#Amadeus Amara
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kreuzfahrttester · 6 months ago
Amadeus Flusskreuzfahrten: Debüt der Amadeus Amara im Juli 2025
Die österreichische Flusskreuzfahrtreederei Lüftner Cruises und ihr deutscher Tochterveranstalter Amadeus Flusskreuzfahrten haben spannende Neuigkeiten bekanntgegeben: Die Amadeus Amara, ein brandneuer Flusskreuzer, wird im Juli 2025 ihre Jungfernfahrt antreten. Die Vorfreude wächst bereits, denn vier achttägige Donau-Reisen ab und bis Passau sind schon jetzt buchbar. Innovationen und…
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discardead · 2 days ago
oh ! the request is open again :3
since you have done quite a lot of requests for others, why won't you make one for yourself, self - indulgent maybe ? like something you are associated with in general
- ✦ anon
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Lovecore Sea, Merfolk themed NPT
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
I had a little fun with this. Thank you, silly! :3c
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Lovamour. Lovesse. Lovesth. Lovissia. Lovita. Lovaire. Loveine. Lovette. Loviera. Loveia. Lovenamor. Lovena. Lovelett. Lovelet. Lovelesth. Loverien. Loverian. Lovelith. Loveisth. Loveiur. Lovance. Lovarrow. Loverow. Loverowe. Lovera. Heartsyne. Heartisse. Heartice. Heartine. Heartelle. Heartain. Atrium. Atriumne Awfie. Affie. Affiesth. Affiene. Kissy. Kissyn. Kisetta. Kissine. Kiselle. Kissie. Kissia. Enamoriel. Enamour. Enamoire. Enamiore. Charmsou. Charmie. Charime. Charisme. Charmsie. Charmette. Charmelle. Charmisth. Cherish. Cherishe. Cherina. Cherie. Cupid. Cupida. Cupide. Cupidette. Cupidesse. Cupidesth. Cupideine. Cupideia. Darling. Sweetheart. Honey. Amias. Amadeus. Amatus. Amara. Amour. Amor. Cordelia. Romeo. Juliet. Noel. Noelle. Shore. Shorea. Shorean. Shoreen. Shorecia. Shoreia. Shoremi. Shorefi. Shoreli. Shoraline. Shoreia. Shoresine. Shorette. Shorelith. Shoresea. Shoresie. Shoreena. Shorine. Oceanus. Oceanide. Oceafine. Oceore. Oceanie. Ocean. Oceara. Oceanica. Mareine. Mare. Marelie. Marelia. Marefie. Aequor. Aequora. Aeqourine. Aquane. Aquaine. Aquaint. Aquainth. Aquafid. Nautilus. Naurefin. Nauticelle. Naucthius. Nauctiene. Nautesse. Seabed. Seabeth. Seabelle. Seasine. Seasyne. Seasell. Sealett. Sealace. Seanette. Seia. Seaniesth. Seasthe. Seamyne. Seasara. Sealune. Sealure. Seahymn. Seasing. Corallia. Coralise. Coralyne. Coralisth. Coralithe. Coralef. Coralief. Corasie. Coralie. Marinith. Eliqua. Melorine. Nairith. Nairesth. Syrelis. Sirelis. Sirenisth. Sirenielle. Sirenelle. Sirense. Siren. Aqua. Aquor. Aquarine. Shelly. Shelby. Cove. Marine. Marina. Marinus. River. Melody. Harmony. Symphony.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ wav/wave. ti/tide. sea/seas. sho/shore. sea/shell. she/shell. bea/beach. san/sand. sand/sands. co/cove. cov/cove. cove/coves. wat/water. wate/water. wa/water. fi/fish. fis/fish. swi/swim. swim/swims. de/deep. deep/sea/deepsea. bel/below. ocea/ocean. oce/ocean. mari/marine. mar/marine. mar/mari/marine. mer/mers. mer/mermaid. mer/mermaid. mer/merman. mer/merfolk. fi/fin. fin/fins. sca/scale. cor/coral. cora/coral. co/cor/coral. sea/seaweed. shi/shiver. shiv/shiver. sai/sail. sail/sails. sail/sailor. shi/ship. ship/ships. di/dive. dive/dives. bub/bubble. bubb/bubble. bubble/bubbles. glub/glubs. glu/glub. blub/blubs. blu/blub. sur/surf. su/surf. surf/surfs. seasi/seasick. boa/boat. boat/boats. row/rows. crui/cruise. yac/yacht. orc/orca. orca/orcas. nar/narwhal. jelly/jellyfish. jelly/jellys. sea/angel/seangel. octo/octos. oct/octo. squi/squid. squid/squids. tenta/tentacle. ink/inks. nau/nauti. nauti/nautical. h?/h?m. sh?/h?r. th?y/th?m. vas/vast. vast/vasts. subma/submarine. scu/scuba. mar/mare. mare/mares. curre/current. si/sir/siren. sir/siren. sire/siren. siren/sirens. ke/kelp. kelp/kelps. flo/flow. rip/ripple. foa/foam. foam/foams. seafo/seafoam. dri/drift. pea/pearl. pear/pearl. pearl/pearls. re/reef. reef/reefs. lago/lagoon. isle/isles. isla/islas. isla/island. seasi/seaside. sea/seaside. mel/melo/melody. melo/melody. sing/song. sin/sing. sing/sings. hu/hum. lala/lalas. voi/voice. lu/lure. lure/lures.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ yea/yearn. yearn/yearns. lo/love. lov/love. love/loves. love/loving. love/lover. lover/lovers. belo/beloved. ki/kiss. kiss/kisses. chu/chus. affe/affection. affect/affection. hea/heart. he/heart. heart/beat. badu/badump. hu/hug. embra/embrace. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddles. luv/luvs. love/lovely. amor/amors. amo/amour. cor/cors. cor/cora. cora/coras. valen/valentine. rom/romance. rom/roms. ro/roms. devo/devote. devote/devotes. devote/devoted. devote/devotion. cher/cherish. cher/cherie. che/cher/cherish. da/date. dae/date. ros/rose. rose/roses. bou/bouquet. bouqu/bouquet. pet/petal. swa/swan. fore/forever. confe/confess. confess/confession. love/letter. lovele/loveletter. <3/<3s. gif/gift. gift/gifts. des/desire. desire/desires. ador/adore. adore/adoration. adore/adored. adore/adores. cou/court. cour/court. fon/fond. fond/fonds. bon/bond. attra/attract. char/charm. care/cares. care/caring. pass/passion. dote/doting. coo/coos. no/note. noe/note. love/lovenote. admi/admire. admire/admires. cu/cupid. cupi/cupid. cupid/cupids. darl/darling. dar/darling. hon/honey. hun/huns. dea/dear. boo/boos. swe/sweet/sweetheart. sweet/heart. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/sier. sie/siem. tie/tier. tie/tiem. h♡/h♡m. sh♡/h♡r. th♡y/th♡m.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Merman/maid/folk. The Sailor's Siren/Mer(man/maid/folk). The Siren of Love. The Merman/maid of Love. The Merman/maid and prn* Love/Lover. The Merman/maid and prn* Betrothed. The Sea Dweller. Prn* Sea Life. The Merman/maid-[marine species]. Prn* Iridescent tail. The Sea's Angel. The [noun] on a Rock. Prn* who calms the Sea. The Good Omen for Sailors. The Sailor's Good Omen. The Little Mermaid/man/folk. Prn* Life in the Sea. Prn* Sailor. The [noun] with prn* Sailor. The [noun] onboard. The [noun] in Love. Prn* Ship on Sail. The [marine species] caught (by Sailors/[noun]). Prn* who Swims. Prn* who Swims across the Sea. The [noun] washed ashore. The Merman/maid/folk adored by All/[noun]. The Adoring [marine species]. Prn* who adores You. The Merman/maid/folk devoted to prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* Devotion. Prn* at the Seafloor. The [noun] with (fishy) Scales. Prn* who gifts you prn* Scales. Prn* who Flows across the Sea. The Deep Sea's [noun]. The Devotion of [name]. The Devotion of this [noun]. Prn* filled with pure Love. Prn* who embodies Love. The Love for prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* of Charms. Prn* who charmed you. Prn* who charmed prn* Sailor/[noun]. The Lover's Embrace. The Lover of Loves. Prn* who's the Lover of [name]. The Lover's Whispers. Prn* Secret Admirer. The Secret Admirer of [name] / this [noun]. Prn* Love letter. Prn* who writes Love Letters. The Lover's Note. The Merman/maid/folk of Valentine's. Prn* sweetest Darling. Prn* Love for the Sea. Prn* Love for Mermen/maids/folks. The Ocean's Heart. Prn* who's part of the Sea. Prn* in the Shipwreck.
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES ︰ adelaide. admirer. adora. adoraten. adore. ai. aiko. amadeus. amara. amor. amora. amore. amorette. amorie. amour. amoure. amourette. amy. angel. annabelle. aphrodite. arrow. atuf. bambi. bastet. bear. beau. bes. bliss. blossom. bow. bunny. caleb. candy. carwyn. ceri. charity. chelsea. cherie. cherria. cherrill. cherry. cheryshe. claire. clarissa. claudia. connell. connor. cordelia. crimson. cupid. dahlia. dante. david. delphine. desiree. desyre. dhalia. doll. dove. dylan. eldad. eros. esme. esme.cara. euphor. flower. freya. frill. garden. harp. hart. heart. heartstring. heretic. honey. honeybee. hubert. hugh. ingrid. iris. julia. julie. juliet. juliette. june. kalei. kara. kevin. kiss. koramor. lennon. lev. love. lovebird. lover. loverboy. lucinda. luvbelle. luvia. lynn. mabel. mabel.mila. mai. mars. may. maya. melody. milo. milos. mona. obi. ophelia. paramour. paris. passerine. passion. pearl. phillip. pippa. pippi. raymond. red. reed. reese. ren. rhett. rhys. roma. romanciel. romeo. rosalyn. rose. rosetta. rosette. rumor. sky. sugar. tahlia. teddy. thalia. theo. tyas. val. valen. valentina. valentine. valentino. valerie. vanessa. venus. vera. vincent. violet. vivian. vivianna. vivianne. yua. ásta. éowyn.
