#Amy Blackthorn
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lotusfeather-and-bone · 3 months ago
Signal boost time:
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Sunday December 8, 2024, beginning 9:45am EST
"Fundraiser Tickets go on sale Nov 1st!
A full day of Online Workshops and more.
Proceeds go to 'BeLoved Asheville' for Hurricane Helene Relief of Western NC"
As we all know, Hurricane Helene caused an extreme amount of damage to Asheville, NC and the surrounding area, damage that the residents weren't expecting or prepared for.
The Fulacht Na Mór Ríoghna fundraiser event is being held on Sunday Dec 8 to help raise funds for this community, with a whole slew of notable speakers throughout the day, including both Live and Pre-recorded sessions.
If you are interested and able to donate, I highly encourage it! We are all one witch/pagan community here, no matter where we live. Support Asheville and help them get back on their feet.
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Fundraiser Hosts:
NC local, Sam "Bo" Thompson, magical blacksmith at Ravens Keep Forge, and author of "Metal Never Lies: An Introduction to Metal Magic", is a priest of the Morrígan and puts a great deal of energy into both his magical and smith craft while also teaching in his community. The magical items he forges for use in people's spiritual paths are beautiful, and he's an all around great guy. (His wife's tea shop, The Grove Teas and Botanical Gifts is one of my favorites as well!) You can follow Sam on Instagram @ravenskeepforge.
The Tuatha Dé Morrigan is a group that honors the Morrigan, the Irish goddess of battle and sovereignty. They host a yearly retreat for witches, pagans and anyone who is interested in learning more about this Goddess regardless of background or path, known as the Morrigan's Call Retreat.
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maeviuslynn · 6 months ago
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I've always had a love affair with plants. They heal us, feed us, cleanse our environment, and connect us to nature and the divine. They are beautiful and useful friends to get to know.
I was delighted by this book because it was another window into strengthening our relationship with our plant friends.
"Part reference guide, part recipe book, and part ritual journey, Blackthorn’s Book of Sacred Plant Magic offers readers an in-depth exploration of the vital connection between scents and magical practice.
Topics covered include:
Connecting with Spirits of Plants, Place, and People
Expanding your Scent Vocabulary: Beyond “Floral”
Scent, Memory, and Personal History: How History Effects Scent
Creating Scent Activations"
Thank you to @weiserbooks for sending me this early copy. Congratulations to Amy Blackthorn.
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lokavisi · 6 months ago
Unplanned Book Review Time!
I don't commit to doing book reviews on this blog because my ability to get through books in any sort of timely manner is spotty at best, but I've been reading two books lately that I really wanted to talk about. Disclaimer: I have not entirely finished either of the them, though my thoughts and feelings on them are strong enough that I can tell you whether or not I recommend them. (Honestly there's enough in the intros to each book to tell you whether they're worth reading or not.) I'm gonna give the reviews below the line since this is going to be long, so before deciding whether you read more I will say one book is on seidr and the other is on general protection magic.
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First up is Dean Kirkland's Seiðr Magic: The Norse Tradition of Divination and Trance. I'm just gonna say it up top: do NOT waste your time or money on this. I bought it at Barnes & Noble (I knew nothing about the book or the author but wanted to encourage B&N to keep selling stuff like this), and I really wish I hadn't given this guy my money.
The biggest issue? Gatekeeping. He explicitly says in the introduction, on page 13, "If I am accused of gatekeeping[...]so be it." He's gatekeeping an open practice. That sentence alone tells you everything you need to know about why you need to skip this book. But let's get into specifics:
-He goes on to say that we shouldn't teach "just anyone" interested in seiðr about it because those without an aptitude for it will cause more harm than good. How the hell do people learn anything, then? Do we not know other magic to protect ourselves and undo any potential harm that may result from practicing a magical skill? He continues by explaining a Darwinian selection process of finding the people "meant" to practice seiðr. So you know, like eugenics.
-Any time he presents a ritual of any nature, he always makes it sound like you should be doing it exactly the way he describes, even if he ends the description with "but you can work with what you have." In one chapter he details this whole ritualized journey into the woods to find a branch from a tree to make your seiðr staff, and that you shouldn't just use dead fallen branches or the like. Literally every person I know who practices seiðr has been gifted their staff, through someone's direct intentions (like as a birthday gift or something) or more indirect ways like in my own experience: I was not looking for a staff when I went on a hike with my in-laws, but I picked up a fallen stick to use as a walking stick and Odin was like, "THAT IS YOUR MAGIC STICK TAKE IT WITH YOU IT IS YOURS." And I'm not gonna argue with Odin.
-Kirkland says you should spend as much money as possible on your ritual attire. This is after he acknowledges that Thorbjorg's extravagant costume (mentioned in the Saga of Erik the Red) is not about a display of wealth, but of spiritual power. He encourages you to build up your gear one piece at a time if you're financially struggling, but my guy, even that isn't possible for a lot of folks. You're saying people need to spend loads of money for a hood to wear over your head. You could have a designated seiðr hoodie and have just as effective a practice. Seriously.
