#Ambiguous Insurance
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nationallawreview · 6 months ago
Massachusetts SJC Rules in Favor of Insureds for Ambiguous Insurance Policy Term
In Zurich American Insurance Company v. Medical Properties Trust, Inc. (and a consolidated case[1]) (Docket No. SJC-13535), the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled in favor of insureds in a dispute over an ambiguous term in two policies insuring Norwood Hospital in Norwood, Massachusetts. A severe storm with heavy rain caused damage to the hospital basement and to the hospital’s main…
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months ago
I can tell I'm Arya-pilled to the max because I'll see other Arya stans talking about the questionable morality of her executing Daeron and I'm just like "That was so Lady of Winterfell-coded"
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hiiragi7 · 2 months ago
I have bottom surgery scheduled in April. I am very excited about it, but I have a lot of thoughts on how the process has been.
My surgeon's clinic calls it a transmasculine surgery. My insurance does the same. Everywhere I look for information about the surgery, it is referred to as masculinizing, as a gender confirmation surgery for men and masculine people.
I am not transmasculine nor a transgender man. I am not masculine or a man at all.
I am an intersex transgender woman with ambiguous genitalia seeking urethral lengthening, a scrotoplasty, and closure of a painful vagina that doesn't go anywhere. I do not consider my wants to be masculine and don't like referring to it that way. I have been gendered a boy, a man, a sir for a lot of my life and I do not wish to be called these things. My surgeon, letters, and insurance are calling my surgery a metoidioplasty, a surgery traditionally offered to transmasculine people and men.
In order to get this surgery, I have had to repeatedly state that I am a man, or at the very least "masculine", with a phallus that needs to be "affirmed" via surgery. It is dysphoric work.
I am appreciative of my ability to access life-saving surgery through transgender medical care, but I do look forward very much to the day in which all can access hormones and surgery without it being so deeply gendered, without all of the hoops and demands to prove you are really enough of a man or a woman to justify medical care.
I look forward to the day in which genitals do not have genders.
The surgeon told me my results will be great, because his first surgeries were done on intersex people. The violence in that sentence hasn't left my mind since he said it.
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violetflowerswrites · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Logan Howlett X Female Mutant Reader
Era: X Men 1 / Trilogy
Summary: Logan and the resident therapist for the mutant school grow closer due to Logan’s resistance to her emotional manipulation powers. A friends with benefits situation naturally leads to falling for each other.
Word Count: 6.5k
Disclaimers: smoking, mentions of cheating, mentions of mental health issues (PTSD, trauma, self-harm/suicide), swearing, explicit sexual content. Consensual kissing, touching, oral sex, and p in v sex. Logan has a bit of a pain kink. 18+ mature only. Minors DNI.
A/N: I recently re-watched X1 because Logan has been on my mind since the Deadpool and Wolverine movie this past summer. And holy hell Hugh Jackman is SO cute and SO sexy and SO flirty in X1 that I couldn’t help but write this absolutely depraved, incredibly smutty (and soft!) fic. Seriously, it just kept getting longer and longer because of all the smut scenes. Enjoy!
The first thing you noticed was the hairy forearm laid heavily on your stomach. The heft of it acted as a natural weighted blanket, lulling you into that peaceful haze between wake and sleep.
But the laughter and squeals of kids playing in the freshly fallen snow outside your window invaded your mind with happy energy.
Excitement and adrenaline.
Winter morning sunshine and the holiday spirit.
Too bad you still hadn’t quite mastered how to dial the volume down of the outside world so you could sleep in.
With a contented sigh, you turned and gazed at the weather-tanned face of Logan, aka The Wolverine.
He was scruffy, rough around the edges, and altogether too much of a flirt to be boyfriend material.
But that was exactly how you liked your men.
Emotionally unavailable?
Morally ambiguous backstory?
Utterly ravishing in bed?
Logan and yourself definitely had a friends with benefits situation going on. Not that anyone would have bothered to say anything. Although you hoped Professor X wasn’t spending his free time dipping into the confines of your mind.
You see, you were the in-house therapist. You knew everyone’s secrets so they didn’t dare share yours. It was the best insurance policy in a school full of mutants you could have gotten.
Ever since you were young, you had always been “in-tune” with others’ emotions. Uncannily so.
Somehow you didn’t question this, but the obvious career of choice was to become a therapist.
It wasn’t until your college boyfriend cheated on you and you felt so overcome with rage that you told him to drive himself off a cliff.
And he did.
But not really.
He was so upset that you caught him in bed with another woman, that he stopped paying attention to the road on the way home and got into a little fender bender. A trip to the ER and a few bruises and a cracked rib later, it was more than enough to scare you into thinking that perhaps your influence was more than just a high EQ.
So you tested your powers. First, getting your roommate to stop stealing your food from the fridge. Then, helping your sister reconcile with your mom over Thanksgiving dinner. After that, soothing crying babies in seconds. Calming down PTSD patients in relapse episodes. Catching students in mental health crises before they did something they could never take back.
Before you knew it, you were making six figures post-grad at a fancy private clinic for celebrities in Hollywood whose biggest problems were having way too much money and convincing themselves that they had every disorder in the DSM-5.
Then, Professor X found you. And hired you on the spot to be the school counselor / therapist / shrink / lady-who-you-talk-to-lying-on- the-couch, at his school for mutants.
Sorry—at the “Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters” as it officially said on your business card.
The peaceful inhales and exhales of the human heating pad next to you put you in a nostalgic mood. So you burrowed down deeper into the covers and remembered handing that exact business card to the burliest man you’d ever seen in your little office.
That was the first thing you noticed when Logan walked in through the mahogany wooden door almost half a year ago now. How he filled up the door frame with not just height, but pure mass of muscle.
Jesus Christ, is this man on steroids? You remembered thinking.
The second thing you noticed was the hair. Thick and dark and messy, but pointed and shaped exactly like ears.
The third thing was his hands. Almost always in fists, as if he was ready to fight in a moment’s notice.
Which he probably was.
Ah. You had thought to yourself then.
This is why they call him The Wolverine.
“Good morning!” You greeted him warmly, trying to exude as much welcoming energy as you could.
It was met with a brick wall and a single grunt of acknowledgment.
Not fazed in the least, you gestured to a plush deep espresso-colored leather sofa that matched the soothing wood tones of the room.
“You’re not gonna ask me to lie down on that, are ya?” Logan gruffed out.
”Totally up to you.” You tried to disarm him with a smile, which he resolutely ignored. So, you handed him your business card and he begrudgingly took it, though he barely glanced at it and tossed it on top of the cushions.
Then, Logan pulled out a lighter and a cigarette from his leather jacket and took a long drag.
“Mind if I smoke?” Logan asked afterwards, with an arched brow.
Clearly he was trying to get a rise out of you, so you ignored the blatant lack of manners and simply shook your head and tried to make a joke.
“Not if you’re willing to share.” You half laughed, half coughed.
“I doubt a pretty lil thing like you smokes Malboro reds, much less a shrink.” Logan exhaled another thick column of smoke.
“You don’t know where my mouth has been.”
The words slipped out of your smiling lips before you could catch them, and you mentally slapped yourself for letting your intrusive thoughts come out.
Logan’s jaw dropped open, before he quickly shut it and kept a firm grip on his cigarette before it fell and burned a hole into Professor X’s very expensive carpet.
You felt a shift in the room. Logan’s energy was defensive, reluctant, and suspicious when he walked in.
Now, it was undoubtedly aroused.
To you.
“I apologize. That wasn’t very professional of me. I’m going to be straight with you because I know that Professor X requested that you to come here. He specifically asked me to help you recover some memories, possibly work through some PTSD and figure out who…” you hesitated, searching for a polite way to phrase what you wanted to say next.
“Fucked me up with their experiments?” Logan laughed bitterly. “No need to sugar coat it, sweetheart.”
“Ahem. Yes. But now I’ve clearly given you mixed signals—“
“Mixed signals?” Logan grinned impishly. “I’m just picking up what you’re putting out.” He leaned back into the sofa.
“Well, that’s not exactly it. You see, I have the ability to read emotions.” You explained, “and influence the emotions of others.”
“Really?” Logan looked intrigued, but not quite convinced. “Tell me what I’m feeling right now.”
”You came in unwilling and totally against seeing a therapist.” You took a breath. “And now you’re curious, and a little attracted to me right now.”
“Not just a little, Doc.” He took another drag of cigarette.
“I’m sure you tell that to all the girls.” You waved away his comment, trying to not let him make you blush.
“Nah.” Logan exhaled. “Tell me I’m lying.”
“Well, I can’t do that. But I can change how you feel.” You offered.
“Try me.” He sat up in his seat, leaning forward in a challenge. “Make me not feel attracted to you.”
You furrowed your brow in concentration. Emotions were a finicky thing to manipulate, but your powers helped you “see” the feeling, almost like an aura or energy around the person.
Logan’s right now was pulsing, wafting off his body towards you, as his locked eyes with yours.
So you tried, pushing it back. Changing its shape, its color.
Its taste in your mouth.
But it stayed the same.
Sweet, sultry, and utterly addicting.
“What the hell?” You muttered. Your professionalism fell away as you were caught by surprise yet again by this man.
“What?” Logan murmured.
“It’s not…I can’t…” you trailed off, perplexed.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Logan teased, “powers don’t work on me?”
