#Alva Johnson
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Andy Warhol with Daniela Morera, Grace Jones, Bethann Hardison, Alva Chinn and Beverly Johnson at Grace's dinner party at Holbrook's in New York City on July 28, 1984.
#andy warhol#daniela morera#grace jones#bethann hardison#alva chinn#beverly johnson#1984#1980s#1980s music#1980s fashion#1980s art
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Well, this was an odd thing to get on Christmas

I hate that I'm posting on Christmas.
I would like to point out that I don't run this blog as a hobby, nor do I really like posting about someone in the LGBTQ community being a freak of nature who likes jerking to kids and dogs.
But I'm not gonna keep quiet about it.
I don't know who Patricia taxxon is, nor do I really give shit. Everything I've heard was from people who had supported her for a while. But I have to ask transwoman who supports Patricia or Lily orchard. Why? Why are you okay with someone who has plenty of evidence against them that supports that they are freaks of nature? Why continue to support them? Do you realize how bad it looks to defend zoophiles, pedophiles, serial abusers, or anyone who has a trail of blood behind them? All the victims you are silencing from speaking out more about this and for what?
What is the point of defending monsters?
What is the point of shutting up people who have been hurt by the ones you are defending?
You all sound like conservatives defending their lord and savor Donald Trump when Alva Johnson, Summer Zervos, E. Jean Carroll, Katie Johnson, Ivana Trump, and Jill Harth came out about their own experiences with that rotten orange.
Do you all hate victims of abuse that much?
Merry Christmas, you filthy animals, and a happy new year.
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Black Friday, Día Internacional de la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, Día Mundial del Oso Hormiguero, Día Mundial de la Conservación del Jaguar, Día de No Comprar Nada (BND Buy Nothing Day), Día Internacional de las Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Día Internacional del Ingeniero de Sistemas, Día de Concienciación sobre el Síndrome de Menkes, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Iluminada y San Saturnino.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2012
65 años después de aprobarse una resolución en la ONU para la partición de Palestina que nunca se puso en marcha, es en el día de hoy cuando, mediante una votación celebrada en la sede de Naciones Unidas, se otorga el estatus de Estado miembro observador al declarado Estado de Palestina. (Hace 12 años)
En Estados Unidos, el presidente Lyndon B. Johnson decide crear la Comisión Warren para investigar el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy, ocurrido una semana antes, y el del presunto magnicida Lee Harvey Oswald. Esta Comisión estará compuesta por siete miembros a las órdenes del presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos, Earl Warren. El informe se presentará el 24 de septiembre de 1964 y recogerá los testimonios de 552 testigos. Las principales conclusiones que se desprenderán serán que Oswald, marxista y antiguo miembro del Cuerpo de Marines de EE.UU., actuó en solitario y sin consejo o ayuda. El informe suscitará numerosas especulaciones en torno a la existencia de otros cómplices en el asesinato, además de posibles conspiraciones de Cuba, la URSS, el crimen organizado o los exiliados cubanos en los Estados Unidos. (Hace 61 años)
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas adopta una resolución, que nunca se pondrá en marcha, en la que se pide la partición de Palestina en dos estados separados, uno árabe y otro judío, aunque manteniendo una unión económica. Pronto los árabes atacarán el territorio del nuevo Estado sionista iniciándose el conflicto árabe-israelí. (Hace 77 años)
Richard E. Byrd, explorador y piloto americano, y sus tres compañeros sobrevuelan por vez primera el Polo Sur. Esta hazaña servirá para trazar mapas desde el aire de una extensísima parte de este remoto continente. (Hace 95 años)
En EE.UU., tras anunciar el pasado día 21 que ha inventado el fonógrafo (un aparato que graba y reproduce el sonido), es en el día de hoy cuando Thomas Alva Edison lo presenta a la sociedad con enorme expectación. (Hace 147 años)
En Gran Bretaña, el periódico "The Times", que se está editando desde 1788, se imprime por primera vez en una modernísima y rápida impresora de cilindros, cuyo corazón es una moderna máquina de vapor. (Hace 210 años)
En Francia se adopta oficialmente el metro como medida de longitud, a la vez que se le define como la diezmillonésima parte del meridiano terrestre. Al tiempo se adopta como unidad de peso el kilogramo. (Hace 224 años)
San Francisco de Asís, que se ha retirado en dos ocasiones a la ermita de Fonte Colombo, cerca de Rieti (Italia), para redactar una regla para la creación definitiva de su orden, bajo ayuno y oración logra que, en el día de hoy con la participación del cardenal Hugolino, la regla encuentre su forma final y sea aprobada por el Papa Honorio III, mediante la bula "Regula Bullata", en la que se autoriza por fin la Orden Franciscana. San Francisco fallecerá el 3 de octubre de 1226 y será canonizado en 1228. Logrará una renovación de la fe cristiana. (Hace 801 años)
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The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African-American and Caribbean-born military pilots who fought in WWII. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Forces. The name applies to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks, and other support personnel.