-In the same vein, he always emphasizes that all materials used in your gear should be made from natural materials. As if that is always accessible to people. Not everyone is able to spend hours in the great outdoors. A lot of plastic-based goods are easier to obtain for folks. None of that prevents or prohibits you from a healthy seiðr practice.
-He also generally uses a lot of language that, on the surface, sounds logical and sound, but when you stop to think about it is super gatekeepy. This obnoxious and harmful tone colors the entire text and is frustrating beyond words.
As if gatekeeping weren't enough, Kirkland uses some credentials and experience to indicate expertise where he just doesn't have any. While he may have earned the right to put "Ph.D." after his name, including it on this book feels like he's chasing clout and feigning legitimacy. His Ph.D. is in ecology. Not anything related to religion or history of ancient Germanic Europe. But if you don't look closely, seeing he has a Ph.D. gives the appearance that he knows what he's talking about. It's disingenuous at best and intentionally deceptive at worst. His author biography mentions that he studied Andean shamanism under an indigenous paco. That's great! Good for him! But he's a white guy acting like an authority on various shamanistic practices, as he likens shamanic practices from several cultures to scant pieces of evidence we have to seiðr practice. This lends itself to the general issue with most books on seiðr, that our genuine lack of knowledge about the practice leads folks to fill in the gaps from other oracular traditions. If you utilize something like that based on your personal UPG and use that for yourself in your practice, that is one thing. But when you are teaching others with your UPG that involves traditions often closed to folks like yourself, maybe don't try to pass it off as the most correct way to practice seiðr. He says at the beginning that he will identify his UPG throughout the text, but he fails to do so quite often as he treats his connections to other oracular practices as Truth.
The truth is, pretty much every book we have on practicing seiðr includes the author's UPG and syncretism with other oracular traditions. If you're looking for "true" traditional seiðr practices, our archeological and written records offer extremely little. Personally, I would encourage you to build your own practice around your UPG (and maybe some appropriate SPG) and the known lore/practices if you are looking to develop a seiðr practice. My friends recently reworked Diana Paxson's method to include more lore-based elements, for example. As long as you know what sources you're filling in the gaps with for your personal practice, that's fine. Just make sure you explain that to others. Do not try to pass it off like The Way to Do Seidr like this jerk was trying to. There are a few interesting pieces of actual facts or rituals, but I wouldn't recommend spending money to read just for those trace elements. There are better people to learn seiðr from. (That said, if you lack an actual teacher and are learning from sources like Kirkland's, read this and all other seiðr books with a grain of salt and the understanding that this magical practice is not something we can fully and exactly recreate. Sorry, recons. You're gonna have to acknowledge the need to develop unique modern practices.)
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And now for a book that I absolutely ADORE, Amy Blackthorn's Blackthorn's Protection Magic. This is one I borrowed from a friend and would love to spend the money to buy my own copy. Not being able to take notes and highlight in the book itself has been killing me!
Amy starts the book with an exercise for you to identify your own personal ethics in regards to protection of any kind. I did not expect anything like that, but I was pleasantly surprised. That kind of a foundation is crucial in practicing any form of magic, really, so starting the book with that solid foundation is incredibly useful before you even start to practice any of the spells and protection methods she explains through out the text. This is such an important conversation that witches need to be having internally and with each other. It made me contemplate things that I never had before, and reading her own responses to the questions she poses gave me insight into other perspectives on the matter of safety and protection.
Additionally, she makes a point to explicitly address mental health and physical protection. Understanding your mental health and any potential diagnoses is not only helpful for your general wellbeing, but it also helps you in discerning things like whether someone has cursed you or your depression is hitting you really hard. Equally important, she recognizes that spells aren't necessarily going to help you when someone's fist is coming towards your face. There is an entire section of the book dedicated to physical awareness and self-defense. Blackthorn's mindful acknowledgment of the balance of the mundane and the magical is something that I wish more magical practitioners understood and promoted, whether it's in regard to protection or any other kind of magic. It was absurdly refreshing to read any sort of witch, pagan, or adjacent text that so succinctly articulates this balanced approach.
As for the actual spells and methods presented in the book, I have yet to utilize many of them. (There's a lot and I am only one person, though some things I was already doing some version of myself, like visualizations.) However, I can say that she discusses the following in regards to protection magic techniques: visualizations, crystals/grids, plants and garden arrangements, physical and situational awareness, signs that you may be hexed/cursed/jinxed, home security, essential oils, use of tarot cards, incense, and various magical correspondences (like moon phases and colors). She offers a wide variety of options that you can pick and choose, and adapt to your personal needs or means. For instance, the chapter about plants discusses particular species and arrangements for outdoor gardens, as well as ones for indoor use (particularly useful if you live in an apartment and want to utilize plants in your magic); and visualizations require no materials whatsoever and is accessible to everyone.
Blackthorn also makes a point to help you determine the authenticity, quality, and traits of your tools. She explains ways to recognize counterfeit gemstones, how certain plants need to be tended to or how they interact with other plants, and how common items can be utilized for physical protection in a pinch. She presents everything in a way that empowers you to make informed decisions about your personal safety, which is what any sort of text like this should do.
