#And Gwen
therealdistortion · 8 months
I know I shouldn’t get invested in these characters because horrible things will undoubtedly happen to them but I’m already emotionally attached to Colin
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pmpknsoup · 23 days
tmagp episode so good it took me and my roommate an hour to finish because we kept pausing to freak out
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captaincrazycreative · 5 months
Litteraly everyone in this podcast knows WAY more than they're letting on and it's driving me insane
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a-vibing-potato · 9 days
Okay, a while back I saw a bunch of stuff on here of people shipping Alice and Gwen and I was like "eh, that's fine." I could see that, and I wouldn't be mad if that happened, but not my #1 OTP or even favorite ship in the show.
But oh my gosh, episode 23 where Alice comes in about to tease Gwen again and banter and bicker like they do but she sees her CRYING (also Gwen???? Stoic/no emotions Gwen??? Crying????) and immediately stops, makes Gwen coffee, tells her a stupid funny personal story to take her mind off crying, and helps her pick up the broken mug pieces. I'm fucking hyperventilating, they're so cute.
If they get together, I wouldn't be mad :)
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fairytalemedow14 · 4 days
Guys what if Sam ends up as a tape recorder
This is a genuine fear I just had (ooh fears ooh smirke)
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gay-for-zoya · 5 months
Everyday I wake up happy in the knowledge of bbc merlin then I remembered it's bbc merlin and I violently sob
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springs-hurts · 6 months
Damn I hate fics where Arthur's knights are more loyal to Merlin than Arthur...no, I love that they support Merlin, but Arthur needs their support as well, he's a bloody king, you can't write him off please!
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To all the miguel-inators, gotta say watching him beat up a 15 year old and calling him a failure not his best mooomeenttt.... just saying ://
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insuke69 · 2 months
Rewatching ATSV because I miss my pookies
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Quick Merlin Things Pt. 11
This is what I think season 1 Gwen would think of season 4 Gwen if she watched her in A Servant of Two Masters (as someone that liked her 1-3 the most)
S1 Gwen: omg Merlin went missing what am I gonna do
*sees S4 Gwen running down the steps to Arthur*
S1 Gwen: oh good I’m gonna go with him
*S4 Gwen starts talking*
S1 Gwen: yes! Wait! No! Why am I—
*S4 Gwen and Arthur keep talking*
S1 Gwen: bitch stfu
S1 Gwen: WHY I DONT EVEN WHAT— *proceeds to turn into a pillow and scream*
*the talk ends and Gwen stares at the tv*
S1 Gwen: *lifting her head and sitting up straight*
S1 Gwen:
S1 Gwen:
S1 Gwen: *skips over to the TV and giggles before slamming into a wall*
S1 Gwen:
S1 Gwen: Glad that’s handled—now, I wonder if Merlin likes sourdough
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yall I cannot wait to go watch spiderverse yall have no idea
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lilshitwayne · 1 year
well well well guess who watched the new spiderverse and now is a miguel apologist
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andi-is-bored · 1 year
so ummmmm
i just watched Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse, i had started it a long time ago but never watched the whole thing, and i just now did with my sibling.
oh, how was it? well…
does that answer the question?
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a total drama character without a shitty home life is like a tree without wood
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 8: Everything Hurts and Im Dying
Fandom: Merlin
Stomach pain
Head Trauma
Back from the dead
Havent touched Merlin for awhile, since I was mad at the ending, but lets do this. So lets go with the timeline of "Arthur knew of Merlins magic a bit sooner than his damn death." And the one where the knights kinda knew too, it took awhile, but they also knew before Arthur.
Merlin stares out the window of the coffee shop, watching the park across the street bustle with activity. Even after all this time, he still cant help but think about how different things were before. How sports have gone from duels and jousting, to games where you pass things back and forth.
He can imagine his friends, staring with him, he think a few would probably like or even prefer these games, but also the faces of scrutiny from others. How there would be bets and goading until they all ended up at the park to try it out...
He wonders how their lives would have differed, if they'd been raised in this time instead. Would Morgana have found a way to thrive? Would Uther have been so... him? Would everyone have found a way to be happier and safe and alive?? Would he have had to watch a whole world change and disappear? Watch his friends leave him?
He shakes the thoughts from his head, it was no use dwelling now. He just needed to come to terms with the fact that... he would be alone forever, in a world that no longer seemed to need a King. Which was fine! Why would he want to watch the ones he loves die again?? Hes been alone this long, he could deal with it.
He sighs to himself, before taking his leave, it was best to head home when his brain got like this. To read and let his magic surround him in the safety of his property, until his mind quieted enough for him to continue on. Merlin stuffs his hands into the pockets of his light jacket and keeps his head down as he makes his way through the crowds. He makes a turn where the crowds thin, and finds his head being aquanted with a plank of wood.
He supposes thats another way to clear his mind.
Merlin supposes that he probably jinxed himself.
