#Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
malusmagpie · 1 year
His Best Girl.
Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!Fem Reader
Summary: You two used to be thick as thieves but The Council split you up. Anakin isn't having that go on any longer.
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Warnings: 18+ !!!! SMUTTY !!!! Taking virginity, jealousy, restraint, dirty talk/praise kink, hair pulling, dominance, "master" kink, neck kissing, biting, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, etc.
A/N: Y/N/N means your nick name! Inspo from a drabble by @skywlker-sluvtt about the reader being a virgin/inexperienced. Surprise! It's a long one again. I haven't ever written one shots this long idk what's come over me. (It's Anakin. Anakin has come over me.) I love the anakin x jedi reader trope and I can world build forever with it. Anyways, enjoy you filthy animals and thank you so much for the love!! <3 Y'all have made me feel very welcome here.
Word Count: 4.4k
You were just a little girl when you were taken in by the Jedi Council. You remember how wide your eyes were as you watched the planet of Coruscant get closer and closer. You were 8. Anakin was 11. You both clicked quickly and were essentially glued to each others hips. You’d talk yourselves into trouble, sneak out to go stare at the stars at midnight and throw food at each other in the dining hall instead of eating.
When you were children that was fine, it was nothing a stern talking to couldn’t fix. As you grew older, the council began to take strict measures to ensure you two would only be together when absolutely necessary. They decided it was in both of your best interests to stay away from each other and the bond you two shared eventually dwindled. Instead of whispering while a Master was attempting to do their teaching, the two of you would barely exchange glances. You’d walk silently in a single file line to the dining hall, no longer bothering to take the heat for walking next to each other.
The whispering and laughing turned into polite nods and common greetings said in passing. You’d walk right by him and bow your head at him, he’d reciprocate with a fairly neutral expression gracing his features. You’d always feel his head turn to look back at you as you walked in opposite direction, he found himself often wishing he could call over his shoulder and tease you and tell you your form needed work or that your footwork was a mess like he used to when you were young.
You were 19 now. Anakin was 22. You’d barely looked at each other or spoken for longer than a few moments in years. The fear of going against the Councils wishes outweighed your nostalgia for the friendship you once shared. You wanted to be great and so did Anakin. So the two of you focused on becoming the people you’d both dreamed of being.
It wasn’t long until Anakin was knighted. The ceremony was filled with toasts and speeches. You sat with the small group of girls that you had become friendly with over the years and ate your meticulously prepared meal. Anakin sat next to Obi-Wan, along with the other Jedi Masters at the long table at the front of the room. You wished you could give him a hug, congratulate him, tell him he deserved the praise he was getting. He had grown so much you often had a hard time recognizing the little boy you once knew.
You did your fair share of filling out as well. Anakin didn’t let that go unnoticed as his eyes would trail over you when you’d find yourselves in a shared space. When he thought you weren’t looking his eyes would take in every inch of you but you could feel him. You felt every movement of his eyes on you and you could never bare it so you’d often excuse yourself.
That trend continued tonight and as you sat in the large dining hall you felt eyes looking over you. It was such a strong gaze you could practically feel it like fingers touching on the skin under your Jedi appointed uniform. You shivered as you placed your fork next to your plate. Your eyes darted over to Anakin who, to no surprise, was looking right at you. Your tongue darted out to soften your suddenly dry lips and you pressed them into a hint of a smile. He returned the small smile and looked back at Obi-Wan who was proudly speaking to him about their last mission together.
The feeling of his gaze made your stomach flip and you stood up, excusing yourself politely. The need to use the bathroom as a safe space to calm yourself grew within you. You walked through the rows of tables, still feeling a set of eyes on you, and felt a hand lightly grasp your arm and your head snapped to look down at a boy you had trained with once before smiling up at you from his chair. He had dark short hair and piercing green eyes.
“You look nice tonight.” He smiled at you and you raised an eyebrow. “I look the same as I always do.” You muttered, confused and still feeling eyes on you. The gaze harshened and you dropped your head, ignoring it. “Yeah but.. Your hair. You left it down. It’s nice.” He smiled again, he was handsome but this really was not your prerogative. You smiled politely at him and mumbled a thanks to get the interaction over with before scurrying to the bathroom.
Anakin looked between you and the boy as you two spoke, desperately trying to read lips, focus on your voices through the Force, anything to know what was going on. When you smiled he felt his hand tighten around the glass he was raising to his lips. There was a level of possessiveness that Anakin held on to when it came to you. Growing up you were his best friend. His favorite. His best girl. Now you were effectually strangers and it killed him a little every day when you’d curl your perfect lips into a shy smile at him, or wave your soft looking hand at him in passing. He didn’t act on it now when he saw the way the guys would look at you and talk to you but he sure as hell felt jealousy bubble up within him every time it happened. He placed the glass down a little harder than even he expected, his hands pushed against the table so he could stand up. He adjusted his robe as he stood and looked at Obi-Wan. “I’ll be right back.” He muttered as he stepped away from the commotion in the dining hall. He made sure to slip past the boy who had been speaking to you, standing tall and walking confidently. The quiet washed over him as the door of the dining hall closed behind him.
You were standing in the bathroom in front of one of the giant mirrors at the sinks. Your hand combed its way through the ends of your hair, as you tried to make the soft natural curls you had look more presentable. You sighed in frustration when they simply stayed the way they were. You pulled your Jedi robe down and tucked it further into your utility belt to make it look less lumpy from sitting down. The small amount of makeup you had attempted to put on looked alright but it made you mad regardless. Why couldn’t it just look perfect? You thought. You groaned and placed your hands on the corner of the counter, leaning toward your own reflection. You’d never cared about what you looked like before but something about that boys words made your mind go straight to over thinking. “So stupid.” You whispered to yourself.
You felt something, or somebody near you. The Force wasn’t hard to navigate when it was this quiet and your eyes darted to the reflection of the door behind you in the mirror. You watched the door crack open and a sandy blonde head peered in. Anakin pushed the rest of the door open and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He made sure to lock it incase somebody came in and gave him shit for being in the women’s lavatory.
“What’re you doing in here?” You whispered, turning around to face him. You took a few steps toward him, only enough for your voice to travel to him without having to raise it. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the beam next to him. His broad shoulders raised and dropped and he looked over you again. “Just wanted to check on you.” He spoke with a small smile on his lips. Maker, you could tackle him to the ground when he did that.
You took a deep breath and looked around the room as you thought of what to say next. “Why would you check on me?” Your eyebrow raised slightly. “Wanted to make sure that little creep didn’t come in here with you.” His words were laced with an emotion you weren’t familiar with and you were taken aback. “Little creep? What are you-“ Your head raised a bit as you realized who and what he was talking about. “Him? He’s just somebody I practiced with one time. I wouldn’t- I’ve never..” Your brain found it increasingly hard to find the right words as you watched Anakin. His strong arms were still crossed over his large chest and he tightened his jaw every time you stuttered.
With a prompt shake of his head he took a step forward, his tongue pushed against the front of his teeth as he smiled with an unbelieving expression. “You’ve never what?” He said, his voice was surprisingly venomous as he spoke to you, you hadn’t gotten a chance to realize how tall he’d gotten until he stepped closer and towered over you. “Done something like that.” Your eyes dropped to gaze at the floor as you muttered the words that he had forced out of you.
There was silence for a moment. His thumb and pointer finger slipped under your chin and grasped it gently to make you look up at him. His blue eyes were a bit darker than normal and your heart skipped a beat at the close proximity you were in now. “Never?” He asked, his interrogation was completely unexpected. You opened and closed your mouth and decided to nod your head instead of let yourself try to speak again. He continued to stare down at you, his eyes searching yours for even a hint of dishonesty. He never found it. “Still my best girl..” He mumbled and your eyebrows pushed together. You hadn’t heard him say that in years though now, it seemed to have a bit of a different meaning to it.
“You’ve grown so much, Y/N/N.” He whispered as his face neared yours. You gulped the access saliva in your mouth down as you responded. “You have too, Ani.” Your words came out weak, you didn’t have the same confidence you normally carried yourself with and it made Anakin smirk. Your soft voice saying the nickname he only allowed you to use made his length twitch in his pants ever so slightly. He hummed and it was almost inaudible. Something about being the only one to know you as well as he did ignited something within him.
“You’ve grown.. But you’ve never had anything special.. Have you?” He whispered. “Something that made you feel good..” His words wrapped around you like an electric blanket and his hand moved to cup your cheek while his thumb caressed it. Your breathing shook and your eyes widened at his words. “N-no.” You muttered through your labored breathing. You could sense how excited this was making him and it was making you feel like you could throw up from anticipation of his next moves. Your cheeks reddened and your ears burned as he looked between your eyes and your lips. “Nobody’s ever gotten to feel those pretty lips? Or hear what could fall from between them?” You gasped quietly at his words and shook your head, your eyes never left his. His thumb moved to trace your lips gently and your eyes rolled back for a fraction of a second. His expression seemed to get more and more intense, his own breathing became a bit heavier.
“And those hands… Nobody’s ever felt how soft and useful they can be?” His free hand traced a finger down your arm before grabbing your hand. Your head was spinning as you shook your head again and he laughed softly. “Can’t even talk.. So fucking innocent.” He growled into your ear and your breath caught in your throat loudly. He smiled at the reactions he was getting from you. He used his grasp on your hand to turn the both of you around so your back was against the wall and he pinned your hand above your head.
“Anakin..” You muttered, your face was bright red and your breath just couldn’t be caught. His warm body pressed up against yours and you whimpered involuntarily at the feeling. He smirked at the reaction and began to place the softest of kisses on your neck, jaw, cheeks, and corners of your mouth. You bit your lip and took deep breaths through your nose. “Please kiss me.” You whined and his head lifted, eyes shining at you. He seemed physically unable to wipe the cunning smile off his face as he pressed his lips against yours. They were hot and soft, causing you to practically melt into him.
It was deep and longing, the feeling behind the kiss. He was smothering you and you couldn’t breathe but it was all worth it. Small breaths were caught between kisses and he stopped to whisper against your lips. “Open..” And you did. You opened your mouth for him and he immediately sucked on your tongue. You gasped and your eyes snapped open to see his still fluttered closed as he tangled his muscle with yours through open mouthed kisses. Your eyes squeezed shut again when his free hand palmed your breast, pushing upward, grabbing it and repeating. His name left your lips and his hips bucked toward yours ever so gently.
“Master Anakin.” He groaned, correcting you against your lips and you complied. “Master Anakin..” You whispered as your head bounced back against the wall in pleasure and you kept it there because he immediately moved his lips down to your neck. He left bites and sucked gently, even blowing on where he left his saliva and you flinched harder causing your free hand to snap up and grab hold of his hair. Your legs squeezed together as you stood against the wall for some kind of release and he stuck his knee between your legs.
“That’s my job.” He growled against your neck. He pushed your pants down with aggression and you kicked them off your feet. He sat on his knees in front of you and grabbed onto your hips, his fingers squeezed into your ass and you moaned. Your legs felt shaky as he sat with his face mere inches away from your heat. You eyed him with wide, curious eyes. You’d never felt like this before. Your now unrestrained hands pushed his hair back from his face and he peered up at you as he slid a finger between your folds. You let out a sound comparable to a squeak at the new feeling and he smirked.
“So wet… All for me, hm?” He whispered as he slid a single finger into your tight hole. Your eyes squeezed shut and you let out a breathy whimper. He laughed when you weren’t able to respond, your innocent nature made him feel dirty and perverted. He was eating it up as he slid in and out of you slowly, getting you used to the feeling. He pushed himself against your legs to keep your knees from buckling when he felt them shake even more, his free hand reached up and fondled your tits and it doubled as a way to keep you standing. His thumb pressed against your clit and he could feel it pulsating, causing another chuckle to leave his swollen lips. “So fucking eager.” He said with his eyes staring deep into yours as he slid a second finger inside of you. A yelp escaped your lips and you squirmed while he pushed his thumb against your clit and fingered you with one hand and rolled your nipple between his fingers with his other hand. You clenched around his fingers and he shushed you gently.
“Breathe, just let me make you feel good. Relax..” He whispered as he kept a slow and steady pace. You took a few breaths through gritted teeth and it made the pleasure feel all that much better as you relaxed around him. “That’s my girl.” He cooed as he circled his thumb around your clit and curved his fingers toward him causing him to push against the sensitive top wall of your pussy. A gasp escaped and you whined his name as he left kisses all over your hip bones. The warmth sent shivers down your back. Anakin removed his thumb when your eyes squeezed shut and you felt something warm and wet replace it on your clit. A louder gasp escaped your lips when you opened your eyes and saw his mouth on your clit and one of your hands gripped his hair tighter while the other flew toward your mouth in shock at the noise you made. He groaned at the feeling of you pulling his hair and the vibrations made another moan leave your mouth, barricaded by your hand.
“No need to be quiet. Nobody’s coming here..” He whispered and you remember he’d locked the door. You dropped your other hand back into his hair as he lapped away at your clit. The taste made him want to absolutely devour you and he tried his best to get as close as he could to doing so. His fingers moved quicker when he felt you begin to clench again and his tongue went from soft, flat licking to quick, pointed flicking.
“Such a pretty pussy..” He whispered into you. You felt something begin to tighten in your stomach and your back arched, causing you to grind on his face and your cheeks reddened when you realized how good it felt. You swung your hips back and forth desperately and whined his name out as you grinded on his face while he licked and finger fucked you. He smiled when he realized you’d never have known you liked to grind on his face without him, it filled him with pride and he felt his cock press against the zipper of his pants making them feel much tighter now.
One last flick of his tongue and curl of his fingers sent you spiraling over the edge, gasping for air and moaning.
“Oh gods, Master.” You exclaimed with a shaky voice between your moans as your body shook with ecstasy. You’d never felt like this before, your eyes screwed shut as you began to see little dots collect in your vision and you felt a little bit of fluid come out of your pussy, soaking his chin and fingers. He growled at the feeling and pulled his fingers out. He reached his hand to your lips as he stood up in front of you and you opened your mouth willingly. “Such a good girl for me.” He whispered as your eyes rolled back at the taste of yourself on him. When you opened your eyes again after collecting yourself you found his pants were already on the floor and he was working on the tedious layers on his top half. He threw his clothes to the side and caged you in against the wall with a grunt. You felt something long raise up between your legs and hit your pussy and you gasped. Your curious gaze found the culprit and you swore your eyes bulged out of your head.
His hands found their way to your thighs and he pulled on them, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms swung around his neck, squeezing as if you’d fall if you let go. He chuckled. “I’m not gonna drop you.” He said in the cocky tone you knew and adored. Your arms loosened and your stomach flipped when you realized it was his strong arms keeping you levitating in front of him. Another groan escaped his lips at the flustered look on your face and you looked at him through your lashes with dazed, drooped eyes. He smirked and removed one hand to pump his cock as it teased your entrance. How could something that big fit inside of me? You thought to yourself as you labored your breathing. He sensed your nerves.
“You’ll be okay. You can take this, I know you can. You’re my best girl.” He cooed into your ear as you felt his tip push against your virgin hole. You bit on your lip and immediately felt his lips push against you gently. You let go and reciprocated the gentle kiss as he soaked himself in your juices for a moment and pushed the head in. You sucked in a sharp breath and your eyes stung. He looked at you. “Just like before, Y/N/N. Relax… You’re such a good girl.. You can take it.” He groaned between his own words at the feeling of your pussy around his cock. You took a few deep breaths as he slowly sheathed himself into you, his hip bones hit yours and he stopped to let you adjust.
“Good girl.. So fucking tight.” He whispered again, encouraging you to relax and you did. You let out a few more deep, shaky breaths and nodded to him, words weren’t exactly a possibility right now. He smiled and pushed his lips against yours to distract you a bit before he started to move slowly. In and out. In and out. His kisses migrated down your chin to your neck and you pushed your head against the wall. Your chest was rising and falling quicker and quicker as the discomfort began to feel like pleasure. You clenched a bit and moaned when it began to feel better, Anakin took that as his signal to pick up the pace. He stroked the inside of your pussy quicker and quicker, moving all the way to his head before pushing back into you. His grip on your hips tightened and he moaned against your neck. Your hands reached for his hair again, he seemed to enjoy when you did that and it gave you something to tether you to this plane of existence.
“You’re doing such a good job at taking my cock.” He moaned and your eyes rolled back into your head again. Your jaw went slack when he adjusted you to be a bit higher and his dick slid against your g-spot. The noises you were emitting were uncontrollable now. Gasps, whimpers and moans all fell through with the occasional, “Oh Master..” thrown in.
“So pretty with my cock in you… Nobody knows you like I do… They never will.” He grunted as he began to thrust with more aggression and desperation than before. He wanted to feel every inch of you, every crevice and every ridge. Your brain mustered up the power to respond. “They never will… I only want you.. I always have.” Your words came out in between gasps. You let out another moan and squirmed when his fingers dig further into the soft skin on your hips.
His free hand moved one of your hands from his hair to your tits and he leaned back to watch you palm and pinch away at them. His eyes darkened and his teeth gnawed down on his lower lip as he watched. The sight itself was enough to make a man cum in his pants. He watched you play and squirm while you moaned his name and he began to fuck you faster. You almost screamed at the feeling, your voice echoed through the bathroom and you didn’t care at all.
You felt a familiar feeling build up in you and you pulled your other hand from his hair to rub your clit the same way he’d shown you. “Look at you.. Doing what I taught you.” He groaned as he continued his rampage on your pussy. The feeling of both your clit and hole being ravaged caused you to arch your back again and this time he hit a spot he hadn’t before. “Oh fuck.” You exclaimed as you rubbed away at your swollen set of nerve endings quicker, desperately trying to pull the orgasm out. He leaned in and began to kiss you with an open mouth, tongues fought and you could taste the sweat from his upper lip. You clenched around his cock as you let out another orgasm and your convulsing pussy sent him over the edge. His strokes got sloppy and his breath came out of his nose in short, repetitive bursts. He soaked your walls with his milk and you moaned at the feeling of your mixed liquids trickling down to your thigh as he slowed down again.
He let your legs fall and his hands moved to your waist as he slipped out of you and your feet hit the ground as a way of steadying you. Your vision was slightly blurred as you both attempted to catch your breath. His forehead leaned against yours and his hot breath hit your lips. He leaned in for another kiss and this one was gentle and sweet. You moaned softly into it. “So much better than I’d hoped.” He whispered into your mouth and a blush formed on your cheeks again. He handed your clothes to you and you put them on shakily. When you were both dressed he held you close to him, hands gripping your waist with a gentleness that hadn’t been there when he was fucking you.
“They won’t keep us apart again.” He said softly, staring into your eyes and you smiled. “Never.” You responded and placed another kiss on his lips. He smiled into it and brought you closer by the small of your back before pulling away. “They’re probably wondering where we went.” He chuckled and you smiled in response. He gave you one last kiss on your nose before unlocking the door and slipping out of the bathroom. You waited a few minutes, fixing your hair and now non-existent makeup before following his steps toward the dining hall.
The party had gone smoothly and you didn’t catch a break from the girls you were sitting with about being gone so long. You laughed and brushed them off. The three of you walked towards your own dormitories after taking showers and getting ready for bed. “Goodnight, ladies.” You spoke as you closed your door and got comfortable in your bed. You were giddy and your body felt electric as your mind ran through the memories of the night. It hadn’t been more than an hour before you heard your door open and your head turned towards the light creeping in. Anakin slipped in and shut your door behind him, a smirk graced his face as shock blanketed yours.
“Gods, I missed that pretty face.” He spoke as he approached you. You sat up and smiled up at him. It was going to be a long night.
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qvnthesia · 6 months
Another You (.02)
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an anakin skywalker/jedi consular!reader fic set during the clone wars
the pitch: best friends with anakin since he had joined the jedi order, you hadn’t expected to catch feelings for him, not that hard, at least. his intentions were clear — his heart already enraptured by the nubian senator, leaving you to ruminate about the prospect of letting go of not just him, but maybe everything. until another anakin shows up, and your — your universe’s anakin starts behaving strangely.
A/N: happy birthday, @kaizsche! i hope you enjoy this update!! a note to all readers — there’s no y/n here, the reader’s nickname for the fic is sky. happy reading!
part two— you're not helping.
word count: 7,042
part one | two (here) | ....
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Simply put, Aayla Secura was enjoying this. Restraining herself with absolute failure from bursting into fits of laughter, Aayla watched as even the most experienced of Jedi masters drop their caf or just stare with their jaws dropped, t h u n d e r s t r u c k, at Anakin and his double — the long-haired Anakin — walking side-by-side with Master Kenobi being the only one who separated Anakin from thoroughly sizing up his copy, who simply viewed his new-found sights with a twinkling gaze and an even more unbothered attitude.
“Is it just me—” Aayla leans next to your figure, her eyes fixated on the live footage from the Jedi Temple’s security feed. “—or is our new guest having a wind machine around him? Because you humans could take some hair care tips from him.”
You scowl, elbows propped up on the desk, as you watch the footage behind your intertwined fingers held together as tightly as your frown.
“Relax, Sky,” Aayla props an elbow on your stiff shoulder, “He gives off a good vibe. And plus, he’s definitely more attractive than—”
The agile Twi’lek proves herself as one of the best the Jedi Order has to offer as she flicks on the live footage faster than your attempts to take it away from her.
“Mon amie, this is literally out of a holo drama!” she giggles, switching off the footage under your sharp gaze. “It’s a sign from the Force itself to take your leap and get your man, or in this case, one version of the man!”
“Aayla, he belongs to another universe—”
“And you’re saying you haven’t been attracted to him?”
You freeze, and Aayla smiles.
Twi’leks weren’t humans, but were sure as hell kriffing good with their senses, so Aayla knew you were lying, and how much she was going to enjoy the day ahead.
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Maker, why did I go for this job?
You silenced your mind — there’s a member of the kriffing Jedi Council in the same room as you and you’d feel much more comfortable knowing Master Kenobi had a visual on his enemies rather than the six hundred scenarios of you and Anakin in your mind.
