#Alternete universe
hollowgl0w · 24 days
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Artwork/Au Created By @cheban-png Please Go Support My Friend!
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"Zomg Haiiiii Rwar~ my gosh, my grumbles, my zause! I'm Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiek so excited to m33t u all XDD, Meh name is XxRawrliexX, N I'm DA PROUD o3ner of Scene Boy Hooters: R00mb4 3dition."
"I've b33n *le gasp* WAITING! 2 talk 2 you all 4 like... years! :0"
"But, Meh i1nternet conn3ction has ZUCKED!!1! :C me srry ;-; but I'm V3ry Happ1, I get 2 eat u, it's a skibdi ohio xmas mircle! Awsum zause a11 around babez!"
"Eel, fr33 2 send meh zuestions & such! u canned [nuts] f1nd zme at Cheban, Zo C you over therze ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"3<<3 U~~ yummers 1n Nintendo zand, XxRawrliexX signing off 2 tilted towerz ep1c fortn1ght GAYmer s1gma mom3nt."
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nova-noodle · 2 years
SO down below you will see Niloy Hunger games au and I want to do a poll to see which one should get colored first. So please if you would like to see this colored comment sown below and I will also be doing a poll over on insta
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spicechica · 3 months
Quinten Quist x Fem Reader
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(Suggested by: @wingswinger )
You and Quinten met as children, as both of your families wanted you two to get to know each other and the fact that Quintens family wanted him to be surrounded by other children. But Quinten wasn’t really the talkative type, always having his nose in a book or paper, or spending his time in the garden instead of being in school. 
His family thought you would be a good influence on him but nothing ever seemed to rarely change. You weren't the best yourself to be honest, you were always distracted by the smallest things and always liked to play near rivers and trees which would cause dirt to rub off on your clothes causing them to stain. You weren’t the brightest in school either which is why you would always go to Quinten when you found something difficult since he was the smartest person you knew. He would always scold you for your lack of knowledge and not paying attention in school, not like he ever went himself. 
When you were both younger he would take you to see his mother, telling how pretty she was and if she would ever wake up. You were really the one person he would talk to about this, as he was always so sad as a child, but through the years he had just gotten used to it and had visited regularly, watching as her skin and hair slowly began to turn white. 
But now you two were both 16. You were constantly staring back at your watch as you waited for Quinten outside the front gate of his large house. You both had agreed to walk each other to your class, or at least Max told you to make sure he goes to his classes. He had missed a lot lately, which had caused for concern from the headmaster, and Max had been forcing him to go. 
You huff as you check your watch again, knowing if you left now you wouldn't be able to make it to the first period. You goan as you toss your bag over the fence, carefully hopping over since the gate was closed. As your feet land on the ground, you hear the familiar sound of a bike chain rustling through the rocks. Quinten, trying to make an escape from Max. 
“Quinten!” You stop in front of him, causing his bike to brake, sending dirt through the air. “You said we were going to class together.” “Well, i changed my mind,” He replied, riding around you in circles. “You're going to get expelled if you keep missing classes. Max has already told your father.” Quinten just chuckled in response. “Would you stop riding that thing and just sit still for a moment.” He stops his bike and rolls his eyes. 
“Now, what's wrong?” You asked. “Nothing, why do you think something's wrong.” “Well, you’ve missed a bunch of lessons, you try to ignore everyone around you, and you’ve been spending most of your time in that dusty attic of yours. Now I think that’s alarm for concern.” 
He sighs. “Alright. I’ve been having these…dreams.” “Dreams?” You raise a brow. “Yes. Everynight, it’s the same. A place with an inside but no outside.” He pulls out a book from his bag. “Daddy gave me this, and look…” He points at a strange photo, almost resembling the same ones he’s drawn in his journal. 
“Now I talked to him, and I thought I could go to school and live with him and study there, like he said when I was younger. But he said he’d think about it.” Your face slowly turns into a frown. “You mean…you’d move.” “Well, yeah. But we could still see each other…even write.” “Yeah, but knowing you you’ll forget.” You cross your arm like a child and stomp your foot. 
