#Also if anyone wants updates on any of the things I was talking g about before my ban id happily comply
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klutzytomb · 4 months ago
with having had looked through some of my older posts I have unfortunately remembered that I have in the past unintentionally made false claims about myself
someone please kill me
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nyarlathotep-thecrawlingchaos · 8 months ago
I am a dum dum who forgot how to spell @sassenach-on-the-rocks amid my existential terror and dread of the deleted-draft incident mentioned below, and then did a Dum Dum no Double-Down by forgetting to update until now. This headcanon is their brainchild and they deserve all the credit for it.
You may now continue with your previously intended brainrot viewing.
I had this entire post finished and almost completely formatted and saved it as a draft to finish formatting it on my computer
It was for an ask request and I also can't seem to tag the person that sent the ask.
I am A N G E R Y
But after several deep breaths and reminding myself that violence is not the answer, here we are.
At any rate. The ask request was for headcanons involving One Piece boyos taking reader to a Masquerade ball.
To the asker, should you still be around to see it, I really really loved this and thank you so, so much for it ❀❀ I really enjoyed finding masks to match their aesthetics.
Only deviation I made was Zoro; you meet him there rather than going with him. It just felt right that way for some reason.
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And awaaaaaaaay we go~
The Masquerade
Sanji, Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
SFW Headcanons
This was really so fun and cute and I thank Asker so so much for this.
♫♏Little By Little — The Fratellis♏♫
You wear your mask, I'll wear mine, they don't come cheap but they fit just fine
You can be her and I can be him, and we can both sink while the rest all swim
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He heard about it when you made port, and there's no way he's not taking you.
He's been looking for an opportunity to take you on the perfect first date, and this is it.
Perfect opportunity for the two of you to get away from the crew for and have a little alone time.
A little dancing, a little wine, a little champagne—it's perfect.
Makes sure not to tell anyone else, if Luffy hears there's free food he'll insist on going and the whole thing will no doubt end in chaos.
He doesn't even tell you—all he tells you, after presenting you with a brand new dress and jewelry (which most likely cost him every last berry in his wallet), is that he would like to take you out for the evening.
And how could you turn him down?
"Come on, love. I promise it will be the best evening you've ever had."
The effort he's already put in, those puppy-dog eyes....
You spend the evening dancing, talking, enjoying the free food, every ounce of his attention on you the entire time as he ensures that you feel like a princess.
Making sure that everyone has their eyes on the pair of you on the dance floor, that they know you're there with him.
Somehow ending up chit-chatting with the catering staff toward the end of the night and being invited to their far less formal after-party.
Stumbling back to the Merry hours later together, half-drunk and giggling and positive that it's the best night you've ever had.
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"What the hell...?"
He got lost and wandered in.
No idea what's going on, why are all these people wearing masks and dancing?? What exactly is going on this is weird as—
Oh hey there's an open bar, cool.
You recognize him from his bounty poster fairly quickly. There are a lot of marines here, and he really isn’t causing any problems, but he's getting a lot of strange looks...so you decide to do the guy a favor and shove a mask in his hands.
He looks at you like you're speaking another language as you explain where he is and convince him to just put on the damned mask already.
"A ball? I thought this was some kind of weird cult or something."
You just stare at him in disbelief—he thought it was a cult and he's just standing around enjoying the free drinks. 
You brush it off and tell him if he wants to fit in, then dancing is probably a good idea.
He's frowning at you again.
"Yeah, I don't really...do that."
You roll your eyes—there are still people eyeing him suspiciously, you have to do something, so when he finishes his next drink you just grab him by the wrist and drag him out to the dance floor.
Cue impromptu ballroom dancing lessons. He keeps stepping on your feet and mumbling apologies, but it's kind of cute how hard he's trying.
You really can't help but giggle at his explanation that he just got lost and wandered in here.
But you're glad he did—you doubt you would have had nearly as much fun otherwise.
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Heard about the whole shin-dig while in port.
"Hey that sounds like fun, we should crash it."
You try to be stern, but he pulls out the puppy dog eyes.
"Oh come on please?"
God dammit....
And maybe an hour later you're both making masks.
