#And I could hear bagpipes
Thrilled and Delighted to hear (quite literally) that my 8yr old downstairs neighbour has kept up with his music lessons and has progressed from stage 1 to stage 2
Stage 1 Stage 2
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fruitsofbeingafraid · 6 months
hey anyone who knows how to edit audio
edit this onto the beginning of Ragnarok I?? pretty please??
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wizard-mp4 · 1 month
Code Red there is a man with bagpipes. Red Alert he is not very good
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faerymercy · 1 year
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matt-manhattan · 15 days
I have the utmost respect for the person at the Glasgow live show that yelled from the back of the orchestra “LEAVE THEIR PIG ALONE” like a Scottish war cry at like 1:43:35.
I swear I could hear the bagpipes.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish Headcannons
A/N: I’m very happy y’all are enjoying these!
Warnings NSFW
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• Y’all met while you were on a study abroad program
• You had been returning from a night class & decided to go to the local pub for a pint & some food
• It was another soldier that pointed you out initially but he caught your eye
• “Oi, what’s a wee lass like yourself doin’ all alone in the corner?” (It definitely didn’t come out THAT clearly)
• it took you a minute to process what the hell he had said since his Scottish accent is so thick
• You spent hours chatting in that bar, about your home life, studies, etc. Johnny was limited in what he could tell you about his profession
• The two of you exchanged numbers & on your first date he took you to the Scottish countryside
• The view took your breath away, & he explained the history of his homeland to you (he’s very patriotic)
• You’d FaceTime, call, text etc. once you had to return to your home country
• He was so proud to see you graduate (he knew how hard you worked towards obtaining your college degree)
• He told you he couldn’t go to your graduation due to work (it was a lie)
• He planned out a whole secret proposal with your parents over FaceTime
• imagine your surprise when you saw him after the ceremony
• He proposed in private in your childhood house’s backyard
• You initially got married in the states to be able to live with him due to his military service & start receiving housing
• Y’all had a ceremony & reception at a castle in the Scottish countryside complete with a hand tying ceremony
• Yes, you had a bagpiper at the wedding
• He wore a kilt (are we even surprised?)
• Your garter had his last name on it & was in tartan plaid that matched his kilt (yes you had a garter toss & he was in shock when he saw the garter)
• Y’all got a gorgeous little cottage by the sea & ofc a sheep dog to go with it
• He 100% would be hosting for football matches
• And if you’re American y’all would definitely host a Super Bowl watch party
• I feel like he’d love reality tv (especially 90 Day Fiancé & the Kardashians)
• He has commentary too for every scene
• “what a fooking idiot.”
• His favorite Kardashian is Kris Jenner
• Since he can barley keep his hands off of you, he knocks you up only a month after your wedding
• Since he was deployed you mailed him ultrasound photos of the bean
• For a man who is incredibly intelligent it didn’t click that you send multiple photos of the same ultrasound
• He thought he was having quints at first & nearly had a stroke
• “You’re having five of ‘em?!” “No that’s the same fetus just different photos”
• He kept the ultra sound photos in his plate carrier
• Tactical baby gear is a must (also it’s a real company which is awesome)
• Hear me out little baby kilt, Simon gifted it to y’all
• You nearly cried when you opened the gift d
• Simon is 100% the godfather of your baby, if you trust him with Johnny’s life you can ensure if anything happened your baby would be taken care of
• Johnny was lucky that he was able to be there the entire time you were in labor
• He almost fainted when he saw the epidural (I don’t blame him)
• You guys had a little boy
• Unfortunately while you were in recovery he got called back into work for a mission
• Before he left he held your son just incase it was his last time holding him
• You sobbed when he left & one of the nurses had to console you
• Thankfully it was just a hostage rescue so he was back within a few days & ready to help out with the baby
• He carried your son around in one of those baby carriers that your strap to your chest
• Your baby boy is so giggly just like his daddy
• He will constantly be making his son laugh with silly faces, hand motions, anything
• Whenever the boys come over to watch a match your son will be passed around like a hot potato one moment he’ll be sitting with Price then next Simon has him
• As your son gets older he gets interested in what his daddy does, & he’s infatuated with being a soldier
• He’ll play pretend soldier with Soap all the time
• You’re constantly picking up Nerf darts
• When Soap is away on a mission, your son will crawl into bed with you because he misses his daddy
• He draws photos of him & the Task Force to send to overseas
• I also feel like y’all’s son would be incredibly helpful around the home especially when you’re expecting baby No. 2 & after baby No. 2 is born
• Baby No.2 is a little girl
• He’s definitely very protective over his little girl
• “She’s just as beautiful as you, Bonnie”
• Y’all’s son would also enlist or commission to the British Military but I think he’d actually be a King’s Guard for a bit
• And I feel like your daughter would be incredibly creative, she’d use those talents to be an artist
• I do believe Soap is a die hard family man & that’s one of the many reasons why you fell in love with him
• He’s definitely a cheeky bastard & will not hesitate to smack, grab, or make comments in public about you
• He’s 100% dominant in the bedroom & loves to be called “daddy”, or even “Johnny”
• He fucked you right before y’all walked into your wedding reception, perks of wearing a kilt
• This man loves your legs & especially your thighs
• He loves to watch you squirm when his hand trails your legs all the way leading up to your pussy
• He’s not quite during sex whatsoever, he’ll full on groan, moan & tell you good you feel
• He’s a sucker for flexibility
• You take up yoga to improve your flexibility
• I definitely believe y’all wouldn’t even make it through the front door when he comes home
•He’d either fuck you on the hood of the car or the damn back seat in the parking lot
• He loves it when you wear his old PT shorts & no panties easy access
• He definitely loves you & your body & would know how to take care of you
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unluckywisher · 1 month
o em gee is it possible to request how caleb would react to us being turning tiny jdjdjdjdj
Of course!!! <3
How Caleb would react if you turned tiny (continuation of this and this):
Thankfully for you, Caleb is passing by just as the fight with the Wanderer ends. Convenient!
"Caleeeb!" you yell to get his attention.
He looks down and blinks in surprise. "...Is that you, pipsqueak?"
Crouching down, he sees that it is you indeed. Although he is a bit concerned, once he confirms you are okay, he bursts out laughing, clutching his chest.
"I didn’t know you could get shorter than what you already were!"
"Stop making fun of me and help me!"
"Alright, alright."
He picks you up with ease and places you on his shoulder. That’d be quite the fall. For safety’s sake, you jump to his jacket’s hood, feeling way more secured.
"You comfy back there?" He looks over his shoulder.
"Yep!" You grab the back of his necklace. "Go, my steed!"
"So you’re treating me like a horse now?" He crosses his arms, refusing to move, but he’s clearly smirking.
"Caleb, could you pretty please take me home?" You poke his neck.
"That’s better."
He takes you back to your apartment, jumping every now and then along the way to startle you, your hands clutching the chain harder with a yelp. He laughs every time.
You aren't in any actual danger, though, since he fully plans to use his Evol to ‘rescue’ you if you ever fall.
Finally at home, he kneels by the dining table to let you jump off.
“That was awful. I’m giving you 0 stars,” you cross your arms, looking up at him.
“Aw, c’mon, it's not like anything happened to you,” he leans on his elbows, his eyes reaching your level.
“It could have!” You poke his nose.
He chuckles, “In any case, care to tell me how you ended up like this?”
You tell him about the Wanderer and its effects, and how they will last until tomorrow.
“So what you’re saying is that I have to babysit you for a full day,” he sighs sarcastically, “like when we were kids?”
“We both know I was the one who babysat you, I’ve always been the mature one.”
“Yeah, right!” He laughs, but stops abruptly. “Since you mentioned it… I have a fun idea to pass the time,” he smiles mischievously.
“But you’re mature now!” You try to correct yourself to stop whatever he’s about to do, holding your hands up. “Very mature! You wouldn’t do anything silly! You wouldn’t!!”
Ten minutes later, you’re sitting on a cardboard box fashioned to look like an aeroplane, flying around the living room thanks to Caleb’s Evol.
“Let me dooown!” You scream, half scared, half thrilled.
“But isn’t it fun? It’s like a free rollercoaster ride! You should appreciate it,” he says, leaning on the wall while waving his hand around.
“I would appreciate it more if you didn’t do barrel rolls every ten seconds, you aAAAAAAH-” Your insult cuts off as the box plummets in an almost vertical drop.
