#Amazon X-Ray
fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Very much looking forward to the X-Ray content! :)
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
Oktober 2022
Amazon Prime spoilert
Mein Freund hat ein einmonatiges Abo auf Amazon Prime. Wir schauen uns den Film "No Country for Old Men" an. Darin wird der Held Llewelyn Moss vom Auftragsmörder Anton Chigurh gejagt. Llevelyn Moss hat gerade in einem Hotel eingecheckt und dem Pförtner eingeschärft, er soll ihn auf jeden Fall anrufen, sollte noch jemand einchecken. Er geht auf sein Zimmer und ist dort alleine beschäftigt, als mein Freund den Film kurz stoppt. Amazon Prime zeigt dann als Service in einem Balken in der unteren Bildschirmhälfte die Namen und Bilder der Schauspieler der aktuellen Szene an. Beide Hauptrollenschauspieler werden angezeigt. Amazon hat uns also verraten, dass Chigurh sich bereits im Hotel befindet.
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acecroft · 2 years
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OLIVIA SCOTT WELCH and RAY NICHOLSON as Heather Nill & Ray Hall in Panic (2021)
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ironasss · 11 months
why is david tennants imdb picture from gracepoint of all things. like of every photo out there why the 2014 american remake featuring his trash american accent and a mid supporting cast
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a-heart-of-kyber · 11 months
Heather and Ray from Panic were so good man.
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I wanted to stretch my character design muscles and draw all the x-men’s blonde ladies since they are famously hard to differentiate, but it turns out a good chunk of that list is Guthries. Fortunately, designing siblings is also a fun character design challenge.
This ended up involving quite a bit of headcanoning because this family is a mess, so I’m gonna explain them all below the cut.
Sam was very easy, he’s even the one Guthrie kid with a clear birth order as the canonical Eldest. I mainly just wanted to capture his New Mutant’s design with his less gangly modern look.
Paige was the only Guthrie I’d drawn before, so I just used the drawing of her from the Gen X line-up I did forever ago. She’s been called out as the second eldest before,
-but Elizabeth has been mentioned to be specifically older than Paige. In the end I decided to commit to neither option and make them twins who constantly argue over who was born first. My friend swayed me that she should be trans given the whole hormone based power thing, so I ended up having to switch her from identical to fraternal at the last minute.
Jay’s order in line has never been clear, but he’s usually drawn as among the older group so here he is. I found a panel where he had a cute cowlick and liked how it seemed like he had a kinda bird-like nose, so that was most of the thought in his design.
Joelle’s one spotlight moment is joining an anti-mutant hate group because she was jealous that all her siblings were more special than her, which is a very middle child move of her so she’s right in the middle. I decided to play up how similar she looks to Melody, just to add even more reason she’d rebel like that.
Melody was very easy, her age was never specified but given that her age varies from quite young to being in the highschool group, I figured it was safe to put her on the older end of the younger half of the family.
A big problem with plotting out the whole Guthrie family is that Sam’s said there’s 10 Guthrie kids with him included, but only 9 have been named on page. Which seems like it has a pretty easy solution if you just include Ray Holder Jr because Sam considers his Mom’s boyfriend’s son a sibling in his count. I mean, that’s something that happens in the real world. Plus, kid died so I think he deserves it.
Jeb’s design has been all over the place. Does he have glasses? Does he have freckles? Is his hair strawberry blonde, red, or brown? I’m committing to glasses, freckles, and blonde hair just because I figure that makes him the most distinct. At least he’s pretty easy to place as closest in age to Ray and not the youngest.
Lewis and Cissie Guthrie are the two youngest and twins. I’d argue they're even more trans-coded than Liz, given that they're identical but different genders. The only interesting thing either have done is that Lewis got injected with necrotized DNA by the Dark Beast once and nearly died, so he gets to keep some scars from that to give him something to visually stick to.
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sharontcte · 1 month
it's been a while but i have a new obsession guys. say hello to my ray x heather era
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nellisdownterrible · 3 months
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thatsmyfive · 2 years
fear street deena/sam panic au, but soft and fluffy. trying to practice with set colors. i made the palette from a photo of strawberry creme savers hard candy and now i really wanna eat this
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
Tutorial how to find the new Good Omens S2 bonuses on Prime ❤ 🐍😊
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Skeleton is known for House on Haunted Hill
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thanakite · 8 months
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This is a piece of General Trivia Gen V pops up in the X-Ray and I'm just like... Amazon that isn't how Emma's power works and you know that? Why put that there?
ID: Screenshot of a cropped section of Amazon X-Ray General Trivia that reads "Emma isn't the first supe we've met who can change size in the Vought Cinematic Universe. Who can forget Termite? He is famous for his ... uh ... powerful appearance in the premiere episode of The Boys Season 3. Let's all hope that Emma doesn't sneeze!" :End ID
(For those unaware Termite could change his size at will though sneezing could cause him to spontaneously return to normal size and while inside a dude (like literally in his dick) he sneezed (due to cocaine use) and basically blew the guy up as he returned to normal size while inside him. Emma though shrinks by throwing up and grows by eating food and therefore wouldn't have this problem at all)
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nirvvnv · 2 years
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«𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭? 𝐲 𝐨 𝐮. 𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮.»
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ladespeinada · 11 months
watching red, white and royal blue and baby……..i was not expecting bad bunny in the soundtrack and i don’t mean that in a good way
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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#ME: 1 DHL: 0!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THIRD PARTY COURIER SERVICE#IT’S MY VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#SHIN JIDAI IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#never using dhl again fr what a ✨scam✨#last time i used dhl the courier dude called me and was like ‘i’m delivering around [area near my home] today so can i deliver ur stuff tmr’#and i was so confused that i went ‘??? ok????‘ and that’s how my ft4 album evaded me for an unnecessary day#amazon jp pls don’t assign dhl to my stuff again thx <3#ok but the box it came in was hella big. i had to abandon it next to a random dustbin bc i couldn’t find any recycling corners (sads)#dang i think i’m going mad from sleep deprivation today was a hella weird day lmfaoooo#anyway this marks the end of the shin jidai saga. i don’t really care about the next dvd comp so there won’t be any crisis next month lol#dhl said no shin jidai rights#inedible blubbering#ok since no ✨sane person✨ would read the tags of this terrible post i’m gonna just rant about my day here—#i started the day off wrong with 2.5 hours of sleep and a med checkup at a shady low-reviewed clinic#the dude doing the x ray exam was… strange. and i think the lady who took my test measurements and stuff thought i could only speak chinese#and so i very stupidly did the entire sight test things in chinese. no clue how i pulled that off lmao#then came the actual physical checkup where this doctor prodded my abdomen while i laughed like a fool#truly sad times. :( shady clinics with 1 star reviews man… _(:3 」∠)_#oh wells. at least i’m free for the next 2 days yays. i can sleep in!!!!!!!!!!!!
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filmgamer · 3 months
3 Streaming Problem
3 Streaming Problem; Road House, 3 Body Problem, Godzilla x Kong, Easter, and Affordable Space Adventure Tech all on The FilmGamer Podcast
Hope Everybody had a Happy Easter Weekend! Whether it is Film Streaming, Game Streaming or Television Streaming no matter how stable technology gets, the life surrounding the viewing experience remains unpredictable. Here’s Today’s Rundown: Amazon Prime Movies – Road House’s success, failures and a Cultural Correction on Ricky Stanicky Box Office for Easter Weekend Brings Us Godzilla x Kong:…
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