aslamat · 3 months
Stonehenge Mysteries: Men, Mystery, and a Marvel of a Monument
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Stonehenge is a megalith organized on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, and like all ancient monuments, it has been fascinating for centuries. The construction of the pillars that form the ceiling is thought to be so tall and symbolic that it creates curiosity. Though the available knowledge regarding Stonehenge remains unbiased, several issues are still mired in controversy. This typical blog post focuses on Stonehenge mainly in terms of the purpose of its construction, the methods used in construction, and the celestial purpose that was assigned to the stone circle.
The Purpose of Stonehenge
Arguably, one of the most frequently asked questions about Stonehenge is about the monument’s function. There are a number of theories that, when examined, are proffered with much rationale as to why they should be accepted.
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A Ceremonial Site
Due to its construction complexity and its specific layout, Stonehenge was expected to be used ceremonially. This indicates that it was used in religious observances since it has an alignment with the sun solstices of the summers and winters. The main structure of the Heel Stone was placed to align itself with the sun rise on the summer solstice, which suggests solar cult or agricultural rituals.
A Burial Ground
A study carried out on human bones pulled from various digs in and around Stonehenge suggests that it served as the burial place of individuals. Cremated remains were observed at the site, indicating that it was one of the important burial grounds for the elites or people of higher rank in that period and was in use as early as 3000 BC. But this theory fits with the belief that Stonehenge was built as a shrine for ancestor spirits.
A Healing Center
There are theories that certain elements of the monument, as well as the placement of Stonehenge as a whole, were intended to allow for this. A couple of skeletons bearing marks of diseases and wounds that may have been fatal imply that those in ailing states could trek to the shrine with the hope of being healed. The bluestones used in the construction of the circle were believed to have healing virtues, and these originated in Wales.
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An Astronomical Observatory
One of the dominant theories is that the grand monument was an ancient observatory, and the stones were aligned with specific stars. This is consistent with the idea since the precise laying down of stones correlates with the occurrence of solstices and equinoxes. It could have probably been utilized in the prediction of astronomy, which helped in agriculture and the scheduling of religious ceremonies.
The Construction of Stonehenge
Historians and archaeologists have marveled at the creation of Stonehenge, which is a circle of stones. No technology was available, and yet it was quite intriguing how the prehistoric people moved and set up those large stones.
Transporting the stones
Stonehenge consists of two types of stones: sarsen stones and bluestones of the neolithic period from western Asia and Europe, respectively. The giant sarsen stones, which each weigh up to 25 tons, may have come from the Marlborough Downs, located 32 kilometers away. These were the smaller bluestones that could weigh up to 4 tons and were transported from Preseli Hills in Wales, more than 240 km away.
Earlier, it was assumed that the construction was transported using sledges and rollers, and later through water bodies. Such an immense operation would have necessitated proper planning in terms of human labor and advanced engineering.
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Erecting the Stones
Even when the stones were on site, another problem arose as to how best to put them up or raise them. Currently, ancient writers have posited that prehistoric builders employed a system of earth ramps and wooden beams to lift the construction pieces and maneuver them to their appropriate positions. The lintels, or horizontal stones, were fitted and locked in position through the use of mortise and tenon joints, a sign of the high technicality that had been attained.
Precision and planning
Because there are only megaliths arranged in a circular fashion within the walls of Stonehenge, constructing the monument was a highly precise undertaking that needed careful planning as well as knowledge of geometry and astronomy. They are arranged neatly in a cyclic fashion, and several of them are oriented in specific positions depending on the rightful rites associated with stars. The sophistication of the measurements and the accuracy of the alignments show the builders must have been skilled people with knowledge.
Celestial Alignments
Another interesting historical fact about Stonehenge is that the construction of the circle was to have some kind of correlation with some astronomical phenomena. The feature has had people believing that it was used for astronomical purposes since it was created.
Solstices and Equinoxes
Arising from the above, it can be well argued that Stonehenge was well-aligned to create a solar calendar with shadow markers that pointed directly to the summer and winter solstices. As such, during the summer solstice, the sun reverses its position over the Heel Stone, rises directly at the monument, and provides a shadow through the heart of the stones. This formation can be observed during the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, when the sun sets in the direction of the Altar Stone. Such alignments indicate that Stonehenge wanted to signify the change of seasons, something that was indeed important in civilizations that dealt with farming.
Lunar Alignments
However, it is not only solar alignments that have been associated with Stonehenge; lunar relationships are evident as well. Some stones are oriented north-south, east-west, and large stones lie parallel to the moon; the builders may have monitored the lunar cycle. It could have been used to estimate eclipses of the moon or some other event, and this has been achieved when its current facet aligns with a past instance.
When can Stonehenge be crowned as having the enduring mystique of Stonehenge?
Nonetheless, the mystery enveloping Stonehenge remains intact since there are countless theories developed by researchers, but the monument still has many secrets. The intent behind its creation, the architectural techniques used in building it, and the connection with astronomy continue to be the objects of discussion and wonder. These monuments oppose the question of historical relevance by holding immense aesthetic and cognitive appeal for multi-generational scrutiny.