The box straightens just before it touches the floor, rising towards Caleb and coming to a stop.
“What was that?” He mockingly puts a hand behind his ear, smirking. “I couldn’t hear you with all that screaming…”
“When this wears off… You’re toast.”
Having entertained himself for long enough, he takes the box in his hands and lets you down on the couch. He sits next to you.
“When it wears off, you’ll still be more or less as short as you are now, so I don’t see what the threat is.”
You kick his thigh. “You-!”
He laughs, the kick barely feeling like a flick to him.
Huffing, and determined to get some kind of revenge, you jump on his leg. You know exactly what to do. He raises an eyebrow, underestimating any kind of scheme you're about to pull off.
And lo and behold, when you start tickling his sides, the attack takes him completely by surprise.
“W-wait!” He says between laughs.
You don't listen, slipping under his jacket so he can’t grab you and push you away, your hands relentless. He falls on his side on the couch, gasping for air and hitting the pillows while making sounds akin to a broken bagpipe.
“I’m sorry- I flew- you around- Like a toy-” His words fizzle out into coughs.
Satisfied, you stop and get out of his jacket. He inhales deeply.
“Okay… We’re even now…” He sits back up, wiping a loose tear, his face red.
You smile triumphantly, your hands on your hips.
After reaching that truce, you both decide to watch some movies, and he cooks dinner, the meal familiar and heartwarming, even if you can only eat a little bit.
Soon, it’s time to head to bed.
There’s not much to discuss, he plops face-down next to you, his right arm draped over your body to make sure he doesn’t lose track of you, his left arm under the pillow. You shift under the weight to make yourself comfortable.
“Good night, pipsqueak.”
“G’night, Caleb.”
The next morning you wake up to your normal self, but that’s overshadowed by the blanket of a man laying on top of you.
“C-Caleb! It's too hot! Get off!” You attempt to push him away, but he's too big.
“Mmm… Nah, I’m comfy,” he mutters, half-asleep.
“I’m going to melt in here!”
“You weren’t complaining when you were tiny. Maybe we should find that Wanderer again to revert you,” he chuckles.
Fully ignoring your protests, he nuzzles your hair and stays right where he is. You huff.
“If you’re that uncomfortable, we can take a cold shower later.”
Thank you for reading! Here's a silly meme (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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p-redux · 4 months
One of the Team sent me this in DM--Sarah Holden seems to be at Midhope Castle, where they film Outlander! 😊 Turn up the volume on her IG story, and you can hear the SAME bagpipes that were playing at Midhope Castle. Go to both accounts and compare the bagpipes.
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You can hear the bagpipes in Sarah's IG story playing faintly in the background. 👇
And the bagpiper here, playing the same thing at Midhope Castle hahaha 👇 Gee, what a coinky dink. 🤗
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Here's the video of it. 👇
Now let's see if Mr. Sam Heughan posts something from there...
PS. I added this comment afterwards since I already got a comment asking how do we know it's the same bagpipes. There aren't just random bagpipers walking around Scotland playing for no reason. Bagpipes are for special occasions. It would be a HUGE coincidence that on the same day that bagpipes are played at Midhope Castle, which is associated with Sam Heughan due to Outlander, you can also hear bagpipes playing outside rumored girlfriend, Sarah Holden's car. What special event could be happening right outside Sarah's car that would warrant bagpipes playing on a Monday? C'mon now. JS
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akelafang · 3 months
I'm curious, what instruments do you think Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, and the knights can play (if any)
Here are some of my ideas (bear in mind I am not a musician or a musical expert in any way shape or form, and especially not in medieval instruments so if I say something that is wrong or list an instrument that has not been invented yet I'm sorry)
I reckon Arthur has some basic knowledge of a few instruments thanks to some tutors but he hated the lessons and dropped them the first chance he could so he could focus on his sword work
Morgana also got music lessons but unlike Arthur she loved them. She can play the harp, lyre, violin, flute, and any other instrument she could get her hands on long enough to practice with. I don't think pianos were invented yet but she'd be all over them if they were. She had less time to practice the older she got but as long as she had access to an instrument she tried to find time for it
I remember seeing a post that pointed out a lute style instrument in Merlin's room so I like to imagine he's pretty decent with one of those. I can see him playing a few songs from back home in Ealdor to unwind after a hard day of saving Arthur for the 100th time that month. He's a bit shy about it though and doesn't let anyone but Gaius listen to him
I don't think Gwen plays anything but she really enjoys singing. She hums to herself while she does chores and has sung Morgana to sleep many times after she has a nightmare
Gwaine plays the bagpipes and you can not change my mind on this. He's also pretty good with a lute and has used both to earn some extra money while traveling
Leon had music lessons like Arthur and Morgana and has tried out a few instruments. He took a liking to Violin and was pretty good at it too but had to stop playing when his training to be a knight took up all his time. He tries to play every now and then when he has free time but he's noticeably rusty which frustrates him
I'm undecided on whether Elyan, Percy, or Lancelot play anything but I can definitely see at least one of them surprising the rest of the group with an amazing singing voice.
Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear others takes on this.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Favourite Nurse
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I stood in the surgical theatre sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning the place down in the early morning light, my cheap scratchy nurse dress around me as I tried to remove blood stains from the table. I heard the door creak open and a voice spoke up.
"Humm... There's my favourite nurse." He slyly smiled,
I looked up seeing Doctor Jack Dawkins leant on the wooden door frame that led into the prep room, in his usual brown trousers, white faded shirt with blood-stained sleeves, blue waistcoat and tattered green tie, his blonde hair dusty and dirty as usual. His arms crossed smugly over his chest and that stupid sly smile on his lips. 
I turned on my heels to face him moving a strand of hair out my eyes and setting both hands on my hips, "Ah Doctor Dawkins,"
"The Very same my darling," 
"Just the man I've been looking for, I have a bone to pick with you,"
"ohh really?" he smirked as he moved his hands behind him and swaggered over with an air of teasing playfulness, "Umm... Go on then my darling, But I think we both know what bone I want you to be picking at," 
"You left the surgical theatre in an utter abhorrence!" I complain, "Tools used and all over the place, floor blanketed in blood, if you are going to do surgery in the middle of the night you could at least tidy up after yourself!" 
His tone soured, "I don't have time my darling," He rolled his eyes, "If I hadn't acted quickly the man would be dead by now. So I had to perform an emergency operation late last night or early this morning... not confident which it was."
"That's not an excuse not to clean up after yourself."
"But I was tired," he pouted, 
"I am not your maid Jack, as much as you like to think I am," I told him as I took my bucket out with me to the courtyard, but he followed me. 
"I know you're not. I just needed your help. We are the only ones working round the clock here. It's not my fault my body won't let me stay up past 10 anymore."
"That doesn't mean I'm your maid," I told him as I tipped my bucket over the stairwell and set it down with the others, but before I could scamper back inside he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"But you're a brilliant cleaner you get all the spots I'm too blind for."
"Or too ignorant for." 
"Both," he chuckled, "I like you being my cute little maid girl,"
"I am not your maid." I told him poking his chest with my finger, "As much as you may like it."
"And how did you know I had a maid fetish?" he whispered,
"Because you have an everything fetish," I glared as I moved away and cleaned off my hands, "You're a very horny boy Jack."
"Well yeah? You spent ten years in the navy where you're lucky to see one woman per six months, You can't help getting excited for every girl you see." he smirked sitting himself on the edge of the stairs, "And how can I help it with you running around my darling? "
"Some days I really do wonder how you are such a smart doctor, your brain rarely gets any blood it's always down your trousers." I sighed as I began to hang the washed sheets on the lines in the courtyard, 
"I can't help it, you're too captivating," 
"Umm... You're lucky you don't get a damn slap. Escpaily after I caught you peeking down my dress the other day."
"And up your dress," he muttered,
"What was that?" I glared,
"Nothing my darling," He cooed, "You're such a little smart ass, aren't you? The girls at the cat and bagpipes don't give me such sassback."
"That's because you're paying them jack they have to pretend to like you,"
"They do like me."
"do they? do they ever actually want to talk or be near you before you hand them a pound?" 
"Sometimes," He lied, "They like my stethoscope, and hearing stories about work."
