grandson to Maegor. There was a brief silence between the three women before Ceryse slowly handed Aegon back to his mother.
The throne room was packed and eerie silent, not a single noble dared to make a sound. Every noble in the Red keep stood waiting for the arrival of the new born prince. Their eyes fixed on Maegor as his tall regal figure sat on the large iron throne. He wore his crown with pride, and bore an unreadable expression,Black fyre tightly clutched on his hand. He fixed his eyes on the door waiting and listing.
The doors slowly opened to reveal queen y/n holding a small babe wrapped in a black and red blanket with an embroidered dragon. Dowager queen Visenya stood proudly behind her guarding her with a smile on her face. Everyone in the hall turned their attention to the young queen, their eyes scanning her and fixed strongly on what was in her arms.
She slowly walked into throne room. Her steps measured and quiet, her heels clicking on the stone. She felt the stares of the court on her, lords of major houses had been summoned at once to pled their fidelity to the new born heir.
Maegor slowly rose from his seat, his tall figure over looking the crowded hall. His expression impassive as his young wife stopped at the bottom of the iron throne. He crept down to where she was, with a small curtsy she handed him his son. “Aegon Targaryen, your grace” she told him softly. Maegor hummed softly and took his son into his arms. The babe look unusually small in his arms. He moved the blanket away from Aegon’s face, his large thumb moving slightly over the wisps of hair. The true embodiment of a Valyrian. “Aegon” he repeated looking at his son “A name fit for a king” he declared loudly, the hall soon erupted into claps and voices filled with happiness and excitement.
Ceryse stood alone in the arched corridors, away from the crowd watching Maegor parade his son with pride. She felt Tyanna’s presence behind her sending an uncomfortable feeling down her neck. “Do keep trying Lady Ceryse��� Tyanna maliciously whispered “Sooner or later your barren womb will produce an heir” she mocked.
Ceryse stiffen and glanced to her side “If you allow it ” she whispered to Tyanna. A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she looked at Ceryse’s dress “I let this one live, didn’t I” she said gently touching Ceryse’s dress “Though, it was more of your doing.” The green l fabric felt delicate under her finger tips. “Caring for the girl is admirable” she continued, Ceryse’s eye fell on Tyanna’s fingers. “So is leaving Maegor’s chamber early in the morrow” she snickered.
“It is my duty as his wife. ” Ceryse hissed quietly looking away from Tyanna. “His true wife”
“The beacon on the Hightower… it glows green when Oldtown calls it’s banners to war” Tyanna smirked her finger tips leaving the green dress.
Ceryse remained quiet silently seething with frustration. She had worn the green dress out of spite, she disliked the color green,she disliked war. An impulsive decision she regretted. Unfortunately for her it would a war she would fight alone as it was clear, Maegor had gotten what he longed for. An heir. : End
Y/n held her precious babe in her arms, softly humming to him as her finger traced his small nose. He was growing fast, it was clear he would be strong like his father “You will be king one day” she told her son “but for now…you’re all mine” she smile kissing her son’s head.His small finger wrapping around hers tightly. He nibbled on it slightly cooing as he looked up, his beautiful purple eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Every time she kissed his cheek Aegon would laugh. Giggles that brought a smile to her face. The laughter would soon fade and replace itself with the sounds of her son’s muffled cries, filling her ears with dread. as her dream began to change her precious babe slowly faded away from her arms, a cruel reminder that he had been taken from her.
She hated the dream, it was the same recurring dream, that would soon turn into a nightmare. Every night and every day. She sat up on her bed wiping away the tears that formed in her sleep. She glanced at her daughter who slept peacefully, her darling girl. Her only daughter. She looked at Rheanor who slept on his bed clutching his toy dragon. He was two summers old yet bore a resemblance to Baelon. She had been allowed to named her four children She named Rhaenor and Rhaella after her sister Rhaena. She named Baelon after her husband’s dragon, although her first choice was to name him after her younger brother Viserys. Nonetheless Maegor did not protest, but did raise an eyebrow at the names of his two young children.
Even after the death of Aegon she kept her children close. Perhaps even closer than before. The paranoia she once felt still lingered, specially in the night. Guards were to now stand outside her door at all times. She had very few maids and no ladies in waiting except for Kiara. She had replaced the maids with only a few that were recommended Maester Benifer. Kiara being the main one of all of them. There was an unspoken agreement between the two, where ever she went ;Kiara followed.
- - - - - - - - -
She was the last to enter the small council meeting, unlike Tyanna who was always the first. Maegor was at the very head of the table, the hand of the king Lord Edwell Celtigar sat on his right . Her seat had been moved, from sitting next to lord Daemon Valeryon to sitting next to Maegor himself. “Where is Baelon” Maegor asked her when she sat down next to him. She watched as the new cup barrer began to fill their wine. Her stomach twisted as she looked at the young boy, picturing her poor brother Viserys. “The Library “ she replied looking back at him.
“Why?” Maegor questioned as he took a sip of his wine. “Because I send him there” she replied placing her hand over her cup, it was too early for wine. Maegor paused his drinking, the attention of the small council now focused on the two of them. Maegor had strictly instructed for Baelon to attend the small council meetings since he was named heir. A demand y/n found ridiculous since the boy was barely four.
“Fetch for the boy” Maegor ordered the cup barrer. As the cup barrer was about to put the flagon down the young queen spoke. “Stay” she opposed firmly. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room until Maegor spoke “I will not be defied!“ he snapped at his wife.
She bit the inside of her cheek fighting the urge to snap back “Neither will I” she said calmly. “If you wish for him to king then he must learn Valyrian” she added not tearing her eyes from him.
Maegor scoffed knowing his wife was right and waved his cup at the young squire “Fetch for more wine then”.
The small council members relaxed seeing the tension between the king and queen wash away. The first to speak was Queen Tyanna who served as mistress of whispers “Your grace, you will be pleased to know that Alyssa Velaryon has been taken refuge under Lord Rogar Baratheon “ she said eyeing Daemon.
The rest of the council turned to Daemon, y/n among them. He was her uncle, yet to her he felt more of stranger. Having only spoken few times, she wondered how he would reply. He was loyal to crown and she had been cautious enough to avoid asking him about her mother.
Maegor’s sharp gaze was on Daemon waiting for him to speak. It was clear that his pride had been hurt after hearing his sister’s whereabouts. He could not risk standing with his sister, it would put his house at risk.
“I was unaware of this your grace” Daemon clarified “I had send word to Driftmark, if a Raven from Alyssa arrived, I would be let known”
Tyanna scoffed taking a sip of her wine “Only a fool would expect a raven”. Daemon swallowed his pride but was tempted to reply to Tyanna’s comment.
“What about Princess Rhaena?” Maegor asked Tyanna. A smile appeared on her face as she looked at the queen. Y/n’s hand clenched under the table at the mention of the her sister. The look on Tyanna made her nails dig into her palm. Her attention was entirely on Tyanna. It had been years since she had last seen her sister. In the nights she would stand by window, silently pleading her sister to come back. “She has taken residence in Volantis” Tyanna smirked
“Mayhaps she has taken work in a pleasure garden as well ” The maester of coin Lord Alton Butterwell snickered. His comment provoked a laughter among the rest of the men in the small council. Only Ser Olyver Bracken the new appointment Lord commander of the kings guards kept a stale expression. Having served the royal family for many years, he had see the princess’s Rhaena and y/n in their early years. He found the comment to be humorless and insulting to both the Queen and her sister. The first thing most men thought of when they heard Volantis, was its famous pleasure houses. Lord Alton was among the men that paid large amounts of gold to sleep with the most famous whores. He was the type of men to fill his mouth with finest foods and the most expensive wines. He will never know the hardships of women and their need for survival. The insinuation that her sister had taken work as a whore made her blood boil. She knew her sister would never do such thing. Yet, the mere thought of her picturing her sister in a city filled men that prayed on young girls and women infuriated her.
Queen Y/n said nothing, she only stared at Lord Alton who indulged his wine whilst he laughed. Her nails digging into her palm so tightly it had began to bleed. His fat cheeks blushed from the laughter, his large chain around his neck suffocating his fat neck. He was disgusting. Her thoughts were filled with a desirable urge to see his face be smashed into the glass orb. One swift movement she thought. Only one movement it would take for him to stop laughing.
She had the absolute power to see it happen. Ser Olyver would follow her order, the guards would come into the room and drag Lord Alton way. She was unsure about Maegor’s reaction, would he be angry she took order and abused her position? Did Maegor wish for her to show the same cruelty as him?. In her years as one of the queens she never once commanded or ordered anyone. It was Tyanna and Ceryse that used that power. Had she not wasted her youthful years giving birth to children. Mayhaps she would’ve learned to be decent queen. A good queen. It was her fault she thought. That they had forgotten to fear her. She was the queen, her name added more importance to the tittle than anything else . She was a Targaryen, her sister was a Targaryen. To insult a Targaryen princess was an act of treason. So long as she is the queen, treason shall never go unpunished.
“Ser Olyver” She spoke as the laughter was dying down. Ser Olyver’s attention turned to her at once . “Bring me his head” she commanded.
The command took Ser Olyver by surprise, the once cheerful room fell into a deep silence. The faces of the members became appalled and confused. The command was unexpected, as they had never heard her utter such cruel words. After a long awkward silence Maegor spoke waving his hand for the cup barer “You heard your queen” he said as he drank his wine “She wants his head”. Without another word Maegor rose from his seat and with cup in hand he left the small council room.
Tyanna smirked at the girl before she too left the room. It was clear the meeting had been cut short, one by one the rest of the lords left the room. By the time every one had left it was just Lord Alton and Queen y/n and a few white cloaks.
“Your Grace” Lord Alton pleaded as he rose from his seat. He was quickly pushed back down by Ser Olyver “I-it was never my intention to insult you in any way-“ his voice trembling as he watched her walk to the flagon of wine. “It was merely a joke “ he excused , his fat face releasing a large amount of sweat. His eyes darting to the king’s guards and back to the queen. She held the flagon and walked to where he was. She ignored his pleading.The once prideful fat man was now at her mercy. She stood behind him and slowly dumped the entire thing on his head. He gasped as he drowned in the berry taste of grapes. The same way he drowned in his cups.
“Joke?” She said placing the flagon on the table “a mere joke?” She repeated her fingers drumming on the table.
“My apologies, M-my deepest apologies your grace” he begged. His expensive lavish clothes soaked , unleashing a strong smoky smell of a well aged wine.
“Call for Lord Tymond Lannister “ she told Ser Olyver. “He will be the new master of coin”. She left the room leaving the guards to deal with a screaming pig. Her first demand had been as cruel as her husband. The court would remember and so would be the people. The queen’s first action was to punish a man for insulting her sister. Some would call it unfair and cruel, others would say it was well deserved.
One thing was clear, the brothels in the street of silk had lost a value costumer. But the women working them had one less man to worry about. A woman was a woman, no matter her position.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The following days all the court could talk about was the incident in the small council. The story had changed in various ways. Some said that Lord Alton had insulted the queen . Other’s said the queens first command was a reaction to her madness after the death of her first born. But the version many clanged to was that queen y/n had gone mad in the hands of Maegor. Causing her to take such drastic measures. After years in his capacity she had developed the same habits as him. Some even went as far to say that had the queen been allowed to ride her dragon Skyfyre she would’ve already fled with her children.
The sad truth of it all, was the princess missed her Dragon dearly. She would stand by the window holding Rhaella in her arms while she watched her dragon. It was clear Skyfyre missed her rider deeply. She grew restless and would be seen soaring above the Redkeep. Maegor had forbidden her from riding her dragon. He didn’t trust her and even when did began to trust her, something told him that allowing her to ride her dragon would allow her to run away.
But for the first time Queen y/n did not feel trapped. She had a few friends and little to no allies at court. However she paid no attention it. She was never a pleaser of the court. Those she needed to befriend were distributed in the seven kingdoms. She had a close bond with House Lannister and House Redwyne. Even exchanged letters with the Lady of Winterfell Lysa Stark.
She had Rhaella in her arms while Rhaenor played with his wooden soldiers. Baelon sat quietly scribbling on a piece of Parchment. There were rare moments where the queen could be away from Maegor. His attention had solely focused on his oldest sons. There were a few occasions where he could stop in the room to see his two youngest. But he never step foot in the room.
Before: Maegor had cared for things, a something some considered rare. Among those things was his son, whom he adored. There was not a day that Aegon was not in his arms. Constantly showing him off at court, it was clear Maegor was proud of his boy. He insisted on bringing Aegon to the small council meetings.In his arms slept Aegon whilst the lords discussed the politics of the realm. Although it was clear Maegor’s attention was never focused on the meetings. Some nights Maegor crept into the room where Aegon and his mother slept, stealing his son away he would make his way to Balerion. He often sat on Balerion’s saddle simply holding his son. His cruel heart warming up every time he saw his son’s purple eyes. Aegon was loved, oh so loved
Maegor had been completely attached to Aegon. He had been vulnerable and let his guard down. He would not repeat the same mistake again. But one something was different. He came into the room unannounced. Taking in the view his eyes landed on his eldest son. Queen y/n did not bother to look up as she thought it would be like his other visits. Before she knew it Maegor had walked to where she was, his voice low and serious he asked “Might I?”. The question took her by surprise , he never held his sons, let alone his daughter. “Of course” she replied gently placing Rhaella in his arms. He carefully held his daughter, his big arms gently holding her. She was a quiet child, a peaceful child. He adjusted her small dress. She had her mother’s soft purple eyes. It was clear she would be the very image of queen y/n.
She nuzzled her small head into his chest while his hand caressed her back. Maegor knew his children were by loved by their mother. He admired her for it, she loved their children the way his mother loved him. He stayed like that for a while, the room’s atmosphere had shifted. Baelon played with his brother. His mother sitting near by. Maegor held his daughter in his arms whilst he watched his sons play. She was unsure why he had a change of heart. Why he had chosen this particular day. A passer by would’ve assumed they had a close bond. A father who loved his children and wife , spending the noon together as a family.
Sometimes our eyes deceive us. We see things that aren’t there. Simple illusions our brains create. But to Queen Tyanna the image was clear. It was real and well made. She stood outside the door watching king Maegor and y/n spend the evening with their children. They were completely unaware of her cloud lurking outside the threshold. She watched closely as the cruel king held his daughter. Her eyes had seen plenty of the queen, should the king know his young wife was getting rid of potential babes. He would never hold his daughter again.
- - - - - - - - - - -
“Queen Ceryse has requested to see you, your grace” Kiara bowed her head to her queen. The hour was quite late and the y/n was busy getting her children to bed. She looked up from Rheanor confused “Now?” She asked Kiara.
Kiara nodded “Yes your grace”. Y/n planted a kiss on Rhaenor and left his side. Ceryse’s call had been completely unexpected, she was already in her sleeping gown. If Ceryse had asked for her then it was urgent. Their relationship was nothing but civil. They weren’t bonded like sisters but being the oldest Ceryse did provide her with protection from Tyanna. Although their relationship had been strained over the past year, she held no grudges for her. She did not blame Ceryse nor Tyanna. But at times she did wonder if Ceryse had told truth. Had Ceryse purposely left her door unattended? She would never know.
