willknightauthor · 2 years
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In December we always read certain old stories,
Familiar poems, the tales of the glories
Of Christmases long, long ago
But it seems all these stories have something they share
A linguistic particular usually rare
That somehow evokes winter snow
For all of the poets, from Clarke Moore to Seuss,
Have decided to put to remarkable use
A meter unlike all the rest
Using two unstressed syllables, stressing the third,
Ocassional iambs to highlight a word,
But the bulk of it's all anapests!
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creatediana · 4 months
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"Unwell" - a poem in rimas dissolutas written 5/23/2024
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wumblr · 7 months
oh great HR is texting me. they must REALLY be under a hiring freeze lol
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tyrnn · 11 months
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DracariOctober #15
With the flick of an ear, it is plain that we see Dracario crouching and list'ning with glee! As the sound of the melody rises up high They just had to crouch from the vault of the sky! As a Hoothoot is singing their glorious song For all of the land, it's a gift to belong! This year we're supporting the South Sound Reading Foundation in honor of Mondomonger/Axelroo. Thank you for being there for me for a decade! https://www.southsoundreading.org/ This year's interactions are going to be a little spicier! We're only going to be increasing heights by a little bit per interaction, but Donations will begin to exponentially compound the results! The earlier the bigger, the better, and borkier! Voting will be for the next day's theme! Since we're supporting a Literacy Foundation this year, I'll select four possible literary worlds to draw our Derggo into at their given height! Each one will only appear once, so vote carefully! So how do we make this Dracario bigger? You can help! Right now, here's how much Interactions are worth: Likes = 7.61m Retweets = 19.025m Voting in the Poll = 7.61mm Now we're getting somewhere, but we could always grow faster! What can we do to change that? Every $1 donated will exponentially begin to increase these values per day, compounding +0.1% per dollar. That means the earlier you donate, the more growth it will compound down the line, and if my math checks out, he could be getting pretty huge, but will they stay on Earth? Only your donations will tell! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=H6ZB8M7EJ4QKE I will be counting Likes as Liking on Twitter or Favoriting on FurAffinity. I'd like to do more sites but I don't want to spend too much time collecting data when I could be doodling Derggo! Retweets will count both Twitter and Bluesky! Voting will count from the Twitter poll attached to the thread, or by visiting StrawPoll here: https://strawpoll.com/NPgxE46lQZ2
Posted using PostyBirb
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rudysassafras · 2 years
Binary Feet
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Ternary Feet
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jewfrogs · 2 years
been working on a translation of seneca’s medea for no real reason other than procrastination (adapting what i did in class into a proper translation) and i love what i’ve done with the place but i don’t know what to do with this
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stastrodome · 1 year
Ave Caesar Tetramatus (IV)
I’m not fighting for grace or in love with St. Fig But I hope to get fit for a stylish new wig For the herald of hark, for the rum in my nog For the Jasperest Johns on my Pinterest blog
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willknightauthor · 2 years
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Does anyone know if there's like a website where you can put in poetic patterns and it tells you if there's a name for it? E.g. "(weak-Strong)x7 (-A) / (weak-Strong)x7 (-A)" = "Fourteener couplet" "wSwwSwwS (-A) / wSwwSwwS (-A) / wSwwS (-B) / wSwwS (-B) / wSwwSwwS (-A)" = "Limerick"
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ymnes-odde · 1 year
Hymn for Pyriscent Seeds 1:1-6
From the teeth of the rats I will flee no more, to converse at some length with the stones— to discern when to burn and renew, renew— for my song it is long overdue! While fore'er they may gnaw on the bones, my bones, they have lost what my flesh may restore.
-transmitted by the lingering swarm-mind of an ancient thinkwright to the crew of the independent starship Queen of Argyll before the mind's destruction by wildfire.
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prokopetz · 3 months
I wonder how much the usage statistics for online poetry dictionaries are being skewed by folks specifically looking for anapestic five-syllable words beginning with UN- and ending with -L.
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creatediana · 3 months
With some help, I’m awake, But I sift through a daze. I have passed through the ache But not all through the haze. I need sedatives now, I need stimulants then. They are all I know how To be conscious again.
"Life As It Is" - a poem written 4/27/2020
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aroace-number-eight · 2 years
I'm supposed to be asleep right now, why am I analyzing the lyrical structure of Rasputin according to what I know about poetry so I can create lyrics that follow the same beat and pattern for a nonsensical LL parody
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jewfrogs · 1 year
can we hear about the really good title for a fic?
yes! but disclaimer: when i say “really good” i mean “right up my alley, and not anybody else’s.” the title is acephalous Hipponacteans with double choriambic expansion (a description of the meter of sappho 58v)
i don’t know what this would “mean” or why i’m drawn to this as a title but i can see. i can picture. some slow methodical overwrought character study with my silly poetic language. lovely
(honestly any & all complicated metrical terminology is gorgeous to me, mostly because i don’t understand them so they sound like mystical magic words to me. and i like that in a title. so maybe it’s less this specific one and more colometric categorizations in general….there’s something about nonsense like “trochaic tetrameter catalectic” or “telesillean with resolved first element” that does good things for me)
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stastrodome · 2 years
Milton’s Paradise Lost, condensed and in anapestic tetrameter.
With a heave from the heavens the Devil was home Then he talked to a woman all naked alone “With this Apple, I know, that there’s Eden to lose But I’m thinking of how all the sex will improve”
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