#Amy Welsh
sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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Surviving Family:
Talia’s eldest child, Thomas Carlisle married Isabel Goth and the couple had six children before Isabel’s death. Anthony, Andrew, Agnes, Adam, Allen, and Arthur. Unfortunately both Adam and Allen passed away as children. After Isabel’s death, Thomas remarried Margery Thorne and the couple had two sons, Adrian and Ambrose. Ambrose married Ann Silversweater and took her last name before they had five children. Thomas, Alexander, Margery, William, and Sarah. Alexander sadly died as an infant. 
Ambrose’s eldest, Thomas Silversweater died before his twenties and fathered three children. With Chanel Cahill he had twins, Thomas and Anne, though his son Thomas died in the plague and with Julianna Jang he had his daughter Lindsay. Thomas’s daughter Anne is pictured first followed by her husband Robert Pancakes who was the father of Hana’s son Javon. Then Lindsay is pictured. 
Ambrose’s daughter Margery married Laurent Ember and they had two children before they died, a daughter, Anne, who passed away in her toddler years and their son, Cuthbert, who is pictured below Lindsay Jang. 
Margery’s twin, William, is pictured with his wife, Patricia Charm, followed by their three children, Amy, Janet and Melrose in that order. Amy married Adonis Welsh who is a sim from the gallery that I didn’t keep track of who made them so I didn’t show them and they have a son named Darren. 
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rainbowpopeworld · 8 months
I love this queen 😍🥰 Michael Sheen is consistently my favorite when interacting with Scottish men 💖
Michael Sheen: I learned some very rude words from Amy
Craig Ferguson: you do know some very rude words, Amy.
Amy Ryan: I am from Queens.
CF: Yes. I know some queens.
MS: *in a high pitched, sing song voice* And I am a queen!!
CF: There you go! Ahhh, good times…
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
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Thigh day Friday with Michael Sheen.
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claudia1829things · 5 months
"LITTLE WOMEN" (1970) Review
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"LITTLE WOMEN" (1970) Review
It is very rare to find a British adaptation of an American novel. It is even rarer to find more than one adaptation. Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel, "Little Women" must have been very popular with the BBC network. The latter had adapted the novel four times. Several years ago, I had seen the network's 2017 version. I thought it was the only version adapted by the BBC . . . until I had stumbled across the 1970 adaptation.
Set during the 1860s decade, "LITTLE WOMEN" told the story of the four March sisters of Concord, Massachusetts and their coming of age stories during and after the U.S. Civil War. With second daughter Josephine aka Jo serving as the story's main protagonist, the miniseries focused on the sisters' struggles with the family's diminished finances, their personal ambitions and especially their love lives. Early in the story, the March sisters become acquainted with their neighbor, one Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence, grandfather Mr. Lawrence and his tutor, John Brooke. Whereas third sister Beth develops a friendship with the elderly Mr. Lawrence, oldest sister Meg falls in love with Mr. Brooke, and the youngest Amy develops from a slightly vain and coddled child to a mature and self-assured young woman. As for Jo, the story focused on her development from a temperamental and stubborn girl, who learns to maintain her hot temper, navigate through her relationships with two men and adhere to her ambitions to become a writer.
Another surprising aspect of "LITTLE WOMEN" that I had learned was that it was the longest adaptation of Alcott's novel with a total running time of 225 minutes. This gave screenwriters Alistair Bell and Denis Constanduros to be as faithful to Alcott's novel as possible. Were they? Somewhat. The pair did take care to explore Laurie's volatile relationship with his grandfather - something that a good number of the other adaptations had failed to do. And it allowed glimpses into his growing relationship with Amy in Europe. Also, the early stages of Meg's marriage to Mr. Brooke ended up being explored, something that only the 2019 movie adaptation had repeated. I believe the miniseries did a very solid job of conveying these aspects of Alcott's novel.
But the miniseries left out Meg and Laurie's experiences at Annie Moffat's party. The miniseries also left out the sisters meeting with Laurie's English friends - something only the 2017 adaptation had included. Bell and Constanduros had changed the time period of Amy's near drowning at Walden Pond from the winter to either the spring or summer, allowing a rickety pier to send her into the pond, instead of thin ice. And it never touched on Amy's violent encounter with her schoolteacher over pickled limes. Did these aspects of the screenplay harm the production? Hmmmm . . . perhaps not. But I do feel that the miniseries' increased emphasis on the Lawrence men's relationship came dangerously close to overshadowing the March sisters' own relationships. I am relieved that the miniseries managed to focus somewhat on Jo's relationship with Professor Bhaer. However, I do have a problem with the sexist manner in which Constanduros and Bell had the professor viewed his future marriage to Jo. Whatever admiration Professor Bhaer had for Jo's writing skills seemed to fly out of the window in his anticipation of her being a good wife. Superficially, I had no problems with the brief focus on Meg and John's marriage, even if it could have been somewhat more thorough. But I believe it exposed what I believe was one of the miniseries' main problems.
"LITTLE WOMEN" did have its share of problems. Like the 1978 television adaptation, it is clear to see that it suffered somewhat from a low budget. If I must be frank, that seemed to be more obvious in this adaptation. Aside from Amy's near drowning at Walden Pond and some of European settings featuring Amy and Laurie, all other scenes had obviously been shot inside a studio. Very disappointing, considering a good number of BBC productions featured a mixture of interior and exterior shots. I found the actresses' makeup and hair - especially the latter - to be inconsistent and frankly, a big mess. Betty Aldiss' costume designs seemed solid enough, but not particularly earth shattering. Although the cast solely featured British performers, I believe a handful of them managed to handle American accents quite well - especially Stephen Turner, Stephanie Bidmead and Martin Jarvis. But despite their solid or excellent performances, the rest of the cast seemed to struggle maintaining one. And could someone please explain why three of the actresses who portrayed the March sisters seemed to be incredibly loud? Nearly every time one of them spoke, I had to turn down my television's volume. Some have explained these scenes featuring quarreling between the four sisters. They have even gone as far to claim this adaptation was the only one that featured the sisters often quarreling. Well, they would be wrong. Nearly every adaptation (I am not certain about the 1933 movie) of Alcott's novel featured quarrels between the sisters. So, this explanation does not strike me as a good excuse for the loud voices.
Judging from the previous paragraph, one would assume I have a low opinion of the majority of performances featured in "LITTLE WOMEN". Not really. Most of the performances featured in the miniseries struck me as pretty solid. Actresses Angela Down ("Jo"), Jo Rowbottom ("Meg"), Janina Faye (Amy) and Sarah Craze ("Beth") all gave solid performances and managed to capture the nuances of their individual characters in a competent manner. As I had stated earlier, I had a problem with most of them - with the exception of Craze - resorting to loud and histrionic voices in their portrayals of the March sisters at a younger age or in the case of Rowbottom, engaged in a heated quarrel. I thought Jean Anderson gave a solid performance as the stuffy Aunt March. Frederick Jaeger gave a very likeable performance as Jo's love interest, the intellectual Professor Friedrich Bhaer. And I believe the actor had a solid screen chemistry with Down. I really had a problem with actress Pat Nye, who portrayed the family's housekeeper, Hannah. Nye's handling of Hannah's American accent struck me as ridiculously exaggerated . . . to the point that her accent almost seemed Southern. Patrick Troughton, a talented actor in his own right, had more or less been wasted in his role as the family's patriarch, Mr. March. I do not believe he had spoken more than three to five lines in this production.
I can think of at least four performances that really impressed me. It seemed a pity that not one of them came from the four actresses who portrayed the sisters. Oh well. John Welsh has my vote as the second best version of Mr. James Lawrence, the March family's wealthy neighbor. I thought he did an excellent job of developing his character from a strict and curmudgeon guardian to a warm-hearted man who learned to develop a relationship with his grandson. Most portrayals of John Brooke, Meg's future husband, have never impressed me. But I must say that I found Martin Jarvis's portrayal of the character more than impressive. The actor was given an opportunity to delve more into Mr. Brooke's personality and he ended up giving one of the better performances in the miniseries. If given the chance to vote for the best performance in "LITTLE WOMEN", I would give it to Stephen Turner for his portrayal of the sisters' close friend, Theodore "Laurie" Lawrence. I suspect Turner had greatly benefited from Bell and Constanduros's script, which seemed more interested in Laurie as a character than the four leads. But judging from Turner's performance, I suspect his would have overshadowed everyone else's due to the actor's superb handling of the character. I also have to compliment Stephanie Bidmead's portrayal of the March family's matriarch, Mrs. "Marmee" March. Not only did I find her performance warm and elegant, but it also lacked the dripping sentimentality of the earlier versions and the heavy-handed attempts to make the character "modern" - relevant to today's movie and television audiences.