The world was always listening, and he figures it probably finds him ungrateful or something, which he probably is. So now it was going to give him something to complain about, like a mother tweaking the ear of a spoiled acting child. He didnt think he was necessarily spoiled, but he could see how this could maybe get him out of the rutt he was stuck in.
After all it'd been awhile since he was kidnapped.
Given, this one would be a little harder than the others to escape. What with the glyphs carved into the manicle around his ankle, and the blaring headache that was making any sort of concentration difficult. And, Whoever captured him this time, knew what they were doing, he felt like Kilgharrah in the cave beneath the castle.
"Are you awake demon?"
Ah, so one of those cooks.
"Holding your tongue will not gain you anything. Grant me what I want and maybe there will be mercy in your future."
Why is this his life? This guy was a headache on top of a headache. He doesnt deign the guy with a response, hes perfectly fine trying to get his head to stop spinning, and then find a way out of her.
"Fine, we shall see who can outlast who."
He's left alone, in a mostly dark, dank basement of sorts. In a cage and magic bound, with a head doing its best impression or a basket ball dribble, and an eery silence he wishes would leave him alone.
For someone who cant die, Merlin can get hungry. Of course, he doesn't have to eat all the time, but it helps with energy and keeps him from being utterly miserable, and helps with healing and stuff. He doesnt like the feeling of being hungry of course, the pain that comes from a stomach trying to eat itself is less than pleasant.
But it does let him know that he's been here long enough to be this hungry. A week, maybe a week and a half, two at most.
Its annoying really, more than anything, unable to use his magic more than a few sparks, unable to move more than the chain and cage allow, and the hunger pains that wrack through his stomach often enough leave him curled up. He'd much rather be moping at home, or finding something to fill his time, or even plotting his next life. Not sitting here, a prisoner to a meer imbecile.
He comes down every so often, Merlin estimates it could be every other day, but his head has yet to clear enough to really measure any time beyond how painful anything is. Which is why the sound of footsteps on the stairs doesnt startle him, even if he's sure he just saw the man. He stays curled in his corner of the cage, arm wrapped around his stomach as another wave of pain wracks his weakened frame.
The footsteps stop at the front of his cage, slide abit to indicate a crouch, this is new but Merlin does not move, he will not give the man that satisfaction.
"I know its been awhile, but a smile would be nice."
His head snaps up faster than it should, a sharp pain and wave of dissiness hitting him, hes glad for an empty stomach then, lest he lose what he had.
"Easy there."
As his vision clears, he sees the owner of the voice, he wonders if its his mind playing tricks, but hes just different enough to make him think otherwise. Hair a little longer, face younger, but his eyes exactly the way he remembered,
"There you are buddy. Looking a little rough there Merlin, think you can hang on a little longer?" Lancelot holds out a sandwich of all things, and as Merlin tentatively reaches forward and is able to take the food, hes finally convinced, he takes his friends hand and is sure he'd cry if he was able.
"You're really here?" He asks to be sure, and Lancelot gives a sad smile.
"I am, and Im pretty sure the others are too. Kinda funky being brought back as myself and not a puppet, but its good to see you Merlin."
"But, Albion doesnt really exist anymore, theres no kingdom for you all to save." Merlin doesnt understand, Albions need was supposed to bring Arthur back, and yet Albion is no more, how is Lancelot here?
"You're still here arent you? You really think we'd stay away from you?" His grin is as handsome and cocky as it always was, "Im afraid I have to go Merlin, but we'll get you out, just hang on a little longer."
"Tables have turned huh?" Merlin tries for a grin, but doubt sinks in, "this isn't a trick right? Its... a little hard to believe."
Lancelot squeezes his hand,
"Have faith my friend, we're with you always."
And its only the fact he walks out, with another reassuring smile, and he can hear the door open and close, that keeps that hope alive. That the sandwich doesnt turn to dust in his hands or mouth is another relief, even if it sits rather heavy in his stomach as its energy is eaten through quickly. Nausea waves through him, and he forces the food to stay down, before hes left feeling empty once more, if not less shaky.
He doesnt fully understand how he could have been what brought them back from the dead, but if it was true... well maybe the world was finally answering his grief.
Coming back to life was weird.
Reincarnation was different than necromancy, and this felt different than reincarnation, if that made any since. Sure they all looked the same, if missing some scars and stress marks, but they hadn't remembered who they were until a week ago. At precisely the same time, that they could tell anyway, they collapsed and were practically dead. Coming back with memories of old, and of the lives they had in this century, but also with a new feeling in their guts.
Now Lancelot knew the feeling of Merlins magic much more than the others did- or rather could recognize it since their varied knowledge of said magic- and this feeling reminded him of it. And it was this feeling that had them all ending up in the same place, the place where Merlin was being held.
Lancelot had been the first to arrive, he had been close, mearly a bus ride away. But Percival hadnt been far behind him, that was his first clue that the others had to have come back as well. He couldnt bare to have Merlin so close and not give him some hope, so with Percy on watch, Lancelot had visited the warlock. The sight had nearly killed him again, and he vowed to run the man through for hurting his friend.