All African American military pilots who trained in the US trained at Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field, and were educated at Tuskegee University. The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force and one pilot from Trinidad. It included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic.
March 22, 1942 - The first five cadets graduate from the Tuskegee Flying School: Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. and Second Lieutenants Mac Ross,
Charles DeBow, L.R. Curtis, and George S. Roberts. They will become part of my the famous 99th Pursuit Squadron. List of Tuskegge Airmen.
Paul Adams (pilot)
Rutherford H. Adkins
Halbert Alexander
William Armstrong
Lee Archer
Robert Ashby
William Bartley
Howard Baugh
Henry Cabot Lodge Bohler
George L. Brown
Harold Brown
Roscoe Brown
Victor W. Butler
William Burden
William A. Campbell
Herbert Carter
Raymond Cassagnol
Eugene Calvin Cheatham Jr.
Herbert V. Clark
Granville C. Coggs
Thomas T.J. Collins
Milton Crenchaw
Woodrow Crockett
Lemuel R. Custis
Floyd J. Crawthon Jr
Doodie Head
Clarence Dart
Alfonza W. Davis
Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (C/O)
Charles DeBow
Wilfred DeFour
Gene Derricotte
Lawrence Dickson
Charles W. Dryden
John Ellis Edwards
Leslie Edwards Jr.
Thomas Ellis
Joseph Elsberry
Leavie Farro Jr
James Clayton Flowers
Julius Freeman
Robert Friend (pilot)
William J. Faulkner Jr.
Joseph Gomer
Alfred Gorham
Oliver Goodall
Garry Fuller
James H. Harvey
Donald A. Hawkins
Kenneth R. Hawkins
Raymond V. Haysbert
Percy Heath
Maycie Herrington
Mitchell Higginbotham
William Lee Hill
Esteban Hotesse
George Hudson Jr.
Lincoln Hudson
George J. Iles
Eugene B. Jackson
Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.
Alexander Jefferson
Buford A. Johnson
Herman A. Johnson
Theodore Johnson
Celestus King III
James Johnson Kelly
James B. Knighten
Erwin B. Lawrence Jr.
Clarence D. Lester
Theodore Lumpkin Jr
John Lyle
Hiram Mann
Walter Manning
Robert L. Martin
Armour G. McDaniel
Charles McGee
Faythe A. McGinnis
John "Mule" Miles
John Mosley
Fitzroy Newsum
Norman L Northcross
Noel F. Parrish
Alix Pasquet
Wendell O. Pruitt
Louis R. Purnell Sr.
Wallace P. Reed
William E. Rice
Eugene J. Richardson, Jr.
George S. Roberts
Lawrence E. Roberts
Isaiah Edward Robinson Jr.
Willie Rogers
Mac Ross
Robert Searcy
David Showell
Wilmeth Sidat-Singh
Eugene Smith
Calvin J. Spann
Vernon Sport
Lowell Steward
Harry Stewart, Jr.
Charles "Chuck" Stone Jr.
Percy Sutton
Alva Temple
Roger Terry
Lucius Theus
Edward L. Toppins
Robert B. Tresville
Andrew D. Turner
Herbert Thorpe
Richard Thorpe
Thomas Franklin Vaughns
Virgil Richardson
William Harold Walker
Spann Watson
Luke J. Weathers, Jr.