Instead, you focused on your datapad, tapping on six different squares as Anakin answered your questions.
“—Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. Commanding officer of the Five Hundred and First Legion—”
“Currently on leave,” Master Kenobi remarked, stroking his beard.
“Yeah, but still, Obi-Wan, come on—”
“You’re really Anakin?”
You perked up at Ahsoka’s voice, who munched on a ronto wrap while perched on one of the desks.
“Yes,” the long-haired Anakin hummed. You’ve lost count at how many times Ahsoka has asked the question, and you’re pretty sure Master Kenobi, Rex and Cody have the same question swimming their head since yesterday. It’s only the constant patience that has persevered through the Order’s new guest that sets a guilty fire ablaze within your body — and it’s definitely from the way his voice never even fluctuates, just stays the smooth baritone, lower than the usual. It’s the same tone that your Anakin’s voice always has when he woke up to you working again late in the night, or he just strolled into your quarters wearing nothing but shorts and pressed himself against your back, his toned frame somehow slotting perfectly against your edges.
“But…” she tilted her head, her lekku twitching. “You look so mature.”
“Snips!” barked Anakin, shooting a sharp scowl toward Master Kenobi’s hacking laughter. Ahsoka shrugged, stuffing herself with more of her ronto wrap. Anakin’s long-haired copy softly pressed his twitching lips together. He caught your lingering gaze, and spread his lips into a smile, one that crinkled the edges of his twinkling eyes.
“How long is this going to take again?”
You snapped to a stiff, attentive posture as Anakin cleared his throat.
Master Kenobi sighed again. “Anakin, you must be patient—”
“—farmboy here smells like weed—”
“He’s not wrong.”
Anakin and Master Kenobi’s bickering ceases.
“What do you mean?”
He turns to you, and you internally slap yourself for suddenly becoming his center of attention. Not such a bad idea, but then—
“Are you…” Master Kenobi finds his voice again, bringing you back to the room again. “Are you not a Jedi, Anakin?”
There’s a slight crack in Master Kenobi’s voice, one that propels Ahsoka to stand next to him. The long-haired Anakin surveys the both of them, eyes softly squinted deep in thought, possibly pondering on how to break this brand new piece of information to a suddenly very fragile-looking old man and a dispirited young teenager.
The long-haired Anakin exhales. “I’m Anakin Skywalker, aged twenty-one Galactic Standard. I left the Jedi Order after I turned nineteen, and I’m a farmer—well, part-time mechanic, on Naboo.”
Your eyes widen, exchanging a surprised glance with Aayla.
“Master Kenobi, are you sure none of us are high?”
“Padawan,” chastised the Jedi, his shock secured tightly behind his shields. “I apologise, Anakin—I mean—”
“It’s alright, Obi-Wan.”
The long-haired Anakin waved his hands, and Obi-Wan visibly stiffens at the use of his name by a version of Anakin he should know but he doesn’t.
“You did train me, but I…” he scratched the back of his head, showing all teeth with a gentle, sheepish smile. “Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
You swore he looked at you; you were always looking at Anakin for some maker-forsaken reason or the other.
“And the war?”
Anakin turns to Cody and Rex, their military etiquette all thrown out the window.
“What war?”
The floor practically shifts with a lurch from the Force.
“You… you don’t have a war? The Clone Wars?”
He turns to you, and the world melts away as you look up at him, datapad clutched to your chest as a shield from him and from your simmering desperation.
The long-haired Anakin — you should definitely give him a name aside from his long hair — has a piercing gaze, one your Anakin looked at you everytime you looked up at him, your chin pressed to his chest, his arms around your waist as his nose crinkled with every laugh shared between you two about the stupidity of the Separtists’ battle droids.
“From all that I’ve been privy to," he swallows, his sharp apple jutting out even more prominently that it did. “The galaxy isn’t having the, uh, Clone Wars. We do have clones, but they work with the Jedi and provide humanitarian aid.”
“Captain Rex and Commander Cody work under Obi-Wan, who took on a young Togruta as his new padawan after I left,” he turns once again to Ahsoka, smiling. “I’m not General Skywalker, I’m just… Anakin.”
You blink, unable to process him. A part of you pushes that there’s a complete liar standing before you, a shapeshifter sent here to trick the Republic and distract the Consular who’s coincidentally working to counter their latest planet-killing superweapon. But the Anakin before you is as real as yours. He’s had a different life that you can’t help but wonder if you’re there—
“Hypothetically speaking—” coughs Rex. “Can I sign up for multiversal travel?”
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“I don’t like this.”
“More than sand?”
Anakin rolls his eyes at Padmé, who gives him a laugh as she continues to type her latest proposal behind her desk.
His lithe legs propped upon the corner of her desk, Anakin crosses his arms together, replaying the exact moment where he felt your Force signature spring alive when his double looked at you.
He’d never elicited a similar reaction from you when he was there. All those moments holding you close, regaling you in his tales until you succumbed to sleep, feeling your heart against his and wishing it were just like this for eternity. It was torture having to stay away from you, to be called time and again to this siege and that battle when all he wanted was to wake up next to you and live the life that other people did when they loved each other in a way he had loved you since the two of you were sixteen.
He even felt embarrassed to voice this in front of the Chancellor, who had suspiciously kept on pestering him to great lengths to enquire about the reason for his distraction. Clearly, he’d been sloppy — even Obi-Wan had managed to pick up his emotions in the heat of the battle. He’d decided to stay away from the Temple, show his ‘interest’ in politics so that such a slip wouldn’t occur again though, that your position as a Jedi wouldn’t be compromised by his misery. Though, he thinks to himself, the emergence of his double from another dimension spelled trouble for him in both Basic and Huttese.
Damn father, he grumbled to himself.
“If you keep having that stupid, angry look on your face, I’m afraid Sabé would be more than happy to throw you out of my office.”
Anakin sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just—” he stood up from his seat, pacing. “She likes him more! That peaceful, farming version of me over… me.”
Padmé turned her attention away from the blue screen, sincere pity softly twisting her lips.
“And you’re here, out of all places.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m just saying,” she shrugged, her smile growing wider. “It’s a sign.”
Anakin hesitated, his stomach roiling with anxiety.
“Are you sure I should—?”
“If you don’t, I will.”
Anakin laughs. Hope blooming bright in his chest, he gives his childhood friend a grateful nod, and races out of the office.
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Having receiving enough complaints about ‘seeing double’ of a certain Anakin Skywalker, Master Yoda explicitly commanded you to serve as the long-haired Anakin’s tour guide for the day, remarking a day away from the Temple ought to make him comfortable in his new universe — and reduce Master Windu’s migraines. Since you concomittantly had to visit the Senate Archives for business, you decided your new guest would accompany you to the prompt excursion to the laughing stock that was the Galaxy’s governing body.
Both of you had been loaned a speeder by the Jedi Council, to which the long-haired Anakin simply pointed a slender finger to a sleek, open-roofed speeder glinting under the spotlight of Coruscant’s artificial weather.
"That looks better, wouldn’t you think?” he grinned.
Maker, let the Force lend its might to you today to calm your fluttering heart. He wasn’t just glowing with happiness, you knew very well he was playing with you, and you’d be a fool to deny it wasn’t a good look on him.
So, with a begrudging sigh, you agreed, and headed straight for Dex’s Diner — an establishment he seemed quite familiar with.
“Ani!” Dex roared proudly, sweeping you and him in a hug before you even had a chance to look around for empty seats. “Look at how you’ve grown,” he said appraisingly as he drew back, “And what’s with the hair, eh? All dressed up for a date?”
“This—no—” you fervently shook your head, cheeks ablaze. “No, this isn’t a date—”
You glared pointedly at the long-haired Anakin — Ani — who softly cocked his brow. He seemed to decide with himself for a moment, and then spread his lips in a cocksure grin, the exact same your Anakin had in those holo-videos labelled ‘Hero with No Fear’ racking up views all over the galaxy.
“Last time I remember—”
He snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you next to his toned frame.
“—I did get a yes.”
“That was fun.”
Your disagreements lose to the quick beat of your heart, and you stab the scoopful of ice cream in your hands as you walk through the senate hallways. Leaving aside the fact that the trip to the archives was a monumental failure as you’d expected, you’d come as close as falling to the dark side to melt into a pool of a miserable puddle of your love and embarrassment.
“You’ll figure it out.”
You look up at him, realising the two of you have come to a stop in the middle of your footsteps.
“Whatever the enemy is planning, I’m sure you’ll foil their plans. I know it.”
He smiles, licking the ice cream off the corner of his lips and jutting the spoon in the air as if it were his lightsaber.
The confidence in his voice makes you wonder if he knew you. Not you, but a version of you in his universe.
What were you to this version of Anakin? Were you what Anakin was in your universe? The ‘Heroine with No Fear,’ or ‘The Jedi with No Fear,’ even if there was no war in his galaxy. Were you an acclaimed Jedi or a nobody from the backwater planet you belonged to?
Were you even someone he liked? With the manner you currently struggled to contain the depth of admiration you harboured for your Anakin, being lovers seemed out of the question. Were you at least his friend? Or, you gulped to yourself as your heart sunk low, were you dead?
“Consular Jedi.”
Your voice perked up at the entourage making way towards you, led by—
“Chancellor Palpatine!”
You offered the old man a short bow, which he returned to you with an amicable smile. His eyes roved over—
“Anakin, my dear boy,” his visage extended over to Ani; he let out a chuckle. “I must have caught you by surprise, son.”
You looked over to Ani, who had dropped his ice cream and the little wooden spoon on the floor, the hem of the Chancellor’s robes trailing with tiny chocolate chips.
He looked like a deer caught in the spotlight, except only a fool would describe him as a prey. No, he looked like the commander that Anakin always had been — alert, sharp, observant, and most of all, protective of his loved ones and his duty.
“Are you alright, my boy?”
The Chancellor’s eyes darted between the two of you, and you cleared your throat, wrapping your arm around Ani’s right one, shielding it entirely by your billowing robes.
“We were just coming back from the archives, Chancellor,” you cleared your throat. Feeling Ani tighten his grip around your arm, you continued. “Anakin thought to offer an extra set of hands in my search for a solution to the Separatists’ rumoured advantage.”
“Ah, of course,” the man nodded, interwining his bony fingers one over the other hand. “I must not hinder you, I suppose—Anakin, my boy, do come for a visit, will you? You seem to be avoiding me, though I now understand why.”
He shot a fatherly wink at Ani, who only seemed to stiffen even further, his arms balling into tight, iron-rod fists.
“Of course,” Ani found his voice, steel replacing his usual gentleness. “It was lovely meeting you but I’m afraid we must be on our way—”
Before you could even hear the old man’s professional toodle-oo, Ani simply tugged you by your arm and walked past the entourage, his long strides taking you to the far end of the Senate’s circular hallways within a blink of your eye. Reaching a destination guarateeing privacy, he looked around.
“Anakin, what—WHOA!”
You let out a grunt as your back slammed against the durasteel walls. He looks down at you, an apology flashing in his eyes, but the steel in his voice stops your protests.
“What the kark is that man doing here?”
Your eyebrows shoot up into your forehead, “What?”
You look at him through the Force; his sun is now an eclipse, shadowed by the foreboding storm and thunder.
“Anakin,” you gulp softly, gathering your courage, “He’s the Supreme Chancellor, what—what are you—”
You pause, your mind backpedalling to the events in your office.
“Things happened, and I made the choice to leave.”
He shifts in his feet just as your eyes widen.
His arms wrap around your trembling figure, but you never leave his gaze.
“Sky, listen to me, it’s okay—”
“Why…” you cut in, failing to sound calm. “Why did you leave the Order?”
“Because I fulfilled my destiny.”
The storm within him dissolves with a wave of the seas within him. Your glare demands answers; his chest puts strain on the fibres of his beige shirt as he exhales sharply.
"I discovered the Sith that had been plaguing the Jedi and the Republic. It was…”
He lets out a bitter chuckle, the corners of his lips downturned.
“It was so ingenious, the way he had been doing it. Getting close to me ever since I was a child, preying on my fears, my insecurities. Deluding me into thinking I was going to be alone forever simply because I was different than the others, that I was born of no father and only a loving mother, that I was a child of the Force itself and as such, the Jedi viewed me as a threat.”
“But what he hadn’t seen coming, what even I hadn’t expected to gain was that I began to have people on my side. People who trained me and taught me that the Dark is never the option to take, because it takes and it takes from you and leaves you wanting more, it leaves you empty, as a shell of who you were. It leaves you alone and no one to go to. And I had people… people who pulled me back—”
He meets your gaze, blown open and vulnerable.
“—people who made me see reason, that my mind was being tipped in a direction that was not of my own making, but of the Sith who I had allowed to poison my mind since I was a child. Sky…”
He intakes a sharp breath.
“I am the Chosen One just as your Anakin is. And I did it. I fulfilled my destiny and stopped the return of the Sith.”
Ani holds your hands, pressing your palm to his chest. A tremor passes through your body, and he steadies your figure, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Please, you must believe me. I can sense you care deeply for my variant in this universe, and he is in grave danger, Sky.”
Your mind flashes back to one of Master Yoda’s classes, where he had droned in his wise way how the Force made itself known to warn its believers that life itself was in grave danger; it was a warning, a shadow, an event, something or the other that shook the defenders into of their senses and prompted them to act for the betterment of the survival of the Galaxy — and for your own good.
You had felt the Force the first time when Master Windu had arrived to your village years ago, offering his hand to enter the world of the Jedi. The Force had given a warm nudge for you to take his hand and take the chance; you had taken it.
You had felt the Force the second time when you met Anakin Skywalker, nine years old, young and shy, and terribly homesick for the embrace of his mother’s arms. The Force had giggled, and you had decided, fate or not, that you would bring a smile to his forlorn face.
You had felt the Force the third time when you were on Geonosis, standing the arena with your master, saber ignited as Anakin let out a joyous cheer, joining you back-to-back as you both tore through droid after droid in the relentless carnage. The Force, triumphant, had melded the two of you as one machine, as one competently-built Corellian freighter tearing apart the enemy.
The present moment is when you feel the Force again, screaming. You see death and blood, corpses of younglings and clone soldiers strewn on the floors of the Jedi Temple. But Anakin’s there, and you see hope, you see a future with laughing children and the galaxy, alive than you’ve ever felt it to be.
The Force holds its breath, and despite what the Jedi Code said, you’ve never chosen to ignore life.
You steel yourself and look up at him, determined.
“I believe you.”
His gaze widens, and the temperature around you shoots up, charged.
But it isn’t coming from the Anakin front of you, rather from a few feet away from the both of you.
You meet the dark look on your Anakin’s face, his armor glinting in the pale, sterile Coruscanti sunlight.
You haven’t even blinked, but he’s next to you in mere six steps, Ani’s hurling toward the ground, and you’re in Anakin’s arms, warm, cold, safe and scared.
He looks down at you, and he melts.
“It’s okay, he wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
You turn to Ani, who’s now on his feet, his stance as same as your Anakin.
“We need to leave,” he states to his armoured copy, stark.
“He’s right,” you turn back to Anakin, “We’re in danger, Anakin, the Chancellor is the Sith—”
He recoils, looking back and forth between him and you.
“Sky, he’s messing with you, don’t listen to him—”
“Are you serious?” scoffs Ani, balling his hands into tight fists.
“You’re the one to talk—”
The sky suddenly turns dark, lights blinking awake in the buildings outside. Clouds fog the tallest skyscrapers, crackling with blue lightning.
The floor beneath you trembles, and you look at the end of the hallway.
There’s a man in a dark robe that you could’ve mistaken for a statue. But his eyes are a burning yellow that remind you of the flames of your Master’s funeral pyre.
The hooded figure bristles, and you can feel his sickly smile on your skin, feel the two Anakins next to you tense as the cold finally settles on their shoulders.
The name shouldn’t click in your head, but it does.
Silence rings in your ears.
“On three,” whispers Ani.
His fingers grasp yours and, from the corner of your eyes, Anakin holds your left hand as delicate his shock and anger can allow his metal arm to be.
“One, two—”
You take toward the window. 
The air r i p s with a violent blue and purple, and glass tears at your clothes as the air whips at your face and you freefall against the cold steel and stabbing rain.
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to be continued...
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cross-posted on AO3
part one | two (here) | ....
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Let you break my heart again - Anakin x Jedi reader
Author’s note: hi. so uh. yeah I got a little silly and decided to write angst again. and wrote more than I was aiming for but that’s okay LMAO— Also omg THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON MY SWISS FIC?? you’re the best <3 Other things to note: Revenge of the Sith era Anakin but Anakin and Padmé aren’t married (they’re courting/dating), reader is a Jedi and has had a crush on Anakin since like the beginning of time /j, reader is majorly jealous of Padmé
Warnings: ANGST, unrequited love, hurt/comfort, Anakin uses a derogatory word for droids, no pronouns used for reader
Word count: 2114 words
Propped against a wall, you saw Anakin enter the Jedi temple, looking a bit disheveled. But  you knew he had just returned from a mission with Obi-Wan, so maybe it went terribly wrong, maybe it went really well. 
You attempted to approach him, but Padmé had already beat you to it, like she always did. You felt a pang in your heart as you saw him hug her, longing to be in her place. Sadly, you knew it would never happen, with the looks they’d exchange with each other when they thought no one was watching. But you were. Finally, after what had seemed like forever, Padmé left to do her duties. You took this opportunity and rushed to him, your heart skipping a beat. “Hey.. how did it go?” You asked with a soft smile. Anakin nodded at you, then sighed. “Fine, I guess.. We didn’t really do much, just killed a bunch of clankers.” You caught yourself before making a face at him for using the derogatory word for droids; but you understood why he chose that word. 
“Well.. I mean, at least it was.. good practice?” You giggled a bit, trying to cheer him up. 
Anakin forced a light chuckle. “Yeah..” He said, looking off to the side, his mind somewhere else. You gave him a soft look. “Hey.. everything okay over there?” You asked kindly, your heart skipping a beat as he looked back at you. “No.. not really…” he admitted with a sigh. He seemed like he wanted to say more, but couldn’t find the right words. “..thanks for asking, though.” He added sincerely. 
You furrowed your brows and studied his expression. “Hey, uh… do you want to go somewhere else and talk about it, perhaps?” You offered. 
He thought for a moment and then nodded slowly. “Yeah, I could use… someone to talk to...” 
“Alright, then. Wanna head to the library? It’s usually deserted at this hour..” You smiled at him, and Anakin perked up a little at the mention of it. “Yeah, actually… that’d be great.. there’s some new data I’ve been meaning to catch up on as well.” 
You two slowly made your way to the library, finding a table in the very back. Anakin sat down on one of the old worn out chairs, staring into the oblivion. “I feel… different..” He mumbled, almost to himself. “What’s wrong?” You sat down next to him, tilting your head and studying his expression. You waited a few seconds before speaking up. “..is it about Padmé?” You question. 
Anakin nodded. It was hard to explain, but he felt something. Something that both terrified him and excited him. 
“How did you know?” Anakin asked. “Ahah.. lucky guess?” You smiled, then giving him a sympathetic look. “..is she okay? Are you two okay?”
Anakin sighed. "Yeah... I think we are." He put his head down, leaning his arms on the table. 
“She's so beautiful…” Anakin whispered. “And she's smart.. And... caring... and... wonderful…”  Anakin trailed off, unknowingly breaking your heart with every word. “…You love her a lot… don’t you? Well, I bet my lightsaber she loves you a lot as well.” You tried to smile through the pain, asking the very question that could possibly break you, but you had to know. 
Anakin looked up at you, a look of uncertainty on this face. “No, it's not that. I love her… it's just... It’s hard to describe.” Anakin said. 
“But.. sometimes, I just feel like... I don't need this.” He looked away from you. 
“This… this whole Jedi… thing. I don’t know if I want to be a Jedi anymore.” Anakin whispered, his words dripping with emotion. “I want something different.” He said hesitantly, looking back at you. 
“…I see. What is it you want, exactly?” You whispered curiously. Anakin seemed to think for awhile. 
“I don't want the Jedi Order, that's for sure.” Anakin said. 
“I want freedom. I want... something... more. Something..." He trailed off. 
“I want to be happy.” Anakin finally said, almost as if it was a confession. “But I'm... afraid.” 
You nodded in understanding. You want freedom too, but not in the same way; you wanted to just be free from this unrequited love, to be free from this constant heartbreak…
“…why are you afraid?” You asked him softly. 
Anakin stared at the table in front of him. “I don’t know, it’s just… if I let go of this… this Jedi thing…” He said, the word ‘Jedi’ having a slight hint of hatred in it. “..I’m not sure if I can become anything else. But at the same time… I don’t want this.” He continued, looking like he was on the verge of tears.  
You nodded. “I understand. I really do..”
You so desperately wanted to reach out and hold Anakin's hand, to comfort him and tell him that everything will be okay as long as they have each other. But you couldn't. You weren’t Padmé.
“…I feel like I'm going insane…” Anakin whispered, his voice quiet and strained. He felt ashamed, but also somewhat relieved that he finally let it out. 
“Sometimes I even think... I even thought…” Anakin trailed off.
“Never mind.” He said with a sigh.
“Wait, no.. you can tell me.. I promise I won’t tell anyone..” You reassured him. 
He looked back up at you. “Sometimes… I have these… thoughts.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “What kind of thoughts?” You asked gently. 
“…Dark thoughts. Violent thoughts. Thoughts that could.. that could get me expelled from the Jedi Order.” Anakin finished, his voice strained. He looked at the table, and you did too. “…I see.” You finally reply, looking back up at him in sympathy. “…do you think it’ll affect you soon? Like…. You’re almost at your breaking point?” 
Anakin took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know…” he answered. 
“I don’t know what I’m capable of..” He continued, his voice starting to shake. You notice him slowly, hesitantly reach his hand over the table and rest it on yours, his fingers trembling. 