There's glitter and glue and feathers all over the captain's cabin and you're already dreading cleaning it up.
His has a giant gaudy pirate hat. Because of course it has a giant gaudy pirate hat. He's so proud of it, grinning like a little kid in an arts and crafts class when he holds it up to show you, that you can't even bring yourself to admonish him for it.
And of course the whole thing is invitation-only, and of course he manages to sweet-talk his way in anyway.
Just having such a good time, really doesn't care if anyone recognizes him.
Really doesn't care, just drinking and making small talk and joking with several lower-ranking Marines in attendance who are clearly very nervous.
Within an hour, while you're in the middle of dancing and deciding that maybe this wasn't *such* a bad idea, an announcement is made for everyone to leave immediately.
Judging by the sheer number of Marines outside there's no doubt as to why.
He just gives you a guilty grin before picking you up over his shoulder and bolting back to the ship.
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Actually received an invitation, just rolled his eyes and tossed it in the trash.
You dig it out and pout about it until he rolls his eyes and gives in.
"Fine. No more than an hour."
At lease there will be free wine.
Unsurprisingly spends a great deal of time standing in a corner and sipping said wine while staring around haughtily at the other partygoers.
Would much rather be drinking wine back in his secluded castle and not having to deal with other humans.
Spends the vast majority of the evening standing in a corner and nursing a glass of wine while glaring around haughtily at the other guests, daring them to even think of attempting to make small-talk with him.
Doesn't move from his designated corner until he sees other guests daring to flirt with you, at which point he promptly saunters over to pull you to the dance floor and ensure everyone is well aware that you're there with him.
Lightens up a little after that (which may or may not have something to do with the several glasses of wine he's already consumed), but absolutely will not admit that it actually turned out to be a rather nice evening.
He will, however, hold this over your head and remind you that you owe him.
But you know the truth, considering he's a little more willing to attend such events with you after this.
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Oh what now? An excuse to be absolutely flamboyant and unhinged in public?
You're going. Period. There will no arguments.
He's already got a collection of masks and costumes anyway, this is going to be a blast.
You lose track of him shortly after you get there. You're pretty sure that the explosion that went off toward the back corner of the dance floor had something to do with him.
He finds you while you're sipping a glass of champagne in downright annoyance and proudly informs you that he's made bank going through pockets at the coat check while everyone was distracted by his little diversion.
"Ah, don't worry, babe, they won't notice. They're too busy schmoozing and kissing ass."
Standing around making small-talk with other guests in the most ridiculous put-on aristocratic accent he can possibly muster, introducing you variably as some foreign dignitary or princess from a far off land.
Literally can't take this idiot anywhere.
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okchijt · 1 year ago
Just noticed you've updated your masterlist and I just knew I had to make this request
Can I please ask for some basic headcanons of Harvey Dent from Telltale Batman???
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! I love this man, I love him so much in this game. If there was a Harvey route then you might as well say I went for it all the way lmao. I have such brainrot for this man so again, thank you so much for wanting me to write for him! Also, all of these HCs take place before Harvey gets drugged cause he didn't deserve to go through all of that and not get an antidote😔 And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!đŸ©·
Harvey Dent Romantic Headcanons
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đŸȘ™ Harvey would be the type of boyfriend to worship the ground you walk on. Well, maybe not that extreme but it's close! If his ''relationship'' with Selina is anything to go by then you just know this man is devoted and head over heels in love with you! He's super soft and romantic with you, wanting nothing more than to make you the center of his universe. He's basically the dream boyfriend type of guy.
đŸȘ™ As much as Harvey adores the idea of Gotham City knowing you two are together, he'd begrudgingly make sure to not show you off in front of cameras, paparazzi, and reporters. It's all for the sake of your safety, with all the stuff that came out about the Wayne's he doesn't want the same thing to happen to the two of you if by any chance anything ever came out against him. He doesn't want you to be caught in the crossfire, no matter if you'd be involved or not in anything he does when it comes to making political choices. He just doesn't want you to go down with him because he loves you too much to allow yourself to get hurt like that by anyone, he won't allow it. Ever.