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PRONOUNS︰ ado/adore. adore/adore. ae/aer. am/amour. bli/bliss. bouquet/bouquet. bow/bow. bud/bud. charm/charm. che/cher. cher/cherish. choco/chocolate. chu/chu. co/cora. coo/coo. cu/cupid. cu/cute. cupid/cupid. cute/cute. dar/darling. date/date. de/dear. de/devote. dear/dear. desi/desire. doe/doe. doe/dove. er/ero. ero/ero. eternity/eternitie. euphor/euphoria. fle/fleur. flower/flower. fri/frill. friend/friend. gift/gift. he/heart. he/hymn. hea/heart. heal/heal. heart/heart. hon/honey. hope/hope. hug/hug. hx/hxm. hy/hymn. h♡/h♡m. kie/kiss. kiss/kiss. kyuu/kyuu. lae/lace. lav/lavender. lo/love. love/bug. love/love. love/lovely. love/lover. lu/luv. lust/lust. luv/luv. myst/mystic. pass/passion. pink/pink. plu/plush. pray/pray. prince/prince. re/red. red/red. ri/ribbon. ro/rose. rose/rose. royal/royal. sacri/sacrifice. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. sh♡/h♡r. smitten/smitten. soft/soft. sweet/sweet. tear/tear. ted/teddy. thxy/thxm. th♡y/th♡m. tu/lip.| val/val. val/valen. val/valentine. valentine/valentine. ve/venus. vei/veil. veil/veil. vir/virtue. xo/xo. xoxo/xoxo. ye/yearn. yearn/yearn. ❤️ . 🌹 . 🍓 . 🍫 . 🍯 . 🍰 . 🎀 . 🏩 . 👑 . 💋 . 💍 . 💌 . 💐 . 💒 . 💓 . 💘 . 💝 . 💞 . 🤍 . 🦢 .
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saturniasxenos · 4 months ago
Aphrodite Themed NPT ID Pack
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Hello my lovelies, inside this pack you'll find pronouns, titles, names and genders that have a connection / relation to Lady Aphrodite, love, roses, doves, beauty, the sea, and all alike.
Lady Aphrodite is the most beautiful goddess. 🩷
Us humans, nonhumans, therians, and alike are all beautiful as well. 🩷
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(X) Who Is Beautiful
Devotee of Aphrodite
(X) Who Loves
Child of Aphrodite
Lover of Doves
Lover of Swans
Lover of The Sea
Collector of Shells
(X) Who Nurtures
Risen From The Sea
Dancing In The Rose Field
Call of The Sparrow
Call of The Dove
Protector of Swans
Protector of The Sea
Protector of Sparrows
(X) Who Loves Doves
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Fem: Aziza, Ahava, Adrianna, Asherah, Amy, Amandine, Amanda, Adora, Adoration, Amorra, Amarissa, Amadea, Amara, Amy, Adelpha, Annabelle, Aimee, Brooks, Charity, Coral, Cara, Carys, Cher, Cerys, Cordelia, Darya, Elska, Eri, Esha, Esme, Freya, Halia, Ines, Ivy, Ife, Juliet, Kasumi, Kailani, Kerensa, Laguna, Libi, Love, Mila, Mai, Milena, Minna, Marina, Moana, Mabel, Mia, Nereida, Pippa, Rain, Rose, Rosie, Rosa, Suki, Sandy, Talia, Valentina, Venus, Yang,
Masc: Alon, Adrian, Agapito, Agapius, Amor, Amantius, Amato, Amias, Aziz, Adonis, Beck, Beau, Conor, Connor, Cordian, Caspian, Connelly, Corwin, Caleb, Dilan, Dewey, Desiderio, David, Dariel, Deniz, Darrell, Erasmus, Erazem, Erastus, Eros, Fenmore, Firth, Finn, Hudson, Hart, Jed, Kevan, Kevin, Kordian, Kiefer, Kaito, Liev, Lev, Leif, Lennon, Liam, Leofric, Manju, Milos, Obi, Pacificus, Philip, Romeo, Rasmus, Rhys, Rudo, Sajan, Triton, Taddai, Taddeo, Thaddeus, Valentino, Valentine,
Neu: Aroon, Arrow, Adair, Amadeus, Aire, Aiko, Amoris, Anbu, Cariad, Caro, Ceri, Caron, Glyndwr, Ingrid, Jorah, Kealoha, Keris, Kerensa, Kama, Kamaka, Ler, Maite, Mirren, Muir, Navy, Ocean, Paris, Sailor, Shui, Siran, Tutku, Vale, Vashti, Yaretzi,
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Lovememory - It could be related to having memories of love ; memories of love being a part of your identity ; memories of love from / in ones past life ; and etcetera.
Idolovea - a gender related to idols & love! Being an idol of love , a love idol , an idol who spreads love , an idol who loves , etc!
Puramour -a gender where your only purpose is to find love .
Amoncitte - A gender Related to Ones hand Intwirled on Anothers , Feather light Kisses , Gentle care , Love letters , Sweet Nothings , Cherishment , && Pure Love.
Redstringic - a gender related to the concept of the red string of fate. this gender is related to love, the concepts of soulmates ( of any type of love ), && feeling complete.
Agapelic - a gender that embodies agape: godly love, also known as the highest form of love, unconditional and boundless. this gender feels intense and may be connected to divinity, or a godly being that represents agape.
Loverlexic - a lexic gender related / connected to the word ''lover''. this gender may or may not be related to romance, that's up for the user to decide!
Loveincarnic - a gender connected to loving love and loving being a lover.
Rosweetphrasic - A gender related to the phrase "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."
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help-an-alter · 6 months ago
heyy! its us.. again.. sigh
recently found a fragment that normally is only ever around when theres intimacy and/or we freak out cus of affection, so with that being said, could you give names and pronouns based around love and ghosts??
sorry if that doesnt make sense..
Hello, hopefully these can help.
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Names: esme, aiko, aimee, aire, amadeus, amara/amora, anabel, arrow, carina, cerise, carwen/carwyn, charity, corwin, cupid, eros, cordelia, cherish, dariel, erastus, erazem, karita, heart, keris, lev, love, mabel, miriam, vevina, siran, ghost, soul/sol, avira, haunt(ed), shen, spyros, agatha, agnes, belladonna, calypso, elena, carmilla, circe, melanie, morgana, october, poe, rune, tarot, sanguine, spirit
Pronouns: adore/adores/adoreself, amor/amors/amorself, blush/blush/blushself, love/loves/loveself, cu/pid/cupidself, er/os/eroself, cher/ery/cherryself, luv/luvs/luvself, soul/mate/soulmateself, lone/lones/loneself, lone/some/lonesomeself, gho/ghost/ghostself, boo/boos/booself, haunt/haunts/hauntself (alt. haunted), ro/rom/romanceself, heart/hearts/heartself, spo/spook/spookself, rem/remain/remainself, spec/spectre/spectreself, spir/spirit/spiritself, whisp/whisps/whisperself, ether/ethere/etherealself, phan/tom/phantomself, plas/ma/plasmaself, pale/pales/paleself, para/norm/paranormalself
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joshuasumter · 7 months ago
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My latest poster for Spider-Man and The Incredibles, featuring a fraction of younger Supers alongside Peter Parker/Spider-Man and the Parr Kids (Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Violet Parr
Dash Parr
Jack-Jack Parr
Miles Morales/Spider-Man (Kid Arachnid)
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Anya Corazon/Spider-Girl
Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
Doreen Green/Squirrel Girl with Tippy-Toe the Squirrel
Patriot/Rayshaun Lucas
Quake/Daisy Johnson
Inferno/Dante Pertuz
Miss America/America Chavez
Ironheart/Riri Williams
Humberto Lopez/Reptil
Sam Alexander/Nova
Nadia Van Dyne/The Wasp
Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl
Devil Dinosaur
Casy Calderon
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
Laura Kinney/X-23
Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste Cuckoo, Irma Cuckoo, and Phoebe Cuckoo)
Surge (Noriko Ashida)
Magma (Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla, aka Aliston Crestmere)
Wiccan (William "Billy" Kaplan-Altman)
Speed (Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd)
Amadeus Cho/The Totally Awesome Hulk
Kate Bishop/Hawkeye
Cassie Lang
Cloak and Dagger
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fun-k-board · 2 months ago
Marvel media included: The Spectacular Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man 2012, The Amazing Spider-Man, Into The Spider-Verse, Across The Spider-Verse, Insomniac's Spider-Man, X-Men: The Animated Series, X-Men '97, X-Men: Evolution, Fox's X-Men, Wolverine and The X-Men, Fantastic Four 2005-2007, Marvel Rivals.