"LITTLE WOMEN" had its flaws. I cannot deny this. But I feel its flaws - which included a limited budget and some questionable American accents - were not enough to dismiss the nine-part miniseries as unworthy. I believe the 1970 miniseries proved to be a lot more solid and entertaining than some fans of Alcott's novel believed, thanks to Paddy Russell's competent direction, a damn good screenplay by Denis Constanduros and Alistair Bell, and a first-rate cast led by Angela Down.
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pablohunie1993 · 1 year
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this means nothing it's genuinely meaningless but i made the connection while high and almost pissed myself laughing
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deeisace · 1 year
Thinking Bellamy thoughts today huh
It's going to be very difficult writing more using no pronouns for Bellamy, but it'll be interesting to try and get phrases right
I can't stand first person things so that's not a solution, neither's second, I'll just have to do some thought-rotating, actual work for once
I don't really have a great completed story that just needs writing - I've got several characters, a beginning, but no solution
I spose there needn't be a solution to everything, really - I've learnt that from my grandma, if nothing else, she never seems to have written a clear ending in all her 93 years - but there ought to be some sort of wrapping up, an ending of a kind even if no clear conclusion
Maybe it'll come as I think on it, or actually write, that'd be a fine rare thing - I can't remember the last time I did any writing of my own but I'm certain it's over a year ago now
Anyway basically
What I have got, is,
Bellamy is a secretary/general hand - I can't think of a word, but 'hand', as like stagehand, farmhand, cs 'nurse' or the like don't fit - anyway - live-in to this doctor out in Aigburth, one'v them fancy houses round sevvy park, that's split to doctors surgery and quarters - again, what's the word - residence, that'll do
Anyway, Bellamy is the "young girl" reported who found the fella hanging off the iron bridge - that's a real case, I forget the exact year but 1890s I believe - in the real paper article there's nothing on the young girl, so I've rather taken over
Everyone's a hundred years dead, I doubt they mind - tho depending on their disposition, I suppose, cs there's a great deal more queerness in my Victorian Liverpool than has survived to be known nowdays
So, Bellamy finds the fella, slips and falls on a rock in shock, suffers a head wound, and is taken to the doctor off the park - and through health-monitoring visits (the head wound caused persistent balance/vertigo issues, which malady I did look up and have since forgotten the name of) gained that sorta secretary etc place with him - helping with appointments that need two people working, since the doctor's previous assistant
Assistant! There's the fuckin word!
Anyway the previous guy left to set up his own practice, and to marry the secretary, so Bellamy's left to do both jobs, in effect - but it's a job, no, and far far better that than the matchworks or something
Did Liverpool have a matchworks in the 1890s?
Nope, no, no sidetracking (there was one in Speke, but it only opened in the 1920s and - nope, stop it)
Eventually, gets to be Bellamy's friend and sort of on-again-off-again lover - I haven't decided the exactitudes of the relationship, and don't fully think it matters at all - Charlie, she calls Bellamy over one night, to help with her friend Soph who's got hisself in trouble rather, being beaten up on her way home and finding their way to Charlie's in a sorry state - stays at least until she's back on his feet, taking as much of Bellamy's medical advice as is possible for them around work an such
Comes to light, somehow, that Sophie was attacked as he was leaving The Blue Dunn - a queer bar of the time, a pub ran out of someone's house, originally, on a rather seedy street that does exist - up further past London Road, what's it called, it doesn't really exist much now with all the buildings changed about some - Bay Horse Lane! There, I have a memory for some things
I'm calling it The Bluey cs of Scousers' habit of shortening everything to one syllable with -y on the end, and that it rather comes natural tbh - as like Sevvy Park for Sefton Park, or Kenny for the area Kensington - I can't think of any more examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure it's a thing
Anyway, turns out somehow, I've not ironed any of this out, but Sophie's attack were done on account of to cover up, sorta, another attack, on someone else as frequents The Blue, something about secrets known and kept, and somebody rich needing them kept secret and not known, or else. I think this other fella worked at the exchange - big square up by moorfields ish, just a courtyard now but once used as a trading floor we'd say now I think - I'm not a finance guy, idk, but murders are to do with lust money or anger, aren't they, something like that, why not have Benny's be all three, and only discovered in truth because of the cover-up - not that the police give a toss, Bellamy's just found it unable to leave alone, no matter the danger of investigating that sort of crime properly, in 1896 or so, especially on your own - with an occasional assist from a network rather centered round the bluey
The cast of characters mostly contains as I've said above, but there's Alice the maid, Sid the cabby, Frank who tends bar at the bluey, Henry is another friend of Bellamy and Charlie's - I'm not sure there was a great deal more to the story as I've got it so far, tho I will be honest I have written an evening (shall we say) between Charlie and Bellamy and since lost the notebook - tho I'm pretty sure I typed up the morning after somewhere here to read, I'll see about finding that if not the other
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nonbinarycharmybee · 1 year
you know what would be cool i really want is for there to be a fandub of the fleetway comics where everyone has british accents but only eggman has the rp accent
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cassidysgirl · 2 years
well my data for my welsh bacc assignment has been taken off the internet making my whole project useless and now i may have to write the whole thing again with a new topic despite the deadline being in 2 weeks and already putting 5 months of my stress driven life into it
anyways enough about me, hows your day?
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makingqueerhistory · 1 year
Got a question- are there any examples of historical queer fiction? Ye olde novels or stories n the like about queer folk that have survived the centuries?
Yes absolutely! Our Public Domain Library has some that would fit into this prompt, but I think the best book for this one is Jill, which tells the story of a woman escaping in search of adventure after her mother’s death, and instead finding herself working as a maid and falling in love with her mistress.
This book is written by Elizabeth Amy Dillwyn who was a queer Welsh author with many other works that are worth looking into!
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
ruler (of me)
a/n - i wanted to include Arno first cause it’s still his bday month 💕
Summary: person A flirting, saying “oh you’re the ruler of my heart” and how person B reacts
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Arno 🇫🇷 - he feels his heart fluttering so much!! “Mon ami, mon coeur, you have no idea how happy you’ve made me!”
Ezio 🌹 - happy, ecstatic, elated, how dare you refuse his kisses/hugs/affections when he’s adored you so much !!
Edward 🏴‍☠️ - calls your heart his greatest treasure and that he would never steal such a priceless gift since it’s yours to give
Shay 🍀 - there’s a faint blush to his face as he returns your affection, placing a sweet kiss on your forehead
Basim - one, two strides over till he has you in his arms, “oh but you’re so MUCH MORE than that to me”
Haytham 🇬🇧- help him he’s so caught off guard, a bit loss for words, “I’ve—adored you, in such a way, for quite some time”
Altair 🗡️ - the one rare time you’ve seen him blush, but that’s not the end of it because he’ll try to sneak you away into some corner to himself
Connor - weaves an eloquent speech about how everything else pales in his comparison when it’s his feelings for you, long lashes fluttering against his cheeks
Bayek 🏹 - also so smooth in reciprocating, “but you’re so much more worthy than a ruler, a true god/goddess”
Desmond - he’s such a cutie 💞 “aww babe, you think about me that much?”, if the Bleeding Effect takes over, you hear bits of Italian, Welsh, Arabic, etc. calling you love nicknames
Eivor - it starts off as a chaste kiss until it becomes more heated, warming you more than any fire has
Aya - effortlessly smooth as she cups your cheeks, “oh? So I’m a queen to you, a queen of hearts?”
Kassandra - a careful kiss on your hand before she pulls you close
Evie - she’s battled her feelings for you for so long, but you telling her this is such a relief to her she can’t help but hug you
Jacob 🎩 - he’s such a cheeky flirty tease about it, in a whole “oh you think about me a lot, love? 😏”
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what-gs-watching · 3 months
“Breathe it in baby, because I am EXUDING and I am one of a kind.”
Okay so, I fell behind in Doctor Who because I’ve been job searching for like seven fucking months and a few weeks ago one came up that could be a good fit so I was trying to super focus on doing well through the interview loop even though I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to amount to anything because I’d gone through a ton of interview loops by that point but 
Y’ALL, I GOT THAT JOB! My horrible, soul-sucking ordeal is finally over, the paperwork is signed and I have a start date and everything has settled. Which means, I can finally catch up on 15 and my girl Ruby. 
Let’s gooooo!
73 Yards
Alright, I know there was upset around this episode because everyone is like ‘what the eff does it mean?’ but ooooh, I really enjoyed it. It was creepy as HELL and it just never stopped.
Wherein, Ruby and the Doctor pop over to Wales (this mofo really spends much too much time in Wales) and while on a cliffside, he steps on something AGAIN!!!!! and everything goes wrong.
Baby boy, did you not learn anything from the mine? Do you not take a scan around when you land somewhere, or are you just too excited about being adorable in your little yellow jacket and the hat and the stripes? You look fantastic, I get it, but peep down at those cute ass boots once in a while. 
I have to say, I’m impressed by Millie Gibson in this episode. It’s a lot of pressure to put on her to carry the entire thing, and she did it really well. How devastating is it to have your best friend disappear, realize you’re being followed by some crazy apparition that literally scares anyone and everyone away from you? 