đŸȘ™ Because of how tall Harvey is in this adaptation compared to his other versions I just have to say he would totally use his height as an advantage in the relationship. He doesn't care how short you are or by any chance actually close to his height, Harvey will still view himself as the protector in the relationship because of his height. As cliche as it is he'll sometimes put things on higher shelves and wait till you call for him to get the said object because no matter how hard you try you can't reach it. Harvey knows he's above average height and will use that against anyone who tries to harm you or makes you uncomfortable. Usually, his height does the trick because despite being fit he won't punch for shit. So he relies on his height to scare someone off as he stands in between the person that upsets you and you and either gives them a silent glare to back off or tries to defuse the situation with his words. He loves it when you depend on him, or specifically his height, it makes him feel useful to you. Also, it's adorable to see you either pout at him for using his height against you or smile up at him gratefully for his help. It always makes him feel so smug and lightheaded afterward to see you like this.
đŸȘ™ Doens't matter if you're into politics or not Harvey will, from time to time ask for your opinion before he makes a decision. He never asks you anything complicated or talks about subjects that could put you in danger or you have no idea about. He'd only ever want to know your opinion about the good stuff, like: What should he name the new child hospital or how would you improve some of the run-down parks to make them better suited for the public again. It just makes him feel all warm inside knowing you've also helped to make Gotham better, no matter how small the contribution was, Harvey is immensely proud of you for your support and the care you put out when helping him no matter how big or important the issue is.
đŸȘ™ Ever since meeting you, Harvey's goals have changed somewhat. He still wants to fix Gotham's endless corruption and crime, but now that he has you, he wants to change Gotham for you. Obviously, his other motivations still stand, but you're the main one now. Someone as amazing as you deserve only the best, so Harvey will make sure to make the city fit those expectations. He'll change the city to fit the mold, that mold being you. He'll make the new and improved Gotham not only for the people but for you, it's the least he can do after you've stepped into his life and made it something he could only ever dream about. He can't wait to make Gotham a safe enough place to finally feel free to worship you openly for everyone to see.
đŸȘ™ Harvey's love language includes quality time and physical touch! Honestly, I see Harvey as having all of the love languages so it was hard to decide his main two, but looking back at the game I say these two fit him the most! There have been two instances in the game where Harvey wanted to spend some time with Selina because he wanted to, they didn't arrange any meet-ups together, it was all him so I say quality time fits him well. If Harvey could he would spend his whole day by your side, he wouldn't let you go out alone at night and would always insist on driving you home himself. He'd often visit you unannounced at random hours of the day just to spend time with you cause he missed you, offering to go out to lunch together or to stay in and cuddle and watch a movie. If there's no work to be done and there are even five minutes of free time he can have to himself, he will either use that time to quickly drive to your place for lunch together or just call you on the phone to hear your voice if he can't afford the time to be physical there with you.
đŸȘ™ I picture Harvey as being extremely touchy with the person he loves, and that person just so happens to be you! He just can't get enough of you! You drive him crazy! Of course, he needs to have you in his arms 24/7! Not so much in public though, as much as he would love to show you off to the world he knows the dangers that come with it and he'll never forgive himself if you got hurt. That's why as soon as you're out of sight and in private, personal space will be thrown out the window. The stress of his campaign can only ever go away once he gets to have you all to himself. He'd cuddle you during the night, never once letting you go till the morning finally sets in and it's time to get up, it'll take a lot of convincing and kisses for Harvey to let you go and get up himself so you two won't be late to your respective jobs. When you're in the kitchen, making dinner Harvey has his arms wrapped around your waist as he buries his face into your hair. Or on the rare chance that Harvey gets to work from home, he'll have you seated on his lap as he does paperwork, making the normally stressful and boring job of signing and reading papers all the more enjoyable because he has you. Sometimes he can't help but get distracted though when he has you like this because he'll stop working every few minutes just to shower you with praise and kisses.