The Spectacular Spider-Man -
Alexander O'Hirn / Rhino
Curtis ' Curt ' Conners / Lizard
Edward ' Eddie ' Charles Allan Brock / Venom
Elizabeth ' Liz ' Allen
Eugene ' Fash ' Thompson / Venom
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Flint Marko / Sandman
Gwendolyn ' Gwen ' Stacy
Harold Theopolis ' Harry ' Osborn
Jackson W. Brice / Montana / Shocker
Mark Allan / Molten Man
Mary Jane ' MJ ' Watson
Maxwell ' Max ' Dillon / Electro
Otto Gunther Octavius / Doctor Octopus
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Quentin Beck / Mysterio
Ultimate Spider-Man 2012 -
Amadeus Cho / Iron Spider
Ava Ayala / White Tiger
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider
Daniel Thomas ' Danny ' Rand / Iron Fist
Eugene ' Flash ' Thompson / Agent Venom
Harold Theopolis ' Harry ' Osborn / Patrioteer / Anti-Venom
Lucas ' Luke ' Cage / Power Man
Mary Jane ' MJ ' Watson / Spider-Woman
Miles Gonzalo Morales / Kid Arachnid
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Samuel ' Sam ' Alexander / Nova
The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 - 2014 -
Curtis ' Curt ' Conners / Lizard
Gwendolyn ' Gwen ' Stacy
Harold Theopolis ' Harry ' Osborn / Green Goblin
Maxwell ' Max ' Dillon / Electro
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Spider-Man : Into / Across The Spider-Verse -
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider
Gwendolyn ' Gwen ' Stacy / Ghost-Spider / Spider-Woman
Hobart ' Hobie ' Brown / Spider-Man / Spider-Punk
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman
Margo Kess / Spiderbyte
Miles Gonzalo Morales / Spider-Man
Miles Gonzalo Morales / The Prowler
Pavitr Prabhakar / Spider-Man India
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Noir
Marvels Spider-Man 1/2 and Miles Morales -
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Harold Theopolis ' Harry ' Osborn
MacDonald ' Mac ' Gargan / Scorpion
Martin Li / Mister Negative
Mary Jane ' MJ ' Watson
Miles Gonzalo Morales / Spider-Man
Otto Gunther Octavius / Doctor Octopus
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Phin Mason / The Tinkerer
Silver Sablinova / Silver Sable
Yuriko ' Yuri ' Watanabe / Wraith
X-Men : The Animated Series / '97 -
Anna Marie Darkhölme / Rogue
Henry Phillip ' Hank ' McCoy / Beast
James ' Logan ' Howlett / Weapon X / Wolverine
Jean Elaine Grey / Marvel Girl / Phoenix / Dark Phoenix
Jubilation Lee / Jubilee
Kevin Sydney / Morph
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
Lucas Bishop
Madelyne Pryor / The Goblin Queen
Max Eisenhardt / Erik Magnus Lehnsherr / Magneto
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Pietro Django Maximoff / Quicksilver
Piotr ' Peter ' Nikolayevich Rasputin / Colossus
Raven Darkhölme / Raven
Remy Etienne LeBeau / Gambit
Roberto ' Bobby ' Da Costa / Sunspot
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Wanda Django Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
X-Men : Evolution -
Alexander Summers / Alexander Masters / Havok
Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla / Alison Crestmere / Magma
Anna Marie Darkhölme / Rogue
Danielle ' Dani ' Moonstar / Psyche / Mirage
Evan Daniels / Spyke
Frederick J. ' Fred ' Dukes
Henry Phillip ' Hank ' McCoy / Beast
James ' Logan ' Howlett / Weapon X / Wolverine
James Arthur Madrox / Multiple
Jean Elaine Grey / Marvel Girl / Phoenix / Dark Phoenix
Jubilation ' Jubilee ' Lee
Katherine Anne ' Kitty ' Pryde / Shadowcat
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
Lance Alvers / Avalanche
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Pietro Django Maximoff / Quicksilver
Piotr ' Peter ' Nikolayevich Rasputin / Colossus
Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane
Raven Darkhölme / Mystique
Ray Carter / Berserker
Remy Etienne LeBeau / Gambit
Robert Louis ' Bobby ' Drake / Iceman
Roberto ' Bobby ' Da Costa / Sunspot
Samuel Zachary Guthrie / Cannonball
Scott Summers / Cyclops
St. John Allerdyce / Pyro
Tabitha Smith / Boom Boom
Todd Tolansky / Toad
Wanda Django Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Warren Kenneth Worthington III / Angel
Fox X-Men Movies (All Timelines) -
Alexander Summers / Alexander Masters / Havok
Anna Marie D'Ancanto / Rogue
Charles Francis Xavier / Professor X
Henry Phillip ' Hank ' McCoy / Beast
James ' Logan ' Howlett / Weapon X / Wolverine
Jean Elaine Grey / Marvel Girl / Phoenix / Dark Phoenix
Jubilation ' Jubilee ' Lee
Katherine Anne ' Kitty ' Pryde / Shadowcat
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
Max Eisenhardt / Erik Magnus Lehnsherr / Magneto
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Peter Django Maximoff / Quicksilver
Raven Darkhölme / Mystique
Remy Etienne LeBeau / Gambit
Robert Louis ' Bobby ' Drake / Iceman
Roberto ' Bobby ' Da Costa / Sunspot
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Sean Cassidy / Banshee
St. John Allerdyce / Pyro
Warren Kenneth Worthington III / Angel
Wolverine and The X-Men -
Anna Marie Darkhölme / Rogue
Emma Grace Frost / White Queen
Henry Phillip ' Hank ' McCoy / Beast
James ' Logan ' Howlett / Weapon X / Wolverine
Jean Elaine Grey / Marvel Girl / Phoenix / Dark Phoenix
Jonathon Silvercloud / Forge
Jubilation ' Jubilee ' Lee
Julian Keller / Hellion
Katherine Anne ' Kitty ' Pryde / Shadowcat
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
Laura Kinney / X-23 / Wolverine
Lorna Sally Dane / Polaris
Mortimer Toynbee / Toad
Neena Thurman / Domino
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Pietro Django Maximoff / Quicksilver
Piotr ' Peter ' Nikolayevich Rasputin / Colossus
Raven Darkhölme / Mystique
Remy Etienne LeBeau / Gambit
Robert Louis ' Bobby ' Drake / Iceman
Sarah Rushman / Marrow
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Wanda Django Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Warren Kenneth Worthington III / Angel
Fantastic Four 2005 - 2007 -
Ben Grimm / The Thing
Johnny Storm / The Human Torch
Richard Reeds / Mister Fantastic
Susan Storm / The Invisible Woman
Marvel Rivals -
Adam Warlock
T'Challa / Black Panther
Natalia 'Natasha' Romanova / Black Widow
Steven 'Steve' Rogers / Captain America
Tyrone 'Ty' Johnson / Cloak
Tandy Bowen / Dagger
Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange
Clinton 'Clint' Barton / Hawkeye
Robert Bruce Banner
Lin Lie / Iron Fist
Anthony 'Tony' Stark / Iron Man
Loki Laufeyson
Seol Hee / Luna Snow
Illyana Rasputina / Magik
Max Eisenhardt / Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Marc Spector / Moon Knight
Steven Grant / Moon Knight
Jake Lockley / Moon Knight
Namor McKenzie
Peni Parker
Sai / Psylocke
Rocket Raccoon
Wanda Django Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-Man
Doreen Green / Squirrel Girl
Peter Jason Quill / Star-Lord
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Francis 'Frank' Castle / The Punisher
Thor Odinson
Edward 'Edide' Brock
James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes / Winter Soldier
James Howlett / Logan / Wolverine
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xprojectrpg · 5 months ago
This Day in X-Project - August 30
2015: Amara posts wondering if she moved to the court of the Roman emperor. Julian has a nightmare about what happened in St. Louis, and Tandy comforts him. Sooraya texts Angel demanding details about Clint. Matt posts about being hungover. The Good Samaritan: Sharon F.is arrested and questioned by SHIELD; Rogue and Sue prepare to go rescue Sharon F., and interrupt the interrogation; after they talk to Sharon F.about her options. Alison posts about the VMA countdown; she texts Amadeus about setting up the project for the viewing party. Angel tells Gabriel about her and Clint. Gabriel posts about going to Harry's. Felicia texts Gabriel about joining him. Tabitha posts about having a girlcrush on Nicki Minaj. Alison texts Amadeus raging about random cat videos; Tabitha posts about the cat videos messing with her Nicki time; Miles texts Alison to get her attention; Alison texts Amara to ask if she enjoyed the party; Alison texts Tabitha complaining about Amadeus sabotaging the party. Sue texts Jean-Paul, confused about if him and Namor are a thing.
2017: Xavin emails Reed to ask him to leave Illyana alone on the journals. Xavin announces they completed a semester of community college by going to summer school. Nica wants to send those responsible for the Nashville Statement to a hell dimension. Green-Eyed Monster: Laurie asks Team Science to work on the mysterious “lucky pendant” that seems to be making mutants sick.
2018: Maya post a quote of the day. Topaz apologizes to Marie-Ange for her part in Marie-Ange's recent eye loss; Marie-Ange is having none of it.
2020: Life's a Beach: Gabriel brags about his newly acquired swimwear.
2022: April and Forge eat lunch together and talk science.
2023: Two cats, Sharon S. and Fi, finally meet, poolside. Julio shares the Netflix trailer for One Piece to his journal. Amanda tries to explain Garrison's condition to Jean.