Without any explanation. That’s the part that gets me. She becomes a piranha with this horrific THING attached to her and everyone she begs for help leaves her. Eve her MOTHER! It’s a mind fuck.
And I really wasn't sure where the episode was going, so I was excited for Kate Lethbridge-Stewart to show up, I was like ‘yeah let’s get UNIT into this mess’ and then she’s affected too and oh hell, that’s like, the last line of defense. 
Ruby, completely and utterly alone. And they just make her live out her entire life like that. And she tries to fix it, of course, the whole thing with the Welsh politician was a really good attempt babe, I would have done the same thing but then that doesn’t even work?!
And so everyone is all ruffled because, what was the point of it, really? What was the message, what was the meaning??!
Was she actually the apparition? If not, who was she? And then, it just ends and none of it ever really happened at all and there’s absolutely no resolution. 
Why do we love making companions live these horrible alternate timelines? How many times did we make Amy live different lives? I feel like she at least remembered most of them. But with Ruby in this one, there’s no lesson. She learns nothing, neither of them do.
But still, I loved the creeping sense of unease, so I guess I don’t really need all the details.
Dot and Bubble
I’m simultaneously annoyed and intrigued by shows that keep telling me allegories about the dangers of technology and how dependent we are on it. So far, it’s mostly been annoyed, but oh my god y’all really hit the nail on the head with this one.
Wherein, a bunch of privileged youths are existing in a perfect society that enables them to basically LIVE social media, literally surrounded by a bubble that feeds them other people’s inanity all day long. 
One thing I have to say about this episode is that the angles are something else. Lindy, the girl we’re seeing everything through is alternately absolutely beautiful, and kind of weird looking? She’s got perfect social media face. Is that a weird thing to say? I stand by it. It’s like she’s covered in the perfect ring light. It was distracting. And probably part of the point. 
Basically, this girl has no idea that there are monsters in her fake ass society that are eating her friends, and she is very not into the Doctor and Ruby trying to help her. Like, they’re trying to get her out of danger, only to find out that she doesn’t have any idea how to walk without wearing her ‘bubble’ is so deeply disturbing. Watching this girl say “forward” to convince herself to move is amazing and upsetting on a lot of different levels. 
And then out of nowhere, media star Ricky September shows up and he literally starts giving her directions like the bubble would do and I’m like ‘okay that’s interesting’, we’re subverting the idea that this incredibly popular personality is a vapid idiot because it turns out he READS and he’s taking pity on this girl that is literally a shell of a person without the aid of technology. And it was so sweet. 
Basically, this episode is infuriating because at one point Lindy hugs Ricky and tells him she’s never been hugged before (even though we know she at least has a mother) but THEN later, when the Doctor tells her everyone is being killed in alphabetical order and Ricky is trying to fight off the dot that is literally trying to murder her, she RATS HIM OUT. His real last name starts with C, he should be dead already. 
Confusingly innocent and absolutely cut throat at the same time? I guess if you live your entire life exclusively online you don’t go through things that would actually cultivate compassion? Which honestly, is not an unfounded idea. That should make y’all feel queasy. 
And to make it all exponentially worse, they flat out tell the Doctor they can’t accept his help because he’s not “one of us”. Just straight up, really gross, really overt racism. 
15, honey, I get it, but please  don’t beg racists to let them save you. You’re too good for this world, babes. That gut wrenching shout though? Absolute perfection. And the tears. You marvelous thing. 
TL;DR Humanity is disgusting and technology will continue to feed our uglier tendencies. I felt that one deep in my damn bones.
Okay hear me out. This episode is EVERYTHING. 
Y’all know I have a thing for boys in love. And I also have a thing for the Doctor flirting with basically anyone. I don’t particularly have a thing for the regency era necessarily, but I AM about incredible costumes and ridiculous plots. 
I was honest to god squealing this entire episode.
Wherein, 15 and Ruby show up to a ball in 1813 so they can pretend they’re in Bridgerton, meet a handsome young bounty hunting rake, talk a LOT about cosplaying, and deal with bird???! aliens???
There are a million details I loved in this one. The orchestra playing an instrumental version of “Bad Guy” and then later “Pokerface”. The absolutely incredible suit they put on 15. 
Not to mention: JONATHAN GROFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved him in Mindhunter, loved him in Glee (before it got absolutely ridiculous and when I didn’t know any better) but holy shiiiiiit I would watch him as Rogue every. damn. day. 
River Song will always and forever be my number one love for the Doctor, but I was absolutely immediately charmed by Rogue. I’m not sure why, and it doesn’t really matter. 
How absolutely adorable was the psychic paper displaying “you’re hot”? Or the bit where the Doctor figures out Rogue’s ship is wired for sound and the system blares “Can’t Get Your Outta My Head” and he lip syncs along while Rogue dies of embarrassment? 
The entire episode was just two dorks flirting and my heart was so happy. I don’t know why, but when 15 started singing “Pure Imagination” while showing Rogue around the Tardis, I thought I was going to die. 
I love that he can be so carefree and fun and adorable, but also extremely emotional and unafraid to show it. We’ve seen so many different facets of 15 already, and his obvious and silly flirty self is definitely my favorite part so far. 
Also, the fact that the Chuldur (again, bird aliens I guess? Sure) were basically just a race that went around cosplaying other people was so camp. I’ve seen a lot of posts about how the newest theory is that 15 and Ruby are somehow in some weird sort of tv show universe this season, and this episode definitely fuels that a little bit. 
And maybe y’all are onto something with that, but I honestly don’t care to figure out what’s going on, I just want to be along for the ride.
Of course though, we can’t have an episode that’s all fun and games. The Doctor went all in on shooting his shot with Rogue and it distracted him and it put Ruby in trouble, because of course. Maybe we should stop promising random mothers that their kids are gonna be safe? Doctor, baby, you know that they aren’t always going to be safe. 
But if you weren’t charmed by Rogue before that point, you had to jump on his bandwagon when he pushes Ruby out of the transport trap and just says “Find me” before he’s blasted away with the stupid birds to some far off dimension. 
BALLER MOVE, baby boy. Baller ass move. Because ya know what? 15 is not going to be able to resist that. And you know how I know? Because that boy put your ring on his finger and I will ship the fuck out of you two forever and ever because of that. 
The doctor has definitely been known to  kiss people he’s only just met, but this time might be in the top 3. I thought Madame de Pompadour was good? Nah girl, ya bumped down. This kiss was better. Just me sat on the couch with heart eyes for days.
So yeah, I think I’ve decided I like letting a few stack up so I can watch them in a row. Watching them boomerang between crazy scenarios and thinking about all of that at the same time is more fun. 
I’m loving this season. It’s ridiculous, it’s different, it’s a bunch of things I didn’t even realize I wanted. Gimme more pleaaaaase.
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doctor-wonder · 4 months
Saw the newest episode of Doctor Who (73 Yards) last night on a whim when I got home from work and holy shit I am going feral with how good this series has been so far. I love weekly releases too I hate binge culture with a passion but since the show is still running on BBC they're essentially forced to keep doing weekly episodes. Anyways spoilers for new episode because I need to rant about it:
I've never seen such an effective and eerie mix of DW and such a supernatural, creepypasta-esque theme. I mentioned this to my long-suffering boyfriend right as I was watching it but it feels like an episode ripped right out of the Magnus Archives and that's so fucking cool.
I had heard that the Doctor was gone in this episode but I was still really impressed with both how they made it happen and how quickly into the episode it happens. The story just... Starts up with jo delay and immediately becomes terrifying. The hints of what's to come when the hiker meets Ruby and ends up running, the misdirection in the pub where RTD got to play on anti-Welsh sentiment that he's seen people experience and also put more questions than answers in our heads, it's such a perfect intro.
And then seeing Ruby lose people, get rejected from places and we never ever get to know what the woman following her is saying, but we just see and feel the absolute grief of the aftermath. Fuck, they brought back UNIT and built up our hope of them being Ruby's eventual saviours just to have the same thing happen again. I definitely said out loud "Girl who waited, eat your heart out" (obviously that's a different situation and I love Amy Pond but still I love the comparison)
Gods then the tension of the scene on the football field where her plan finally comes to fruition, I genuinely thought she might get shot then and there and the episode would go in some other random direction, but I'm so glad it didn't go that way. It's an RTD montage at its finest, and I was floored by it all the way through.
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sadboyeddie · 2 years
Things That Go Bump In The Night
October 16th: Fear Kink
Kinktober 2022
Summary: There’s been a few murders in town, are you right to be paranoid?
Warnings: (Minors DNI 18+ only) smut, non-con, violence, murder (side characters), poorly written horror, stalking, abduction
A/N: This one gets dark my loves, please heed the warnings
8.9k Words
Part 2 Here | Part 3 Here
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It’s been a weird week.
A stressful week.
A very not okay week.
It’s coming on Halloween so the days are shorter and the atmosphere has changed, that was to be expected but what no one was expecting was for a local teen to be found dead.