Still the young princess instructed Kiara to remain with the children until she returned. Two guards stood outside her door their attention ever so vigilant. As she began to walk away one of the guards left his post, she looked back bewildered “The hour is late hour grace” the white cloak told her. “We are to keep you and the children safe” the other guard added.
She had completely forgotten about the rule Maegor had placed. “Of course” she nodded. The white cloak followed her keeping his distance but still close enough to protect her. The castle was silent and empty. It’s darks long halls illuminated by the torches on the wall. The shining moon above illuminated some parts of the now finished castle. Ironically if queen y/n had gone to her left she would’ve taken the same route she took the night her son was murdered.
The only who seemed to noticed was the white cloak who looked back before he continued his steps. He had heard the tale many times. Each version more twisted than the last. He tried to picture the young girl carrying two babes in her arms while she made sure her other son was safe. But to him the situation was too unsettling to picture it. As a believer of the faith he was among the many that felt pity for the girl.
She stopped outside Ceryse’s door “It won’t take long” she told the white cloak. She entered the room to see Ceryse sat on her bed. Her back against the bed frame. Her hand resting on her stomach. Her long blonde hair down to her shoulders. There no candles lit, the only light being the moonlight that shone through the window.
Ceryse smile slightly when she saw y/n “Sickness does put one in it’s weakest state” she joked. Y/n smiled a bit before she took a seat on the bed “It’s better than childbirth” she joked back
Ceryse chuckled and took her hand “Some of us would rather take that pain”. Y/n place her hand on overs here’s as well. Her gaze moved to the an opened window. The air tangling itself with the curtains. “Were you standing ?” She asked looking back at Ceryse.
Ceryse sighed a small smile forming on her face “I stood to watch Skyfyre” she told y/n “it seems she’s restless and misses you”.
Y/n looked back at the window, it was clear she missed her dragon as well but she said nothing. “I was told what you did in the small council “ Ceryse smirked at girl.
Y/n looked back at Ceryse “It was necessary “ she said. There was a brief silence between the two of them. Ceryse looked at the girl, her youthfulness had not been tampered with. Her silver hair and purple eyes sparkled in the dim moonlight. Her eternal beauty was a reminder that Targaryens were closer to gods than men. She did not blame Maegor for marrying her, any man with a cock could only dream about marrying a Targaryen princess. Her words stuck a cord on Ceryse, she had never heard the young girl say such words. She was the youngest and most gentle out the three. At least that was what she believed.
“Do not let Maegor corrupt you, you are a good person. I believe your heart is pure and the love you hold for your children will serve as a shield” Ceryse whispered gently. Y/n kept quiet, even in her death bed Ceryse still saw her a naive weak minded girl.
“I wasted my years I was filled with hatred and jealousy” Ceryse voice was sincere and filled with regret. “I resented you..for being unaware of the feelings I heartily hid”. After all years of pretending Ceryse finally revealed her feelings towards the girl. “We reconciled in old town” she said. “I forgave him, I accepted Alys and promised to make the effort with Tyanna” Ceryse’s words were soft .It was clear she fought tears as she spoke “On the third day of the feast…. He rose up and held his cup…. the doors opened “ she spat with sadness “There you stood, a Targaryen princess barely ten and five”. Ceryse paused and wiped off her tears. She scoffed quietly and spoke again “He took as your wife in front of me…. And I hated you “ she said her words filled with sorrow and anger . “A child” she said letting out a humorless laugh “A child had taken my husband” her breathing hitched and angry tears swelled up in her eyes. “You fell pregnant faster than expect, I could’ve let you stay. Allowed Tyanna to get rid of the child” she confessed “But what used would’ve that done”.
“I tried getting pregnant, lots of times….it was useless” Ceryse swallowed “But you became pregnant without complications. Locked away squishing child after child. I resented you more and more ”.
“I prayed for the Stranger to take you. For death to wrap it’s s arms around you. So I could raise your children as my own…I believed I was owed that”
The curtains blew in the windows tangling themselves together as the air gushed in the room. “How grand it must have been.. to a mother”
“I prayed for the gods to hurt you” she confessed. “So they took Aegon” Her gaze finally met hers, Ceryse’s eyes were filled with remorse and tears. “Forgive me” she begged “p-please” her voice cracking and her tears cascading
Y/n face was blanked and pensive “I knew….” She said her voice soft . “ I always knew” she told Ceryse. Unlike Ceryse, she had not tears in her eyes.
“You knew?” Ceryse repeated her tone betraying her shock. She spend years secretly hating a child. A child who always knew and did not care.
“I didn’t want to be his queen “ Y/n said “I wanted to go home”. She knew Ceryse hated her, but she did not expect for her to hate so much. To wish death upon her. Ceryse wanted y/n’s children, she wanted y/n gone.
“He took our home, and he took my brother’s throne ….…he killed Aegon beneath the Gods eye and he called that mercy.” Y/n said. Ceryse was aware of the cruelty y/n had endured in the hands of Maegor. Someone the girl was still sane, at least in her eyes.
“I did not love him…I hated him…” Queen y/n spoke distantly. “Many times I wished to jump from one the towers. I could’ve done it..it would been fast.. a quick death in the hands of Maegor”
“But I had my children…they saved me” she said rising from Ceryse’s side.
“I love none but my children “ she said “On that font a mother has no choice “ her voice strangely low. She stood by Ceryse’s night stand where a flask of milk of the poppy rested. Ceryse had been taken it to sooth her illness that slowly ate her away. A sudden illness Maester Benifer had no cure for.
“For Aegon” she said coldly as she dropped the flask onto the cold stone floor. The liquid flowing away into the dirty cracks. Ceryse could only watch as the only thing that kept her alive was taken from her. The Queen had not forgiven her, in fact had she not confessed mayhaps she wouldn’t have blamed her for the death of her son.
Queen y/n left the Ceryse’s chamber without another word. She closed the door behind her knowing Ceryse would be dead come the morrow. Her cold body to be found by the maids. But tonight no one would come to aid her, no one would save Ceryse the way no one saved y/n.
A mother’s wrath is stronger than the wrath of the gods. For there was a debt to be paid, and only death could pay it.
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wordsarelife · 6 months ago
—would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!poseidon!reader
summary: you try to live with the loss of luke castellan and the betrayal he brought upon you
warning: angst
notes: the timeline is all over the place lmao. i haven't read the books yet (i probably will in the future) so i have no idea how or when luke got claimed. i just made it up for the sake of the story, hope that's alright :)
the wind splashed in your face like the ocean did when you would throw your body in the water. it was different, colder than it normally was. you weren’t used to the shiver your body felt, you had always felt at ease at camp halfblood.
now it was nothing like it used to be.
percy and annabeth were down at the camp, far away from the cliffside you were standing on, probably consoling each other.
you had felt nothing but loneliness from the moment he had left.
not even your brother or annabeth could’ve done something to change that.
you felt almost the same you did the day you came to camp. afraid and nervous, hands holding on to luke as you ran after him. thalia, annabeth and grover not far behind you.
but you had felt a bit of familiarity that day too. everything was new to you, but luke wasn’t. you had grown up together, experiencing the first effects of being a half-god side by side. there was no one who could take on the role he had held for you.
you stared into the clouds, the width of the sky in front of you, as your mind wandered back.
“look at the water!” annabeth called loudly.
your hand gripped luke’s arm, as both of you watched the giant wave travel to the shore.
“poseidon” an unknown boy behind you muttered and luke and you exchanged glances.
the wave broke down right in front of you, soft water glistening onto your feet as the lake opened up, perfectly wide enough for you to stand in without getting wet.
“what?” you mumbled, as the water fell back into its position right as luke was trying to follow you. it drenched you completely, but as your hand moved forward it bend away beneath your touch, moving just as you guided it to.
“she got claimed by poseidon” a few girls muttered in awe.
“claimed?” you repeated, still standing in the lake. you looked at luke, as if he knew any better than you.
you had to move out of the hermes cabin the same day and into a shed that felt less like a home and more like a punishment.
you had been overwhelmed at the bustling loudness of the hermes cabin at first, but now you were missing it. luke slept next to you for the first week, until you decided that you had to do this on your own. still, luke spend every evening with you, until the last alarm rang out and he had to leave if he didn’t want to be caught outside after nighttime (or eaten by harpies).
luke and you only grew closer during your time at camp. you did everything together. people got used to it quickly, always pointing out if one of you was missing.
luke found solace in your presence, telling you about his shattered hope regarding his father, someone who was still unknown to him. and you felt bad about it. it had taken days for you to be claimed and luke was still in the dark after months.
it was simply unfair.
you couldn't always relate to his frustration regarding the gods, because your father tried to reach you in forms that was allowed, shipping letters or presents your way, but you always listened to him, understanding that he was going through something different and he desperately needed someone on his side.
to say that luke's claiming was a bit of a let down was an understatement. luke had hoped so long for something that all his expectations had been incredibly low and hermes still managed to undercut them even further.
he didn't bother to pay attention to any of his children, none of them were treated as if they were more than just one piece of a big puzzle.
a letter arrived in the middle of july, listing a bunch of names that hermes had concluded to be those of his children. luke was included on the list. it was nothing special, nothing worth of a mention.
luke stayed in the hermes cabin and lost a bit of hope with each day passing without hearing from his father.
sometimes he found his anger directed at your father, who seemed all the more caring than his own. and although he didn't wish for you to go through the same grief he had gone through, he sometimes wondered what it would feel like to have you understand his experiences.
time passed and luke stopped mentioning his father or anything about the gods completely. you tried to ask him about it, but he claimed to have moved on, not caring for the attention of someone who couldn't be bothered to give it.
that was about the time you started seeing luke in a different light. he was no longer the little boy you had grown up along, he was almost a man, features loosing their boyish touch and dissolving into something more grown. something you had never seen in him before.
it was like getting to know him all over again.
it seemed like it wasn't any different with luke as he suddenly grew interested in the kind of perfume you were using or the little rings on your fingers when your hand would rest on his biceps a little too long.
the infaturation came fast, almost overnight and neither of you was ready to longer deny what was so clearly happening between you.
luke and you started dating that same year. it was the first relationship for the both of you and everything felt special. you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. he was kind and funny, always kept an eye on you wherever you went and quickly became the most important person in your life.
faster than you noticed, your whole life revolved around luke castellan. maybe that was why you felt like you had lost everything the night that he left.
you were dating for more than a year by the time percy showed up at camp.
those few days were probably the last you had truly been happy. you had a brother now, he was lovely and you immediately formed a bond with each other, having had similiar experiences regarding the truth about your father.
you remembered the night so clearly. it was like a never ending flashback in your hand.
you were taking a drink out of gina's hand, right as annabeth came running through the forest.
"y/n!" she called, her voice slumping down when she noticed you not far away. "percy" she simply said when you turned around. the distress on her face was enough to make you follow her.
luke looked up at the sound your footsteps were making. and annabeth quickly threw something, that made him let go of what he was holding. you realized too late that it was a sword.
percy was laying on the ground in front of luke. your features turned into a frown, when you looked at your brother and back at your boyfriend.
"y/n" luke said, surprise and worry in his voice. "annabeth"
you were so confused. you didn't even know what was going on. but what he had planned to do send shivers down your spine.
"i heard everything" annabeth said.
luke looked at you, like he was quietly asking if you had heard it too.
you shook your head. "what have you done?" you stepped around annabeth, who tried to hold you back without any luck. you stopped to glance up at him.
luke averted his eyes, feeling your breath against his neck, as your head was still recoiled backwards.
"look at me!" you said loudly, warningly, and you could see the muscles moving in his chin, a frown evident on his mouth.
"he's with kronos" percy announced, before luke had the chance to say something.
the rest of the memory was in a blur, but you clearly remembered your tears. tears of confusion, of betrayal, of hurt. that someone so close to you would betray everything you had fought so hard for? it seemed unfair to say the least.
and that someone was luke, your luke. you didn't even recognize him anymore.
you remembered his hand reaching out for you, the pleading look in his eyes, the silent question, to come with him and leave everything you loved behind. but you shook your head, turning away from him. you didn't even want to look at him. you would rather remember who he had been all those years before.
"sorry" he had muttered and neither annabeth nor you had been fast enough to stop him, as he ran away and through the portal he had opened.
now luke castellan was just a memory that haunted you. like a ghost that never really left your side. you missed him so dearly. all while you wished that he would stay far away at the same time. it was confusing and you hated that you were still so in love with him after everything he had done to you friends, your brother and even you.
you threw his chain into the relentless waves of the sea beneath you, before you walked back into the forest and away from the cliff.
"i haven't seen you all day" percy stood up and fell into a quick step beside you, when he saw you approaching.
"i was up on the cliff" you shrugged.
"oh" he muttered.
he had been following you around camp relentlessly after luke had left a few days ago. the hurt was still fresh, but felt so distant at the same time. percy was worried about you, you could clearly read that from the expression on his face.
he treated you like someone had just died. and that wasn't even far off.
"have you eaten anything?" he asked, not giving up.
"i didn't feel hungry" you mumbled. "where's annabeth?" she had been the only one who could at least somewhat understand what you were feeling. luke had been like a brother to her and both of you were now collateral damage on his path to power.
"you should really eat something" percy retored, matter of factly. "she went to change. i accidently spilled some ketchup on her shirt"
you halted in your step, turning to face your brother who looked up at you with a curious look in his eyes.
"don't ever change" you whispered, reaching out and hugging him close to your chest.
"what?" he mumbled against your body.
you pressed a kiss onto his head, before you let go of him. "thank you for being so caring" you smiled softly. "i will get through this, but i wouldn't without you"
"of course you would" percy shook his head and pushed his hands against his hips. "he's just a boy"
"no" your voice was soft and you tried hard not to let it break in front of him. you had done a pretty good job at avoiding to cry when percy was around you. "he was so much more to me"
percy sighed, but finally nodded. "yeah," he muttered, almost to himself "i get it."
you smiled sadly, appreciating his attempt to understand. the silence stretched between you, the rustling of the trees and the distant crashing of waves filling the space.
then, percy took a deep breath and glanced out at the horizon. "you know," he said, his voice quiet but firm. "the hardest thing isn’t losing someone. it’s realizing that no matter what they’ve done, you still carry the good parts of them with you."
you blinked, surprised by the depth of his words. he met your gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of compassion and resolve. "and that’s okay. it’s okay to hold onto that. to let yourself feel it. but it’s also okay to let go when you're ready. you loved luke for who he was, not for what he was going to become"
for a moment, you just stood there, absorbing his words. percy, the little brother you never expected, was showing you a wisdom that went far beyond his years.
"yeah, you might be right about that" you said as soon as the words returned to you. "when have you gotten so wise?"
"well, nearly dying does all sorts of things with you"
you smiled, pulling him against you once more. "thank you for coming back home, percy"
"we're in this together now" he assured. "i never had a sister before, but i will try my best to be a good brother"
"you already are an amazing brother, you know?" you said softly. "but you're so much more to me, too"
at that, he send you a look that would probably cure your nightmares for days to come. you and luke had relied on each other all your life, but now he was gone and you had to learn to accept that.
now someone else was relying on you and you promised to not let it come this far again. you would make sure that percy jackson would never experience all the disappointments and frustration you and luke had to endure throughout the years.
you would make sure that percy never felt unwanted or less loved like kids who had normal parents.
you would not fail percy like you had failed luke.