"AHH yes your stethoscope I'm sure all rottys girls at the cat and bagpipes just love your... Stethoscope"
"Well and because I'm so handsome,"
"You good looking I think you're very handsome just... Too confident for your own good sometimes" I rolled my eyes as I finished hanging the newly washed sheets and gathered in the dry ones from earlier, 
"Oh? you think I'm handsome My darling?" he teased, 
I finished gathering all the dry sheets and headed back towards the door, "You can be when you have a bath and some clean clothes Jack" I said tugging on his stained sleeves and giving his hair a tussle as I walked up the steps seeing visible dust fall out of it, 
"So you're saying I'm attractive? Like you are actually attracted to me and you think I'm handsome" he gave chase of course following behind me like an excited puppy, 
"If it makes you feel better. Yes," I rolled my eyes kissing his cheek before I headed into the storage cupboard to start folding the dry sheets and putting them away, 
"Wait. You're actually serious, no joke and you're not just saying that to make me stop bugging you?"
"I'm very serious you can be very handsome sometimes," 
"Ohh? Well, what makes me so handsome then my darling?" he cooed leaning his elbow on the shelf, 
"you're a very handsome man Jack. You have a toned slender body, you're tall, you have very handsome soft blonde hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, a striking jaw and a very cute smile and you're are adorable when you get mad or jealous and you frown all pouty, so yes I do find you attractive and the times when you clean up have a hot bath and some clean clothes I admit your very lovely" I explain as I fold sheets, 
He smiled and slightly blushed at my compliments "So... if I had a bath and some fresh clothes I wouldn't just be cute I'd be... sexy?"
He smirked and grabbed my hand spinning me around before pulling me into his chest, "So? how would I rate all clean and lovely?"
"Out of ten?"
"Yep," he smirked not letting me move in any way,
I smiled and set my hands on his waistcoat moving on my tip toes to be inches from his lips as I spoke, At the moment eight. When you have a bath eleven."
"A-an 11? So you're saying once I've had a bath and worn nice clothes, I'll be stunningly handsome and an 11 out of 10?" he blushed, "You... really mean that Y/n?"
"I do, You're a slender little smart-ass jack. And I think you're the most attractive man in the hospital... I mean, that's kind of a hollow complaint though given my options for doctors are you, Dr sneed and Prof. And prof is in his 60s and Sneed looks like a snail" 
"Well, it's lucky for you that I'm so good-looking and have such a captivating personality," 
"It is," I giggled,
"I always knew I was your favourite nurse darling," He smiled stroking my cheek and pulling my lips to his own.  
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Episode six - Bully in the Alley
Jack Dawkins x fem reader
This is a long one
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"Do you think he'll like it? I should have packed more macaroons. Rainsford loves macaroons." Fanny chatted away as the three of you walked towards the stairs. You stop when you see the head nurse.
" Nurse Baggett, is Dr. Dawkins here?" You ask.
" On a Friday night? He's paying a house call on the Cat and Bagpipes." She laughs. Disappointed you turn back to your sisters who were already making their way up the stairs.
"Should I give Sneed a peek? What would you say to that?" Fanny said.
"Nothing really. Sneed isn't suited for you. His interest in us is purely political. He just wants to marry a governor's daughter and secure Head Surgeon. And he's already proposed to me." Belle rambled.
"Oh." Fanny stops walking.
"Fanny, he would've married any member of the family, including Father or the dog." Belle says.
"Belle, there is no need to be turt. Fanny, Sneed is not for you. He would not be attentive enough for you." You try to comfort her.
" So, when is your happy day?" She spits her words at Belle.
"The happy day was when I declined him." She replied.
"I should just fill my pocket with stones and walk into the sea." Fanny said.
"Sea's that way." Belle pointed.
"Belle, will you both stop this, now." You demand.
"So, just to clarify. Sneed's still available, then?" Fanny asks finally.
"For now." Belle agrees. The three of you walk into his private room. Fanny quickly delves into unpacking her basket of goodies.
"We've also got coconut macaroons, fruitcake, jam drops. Ooh, and this is pepper jelly. I made it myself to help with your recovery."
"How lovely. Lady Belle, are you well?" Sneed asks her, attempting to ignore Fanny.
"But it's quite peppery." Fanny continues.
"Better than someone who fought a pointless duel." They continued the back and fourth between the three of them. Your attention was held by the window you could hardly see through.
"Quickly. This way. Come on, quickly." You hear Hetty shouting. A Bell rings below. Running out of the room you see people clamouring all around.
"Cold compress on her. Splint that. Some doctors would be nice!" You see Hetty shouting. Jack stumbles in with a man's arm around his shoulders.
" Dr. Dawkins." You rush up to him.
" Lady y/n. Can you take him to the ward?" He hands the man over to you draping his arm over your shoulder.
"Are you even sober?" You ask.
"Three sheets to the wind. One sheet better than Prof usually is." He waves his arms. "Get your sister. I need her in the ward. Aputi, bring him in here." Jack walks away from you.
In the swirl of the chaos you do your best to help the nurses with bandaging and comforting the wounded people of Port Victory. Morning rose up without anyone really noticing. Seeing Jack standing beside the bed of one man you walked up to him.
"There's nothing more we could have done. Not with bleeding like that." He lets out a shaky breath, "Hetty, have you eaten anything at all?" He asks the nurse that looks set to fall down.
" No time." She replies.
Heavy footsteps stomp through the halls and you see your sister rushing up to Gaines.
" Captain Gaines, I will be speaking to my father!" She growls.
" Have you come to finish them off? Blinded in one eye, a fractured skull, and a ruptured femoral artery!" Jack's grits his teeth.
"All the results of resisting lawful execution of a warrant. And that's young Alfie Wilderkins if I'm not mistaken. This is a very good day indeed." Gaines grins and it churns your stomach.
" I want the men responsible court-martialled." You say.
"Well, that would be me. You'll need to tell the Governor his right hand is a criminal."
"Yes. That is a very good idea." You narrow your eyes at him.
" Arrest them. They're accomplices. All right. You, come with me." Gaines shouts and grabs one of the patients.
"They need medical care. I can't let you take these patients." You say putting your hands up across the ward door.
" They were never patients, Lady y/n. They're my prisoners. Stand aside." He moves close enough to you that you can smell the stink of his aftershave, "Your father indulges you. If you were my daughter..."
"I'd run away. Like your wife." You sneer at him. Gaines steps forward raising his hand ready to slap you but Jack catches him, wrenching him backward.
" Oi! Doc, you're needed over here." Fagin calls from the other side of the room. He drops Gaines' hand.
" Pity you didn't strike me, Dawkins." He growls at Jack before marching away.
"father can stop this!" You call to Belle.
"Where do you think I'm going?" She shouts back almost running from the hospital. You turn back to Jack.
"Are you alright?" He asks, you nod your head allowing him to take your hand.
"What do we do?" You ask.
"you've been here all night, go home and get some rest. Hetty you too. Neither of you are any good if you get sick as well." Hetty tries to protest but he shakes his head to her, "Go on, we'll be okay, come back later."
"Hold fire!" The Governor shouts as Belle wakes him by dropping. Heavy book onto the desk.
"Gaines has gone mad. People have lost their lives." Your sister tells him.
" No, surely not. I counselled moderation." He rebutes.
"Have you seen what's going on out there?" She asks.
"No, but... Oh, my word, that's lovely." He says taking a sip of congac.
" The hospital is overrun. Beaten by Gaines' men." She interrupts him.
"And I'm sorry you had to see that. The hospital really is no place for a lady. But I bear good news, Excellency." Gaines brushes past Belle. "Your operation has flushed out the notorious Kit Wilderkins."
" Oh, Gaines, that is wonderful news."your father chuckles.
" You ordered this, Father?" You ask storming into the room"
"Gaines is firm, darling, but there's a reason he kept our men alive in Africa."
"No, but he's maiming people. He's killing them." You protest.
" All regrettable incidents. Some were resisting arrest and attacking your men, Governor. I shall pray for their souls. Tell me, does your friend, Dr. Dawkins, ever cause a patient pain?" Gaines turns to you.
" Of course, in trying to help to... " You reply.
"Cure. Yes. And does Dr. Dawkins ever accidentally kill any of these patients?"
" Rarely." Belle interjects.
"And I'm sure he mourns it, as I do. You see, a colony is very much like a body..."
" Yes, I've read Hobbes." You cut him off.
"Then you will know that sometimes we must hurt in order to heal."
"A young man bled to death in the hospital overnight. What of his family?" You say.