Yeah Hawkins had it’s issue and series of unfortunate events but murder?
The unfortunate victim was Amy Welsh, she graduated High School in 85’, same as you. She was very superficial and not very nice but still, she didn’t deserve to be killed.
You walk into Family Video to meet up with your friends while rubbing the goosebumps on your arms. Ever since you left home you’ve had the eery sense that someone is following you. You know you’re being paranoid but what if you’re not?
Steve is behind the counter and his face lights up as you enter, you can hear Robin speaking with a customer a few aisles over.
“Hey, babe!” Steve’s warm smile instantly eases your worry and you make your way up to the counter.
“Hey, Stevie,” you return the smile as best you can but he notices somethings up.
“You okay?” His voice is hesitant and soft.
“Yeah, just been sleeping weird,” you admit.
Your home life is very similar to Steve’s except your family isn’t rich. Your parents travelled a lot for work and when they were back in town they always worked late hours. Honestly you didn’t mind, they weren’t exactly a thrill to be around.
But now that the stories of Amy’s murder is circulating around town you can’t help but find it hard to stay in your large, empty house.
You’re not exactly sure of the details of the murder, the police never officially gave a statement about that that part but “sources” have come forward and of course rumours spread like wildfire.
One person says it was one killer with a knife, another says it was multiple killers with guns, some say a chainsaw others say it was a cleaver or machete.
Whatever the real story is you don’t want to know. You’ve always scared easy, every weekend when your group has a horror marathon you’re usually hiding your face in the shoulder of whomever is closest.
“You wanna stay at my place tonight?” Steve’s voice cuts through your inner thoughts like a knife and you let out a shiver as you make eye contact.
There’s something intense behind his brown eyes but you can’t put your finger on what it could possibly be.
“No, that’s okay,” you turn him down, and for a split second you swear you see his jaw clench but when you blink and open your eyes his face is back to its usual mirth.
“You sure?” He seems a little earnest but you brush it aside as the concerns of your best friend.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you assure as Robin comes bounding behind the counter.
“Hey, slugger!” She addresses you with a chuckle.
“Hey, sport!” You huff a laugh.
For the rest of the afternoon you fall into an easy and relaxing atmosphere with two people you trust most, but every now and then you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge.
When the sun starts to set you decide you need to go home, you don’t stay out after dark anymore, even when you’re offered a lift by Steve or Eddie. You don’t want to return to a dark, empty house.
You walked to Family Video so you start to make the trek home, it’s not too far thankfully.
You curse at you’re own obliviousness, you got wrapped up in talking too long and you know you won’t make it home before the sun sets.
You pull your jacket closer to your chest and cross your arms as you start to pick up the pace, the eery feeling starting to return.
You look around the street for signs of life, hoping there were others out for a stroll but ever since the murder people have been staying indoors more.
You suck in a breath at the sound of heavy footsteps behind you, you swear they weren’t there before. You try to even out your breathing while inconspicuously picking up the pace.
Unfortunately the steps behind you seem to match your movements and for some reason it feels almost mocking?
You’re almost to your street so you make the decision to sprint the rest of the distance. When you break out into a run you hear a grunt from behind you, way too close for comfort, as they start to run too. You dig around in your jeans until your fingers wrap around the thin metal of your keys.
You can just make out the sound of heavy breathing coming from behind you, blood loud in your ears as your heart thump thump thumps against your rib cage, you feel a breeze of air against your neck like someone was reaching out to grab you but missed.
You push yourself a little harder when you see the front door of your house, you pull out your keys and in your struggle to find the right one you don’t see the loose cobblestone and you end up going pretty much A over T.
You let out a pained ‘oof’ as you land on your chest and the air is pushed from your lungs at the force of the impact, the palms of your hands and your knees skid across the pavement in your attempt to catch yourself but all that does is cause a sharp pain to shoot up your wrist.
A small panicked cry escapes your lips as you whip your head around to at least be face to face with your murdered but there’s no one there.
The street is completely empty and deadly quiet, if not for the pain shooting up your arm you’d swear this was a dream.
You let out a small choked breath as air refills your lungs, tears are tracking down your cheeks and you sniffle as you sit on the ground shaking.
There was someone chasing you… right?
Your palms are bloody as are your knees and you’re sure you’ve sprained your wrist.
The sun has gone down and you don’t want to be left outside. You’re mind has been playing tricks as of late, with the tragic event mixed with very little sleep and bit paranoia you supposed it could be possible you imagined being chased.
You reach out and collect your keys from where they fell before hauling yourself to your feet with a pained whimper, thankfully you left the flood lights on so you’re not completely sitting in the darkness.
You’ve also left a few lights on in the house as well as the tv, you don’t like return to the quiet.
You hobble over to the kitchen, wet a cloth and pull out the first aid kit from under the sink before sliding to the floor and resting your back against the cupboards. You clean around the scrapes, clearing away drying blood and small bits of dirt and gravel before applying some ointment and wrapping a bandage around the areas.
You do the same with your hands but with your left wrist you put on a compression glove to help the swelling, it once belonged to Steve who would constantly injure his wrists while playing basketball, he left it at your place and it was added to your first aid kit just in case.
Your muscles have started to go stiff from the terrified workout you just endured and all you want to do is soak in a warm bath but your sure that won’t help your wounds so you decide on a shower.
Eddie climbs the trellis up to your bedroom with practiced footing, he’s done this so much he could do it in his sleep, before quietly manoeuvring around your room and dropping his duffel bag on your bed.
He wasn’t going to chase you, the plan was just to scare you a little bit but when you broke out into a run a warm thrill shot right down to his cock and a primal part of him needed to catch you.
When you tripped and let out a pained sound, the tiny bit of his old self wanted to cradle you but he’s worked too hard on this plan to ruin it now, so while you were gathering your wits he quickly made his way behind your house.
He hears you down in the kitchen and assumes you were cleaning your wounds so he figures he has some time.
He opens your top drawer and pulls some clean panties out before throwing them behind him on the bed next to his bag, for the last week or two he’s been collecting some of your items, if things go to plan in a few days you’re going to mysteriously vanish.
When he hears you ascend the stairs he shoves the clothes into his duffel before slinking into the closet, he watches as you open your drawers and pull out some clean clothes before making your way across the hall into the bathroom.
Your shower is awkward and a little painful as you try to clean yourself with one hand while simultaneously trying to keep certain areas dry.
By the time you hop out of the shower the room is foggy and hot so you turn on the fan to clear the room before wrapping a towel around your torso.
You let out a high pitched shriek at the mess of words on your mirror before running to your bedroom and locking the door behind you, when you turn and face the room to grab your phone you notice your window, that was closed and locked before was now wide open as the curtains swayed in the light fall breeze.
You stand there, back against your door and eyes on the window, in complete silence as you listen for any sounds coming from the house or even your bedroom. When you don’t hear anything you go to your window and lock it tight before grabbing the phone on your bedside table and immediately calling Steve.
Steve picks up on the third ring and when he hears the urgency in your tone he tells Robin to cover the end of his shift and instantly leaves for your place.
When he hangs up you turn to survey the room noting the closet door, which was closed, was now wide open and on your vanity table, open and caked down to the stub, was the red lipstick you had bought as in impulse buy.
Your mind shifts back to the bathroom and you slide to the floor with a whimper, clutching the phone tightly to your chest.
have a nice shower?
The message, written in red, was scrawled in a neat cursive across your mirror.
You have no idea how quickly Steve showed up, it could have been five minutes or fifteen, but a loud tapping on your window has you screeching like a banshee.
You press your hand to your chest in hope it helps calms your racing heart down as Steve points to the lock on the window, you crawl across the floor and unlatch it before he’s sliding unceremoniously down beside you.
“What happened?” His voice is full of shock and concern as he takes in your appearance, eyes wide and filled with unshed tears and body covered in a few bandages.
“S-someone chased me h-home,” you stutter and lean into Steve to find some source of comfort, his arms instantly wrap you in a warm, secure hug.
“They chased you?” He squeezes you tight, “who was it?”
“Don’t know, I didn’t see them,” you shrug, “they were in my house.”
You’re trembling now and Steve rubs your arms in hopes of calming you down.
“Are you sure?” Steve’s voice is gentle but there’s a hint of disbelief there.
“They wrote on my mirror,” you pull away, voice getting slightly louder now that you feel that you have to prove yourself.
“They did?” His eyes lock onto yours as you nod.
He slowly stands from the floor, using the vanity table to haul himself up, and you let out a small whine, he gently pulls you up with him until you’re both standing.
“I’m gonna go check,” he tells you before heading over to the door.
“Steve, wait!” You try to pull him back but he gently pries your hands off him, “he might still be out there!”
“I’ll be fine, babe,” normally his arrogant chuckle would make you swoon but you can’t help but think that with an attitude like that it will get you killed.
You watch Steve enter the bathroom across the hall before he stares at you in confusion.
“C’mere,” he nods his head over.