đŸȘ™ PDA is out of the table. As much as it pains Harvey to not have his hands all over you when out in public, he just can't afford the media going after you. Running for office already brings him a lot of attention, if people saw him with the person of his dreams out and about holding hands and kissing, there's no way you wouldn't be getting harassed by the media for it. That's why it's rare for you two to hang out in public, the only exceptions are dates when Harvey makes sure there will be no paparazzi or reporters to disturb you during your time together. Outside of that you two are total strangers/acquaintances in the public eye if Harvey can help it, though he dreams of announcing to everyone who his beloved is one day as he proudly shows you off. But he knows that day will never come, so he sticks to showering you with his love in private to make up for his neglect in public.
đŸȘ™ Since your relationship is a secret, at least to the public, Harvey will grab any chance to kiss you if he knows no one is watching. He's not that stupid to act out on his desires in a place full of people, so he'd be sure to think of an excuse to get you two alone with no people or cameras around so he can show you just how much he yearns for you. Harvey's kisses are always desperate, sensual, and passionate, he wants you to feel all of his love for you with a single kiss that will leave you both satisfied till you have to depart again. Though in private expect a lot more heated and longer kisses because it's just you and him and no one else to catch you. Outside of your lips though, Harvey's other favorite place to kiss you is your forehead, mainly because there's less bending over involved to get to your lips so forehead kisses are just easier. But putting that aside he loves it because it's just so soft and innocent, his arms wrapped around your waist as he leans down and kisses your head before nuzzling into your hair as he whines about how much he has missed you is just the sweetest thing.
đŸȘ™ Cuddles with Harvey are a mandatory daily activity, you cannot escape once this man has his arms around you. I imagine Harvey being the big spoon that does not mind being a little spoon occasionally. And by that I mean that it's almost impossible for this man to be a little spoon, not because he doesn't want to, he does, it's just his height that's the problem. Harvey cannot imagine himself being cuddled by you without crushing you. So his version of the little spoon is just you clinging onto his arm or sides like a koala and hugging him as hard you can. The action never fails to make him smile, making all of his worries disappear instantly, replaced by his love for you. As a big spoon though, Harvey would either be lying at his side or on his back as he hugs you tightly against his chest, burying his face into your hair as he breaths in the scent of your shampoo as well as kiss the top of your head from time to time as he whispers his love for you. During those times Harvey truly feels safe. You're his rock, the only thing that can ease the stress of it all, it all just feels so nice he could fall asleep like this with you forever. Always cuddle with a blanket around if it's a colder season though, this man's body temperature is built for the summer not winter, so just keep that in mind before you cuddle. Summer is great though, you've basically got a cooler that won't let you go unless he absolutely has to! Now that's what I call heaven!
đŸȘ™ Harvey is a super clingy guy, so it's no surprise that he gets jealous or threatened from time to time when it comes to you, and can you blame him? Only your most trusted friends know that you're together so it's not like he can fault some rando's trying to get a chance with you, but it's not like he'll allow it either! Harvey is sensible enough to realize when a person is flirting with you though, so if it's just a friend or they're not pulling any moves on you, he doesn't mind. Heck, he would even join in on the conversation and gradually direct it toward his campaign to promote himself some more or he'll just watch you with a smile from afar as he lets you have your fun. All of that goes out the window once Harvey realizes that the person is actually flirting with you, he knows he has to be careful though with the way he handles the situation to keep your relationship a secret and not raise any suspicion. Harvey's mood gradually sours and his eye twitches with irritation as he surpasses the urge to glare at the person, knowing he can't just yell at them to back off. He'd try to come up with an excuse to get you away from them instead. He'd walk up to the two of you, mustering up his best smile as he says: "I'm so sorry for interrupting, but (Y/N) is needed in the meeting room right now, please excuse us''. To which he'd immediately gesture for you to follow him as he holds out his arm to you like a true gentleman before he escorts you to the said ''meeting''. As soon as you're inside the room, Harvey locks the door and is immediately all over you, arms wrapped around you as he kisses you all over, growling to himself how you're his and he won't anyone take you away from him. Either that or he'll wait till you two get home to do the exact same thing if he can't do it immediately because of the lack of privacy. The point is, that Harvey will make sure to remind both you and himself that he's the only man for you during those times. Feel free to interpret that however you want.