Stonehenge is not just a set of stones set together; it is a dynamically creative structure erected by our forefathers. This alignment with the stars, together with the effort that went into the construction of the monument, shows how the value system of paleolithic people pegged heavily on the physical environment.
It does make you think that as people carry on digging around Stonehenge and researching it, will more features and facts surrounding the monument be revealed? Nevertheless, the true purpose of Stonehenge can be explained only in riddles, and a shadow of it is still being whispered to inspire and amaze people around the world, all the while making them think about our ancestors’ genius in the field of architecture.
Thus, having analyzed the mysteries of Stonehenge, we opine that it is beneficial to get closer to understanding the achievements of the ancestors. If, indeed, Stonehenge functioned as a meeting place for the elite to conduct rituals, an emplacement for burying the dead, a sanctuary to solicit healing from gods, or a site to conduct an astronomical calendar, it remains today as a testament to mankind’s wisdom and efforts to learn about the world.
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hilite-head · 2 years
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“EPICANTHIC FOLD” | 25x19” | mechanical pencil, colored pencil, paint marker, gel pen on paper. Drawing based on initial eye shapes. “SHADOW DANCE” | 25x19” | mechanical pencil, gel pen, graphite powder on paper. Drawing based on initial foot print. Artwork part of upcoming @Tappan January 31st 2023 launch. In continuation of my Wrong Women series, I made a series of charcoal based body print drawings using performance, pareidolia, metaphysical mark making and esoteric wisdom to reveal hidden forms into light as guided by my ancestor spirits.    In this new batch of drawings, I am directly employing my body as medium for the initial base. The drawings start from a chalk body print that grow into moments of resistance and reappropriation, reclamation and resignification.   I drew thematic inspiration from the longing and belonging for home, home in motion and the feeling of displacement, adaptation, experiential and folk wisdom, spirit, pareidolia in nature especially clouds, the body, astrology, novel experiences, pop culture, ritual, psychology and interdisciplinary art forms. #erikotsogo #tappan #tappanartist #newart #launch #exhibition #january2023 #epacanthiceyes #eyefold #asianeyes #shadow #mixedmedia #drawing #body #performance #home #longing #displacement #belonging #ancestorspirits #pareidolia #esoteric #folklore #astrology #ritual #psychology https://www.instagram.com/p/Cloz78hvhDL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ghostofatree · 2 years
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This was the final set from Ehi Passiko- largely unrelated but sitting non the less as a family of images - the first two pages being the faces of ancestor spirits I had begun to notice around me (due to strengthening my sense of holy apophenia and hallucinatory visions under the blessing of Keri Smith). I photographed these beings so there was evidence that my slide into alternative sanity was justified and that they were real. The one with the boiled eggs was especially real. After that was my wind-horse linocut, which in Tibet is the symbol for very speedy benefits of practicing Buddhadharma. Next are some very soviet, or at least winters, looking glimpses of the weather around by lovely flat on Gambier and finally a small reliquary of perfect objects including the button from Buddha’s Levi’s and a restraining bolt from R2D2 found on Tatooine #reliquary #sketchbook #drawing #journaling #kerismith #ancestors #ancestorspirits #facesinplaces #apophenia #windhorse #linocut #blockprinting (at Gambier Terrace) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQ1sHIMH_E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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belleravenstar · 1 year
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nathangrahamgaming · 1 year
Ancestor Spirit, Siofra River (Pt. 7) - Elden Ring
Episode 138
EldenRing #TheShattering #Ring #Fromsoftware #NathanGraham #Gameplay #POI #Tutorial #Siofra #River #AncestorSpirit #Boss
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spiritionary · 7 years
An Ancestral Guardian
 While helping a client with spirit communication, I got the opportunity to meet and speak with a spirit who’s an ancestral guardian. All information from work at my @spiritroots shop is completely confidential so this article has been published with @rires-new-toy’s permission!
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I’d never met a spirit like this one before so I wanted to write a bit about him, but currently, I only know a very limited amount of information. I’ll share what I discovered, but this topic needs further research if anyone has encountered a similar kind of spirit or happens to know more! A fair amount of what I’ve added is just speculation based on what I encountered.
I got a strong feeling that he’s not a grim reaper or anything of the sort, but he was tall and completely shrouded in a shadowy blackish/brownish cloak. I couldn’t ever see his face or any body parts, just the cloak and pitch black darkness within it. 
The closest comparison I can think of for his appearance is a floating dementor (think Harry Potter), but with none of the negative associations or fear. This may sound scary just based off of the description, but really his energy was quite calm and didn’t seem harmful in any way towards me or anyone else.
The spirit was on high alert when I first spotted him because he protects @rires-new-toy and their family. I originally cast an invisibility glamour to hide myself from him while finding out more to make sure it was safe for me to approach him, but he was able to sense me anyway. He’s an old and powerful spirit. 
Soon as he realized that I wasn’t a threat at all, he relaxed a bit more and was willing to answer my questions. He’s very practical and reserved, so he always gave me short and concise answers. It seems he mostly prefers to focus on his job of protecting @rires-new-toy’s family and isn’t the most social spirit.