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acapelladitty · 10 months ago
Trouble Like A Mugshot (1.5k)
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Pairing: Lucy Maclean/Cooper Howard
Summary: After a long day of travelling the wastelands, Lucy is feeling horny and asks Cooper if he wants to have sex with her. A question which is much more complicated than she could have possibly known.
(A/N: I might turn this into a short series of moments showcasing the pairs developing relationship from this to hard nsfw if that's something folks would like to see.)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Lucy Maclean was no stranger to the difficult to ignore feelings which were pressing at her body. Fingers slightly trembling, breath coming in shorter bursts than she would admit to, eyes unable to pull themselves fully away from the lounging ghoul who reclined in his nearby bunk with a relaxed stance; cowboy hat tipped across his face as he feigned sleep.
Lucy Maclean knew herself enough to understand that her restlessness wasn't the radition sickness which had recently started to touch at her peripherals again. Nor was it the fact that it had been weeks since she'd had any time to herself that wasn't shadowed by either her ghoulish companion or some other entity.
Lucy Maclean was horny and she was never one to deny herself a simple, sneaky little indulgence when the mood took her.
"Hey, Cooper." She called, fingers rolling across her bare forearms as she sat with her back to the wall, legs crossed in a neat pile. "You awake and listening to me?"
"Hard not to with those foghorn vocals." A grumpy response, muffled by the hat rang back at her. "What are you yapping your flap about?
"Do you want to have sex?"
In their time together, Lucy had never witnessed Cooper doing anything that her vault lessons had taught her were sexual acts. He didn't touch himself around her, didn't disappear for some self-relief as the boys did, didn't make any kind of pass at her like some of the others had done before her husband had been selected. As far as she knew, maybe the ghoul didn't even feel the same things she did, and that realisation made her roll back on her question almost as quickly as she had asked it.
"I mean, if you can have sex that is. I don't know if your," Lucy paused, unsure how to describe her partners physical state without causing offence, "condition, makes it possible. I don't even know if you have the right parts for it but there's other ways of experiencing pleasure. We could use our mou-"
Cutting herself off as her babbling reach a new octave, Lucy watched as Cooper's body - his frame stock still since she had asked her initial question - finally stirred into action. A reddened hand slowly rose from its position by his hip until it reached the cowboy hat, plucking the leather from his face as he turned to look at his bunkmate and travelling companion with an indescribable expression; various emotions fluttering through his typically stoic face.
"I know your experiences with ghouls are limited, princess." Cooper spoke patiently, voice low as he fired the hated nickname at her, her vocal dislike of the new monkier making it a very quick favourite of his. "But the whole package is still intact so let's get that established before you go telling people falsehoods about my good person."
"Okay. Noted." Lucy held her hands up apologetically and her knees touched as she lounged against the concrete wall which was supporting her. "But you didn't answer me. Do you want to? Have sex, I mean? Last time i did was with my assigned husband and it was good enough, great even, but then he tried to kill me and it was this whole thing."
Mentally filing that information away for future use and subtle further investigation, Cooper lay back fully against his own cot and tilted his head closer in her direction, thankful for the dimness of their shared room as it shielded most of his features.
"As much as I'd love to bury my bone in a new patch of land, I don't think that's necessarily the best choice in terms of this little partnership we've stitched together."
Indicating his sewn finger, he wagged it at her dismissively as a discomforting sensation flooded his stomach, mild arousal at the thought of some tail mixing with something dangerous that set his teeth on edge.
"Why not? It's only sex."
Suddenly feeling older than he had any right to, Cooper fell silent as he mused on her question for a moment.
Lucy Maclean.
Eyes as big as a doe, that girl was built soft but he was lucky enough to see people for what they truly were and the steel which lurked beneath the painful optimism and naivety that shone free of her would make her a dangerous player if she ever truly entered the game. He felt the burden of his own cruelty at times, cornering her into making decisions that would cause her little vaultie friends to vomit if they knew the violence she enacted, but with every difficult choice came a fresh coating to that steel which would see her survive and thrive in the wastelands.
It's only sex.
In his life, Cooper Howard had enjoyed less sexual partners than many would believe. A sticky fumbling in the upper level of an old barn had been his first, the other party a sweet girl from a nearby ranch who was two years older and knew what she wanted from him. Pretty soon after that came Barb and as soon as he laid eyes on her he never saw anything past her.
War was terrible for the other men and many lost themselves in drink and the women who haunted the barracks and backlines looking for poor souls to feed on. But not him. Never him.
Not when he had to come home to Barb.
Even when married and at the height of his fame, when aspiring young things would throw themselves at him, their perfumes overpowered by the stink of wine and cigarettes, he had rebuffed them politely. He was loyal and he enjoyed the fruits of that loyalty as he held his wife in his arms and basked in the sweet sounds that she would make as they fucked. Hell, she had even given him a daughter and he loved her every day for it.
War never changes.
But he did.
And fuck him if his new appearance and designation as a Ghoul didn't screw him out of any chance of some stress relief as he wandered the wastelands. Might as well have been a fucking leper for all the tail which was now afforded to him and his leathery visage.
Not for Lucy Maclean though.
She, it seemed, didn't care about any of that.
"Did I say something wrong? The leaders explained all acts of intercourse to us so I know what I'm doing and I consent fully."
Lucy's voice, heated with an almost defensive lilt, broke into his musings and Cooper blinked at her as the hole that made up his nose flared while he inhaled deeply.
"I don't doubt that, darling. I've seen how you handle a pistol." Reverting to his typical sarcasm as he looked, truly looked, at her, Cooper sighed at the earnestness which oozed from her features. "But I'm gonna have to decline. Politely."
"Is it because of me? Did i do somethig wrong? I mean, my husband didn't seem to mind but then he was planning on killing me anyway so y'know?" Making a wild gesture with her fingers as she spoke, the casualness of her speech wasn't enough to mask the genuine insecurity which threaded through the questions.
"You're fine. Attractive little thing, even. I think any man would jump at the chance to have you wrapped around them like an old holster."
He wasn't lying- and he wasn't blind. She was a good looking young woman, her innocence flickering like the dull embers of a welcoming fire in the darkness of the wastelands. She was enthusiastic, eager, and damn pretty with those big eyes and curved figure which hid beneath the bulky clothes which she used for protection. More than once he'd caught himself glancing at her as she bent to snatch up things from the floor and the few times he did allow himself to fall into something like sleep featured breathy moans and the feeling of long, brunette strands brushing through his ungloved hands. Mouthy too so he knew she would be a vocal one - probably yowling like a hellcat.
It would be so easy to have her.
A simple yes and she would no doubt leap into action, shedding those clothes as quickly as did her weapons when trying to find peaceful solutions to violent problems. He would treat her right, everh inch the gentleman cowboy and no doubt much better than that shady husband she'd unwittingly fucked. He'd show her things with his fingers and mouth that would have her screaming loud enough to wake up all the devils in hell. Against the cot, against the wall and against whatever furniture she wanted, he could show her how a real man treats a woman as they both burned off some stress.
Feeling a very definite stirring in his groin, Cooper was quick to banish the dangerous thoughts.
"But a bad man like me shouldn't be allowed near a pretty little thing yourself. You're ready for a lot, Lucy Maclean, but you ain't ready for that."
Something almost like understanding passed through her gaze and Lucy nodded, instead exhaling deeply as she tapped the back of her head against the wall behind her.
"In that case, would you mind leaving for an hour so that I can masturbate, please?"
Cursing himself for the little shred of morality which plucked at his heart and refused to allow him to ruin this unknowing tease of a woman, Cooper dutifully rose to his feet and marched to the nearby door.
"You get half an hour." He grunted, barely tilting his head towards her as he stormed out into the nighttime air - determined to get far enough away that there was no chance that he would hear her and break his determined stance.
Besides, he might not be fucking her but as his cock pressed against his slacks, he wasn't masochistic enough to deny himself a similar pleasure and the distance would also give him some much needed alone time.
Goddamn Lucy Maclean.
Links to rest of the series:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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icomeandg0 · 5 months ago
“More than one”
PART 5!!
Linked Universe x reader (s)
warnings; Confusing
A/n: I won’t change it but I did a mistake in this chapter but I’m not sure if anyone will notice.
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"Saved by me again?"
Once again, LTTPY/n was leading the group to wherever yet no one dared to question her. It seemed like mere seconds before they saw the other half of them.
“Ooo! I see them!” WWY/n points out causing their group to turn their heads in the direction she was pointing at. “Ugh great, there’s more” FSY/n mumbled, “Oh! You found LOZY/n” BOTWY/n smiles as she walks over to that Y/n.
“Hi!! It’s been a few days!” LOZY/n waves happily, “Oh, I see you also found FsY/n” BOTWY/n side eyes the short tempered Y/n
“Got a problem?! Kiss my ass if you do!”
“What an interesting…bunch.” Time overlooks each version of Y/n so far, “I can say the same for you…they’re pretty well behaved so far” OOTY/n comments, “It’s not a shock that each version of you is chaotic” Time smirks while OOTY/n smacks his arm in retaliation.
“Eugh, don’t tell me their flirting” FSY/n groans earning a snicker from Four, “Hey, let the happy couple be…if they are one”
“I’ve experienced too much! First LOZY/n with…Link and now OOTY/n with another Link…” FSY/n scratches her head and groans, “Tell me you guys have separate names for eachother”
“Of course we do, I’m Four”
“Oh really? How creative—“
Four covers her mouth with his hand, she grumbles into his hand as if protesting, “Shush! Let me introduce them one by one without you interfering”
Four points to each one, revealing their names to FsY/n and once that was done, vice versa FsY/n decided to label each Y/n with their nicknames.
“Has anyone seen SSY/n..?” Sky spoke up which caused everyone to fall silent, a small commotion rose between the two groups of Y/n before BOTWY/n shrugged, “Not yet, but we will find her. We won’t leave anyone behind” Sky slumped a bit which he knew wasn’t necessary…but he was worried for his Y/n.
A hand was placed on his shoulder which belonged to OOTY/n, “No need to fret, if there’s one thing I know from travelling with each of these girls, they’ll always be safe because they are capable of doing so. They are strong women so you boys don’t have to worry one bit” OOTY/n smiles which eases Sky just a bit.
“Yeah, I know…I just really want to see her again”
“Trust me, you will…She must hold a special place in your heart, huh?” OOTY/n’s smile had a hint of mischief to it.
Sky grew bashful but before they knew it—
“Can you read this, FSY/n?” LTTPY/n asked as she showed the sign from earlier to the Y/n.
“Specimen transported to the castle” FSY/n reads clearly, “She must be there, To the castle” BOTWY/n points to the large castle from afar.
“Ughhh!! More walking!” WWY/n groans.
•¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*• •¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*•
The group stands out in front of the castle, a few feet away as they analyse it.
“No ones guarding…should be a easy way in” Wind says as he squints his eyes, “No doofus! It could be a trap” WWY/n says, sticking her tongue out earning a sour expression from Wind.
“Little twerp is right, they must be inside guarding.” FSY/n says, tapping her finger against her cheek.
“Why?” Twilight questioned
“Well…for instance, they have a dragon?” FSY/n huffed at the audacity of asking, she thought the reason was obvious.
“So, where should we enter from?” Warriors asked with a raised brow.
“Well, like I said guards would probably be guarding from the inside because of the dragon, so we need a way to get in secretly”
“So a window?”
“Not necessarily, we don’t want to risk getting caught because there may be guards at every possible point…except going underneath” FSY/n mumbled as she walked around…The group of girls followed after, the boys all glance at each other and followed along.
Soon FSY/n stops at a trap door just a few yards away, it was covered in leaves and dirt to disguise it but FSY/n easily finds it.
“Hm, good observation” Time compliments, FSY/n huffed, “it’s nothing, I found this on the first day, they forgot to cover it back up. Dumbass’s”
Once the trap doors were opened it was pitch black, FSY/n gulps, “welp since I was the one to discover this I say I’ll stay up here and watch out for anything unusual—AHH!!” LTTPY/n pushes her down causing a little thud down at the bottom and a ‘oof’ from FSY/n.
LTTPY/n lights a torch and turns to everyone, “C’mon, sooner we go in sooner we come out.”
•¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*• •¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*•
As they venture through, LTTPY/n taking the lead as she was the only source of light she stops at the end as it was another trapdoor, she opens them and it reveals a dungeon.
She walks forward since she’s the only one with a light source, she walks up and looks around.
“All clear”
One by one, everyone hops out from the deep tunnel and looks around, “Sketchy” OOTY/n says softly. “Be careful now, we don’t know what traps could be set here” Time warns everyone.
“We should split up, we’ll cover more ground and we can make this an easy and fast mission.” FSY/n says.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, like you said, guards are everywhere and we can’t risk any of us getting caught” Twilight says earning a eyebrow raise from FSY/n.
“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, I was talking to my group anyway! You boys can stick together, I don’t give two shits about what’ll happen to you” she huffed, Twilight growled as he glared at her.
“Cut it out, we don’t need any conflict right now, we find the dragon and leave” Time states earning nods from the chain and a few of the girls…except for FSY/n of course.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion either—“
“Ah! No back talk, miss. If I hear another complaint from you…you won’t like the results, you hear?” OOTY/n says sternly, staring FSY/n down as FSY/n scoffs and turns away…reluctantly agreeing.
“Well? Chop chop! We got a dragon to save!” BOTWY/n tries to push past the tension and recollect everyone’s attention.
The whole group was walking down the long halls of the dungeon, hoping to find a clue or even a dragon at this point.
“We’ve checked this whole floor, it’s empty” Hyrule comments, “looks like we gotta go up” LTTPY/n says. “Ooo!! I wanna open the door—“ “WAIT!!”
LOZY/n grabs the handles and opens the large wooden door…and there was a whole heap of guards.
“Uh…Hi!” She smiles awkwardly…there was a pause until— “GET HER!!” She gasped and she couldn’t react in time and the guards snatched her. “Crap, LOZY/n!” BOTWY/n leaps in…”Wait!” Wild leaps in after her, “Cub! Don’t be reckless!” AND twilight follows suit.
Others were going to hop out and try to save them but FSY/n and LTTPY/n block the way, “Hide! Before we all get captured” the boys reluctantly agree and hide out of view. A guard steps down a step and looks around, couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary so they brushed it off.
“Nothing, keep moving.”
Once the guards were gone Legend was the first to move out, “what was that? The others got captured and we hid? We should’ve gone after them!” Legend says Morley aimed at FSY/n.
“No you idiot! We would’ve all been captured and that wouldn’t be a good situation! Think with that scrawny brain of yours!” FSY/n jabs back at him making him grit his teeth.
“So far, listening to you hasn’t been a good idea at all! We got ourselves stuck here trying to save your group and got some of our group captured! I’ve been on many missions and this is by far the worst because I had to meet you.” Legend growls.
FSY/n was going to snap back until Sky pushed him back a bit, “Calm down, Vet. We’ll get them back” Sky reassured as Legend scoffed.
“Hey, take a breather. Stay calm” Four says to the bad tempered Y/n, “I am calm!” She grumbled.
“Now, in order for this to work we have to come to terms with each other, just for now. I don’t care what you have against one another but you make up and deal with this later.” OOTY/n scolds the two of them…or everyone for good measure, FSY/n and Legend flicker their gaze to the older Y/n and huff…
“Fine.” “Whatever.”