From just the introduction piece on ethics alone, I would highly recommend this book. All of the practices and methods Blackthorn discusses are written in a clear and straightforward way. She covers several bases as someone who used to work in security herself, and really drives home the need for combining magical and mundane methods of protection to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your property as safe as possible. Again, I can't sing this book's praises enough. This would be an excellent addition to any witch's library.
If you've read either of these books, I'm curious what your thoughts on them are! Feel free to reblog, comment, or hit up my asks/PMs to discuss!
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vulpine111 · 1 year ago
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One of the books I ordered this month already came in today. I'll let ya'll know how it is soon.
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alexesguerra · 3 months ago
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Blackthorn's Book of Sacred Plant Magic: Spells, Rites, and Rituals for Living an Aromatic Life Blackthorn's Book of Sacred Plant Magic: Spells, Rites, and Rituals for Living an Aromatic Life Contributor(s): Blackthorn, Amy (Author) ISBN: 9781578638307 Binding: Paperback Pub Date: September 03, 2024 Author: Amy Blackthorn Physical Info: 0.8" H x 9.1" L x 7.1" W (0.85 lbs) 272 pages Publisher: Weiser Books Renowned herbalist Amy Blackthorn shows readers how to bring plant spirits into their daily spiritual practice with therapeutic access, subconscious learning, and divining skills that help them understand plant spirits on a deeper level. Blackthorn's Botanical Magic showed a new generation of witches how scent affects people, whether they understand it or not. In Blackthorn's Book of Sacred Plant Magic, we travel even deeper into the magical garden of scent. We know that a walk down a summer street can bring back the smell of childhood summers with friends, riding bikes and swimming. Spring breezes carry with them the clean soapy smell of your second-grade teacher. We experience scents not only in the here and now but also filtered through the lens of our past. Using the power of scent, we can create a sense of the sacred in our daily lives. Part reference guide, part recipe book, and part ritual journey, Blackthorn's Book of Sacred Plant Magic offers readers an in-depth exploration of the vital connection between scents and magical practice. Biographical Note: Amy Blackthorn is a professional intuitive and the bestselling author of several books on botanical magic, including Blackthorn's Botanical Magic, Blackthorn's Botanical Brews, and Blackthorn's Botanical Wellness. The founder of Blackthorn's Botanicals, she has a certification in aromatherapy and was ordained by the Order of the Golden Gryphon. Amy lives in Delaware.
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elainiisms · 1 year ago
every time i see a female character garner lots of hate she immediately becomes my favourite and i take my role as her defence attorney
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author-mandi-bean · 1 month ago
Writing Relationships: Mining Family Histories
Everyone really does have a story to tell. And I think if someone's willing to share it, it's imperative they do so.
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skrooy · 11 months ago
Sonic Crack Ships
So lately I've been going through a Sonic phase though its mostly a Tails phase if im being honest with myself. I've been trying to watch all the Sonic media and read all the Sonic comics that I can while playing a few Sonic games here and there. So my messed up brain came up with this stupid idea. What if I put every version of every canon Sonic characters from all Sonic media into multiple rounds of the hunger games simulator until only ones left. So I did that and even though I literally did it yesterday I already forgot who won I just remember it was something stupid. I also did it with all the diffrent canon and AU versions of Tails I could find and the winner was actually Tails from Sonic Boom. But anyways im getting off track where im going with this is that today while I was doing nothing lying in bed my brain came up with an even more messed up idea. What if I put all the Sonic characters not including the humans into a random wheel picker on Google to form a bunch of crack ships. So I did it for every character on the wheel. I now have a list. And I have decided to post this list because I find it funny. And I dare people to draw a couple from this list together or make a short cute crack story about one of these ships. And if you do please send a link to me. Ill die laughing if anyone does this. Sorry if I misspelled some names. P.S. I tried to put pictures on here for each character but I couldn't figure out how. I already have a part 2 for this in the works with even more characters.