"Ah, yes. Very sad. Alfie Wilderkins, only eighteen. Kit Wilderkins was his father. Together they held up the Murchings Bank stage coach last month, and killed three people. Corporal Hartmouth was begging for mercy when they shot him. Hartmouth had two dear little children, Rosie and William." Gaines pretended to feel remorse as he sat in a chair.
"Yes. Look, it's one thing to lose a man in battle, but to crime? It's hard to explain to the widow." The governor says.
"You see, my ladies, sometimes we need to cut a rotten part of the body politic in order to cure the whole." He speaks to you both.
"I know what part of the body politic I'd be removing." Belle bites back.
" Okay, thank you, Captain Gaines." The Governor dismisses his Captain before taking your and Belle's hands in his.
"Darlings... Darlings, I know you disapprove of Gaines and his methods. But I've been asked to turn a penal colony into a society. And I need men like him to make a prison into something better. Now, I'm not asking you to accept everything I do, but I am asking you both to support me and this family." He says.
"we will go back to the hospital and help." Belle says.
"No, we need to rest. Father, you should, perhaps put down your congac and take a good she's look at the people you surround yourself with. Come sister." You take her hand and lead her to the stairs.
"You're giving up?" She asks.
"No, Belle, Jack said we needed to sleep to rest, he sent Hetty away as well. He wants us at our best to help." You explain.
"And what will you do? Hold a few hands and get in the way?" She spat out the words.
You hold onto the emotions that threaten to spill out of your eyes.
"Belle, I may not be as smart as you are when it comes to medicine, but I am doing my best."
"You could be doing so much more, instead of wasting all your energy on a boy."
You push past her and storm up to your bedroom.
Three hours later you found yourself unable to sleep so you redressed in a simple cotton outfit, forgoing the hooped crinoline and opting for a smaller petticoat. You sneak back down stairs to the carriage that waited for you at the back of the house. Belle was already sat inside.
"took your time." She smiled. You say nothing, knocking on the carriage to signal the driver. Much to Belle's dismay you give her the cold shoulder all the way to the hospital. Choosing to keep your eyes on the trees going past.
She chased after you into the building when you arrived at the hospital.
"y/n please, I'm sorry." She calls after you. You ignore her finding Jack.
"What'd your father say? When's he going to stop this?" He asks you.
" Yes, I have spoken to my father. There are two sides to this. It's not as clear as..." you say walking through the corridors.
"He's dead. How much clearer could it be?" He almost shouts at you.
You stop and look at him for a moment, "Right, if you're to be like that, Jack..."
"I cannot believe you would give that man's story credence." He said. You turned once more marching god knows where as you spoke.
"I don't give a fig about Gaines, but I do trust my father's word on this."
"You can't agree with their methods?" He asked.
"Obviously not." You answered
" That boy bled to death in front of us."
"I know but, he was a bushranger, who killed one of Father's men."
"So they say."
" He's my father. He's many things, but he's not a liar. He's trying to bring peace to a colony you have to admit is out of control." You stomped through a closed door.
"Did you mean to walk into a cupboard?" Jack almost laughs.
" Obviously not!" You bit your lower lip to keep your emotions from bubbling over. "Gosh. You are incredibly irritating."
"So are you."
"'Cause you won't listen to anyone else's point of view. All I'm saying is it is not clear-cut."
"Look, you either want to be a help here, someone who cares for everybody, no matter how spotty their soul may be, or you are "milady," who gives six of the best to the peasants when we get uppity." He jibs you.
" Uppity? I know you had your past indiscretions, but these were bushrangers who killed three men, one a father." You reply.
" Some people need to thieve in order to eat." Jack sighs.
"And that can lead to death, too." It was getting harder to hold back your tears.
"Have you ever seen anybody dead on the streets from hunger?"
"No!" You agree.
"Have you ever paid for anything you've eaten? Or worn, or lived in?"
"That's a false syllogism." You say turning back toward the cupboard door. Jack runs up behind you.
"Whatever that is, it is not. If you can't see what is happening here, y/n, then you and I have big problems. This puts a wall between us." His arm is across You holding the door shut.
" You climbed it fine when you kissed me in the surgery." You say, a tear escaping down your face. Jack sighs, he knows he has pushed you too far. His tongue darts out to wet his lips.
"let me go, I should, I wish to leave." You whisper.
"I wish to leave."
You do not let any tears fall from your eyes until you reached your bedroom. Where you fling yourself upon your bed and cry until exhausted you fall asleep
The sound of Fagin's voice wakes you some time later and you tiptoe along behind him. With your arms crossed you wait at the door as he comes shuffling out of your father's office with a large Hessian bag.
"Stealing like a common thief again?" You say when he spots you.
"Yes, well only what was stolen from us in the first place." He raises his hands towards you in submission.
"Fine, take the lot. I no longer care."
"actually we could do with your help you know. Doc is getting your sister for an operation but you, you might be exactly what we need." His smile unnerved and intrigued you.
"Okay, take me there." You agree.
Belle and Dawkins come down the stairs discussing the procedure they are about to do. You pay them no mind as you step into the carriage.
"you're coming?" Jack asks hopeful.
"To help the people, not you." You say turning yourself away from them.
"Sorry about the pissing, Fagin, I just couldn't... Whoa! Hello, Your Majesty." Flashbang spoke when he saw you and Belle.
"Hello." You reply.
"Is this a criminal conspiracy?" Belle asks
"In a manner of speakin', yes."
"If you're going to the hospital, Belle, I'm coming to see Sneedy." Fanny pushes past Flashbang to get in beside Belle, forcing Jack to sit beside you. Fagin plonks himself on the luggage tray at the back and Flashbang hangs onto the side.
Jack glances at you occasionally, you are sure he wants to talk to you but you keep your eyes turned away only replying to Fanny.
At the hospital you follow them all inside. It's agreed that you'll go to the prof and distract him whilst the others got Red's baby out safely. When you were satisfied that he was deep enough into the second bottle you went up to Red's room. Fagin taking your place. Jack stands at the door.
"How is it going?" You ask keeping a distance from the doctor.
"Well I think, I'm not allowed in." He replies.
"Belle is operating alone?"
"she is more than capable."
"Of course she is, Belle would run rings around any trained man." You sit down beside Tim. "Red is strong, she'll be alright." You comfort him.
Jack watches you talk with the man, how he seems instantly at ease with you. All the people in Port Victory did. You held an air of kindness that spread out to those you spoke to. He had to admit to himself that having you here, speaking with the patients and holding their hands eased them. It made the wards feel lighter, as if death was not hanging over their heads. Taking in a long breath Jack turned back to his work opening the door just enough to call in.
" Nearly... I have it now." Belle says from.inside.
"How is it in there? Do you have the head yet?" He called.
"Now, pull up and out." Jack guides her.
" Just one more cut.* Hetty says as they clamp the umbilical chord, " She's out. Come on, Belle."
" Please breathe." Belle encourages the baby with a rub to its chest. The new born cries and everyone sighs with relief.
" Now stitch her, fascia first." Jack reminds her. "Is Red all right?" Tim pushing his way into the room.
"She's breathing steady, Tim." Belle reassures him, handing the now swaddled infant. With them all in the room you chose to stay out, waiting for Gaines to appear.
They managed to sneak the woman and the baby out of the room and secret her away in Jack's room.
Belle is cleaning away her equipment when Jack walks back in.
"We did it. Hetty and I, we kept them both alive." She smiles.
" In time for your father to hang her." Jack snaps back. Belle is about to argue when the door opens and Aputi and Flash bring a large basket into the room. You follow them in as they place the covered body on the bed.
"Well done."
"No! You're body snatching!" Belle rrmarks.
"Pretty standard in our line of work." Jack comments.
" You can't be serious."
"Belle,This is the only way to save her." You say.
" Clearly pregnant. Very good." Jack says before pulling the sheet back, "Clearly not pregnant. This a man." He chastises them.
" Big Kit's all we had in the deadhouse, Dr. Jack." Aputi explained as they left the room.
"This is madness! It can't work! And it's a capital offence!" Belle snapped
" So is killing a mother before she's even put her own child to her breast." You snap back.
"So, what's more important, milady?"
You are the first to hear Gaines approaching and slip out of the room. Jack follows you closing the door behind him.