Your hands shake as you quickly run across the hall, purposely avoiding looking down the hallway in case you saw something you didn’t want to see.
When you look at the mirror you feel your blood run cold as the unshed tears start to fall.
Your mirror is clean.
Not even a smudge or speck of dirt remains on it, it’s a bit wet from the humidity in the room but no traces of lipstick.
“Nothings here, babe,” his tone has a hint of condescension and you can’t help but sob.
Are you going insane?
“Have you been taking your meds, sweetheart?” There he goes with his patronising tone again.
“I have depression and anxiety not schizophrenia, Steve,” you snap.
“Hey, calm down I’m on your side,” he puts his hands up, “you said you’ve had trouble sleeping so maybe you’re just a little out of it, yeah?”
“I’m not making this up, Steve!” You stamp your foot in childish frustration.
“Babe, you didn’t actually see anyone chasing you and now you’re saying there’s messages being left on your mirror that clearly aren’t there,” his voice is irritatingly calm, like he’s talking down someone off a ledge.
“I know what I saw, Steve,” you glare at the older man.
“Okay,” he surrenders but you know it’s only to keep the peace, “alright, well how about you get dressed and I’ll check the rest of the house?”
You look down and your face heats up when you realise you’re still in a towel, the events of before causing you to completely forgo dressing.
You don’t answer but quickly walk back to your room and slam the door behind you in embarrassment as you grab new clothes.
Steve waits for your door to close before turning around and opening the linen closet.
Eddie stands there with a large grin plastered on his face but before he can say anything Steve places a finger over his lips and gestures towards your door, Eddie nods in understanding before quietly following Steve down the hallway and down the stairs.
When they’re in the kitchen Steve slaps the older man on the shoulder, “what the hell, Munson, you chased her!” His voice is a harsh whisper.
“I couldn’t help it,” he shrugs, “her fear does something to me.”
Well Steve can’t argue with that.
“And the mirror?” Steve’s hand go to his hips in his Disapproving Mom gesture.
“I went in to get her clothes, old and new,” he explains, “and I saw an opportunity so I took it.”
After a few minutes of contemplation Steve nods, Eddie was cutting it close but it could ultimately work in their favor. He’s just lucky Steve noticed the lipstick on the vanity as he stood up and quickly pocketed the item.
“I’m gonna drop her around your place tonight,” Steve tells the metalhead who’s face lights up, “she’s not going to wanna stay here.”
Eddie nods emphatically, excitement filling his stomach.
“Go home,” Steve pushes Eddie towards the door who easily allows himself to manhandled.
When he reaches the door he spins on his heels and presses a quick kiss to the former jocks lips before disappearing into the night.
A gentle tap at your door followed by Steve’s voice causes you to snap out of the melodramatic thoughts your brain was conjuring up.
Steve enters the room with a tiny smile filled with pity and it makes you feel silly because the more you think about it the more it seems impossible.
You never saw anyone chasing you and when you came back into your room the ruined lipstick tube wasn’t there so maybe you had imagined it all.
“I don’t want you being alone tonight,” Steve’s tone is soft, “I have to work the opening shift tomorrow to make up for leaving early,” he kneels in front of your seated form on the edge of the bed, you’re instantly filled with guilt and regret with calling Steve in a flurry of emotions, “but I called Eddie and he’s more then happy to keep you company for the night.”
You feel slightly embarrassed that Steve called Eddie but you have to admit that being around the metalhead might help you feel more comfortable.
You nod your head at his words, unable to find your voice at the moment, and he helps you stand.
You grab some clothes for tomorrow before locking your window and following Steve to his car.
Eddie scrambles around his trailer in a rush as he shoves pictures, panties, soiled clothing and other various items that once belonged to you in a lockbox and tucking it inside the vent in the corner of his room.
Seconds after he’s finished tidying his room up headlights flood the trailer as Steve’s car pulls up outside.
He grabs a pizza out of the freezer on his way past and chucks it in the oven before swinging the door open before you or Steve can even knock.
“Welcome to the Munson Mansion,” he dramatically bows, his usual antics cause a smile to twitch at your lips.
He steps aside and allows you to enter his humble abode, slightly leaning in to catch a whiff of your conditioner.
“I gotta go,” Steve doesn’t enter the trailer, instead choosing to say his goodbyes at the door.
You give him a timid wave and nod before walking into the kitchen.
Steve shares a look with Eddie before descending the steps and driving away.
Eddie turns to observe you, your form a little more hunched in on yourself as you fiddle about in his kitchen.
He hides a grin behind his hair at your obvious terrified state, proud of himself that he’s the one that caused it.
You collect some paper plates out of the cupboard, knowing Eddie prefers them to the usual ones, as you wait for the pizza to cook.
It’s a few minutes before Eddie silently joins you in the small kitchenette and he deliberately crowds your space causing heat to blast your cheeks.
You shyly look up and are taken back a bit when he’s already looking at with with an intense gaze.
“Hi,” he smiles.
“Hi,” you mimic.
He grins at that before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a tight hug. You lean further into his embrace and let out a sigh as Eddie’s hug works it’s magic.
He’s always been the best at calming you down.
Time slows down as he rocks you gently back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, you feel fatigue creeping into your senses but before you can fall asleep the oven timers shrill riiiiiing has you jumping out of his hold with an alarmed shout.
Eddie quickly shuts it off before grabbing your shoulders and massaging the tense muscles, allowing you to take your time in coming down from your fear.
You take your pizza to Eddie’s room and watch in relative silence while a movie plays in the background, huddled in close to the warmth of the metalhead.
By the time you’ve finished eating and the food has settled in your stomach you can feel yourself start to drift off, you’re slightly aware of Eddie saying something, though for the life of you you can’t imagine what he said, as he manhandles you into a lying position underneath his covers.
He shuts the tv off surrounding you both in complete darkness. Eddie watches as you turn to face the wall in your sleep before sidling up behind you and pressing himself flush against your back.
Eddie waits patiently for your breathing to even out before giving you a gentle shake, when he’s sure you’re dead to the world he allows himself the opportunity to indulge in a few of his selfish needs.
He presses his erect cock against the soft swelling of your ass before tucking your hair between your neck and shoulder, fully exposing the nape to him.
He leans in and attaches his lips to the skin before sucking a dark bruise into a spot he’s sure your hair will cover. You let out a soft sigh in your sleep causing his to drive his hips forward.
He lifts your shirt, revealing your panties before he pulls his cock from his boxers, he grinds his member against the soft material of your underwear repeatedly before reaching around and flicking your clit over the thin fabric.
You subconsciously seek out his touch as you move your hips slightly forward and he groans against the bruise on your neck.
When he feels on the verge of his climax he regretfully pulls away and quickly tucks himself back into his boxers before continuing to grind against you, if he cums on you it could ruin things.
When he cums it’s quick and not as satisfying as it would be if he got to do it inside you but that time will come.
Your subconscious keening turns into small whimpers as he pulls his fingers away, denying your orgasm. He needs you wanting for more.
When you wake up it’s due to the light peeking from the curtain directly into your eyes, usually Eddie closes the blinds completely but he must of forgot.
You let out a small sigh, memories from last night flooding your mind but instead of feeling fear you feel silly, why would a murderer be after you?
In the light of day you feel much braver, you also feel more well rested then you have in a long time.
When you readjust your position, your arm getting a little sore and numb from laying on it in a weird angle, you notice two things:
One: your hands, knees and muscles are stinging from the fall yesterday.
Two: you’re very aroused right now.
Every move of your thighs cause a burst of pleasure to pulse through your clit. You silently groan when you feel your damp panties sticking to your wet folds.
Eddie is pressed so tight against you he’s like a second skin, this was all usual behaviour from the older man, as soon as he’s asleep he’s like an octopus all limbs pulling you close and suctioning you to him.
Not that you minded of course.
You turn and bury your head in the pillow to drown out the light and hopefully fall back asleep but unfortunately once you’re up, you’re up.
It’s surprisingly not long before Eddie groans and slowly ascends into the waking world, he usually wakes up around midday.
He sleepily presses a kiss to your neck, unbeknownst to you it’s over the spot he bruised last night, and you swallow back a small mewl at the feeling of his soft lips.
“Mornin’,” he’s voice is deep and croaky but it makes you clamp your thighs shut, already dealing with a mass of hormones and he’s not helping.
“Morning,” your tone is more soft.
You end up staying in bed lounging around for a few more hours, slowly allowing your bodies to get up on their own before the grumbling sound of your stomachs ruin the serene atmosphere.
Eddie grabs two bowls from the cupboard and begins filling them with cereal as you walk into the living room and turn on the tv.
Loud noise instantly fills the room, scaring both you and Eddie as he drops the spoon into the bowl with a clank, and you rush to turn it down.
A red banner runs across the screen as the news reporter continues with their story.
You let out a gasp and fall back on the couch, hand over your mouth as you listen to the report.
“The young girl was found this morning by her parents, police have finally decided to release a statement.”