He chuckles as he slowly moves his bike next to you. “It’s not official…yet. But, I think I would remember my one friend who has been there for me,” He smirks. “Now, if your still up for it…how about i ride you to school.” You give him a side glance from behind, catching that smug smirk on his face. You sigh in response. “Fine.” 
You climb on the back of his bike, standing on the two bars on the sides of his back tire, balancing yourself on his shoulders. The bike slowly begins to move as he balances both of yours weight, following the trail through the large overhead trees. 
You feel the light breeze hit your face as your hair flows behind you. Luckily you were wearing leggings underneath your skirt or everyone would have gotten a peak of your rear end. You giggle as he begins to pick up the pace a little, holding tighter onto his neck. He laughs as well. 
It was nice for the both of you to spend time together like this. When you both were younger it took some time for you both to get used to each other or even talk. But after a while you both would always be found together playing in the garden or upstairs in the attic where Quinten would spend most of his time. 
Both of your parents would even joke how two looked cute together, like a couple. But that was silly, you and Quinten were just friends, he would never like someone like you…right? You slowly bend over, your face in front of his upside down, smiling. You then noticed a light red tint forming on his cheeks, causing him to awkwardly chuckle. “You alright, your face is turning red.” “Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine…just a little hot.” Hot? It was cool enough to wear a light jacket, and the breeze from the bike ride was already making you a little chilly 
That was strange. It was rare for Quinten to get flustered like that. Is there something wrong with him? Or is it someone? 
(Part 2?)
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I’ve been working on this au for stranger things that’s kinda like once upon a time, it has the characters having once been fairly tale characters (with the stories being intertwined but not as crazy as once upon a time) but through a magic spell/curse they are put in a mostly magic less world with basically none of their memories but not just that they are given new lives, some deaged, a few brought back from the dead and a few aged up. Some of them start to remember and objects from their original world and stories break through. Obviously the stories they are originally from are slightly changed but my issue is what characters to make most of them. Some of them will be multiple characters even. Currently I’ve got
Max having been the queen of hearts
Billy being the banished prince of hearts and the prince in the little mermaid
Steve as the little mermaid
Holly as Alice
And Lucas as the king of hearts
Any suggestions and constructive criticism will be taken into consideration
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bubblevai2022 · 8 months
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Tamagotchi disaster part 1. I saw the music video of angel dust and it was bop!😁👍, I can’t wait for the series to come out soon and I absolutely loved Blake Roman’s voice as Angel dust….i’ll miss Micheal playing as him😭
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l0stn3v3rf0und · 4 months
Remaking the old references!!!
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Nicknames: Mikey, Michael, Mike, Angelo, Gello
Role: The Heart
15 years old
Highly Curious
Likes: The outdoors, Art related things, Pizza, Parties, Adventures
Dislikes: Bad cooking, Pollution, Negative thinking, Doing nothing
Fears: Being seen as weak or less than.
Weapon: Pentacle
Element: Earth
Powers include: Nature Control, Healing, and Earthquake
Fun facts! (Random stuff)
A little fiesty dude who just wants some thrill and adventure in his life!
He often gets himself injured but rarely realizes it because he naturally heals himself.
“I’ll just wing it.” *proceeds to jump off a 10 ft tall building*
The crafty lil dude often cooks for his family since he is the only one who can.
He is the closest to his twin brother, Donatello.
Acts like a guy on caffeine 24/7
Often forgets to take care of himself.
He was raised by Splinter since he was three.
He once had a pet frog for a little while.
He sometimes wears roller skates
Always, and I repeat, ALWAYS needs to be moving or doing something
He was born seconds before his twin brother
Mikey constantly kept getting injured, going missing, and eating/bitting anything that breathes. Stressing the poor mama out.
During the days where Raphael was being tested, Mikey would keep him company. The only thing that would keep Mikey still for two seconds.