You stared at your hand for a moment, then back at Anakin, feeling the pang in your heart again. Oh, if only he knew the pain he’d just caused… “Hey.. it’s okay, you’re strong… I know you can get through this. I know it.” You whispered to him, giving him a soft smile. 
Anakin leaned his head against the table, keeping his eyes shut. “Can you… can you do me a favor..?” He asked quietly. 
“Anything. Yeah.” You whispered immediately, ready to give your life for Anakin in a heartbeat if you were asked to do so. 
Anakin sighed. “Can... can you promise to stick with me? No matter what? Like a Jedi and his Padawan?” 
Anakin looked up at you. "Can... can you do that for me?" He asked. He looked like he was begging you for help.
You nodded. “Of course.. I’ll always be on your side, no matter what. I’ll always be here for you.” You whisper with a smile. Anakin looked up at you, tears starting to form in his eyes. “Thank you…” he whispered. 
A moment later Anakin embraced you in a tight hug, a feeling of relief washing over him. 
You tensed slightly, a blush forming on your face. The pang in your heart hit harder again, and you knew that this moment would haunt you forever. 
Nevertheless, you placed a hand gently on Anakin’s chest and wrapped your other arm around his waist, hugging him tighter. “Shh… don’t cry..” You whispered, hating to see him in pain even though you were probably hurting even more than he was. 
Anakin's words were muffled as he buried his head into your shoulder. It had been so long since someone had embraced him in a welcoming way. 
“I’m… I'm scared…” Anakin whispered. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
You were the only thing grounding him to reality. 
“Hey, it’s okay… you’ll be okay.” You whispered reassuringly, rubbing Anakin’s back soothingly. The longer the two of you hugged, the more it hurt you. But you couldn’t understand it. Why were you feeling so much pain when he was showing you affection? Isn’t this what you wanted? 
Anakin lifted his head from your shoulder, looking back at you. He could feel his breath catching in his throat as he gazed into your eyes. Before he could even think, Anakin leaned in and softly kissed your lips. You could feel your cheeks get redder as he kissed you. Was this even real? You didn’t care; this was the happiest you’d ever been, almost as if you were in a trance. You kissed him back without hesitation, but then as quickly as the moment came, it was over; Anakin pulled away. Your eyes widened in realization as you snapped back into reality. Anakin seemed shocked as well, surprised by what he just did. “I….” He whispered, unsure of what to say. 
You looked at him in horror, thinking of what Padmé would do if she ever found out. 
“I… I’m sorry, I.. oh, no…” 
Not thinking straight, you quickly got up and ran away from the library, tears starting to blur your vision. 
“W-Wait! Come back!” Anakin called your name as he got up from the table, running after you. 
“J-Just leave me alone, Ani…” you pleaded as you covered your mouth with your hand, a sob escaping your lips. 
Anakin kept following you as you both raced down the halls, your footsteps echoing. Eventually he caught up with you and grabbed him by the shoulders. “No.. No, I won’t. Let me help you.” He said firmly as he took your hand and held it. “Please… you’re hurting me more than you realize..” You stared at him, tears starting to fall down your cheeks now. You wanted to pull your hand away, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. 
“No, I want to be by your side. Through thick and thin,” Anakin said with a slight smile. “Padmé means a lot to me, but you... you are very special to me as well.” 
You looked away from him, taking in shaky breaths as more tears fell down your cheeks and you wiped them away before looking at him again. 
“Wait.. so… y-you don’t love Padmé?” You asked slowly. 
Anakin went red. “What? No no... I do love Padmé.” Anakin said, his voice getting a bit higher than he intended. Was he lying?
“But... I also love... I mean... uh…” Anakin was fumbling with his words. He wanted to say 'I love you,' but he didn't want to scare you. Anakin wasn't sure what he should do. He was stuck.
“Anakin.. don’t play games with me right now.” You pleaded. 
“Do you love me, or her?” You asked bluntly, tears still falling down your cheeks, your eyes turning puffy. 
Anakin took a deep breath.
“I… I choose... you.” Anakin said, looking at you.
For the first time since you had known each other, Anakin looked completely honest. He wasn't lying about anything. He looked at you with eyes of complete adoration.
"I choose... you." Anakin repeated.
You looked down at the ground, his words registering in your brain. “H-How do I know… you’re not lying to me right now to make me feel better?” 
Anakin took his fingers and lifted your gaze. “Look me in the eyes,” Anakin said, and you did.
“I’m not lying to you, and I never will.” He said with complete honesty. 
“You mean more to me than anyone in the galaxy.” Anakin's voice softened. "You are more important to me than even Padmé,” Anakin said, looking you right in the eye.
You looked at Anakin with a desperate expression, shaking your head. 
“Oh, Ani…” You whispered, and before you knew it, you’d placed your lips on his again, this time full of passion. 
Anakin wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back just as passionately as tears formed in his eyes. “I love you.” He whispered.
Hearing those words from Anakin’s lips melted your heart, and you felt tears forming in your eyes again, but this time from pure joy. 
“I love you too.. Oh, Ani.. I’ve waited so long to hear you say that..” You whispered back, kissing him again. 
Anakin kissed back, not wanting the moment to end. He embraced you as if you were the only thing holding him together. 
It was like a fairytale come true. 
Anakin finally felt happy. Really happy. He had you to thank for it, as well as his own courage to take a chance. 
And now, you were finally with the one you loved. 
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Ties That Bind Part 2
Pairing: Yandere!Anakin Skywalker x Fem Jedi!Reader
TW: General Yandere Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Murder, Angst, Arguing.
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys the second installment of Ties That Bind! I really enjoyed writing this with the amazing @britany1997! She is just so pleasant to work with and made this collab fun and exciting! Please, make sure to support both writers by reblogging both versions. Both writers put equal amount of work into this collab and both deserve equal treatment. Reblogs are always appreciated!
Word Count: 2.1k
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When you regained consciousness, your eyes began to flutter open. The momentary confusion was evident in your gaze, and the surroundings around you felt hazy. However, the darkness was something you easily recognized. Your brows furrowed in slight pain, and you felt a severe headache pounding against your skull. Your Jedi senses appeared dull, leaving you feeling a touch jaded. While your mind was trying to catch up, you laid there for a brief period of time, letting your fingertips feel the silk sheets of a strange bed.
Slowly, you sat up in bed, wincing slightly as the movement worsened the ache in your head. Your eyes finally began to adjust as you took in your surroundings. Your brows furrowed as you tried to make sense of your surroundings, scanning the room with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment. The fog of unconsciousness slowly lifted, allowing you to regain a basic awareness of your immediate environment. It was dark; the walls and floor were painted black, which matched the furniture within, and the blinds of the window shielded the outside world. The room looked extravagant yet simple, which reminded you of your home back in the temple-
The temple. 
There was a subtle shift in your facial expression—a flicker of recognition—as your mind grappled with a dark realization. Your eyes widened as you proceeded to throw off the sheets, trying to hastily spring from the strange bed. You yelped when you almost stumbled, and your legs were tangled in the sheets due to haste. Your mind was in shambles as you continued your way to the window, blocking out any source of light. Despite your headache and the panic surging through you, you pressed the button on the wall to remove the blinds. You couldn't help but gasp at the sight, wishing that you had stayed unconscious. 
You were surrounded by land that had been burned by fire, molten from lava, and much more. This gave you the impression that you were in an inferno or inside a volcano that destroyed everything around it. There are many tales of a planet like this that you have heard over the years.
Your heart began to race as your mind whirled. ‘No, no, no,’ you repeated to yourself over and over again. You begged to be awoken from your slumber, surely this could be nothing but a bad dream.
But as much as you pleaded, you would never wake. Your nightmares had turned to reality.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you fought a losing battle to stay calm. You fell against the door, pounding it with your fists and sobbing as you called for Anakin. 
When no one answered your pleas, and the door remained firmly shut, you pressed your back against it and slid down. With your knees to your chest and your head in your hands, you wept.
You wept for all the lives lost in the temple massacre as every face you would never see again passed through your memory. You wept for Anakin and whatever sickness had overtaken him to act with such carelessness for life. But most of all, you wept for yourself.
What had you done wrong? What atrocity had you committed to be deserving of such a harsh fate? 
You were a prisoner who’d committed no crime, and you fought to resign yourself to an unknown future. You were at the mercy of a man you’d once thought more virtuous than any other. He’d taken everything from you.
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After a few hours of weeping, you began to hear the distinct sounds of approaching footsteps from the hallway, heading towards your room. Your mind switched into defensive mode, quickly bringing yourself to your feet and facing the closed metal door. Your heart pounded against your chest, with anxiety and adrenaline rushing through your veins. You feared not what you would see on the other side.
But rather who. 
It was at this point that the footsteps halted in front of the metal door, after which it automatically opened. The sliding of the door revealed the last person you had ever wanted to see, as your heart would no longer be able to withstand it. You couldn't bear to see him.
Anakin stood in the doorway, dressed in his previous robes. Your eyes darted over the fabric, looking for any hints of blood, that horrific shade of red that used to appear across the floor of the temple and in the cauterized wounds of your fellow Jedi. However, those hints were nonexistent, and you felt sick to realize that there was a glimmer of relief you possessed within. Perhaps he didn’t want to upset you more. 
He moved towards you, kneeling to your level, his hand outstretched to cup your cheek. You recoiled out of instinct, turning your head to avoid the caress of your captor.
A look of pain crossed Anakin’s face before he quickly masked it. This was what he’d been afraid of. He’d let the whole galaxy think he was cruel, but not you. He’d never hurt you. He loved you. Why couldn’t you understand that?
“My love…” Anakin began, but you cut him off with a humorless laugh.
“Love?” you scoffed, “is that what this is to you?”
You turned to meet his gaze and your heart clenched inside your chest. His eyes looked into yours with longing and desperation. But their yellow tone confirmed your fears and reminded you of what he was. He was not your Anakin, not anymore.
“This is not love,” you whispered, “love should never come at such a high and terrible price.”
Though he hid it well, frustration ran through Anakin. He had to make you see.
He caught your wrist in his hand and brought it to his chest, holding your palm over his heart. You gasped and tried to pull back, but he would never let you go.
“Please listen,” he begged.
You sighed, if only to understand why he had done what he’d done, you would listen.
“I’ve spent my whole life loving you,” he confessed, “I couldn’t let some code keep us apart my love. You are my world, my whole universe, without you there is no reason to breathe. I could not stand another night pretending that I don’t want you, that I don’t need you. I’d sooner destroy every planet than live only loving you from a distance. I couldn’t keep denying what was true in my heart.” His grip tightened gently on your hand that was still pressed to his chest. 
“I would do anything for you baby,” he leaned forward until his lips were pressed to the shell of your ear, “I already have.”
Your eyes brimmed with tears once more; the sick affection lacing his words made your heart skip a beat, and if the situation had been different, you would have returned his passion. However, the haunting images of those people who’d once walked among you, now dead in the hallways, couldn’t leave your thoughts. 
“Anakin…” You began, your tears threatening to fall down your face once more as your body became rigid from the way his forehead pressed against your temple, his lips brushing against your skin. “You killed innocent people, our people; I would have never agreed to this!” 
You pulled away from him slightly, making Anakin reluctantly follow suit as your eyes met once more, his yellow irises seeming to pierce your entire being. His grip on your hand pressed against his chest was strong, refusing the notion of losing your sacred touch. 
“I know you wouldn’t, my love,” He replied, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. “You’re so sweet and innocent, but that’s why I had to take you baby, don’t you understand?” Anakin brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, “every night I’d be plagued by visions of your corpse my love, I needed to protect you but the high council never would have let us be together. I did this for you. I refuse to lose you over some code; I’ll destroy the entire galaxy if it means making you mine and safe.” 
His golden gaze darkened for a moment, which you almost didn’t catch. The idea of his visions coming true caused a sick feeling that threatened to overtake him. 
“You’ll understand that one day.” He concluded. 
Your jaw dropped. You were sure Anakin had had his fair share of girls falling at his feet, and maybe one of them would have envied your position.
But you were a Jedi Knight. You were once a youngling, chosen to be a Padawan, eventually advancing to your station now. You’d earned your place alongside Anakin and all those who had fought to maintain order and justice for the peace and freedom of the galaxy.
You may be sweet, but you were not innocent, and you certainly didn’t need anyone else’s protection.
The fear that had crept into your heart was replaced by a burning anger. It wasn’t up to anyone but yourself to decide what was best for you. Anakin wasn’t the master of your fate, you were.
“Anakin,” you began, maintaining your calm demeanor so as not to upset your captor, “you have to let me go. Nothing will hurt me Ani, I’m going to be fine, but you must atone for your crimes.”
You gathered your courage, “what you did was wrong, no matter if you think you did it for the right reasons. You have to turn yourself in, and you have to let me go.”
Anakin’s eyes widened, his heart racing from the words he was hearing fall from your precious lips. This wasn’t what he was expecting at all. In his mind, he thought you would have been happy for what he did—fall into his arms and return his feelings. He didn’t expect you to retaliate and say such horrible things. You’ve never spoken against him before, ever. 
“Turn myself in?” He repeated as his eye gave a subtle twitch, his yellow orbs darkening as he tried to swallow his anger. “Don’t you turn against me now; nothing is going to harm you because I’m here, without the code getting in my way. You're safe because of me. You would do well to remember that, my love.” 
"No Anakin..." You whispered, pulling yourself out of his grasp once more, the storm in your eyes growing stronger yet the breaking of your heart was undeniable. "I'm imprisoned by a monster and I would rather die than return your feelings." 
"W-What?" He whispered, feeling like his heart was being ripped from his chest. It was like he could barely breathe. as panic began to course through him for the first time in a long while.  "Don't you ever say that to me."
"I love you, my sweet girl..." Anakin continued, trying to step closer to you but you continued backing away. He felt like he could die at this moment, being refused your affection and love. "I know you feel the same way..." 
"I did once..." You answered, sitting on the edge of the bed and crossing your arms, ignoring the tears threatening to escape you once more. "But I will never love a monster, the Anakin I loved is gone."
Anakin fought to keep tears from rolling down his cheeks, your words cut deeper than any swipe of a lightsaber he’d ever received. You were his everything, yet here you were, treating him as if he were nothing.
“Then the Anakin you loved was a lie,” he whispered, “I am who I’ve always been.”
He grasped your wrist firmly, careful not to hurt you but desperate to remind you that he was a powerful man. “All I want,” he ran a hand down your cheek causing you to flinch away, making his heart clench, “all I’ve ever wanted…was you.”
You pulled your wrist from his grasp. He sighed as he let you. “Now that I have you, I’m not letting you go, not ever.” 
You lip quivered as you fought back tears of your own. 
“I’ll be back when you’ve learned to accept that,” he told you, his voice breaking. The door closed behind him, sealing you into your room that might as well have been a cell.
“No! Wait!” you rushed to pound on the door but to no avail.
“Let me go Anakin,” you sobbed, “you have to let me go. Please, please let me go.” Your body shook and you choked as your tears flowed, forming a puddle on the ground.
Anakin leaned on the other side of the sealed door, head in his hands as his own tears fell. He hated to hear you so upset. He longed to pull you into his lap and wrap his arms around your cute, tiny frame. He imagined how he’d hum to you and dry your tears as he rocked you back and forth. 
Yet he knew that you’d only reject his comforting embrace. He wept, your desperate cries too much for him to bear. He’d do anything for your love. 
Anything but let you go.
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@prettywhenibleed @leiasolo77 @britany1997 @misslavenderlady @arianamhm @rottent33th @slaasherslut @vampirefilmlover
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weixuldo · 2 months
So I got a few Ani ideas and I need u to tell me what u think… it’s been awhile but the beast has been arisen
1. Anakin is getting bigger and stronger and his robes are getting tighter which is annoying him- but you just can’t help but dread the day he finally gets new ones (think in between aotc and rots- he trains harder and builds more muscle- THIGHS 4 DAYS)
2. You’re a well known figure in the public eye of coruscant (probably a senator) and get approached by a curious kid. Anakin watches in amazement as you handle the child so naturally and he can’t help but wanna pump a baby into you right then and there
3. 23 year old reader/ late 40s anakin ( luke and leia are 20) You met the twins in college// bsf w leia- luke is nice ig (luke has a massive crush on u)
- anakin always thought you were pretty (his dick twitches when you call him mr sw). You apply for a summer internship at a big business as a secretary for a temp job and happens to be his business. ur his secretary and end up just living at his house for the summer ( ur not from that city)
4. frat boy anakin and naiive reader (mixed signals, toxicity and smut)
5. Line cook ani and waitress reader during their break 🤭
Pls pls pls lmk what idea u wanna see next!!
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beskarinhyperspace · 1 year
Bad Day
"Everything you want."
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AO3 | Wattpad // MASTERLIST
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Anakin x fem.reader
Pure smut, he’s obsessed with you, possessive, dark anakin, sweet name calling, claiming, praising, teasing, ora! fem receiving, pinv, breeding k!nk, reader insert, no y/n, female reader, reader doesn't have a name
Word Count:  1.1k
A/N; I didn't expect the story to get this much attention. Tysm for all the love, you guys rock my fucking world.
+ Italics are thoughts. +
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It was a bad day for Anakin, everyone was telling him what to do, what not to do. He just had another boring and useless meeting with obi-wan and the council. He was tired of it all. He knew the potential he had and didn’t want to waste it on some pretentious know it all who didn’t trust him and never seeing him more than an apprentice.
He needed to let it all out, he needed you. 
Meanwhile you were in the basement of the castle, staying on the low low. Since you are on Anakin’s side people are staring at you weirdly. You also noticed the way he changed, you’re not blind but there’s no way in hell you’re leaving his side.  
As you’re reading a book in your room, you get called out by another servant.  
“The empress would like you to see her.” saying to you with a smile, peeking through the door frame. 
You put your book back on your nightstand and get up from the bed. You sigh as you flatten the fabric of your dress, now all wrinkled from laying down. A long garment with long sleeve. The fabric was simple, made of a light natural color to blend in.  
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen Anakin. You never really know how long his missions could take. Even if you knew how good of a fighter he was, you were always scared of something bad happening to him. Getting up the narrow staircase you open the door, moving to the kitchen. You can’t do your duties on an empty stomach right? Grabbing two cupcakes sitting on the counter, you remove the bottom wrapping, putting it in the trash before going out of the kitchen. You start to eat it immediately as you move to another set of staircases while trying to keep it all in your mouth. Turning the corner, you were too focused on opening the second one that you didn’t notice you were being followed. 
“I didn’t know that cupcakes were suited for breakfast..” hearing a voice soft yet playful. 
As you turn around you see him, his skin still dirty from his adventures. “Ani!” 
He smiles, leaning closer to you. You can feel the salt on his cold lips as his warm tongue comes to play with yours. He breathing hard, as if it was his first time tasting you. 
“When can you meet me?” voice rushed and raspy. 
“In four hours.” closing your eyes to his hand caressing your hip. 
He gives you one more kiss before you feel a hot and heavy sensation caressing your clit. “Too long..” 
Taking your hand, he brings you through a nearby door locking the handle behind him. The room was a simple study with an arm chair, a little desk and lamp. Behind of it was this huge floor to ceiling window, with books all around over the rest of the walls. The place was small but perfect.  
“You’ve been hunting my dreams since I left” speaking to you low and dangerous. 
You bite your lower lip as he approaches you, hovering of you. You notice his tired eyes and multiple scratches over his face. His skin was tanner than the last time you saw him. 
“I’m sorry is there a way I can make up for it?” as you're batting your sultry eyes to him. 
He doesn't waste a second, removing his cape and weapon belt. You look at him with anticipation as he pushes you into the arm chair, pulling your dress up as he brings your butt to the edge. He leans down, pushing your panties to the side and takes your clit into his mouth. Humming as he finally gets to taste you fully. You don’t know how to respond to the surprising action. Having your legs open in a matter of seconds and putting your pussy on full display for him. You start to breathe harder as he’s passing his tongue in between your folds, savoring you sweet in his mouth. You can feel him grinning as he hears your desperate moans for him. Going back to suck on your pulsing clit, you feel a finger entering you and pushing upward to that amazing spot of yours, whining to him as the feeling becomes too much. 
“I want it inside.” you ask finally opening your eyes halfway. 
He looks at you from below, giving you his mischievous smirk. “Everything you want.” 
He kisses the inside of your thigh, removing his grip from your legs. Getting his pants down, he lets out his beautiful thick cock already hard and ready for you.  
You smile back to him knowing that there’s nothing in this galaxy better than what you have with him. Stars, he was your whole world. He would kill for you and you would do the same for him.  
He comes down to kiss you softly as he squeezes your breast over the fabric of your dress. 
You can hear him, barely a whisper, “You’re so beautiful love.” you feel him pump himself a few times before entering you full length, going in slow for you to adjust to him. “I will become the most powerful jedi.” feeling it all inside you he stops. “I will make you mine and show you to the world.” feeling his breathing on your lips from the closeness. 
“But jedis can’t be with other people Ana..” 
He starts moving, going out slow but slams it back in harder, “I don’t care, I will do what I want.” 
You can’t control your moans as he begins thrusting inside you. Letting out some panting as he tries to munch your tits through the fabric. Squeezing and massaging them. Has he become mad? 
You feel him angrily pounding you along with the smacking noises mixed with the sounds of your slick pussy filling up the small room. Moving quicker and faster he positions himself at an angle to be able to reach the roof of your entrance as he’s pressing on your lower stomach. Grunting and growling low, he tries to talk in between breaths. 
“C-come fuor me” trying to keep the rhythm without coming just yet. 
You let out desperate whimpers as you’re coming close, coating his cock further more with your juices. 
“That’s it, c-come baby.” on the edge of his peek. 
You let out a full deep open mouth moan as you come on him and so does he, when he sees you finally becoming undone underneath him, filling you up with his cum inside you. 
He comes back to give several full mouthed kisses.  