The screen switches to Jim Hopper, Chief of Hawkins Police, standing in front of a crowd of reporters.
“It’s with a heavy heart that we confirm the victim was Carol Perkins,” Chief Hoppers gruff voice causes a shiver down your spine, “her parents were out of town and she was spending the night with her boyfriend.”
“Where is her boyfriend now?” A unseen journalist calls out.
“As of this moment, Tommy Hagan, is missing.” Hopper states.
“Is he a suspect?”
“Should we be worried these murders will continue?”
“Is this a serial killer?”
You watch as Chief Hopper is bombarded with questions, his sneer is becoming prominent as irritation builds.
Before he can answer the tv goes dark and you sit up in alarm, Eddie stands besides you with the clicker in hand and is wearing a frown.
“Enough of that,” he tuts, handing you a bowl, “it’s too early in the day.”
You go to complain but he gives you a stern look and your mouth snaps closed.
My god, Carol, she was horrible to a lot of people in school, you included, but you don’t know if she deserved this.
Eddie joins you on the couch after retrieving his bowl of Mr. T cereal, you eat in tense silence as the report plays over and over in your head.
After breakfast you head back into Eddie’s room and get dressed for the day, Eddie waits for you to exit his room before he gets dressed himself.
“Can you take me home?” you ask the metalhead as he enters the living room.
“Are you sure?” The look he gives you is skeptical but you nod.
“Yeah, I’ve had time to think and I probably overreacted a little bit,” you nervously chuckle as you scratch your arm.
Eddie eyes you warily but doesn’t say anything, he just shrugs and picks up he keys before walking you to the door.
When you arrive home a bit of fear hits you but you push it down.
“Want me to come in and check the house?” Eddie’s offer is sincere but there’s that same hint of something in his voice that Steve had.
Disbelief? Condescension? Playfulness?
You shake your head and smile at his offer regardless before opening the car door and slipping down to stand on the pavement.
“I’ll call you when I get home, kay?” Eddie smiles and you nod.
“Okay,” he give him one last reassuring smile before heading up to your front door and unlocking it, Eddie doesn’t leave until you’re inside.
When he arrives back at his trailer Steve’s car is parked out front, the boy nowhere to be seen.
Eddie enters the trailer and smirks at the man who is tiredly slumped against the couch.
“Carol?” Eddie scoffs, “I thought you were going after her little red-headed friend, Nicole?”
He goes to the kitchen and pulls out two cans of beer before walking back over to Steve and offering him one.
“I was but when I went to fill up on gas Tommy and Carol were there being dicks so I thought ‘why not push them up the list?’” Steve presses the cold can against his face where a bruise is forming.
“What happened?” Eddie asks as he cracks open his beer.
“Tommy,” is all he says with a grimace.
“Speaking of,” Eddie takes a large gulp of the low percentage alcohol, “where is he?”
“At the moment he’s in the large furnace at Brimborn Steel Works,” Steve huffs a chuckle, “his car is ditched behind the factory.”
“Well hopefully it’ll keep the cops busy for a while,” Eddie nods.
They sit in silence as they drink their beers, both of their minds on you.
“How was she?” Steve asks when he crushes the can.
“Spooked,” Eddie grins, “very clingy.”
Steve rolls his eyes with a smirk, “she go home okay?”
“She seemed better this morning although the news report effected her,” Eddie stands with his own crushed can in hand, “when she got home she looked like she saw a ghost.”
He makes his way over to the phone, momentarily forgetting he promised to call.
“I can’t wait anymore, Eds,” Steve groans.
“Me either,” the metalhead agrees.
“Tonight then?”
“Yeah, tonight,” they share a dark grin between them as Eddie dials your number.
You made yourself busy throughout the day, cleaning and washing before calling both Nancy and Robin.
You asked if they wanted to hang out or do something tonight but they had plans to go out on a date, they had offered you join them but you’d rather not be a third wheel.
Your scrapes have healed better over night, there’s a slight sting every now and then but it’s minor. Your muscles ache more then your scrapes and your wrist still smarts.
Eddie called this morning only to tell you he’s home which you appreciated, he said he’d call back later.
You need to go out shopping but you’ve bunkered down your house and you don’t want to leave the safety of its confines, especially when it’s so late in the day.
You sit on the couch and put on a movie to pass the time, making sure almost every light is on in your house. The movie is a comedy, in fact all the movies you have piled up next to the vcr are comedies.
You let out a small shudder as rain starts to pelt against the tiling of the room, forgetting entirely about the storm that was approaching.
You turn the volume up on the tv and snuggle closer into your blanket, you look over to the kitchen window, the living room and kitchen were joined, and you can see the sky turn dark from the clouds through the slips in the curtains, it almost seeming like nighttime instead of afternoon.
Halfway through your second movie the warmth from the blankets and the rain lulls you into a restless sleep.
Rain was like a sleeping pill to you, always succeeding in making you drowsy and that paired with the coziness of your blankets managed to send you off to sleep every time.
You wake up to a crack of thunder that you swear shakes the house, you curse yourself for falling asleep, even though it wasn’t that long if the movie that’s still playing is any indication. The house is still lit up like a Christmas tree and that helps still your racing heart.
You can no longer hear the tv over the raging storm outside but you’re content to just watch the images flick across the screen. You move to check your answering machine to see if you missed a call but to your disappointment it’s empty.
Checking the analogue clock on the wall you do a double take, 8:05? When you fell asleep it was still early evening, barely 6:00 and the movie was already half way finished. This being one of your favourite movies you know it’s not that long.
You check your watch just in case the one one the wall stopped but no 8:06. Your blood runs cold as you pick up the clicker and check the volume on the tv.
Just as the horrifying realisation hits that you’re not alone the power cuts out and your thrust into complete darkness.
You let out a terrified screech before slapping your hands over your mouth, you try to listen but the storm outside is covering any and all sounds.
Your head snaps around the room, eyes darting to survey the area but they haven’t adjusted to the darkness yet so you can’t make out anything.
You squeeze your eyes shut and and try to force them to adjust before snapping them open.
You let out a scream when you see a shadowy figure standing in the corner of the room and you instantly jump from the couch and run to the kitchen, unfortunately your ankle tangles in the fabric of the blanket and you trip to the floor for the second time in the span of twenty four hours.
You let out a shriek as the figure starts walking towards you, clearly at a leisurely pace finding amusement in your predicament, you kick your legs forcing the blanket away before jumping to your feet.
Unluckily for you the intruder is now right there and harshly shoves you until you collapse back onto the floor.
You let out a scream of terror as you try to crawl backwards but you don’t get far before you’re hitting something solid behind you, you look up and let out a whimpering cry as another dark figure looms over you.
While your attention is on the the second man, the first kneels to the ground before grabbing your ankles and sliding you until you’re lying flat against the floor.
You struggle against him as he straddles your thighs but he’s much larger and stronger then you and all it’s doing is wearing you out, but you continue to push at his chest regardless.
You abruptly stop your movements when he pulls out a knife, you can’t see it properly in the dark but you can make out the outline.
You whimper out in fear but the rain muffles your sounds as the man on top of you brings the knife down, using the back of it to trace a line down your cheek.
The tip of the knife follows the tear tracks down your face to your jawline before pulling the cold metal back.
You jump underneath him when the second guy, completely forgotten by you, flicks on a torch. You squint and shut your eyes as the light is pointed directly in your face before it’s placed on the side table beside you, the torch illuminating a small part of the room.
You blink a few times and feel a new wave of fear wash over you at the lifeless mask that stares down at you, when you risk a quick glance at the man above you is wearing an identical mask.
The second man grabs your arms, even though you weren’t struggling anymore, and restrains them against the cold floor with his hands, warm leather rubs against your forearms and you let out another sob at the burning in your sprained wrist.
The first man brings the knife back to your face and scrapes the metal up your cheek to gather your tears on the blade before moving it to his face, he uses his spare hand to lift the bottom of the mask and makes a show of licking the blade clean of your salty tears.
You cry harder as you hear them laughing over you and you start to struggle again when the first man brings the knife to the collar of your shirt and starts to cut.
A sharp slap is delivered to you face and it causes your head to snap to the side with the force of it making you momentarily give up the fight.
There’s a ringing in your ears and your cheek burns but you try to regain your focus, by the time you do your shirt is in complete tatters and it’s thrown aside exposing your naked torso to the men.
You begin to cry in fear and pain as the second man rests his knees on the palm of your hands, successfully remaining to restrain you, as he cups your chest.
Your hands start to lose feeling with the weight of him but that’s the least of your concerns as he starts to fondle your breasts. The first man continues to cut away your clothes as the second pinches your nipples cruelly between his fingers and pull them until there’s a sharp pain and you have to arch your back to try and lessen the sting.
He lets go but immediately cups the squishy flesh in his palms before pushing your tits together and shaking them to watch them jiggle, clearly enjoying himself.