When Donatello was injured, Mikey would try to help him get better.
Mikey would try his hardest to get close to Raphael, even if he got burned.
He would also help Leo calm down when he was crying by distracting him. (He started doing stupid stuff)
While on the ship, him and Donatello would mess around in the ship and give Splinter a hard time. Leo would stop them though.
During the year in the ship, Mikey was the only one to get close to Raph.
After his escape pod crash landed in the New York, Splinter found him and began raising him while on the run.
Spoiler alert, Mikey was still a pain in the ass to raise.
At the age of 4, Mikey got caught by a strange fancy lady and a scary scientist guy. (BIG MAMA AND BARON DRAXUM)
Splinter fought them off to the best he could before they were both caught and dragged to a abandoned building.
Splinter and Oroku Saki both reunite.
However, the two have an argument and it turned into a fight.
Splinter managed to escape so he took Mikey and went into hiding in the sewers where he spent the rest of his life in.
11 years later however, the boredom took over his brain and the want for freedom became a need.
Mikey sneaked out of the sewers.
VA Headcanon: Darwin Watterson
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Since the last post has mentions of siblings, I want to expand on it and show other siblings.
Here's the ones I mentioned before
Pen, Marker, and Pencil
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And Snowball, and Ice Cube
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And the other ones are the ones that I hadn't mentioned yet (until now)
Coiny, and Nickel
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And lastly. Loser, and Winner
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Weird? Yes. Why? Why not.
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solangeloficawards · 9 months
solangelo fic awards 2024!
oh hey! were back, and on a new blog! happy year 7 babes!
"best ____" fic nomination forms
best series nomination form
author of the year nomination form
let me know if you find any mistakes with the forms and i will fix it asap. you can also submit fics via message or ask! submissions end 01/31 and voting will (hopefully) be up by 02/02! <3
keep reading for past years, categories, & guidlines
2024 categories:
best fluff (award for the fluffiest, sweetest fics!)
best au (award for the best alternete universe or trope fics!)
best canon compliant (award for best demigod-centric universe following straight along with the classic riordan universe!)
best angst (award for the most heart-wrenching, angsty fic!)
returning category! best oneshot (award for one-chatper, under 5k word fics for our short story writers!)
new and improved! best wip (award for your favorite unfinished or abandoned multi-chaptered fics! previously best unfinished chaptered)
best misc (any fic that you dont think fits well into any of the other categories! this could include crackfics, crossover fics, miscellaneous oneshots, or any of your favorite tropes!)
best series (award for multiple fics within one series that all relate to the same plot/universe)
author of the year (to show your favorite author some appreciation!)
#rip chaptered finished and gift, forever in our hearts
from the past: 2018 winners. 2019 winners. 2020 winners.  2021 winners. 2022 winners, 2023 winners
every fic masterlist: 2018 masterlist, 2019 masterlist, 2020 masterlist, 2021 masterlist, 2022 masterlist, 2023 masterlist
you can submit your own work
you can submit as many or as little fics as you’d like for any of the categories. the more the better!
fics published at any date can be submitted; however ,fics submitted after the deadline will not be included
fics cannot be any of the following: fics that have already won in previous years, non solangelo centric, orphan or anonymous fics (if i dont know the authors idk if they want to be included), explicit nsfw or any mention of underage nsfw (nsfw fics otherwise will be tagged as so), rape/non-con fics, graphic depictions of suicide, contains unnecessary racism/homophobia/trasnphobia or any other hateful content, harry potter aus, and any other content with homophobic or transphobic origins. fics submitted that violate any of these will not be included
you can submit multiple fics per category, however please do not submit the same fic for more than one category (if this does happen, i’ll just decide what category it best fits)
there is also a chance your fic may change categories from where you submitted it. this is only to help your fic do better, but you can let us know if you dont want that to happen
you are allowed to nominate fics that were nominated previous years; however, please do not nominate a winning fic from last year. the previous years nominations list and winners list can be found above (they will not be included in case you miss this, but if you do know please just save me some time
in the case that you do/someone else has submitted your work, you are allowed promote yourself, however you cannot offer anything in return for people to vote for your work. theres no prize for winning besides personal satisfaction so theres really no need
please do not be upset at me or anyone involved if you don't win. theres always next year!