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 3 years ago
Ship Tags - @iireniic
[[Give Me Something I Can Believe - Amos x Kaeya (iireniic)]]
[[She, Is The First and Last For Me - Mahendra x Amara (iireniic)]]
[[The Only Thing That I Still Believe In Is You - Amadeus x Venti (iireniic)]]
[[We Stay In The Fire And Hope We Can Burn Our Way Out - Amadeus x Alisaie (iireniic)]]
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kreuzfahrttester · 6 months ago
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leafvy · 4 years ago
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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Valentine’s day is coming up tomorrow so what better than a list of names that are associated with love! ♥
[ disclaimer: my sincere apologies if there are any spelling/meaning/origin mistakes in any of my name lists, i am by no means a professional in this area, i just like creating lists to help aid storytellers. i do try my best to find each name’s corresponding origin/meaning/spelling but i am a human who is prone to make the odd mistake. p.s, i take requests! ]
Adelpha - Greek - Beloved sister
Aiko - Japanese - Child of love
Aimée - French - Beloved
Amada - Spanish - Beloved, adored, dear
Amadea - Latin - God’s love
Amala - Arabic - Beloved, bird, hope
Amanda - Latin - Worthy of love
Amandine - French - Much loved
Amara - Latin/Greek/Indian/African - Eternal
Amarissa - Hebrew/Spanish - Little lover, given by God
Amery - English - Home strength
Amia - Latin/French - Beloved
Amora - French - Love
Amorette - French - Little love
Amoris - Latin - Love
Amy - Latin/French - Beloved
Angharad - Welsh - Much loved
Aphrodite - Greek - Goddess of love
Avila - German - Desired, island, water
Aziza - Arabic - Beloved, precious, mighty
Balapreet - Punjabi/Sikh - Mighty love, strong
Brisa - Spanish/Latin - Angel, wind
Cara - Latin/Irish/Gaelic - Dear, beloved, friend
Cariad - Welsh - Love, charity, affection
Caris - Latin/Greek/Welsh - Beloved, grace
Carita - Latin - Dear, beloved
Caron - Greek - Pure
Carwen - Welsh - Love, fair, blessed
Carys - Welsh - To love
Cher - French - Beloved
Cherelle - French - Dear one, darling
Cheryl - English/Welsh/French - Beloved, dear, friend, love
Cordelia - Latin/Celtic - Heart, daughter of the sea
Darla - English - Darling
Darlene - English - Little dear one
Dava - American - Beloved
Davida - Hebrew/Scottish - Beloved
Davina - Hebrew/Scottish - Beloved
Desiree - French - Desired, wished
Elska - Norse - Love, to love
Esha - Arabic - Desire
Esmé - French/Spanish - Loved, esteemed
Femi - Nigerian - Love me
Freya - Scandinavian- Goddess of love & fertility
Grainne - Irish - Love, grain
Halia - Hawaiian - Remembrance of a loved one
Idony - Slavic/Norse - Love again, renewal
Ife - Yoruba - Love
Janan - Arabic - Heart, soul
Kalei - Hawaiian - Beloved, flower wreath
Kalila - Arabic - Beloved, darling
Kara - Irish/Latin/Norse - Beloved, dear
Kerenza - Cornish - Love
Keris - Welsh - Love
Lalasa - Hindi - Love, dove
Libi - Hebrew - My heart, God is my oath
Love - English - Love
Lovella - English - Love, affection
Luba - Slavic - Love
Ludmila - Slavic - Dear, love
Lyuba - Yiddish/Slavic - Dear, graceful people
Mabel - Latin - Loveable, dear
Mabli - Welsh - Loveable
Maitea - Spanish - Love
Mila - Slavic - Gracious, dear
Milada - Czechoslovakian - My love
Milena - Czechoslovakian - Love, warmth, grace
Mina - German - Love
Myfanwy - Welsh - My lovely little one
Myrna - Irish/Gaelic - Beloved
Nayeli - Zapotec - I love you
Nemy - African - Sweet, friendly, energetic
Paris - Greek - The city of love (France)
Phila - Greek - Love
Philippa - Greek - Lover of horses
Philomena - Greek - Lover, friend
Philothea - Greek - Lover of God
Philou - Dutch/Greek - Love
Pippa - English - Lover of horses
Priya - Hindu - Dear, beloved
Querida - Spanish - Dear, beloved
Shirin - Persian/Turkish - Charming, sweet
Siran - Armenian - Sweet love
Suki - Japanese - Loved one
Tivona - Hebrew - Nature lover
Valentina - Latin - Healthy, strong
Vashti - Perisan/Hebrew - Beautiful, lovely
Venus - Latin - Goddess of love
Vevina - Irish/Gaelic - Sweet lady
Vida - Spanish - Life
Yaretzi - Native American - You will always be loved
Agapius - Greek - Love, affection, esteem
Amadeus - Latin - Love God
Amado - Latin - God’s love
Amancio - Spanish - Loving
Amator - Latin - Lover of God
Amatus - Latin - Beloved
Amias - Latin - Loved
Anteros - Greek - God of requited love
Anwil - Welsh - Beloved
Armas - Finnish - Dear, beloved
Asthore - Irish - Loved one
Atif - Arabic - The kind one, affectionate
Atuf - Arabic - Love, favourable, kind
Aziz - Arabic - Beloved, powerful
Caddaric - English - Kind, loved, leader of battle
Caerwyn - Welsh - Fair, blessed, love
Caradoc - Welsh - Love
Carthach - Irish - Loving
Carwyn - Welsh - Fair, blessed, love
Chaviv - Hebrew - Loved one
Chikondi - African - Love
Conor - Irish - Lover of wolves/hounds
Cordian - Polish - Of the heart
Dariel - French - Dear one, beloved
David - Hebrew - Beloved, to love
Dawood - Quranic/Hebrew - Beloved friend
Desi - Latin - Yearning, desired, sorrow
Didier - French/Latin - Desire, longing
Dilan - Kurdish/Irish - Love, heart, loyal, like a Lion
Elmo - Latin/Greek/Italian - To love, God’s helmet
Erasmus - Greek - Beloved, desired
Erastus - Greek/Latin - Beloved
Eros - Greek - Desire, God of love
Fuad - Arabic - Heart
Gerwyn - Welsh - Fair love
Graziano - Italian - Beloved, dear
Guaiya - Chamarro - To love
Hubert - Germanic - Bright heart
Hugh - German - Soul, mind, heart, intellect
Jed - Hebrew - Beloved of God
Jedediah - Hebrew - Beloved of God
Kama - Sanskrit - Love, desire
Kamadeva - Hindu - God of love, desire
Kealoha - Hawaiian - Love
Lennon - Irish/Gaelic - Lover, blackbird, cloak
Leofric - English - Dear, beloved
Lev - Hebrew/Russian - Heart, Lion
Liev - Yiddish - Heart
Luben - Slavic - To love, affection
Lubomir - Polish - Great love
Lufian - English - Love
Luthando - Latin/African - Love
Lyuben - Slavic - Love
Manju - Sanskrit - Sweet, pleasant, beautiful
Medad - Hebrew - Love, friendship
Milan - Slavic - Gracious, dear one, loving
Milos - Greek/Slavic - Compassionate, dear, lover of glory
Obi - Nigerian - Heart
Penda - Swahili - Love, to be brave
Phillip - Greek - Lover of horses
Pip - Spanish/Greek - Lover of horses
Prem - Hindu/Arabic - Love, affection
Ramey - Arabic - Loving
Rasmus - Dutch/Finnish - Beloved, desired
Ratin - Hindu - Love, happiness
Rhys - Welsh - Passion, enthusiasm
Rudo - African - Love
Sajan - Hindu - Beloved
Teofil - Greek - Loved by God
Theophilus - Greek - Loved by God
Valentin - Latin/German/French - Strength, health
Valentine - Latin - Strength, health
Valentino - Spanish/Italian - Strength, health
Wadud - Arabic - Lover, affectionate
Yolotl - Nahuatl - Heart
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pizzettauniversale · 3 years ago
Il festival è finito, eppure io sono qui a rompere i coglioni ancora con il festival, perché? Per parlare də stylist che durante questo festival ci hanno fatto volare oppure incazzare (vedi gli innumerevoli vestiti bianchi, con i brillantini, il colore smunto su Noemi la prima sera, il vestito fittato malissimo di Sabrina Ferilli ieri sera ecc.).
Lə stylist, che non mi dovete confondere con lə stilista, per farla in breve, proprio in spiccioli, è chi sceglie gli abiti e li mette insieme per presentarli a un pubblico o a dei venditori (vedi lə stylist che lavorano durante le sfilate che devono saper attrarre i buyers). Negli Stati Uniti sono figure ben consolidate, in Italia sembra quasi un nuovo lavoro e solo negli ultimi anni moltissimə stylist Italianə cominciano a essere conosciuti dal pubblico, anche da chi non mastica la moda e anche grazie a Sanremo. Alla fine vi metto un po' di nomi da conoscere, italiani.
1. se vediamo sempre gli stessi nomi a Sanremo è perché appunto in Italia è una professione semi-nuova e chiamano chi si è fatto un nome - riconoscimento ottenuto con grande fatica peraltro.
2. se abbiamo visto un sacco di persone vestite o tutte di bianco o luccicosi è perché i brand sono stati più o meno sempre gli stessi per tuttə e più o meno sempre gli stessi ogni sera per l'artista (un'eccezione è Mahmood vestito la prima sera in Prada, poi Ann Demeulemeester, poi Fendi e ieri sera Burberry, Elisa era sempre in Valentino, Francesca Michielin sempre in Miu Miu, Emma in Gucci, Matteo Romano in Armani). Essendo che i nomi son più o meno quelli il tema, l'idea dietro agli abiti si ripete.