But this was a new world, and so he and Percy decided it best to wait for the others, at least for a short while, to devise a plan that wouldnt have them tried as murderers. And until then, joining the cult was easy, holding back on knocking heads harder but managable, for Merlin they'd behave, unless of course they caused further harm, but they would not fail him.
Not again.
Arthur was pissed to say the least. Coming back only to find Merlin in trouble and a world that was so different from the one he'd given his life for, was unsettling to say the least. But mostly, the fact someone was picking on his idiot, he would not let that stand.
It helps that his sister in this life is a lawyer and has rubbed off on him enough to know exactly what to do. And with his men with him, well, no one would stand between them and their much needed reunion.
He wakes, after an unwitting sleep- thinking it was nothing but a dream. His stomach still wishes him dead, and his head- though a bit clearer- still smarts with a wicked headache.
He releases another few whisps from his hand, simply to remind himself of what his magic is, even at the cost of a burning ankle. He will have this shackle destroyed somehow, whenever he does make it out of here- and he will, this man will make a mistake soon enough.
Said man makes another visit, though this time he seems fit to follow through on previous threats. A taser of all things is unexpected, and painful, but also not as bad as quite a few things from past lives. Still, he convulses, crumples into a heap on his side, but glares at his captor.
"The only thing you'll receive from me, is a curse. Clotpole." He manages, past a dry thoat and aching lungs.
"So he speaks. Perhaps a while longer and you'll be more... aggreable."
The man walks away once more and Merlin lays his head on the cool floor of his cage. He'd been through worse, but at least then he'd had a purpose, something to look forward to. He was so tired.
Elyon didnt know what this guy wanted, but if he really thought this would get him anywhere, he was dumber than he thought. The only thing he was doing was unknowingly giving them more reason to leave him for dead.
And boy did they feel no remorse in it.
This guy had a long list of crimes, sins, and dirty deeds. And this cult and its members were much of the same. They'd be doing the world a service to say the least, and Elyon knew they all looked forward to walking away with Merlin in hand.
They didnt come back for nothing after all.
The plan had come quickly, Arthur was ruthlessly efficient as he laid it out for them, and it wouldnt be hard to accomplish. The cult had gatherings- summoning attempts and the like- nearly weekly, and it was the perfect time to act.
While Arthur, Lancelot, and Gwaine would get Merlin, the rest of them would ensure this summoning ended in fire. An easy accident to have, or an offering/summoning gone wrong, all likely and believable conclusions. They'd make sure of it.
Gwaine percures the keys, a slip of hands for both the cage lock and ankle shakel was easy enough, the leader really was an idiot. Slipping off as the others gather is easy enough too, and while they want a piece of destroying this man, Merlin came first.
As they make their way down the stairs, Gwaine is not fully prepared for the sight. Lancelot had of course warned them, that Merlin was in bad shape, that he'd been through a lot, though none of them quite knew what. They were mostly relieved he seemed to remember them, and their life before, and even seemed to have magic... and the more Gwaine thought on it the more things didnt add up, or well, painted an ugly picture. But that wasnt important right now, they could make up for lost time later, for now they needed to get him out of here.
Three weeks down here was too long for their friend, and they swore it would never happen again.
Merlin stays curled on his side, hair falling over his closed eyes, though its obvious hes not asleep, tense as he is. Lancelot crouches low as Gwaine starts on the three locks on the cage.
"Merlin, we're here. Im sorry it took so long, but we're getting you out of here."
The man doesnt answer, though a tremble starts in his limbs that worries them all. Arthur steps forward then, keeping an ear on the door,
"Come now Merlin, I surely dont pay you to lay around all day."
That has him moving a bit, head turning just slightly for an eye to peak through the hair, squinting at the three of them with scrutiny. Gwaine get the door open and enters slowly, hands out in hopes he doesnt spook his friend.
"Gonna get that nasty shakle off yeah?" He asks, trying for soothing.
"Wasnt a dream?" He asks, voice a little slurred and hoarse from either disuse or dryness or both.
"We're here Merlin. And we're getting you out."
They watch the estate burn for bit, far enough from the city to bask for a moment, before they take Merlin far away. Hes skinny and tired, eyes telling them they missed a lot, but hes alive.
And maybe, maybe he didnt come back from the dead like they did. But as they assure him of their pressence, a little bit of life blooms in those georgous eyes of his. And things start to feel whole.
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lezzian · 11 months
corporations with fuck-you money like disney, target, and absolut vodka make big bucks selling their overpriced garbage with the orange&pink lesbian flag on it but the person who made it is currently HOMELESS.
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update 2/may/2023
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since i made this post people have tried to argue on it in some really disgusting ways honestly and it's shown me that a lot of you don't actually care about protecting your community. in the meantime emily, although no longer homeless, is still begging just to get by every moth. they have a place now but are always short on money for rides, meds, rent, and other bills.
give your money to emily gwen.
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