stanlunter · 10 months
What you favourite toh ship says about you
No judgement, just my opinion based on how shippers act and how I would feel if I were them. Pls let me know if I have forgotten something!
Lumity - you're glad you finaly got canon healthy wlw couple in a kid show and became obsessed with it. Also you like highschool romance trope and probably is taken.
Boschlow - you miss s1 Lumity potential and hate the way it was done in s2. Also you want Boscha to be your gf.
Boschamity - you miss s1 Amity and hate the way she was was done in s2. You believe deep inside Boscha is a good person, who has the same trauma as Amity and she could become better too if there was anyone for her. It's very likely that you're a bitch and used to have bitch friends who left you for some reason, but I can't judge you for it, cause I ship it too.
Willuz - you think Amity's arc was rushed. You feel bad for Willow, cause she was "separated" from Luz and Amity in s2 and think she became an ooc in s2 and miss Willow from s1.
Lunter - you think Lumity and Huntlow were written bad. "Highschool romance" is never your otp. You prefer classic (in any way). You're probably on aro spec or believe in soulmates. You and your crush always tease each other. You're good at keeping secrets.
Goldric - it started as a joke, but you don't think it's a joke anymore. When Huntlow appeared you realized you went too far to change anything. Also you just want to have more mlm couples in media.
Huntmira - it started as a respond to goldric shippers, but then you realized it actually has a great potential and their dynamic would be amazing.
Gunter - I haven't seen you, but I really hope you just want all good things for both of them and also think Gus is criminally overlooked.
Raeda - you're bigger than ship wars. Love between teens is overrated and love between adults is underrated. You love suffering and wanna be both Raine and Eda.
Gustholomule - you think it's extremely unfair that Gus doesn't have a partner.
Skasha - you love Boscha and want all the best for her, but you're fine with her being an antagonist and Amity being happy with Luz.
Skamity - for some reason you dislike Lumity, but want Amity to be a good guy and want her to be in healthy and equal relationship with someone who's like Luz. You probably don't really like Amity, but still want good things for her.
Odalador - you want Blight family to be actually good, happy and health family and I can't blame you for it. Also you wanna know more about Alador, Darius and Odalia's friendship in the past. You also think deep inside Odalia isn't as bad or at least want her to have at least some good traits.
Dalador - you really hate Odalia and want Alador and kids to be happy, but not with her. You also think Odalia was a third wheel in their friendship and, again, you hate her in all possible ways
Odarius - Im not sure if you're exist, but if you do, you just find them both hot and want them to fuck. If you also ship them with Alador as a poly ship, then you want them not only to fuck, but also to have some romantic stuff together. But if you're a straight girl, then you're probably just wanna Odalia in this ship.
Daraine - you think Darius as bi and you probably ship Daraeda too. Also you think Darius is underrated.
Amillow - Willow is your favourite character and you hate the way she doesn’t get enought screen time. You also think Amity's redemtion arc was rushed. You probably also had a close friend, who left you and you still miss them and wanna bring them back even tho they hurted you. You also probably still believe in aroace lesbian Willow.
Veenter - you don't exist, but you wanna rewrite toh cuz you see too much of wasted potential in it. Also you have a lot of headcanons about Vee and want her to have an actual role.
Huntlow - you enjoy Amity's redemtion arc and Willow's development. And Hunter is your favourite chatacter. You probably don't have a partner, but very want to.
Guslow - you believe that friends are always more important than a partner. You truly believe in friends-to-lovers and probably don't really believe in m/f friendship.
Amiter - you really love Wittebane and Blight lores and hate how they were revealed. Also you love forbidden love trope.
Veesha - you want everyone to have a partner. You probably also used to ship Tom x Janna and just love "Mysterious demon x a Human who like mystery and demons" trope and want Masha to be inckuded in a Hexsquad. Also you wanna know more about Masha and adore Moringmark's comics.
Veelow - you don't like Huntlow and think Willow should get a gf instead. You also can see this fragile simality between Willow and Vee, but can't explain it.
