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discardead · 2 days ago
oh ! the request is open again :3
since you have done quite a lot of requests for others, why won't you make one for yourself, self - indulgent maybe ? like something you are associated with in general
- ✦ anon
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Lovecore Sea, Merfolk themed NPT
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
I had a little fun with this. Thank you, silly! :3c
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Lovamour. Lovesse. Lovesth. Lovissia. Lovita. Lovaire. Loveine. Lovette. Loviera. Loveia. Lovenamor. Lovena. Lovelett. Lovelet. Lovelesth. Loverien. Loverian. Lovelith. Loveisth. Loveiur. Lovance. Lovarrow. Loverow. Loverowe. Lovera. Heartsyne. Heartisse. Heartice. Heartine. Heartelle. Heartain. Atrium. Atriumne Awfie. Affie. Affiesth. Affiene. Kissy. Kissyn. Kisetta. Kissine. Kiselle. Kissie. Kissia. Enamoriel. Enamour. Enamoire. Enamiore. Charmsou. Charmie. Charime. Charisme. Charmsie. Charmette. Charmelle. Charmisth. Cherish. Cherishe. Cherina. Cherie. Cupid. Cupida. Cupide. Cupidette. Cupidesse. Cupidesth. Cupideine. Cupideia. Darling. Sweetheart. Honey. Amias. Amadeus. Amatus. Amara. Amour. Amor. Cordelia. Romeo. Juliet. Noel. Noelle. Shore. Shorea. Shorean. Shoreen. Shorecia. Shoreia. Shoremi. Shorefi. Shoreli. Shoraline. Shoreia. Shoresine. Shorette. Shorelith. Shoresea. Shoresie. Shoreena. Shorine. Oceanus. Oceanide. Oceafine. Oceore. Oceanie. Ocean. Oceara. Oceanica. Mareine. Mare. Marelie. Marelia. Marefie. Aequor. Aequora. Aeqourine. Aquane. Aquaine. Aquaint. Aquainth. Aquafid. Nautilus. Naurefin. Nauticelle. Naucthius. Nauctiene. Nautesse. Seabed. Seabeth. Seabelle. Seasine. Seasyne. Seasell. Sealett. Sealace. Seanette. Seia. Seaniesth. Seasthe. Seamyne. Seasara. Sealune. Sealure. Seahymn. Seasing. Corallia. Coralise. Coralyne. Coralisth. Coralithe. Coralef. Coralief. Corasie. Coralie. Marinith. Eliqua. Melorine. Nairith. Nairesth. Syrelis. Sirelis. Sirenisth. Sirenielle. Sirenelle. Sirense. Siren. Aqua. Aquor. Aquarine. Shelly. Shelby. Cove. Marine. Marina. Marinus. River. Melody. Harmony. Symphony.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ wav/wave. ti/tide. sea/seas. sho/shore. sea/shell. she/shell. bea/beach. san/sand. sand/sands. co/cove. cov/cove. cove/coves. wat/water. wate/water. wa/water. fi/fish. fis/fish. swi/swim. swim/swims. de/deep. deep/sea/deepsea. bel/below. ocea/ocean. oce/ocean. mari/marine. mar/marine. mar/mari/marine. mer/mers. mer/mermaid. mer/mermaid. mer/merman. mer/merfolk. fi/fin. fin/fins. sca/scale. cor/coral. cora/coral. co/cor/coral. sea/seaweed. shi/shiver. shiv/shiver. sai/sail. sail/sails. sail/sailor. shi/ship. ship/ships. di/dive. dive/dives. bub/bubble. bubb/bubble. bubble/bubbles. glub/glubs. glu/glub. blub/blubs. blu/blub. sur/surf. su/surf. surf/surfs. seasi/seasick. boa/boat. boat/boats. row/rows. crui/cruise. yac/yacht. orc/orca. orca/orcas. nar/narwhal. jelly/jellyfish. jelly/jellys. sea/angel/seangel. octo/octos. oct/octo. squi/squid. squid/squids. tenta/tentacle. ink/inks. nau/nauti. nauti/nautical. h?/h?m. sh?/h?r. th?y/th?m. vas/vast. vast/vasts. subma/submarine. scu/scuba. mar/mare. mare/mares. curre/current. si/sir/siren. sir/siren. sire/siren. siren/sirens. ke/kelp. kelp/kelps. flo/flow. rip/ripple. foa/foam. foam/foams. seafo/seafoam. dri/drift. pea/pearl. pear/pearl. pearl/pearls. re/reef. reef/reefs. lago/lagoon. isle/isles. isla/islas. isla/island. seasi/seaside. sea/seaside. mel/melo/melody. melo/melody. sing/song. sin/sing. sing/sings. hu/hum. lala/lalas. voi/voice. lu/lure. lure/lures.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ yea/yearn. yearn/yearns. lo/love. lov/love. love/loves. love/loving. love/lover. lover/lovers. belo/beloved. ki/kiss. kiss/kisses. chu/chus. affe/affection. affect/affection. hea/heart. he/heart. heart/beat. badu/badump. hu/hug. embra/embrace. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddles. luv/luvs. love/lovely. amor/amors. amo/amour. cor/cors. cor/cora. cora/coras. valen/valentine. rom/romance. rom/roms. ro/roms. devo/devote. devote/devotes. devote/devoted. devote/devotion. cher/cherish. cher/cherie. che/cher/cherish. da/date. dae/date. ros/rose. rose/roses. bou/bouquet. bouqu/bouquet. pet/petal. swa/swan. fore/forever. confe/confess. confess/confession. love/letter. lovele/loveletter. <3/<3s. gif/gift. gift/gifts. des/desire. desire/desires. ador/adore. adore/adoration. adore/adored. adore/adores. cou/court. cour/court. fon/fond. fond/fonds. bon/bond. attra/attract. char/charm. care/cares. care/caring. pass/passion. dote/doting. coo/coos. no/note. noe/note. love/lovenote. admi/admire. admire/admires. cu/cupid. cupi/cupid. cupid/cupids. darl/darling. dar/darling. hon/honey. hun/huns. dea/dear. boo/boos. swe/sweet/sweetheart. sweet/heart. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/sier. sie/siem. tie/tier. tie/tiem. h♡/h♡m. sh♡/h♡r. th♡y/th♡m.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Merman/maid/folk. The Sailor's Siren/Mer(man/maid/folk). The Siren of Love. The Merman/maid of Love. The Merman/maid and prn* Love/Lover. The Merman/maid and prn* Betrothed. The Sea Dweller. Prn* Sea Life. The Merman/maid-[marine species]. Prn* Iridescent tail. The Sea's Angel. The [noun] on a Rock. Prn* who calms the Sea. The Good Omen for Sailors. The Sailor's Good Omen. The Little Mermaid/man/folk. Prn* Life in the Sea. Prn* Sailor. The [noun] with prn* Sailor. The [noun] onboard. The [noun] in Love. Prn* Ship on Sail. The [marine species] caught (by Sailors/[noun]). Prn* who Swims. Prn* who Swims across the Sea. The [noun] washed ashore. The Merman/maid/folk adored by All/[noun]. The Adoring [marine species]. Prn* who adores You. The Merman/maid/folk devoted to prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* Devotion. Prn* at the Seafloor. The [noun] with (fishy) Scales. Prn* who gifts you prn* Scales. Prn* who Flows across the Sea. The Deep Sea's [noun]. The Devotion of [name]. The Devotion of this [noun]. Prn* filled with pure Love. Prn* who embodies Love. The Love for prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* of Charms. Prn* who charmed you. Prn* who charmed prn* Sailor/[noun]. The Lover's Embrace. The Lover of Loves. Prn* who's the Lover of [name]. The Lover's Whispers. Prn* Secret Admirer. The Secret Admirer of [name] / this [noun]. Prn* Love letter. Prn* who writes Love Letters. The Lover's Note. The Merman/maid/folk of Valentine's. Prn* sweetest Darling. Prn* Love for the Sea. Prn* Love for Mermen/maids/folks. The Ocean's Heart. Prn* who's part of the Sea. Prn* in the Shipwreck.
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svtestblogsv · 9 months ago
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ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤawaken your ancestral celestial ties
ㅤclosedㅤ ── ㅤsemi-lit to litㅤ ── ㅤoc ㅤ ── ㅤ mewe ㅤ ── ㅤsailor moon
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ㅤㅤ ㅤguidelines ㅤ◦○◦ ─── ◦○◦ ㅤ masterlist ㅤ ◦○◦ ─── ◦○◦ ㅤ application
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discardead · 2 days ago
HII ! can i request names and users based on the song 'strange love' by halsey ?
also new anon, i hope that's okay !! we requested the hurt feelings nptu awhile ago :3 ~ 📹🪦
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Strange Love by Halsey themed Names & Usernames
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
I hope you like that NPUT I made, and this one too! /nf
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Ronan. Caius. Delphine. Mallory. Lilith. Valencia. Riven. Dorian. Salem. Beau. Rune. Runa. Rumor. Lovely. Honey. Darling. Chelsea. Valentine. Valentino. Valen. Val. Rose. Rosette. Rosetta. Roseline. Rosaline. Thorn. Thorne. Romeo. Juliet. Scarlett. Rhett. Hyde. Florence. Corey. Casey. Aster. Grant. Alonso. Alfie.