“Hmph…That was easy” OOTY/n smiles to herself, “it’s your motherly instincts.” Time smirks earning a slight snicker from her, Wind and WWY/n share a look…
“Coast is clear, we should head off now before they come back” Warriors say from at the top of the stairs, the rest follow.
•¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*• •¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*•
Walking down the hallways, checking each room and discovering nothing the group carries on.
“Man no treasure or anything!” WWY/n whines, “would’ve been cool if there was a chest in every room…” LTTPY/n sighs.
“One can only wish” Hyrule chuckles a bit as he sheepishly adds himself into the conversation.
Warriors was at the front of the group, leading the way with a serious expression…making sure every corner they turned was empty before continuing on.
“Over there! I see them!”
“Over there, over there!”
“Get them!”
Guards from in front were blocking them as they were running towards them, Warriors looked to his left, Guards. Right? Guards. Lastly he looked back and realised they’ve been cornered…With a desperate attempt we went to draw out his sword making everyone else alert and went to grab theirs until a bright light flashed with the sounds of guards yelling and groaning in the background, once the light adjusted again a person stood in front of them, guards unconscious on the ground…
A H/c woman…oh it seems like it’s another Y/n—Warriors eyes widen..a spark lit up in his eyes, It’s not just anyone’s Y/n, it’s his Y/n.
“Of course you were about to result to violence…you haven’t changed one bit, Knight.” The woman smiles as she turns to look at him, those e/c orbs that were staring into his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief.
He was reunited again.
To be continued…
•¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*• •¨•.¸¸☆*・゚゚・☆¸¸.•¨*•
A/n: one more chapter to go guys, nearly done the first series gosh damn
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 1 year ago
ethan landry request: y/n and ethan are about to hook up at a halloween party but she goes to get a condom and when she comes back ethan is gone. A little angst since he disappeared on her?
New year is coming very fast, let’s empty the requests!! (aka: blurbs time)
Warnings: 18+, making out, nudity (?)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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You never understood how people casually sneaking to bedrooms at parties to fuck on a stranger’s bed. Not only was it not very hygienic, but how disgusting must it be for the owner of the bed to come in and see someone else’s body fluids on their sheets. 
Yet, here you were, making out on a stranger’s bed and rubbing your body against this cute boy you met an hour ago. His hands were all over your body, eager to grab and explore…in a respectful way. Having enough of his sweetness, you guided his hands to your ass yourself. 
Ethan moaned into the kiss, pulling your body closer until you were pressed up against him, in certain areas more than others. He wasn’t experienced. You could tell by the speed his erection was growing under his jeans. It was okay, though. Everyone has a first time. 
Your hand traveled under the thin fabric of his navy henley, surprised to find slightly defined muscles. A smile curled on your lips. Nerdy appearances can be misleading. You continued your exploration, then swung a leg over his hips and began to rock your hips against his, making Ethan groan and tighten his grip on your body. 
Breaking from him shortly, you giggled at his reaction and unclasped the small hooks of your corset top, making the boy below you groan when he found out you weren’t wearing a bra underneath your costume, the thick material enough to hold the girls. Ethan looked at you for a moment, completely flustered. 
You gave him a minute to admire and play with them, then went back to kissing, pressing the ache in your core to his thigh as you rutted against Ethan's thigh, feeling your arousal sticking to your panties. Reaching down his body, you started to unbuckle his belt, but he stopped you. 
‘’Before we get too far, I need to tell you something,’’ Ethan confessed, breathless between your kisses. ‘’I…I don't have a condom with me.’’ 
Typical men. 
You looked down at him, his face covered with embarrassment and frustration. You wanted to go on a rant about how he was the one who had to wrap it, therefore he should have one on him at all times, but you kept your mouth shut. Ethan didn’t seem like the kind of guy who was very lucky with the ladies.
Sighing, you climbed down his body. ‘’I’m gonna go ask a friend. I’ll be right back,’’ you said with a sweet smile, quickly slipping back into your corset top and ignoring the smear of lip gloss from all the kissing. 
Running down the stairs, you searched for your friends, praying someone had a condom. 
After ten minutes, you finally got your hands on one. You went back to the bedroom you had left Ethan in, apologizing for taking so long, but when your eyes fell on the bed, it was empty. 
‘’Ethan?’’ you called into the room.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  
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youknowwho-mustnotbenamed · 2 months ago
December 18 - Aurora Borealis | Jegulus | word count: 844 | @taylorswiftmicrofic
There is a long list of things Regulus Black never thought he would get to do.
Live passed his eighteenth birthday. See a world without his Mother looming over him. Be unshackled from his enslavers. Walk in public in trousers. Mend his relationship with his brother. Have a life’s purpose of his own. Have a boyfriend. Leave the Black legacy behind. Get to travel the world to the places he has only read about. Experience love. Become a poet. Start a family of his own. Fill the empty shell of his body with life. Be more than a broken boy. Be Regulus Arcturus Black.
But here he is, freshly nineteen, hand in hand with his boyfriend, wearing trousers. He knows it isn’t much, but to fifteen-year-old Regulus, it means the world. He never thought he would be anything more than a scared boy hiding inside a girl’s body, forced to play dress up by his Mother every day. Forced to fit into a mold of somebody he is not. But, even the simple things—having a boyfriend his mother would not approve of, wearing trousers and a hoodie instead of an intricate lace dress, away from that house and its overbearing and mostly impossible expectations—make it easier to breathe. They mean that he was able to summon the courage that mother tried to hide from him, and follow in his brother’s footsteps.
And while he would like to claim all the credit for himself, he knows none of it would have been possible without James. It’s because of James that he goes most days without feeling the hollowness creeping at his chest. It’s because of James that he knows what it is like to love. It’s because of James that he knows how much of life he was missing out on. It’s because of James, that he gets the opportunity to make up for so much lost time.
It's because of James, that instead of cuddling in front of their fireplace trading gentle kisses and ice cream, they are bundled from head to toe as they trundle through heavy drifts of snow. He long since gave up swiping the snow from his eyelashes, instead observing the world through a faint haze.
“Close your eyes for me, Love.”
“It will be worth it. I promise.”
Reluctantly, he lets his eyes flutter closed. It’s not like he could see much anyway. As much as he hates not being aware of his surroundings, he knows James is there, hand on the small of his back to guide him. Besides the eagerness in James’ voice is enough to get him to comply even if he’d rather not. James simply has that affect on him.
Seconds later, he feels the familiar yet discomforting tug of apparition. The dizziness and disorientation is amplified by his closed eyes, but he still keeps them pressed closed. He won’t ruin this surprise just because he was uncomfortable, he’s been through worse and he’s still here.
“Alright, Love, you can open them now.”
When he does, he is convinced he must be dreaming. There is nothing for miles. A white expanse of snow and glaciers interrupted only by the mountains in the far distance, stark white against the satin purple of the night sky. But it isn’t the stunning landscape that steals his breath away, but rather the sky above.
The dark purple is cut through with bolts of greens and blues, swaths of pinks and purples rising like silk from them. The light twists and bends through the air like sunlight in water, stars shining through like diamonds. This must be what muggles feel like experiencing something so natural and so wonderful, it feels like magic. Because as much as he knows this is perfectly natural, his brain keeps searching for a spell that could have made this possible.
He spins around, flinging himself into James’ arms. The motion brings him to the perfect spot to seize a deep kiss. There is cold in his lungs, warmth in his chest, and love in the air. This is what the poets write about. About feelings so intense they will simply burn up if they don’t get the words out. This is what he was missing out on. Love.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” He gasps when he finally pulls back. When he does, he can see the love shining in James’ eyes, the depth of it enough to break down those final walls he had been clinging to. Because as much as James said he wasn’t going anywhere, a part of him was still seeking out conclusive proof that was the case. “I love you.”
James’ breath punches out of him. “I—you—oh that’s not fair.”
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” He says, accentuating each proclamation with a kiss.
He does, because James placed the world in his hands. This is the love of the poets; this is the love many people chase after their entire lives. For Regulus, this kind of love chased after him.
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icycoldninja · 10 months ago
Hello! Are You familiar with game of thrones? If not you can ignore this but if you do Can you write a dmc boys +v with a Daenerys like s/o? She has 3 dragons and is immune to fire plus she is an awesome badass queen, but in this case since the dmc world is more modern times she can just be a queen from a far kingdom that is also modern like and happened to meet the guy in her travels.
Sup? Hope you're well! No, I'm not familiar with Game of Thrones, but I can work with what you've given me. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Daenerys-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you're a mighty queen from a distant kingdom? Dante never thought he'd be meeting royalty, but here he is.
-When he sees your dragons, he freaks. He didn't think those even existed, let alone be standing right in front of him. Then he remembers he and his brother are half demons with magic demon swords, so maybe it's not all that unusual.
-Thinks it's so cool that you're immune to fire--so is he! Now you have something in common.
-He'd love to visit your kingdom someday, if you're willing to take him.
-Bonus points if you let him ride one of your dragons; he's always wanted to soar through the air on a scaly dragon's back, even though he can fly on his own.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil wasn't too impressed at first. So what if you're royalty? There's plenty of that around.
-Then he sees your three dragons and thinks to himself, damn, if she can tame three of those terrifying beasts, she must be full of POWER.
-After this, Vergil decides it may be in his best interest to get to know you a little more, and in the process, learns about your immunity to fire.
-Now, this is very good because it means you can help him beat up his literally fiery brother whenever the need arises.
-Also wants to visit your kingdom to see if there any ways to get POWER and MOTIVATION there.
-However, do not, under any circumstances, make him ride your dragon. He isn't too fond of riding on animals, and besides, he can fly on his own.
□ Nero □
-Nero is indifferent to your royal lineage, but he thinks it's great that you, as a queen, get time to travel. It seems he's under the impression that all kings and queens are confined to their kingdoms and never allowed to leave.
-He immediately hits it off with your dragons; for some reason, they like him, and for an even stranger reason, he likes them.
-Your fire immunity makes you the perfect person to call whenever he wants to have a barbecue. No one ever needs to worry about getting burnt by the fire because you're around to deal with it for them.
-Nero isn't too fond of travel, so it's highly unlikely he'll visit your kingdom, but if you ask nicely and maybe bribe him with affection, he'll give in.
-Loves riding your dragons for two reasons: 1), it's fun, and 2), it saves more time because unlike his father and uncle, he can't keep up his Devil Trigger for very long.
● V ●
-Is very surprised that a fair and beautiful queen such as yourself is wandering so far from home. Should you not be within your palace, governing your subjects?
-Your badass-ery soon answers his question. The way you command everyone's attention and generally just run the place is inspiring.
-That, added to your 3 awesome dragons, only serves to impress him further.
-V gets along very nicely with your dragons, as do his familiars, when they are around. He's an experienced pet owner himself (kinda) and is more than willing to trade tips and tricks with you.
-Would absolutely love to visit your kingdom someday; the scenery, regardless of what it may be, will surely inspire his writing spirit.
-Wants to ride your dragon too. He's used to riding Nightmare and Griffon, so it won't be much of an issue for him.
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rae-and-mezo · 2 years ago
Life After Hogwarts: Ominis Gaunt
Summary: Headcanons for Yours and Ominis's life after Hogwarts!
A/N: I AM DOWN BAD FOR HIM MAN! I am thinking about making this a series with other characters. Let me know who you would like to see next!
First of all, I feel like you guys have been together since the end of seventh year ish? You really fell for each other the summer after sixth year when you both spent it with Sebastian and Anne. Either at your place or Feldcroft.
And he knew you were the one for him.
He flat out asks you one day in seventh year if you would ever like to be married (way in the future though,) and respects your answer either way. Of course, he would love to be called your husband, but he doesn't need a ring to know you love him.
He gets his training to become a ministry worker, taking up a desk job in magical Law Enforcement. It pays fairly well actually, and he enjoys it even if it comes with more paperwork than his liking.
Whatever your job is, he very much is supportive. He dislikes the traveling part if you chose a job that requires it and worries himself sick if you chose something like an Auror or Cursebreaker. But he would never hold you back from what you would like to do.
It doesn't take him long at all to break off from his family after graduation.
All it took was one meeting where he grudgingly took you to meet his parents for dinner.
It doesn't matter if your blood status or views, chances are his family will hate you. And if that's the case, it's the driving factor between Ominis and the rest of the Gaunts. After all, he will stand by you to the very end.
He actually asks you about marriage again, just to see if you are sure about your answer.
If it's no, that's okay! Just expect him to ask again a few years down the road.
If it's a yes, he plans his proposal right away! The man is Ecstatic to marry you.
He is a romantic soul, sure, but he isn't one for giant acts of love. So it's a quiet, sweet proposal in the back garden of your families home. After all, he asked your father for permission only moments before.
It's the same thing with the wedding actually. You both wear wedding attire, but not overly expensive or extravagant clothes. After all, he just broke off from his family and is trying to get his feet underneath him. The wedding is in Feldcroft, and Anne is one of his groomsmen. Sebastian is his Man of Honor of course, and he only invites his cousins that is more like family than his own parents. You only invite your closest family as well.
Instead of a honeymoon, you guys work on a run down cottage not too far from Hogwarts. This also counts for if you aren't married.
If you aren't married, he doesn't care for social rules. He doesn't mind the judgement from living with you out of wedlock! Not at all.
Sebastian is over at your cottage like all the time. He never overstays his welcome, but he might as well live there!
Ominis has always had such a cold and uninviting home, so he tries his best to make your house inviting! He does a good job too. Guests love visiting you two.
Now, you would think I would dive into the children part of this story. Not now.
No, instead, Ominis wants to experience things he never has before. He asks you to take him to muggle pubs, muggle concerts, etc. Even if he can't see, he adores experiencing a world so different from his own. Anything you wanna do, he does as well.
The two of you take a trip to Australia. With how much he loves magical creatures, he wants to see some muggle animals as well. And he thinks Australian accents are funny.
He wants a cat SO BADLY. Of course he would never ask if you don't like cats or are allergic. But if not? Oh boy, you're in for it.
That cat would be his best friend. You are not getting cuddles if the cat is there first, and he talks to it like it's a child.
Honestly the cat prefers you but loves the two of you so much!!
It's basically your first kid.
A circus comes to the small town closest to your cottage and you guys go see it just because you can. Why not? Ominis likes peanuts and finds the music and cheering amusing. Also enjoys a play by play by you!
There was a vendor selling exotic pets...and well one of them was a snake.
Normally Ominis wouldn't bat an eye but the snake started begging him for help because the vendor was abusing his animals.
How are you supposed to say no when your partner is almost in tears over a little snake?
So yeah, you get a new pet.
I feel like Ominis is indifferent.
He really likes kids actually and would like to have some of his own. But it's not a deep desire. The two of you had talked about it before moving in together and so he already knows your preference.
If you wouldn't like to have children, he is A-OK with that! Just...don't let him turn into a crazy cat man. Because he will. He just can't say no to their fluffy little faces.
If you would like children, he is so happy! Of course, he would love you either way, but he just cannot wait to be a father once he gets the idea in his head.
Though, because of his genes, I am not sure he would want biological children. After all, he isn't proud of being a Slytherin descendant or the fact that his parents were cousins.
If you would like biological children, he could make an exception after some convincing.