"Captain," you pretend to feel sadness. "I fear the mother and baby died on the table. How does one bear this sort of loss, Captain?" You put a hand on his chest, keeping him from moving further. "I have never seen it, but perhaps you were right, darkness cannot birth light I suppose." You say. He nods.
"Yes, lady y/n, it is awful when the innocent are tard by the guilty." He pushes your hand away and attempts to step past you.
"You can't go in. Her body's undressed. For shame. And you, a Godly man. Have you no decency?" You pour every bit of heartache you had into the words.
"I need to see the body." He tells you.
" What are you going to do, Captain? Hang her corpse?" You ask.
" Have the Professor bring me the death certificate." The Captain hisses.
"Dr. Dawkins can sign it."
"No! I would find it much more reliable if the Professor signs it." He walks away. Turning yourself round to Jack you look up at him.
"Thank you." He says.
"I didn't do it for you." You drop your eyes to the ground.
"y/n, I-" you shake your head, "I'll see to the patient." He lets you walk away from him, wishing he hadn't.
Knocking on the door you step into the room, Red sat on the small bed by the window.
"How are you?" You ask.
"Better now. You know you are nothing like the rest of your family. There's a little crime in you." Red said with a chuckle, "would you like to hold her?"
You nod and come forward, sitting on the end of the bed. You take the bundle into your arms and rock her.
"She's beautiful." You say a wide smile on your face.
"it's suits you." Tim states.
"What is it, why didn't you follow society? Why ain't you married?" Red asked.
"oh, I.... I'm not well. I wouldn't make a man a widower or a child and orphan." You reply, keeping your eyes on the sleeping baby.
"Sorry." Red whispered. Not long after Fagin arrived and then Jack. At first you wanted to leave but you stayed at Tim's request. Jack poured you all a small glass of Fagin's stolen liqueur.
When at last Belle was done with her cleaning she came up to find you. Not wanting to speak to her you simply walked alongside to the carriage.
At home again you sat in your bed the blankets over knees when Belle and Fanny came giggling into her room. Belle climbed into the bed beside you and Fanny dropped her head to your lap.
"I shared my first kiss." She said looking UK at you.
"With Sneed?" You asked.
" And did you enjoy it?" Belle cuddled closer. "Mixed. At first, it was lovely. But then I think I hurt him rather badly. He was quite angry, actually." She screwed up her face.
"Someone'll sweep you off your feet when you least expect it in the most inconvenient of moments." You say brushing back her hair and stroking her face with the back of your hand.
" I had a thought." She said, flipping herself onto her stomach, "Considering your health, perhaps you and Dr. Dawkins could have a long, happily unconsummated love affair until he walks off, desolate, into the windswept moors..." she all but sings her fantasy, you feel a pang of gult.
"We don't have moors here." Belle reminded her.
"But yes, that is a nice thought." You agree. Your sisters cuddle into you and you all giggle over the day until your mother commands you all to bed.
Fagin and Dawkins sat at a table in the tavern, Rotty poured them both a drink I to the metal tankards.
"So, our old Cheekybones did well." Fagin grins. "Yeah. She did, didn't she?"
"And her sister, the older one, she is a boone, still, it's not really their world, is it? And you've got to remember, Dodge, theirs isn't yours." He reminded the younger man. Jack played with his cup and turned to the window. His heart leaps in his chest when he sees the nicest sight he had seen in days. Without saying a word to his companion, Jack walked outside.
"Milady. I must warn you I am a little bit drunk. In fact, I am approaching strutting pigeon."
You smile from below your cape, dropping the hood down. Reaching out you take the cup from his hand and swallow down the liquid.
" So am I, now." You smile, "The crime, it's not just for survival. You actually love it." You say.
"The worst parts of me do." Jack admits.
"well, I cannot say I did not enjoy getting one over on Gaines." You admit. Jack laughs.
" It's hopeless, isn't it?" You take a step toward him.
"Oh, yes. We are completely unsuited." He agrees matching your movement.
"We should really never see each other socially." You offer up words you don't believe.
"No, that wouldn't be right." He said moving close enough to slide his hand around your waist. Crashing his lips to yours. Your heart fluttered in your chest. You spin him round so his back hits the wall.
" Holy hell, we're in trouble." You whisper.
"So much trouble." Jack he replies placing his lips to yours and you feel all your resolve disappearing.
"I'm sorry I hurt you." Jack speaks between kisses.
Everything had changed in that few seconds. Your life would never be the same.
Episode seven
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inkblot-mirror · 10 months
Diasomnia Dorm Headcanons:
-Contrary to popular belief, the students are not all fae. There’s mainly humans, some beastmen and one or two merfolk as well.
-There’s very few fae in NRC to begin with, it just so happened that some of the most prominent (Malleus and Lilia) ended up in Diasomnia. There are others in other dorms, such as Pomefiore and Heartslaybul.
-Disputes are solved through one way: duels. Can be with magic or with weaponry, like swords.
-Everyone is required to train in swordplay. Lilia is the instructor. Riding lessons are also given.
-Malleus, is worshipped and seen as a central figure, through both fear, peer pressure, and genuine admiration.
-Biggest dorm in size, smallest dorm in population. Sebek’s year (1st years) barely had any new students sorted in Diasomnia aside from him and a few others. This kind of feeds into their superiority complex/arrogance!
Doesn’t help that having Malleus as a housewarden no doubt scared a few individuals into transferring dorms.
-Very chilly and drafty, even with magical fires and heating spells. The dorm outfit only helps mitigate some of that.
-With the exception of Lilia’s room, pretty spotty or non-existent wifi connection overall. If you need internet, stand outside Lilia’s door.
-Previous housewarden was basically pressured into almost giving up the position on the spot when Malleus joined NRC. (I mean he could of fought for his position through a duel, as most housewarden duels are, but that’d hardly be fair).
-Back then, Diasomnia was basically split into two factions: those who were loyal to the then-current housewarden, and those who wanted Malleus to be in power immediately.
-Solution: the then vice-housewarden was booted and the position given to Malleus. He became housewarden at the beginning of his second year.
-Lots and lots of hidden corridors and winding passageways, super easy to get lost in. The fourth floor corridors in particular are magically enchanted to change their layout every hour because that’s where the treasure rooms are (where Malleus keeps his hoard).
-Because it’s a medieval castle, it has dungeons (complete with prison cells). Lilia jokingly (?) scares freshmen by saying that’s where all misbehaving students will get sent.
-The outdoor walkways leading to the castle front door is surrounded by invisible magical barriers. That way a poor student doesn’t accidentally loose their footing and go plummeting into the abyss.
-Due to Malleus’ little tantrums, its often rainy and thunderstormy outside. Good thing the lights inside are magically powered, otherwise there’d be alot of power outages. But rooms can occasionally get leaky.
-Aside from Lilia’s erratic bagpipe playing, one can sometimes hear haunting string melodies coming from somewhere in the castle. Younger students say the dorm is haunted, but its really just Malleus practicing his violin or cello.
-It’s not unusual to see flocks of bats fluttering around indoors. Yes, they are Lilia’s familiars.
-The dorm of LARPers and theater kids (yes Diasomnia are theater kids, like Pomefiore.) They way Malleus runs the dorm can be seen as a bit archaic and straight out of the middle ages to outsiders.
-Has its own library, filled with books on Briar Valley history and ancient magic.
Ignihyde Dorm Headcanons:
-Boasts super high speed wifi and best connection on campus. Password is changed weekly and posted in the dorm Twstcord (the dorm’s primary source of communication with one another)
-Daily messages and announcements are all pinned in the dorm Twstcord, head mod being Idia.
-Idia once lost a game of Fortnite to the previous dorm head. And that was how he become the current Housewarden.
-Anime constantly plays on the holographic TV screens in the lounge.
-Anime and video game music play through the speakers in the hallways.
-Disputes resolved through PVP online matches in TWST LoL/Valorant/Fortnite, etc.
-It’s always, duper, freezing cold with AC on blast at max. Gotta cool down all the servers and PCs.
-The more social students play tabletops and card games at the lounge tables.
-Idia has access to everyone’s phone passwords and laptop history just cuz.
-Lots of labs and private work spaces for students to tinker with their tech and projects
-Despite being the geeky nerdy gamer dorm, it mostly smells very sterile and clean. Like a hospital. Ortho is equipped with “Disinfect Mode” just in case—he’ll spray down smelly, nonbathing students with the strongest dose of body spray and deodorant.