“Our kids will be the best jedis in the galaxy, just like their father.” stating as you pet his hair. 
He smiles to you, resting his head a moment on your chest, trying to catch his breath and enjoying the feeling of your fingers caressing his head. 
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Word Count: 3K
Pairing: rots!Anakin x fem!reader
Warnings: none just fluff, but let me know if I've missed anything.
A/N: I have had this sitting for so long and I've been itching to post it. It is my very first imagine, so we'll see how this does. Probably have many more to come.
He was intimidating.
There was something about him that was hard to place. 
The way he looked was something out of a fairytale; his eyes were hard and steely, his jawline strong and sharp, his lips pink and pouty. He moved with confidence in the room, his steps controlled yet graceful. His presence seemed to demand respect from those around him.
He was definitely attractive.
Too attractive to be a Jedi. 
You felt a heavy, electric pressure on the side of your face. Every time you tried to sneak a peek at him from the corner of your eye, he would be looking downward or up towards the ceiling, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
You tried to ignore the magnetic pull of Anakin's gaze, but it was impossible. Every time his eyes met yours, you felt a wave of heat wash over you and your heart seemed to skip a beat. You knew deep down that this couldn't be real, that perhaps your infatuation with him was causing you to imagine things that weren't really there.
Mace Windu's deep voice cut through the daydream,“That's all for today," he said firmly. He gave you all a slight nod. “May the force be with you,” he added before turning away.
You stood up stretching your aching limbs. You hated these debriefings, feeling drained after every one. A quick glance showed the faces of the Jedi Knights in the room were heavy too, etched with fatigue. Reports flashed on the hologram in the middle of the room, grim reminders that loss and death had become unavoidable realities in this war and there was no end in sight.
Not something you would want to hear at eight in the morning. You were just glad that you had the day off, so a nap sounded like an amazing idea. 
The crowd around you began to surge forward, and you were soon engulfed in a sea of people, all jostling for the exit. Suddenly, your foot caught on something and you stumbled, throwing out your arms as you tumbled forward, into the broad chest of a large man. He caught you quickly, his grip strong and sure.
As you started to apologize, you looked up into the face of none other than Anakin Skywalker himself. He was standing there holding your arm, smiling kindly.
"Careful there," he teased, you felt his fingers slowly slid from your forearm to your shoulders to steady you.
A flush crept up your cheeks as you tried to look away, the intensity of his cerulean eyes too much to bear. You were suddenly acutely aware of the sound of your own breathing and the warmth radiating from his body.
You avoided eye contact, mumbled an apology, and scurried away from him as you felt your face heat up. You tried to disappear into the background but could feel his piercing gaze burning a hole in your back.
Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight renowned for his exceptional piloting skills and his connection to the Force, had always intrigued you. From afar, you had admired his bravery and determination, but up close, his presence was overwhelming. His mere gaze sent shivers down your spine, and his captivating smile left you momentarily breathless.
It was safe to say that Anakin Skywalker intimidated you.
The Jedi library was a grand room, encompassing almost an entire section of the temple. Shelves adorned with ancient manuscripts, scrolls, and books lined the walls; each tome a repository of knowledge from across the galaxy. The scents of parchment paper and aged ink filled the air, while glowstones illuminated the space in a soft, ethereal light. Tables were arranged in circular clusters like small islands in a sea of knowledge, beckoning exploration. It was as if all the secrets of the universe had been contained within these walls, offering solace and tranquility for those who sought it.
And yet...
There had been another encounter earlier in the afternoon.
It embarrassed you to no end how awkward you were with the man. But something about him made you freeze, run away, and hide. 
Earlier before coming to the library you had just left the meditation chambers, relaxed and fully focused for whatever study sesh you were diving into. Stepping into the elevator , you hit the button for the ground level. Not even two seconds later a voice called out to you. 
“Hold it for me please.” The voice, you recognized to be Anakin’s called out for you.
Maybe it was a slip of your finger, or the instinct to run away. Whatever it was, the doors closed right in Anakin’s face.
The moment you realized what you had done you let out a sigh of frustration. What was wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just be normal? 
Now the situation was eating you up inside as you flipped each dusty page of one of the thousands of books in the library. The frown on his face engraved in your mind. He probably thought you were a freak. 
You groaned into your hands, earning a shush from other people around you. 
“What’s got you in such a sour mood?” A female voice suddenly questioned, causing you to jump slightly. 
Ashoka Tano stood above you a brow raised at your stressed out figure. Although she was barely sixteen and you nineteen, the two of you were very good friends.
“Kriff Ashoka, why are you in here? Aren’t you banned from the library?” You questioned.
She rolled her eyes,”Actually it was a one year ban, and not that it matters but it was mostly Anakin’s fault.”
“Right, he knocked half of the shelves down and destroyed a quarter of the ancient language books.” You snickered. 
“He started it !” She exclaimed defensively.
“Shh!” You whispered harshly. “Keep your voice down, unless you want to get banned again.”
“Okay okay,” she whispered back,”what are you working on?”
“Master Yoda asked me to give a quick rundown on a newly charted planet, so far I haven’t really found anything worth mentioning.” You answered, flipping open another book.
“Boo, sounds boring,” she said, with a mischievous gleam in her eye. She grabbed your wrist and tugged you up from the chair. “Let’s go get lunch.”
“Right now?” You asked in shock.
“Yes now, I heard they’re serving pasta.”
Your eyes widened with excitement and you leaned forward, intrigued. "What kind of pasta?" 
A mischievous grin spread across her face and she ticked off on her fingers, "Lasagna, fettuccine Alfredo, spaghetti carbonara..."
“Alright I’m sold,”you grabbed her hand,”let’s go.”
“Then he had the audacity to ask me if I’ve been paying attention,” Ashoka shook her head,”The nerve.”
“Mmm,” You hummed in agreement,”Well were you?” you asked, taking a sip of blue milk.
She gave you a coy smile,”Well…I was staring at Enzo's ferociously large biceps.”
You choked on your drink, taken aback by the words that slipped out of her mouth. 
Ashoka gently rested her hand on your back and gave a few light pats as you coughed. She smiled with amusement,"Oh look, how convenient."
She pointed over to Anakin who had just walked into the cafeteria. His eyes swept across the room, then stopped when they met yours. He started walking towards you with a determined stride. You felt all the air in your lungs disappear, and your stomach seemed to somersault inside of you. Every step he took felt like an eternity as his gaze stayed locked on yours.
You felt your heart hammering in your chest and a wave of nausea fill your stomach. As every ounce of common sense told you to bolt away from the table, you were physically unable to move anything except for your hands, which trembled as your fingers tightened on the edge of the table.
What was happening to you?
“Sorry I took so long, I got caught up in conversation with Master Mundi," Anakin sighed heavily, sitting down across from you and Ashoka. "Also the elevator took a while ,” he added, looking directly at you.
You almost went into another coughing fit. 
“Master, what a nice surprise,” Her face then broke into a mischievous grin. “You remember Y/N, right Anakin?”
Your cheeks flushed red as he looked your way.
“Of course,” he said smoothly. “How have you been Y/N?”
You smiled politely, “Good.” 
“Y/N was just about to-"
"Leave, actually," you interrupted her.Your plate was still mostly full, but you couldn't bear the tension and discomfort that had already set in. You didn't dare meet Anakin's gaze again, and instead busied yourself with gathering your things. 
Ashoka shot you a confused look, but didn't try to stop you as you stood up from the table.
Anakin looked taken aback, but recovered quickly. "Oh, alright. See you around, then," he said with a small smile.
"Uh, yeah. See you." You managed to squeeze out the words before practically sprinting out of the cafeteria.
Once outside, you leaned against the closest wall and took deep breaths to steady yourself. You couldn't believe how much power Anakin Skywalker had over you - a mere acquaintance at best. You had never been so thrown off balance by anyone before.
With your overthinking mind, you had concluded that they were playing a prank on you. It was probably your sleep deprived mind or your coffee addiction that fueled this thinking. But, Anakin and Ashoka were up to something.
Every time you showed up to see Ashoka, she would beam from ear to ear and let out an excited, “Oh, Anakin’s here!” You could feel your cheeks flush as the Jedi Knight appeared and you scrambled to come up with a plausible excuse to leave.
Even when you weren't with Ashoka, he would somehow be conveniently around you. It was as if he were seeking you out.
No matter where she went, Anakin seemed to materialize out of thin air. In the vast hallways, as soon as he appeared at the corner she'd quickly turn around and hurry in the opposite direction. When walking around the temple grounds, there he was again; standing tall against the rising sun, his features illuminated by a solitary ray of light.
It's been two weeks, and quite frankly you were starting to become exhausted with this charade or whatever thing this was. 
The only places where you could find solitude were your quarters and the library. 
So that's were you found yourself today, in the Temple Library.
Your fingers were tangled in your hair, which fell wildly around your face. Crisp pages of books lay open amongst a scattering of pens and highlighters on the table.
Two hands slammed in front of you, making you look up. You jumped in surprise.
“Alright spill,"Ashoka demanded with impatience.
“Spill what?” You tried to act nonchalant.
Ashoka rolled her eyes, “You know what. Why are you avoiding Anakin?"
“I’m not avoiding him,”You mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, looking away from the other girl. 
"Not what I heard," she countered, folding her own arms, matching you stance. When the silence continued, she sighed,” Y/N, I know you like him."
You stared blankly at Ashoka with disbelief clear in your stare. She knew. Of course she knew. It was so obvious. 
"Plus he's been whining to me for the past couple of weeks."
"Whining?" You repeated, taken aback.
Ashoka nodded, "Yeah, he's been complaining about how you've been avoiding him like the plague. He thinks you hate him or something." Her voice grew n octave lower, trying to imitate him,"Does she not like me? Am I being too forward? Did I do something wrong?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Anakin Skywalker whining to Ashoka about you.
"I don't hate him," you finally admit. "I just...don't know how to act around him."
"You act the same way you always do," Ashoka shrugged. "He's just a person,Y/N. It pains me to say it but... a really attractive person." she made a quiet gagging noise.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but feel a small flutter in your chest at her words.
"Just talk to him," she encouraged. "I promise he's not that scary." 
"Alright," you nodded,"I'll try."
This was not what you were expecting. You hoped to corner him in one of the many hallways, but instead you were stuck with him and Ashoka in an elevator.
"How long has it been?" Anakin asked.
"Five minutes,"Ashoka answered.
The air inside was starting getting thick from all of the carbon dioxide being exhaled from your lungs. You shifted uncomfortably, finding yourself caught between Anakin and Ashoka. The small space felt too intimate, and you could feel Anakin’s eyes on you even if you refused to look his way.
"Alright, I've had it," Ashoka quickly stood up, igniting one of her sabers to cut a large enough hole to jump through. "I'm going to get help, be right back."
"Ashoka!" Anakin yelled,"That's not smart."
But she ignored him, jumping above the elevator and vanishing out of sight.
You had just been left alone in an elevator with Anakin Skywalker. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you couldn't help but wonder if this had all been a setup. Ashoka's sudden exit made it feel like an ambush, as if the two of them had planned to leave you alone together.
The silence between the two of you was agonizingly uncomfortable. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Anakin, so you kept your gaze trained straight ahead.
"So," Anakin finally broke the silence. "You've been avoiding me."
You bit your lip, unsure of how to respond. It wasn't like you could tell him that he made you nervous just by existing.
"I haven't been avoiding you," you lied, feeling guilty for not being truthful.
Anakin let out a small laugh, "Right. Because turning around and walking the other way every time you see me is totally normal."
You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment. He had noticed after all.
"I'm sorry," you finally admitted. "I don't know what to say around you."
Anakin turned to face you, his expression softening,"That's alright."
"I've been meaning to talk to you actually,"you started, finding a sudden burst of courage. "I um... well Ashoka said that, you..."
He waited patiently, raising an eyebrow in encouragement. You took a deep breath before continuing.
"Ashoka said that you might have feelings for me," you blurted out, feeling your face heat up even more at the admission. 
"Well its about time you noticed,"he chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I've been waiting weeks for you to figure it out."
Even though you knew it to be true, you couldn't help the wave of shock that passed over you at his confession. You had never expected Anakin Skywalker to have feelings for someone like you.
"So you do like me?" you stupidly asked.
He laughed, his eyes lighting up in a way that made you feel like you were the only person in the galaxy. "Of course I like you," he said, slowly stepping towards you. "Was it not obvious?"
You felt your heart beating faster as Anakin drew closer, finally standing right in front of you. You could smell the musky scent of his cologne and it sent shivers down your spine.
"I never realized," you admitted sheepishly, feeling ashamed for not noticing something so obvious."I honestly thought it was some cruel joke."
His smile was soft and warm as his hand reached up to slowly smooth a piece of your hair out of the way.
"Do you like me," he softly asked,the intensity in his eyes making it hard to form coherent thoughts.
You nodded your head, unable to find words as you stared up at him. His hand trailed down from your hair and cupped the side of your face gently, bringing it closer to his own. 
"Can I kiss you," he whispered,his breath hot against your skin. Your heart was beating wildly and you could feel the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Please," you breathed out, barely louder than a whisper. 
His lips brushed against yours tentatively, hesitantly testing the waters. You closed your eyes and parted your lips slightly, giving into his advances. A tingling sensation rippled all throughout your body. It was almost electric as you ran your hands through his short curls, his fingers curling around the back of your neck. He pulled you closer to deepen the kiss, and it only fueled your desire.
Every inch of your body was on fire as Anakin's hands started trailing up and down your sides, sending shivers through you. 
You could feel his need for you in the way he kissed you - a sense of urgency and raw hunger that made it clear this was not just any ordinary kiss.
As the intensity grew, so did your own desire rippling through your veins like an inferno. The air around you felt electric with attraction as if nothing else mattered in that moment except for each other.
You broke apart gasping for breath, Anakin's voice husky as he spoke quietly into the space between you. "I've been wanting to do that since I first met you."
A dazed smile broke out on your face,"Me too."
A loud bang from outside drew both of your attentions away.
"Alright lovebirds, I'm busting you out." Ashoka yelled from the other side.
The loud groaning from the metal doors echoed throughout the elevator. Revealing the light from the hallways on the other side.
"Alright come on out,"Ashoka yelled, hidden and out of sight.
Anakin made one last move, kissing your cheek, your nose, and lastly a longing kiss on your forehead before leaving the elevator.
He paused looking back with a smirk,"Until next time." 
Feeling the warmth radiating from his parting words, you smiled and watched him disappear into the hallway.
"Well, well, well,"Ashoka said with a grin as you stepped out of the elevator. "Looks like someone had a good time in there."
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up on your cheeks."Shut up."
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umeumeumee · 1 year
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰
summary: an unexpected person pays you a visit , and it changes things for good.
warnings: angst, mentions of past mistakes / regrets
a/n: no authors note, just some ‘soka angst<3
the dim light from your porch’s lamp shined precisely in the crack between ahsoka’s aching skin and the coarse fabric of her dark cloak. Her blue eyes creased under the brighter light, body shaking— hand queasy as she rose it to the familiar wooden door.
The pounding of her heart in her chest was so loud, it was almost the only thing she could hear. Her breaths were heaving- as if she had ran here. sweat coating every inch of her beautiful orange skin while she stare holes into the wood before her.
She could hear shuffling inside, she could make out the small giggles you made from what she assumed to be a book you were reading— you loved books. romance books. ahsoka remembered specifically finding them for you while she was on her missions when she was a Padawan, always thinking of you and how you would react to such a silly book. She never understood how you could read those things, how the words of the love story could affect you so deeply. She would never forget the flushed laughs you released, the cute tint of pink on your skin.
She shook her head- dissolving such silly thoughts of you. Those days were over, long gone for good.
The small hum of an all too familiar tune echoing off the walls sent her hard into a spiral, basically leaping out of her chest.
ahsoka allowed her eyes to shut for a short moment, reminiscing to the old tune.
When Ahsoka would tell you about the nightmares that would plague her sleep— you would comfort her, tell her everything would be okay. You’d sing a small tune- the tune that your mother would sing you when you were small. she remembers you saying how it stuck with you- how it had become something you sang when you were content, calm. when you were with someone you loved.
a frown molded onto ahsoka’s lips, brows furrowed in sorrow. Realization that she had left. Not just her master, but the order— and you. god- what was she thinking? Greif flooded her.
Ahsoka new that when she walked away, that it would include everything about her past life. but, she didn’t want you to be apart of her past life. she wanted you to be apart of her life now- To be with her.
with a shaky sigh, ahsoka straightened her back and blinked her sorrowful eyes- bravely knocking twice on your door.
The soft hums came to a stop, shuffling could once again be heard— but, this time, it was approaching the door.
apprehension flooded Ahsoka’s body, mind running miles at the thought of what you might look like sought her out. She hasn’t laid her blue eyes on you since you both were fourteen- four years ago. Surely you were to be different- older, perhaps taller- and no doubt in her mind, more beautiful.
footsteps approached the door echoed off the skull of her head, a nervous flush flying through her chest when she saw the door handle turn— and stop stopped when you pulled open the door.
You weren’t much taller- perhaps an inch or two- your hair was longer, much longer— your features had matured, your lips had grown, your eyelashes finally fit your face, god. you were everything she wanted— you were better than she imagined you would be, even all these years later.
though, the look on your face whooshed her thoughts away. It was one of confusion- shock, too. Bewilderment, anger, sadness- but, mostly, the deep sorrow of your eyes resembled those of whom missed someone dear to them.
silence ate at her skin like infectious bugs, gnawing down at her flesh painfully as the thick air between you both made her ears ring.
your eyes scanned her face suspiciously, as if she wasn’t there- as if perhaps she was a hologram, or a clone. someone else- someone similar.
“Ahsoka?” you asked skeptically, still holding the door handle. You stared at her in disbelief, almost denial- had you not thought you’d ever see her again?
she couldn’t find it in herself to reply to you— her throat suddenly as drained of moisture as the lonesome planet Tatooine. Your eyes slowly widened when the realization that she was indeed, truly standing before you after all these years.
before she could blink or even breathe— she felt two all too familiar arms wrap around her. Ahsoka’s eyes blew wide, surprised by the sudden full-body contact of your form on hers, your head in the crook of her neck. She hasn’t realized how much she really did miss you until now.
Your scent, your touch, your smile and voice— you were like a missing dream. Hesitantly, she wrapped her shaky arms around your body, scared- as if you were going to vanish.
the embrace that held you two together was long- silent, deep, filled with many unsaid words spilling out from hidden spaces inside you both.
You only pulled back to look at her face. Gosh, she was beautiful. so beautiful you couldn’t believe she was real.
“maker, ahsoka. I.. i thought you were..” you shut yours eyes, sighing deeply and shaking your head. “are you okay? do you need anything?” you asked through heavy thoughts— opening your confused eyes and blinking many times before trailing them across the Togruta’s face. Ahsoka didn’t say anything, her lips parted lightly while she stare at your face as you spoke, as you moved.
“i— what am i— come in, please.” you ushered, your own wobbly hand reaching for hers and delicately leading her inside your longtime home.
you shut the door behind her, shooing your loth cat, Noni, out of the way as she tried to rub herself against ahsoka’s boots out of familiarization.
Ahsoka didn’t sit on your couch until you did, tossing some messy pillows out of the way in order to clear a space for her.
you didn’t know where to start— what to and not to ask, what to and not to do, where to look and where to begin.
You took a moment to take her in, her lekku have grown longer, she finally grew into her big features, her lips were as beautiful as you remember, her eyes as alluring as they were all those years ago— still so you could get lost in them.
“you… don’t have to talk, ‘soka. not if you don’t want to. we can just.. wait.” you whispered, watching her lost eyes scavenge over your hand on hers.
“wait however long you need.”
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britany1997 · 1 year
Ties That Bind
Part One
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Yandere Anakin Skywalker x Fem Jedi Reader
Surprise y’all! I’m so incredibly excited to share part one of this collab fic with @6lostgirl6 !!!! Sixx and I put equal work into this so please go and show her some love! I loved working with my bestie on this it was so fun and she’s so kind and encouraging❤️
Warnings: general yandere behavior, mentions of deaths
Dividers from @6lostgirl6
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Sweat pooled around Anakin as he sprang forward in bed, gasping in a haze of fear and anger. His head fell to his hands as he struggled to catch his breath.
Sleep had eluded him for months as every night ended the same, with visions of your corpse flashing through his tortured mind. 
Anakin discarded his blanket in frustration, grabbed your picture from his work bench, and sat on the floor to meditate. 
His brow furrowed as he attempted to squash his rage and uncertainty, to let them go and let the force fill him with the comfort he needed. 
But to let go of his emotion, would be to let go of you.
Though he mumbled to himself, ‘there is no emotion, there is peace, there is no passion, there is serenity,’ he couldn’t make himself believe that. You were his peace, you were his serenity.
He abandoned his meditation in a huff. Anakin liked to think he was a patient man, a good Jedi. Yet how could he sit back and do nothing? The visions would never stop, it was time to take matters into his own hands.
Despite his failures at meditating and stopping his mind from whirling, he was struck by a solution. He was deep in concentration, staring at the ground, your picture nestled against his uncovered chest.
The visions would undoubtedly stop if he could protect you and keep you safe from harm. What if the force hadn't been working against him after all? He was immediately filled with purpose, a fire in his eyes that couldn't ever be extinguished. He will defend you even if it means doing the unthinkable and abandoning the Jedi code. 
What other reason would there be besides protecting the one you loved the most, even if it required being selfish? Absolutely nothing was of greater significance than you, his long-time friend, whom he had been pining over for many years. The forbidden feelings he could no longer ignore. There was no greater reason, no other reason, than you. 
It was all for love. 
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Despite the summons from the Chancellor, Anakin thought the Galaxies Opera House was well worth the journey through Coruscant. Though the visions of your impending death haunted him, Squid Lake, a strange ballet performed by a team of Mon Calamari acrobats, calmed his worries and enabled his mind to focus on something far more pleasant. He wished he could take you to one as lovers rather than as companions one day once you are away from harm. The Chancellor, however, required his attention once more.