3. vi chiederete a sto punto perché non c'è varietà di brand: "colpa" degli uffici di comunicazione dei marchi. Non è perché lə stylist va a Sanremo allora può avere tutto quello che vuole, gli uffici di comunicazione valutano chi è lə stylist, cosa ha fatto, chi è l'artista e se gli può portare un valore, non solo profitti, ma valore al brand. Concetti come valori, heritage, mission, vision sono fondamentali per i brand e se per loro quella persona non rispecchia il loro brand non prestano i loro abiti, non importa quanto Sangiovanni potrebbe stare bene in Dries van Noten, se a loro non interessa gli abiti non li danno. La "fiducia" la si deve conquistare e da lì posso nascere collaborazioni molto interessanti tipo i Maneskin con Gucci. Inoltre, cosa da non sottovalutare, non sempre i vestiti sono disponibili, sono già in prestito altrove e quindi niente.
4. perché Amadeus per ogni sera ha avuto sti completi luccicosi? Perché Ana Mena sembrava uscita da Il castello delle cerimonie? Perché come i brand, anche gli artisti hanno un'identità e gli abiti aiutano a costruire la loro identità e il loro percorso come artisti -es. Ramona Tabita collabora con Elodie e con lei lavora sul concetto di sensualità. Vestire una persona è un percorso e quindi molte volte è più semplice utilizzare un solo brand e per quello che ho detto sopra l'uguaglianza degli abiti sta anche nella disponibilità degli stessi, quale identità si vuole dare all'artista, da che collezione pescano gli abiti (es. Elisa in Valentino sempre in bianco). Quando un artista è consolidato si può variare di più, ma la linea è più o meno sempre la stessa (es. Mahmood, quattro brand diversi, ma stessa identità).
Un po' di nomi da spulciare: Ramona Tabita, Susanna Ausoni, Nick Cerioni, Lorenzo Posocco (che veste Due Lipa), Rebecca Baglini, Andrea Amara, Mr Lollo, Giulio Casagrande, Simone Furlan, Matteo Greco, Tiny Idols, Anna Pastore, Simone Rutigliano. Bonus: Ib Kamara, che collabora con Vogue Italia, parla di razzismo tramite il suo lavoro, è nella mia tesi di laurea.
Buona serata, spero vi piaccia questo post 💕
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selena-snape · 3 years ago
Familia Snape
Primera Generación:
¤ Morphin Nikolai Snape y Tallulah Aurelia Snape
Segunda generación:
¤ Ilona Octavia Snape y Viktor Kirtking Snape
¤ Bellona Demetria Snape y Aurelius Amadeus Willowdee
¤ Tanith Marcellina Snape y Albion Casimir Snape
Tercera Generación:
¤ Gabriel Soren Snape y Conan Levi Malfoy
¤ Sonja Cassandra Snape y Lucian Rowland Snape
¤ Selene Belladona Snape y Michael Thomas Corvin
¤ Morgana Drucilda Willowdee y Octavius Mortifer Dollins
¤ Belvina Anastasia Willowdee y Alexander Andreas Kane
¤ Silvanus Alestair Snape y Minerva Dorinda Primrose
¤ Cornelius Devereux Snape y Nocturna Evelyn Nightwood
¤ Almeric Lazarus Snape y Amarah Senka Lonwood
¤ Esperanza Medea Snape y Mereida Azura Blackwood
¤ Theodocia Isidora Snape y Centar Ismaband Blackwood
Cuarta Generación:
¤ Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore y Gellert Amadeus Grindelwald
¤ Aberforth Florian Leighton Soren Dumbledore y Belvina Vega Black
¤ Ariana Odolette Wilhemina Dumbledore y Arcturus II Alioth Black
¤ Tom Marvolo Riddle y Kara Sonia Milford
¤ Valens Basilius Snape y Charles Hunter Levin
¤ Tobias Vincent Snape y Eileen Aiko Prince
¤ Pamela Demetria Malfoy y Elias Paul Voorhees
¤ Abraxas Ariel Malfoy y Renatha Edith Oswald
¤ Evageline Ethel Malfoy y Lazarus Granville Sparda
¤ Bianca Brooke Di Angelo y Thalia Eliza Grace
¤ Nico Ethan Di Angelo y Perseus Lorcan Jackson
¤ Theodore Lev Snape y Marcus Casimir Corvinus
¤ Ethan Joseph Snape y David Monsse Conberg
¤ Eve Ilaria Corvin y Logan Brad Fowler
¤ Raymond Vincent Dollins y Juliette Umbra Walker
¤ Sebastian Andrew Dollins y Adrianna Asura Walker
¤ Micah Vladimir Dollins y Raven Tenebra Walker
¤ Benjamin Caleb Kane y Aaron Leonard Luthor
¤ Natalie Eileen Snape y Bastian Abraxas Prince
¤ Octavian Demetrius Snape y Abigail Aura Cooper
¤ Percival Valentine Snape y Willow Delilah Lake
¤ Archibald August Snape y Phineas Atticus Moose
¤ Piper Delilah Snape y Alvin Nicholas Dream
¤ Flora Alyssandra Snape y Louis William Afton
¤ Colette Silver Snape y Kenneth Horace Orville
¤ Nikolaus Rafferty Snape y Nika Dominika Winston
¤ Evageline Danica Blackwood y Claude Tobias Harley
¤ Gabrielle Victoria Blackwood y Gideon Silas Murphy
¤ Belladona Tabitha Blackwood y Quentin Ulysses Orson
¤ Nimue Andromeda Blackwood y Balthasar Ignatius Fitzhugh
¤ Valtor Phoenix Blackwood y Ninette Madeline Sutton
¤ Dimitry Avalon Blackwood y Thalassa Estelle Rex
Quinta Generación:
¤ Credence Aurelius Dumbledore y Lycoris Lyra Black
¤ Modesty Orianna Dumbledore y Michelle Caroline Miller
¤ Valentine Desmond Dumbledore y Leroy Samuel Cooley
¤ Octavius Theodore Dumbledore y Minerva Ursula Parker
¤ Cassandra Eliza Dumbledore y Zivar Pollux Galanford
¤ Callidora Eridanis Black y Harfang Ernest Longbottom
¤ Cedrella Oriana Black y Septimus Ronald Weasley
¤ Charis Scorpia Black y Caspar Dorian Crouch
¤ Trish Clarice Riddle y "Lady" Mary Ann Arkham
¤ Vanessa Octavia Riddle y Tom Spencer Peters
¤ Delphinie Savannah Riddle y Serena Angelette Denford
¤ Dominika Hazel Levin y Thomas Downey Richardson
¤ Vincent Alexander Levin y Daphne Rosie Campbell
¤ Niven Finnian Levin y River Aura Stone
¤ Malorie Estella Levin y Ivan Adonis Novak
¤ Severus Tobias Snape y Ulaz Devereux Snape
¤ Ryou Nathan Snape y Krolia Serenity Kogane
¤ Jason Ezra Voorhees y Michael Gideon Myers
¤ Diana Madeline Voorhees y Mason Samuel Kimble
¤ Lucius Abraxas Malfoy y Narcissa Meissa Black
¤ William Joseph Dixon y Cassandra Allegra Lewis
¤ Vergil Amon Sparda y Faith Mackenzie Myron
¤ Dante Alastor Sparda y Hope Catherine Myron
¤ Victor Jethro Grace y Ryan Christopher Everett
¤ Aurelia Peregrine Grace y Sebastian Artemis Jensen
¤ Ian Mason Jackson y Bellona Damara Huxley
¤ Ada Demetria Jackson y Azura Jasmine Brooks
¤ Kitty Xanthe Jackson y Charlotte Marcellina Donovan
¤ Sansa Calypso Corvinus y Thomas Nicholas Parkinson
¤ September Lev Corvinus y Tanith Amara Walker
¤ Flora Pandora Snape y Xenophilius Leland Lovewood
¤ Thora Margot Fowler y Marc Anthony Marcelly
¤ Lyra Beatrix Fowler y Lorenzo Finnian Donnelly
¤ Morgan Ariella Fowler y Nolan Cassander Delaney
¤ Ruby Hilda Dollins y Miles Oliver Corwin
¤ Luna Stephanie Dollins y Theon August Dresden
¤ Noah Jonah Dollins y Helena Roxane Ansel
¤ Stanford Nathaniel Dollins y Nita Evelyn Paxton
¤ Mortimer Morphin Dollins y Martin Jonathan Flint
¤ Elizabeth Tallulah Dollins y Valens Vatlos Braken
¤ Janeth Mirella Dollins y Stefano Nova Fox
¤ Arya Eloise Kane y Constatine Nikolai Hudson
¤ Angelette Lucille Kane y Yuri Vladimir Ivanovich
¤ Azrael Finnian Kane y Luciana Angela Ortiz
¤ Niven Ezra Kane y Mikhaila Juniper Orion
¤ Carlisle Damien Kane y Serena Laurel Ranger
¤ Basilius Sebastian Prince y Ida Scarlett Lennox
¤ Felix Robert Prince y Jane Ophelia Miller
¤ Jasper Wyatt Prince y Marlene Elora Lawson
¤ Edward Henry Prince y Selene Stella Harper
¤ Adrien Scott Snape y Calliope Ivory Bronx
¤ Raphael Patrick Snape y Mirah Colette Cain