-No one knows how to cook and the kitchen area is stocked only with ramen, chips, and energy drinks.
-No 1 Rule: DO NOT BULLY ORTHO (unless you wanna get doxxed and blasted to smithereens by a laser).
-All non Ignihyde students are subjected to a finger print, iris and facial scan upon entering (security purposes ofc!) the data is entered into Ortho’s database for future reference.
-All doors are activated by either keycard or number pad. Lights and water and other amenities are voice activated.
-Like Diasomnia, the outside walkways are lined with an invisible barrier to prevent wayward students from falling into the depths of the underworld.
-The lone fae student in Ignihyde is no doubt fascinated by all the technology and innovative devices.
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parakeet · 5 months
So very Scotland of us. I love hearing ppl play the bagpipe. I could not live in the city though it’s so busy
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loggiepj · 2 years
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Part 1
Part 2
It didn't fare well the following day.
Wanda treated the normies as if they weren't there. Y/n suffered far worse fate because she was the only one brave enough to approach the witch, delivering meals to which the woman rejected, offering a tour around the camp seeing the witch was bored, or taking care of the wounds around the witch's wrists she hadn't noticed before, which took almost hours before Wanda finally relented and let Y/n touch her, even when there were wincing and pulling away every time. Y/n guessed Wanda was mainly the reason why the former wasn't sent out to missions yet.
Y/n learned from Pietro that he and Wanda got separated when the Deviants attacked their small town. It was midday when it happened. Wanda was away on a trip to a neighboring place to replenish goods. When she arrived back, little did she know that hunters were already residing in their house.
Pietro was grateful to Y/n for not giving up on finding his sister once the former shared about his worries since he set foot on the camp. Y/n got lucky though, thanked the heavens for listening to her instinct. She was supposed to head back to camp that night she saved Wanda when she heard the commotion.
The new witch still ignored the entire camp and only talked to her brother, albeit short and wary, from time to time. Although, Y/n suspected it was primarily to convince Pietro to leave the camp with her.
While others could tell that Wanda exuded hatred towards Y/n and their lot, Y/n gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Y/n would have regarded her as an asshole for not even thanking her hosts, the ones who actually saved her and put a roof over her head, but Y/n understood what she had gone through. Pietro had told Y/n during his first night at the camp that he thought all normies were awful since he was a kid. Their parents were killed by Deviants. Slaughtered was the term Pietro used. And the normal citizens didn't even attempt to help them.
Pietro admitted he was wrong though. But Wanda hadn't realized that part yet.
Y/n tried to make the female witch feel welcomed, even inviting her to have her meals at the pavilion where every night, the normies would perform a serenade, and witches were welcomed to share their talents, which was surprisingly more, especially one male witch named Peter who knew how to play the bagpipes without sounding like a wildcat was being murdered.
Worried that the Deviants might hear the noise, Wanda gave a small comment about it, making Y/n smile because the witch appeared to be listening to her after all.
Y/n assured Wanda that the Avengers camp were now comprised of normal humans and witches, and they were all bound to protect the camp. That meant the entire camp was surrounded by protection charms enchanted by the witch members. The outside world wouldn't see the place nor hear any sound coming from inside the camp.
Y/n had managed to convince Wanda to come out of her tent on the third night she was there, but when the witch finally saw her other friends who didn't join the movement yet, she immediately left Y/n. At least, Y/n was comforted to know that she wasn't alone anymore. With her brother always away on missions, Wanda had no one else to talk to.
Y/n jumped from her seat, her cheeks red from getting caught staring at Wanda. She didn't want anyone to find out about her silly crush on a witch who despised her entirely.
"Hey, Layla," Y/n replied with a forced smile, moving to the side so Layla could sit beside her. Layla was also a witch, and had been taking a liking on her since the time Y/n saved the former from the Deviants.
"What are you up to tonight? I think I'm going to sing a song," she said, sitting unreasonably close to the human. "It's dedicated to humans."
"Wow, that's cool," Y/n chimed in, hurriedly finishing her food. When the witch invited Y/n to sing with her, she immediately shook her head. "I... I don't sing."
"Rubbish... It can't be that bad, considering you have a pretty voice." Y/n almost choked on her food. She wasn't dumb. She knew Layla was definitely flirting with her.
In fact, Layla wasn't the only one. Ever since the newcomers found out that Y/n only preferred women, it seemed like some of the female witches were interested to try. And Y/n was too kind to just ignore them, but it didn't mean that she would give up to their advances. It wouldn't hurt to just talk.
Wanda didn't see it that way, of course. To her, Y/n was a womanizer. At first, she figured the normie was a mentor around the camp, always helpful and being looked up to by others.
Through time, the witch noticed that Y/n was only talking to females, ignoring the unexpected turmoil in her stomach. And when she found out from her friends she hadn't seen since the attack that Y/n was into girls, Wanda's distaste for the human only intensified.
Was Y/n trying to flirt with Wanda on their first meeting then? Does Y/n always say those sweet innocent compliments to every female witch she has saved?
Wanda knew Layla. She was their neighbor next town. And every party she had been to through her teenage years, Layla always got what she wanted, even her brother Pietro for a very short period of time. It would be a surprise if she hadn't had Y/n wrapped around her fingers yet.
That was why Wanda wondered when Y/n stood up and hurriedly left when Layla got distracted by her friend.
Where are you going? Wanda thought as her gaze followed Y/n sneakily heading into the woods after leaving the dishes by the kitchen.
The witch still didn't trust humans that much, even when all they ever did show to her was kindness. But she hadn't met any nice human before, making her wonder if the Avengers camp was all an act. Maybe her brother was bewitched. Is that possible? Can a witch be bewitched by humans?
So after bidding goodnight to her friends, excusing herself for still having a headache, she quickly went to follow Y/n.
Y/n hadn't gotten that far yet a million thoughts had crossed Wanda's mind, suspecting Y/n to betray and report to Deviants on the witches' whereabouts, expecting the campfire as their killing ground. Focused on being discreet, Wanda didn't even notice someone else was there when she bumped into her.
"Hello there," another human greeted her, a taller one with a bandana wrapped around her head. "What brings you to my garden?"
Wanda must had looked like a deer caught in a hunt.
"Oh, don't be scared, darling... My name's Pepper, I'm the nurse at Avengers camp... are you new here?" Pepper asked.
The witch immediately nodded and lied, her tongue slipping the words before she even realized it. "I got lost."
"It's okay, newcomers still get lost around here... Come with me, I'll accompany you back to your tent," she said. Wanda let herself be ushered, giving one last look to where Y/n went.
When Y/n had too much of the world, she'd go to her favorite hiding spot just beyond Pepper's botanical garden. At night, she'd lay on the ground and watch the beautiful painting in the sky, twinkling before her. She learned from her father at a young age that earth wasn't the motionless center of the universe, contrary to what her mentors told her at school. That the earth was a planet, one of the planets of the galaxy and they revolved around the sun, which was the nearest star to the earth.
It made Y/n wonder how many planets there were for each star she could see on the sky, thinking if there were also people living in it, and if they had no division between humans and witches like the earth did. If peace even existed somewhere else.
On that night though, Y/n just wanted to get away from Layla. The witch couldn't just take any hint that Y/n didn't want to sleep with her, knowing that last week, Y/n's bestfriend Yelena, told her that Layla slept with Yelena's ex-boyfriend on her first day at the camp. Apparently, it was Layla's objective to bed everyone in the place.
Y/n was her latest target.
What Y/n didn't expect was to be followed by someone as she hurriedly went to her hiding spot. Much less, someone like Wanda. She knew the witch still didn't trust her but she couldn't really blame the woman. Y/n had went through the same things she did.
So while she could still control it, Y/n buried the feelings she had for the witch before it became worse.
She tried though anyway.
The following morning when Y/n went into Wanda's tent to change the dressing of the latter's wounds, Y/n found the tent empty. Not putting much thought about it, she headed to the pavilion to see if the witch was having her breakfast early, but she wasn't also there.
Y/n knew she shouldn't worry, but if the possibility that Wanda had somehow ran away from the camp made her fear for the witch's safety for a second. So much that she didn't even notice the sound of waters splashing around as she walked by the nearby lake, heading to return the medical supplies to Pepper.