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself. “Holy shit.” You emphasized the expletive in shock.
Logan’s face fell when he realized you weren’t messing with him. Your powers actually didn’t work on him.
“Stay right there. Don’t you dare leave!” You thrusted a finger in his face and practically ran out the door, your eyes shining in excitement.
And you left a very confused Wolverine in his seat.
It turned out, The Wolverine had very strong resistance to psychic-type powers. Your powers were much weaker than Professor X, or even Dr. Jean Grey’s, so it was easy for him to subconsciously block them off. When you were first hired, you worked with Professor X and Jean a lot, trying to improve your manipulation abilities, but they could always tell when you were trying to change their emotions. Others like…say…Cyclops for example? Not so much.
You chuckled aloud at the juvenile pranks you pulled with Jean, like making Cyclops feel so confident he sober-karaoked on a night out, and you and Jean recorded his performance, clutching your sides with laughter.
He was actually an excellent singer, but he never let the two of you hear another note again. After all, your powers changed emotions, but not memories.
Logan shifted on the mattress, feeling the vibrations of your quiet laughter, and he let out a sleepy groan. You held your breath until he settled back into stillness, not meaning to wake him just yet.
Your mind wandered again to another memory.
“You’re gonna give yourself wrinkles, sweetheart.” A rough voice interrupted your concentration and smoothed your forehead with an equally rough thumb.
“Stop calling me sweetheart, it’s distracting!” You playfully shoved Logan in the shoulder and he didn’t budge an inch. The man was built like a tank and had absolutely no qualms attacking you.
With his constant, less-than-subtle flirting that is.
“How’s this for distracting?” Logan grabbed your waist and plopped you right in his lap. Your tight black skirt rode up your thighs in a decidedly unprofessional manner. Logan’s eyes immediately flickered down to your exposed skin, before he brought your hands up to the sides of head.
“Jesus Christ Logan, I’m trying to get better at this.” You huffed out exasperatedly, but you could feel Logan’s emotions charging up, along with your own.
Magnetic, sensual, delicious attraction to each other.
It didn’t take mutant powers to see that the two of you had chemistry. The tension had been building for months since that first day Logan stepped into your office. Now, it was another matter entirely to test if you had sexual chemistry. Which Logan always seemed to push the boundaries on.
Because now, here you were, sitting on the lap of a man who you were supposed to be helping, training with, and trying to practice your powers on.
And your attention was wholly on how thick and hard and firm his rolling thigh muscles felt under the pliant flesh of your ass. You subconsciously sank down further into his lap and Logan closed his eyes in a slow couple of blinks.
“Careful there, sweetheart.” Logan’s voice came out with more gravel than he intended.
“Oh, are we feeling a little distracted?” You whispered in a smirk, your hands practically grasping the thick aura of attraction between the two of you.
The strength of Logan’s emotion was quite literally making you feel drunk with arousal. You could tell Logan noticed the increase in the thrumming of your heartbeat and the speed of your hot breath so close to his face.
“What am I feeling right now?” Logan searched your eyes, his tone filled with barely masked self-control, desire, expectation.
“Tell me.”
You sucked in a shaky breath. “You wanna fuck me.”
“You’re damn right I do.”
Logan’s strong hands tangled in the hair at the back of your head as his lips, teeth, and tongue clashed messily with yours. He didn’t hold back anything, and it felt like he was devouring you whole. Your hands clawed at his shoulders, pushing the leather jacket off and you dug your fingernails into the thick muscle of his biceps.
Logan released your mouth with a growl, and he wasted no time nipping, sucking, and licking all over your neck and collarbone.
Meanwhile, you were transfixed by how the bright pink lines of your scratches were healing on his tanned skin. Curiosity got the better of you and you tried scratching him again, harder this time.
“You trying to hurt me, sweetheart?” Logan grumbled hotly against your ear.
“Mmm maybe?” You giggled, sighing into his lips that were pressing kisses against the side of your face.
“Good.” Logan kissed down your throat, ripping apart the buttons of your work blouse as he went. “I like a bit of pain when I’m fucking.”
You peeled off the top and your lacy black bra, exposing your bare breasts to Logan and he promptly buried his face in your flesh, clearly enjoying himself with your body. Unseemingly moans continuously poured out of both of you and your lust-riddled brain somehow remembered that it was the middle of the workday and you were in your third floor office that anyone could walk by.
“Logan, hold on—I need to…” You gasped out in stuttered breaths.
“Mmph” he grunted back, his teeth having found your perky nipples and he was clearly too focused on that to hear a thing you said.
So you grabbed a thick tuft of his hair and yanked his head back, to which the man actually snarled at being interrupted.
Unafraid, you laughed with delight and kissed him deeply. He tasted of cigarettes and salt and a delicious musk that solely belonged to him.
“I need to close the curtains and lock the door, Logan.” You reprimanded.
Resigned, Logan spread his arms to the back of the couch as he watched you secure the room. Even with your back turned, you could feel that his gaze never wavered from you. The lust poured off of him in waves that pulsed with every breath he took.
It was a deep red, thick like a fog, and it filled your nostrils, your head, your senses entirely. You’ve never felt your powers be so entirely overwhelmed by a single person before.
But Logan was not just anyone.
“I can feel so much from you.” Your voice dropped down into a strained whisper as you stepped back towards him, in between his man-spread legs. You reached a hand behind you to unzip your skirt, and Logan licked his lips once he saw the little black thong you had on underneath. He quickly undid his belt buckle and threw it to the side with a clatter. You slid your hands up his chest slowly, inhaling his scent as you kissed the side of his neck, finding a single vein throbbing with his increased heartbeat.
His white tank fell in a heap on the floor. A second later, dark blue jeans followed suit. Finally, you used your free hand to yank his boxers down and he was completely bare before you at last.
“What do you feel?” Logan could not stop staring at you, at your body, and following every motion of your hands.
You straddled his lap, a knee on either side of his thick thighs. Logan released a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you sat your bare bottom on his lap once again.
Instead of replying, you whispered into his mouth, “Cut off my thong.”
Thrill licked up your spine as you watched a single blade release from his right hand, and Logan oh-so-carefully sliced the string of your panties along your hips. Silently, you both watched as it slid off your heated skin.
You rewarded him with another kiss, running your tongue along the inside of his mouth. He nudged his nose into your cheek, desperate for more.
Meanwhile, you reached down between your bodies and found his painfully erect member. Your lips swallowed the needy growl that escaped the back of Logan’s throat. It made a slow smile spread on your face.
This man wanted you as badly as you wanted him. And neither of you could wait a second longer to devour each other like animals.
“I feel your desire.” You finally answered his question, just as you pulled his thick cock towards your ready core, and you sank down in a single motion.
You both released the most guttural groan at the same time. Logan was a huge man and he had a cock to match. The head pushed against your cervix and you felt positively stretched out trying to accommodate his girth.
Logan filled his hands with the supple flesh of your hips, pulling you up only for you to slide back down, your slickness coating him well.
You braced yourself on his shoulders, raising yourself onto your knees until he was nearly slipping out of you. You glanced down between your two bodies, getting a glimpse of his glorious cock.
“Stop teasing.” Logan panted into your chest, his own already shining with sweat.
You smirked and lowered yourself again, slowing down even more.
Tantalizing The Wolverine with the hot suck of your pussy.
Pressing your soft breasts into the mass of hair on his chest.
Your mouth unrelentingly kissed his scruffy face and wet lips.
“Sweetheart.” Logan’s nickname for you was strained out through clenched teeth.
Laced with warning.
You paid no heed, continuing your teasing movements until, with a roar of impatience, Logan sunk his fingers into the soft fat of your ass and thrusted upwards as hard as he could.
You released his lips with a yelp of surprise and he set a brutal pace. Logan’s length drilled into your hot core, stretching you, spearing you far deeper than you could have ever expected.
“O-oh my god! Logan! S-slow down!” You implored, but Logan had other plans for how he was going to wreck you.
Every thrust was met with a hard slap of skin on skin, and the most you could do was simply dig your nails into his biceps, this time, drawing blood with how hard you were holding on to him.
The pain however, simply goaded him to keep railing you like a rag doll. His cock buried itself to the hilt only to pull out and push back in again, over and over, as if it could never be satisfied.
You had a feeling that Logan had stamina for hours. The Wolverine could just keep going until both of you lost the ability to move. As much as that sounded incredible, the thin trails of blood running down his skin forced you to reconsider how much sex the two of you could handle. At least for the moment.
“Logan, s-seriously. You’re bleeding.” You finally managed to say.
“It’ll heal.” Logan ground out. But, he did slow down until you sat back in his lap, running your fingers along the cuts your fingernails had caused. He wasn’t wrong; each small wound was closing up at a remarkable speed.
“I don’t want to hurt you each time we have sex, Logan.” Even if he liked pain, you didn’t feel comfortable inflicting injury on this beautiful man. Or getting too rough too fast.
“You could never hurt me, sweetheart.” Logan assured you, holding you more gently now, his breath coming in heavy pants. But, he could see the worry on your face, so he kissed the sweaty furrow of your brow.
“Okay. We’ll take it slow. I won’t be so rough, unless you say so.” He murmured against your skin. The both of you were drenched in sweat as if you had run a marathon.