His eyes were focused ahead as he said, "The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power." The Chancellor’s face bore a deep and serious expression.
“The Sith rely on their passion for their strength; they think inwards, only about themselves.” Anakin answered back firmly, turning his head towards him as he spoke.
“And the Jedi don’t?” asked the Chancellor, turning his attention towards Anakin without wavering, his eyes never leaving his face.
“The Jedi are selfless, they only care about others.” Anakin spoke strongly, turning his attention forward, just before the Chancellor continued to speak, making Anakin's blood run cold.
“Although they prevent you from loving freely in accordance with your own desires. They would never approve of your love for your friend or the things you would do for her.” He spoke with a voice filled with stomach-churning truth. “Your companion, (Y/N).”
Anakin turned to face the older man, his eyes wide with surprise as he whispered quietly. "How did you know-"
"I know many things, Anakin." He responded. "You say they are selfless and care about others. But what would the council say if they learned of your hidden desires, your affection that you have for your fellow Jedi?" 
For once, Anakin couldn't speak because the Chancellor's words struck him deeply. His eyes were fixed on the opera playing ahead of him as he slowly sunk into his chair. He wasn't watching the event, though; instead, he was fixated on his thoughts, his visions of your approaching demise, and the possibility that the council would learn of his feelings for you. They'd shun him. He couldn't save you if they were in the way. His heart was pounding, and his mind was racing. 
It was the Chancellor's voice that silenced his racing thoughts. 
“You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?” 
No, he would not let them stop him from loving you, from saving you.
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Your saber clashed against Anakin’s as you traded swipes back and forth. He smirked as you narrowly missed his shoulder. You stuck out your tongue in reply.
It’d probably be easier to spar with someone else, you and Anakin had trained together as Padawans, practically grown up together. He knew every move you’d make before you could even think to make it. But, unfortunately for him, you could anticipate his every move as well.
You leaped as he swiped his saber at your feet, “missed again Ani,” you teased. You noticed a strange expression cross his face when you uttered his name, but it quickly vanished.
“You’re lucky today,” he smirked, “but luck runs out.” Anakin swiped his foot behind yours, causing you to tumble onto your back, he stood over you, lightsaber pointed towards your chest. 
You groaned, “fine, I yield.”
He chuckled as he switched his weapon off and offered you his arm to pull you to your feet. “Better luck next time?” he teased. 
“Ha ha,” you mumbled humorlessly, as you allowed him to pull you up.
"Let's not pretend you didn't cheat, Ani." You continued jokingly. You leaned over to grab your fallen lightsaber when you failed to notice the unknown expression resurfacing on his face. However, it did not completely disappear, his darkening eyes fixated on your body, images racing through his mind of scenarios unsuitable for a Jedi.
He adored it when you addressed him as such. 
His expression returned to normal as you straightened up, and he had a mischievous smile on his face once again. "Never, ever underestimate your opponent." He chuckled as he extinguished his lightsaber and attached the hilt to his belt.
“Yeah, Yeah.” You replied, the smile refusing to vanish from your expression. 
"Come now; I only tease." Anakin remarked softly, staring at you with a more genuine smile, one that could compete with the sun if he so desired. Since you were both padawans, he has consistently been an enchanting man. He had a way of charming himself out of most trouble and making one's heart feel like it was going to burst.
This was a secret you kept hidden within your heart for many years, the sentiments you had for Anakin that were more than just friendship. However, according to the Jedi code and attachment regulations, you did everything you could to drive those emotions away. Your feelings got less difficult to disguise as you practiced meditation and late-night self-reflection. In addition, you knew in your core that Anakin was an exceptionally gifted Jedi and that your affections for him were never going to be reciprocated. 
“Everything alright?” 
You recovered from your subconscious, glancing at Anakin as he stood directly in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed in slight concern. 
"Yes, I'm sorry." You replied before reactivating your lightsaber, your eyes bright with purpose and your smile returning. "Let's continue."
After many long hours of trading blows, you and Anakin were huffing, your foreheads drenched with sweat. 
“Call it a night?” you asked as Anakin wiped his brow clean. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed in reply, “it’s late, want an escort back to your quarters?”
You laughed. He didn’t. 
“No Ani it’s fine,” you promised, “I think I can manage the couple of steps it takes to get there.”
“It’s on my way anyway,” he protested.
You shot him a confused expression, “on your way to where?” 
“To the archives,” he told you nonchalantly, “I needed to look into something.”
Your brow furrowed, “look into what?”
He groaned, tugging gently at your arm, “just let me escort you.”
“Fine, fine,” you reluctantly caved.
He offered you his shoulder, a smirk painted on his face. You scoffed and punched his arm instead, causing a soft laugh to fall from his lips. 
He smiled and shook his head at your stubbornness, you never made anything easy. But it didn’t matter, he’d never been one to back down from a challenge.
The walk to your quarters passed quickly as you exchanged stories with Anakin. You clutched your stomach as tears rolled down your cheeks as he told you the story of his last battle with General Grevious. Anakin had spent so much time with Obi Wan over the years, Anakin’s impression of his sarcastic banter was spot on.
“Well this is me,” you joked, gesturing to your door. Anakin nodded but didn’t move to head towards the archives. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion, “…so I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
He seemed to snap from his momentary trance, “yes of course,” Anakin hesitated, “do you need anything else before I go?”
Your head cocked to one side, “no, not really.” 
Walking you to your room had been strange in itself, this was ridiculous. “Ani…” you bit your lip, “are you ok?”
Anakin seemed taken aback by your sudden question, “of course,” he composed himself, “I better be off to the archives, I’ll see you for training in the morning.”
You watched him walk off before slipping into your room. You sat down to meditate, but you couldn’t rid your mind of Anakin’s weird behavior. Something wasn’t right. 
You sighed, coming to terms with the fact that you would not be one with the force tonight and crawling into bed. As you drifted to sleep a thought popped into your head.
Weren’t the archives in the opposite direction?
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Anakin sent a glass flying into his wall in frustration. He watched as it shattered, spraying shards onto the floor around his work desk. 
He threw his head into his hands. He could monopolize your training time, walk you to your quarters every night, wake up early to be at your door every morning.
But it would only take one second, one second where he left you alone, one second where he wasn’t right by your side, one second and you were gone forever. 
If he balled his fists any harder, his fingernails would slice the skin. He knew what he had to do. You might hate him for a moment, but he could live with that.
But if you died? There was no living if not with you.
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The Jedi Temple was destroyed.
Your fellow Jedi were slaughtered in cold blood. 
You could feel your heart frantically beating as you rushed through the halls of pure massacre, the walls forever tarnished by the horrors that had been committed. Fellow Jedi that you’ve trained with are lying on the floor lifeless, and some are in cauterized pieces. You felt like you could throw up at any moment, the hilt of your lightsaber held in your shaky grasp. You were in a state of delirium; your thoughts were filled with dueling lightsabers and people screaming in fear. However, there was one thing that was absolutely certain.
You needed to find Anakin.
‘Please, let him be safe.’ You thought to yourself as you managed to turn a corner, your other hand gripping your ribcage, your heart threatening to explode. ‘By the force, please protect him.’ 
You were anxious to find him, yet filled with dread. Your mind was racing with images of his form in pieces, his eyes lifeless without any warmth. It almost made the journey too much to bear. 
You rounded another corner that led towards the entrance of one of the temple’s many great halls. As you pushed through the entrance, a heavy feeling filled your chest, and you were completely unable to go any further. Your eyes were wide, and you could feel your breath failing you. 
As you gazed into the distance, you noticed a familiar figure, clad in a brown robe with a hood covering his face, that you had never failed to recognize, even at a distance. As the figure walked towards you, a large group of clone soldiers followed behind him, weapons drawn. In his hand was his own lightsaber, which he clutched tightly in his grasp.
"Ani!” You cried, disengaging your lightsaber and rushing towards him with tears in your eyes, prepared and ready to meet him with a sense of relief. 
You threw your arms around him, tears rolling down your face as you sobbed. He returned your embrace, arms wrapping around the small of your back, pulling you into his chest.
“Ani,” you muttered between sobs, “I’m so glad you’re ok, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
He tightened his grip on your waist, holding you close, “I know what you mean…”
You sniffled as you tried to gather yourself, “Anakin, so many lives…” you hiccuped, “what happened.”
“Only what needed to.”
“What?” you exclaimed as you looked up to meet his eyes. 
The sight of his blood stained face made you gasp. No. This wasn’t the Anakin you knew. This couldn’t be happening.
But it was. The man you’d carried a torch for all these years, your best friend and confidant, stood before you, clothed in the blood of your friends.
You pushed against his chest, trying to escape from his grasp but he refused to let you go. He held you tightly against him with one arm, using his other hand to brush hair from your face affectionately. A gesture that once would have made you blush now filled you with malice.
“I know you don’t understand now, but you will my love,” he whispered, “now sleep.”
“Anakin…no…” you fought a losing battle to keep your eyes open. You were strong in the force, but Anakin was stronger.
Your head lulled to the side as you fell asleep in his arms.
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@misslavenderlady @pixielostboy @dwaynesluscioushair @arbesa-mind @hallotonia @anna1306 @bookworm551 @flower-crowned-lady @bloodywickedvamp @lostboys1987girl @kurt-nightcrawler @dwaynedelight @rynsfandomsfun @ghoulgeousimmaculate @walmartfairy69 @bitchyexpertprincess @arenpath @warrior-616 @ria-coolgirl
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malusmagpie · 1 year
Dueling Fates.
Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!Fem Reader
Summary: Anakin really, really wants to win for once.
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Warnings: 18+ definitely smut. Minors DNI or I’ll find you and bite you. Hatefucking (?), reader gets dominated, vulnerability, name calling, restraint, hair pulling, neck kisses, biting, honestly the works.
A/N: This is my first smut in years and i got a bit carried away with the lead up cuz im a sl*t for tension and foreplay and i had to cut it short but i’m pretty proud of this for my first time back. I’m sorry if i made any mistakes, i proofread but mistakes happen! Thanks for reading <3 Enjoy filthy Anakin.
Word count: 3.1K (I know it’s long I got excited.)
Anakin wasn’t a sore loser, not by his definition at least. He just knew he could do better. That’s why when he lost against you again in a sparring session something began to boil his blood. He stood up and stared at you for a moment, you knew what that look meant.
“Again.” He spoke sternly, not at all to your surprise. His lightsaber was still ignited and held in front of him with shaking, frustrated hands. His eyes were glazed over as if possessed by the idea of winning. This had been your third session together and prior to you two partnering up you had been training for 4 hours.
“I’ve been at this for hours I would much rather go eat than tend to your bruised ego, Skywalker.” You put your lightsaber in its rightful spot on your hip and looked up at him with your arms crossed.
It was true that Anakin rarely lost but almost every time he did, it was to you. If you had a scoreboard to keep track, it wouldn’t look good for him. You were older by two years and therefore had more experience. Not by much, but enough to make a difference. He was strong, big, and extremely quick with his reflexes but you were small, agile, and had levels of pattern recognition too high for him to catch you off guard. All his best traits came to your advantage and he hated it.
“Cut the bullshit. I know you’ve got one more in you.” He spoke, his eyes looked your tired frame up and down. You didn’t, in fact, have one more in you but you still agreed. Your legs were hurting in places you didn’t think they could and your arms were burning so badly they might as well have been dipped in lava.
“Fine.” You muttered as you neared him, taking your spot across from him at the training ring. You readied your lightsaber and the sound of it igniting filled your ears. His expressions were small, almost unnoticeable, but you could see how riled up he was in the small movements of his lip twitching and his eyes flickering from you to your lightsaber. You knew your mind wasn’t in it, your Master would have sent you to bed at the sight of you and you knew Obi-Wan wouldn’t encourage Anakin in the state he was in, as well.
A hint of something flashed across his face when you agreed and that settled the feeling you had, this would not be an easy one. The rivalry you two had was nothing more than friendly competition in the eyes of most but truth be told you were both too similar and stubborn, and it really did feel like you were truly enemies sometimes.
“Any day now, Y/L/N.” He spoke in that cocky tone that made you want to slash his head clean off his neck. You tightened your grip and swung first, the sound of your lightsabers clashing echoed through the large, now empty room. This was the best way to do it, offensive to start, swinging so he had the confidence that he could block your blows. Then when you began to feel even the slightest bit of exhaustion you’d play the defense, which was your specialty, until he spent himself. The rest? Too easy.
Your legs, while in pain, moved quickly. You dodged and rolled away from him multiple times. You enjoyed the feeling of him having to come to you, in the same way a dog owner experiences contentment when their dog obeys their commands.
You didn’t know what happened. You didn’t even know how it happened in the moment. He swung directly down your middle and you blocked him, pushing him back with a grunt. The noise he made in response was almost animalistic. It shocked you for just a fraction of a second but he swung and your block was delayed. He didn’t expect it and neither did you so when the swing connected to your leg you both froze. His reaction time, bless the Maker for it, was quick enough for him to stop before he melted your leg clean off but not quick enough to prevent it from grazing you.
You staggered back, retracting your lightsaber. Not a word left either of your mouths for a few seconds, though it felt more like a lifetime. The adrenaline was helping you feel less of the pain but it wasn’t fixing much.
“I didn’t think you’d connect.” You said through gritted teeth as your face contorted in pain. You dropped down on your ass to inspect the wound. “I didn’t think you’d fail to block.” He muttered as he rushed over to lean down next to you.
“I’ll get to a medic. Just leave me alone.” You nearly seethed at him. “I knew you weren’t the nicest sparring partner but I didn’t know you played dirty when you’re mad.” You pushed yourself off the ground, your injured leg bent at the knee as you hopped toward the exit of the training room.
Anakin narrowed his eyes as he walked next to you, not bothering to help due to your comment. “I don’t play dirty. Watch that loud mouth. It’ll be the reason you eat through a straw one day.” His hands were folded behind his back as he watched you struggle to get up the steps to get back into the temple.
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes and held on to the railing for dear life as you hopped up each step. You felt an arm slide across your back and under your armpit.
“I’ll show you dirty if you keep this up.” He muttered, it was barely audible but you heard it and decided the pain in your leg was far more important than his incessant rambling.
“Don’t touch me.” You seethed but you made no attempt to move away from him. He looked down at you and you got the reply of sweet silence. For once, he chose not to respond.
“The medical bay is in the opposite direction-“ You started. “No. It’s just a surface scratch. I can clean it out for you and avoid us both getting in trouble for training after hours when we should have been eating.” He said sternly and a laugh escaped your mouth followed by a short wince.
“You mean avoid yourself getting in trouble. I wouldn’t get in shit over this. You challenged me and hurt me.” You responded. He shook his head and continued walking over to the dormitories. You recognized the hallway he was walking down to be the boys sector. You decided to bite your tongue for the time being. The wound, while not dangerous, was painful and you wanted to save your energy for something more worth while.
He opened the door to his room and placed you down on the small chair by his desk before turning to close the door. He walked away from you to find medical supplies while you inspected the wound and poked the skin around it, wincing in pain.
“Do you enjoy hurting yourself or something?” He muttered as he returned to see you poking away at your sensitive skin. You dropped your hand and looked up at him, your eyes followed him as he kneeled in front of you. You’d rather die than admit it but he did look good on his knees. Again, you stuck with the cold shoulder response, it was easier when you didn’t argue with him. You averted your gaze fairly quickly when he looked up at you for a moment. You didn’t even feel his hands on your hips until he spoke.
“Up.” His hands rested on the waistband of your pants and you cocked an eyebrow. “No funny business.” You muttered as you raised your hips to allow him to get the pants off and have better access to your thigh.
“Only in your dreams.” He spoke with a level of confidence that made you want to scream and rip his hair out of his head, but still, you stayed fairly silent.
He cleaned and dressed your wound, his touch was softer than you’d expected apart from the moments you would flinch and he’d use a bit of strength to hold your leg in place. “You’re gonna need new pants.” He said, his face was close enough to your skin that you felt the air leave his mouth as he spoke and it immediately created goosebumps on your legs. It was clear he noticed it because he did it again. “What? Is it cold in here?” His low voice sent vibrations to your leg and they flared up in little bumps again. His eyes trailed up your leg and the rest of your body until they finally rested on your own eyes. There was a look in his eyes that you had never been able to pin point and he had it often when he’d speak to you.
“Give me my stuff. I think we’re done now.” You said with a look of annoyance blanketing your expression. He followed promptly with a ‘tsk’ and his low voice, almost a growl, spoke again. “I don’t think we are.” His grip on your thigh squeezed gently and you tried snapping your legs shut only to be met by the barrier of his stupid head.
“What’s your deal, Skywalker?” You ask, your eyes boring holes into his own. You never made a single effort to move away, something about him was entrancing. His thumbs traced circles on your inner thigh by your hips and your legs twitched. You could feel your heart in your throat as he stared you down with the same intensity at you. A smirk curled at the corner of his lips when he felt you get nervous.
“What’s yours?” He mused as his hands travelled up to your waist and he pulled you down from the chair to sit on his lap where he was kneeling on the floor. A soft gasp escaped your lips and you felt a hand push on the back of your neck. Your foreheads were touching now and it felt like all the oxygen in the room had some how disappeared. Your hands instinctively rested on his chest as you straddled him.
Your mind was moving too quickly for you to say anything and before you knew it you felt his lips press against yours. His hand moved from its place on your neck to bunch up your hair and he held it in a tight grip causing a gasp to leave your mouth again.
‘I’ll show you dirty.’ His words from earlier rang in your head and you felt yourself shiver. He pulled away from you and laid you down on the cold, hard floor.
“Anakin-“ You started and he climbed over top of you, caging you in with his arms. “Years. I’ve spent years resenting you for the way you make me feel. Years watching you strut about and walk around with the confidence of thinking you’re better than I am. I hate how you speak to me and I hate the way you act.” He spoke, his eyes never left yours and your eyebrows furrowed.
“If you hate me so much why are you on top of me?” You found enough air to finally say something, your words came out shaky and breathless. “There’s one thing I can do to make myself feel better than you.” Anakin’s head dipped toward your neck as he spoke, he licked a stripe up from the base of your neck to the bottom of your ear before biting on your earlobe.
Your body quivered again and he smiled against your ear when a yelp left your mouth at the feeling of teeth biting down. “I can make you look pathetic and desperate. Just like you look right now.” He whispered again, your cheeks reddened and a small whimper left your mouth as he bit down on your neck, leaving small kisses between each bite. You couldn’t speak, you could barely breathe but you liked it. Your hands reached around to tangle into his hair and you pulled him up to make eye contact with you before pushing your lips against his in a desperate manner, open mouths collided as his tongue slipped into yours. After all the years spent being at each others throat when this is what you’d always wanted, you didn’t hesitate to push it to where you needed it to go.
Your hands fumbled with his utility belt and he smiled before lifting a single arm from beside your head to undo it in a moments notice. He sat back on his heels and pulled your belt off, your robe and tunic promptly followed. Your bare skin shivered as you laid back on the tile floor in his room and he smiled down at you. “Too pretty for your own good.” He mumbled as he pulled your underwear from your body leaving you completely vulnerable while he was still clothed. Your hands went for his robe and he pinned them down above your head, his hair flopped over his forehead in a way that made him look absolutely delectable.
He shook his head and another ‘tsk’ followed before he ducked down and placed his mouth right on your nipple that had hardened from the cold floor and excitement. A moan escaped your mouth and you bit down on your lip to stifle it. His eyes flickered open and he looked directly into your own, eye contact was definitely something he enjoyed. His free hand grasped at your chin and his thumb pulled your lip from between your teeth. “Try and hide how good you feel again and you’ll regret it.” His voice was stern and it made your head spin. You nodded.
“Use your words.” He said again and your back arched a little as his mouth returned to your nipple. “Y-yes, Anakin.” Your breathless words came out almost unintelligible. “Louder.” He said and grazed his teeth over your hardened bud. “Yes, Anakin.” You said louder as the shock of the feeling engulfed you. He smiled against you and returned to his position of hovering above you.
His hand trailed down your body agonizingly slowly, stopping right where your pussy was. His fingers traced the outside and you squirmed beneath him. “Please..” You whispered and his eyes darted back to yours. “Please what?” He spoke with his fingers still tormenting you, dancing around where you needed them the most. “Please, Anakin.” You whimpered and he smiled. “So fucking pretty when you say my name.” His mused, his voice almost came out as a low hum as his fingers finally slid up and down between your folds, picking up the juices that had collected. He pushed his lubricated fingers against your swollen clit and started to rub small, slow, circles against it. Your entire body jerked and he let go of your hands to press your hips down, your tailbone pushed against the tile and you winced causing your eyes to squeeze shut. You felt his fingers stop and instead felt a hand push your cheeks together causing your eyes to snap open, the smell of your pussy wafted toward your nose and a moan escaped your lips.
“Look at me. Don’t close your fucking eyes.” Anakin said, pushing your face to the side and letting go. His hand reached back down between your legs and he slipped two fingers into you. A yelp escaped you as he began to slide in and out, curling his fingers upward. Your eyes didn’t dare leave his as he continued to graze against the top wall. Your legs squeezed and his body kept them from closing. “Open those legs.” He seethed and removed his other hand from holding you down to push your leg back down before returning to its spot on your hips. You pulled your legs apart and he continued to stare into your eyes. He ducked down and his tongue pushed against your clit as he fingered you.
“Y-yes.. Please..” You moaned as he began to flick his tongue against the nerve endings. He still hadn’t broken eye contact and you felt a knot begin to form in your stomach, your legs began to shake as well. His mouth moved away from you but his hand continued to defile your hole. “You cum when I say so, you desperate, needy girl.” He spat and slowly returned to licking away at your clit. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched loudly in your throat. Your cheeks and ears burned at the words that fell through his lips.