Ancestral Guardians
The spirit explained to me that he’s an “ancestral guardian,” which seems to be a title and a specific role, not a spirit species itself. He said that a deal had been made and permission granted from spirits of the Underworld for him to protect @rires-new-toy’s family. He has been doing so for many generations, and by the sounds of it, there may be many other ancestral guardians serving a similar role for other families.
How this bargain was arranged, which underworld realm he was referring to, and exactly what type of spirit species he is all remains unknown. I didn’t want to press him too much for questions since he clearly isn’t particularly fond of chit chat, and of course, I was also reaching out to him on behalf of my client, not for myself.
If anyone has encountered an ancestral guardian or has one for their family, I’d love to hear about it!
- Mod Fire
—> Have questions? Send them to us at SpiritFAQ!
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payalsploy · 4 years
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Mid of the week... never ending #covidlife2020 Well Meditated #nofilter #stateoftrance #selfie Deep Thoughtful #justbeingme state. Ideas and solutions flow like a river, you learn stuff virtually... People can lie but energies never lie. As posted earlier Intuition is the strongest intelligence. My hunches are always right. I cant help it, for good or for bad... Envy people can f themselves. 🙏🧘‍♀️😇 #omnamahshivay #shivshakti #hustleandflow #hunchnotes #payalsploy #spiritualist #spiritualpath #ancestorspirits #ancestorsspeak #ancientwisdom #iamenough #iamwhoiam #iambecoming #iwilldothis #carbonfixers #sustainableliving #ecofriendlyliving #womencrushwednesday #myblog #differentbreed #icanreadyourmind #idontfitinanywhere #womenpower💪 #womenwhowrite https://www.instagram.com/p/CGU-YkYjO_M/?igshid=1hfmxa0ge53i9
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happynaturalhair · 4 years
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Our Mighty Ancestors Are Returning For What is Theirs This Land & The World 🌍 U The Caucus Mountains 🏔 Living in Cages Like SaCaucasian just Got Here 329 & Destroying Mother Earth 🌎Our Ancestors Are Here Time 4 U 2 Rise Up Out of Mind Control Your Human Rights R Being Tested Pay Attention & Stop 🛑 Watching Fake News #ourancestorsarehere #riseup #weneverleft #wewasalreadyhere👨🏾‍💻 #returnoftheancientones #beready #iam #ancestorspirits #arehere #itsourtime #purge #detox #cleanse #fromnegativetopositive #wegotthevictory #victorious #ourspiritliveson #ourspiritslives4ever #ourancestorsarehere #wakeup #tribeup #wiseup #wegotthepower #ofthe #amighty #gratitude #mywordshavepower #feathersup #hachotakniyamasseecriiktribe #warriors #indigenous https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Ipjt4DlBo/?igshid=s9qa4lvfmwjv
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chronofluiddruid · 6 years
Once upon a long time ago, before the wealth of our human ancestors stood upright on the land, there were the Ice Giants.
Hundreds of miles tall, so tall they filled the sky with their massive bodies and heads, these great landcestor spirits walked most of the Earth, leaving huge footsteps in the paths they carved through mountains and plains. Even today you can see the stripes of their passing, the boulders they dropped, and the valleys they slept in.
Time was different back then, it moved slower and wasn't measured in seconds or minutes, nor even hours. Their lifetimes were marked by hundreds of thousands of years and the distance they filled and emptied. The day we experience today was a second to the Ice Giants as they slowly rolled across the land and seas.
The Ice Giants had names that most of us today can't pronounce, like the sound of ice cracking, the crunch of snow, and the crash of icefall. If you ever walk outside in the snow and close your eyes, listen to the crunch under your boots. That is a memory of the Ice Giants.
When the Earth warmed up to an uncomfortable level, the Ice Giants left, retreating back to their homelands. Some went south, very far south, and others went North, very far north. With their passing, other life was able to grow and thrive. The warm life full of blood, hunger, and movement.
Someday, the Earth will cool again and the Ice Giants will return. It won't be in my lifetime, nor in yours, but one day, they'll walk these lands again, creaking and cracking in their forgotten voices.
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the7directions · 7 years
Soothing amazonite, balance energy Zuni bear , available now in store, link in bio #the7directions #ancestorspirit #sacredspace #zunifetishes #bearspirit #animaltotem
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hilite-head · 2 years
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RE/FUND Nature Offering Neonshaman Mountain Limpia Ritual and Performance Shaman costume, headdress, musical steed instruments and ritual paraphernalia sculptures infused by spirit handmade by artist in collaboration with her mother. #ancestorspirits #mongolianshamanism #neoshamanism #nature #fall #fallfoliage #skyspirits #firespirit #waterspirit #windspirit #motherearth #limpa #ritual #offering #performance #handmadecrafts #recycleart #protection #gelpen https://www.instagram.com/p/CjFCALIsf6O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the7directions · 7 years
Amethyst buffalo carving #zunifetishes #zunibuffalo #ancestorspirit #the7directions
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