If not, he is so excited to adopt! I feel like he would rather adopt an older kid rather than a baby but you know. Your opinion weighs heavily on his too.
Either way, he cries when he finds out you're expecting/adoption went through.
That night he cries himself to sleep on your shoulder and wakes up still crying and smiling so hard it hurts.
He lowkey wants to shove it in his parents' face that he's going to be a father with the most amazing person he has ever met and they won't get to witness any of it!
Of course he apparates to Sebastian's and cries again, to him, for what feels like hours.
He breaks once he meets his child. You've never seen him cry hard before, only silent tears and little sobs. But he's crying like a baby because he just is so happy and can't believe he is at this point with somebody he loves.
If you don't want children, he asks if you can raise Nifflers in the back garden, or maybe get a Unicorn? He would build the stable with Sebastians help. Boy loves his animals SO MUCH
Mornings with him where he makes breakfast and you set the table, both of you listening to his favorite record on the Gramaphone.
Ominis can be rather playful, so expect him to tickly your hips while passing through, or to jump out and scare you when you least expect it.
And after YEARS of living in the same house, he smacks his head on the doorframe of your kitchen. Because, like, he's tall and the cottage is not.
Yes, the bed is perfectly comfortable, but like naps on the floor or in the garden hit different.
You start a little flower garden in the back yard, and he really loves to sit in it. The smells are just so nice! But he would rather gouge out his eyes than ruin your garden so he never stays out there for long. No matter how many times you tell him he won't step on anything.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 8 days ago
Into the Woods: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Summary: Christmas is here, and you want to do something special for Spencer and his mother. She doesn't know you two are engaged, and what better way to tell her than over a cup of eggnog and Christmas music? Meanwhile, the pressure increases for Frank when a case brings familiar memories to light for you.
Season Six Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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"We found another body at the disposal site, wrapped in plastic, roughly Daniel's age. That makes four victims in total so far. His clothing matches a missing persons report. The boy's name is Tyler Stolts, and he was abducted twenty-three months ago."
"When did Lanham move to the area?" Hotch asks.
"Summer of '09."
"Then we can clear him as a suspect."
"So, he takes a kid off the trail in the fall and keeps him all winter? It's like he's hibernating with him." Derek turns to Spencer who has been nose-deep in research sent over by Garcia. "What did you find, Reid?"
"I went back twenty years, matching reports of missing children with Daniel and Tyler's victimology, and in my estimation, this unsub may have taken twenty-four victims."
"How can you attribute all of those to the same offender?" Rossi asks.
"The dates and locations of the abductions create an unmistakable pattern."
"If he's been abducting children for twenty years, why weren't we called in before now?" Emily wonders.
"The thing is, he walks the entire trail, end to end, and each way takes approximately six months. His sixth victim was taken from Dawsonville, Georgia in 2006. Then he walked to Manchester, Vermont, and he took a seventh victim in 2007. He wasn't down South again until 2009. When James Clutter's parents woke up from a night of camping, he was gone. They just assumed he wandered off."
"We didn't get called in because nobody knew he existed. The crimes are years apart and across state lines," Hotch says.
"The interesting thing is, twenty years ago he was a more aggressive hunter, likely on the move hunting and killing all 365 days a year, but two years ago he stopped traveling so far."
"He's slowing down. Maybe due to age?" you theorize.
"You might be right," Spencer says. "I think something's affected his mobility maybe old age or an injury from years of living on the trail. The odd thing is, for the past two winters, he's returned to this thirty-mile radius. He takes a victim with him in the fall to stay with him until spring somewhere within that area."
"These are harsh winters. He needs to find shelter, and it would have to be heavily camouflaged. Even the most experienced hikers haven't seen it," Derek says.
That night, you can't sleep. All you can think about is Daniel.
After you got your homework done, your dad agreed to play a video game with you. You've been working extra hard and he thought that getting a new video game would be enough of a reward. It's a racing game, and you're halfway around the track when someone knocks on the front door. Your dad pauses the game to answer the door which is in view from the couch.
You slide to the right and see a man at the door, someone that's not familiar to you. You can't hear what's being said but you feel a sense of urgency from the stranger.
"He's in his room. First door up the stairs on the right."
Your dad lets the stranger in and returns to the couch without a word about it. He must know him or something otherwise, why let a stranger into your home? You turn to see the man walk up the stairs and enter Daniel's room. You try to focus on the game but the longer the man is inside Daniel's room, the more your mind wanders to what they're doing.
In the final lap of the game, you hear a bang come from Daniel's room like a struggle is taking place or someone threw something.
"What was that?" you ask and look at Daniel's closed bedroom door.
"Don't look away or else I'll beat you."
Your dad nudges your attention back to the game. Just like that, you're not thinking of Daniel anymore. You went to bed that night thinking you never saw that mean leave Daniel's room.
"What are you thinking about?" Spencer asks and pulls you into him.
Hotch was serious about you two not rooming anymore, but he let up once you two got engaged.
"Daniel and his dad. Something doesn't feel right to me. I don't know. Maybe I'm tired."
You snuggle up to your fiance knowing that when you wake, there will likely be another child missing.
You woke up to the news of two children being missing, so you head into the woods and to their campsite they were sharing with their parents.
"What's going on? Who is missing?" you ask when you arrive on scene.
"The unsub took two kids this time. Ten-year-old Robert Brooks and his eight-year-old sister, Ana."
"Girls aren't his preference," Derek frowns.
"Not a lot of families camping out in November. He took what he could get."
"Robert wasn't alone, though. He wouldn't risk leaving a witness. The question is, how long will he keep her alive?"
You walk over to the parents who are talking to Hotch and Ranger Turner.
"The kids wanted their own tent. They're too big to fit with us," the dad says with a shaky voice.
"We could hear them giggling. I fell asleep to it," the mother cries.
"Would it be possible for us to get a piece of each of the children's clothing to help in the search?"
"Sure," she nods.
You look to the right and see Daniel's dad in outdoor clothes and a camping backpack over his shoulder. He locks eyes with you once before turning way from you. He doesn't like that you're here. You're not sure why. You nudge Hotch and gesture to Steve with your chin. Hotch excuses himself and approaches Daniel's dad.
"Mr. Lanham, can I help you?"
"I heard the news. I know this area as well as anyone."
"Sir, I can't have you on the trail."
"I'm not out here for vengeance. What those kids are going through, it's the same thing Daniel went through."
You narrow your eyes at his statement. You can spot a liar from a mile away.
"I understand. Maybe you can help out in some other way, but you can't be here. Sir, I'm sorry." Since phones don't work out in the middle of the woods, the rangers have provided every agent with a radio, and Hotch's sparks to life. It's Spencer. He steps off to the side to answer his call. "Go ahead, Reid.
"Worst-case scenario, the children were taken at nine at night. That gives him roughly a twelve-hour head start at three miles per hour."
"He's got two children. That would slow him down."
"At two miles per hour, that's roughly a twenty-four-mile radius, the same ground we profiled last night. Hotch, if he's an experienced tracker, he'll probably realize he's being hunted by now and discard all nonessentials."
"Like Ana."
"She's not his type."
"Until we have reason to believe otherwise, we have to assume she's alive. We'll deliver the profile and get search and rescue teams going."
Since Spencer is at the ranger station, he gives the profile to the remaining rangers while Hotch gathers every searcher and ranger who is helping out Officers are here with bloodhounds to track Ana and Robert's scent. You have a hold on the children's energies so you'll try to use that to track them, too.
"This unsub hunts for, abducts, and keeps his victims in the woods," Hotch begins the profile. "We believe he left civilization and forged a home for himself right here in the wilderness which means he's lost any societal or moral restraints. He's devoted his life to taking children, and he's found the perfect place to hide them."
"He's found or made a shelter which is difficult to find. It allows him to withstand harsh weather and is secure enough to keep his victims from escaping, so it must be sizable, underground, or on a mountainside."
"Sometimes the voices of trapped children get drowned out by search parties calling for them which is why we're asking you to call out Robert and Ana's names but leave pauses in between to listen for their responses."
"Let's go."
The entire search party breaks off into smaller groups and begins looking for the children, starting from their campsite and working their way outward. You stay inside the campsite and allow their energies to connect with you. It's hard when it's outdoors since energies tend to be affected by things like wind and other animals. It's hard sometimes to grasp the tendrils of energy long enough to find someone, but you do your best.
You look around the camp and notice a small blur dash between the trees. You try and focus on the blur that keeps dashing too fast for you to pick up. The blur stops and it takes the shape of Daniel. He smiles and waves at you like he's wanting you to follow him. You don't question it and start to follow Daniel. He doesn't let you get close to him and runs off faster than a child should.
"Where are you going?" Emily asks when you pass by her. "Did you find something?"
You don't answer her and continue to follow Daniel deeper into the woods. He starts running which makes you pick up the pace. Suddenloy, Daniel morphs into Ana and she runs right into your arms. She is dirty and in tears but she is alone. Wherever her brother is, the unsub must still have him.
"Ana? Oh, it's okay." She buries her face in your stomach and cires. "My name is Y/N. You're safe now. We've been looking for you and your brother."
"He still has him," she cries.
You take out your radio. "I found her. I found Ana. She doesn't look to be hurt."
You bring her back to the search party.
"How did you find her?" Rossi asks.
"Daniel led me to her," you whisper.
"Hey, Ana. Where's your brother?" Derek asks.
"I thought he'd run after me, but I looked back and he wasn't there."
"Do you know which direction you came from?"
"I don't know. I just started running. Robert told me to run and not stop running no matter what."
"You did the right thing," Emily says. "Listen, this nice ranger is going to take you home to your mom and dad now, okay?"
Two rangers leave with Ana to bring her back to the campsite while the rest of you stay where you are. If she was found, Robert might not be far.
"Can you find Robert?" Rossi asks you.
"I can try." You look around the place but Daniel is nowhere to be found. You point to the direction Ana was running from. "She came through there. He's gotta have a shelter nearby." You walk in the direction where she came from and pause when someone steps in front of you. "Guys, I see Daniel."
"What?" Derek asks.
Daniel turns and leaves the group. You have a feeling he is leading you to where the unsub's hideout is.
"Follow me."
Rossi, Derek, and Emily follow you without question but the rangers and officers are skeptical about it. Still, they all follow you as you manuver through the dense forest. Daniel comes to a clearing where there is an entrance to what looks like a cave. He disappears inside of it but you don't go in right away.
"Back the dogs up," Derek orders.
The officers take the dogs away. If the unsub is inside, he will be alerted when he hears dogs barking.
"I've never seen this cave before," Ranger Turner says. "It could be a den, or it could go deep."
"Daniel wants us to go in," you say to Derek.
"I trust you," he says. "You take the lead."
You're the first one to step in, and you take out your flashlight to light your way. Daniel is standing ten feet away, and he turns and runs deeper into the cave when he knows you're following. You come to a part of the cave where there are cages and inside the cages are blankets, mattresses, and children's toys and clothes. Daniel stands next to one of the cages and smiles sadly. He mists away, and you know you won't be seeing him ever again. The unsub's den is sifted through by the FBI and Ranger Turner. The cave looks like it's been transformed into someone's home with a bunch of nooks and crannies.
"It looks like he was in a hurry. He left some cash, a week's worth of rations, and some clothes back there. Look at this."
Derek holds up a plastic bag full of white pills and flowers.
"Pills and flowers? I don't see this guy as a botanist. Do you think he smokes those?"
Ranger Turner comes back from exploring the cave. Turns out, it's not a cave. It's a mine shaft.
"This mine's been sealed for years. The shaft goes about another hundred feet and collapses in. I also found a box of ammo but no gun."
"Let me send Spencer a picture of the flowers."
You take a picture of the flowers on a satellite phone and send it to Spencer.
"Spence, I'm sending you a picture of a flower this guy collects," you say over the radio.
"It's loading right now."
"This guy's in survival mode. If he's on the run, what does that mean for Robert?" Emily asks.
"It's a Devil's Claw," Spencer says. "It's a homeopathic pain treatment most commonly used for swollen joints. The little girl told Hotch that the unsub walked with a limp. He could be using Devil's Claw as a pain treatment."
"The unsub needs drugs?" Ranger Turner asks.
"It would explain why he's covering less and less ground each year."
"The thing is, that flower wouldn't keep him mobile for eight months. If he's suffering from a degenerative disease, he'd have a hard time getting around without painkillers," Spencer explains.
"Can Daniel tell you where they went?" Derek asks.
"Daniel was kept and killed here. He didn't go beyond this mine, and Robert isn't dead. Daniel found peace. He can't help us now."
"Alright, let's go."
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 2 years ago
Wrap Around Pt.1
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Pairing(s): Oberyn Martell x Martell!Reader, Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand
Warnings: siblingxsibling implied, longing
Words: 2033
Summary: Oberyn was beside himself at the return of his baby sister (y/n). For a year she had been off in Essos, experiencing the rest of the world outside of the safety of Sunspear. Now she was returning to Dorne. Returning to Oberyn.
Part 2   Part 3   Part 4
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“Her ship still isn’t here yet?” Irritated, Oberyn makes the servant squirm uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze. Normally Oberyn was quick to please and in a jolly mood. There was none of that.
“No, your Grace. Her ship seems to be lagging.” He awkwardly informs the Prince of Dorne.
Near the archway of his chambers, Ellaria was lounging on a long, cushioned bench. She watches as the poor boy flees once given permission by Oberyn. “Calm down, my love. The ship will get here when it gets here. You yelling at squires won’t make it sail any faster.”
His brow was tense on his handsome face. “I haven’t seen my baby sister in a year. I need to see her face. It’s been far too long.”
Ellaria coles and rises, her robes flowing after her as she glides over to Oberyn. Hands smooth out Oberyn’s knotted shoulders. (y/n)’s initial departure had been hard enough on Oberyn. For days after Ellaria stayed by his side as he longed for his sister. Now that she was returning, he was once more growing impatient on her arrival.
She kisses the length of his neck, feeling his form relax under her touch. “You know how arduous traveling by sea is. The wait will be worth it once you see her.”
Closing his eyes, Oberyn sighs and allows Ellaria to lead him to a chair. Dutifully pouring him a goblet of rich Dornish red. Dark as blood but oh so sweet on the tongue.
He should have never let (y/n) leave for Essos. She claimed that she wanted to see more of the world and since she was not allowed to go to Westeros on her own (Oberyn had already lost one sister there, he wasn’t going to lose another), her brothers relented. Giving her a ship to Essos was safer than having her travel in Westeros where Lannisters and Tyrells could easily prey upon her. For so long after Elia’s death, Oberyn kept her safe in Dorne. No one would dare to take his young sister from their own home. (y/n) wanted to spread her wings though. Too headstrong to be tethered down. She was not delicate like Doran and Elia had been. There was venom in her, a will that couldn’t be broken, nor did Oberyn ever want to. He loved (y/n), faults and all of her fire.
“If she comes back with a boy, you must promise not to hurt him.” Ellaria suddenly muses while petting his dark head.
The thought hadn’t even occurred to Oberyn before. (y/n) was of perfect marrying age and much like himself had a healthy carnal appetite. What if she had decided to bring someone home? Perhaps when she visited Trystane in Norvos where his mother lived their nephew might have introduced her to someone. A beautiful foreigner that peaked her interests enough for her to want to bring them home. It made Oberyn’s stomach drop.