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Users ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ strangelvr. mystrngelover. mystrangel-ve. mystrange-love. loveristrange. loveris-strange. lovedstrnge. strangerlvve. lovesecret. loveswcret. loves-asecret. mmylover. memylover. justmylvr. mlover-strange. mlover-strwnge. ourssecrecy. secretsw-mylover. strangestlve. strangesth-lvve. beautifulssecrets. beautfwlsscret. secreciful. secrecyful. secrecyfwl. rumrrdlove. loveruemors. rumorsful. beloverdth.
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discardead · 24 days ago
random thought but how did you do the coloring of your blog layout :3? it's pretty cool
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This is kind of hard to explain. These are the texture PNGs I used with overlay for the blending mode:
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And the images I used for the coloring! You can experiment with the blending modes, but I mainly use `` Overlay `` and `` Color ``
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The first screenshot is how I made the coloring. I don't know how to explain this part, but I used `` Color `` for the blending mode to mix the two PNGs together. As you can see, there is another `` Color `` layer at the top, but it's to dilute its vibrancy because it's too bright and a bit colorful.
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The second screenshot is to make sure the picture is in black and white / grayscale to color it properly. This is where I used the texture PNGs because it looks cool :3
Sorry if my explanation wasn't the best, but I hope you're more of a visual learner ^_^
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discardead · 3 months ago
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 Read this 「 ··· 」 NPUT only blog!
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 Old tags. ··· ✧✦✧ ··· To-do. Taglist.
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More info under the cut.
Never use any of my graphics that I made for this blog, even older ones. ( ··· ✧✦✧ ··· ) Do not put them on resource hoards either, I won't appreciate it.
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Anon list: 🖤🌐 — 🔥🐈‍⬛ — 💟 — Vulture — ✦ — 🐇👅 — 🪦 — 🏳️‍⚧️🦇 — 🐚🪽🎶 — Doll — 🗝️🪦 — 🎭🪞 — 🎀🧡 — 🐏🫐 — 📹🪦 — 🎧🐯
My ask box is always open for questions or chats! Feel free to tag this blog for promo or anything else. I welcome most questions I can answer.
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This blog no longer has a DNI—follow your own. Check my stances in the "about me" section!
〘 ✦ 〙 ; I provide.
Names, pronouns, usernames, and titles of any theme (e.g., animals, aesthetics, foods, songs, plants, etc.).
Specific or vague requests are always welcomed, but I may deny requests freely!
〘 ✦ 〙 ; Blacklist.
Every character of any sources, real people, streamers, and actors
Jirai Kei
Anything that is not NPUT related
I can work with (most or some) places, powers, or other stuff from any media, but not the [media] as a whole. Please be specific with what aspect you want!
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〘 ✦ 〙 ; Notes.
I make up names most of the time, and I do not check username availability. Let me know if you prefer normal names.
You can also request “names/pronouns/usernames/titles related/similar to [insert (nput)].”
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Hieran — ( pronunciation: Hai Ran ) The Merman.
he, it ··· hie/hier ✧✦✧ masc terms. 18—19yrs
Stances: pro-good faith identities, anti-endo, anti-contact harmful paras, anti-radqueer, anti-proship, and anti-transID.
Note: I use a typing quirk, which includes double spacing and use `` back ticks `` as quotation marks.
— App I used for editing: Ibis paint
— Interactions from @ran-washimine
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discardead · 11 hours ago
Scorpion and snake npts?