Bris - you love Bria and wish she ever appeared again
Brisha - you love both Boscha and Bria and think antagonists are more interesting than protagonists
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
Fight me all you want but huntlow/lumity antis are the weakest links in the toh community,
...unless you don't have ears idk block the haters
All this slander is coming from the goldric/huntmira/lunter/guster/amiter shippers, yes that's a mouthful, and yes I'll be blocking you if you're a toxic shipper, if your not, good! except if you ship amiter, fuck off you lesbianphobic bitch, anyways back to my rant, also sorry if this comes out as insensitive, rude, or if I sound over dramatic I just really hate these types of people
If I had a dime for every toxic shipper I've encountered since I first came into the toh community...BITCH ID BE RICH CAUSE SOME OF Y'ALL ARE WILD ASF 😭🙏, this is based off of a rant I got below this post so yeah credits to anon it was very helpful pookie
Y'all toxic ass shippers will go FUCKING PARAGRAPH LENGTHS TO DEFEND YOUR SHITTY SHIPS, and this is targated twords lunter and goldric, again, if you're not toxic this ain't for you I don't mean to offend anyone, cause tell me why there is this account on Pinterest, I ain't afraid to say their name it's something like TheGoldenCoven, or some shit like that, BROS A LUNTER FAN ACCOUNT 💀, and a toxic one too, dw I got some proof
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How the fuck do you normalize the TWO MAIN COUPLE OF A SERIES??? Hunter was never intentioned to date Luz and vice versa, this is a perfect example of toxic a lunter shipper, and not only are they toxic they're...LESBIANPHOBIC!! I know it was probably from 2021 and they've moved on buuuut they did post amiter art, and they're not even a nice person although having in their bio "I'm nice you if you're nice to me" or some bullshit idk
As for toxic goldric shipper accounts I haven't seen any Pinterest or Tumblr accounts so that's good! But majority of the shippers are the most insufferable human beings on earth, their only excuse for shipping them is "they want a mlm couple and they're the same age" noting against wanting a mlm couple it'd be super nice...buy may I remind you this is post early season two...HUNTERS NAME WASN'T EVEN CONFIRMED YET 😭🙏, And let alone having only two or three minutes of screen time makes the ship have an even worse reputation, and the shippers are just bitchy and biphobic, always complaining that Hunter should be canonically gay instead of literally anything else so he can be shipped with only Edric, and I know huntmira shippers exist but I've actually never had an interaction with one, hopefully they aren't too bad
Y'all will come out withe the stupidest excuses not to ship huntlow/lumity, also sorry I got off track 😭😭, for lumity, don't know how it exists, but it's either "it's abusive" or "it's toxic" brother ew 💀, name one way Luz or Amity have hurt each other and DO NOT say it's by how Luz always makes stuff mess even though it's literally apart of her personality or by how she didn't wanna tell her about the portal door in S2 or how she accidentally helped Philip/Belos, I'll wait 😊, and I see the point of how Amity's personality downgraded to only being Luz's gf but she still did have her family problems but I guess they just didn't wanna make it an episode, I mean we got Clouds on the horizon that counts ig?
And for huntlow I keep hearing the same shit "I-Its a crack ship, I-Its forced, t-they have no chemistry 🥺🥺🥺" yeah I can see your toxic ass shipping a 12 and 16 year old together don't think you're slick bitch, and just because huntlow was rushed doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, you don't know if Dana had intentions on it but because of the cancellation it was forced to be rush, and I'm sorry to y'all hearing the shortened s3 excuse but it's true since there's literally no other explanation, also don't come into the comments saying "B-But you don't know that!!🥺🥺" it's just speculation my brother in Christ 😭🙏, merely a theory put together with brain cells which almost everyone in this community doesn't have, another weird double standard is how everyone ships gustholomule and veesha even though there's very little evidence it'll be canon was supposed to be canon but since it's a more noticeable and popular ship no one bats an eye for some reasons even though huntlow is too a popular ship, but these are the more bigger ones so I'll more obscure like cameda or aladarius which where probably never meant to happen and totally fandom operated
Anyways that's all, I'll block haters/toxic shippers in the comments so don't think you'll get a reaction outta me with some half baked and barely thought through argument you found in a Reddit post
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daystarvoyage · 9 months
Ima Ask A Serious Debatable Question, Since I'm a lover of The Owl House as a show, do you all want me to start debunking the series ON YOUTUBE as a whole to get the message through, that it wasn't a perfect show. Yet, it did some good in the lgbt community and had a lot of elements to address and use editing?, of course, some fanfics are a lot better? SHOULD OR SHOULD I NOT DECIDE YALL.
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
What your favorite The Owl House ship says about you. (inspired by EldenaDoubleca5t)
(the following does not imply that the author ships everything mentioned here. Please keep that in mind and take your complaints elsewhere. Thank you and good night.)