“Then the boy must be ready to prove himself. No man is worthy of my sister if they are not prepared to fight me.”
Ellaria knew that there was more to it. Expert hands fann on his broad shoulders and begin to knead them. “Even here, feelings like that are looked down upon.” They never spoke about it. Hardly brought it up because of the sadness that followed. Incest was rife in Westeros, but never in Dorne. Have a lover, even two if you like, but it could never be a sibling. That was the one taboo everyone agreed upon. It was viewed as unnatural, even damnable. And perhaps another reason why Doran was willing to give (y/n) her own ship to travel for months at a time. He saw what Ellaria did: a brother who loved his sister too much for comfort.
Not saying anything, Oberyn gingerly grabs one of Ellaria’s hands and pulls it down so that he could kiss her smooth knuckles. “I just want to see her.”
Off in the distance they could hear the low blow of a horn. Oberyn was on his feet in seconds, a big grin plastered on his face making him look ten years younger.
“She’s here!” **
Your heart rattled the cage of your chest once you caught sight of land and the shining top of Sunspear’s palace, even the looming vegetation of the Water Gardens could vaguely be seen.
The warm Dornish breeze kissed your face, welcoming you back home. Although you had fun during your solo journey, you sorely missed Sunspear and all the people that lived there. You wondered how much your nieces had changed, if they even did at all. Arianne and Tyene had been close companions to you growing up. The three of you spent your early adolescence playing in the Water Garden and flirting with whatever poor boy got stuck in your alluring trap. You loved Oberyn dearly, but you could never have fun with the opposite sex when he was around. Entangle yourself with another woman? Sure, go for it. But if Oberyn caught a whiff of a male scent, he was right there to scare them off. Being with your nieces did a lot of good for you as you were allowed to escape Oberyn at least for a few hours.
You smile to yourself when you think of your possessive brother.
Retrieving a piece of cloth that was normally tied to your wrist, you press it under your nose. After so long it still smelled like Oberyn. Before leaving for your first stop, Lys, you had snuck into Oberynb’s room and cut a strip of fabric from one of his shirts. A token to take with you, for even though he chased all the boys away, Oberyn was your favorite person. More than Arianne and Tyene. More than your older brother Doran. He was your light. When Elia was murdered, Oberyn slept in your room every night because of your haunting nightmares. He pressed you close to his bare chest and you drowned yourself in his calming scent. Cloves, spices, and a bit of natural musk was your security blanket.
The sway of the ship brought you back.
You’d be seeing him shortly. You let go of the scrap of cloth, ignoring it as it fell to the ground. There was no need for it anymore. You were home.
Even through the shout, you knew who it was. The closer you got, the more you could make out Oberyn at the dock; hands cupped around his mouth as he called out to you. Two armed guards stood sentry behind Oberyn and Ellaria. Of course they would be the first ones to greet you.
Leaning over the side, you call out “OBERYN!!”
Then, to the deckhands utter shock, you did the unthinkable. Getting up on the ledge of the ship, you dove into the sparkling water below. Their screams were drowned out once the water enveloped you. Breaching the surface, you swim over to the dock’s shore where Oberyn was running to.
“You crazy girl!” Oberyn was laughing as he helped you up and out of the water. His own trousers getting wet in the process but neither of you cared. He grabbed onto you for dear life and nearly suffocated you in his embrace. That’s when you heard the delighted screams of your nieces running into the water as well. Arianne excitedly skipped in, her dress skirts immediately getting wet. Tyene was a little more hesitant than her cousin but lifted up the hem of her dress and waded in. While Nymeria was close behind Tyene, Obara and Ellaria chose to stay on shore.
Even though saltwater stung your eyes and soaked into your clothes, you had never been happier. In the arms of your family you felt secure and loved.
Being drenched from head to toe made the way back to Sunspear’s palace a little uncomfortable, but at least you weren’t the only one. Nymeria had charged in, knocking all four of you into the water. Oberyn’s long hair was dripping as was Arianne’s. The way back, Tyene sulked over her wet attire; silently shooting daggers over at her half-sister.
Before facing your brother Doran, the reigning Prince of Dorne, you desperately needed a bath and a change of clothes. Being in that state was okay when it was in front of Oberyn, not the eldest child of Prince Egemen and Bahar Martell. Even if he was your brother, you still had to appear proper in front of the ruler of Dorne.
Departing from your welcome wagon, you were taken for your required bath. It felt like heaven to slip out of your soiled garments and into the steaming hot water that the maids had quickly supplied for you.
Sprinkling small jasmine flowers into the water made the floral scent begin to rise and fill your nostrils. As fun as your travels had been, this was your home that you had missed.
Hadiye, a hand maid who had been with you for years, goes to answer a knock at your washroom door. You could hear her quiet protest. “Prince Oberyn, your sister is almost done with her bath.”
Quite easily, Oberyn pushed past her. “That’s alright. You forget that (y/n) and I used to bathe together as children. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Besides, I want to hear of her adventures in the vast land of Essos!”
Gawking at the prince that was now striding over to your massive tiled tub, Hadiye looks to you and Melisa who had been lathering your hair with essential oils at the time of Oberyn’s disruption. Melisa, who was lower in rank than Hadiye, takes a step away from you and bows in your brother’s presence.
He waves them off. “You two may leave. My sister and I have much to catch up on.”
From her nervous glances at you, you assure the women that it would be alright. Before you left, this had been normal. Oberyn barging in on you as you bathed so he could keep you company and talk. Still, you knew how much this fact made others uncomfortable. “Go on. Let Prince Doran know that I will be ready in a little bit.”
Obedient Hadiye bows and ushers Melisa out.
“Such fretting hens.” Oberyn clicks.
“They surely haven’t changed one bit.”
Finally the two of you were alone. Releasing a sigh as he gets down on his knees, Oberyn sits on the floor; back leisurely pressed against your tub. Of course he never looked directly at you while you bathed. That would be inappropriate.
“So tell me of the year I have missed out on.” **
He had hoped things would be different once (y/n) came home. That her and Oberyn would stop tip-toeing the line of being inappropriate with each other. Yet his retainer had just told him what Hadiye had relayed.
Prince Doran purses his lips and runs a hand over his brow. They had always been too close, even before Elia’s murder. Elia had fretted over the relationship her younger siblings had. She wanted (y/n) to be married as soon as possible, preferably to a Dornish lord so that (y/n) would not have to suffer in a foreign land. Doran knew better. If he were to marry off (y/n), Oberyn would bring upon the apocalypse. Many times he had stated that no man could take (y/n) unless they defeated him in combat. Which more than likely meant Oberyn would kill any potential suitors.
What to do about them was becoming quite a problem for Doran. No young lord wanted to risk their life in order to claim (y/n). His father had taught all he may need to know for ruling Dorne, except for this. Times like this made him miss Elia. Under her care, Oberyn and (y/n) were more docile. Oberyn kept his possessiveness at bay while (y/n) kept her encouragement to a minimum. They clung to one another furiously after Elia’s premature demise.
Even with his paramour, Ellaria, Oberyn kept a tight grip on (y/n) and vice versa. Like snakes entwined in their mating dance.
He feared for his younger siblings. Their attraction to each other would ruin them.
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vallxlkzal · 4 months ago
🥀💔Part six💔🥀
Dark, cold, lonely... Wally woke up in a hospital bed and realized that he could not move — he was so weak. Faint grunts and moans were all he could manage. The tubes, various hospital machines, and drips connected to Waldini, who had miraculously survived a direct hit from a gun bullet, evoked sadness and absolute powerlessness. Perhaps the poor striped creature survived because he is not a human being, but just a cartoon character from books and cartoons, and had more chances, or perhaps because he received timely medical care. In any case, Wally was now bedridden, something that had never happened to him before. It was simultaneously breaking him down from the inside, making him reassess his own life and everything he had ever been through. At one point, he felt like everything began to lose its color, he didn't want to travel anymore. He didn't want anything else, while the pain in his chest held him in its arms of burning agony. This was not typical of someone who loves traveling. Something about it felt wrong and alien. And not even the pain, which would definitely disappear later, but this new desire to return home and hide under the covers, not leaving it for at least a few days and not communicating with anyone, because before that Wally had never experienced such horror in all his cheerful and carefree, rich life as a naive, golden boy who believed in goodness.
After a second of mental clarity Wally noticed Junior and the Detective, who was holding Waldini's hand with his cold hand and sleeping. The dark circles under the cop's eyes spoke for themselves, so there was no point in blaming him. After all, he was just an ordinary, albeit pixelated, human being. With his own feelings, tragedies and mistakes... But he was the closest of all the ordinary people Wally had ever known for one simple reason — Wenda's little Junior. Closer even than any "Wally Watcher". Literally a family from a parallel universe. Should he try to continue to help him if Waldo knows everything in advance? Wally again had no idea what to do. How to defeat this Waldo? Who is he really? Wally began to be afraid of Waldo, the mere mention of him intensified the pain, and Wally turned his head in the opposite direction with a groan of pain.
On the other side, by the bed, Wenda and Odlaw sat in chairs, who also gently hugged Wally and did not let go. Even Woof was allowed to stay in the room, but he was asleep. They had come, they had really come for him... His faithful, best friends throughout his troubled life were now with him and, unlike the Detective and his terrible case, gave him hope, so the wounded creature smiled weakly.
Everyone was asleep except Wally. They were sleeping so soundly and so quietly that the feeling of strange panic and fear began to creep up again, tapping his stick merrily on the floor... Why is everything around so strange? Why is everyone so close and so far away at the same time?
Something was wrong, something made Wally feel just real, unfiltered terror. A feeling of darkness and an eerie realization that what was standing on the other side of the room, looking at him, did not come with good intentions. Oh no, not again...
Wally tried to call for help, to wake someone up, but nothing happened. Only heavy, raspy breathing, moans and squeals of terror. And breathing... It was so hard to breathe that everything before his eyes swam either from dizziness or fright.
Wally squeezed the hands that held him tighter, hoping for help, but he still didn't have enough strength, and so no one felt anything. No one woke up, while a smiling Waldo approached Waldini from the dark corner with slow steps, stretching out the pleasure of seeing the almost animal fear in the eyes of the kindly book-cartoon creature.
— Hello, Wally! — Waldo's smile grew disproportionately and terrifyingly, breaking all laws of biology and physics, and showing a solid dark void instead of any hint of teeth. — Do you like it? I tried to make it interesting, because you like things to be interesting.
Wally was breathing heavily, trying to crawl further toward the wall, but he didn't have the strength to do so either. Blinking his tired eyes slowly a few times, he exhaled in fright as Waldo stood next to him, literally towering over Wally like a creepy striped mountain. Even without his glasses, which were on the nightstand, poor creature could see the sharp end of the killer's stick glistening in the darkness of the moon, for he had obviously picked it up for a reason.
Gently, almost soothingly, Waldo's hand stroked Wally's panic-stricken head in a vile act of mockery. He squinted his eyes in fear and turned his head away as Waldo smiled and brushed the hair from his kindly double's forehead, which was wet with cold sweat and was getting into Wally's eyes and mouth.
— You have a lot of potential, Wally. So much. Stay on my side, and I'll show you the way to some real fun. Fun like you've never seen before. Just one word from you... — Waldo whispered insidiously, closely monitoring every emotion of the striped double. And although the killer knew in advance what this kind creature would say, he did not miss the chance to bring a new portion of pain once again.
— Stop doing that... Why are you doing this? Why? — Wally was almost crying, but Waldo was not moved by the sight of tears, even his own.
— Oh, silly, naive Wally... You have so much to learn. Fortunately, I'm a good teacher, you know...
— No! I'll never be like you!
— Oh, you will be. You will... You know, I just noticed where the Detective was aiming... Right here! — Waldo laughed eerily and jabbed the stick into Wally's chest with the sharp end. The unfortunate creature's face twisted in pain and he screamed, trying to cover himself with his hands, but in vain, for his hands were pressed to the bed with such force that something in them made a painful crunch. Waldo was twirling his stick mercilessly inside Wally, laughing madly at the sight of blood all over the bed, while his doppelgangers held Waldini and did not allow him to move away or even turn his head to the side. — Your friends helped you, Wally, didn't they? Helped you? And this would not have happened if you had been with me! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
— I-it's n-not me you n-need, Waldo. It's not m-me, it's the Detective and Junior w-who are your f-family... — Wally wheezed out with the last of his strength, causing Waldo's face to twist incredibly with anger and shock. Just because it was the truth. The unpleasant, caustic, nasty, shameful truth.
— You damned boy...
Wally's cry was so desperate and frightened, and his movements so sudden and nervous, that he jumped up on the bed and fell off it, waking everyone around him at last.
It was just a bad dream, and Waldo was not there, nor was his sharp stick in Wally's chest. But Wenda, Odlaw, Woof and the Detective were frightened. The latter jumped out of his chair and flew to Wally, who was lying on the floor, breathing heavily from a panic attack and pain in his bandaged chest. The nearby IV had broken and the wires from the hospital equipment had come off, but no one cared. More important was the fact that poor Wally did not respond to anyone, did not see anyone in front of him and kept repeating in a frightened voice: "No, please, no, no!"
The Detective helped Wally back to the bed, and Wenda called for the nurses. Everyone was bustling around, but only the Detective was sitting by Wally's side again, keeping his eyes on him, holding his hand.
— Wally... I'm sorry. Please... I'm sorry... I should have believed you. What did I do...
— Get the fuck away from him, you asshole, you've done enough! — Odlaw hissed angrily and without much gentleness pushed the Detective away from Wally, but gently hugged the wounded creature so as not to cause him any further pain or harm. Odlaw's actions caused Wally to stop screaming and moaning in agony, finally laying his head on the pillow and falling back into a restless sleep. Poor Waldini had been having unpleasant dreams, but surprisingly, with Odlaw around and hissing at everyone around him, promising to break the neck of anyone who tried to drive him away, Wally was calm and didn't cry anymore. Something about this strange connection between hero and villain made the Detective envious. Irritation. Tired.
Waldo would never have felt sorry for him the way Odlaw feels sorry for Wally. Perhaps that was the reason.
Or perhaps it was also because the girl who looked like his late wife like two peas in a pod was now also next to Wally and ignored the nervous cop. So he found them all. All these characters from the books.
All of them, except Waldo.
And why, why does he behave so cruelly? Why is he so eager to inflict as much pain as possible on the Detective? He's a bloody psychopath, a maniac, completely out of his mind...
Where is he? The Detective's eyes widened when he realized that Odlaw from their universe was free, which meant that someone else was in the cell now...
He should have dropped everything and flown there, but the Detective couldn't leave Wally and his company unattended, even though they wouldn't let him anywhere near Waldini anymore. While Wenda could still be adequately talked to, after a terrible scare from the wounded Wally, Odlaw decided not to let any worthless, stupid person, unless they were a doctor, get close at all. Odlaw was an immortal cartoon villain whose wounds healed at an incredible rate, and this universe gave him extra aggression and endurance that could have serious consequences for an ordinary mortal.
However, for some reason, he still allowed Junior to hug Wally and did not even hiss at the child, simply ignoring the boy.
— Odlaw, Woof...W... W... Wenda... I'm sorry...