đŸȘ™ Harvey takes dates extremely seriously. He always puts his all into them, making sure they always feel special and different from the last one. The dates are always arranged in a way where you won't get caught because Bruce is such a good friend he'll rent out entire restaurants for the two of you to spend time together without a worry. Both Harvey and Bruce agree you only deserve the best so it's always the best restaurants the city has to offer where you'll be enjoying your dates. Either that or your favorite place to eat, no matter how fancy or non-fancy it is, as long as you're having fun Harvey has nothing to complain about. Though casual dates are also his favorite, whether it's just you two staying at home and having dinner as you watch a movie, or going to coffee shops together for breakfast or to relax from your jobs for a bit. Coffee shops only work because you can always excuse it as an out with a friend or it's work-related, it helps Harvey feel more relaxed because of the believable excuse.
đŸȘ™ You are the pinnacle of Harvey's happiness and existence. Your well-being and happiness are the most important things to him and he'll make sure you get the most love and devotion he can give you. Every day is just a new day of Harvey reminding you how much you mean to him, it makes him perfect for anyone who just wants to have a safe, secure, and loving relationship. He does get paranoid from time to time, but with you by his side, he knows he can accomplish anything. Whether that is changing Gotham or himself, he'll do it all just for you, his only reason and motivation to live.
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needybimbopuppy · 6 months ago
okayy pinned post i dont really know what to put on these
hi im luca i use he they it pronouns, feel free to dm me im bi
im also disabled and really struggling with employment; i do tarot readings starting at $25 but if you would also like to help keep me fed and housed i take tips for my content at my ko-fi! you can also pay for your readings should you want one through there<3
sorry for any typos im rly into dumbification soi took off my autocorrect hehehe
im ftm and have been for a decade though ive always been too poor for t
i have realllly big tits like g cups so i cant really bind either
sorry if this is poorly written i smoke a lot and im smoking rn
if you wanna change the alias i use here just tell me :> i think identity play like that is really hot and im not attached to the one i use anyway
if i talk about my tits its in a gender neutral way!! im not sure if im super into detrans but i Am into feeling like a sex object bimbo slut which to me . anyone can be hehehe and like my tits are so big it just rly helps
my icon is from this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2384161
i have a lot of kinks, but my faves are
- intox (weed fairly strictly in practice; both weed and alcohol in fantasy. save for occasions!)
- hypnosis
- dumbification
- petplay
- painplay
- dollification
- gender neutral tho feminine bimbofication amny bambi triggers work alot and my tits r a trigger
i do my best to tag hard kinks (is that what theyre called here? i like a lot of forms of edgeplay, including said intox kinks and pain kinks. i also am into many forms of cnc. sometimes you wanna be hunted down predator prey style among other things) because i have a lot of those but i slip up sometimes
feel free to ask about specific ones but feel feee to assume i have it if its not one of these, or that even if i’m not into it i’m willing to indulge
- scat
- photos/videos
- ageplay
- vomit
- may or may not update this later
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buggywiththefolkmagic · 2 years ago
Personal Do Not Read Witchy Author List
There will be a google doc with updates as I find more authors to avoid. These are all my own personal opinion and I do take the author's actions into account when judging their ability to write legitimate information.
TW: Slavery, serial killers, racism, TERFs, creeps, neonazis, asylums, and a slew of other super unsavory things. I tried to make this list as PG as possible while highlighting the issues with these individual people. 
*Alestier Crowley. *
   He's a literal piece of garbage. Misogynistic, thief of a toooon of closed practices, has entire cults still dedicated to him, called himself a voice of God (both Abrahamic and apparently like 5 Egyptian deities??? I mean excuse me sir how about no??) He also declared himself ‘above’ Gods back in 1922 calling himself Ipssissimus. I hate Crowley so much I have literally stuck a picture of him to a dartboard before. He can suck an egg in the afterlife. He also put his own wife in an asylum for 'alcoholism’ because she wanted a divorce. The only thing he ever did right was get kicked down a flight of stairs at a temple once by a poet.