You’re terrified and humiliated at the treatment your receiving and it only gets worse as your lower half is finally exposed to everyone.
The men once again share a dark chuckle between them as the first guy cups your pussy. You try to move back but you’re completely and utterly restrained by the two and any movement just causes his hand more firmly against you.
The leather from his glove emits a strange feeling, and you instantly hate yourself when you feel your clit throb in interest.
When the first guy pulls his hand away he looks at the glove before laughing and showing the second man, you feel your face burn in embarrassment at the obvious shine to the material.
The first man slides back a little to get a better view of your pussy before grabbing your thigh with his spare hand and spreading you open more.
You start to struggle again, his new position giving you a little more room to fight but he rears his hand back and brings it down harshly on your clit, the smack loud enough to be heard around the room.
You cry out in pain as he cruelly takes the swollen nub between his thumb and index finger and pinches, you know this is a warning and you nod your head hoping to convey your compliance without words.
He thankfully releases his hold and you choke out a sob at unbearable pain between your legs.
He rubs over your clit but it does nothing to smooth the sting but with his other harsh treatments you don’t believe that was his intention.
He pulls his hand away briefly but before you can react he’s shoving three fingers into your tight hole, you let out a strangled sound mixed between a sob and a groan. You hate yourself at how wet you are, there was barely any resistance as he slammed inside you.
He starts an unforgiving pace, thrusting his fingers down past the knuckle, curling his fingers in a come hither motion before pulling out almost entirely and repeating the action.
You thrash your lower half trying to get him to stop but as much as you fight it your body is responding to his touch.
The second man is still obsessively playing with your tits, pulling and flicking the nipples before pinching bits of fat around the areola and creating small, dark, crescent shaped bruises around the skin.
As the rain softens down to a gentle pat pat pat against the tiles of the roof it’s more obvious of what’s happening.
The squelching of your pussy starts to fill up the newfound quiet of the room along with your whimpers and sniffles.
The second man moves back slightly but pulls your arms taught so they stay beneath his knees, you can’t feel you hands now and you’re positive that your knuckles will be bruised and bloody by the end of this, not to mention how worse your sprained wrist will be.
He leans forward and you have to turn your head to the side otherwise you’d suffocate in the thick material of his hoodie, you let out a garbled gasp, your throat filled with a a thick layer of mucus from all the crying, at the wet heat that envelops your nipple.
The second man must have lifted his mask as he sucks your nipple into his eager mouth. You hiss as he grazes his teeth over the sensitive peak before he takes a mouthful of your breast in his mouth, nipple included as he starts to suck hickies into the skin.
As Guy #2 makes out with your tits, full on slobbering and moaning into the curves of your chest, Guy #1s movement pull away completely.
You let out a relived sigh, but a tiny tiny part of you is disappointed at the loss. The relief is short lived as he gently pushes Guy #2 back, who reluctantly pulls away, before pulling the glove off his right hand and bringing it to your face.
Your cheeks are soaked with tears and you have mucus and phlegm around your nose from how hard you’ve been crying but that doesn’t deter Guy #1, instead he runs his hand over your face, gathering the moisture before bringing it down to his cock, you didn’t even realised he had pulled it out.
He coats his length in your fear, pumping a few times as he watches your chest, covered in bruises and fingernail marks, rise and fall.
The only warning you get is when he nods to the man behind you before he’s manhandling your thighs and he’s forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist, you do so begrudgingly.
He slips into your heat with no resistance and starts a quick pace. You close your eyes and breathe out of your nose, furious with the moans building in your chest.
Guy #2 pries your mouth open and shoves two fingers into the wet cavern before thrusting in time with Guy #1. You clamp down on his leather clad fingers and he lets out a shout, more in shock then pain, the gloves are pretty thick, before he reaches down with his right hand and wrapping it tightly around your neck.
He tightens his grip and you let go of his fingers with a choked whine, kicking your heels against Guy #1 as your eyesight goes splotchy at the lack of air.
He lets go out your throat but keeps his fingers in your mouth as you choke and fight to gulp in air around his digits but to no avail, you suck in just enough air to keep you conscious but at the moment you don’t know whether that’s a good or a bad thing.
You hear Guy #1 laugh as he picks up his pace, each movement causing your back to rub uncomfortably against the carpeted floor, creating a burn across your underside.
Guy #2 shoves his fingers deep into your mouth until they’re rubbing against the back of your throat, you start to gag as you feel bile build up but before you manage to vomit he pulls his fingers out completely. You suck in large breaths of air and it causes you to become light headed. 
You sniffle as a fresh wave of snot gathers at the base of your nose and tears slide down your face into your hair.
As you try to recuperate Guy #2 unzips his jeans and takes his cock out, you’re brought back to the moment and he moves forward so he’s almost kneeling over your head.
You let out a whimper of dread looking at the large cock above you, there’s no way that thing could fit in your pussy so you doubt you could fit it in your mouth. It was not only long but it was thick.
Guy #2 visibly preens at your stunned and slightly fearful reaction, he pushes his jeans until they’re below his knees gathered around his ankles before he brackets your head between his thighs.
His knees are no longer restraining your hands but they’re so stiff and sore you can’t bare to move them.
He snaps your head back until you’re basically looking upside down between the inside of his legs, his heavy balls rest on the bridge of your nose as he starts to push his cock into your mouth.
Unlike Guy #1, he decides to take his time, probably worried you might bite down onto his dick in reflex if he rushes.
You slacken your jaw and open it as wide as you can as he pushes in, inch by inch until the tip is nudging against the back of your throat.
You think back to the advice Nancy had given you one time when you were talking about past experiences.
“When you feel like you’re going to gag, swallow around the length,” she giggled at your facial expression, “Steve was really big and it took some time to learn but eventually I became a pro, just remember a few simple things:
-practice with your fingers or toothbrush
-when you feel like gagging breathe through your nose
-pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger
-humming can also work”
You remember feeling a little jealous of Nancy basically rubbing it in that she used to fuck Steve but now you’re thankful for the tips.
You swallow around the head as it pushes past your gag reflex and squeeze the skin between your thumb and index finger, miraculously it actually works.
Guy #2 lets out a grunt that sounds almost familiar but before you think more on that his pelvis is hitting your face as he bottoms out in your throat.
You feel thick saliva starting to build up in your mouth as your airway is cut off, you let out a choked groan as you try to slap him but your hands are still too sore to move.
Thankfully he pulls back and you cough around the length as spit dribbles from your mouth. He gives you barely any time to recover before he pushing all the way back in.
The rain has started to pick up just as the men start to get louder with their moans of pleasure. You squeeze your eyes shut and keep going over Nancy tips in your mind, it gives you a brief reprieve from your situation.
Every time Guy #2 bottoms out he cuts your air off, you feel his cock throb and twitch as your throat constricts around him. He lets out debauched moans every time you hum and swallow around his length.
You swear he sounds so familiar but your mind is extremely hazy and you can’t make heads or tails of anything right now.
You feel someone’s fingers press down against your neck, they both let out depraved moans at the obvious bulge in your throat.
He pulls his cock completely out and you cough around nothing, you’re starting to feel the dull throb of a migraine approaching as you gasp for air, you spit the excess drool comprising of a mix of his salty precum and your saliva out of your mouth and if you weren’t so exhausted you’d retch at the warm sticky feeling of it sliding down your cheek and neck and into your hair.
Guy #1 has quickened his pace back up, he had slowed it to to watch as you were throat fucked. Your insides are rubbed raw, first from the harsh treatment of the leather gloves and now from the repetitive motions of his dick against your sensitive walls.
You can only manage to whimper as he rubs a finger over your abused clit, all the fight drained from your body.
Guy #2 jerks his cock over your face, his hand occasionally grazing your forehead and nose at the quick motion as he watches the cock of Guy #1 penetrate your pussy.
He lets go of his cock suddenly and snaps your head back to its previous position before quickly sheathing his cock all the way back down your throat.
With barely any warning on his onslaught you weren’t able to prepare and you start choking and retching around his cock. He ignores your struggles as he leans forward, the new angle almost dislocating your jaw, he comes almost face to face with your pussy and can’t help but suck the little red nub between his lips.
You scratch and claw at either of the guys, slapping the ground violently as your vision starts going hazy and panic starts to set in. You’re completely ignored and without realising how close you were your orgasm rips through you like a tsunami. You were so preoccupied with everything else happening that you couldn’t even imagine cumming.
Both pain and pleasure from your orgasm shoots through every inch of your body and that mixed with the lack of airflow has you slipping into unconsciousness.
The last thing you hear before passing out was simultaneous groaning coming from the men followed by curses.
Once Eddie and Steve fuck you to completion they realise that you’re not moving.
“Fuck, pull back!” Eddie curses as he pushes Steve’s shoulders.
He immediately pulls his softening cock from your mouth, his member twitching slightly as some of his cum slides out with it, but his main focus is your health.
“She better not be fucking dead, Steve,” Eddie’s voice is slightly panicked as he watches Steve turn your head on the side.
