#Anakin and the Jedi Babies
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months ago
Soka Takes a Terrorist: Chapter Two
The latest fic in Anakin and the Jedi Babies. Three chapters total.
In which Anakin tries so, so, so hard to be a good dad.
Chapter 2: Consequences
About two thirds of this fic were written by hand on the train while in Japan.
“You are grounded for the next decade,” Skyguy snaps.
Soka is still in bed. Depa and Master Windu are in the next room, and the ‘real’ Mandalorians are all busy with post-battle cleanup—they hadn’t gotten Tor or Pre, but they’d captured a lot of important people and weapons and data—and Soka… is in bed, Ben crawled in next to her.
Shmi is going to be here in three and a half hours,” Ben announces quietly, ��less if she drives like buir and uses those boosters she added.”
The ones Mereel and Jango pretend not to know about when the engineers at the hangar complain.
“Thank you, Ben,” Skyguy grits out, “I’m sure she’ll have plenty to say herself.”
Soka tries not to shrink away when Skyguy towers over her bed. She knows she’s in trouble, but she also knows Skyguy would never hurt her.
Even if some of the dreams she’s had, overlaying Pre’s stories of his uncle with the visions she’s had of their ‘training’ sessions, make the sight enough to cause a flinch.
Skyguy hasn’t ever raised a hand against her, but it’s not only her own memories she’s got in her head, these days.
“I am… incredibly angry right now,” he says, and… steps back. “I don’t know what I did to make you scared of me, but no matter how angry I am, I pro—”
“I know!” Soka bursts out. “It’s not you I’m scared of. Or, I guess…”
He kneels by her bed. He takes her hand. He looks her dead in the eyes, and she waits for his words of comfort.
“Then I assume you’re in a place to hear me when I say that I have never been as angry with you as I am right now.”
“I’m sorry,” she says, voice smaller than she’s ever heard herself. “I didn’t mean to get caught.”
He closes his eyes, and does that thing where he tries to collect himself enough to decide if he needs to leave the room to cool off.
“Getting caught,” he says slowly, “is a fraction of the issue. Getting caught was about skill, and I do not get angry with you about skill.”
Her eyes prickle, but she… but she can do this. “I’m not sorry for trying to help.”
“For trying to h—” he cuts himself off and closes his eyes, and takes a breath. “Sokanth, you are ten years old, snuck out on a self-appointed mission, alone, no backup, no supervision, barely a note to tell me you were gone, and not even letting me know where until it was too late to stop—”
He cuts himself off, eyes scrunching shut, and takes several deep breaths.
“He was worried,” Ben says quietly, as if she doesn’t already know, “we all were.”
She stays silent. She can outlast her father. Probably.
“I was out of my mind with worry,” Skyguy confirms. “You are a child, Sokanth. What the hell were you thinking?”
She can outlast him.
He might actually be getting angrier. “Sokanth. Why did you do this?”
(Continue on AO3)
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milkcioccolato · 1 year ago
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Jedi Master Maul faces the greatest obstacle of his existence: being tiny
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bon-sides-sw · 1 year ago
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Uni Au I was talking about with @babygirlbridger
Single mother literature professor gets flirted by his TA
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theguardianwriter · 6 months ago
Padawan Anakin burst through the door:Snipsnipsnipsnipsnip!
Tiny Ahsoka:whatwhatwhatwhat Skyguy.
Padawan Anakin: Look what I found!
Lift up a tiny ginger baby.
Padawan Anakin: THEY CLONED MASTER!!
Both Anakin and Ahsoka with a confused youngling: THEY CLONED MASTER!!!!
Obi-wan running in from the yelling: WHAT HAPPENED!
Padawan Anakin: They cloned you master!!
Anakin shove the youngling to Obi-wan who quickly scooped the youngling out of Anakin hands.
Obi-wan: Little ones, they didn't cloned me. This is Cal Kestis.
Anakin and Ahsoka blink at him:
Obi-wan blink back:
Baby Cal giggling as he try grabbing Obi-wan hair:
Tiny Ahsoka: so he not your clone.