¤ Richard Lawrence Snape y Galilea Lyra Dexter
¤ Francine Eliza Snape y Michael Francis Oakley
¤ Connie Violet Snape y Tallulah Vera Lake
¤ Melissa Barbara Snape y Eugene Jordan Morrinson
¤ Morticia Moira Snape y Kiyoko Asahina
¤ Morterius Mortimer Snape y Reina Matsumoto
¤ Jeremy Vincent Dream y Sabrina Addison Riley
¤ Nathan Samuel Dream y Piper Aurora Harrow
¤ Bruce Steven Dream y Nicolette Grace Tyson
¤ Adeliza Morigan Afton y Emmett Blake Cartet
¤ Daemon October Afton y Darrel Cael Ossory
¤ Violetta Ursuline Afton y Jeffrey Hunter Jefferson
¤ Minerva Rowena Afton y Leonard Robert Leighton
¤ Doria Judith Orville y Dominic Alexander Edevane
¤ Ryan Joshua Orville y Alice Isidora Jones
¤ Agatha Rachel Orville y Jeremiah Andrew Evans
¤ Carlotta Katherine Snape y Owen Stephen O'Kelly
¤ Ethan Elijah Harley y Larissa Daphne Davis
¤ Giovanni Mortimer Harley y Ariel Danica O'Ryan
¤ Vincent Oliver Harley y Amelie Luna Roberts
¤ Bastian Lynx Murphy y Arya Ruby Forrest
¤ Theodore Niven Murphy y Ursa Aries Black
¤ Dominika Valda Murphy y Arthur Russel Glenwood
¤ Callista Eliza Orson y Callista Addison McCoy
¤ Morterius Finnian Orson y Jessamine Robinia Bathory
¤ Victoria Hilda Orson y Sabine Belladona Volkov
¤ Margot Elizabeth Orson y Pietro Leroy Carrington
¤ Riven Alexander Blackwood y Petra Victoria Hayden
¤ River Stella Blackwood y Jasper August Moore
¤ Chloe Henrietta Blackwood y Griffin Cyrus Lexington
¤ Vanessa Tabitha Blackwood y Miles Herman Goodwin
¤ Ivan Septimus Blackwood y Rosie Olive Brown
¤ Amadeus Artemas Blackwood y Hariett Emily de Loughrey
Sexta Generación:
¤ Lilith Moira Riddle y Julian Cameron Gray
¤ Bloom Larissa Peters y Sky Aurelius
¤ Hazel Opal Peters y Magnus Roman Watson
¤ Theodore August Peters y Meredith Mavis Monroe
¤ Cora Stephanie Riddle y
¤ Arabella Diane Riddle y
¤ Francis Ezra Riddle y
¤ Aaron Christopher Riddle y Verena Michelle Dyer
¤ Joshua Stephen Riddle y Esther Amalia Holt
¤ Charles Samuel Riddle y Ruby Stephanie Saffron
¤ Iris Aurelia Riddle y Marshal Everett Conrad
¤ Theophania Calliope Richardson y Corinne Roxanne Everleigh
¤ Arabella Beatrix Richardson y Henry Oliver Brookes
¤ Kai Dominick Richardson y Flynn Milo Wolf
¤ Willow Cosima Levin y Nicoletta Pomona Wilford
¤ Fern Violet Levin y Marie Honoria Ollivander
¤ Euphemia Alessandra Levin y Jhon Florean Palmer
¤ Dorothea Giovanna Levin y Elladora Eloise Gibson
¤ Salazar Lucius Levin y Holly Avalon Barnes
¤ Eleanor Hope Levin y Savannah Genevieve Shaw
¤ Gracie Isadora Novak y Marvin Declan Sullivan
¤ Alec Aurelian Novak y Claire Piper Johan
¤ Mason Ezekiel Novak y Clementine Octavia Albion
1)¤ Lotor Comet Snape y Raphael Percival Rosier
2)¤ "Moon Demon" Darius Angelo Snape y "Dark Angel " Arianne Alysson Snape
3)¤ "Killer Shadow" Lazarus Ignatius Snape y "Ice Demon" Urania Calliope Snape
¤ Morterius Viktor Snape y Hisirdoux Artemas Casperan
4)¤ Regris Niven Snape y Acxa Valda Snape
5)¤ Kevin Ethan Snape y Gwendolyn Stephanie Tennyson
8)¤ Regulus Orion Snape y Abel Austin Khemse
9)¤ Cygnus Arcturus Snape y Frederic Alistair Weasley
10)¤ Elle Rigel Snape y Matsuda Touta
11)¤ Beyond Aurelian Snape y Mikami Teru
15)¤ Alexander Valens Snape y Magnus Sebastian King
16)¤ Lysander Nikolaus Snape y Vladimir Micah Masters
¤ Keith Akira Snape y James Oliver Griffin
¤ Morgana Kendra Voorhees y Karin Delilah Summers
¤ Jessica Lorna Kimble y Steven Malcom Freeman
¤ Audrey Andromeda Malfoy y Andre Perseus Bourgeois
¤ Gabriel Bastian Malfoy y Emilie Calliope Graham de Vanily
¤ Roynard Hydra Malfoy y Violet Rowena Deekers
¤ Raymond Lynx Malfoy y Cedric Atticus Diggory
¤ Draco Lucius Malfoy y Astoria Coraline Greengrass
¤ Merle Ariel Dixon y "Jesus" Paul Finnegan Rovia
¤ Daryl Hunter Dixon y Rick Jonah Grimes
¤ Vitale Astaroth Sparda y Luka Nicholas Sparda
¤ Neron Asura Sparda y Kyrie Serena Kiernan
¤ Merak Emory Sparda y Portia Manon Hendrix
¤ Loretta Margot Grace y Calvin Raphael Foxglove
¤ Julius Grant Grace y Ivy Roxanne Baxley
¤ Benjamin Vidar Grace y Edgar Zachary Maddox
¤ Ophelia Nozomi Jensen y Cordelia Avery Bkwie
¤ Eileen Victoria Jensen y Silvius Dael Sinclair
¤ Thomas Lysander Jensen y Othello Natalie Reeve
¤ Nova Genesis Jackson y Allison Leah Reid
¤ Losa Iris Brooks y Briar Anais Tedford
¤ Nina Rosie Brooks y Asa August Harding
¤ Connor Cyrus Brooks y Sandra Sabine Simmons
¤ Esme Aurora Donovan y Maxine Riley Crosby
¤ Arabella Cassidy Donovan y Robert Dashiell. Davenport
¤ Arianne Odette Donovan y Terrence Gideon Graves
¤ Kendra Alessandra Donovan y Alexis Scarlett Bishop
¤ Cassandra Abigail Donovan y James Anthony West
¤ Pansy Genevieve Parkinson y Theodore Phineas Nott
¤ Ursa Alexa Corvinus Y Narcissa Hazel Ripley
¤ Nora Alyssa Corvinus y Lydia Skylar Abernathy
¤ Annabelle Danica Corvinus y Rowan Vladimir Norwood
¤ Luna Pandora Lovewood y Rolf Elijah Matthew Scamander
¤ Ronan Artemis Marcelly y Adam Timothy Reed
¤ Giovanni Octavius Marcelly y Robin Mikhaila Mckinley
¤ Ivan Alistair Marcelly y James Christopher Peters
¤ Mika Valentina Donnelly y Arthur Ethan Bowers
¤ Damien September Delaney y Melione Rowena Robinson
¤ Kira Dominika Delaney y Marlon Oliver Williams
¤ Kanna Amelia Delaney y Gael Ethan Byron
¤ Nicholas Hadrien Delaney y Madison Edith Emerson
¤ Armand Demetrius Corwin y Persephone Aspen Cormac
¤ Tatiana Aubrey Corwin y Marcella Carolinne Cervenka
¤ Pandora Evageline Corwin y Cecilia Honoria Van Frietag
¤ Natasha Penelope Dresden y Donna Mary Berkshire
¤ Emily Alisha Ansel y Nana Eliza Martin
¤ Isabelle Veronica Ansel y Carmen Emilia Reyes
¤ Kenneth Paul Dollins y Ella Isabella Evans
¤ Joseph Herman Dollins y Juliet Corina Rogers
¤ Hailey Amelia Flint y Lucia Naomi Barnes
¤ Ashley Jasmine Flint y Maxwell Benjamin Norton
¤ Piper Savannah Flint y Louis Howart Daxton
¤ Chase Akira Braken y Felix Lucius Quinn
¤ Florian Narcissus Braken y Colin Leonard Frone
¤ Callum Daniel Fox y Marjorie Katie Vance
¤ Dante Ezra Fox y Leila Juniper Thomson
¤ Nathan Soren Fox y Matthias Isaac Parker
¤ Magnus Gideon Fox y Desmond Ethan McReynolds
¤ Lucian Harrison Fox y Apollo Anthony Greene
¤ Jude Eli Hudson y Theodore Declan Vesper
¤ Olive Genesis Ivanovich y David Cameron Canyon
¤ Tate Roman Ivanovich y Molly Aurora Wiley
¤ Ivory Leah Ivanovich y Diane Barbara Jennings
¤ Devon Julian Kane y Ophelia Pauline Colins
¤ Claudine Barbara Kane y Matthew Benjamin Rothchild
¤ Castiel Dominc Kane y Charlie Isaac Lauder
¤ Natasha Bella Kane y Mackenzie Riley Hills
¤ Caroline Samantha Kane y Sarah Emma Fuller
¤ Harper Eva Kane y Daniel Michael Baker
¤ Henry Jasper Kane y Duncan Joshua Evas
¤ Nathan Pietro Kane y Elijah Maxwell Crimson
¤ June Opal Kane y Felix Octavius Rhodes
¤ Jane Ophelia Kane y Angelo Dominic Lowell
¤ Aldora Corinne Prince Amora Lyra Stout
¤ Odolette Lila Prince y Thalia Cora Fulton
¤ Amon Rowan Prince y Elira Bianca Thorton
¤ Amelia Robin Prince y Nicolo Dorian Guthrie
¤ Alastor Robert Prince y Dinah Pandora Pearson
¤ Gavin Marshall Prince y Megara Eloise Lang
¤ Sean Colin Prince y Rebecca Odette Douglas
¤ Renee Tara Prince y Miles Edgar Lambert
¤ Eric Lance Snapey y Millicent Corinne Curtis
¤ Marlon Levi Snape y Lily Alyssa Yancer