You carefully untangled yourself from Logan’s body and stood up on wobbly legs. You were already feeling a dull ache of soreness between your thighs.
“Hold on-you said ‘each time we have sex’ as in…” Logan questioned.
“Oh we’re not done. You haven’t even made me cum yet.” You grinned at him, walking over to your desk.
You sensually bent over, presenting your slick-shiny slit to Logan.
“I doubt you could stay away from me after you’ve had a taste.” You teased him, the desperation for this man to give you an orgasm making the dirty talk stream out of your lips. Your outside persona as the put-together empath long gone in favor of the filter-less, horny, and needy slut you really were.
Logan immediately crossed over to you in a few strides, holding the weight of his still-erect cock over your waiting entrance.
As he pushed into you, one hand holding you down onto your desk, he corrected your statement.
“You’re wrong, sweetheart.” Logan explained. “I couldn’t stay away from you before you let me fuck this sweet pussy.”
His deliberate slowness was absolute torture on your body. He filled you up in a way no man, no mutant had ever done before.
“Oh! Right there, Logan!” You moaned out, barely hearing what he said. His cock now pushed against that delicious spongy center in your cunt. He then pulled out, admiring the way your juices coated every thick vein on his member.
He entered you again, just as slowly, making sure both of you felt every inch of his invasion. Your hands reached over to the other side of the desk, your white knuckled grip clutching the edge. You needed to hold on to something, anything to ground yourself or you were going to lose it with how Logan was tormenting you with his cock.
“P-please, keep going!” The desperation in your voice turned whatever you said into a whine.
A few thrusts later, and you could feel that familiar tightening in your core. You were getting so close, and you were sure that the helpless moans that kept coming out of your mouth were an obvious indication to Logan that you were about to cum.
“I knew I wanted to make you scream my name with my cock the very first day we met.” Logan finally concluded, his voice hot in your ear as he pressed his chest onto your back. At the same time he gave this sinful confession, he reached a hand down to find your swollen clit and touched you in just the right way, as if he had done it a million times before.
Your eyes squeezed shut and you came immediately.
In the haze of the most explosive pleasure you’ve ever felt, you registered three sensations at the same time.
First, wet jets of his expend painted the hot skin of your back.
Second, a rough hand clapped over your mouth, muffling the orgasmic scream of The Wolverine’s name that was ripping through your lungs.
Third, fireworks. You’ve never seen a man cum so hard that your powers registered an orgasm as fireworks. It was usually a quick flash of light like an old-school camera, but Logan came so hard that his pleasure was literally illuminating your senses like it was the 4th of July.
It was beautiful to witness.
And even more satisfying to participate in.
Breathless, speechless, and completely and thoroughly fucked, you turned around and simply grinned at the sexiest, horniest, hottest man you’ve ever had sex with.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to set up regular “Friday Fucknights” after that.
You slowly unfurled your clenched fists from the comforter that you didn’t know you were squeezing tight.
All the memories of the first time you and Logan had sex made you decidedly horny. Even after Logan had given you a good rough fucking the night before.
Flashes of last night whipped through your brain.
Your face buried in the mattress, your moans disappearing into the fabric.
The cold breeze on your bare ass, raised up to meet Logan’s face.
The scruff of his beard rubbing against your skin.
His nose inhaling your sinful scent.
His lips and tongue eating you out for dessert after he surprised you with a date to a local steakhouse.
It was one of the few dates Logan spontaneously took you out on and it would always start the same way:
“Wanna go for a ride?” He’d ask you.
“Sure.” You’d reply.
And you’d end up at some isolated restaurant with Logan inhaling a monstrous slab of meat as you complained about all the teenage drama you were trying to counsel students through.
A few drinks and naughty kisses in the back corner booth later, the night always ended in your usual sex.
And you know you were clear to him that you just wanted the sex, no strings attached. You told him from the get-go that dating wasn’t really your thing. Due to the nature of your powers, you could never be sure if your partners actually loved you or if it was your love for them influencing how they felt about you. After all, if your powers influenced most mutants, then regular humans were even more susceptible.
But sex with Logan was perfect. Even those random dates were guilt-free and stress-free, because you could finally just be with someone who you didn’t have to worry about any of that with.
At the same time, Logan was intense. It was probably a good idea that you basically saw each other once a week for sex and stayed the hell out of his way the rest of the time.
Honestly? You could only handle The Wolverine in doses.
Between his traumatic hidden memories that emerged in daily nightmares…
And his overwhelming sexual desire for you…
The man was going to be the death of you.
A pained sound, almost like a whimper came from Logan. You could see a few beads of sweat break out on his forehead, and you quickly grabbed one of his clenched fists. Your hands gently rubbed over the knuckles where his blades lay hidden beneath a thin layer of skin. In a moment, Logan’s face relaxed and his eyes began to flutter open.
You sighed in relief.
Unfortunately, even though you could only handle Logan once a week, it was clear that Logan wanted you much more than that.
After that first month of Friday Fucknights, Logan had quickly figured out that spending the night with you acted as a natural sleep drug. He suspected it was your powers, or maybe it was just you.
Because somehow, when you were in his bed, he could finally wind down and slumber nightmare free. You noticed it too - his aura turned to a soft, amber yellow when he was sleeping next to you. The emotion of peace and contentment.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Logan murmured, his fingers now interlaced with yours. He brought your entwined hands up to his lips so he could press his lips to it.
Goddammit. There it was again.
The unmistakable feeling of love - pink, swirling wisps floating gently in the air. The smell of those quintessential roses and a deep warm fuzziness in your belly that felt like home.
Logan reeked of it.
You first noticed it at the date last night. You were complaining about some adolescent love triangle that Bobby and Rogue and Kitty had tangled themselves up in and Logan was teasing you about it. He was nursing a beer, chuckling as he laughed both at you and with you.
And there was a pause right after the laughter faded where you recognized the emotion he was feeling. You clocked it as soon as he took a sip of his bottle and looked right into your eyes.
Something that you hadn’t felt before from him.
You immediately deflected by saying something sexual to distract him from thinking too hard about what he felt and his aura quickly switched to that familiar red-hot lust.
That’s all you wanted from him.
That’s all you needed from him.
From there it was an illegally-fast motorcycle ride back to the mansion for some rough fucking.
Trying to hide your unease about his feelings, you hoped he didn’t notice the elongated pause before your reply this morning. Your thoughts were racing about the implications of The Wolverine falling in love with you.
You shouldn’t.
You couldn’t.
Fuck, you needed to distract him.
And yourself.
“Good morning, Logan” you finally snapped out of it and smiled at him. “You feeling alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He opened your palm up and kissed it again, this time, giving your skin a little teasing lick.
“You were tossing in your sleep a little.” You explained, “but I’m about to make you feel all better.” Your voice dropped flirtatious and low.
“Is that right, sweetheart?” Logan’s lifted a brow as you burrowed under the blanket, feeling the waves of heat emanating off of him.
You quickly shimmied down until your face was right in front of his thick cock. After all the sex last night, Logan hadn’t bothered to put on clothes again before he fell asleep.
Neither had you.
Your tongue found his shaft first, while your hands gently caressed his balls. They felt heavy and warm in your palm as you licked up and down his cock.
Above you, Logan immediately twitched and grunted at your touch.
“Mmph - that’s—!” Logan could barely say.
“More?” You teased from under the covers.
“Y-yeah. Please, sweetheart. Give me more.” He groaned, one hand tangling itself to your hair. He gave you a slight, sharp tug that made your arousal flare up.
You took a deep breath before closing your mouth onto the head of his cock, and sucking hard and holding him hostage in return.
“Fuck!” Logan swore, blood rushing down to his member. You could feel him growing in girth, opening your jaw wider, your tongue sliding under him. You refused to let him go, hollowing out your cheeks, drawing him deeper until you had to surface for air.
“Yummy.” You grinned devilishly, swiping away the trail of saliva down your chin.
“My messy girl.” Logan pulled your chin closer until his lips pressed against your mouth. You threw the covers off of the both of you, and climbed on top of him.
“Mmm.” You moaned, his tongue was dancing with yours and it was driving you crazy. “As much as I love kissing you Logan, I think I’d rather ride you today.”
“Be my fucking guest.” Logan smiled against your mouth before releasing your face with a filthy wet smooch.
You admired the ripple of his abs as he leaned against the pillows, his huge arms thrown behind his head. The sight made you lick his taste off your lips, and liquid heat rushed to your core.
“You know what I’ve been thinking about all morning?”
You knelt beside him, your knees squeezing into his hips as you reached below you. God, he was huge. A fact you admired every time you took his substantial girth into your hand.
“What, sweetheart?” Logan gazed at you with a bemused expression on his face.
“The first time we had sex.” You continued. The head was breaching the tight ring of your pussy now.
“That was a great day.” Logan’s chest rose as he sucked in a breath, holding it as he watched you sink down until your bottom was flush to his strong thighs.
“That was a fucking incredible day.” You moaned at the feeling of being so full, so full of him. “And I was sitting pretty in your lap, just like I am right now.”
“Y-you spoil me, sweetheart.” Logan released his breath in a whoosh, his words starting to stutter just like his hips.
“Ah ah ah.” You pulled his hands away from your ass and up to your breasts. ”Don’t rush me.”
Logan responded with a frustrated groan, even as he kneaded your soft flesh and pinched your nipples.