“Yes, Anakin.” You said through your moans. You began clenching your pussy to hold back but that made the feelings even more amplified. Your breathing began to get heavier and heavier as you tried to take your mind somewhere else to keep yourself from going against his words but it was nearly impossible when you were forced to stare directly at him. He went on for what felt like an eternity before whispering against you. “Now.” He said and the vibrations of his voice made your entire body convulse as you let yourself go. You whimpered and squirmed while he held you in place. The knot in your stomach unraveled and warmth spread through your whole body, you couldn’t help but squeeze your eyes shut as you whimpered his name like it was the only word you knew. He pulled his fingers out and used your robe to wipe them off, his mouth followed shortly. He threw your clothes back at you and stood up.
“You can go now.” He said with a hint of a triumphant smile gracing his features. You sat up and immediately began to put the clothes back on, suddenly feeling far too vulnerable for your liking. When you stood up he grabbed you by your arm and pulled you toward him as he stared down at you with a firm grip on your bicep.
“Watch that wound and come back tomorrow.” He said with a voice that would have made any innocent bystander believe that nothing had happened in the last ten minutes. He placed a surprisingly gentle kiss on your head and his free hand moved your hair from your face.
You simply nodded and mumbled a quick, “Yes, Anakin.” before ducking out of his room and speed walking back to your own quarters, praying nobody saw you and suspected anything. You knew exactly how proud and cocky he looked as you left, you didn’t even need to look back at him. You felt like the dog obeying commands now and you really liked it, too.
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qvnthesia · 1 year
Another You (1)
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an anakin skywalker/jedi consular!reader fic set during the clone wars
the pitch: best friends with anakin since he had joined the jedi order, you hadn’t expected to catch feelings for him, not that hard, at least. his intentions were clear — his heart already enraptured by the nubian senator, leaving you to ruminate about the prospect of letting go of not just him, but maybe everything. until another anakin shows up, and your — your universe’s anakin starts behaving strangely.
A/N: this is a gift for my padawan, @kaizsche! happy birthday, kai! i hope you enjoy this fic! i return from an unexpectedly long hiatus with a three-part fic and i hope that all my other readers enjoy this short-fic too! a note to all readers — there’s no y/n here, the reader’s nickname for the fic is sky. that’s all from my end! happy reading!
part one — and you are?
word count: 3, 380
part one (here) | two | ....
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As a Consular, you were trained to study the deepest abyss of the Living and the shrouded myths of the Cosmic. Albeit well-trained with a lightsaber, being a Jedi meant forsaking weapons for words. Diplomacy over bloodshed. Knowledge, insights, and lessons instead of learning the different ways of besting war-mongering droids and bureaucrats.
You look back at the looming hallways of the Temple, letting out a sigh as you turn around to watch the warships meander above the setting skies through the windows. The sun used to shine brighter, you think, but perhaps it’s the shadows that don’t let the light reach the galaxy anymore.
A Nubian ship soars between where the indigo darkens the pale orange in the sky and another wave of longing and sorrow digs deeper into your heart.
It had been almost a standard week since the Five Hundred and First Legion had arrived for their monthly rotation to protect Coruscant.
“Let’s hope we make it a week and not get called back to bust some Seppies since the 501st seems to be the only competent one to get some wins.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that had tugged at your lips.
“Don’t let Obi-Wan hear you say that.”
A deep rumble of laughter had echoed through Anakin’s chest and he’d pulled you into his embrace. It hadn’t taken a Force-sensitive to sense the happiness spread through your body, or that the same happiness had made him glow in the sea of shadows drowning the Force. He smelled just like he always did — fuel, probably the one from Malastare, since the scent always tingled your skin, and kyber, his bond with the second crystal coursing through his year-old arm. The spark of the Force, you called it, the crystal accepting the machine as a part of him.
But there was something more. You stiffened, the soft, sweet scent making you sneeze, making you draw back and—
“Since when in the name of Maker did you start wearing nlorna fruit-scented perfume?”
His cheekbones immediately stained red, shock dripping from every inch of his face until the charm and delight took over for the damage control.
“Some reporter tried to get up too close while I was on my way to the Temple.”
You laughed it off, knowing very well the Chancellor had banned journalists to enter the Temple after an incident involving three women, two men, and a food fight in the barracks had ended with Commander Cody coming off with a sprained neck and handing nearly half of the 212th two days’ worth of time of cleaning the trooper barracks on Coruscant. There were admirers of General Kenobi and on the other hand, well, admirers even Kenobi couldn’t negotiate with.
Obviously, it wouldn’t take an idiot to know. Anakin had always confided everything to you. He’d considered you as the best of his friends — the point which had exactly been the problem for the past two years. But you knew he was keeping something. You knew it, and the realization of it had cracked through whatever strength you always mustered whenever he smiled at you with those blue eyes — always so tired. Ones that had come to no one else to you for caf, for stories about your mind-blowing inventions, always teasing you about the time you had created such a fluffy pillow for Master Yoda’s backaches that it had taken him the collective efforts of the Council to wake him up from his slumber. You had never known what had happened in Master Yoda’s chambers, but the Council had learned not to disturb the centuries-old master from his sleep ever since then.
Anakin would continue on and on, narrating the tales of his adventures across the galaxy, while you kept on wondering when he’d slip like he usually did and confirm your worst fears.
But you never got the chance. The war grew on, spreading its tentacles to the corners of the Outer Rim to the point where the once full hallways of the Temple had never been so desolate, so hollow and abandoned. Every attempt of studying the Force your meditation had ended up just easing the mighty power as it writhed under the screams of terror, of the losses of life and the constant blasts and booms of missiles and bombs.
Just when you wished for some peace in the Temple, word had spread of spies in the Senate. You had joined Anakin and Obi-Wan to watch another one of the Senate’s heated sessions. The Chancellor’s bony fingers extended across the air, his steel voice commanding Senator Orn Free-Taa to shut down his baseless arguing against Senator Organa. But the senator from Ryloth simply refused to back down, until another pod smoothly drifted to join the three, the air ringing with the determination and tranquility brought forth by none other than Padmé Amidala.
The bond between you and Anakin flared up, something so bright and looming, such beauty and danger filling your soul till it vanished with a spark. You looked at Anakin, who had been clapping with the surrounding senators, his radiant smile only and only for no one but the occupant of the Nubian pod.
For so long, you had wondered who it was he’d found, had been so desperate for an opportunity to see, maybe echo some made-up protest or remark that’d dull his interest and make him come back to you no matter how selfish it sounded. But it was hard for you to ignore the goodness in Padmé’s heart, her resilience easing the Force in a way you never could, no matter how much time you spent studying it, meditating to repair its cracks and tear apart the veins of darkness shrouding its light.
Anakin Skywalker had fallen in love, and it wasn’t you. It was someone else and you… you were simply too late.
You let out a sigh, watching the Nubian ship disappear between the tall skyscrapers of the ecumenopolis. The scrolls on your table rustle for your attention, and you heavy-heartedly oblige, going back to once again analyze another countermeasure against the Separatists, who were now rumored to have created some sort of machine that could decimate entire civilizations — a planet-killer, the informant had said, before being poisoned to death.
You set down the scrolls with a heavy thump. Ever since Padmé, Anakin hardly ever came to visit. Ever since this stupid rumor of the Separatists’ planet-killer, the governing body of the entire galaxy looked up to you for solutions, for answers. They had offered you a chunk of kyber crystal retrieved from Ilum stolen by the Separatists and then recovered by Master Yoda himself. They demanded a weapon, sharply silencing your idea of diplomacy.
You wished for Anakin to maybe visit you, to just… just forget the karking war for five freaking minutes and let his childhood lullabies lull you to a restful slumber. Instead, you were drilling your gaze on the kyber crystal covering under a massive rug, the strength of the Force humming within a wonder for your meditation, the crystal’s deathly blue glow the bane of your sleep.
But that was the point. Maybe just forget the war. It did seem never-ending; one day the Republic won, the Separatists in the other. There was simply no end in sight. The number of lives to save was steeply increasing, missing civilians and dead soldiers bruising the Republic’s morale. Your master had been one of the unfortunate Jedi to pass into the Cosmic Force on Geonosis. Some of the padawans you had formed friendships with were now soldiers scattered across the galaxy. The Council was too busy arguing about matters behind closed doors, matters in half of which you were indirectly involved in. Anakin was away most of the time, the Hero With No Fear too busy to worry about his best friend who had so foolishly violated her morals and had fallen in love with him.
Isn’t that what you had exactly trained yourself to avoid?
“It’ll pass.”
You scoff at your Master’s words ringing in your head. The anger simmering in your bones builds up to a crescendo, and makes its presence known with the shatter of your sensor arrays on the opposite wall. Glass shards litter your laboratory, blood trickling down the lines of your palms, your exhausted tears joining the red dripping on the floor.
A soft twang bends the air in the room and echoes through the Force. The hair on the back of the neck rises sharply, and you watch the kyber in bewilderment. The deathly blue behind the rug hums stronger. Your equipment breathes to life, and your teary eyes squint in confusion, rushing toward the kyber as an invisible force possesses your machinery to run diagnostics on its own.
The deathly blue turns as bright as the Coruscanti sun shining at the Core, lighting up the edges of the galaxy with a power rivaling the one you and so many others before you control. You shield your eyes, stumbling over boxes and books detailing advancements of the past. Your equipment spits electric sparks, and you cower behind your arms.
“Stop it—STOP!”
The glow dies, the light in your laboratory returning to just as it was before. You launch into a fit of coughs, waving your hands to disperse the smoke filling the lab. You tune your senses and reach out into the Force.
The wave of a horrifying scream slams into you, knocking you off your feet. You summon the Force again, hoping the mystical power can help you steady yourself. But you freefall toward the table of sharp-edged screws and bolts until you’re pulled forward headlong towards a figure.
You regain your balance, fingernails digging into a smooth fabric covering a rock-hard chest. A tendril of warmth and concern wraps around your Force signature, and you look up at your savior.
You wrap your arms around his neck, breathing him in, all of him— wait, was that cabbage and banthaweed? Oh, who in the maker gave a shit — was he alright? Was he—
Your train of thought crashed to a halt as you draw back, gazing at Anakin before you. Your heart rate accelerates to a speed you can’t bring yourself to control, and you pray to the Maker he doesn’t hear it.
He’d done something to his hair. It was longer now, falling just below his shoulder and partly tied back, streaks of light brown and grey near his temples. Loose shirts and trousers and softer tones of beige and brown had replaced his dark, billowing robes. Most of all, you’re aware of his stormy blue eyes roving over you, wide-eyed in absolute shock.
There’s a strange breath in the greeting that escapes him, one that makes you gulp; his throat visibly bobs as he clenches his jaw. The movement makes you realize there are two feet between you and him. Two feet away from the thunderous storm that is always Anakin Skywalker.
To your surprise, there’s no storm raging before you, nothing but a serene sun shining bright, its warm tranquillity reminding you of the one time you and Anakin had snuck off-world to Naboo as padawans. He’d promised the summers there at the time were delightful, and true to his words, they really were.
You reach out, intertwining your fingers with his, and meet flesh instead of cold metal.
You yelp, harshly flinching backwards. Anakin’s eyebrows shoot up in concern and he raises both his hands in an attempt to placate you. You’re horrified as you see his right arm, no longer a prosthetic but actual flesh.
A sharp voice rings through the dimly-lit hallways, footsteps running their way towards you, and Anakin Skywalker skids to a stop at the threshold of your laboratory.
“Sky, are you—”
He halts his question mid-way, acknowledging the presence of the man standing right beside you.
There’s a moment of silence that passes between the two stunned men, before the Jedi-clad Anakin ignites his lightsaber, pointing the laser tip toward his long-haired double.
“Sky, get behind me.”
“Wha—” You whirl toward him with an indignant expression and your hands on your hips. “Do you think I’m incapable of defending myself?”
“No, I don’t—”
“On the contrary,” the long-haired Anakin speaks, his voice mellifluous and silvery, “I think not.”
You and Anakin pause in beginning another one of your bickering sessions, Anakin’s lightsaber still leveled against his double.
“Who in the hell are you?”
“Anakin Skywalker?” the long-haired Anakin answers again in the same tone, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “And you must be…”
“Anakin Skywalker,” says your Anakin, the height of his lightsaber inching slowly to the ground, utterly confused.
“Well, this is interesting.”
The three of you swerve toward Obi-Wan standing in the doorway, arms crossed as he strokes his beard while Cody’s eyes are going to pop right off of his skull, witnessing one Anakin standing on each of your sides. Captain Rex, on the other hand, just aged a standard decade more with the lines appearing on his forehead.
“Stand down, Anakin. There’s no need for… that,” Obi-Wan ends rather admonishingly, though stunningly failing, still roiling from his possible lack of sleep — or the shock of seeing a copy of his former padawan.
Anakin’s lightsaber retracts into its hilt, and Obi-Wan turns to you.
“Consular Sky.”
Double shit.
“Are you alright?”
Oh, thank Maker—“Yes, Master Kenobi,” you nod fervently, not knowing whether you’re doing a good job of convincing Obi-Wan or yourself. “I’m completely fine, all thanks to Anakin.”
“It’s no problem, Sky.”
“You’re welcome.”
Anakin shoots a glare at, well, the long-haired Anakin, who shrugs with a relaxed raise of his eyebrows.
Obi-Wan looks like he’s about to faint right then and there, but the negotiator that he’s always been, he schools his expression just in time before anyone else can comment on it.
“Could you tell us what happened here, Sky?”
You look around your laboratory, trying to find an answer to the same question evidently ringing loud in everyone else’s minds.
Something along the lines of your nighttime reading pops up in your mind, and you cringe inwardly.
Double shit.
Obi-Wan’s expression settles into the one he’s always worn whenever he’s attending another one of the Council’s meetings.
Triple shit.
“Well, I don’t think I need to tell you where we’re going next, are we?”
“Which is the point here—”
The room’s attention turns back to the long-haired Anakin, eyes twinkling bright with the same softness as the time of his appearance.
“Where exactly are we going?”
Maker, he had to ask.
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“From another universe, this version of Skywalker is?”
You grit your teeth and find the courage to nod.
Master Yoda grips his cane even tighter. Honestly, you really want to pity the old master, but Master Windu sits right next to him, clearly grouchy at being disturbed from the sleep he probably got after weeks and weeks of leading attack and rescue campaigns.
“How is this even possible?” Master Koon’s voice rumbles through his mask, sharp and alert despite the drowsiness emanating from a majority of the Jedi Council.
“Well, Master Koon, there’s the multiverse theory,” you speak, voice slightly quivering. “It’s clear our universe isn’t the only one that exists. There are thousands of worlds out there with billions and trillions of lifeforms. But they’re distantly separated from ours, just like all others. For all we know, they might have their own laws of physics, their own collections of stars and galaxies — that is, if stars and galaxies can exist in those universes,” you stop a nervous hiccup and continue. “—and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations.”
“Is this true, then?” Master Windu leans forward with his signature soul-scanning glare. “Are you truly from another universe? Or just another shapeshifter?”
All other Council members swerve their heads toward the long-haired Anakin standing on your right.
“I assure you, Master Windu,” the other Anakin shrugs lightly. “I am not from here. I—”
He takes a second to look around, his gaze turning distant.
“I will admit I have been here before, in the Temple, though this one does look incredibly different from the one I was raised and trained in.”
Several pairs of eyebrows shoot up in surprise, even Anakin’s, who stands just in the corner behind where Obi-Wan has himself perched on another one of the Council chairs.
Master Windu recovers from his internal heart attack and focuses his line of sight on you.
“How did this happen?”
“Honestly, even I’m not sure, Master Windu,” you admit. “I did nothing of any sort to the crystal, it just started to glow, and the next thing I know—”
“I’m here,” the other Anakin finishes, eyes twinkling in some sort of amused annoyance.
Master Yoda taps his cane, and the Council’s incoming deliberations surrender to silence.
“Will of the Force, it seems, that this Skywalker has been sent here. Aid us, harm us, know that, I do not.”
He flutters his eyes close for a brief second, tendrils of his power hesitantly coiling around you and the other — long-haired — Anakin before refocusing them on you.
“Consular—” you stiffen as Master Yoda blurts out your name. “—find a way to send this Skywalker to his home, your task it is. Help you, our Skywalker will. Lead Captain Rex and the Five-Oh-First, Master Kenobi will—”
Behind Obi-Wan, Anakin steps forward to protest.
“—Temporarily, till resolved, the situation is.”
Anakin stops to stand on your left, the slight touch from his elbow a sign of comfort and reassurance.
“Important I feel, it is, to send this Skywalker home. Stay longer, he must not. At war, we already are. Already upon us, the shadows of the Sith are.”
The long-haired Anakin’s eyebrows raise.
You sigh inwardly. I’ll explain it to you later.
He relaxes, and you turn toward your Anakin, who gazes at his counterpart with a strange mixture of suspicion and something along the lines of annoyance.
“Send him home quickly, you must, Consular,” Master Yoda speaks with an inspired urgency. “Terrible it will be, I sense if the Sith find him. Not just for Jedi, but for the Galaxy, also.”
Your Anakin moves closer, his fingertips brushing yours, a tingling sensation itching yours to touch his.
You focus your gaze on the masters before you and bow down with both Anakins, nodding towards Yoda and Windu.
“Master Kenobi will show our guest to his new quarters.”
Obi-Wan seems relieved at finally being allowed to stretch his legs as he strides over to the long-haired Anakin.
“Come along,” the master pauses before smiling in his wise and incredibly tired ways. “Anakin.”
The other Anakin offers a cordial nod and turns to you.
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you later.”
He poses it as a question of sorts. You don’t take time to dissect his intentions, having no energy to do so with the day’s certainly turbulent events and give him a nod.
“Thank you.”
Your eyes slightly twitch in alertness as he offers you a bright, albeit tired smile. Before you can respond or react, he’s already followed Obi-Wan to his quarters, having long disappeared around the nearby corner.
Your Anakin puts his hand — the metal hand — on your shoulder.
You can practically feel the gears of his joints creaking to ensure his touch stays gentle, despite knowing very well he could easily crush your lung right now with the frustration nagging at his veins.
“It’s nothing, Anakin,” you answer before he can voice his worries out loud. “I’ll be fine—we better get some sleep, lots of work to do.”
Anakin nods, letting go of you with a soft smile. With a sweep of his robes, he walks out of the Council chambers.
You finally let out the breath you’d been holding; the image of both of their smiles filling your vision much clearer than they were supposed to.
Quadruple shit.
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to be continued...
thank you so so much for reading! if you'd like to be added to the tag list, comment below! <33
gif credits to @nowadayz
cross-posted on AO3 <33
part one (here) | two | ....
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Part Seven
Read previous chapter here
Obi Wan Kenobi x Fem!Reader
Summary: With the arrival of the Empire after they tracked you from Batuu, you and Obi-Wan fight to get everyone to safety before your long lost friend wreaks havoc on the outpost.
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence, fluff, death (no major characters), lil bit of evil behavior from the empire
A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to get back to this series, I missed it so much!! I hope you guys enjoy <3
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The rays of the sun above glowed warm against your skin as you joined Master Kenobi outside on the steps of the Jedi Temple. It felt good to breathe the outside air, it's only too bad that the air you smelled was some of the galaxy's most polluted. It was your first week with him, and things were going okay, but you couldn't help but feel the relentless tension pulling at you both every time you were near him. It must be just the discomfort of something new, you thought.
"Ah, there he is" Obi Wan spoke up, referencing the tall, young Jedi that walked toward you both. His black robes set him apart from the way the others presented themselves, and his hair fell to his shoulders, wavy and slightly unkempt.
“Y/N I’d like you to meet Anakin” Your new Master introduced you to his other padawan. Anakin had already taken on his own padawan, due to how advanced his skills were, and the fact that a new wave of younglings had thrown off the balance of masters and apprentices.
“Nice to meet you” You smiled warmly at him.
“You as well. I hear you’ll be training under Master Kenobi now” He stated, more to make conversation rather than actual wonder. Master Kenobi had already told him about you.
“Yes, I was reassigned from Master Ti” You clarified. You tried not to hold any embarrassment for being a ‘late bloomer’, but sometimes it was hard to hide.
“I see, well, it will be good to have someone else around to keep Obi Wan busy” Anakin laughed, his childlike humor coming out in conversation.  You giggled in response.
“Yes, because you don’t keep me busy enough with your antics” Obi Wan rolled his eyes sarcastically.
"I try" Anakin smirked.
The banter made you feel more welcome in their circle. It could be uncomfortable, being a new padawan in such a tightly knit group of Jedi, but Anakin's humor calmed your racking nerves during the first few days.
“Ah yes, and now there are two of you to question my teachings” Obi Wan laughed, his hand falling to rest on your lower back. He almost pulled it away, and you felt his uncertainty, but you embraced the feeling nonetheless. It was innocent, of course, at least that's what you'd both convince yourselves was the case.
"What system are you from?"
"Oh, um, Outer Rim. Jelucan" You cleared your throat. Jelucan was not known for tourism or visitors, especially considering how far away it was from all the major systems.
"Jelucan. I think I may have visited there before" Anakin pondered. Maybe he had, but you would've remembered seeing a Jedi if he had come anywhere near your village.
"It's very mountainous, but beautiful. Its been my home for my entire life. Until now, of course"
"We should visit it soon, I'd love to see it" Anakin suggested. You knew that was not a good idea. It was already challenging trying to detach yourself from your old life, but visiting would make that even harder. Most younglings or padawans don't struggle with this, because their training starts very young and they don't remember much from wh.
"Anakin" Master Kenobi scolded, reminding him to be mindful of his tendency to get attached.
"She's 18, Obi Wan, she spent all those years with her family and you really think she won't want to go and visit them?" Anakin scoffed, his tone growing annoyed very quickly. It was unsettling, at first, but you had to remind yourself how long these two had known each other.
"Let's go, Y/N" Obi Wan guided you, his hand still rested against the curve of your back, barely evident through the thick of your robes, but enough to give you butterflies.