¤ Luther Garth Snape y Judith Naomi Tailyour
¤ Hannah Ebony Snape y Lincoln Nathan Penfold
¤ Marie Clarice Snape y Leslie Regan Eastwood
¤ Jade Tiffany Snape y Leah Eliana Rees
¤ Grant Devin Snape y Geraldine Annalie Harfield
¤ Dean Leighton Snape y Fiona Charity Wheeler
¤ Mason Riley Oakley y Cartie April Willis
¤ Morgan Harley Oakley y Ian Paul Wenman
¤ Robert Damian Lake y Marion Corinne Turner
¤ Roy Ethan Morrinson y Griffin Rhett Essex
¤ Joy Ebony Morrinson y Kilian Lee Rowell
¤ Holden Ethan Snape y Eleanor Nadia Heron
¤ Corey Silas Snape y Jane Lydia Orchard
¤ Astrid Juliette Snape y Rhonda Hope Pataki
¤ Tate Julian Snape y James Ronan Poole
¤ Soren Jaspn Snape y Carmen Marianna Rojas
¤ Edgar Samuel Snape y Ingrid Ianthe Lauder
¤ Castiel Gabriel Dream y Cecilia Ember Bonavich
¤ Callum Paul Dream y Avalon Ginevra Carmichael
¤ Cedric Ernest Dream y Bathilda Sibyll Irvine
¤ Garett Elia Dream y Padma Orla Astor
¤ Austin Jordan Dream y Magenta Pomona Hearst
¤ Daryl Silvanus Dream y Nuru Sura Van Doren
¤ Calliope Scarlett Dream y Gemma Pomona Windsor
¤ Cordelia Maribelle Carter y Ivar Rainn Kline
¤ Howart Steven Carter y Sylvia Peyton Bechtel
¤ Lysander Casimir Carter y Enid Jivanta Galumba
¤ Pierre Milford Afton y Kylie Olivia McKeehan
¤ Rupert Stanley Afton y Andrea Jocelyn Varner
¤ Warren Philip Jefferson y Michelle Sabine Castle
¤ Ellie Audrey Jefferson y Shireen Monroe Marks
¤ Giselle Corina Leighton y Mia Velvet Bushnell
¤ Odette Marina Leighton y Nicoletta Verona Goldstein
¤ Larissa Dirina Leighton y Winry Carmina Montgomery
¤ Magnus Cassidy Edevane y Harry Leroy Baker
¤ Stella Andromeda Orville y Harold Russell Mcquiston
¤ Lucille Arabella Orville y Jace Colton Rutledge
¤ Lee Amos Evans y Zoey Makayla Camfield
¤ Cadmus Orion Evans y Trudy Nayala Lovell
¤ Florean Newton Evans y Xenia Sybil Herron
¤ Ivory Ooal Evans y Edmund Wilfred Frankham
¤ Luisa Veronica O'Kelly y Connor Evan Carson.
¤ Finn Andrew Harley y Portia Marilyn Curtis
¤ Abel Nolan Harley y Bonnie Thea Proudley
¤ Louis Xander Harley y Petunia Jamie Deakins
¤ Claire Norah Harley y Lance Chandler Western
¤ Camille Loena Harley y Myrtle Denise Golby
¤ Cora Adelaide Harley y Selma Kelsey Hicks
¤ Juliette Theodora Harley y Daisy China Kempster
¤ Cyrus Maximua Harley y Meredith Shannon Crocker
¤ Horatio Gideon Harley y Heidi Antoinette Deacon
¤ Dorothea Euphemia Harley y Terence Xavier Croucher
¤ Violetta Leopoldine Murphy y Franklin Leonidas Burton
¤ Nova Orion Murphy y Faustina Spencer Odam
¤ Comet Sky Murphy y Yvonne Wilhemina Hibberd
¤ Phoenix Bianca Murphy y Rosalie Simone Stratton
¤ Celestine Xiomara Glenwood y Rylan Waylon Mills
¤ Isla Cosima Glenwood y Neil Rowan Lee
¤ Jacqueline Glennda McCoy y Jarome Staley Orline
¤ Ann Marie McCoy y Ridley Everett Anderson
¤ Apoline Elian McCoy y Simom Edward Thompson
¤ Aubrey Lynn Orson y Braxton Hunter Young
¤ Amelia Faith Orson y Ryland Linden Allen
¤ Lucy Ella Volkov Jacob Jhon Wright
¤ Freya Leah Volkov y Rome Canyon Adams
¤ Martin Lane Volkov y Brianna Mirella Collins
¤ Monet Valentina Volkov y Callahan Anselm Morris
¤ Robinia Venus Carrington y Aragon Glorianne Watson
¤ Damon Micah Carrington y Selie Nia Rise
¤ Calla Seraphina Balckwood y Ariel Calyx Reid
¤ Adriana Norah Blackwood y Windsor Athen Foster
¤ Trevor Narcissus Blackwood y Larry Eugene Fraser
¤ Heather Kalina Moore y Lucilius Nicholas McIntosh
¤ Bernadette Alexa Moore y Ares Gabriel McLean
¤ Althea Ruby Lexington y Trinity Elizabeth Bland
¤ Camellia Iris Lexington y Damian Anthony Boswell
¤ Taylor Sidney Lexington y Fabian Dominic Bartlett
¤ Elena Vittoria Lexington y Athena Aubree Birch
¤ Oris Edward Goodwin y Ryleigh Nadia Chapman
¤ Archer Emrys Goodwin y Paisley Autumm Pannell
¤ Raphaela Esperalda Goodwin y Ryder Quentin Hamilton
¤ Ike Neron Goodwin y Bailey Stephanie Adams
¤ Lilianna Persephone Blackwood y Jared Fabian Crawford
¤ Albert Christopher Blackwood y Gemma Alyna Gibson
¤ Alfred Stella Blackwood y Nicholas Julian Munro
¤ Rose Mary Blackwood y Sebastian robert Walker
¤ Bernard Alden Blackwood y Katherine Calliope McGregor
¤ Benjen Isaiah Blackwood y Seraphina Harper Docherty
¤ Lewis Beckett Blackwood y Samirah Luna Ross
¤ Vlaire Harley Blackwood y Aurora Isabelle Gordon
Septima Generación
¤ Abigail Elizabeth Gray y Angel Nicholas Romero
¤ Jareth Jefferson Gray y Nimue Manon Valerian
¤ Lucille Hazel Gray y Helena Danica Valerian
¤ Wendy Elora Gray y Diana Amelie Valerian
¤ Jamie Arlan Peters
¤ Star Demetria Peters y Beck
¤ Blue Danae Peters
¤ Caroline Victoria Watson y Elijah Phineas Butler
¤ Sophie Marianna Watson y Seth Dorian Deacon
¤ Garth Theodore Watson y Rosalie Tabitha Willett
¤ Evangeline Tallulah Peters y Malody Colette Ray
¤ Angelo William Peters y Luciana Angelica Rodriguez
¤ Arthur Elijah Riddle y Gwendolyn Stella Huntington
¤ Hank Bernard Riddle y Ralph Franklin Grimaldi
¤ Olive Ocravia Riddle y Mabel Charlotte Clemonte
¤ Ocean Lavender Riddle y Terra Olive Grigg
¤ Terry Wilder Riddle y Violetta Harper Quantum
¤ Alan August Riddle y Barbara Amelie Warner
¤ Ronald Victor Riddle y Micah Cassius Ferrell
¤ Nancy Cosima Riddle y Desmond Julian Norton
¤ Mary Juniper Riddle y Felicity Ottilia Ansol
¤ Cheryl Marina Riddle y Raphale Simon Loomis
¤ Timothy Riven Riddle y Loretta Elise Hopkins
¤ Linda Euphemia Riddle y Edwin Max Oakland
¤ Lucius Ethani Riddle y Daniel Miles Stevens
¤ Malia Portia Weston y Gavin Dylan Wells
¤ Claire Georgina Weston y Bob Stanley Cooper
¤ Julian Alden Weston y Vivienne Rodinka Mustow
¤ Cameron Thaddeus Weston y Percy Monroe Parker
¤ Camille Opal Weston y Leora Winter Joles
¤ Savannah Honoria Weston y Othello Scarlett Pike
¤ Annalie Electra Everleigh y Millicent Rhonda Weir
¤ Seth Edgar Everleigh y Matilda Rosalie Weir
¤ Hermione Isadora Brooks y Marlon Carlton Tenne
¤ Herman Ignatius Brooks y Julius Oliver Cooley
¤ Judith Lavinia Brooks y Hugo Gilbert Jones
¤ Jedidiah Jasper Wolf y Ezra Thomas Miller
¤ Isidor Hadrian Wolf y Gretcher Genevieve Douglas
¤ Ingrid Avery Wolf y Parker Logan McKay
¤ Melanie Ariana Wolf y Matthew Roman Burns
¤ Grace Mackenzie Wolf y Ophelia Lyra Bell
¤ Demetrius Niccolo Levin y Mackenzie Meissa Giles
¤ Castiel Timothy Levin y Roxanne Ivory Sherwood
¤ Giovanni Balthazar Levin y Henrietta Marine Pinford
¤ Felicity Alexa Levin y Claude Victor Isaacs
¤ Serenity Adeline Levin y Gilbert Leonard Pierce
¤ Nellie Elizabeth Ollivander y Grover Zachary Janos
¤ Valerie Lenna Ollivander y Theodore Dustin Rose
¤ Gael Francis Ollivander y Martha Emily Newland
¤ Ella Louisa Palmer y Arthur Jared Sbeen
¤ Philomena Emersyn Gibson y Julian Milo Holland
¤ Michelle Natalie Gibson y Henry Joshua Sandler
¤ Draco Artemas Levin
¤ Evan Alastor Levin
¤ Regulus Leland Shaw
¤ Druella Lilian Shaw
¤ Sarah Makhaila Sullivan
¤ Nora Hope Sullivan
¤ James Luka Sullivan
¤ Katie Violetta Novak
¤ Bartemius Amos Novak
¤ Marietta Jean Novak
¤ Fenrir Viktor Novak
¤ Baghilda Alice Novak
¤ Rolanda Severina Novak
¤ Lee Thomas Novak
¤ Morterius Aries Lestrange
¤ Morticia Ursa Lestrange
¤ Honerva Piper Lestrange
¤ Allura Rhaella Lestrange
¤ Severus Vincent Lestrange
¤ "Mad Thrill"
¤ "Infernal Void"