“Fuck that’s good.” You praised him and rewarded him with a roll of your hips. You let his cock slide out only to suck it back in with your next movement.
“I want to feel you, Logan.” You leaned down to press a kiss onto his open mouth. “All of you.”
Without waiting any longer, you bounced your ass on top of his cock, suddenly riding him like your life depended on it.
Logan wrapped his arms around your back as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
Expletives flying and a whole host of unseemly sounds spilled out of the both of you.
But nothing compared to the sweet sound of his cock and balls slapping against the soft cheeks of your bottom.
And the messy wet squelch of juices that were streaming out of your pussy and coating his length.
“S-sweetheart! I c-can’t!” Logan’s whine almost made you laugh. Your pussy was so good that it made The Wolverine beg to cum. What a fucking power trip.
“Cum for me Logan!” You encouraged him, your pussy was throbbing with need. Something animalistic was unlocking inside of you and you just had to feel his release inside of your cunt.
After all, you did say you wanted to feel all of him.
And that included his hot, delicious seed.
“Let me—” Logan started to pull you off of him before you grabbed his hands and ground down onto him.
“N-no!” You panted out, still bouncing on him hard. “Cum inside.”
Logan’s eyes widened. With a roar, he sat up and locked his arms around you, his hips jutting up into you once, twice, three times.
And you felt his cock release inside of you at last.
“Oh my god!” You bit into his shoulder, seeing fireworks again, not just for Logan, but for both of you. The room was heavy with the smell of sex and lust and sharp bursts of light that danced across your vision. You could vaguely feel yourself falling back down onto the bed with him, your cheek pressed into his hairy chest.
Your mind was somewhere in space, simply overwhelmed with sensation. This man, this mutant, this Wolverine, gave you the most explosive orgasms every time he fucked you.
Then, as if the sky had cleared after a storm, you saw the fireworks fizzle out. And creeping in from the corner of your eye, you saw it again. That pesky pink fog and the smell of roses.
“Goddamit Logan” you muttered out, lifting your head up to look at the man before you, and your heart immediately softened. His eyes were closed, chest falling and rising rapidly as he recovered. Seeing Logan in that post-sex glow always felt special to you.
He was beautiful.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Logan’s eyes shot open on high alert and he stiffened underneath you, picking up the annoyance in your tone.
You blew out a breath and pushed yourself up on his chest, staring at him before deciding what to say.
What to do.
What to feel.
Logan’s eyes darted across your face, searching for an answer as you battled internally. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks and your heart started to beat in double time.
Fuck it if he was falling for you.
You were addicted to this man.
You were not about to let him go.
“I can feel you, Logan.” You confessed, “I felt it last night, and just when you woke up, and right now.”
“What is it?” Confusion, and a hint of trepidation flashed across his face.
Logan’s brows shot up and he stared into your soul with wide, chocolate-brown eyes. But you stayed silent, waiting for him to deny it, confirm it, something.
With a rustle of sheets, Logan carefully sat up, and you with him. Then, he deliberately placed two warm, calloused palms on both sides of your hot cheeks.
And he kissed you gently.
So fucking gently.
Somehow, that simple kiss felt way more intimate than any of the sex the two of you had ever done.
“Would it be so bad if I loved you?” Logan asked in a low murmur against your lips.
In that instant, your mind recalled everything you loved about Logan.
His gentleness with the students, especially the ones that had powers that were more dangerous or harder to hide. He understood what it felt like to be an outsider. To be feared when you just wanted to belong.
His “I don’t give a fuck” energy when he did, in fact, give a lot of fucks about those he cared about. It showed up in the way he asked about how your week was, and patiently listened to all your complaints before taking you to bed. The way he noticed when you were stressed, or tired, or just needed the comfort of not being alone. The way he put your emotions first before his own.
His ridiculous reputation as the resident flirt, when he was actually so loyal to you. He might have made moves on Jean or Storm or every eligible and un-eligible lady at the school, but you were the only one he called “sweetheart.” You were the only one who saw what Logan looked like when he was afraid, when he was vulnerable. When he was in love.
And of course, his deep respect for Professor X, who he was always just a little bit more well-mannered for. He had changed so much since coming to the school. You could see it In the way he fought on X-missions even though he was so used to fighting for himself, by himself. Now, he was a soldier. A protector.
“No,” you slowly replied. You paused, and covered his hands with your own. ”It would be wonderful.”
Your ears were blessed with the most unbridled, joyful laugh from Logan as he smothered you with his 200 pound body and rained a cascade of kisses all over your skin.
Every press of his lips against your own felt like an I love you over and over again.
“Logan!” You couldn’t help but laugh with him. “Stop!”
“I can’t,” Logan lifted your leg up to his shoulder and drove into your pussy. You were so overwhelmed with his emotion that you hadn’t even seen his cock engorge itself again.
“L-Logan!” You cried out his name again, this time in pleasure.
“I can’t help myself, sweetheart.” Logan kissed you soundly. “Not when I love you this much.”
You held his face, caressing his rough beard and staring into his eyes, shiny with emotion that mirrored your own.
“I love you, too.”
The rest of the morning, laughter and kisses and smiles flooded the room, basking the two of you in the soft, pink glow of the best emotion there is.
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forthegothicheroine · 4 months ago
I've made a post about great lesser-known noirs, but it occurs to me that some of you might not be familiar with the classics, and might want to know where to start. This is a ridiculously short list- I have a million more to talk about- but here are some of the big stars of the genre.
The Maltese Falcon: Sam Spade, a clever but callous private detective, gets wrapped up in intrigue relating to an artifact that is functionally cursed. If he's an unscrupulous character, just wait until you meet everyone else. The whole damn cast is electrifying, lending charm and cruelty in equal measure.
The Big Sleep: Philip Marlowe, a kinder and more poetic detective for Humphrey Bogart to play than Spade, is called upon to deal with a wealthy, dysfunctional family, and it keeps on getting weirder from there. Is the sharp-tongued Vivian Sternwood the femme fatale she seems, or is she just another person trying to find the right thing to do in desperate circumstances? And will she and Marlowe keep their hands off each other until the plot has had its last twist?
Double Indemnity: Rich housewife Phyllis Dietrichson and sleazy insurance agent Walter Neff are, by their own admission, rotten people. It's only natural that they should plot a murder together, and that they should turn on each other the very second things go wrong. Every single domestic murder movie since 1944 has ripped this off.
Kiss Me Deadly: This is nominally an adaptation of a Mike Hammer story. Screenwriter Bezzerides hated Mike Hammer. As depicted here, he is one of the worst people in the world. Depending on the cut of the film you see, he may inadvertently cause the nuclear apocalypse. (For once, the theatrical cut is darker.)
Sweet Smell of Success: Cruel, all-powerful columnist JJ Hunsecker wants his sister's boyfriend out of the way (for reasons that are, um, ambiguous.) To accomplish this, he enlists the biggest weasel in New York, Sidney Falco, and the two completely deserve each other as they spend the rest of the movie trading elaborate insults. Popular on tumblr for its dialogue and chemistry between the leads.
Sunset Boulevard: Broke screenwriter Joe Gillis thinks he can con a has-been into hiring him as a script doctor, and that's the last free decision he ever gets to make. From then on, his life is in the hands of Norma Desmond, silent film starlet turned crazed recluse, terrifying yet intensely pitiable. This is as much gothic horror as noir.
Ace in the Hole: The story of a man trapped in a cave is turning out to be a big hit in the newspaper, and if the publicity will make a reporter's career, then what's the harm in delaying rescue just for a little while? This is as vicious as noir gets, but damn it, you've just got to see what happens next. (Watch Jacob Geller's video Fear of the Depths after this.)
Sorry Wrong Number: Of all the films on this list, this is the one that really scared me. In the days of switchboards, a rich hypocondriac woman is connected to the wrong phone line and overhears a murder being planned. It doesn't take her long to figure out she's the intended victim, and each call she makes or recieves makes the situation darker. But how can she escape her fate if she can't- or won't leave her bed?
The Asphalt Jungle: The heist movie. Maybe the only heist movie ever made. Every line is quotable. Every member of the team is an unforgettable personality. When things go wrong, they go horribly wrong. One minute you're laughing, and the next minute you think you'll never laugh again.
Gun Crazy: Laurie and Bart, two practiced sharpshooters, are perhaps the most perfect match in all of noir- and that's a bad thing. When one half of the duo gets a criminal idea in their head, the other can't say no. When the opportunity to ditch her man like a sap comes up, the femme fatale throws it away to be doomed at his side. He fell in love with her when she first aimed a gun at him. Quentin Tarantino kissed star Peggy Cummins's feet at a showing of the film, and I hope she kicked him in the head.
Laura: Everyone was in love with Laura Hunt, and somebody killed her- or did they? Did they get the right person? Is the cop on the case in love with a dead woman? Was her columnist mentor just her gay best friend, or was there something darker beneath that facade? And what would Laura think of all this? A big inspiration on Twin Peaks.
In a Lonely Place: Bogart isn't at all heroic here, as a screenwriter with a drinking habit and a violent temper. He's obviously a bad idea to date, but just how bad an idea? He's not the type of guy who'd kill a woman, is he? Bogart and Gloria Holden give perhaps their best performances here, and they'll wound your soul.