*Anastasia Greywolf*
   Appropriates at least Jewish practices if not every Indigenous practice there is. Wholeheartedly encourages people to use magic instead of going to a doctor for things like oh I dunno EPILEPSY And claims she has spells for like Marvel-level super powers which uh no Ana. You don't. Lots of Christianity for a supposedly FULL pagan and wiccan author. Her spells are all controlled like...so wrong. So, so wrong. Don't ask please. I can't begin to describe it. Advocates for smudging and uses phrases like "Cherokee Rituals", and the Romani G-slur. 
*Gerald Gardner*
   Made his own branch of wicca, the first technically, and his own coven had to make rules just so he wouldn't spill everything to any reporter that asked. Used Crowley as a main resource.
*Jason Miller*
   Claims to do Hoodoo. A horrible formatter, and generally super dismissive of being a rootworker and other potentially closed practices, has not been initiated. Has claimed that anyone can petition/pray to Papa Legba without initiation because "Vodou is a congregational religion/practice". From the Vodou and Haitian Vodou practitioners I have talked to that is VERY incorrect, it may be congregational but you still have to be involved in the community to be trusted with those practices because so much of it has been bastardized for media and racism purposes. He is also a student of Catherine Yronwode, who is another SUPER problematic figure in the Hoodoo/Rootwork community.  
 A link of his own words on culture appropriation which includes mild inaccuracy towards Indiginous Peoples and that they don’t ‘own’ certain practices when it’s very clear the wording of those practices DOES in fact come from those peoples. He’s fine with people being Yogis, or Shamans, or calling satchel spells mojo bags, and other such phrases and won’t correct people if they use such words out of context because “language changes”. Also says if someone within a practice says it’s closed to go to ANOTHER AND ANOTHER until you find someone willing to teach you??? That’s not how it works sir.
Source: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/on-cultural-misappropriation/
*Lisa Chamberlain*
   Not an actual person. This is a ghost writer name for a bunch of garbage literally copy and pasted from wikipedia into books. I wish I was kidding. 
*Lisa Leister/Lester/whatever other spelling she's used.*
   Such a major TERF. Like JK Rowling level TERF. Claims magic comes from a womb so anybody that doesn't have one isn't a real witch. Like WTF lady.
*Raymond Buckland*
  Where to start...uses the G-slur often. (His grandfather was romani so it blurs the line of blood quantum.)  Very sexist and obsessed with the idea of a woman getting uh...undressed for rituals while men stay dressed and more things I cannot say ina PG space??? As magic?? VERY anti-minor and LGBTQA+. Toxic, just plain toxic. Can't do it. I have read his Blue Book and it's the least problematic thing he wrote. I'm alright with it.
*Silver Ravenwolf*   WhOOO boy. So super anti-christian, which is fine and dandy...if you didn't claim to be in a lineage of braucherei/hexerei. Wiccan, like the type of wiccan that says no other witchcraft exists and yet has written folk magic books??? She really needs to make up her mind. Claims Satanists don't actually exist. Claims most Jewish powers worshiped "the Goddess" (whoever that is)??? Very cult-like language about "not telling friends and family about your new life/reality/experience/whatever". Also SO MUCH APPROPRIATION. SO SO MUCH. She also gets her history wrong, on a lot of basic information that most non-witches know about like say the Salem Witch Trials.
*Catherine Yronwode* Ooh man. So Catherine Yronwode’s career started as a comic book artist. She’s worked on such things like the Elvira comic, DNAgents, and a gaggle of super controversial trading cards which included the Kennedy Assasination, a serial killer collection, and the AIDS epidemic. Of which she was sued for using one half of the Hillside Stranglers duo in said killer trading cards without his permission, the judge sadly threw the case out because and this is a quote, “ If Bianchi had been using his face as a trademark when he was killing women, he would not have tried to hide it from the police.” There were two more from her comic days, but those aren’t super relevant besides the one that pushed the envelope of what sort of trading cards should be sold to children. On the magical side of things, I will be blunt here: As one of the ‘big bads’ of the Rootwork/Folk/Hoodoo community? I really REALLY dislike her. She has made numerous false claims about New Orleans/Haitian Vodou and that it’s only a very recent practice, non-religious, and slaves never used it because it didn’t exist yet??? History books and entire generations will disagree. An example would be this link of an open letter to her written by a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and someone she wrote a whole article about: https://conjureart.blogspot.com/2013/10/open-letter-to-cat-yronwode-and-lucky.html
She owns a few different websites namely https://www.luckymojo.com/, has written numerous Hoodoo based books, and actively has accused numerous people who have asked her for sources and or disagreed with her of plagiarism and has slung more mud that you can shake a stick at. 
