#Am Star Wars
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bisexualvader · 3 months
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vaszametili · 5 months
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obiwan leades anakin to the council 21 BBY holophoto in color
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beedeewun · 2 months
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he sit
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sabellart · 4 months
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the best character development in the show
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luxris · 1 month
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brothers 🧡💙
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jedi-starbird · 2 months
Obi-Wan's apprenticeship with Qui-Gon is a horse girl movie but they both think the other person is the horse.
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grilledsquids · 2 months
delighted to listen to a nine year old discussing his thoughts on star wars. his dad’s been introducing him to the movies in release-date order, and they’re now halfway through The Force Awakens. here are his hot takes:
- best movie: phantom menace. qui gon and obi wan and yoda and anakin are all really cool.
- worst movie: return of the jedi. it took too long to save han solo; jabba is gross to look at and slave leia was weird to watch, ‘and they call it PG!’
- best characters: luke skywalker. anakin skywalker is second-best because he becomes darth vader. (this was very disappointing to discover)
- best villain: darth vader (even if he’s anakin). but dooku was also very good. palpatine is ugly.
- favorite jedi: yoda.
- biggest complaint: it would be better if anakin wasn’t darth vader. and, why did they kill padme? she would be a better vader. they should bring back anakin for the new movies. no, not as a ghost, just bring him back.
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squidwujun · 3 months
"Hey how is it going?"
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glassgob · 12 days
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[Image ID: Digital illustration of Tech from Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Tech is sitting on the open hatch of the Havoc Marauder, holding onto a pulley cable with his right arm. Slight design edits have been made to his mercenary armor: most notably are stronger orange and pink accents. The second image is a close-up of his face. End ID.]
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wannakissrobits · 12 days
I normally would never have been interested in House of the Dragon or Star Wars: Acolyte, it’s just not my thing.
But here I am watching them.
I have to.
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
when obi-wan said 'I won't kill anakin' and then spent the entire rest of his life following through on that. fuck everyone else obi-wan I respect you yoda should've taken you at your fucking word
'boohoo why did he walk away and not kill anakin this time either even with all the suffering he'll go on to cause if he lets him go' he's told you why very clearly you just didn't believe him I guess!! desperately not killing anakin is obi-wan's main export. it's his universal constant, his life's work, his magnum opus. he gets creative about not killing that guy. he tries to send anakin's teenage twink son to do the job for him because he simply can't. he fucking... peaces out and dies to avoid killing anakin. that's like his whole deal. whether he's right to be like this is another entirely separate conversation but it is what he is
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leon-anna · 3 months
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You wouldn't believe how long Leon has had this one tucked away. Until recently, it had been virtually collecting dust on her procreate app without anyone to admire its craftsmanship. I now have the grand privilege of posting it to our wonderful chaos site 😁 I think you'll all really enjoy the Domino Twins in this 10 panel story! K, that's all, see ya later👋
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spill-that-anxietea · 9 months
There are two kinds of Star Wars fans:
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@ilovecatsandbaking @roguegona
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pedro-pascal · 10 months
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Ahsoka (2023-)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
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intermundia · 9 months
my favorite thing about anakin as a character is the inherent nuance lucas wrote into his story, like he's neither an innocent victim nor an inherently evil monster, he's just some guy put in a series of Situations and ultimately failing the test of his humility and self-control. he was certainly flattered and shaped by the devil, spiraling into something unrecognizable, but he chose to take every step down the pathway to hell. lucas knew he would lose a certain demographic by making him basically a greedy pawn in the larger story, not a righteous betrayed macho badass, but he did it anyway. he made him an awkward romantic and a loyal friend, a generous boy and a brilliant teen. he made sure he had all the positive qualities that meant that he had potential to be so much more than vader, but it was clearly his choice to lie, murder, and fully squander that potential. there are no excuses for what he became, no acceptable reasons to commit mass slaughter. he became an unbelievably selfish and impatient man, reckless and wantonly violent. hayden captured that nuance so well, nobody can match the sweetness of his smile and the absolute horror of his scowl on mustafar. to view him through a single lens as either pure victim of manipulation and (canonically unsupported) emotional neglect, or a creepy evil villain, denies the heart of his story and the weight of his tragedy. he's neither an angel nor a demon, he's both and neither, he's deeply human, a classical tragic hero with a flaw of greed. lucas made a choice with the prequels to tell a story that not everyone wanted to hear, and the result was a character that i think is one of the best of modern pop culture, mostly because he feels to me so very, very ancient and eternal.
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