Lumity: You think that for every tough, mean character, there must always be a beautiful, wholesome ray of sunshine for them to turn into a blushing mess for.
Huntlow: Same as Lumity, but you are heterosexual and you want good things for Hunter. And really, who wouldn't?
Raeda: You are four things. You're just here for some non-binary representation, you love seeing middle-aged people acting adorable, you simp for Eda, and you want good things for Eda & Raine. And really, who wouldn't?
Vinira/Jerdric: You're always a sucker for characters who deserve more screentime.
Boschlow: You ship Bakugo with Midoriya, only you preferred Bakugo when he told Izuku to go kill himself.
Aladarius: You want to fuck both dads and father figures.
Odalador: You're willing to look past Odalia being a horrible person because she has big hips, and you're just here for some MEN GETTING PEGGED!
Lunter: Your ideal relationship dynamic is enemies to lovers.
Amiter: You don't care about Amity canonically being a lesbian. You are a Zutara fan till you draw your dying breath.
Gustholomule: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just guys beings dudes. Bros being friends.
Camileda: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of Luz basically having two moms.
Lumiter: You can't decide between Lumity and Lunter, but then you realized that Luz is bisexual.
Amillow: Your ideal relationship dynamic is friends to enemies to friends again to lovers.
Veesha: You’re always a sucker for characters who shared a few scenes together yet seem ripe for loads of fanart and fanfiction.
Hootlith: Your ideal date is wacky hi-jinx in which hilarity ensues.
Brischa: You took one look at these two mean girls and thought they’d be perfect for each other.
Belos x Anyone: ...............Don’t.
Standa: You've been excited for The Owl House since the SDCC teasers and took the implications that Stan and Eda were married in Vegas for a bit as cold, hard fact.
Lilithford: You ship Stan with Eda and didn't want Lilith & Ford to be left out.
Luzanne: You are also a fan of Amphibia.
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saysomethingabout · 9 months
Say something about this ship!
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Requested ship posivity for Amiter! Amiter is a valid ship! Headcanon Hunter as transfem/NB? Valid! Headcanon Amity as mspec lesbian? Valid! think they have a great dynamic together? Valid! Ship them platonically? Valid! Think they'd have a great enemies to lovers arc? Valid! Any other reason not listed here? Valid! It is not earasure because Amity will always be a lesbian in canon material and whatever fans do does not affect that! Antis dni, do not clown on this post, dni's go both ways!
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toh-rarepair-otd · 8 days
todays TOH rarepair is:
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Hunter x Amity!
They first meet by chance. Amity’s parents often throw big parties for the richer witches on the Isles, and always invite a representative from the Emperor’s Coven. One year, when hunter is in training to be the Golden Guard, he is sent along with the coven scouts who attend. Hunter tries his best to behave himself, but he gets bored easily, so he ends up wandering around Blight Manor a little. This is how he stumbles upon Amity, hiding off in a dark hallway somewhere, avoiding the socialization. He introduces himself as the Golden Guard, and she very clearly doesn’t trust him. He’s wearing a mask after all. Nothing much comes out of that meeting, but Hunter does realize that he and Amity have a few things in common— not only how they’re both sneaking off to spend time alone, but also the weariness in her eyes… it’s a mirror image of his own troubles, if bit better hidden. They don’t see each other again for a long time. Amity forgets about him, but Hunter doesn’t forget about her— the youngest Blight daughter, abomination track, top of her class— he keeps tabs on her. Just out of curiosity. In his isolation, he likes to pretend that she could be his friend, if only their circumstances were different. Then comes his mission to get the portal key for Belos, and suddenly she’s right there in front of him again. He hardly recognizes her, and he feels ashamed to have her see him in such a frazzled state. He’d always imagined that the next time they see each other, he’d act all cool, and charm her with his wit and kindness. But no. They end up fighting, and they’re damn well matched. The withering way she glares at him makes him want to die, but he doesn’t show it outwardly. That mission was a failure. The next time their paths cross, things are moving far too fast for them to talk. At the very least, she recognizes that he’s no longer a threat. But in the months that follow, while they’re trapped in the human realm, things slow down. Hunter is able to really talk to her, get to know her. They become friends, slowly but surely, based on a mutual respect and understanding for the sort of struggles they both grew up with. Amity is funny, Hunter realizes. She’s also very sweet, and kind, and nerdy, and overthinks everything, and before he realizes it, he starts liking her just a bit too much. But he doesn’t have time to think about that, Halloween comes and goes and Belos returns and Flapjack dies, and his mind is a mess— but as they return to the Isles, over the next few days, Amity is a comforting constant in his life. She sticks with him even as he pushes everyone away, because she knows that he’s not truly angry. He’s hurting. It feels so good to be understood like that, so Hunter just lets it happen even though he feels guilty knowing his feelings run deeper than hers. Time passes, Luz saves the day, things settle into a new normal… but Hunter can’t ignore his stupid feelings. Eventually, it all comes out, and he’s terrified that he’s ruined his friendship with Amity— she’s one of his best friends by now, and he loves her— but she isn’t mad. She’s known. She’s okay with it. The slow, easy relationship they start isn’t something typical— some jumbled mess of friends, lovers, soulmates— but it’s beautiful, to both of them.
