#American resilience
quillsword · 10 days
We Won't Forget, 9/11/2001
It was twenty-three years ago. Seems like yesterday. Still doesn’t seem completely real. It wasn’t the first attack on the Twin Towers. In 1993 a truck bomb was set off in the basement of the North Tower, killing six and injuring over one thousand. The towers would reopen in less than six weeks despite the heavy damage. It was a deadly prelude to the September 11th attacks. I had heard about…
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laylakeating · 4 months
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belleandre-belle · 11 months
 🪶🇵🇸Dance as a form of resistance shared by indigenous peoples. I love this mashup ✊🏽
I love this young man, I love his defiant war dance, I love his fearlessness, dancing in his protective kuffiya and Palestine around his waist, with his slingshot against occupation military fire and snipers.
Palestinians knows love and stand courageously for the love of life. Nothing could break it or their power to stand tall in the face of injustice.
This is from the peaceful Great March of Return 2018 by civil society. When Israel occupation forces surrounded peaceful protesters in Gaza, opened fire and massacred at least 150 Palestinians.
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olowan-waphiya · 7 months
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troythecatfish · 4 months
Source: CatGirlCommunist on Threads
Fascism is in the rise in the USA. We need to organize and build antifascist resistance and build socialism to counteract the prevalence of nazism within the USA. I have seen christian nazi flags displayed here in Virginia; it makes me sick and afraid to live in my home state and my home country. I do not feel like @joebiden “has our backs”. We defend ourselves and our community must be protected from christian oppression.
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dasakuryo · 8 months
apologies to my fandom mutuals for being so insufferable about La Sociedad de La Nieve / Society of the snow, but I tend to hyperfixate on content featuring Latin American talent, especially when telling Latin American stories.
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happy st paddy's day to all those who seek liberation, to all those whose homeland is blessed but unsafe, and to every diaspora and refugee ever. may God free every nation and may the meek inherit their own homes, at least.
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lazydally09 · 7 months
This is the clearest and most beautiful video of an Apache Sunrise Dance. This is on my Rez and it looks like they got permission to record the Ceremony. The narrator explains what is going on in the video. The songs are in apache and the drums are water drums. I guess I wanted to share this video with others who are not my family, they go to help out at these dances and it is long and hard. The comments are turned off but you can leave a comment or ask general questions here. thx
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yeehawfml · 9 months
America looked at palestine being tormented by Isreal and didn't bat a fucking eye. America only exists because of resistance and they won't stand against genocide. America doesn't stand for anything that's right anymore and it's government is a nightmare. We get closer and closer to our home place becoming literal fucking hell and I can't stand for it. But I can't speak against it either, I'm just a girl. Heavens forbid a girl can speak of anything. Palestine has been fighting for it's life, Palestinians have been struggling to survive, and america laughs at them. They don't think about how they got to be the land of the free, they for there by fighting against the British, right? Palestine is being bombed and america is funding the bombing with innocent people's money, people who are struggling to make ends meet. People who hopefully have enough humanity to support Palestine, being used to work against them. "Can we have a moment of silence for isrea-" no we will not. Isreal has not had it given to them by the Palestinians as rough as they have given it to them, no matter how you put it. I hate Isreal I hate america I fucking hate Isreal did I mention I hate Isreal? What the fuck did Palestine even do to deserve such actions done to them? Why is america framing them as the criminals. Why can't Isreal's troops all die. They don't deserve to have families since it's clear they don't know how important it is to have one, since they take kids from their families like nothing. They don't deserve life, as no matter what religion they have, no God of their's would support what they are doing. I hope america dies with Isreal as well, since they want to ride it's small ass penis so much.
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Note: the pre-print version has some minor differences. I haven't been able to get hold of the full published version.
If you feel like you just haven't seen enough stupid buzzwords crammed together into the most vacuous ramble you've ever encountered, "No More Building Resiliency" is the paper for you.