Rosy the Rascal x Dark Doom
Scourge the Hedgehog x Trip the Sungazer
Mephiles the Dark x Silver Sonic
Ray the flying Squirrel x Rouge the Bat
Espio the Chameleon x Whisper the Wolf
Sage x Metal Amy
Storm Beard x Tumble the Skunk
Tiara Boobowski x Duck Bill Platypus
Cat (from Sonic Freedom Fighters) x Sonar the Fennec Fox
Hangry x Johnny Lightfoot
Gaia (Light, Dark, or both) x Megan Acorn
Tangle the Lemur x Silver the Hedgehog
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil x Sails
Thorn Rose x Vector the Crocodile
Monkey Khan x Fang the Jerboa
Jack x Tikal the Echidna
Prim x Chip
Werehog Sonic x Blaze the Cat
Nicole the Holo Lynx x Catfish
Knuckles the Dread x Sonic the Hedgehog
Zector the Zone Cop x Metal Tails
Wave the Swallow x Morian Blackthorn
Infinite the Jackal x Mighty the Armadillo
Vermin the Cybernik x Super Mecha Sonic
Porker Lewis x Zails the Zone Cop
Geoffrey St. John x Nazo the Hedgehog
Metal Sonic 3.0 x Manic the Hedgehog
Rocket the Sloth x Eclipse the Darkling
Marine the raccoon x Metal Scourge
Sonia the Hedgehog x Red
Black Rose x Dingo
Metal Knuckles x Nine
Charmy Bee x Neo Metal Sonic
Zknuckles the Zone Cop x Knuckles
Vanilla the Rabbit x Ebony the Cat
Rusty Rose x Perci
Mecha Sonic x Jet the Hawk
Bark the Polar Bear x Emperor Metallix
Mangy x Amy Rose
Sally Acorn x Griff
Fleetway Sonic x Tails the Fox
Bean the Dynamite x Zonic the Zone cop
Nasty Hyenas (the whole group) x Sticks the Badger
Metal Sonic x Stripes the Tiger
Batten x Storm the Albatross
Fiona the Fox x Cream the Rabbit
Anti Tails x Shade the Echidna
Bunnie Rabat x Shadow the Hedgehog
Antoine x Zooey the Fox
Sonic.exe x Jules (yes I know this is Sonics dad in the comics)
Ifrit x MinaMongoose
Rocket Metal Sonic x Tekno the Canary
Avatar x Big the Cat
Zantoine the Zone Cop x Gnarly
Chaos x Rotor the Walrus
Bunny Bones x Anti Sally
Zouge the Zone Cop x Zespio the Zone Cop
Denizen 1998 x Tails Doll
Mecha Knuckles x Honey the Cat
Rebel x Sleet
Knucks x Pseudo Sonic
Solaris x Zally
Nack the Weasel x Athair
Ball Hog x Carrotia
Grand Battle Kuku 15th x Lupe the wolf
Roxy the waiter x Lien-Da
Number 16 Speedy x Alicia Acorn
King Max Acorn x Bearenger
Lawrence x Burning Blaze
Elias Acorn x Fiest the Panda
Ari x Roller
Sallybot x Queen Aleena
Da Bearz (both of them) x Fockewulf
Julie-Su x Dr. Finitevus
Ms. Possum x Catty Carlisle
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julesblackthorns · 8 months ago
my darling @sonboyadam tagged me to make a poll of my top 5 characters (and i'm not having adam not bc i don't love him but bc he would win)
tagging @darcyolsson @reputayswift @nessa007 @jakeperalta and @robobee if any of you want to ✨
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prettyqueerwitch · 1 year ago
My Spiritual Book TBR's
This is mainly for me to have a comprehensive list but also might help others in finding books to read!
Marked ♡ means I own the book
• Witchery by Juliet Diaz
• The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
• Witch, Please by Victoria Maxwell
Currently Reading
To Be Read
♡ The Altar Within by Juliet Diaz
♡ Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
♡ Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
• Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes
• Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, & Sages by Judika Illes
• Moon Magic by Diane Ahlquist
♡ The Moon Book by Sarah Faith Gottesdiener
♡ Magical Healing by Hexe Claire
• The Long Lost Friend by John George Hohman
• Hex and Spellwork by Karl Herr
♡ Witchcraft Medicine by Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Christian Rätsch, and Wolf-Dieter Storl
• How to Study Magic by Sarah Lyons
• Love is In The Earth by Melody
• Radical Remedies by Brittany Ducham
♡ Spiritual Ecology by Multiple People (Llewellyn)
♡ A Witch's Shadow Magic Compendium by Raven Digitalis
• The Witch at The Forests Edge by Christine Grace
• Six Ways by Aidan Wachter
♡ Honoring Your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise
• Year of The Witch by Temperance Alden
♡ Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
♡ The Book of Candle Magic by Madame Pamita and Judika Illes
• The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton
♡ Folk Witchcraft by Roger J. Horne
♡ Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
♡ The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
• Spells for Change by Frankie Castanea
• Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison
♡ Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
♡ The Little Work by Durgadas Allon Duriel
• Entering Hekates Garden by Cyndi Brannen
• Entering Hekates Cave by Cyndi Brannen
• Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort
• The Book of Spells by Ella Harrison
• Plants of the Devil by Corinne Boyer
♡ Besom, Stang, and Sword by Christopher Orapello, Tara-Love Maguire
♡ Inner Witch by Gabriela Herstik
♡ Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
♡ The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
• Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn
• Astrology for Real Life by Theresa Reed
♡ Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom
• The Trotula by Monica H. Green
• Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
• Bringing Race to the Table: Exploring Racism in the Pagan Community by Crystal Blanton, Taylor Ellwood, and Brandy Williams
• God Against the Gods by Jonathan Kirsch
• Pure Magic by Judika Illes
• Folk Magic by Mari Silva
• Witches Herbal Primer by Amy Cesari
♡ New World Witchery by Cory Thomas Hutcherson
•Magical Folk Healing by DJ Conway
• The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick
♡ Lady of The Night by Edain McCoy
♡ Spellcraft for a Magical Year by Sarah Bartlett
♡ The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook by Catlín Matthews
♡ Natural Magic by Pamela Ball
♡ Rebel Witch by Kelly-Ann Maddox
♡ The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk
♡ Mastering Magick by Mat Auryn
♡ In-focus Crystals by Bernice Cockram
♡ The Complete Grimoire by Lidia Pradas
• The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes
And that took a while but we're done! Will probably update this as I go <3
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delightingintragedy · 2 years ago
Litha Lessons
"Use this blend on the first day of summer to connect with the divine masculine.