You understood his concern, and he had every right to scold Anakin for his suggestion, but remembering the fact that you may never see your family again did put a sharp ache in your heart.
"I am sorry for him" Master Kenobi shook his head as he looked down to his feet while you descended the stairs together.
"Master Kenobi, its no problem" You assured him.
"I feel he is my responsibility. Especially when he is wrong. He loses sight of what's right sometimes, and I feel...I feel like I failed somewhere" He sounded so shameful and so vulnerable. You felt for him, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling you this".
"You cannot blame yourself, Master Kenobi. People have their own personalities and intentions regardless of who had any influence of their upbringing" You began, trying to make him feel better, "My sister came from the same loving parents that I did, but hated them, disowned us, left home at 16, and told us she'd never see us again. But there I was not too long ago, wondering if leaving my parents, the kindest people I've ever known, was the right decision".
"They are proud of you, Y/N. As am I," Obi Wan stopped with you at the foot of the stairs, making sure to make eye contact with you, so his sincerity was felt at its full capacity.
"I don't feel that I have had the chance to prove myself for you yet Master, but thank you" You smiled.
"I am proud of your resilience. It is so rare to start training this late in life, and it's not typically acknowledged how hard it is to part ways with the life you've always known when you're already an adult" He placed his gentle hand upon your shoulder. It warmed you, deep in your heart, to hear him say such kind words to you.
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There was no time to ask why or how that tracker ended up in the backpack. There was no time for anything.
The Empire found you and Obi Wan, Darth Vader’s most wanted fugitives, and you had a sinking feeling in your gut you couldn’t run from this. Not this time.
The sanded ground beneath you shook violently, accompanied by a loud wave of crashing. They were blowing their way into the base.
You turned to look at Obi Wan, and caught the sight of a frightened, traumatized man. A man who’d do anything he could to protect you, but feared his ability to do so was stretched thin.
“He’s here” He whispered painfully.
“Who?” You asked timidly.
He hesitated, as if any amount of time taken to think about this would’ve helped him fully process that he was really alive, “Anakin”.
The air was sucked from your lungs. It wasn’t that you’d forgotten such a shocking revelation, but you’d certainly tried to push it from the forefront of your mind as the reality of it settled in. In all the panic of the blaring alarms and fearing for your life, you hadn’t even considered that it was he who had tracked you down.
Obi Wan sensed it, as the force still bound them together, and without a doubt, knew he was near. Anakin didn’t send just his troops or inquisitors to come and find you, he came to get you both himself, and it sent a chill down your spine. Remembering the power and skill in the force that Anakin wielded even back when you were Jedi together, you shivered to anticipate how the dark side had only strengthened his power more.
“Obi Wan” You called to him, trying to get his attention.
Instead of saying a word to you, he rushed to you, and passionately pressed his keeps hard against yours, his body language telling you all you needed to know…he was scared, and so were you.
He held the kiss for as long as he could, never wanting to part his mouth from yours when there was even the slightest chance you never would again.
Obi Wan grabbed only his lightsaber while you grabbed the backpack. Turning the corner as you left your room, it was clear that chaos was already ensuing. The ceiling of this particular landing pad that opened to allow ships in was obliterated, shrapnel and debris scattered the ground below. The other refugees and volunteers of this outpost were already armed, awaiting the forced landing of stormtroopers.
“Stay behind me, Y/N” He instructed, his arm creating a barrier around you as you hovered closely behind him.
“We need to go” You pleaded.
“We’re not leaving these people to fend for themselves” he stated firmly, turning behind to look at you, “The Empire is here because of us. It’s our fault they’ve come to Jambiim”
“I know. You’re right” You admitted. It was selfish to want to flee, you knew it was, but you knew this wouldn’t end well for either of you.
Cal and Cere were already standing in a ready position, guarding those who were more vulnerable and more scared. With time fighting against you, Obi Wan turned around and gripped your shoulders, holding your gaze as if he may never have it again.
“If we are taken, I will find you” He assured you.
“And if we’re killed?” Your voice cracked as your eyes welled with tears.
“He won’t” Obi Wan quickly responded. He couldn’t know that. Anakin wasn’t Anakin anymore.
“Obi Wa-” You sighed at his delusion
“Hush now, we don’t have time. You are strong, and we will be fine” He assured you, before pushing you back behind him as you moved into the landing port.
“I love you” Your lip quivered as you said it.
“I love you my dear” He smiled softly before planting one last peck on your lips.
“Cal, get these people out of here” Cere yelled across the caves.
“Y/N, there’s a corridor around the back way. It leads to a civilian transport ship. We are getting the others out of here. Please, come with-” Cere begged, her trembling hands gripping yours tight.
“No, this is personal. This is our fault. We will try and hold them off” You began, "Please. Don't wait for us". Cere stared at you in disbelief and deep conflict within herself as to whether she wanted to take that as an answer. She gave up on her internal fight quickly, knowing that time was of the essence now.
Quickly she threw her arms around you, pulling you into her, “May the force be with you, my friend”, you hugged her back and nodded to her and Cal as they corralled the rest of the people who were not able to fight out the back, and onto safety. Those that stayed prepared for what was about to come.
The moments that followed were truly the ultimate test of how well your training had stuck with you all these years. Somehow, you were managing, dodging blaster fire and melee combat from the sea of stormtroopers that spilled from that previously sealed door to the landing pad they’d landed their ship on. You wished you’d had your lightsaber, but that was lost so long ago, all you had were your hands, your stealth, and the blaster given to you only moments before you were invaded.
Obi Wan stayed close, careful to defend himself, the innocent refugees, and most importantly to him, you. You were in awe of his ability to stay so focused. The lingering dread in his heart could be felt by you, and probably every force user in the outpost. They wouldn’t know why, only that it was a frightening situation. They wouldn’t know that Obi Wan feared looking in the face of the man he thinks he failed.
After some time, you were fully convinced that the army of troopers would never end. It felt like a constant loop playing in your head
Then, time slowed to a screeching halt as an ominous, black pair of boots peeked through the visibility of the ship ramp. You forgot to breathe, anticipating Anakin’s arrival, but instead, unmasked feminine features came to view. Only a split second of slight relief was felt before absolute sorrow overcame you.
But, how?
You could never forget her face. You were children together. She was a few years younger than you, but with your late start in training in the force, often you’d be in training together. She was kind, determined, and above all else, she was a leader. But no…she was dead. You saw her lay slain in the halls of the temple that horrid night. How is she alive? How did she end up here?
But, she’s here, she’s angry, and she’s just caught your gaze.
“You” She scoffed, pointing right to where you stood. 
“Reva…what…how are you alive?” You called across to her, the weakness of disbelief riddling your tone.
“I don’t know what you mean, Y/N” Reva smirked, raising her arms in sarcastic denial. She must’ve only been unconscious when you escaped the temple, that had to be the only explanation.
“Why are you doing this? Why have you joined them?” You cried. You felt betrayed, somehow taking her decision personally.
“Let’s just say…it’s for the greater good” She held her sadistic smirk.
In all your shock, disbelief, and denial, you didn’t even notice the stormtrooper that charged you from behind, knocking you to the ground. You countered him quickly, disarming him and taking his life with the very blaster he’d just held in his hand. Killing someone, even the enemy, never felt right. And it never would. What felt worse, is the possibility that some of these troopers may have been clones. That was a thought that you had to continuously push from your mind.
Reva had focused in on Obi Wan, taking advantage of your distraction, fully engaging in a lightsaber battle now. You believed in his abilities, but it did not make you any less scared to watch him go head-to-head with her.
As you pointed your blaster at her, your body was jerked involuntarily and dragged toward the opening of the ship, causing you to drop your weapon. You screamed from the startling feeling, which immediately pulled Obi Wan’s attention. Reva was unfazed, still working against Obi Wan, and it was clear that it was not her use of the force that pulled you and now held you still. You struggled to get your footing, wanting so desperately to fight the force and break the connection but you were too weak to fight it with your own abilities and how they’d weakened over time.
“Y/N!” Obi Wan yelled. With his guard down, Reva swung the blade of her saber over Obi Wan’s head.
“Obi Wan!” You screamed back, shortly before the voice was ripped from your throat by the force that held you. You'd alerted him just in time, his blade colliding with hers only milliseconds away from serious injury, if not death.
Nausea formed in your stomach from such a close call. Obi Wan was absolutely panicked, but would perish if stopped his fight with Reva. The conflict he felt within him was unbearable. Your heart skipped a beat but settled only slightly when you remembered that someone had a hold on you, and you had a terrifying suspicion that it was him.
A modulated breath, one that struck you as so familiar, came from behind you, heavy boots against the metal ship ramp accompanying the haunting sound.
You'd heard that sound in your nightmares...but how?
The motion of your limbs may have been restricted, but your sight was unhindered as you watched the life drain from Obi Wan's face when he put his eyes on Vader. Reva halted her attacks, turning now to knock Obi Wan onto his knees, and wrapped her force hold around him now as well, so he could only watch what would happen next.
Vader's voice almost shook you out of your own skin as he called to Reva from directly behind you, "I will take the girl. Leave him".
His voice was changed to something so bone-chilling, likely from the damage he’d taken in the last moments Obi Wan saw him. He’d told you in as little detail as possible how it all went down, and why he thought Anakin had died. He believed that no human, Jedi or not, could survive that.
But he did.
Nothing about Vader looked or sounded like Anakin, but it was the force that assured you both. It was him, not a doubt about it.
You feared for your life but feared for Obi Wan's even more. In all the chaos you hadn’t even noticed that the refugees and Jedi that had stayed, retreated and fled through the corridor and to the transport ship, but so many of them never made it. The bodies of the fallen lay cold and still beside from the armored men that attacked them. You swallowed your tears, trying so hard not to show your weakness right now.
Anakin…no, Vader’s phantom hold on you felt debilitating, wrapping tighter around your entire being, making it feel hard to breathe.
"Bind her" Vader commanded, and without hesitation, two stormtroopers moved to ensure your stationary position and wrap your trembling wrists in binders. The force released you. Now restrained only by the cold metal against your skin, you were pulled to your feet.
Obi Wan kneeled there, still restrained by powerful use of force from the Inquisitor, completely helpless, “I don’t understand”, He muttered, not comprehending why Vader would take you and not him, and why he was allowing Obi Wan to even live now that he’d found you both.
“He doesn’t need you Obi Wan. Not now, anyways. He only needs her” Reva smirked, gesturing to where you stood, bent over with your hands cuffed.
How vile and sadistic. Kidnap the one who’s most important to him, right before his eyes, and Vader will have him on a string for as long as he pleases. For a second, you wondered how much they knew about your relationship, and if they knew it was deeper than what it once was.
“Lord Vader, it seems your former friends have grown very…close” Reva insinuated, inevitably picking up on the bond that had fused the two of you together in the force. She felt that it was intimate, and was happy to discover that you just became so much more valuable to them.
“Is that so? Interesting” Vader’s tone was still cold, but held a hint of intrigue.
"Anakin” He faltered as he said it, feeling Anakin’s name leave his lips again startled himself, “Stop this. You know it is not her that you want" Obi Wan begged, his broken voice shattering as he knew his begging was wasted breath.
"Anakin is dead, Obi Wan" Vader responded with haste, ignoring his plea. 
It was frighteningly clear to him that there was nothing he could do to save you right now. Nothing that you leave you both unharmed.
“I’m sorry” He whispered to you, his face and voice broken with grief. He was defeated as he looked at your petrified and hopeless expression. For the first time in a long time, Obi Wan had lost. He could only watch as they dragged you away onto their ship. You felt your heart shatter into countless pieces as he finally disappeared from your view. It was at that moment that the same sinking, gut-wrenching feeling you’d felt the night you escaped the temple attacked you now.
You’d just got Obi Wan back, and now he was gone again, all in the blink of an eye, all because of Anakin.
You tried to look at him for as long as you could, but it was only fleeting as you were rushed onto their imperial ship. Panic washed over you, but you had to keep breathing. You had to stay strong.
The halls of the ship were dark and void of any feeling of life. The clanking of armor and metal filled the space as the only sounds you could hear, along with the dull roaring of the ship’s engine as it prepped to take you far away from here…away from Obi Wan. You could only listen as Reva threw him to the ground, releasing her hold, as she rushed to join you and Vader back on the ship.
There was a feeling of relief, knowing he was safe for now. You hoped he was able to join Cere and Cal on the transport ship before it launched.
The holding cell you were brought to was exactly what you expected. Cold, empty, and had one seat designed for your binders to attach to the back. As you were manhandled into the seat, you winced in pain as your cuts and bruises from fighting were finally making themselves known. You’ll adrenaline had subsided, no longer blinding you to the pain.
“Better get cozy, you’ll be here a while” one of the stormtroopers joked, finding your situation to be amusing.
Not exactly cozy, but you found comfort in your meditation. The constant lull of the ship’s sounds was slowly starting to fade. It may have been hours that passed before you heard heavy footsteps travel down the hall on the other side of your cell door.
The towering, haunting figure that was Lord Vader entered your cell. You stared him directly. You were afraid of the situation you were in, but you weren't really afraid of him. Your mind kept going back to the day you met him. You could never forget how kind he was to you.
“You’ll never find him again” You spat at him.
“We don’t have to. Obi Wan will find us” He paced the room slowly, “I suspect it won’t be long”.
“What have you become?” You scoffed, half angry, half heartbroken.
“What I’ve always been destined to become,” He said quickly, tired of your questions regarding the past, “I knew he always loved you. I could tell from the very beginning” He began, “which will certainly work in my favor”
“I’m not a fucking damsel in distress. You’re lucky I haven’t already gotten myself free” You were so fucking bluffing, but stars, you needed to convince even yourself that you didn't need to be saved.
“Without your precious lightsaber, you are nothing, Y/N” He snarled.
“We’ll see” You whispered, but had every intention of him hearing you.
You’d stopped believing in yourself the second that Vader had his hold on you and no amount of your own strength came close to fighting him. Obi Wan could train you, he could help you find your strength again, if you are ever able to be reunited. Seeing his face in your mind broke you, and you had to consider the serious possibility of never feeling his embrace again.
He wouldn’t want you to give up, so you would try to persevere…for him, but as Vader left the holding cell, all you were left with was your thoughts, and that was the most serious threat... yourself.
Tagged:@simplysolo@hotchslatte@marygoddessofmischief @notmyideia @meshlasolus@ceruleanrainblues @shylittlefoxx @infinity-witch @star-whores-a-new-hoe @howellatme,@cosmic-rainestorm, @multi-fandom-s, @homesweetrazorcrest, @sebsbee, @hypnoash, @modernmythic, @bellarkeselection, @vangoghoffiguess, @siidereeus, @morganas-pendragons, @scoobywoos, @downbythewestcoast13, @djarinvibe @alorika@theonethatlikeskpop, @lalalalemonade11, @ella-error505, @hofficoffi, @tamtam-go92, @mclemontine, @hugmekenobi, @sofiaconlaz, @dont-feel-so-good-peter, @grazieschillivera, @impala1967666 , @punkrogers-jerkbarnes@myswficlist @radspencerreid @emmamikaelson95, @punkpirate82 @friskynotebook @mandowhatnow @sherrybirkingirl @the-blueatlas @starlightelegy
I think I lost a few of you with blog name changes, I am so sorry! I was able to find some of you that had changed blog names, but not everyone. Its just been so long since I updated :( If you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know :)
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Ties That Bind Part 1
Pairing: Yandere!Anakin Skywalker x Fem Jedi!Reader
TW: General Yandere Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Murder
A/N: I am very excited to be sharing another wonderful collab with the amazing person @britany1997! She has been very supportive and an absolute joy to work with! We have shared many laughs together while working on this fic! She is a very talented writer and friend and you should send her your love! She deserves it! I love you Britany! ❤️
Word Count: 2.3k
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Sweat pooled around Anakin as he sprang forward in bed, gasping in a haze of fear and anger. His head fell to his hands as he struggled to catch his breath.
Sleep had eluded him for months as every night ended the same, with visions of your corpse flashing through his tortured mind. 
Anakin discarded his blanket in frustration, grabbed your picture from his work bench, and sat on the floor to meditate. 
His brow furrowed as he attempted to squash his rage and uncertainty, to let them go and let the force fill him with the comfort he needed. 
But to let go of his emotion, would be to let go of you.
Though he mumbled to himself, ‘there is no emotion, there is peace, there is no passion, there is serenity,’ he couldn’t make himself believe that. You were his peace, you were his serenity.
He abandoned his meditation in a huff. Anakin liked to think he was a patient man, a good Jedi. Yet how could he sit back and do nothing? The visions would never stop, it was time to take matters into his own hands.
Despite his failures at meditating and stopping his mind from whirling, he was struck by a solution. He was deep in concentration, staring at the ground, your picture nestled against his uncovered chest.
The visions would undoubtedly stop if he could protect you and keep you safe from harm. What if the force hadn't been working against him after all? He was immediately filled with purpose, a fire in his eyes that couldn't ever be extinguished. He will defend you even if it means doing the unthinkable and abandoning the Jedi code. 
What other reason would there be besides protecting the one you loved the most, even if it required being selfish? Absolutely nothing was of greater significance than you, his long-time friend, whom he had been pining over for many years. The forbidden feelings he could no longer ignore. There was no greater reason, no other reason, than you. 
It was all for love. 
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Despite the summons from the Chancellor, Anakin thought the Galaxies Opera House was well worth the journey through Coruscant. Though the visions of your impending death haunted him, Squid Lake, a strange ballet performed by a team of Mon Calamari acrobats, calmed his worries and enabled his mind to focus on something far more pleasant. He wished he could take you to one as lovers rather than as companions one day once you are away from harm. The Chancellor, however, required his attention once more.
His eyes were focused ahead as he said, "The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for greater power." The Chancellor’s face bore a deep and serious expression.
“The Sith rely on their passion for their strength; they think inwards, only about themselves.” Anakin answered back firmly, turning his head towards him as he spoke.
“And the Jedi don’t?” asked the Chancellor, turning his attention towards Anakin without wavering, his eyes never leaving his face.
“The Jedi are selfless, they only care about others.” Anakin spoke strongly, turning his attention forward, just before the Chancellor continued to speak, making Anakin's blood run cold.
“Although they prevent you from loving freely in accordance with your own desires. They would never approve of your love for your friend or the things you would do for her.” He spoke with a voice filled with stomach-churning truth. “Your companion, (Y/N).”
Anakin turned to face the older man, his eyes wide with surprise as he whispered quietly. "How did you know-"
"I know many things, Anakin." He responded. "You say they are selfless and care about others. But what would the council say if they learned of your hidden desires, your affection that you have for your fellow Jedi?" 
For once, Anakin couldn't speak because the Chancellor's words struck him deeply. His eyes were fixed on the opera playing ahead of him as he slowly sunk into his chair. He wasn't watching the event, though; instead, he was fixated on his thoughts, his visions of your approaching demise, and the possibility that the council would learn of his feelings for you. They'd shun him. He couldn't save you if they were in the way. His heart was pounding, and his mind was racing. 
It was the Chancellor's voice that silenced his racing thoughts. 
“You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?” 
No, he would not let them stop him from loving you, from saving you.
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Your saber clashed against Anakin’s as you traded swipes back and forth. He smirked as you narrowly missed his shoulder. You stuck out your tongue in reply.
It’d probably be easier to spar with someone else, you and Anakin had trained together as Padawans, practically grown up together. He knew every move you’d make before you could even think to make it. But, unfortunately for him, you could anticipate his every move as well.
You leaped as he swiped his saber at your feet, “missed again Ani,” you teased. You noticed a strange expression cross his face when you uttered his name, but it quickly vanished.
“You’re lucky today,” he smirked, “but luck runs out.” Anakin swiped his foot behind yours, causing you to tumble onto your back, he stood over you, lightsaber pointed towards your chest. 
You groaned, “fine, I yield.”
He chuckled as he switched his weapon off and offered you his arm to pull you to your feet. “Better luck next time?” he teased. 
“Ha ha,” you mumbled humorlessly, as you allowed him to pull you up.
"Let's not pretend you didn't cheat, Ani." You continued jokingly. You leaned over to grab your fallen lightsaber when you failed to notice the unknown expression resurfacing on his face. However, it did not completely disappear, his darkening eyes fixated on your body, images racing through his mind of scenarios unsuitable for a Jedi.
He adored it when you addressed him as such. 
His expression returned to normal as you straightened up, and he had a mischievous smile on his face once again. "Never, ever underestimate your opponent." He chuckled as he extinguished his lightsaber and attached the hilt to his belt.
“Yeah, Yeah.” You replied, the smile refusing to vanish from your expression. 
"Come now; I only tease." Anakin remarked softly, staring at you with a more genuine smile, one that could compete with the sun if he so desired. Since you were both padawans, he has consistently been an enchanting man. He had a way of charming himself out of most trouble and making one's heart feel like it was going to burst.
This was a secret you kept hidden within your heart for many years, the sentiments you had for Anakin that were more than just friendship. However, according to the Jedi code and attachment regulations, you did everything you could to drive those emotions away. Your feelings got less difficult to disguise as you practiced meditation and late-night self-reflection. In addition, you knew in your core that Anakin was an exceptionally gifted Jedi and that your affections for him were never going to be reciprocated. 
“Everything alright?” 
You recovered from your subconscious, glancing at Anakin as he stood directly in front of you, his eyebrows furrowed in slight concern. 
"Yes, I'm sorry." You replied before reactivating your lightsaber, your eyes bright with purpose and your smile returning. "Let's continue."
After many long hours of trading blows, you and Anakin were huffing, your foreheads drenched with sweat. 
“Call it a night?” you asked as Anakin wiped his brow clean. 
“Mhmm,” he hummed in reply, “it’s late, want an escort back to your quarters?”
You laughed. He didn’t. 
“No Ani it’s fine,” you promised, “I think I can manage the couple of steps it takes to get there.”
“It’s on my way anyway,” he protested.