Touch of Evil: A Mexican cop (played, unfortunately, by Charlton Heston) finds out a nasty secret about the big hero cop Hank Quinlan: he's framed the culprit in most of his cases. Not because he's crooked, but because his intuition tells him they're guilty. Director Orson Welles as Quinlan is frightening, grotesque, and a little bit tragic in what some consider the last classic noir.
The Killers: The first twenty minutes or so are an adaptation of a Hemingway story, where out of town hitmen gun down a man so depressed he won't even bother to run from them. The rest of the film is an investigation into how he got that way. It had something to do with a radiant gangster's girl, and something to do with a few botched crimes. Sometimes a man can die before the bullets even touch him.
The Third Man: Everybody is lying about the whereabouts of an American expatriate named Harry when his friend comes looking. Did they do something to him? Or, more frightening still, is he the one who's been doing things to other people? Orson Welles is a more charming monster than he was in Touch of Evil; the light and shadows on his face cast him as a vampire, while his fingers sticking up through the sewer grate look like something terrifying emerging from the earth.
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andreablog2 · 3 months ago
One thing abt the Luigi thing is how it breaks the mold of being able to scapegoat certain subcultures. From the 50s up into recently “radical left” had a specific look media outlets could run with and vilify, from beatniks and hippies to woke sjws and just anyone who protests. The Luigi guy basically kept up the appearance of a well adjusted life and all images of him look very broy and tinder friendly. Even the way he dipped out of society would raise no red flags given age and area of industry.. I think this causes more focus to his ideology, that in all honesty is a modified form of libertarianism with more steps and ambiguity that allows for more opportunism in whatever circles he was trying to gain something from. His “political incoherence” is a hallmark of tech bros. It’s kind a relief he’s white and not queer or outwardly creative, though the Monopoly money was gagy. Because his milieu of upper class tech bros is essential to the American defense system in this moment, it’s not a group of people that’s wise to slander …from a political maneuvering perspective on the establishment right or left …so there’s this weird tension of what to vilify him for other than the principles of murder…which itself has has been argued in Luigi’s favor by millions online. It’s going to be hard to vilify every granny with nothing to lose who feels emboldened to complain about their insurance. Especially as like on the world stage, this is what America gets clowned on the most for, both gun violence and healthcare.
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notakugelblitz · 7 months ago
DELORES PART 1 • Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
something sweet to soothe your anger dearest brellies 🥰 takes place during season 4 episode 1, no warning all safe. enjoy !
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Y/N had worked with Five at the Commission. She was with him on the day of JFK's assassination, and when he mentioned the possibility of escaping the company, she thought, why not? The Handler still hadn't given her the promotion she'd been promised 15 years ago, and the health insurance was worthless by then ...
Y/N followed Five through three apocalypses, becoming a teenager again. At least she no longer had the beginnings of arthritis, which she was more grateful for than her colleague. The Hargreeves quickly took Y/N under their wing, appreciating her a lot, especially since she had the gift of shutting Five up.
Y/N and Five became very good friends. Once the umbrella Academy lost their powers in this new timeline, Y/N chose to open a bookstore, while Five became a CIA agent. They met from time to time, enjoying each other's company over a black coffee on a terrace. In six years, nothing ambiguous had happened between them. Y/N wasn't sure if she wanted it to or not—it was a strange feeling. But now, with her new life started, she had time. If Five was interested, he would make a move; if not, so be it. But this was the calm before the storm...
Five entered the secret meeting set in an apartment with a classy, dimly lit atmosphere. The place was spacious, hosting about thirty people. Five smoothed his mustache, grabbed a glass of champagne from the buffet, and scanned the room. Just as he thought he recognized Lila, another young woman caught his attention. She was leaning against the balcony, her face hidden as she stood with her back to him. She had long, straight auburn hair, styled with a yellow beret. She was wearing a white shirt with black polka dots, neatly tucked into her pencil skirt.
Five felt a drop of sweat trickle down his temple and took a deep breath before joining her. He also leaned on the balcony, just like she did, barely daring to look at her.
"Beautiful night, isn’t it?" Y/N murmured, a simple smile on her lips.
She didn’t meet his gaze either, which slightly irritated Five. He finally turned his head and recognized Y/N.
"What the hell are you doing ..."
The words escaped his mouth when he noticed the name on her nametag : Delores. Five almost choked on his champagne.
"Yeah, the champagne is disgusting, I agree. But the hors d'oeuvres are delicious though. You should try them!" "What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re part of this ridiculous support group ..."
Y/N burst into laughter, shaking her head.
"Oh no, no ... I came with "Nancy" so Diego wouldn’t ask too many questions. But this wig is seriously itching. It's awful." Y/N explained, amused, scratching her scalp.
She then turned her attention to Five and looked at his nametag.
"Jerome? That doesn’t suit you very well. I wonder where you got that name..." "It wasn’t my choice. And where did you get yours?" he retorted, frowning.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, surprised by his sudden cold and somewhat aggressive tone.
"I like that name." Y/N simply said. "And that shirt—do you like it too? It’s hideous." "I found it in a thrift shop—it seemed nice... hey! What’s gotten into you?" Y/N finally exclaimed. "Bullshit." "Five what the hell!"
Y/N seemed sincere. She had no idea what her cover name meant to him. After all these years, he had never told her about Delores. Instead of apologizing, he downed his glass of champagne.
"So, those hors d'oeuvres?" Five asked.
Y/N laughed lightly, understanding it was his awkward way of apologizing. Just as she was about to praise the treats, Jean and Gene appeared, announcing the start of the meeting.
What followed was a very eventful evening. The Umbrella Effect, interacting with Jean and Gene, dining with Lila and Five, Viktor's kidnapping... it felt like the old days! And throughout it all, Five kept giving Y/N odd looks. Why had fate embedded the love of his life so clearly in his friend and colleague? Five didn’t believe in coincidences; he never had.
Y/N had noticed those supposedly discreet glances, which intrigued her a lot. Especially since she could feel her cheeks flush like a 16-year-old girl.
Despite everything, the Hargreeves ended their evening at an Asian restaurant to debrief. Having retrieved the Marigold thanks to Sy, most of them decided not to take it. This surprised Y/N a lot. Powers... that was the dream, wasn’t it?
While Ben was in the bathroom, Y/N leaned toward Five.
"Imagine what you could do for the CIA with your teleportation..." she whispered. "Shut up, Y/N." Five murmured. "No, but seriously! I don’t know what I’d give to be special like you guys were! If it were up to me, I’d drink that jar dry!"
Five chuckled sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"If you think this is one of those stupid Marvel movies, think again. Having powers comes with great responsibilities, sure—the responsibility to control them and not cause an apocalypse." "Killjoy..." Y/N sighed. "And for your information..." Five hesitated before continuing in a lower voice, leaning a bit closer to her. "You don’t need that to be... special."
Coming from his mouth, it sounded weird. Reaching her ears, it sounded weird. Y/N sat up straight and silently thanked some higher force when Ben arrived with a tray of eight shots. While everyone found an excuse to leave, Ben convinced them to drink. "For old time's sake," he said.
Everyone gave in, and when Y/N realized she didn’t have a glass, she felt disheartened.
"Can’t I celebrate our reunion?" she asked. "You're not part of the family." Ben snapped. "Wow, Ben, that’s rude!" Luther exclaimed. "Y/N is more family than you ever were." Five groaned, pointing a threatening finger at him. "No, it's fine, let it go, Five." Y/N sighed, though Five’s words had touched her.
She stepped aside, letting them toast. Just as everyone raised their glasses to their lips, Klaus nudged Y/N and handed her his glass.
"OnJanuary 15th, it'll be 3 years that I am sober. Tonight’s not the night I’ll mess that up, and certainly not for old time's sake." Klaus whispered. "I can’t accept that ..." Y/N politely refused. "Oh, come on, down it or I’ll tell everyone you slept with Five at Luther’s wedding."
Y/N gasped, grabbed the glass, drank it down in record time, and handed it back to Klaus. No one seemed to notice the trick, and that was just as well.
Y/N still had that awful taste in her mouth. Maybe she shouldn’t have drunk that glass. After all, Klaus was lying. Wasn’t he? It was true she had a total blackout that night, but... her and Five? No... right?
Once outside, everyone said their goodbyes. As Y/N tried to figure out where Klaus had gone so she could question him, a car pulled up next to her. The passenger window rolled down, and she bent down to see the driver. It was Five.
"I’ll give you a ride." "No, it’s okay, I’m not far..." "That wasn’t a question," Five said, leaning over to open the passenger door.
Y/N sighed but couldn’t help smiling. She got in, buckled up, and Five started the car.
"Be honest with me, Y/N." he said seriously, focusing on the road. "Mmh?" "Why Delores? And why that damn polka dot shirt?"
Y/N widened her eyes.
"You're still hung up on that!" she exclaimed. "I’ve changed since then..." "Stop it right now, Y/N. This isn’t funny," he growled. "Look, Five, I don’t understand! You’re completely crazy!" "Why Delores?" "I don’t know, okay?" she yelled back. "I don’t know."
She repeated the sentence silently to herself.
"The name just came to me, and the shirt was the cheapest... I swear, Five, I’ve never been more honest with you..."
Five finally looked at her and realized she was telling the truth. When they arrived at the bookstore, he parked on the side of the road.