10 drops lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon citratus) for a quiet mind, connection, psychic growth
8 drops cedarwood essential oil (Cedrus atlantica) for consecration, divination, strength
20 drops lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) for balance, calm, harmony, divination
Combine essential oils in a 2 ml bottle and diffuse on the first day of summer to celebrate the warming of the earth."
-Blackthorn's Botanical Magic by Amy Blackthorn
NOTE: Essential oils and absolutes can be expensive, and this book has shown to present a few costly recipes, so take them with a grain of salt. I personally use oil infusions rather than essential oils because of chemical sensitivity, and it tends not to be of high cost comparatively. I take all of these recipes as a suggestion of correspondence rather than something I absolutely must follow. It's better to get creative and use what you have on hand rather than spend a ton of money on some oils you'll only use once or twice.
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6leggedhorse · 5 months ago
Book Review: Blackthorn’s Protection Magic: A Witch’s Guide to Mental & Physical Self Defense by Amy Blackthorn
Have you ever experienced something scary? A stalker? Someone sending you bad vibes? Whatever the case is, we all could use a bit of protection to keep us safe from harm. Today I will be reviewing Amy Blackthorn’s book Blackthorn’s Protection Magic: A Witch’s Guide to Mental and Physical Self Defense. So please get comfy, grab your favorite drink and snack, grab your pet to cuddle up with and let’s dive into this.
Who is Amy Blackthorns?
Amy is a well established author with having already written 6 books underneath her belt having 2 awards for her work. She is also known for having a long history of teaching as well as working with plants and their magical properties. Amy also is a business owner; she sells tea based upon herb’s magical properties. She has also made public appearances such as Netflix’s Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries.
Book Review 10/10
I actually read this book a while ago when I learned that some of the areas I’d be strong in was protection magick. I read this cover to cover, and I can say that this is one of the best books you can read to get educated in protection magick. This doesn’t just mention herbs, colors etc that have the protection perk, it tells you how you can protect yourself outside of the realm of utilizing magick; she even shares her own personal experiences when protection magick came in clutch for her and may have even saved her life. If you’re looking to really educate yourself in protection magick (which you should learn how to master first before anything else in my opinion but you do you), I suggest that you pick this up or grab it as an e book. There information in here is valuable, it takes every bit of information about protection magick that you would spend hours researching on the internet is combined into one book, it will save you so much time as all the information you’ll ever need is in this book. I give this book a 10/10 because of the information I’d probably ever need on protection magick is all in one source; no more to TikTok search engine or dr.google! Amy also has 5 other books; most if not all are based/rooted in hedge/green witchcraft, never the less regardless in what field of magick that you’re best suited in, this will still work for you. Not to mention that it’s very beginner friendly, so no need to work about over complicated language!
I know this one was short but class does start in an hour and I got the itch to post! This week has been going a lil bit easier so far but I’m not getting my hopes up on it. I hope you guys are taking care of yourselves as your mental health is extremely important. What did you think about the review? Do you have a different opinion? I’m curious to know your thoughts on Amy Blackthorn and her work! Until next time!
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secretsdeblackthornhall · 11 months ago
De Jem et Tessa à Alec
Memo à l’attention du Consul Alec Lightwood
Re : Relations avec les elfes sauvages
Après plusieurs jours de tensions, nous sommes soulagés d’annoncer que les menaces à l’encontre de Christopher Herondale et Wilhelmina Carstairs semblent avoir été éliminées. Nous sommes entrés en contact avec Gwyn ap Nudd, de la Chasse Sauvage, qui nous confirme que la fée n’ayant prêté aucun serment connue sous le nom de Mère Hawthorn a été déplacée dans un lieu isolé, où elle sera détenue à l’avenir par la Chasse Sauvage.
Malheureusement, la sécurité de Christopher Herondale n’est toujours pas assurée sur le long terme. Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint, à loisir, de la correspondance personnelle contenant davantage de remarques et questions informelles.
Nous soussignés,
James Carstairs
Tessa Herondale-Carstairs
Cher Alec,
J’ai demandé à Jem d’écrire la partie formelle de ce rapport parce que ça me donne la migraine. Je m’en voulais de lui demander, mais il a balayé mes inquiétudes d’un revers de la main : apparemment aucun d’entre nous ne croirait la quantité de documents administratifs que les Frères Silencieux doivent remplir. J’en ai été étonnée parce que j’ai du mal à associer « administratif » et « Cité Silencieuse », mais bon.