¤ "Mercenary Shadow"
¤ "Assassin Silver"
¤ "Defiant Spear"
¤ Valtor Christopher Volturi y Ogron Demetrius Kymer
¤ Dimitry Raphael Vanderwood y Jihyun Kim
¤ Aizawa Otsutsuki y Enji Todoroki
¤ Rhaegar Targaryen y Elia Martell
¤ Leslie Aaron Volturi y Ruben Kenneth Victoriano
¤ Evan Nova Casperan y Leigh Taylor Ainsworth
¤ Firkle Jonah McNamara y Ike Harley Broflovski
¤ Brick JoJo y Momoko Atsutsumo
¤ Boomer JoJo y Miyako Gōtokuji
¤ Butch Jojo y Kaoru Matsubara
¤ Levi Alexander Ackerman y Erwin Joseph Smith
¤ Avalon Jason Snape y Josie Terra Marion
¤ Saeyoung Choi y Jumin Han
¤ Saeran Choi y Yoosung Kim
¤ Castiel Vincent Sparda y Nathaniel Jacott
¤ Shaena Targaryen y Benjen Stark
¤ Richard Jhon Grayson
¤ Pitch Kendall Casperan y Jackson Ice Frost
¤ Armin Ariel Casperan y Lysandro Ainsworth
¤ Alexy Matthew Kogane y Kentin O'Connor
¤ Daeron Targaryen y Urrigon Greyjoy
¤ Jason Peter Todd y Roy Xander Harper
¤ Osomatsu Matsuno y Reiji Sakamaki
¤ Karamatsu Matsuno
¤ Choromatsu Matsuno
¤ Ichimatsu Matsuno y Yuma Mukami
¤ Jyuchimatsu Matsuno y Shuu Sakamaki
¤ Todomatsu Matsuno
¤ Gaella Targaryen
¤ Gaelle Targaryen y Nymeria Sand
¤ Aegon Targaryen y Lynesse Hightower
¤ Timothy Jackson Drake y Lucien Draven Bloodmarch
¤ Alesandro Darius Volturi y Marcus Donovan Volturi
¤ Jaehaerys Targaryen y Obara Sand
¤ Viserys Targaryen y Aurane Velaryon
¤ Damian Wayne y Jonathan Kent
¤ Rhaedall Targaryen y Domeric Bolton
¤ Rhaemyra Targaryen y Mya Stone
¤ Riven Thrall y Helia Thrall
¤ Duncan Thrall y Gwen Violet Rusell
¤ Simon Abaader
¤ Scarlett Abaader
¤ Nora Naida Abaader y Alfor Raphael McClain
¤ Geralt Nicolo Casperan y Jaskier Dandelion
¤ Mei Ling Young
¤ Chloe Bourgeois y Kagami Tsuguri
¤ Adrien Matthew Malfoy y Luka Keith Couffaine
¤ Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy y Albus Severus Potter
¤ Devlin Nikolai Snape
¤ Ruby Peregrine Snape
¤ Vladimir Lev Snape
¤ Levi Damien Khemse
¤ Leonora Arabella Khemse
¤ Micah Oliver Khemse
¤ Lavi Dawn Weasley
¤ Ezra Calyx Weasley
¤ Desmond Perseus Weasley
¤ Narcissa Daphne Weasley
¤ George II Norman Weasley
¤ Mikhaila Larissa Weasley
¤ Mihael "Mello" Keehl
¤ Nate "Near" Rivers
¤ Mail "Matt" Jeevas
Octava Generación
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wckedwtchx · 3 years ago
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first class babies
lyla frost (scott summers’ daughter). ezekiel mccoy (hank mccoy’s son). wendy worthington (warren worthington iii’s daughter);
charles xavier favorites (he wants so bad to guide those kids).
second class babies
mason munroe (ororo munroe’s son). camila wagner (kurt wagner’s daughter);
international babies with international parents on worldwide missions.
astonishing babies
lance summers (alex summers’ son). sadie blaire (alison blaire’s daughter). ezekiel mccoy (hank mccoy’s son).
parents who someway somehow retired from the x-team and try to leave a semi normal life... stil being mutant and proud.
wolverine (gran)kids
juliet kinney (laura kinney’s daughter). shogo lee (jubilation lee’s son). sienna alvers (katherine pryde’s daughter).
never know when or where logan is going to show up but always take their time to have movie nights with the old man.
new mutants babies
henrique da costa (roberto da costa’s son). delilah moonstar (danielle moonstar’s daughter). orion rasputin (illyana rasputin’s son). cooper ramsey (douglas ramsey’s son). camila wagner (amara aquilla’s daughter).
erik lehnsherr the true and biggest grandfather of all those kids, loves them all dearly in a very non-magneto way and send them good christmas gifts always.
nowhere babies
anastasia green (doreen green’s daughter). axel cho (amadeus cho’s son). kit gold (melissa gold’s son).
not exactly part of any big x team but somehow related to mutants makes them part of this big family.
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alterxgos · 5 years ago
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years ago
Business as usual
Read it on AO3 here!http://bit.ly/2XKJfLO
by Boardmyship
Sam finally became a lawyer after so many years of hard work. In a world mixed with humans and supernatural creatures Sam was happy he got a job at the best law establishment in the world with his stubborn little sisters help. The only thing he had to do to keep the job permanently was play a game his new boss made rather than go through the so feared hell year. It was simple all he has to do is keep his new partner out of trouble for a year. How hard could that be? It's just one guy right? It seemed like a good idea when he accepted at the time. That is until he actually met the man to realize he had met him before. It's fine though because after his initial panic he realized something. This man didn't seem to remember ever meeting him. Now Sam is determined to win this game unknowing of how much his life was about to change.
I tried to put everything into this story. Comedy, angst, twists and turns all along the way. Hopefully you like it enough to stick for the ride.
Words: 2945, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Other(s), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Lucifer (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Bobby Singer, Crowley (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Pamela Barnes (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Balthazar (Supernatural), Raphael (Supernatural), Alistair, Kali (Supernatural), Azazel (Supernatural), Ruby (Supernatural), Kevin Tran, Charlie Bradbury, Ash (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Kelly Kline, Victor Henriksen, Claire Temple, Patience, Amara (Supernatural), Amadeus - Character
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Balthazar/Benny Lafitte, Crowley/Bobby Singer, Garth Fitzgerald IV/Lucifer, More - Relationship
Additional Tags: Protective Gabriel, Bottom Gabriel, Bottom Gabriel/Top Sam Winchester, Top Sam Winchester, Caring Sam Winchester, Memory Loss, Supernatural Elements, Lawyer Sam Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Mystery, Justice, Attempted Kidnapping, Kidnapping, Parents Gabriel & Sam Winchester, Adoption, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Investigations, Work, Protective Lucifer, Werewolf Garth Fitzgerald IV, Propositions, Rules, Hurt/Comfort, Psychological Trauma, Panic Attacks, Therapy, Sleep Groping, Groping, Kissing, Cages, Trapped, Elevators, Elevator Sex, Fairies, Monsters, Bruises, Scent Marking, Marking, Drinking Games, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Sex, Sex Toys, Drunk Sex, No Sex, Rough Sex, Car Sex, Caring, Love, Love/Hate, Cabins, Magic, First Time Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs, Sharing a Bed, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Poisoning, Sleeping Together, Literal Sleeping Together, Sleep, Cuddling & Snuggling, Naked Cuddling, Post-Coital Cuddling, Angel Wings, Wing Kink, Non-Consensual Touching, Memories, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Running Away, Escape, Rescue, Rescue Missions, Comedy
Link: http://bit.ly/2XKJfLO
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