Obi-wan: No dear, he not.
Padawan Anakin: if he not, why does he look like you?
Obi-wan: Because we're from the same planet
Anakin and Ahsoka: OOOOOOoooh.
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padawansuggest · 1 year ago
Personally, I think Obi-Wan should brawl with Cody. Not flirting, not sparring, but straight up trying their best to kill each other. Because I think Cody is the only one who’d survive that, but also I just feel like Obi-Wan would thrive having someone around to try and kill, and the only people he’s been able to do that with are Quinlan and Siri, and not even Anakin because Anakin is his student, and didn’t grow up being left in warzones by his master and have to learn to break every rule possible to survive.
But I think Cody and Obi-Wan could fight, like cats staring each other down while their tails move fast and you immediately start filming cause you know you gonna see them attack in a second and it’ll be like watching a WWE show with a bit of them embarrassing themselves mixed in. A good show.
Anakin and Rex tho?? They Wrassle. Like kittens. It’s cute and you have to film it because they hissin and then they fell asleep mid-match. If Ahsoka wanders by she gets pulled in for a cuddle nap.
It’s not the same vibe but all versions are amazing.
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marinamar4 · 2 months ago
I remember seeing a movie where a stolen baby remembered the voice of her biological mother singing to her in the womb. There is another fic where Leia, in the Obi-Wan series, has spent years having nightmares about what happened on Mustafar.
Well, and it occurred to me… A fic where both Luke and Leia "remember" what happened/they felt in Padmé's womb? Babies in the womb are able to recognize their mother's voice, feel when she laughs and her caresses. And if they are also sensitive to the force and can recognize presences or "auras" (force signatures, which is something so fanon that it has become canon), both Luke and Leia would remember not only their mother, but also what she told them about their father (because she surely talked to them about Anakin), their conversations (if it is a boy or a girl, names…) Mustafar, they would remember being in Obi-Wan's arms as newborns.
So this could go two or three ways, or even two or three variations of the same fic:
The first, starting from the beginning of Star Wars, episode 4, when Luke goes to rescue Leia, they have a moment of saying: "hey, I know you," which could mean that they recognize that they are twins, but it wouldn't change too much on a grand scale from the original trilogy, except that they would probably tell Han, and Luke and Leia would support each other after Bespin. It could also be that they found out earlier, about Anakin and Vader.
The second, which excites me the most, is like this Leia fic I just told you about. Imagine. Obi-Wan rescues Leia and the first thing the girl says to him is: "did you know my parents and were you there when my other half and I were born?" To which Ben understands why Luke was always looking for him, to the despair of his uncles.
But come on, if young Luke and Leia knew they had "another half" out there (I doubt they would have thought of the word "twins" from the start) they wouldn't stop until they found each other. And that's not to mention that they would have lived knowing SOMETHING about Anakin's fall.
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azertyrobaz · 1 year ago
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Don't be afraid.
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st4r-t3ars · 2 years ago
Reasons to watch Clone Wars 2D Micro Series:
Anakin’s Pout 90% of his screen time
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Incredibly competent clone troopers
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A look into Yoda’s drama brain
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Start of the Punching Droids Saga
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paper-crane-castles · 3 months ago
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Belated Birthday present for @voxmyriad who is absolutely awesome and deserves the whole world.
This is from our post FO Semi-redeemed Vader AU where after a temple collapses on Cal and Vader mid fight, everyone's favourite lil Scrapper baby can't resist fixing what appears to be a really very terribly designed life support suit because he's far too soft for his own good, and in the process, gains a ferally powerful and aggressively protective guard dog.
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bubblew0lf1 · 2 years ago
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It's Anakin's time on the baby Dragon!Jedi wheel
Also, should I include the hoarding thing in the au? I feel like there could be a lot done with that idea.