Sherman W. White
Malvin "Mal" Whitfield
James T. Wiley
Oscar Lawton Wilkerson
Henry Wise Jr.
Kenneth Wofford
Coleman Young
Perry H. Young Jr.
#africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Online Indie
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God) .
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Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
Online Indie
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God)
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𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓: younger fc suggestions for melissa pamuk and ana de armas? also older fc suggestions for madelyn cline, chase sui wonders and danielle rose russell?
we love to see it all. for younger versions of melissa pamuk i think leyla tanlar, yasemin yazici or simay barlas would work really well. ana de armas i would love to see for our one wanted connection, and i think i suggested haley lu richardson to work really well, but if that doesn't tickle your fancy maybe even giorgia whigham, alva bratt maybe. as for older suggestions, for madelyn cline, i think carlson young, halston sage, teresa palmer would work great, chase sui wonders i could see janel parrish, jessica henwick, kristina kruek, and last but not least, danielle rose russell, which i think would work perfectly for the younger versions of dakota johnson, phoebe tonkin, mae whitman or crystal reed.
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LOS ANGELES, Calif. – What's it like to become an "almost billionaire" overnight?
For the sole winner of the $2.04 billion Powerball drawing in November 2022, life seems a bit more glamorous. Edwin Castro won the largest-ever lottery jackpot,
and he opted for a lump sum of $997.6 million, just shy of $1 billion, according to the California Lottery.
Since his historic win, news reports show he has splurged, buying two multimillion-dollar homes in his home state of California, and a vintage ride that's sure to turn heads.
Though he declined to appear publicly when he claimed the grand prize two months after the drawing, he complimented California public schools "as the real winner" and said in a written statement he was shocked and ecstatic. In California, lottery winners' identities are public record. California Lottery director Alva Johnson announced Castro's win on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2023, in Sacramento, Calif. _________________________ _________________________
Guy got lump sum instead of the annuity, so he gets less money out of the gate which then gets taxed.
The number in the meme is wrong.
Still over 300 million in taxes which is nuts, but so many assumptions in the notes of this post are totally wrong so that's the least of my concerns.
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Alzheimer’s Research UK. 2024. “Vascular Dementia Explained.” Alzheimer’s Research UK. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/news/vascular-dementia-explained/).
Boise, Linda, David L. Morgan, Jeffrey Kaye, and Richard Camicioli. 1999. “Delays in the Diagnosis of Dementia: Perspectives of Family Caregivers.” American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 14(1):20-26.
BrightFocus. 2015. “Brain with Alzheimer’s Disease.” BrightFocus. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.brightfocus.org/alzheimers/infographic/brain-alzheimers-disease).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2019. “What Is Dementia?” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.cdc.gov/aging/dementia/index.html).
Cronkite News. 2018. “Simulation Shows Caregivers What It’s Like to Live with Dementia.” Cronkite News. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2018/08/02/dementia-simulation/).
Digby, Robin, Susan Lee, and Allison Williams. 2018. “The ‘Unworthy’ Patient with Dementia in Geriatric Rehabilitation Hospitals.” Collegian 25(4): 377-383.
González-Salvador, Teresa, Constantine G. Lyketsos, Alva Baker, Linda Hovanec, Carmel Roques, Jason Brandt, Cynthia Steele. 2000. “Quality of Life in Dementia Patients in Long-Term Care.” International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 15(2): 181-189.
Hoyt, Jeff. 2024. “Assisted Living vs Skilled Nursing.” SeniorLiving.Org. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.seniorliving.org/compare/assisted-living-vs-skilled-nursing/#:~:text=Essentially%2C%20in%20assisted%20living%20communities,%2C%20if%20not%20all%2C%20ADLs).
National Poll on Healthy Aging. 2017. “Dementia Caregivers: Juggling, Delaying, and Looking Forward.” National Poll on Healthy Aging. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.healthyagingpoll.org/reports-more/report/dementia-caregivers-juggling-delaying-and-looking-forward).
Nicholls, Daniel, Esther Chang, Amanda Johnson, and Michel Edenborough. 2013. “Touch, the Essence of Caring for People with End-Stage Dementia: A Mental Health Perspective in Namaste Care.” Aging & Mental Health 17(5): 571–578.