You shot him a confused expression, “on your way to where?” 
“To the archives,” he told you nonchalantly, “I needed to look into something.”
Your brow furrowed, “look into what?”
He groaned, tugging gently at your arm, “just let me escort you.”
“Fine, fine,” you reluctantly caved.
He offered you his shoulder, a smirk painted on his face. You scoffed and punched his arm instead, causing a soft laugh to fall from his lips. 
He smiled and shook his head at your stubbornness, you never made anything easy. But it didn’t matter, he’d never been one to back down from a challenge.
The walk to your quarters passed quickly as you exchanged stories with Anakin. You clutched your stomach as tears rolled down your cheeks as he told you the story of his last battle with General Grevious. Anakin had spent so much time with Obi Wan over the years, Anakin’s impression of his sarcastic banter was spot on.
“Well this is me,” you joked, gesturing to your door. Anakin nodded but didn’t move to head towards the archives. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion, “…so I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
He seemed to snap from his momentary trance, “yes of course,” Anakin hesitated, “do you need anything else before I go?”
Your head cocked to one side, “no, not really.” 
Walking you to your room had been strange in itself, this was ridiculous. “Ani…” you bit your lip, “are you ok?”
Anakin seemed taken aback by your sudden question, “of course,” he composed himself, “I better be off to the archives, I’ll see you for training in the morning.”
You watched him walk off before slipping into your room. You sat down to meditate, but you couldn’t rid your mind of Anakin’s weird behavior. Something wasn’t right. 
You sighed, coming to terms with the fact that you would not be one with the force tonight and crawling into bed. As you drifted to sleep a thought popped into your head.
Weren’t the archives in the opposite direction?
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Anakin sent a glass flying into his wall in frustration. He watched as it shattered, spraying shards onto the floor around his work desk. 
He threw his head into his hands. He could monopolize your training time, walk you to your quarters every night, wake up early to be at your door every morning.
But it would only take one second, one second where he left you alone, one second where he wasn’t right by your side, one second and you were gone forever. 
If he balled his fists any harder, his fingernails would slice the skin. He knew what he had to do. You might hate him for a moment, but he could live with that.
But if you died? There was no living if not with you.
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The Jedi Temple was destroyed.
Your fellow Jedi were slaughtered in cold blood. 
You could feel your heart frantically beating as you rushed through the halls of pure massacre, the walls forever tarnished by the horrors that had been committed. Fellow Jedi that you’ve trained with are lying on the floor lifeless, and some are in cauterized pieces. You felt like you could throw up at any moment, the hilt of your lightsaber held in your shaky grasp. You were in a state of delirium; your thoughts were filled with dueling lightsabers and people screaming in fear. However, there was one thing that was absolutely certain.
You needed to find Anakin.
‘Please, let him be safe.’ You thought to yourself as you managed to turn a corner, your other hand gripping your ribcage, your heart threatening to explode. ‘By the force, please protect him.’ 
You were anxious to find him, yet filled with dread. Your mind was racing with images of his form in pieces, his eyes lifeless without any warmth. It almost made the journey too much to bear. 
You rounded another corner that led towards the entrance of one of the temple’s many great halls. As you pushed through the entrance, a heavy feeling filled your chest, and you were completely unable to go any further. Your eyes were wide, and you could feel your breath failing you. 
As you gazed into the distance, you noticed a familiar figure, clad in a brown robe with a hood covering his face, that you had never failed to recognize, even at a distance. As the figure walked towards you, a large group of clone soldiers followed behind him, weapons drawn. In his hand was his own lightsaber, which he clutched tightly in his grasp.
"Ani!” You cried, disengaging your lightsaber and rushing towards him with tears in your eyes, prepared and ready to meet him with a sense of relief. 
You threw your arms around him, tears rolling down your face as you sobbed. He returned your embrace, arms wrapping around the small of your back, pulling you into his chest.
“Ani,” you muttered between sobs, “I’m so glad you’re ok, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
He tightened his grip on your waist, holding you close, “I know what you mean…”
You sniffled as you tried to gather yourself, “Anakin, so many lives…” you hiccuped, “what happened.”
“Only what needed to.”
“What?” you exclaimed as you looked up to meet his eyes. 
The sight of his blood stained face made you gasp. No. This wasn’t the Anakin you knew. This couldn’t be happening.
But it was. The man you’d carried a torch for all these years, your best friend and confidant, stood before you, clothed in the blood of your friends.
You pushed against his chest, trying to escape from his grasp but he refused to let you go. He held you tightly against him with one arm, using his other hand to brush hair from your face affectionately. A gesture that once would have made you blush now filled you with malice.
“I know you don’t understand now, but you will my love,” he whispered, “now sleep.”
“Anakin…no…” you fought a losing battle to keep your eyes open. You were strong in the force, but Anakin was stronger.
Your head lulled to the side as you fell asleep in his arms.
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@prettywhenibleed @leiasolo77 @britany1997 @misslavenderlady @arianamhm @rottent33th @slaasherslut
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A brand new story, starring Anakin Skywalker, this is my first attempt at a Star Wars fanfic, if you like it please let me know in the comments, also going to take requests of any Anakin Skywalker or any Hayden Christensen characters.
A Galactic Love – Anakin Skywalker
Written by GalacticEmpireHayden
Chapter one- the find.
Sarala’s POV
It started off as a simple but beautiful day on the planet of Tattooine, a young girl by the age of 14, was a slave for Watto, a toydarian species whom liked to gamble, bully whom also owned a second hand goods store in Mos Espa, and continue to buy slaves even after his most prized possession by the name of Anakin Skywalker was set free by a Jedi master Qui Gon Jin and the queen’s handmaiden Padmè, whom turned out to be the queen of Naboo.
This young slave was called Sarala Djin, Sarala didn’t realise that when she got angry with Watto and other members of his gambling gang she could move things but also kind of manipulate people’s minds so they wouldn’t turn to punishing her for the work that they kept her from and when she did complete her work, they would often come up and destroy the work she had done.
Most punishments that Watto and his thugs would cause to Sarala were whippings, being beaten, being withheld from food or water, sleep deprivation, of course she couldn’t do much or escape because the inhibitor chip she had implanted at the base of her neck, but she had dismantled it and removed it without him knowing, so she could have escaped but she would have been caught and then the punishment would have been either one of these.
This particular day Sarala had been woken up earlier than usual by Watto shouting.
Watto: Get up you lazy sleeze ball, you have work to do!
Sarala: ok, master I’m up, what is going on?
Watto: some important guests are arriving to Mos Espa, now quit it with the questions and get to work
Sarala nodded and got out of bed, she dressed quickly and brushed her teeth, obviously the previous whipping from a few days before were still evidently sore on her upper and lower back also catching the bottom of her legs. Once she arrived to the working destination she turned and saw two people dressed in robes one in white and brown and the other in black with sandy coloured hair with an irritated look within his eyes, she wondered what they could be doing here at the shop.
As she got to work, struggling with lifting but managed to get it fixed onto the ship that someone had brought the parts for, she heard the two people and Watto arguing, one she didn’t want to get caught listening on.
Watto’s POV
Ah that stupid sleezy slave of mine, always messing things up, not only that two Jedi are coming to Mos Espa looking for a force dweller, I don’t know why they are bothering, not as if anyone in my shop has that. Not like my previous slave Skywalker, whom I lost in a bet with a Jedi scum.
The slave finally got what she deserved the other day after messing around with a job, whipped her real good did I, I laughed as she screamed.
Today the two Jedi scum came into my shop asking about the force dweller, I recognised the younger one as Skywalker and his master.
Watto: Aye, Skywalker, look at this, a Jedi scum you became
Anakin: Watto, not good to see you either, we are looking for someone whom has been using the force and we were directed to your shop, have you anyone like that here?
Watto: No, you know I don’t have any type of Jedi trainee scum like that, only a slave whom took after you when you left, always messing things up.
Obi wan: Hello there, would you mind if we did a midichlorian test with the slaves blood to check? If you have nothing to hide of course.
Watto scowled and looked at the Jedi, clearly not happy with his request, but just to get them off his back he pointed to where Sarala the slave was.
Obi wan and his partner Anakin walked through to the back where She was located, only to find no one there, what they didn’t realise was that she had in fact heard what they were talking about and had packed her bags left the chip in her place and had run off silently out of a secret place she had made. Watto came on through angry and what was taking them so long only to see them searching the area where his slave scum was supposed to be and to see she wasn’t there.
Obi wan: I thought you said your slave was here?
Watto: she was, use the code in her chip and find her, when you do bring her back here, she has a severe punishment waiting for her
Anakin looked at Watto with an angry expression, obi wan saw the look and stepped between Anakin and the toydarian.
Obi wan: Anakin let’s go and find her, then we will come back and test her once we have the results if she has the ability to use the force she is coming with us
Anakin: I’m so glad master Qui Gon got me out of here, the sick things you do to the slaves is wrong, how old is she?
Watto: she’s 14 she will be 15 next month, she won’t be leaving even with the force ability
Anakin: you know that’s what has to happen Watto, don’t make me kill you
Obi wan: ok, Anakin that’s enough, let us go find the girl
So with that they went out to track Sarala down, to get her midichlorian count and if she had the highest number then she would be going with them, even if Anakin had to kill Watto, just to set the young girl free of his grasp.
Sarala was running, she was almost out of Mos Espa and going into the Jundland wastelands just to find a cave where she could hide out and be safe for a while and so she could use the credits that she had saved or stolen from Watto to get onto a ship and get off Tattooine for good. As she was walking towards the exit of Mos Espa she heard whispers from people about two Jedi on the look for someone with her looks and height, that made her more nervous and wanting to escape quicker but with her back and leg injuries as they were causing pain and discomfort each time she ran or walked as quick as she could.
She could feel a strong presence coming up behind her, a few feet so she turned and saw a young Jedi knight with shoulder length brown hair walking / jogging towards herself, she felt conflicted so she dropped her bags and took off faster than what she wanted.
Anakin POV
We arrived at watto’s place and as per usual he was trying to be all high and mighty as the slave scum that he is, told us he had a slave whom replaced myself, she didn’t deserve the punishments he gave out, but when we went to where she was supposed to be it was empty, I knew and felt that she was running so I took off from obi wan, knowing he would be behind me, catching up, as I got closer to the exit of Mos Espa I saw the girl whom we wanted to check for midichlorians, she looked as though she was in pain and discomfort, by the stains on her back and legs through her slave clothes I could tell why.
She had managed to escape and ran into a small hide out just big enough for her and luckily big enough for me to be able to sqeeuze into. Obi wan finally caught up.
Anakin: Obi wan, she has managed to squeeze into that hole in the wall, I should be able to fit through, I’ll be back soon
Obi wan: just be careful Anakin and be aware that she is scared she doesn’t know who were are or what we want with her
Anakin nodded and pushed his way through the hole with a tight squeeze but luckily he was slender enough to fit through, once he was inside he could feel her through the force, her force signature was letting him and obi wan know that she was scared of who they were and what they could possibly want with a slave like her. He spotted her sitting with the back and knees pulled tightly to her front, with her watching him as he was slowly approaching. She flinched when he knelt a feet in front of her and she pushed herself as tight as she could to the wall.
Anakin felt bad seeing a force user like this, let alone a young one like herself as he was once a slave like her.
Anakin: Hi, I’m Anakin Skywalker, I’m not here to hurt you, what’s your name?
Sarala didn’t answer at first, too shy and scared that he would try something. After seeing him wait patiently and calm she replied to him.
Sarala: I… I’m S..S..Sarala, why are you chasing me?
Anakin: we felt something in the force a few days ago, we followed the sign to my home planet of Tattooine, it led me us to Watto and then to you
Sarala: I’m sorry your wasting your time, I’m no force user, I don’t want to be tested, I just want to get away and be free
Anakin: I know how you feel, I was once a slave when I was 10, Watto was also my slave owner, but luckily the Jedi managed to rescue me and unfortunately not my mother, do you have any family?
Sarala: no, they sold me to Watto because they thought I was trouble, I’ve been with Watto since I was 2.
Well here is a brand new story “ A Galactic Love - Anakin Skywalker”.
Please let me know if you like it so far, it’s only the first chapter and my first Star Wars story starring Anakin.
#AnakinSkywalker #Darthvader #haydenchristensen #haydenchristensenfans #loveforhaydenc #appreciationforhaydenc #starwars #ahsokaseries #obiwankenobi #loveanakinanddarth #starwarsinstagram #anakinskywalkerfan #darthvaderfans #haydenchristensenisback #welcomebackanakinskywalker
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anakinsdove · 4 months
𝐘𝐞𝐬, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!padawan!reader
summary: Your master is horny and frustrated, he looks for release at a nasty gloryhole in coruscant… only to find out that that perfect pussy he’s fucking belongs to his padawan.
c/w: gloryhole, p in v, masturbation, power imbalance (very nasty idgf im sorry im horny)
discord - twitter: anakinsdove. -PART 2-
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。Love you
𝘄/𝗰: 1,838
He’s frustrated, Anakin won’t hide it anymore, he even yelled at you this morning, but as soon as he saw your pretty eyes pout at him he regretted it, it’s not even your fault, you’re learning, he’s your master, he’s supposed to teach you, it’s just… you jumping around and swinging your lightsaber does something to him… and he knows it shouldn’t.
It doesn’t matter anymore, how hard and fast he fucks his fleshlight, how hard he grinds against his mattress trying to chase an unsatisfactory high that leaves him as soon as it arrives, the painful dry orgasms he craves and hates, how painfully hard he grips his cock, nothing is enough, not anymore, he craves something else.
someone else
Someone’s pussy he knows he shouldn’t even think about, but he wonders… he wonders if someday he’ll be able to fuck it… how tight and wet you must feel around his cock… could you even take it? Could his sunshine of padawan handle him? He’ll be gentle, he’ll be rough, he’ll be anything you want him to be
Anakin sits on his bed late at night, however this is coruscant, theres always some sort of party going on somewhere, bars, loud noises and music, flashing lights, even nasty gloryholes, this planet is wild… the Jedi temple is luxurious and quiet on the surface…. But in the lower levels of coruscant there are… some interesting things happening, but he’s a Jedi, he knows it’s not right, he’s not sure what part isn’t right, but there’s something that doesn’t click.. maybe it’s the fact that paying for some services are just not what he wants, he wants your stupid creamy fucking pussy wrapped around his cock… what would you call him? Master? Anakin? And there’s the other fact that it’s avoid being recognized with his Jedi robes and his lightsaber… he must go undercover if he wants to get what he wants.
As anakin prepares himself for an adventure he takes a peek of the empty hallways at the Jedi temple, everyone asleep, everyone doesn’t have the same problem as him… it’s quiet and peaceful… he remembers that place, Obi wan and him tracked a criminal a few alleys away, the discrete yet inviting place hiding beneath the shadows… *is that?* *Don’t even say it Anakin….* Obi wan said with an unamused expression… of course it fucking is.
And now his feet has finally led him here….
The first thing her sees is lady.. well only her hands.. her face is covered by a piece of wood, completely anonymous… great, like this he’ll just have to imagine it’s you… he hope it does the trick, he hands her some credits without saying much… then he takes a deep breathe *Focus Anakin… focus* he tells himself… but the loud slapping noises and moans keep distracting him, he feels some sort of sense of guilt, he knows he’s better than this, but again he’s not… and the last thing he thinks before opening that stained curtain is… Obi wan should never know this… Y/N should never know this….
And finally he sees legs spread and in display… the wood creaks beneath his feet, the loud moans Turing of his brain, men acting like animals as they fuck a pussy, they’re in heat, just like him… he even sees some men on their knees eating out some women… interesting… who said chivalry doesn’t exist anymore?
He stops in front a pair of legs… all pretty and spread wide, inviting, a puffy clit that begs to be touched and rubbed nicely, fuck… those pretty legs look just like yours… just like yours… when you swirl around and he takes a small glance of that set of thighs under your skirt…
But he’s nervous… the consent has been already given right? He doesn’t have to talk to her or even know her name… it doesn’t fucking matter because she’s not you… he holds onto her thighs squeezing softly as the girl adjusts slightly feeling that she’s about to have some company, and just as his touch arrived is gone again as they leave goosebumps, he unbuttons his pants slower that he should’ve, he grasps his cock over his boxers and releases it giving himself a few strokes to get himself rock hard, fuck he’s about to get it… he needs it so so so so so fucking bad, he needs her, he…
He rubs his cock against her clit, slapping his tip against it gently as he hears a small gasp behind… *cute* he thinks to himself… fuck it he deserves this.
He pushes himself all the way in
Grabbing onto her ankles and starting with a relentless peace, the girl cries out, he should’ve given her some time to adjusts but he just couldn’t control himself… he pushes his hips forward trying to get his dick as deep as possible as he throws his head back… “fucking- he’ll…” he hopes he’s not fucking a virgin but this girl feels like one, she feels the way you would’ve feel wrapped around him, you’re so… you’re completely devoted to him, your life is Jedi training with your master anakin, missions with Anakin, free time with Anakin… you’re his, you’re his you’re his and only his… then why is he fucking this random girl? Why won’t you love him the way he loves you so he could be fucking you instead… this infuriates him as he pistons her harder… faster, his fingers digging into her skin leaving marks, he doesn’t know if it’s allowed or not.
He huffs and growls trying to control his anger… sweet moans filling his ears and emptying his thoughts… fuck she sounds just like you
He feels a deep connection to this girl he’s fucking, the force, something? Or it’s just her tight pussy? Gummy walls massaging him so fucking nice, his balls pounding agains her cute asshole, he chuckles as he watches her hips struggle against the hardwood, struggling to stay still, he licks his fingers and starts massaging her puffy clit, rubbing nice and slow… nice and slow, contrasting with his brutal pace
Y/n, Y/n, Y/n… One day he’s going to take you…. One fucking day…
A bead of sweat falls from his forehead, he ignores the noisy looks from people as they see the young hot man fucking the young hot woman like an animal, his hips move expertly against yours, he knows what he’s doing and it shows, and there’s not much to do than to trust roughly to fuck his frustration out, he loves this, the feeling but he wants more, a deeper connection, to look into your eyes as he fucks you, your nails digging in his back as he fucks you so hard it hurts…
He pushes herself deeper as the girl cries out because his tip is kissing her cervix a painful kiss.
This girl is wet… and she’s getting wetter every seconds, he feels the little splashes her pussy is making against his thighs… cute.. she’s squirting, anakin rubs her clit faster, you would arch your back right now wouldn’t you? If it were you obviously… he sees the girls hips raise a little and he knows she’s arching, her pretty feet shake over his shoulders as he keeps pounding her
His hips falteres as he nears his release, cock twitching and pulsating nice inside her velvety pussy
“Keep going!”
Shit, her voice even sounds like yours and he knows he’s imagining it because he’s whipped but this only enhances his experience… he’s breathing heavily, he’s panting as he tries to keeps some noises from escaping but they do.. and finally he cums… she squirts and it’s all fireworks and aftershocks, spasms and pure pleasure, his legs wobble, he put on quite a show….
He pants and pants until his breathing finally even, he feels at peace, what every orgasm should be like, not like those painful and dry ones he gives himself, he sees his cum dripping from the girls pussy, fuck, he didn’t even pull out… his head is pounding and he holds the girls thighs tighter… he feels… he feels a connection…. A big one… a deep one… a nice one… he buttons up his pants and gets on his knees, like an spell has been casted on him, he spread her legs even wider and dives in, he moans at the taste as he gives her a long lick, his lips instantly wrapping around her clit… he licks his cum out of her, he’s possessed, eyes rolling back into his head as he feels the girls fingers tangling on his hair…. Cute little whines can be heard, he’s obviously overstimulating her but… he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care.
He forced his eyes to open and he looks up and sees her fingers now resting over her stomach
And he sees the delicate bracelet around her wrist….
One that he happens to share with you
His eyes widen as he stands up immediately
“Y/n” he says loud enough for you to hear as his words get drowned into the loud sex noises…. The humid air and the smell of sex are prominent.
“Im sorry master” you say apologetic with that little voice of yours, one that indicates that you know you did something wrong but you’re not sorry for it
Now everything makes sense, he told you about this place a few months ago when Obi wan and him found it… the urge the intense craving and the way his legs lead him here, the connection that he felt to this person… why he was drawer to this pretty set of thighs.
It was all you, you lead him here, taking advantage of your connection through the force…
And he fucking loves it
He dives back in savoring your pussy, biting your button delicate and tongue fucking your hole as he tastes himself, his tongue exploring your folds… your fingers tangle around his locks as you cry out again, your legs close around his head and your back arches… perfect perfect, so fucking perfect.
He feels your back arch again and your moans get louder
You’re so close… so so close.
And he’s going to drag you to the edge
And he’s going to make you cum again
Your master Anakin Skywalker is devouring you like a mad man
And it’s okay
“Master master!” You cry out
An hour later you come out of the place as Anakin waits for you in a dark alley, he sees your with your coat and your wobbly legs… the walk back home is quiet, too quiet… no words exchanged, the aura is heavy yet not uncomfortable.. he leads you inside the Jedi temple and you walk to his quarters… a punishment, not in a sexual way, a lecture… something awaits… he pushes you inside and the door locks….
Your heels echoe in the darkness as his arms wrap around your torso… and you breathe in relief.
masterlist 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗲 © --- all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/ copying will be tolerated.
dividers - @i92-93
TAGS: @espinathena-17 @skywqlkergf
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Star Boy
Summary: You were a padawan alongside Anakin Skywalker and trained under the supervision of Obi-Wan Kenobi, until you were kidnapped during a mission. After living in solitude and making a life of your own you were finally hunted down by the Jedi by none other than your old master and friend. As year's passed by it seemed that things had changed and so had your relationship with Anakin. Were you still friends? Or did the years spent apart cause you to drift away?
Fic is loosely based on the events of the prequels, the clone wars, and some of the movie novelizations.
This is an x reader fic, and uses fem pronouns.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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