Odlaw decided not to pay any more attention to anyone except his any striped red and white fool, and just hugged Wally quietly, but Wenda looked in the Detective's direction.
— After everything you've told us, we forgive you. As soon as Wally is better, we'll leave here and... I suppose you'll be left alone with Waldo? — Wenda turned her gaze to her best friend and boyfriend at the same time, silently thinking about something. The Detective didn't ask any more questions, but Wenda answered herself:
— Waldo killed me once, but he won't be able to do it again, because we'll catch him together.
— What are you talking about?! You want to help him?! Your crazy father told us to go home with you, Wally and his dog, so I'm going to do it! — Odlaw was indignant. — I forbid you to help that asshole who fucking shot Wally!
— Odlaw... Please don't yell, you'll wake him up... — Wenda gently patted her boyfriend's head and breathed out heavily. — Why are there several Waldos and only one Wally?
The Detective had no answer to that question. The only adequate answer was: "Wally is Waldo." But that was impossible. It's just absurd.
— Then why are there two Wendas and two me's? Don't try to understand the logic of these stupid worlds, it pisses me off, — Odlaw interjected again, and he was damn right.
The Detective's hand reached out to Wally, even though Odlaw had scratched it viciously until it bled and spiked, the Detective touched Waldini anyway, and felt him trying to say something through his half-conscious delirium. Bending down, the Detective tried to make out the extremely quiet words: "You should marry Waldo and then he will calm down."
— W... What?! — the Detective stepped back and covered his face with his hands, realizing that he looked too ashamed and for some reason very excited.
"He's just delusional!" — the Detective thought, — "He's just delusional. He's wounded and delusional."
The hand in his pocket finds a red envelope and the Detective turns away to read it. Damned Waldo and his damned games...
"What a clever boy, isn't he? He guessed it faster than you did. It is not surprising — how can I not know about myself? But. Only over my dead body. And you know where my corpse is, Detective, don't you? Of course you do."
So he's not in jail. That's not good. But as long as he's not killing anyone, that's good.
Turning the letter over to the other side, the Detective turned pale at what he read: "I know how much you love bombs and a dead me... I will give you the opportunity to see another dead body of me if you don't find ALL the bombs hidden in the hospital. And as a bonus, you will get another dead Wenda and a dog. What a magical combo! Don't think I'm going to let any of you bastards try to leave this building. Time's up!
~Waldo OuO"
So, these are all the parts for now, but this is not the end :)
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cry-stars · 3 months ago
waitt i wanna ehar abt the long fics omg... i wanna listen.. rolls onto the grass
HI thank you so much for asking!! i wanted to talk about these so bad but like... couldn't bring myself to without someone asking first fdhkjdf
i have two main long fics i'm hoping to write for komahina!! the first one is just called "sad boy summer" as a placeholder name dfkhjdf
i really enjoy using a season (especially summer) as a framing device for emotions and character arcs. the idea of a cold relationship at the beginning of the spring (with komaeda waking up maybe at the end of may), then their relationship growing in warmth and strength as the summer also grows in heat. and them struggling to hold onto precious memories at the end of the summer, not wanting it to end, and not knowing where their relationship will end up. a warm september stretching on past when summer should end, and them wondering when the last halcyon day will fade away and winter will arrive.
this would be more just a collection of oneshots, connected by time moving along over the summer with no other overarching plot. the boys just... enjoying time together and playing outside and doing fun summer things that they never got to do as teenagers. my idea is that Komaeda becomes a lot healthier than he has been ever since he was a child during that summer. the boys work out their issues and build a strong (homoerotic) friendship, but we have a lot of melancholy moments too. Both because of the fear of the summer (and their friendship) ending, and also because they're both experiencing a happiness they haven't for years.
Once this fic is done, this would lead into the longfic that is more plot-heavy (placeholder title: "to carry you"). I have a lot more concrete ideas for this one, but i can't just start writing an established relationship fdhkdf I have to develop it with the sad boy summer first. anyway, at the beginning of this fic, komaeda and hinata are in a weird situationship/close friendship, where maybe they've kissed once or twice and sleep over regularly, but you couldn't call them partners or a couple.
in this fic, komaeda's good spell of health has gotten worse. his cancer is out of remission, and his dementia has developed past the worst point it has ever been before, to the point where he's having issues with memory and orientation to place and time. he's really good at hiding it though and hinata hasn't realized the full extent of it. komaeda is still looking for a reason to live, or rather, a good and meaningful way to die, since his death is imminent with his sicknesses progressing.
future foundation is in contact with toko and komaru in towa city, who have heard rumours of some kind of miracle cure created by the towa group that can cure a lot of diseases. neither of them are aware of many details, and since they're still hiding what happened between the kids and adults in DR:AE, they can't reveal many details. they're not sure if this cure exists, or if it's just a rumour. future foundation tells hinata about it, as they're trying to find ways to put the remnants to work. komaeda gets excited about this, because he's a prime test subject for this miracle cure. if he lives, he brings hope to others afflicted with his conditions, and if he dies, he died in the name of bringing hope. he convinces hinata to let him travel with him to towa city to look for the cure. if hinata knew how sick komaeda was, he wouldn't let him go, but he's "tricked" into thinking komaeda is okay enough to make the trip.
komaeda is also curious about how the WOH are doing. he had genuine care for them despite being despairpilled at the time and he wishes the best for them, but he thinks that he's not the right person to help them.
(a bunch of komahina travelling stuff in the middle that i need to develop dfkhjdffd)
komaeda's bad luck strikes as he and hinata are travelling through some ruined war-torn areas. the ground collapses and he falls a far way, and he and hinata are separated.
hinata tries desperately to look for him and encounters haiji towa. since toko and komaru couldn't reveal much about what happened in DR:AE he doesn't know how evil haiji is, just believing that he's the ruler of the city, and asks him if he knows where komaeda could be. Haiji doesn't want komaeda or anyone related to him anywhere in the city (i forget if they met at all in AE, but he might've found out from monaca, see later in this explanation fdkhjdffd) and steers hinata on a dangerous path.
komaeda meanwhile had bad luck, getting injured in his fall, but also had good (?) luck, falling right into the place where most of the WOH (except monaca) have been hiding. long story short, he realizes that he's the only adult at this time who has any understanding of them and their needs and fears. even though he feels like he's not the hypothetical best person to help them, he is the only Existing person who can. he previously hadn't really cared if he lived or died through the Miracle Cure Experiment, but now he has a strong reason to hope that the cure will work. he's in very rough shape now, having been hurt in the fall, along with his cancer and dementia wreaking havoc on him.
hinata finds him and is horrified at his condition. he really wants to take him back to the island and just take care of him, but komaeda knows that he needs to hold onto this last hope. if they just go back to the island, he'll have a peaceful death, but won't be there for those who need him.
i still need to work out the ending and whether it's a tragedy or not (hmm) but monaca is in trouble, having been separated from Servant after she was hurt in UDG and servant rescued her. he was captured and put in the NWP, but she was left in towa city and captured by haiji without servant to help her. I think she's involved against her will in the miracle cure experiment somehow (human experimentation?)
i'm so sorry this is so long dfhkjfdfd basically... i want this to be a story about having no reason to live, but slowly finding one and realizing that people love you and need you. i didn't really describe everything that well here, but i hope i can make it better in the actual story hehe. the first story does the heavy work of developing komahina into a close relationship (although not fully romantic) and the next story is meant to take it to another level and also focus on a lot of dadmaeda feels
thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to ramble, and feel free to ask any more questions if anything didn't make sense or if you want more details for anything!!
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itsclydebitches · 2 years ago
I haven’t read a whole lot of TMA fic, so I’m sure this already exists somewhere, but I really want a time travel fic where Jon goes back to Gertrude’s era.
So it’s 2007-ish, before his younger counterpart has started working at the Institute, but years into Elias and Gertrude’s tenure. They’re having a normal day serving the semi-omniscient fear god when a fucking full-fledged avatar of the Beholding - complete with a small mountain of tapes - falls through a rift in space-time and crash lands on Gertrude’s desk.
(Season 5 Jon might have decided not to kill Helen and instead used her to get here. If he ever sees her again they’re going to have A Talk™ about her choice of transportation.)
For the record, a hot mess of a man falling from the sky indoors is only like... the eighth most interesting thing to happen to Gertrude this week. Still, it’s clear he’s not entirely human - one gets a sense for these things, even without a giant eyeball’s help - and she’s got a knife on him faster than you can say “Statement.” This doesn’t seem to faze the man.
That annoys the fuck out of Gertrude.
Meanwhile, Elias has nearly passed out from the supernatural alarm bells going off in his head because the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy is here!!! What does that mean? Hell if he knows, but this man is ALIGHT with the Entities’ marks, just dripping with the power of the Eye, and Elias finds he has the sudden urge to drop to his knees before this stranger, something he’s only ever done post-Watcher’s Crown.
(This might be a Jonlias fic, whoops.)
Elias, seeing The Archivist for the first time: 😍😍😍😍😍
Gertrude, seeing The Archivist for the first time: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
So after introductions Jon is all, “Yes, I’m an eldritch monster that’s forced to feed off the trauma of others, but I’m your eldritch monster. Please, Gertrude, I’d like nothing more than to carve out Magnus’ heart with you so he can’t destroy the whole fucking world.”
Elias, suddenly experiencing true fear for the first time in decades, feeding the Eye and being fed in turn and basically entering a feedback loop where this powerful stranger threatening to murder him is the hottest thing he’s ever Seen: !!!!! 💖💞😱!!!!!🤩😊💚!!!!!
And at first Gertrude’s like hell no, not having any more goddamn avatars in my archives thank you, but then the trio passes young intern Sasha James (shhh don’t worry if that fits the timeline) and Jon looses it. The hold that the Stranger had on him in his original timeline has broken and he’s able to recognize this as the real Sasha - her face, her voice, her very panicked looks towards her bosses as this random man sobs into her shoulder. And Gertrude’s like dammit, clearly The Archivist still has some of his humanity left. No true Fear monster would ever willingly be that embarrassing.
After prying Jon away from Sasha and promising her a raise to avoid any HR reports, they get the whole long, traumatic story out of him, but any plans to just permanently kill Elias kinda... sputter out. It’s a little bit of a Web thing, a little bit of a time travel thing, and a little bit of Jon just feeling... wrong when he considers it, no matter what he’s told Gertrude. It’s similar to when he let Annabelle live, though Elias has done absolutely fuck-all to earn his mercy. This confuses Jon, though it’s pretty far down on his list of worries.
The good news is that Jon’s mere presence puts a permanent wrench in Elias’ plans. He’s never going to repeat the ritual to open the door, obviously, and good fucking luck marking another archivist while he’s Watching. Given Jon’s suspicions that he became semi-immortal after waking from his coma, he’ll be Watching a damn long time, you megalomaniacal bastard.
The bad news is that since Elias can no longer plot an intricate manipulation, he’s decided that the next best thing is to just convince Jon to bring about the end of the world willingly.
By wooing him.
Elias: “We can be Kings of a ruined world together, Jon~”
Gertrude: “I am not paid enough for this.”
So begins the office romance comedy of Jon’s nightmares, where instead of hating him for ruining his world domination plans, Elias is smitten - in a suave, very creepy kinda way - and has decided that he’ll simply wait Jon out, wearing him down until the inevitable day when he realizes that they were meant to be. A full-fledged Archivist was dropped into his lap, ranting about how he out-foxed a future version of Elias, tormented by his own monstrosity, and people expected his narcissistic ass to not fall head over heels with his own creation?? As if.
Jon is Not Having A Good Time.
Originally when he landed here he was all, “Where is my Martin whom I love so dearly? Where is the support and companionship that I crave?” But after ‘bumping into’ him a few times outside the Institute, Jon comes to the bitter conclusion that whatever connection they had is gone. He recalls Martin’s firm belief that they never would have become a couple without all the trauma they’d been through and though this time around Jon definitely doesn’t hate him... he doesn’t love him either. Oh, he loves that he exists, seeing Martin whole and blissfully ignorant of the Fears helps heal something in Jon, but it takes him a very long time to admit that he’s too nice. Too caring. Too tentative in his insecurity. Jon grinds his teeth and admits in the privacy of his own thoughts that he was attracted to a bastard version of Martin, one who showed off a little bit of his own monstrosity, was connected to his own domain, could cut just as cruelly with his words as Jon could with his powers... Meeting with him now over coffee, inches away, Jon has never felt farther from him. This Martin simply isn’t a part of the world that created Jon.
Good, he decides and firmly steers Martin away from the Institute. Thanks to some blackmail and Peter Lukas’s money, Martin finds himself with a caretaker for his mom and the promise of a full ride through whatever creative writing program he can get into.
Meanwhile, Elias is of course stalking and spying on Jon whenever he can, doing the metaphorical equivalent of doodling hearts in his notebook whenever he catches a glimpse of why Jon no longer connects with Martin. He’s a bastard avatar with shitty morals and, frankly, far better taste in poetry. Open your third eyes, Jon!!
Gertrude, who avoided sacrificing Michael after a stern talking to from Jon: “You sure you don’t want the Spiral to eat you, kid? Anything’s better than watching this clusterfuck.”
Michael: 🙃🙃🙃
After a while the Institute settles into a new kind of normal. Jon, Gertrude, and Michael defend the archives from the slew of enemies they’ve both amassed, stopping the occasional ritual in their free time. Jon has long come to the conclusion that the Fears couldn’t have originated here - not with the Eye being unable to see its own creation - so starving them in this reality at the expense of their world wouldn’t serve the greater good. The best they can do is continually contain them - which they’ve gotten real good at. Elias continues to bother Jon with a fervor that’s almost admirable (he can see how this guy managed plans for upwards of 200 years) and waffles between playing the Mysterious Boss archetype that he’d used on Jon the first time around, and just giving in to the utter adoration he feels whenever Jon is in the room. It’s clear he’s long since started worshiping Jon rather than the Eye and the Eye is... totally fine with that?
Gertrude: “How did you get the Ceaseless Watcher to treat you like a favored child?”
Jon: Trauma?? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
After seeing how much happier Martin is, Jon guides the rest of his former assistants away from the Institute, Sasha included. It helps, a little, but it also makes him even more isolated than he was the first time around.
Gertrude realizes this, so when Elias’ flirting - “I’ve found a fresh statement for you, Jon. Oh do stop glaring, it’s just a bit of chloroform. She’ll wake up soon. You can’t be satisfied with stale writings for forever” - starts inducing more fond annoyance than fear or horror, she becomes #Concerned.
Gertrude: “You realize that desensitizing you to his actions was the point all along, right?”
Jon: “Mmhm. But is it still manipulation if I know it’s manipulation?”
Gertrude: “You cannot possibly be considering this.”
Jon: “Would it help if I admitted that dating Elias wouldn’t be the worst decision I’ve ever made?”
Gertrude: “NO.”
The thing is, Jon liked Elias before he revealed himself to be an immortal body-snatcher hell-bent on creating... well, hell on Earth. He liked the soft academic exterior, his careful words, love of organization and attention to detail, the dry humor, cutting intellect, those suits that likely cost more than three months of his salary combined... In fact, Jon is now in a place to vividly remember the embarrassment he felt while interviewing for the archivist’s position, too busy avoiding looking at Elias’ lips to catch the hungry glint in his eye.
