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la-hannya · 9 months ago
Cute Amanozako/AmanoSagume sprite
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Amanozako (天逆毎)
Alternatively: アマノザコ
Korean: 아마노자코 (Amanojako)
Traditional Chinese: 天逆每 (Tiān nì měi)
"Heaven Opposing Everything"
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Amanozako like a Kijo (Female Oni, Ogress) or even amanojaku ⤴️
A rebellious yokai goddess that originated when her father the kami Susanoo let his own ferocious spirit and rage build up inside him (his aramitama) until he vomited her out. She is said to have a beastly face, a crooked long nose, pointed ears, sharp fangs and tusks so strong they can break even the strongest blades.
Amanozako is known to go against conformity and does the opposite of what is expected in society and social norms. She is said to be picky, and will go into an atrocious rage if she does not get what she wants, or if things do not go according to her way. When in this state, she can hurl even the most powerful gods distances of over one thousand villages in a single throw. Her wrath can't be easily stopped.
Stories of Amanozako were being told long before history began being recorded. It is said that she is the ancestor deity of all yokai who share her personality and disobedience. Some of these yokai include most notably the tengu, as well as amanojaku.
While she's said to be ancestor of many yokai her only child that has been named, thus far is Amanosaku. Which, due to her obstinate behavior, she brought into being all on her own. He is Amanozako's spawn, and is said to be just as terrible and disobedient as she is. Apparently, Amanosaku drove all 8 million gods in heaven mad, and because of this, Amanosaku was made the ruler of every malevolent or troublesome kami.
In terms of her godly abilities, other than what has been mentioned, the legends and stories say that Amanozako is a trickster, of sorts. She can peer into people's hearts and likes to possess the hearts of humans and manipulate their emotions and personalities. She's been also said to be able to fly for thousands of miles. It's also assumed she posseses all the powers of a demon goddess of her stature, and powers like her descendants including transformation (変化, へんげ, "Henge").
Amanozako holds titles like Hime (princess), tengu kami, metengu and possibly even of Queen due to what she is among yokai. As Susanoo's daughter she has many relatives including her aunt the sun goddess Amaterasu, her uncle the moon god Tsukuyomi, her brother Yashimajinumi (八島��奴美神 – Mighty Master Ruling Eightfold Isles) who was the original ancestor of many earthly kami and later humans as well like his aunt Amaterasu. Another notable relative mention is Izanami, her grandmother who later on went to rule Yomi and like her granddaughter, she was also one of the progenitors of Yōkai, birthing demon gods like Raijin and Fujin, thus making them also uncles to Amanozako.
While normally looking similar to a tengu, she's also been depicted like an ogress in various media.
Amanozako as seen in Touhou media ⤵️
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Amanozako as seen in Shin Megami tensei
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Original depiction of Amanozako
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Amanozako as a regular tengu, like a karasu tengu and a guhin Tengu (dog tengu).
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It's been fun studying yokai for my story.
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kodanshamanga · 9 months ago
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🐠Hozuki's Coolheadedness, Vol 20🐠 By Natsumi Eguchi
👻Whether it’s Cow-Head or Amanosagume, Hakutaku is a lover of all women! But have you ever wondered just where he draws the line? At the court of the machine maniac King Henjo.
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ino-null · 6 years ago
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当時のF-90キット ほんと頭おかしい構造してんだよな システムインジェクション… pic.twitter.com/W1J7nZHjoc
— 少し天探女氏【公式】❄️ (@amanosagume) April 16, 2019
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forgottenbones · 6 years ago
The Amanojaku, or Amanjaku (天邪鬼, "heavenly evil spirit") is a demon-like creature in Japanese folklore.
It is usually depicted as a kind of small oni and is thought to be able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus instigates them into perpetrating wicked deeds.
One of the amanojaku's best known appearances is in the fairytale Urikohime (瓜子姫, "melon princess"), in which a girl miraculously born from a melon is doted upon by an elderly couple. They shelter her from the outside world, and she naively lets the amanojaku inside one day, where it kidnaps or devours her, and sometimes impersonates her by wearing her flayed skin.
The amanojaku is commonly held to be derived from Amanosagume (天探女), a wicked deity in Shintō myth, which shares the amanojaku's contrary nature and ability to see into a person's heart, "a very perverted demon".
The creature has also entered Buddhist thought, perhaps via syncretism with the yaksha, where it is considered an opponent of Buddhist teachings. It is commonly depicted as being trampled on and subdued into righteousness by Bishamonten or one of the other Shitennō. In this context it is also called a jaki (邪鬼).