Sörensen, Slivia and Yeates Conwell. 2011. “Issues in Dementia Caregiving: Effects on Mental and Physical Health, Intervention Strategies, and Research Needs” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19(6): 491-496.
Sörenson, Silvia, Paul Duberstein, David Gill, and Martin Pinquart. 2006. “Dementia Care: Mental Health Effects, Intervention Strategies, and Clinical Implications.” The Lancet Neurology 5(11): 961-973.
WHO QOL Group (1995) World Health OrganizationQuality of Life-100. World Health Organization Division of Mental Health, Geneva.
Youtube. 2023. “Studying Mental Health in Dementia Caregivers.” YouTube. Retrieved April 21, 2024 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtFI_iu2Vh8).
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McKinley Chips
One of the items in my collection of "Saratoga Chip" (the original generic name of the potato chip) memorabilia is a Saratoga Chipper tool that was made by M. Brown & Co. of New York City for the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY in 1901. See the photos.
Four US Presidents have been assassinated:
Lincoln Garfield McKinley Kennedy
Imagine my surprise when, at one of my presentations, an attendee told me that Garfield is actually a cat.
President McKinley lead the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War and raised protective tariffs to promote American industry. As a matter of trivia, President McKinley's photo is on the discontinued $500 bill. https://avocadoughtoast.com/500-dollar-bill/. You can read about President McKinley on the website for his Library and Museum. https://mckinleymuseum.org/william-mckinley/.
President William McKinley was assassinated in September 1901 at the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition. He was shot by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist and former steelworker. According to History.com, Czolgosz traveled to Buffalo, New York, days before the President's planned speech and purchased a .32 caliber Iver Johnson revolver, the same model used in the assassination of Italian King Umberto I the summer before. As Czolgosz walked up to President McKinley on September 6, 1901, just after 4 p.m., the President extended his hand. Czolgosz took out his pistol and shot McKinley twice.
Toga Chip Gal and I made a trip to Canton, Ohio to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame. While there, we learned that the President McKinley Museum and Library, as well as the late President's burial plot, was located a short drive away. We decided to make a side trip to visit them.
See the photos of the front of the statue of President McKinley from the top of the burial vault, the back of the statue from the top of the burial vault, the entrance to the burial vault, the name on the burial vault, the entrance to the burial vault and the front of the statute of President McKinley. The final photo is the Pan-American Exposition.

The Pan-American Exposition was a World's Fair held in Buffalo, New York, United States, from May 1 through November 2, 1901. The fair occupied 350 acres of land on the western edge of what is now Delaware Park, extending from Delaware Avenue to Elmwood Avenue and northward to Great Arrow Avenue. Buffalo was chosen as the location because of its size (at the time it was the eighth largest city in the U.S. with a population of approximately 350,000) and also because of its well suited railway connections.
Here is a video tour of the Exposition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgAlYxM8200. View a film of President McKinley reviewing troops at Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. https://www.loc.gov/item/00694343. The latter film was produced by the Edison Manufacturing Company. The company, founded by inventor Thomas Alva Edison, operated from 1893 to 1917.
Enjoy the William McKinley song:
The Toga Chip Guy
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Mwf canons & fcs ?? Also do you allow people to reapply who were reopened dues to inactivity bc they had stuff going on irl??
. ✧ . * . for canons: flora carrow, angelina johnson, daphne greengrass, emma vane, katie bell, luna lovegood, marietta edgecombe, rose zeller, hannah abbott, eleanor branstone, millicent bulstrode, megan jones, tamsin applebee, and padma & parvati patil!!
for fcs: taylor russell, julia dalavia, megan suri, greta onieogou, prajakta koli, courtney eaton, ella purnell, savannah lee smith, alva bratt, yandeh sallash, rachel sennott, rain spencer, ruby cruz, mint ranchrawee, tati gabrielle, nicole maines, lexi underwood, eva reign, zión moreno, brianne tju, sophie thatcher, samantha aucoin, & medalion rahimi!!
and we absolutely allow and encourage former members to reapply!!!