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Scorpion & Snake themed NPT
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
My little sisbro @psychlita made Snake Names & Pronouns! Link
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Scorpion. Scorpius. Scorpissem Scorpthius. Scorprius. Scorprione. Scorpisth. Scorpiese. Scorpien. Scorpina. Scorpeia. Scorpise. Scorpsing. Scorsthing. Scorsing. Venom. Venomia. Venoume. Venomie. Venomeia. Venomine. Venomisse. Venomisth. Venosing. Venosting. Venosthing. Venosth. Venoth. Venothe. Venosthe.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ sco/scor/scorp. scor/scorps. scorp/scorpion. scorpi/scorpion. ven/venom. veno/venom. sti/sting. sting/stinger. bi/bite. ki/kill. kill/kills. dea/deadly. dead/deadly. claw/claws. cla/claw. dan/danger. dang/danger. stri/strike.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Scorpion. Prn* venomous Sting. The Scorpion-like [noun]. Prn* of Scorpions. Prn* Scorpion Bite. Prn* whose Stinger cause Death. Prn* venom. The Hissing Scorpion. Prn* who slithers. Prn* slithering Body. Prn* poisonous/venomous fangs. Prn* scaled body. The Snake's Meal. The Venom in prn* Smile/Stinger. Prn* who Coils around You. Prn* Deadliest Bite. The Bite of [name]. Prn* who Strikes. Prn* with a Stinger. The Danger that lurks.
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discardead · 1 month ago
sometimes I was watching some silly edits of my fav fandom on tiktok, and it flashed me with proshipper's edits like☹️ why out of everything, and you give me this [insert an incest ship]
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SO REAL, literally me with seeing those emoji combos on an account
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discardead · 17 days ago
Hello! Can I ask why Jirai Kei is on your blacklist?
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Nothing personal with itself. I just don't know how to do it. I tried to come up with something for a Jirai themed NPUT, but nothing kept popping up and I don't think I'm the best guy to ask for that
I feel like you might wanna go to @killernotinlove if you want to request Jirai NPTs
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discardead · 7 hours ago
random question but how do those promo posts work? is it like asking one’s mutuals for a reblog or does one just tag accounts they follow? I’m fairly new to tumblr (started using it in mid 2024)
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You can either tag any of those said people! If you have a mutual, you can check or ask if they can reblog it. Same goes for any other blogs that you followed, even if you don't follow them at all. My advice is to simply check if they do promo or send an ask if you can't find it on their profile! ^_^
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discardead · 2 days ago
Could I please request NPTs based around the song ‘Love Crime’ by Siouxsie? :3
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So sorry to say this, but my requests are closed at the moment ^_^ I just put my request status on my ask button instead of my pinned post!
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discardead · 2 days ago
You are literally the coolest blog ever gonna be honest
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discardead · 4 days ago
makoto yuki blog theme.... oh em gee!
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REAL, he has more graphics for me to use! I love your theme too :3c ( i forgot his name )
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discardead · 4 days ago
also, i'm not sure if i can say this, but when i sent my request, i didn't read your stances when i first followed you, and didn't know you were anti-endo until i read it (sorry for jumping too quick, i just really love your stuff, it was my mistake sorry-), but however, neither side of the discourse is on my dni despite me being pro-endo, and since you put "follow your own dni" on your about pinned, is it okay to follow you then? (genuinely asking btw, if you're not comfortable i can just unfollow, no worries)
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Thank you for the question! From my understanding, you don't have anti-endos or anything about syscourse on your DNI? If so, then you can freely follow this blog since I think my NPUT blog should still be accessible to everyone regardless of my opinions
— Feel free to clarify for me if I misunderstood something! ^_^ Besides that, it doesn't really make me uncomfortable if pro-endos choose to follow me
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discardead · 13 days ago
not a request, just wanted to say what the gyaruo requester is looking for is called manba gyaru!
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Yes, thank you for reminding me! :3c The requester also asked for either a Gyaruo or a Tropical Gyaru, and I found out about Surfer Gyaruo. I mostly went with it because it has something the requester both wanted ( Gyaruo + tropical related )
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discardead · 14 days ago
(*´▽`*) this definitely works i love it so much! I actually couldn't find most of a name for tropical gyaru i don't think the term some much exists but I called them Hana girls as a kid really sorry (´TωT`)!!
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It's no problem! :3c It was kind of fun researching more about Gyaru(o)
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discardead · 14 days ago
(* ´ ▽ ` *) hi hi sorry to add to your to do list but could I have nputs based off gyaruos or a tropical gyaru! - 🎀🧡
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Posted! ^_^ It's okayy, I don't mind at all! Thank you for being patient with me, though when I search up `` Tropical Gyaru `` -- it didn't seem like an actual term or substyle? I'm not sure either, feel free to correct me though. Also, I found out about Surfer Gyaruo, so I leaned into that theme more in the post :3c
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