Bref, le rapport est exact. Julian Blackthorn, intelligent comme il est, a contacté Gwyn, qui a accepté de s’occuper de Mère Hawthorn. (Julian n’en avait parlé à personne, évidemment, parce qu’il aime ses révélations spectaculaires, comme nous nous en souvenons tous très bien.) Après avoir eu si peur, c’était vraiment magnifique quand la Chasse Sauvage est apparue, a saisi Mère Hawthorn et nous a ramené Mina.
D’ailleurs, Mina est heureuse, en bonne santé et absolument pas bouleversée, contrairement à ses parents. Elle était ravie au plus au point de voir la Chasse Sauvage, et depuis elle n’arrête pas de nous dire avec enthousiasme qu’elle a rencontré beaucoup de chevaux et que les chevaux sont ses amis. Kit, bien sûr, est au moins aussi bouleversé que nous, si ce n’est plus. Il l’a à peine quittée des yeux depuis son retour. Il dormait même par terre dans sa chambre. (Nous y avons installé un clic-clac après les deux premières nuits). Ça l’a fortement ébranlé. Il n’a pas beaucoup souhaité en parler, mais c’est évidemment très pesant pour lui. Depuis l’incident, il a ce regard inquiet que nous lui connaissons bien. Nous craignons qu’il ne commence à comprendre ce que son héritage peut réellement signifier, même si nous avons tout fait pour l’en protéger.
Malgré l’aide de Gwyn, ni Julian ni nous ne savons ce qu’il s’est passé exactement entre la Chasse Sauvage et Mère Hawthorn, et nous sommes peu disposés à le demander. Nous savons que le Royaume des Fées peut être cruel, qu’il est le plus cruel envers son propre peuple, et qu’il a un sens de la justice et de la discipline particulier, qui semble parfois très… inhumain. Ceci dit, nous faisons confiance à Gwyn, notamment parce que nous faisons confiance à Diana Wrayburn. S’il dit que Mère Hawthorn n’embêtera plus Kit, nous le croyons.
Nous ne savons toujours pas parfaitement ce que Mère Hawthorn a dit à Kit pendant qu’ils étaient seuls – quand nous pouvions les voir, et Mina aussi, mais pas les entendre. D’après Kit, c’était seulement ce à quoi nous pouvions nous attendre, mais quand il est revenu vers nous, il avait les yeux hagards. Je voudrais pouvoir exiger de savoir ce qu’elle a dit, ou quelles étaient ses menaces ou révélations, mais je sais que je ne peux pas. Il nous parlera quand il sera prêt.
Cela dit, nous ne savons pas si Mère Hawthorn a des alliés qui pourraient aussi connaitre le secret de Kit. Peu importe comment elle a essayé d’amadouer Kit, nous savons qu’elle a des intentions hostiles. Nous l’avions rencontré à Buenos Aires, avant même de savoir que Kit existait, et elle était très claire. Ses mots me sont restés en tête : « Un Premier Héritier existe encore dans ce monde. Quand le Premier Héritier émergera, dans toute la terrible gloire née du sang de la Cour des Lumières, de celui de la Cour des Ténèbres et de celui des Nephilim, j’espère qu’il détruira les Chasseurs d’Ombres ainsi que le Royaume des Fées. J’espère que le monde entier sera perdu. »
Je ne peux pas regarder Kit – étendu sur le clic-clac dans la chambre de Mina, la main serrée autour d’une des lattes de son berceau, même quand il dort – et penser « terrible gloire ». Il est comme n’importe quel autre Chasseur d’Ombres, une sorte d’ordinaire peu ordinaire. Il aime les films et les soirées spaghetti et il se ronge les ongles. Il n’est qu’une personne, pas un destin.
Pour l’instant, très peu de gens connaissent l’héritage de Kit. Emma et Julian, bien sûr, toi et Magnus, Jace et Clary… même les frères et sœurs de Julian ne savent pas, ou connaissent seulement un vague semblant de vérité. Mais à qui d’autre Mère Hawthorn a pu en parler ? Pas à la Cour des Lumières, certainement : nous sommes tous les deux sûrs que la Reine aurait déjà pris des mesures pour s’emparer de Kit si elle savait. Kieran sait, évidemment, mais nous ne savons à quels membres de la Cour il a pu en parler (d’après Emma, Mark et Cristina connaissent la situation en partie seulement). Kieran est clairement un allié, et sa Cour lui est fidèle. Mais il est facile d’imaginer qu’un courtisan audacieux (ou un elfe sauvage) ait pu découvrir cette histoire et cherche à en tirer profit.
Nous ne pouvons pas ignorer la réalité : les secrets comme celui de Kit finissent par être découverts et ne peuvent pas être protégés indéfiniment. Le garder au sein d’un petit cercle d’amis de confiance, rien qu’entre les Chasseurs d’Ombres, ça fait quand même une douzaine de personnes.
Ce qui nous amène à notre première véritable demande : Magnus pourrait-il venir à Cirenworth rapidement, pour renforcer les sortilèges de protection contre les incursions de ceux qui pourraient vouloir du mal à Kit ? Nous devons reconnaitre que ce n’est qu’une solution temporaire, mais pour l’instant c’est le mieux que nous puissions faire.