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la-hannya · 2 years ago
Es una de las kami más fuertes ❤️
Es bellísima
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Cuántos shikis alados hay ya? A quien le importa,siguen siendo diseños hermosos
Segun los mitos Amanozako nació del vomito de Susanoo, pero espero que en el juego este más emparentada con Garuda
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zunkopic · 3 years ago
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RT @amanosagume: きりたん激おこ月曜日 https://t.co/7hpZbkSv0s (via Twitter https://twitter.com/t_zunko/status/1447374422357151747)
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coolmasterantena-blog · 7 years ago
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1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(茨城県) [US] 2017/12/03(日) 06:55:38.06 ID:4BQMMU4Q0 天探女・スリ? @amanosagume 忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!! 今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!! ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!! ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!! 売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!! https://twitter.com/amanosagume/status/936643355198480384 忖度御膳、漢祭り、プレミアム…冬のコンビニ弁当にハズレなし!? https://www.nikkan.co.jp/articles/view/00452781…
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hoory · 7 years ago
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RT @amanosagume: 忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!!ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!! ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!!売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!!
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neko73 · 7 years ago
忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!!ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!! ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!!売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!!
Twitter / amanosagume
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mahhasokuhou-blog · 7 years ago
【戯言】忖度御膳が、売れてない、売り切れという情報が錯綜している。 情報戦である
— 規制対象@左耳 (@kemono256) 2017年12月4日
廃棄で出たので忖度弁当食べる! pic.twitter.com/75ZRWXitqg
— あすな* (@a9d0) 2017年12月1日
忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!!ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!! ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!!売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!!
— 天探女・スリ (@amanosagume) 2017年12月1日
本部の補填が4つ発注かけて1���とかアホじゃねーーーのーーーーー!!!!! うちの店も二日間トータル8個納品で販売1個だわ!…
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biyoukintore · 7 years ago
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【悲報】ファミマ店員「忖度弁当全く売れないまま全廃棄になりました」 1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(茨城県) 2017/12/03(日) 06:55:38.06 ID:4BQMMU4Q0 天探女・スリ? @amanosagume 忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばあああああああああ […] Source: キタコレ ノンアダルト
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【悲報】ファミマ店員「忖度弁当(800円)全く売れねーじゃねーか!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ! 」
1:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:49:03.33ID:0.net ※関連記事ファミリーマート公式「けものフレンズか忖度のどちらかを商品化します」 天探女・スリ@amanosagume 忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!!ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!!ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!!売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!! 2017/12/02 02:09:12 忖度弁当 画像 2 11:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:54:53.97ID:0.net うまそうだけどな 6:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:53:43.70ID:0.net 3つくらい食わないとおなか膨れなそう…
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roaringyoo · 7 years ago
【悲報】ファミマ店員「忖度弁当(800円)全く売れねーじゃねーか!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ! 」
1:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:49:03.33ID:0.net ※関連記事ファミリーマート公式「けものフレンズか忖度のどちらかを商品化します」 天探女・スリ@amanosagume 忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!!今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!!ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!!ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!!売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!! 2017/12/02 02:09:12 忖度弁当 画像 2 11:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:54:53.97ID:0.net うまそうだけどな 6:名無し募集中。。。: 2017/12/03(日) 01:53:43.70ID:0.net 3つくらい食わないとおなか膨れなそう…
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newsoku2chblog · 7 years ago
【悲報】ファミマ店員「忖度弁当全く売れないまま全廃棄になりましたwwww」 ま さ に 損 度
1: 2017/12/03(日) 06:55:38.06 ID:4BQMMU4Q0● BE:284093282-2BP(2000)
天探女・スリ? @amanosagume
忖度弁当全く売れねーじゃねーかばああああああああああか!!!!! 今日の分全部廃棄処分だぞクソがあああああああ!!!! ファミマ店員の魂の叫びだバカやろぉぉぉぉぉおおおおおお!!!!!! ていうか案の定だよ!!!!!!!!!!! 売れるわきゃねーだろ800円もすりゃよぉおおおお!!!!
忖度御膳、漢祭り、プレミアム…冬のコンビニ弁当にハズレなし!? https://www.nikkan.co.jp/articles/view/00452781
  88: 2017/12/03(日) 07:26:19.80 ID:fcIDZClH0 >>1 これ、ファミマの役員は面白いと思ってOKしたんだろ? 薄ら寒…
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kakkou · 7 years ago
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サブカルクソ天探女さんのツイート: "たこ焼きと龍驤 https://t.co/0M0EMCT6mX"
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mynetdiary-blog1 · 8 years ago
IT初期を生きた人のあるある! ハッシュタグ「#インターネット老人」9選
1. #インターネット老人会プーピポパポパピピポピポピーピービーヒョロロロピーブピプーピーガー���ーーーーーッ pic.twitter.com/fD8An9m8tc — メ.トロン星人ヤキュウボウ (@AlienMetron_Cap) July 23, 2017 2. ダウンロードがこのようなものだったときは覚えていますか #インターネット老人会 pic.twitter.com/NmmnzXlVW7 — イチµ'sic@寝そべりスペイン (@rkodriver) July 24, 2017 3. インターネットが狭いんだけど!!!#インターネット老人会 pic.twitter.com/nX8Rl8pYJJ — サブカルクソ天探女 (@amanosagume) July 23, 2017 4. 今のキッズには分からんやろな #インターネット老人会…
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