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animangalover-writes · 8 months
Lunter is a good ship, a great ship even, it has great chemistry and good pacing. It's not my type of ship exactly, but if I had to choose between lunter and the canon ships that the two of them were paired in, I would absolutely choose lunter.
That being said, I ship amiter.
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marthafanaamay · 9 months
Sapphic Amiter Fanart
I haven't drawn these two gals in a while, so here is a two piece of them. Huntress sewed Amity a cute sweater and Amity loves it. Also Flapjack is alive in this AU because I say so.
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dragongeek5 · 9 months
Hello! I am dragongeek5!
I will draw most things that you ask me, I am an ask and draw kinda person!
If you want your drawing to be done with precision and detail, it will automatically turn into a commission. Do not expect that it will look amazing, but do know that I did do a lot of re drawing to make it even if it is not.
Just be aware that they may turn into commissions at some point, so make sure that you read this post always to make sure commissions aren’t at the bottom.
I will draw most things from the following fandoms:
The Owl House
Warrior Cats
(Maybe) How to Train Your Dragon
The Dragon Prince
Other things:
Dragons. Any dragons.
Just cats of any sort.
Names in art.
Something else I must announce, is that I will be drawing my own stuff too. It’s like a scrapbook. Mainly things from:
Blood, Fire and Bones (unreleased book)
Mystical, Legend of the Moonstone (unreleased book)
Olli the Wolf (unreleased book)
The Dark Guard (unreleased book)
Warrior cats (book by Erin Hunter)
I have a few rules:
1. Only one ask per person that will definitely be done, as I have other things to do in life, unless I want to do it.
2. Do not ask for a detailed drawing, unless you are planning on paying me.
3. Do not ask me something else if you have not liked the post of the drawing I made for you, as I put work into that. It is disrespectful.
4. Don’t be a spoilt brat and tell me these rules are stupid. They aren’t. They’re reasonable. They’re sensible.
5. Don’t get mad when I haven’t drawn something perfectly. No one is perfect.
6. Do not ask for redraws because you ‘don’t like the style’. You shouldn’t have asked in the first place.
7. No inappropriate requests, immediate block and report.
8. Do not get mad if the drawing is not perfect for the other reason of it is not a commission and I have no need to make it look amazing for you. It will be done with time and care but if you really want detail it is for a price.
Any disobeying of rules will result in block (excluding rule 1, which will just result in no more drawing requests for you).
Thank you :3
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daystarvoyage · 5 months
Hello everyone yes I know I haven’t posted on April 8th due to life and finding a work schedule to post or not.
But hey I finally have my cosplay lineup for a special ocassison which is MOMOCON 2024
As for my fanfics right now
Focusing on finish my Witterbane origins story which will be part of the movie fanfic along with short stories of the toh supporting cast, will give an update on the next debunk special.
Furthermore I just want to let people know I don’t do this blog on animation and talking of the toh cause there a lot of flaws to take from the show writing and rep wise so using my channel to my ability’s and hope people connect, and hopefully cartoon fandoms can be safe.
So by the time you read this I’m finding my cosplays for momocon if your ever there give a shout-out, wave say hi come conversation cause there’s gonna be so much more on the Daystar voyage.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Some switch in by brain flipped
I'm now shipping Amity and Hunter together, and more actively too. Goodness. I honestly feel like they'd go well together, canon be darned.
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mushroommurder · 2 years
I'm just gonna start this account with a controversial ship sooooo- I ship transfem hunter x amity/sapphic amiter💜
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alexandrafishkins · 1 year
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angiesdoodle · 2 years
My AmiTer drawing! (my headcanons)
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Amiter reminds me of my favorite m/f ships growing up, therefore it holds a special place in my heart. Might write a fic about them idk.
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