APA’s refusal to acknowledge white supremacy in current events is a display of white supremacy that advances its centuries-long arc of white supremacy. Positioning itself as the powerful savior, the magnanimous arbiter of scientific healing, while deleting its white supremacist origin story is yet another manifestation of its whiteness. APA’s statements provide a window into the profession’s history of racism and white supremacy, while capturing its active efforts to refuse and deny it. This paper challenges this refusal, redirecting collective attention back to the past to delineate the patterns shaping our unfolding present. Organized psychology is the foundation for implementing antiracist psychological practices. However, these practices—whether they are APA statements, clinical tools, or research protocols—cannot be reimagined as antiracist until the whiteness overpowering them is revealed. This process requires interrogating contemporary practices and situating them in the histories and systems of oppression that gave rise to them.
“No More Building Resiliency” takes aim at celebrated psychological frameworks that uphold whiteness, thereby bending the moral arc of the universe towards injustice. Encouraging resilience among the nonwhite, marginalized people assaulted by whiteness and its intersecting systems of oppression, rather than condemning the sources causing harm, is an injustice. American psychology’s narrow view and orientation to individual-level change, which renders itself ineffective at best (e.g., Price et al., 2021), is harmful in more subtle ways (Chen et al., 2021; Fadus et al., 2019). Pathologizing minoritized children for attachment deficiencies theorized by white psychologists while sidestepping the violent family separation forced by the legacies of slavery and colonization is another (Causadias et al., 2021; Coard, 2021).  Detouring away from oppressive legacies is the first, most important step in an antiracist journey. However, this sharp turn cannot transpire until American psychology’s sordid history is exposed and its contemporary threads are unraveled (Legha et al. 2022). This antiracist approach to psychological practice, therefore, offers seven historical themes illuminating the whiteness engulfing commonplace psychological practices. This historically oriented approach rejects seeking reductive answers through natural processes born from colonial social order (APA Div 45 Warrior’s Path Presidential Task Force [Warrior’s Path], 2020). There are no boxes to check or competencies to master, as is often the norm for psychological practice. Anchored by CRT, abolition, and decolonization, it, instead, inspires asking better questions that lack immediate answers. Each historical theme, therefore, begins with a question prompt to implicate clinicians in remaking psychology’s white supremacist history into an antiracist future. This prompt also positions the millions of clients receiving psychological services each year to hold their providers accountable by interrogating their clinicians’ practices. Everyone owns the past, present, and future of American psychology. By transparently exposing the past and present manifestations of oppression, this antiracist future becomes closer to being within reach.
There's literally no statistics, no evidence, no data, nothing to actually support the insane ramble of this paper. It's an unhinged mess working overtime to try to connect a dozen different events from the distant past and more recent events together into a single unified conspiracy, with the American Psychological Association at the center of it, based on literally nothing.
White saviorism is the white supremacist assault, thinly veiled by the language of “strengths-based,” “trauma-informed,” and playful acronyms suggesting “we got you.” Saving people from harm rather than eradicating the harm is the strategy to cover up and sustain the harm.
This complete disregard for evidence is thoroughly unsurprising when you encounter passages like the following:
Thus, objectivity, much like race, reveals itself to be a socially constructed weapon leveraged by (white) people in power to advance their (racist) contentions by claiming they are numerical and, therefore, indisputable.
The lesson is clear: measurement does not imply truth. “[N]umbers are interpretive, [embodying] theoretical assumptions about what should be counted, how one should understand material reality, and how quantification contributes to systematic knowledge about the world” (Poovey, 1998, p. 12). Data–a manifestation of power, not a construct free of it–demands interrogating what is being measured and what for, who is doing the measuring and to whom are they doing it, and what (personal) agenda they are advancing and what truths they are trying to obscure.
The tweet wasn't kidding when they described it as "Qanon-grade." It's paranoid, presuppositional and basis much of its claims on things that haven't been said or done.
But this is now published, and people can, and have, cited it. So now this deranged screed is "knowledge."