There the beautiful witch was, in broad daylight, swimming through the waters with wet skin and hair glistening against the sun. Y/n must had lost it for she didn't immediately realize the expanse of pale skin being shown that Wanda was fully naked until the latter faced the normie behind her, her perky supple breasts bouncing as she moved.
"Shit!" Y/n gasped, her eyes abruptly closing and the supplies falling out of her grasp.
"Are you following me?!" The witch exclaimed, her voice accusing.
"No! Of course not! My apologies! I d-didn't mean to see y-you like this...," Y/n nervously stuttered. "I didn't even know it was you."
She could hear Wanda scoff before her, the sound of the waters told the human that the witch had ascended herself from the surface. "So you spend your morning hours lurking behind bushes just to peep?"
"I wasn't peeping-"
"I know what you are," Wanda interjected, her voice seemed nearer. Y/n heard footsteps against the dirt, knowing the witch was walking towards her.
"Of course, I'm a human-"
"You're an insatiable seducer who have had countless women on their knees. I will not be part of such atrocity."
Is that what Wanda think of her?
Y/n laughed out loud after five seconds of utter silence. Without even opening her eyes, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, you're certainly wrong about that... I've never been with anyone since birth."
Y/n heard the witch scoff again. "I find that too hard to believe..."
"Okay, it was a lie, but I haven't been with anyone, serious or not, for years now," Y/n added. "But it's nice to know you thought otherwise."
Wanda glared at the human even when she knew Y/n couldn't see her. "What are you doing here anyway?"
The human suddenly lost her composure as she tried to explain. "I was going to return these to Pepper, seeming that I couldn't find you in your tent earlier."
"Fine," Wanda said. "Get on with it."
"Get on with it? You mean tend to your wounds?"
"Yes, what else?"
Y/n's heart thudded so loud, it was deafening. She could hear scrambling before her but she didn't dare open her eyes.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Wanda exasperatedly called her attention.
Thankfully, when Y/n opened her eyes, Wanda had worn herself an undertunic. But it didn't even make it better when Wanda was still dripping wet before her, and the cloth stuck to her skin, her nipples and other curves visible through the fabric as she sat on a nearby boulder.
Y/n focused on her task as she hurriedly tended to the witch's wound, which was almost healed. It was one of the things Y/n was good at, she could almost be mistaken as Pepper's young apprentice if she wasn't keen on archery. Y/n was careful, treating the wound with delicacy as if Wanda was fragile.
She licked her lips nervously as she dabbed the ointment made by the nurse from the herbs in her garden unto Wanda's reddened skin after cleaning it with myrhh. She could tell Wanda was still wincing from the antiseptic.
"Does it still hurt?" Y/n asked in a soft voice, now wrapping Wanda's wrist with fresh new bandage, her fingers adept as she arranged the cloth around her.
It took Wanda long before she answered. It wasn't because she couldn't hear the normie before her, but because she hadn't expected the close proximity between them.
The witch intended to fool the human, not believing a single thing she had said, even the confession of her not being promiscuous, so she could prove to herself and to every witch there was in the world that humans were deceptive and liars.
But Wanda didn't expect the goosebumps Y/n left on her skin as she tended to her, even the gentleness she portrayed made the witch melt, her breathing ragged but she could always reason out that she had been swimming for hours. She didn't even notice that Y/n's lips were moving, which seemed inviting at the moment as if urging Wanda to lean in.
"It... It doesn't hurt that much," Wanda finally answered.
When Y/n had finished, she smiled then chuckled softly, proud of her work. "Done... It will heal in no time... Hey, we have the same lines on our palms."
"What?" Wanda's eyebrows furrowed, as Y/n held their hands and aligned the palms close together.
"It's a silly belief, actually," Y/n went on. "If the long straight lines ending beneath the ring fingers on the palms of two persons  meet or connect with ease, it is said that they will have a long lasting and strong union..."
Wanda kept silent as she listened attentively, her mind focused on the beautiful sound of Y/n's voice and the touch of her skin against hers, her heart beating at a pace close to fear but also far from it. The witch couldn't decipher what she was feeling. She hadn't felt like this before.
"See?" Y/n's finger gently traced the skin of Wanda's palm heading to hers, like drawing an imaginary line. "A connection... We're basically soulmates..." She chuckled softly, not noticing the flustered state of the witch.
A witch and a human together. That would be quite a scandal. That would raise Wanda's parents from their graves.
Wanda immediately pulled her hand away from the human and stood up. Y/n could tell she had overstepped so she apologized and began arranging the supplies.
"Have you eaten your breakfast yet? Bruce made deer pottage this time." When Y/n looked up, Wanda was nowhere to be found. Her shoulders immediately deflated. At least, she tried.
Y/n's spirit heightened when Yelena came back from their mission later that day, entering the camp with Pietro and more witches they had managed to save from Deviants.
Much to Wanda's displeasure when she saw Y/n and another girl hugging in front of her, as if proving how much of a flirt Y/n was.
"So, who's the girl?" Yelena immediately chided, her face sporting a teasing feature.
"What do you mean?" Y/n remained to act dumb, pretending she was interested on the new weapons her bestfriend had concocted while away.
"You're my bestfriend, Y/n... I can tell when someone has your eyes or even has occupied your mind."
Y/n didn't mean it but when her eyes instinctively drifted to where Wanda was, sitting with her group of friends and Pietro, she was surprised to find the witch already staring at her, abruptly looking down to avoid the human's eyes.
"Ohhh, I can see she's definitely your type," Yelena added, following where Y/n's gaze was at.
"Shut up, she's not-"
"I never thought you're into witches."
Y/n attempted to playfully punch Yelena on her shoulder, to which the latter avoided, ending with her wrapping her arm over the former's shoulder instead. She pulled Y/n with her as they ventured further into the camp. "C'mon, I was only playing with you... Good thing, Layla still had not made you surrender to her reins yet."
Y/n laughed. And they talked more about the mission Yelena had been to, unaware of the daggers Wanda was throwing towards their way.
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gwydion-aacblog · 1 year
Oh! I just saw that your special interest are fae and I wondered if you know about changeling children and their apparent similarities to autistic children. What’s your opinion on that?
changeling stories in many forms exist : some did try to explain disabled kids , and also kids born sickly or die suddenly . 
that means sometimes in stories this changeling is real fae - possibly one that fae abandon on purpose , possibly swap with " original " child sometime after birth . in that case can argue that more often ( but still not always ) this story try explain traits and differences that now know as autism . 
after all , there is overlap in what call fae traits , and what people recognise in autism : fae can be hard to understand and please , because not think " like humans do " . social customs normal for humans can upset and deeply offend fae , for example . that " swap " can also happen at time that early autism regression often would : where develop skills typically , then lose those skills . even if recover skills , probably will not be to same level as originally learn .
sometimes in stories fae steal away child , to replace with " changeling " object . that object have glamour magic to look like child , but will very soon " die " . this type story do more to explain why healthy child would so sudden die . sometimes would call these cases now as sudden infant death syndrome , sometimes would be health problems that people just did not know about ( and could not find ) at time .
and … sometimes these stories serve as lessons for families . " always watch , or else fae will take " - in these times , very many physical dangers like animals , health problems , even just risk that get lost alone , with much less measure to protect . if never find again to hear story , will never know what really happen . to warn about all these dangers was so so important , and something about fae especially strike fear - that might never find because fae steal away and child enjoy fae life more , or worse that fae might torture , enslave , and make suffer . 
in those stories , sometimes have instructions to bring back child , which means first prove changeling is fae at all . some say bagpipes , because " no fae can resist urge to make music " , or do unusual things to draw out comments , like boil empty eggshells . from there , well ... instructions can get very cruel and graphic , all focus on kill changeling - and by miracle , real child will come back without harm . sadly would not surprise to think that sometimes , these instructions spread to other stories and advice , and families kill children - believe this would bring back - only to find … not .
do not get wrong , people absolutely did believe in fae as real beings , and spirituality is something that no one can prove universally true or false - that is why people today still do hold on and feel things true . maybe sometimes , these stories really did talk about real fae , and will never know !
but when look back , not hard to see how some could have explain other , more mundane things . can not ask these people to know , sadly . 
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hueberryshortcake · 1 year
[Okay so I got a prompt request for "Because you love me, duh!" and then, in all my genius, deleted it completely by accident. To the person who sent it, my sincerest apologies; here is the response nonetheless. It is probably way longer than these things are supposed to be, but who's complaining?]