"I’m sorry, Y/N... it’s just that... I knew a Delores a long time ago, and... she looked just like you."
Y/N, surprised, met his gaze and tilted her head to the side.
"I never thought the famous Five Hargreeves had a romance," she breathed.
Five nodded , locking eyes with her sparkling ones. He had always loved that color, though he would never admit it. He looked away, eyes fixed on the steering-wheel. Fortunately Y/N didn't know Delores was a mannequin. Five kept silent, thinking about this damn coincidence and its probable meaning.
Y/N didn’t know what to say so she got out of the car, feeling unsettled. As she headed towards the bookstore, she suddenly stopped, turned around, and walked back to the car, leaning against the window on Five’s side.
“Be honest with me, Five.” she said seriously.
Five chuckled softly, amused by this ongoing joke, and nodded, signaling her to continue.
“What happened at Luther’s wedding?” she asked suddenly.
Five frowned. Why was she asking about that now?
“They got married,” he said simply. “Haha, very funny. No, seriously, between us... did something happen?”
Five discreetly swallowed and started the car.
“You should go home, it’s getting late.”
Y/N groaned and walked around the front of the car again so that he couldn't leave, suddenly opening the passenger door and sitting down.
“What are you doing…?” “You agreed to be honest with me. And you’re not. So I won’t move until…” “Fine.” "Oh, that was quick."
Five immediately started driving and continued in silence.
“Aren’t you going to say something?” “No.” “So, is this a kidnapping?” “Call it whatever you want. You learned how to jump out of a moving car at the Commission, so if your ass is still in that seat, it means you don’t really want to leave.”
Point for him. The silence was fine at the beginning, but it grew heavier and heavier minutes after minutes. Y/N was relieved when she recognized the streets as they were arriving at the parking lot of Five's apartment. He turned off the car and slumped further into his seat. Y/N could tell he was hiding something.
“So. Did we sleep together that night?” she asked bluntly.
Five’s eyes widened.
“What! Who told you that nonsense?” he exclaimed with an amused tone. “Klaus… he…” “You know Klaus always exaggerates, Y/N…”
Y/N lowered her eyes, embarrassed for having believed it so easily. Five noticed her distress and sighed. He rummaged through an inner pocket of his jacket, hesitating before pulling out a Polaroid photo. He handed it to Y/N nonchalantly. She looked at him, then at the photo, which she took with apprehension. It was taken at Luther’s wedding. Y/N and Five were on stage. A microphone stand separated them, only a few centimeters from each other's face. They looked completely drunk, which explained why they were singing so close and why Y/N had no memory of it.
“Just imagine eyes like moon rise, a voice like music, lips like wine.” Five muttered, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
Y/N looked up at him. Those were the lyrics to a love song by Frank Sinatra, yet it sounded oddly different coming from his mouth.
“Please, tell me…” she whispered.
Five sighed, knowing full well he had reached a point of no return.
“We overdid it on the alcohol that night. And with the apocalypse looming... it makes you do things you wouldn’t normally be capable of.”
He paused, but Y/N smiled, encouraging him to continue.
“You seemed different that night. You had no filter. You never had one when it came to annoying me, but for saying nice things, well... and you were really beautiful. And without thinking, I grabbed that mic and sang that stupid Sinatra song. And you looked at me with those eyes. They sparkled like… like the Kugelblitz. Almost more. And you joined me, and we made quite the duo, I must say. I can't fucking remember the name of the song as we were only babbling incomprehensible lyrics.”
Y/N was speechless.
“So…” “No sex. Pure fluff, even though it’s a disgusting word to say.”
Y/N chuckled.
“And you kissed me,” Five finally said, emotionless.
Everything seemed so unreal, yet he looked sincere.
“Why didn’t you tell me for six years?” she asked, shocked. “I… I chickened out. You didn’t remember, so it gave you the chance to start fresh.”
Suddenly, Y/N slapped him across the face, the sound of the slap echoing through Dallas. Five didn't blink, feeling like it was deserved somehow.
“You’re such an idiot.” “I know.”
They remained silent for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. If any member of the Umbrella Academy had the power to read minds, they would’ve run away, given the turmoil that stirred within them.
Y/N thought back to all those moments spent with Five, and of course, they had a different flavor than those shared with an actual colleague. Despite their constant teasing, Five had always been there for Y/N, and vice versa. They understood each other, given their age and experience. Everything suddenly became clear.
And then, in perfect synchronization, they kissed passionately, Y/N placing her hands on Five’s cheeks while he firmly gripped her waist. It was a fiery kiss, making up for all the lost time due to misplaced pride. Out of breath, Y/N pulled back slightly to look at him, a smirk on her lips.
“What? Don’t make me regret what just happened…” Five chuckled. “Firsy things first, secretly keeping a picture of me is weird. Secondly, the song by Sinatra ... It is named Dolores. Just saying…” Y/N laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear that had fallen over his bright eyes.
"Shut it." he groaned, pecking your lips to make you silent. But then , he approaches his lips to your ear, whispering.
“It seems that no matter the timeline, I’m destined to have a Delores getting in my way.”
Y/N burst out laughing, and Five couldn’t help but smile sincerely. It felt good to come out of his shell, especially for Y/N. Five invited Y/N to spend the night at his place. This sudden happiness seemed surreal, yet it was very real. The idea of a normal life together seemed so pleasant. If only they knew ...
here it is, i really hope you liked it ! sorry if you spotted some mistakes, English isn’t my first language.
would you be interested in a part 2 now that Y/N swallowed up a shot of marigold ? just sayin’ … 😏
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transbeckett · 3 months ago
diversity ambiguity! the shooter of the health insurance CEO is an ivy league educated incel data scientist who advocates for mental health care
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theminecraftbox · 10 months ago
There’s something compelling and tragic to me about how, while Punz’s loyalty to Dream is self-evident, it’s also true that Punz is never able to meet Dream at his own level and be the kind of ally Dream needs. Punz is the guy who supported the harebrained scheme that was staged finale; he was the piece of insurance that made Dream feel secure enough to go to his death, not just once but many times, not just literally but metaphorically. The revive book experiments weren’t possible without Punz, nor was Dream’s imprisonment. This ambiguity deepens in LN5, where Punz’s obvious personal investment in revenge on Dream’s behalf nearly turns deadly: it’s not the kind of intervention a deeply traumatized Dream needs, but it’s all Punz can offer (it’s all anyone offers).
Punz can’t admit that the Plan is a poison and a suicide, because he embodies that plan. There was no way out for Dream while he remains committed to their way forward as the only way. Punz can’t get Dream to leave the prison. All he can do is resurrect him inside.
this is why c!drunz slaps btw (and all that’s without even touching the professional ambiguity: the boundaries of their relationship and the vulnerabilities Dream won’t allow even when Punz has his life in his hands.)
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alexanderwales · 21 days ago
Pitchposting: The Yearbook
I just finished the expanded section of The Roottrees are Dead, and it reminded me of an idea that I've had kicking around forever. This will not spoil either of those games, but it'll spoil some of what it feels like to play those games.
In Obra Dinn you're an insurance agent attempting to figure out what happened on the titular ship, filling in a logbook with names and fates based on what you see in the past. It's a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.
In The Roottrees are Dead, you're an inspector or a genealogist or something, filling in the Roottree family tree, using your 1990s internet connection to comb through periodicals and books from the library and half-finished websites. It's a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.
Anyway, the idea came after I'd first played Obra Dinn, and thought to myself "wow, they should make like a million more of these" and then started thinking about what the low-hanging fruit was.
Here, you're trying to fill out a yearbook.
There are a bunch of names and pictures, and yes, there's a full grid, but there are also pages with the various clubs, and other pictures of life at school, and it's your job to complete basically full dossiers on at least the most interesting of the kids, with some of the less interesting ones reduced to "easy" puzzles.
And the mechanism of doing this? Teenaged text messages, poorly composed cell phone shots, a handful of websites, all the digital ephemera. This absolutely works best in the early 2000s, when our social media was fractured and you would naturally get a lot of variety, but the idea is to have a lot of variety and texture to what the player gets to sift through, whether it's AOL Instant Messenger, the robotics team's amateurish website, or a bunch of text messages.
Who are these people, how do they relate to each other? All the answers are out there for you to find and record, and you get to know these people in the process of unraveling everything.
One of the things to consider, in this sort of detective game, is how you open up new information to the player, because at least some of the information is going to be just sitting there, waiting to be entering, with the journey to get to the data source the thing that was most interesting about it.
And I think in this case, maybe the thing that you're slowly gaining access to is phones.
Early 2000s is a transitional era, so maybe you have iPhone equivalents living alongside Blackberry equivalents and Nokia bricks and flip phones and all those sorts of things, and you gain access to them one by one, for those who have one, or maybe their computers. I'm a little on the fence about the best way to do this, but having a picture of a phone/computer would at least be funny way to do it, so you're combing through pictures not just for the people and information contained in them, but for someone whose phone you've never seen before, since that will magically/technologically allow you to read all their messages.
And if you're looking through someone's phone, there are mysteries to solve there, cryptic conversations to unravel. There are aliases. You get a conversation that you know must be important, but the name is saved as just "T-Dog", and that could be anyone! And you have to wander through solving all these little issues, trying to decrypt the local dialect of emoji use, figuring out the timeline for when this guy was dating three girls to see whether he cheated or not. You can realize that someone was being catfished!