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rexscanonwife · 7 months ago
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Hell yes it is oc time babey!!! This is my togruta oc, Yora Tos, who was Brea's master when she was but a young padawan learner! 💖🫶💖
She was never offered a spot on the jedi council due to her being a little too new-age but she loved younglings and was perfectly happy teaching the next generation! Her personality was incredibly laid-back, and when little firecracker Brea was assigned to her, the council was hoping she might be able to calm the young one a little. Unfortunately for them, Yora had a very hands-off 'children will be children' attitude that gave Brea a LOT of freedom instead 😂 she wasn't UNWILLING to discipline her, but she did think Brea would benefit more from learning the consequences of her actions firsthand rather than reprimanding her too often, which eventually she did learn! The two remained very close even after Brea's knightship and I think Yora would have loved to take on other padawan after that, but the war sort of got in the way.
Her features are very soft, her gentle nature is reflected in her rounded patterns as opposed to the usually sharp-edged togruta patterns. Her colors are mainly cool, including her kyber crystal, as I think of her personality being much like flowing water and I wanted that to show it in her design. Her lightsaber also has a tulip-bud tip that I saw in the cartoon saloon star wars short 'Screechers Reach' and thought would be very fitting for her! Her first outfit design was kimono inspired but I decided to go the saree route instead in the second pic!
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @miutonium @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @little-miss-selfships @hotrodharts @cupiidzbow @frozenhi-chews @limey-self-inserts @star-whores69
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months ago
Soka Takes a Terrorist: Chapter 3
Read on AO3
Very short, but honestly that's mostly down to me not being able to figure out a good place to break up chapters 2 and 3.
Anyway. Election sucked. We'll see how it goes. Band together and get to work with local activism, etc. Look out for each other.
Soka only barely keeps her screech of excitement below ‘literally ear-splitting for human ears’ when she sees her boys. The only reason she keeps it safe is years of practice.
She does not keep herself from flinging herself at a startled, pointy-faced blonde who looks kind of scared of her.
“Pre! You actually came!”
He splutters like the nincompoop he is, “you helped plan this!”
“Yeah, but a whole bunch of the adults kept trying to ‘temper my expectations’ by reminding me it might be an ambush.”
“Ugh,” he says, and it sounds almost exactly like how she always imagined when he wrote it out in their messages, “I won’t say I was never tempted, but that was fear talking.”
Soka giggles. She can’t help it. She’s still clinging to Pre’s neck like a baby Nautolan clings to their parents’ head tentacles. The toes of her half-armored boots are barely touching the ground.
“Nice to see you too, honey,” Skyguy laughs, reaching over Pre’s head to rub at Soka’s montrals.
She beams at him. “Thank you, daddy!”
He smiles back. “You’re still grounded.”
What a downer.
(Continue on AO3)
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milkcioccolato · 1 year ago
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Some of the sketches I did with the prompts my followers gave me on instagram!
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bon-sides-sw · 1 year ago
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Obi-Wan wants to introduce Anakin to someone, sadly Anakin doesn't know many manners.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 2 months ago
Claiming that the Jedi Council didn’t forbid “love” but “attachment” to me is like beating the dead horse if you’re going to use that as an argument in their favour. The Jedi knew loving and indulging in love had a risk for leading to attachment, thus they evaded the whole concept of falling in love and kickstarting romances all together in the belief that they should remain detached. AOTC literally verbalized A LOT that “Jedi aren’t allowed to love” (and it’s even on the promotional posters as well) how more obvious can it get?? Anakin’s way of love and finding motivation and redemption through love and compassion within himself for his son and because of his son and by extension his wife as well, is one of the core values and deep messages of all of Star Wars.
The most powerful, the most repressed thought of all could have emerged from the darkness: Padmé … and her undying love for someone he once knew well. And despite all the terrible, unspeakable things he’d done in his life, he suddenly realized he could not stand by and allow the Emperor to kill their son. And in that moment, he was no longer Darth Vader. [Ryder Windham’s Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novelization]
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mina-jamsin-derulo · 9 months ago
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I sketched a little today ;))
Below is the process for those who are interested!
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