Pendant ce temps, nous sommes d’avis (et nous sommes certains que tu seras d’accord) que nous devons essayer de devancer cette menace. Nous avons sollicité Kieran pour que ses espions prêtent attention aux possibles rumeurs au sujet de Kit qui circuleraient dans le Royaume. Serais-tu disposé à faire la même chose, via l’Alliance ? Nous savons que ce n’est absolument pas le bon moment pour toi. Si nous avions pu, nous aurions tout à fait choisi un moment moins politiquement précaire pour présenter ce problème à l’Enclave. Sache que nous te soutenons et serons toujours à tes côtés. Nous nous sommes peut-être retirés de la vie active des Chasseurs d’Ombres, mais nous serons toujours présents si tu as besoin de nous.
Tu as assumé toutes ces responsabilités à un si jeune âge. Ne semble-t-il pas que les responsabilités se présentent toujours à nous Chasseurs d’Ombres trop tôt à l’aube de notre vie ? Je regarde mon cher Kit et je sais. Nous savons tous ce qui se prépare, comme lorsque l’on sait que le soleil va se coucher sur une journée que l’on souhaiterait infinie. La longue journée ensoleillée de l’enfance de Kit est presque terminée. Je tremble à l’idée de ce qu’il va devoir affronter à la tombée de la nuit.
Avec toute notre amitié,
Jem et Tessa.
Texte original de Cassandra Clare ©
Traduction d’Eurydice Bluenight ©
Le texte original est à lire ici : https://secretsofblackthornhall.tumblr.com/post/697286698428694528/jem-and-tessa-to-alec
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 1 year ago
[A mysterious video is uploaded on Blackthorn's account. No metadata exists to determine who, how, or why it was posted…]
A calm moonlight shines through the window. It shines on Den, Saffron, Fuchsia, and Cerulean, sleeping like a pile of kittens, barely distinguishable as separate beings.
A few minutes pass. Then a shadow dims the moonlight for a moment, and Den awakens. She gets up, careful not to wake the others, trying to give them just a little extra sleep. Eventually - gently, subconsciously - she starts to sing.
A second set of voices joins her for a duet - Saffron, Fuchsia, and Cerulean, the Pixies singing in harmony, simultaneously one voice yet three.
As they sing, it seems that the world has stopped around them. Not in the sense of a dark future, but in the sense of a moment of peace forever fixed in time.
A subtle glow surrounds each of the Pixies as the song continues, growing stronger, in the colour of their name. In the same time, Den seems to radiate a shadow - one of calm, as the empty night sky waiting to be filled with stars.
Before, as the song comes to its end, 'Arigato to...~' The glow blinds the camera with white for a moment, before it fades. The moon is shaded by clouds; the only light now comes from three floating wisps - one gold, one pink, one blue - and Den's red eyes shining in the darkness.
The wisps start to circle her. Faster, faster, spiralling inwards, until - a glow forms around her head. She closes her eyes, the glow fades into shadows.
The moonlight returns.
Tumblr media
Revealing Den---revealing Blackthorn. Clearly tired, clearly damaged - clearly whole, as much as she can be. She stumbles blearily over to the bed, collapsing onto it. The only sound, her steady heartbeat.
And a trio of familiar voices singing her to sleep.
//ooc under the cut
//picrew source
and that's the end of this... pseudo-arc? i'm not sure what to call it still, but. the intro post will be updated at... some point. not sure when. but it needs a pretty big go-over anyway, so.
so what happens now? technically, blackthorn refers to the four of them, whereas den refers to den herself. in their whole state though, the two are pretty much interchangeable - as such blackthorn is simultaneously one person and four. self-reference-wise - she'll mostly use i/me, though depending on the context may switch to we/us. likewise, referring to saffron/fuchsia/cerulean will use he/she/they respectively. any pronouns are okay for any of them, though, as ever - she'll particularly be aware of plural they as an option depending on context.
while i'm noting this as it's what i use currently and thus what blackthorn will eventually stick to - she's got to work out how to communicate with the pixies first..... so do i, for that matter. it'll be easier for her though. as a bonus, the pixies also get a headspace (which i don't think i have) so i can keep making picrews of them. the irl equivalents just roll around my brain like when you have pokemon-amie on the bottom screen and get on the bike. i mean what :v
i appreciate everyone who's interacted in any way - in terms of me working out stuff irl i consider it a success also. thank you. i want to special thanks to spritemod and indigomod - while i know it wasn't intended, the timing of the runaway arc and such (even though i blocked a lot of it) really helped me with some particular cases in a safe environment, which otherwise i might not have gotten for a while. so that's a bonus.
probably when i update the intro post i'll also make a list of links to all the big major writing of this semi-arc. that might take a bit but i hope to have it done by the end of the weekend.
as for now? blackthorn's just doing her thing. helping people out, posting memes and stupid jokes... just with a little more understanding of what's going on behind the mask. (and a clearly totally valid excuse of 'no i don't have a soft side. that's just fuchsia')
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euripidesredux · 6 months ago
Extended credits for Museum at Tomorrow episode 5
Below the cut are all of the folks who I used (and asked to be credited) for recordings in Museum at Tomorrow episode 5- specifically, the "This is not for You" recordings.