The thing that I like most about these games is that you have such great opportunities for organic storytelling, having a guy who you get to know from having seen him in a few places, forming a picture of people from the scraps you can see. And here, there's a high school's worth of personalities to unfold, to get your stereotypes corrected, to have thundering revelation after revelation, and all the ambiguity that crops up where the digital realm doesn't allow you to see the full truth.
I'm picturing 50 or so students, a graduating class that's small, maybe a tiny college town in the Midwest where there's a mix of the students of professors and farmers and lots of variety in terms of class, a place with homecoming and prom and sports teams and all that kind of thing. And somewhere in the early 2000s seems good in terms of what it brings to the table. Am I exactly describing my own small Midwestern hometown and the time period when I was going to high school? I mean, yeah. But I do think that's the best for gameplay purposes.
This is one of those things that I really would like to just throw a few years of my life at making. It calls to me. But while I have the programming skills necessary to figure out that end of things, and I'm a good writer, it would also call for a lot of art and UI design that would be extremely unfun and detail-oriented in a way that does not suit me. Why must we have finite lifespans?
(I think the very first time I noodled this idea, it was with supernatural elements, a single giant party that you would spend your time unpacking, one with cultists and sadists and things from the deep, all kinds of calamities killing these teenagers off, with the player being a supernatural inspector coming in after the fact. And this would ape Obra Dinn more closely, but calls to me a bit less.)
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rubyroboticalt · 8 months ago
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
This week, we missed last week, and I messed this part up in the video. oops.
A quick recap of last week: Ghost, Andor, and Katie completed a full 24 hours online playing! Ghost also got possessed and killed all her spouses except Clenex. Mozzarella got maimed at the school and is suing for an insurance payout.
Gummy's new body is looking pretty good! At the statue garden, the white baby's statue book reads like a twitter hate thread. Seren ate a deadly amanita muscaria mushroom and died. Snowball had a dance party with their carers!
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The backpack organization ratings begin, and while the news must remain a neutral source of information, I personally am making some judgements.
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Mozzarella throws a popular party that a ton of people totally came to. The school goes on a field trip to the Nether! Tonmy builds a very pretty glass gazebo and invites some friends over to hang at it!
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Through the power of dark magic and ritual necromancy, Dollie's family is complete again. Teivel thinks of only the best names for pets. Popcorn and their family find Zephyrous in a beautiful Radiant Crypt! I mean, look at that palette! Ignore all that stuff about the Radiant Swarm I'm sure it's nothing.
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Nightmare has some sort of awful Food Boy style incident with pies. That is a lot of pie. The Void Sanctum is once again safe for visitors though if you ask me, anywhere is safe for visitors when you have a clipboard and high-vis vest. Gummy invites Nightmare over to see the kids and through an unfortunate series of events, a hole is broken in the wall.
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Berry finds a prism geode that isn't even buried underground. How can this happen? Is it true a geode can form in this way? More at 6.
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And now, some autistic Minecraft behaviors.
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Apple shares some lovely photographs of their beautiful base. Val and Kia finally find tables big enough for their 18 children to share a meal at. Splat uses stacks and stacks of glass to make a roof for a greenhouse even though this house looks pretty white to me.
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And now, a reading from r/malelivingspaces. Cherry plank floors. Pine walls with dark oak baseboards. Cinder(?) brick wall on the left side of the room. Single doorway leading to identical room on the back wall. No door. No furniture. Ambiguous dim light source. Bug hiding in a cranny on the left side of the room. Swamp staring at the brick wall. This has been a reading from r/malelivingspaces.
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And this week on the server ends with the bite of 87?
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hacash · 10 months ago
hickey's smugness as he boasts to crozier of 'turning' hodgson is so fucking funny to me because...what exactly did that accomplish? how did hodgson in any way contribute to hickey's Deviously Evil Plan? i love that damp bug-eyed religiously-ambiguous weirdo dearly, but he's not the brains, he's not the muscle, he contributed exactly one (1) thing to the mutineers, and that was a haunting catholic monologue.
when the hunting parties set out, did hodgson use that time as a chance for some light conspiring with hickey? did he hell; he fucking ran away from the guy (and left irving to be turned into a colander). nor does hodgson's backing up of hickey's lies come across as particularly treasonously motivated on this part: this is some excellent meta of how hodge genuinely believes that the inuit slaughtered irving, so probably the paranoia induced by irving's murder would have been the same with or without hodge's turning.
and you can't tell me hodgson was insurance against hickey being punished for treason: the man did absolutely jack-shit at hickey's trial, he was hardly going to rush the gallows and save hickey before he was hung. you could, potentially, make the argument that hickey knew his plan needed the validity of an officer's presence because of Ingrained Victorian Morals, but hodgson does absolutely zero leading in the mutineers. everyone and their (dead) dog knows hickey's in charge of the mutineers. even the idea of it being a symbolic 'fuck you' to crozier by having one of his lieutenants betray him is kinda let down by the fact that hodgson's 'betrayal' is...not all that much? he freaks out about the perceived inuit attack (which he likely would have done anyway), he gets lost in the fog, and then ends up with hickey's mutineers because they're literally the only people he can find. it's not exactly an et tu brute moment from poor old hodge there.
so what exactly was the point? what is hickey boasting about? all he managed to do in turning hodge was give himself another mouth to feed. and it's even funnier because hickey's whole spiel in the scene with hodgson is basically: it's all a matter of numbers, the three of us here can have a nice meal of this dead dog, if it gets shared out among forty-odd sailors we get barely a mouthful each, dividing our food more than we need is going to screw us over. and then he consolidates this argument by...giving valuable protein to Lame Duck hodge and dividing his food more than he needs. he could have shared neptune's flesh quite easily between himself and tozer and very very little would have changed. literally all hickey achieved in the tent scene is to give himself a nice little power trip of having an officer agree to do what he says and reduces his own food intake substantially for no good reason. machiavelli my arse. what the fuck are you boasting about, hickey? giving away a good meal?
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mitigatedchaos · 17 days ago
Some of the recent discussion on who is "left-wing" or "right-wing" reminds of a discussion on the definition of "left-wing" that I saw on Twitter.
l0m3z, a political officer in the Trump coalition, called for the development of a new coherent right-wing vision.
st_rev, a self-identified daoist, former mathematician, and disabled wiseman on the bird website, said:
The reason this is a problem is that there's no 'right wing' and there never was; the right is paraphyletic, which is to say that it's all the branches of Ideology that aren't part of the Left. It's defined only by opposition and has no essence to locate. Any bid to put forth a positive identity for the right is as valid as any other, which is to say meaningless. If you have a positive identity, you aren't part of (and don't need) the Right, except in the sense that the Left still hates you and wants you dead. So it goes.
Emmet Shear asked:
What’s the essence of the left? I agree about the right but the left seems similarly lacking in essence.
st_rev said:
Millenarian Christianity minus Jesus. Sort of a steadfastly unreflective desire to be the World's Savior without any interest in checking whether the world's actually getting saved. That's the flippant vibes version, the historical cladistics are much less ambiguous so I assumed you didn't want that part.
a poster said:
The left is anti-market, the right is anti-left.
st_rev said:
I think this is true but contingent! The left being anti-market ultimately stems from the fact that the market accomplishes the things the left thinks only it can do. No point being a messiah if the people are already saving themselves. And the right being anti-left follows from the left aggressively trying to crush its competitors. It's baked into the slur 'reactionary'; a 'reactionary' is anybody who 'reacts', ie doesn't face the wall quietly when the lefties try to shoot them.
another poster said:
By this definition, wouldn't almost any amount of redistributive investment or social insurance be "right-wing" as long as someone stopped by to make sure it actually worked?
st_rev said:
To the hardcore left, that kind of thing is absolutely right-wing, an attempt to prevent the Revolution. They called the socdems fascist, remember. And even Hayek wasn't opposed to social insurance within reason. I should probably say that I'm putting forward a theory of the left here, not the center-left, who I think are best understood as the left's battered spouses -- they try to mollify the left, the left manipulates them.
St_rev's general theory is that people should be less invested in politics, on the grounds that it's difficult to achieve practical gains due to the epistemic environment inherent to the field. His view of "the left" can be viewed through this lens.
I don't agree with this definition, personally, but I found it striking.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 months ago
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An upwelling of outrage spreads across America
January 29, 2025
Robert B. Hubbell
Trump plunged America into chaos on Tuesday as the implications of his unconstitutional “freeze” on federal grants and loans began to sink in. In a gigantic miscalculation, Trump risked driving the US economy into a tailspin that would take years to overcome.
Or not.
Trump has the opportunity to blink (voluntarily or involuntarily)—but that window is closing rapidly. There are three offramps to this crisis caused by his illegal “freeze” on all federal grants and loans:
Public outrage will force Trump to retreat. A massive upwelling of public outrage is spreading across America. It may take a day or two for MAGA members of Congress to absorb the outrage from their constituents who suddenly realize Trump's thoughtless action has threatened their constituent’s economic security. Millions of Americans have been plunged into uncertainty over government benefits, loans, grants, and payments. They are letting their representatives know how they feel. See Politico, Trump's spending freeze spreads chaos across US. Indivisible has called on congressional Democrats to oppose all nominees until Trump repeals the unconstitutional freeze, saying, “Shut down the Senate.”