He checks your pulse and lets out a relieved sigh, “just passed out.”
They both slump back in a relaxed postures, throwing the masks to the side as they watch your chest slow down to a normal pace. Your body is covered in sweat and bruises and they both smirk at their handy work.
Steve moves to do his jeans up and Eddie follows his lead before moving more to the side. Steve takes Eddie’s previous position between your legs before leaning down and sucking the metalheads cum out of your pussy.
He smiles against your folds as he feels your walls twitch and flutter around his tongue. Eddie moves to slot his mouth against yours, he lets out a little sound of disappointment at your lack of response before he decides to forgo the kiss and just lick Steve’s essence out of your mouth. He doesn’t get much seeing as Steve fucked most of it down your throat already but he does get a decent amount.
When he pulls back he holds the cum on his tongue and waits for Steve to finish, Steve had the same idea as Eddie as his mouth is filled with yours and his shared cum.
They lean over your unconscious body and press their open mouths together, tongues instantly meeting in the middle to swap around the mixed body fluids until they both have a taste of all three of you in their mouths.
When they sit back Eddie spits some remnants into your open mouth, watching as your throat sleepily swallows it down.
Steve stands from the ground with a grunt before stretching, his muscles start to pop and click and he lets out a groan at the pleasant feeling.
They lay you on the couch then go about collecting some final things of yours, making sure it doesn’t look like you’ve ran away.
Eddie comes back over to your sleeping form with a syringe and two empty blood bags in hand, they’ve been planning this for months, before he is removing some of your blood. When done he puts a little band aid over the small red mark and helps dress you in nice pair of pyjamas.
He hands one of the bags to Steve who then uses it to spread blood around the living room and your bedroom while Eddie starts to trash the rooms making it look like a struggle broke out.
When finished and the house is in a state that is familiar to the other crime scenes, Steve picks you up and cradles you against his chest with care and Eddie throws a thick blanket over your back to shield your from the harsh drops of the rain before making their way to Eddie’s van.
“Okay, let’s go over the plan one last time,” Steve sits in the back of the van with both you and Eddie.
“We go to Brimborn Steel works,” Eddie explains as he pulls out another syringe with a tinted blue liquid, “you take Tommy’s car and drive it out of town before ditching it in the woods,” he continues as he inserts the needle into the vein in your left arm, “you spread blood across the car and in the boot and then we go back to your place.”
Once the syringe is empty he caps it and chucks it aside, the anesthesia should keep you knocked out for the rest of the night.
“Good, let’s go.”
Eddie hops in the front and Steve remains in the back, absentmindedly stroking your hair. Steve’s parents are… no longer in the picture… in a few weeks he will receive the inheritance and neither he or Eddie will have to worry about much.
There’s an old storm cellar underneath the pool shed that they’ve converted into a makeshift room. They cleaned it out and put in a nice bed and a dresser, there’s even a separate bathroom with a small shower stall. When they know you’ll be good they plan on running an extension cable into the cellar so you can watch movies.
Yes. Their plans were all coming together now.
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camlannpod · 8 months
hi! I'm sure someone's asked this before, but I've just listened to your podcast (I'm really enjoying it) and I was wondering if you had any good arthurian/medieval book recommendations (preferably queer)
Spear by Nicola Griffith - great trans focused novel about Peredur
Gwen and Art are Not in Love by Lex Croucher - sugary sweet YA queer romance where Gwen and Arthur are each other's beards
Here Lies Arthur by Phillip Reeve - bit edgy and not as explicitly queer because it's older, but it's very Welsh and I love it, again very trans Peredur
I've heard good things about Mordred, Bastard Son by Douglas Clegg, Legendborn by Tracy Deonn and Lancelot and the Wolf by Sarah Luddington. Next on my to-read list is Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta!
In other mediums, I've heard great things about High Noon Over Camelot, a story album by The Mechanisms (guessing from your username you might be familiar :p), and I really love the comic series Once and Future by Kieron Gillen. (Tragically though, the comics aren't especially queer).
Honestly Le Morte d'Arthur, the Mabinogion and Gawain and the Green Knight are, in my opinion, pretty damn queer, as well as a lot of the other Arthurian source texts.
Also to be clear I am at all times extremely open to recommendations on this subject, so if anyone wants to recommend anything please do!
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misiahasahardname · 9 months
i’ve had this long list of td surname headcanons (and i guess some of them are nationality headcanons) for a while and haven’t done much about them, so…
here are each generation’s surnames! (except for rr since i’m not too confident about them)
gen 1:
harold norbert cheever doris mcgrady V
cody emmett jameson anderson
lindsay tyson
noah könig (german)
eva barta (czech)
izzy clark
owen fraser
trent evans-grant
gwen kennedy
heather ryeo
bridgette summers
leshawna simelane (south african iirc)
beth spring
devon ‘dj’ joseph
alejandro burromuerto (spanish)
sierra kauffman (german)
tyler wilson
ezekiel miller
courtney cortez (spanish, or from somewhere where they speak spanish primarily)
duncan butcher
katie wan (malaysian)
sadie peterson (originally was gonna give her a romanian surname but here is peterson)
justin kāne (hawaiian)
geoff jasper
gen 2:
josef ‘jo’ kaczmarek (Polish)
brick macarthur
anne-maria chahuán (chilean)
michele ‘mike’ russo
cameron corduroy wilkins
rudolph ‘lightning’ jackson
staci sterling
zoey gates
dawn oakwood
scott brackin (irish)
dakota milton
sam stevens
beverly ‘b’ jones
gen 3:
ella ito-courtemanche (japanese and french)
scarlett montgomery
max mayhem (yes. i’m actually giving him that as his surname. get sillyed)
jasmine reynolds
shawn tremblay
dave korrapati (indian, more commonly in telugu-speaking areas)
sky sanderson (i was a bit uhm. stuck with this one. i looked up ‘cree surnames’ but found only three. i went for this one but i’m still uncertain.)
amy martin
samantha ‘samey’ martin
topher mccann
rodney rogers
sugar silo
beardo mbomio (equatoguinean)
leonard howe
gen 4:
nichelle ladonna (italian)
bowie davis
emma fletcher
julia hartwell-hughes
priya khan (indian)
millie carter
chase boonmee (thai. it means ‘reliable, generous, loyal’. ironic)
raj ghosh (indian)
wayne watterson
mary-kate ‘mk’ yí (chinese. in honour of fai yí, my beloved)
damien reid
hezekias ‘zee’ guzman (argentinian (it means ‘good man’ which is what he is!!!))
rhinffrew ‘ripper’ bowen (welsh (WELSH RIPPER REAL))
caleb garcia (hispanic)
axel sanchez-guðmundsdóttir (hispanic(?) and icelandic. yes, apparently ‘axel’ is an icelandic name!)
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sweetnnaivete · 4 months
my name's ceri, but you're welcome to give me any nicknames / petnames you want !!
i'm fifteen, my birthday is september 9th, i'm white, british (welsh) and american, i speak english and a fair bit of spanish
all my love : travelling, band tees, self care, coming of age films, blush, silly socks, dad jokes, roald dahl books, dancing around the house to upbeat songs, singing & playing the drums, wes anderson films, autumn, iced chai lattes, imperfections & human flaws, snoopy, all things lavender-scented, english & history class, medieval art, miffy, the moon, video essays, chocolate, harry potter & the order of the phoenix
books : harry potter, percy jackson, grishaverse, little women, the perks of being a wallflower, a good girl's guide to murder, five survive, gregor the overlander, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the secret history, to kill a mockingbird, the sisters grimm, much ado about nothing, the catcher in the rye, heaven, the hunger games, anne of green gables, fahrenheit 451
movies / tv : star wars films, studio ghibli films, lady bird, gilmore girls, dead poets society, how to train your dragon, juno, friends, downton abbey, anne with an e, saltburn, derry girls, coraline, la la land, billy elliot, little women (2019), brooklyn 99, 10 things i hate about you
music : beabadoobee, mitski, david bowie, taylor swift, lamp, gracie abrams, laufey, the smiths, olivia rodrigo, the killers, boygenius, abba, catfish and the bottlemen, clairo, cocteau twins, the cranberries, chappell roan, cigarettes after sex, ethel cain, fleetwood mac, jeff buckley, lana del rey, mazzy star, leith ross, radiohead, phoebe bridgers, the beatles, sabrina carpenter, fiona apple, wave to earth, ramones, the cardigans, adrianne lenker, tv girl
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ : harry potter, inej ghafa, peeta mellark, james potter, leo valdez, ravi singh, dorcas meadowes, nikolai lantsov, kaz brekker, henry winter, dave rygalski, gilbert blythe, chandler bing, patrick verona, jess mariano
meee :3 : lily evans, narcissa black, amy march, pip fitz-amobi, hermione granger, sabrina grimm, remus lupin, kat stratford, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, annabeth chase, jo march, amy santiago, sybill trelawney, todd anderson
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