Locating health and pathology within individual psyches and bodies represents an active and deliberate erasure of oppressive histories and racist structures.
So, treating psychology as psychology is wrong, because it doesn't do anything to completely unmake and remake society.
American psychology needs a complete redo.
They call instead to reject everything we know about human psychology and advocate instead for a "historically oriented approach" (i.e. blame everything about today on people who are long dead, and events that nobody alive experienced) in which...
There are no boxes to check or competencies to master, as is often the norm for psychological practice.
That is, put activists in charge, rather than qualified, competent therapists.
The crux of the paper is really embodied in the title. Don't teach black people to be resilient, don't encourage them to build an internal locus of control, that they are largely in control of their own lives. Because when you want to disparage and impugn anything that works against you and your politics, just concoct some mental gymnastics to associate it with "white supremacy" and then say "George Floyd," "whiteness" and "slavery" a lot.
Resiliency, another rigged discourse, suggests that minoritized people have–or should have–a unique ability to live with and thrive in the face of oppression as a sign of wellbeing, rather than a violence they have no choice but to suffer (Wingo et al., 2010). It harkens back to theories of “racial resistance” contending Black bodies, including children’s, were stronger in order to justify their enslavement.
This is eerily similar to Xianity, as exemplified by this quote from a devout Xian pastor.
"Satan doesn’t whisper, 'Believe in me.' He whispers, 'Believe in yourself.'" -- Matt Smethurst
Predators benefit by encouraging people to be vulnerable and fragile, and denigrating anything that would get in the way of them leveraging that helplessness for their own purposes.
This paper wants black people to feel helpless and victimized, because happy people who feel in control of their lives are far less likely to engage in the uprising and revolution the scholars activists are looking to instigate. Marx came to the same conclusion, by the way.
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gpstudios · 4 days
Title: Observing Trail of Tears Commemoration Day: Remembering a Tragic Chapter in American History
Introduction Trail of Tears Commemoration Day, observed annually on September 16, is a solemn day dedicated to remembering and honoring the suffering and resilience of Native American communities during the Trail of Tears. This day marks the forced removal of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral lands in the 1830s. Explore the historical significance of the Trail of Tears, its…
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bestrongglobal · 4 days
On the Other Side of Pain, a Journey to BetterHelp
On the Other Side of Pain, a Journey to BetterHelp
Jesula Jeannot was born and raised in Haiti, where the vibrant culture and resilient spirit of community couldn’t mask the struggles of everyday life. She was raised by a single mother who worked tirelessly to provide for her family – as mothers do – the odds were stacked up against them. In 2010, a devastating earthquake struck Haiti, which claimed the lives of 222,570 people, injured more than…
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1whoconquers · 9 days
Honoring Heroes: Remembering 9/11 and Celebrating Resilience
We remember the heroes, the lives lost, and the unity that followed. True American resilience.— Dorian (@dorian_omi) September 11, 2024 Today, we pause to honor the memory of those lost on September 11, 2001. It’s a day of reflection on the profound impact of that tragic event, and a reminder of the bravery shown by first responders and troops who sacrificed so much. As @dorian_omi reflects, “We…
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naturerelaxtion · 11 days
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organicbeing · 14 days
"Crack Babies vs. Percocet Babies: The Hilarious (and Slightly Terrifying) Evolution of America’s Toughest Kids"
Let me start by saying, this blog isn’t meant to offend anyone, just to shed some light—with a healthy dose of humor—on the generational shift in American kids from the crack baby era (pre-Y2K) to the percocet baby wave (post-Y2K). It’s no secret that certain American children, particularly those born into more challenging circumstances, have developed… let’s just say, unique survival…
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flordejamaica · 16 days
"Cultural symbols have immense power to shape how we see the world and the people in it. That's why stories and narratives matter. They took what was once a symbol of freedom and turned it into a stereotype to reinforce racial supremacy and hierarchy while completely erasing its history."
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