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Día Internacional de la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, Día Mundial de la Conservación del Jaguar, Día Internacional de las Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Día Mundial del Oso Hormiguero, Día de Concienciación sobre el Síndrome de Menkes, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
Santa Iluminada y San Saturnino.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2012
65 años después de aprobarse una resolución en la ONU para la partición de Palestina que nunca se puso en marcha, es en el día de hoy cuando, mediante una votación celebrada en la sede de Naciones Unidas, se otorga el estatus de Estado miembro observador al declarado Estado de Palestina. (Hace 11 años)
En Estados Unidos, el presidente Lyndon B. Johnson decide crear la Comisión Warren para investigar el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy, ocurrido una semana antes, y el del presunto magnicida Lee Harvey Oswald. Esta Comisión estará compuesta por siete miembros a las órdenes del presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos, Earl Warren. El informe se presentará el 24 de septiembre de 1964 y recogerá los testimonios de 552 testigos. Las principales conclusiones que se desprenderán serán que Oswald, marxista y antiguo miembro del Cuerpo de Marines de EE.UU., actuó en solitario y sin consejo o ayuda. El informe suscitará numerosas especulaciones en torno a la existencia de otros cómplices en el asesinato, además de posibles conspiraciones de Cuba, la URSS, el crimen organizado o los exiliados cubanos en los Estados Unidos. (Hace 60 años)
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas adopta una resolución, que nunca se pondrá en marcha, en la que se pide la partición de Palestina en dos estados separados, uno árabe y otro judío, aunque manteniendo una unión económica. Pronto los árabes atacarán el territorio del nuevo Estado sionista iniciándose el conflicto árabe-israelí. (Hace 76 años)
Richard E. Byrd, explorador y piloto americano, y sus tres compañeros sobrevuelan por vez primera el Polo Sur. Esta hazaña servirá para trazar mapas desde el aire de una extensísima parte de este remoto continente. (Hace 94 años)
En EE.UU., tras anunciar el pasado día 21 que ha inventado el fonógrafo (un aparato que graba y reproduce el sonido), es en el día de hoy cuando Thomas Alva Edison lo presenta a la sociedad con enorme expectación. (Hace 146 años)
En Gran Bretaña, el periódico "The Times", que se está editando desde 1788, se imprime por primera vez en una modernísima y rápida impresora de cilindros, cuyo corazón es una moderna máquina de vapor. (Hace 209 años)
En Francia se adopta oficialmente el metro como medida de longitud, a la vez que se le define como la diezmillonésima parte del meridiano terrestre. Al tiempo se adopta como unidad de peso el kilogramo. (Hace 223 años)
San Francisco de Asís, que se ha retirado en dos ocasiones a la ermita de Fonte Colombo, cerca de Rieti (Italia), para redactar una regla para la creación definitiva de su orden, bajo ayuno y oración logra que, en el día de hoy con la participación del cardenal Hugolino, la regla encuentre su forma final y sea aprobada por el Papa Honorio III, mediante la bula "Regula Bullata", en la que se autoriza por fin la Orden Franciscana. San Francisco fallecerá el 3 de octubre de 1226 y será canonizado en 1228. Logrará una renovación de la fe cristiana. (Hace 800 años)
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ulla Johnson Raquel Floral Midi Skirt in Aegean New 4.
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which fcs would you like to see for a blood bender?
hello hello! honestly , when i think of the blood benders , i think of like vampire like creatures minus the immortality and superhuman abilities!
so i can see : aaron taylor johnson , adam copeland , dev patel , alva bratt , matteo martari , amita suman , angela baby , reeve carney , anya chalotra , jonathan rhys meyers , aneurin barnard , beren saat , lewis tan , beste kökdemir , daisy head , daniel henney , idris elba , jacob anderson , tati gabrielle!
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Omarosa Jumps On The Bandwagon Of Another Black Woman Who Worshipped Trump
Omarosa Jumps On The Bandwagon Of Another Black Woman Who Worshipped Trump
The woman who once told America to “bow down” is now saying she didn’t make enough money working for Trump.

Looks like the checks are drying up for Omarosa Manigault Newman. After 15 years of working for Donald Trump, defending his racism and telling America to “bow down,” the scorned former White House staffer has now claimed she wasn’t paid fairly. She has reportedly filed to join the…
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