all submissions are anonymous. a google sign-in will be required in order to vote when nominations do come out to ensure everyone is voting only once, but emails will not be collected or distributed! ou can always nominate or vote via ask (wont publish but ill lyk i received it) or direct message if you wish
please let us know if you see anyone violating the rules! we'll handle it from there!!
if you have any other questions, you can check out our faq! you can also message me or put it in an ask!
all relating posts for this year are tagged with #fic awards 2024! good luck :)
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pheoblitz · 20 days
I made an AU where Oren/Nym is cursed to become a griffin raptor creature at random.
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So I decided to draw his Griffin thing form! Here is hym just flying about happily. His feathers are based on an oriole. Though it is not the exact patterning. Especially since I gave him crest feathers.
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I am still not sure of why he is cursed, for how long, or many details about it at all. Mostly cause I am lacking information about his backstory that I would need to do it properly. One angle I could go is that someone forced the essence of a few creatures into him and this was the result of having an essence that was not his in him. (To clerify, Nym dosent have his essence cause someone stole it long ago). Another version is some people maliciously exparimenting on him to recreate his family's signature weapon craft. As in universe his gamily is the only one that can embed creatures into weapons.
Regardless, it is painful for him to change. So he has been seeking out something to simply numb the pain as he would not care to try to handle it any other way.
Here are some doodles
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Here are some Alternet versions of the art, aka the steps
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randomheros · 1 month
You know, usually I'd not complain about a movie because as long as the writers are happy who cares, BUT the writers of Multiverse of Madness were not happy with it, so I shall complain freely.
The more I think about Multiverse of Madness, and the more I watch the Agatha Harkness trailer, the more mad I am at how much M.O.M fucked over Wanda's character. Like from top to bottom they did Wanda dirty.
not a SINGLE person hopping off Wanda Vision didn't want her to find her kids. Everybody wanted her to have kids in some sort of fashion, and FINALLY get a happy life. But no, we get more depression, and a plot nobody asked for.
There are so many plot holes. She could have fixed her hex and got her kids back. She could have gone to a clinic and got pregnant that way. ARE YOU TELLING ME, THERE IS NOT A SINGLE UNIVERSE WERE HER ALTERNET SELF HAS DIED AND HER KIDS ARE LEFT ALONE??? THEY SOLVED THIS ISSUE IN 'WHAT IF' ALREADY WITH BLACK WIDOW!
And truly, the worst part of all, nOBODY TRIED TO SAVE HER FROM THE DARK HOLD??? REALLY, STEVEN??? REALLY???
Where's White Vision??? seriously, he should have showed up and saved her from the dark hold, that's what we wanted! that would have made sense!
And now, looking at the Agatha Harkness trailer, tHATS WHAT I WANTED FOR WANDA! The same concept of the Witch's Road, but it's Wanda taking Agatha to help her so she can find her original kids, where ever their souls went. It would have made more sense!
The only good thing, was watching Wanda pop off. and it was at the expense of everything else.
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ham1lton · 3 months
Would you ever write an alternet universe where Lew isn't into assistant!reader and she ends up with Jenson??? Even just a oneshot? I think that'd be pretty cool. Plus, the power they would hold?? Unmatched.
idk. i feel like jensonyn would have that flirty joking relationship but idk if i see them dating or together i fear. it honestly depends on the asks i get!! if i get an ask that i get inspired by, i’ll create it!
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pilot-boi · 9 months
I have a RWBY alternete universe idea if you would like to read it if not i understand.
Its more then a uniqe path
Follow me and ponder the question
In your remnant 6 individuals fell through world and landed in a realm beyond there wildest inmiginations called the EVER AFTER.
