#American Cosmic
gravityofforteana · 1 year
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hoveringaboveuranus · 2 years
Diana Pasulka, professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, presented "Mathematicians and Artists: The New Sites of UAP Field Research," or ‘Toto, We’re Not in New Mexico Anymore," the fourth plenary session during Archives of the Impossible, a scholarly conference and exhibition that took place at Rice University March 3-6, 2022. Stanislav Panin, a PhD Candidate in the Department of Religion at Rice University, provided introductory remarks. Pasulka's research spans Catholic history to new religious movements. Recent books include "American Cosmic: Religion,
UFOs, and Technology" (OUP 2019) and "Contact 21: Encounters with Non-Human Intelligence" (forthcoming). She has published in Tank, Vox, Vice, and has been invited to speak at numerous institutions and venues, including the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, keynotes at universities, and international public radio. She is lead investigator on an ongoing study of Catholic manuscripts and saints at the Vatican Secret Archive and the Vatican Space Observatory.
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American Cosmic is a great book
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ademella · 2 years
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currently reading
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sixstringphonic · 1 year
Neuroscientist Jeffrey Zacks helps us understand how movies about presumed historical or real events create the conditions in which spectators can easily conflate fiction with fact.  We create cognitive models of events, Zacks explains.  These models can get conflated, especially if two or more events resemble each other - even if one is real and one is fictional.  'It's not the case that you have one bucket into which you drop all real-life events, another for movie events, and a third for events in novels,' he notes.  The tendency to confuse fact and fiction - to put a model into the 'wrong' bucket - is elevated when fictional movies use techniques that create a sense of realism, like the realist montage and the 'based on real events' strategy... The problem with fictional representations that are accepted as real or conflated with the real is that it happens unconsciously...Another problem is that [Hollywood] producers most likely will resist putting such disclaimers on their movies or media productions, because the confusion between fact and fiction has proven to be very lucrative.
D.W. Pasulka, American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology (2019, Oxford University Press)
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comingofthedawn · 20 days
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jareckiworld · 9 months
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Michiko Itatani — Cosmic Wanderlust (from Cosmic Theater) oil on canvas, 2010.
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slippy-socks · 1 year
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hey baby, am i coming through?
cosmic american, anaïs mitchell
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SUMMARY: Two lighthouse keepers try to maintain their sanity while living on a remote and mysterious New England island in the 1890s.
Sorry to use this gif again, but the mod feels it is particularly relevant to this movie:
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joegramoe · 4 months
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Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris
The Fallen Angels 1973
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image-junkie · 2 years
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Aesthetics of Funk - Crocheted mandalas by Xenobia Bailey
Xenobia Bailey is a trash alchemist, a single stitch, urban crochet aficionado, designer, artist and community activist, whose practice industrializes the visual aesthetic of “Cosmic-Funk,” practiced by African-American homemakers since Emancipation, into utilitarian “Funktional” design. Media exposure ranges from an Absolut advertisement to a design consultancy with Disney World, and a subway mosaic commission from the MTA in New York. She has shown internationally, with such institutions as Creative Time, the Sharjah Art Foundation, and numerous U.S. Embassies. Her work is held by numerous museums, as well as in academic, corporate, public and private collections.
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gravityofforteana · 1 year
George Hansen has written about the absurdity of UFO events in his book The Trickster and the Paranormal. He argues that a trickster element of absurdity is inherent to the paranormal and the supernatural, including UFOs. D.W. Pasulka
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petiteclover · 1 year
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Gram Parsons by Ed Caraeff in 1969.
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rebeccawangart · 1 year
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"Raven Placing the Stars"
Acrylic painting on linen panel, 16" x 20", September 5, 2023
A legend according to the Tlingit peoples of Alaska say that Raven placed the stars in the sky. Once long ago, the stars belonged to the great heavenly chief, who hoarded them in a sack. One day, Raven turned into a pine needle and was swallowed by the chief's daughter, where he was later born as her son. The chief gave his grandson the sack of stars to play with. Raven seized the opportunity, turned back into a raven, ascending to the heavens with the sack in his beak. As he soared across the heavens, he scattered the stars in his wake.
Story from: "When Raven Placed The Stars in the Sky"
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dailypearldoodles · 1 year
Where is my favorite Pearl? AT A KROGER?! Please please please draw pearlo at a Meijer where the price is cheap and the pearl belongs.
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[day 460] i have never heard of this grocery store in my life. so now i’m curious:
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whereserpentswalk · 1 year
Leftists who think Biden is their ally are like humans who think cthulhu cares about their cult.
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