Of course, that Elias only exists as a veneer... though what was Jon’s “I’m just a normal man going grocery shopping, please ignore my scars and aborted grab as I resist demanding a statement from you” if not a veneer of its own? Where did their ‘real’ selves begin and their conscious choices end? The most awful thing about all this is that Elias is right. Oh, not about them being Kings of a ruined world, but about how no one but another avatar can truly understand an avatar. By this point Jon is years past his coma, fully at peace - or at least, as at peace as he’ll ever get - with the fact that he chose to live as a monster rather than die as a human. That means Knowing things at his leisure... though he tries not to catch anything private. It means Compelling others to provide him with more knowledge... though he’s careful with his questions around friends. It means Feeding off of others’ worst moments in life... though Jon restricts himself to statements that Gertrude has collected first, so that he never haunts anyone’s dreams. And it means spending the majority of his time with other monsters and monster-aligned allies... though Jon plants his feet firmly in his human morals and refuses to budge.
If he can navigate all that, why not this too?
Elias has said more than once that he would make Jon the worst version of himself - said with such glee and promise as to almost, almost sound like something Jon wants. Jon figures that the worst version of Elias, from his perspective, would be to look a bit more human.
“We can bring out the worst in each other,” he agrees one day, followed by a shark-like grin.
Elias hasn’t the faintest idea what he’s just gotten himself into.
And that feels wonderful. Manipulating him into being a marginally better person who doesn’t bring about the apocalypse might actually be more satisfying than stabbing him. The Elias of Jon's original timeline would have HATED this and that makes Jon do a happy little wiggle whenever he thinks about it.
Gertrude: “You’re leashing a fucking dragon, Sims.”
Jon: “Better than letting it roam free.”
Gertrude: “Just so long as he doesn’t chew through the reins.”
Jon: “Yeah well, I’ll be the first one burned if that happens” and he holds up his charred hand with a shrug.
So begins the most messed up courting ritual the world has ever seen. Do they work as a couple? Oddly enough, yes. Amazingly well, in fact. Is it a healthy relationship? LOL yeah right. But then that’s rather the point. Jon gave up on that the day he acknowledged that, yes, a part of him liked being the most powerful being roaming a hellish landscape - liked not being vulnerable for once. Back when he’d first joined the Institute, post-breakup with Georgie, Jon couldn’t even imagine someone liking him enough to grab a drink after work. He’s past pretending that having the cult-like devotion of a lover, the favor of a Fear god, and the grudging respect of everything else that goes bump in the night isn’t really fucking nice.
Sometimes Elias plays the part of a compassionate human for Jon, as a treat. Sometimes Jon let’s Elias bask in another’s terror, as a treat. Sometimes Jon is Jonathan Sims and sometimes he’s The Archivist. “Let’s rule a burned-out world together” becomes a staple request in their relationship, with Jon always giving Elias the equivalent of a pat on the head and a, “Sure, honey. Maybe next week.” They find something like balance that way.
Plus there’s Gertrude, perpetually in the shadows with an arsenal of weaponry and the promise to obliterate them both if they ever go too far. She reminds Jon of his grandmother when she threatens to fuck them up in the afterlife if they ever make her kill them.
Something, something, dysfunctional eldritch found families are beautiful?
Jon and Elias have achieved something akin to an uncanny, domestic bliss when Elias points out that this body won’t last forever...
Jon Does Not Like the idea of Elias kidnapping another innocent.
Jon: “You know Jurgen Leitner is living in the Institute’s tunnels, right?”
And they lived ever after. The “happily” is highly subjective.
Post-apocalypse!Jon meeting with Original!Jon to warn him away from the Institute, painfully thin ever since his coma, hip-length hair streaked unnaturally white, a slew of scars covering every available bit of skin, the slightest green glow behind his eyes, somehow looking supremely confident and powerful while also embodying the most Awkward Academic you’ve ever seen: Hey.
Og!Jon: G-good lord!
Jon: It’s okay. You can say ‘fuck.’ Please say ‘fuck,’ Jon. We deserve it.
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imtrashraccoon · 1 year ago
Edit: I wrote this on January 8, but kept it my drafts to avoid spoilers for Have Some Empathy, Dear.
Got my first migraine of the year recently and it gave me the idea to write some headcanons down for the boys that I have written for and plan on posting/have posted for. Some of these are more specific than others and generally take place in their respective stories if that makes sense.
The Ones You've Met
My UF!Papyrus aka Edge:
He got home to find you sitting at the kitchen table with your head in your hands. He realizes there's something wrong immediately and when you tell him you're suffering from a migraine, he wants to help.
Only problem is he isn't sure what to do exactly. He knows how bad migraines can be as he's both experienced them and helped his brother deal with them firsthand. He just doesn't know where to start to help you, especially if you're a human as your anatomy is far different from his own.
Fortunately for you, he knows healing magic and is quite talented. You're in good hands with him, literally. (He might even be mildly amused if you point that out.) Depending on the severity of your migraine, his magic may not be able to fully make the pain go away, but it's enough of a relief to make a difference.
He'll offer whatever else he can afterwards like pain meds, tea, a hot bean bag or an ice pack if you prefer, but most importantly, he'll offer cuddles. He doesn't get a ton of down time in general but he's quite happy to just lay on the couch or in bed and hold you close until you do feel better.
My Horror Sans aka Baston:
Your seasonal allergies were acting up and in combination with probably smacking your head recently, you ended up with a migraine. Baston only needed to take a look at you to determine that you were in pain and he was by your side instantly.
He knows loads of homemade pain relief treatments from personal experience and what his brother, Hemlock, has studied. He'll get you situated with a mug of some strong but surprisingly not awful tasting herbal tea in no time. He'll probably even let you lay down in his own bed for a while if you're over at his place.
If you fall asleep, you'll probably wake up to him sitting next to you, gently playing with your hair. If you're still not feeling 100%, he'll try something else but if he isn't needed elsewhere, he'll be staying nearby for a while, just in case.
My Post-Echotale G!Sans aka G:
He travels a lot so it was likely sheer coincidence that he found you while you were suffering from a migraine. Maybe he had to actually go to your house as you weren't at any of your other meeting spots. He's quick to grow serious when he sees how bad you feel too.
While he's often a bit standoffish or casually flirty, G is also surprisingly tender when he wants to be. He'll check if you've already taken pain meds yet and help with that if you want to. Beyond that, he isn't sure what else he can do for you.
Unless you give him ideas, he'll probably just resort to trying to make you comfortable and relaxed. You are getting wrapped up in a blanket burrito and he will hold you as close as you want for however long it takes for your migraine to go away. He'll even lightly massage your head and gently play with your hair until you fall asleep.
He'll likely still be there when you eventually wake up too. You might even catch him in a contemplative mood before he realizes you woke up. He spends a good deal of time thinking about the past and the future which can put him in slightly negative moods, but he's quick to hide this around others. He's willing to talk if you're feeling up to it at least, although you'll have to convince him that you're feeling fine again first.
Lord Nightmare:
He knew something was bothering you from across the castle as he could feel your negative emotions brought on by the intense pain. He found you tossing and turning in your bed as you couldn't find a comfortable position with how bad your migraine was.
He doesn't have a lot of experience actually caring for people but he cares a lot for you and hates seeing you in pain like this. He always spares no expense when you're sick or injured and now is no different. He'll personally go get medication to relieve your pain and tell the boys to leave you alone for the rest of the day.
He'll stay by your side while you take your medication and if you don't mind, he'll gladly siphon off the negative emotions you're experiencing and calm you down with his magic. He'll cuddle you even if you aren't really in the mood as he just wants you to feel better and can't do much more in the moment. The plus side is that his tentacles are soft and cool to the touch which is rather soothing for your poor head.
You aren't leaving your room until he's positive (heh) you're feeling better. Even if you insist otherwise, he'll keep snuggling you just to make sure you'll be okay. He means well of course, but he's also rather possessive of you and since the boys can't bother you right now, he might as well give you as much affection as he can. (The boys will likely be desperate to find out if you're alright once you are released so you're going to be doted on for a while afterwards.)
Note from Trash: I see Lord Nightmare as very similar to the Nightmare I wrote for "Have Some Empathy, Dear" so they'd likely act the same or similarly.
Horror Sans aka Axe:
You'd gotten home from work late as you'd had to stay until you'd finished up one final report that couldn't possibly wait until Monday. Axe had been incredibly worried something happened to you and was just about to go look for you himself when you returned. He knows you're not doing well before you even tell him and practically goes into mother hen mode.
If you can stomach food, he's making you something easy to consume that's so packed with healing magic, you'll almost be swimming in it. He'll also make you a tea and all but insist you go relax while waiting. He can't use much magic anymore but he can make great food at least so that's what he'll do.
He's had quite a bit of experience dealing with pain as he deals with it on a near daily basis. It especially hurts to see someone he counts as a friend, let alone you, in pain. He keeps a level head though and will do anything to help ease your pain.
He'll stay with you as long as physically possible just so that he can reassure you, and himself, that you'll be okay. He likes touching your hair and skin, although he is a bit worried he'll hurt you worse so he won't be giving you a massage. He will play with your hair though and stroke your scalp if you're okay with that.
Murder Sans aka Dust:
He was probably already dealing with a headache today (literal or metaphorical in the form of Killer lol) before he teleported to your place for a break. He can sympathize with your pain but he's not great at the whole caring thing.
You'll probably have to be Pain Pals together for a while, which isn't so bad actually once you get some medication or get comfy. Dust is a great cuddler although he isn't always in the mood. Lucky for you, he happens to like it when you touch him on his bad days.
He'll stay overnight if you let him and may even be there the next morning when you have to leave for work. You'll probably have to untangle yourself from his koala hug though, which could take awhile. Interestingly, he's even more mellow than usual in times like these, although he won't admit that your gentleness and affection are almost like drugs to him.
Killer Sans aka Killer:
He's also very bad at the whole empathy thing. He showed up and made loud noises while doing so until you angrily told him to shut up. He doesn't take your pain seriously at first and very likely finds it hilarious, as pain often is for him (usually other's pain though).
Once he realizes you aren't any fun in this state, he grows deathly serious though. He'll bring the entire contents of your medicine cabinet to you and steal all the blankets in your home just so he can build a blanket fort around your couch. He says little while setting everything up which is a little scary until he flashes you his trademark smile and forces you onto the couch if you aren't there already.
Unfortunately, he isn't going to leave you alone. Expect to be spooned and whispered to incessantly until you tell him to shut up again. He will, for a solid thirty seconds, when he can't handle not saying something stupid anymore. You either have two migraines to deal with now or a buddy who's doing his best to help distract you from it.
The Ones You Haven't Met, Yet...
Fractured Souls - My other Underfell AU:
My Other UF!Sans aka Crimson:
He hates ever seeing you in pain, whether it be emotionally or, as is the case this time, physically. He's a tough guy that had to grow up quickly in a rough world so he isn't the greatest at helping at first. He has the head knowledge on what to do but struggles with figuring out what order to do it in.
If you can stomach food, you are either getting some awesome leftovers of whatever Scar made recently or Crimson will make you something simple himself. If you're okay with taking pain meds, he'll make sure you take the correct amount and make you a golden flower tea as well.
He doesn't know what else he can do for you but will sit and give you all the cuddles you could ask for, if you're comfortable with that anyways. He's a big guy, so he gives great cuddles. You won't want for anything and all you have to do is ask if you do.
If your migraine goes away soon, he'll probably continue to dote on you for the rest of the day. You aren't doing any chores or even lifting a finger on his watch. He will call you out if you force yourself to do anything strenuous too.
My Other UF!Papyrus aka Scar:
Unfortunately for you, he doesn't notice you're in serious pain until he actually stops whatever he was doing and takes a good look at you. When he realizes how awful you're doing though, he's dropping everything to take care of you and if you feel guilty for bothering him, he'll insist your health is more important. You're weaker and more prone to sicknesses than he is afterall. He doesn't mean to be harsh or anything, that's just how he is.
He will make you some soup or a golden flower tea if you'd rather that. Otherwise, you are getting sent to your room and under strict bed rest for the rest of the day. None of his other brothers are permitted to disturb you either. Scar will make sure you have anything you need throughout the day like medications or a hot or cold pack for your head.
He checks in on you every few hours but carries on with his responsibilities otherwise. If you're doing especially bad or if you ask him to, he will concede and stay with you for a while. He has a real soft spot for you afterall and he hates seeing you sad.
It'll be back to business as usual the next day though. So good luck getting out of any chores because he'll send you right back to bed if he thinks you still have a migraine. He's a bit cold that way but he means well.
My Other UF!Gaster aka Vermillion:
He takes an even more clinical approach than Scar would and let's be honest, you only came to him for help because his younger brothers were too busy. He cares a lot about you, maybe not as much as Crimson does, but he does in his own way.
Vermilion knows many ways to make you feel better and will suggest multiple options for you to choose from. He'll make sure you get the exact dosage of medication and give it to you at the correct times if you need more. He'll make sure his brothers are quiet when they do find out about your migraine, but won't interfere if they also want to help.
You'll probably wake up to find him sitting next to your bed watching you fondly or holding your hand in his much larger one. You're such a small human compared to him and his brothers and he finds you absolutely fascinating. Fine, he was also watching you to make sure you would be okay while you slept. No, it's not strange, it's called putting you on Observation... Yes, he is aware that you know that's not what that means.
The Caged Canary - My attempt to rewrite my first Classic fic ever:
My UT!Sans aka Classic:
He could tell something was wrong the moment you didn't at least give him a pity laugh at any of his awful jokes. He's quick to grow serious and he'll try to get you to tell him what's wrong. To his relief, you've only got a migraine and aren't being harassed by your awful family or something.
Classic is great at taking care of you as he took care of Vanilla for many years when they were younger. He'll make sure you drink plenty of water or tea, get pain killers for you if you can take them, and even taking you home if you're out somewhere together.
You're in great hands with him (quite literally he'll be quick to point out). If you have energy, he'll attempt to cheer you up with humour or just pleasant conversation as charisma is one of his strong suits. You'll probably learn something new about him for once and maybe end up revealing some of your own secrets in the process.
He may or not be there in the morning if you fell asleep, depends how comfortable you are around him. He'll check in on you later though and try some more jokes just to make sure you're back to normal.
My UT!Papyrus aka Vanilla:
He's much more observant than you thought and he surprised you by asking if you're doing okay. You tried to play it off and claimed your head just hurt a little, but he easily saw through your lie. For crying out loud, he lives with his brother, the master of deflection and distraction, you are an amateur in comparison.
He's very kind and tries to gently get you to let him help. He'll take you somewhere quieter and make sure you aren't dehydrated or hungry before anything. If you'll let him, he'll also offer to use healing magic to cure your migraine. Otherwise, he'll offer to make you some food with healing magic. (He's gotten really good at cooking now!)
Vanilla won't leave you alone until he knows you'll be okay and he'll go out of his way to make sure you're okay before even dreaming of leaving you. Would a hug from the Great Papyrus help? Of course it would! He is the best at giving hugs! That's what friends are for afterall - making sure you're okay.
He's one step away from acting like a mother hen and will check in for a little while afterwards just to make sure your migraine is completely gone. Maybe he'll ask to come over to hang out just to make sure, but he also wants to spend quality time together don't get him wrong!
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