But in this remnant they landed somewear else in a world with friends they might be familer with, this world is called earth.
What era of Earth is it?? Where did they all land??? Are they together or separate?? Do they still have Aura/Semblances??
Tell meeeeee
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solange-lol · 2 years
solangelo fic awards 2023
were back again for number six babie!!! i cant beleive i missed number 5... also i am starting to run out of things to say at this part! goood thing its number six so you know the drill already!
"Best ____" Fic Nomination Forms
Best Series Nomination Form
Author of the Year Nomination Form
let me know if you find any mistakes with the forms and i will fix it asap. I try to be very user-friendly, so lmk if theres any way i can improve the format! submissions end 01/31 and voting will be up by 02/02! <3
References, Categories & Guidelines Below!
from the past: 2018 winners. 2019 winners. 2020 winners.  2021 winners. 2022 winners
new!: 2018 masterlist, 2019 masterlist, 2020 masterlist, 2021 masterlist, 2022 masterlist
Best Fluff (award for the fluffiest, sweetest fics!)
Best AU (award for the best alternete universe or trope fics!)
Best Canon Compliant (award for best demigod-centric universe following straight along with the classic riordan universe!)
Best Angst (award for the most heart-wrenching, angsty fic!)
Best Finished Chaptered (award for your favorite finished multi-chaptered fics!)
Best Unfinished Chaptered (award for your favorite WIP or abandoned multi-chaptered fics!)
Best Gift (award for the best fic that was written for another person!)
Best Misc (any fic that you dont think fits well into any of the other categories! this could include crackfics, crossover fics, miscellaneous oneshots, or any of your favorite tropes! This is also where orphaned fics can go)
Best Series (award for multiple fics that all relate to the same plot/universe)
Author of the Year (To show all of our authors some appreciation, we've included this category by popular vote to allow for some recognition, including the option to send some anonymous love to all of our authors!)
same as last year, a fic masterlist will come out with the nominations, as well as reposted with the winners!
as always, an option will be located at the end of the voting poll as well as at the end of all nomination polls now to disclose any missing information or other questions and comments!
Rules & Guidelines:
It can be a fic published at any date, however no submissions after the deadline will be posted
Please do not include fics that violate any legal and/or moral guidelines. I have and will remove them from the list at my own accord
In terms of nsfw, characters must be 18+ in the fic if contentis graphically depicted, and it will be tagged as nsfw on the post
You can submit multiple fics per category, however please do not submit the same fic for more than one category (if this does happen, I will decide what category it best fits)
You are allowed to nominate fics that were nominated last year, HOWEVER, I ask that you PLEASE do not nominate a winning fic from prior years. The previous winners lists can be found above, and nomination posts can be found linked to their corresponding winner as well as under the contest tag
You can submit your own work
You can submit as many or as little fics as you’d like for any of the categories. The more the better!
In the case that you do/someone else has submitted your work, you are allowed promote yourself, however you cannot offer anything for people to vote for your work
This is just a small contest with no real prize, please do not start fights or rivalries
A Google Sign-in will be required in order to vote when nominations do come out to ensure everyone is voting only once, but emails will not be collected or distributed.
You can also nominate or vote via ask, submission, or direct message if you wish
In the case that you see someone disrespecting the rules & guidelines, please contact me with the user. I will handle it from there
If you have any questions, either message me, submit it and I will contact you, or put it in an ask and I will respond. good luck to all!!
Any relating posts or answered questions, both this year and last year, will be tagged with ‘lizs solangelo fic awards’
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salieri27 · 5 days
RatPat means everything to me and @chocolatecak3
in a alternet universe within my Spy AU Nigel and Patrick have achieved world domition and gaze into each other eyes while being fed chocolates by their slaves, bliss
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theonesmg1 · 7 months
Uhh hey smg1 what do you think of us normal people from your universe or alternete universe's people????
"i honestly don't even know what can be considered normal anymore."
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