"Try manipulating him," Louie suggested.
"I'm not going to do that, dude." Huey adjusted the phone where he was holding it above his face in his bed. His arms were getting tired, on top of the usual flu-aches. "Anyway, he's so busy, he'll probably just get mad at me for bothering him."
"No, it's fine. Just tell him you're still feeling pretty awful and want a distraction." That wouldn't be a lie. "Then make your eyes all big and do The Stare."
"Don't do The Stare," Dewey said, shoving his face over Louie's shoulder and twisting around his seatbelt to get onscreen. "The Stare is scary. It'll have the opposite effect."
"It's not always scary," Louie contradicted him. "Huey, show me your eyes."
"I'm not gonna-"
"Make your eyes all big and sad. Do it. Puss in Boots style. You're the one with the biggest, saddest, scariest eyes, and if you don't use your powers you're wasting them."
"Can you guys shut up-"
Dewey leaned further into Louie's personal space. "If you use The Stare he'll probably get freaked and think you're a rabid raccoon that accidentally wandered in and he'll call the exterminator." Webby giggled heartily at this offscreen.
"Knock it off," Huey could hear Donald saying. Dewey and Webby ceased their chortling.
"Tell him you don't want to be alone," Louie said again, "then bat your eyelashes at him. Then say something like, 'Yeah, I get it if you don't want to play with me. It's just something I think Mom would have helped me with, if she were still here with us....'"
"Dude," Huey chided, rolling onto his side and leaning the phone against the wall.
"That should do the trick. He'll be in sitting in front of Legends of Legendquest with a controller in his hands before you can say 'Bless me bagpipes'."
"Louie, I don't think that kinda thing's going to work anymore, now that your mom's back from the moon," Webby said from somewhere in the car. Louie looked up.
"No, Huey, go ahead and try it, baby," Della shouted back from the front seat.
"Both hands on the wheel, Mom," Dewey said.
"Feel free to try any means necessary to get him to help you," Della continued, shouting to be heard from across the car, "because you're not going to get that crate by yourself, and if you don't get it for us before the event ends tonight, I might have to disinherit you."
"Mom!" Huey laughed.
"Eyes on the road, Mom," Louie said at the same time.
So, somehow, Huey found himself in front of his uncle's office door, his scarlet-patched denim quilt wrapped around him, feeling rather cartoonishly like a robed roman senator, if said senator were wearing footed pajamas, had a doozy of an influenza case, and were about to probably get executed on the spot. The exodus to get here had been exhausting; he probably shouldn't have been out of bed, but oh well.
His foot hit a loose floorboard, squeaking violently, and he winced, expecting a sharp "What is it?" to ring out from behind the door, but there was nothing. He lifted his hand to the door and knocked a polite shave-and-a-haircut before he could talk himself out of it.
There was a small dominoing of crashing sounds, followed by some quiet, muffled exclamations that sounded suspiciously like cut-off swear words. Huey took this as invitation enough and cracked the door open, adjusting the blanket where it had fallen off his shoulder. Inside, Scrooge was rearranging the knick-knacks, papers, and glasses he'd knocked over.
"Sorry," Huey said quietly. "Were you asleep?"
"No," Scrooge said, quickly enough that Huey knew he had, in fact, dozed off.
Huey shuffled into the room, blanket dragging on the ground, and helped his uncle scoop assorted pens and highlighters back into a handpainted World's Richest Uncle mug (courtesy of Dewey).
"You should take a break," Huey told him. "You've been working too hard this week."
"I can't stop, the launch is in three days." Scrooge rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand. "I've got to get this polished out before then."
Huey peered at the papers on the desk and pretended he understood what any of it meant. "It looks pretty done to me."
"Well, aye, but-"
"If it's finished, why are you still working on it?" Huey sneezed.
"Because- well- a mean, only a version of it is finished. I'd like to put my best foot forward on this project, which means I've got to comb through and make sure everything's perfect."
"Are you sure you're not doing what I usually do?"
Scrooge eyed him from across the desk. "And what would that be?"
"Getting obsessed over everything being just right to the point that your view of reality is distorted until your obsession is all you can think about?"
Scrooge's gaze would have been sharp were it not for the fatigue of mind and body. "You're getting ahead of yourself, lad. I invented that move. I've been doing it since before you were born."
Huey shrugged.
Scrooge blinked at the disorganization on his desk. He adjusted his glasses. He looked at Huey as though just now seeing him for the first time. "Did you need something from me?"
Huey felt very small wrapped in his big heavy blanket in the middle of his uncle's big, pristine office. He still felt pretty awful. The blanket felt thicker than normal and hard to keep up; it was practically weighted, and in fact Huey suspected that Donald had snuck weighted beads into the lining when he'd made it for him all those years ago. The effect was that the thing was exhausting to move around, and his arms ached, and he felt shaky and was probably a little bit feverish, and his head and chest felt unfathomably swollen, and it was kind of a miracle that he'd made it this far into the conversation without Scrooge getting frustrated about his work being interrupted.
So Huey just managed to squeak out some stuttered declinations.
"Are you sure?" Scrooge pushed away from the desk and in a second was taking a knee in front of Huey. "You look terrible."
"Thanks," Huey muttered. Scrooge put a hand to his forehead. Huey wanted to disappear inside his blanket. When he'd embarked on the journey to the office, he'd been confident in his mission to seek help with Legendquest, but now he was worn out and cowardly and mostly afraid of when Scrooge would ask why he was here and he'd have to admit the humiliatingly silly truth.
"Do you want some Tylenol?" Scrooge asked him.
"I have to wait two more hours at least."
"I'm probably overhydrated by this point."
"Have you eaten?"
"I'm not hungry."
"That wasn't what I asked," Scrooge said, raising an eyebrow, and Huey sighed.
"I had lunch."
Scrooge glanced at his watch. "It's not quite time for dinner- Gods above, how did it get to be four o'clock already?- so we'll get something into you the same time you get your Tylenol. Sound good?"
"Spectacular." Huey might have been swaying a little.
"Why are you up, anyway? You ought to stay in bed. Come on."
Huey was thankful that Scrooge spun around to give him an opportunity to climb on his back, because it meant he didn't have to make eye contact with him. "I was just hoping- well, it was silly, but I was thinking maybe-"
"Spit it out," Scrooge said, not unkindly, as he hoisted his nephew up onto his back and pushed to his feet. Huey wrapped the blanket around his torso and his arms around his uncle's neck.
"Well, I was feeling really gross, and I couldn't sleep because of it, and I was trying to think of things to do to distract myself. And I thought maybe I could play the game that Mom and I always play, Legends of Legendquest? Because there's an event going on...."
Scrooge listened quietly as Huey explained and he carried him down the hall. Huey rested his cheek on the back of his uncle's curly head and rambled. He might have gone off on a tangent. He might have hit all the points on the guidelines to victory that Louie had laid out over the phone. At some point he stopped paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth.
"-and Mom said she might be forced to disinherit me, so."
Scrooge harrumphed at this. He dropped Huey unceremoniously on the couch.
"This isn't my room," Huey said suddenly.
"I'm glad you've noticed," Scrooge said dryly. "I thought it might be too much work for you to climb up and down that bunk of yours, so you can sit in the family room awhile." He eyed the television. "If I were to.... help you with this.... video game," he said the phrase as though it were poison, "well, why would I be doing that?"
Huey burrowed into the couch. "Other than me running the risk of being disowned? Well, uh. Because you love me. Duh."
If he batted his eyelashes a little, he could hardly be blamed for that.
Scrooge studied him awhile. Then he sighed as though the weight of the world were falling on his shoulders and sat on the couch next to Huey.
"Fine. Teach me."
Scrooge was horrible at Legends of Legendquest. Spectacularly, terrifically, awesomely horrible. It was like teaching a toddler; Huey suspected Scrooge had never held a controller in his life. In some ways it was worse than playing with a toddler, because, generally speaking, three-year-olds were much less belligerent. He clearly had a lot of steam to blow off from work.
It got even worse when, fueled by pure spite and rage, Uncle Scrooge started to get the hang of it, and then to get actually good. Within a few short hours, he'd helped Huey get through the dungeon, the booty had been collected, Huey had been fed a quick dinner of macaroni, grapes, and cold medicine, and the boy had fallen asleep on the couch while, far into the night, Scrooge was consumed by the one thing he'd managed to hate without fail for forty years prior.
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