(The list was too long for podcast episode descriptions)
These recordings were mixed into the soundscape of the show, heavily processed- so you may or may not be able to pick out your voice. Each unique recording is preserved as rhythem, timber, and shape within the episode.
Thank you for your work in creating the canvas of this piece.
Kate Bullen
K R Forsyth
Vega Jacobsen
Grace Gamble 
Wesley Lee Balete
Charlie Sloykowski
JC Hendry
Courtney Brothers
Arabella McDonald
Hanc Finestra
Katie H
Beck Smith
Micheal Vee
Mira Singer
Laurent J.L. Hall
Carley Mothersell
Elliott Neptune
Enrica Jossi
Jahan Shah 
Morgan Galagher
Niall LG
Caroline Mincks
Daniel Kurtz
AJ Fidalgo
Zedek H
Malia Northstar
Greg Ruddick
Solstice Hannan
Jessamy Thomison 
Cassie A.
Rachel Spokony
miss mr meow
Arti Richardson
Mattie J.
Geddy Cary-Avery,
 Ophelia Cary-Avery
Sophie Kaplan
X Speaks
Joe R
Ray Goldberg
The Marble System
Tina Case
Kate Bullen
Maddy Searle
Remi P
Meg Taylor
Evan Tess Murray
Amanda Jones
Amanda Ehrhardt
Nathan Fisentzou-Haji-Leonti
Johanna Andersson
Tess Huth
Olivia Lion
Bridget M. Mueting
Wil Williams
Katie Utke
Savy Stay
Graham Rowat
Molly Walsh
Belinda Parker
Erin Celovsky
Caden Osojnak
Ray Schrader
Atlas Byrd
AJ. S.
Fay Blackmore
Sharon Peterson
Katharina Abschlag 
Ace Tayloe
kat B
Siz Hart
Kathryn Cox
G. Honnigford
Pine Gonzalez
artie eigengrau
Rook Davis
Izzi Mata
Tamara Jones
Leigh sharpe
Zelda MacFarland
Arkyn Wolf
Elaine Wiley
Mary Lewis-Phillipps
Claudia Elvidge
Kei Burke
Katie Vargas
Karleen Preator
Alicia Babich
Jonathan Sciance
Hayden Laver
Barrett Vann
S Kramer
Maya Hiers-Lairson
Archer Hickerson
Nicole Liang
LF Haye
Louis Carroll
Stefanie K.
Autumn Wang 
Badger Merriweather
Sender Paulson
Rob Weiner
Lotte Schmidt 
Josie D. 
Jaryn Tyson
Common Blue Icarus
Claire Alpern
Matt Weiss
M Zemlock
Kay Eileen
Callisto Holmes
Noah Quinn
Sarah Elizabeth
Willow Belden
Amanda McCormack
Esrah Del Carlo
the Hartmans
Lee Ann Eden
Bob Proctor
deda eliensis
Tara Schile
Flameheart Dryad
Sarah Lambrix 
JB Segal 
Ellis C
Jaime Tamar
Haze Peers
Erin Bevan
Luci Tomich
Michael W.
Kim Fukawa
Amy Strieter
Petra Hall
Charlie Rayshich
Susan Weiner
Everett Blackthorne
M. Alti
N. B. Green
Aiden Nicholson
Jacky Rubou
Nura Lawrence
Gwen Clancy
Ollie M.
ML Beck
Ray Makowski
Eljay Rich
Michelle Pigott
Rachel Pfennigwerth
Jamie Gump
Mason J Miller
Ella Watts
Mady Oswald
Valerie "ShinyHappyGoth" Kaplan
Anne Baird
Emily Ricotta
Ansel Burch
Nathan Sowell
LM Heß
Richard Peers
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liebgirl · 8 months ago
and the thing is that at the end of the day it’s kinda crazy that amy and laurie are the ones in the timeless video when objectively speaking ty isn’t even an amy. and correct me if i’m wrong but i’ve really never seriously identified him as one and in fact i literally do classify him as a jo. i mean he of course has his amy tendencies that’s real and true but as a whole when you look at the main four blackthorns. sorry for the exclusion of mark and helen it’s not my fault they were separated from their family for five years and thus julian livvy ty and dru formed a dynamic outside of them. and tavvy is the baby and doesn’t have a personality. sorry to that child. anyway i’m just saying when you really look at it as a whole you can’t classify ty as the amy of the family because that’s so clearly dru ESPECIALLY in the sense that she IS the amy to ty’s jo. you understand. like i’m sure if i ever said ty was an amy it was meant as offhanded and in service to the timeless video specifically. but i don’t actually think he’s an amy at the end of the day. but yes it’s amy and laurie in the timeless video because amy and laurie crucially are the ones that end up together. so. yeah. and also i like them <3 just one of the many liberties i took to make that video!!
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