The markets may tell Trump to retreat. In a day or two, the money managers on Wall Street will realize that freezing government benefits to seniors, students, veterans, families, government contractors, and people in general will cause a sudden, massive contraction in consumer spending. A shrinking economy will instill fear in the most bullish fund managers. If the markets drop over worries of recession, Trump will hear from the only constituency he fears: Megadonors upset over losses in their portfolios.
Private litigants should be able to obtain an injunction. It is also possible that a judge will pick up a copy of the Constitution and read it. If they do so, they will grant a permanent injunction against Trump's unconstitutional order. On Tuesday, a federal judge granted an “administrative stay,” but that stay was ambiguous and limited. The stay was designed to allow the parties to submit briefing for a hearing next Monday. Moreover, the stay appeared to allow some portions of the “freeze” to remain in effect. See CNN, Judge temporarily blocks part of Trump administration’s plans to freeze federal aid.
Trump attempted to quiet the growing sense of panic by claiming that the freeze would not affect individuals receiving “direct assistance” from the federal government. That assurance is illusory because most federal grants and loans are not paid directly to individuals but rather, are paid through states, federal agencies, and third-party programs that manage federal grants and loans—e.g., Head Start, scientific research grants, federal infrastructure projects, educational subsidies to state schools, programs to support and house veterans.
And despite the assurances from the White House that “direct assistance” to individuals would not be affected, the facts proved otherwise. The Medicaid portal was closed to states (who administer Medicaid funds) for much of the day. See Quartz, Trump Medicaid freeze locks 72 million Americans out of their health insurance. The administration claimed that the shutdown of the Medicaid portal was a “fluke” unrelated to the freeze—a lie so transparent it hurts to repeat it.
Here is the (semi) good news: The Trump administration has already begun to walk-back the reach of the ill-considered freeze, claiming that the following grants and loans are not affected by the freeze: Medicaid, student loans, small business loans, and SNAP food assistance. It is likely that as the media and constituents identify more crucial programs—like food inspection, air traffic control improvements, law enforcement subsidies, veterans’ programs--the administration will make case-by-case exceptions that will swallow the rule.
Although millions of Americans may suffer economic hardship and extreme anxiety in the short term, the financial crisis of withholding hundreds of billions of dollars with no notice may be averted. But the constitutional crisis remains front and center. We cannot allow the constitutional questions to be lost in the understandable focus on the financial implications of Trump's order.
Trump's order is unconstitutional—and it is important that we not lose sight of that fact
Many in the media are downplaying the illegality and unconstitutionality of Trump's “freeze” order. Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC described the illegal order as “controversial.” The New York Times covered the freeze order as a political kerfuffle: “Trump’s ‘Flood the Zone’ Strategy Leaves Opponents Gasping in Outrage.” The NYTimes Editorial Board had nothing to say about Trump's blatant effort to rewrite the Constitution by demoting Congress to an advisory body subject to being overridden on presidential whim.
Congressional Republicans defended the order’s legality. The few Republicans who criticized the order did so only on the ground that it “went too far” in affecting their constituents. Susan Collins said,
I think the administration needs to be more selective and look at it one department at a time, for example. But make sure important direct service programs are not affected.
Here’s the problem with Susan Collins’s analysis: The order is unconstitutional not because it is overbroad but because the president has no authority to freeze funds appropriated by Congress. Period. See ABC News, Trump funding freeze a blatant violation of Constitution, federal law: Legal experts.
As I wrote yesterday, we need to set aside euphemisms and niceties in raising the alarm. Rebecca Solnit (of The Guardian) rose to the challenge with a post on BlueSky:
[T]hat was a coup last night in case no one mentioned that to you. The executive branch seized the power of the purse the Constitution gave to Congress, which is a pretty authoritarian / illegal consolidation of powers move. Time to go yell at your reps, the media, etc.
Senator Angus King of Maine said,
This is a profound constitutional issue. What happened last night is the most direct assault on the authority of Congress, I believe, in the history of the United States.
See Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, Trump’s Federal Grant Freeze Looks Like an Assault on the Authority of Congress.
The grassroots organization Indivisible likewise pulled no punches with a special alert to its members, headlined: Trump’s Dictatorial Power Grab: Chaos, Cruelty, and Constitutional Collapse.
Indivisible wrote:
Congress Controls Federal Spending. The Constitution explicitly gives Congress—not the president—the power to allocate and control federal funds. By freezing funds Congress appropriated, Trump is undermining a foundational principle of democracy. The Impoundment Control Act (ICA). Enacted after Nixon’s abuses, the ICA explicitly prohibits the president from withholding funds appropriated by Congress without following a strict process. Trump has not followed this process, and in many cases, the ICA outright bars the impoundment of these funds.
Indivisible suggests a “no holds barred” response (with which I wholeheartedly agree):
Refuse to Negotiate. Trump is using federal programs as hostages in a power grab. Democrats must refuse to engage in any funding or debt ceiling negotiations while this freeze remains in place. No compromises with dictatorship. Sound the Alarm. Every senator must become a megaphone for what’s at stake. Go on TV, hold town halls, and flood social media with the stories of families who will lose food, homes, and healthcare because of Trump’s chaos. Back Legal Challenges. Support every lawsuit challenging this freeze. File amicus briefs, amplify cases, and make it clear this isn’t just morally wrong—it’s illegal.
All good suggestions. And the point about backing legal challenges may be the best way to fight this power grab. US District Judge Loren L. AliKhan issued a short-term administrative stay to allow further briefing on an application for an injunction. See CNN, Judge temporarily blocks part of Trump administration’s plans to freeze federal aid.
The lawsuit before Judge AliKhan makes an important point: The memo was issued by the Acting Director of the OMB. Per the lawsuit, the OMB has no authority to direct agencies to freeze funds appropriated by Congress. Per the plaintiffs in the lawsuit:
The [OMB] Memo fails to explain the source of (the Office of Management and Budget’s) purported legal authority to gut every program in the federal government.
Good point. While the OMB is integral to the preparation and monitoring of congressional appropriations, OMB has no authority to override a congressional appropriation. See, generally, Congressional Research Service, Office of Management and Budget (OMB): An Overview.
Here are the takeaways:
First, the freeze threatens the separation of powers specified in the Constitution. We must not allow that point to be lost in the chaos and pain that the illegal order will cause.
Second, the upwelling of public outrage spreading across America is already having an impact! This is the path forward! We must do more of it consistently over the long term. We are off to a good start!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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teh-nos · 8 months ago
Like a good girl I am going to NOT put this on the post that prompted the thought in case that seems wanky, but re: this scene:
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I need to ask if this is another scene in this (surprisingly ambiguous/confusing) film that I read differently from many other people, because to me Loki was being hilariously insincere throughout, presumably just for the fun of fucking with Sif and the lads who have no idea what's going on (Asgard has no news service, apparently). Which I enjoyed! But it's deliberately provocative in a way that frankly I too would be unconvinced that everything here was above-board and being run according to the constitution that I shall generously assume Asgard has (with their no news service).
It's like if you attend a funeral and the widow is wearing a fantastic black outfit and a lot of expensive jewellery and keeps saying things like "Oh, what a shame my husband died in that mysterious accident only days after signing that insurance policy." In this case the widow has committed no crime (other than perhaps being a natural troll but I for one would respect that) but you'd still be a bit... surprised? Right?
I am willing to accept that this scene merely demonstrates Loki's inability to say things normally and how this does not mesh well with the distrust of people who didn't watch the news (or check the constitution to find out who's supposed to run things while Odin's in a coma), but either way it's like... well. I too would have questions if I were Sif or one of the not-Sifs except I'd quickly check the headlines on my phone that runs on magic.
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glitterdxckrecords · 28 days ago
greedy peaches playing “manic pixie health insurance” at the machine machine exhibit at red floor gallery in tempe, AZ 2/22/25
Lyrics under read more
Manic pixie health insurance
It’s been vaguely implied
By a man in a hat
That diamonds and gold
Would make anyone snap
But that ambiguity
Has piqued my interest
Cuz if my skin were soil
Would the backhoes keel:
Keys in the ignition
Digging into callous and steel,
Finding it just
A bit too thick?
The needles that pierce
Give me just what I need
Like holes in my head
And progestogenic sheen
Out of pocket Effervescence
Would you hurt my body
If it made me whole?
What if I paid?
What if it’s what you sold?
Cuz I’ve got fifty bucks
And biometrics to meet
So I’m begging at your feet
Just swipe my card and
Please! Fucking stab me!
Oh who’s on the board
Of the pharmacy board?
And who is his boss
On the executive board?
And where can I so nicely
Knock on his door?
Cuz he leaves all the
People I love out to die
They need shit inside them
To keep them alive
But they’re pressed
Like leaves in books
When they’re bled dry
There’s shit that I need
In my brain in the ground
Evens my temperament
Keeps me hanging around
It’s dug up, bottled,
Billed for a negative discount
Would you treat their bodies?
Would it make you whole?
What if they couldn’t pay?
What if it’s what they stole?
Cuz I don’t have the scratch
To keep on the heat
For everyone that’s begging at your feet
Oh I know what you’d do for diamonds
And I’ve seen what you’ll do for gold
And I know what’s left on the table
To keep all of our bodies
From going cold
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