She also praises a book on Marie Laveau and yet discredits herself by calling New Orleans Voodoo a new religion/neopractice??? She’s just confusing as all heck to me.
*Christian Day*   This guy’s just a creep. One stuck in the early 2000s mall goth phase even though he’s over 50. He also appropriates Hoodoo and owns two Hoodoo shops as well as multiple other witch shops in Salem and recently New Orleans on the French Quarter (Which is pure tourist fodder and not a reflection of true New Orleans Voodoo/Vodun/Rootwork). He has also harassed ex-employees so badly it’s landed him in court. His book The Witch’s Book of the Dead also reads very much like a list of accomplishments rather than anything useful. All about his television spots and experiences doing that. (Did I mention he was in an episode of Ghost Adventures? Yes, that one with Zac Bagans??? And it did not make us witches look too great, honestly speaking.)
Sources for Harassment Claims: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salem-witch-gets-protective-order-against-warlock/
*Yvonne and Gavin Frost*   I dunno how else to say this, I really don’t. These two? Pedophiles. Multiple writings of theirs included not-safe-for-work-or-children rituals that must include minors. Avoid. AVOID AVOID. AVOID ANYONE WHO USES THEM AS A RESOURCE! This should NOT be okay in any circle. They are VERY used within the Wicca religion so please be careful!!
*Orion Foxwood* Some of his information is very sound! I can’t fault him there. He does have a tendency to blend different traditions without actively TELLING you he’s blending them though. He’s and this is a direct quote, “He is a witch and Elder in Romano Celtic-Traditional Craft, High Priest in Alexandrian Wicca and teacher of the Faery Seership tradition. He is also the founding Elder of Foxwood Temple and a primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, a national network of covens in his line that have united to preserve the ways of his Elders. He was the co-director of Moonridge, a center for metaphysical, Craft and Faery studies in Maryland” That’s an awful lot of traditions to juggle and not only write on but actively teach. He also performs conjure, which in of itself might not be an issue but Conjure usually blends into Hoodoo really quickly if one isn’t careful! A lot of the traditions he talks about from his family sound quite familiar, he’s clearly from Appalachia but his books on the subject blend in his other practices instead of keeping them separate. 
*Starr Casas*   She’s in the same category as Orion, only she doesn’t necessarily give her credentials to be teaching Hoodoo, and even wrote a whole book filled with Hoodoo love spells. She also co-owns a French Quarter Conjure Shop, which if you ask any practitioners from New Orleans...is catered to pure tourists and not a true example of the crafts from the area. 
*Shawn Engel*   I’m gonna be blunt here. More appropriation of the Jewish practices, Hoodoo, and other information that is just plain UPG without saying it’s UPG and encourages throwing hexes at political party members solo. I read The Power of Hex and had to put it down numerous times just to gather myself and not throw it away, I don’t know if it was tone or sheer level of appropriation...likely both.
*Kate Freuler*   Of Blood and Bones is chock full of Hoodoo, full stop. Only acknowledges that something comes from Hoodoo once and also gets basic mythology information on the Deities she mentions wrong in some cases. Also a lot of the book seems to be UPG because the bibliography is super small for a 300 page book.
*Dorothy Morrison*   I picked up Utterly Wicked once. A very odd book full of Hoodoo and Vodun spellwork and misinformation, the author is also Garderian Wiccan so even the writing of a book full of hexes is slightly...concerning compared to the Wiccan traditions and redes. Odd is the best I have to describe how I personally feel. I will say this again: Voodoo Dolls are not used to cause pain, stop bastardizing that single aspect of the practice. Thank you.
*Helena Blavatsky*
 I dunno how else to say this either, her philosophy and occult knowledge, called Theosophy is a portion of what inspired Hitler. Pure unadulterated racism veiled in a ‘Atlantian Race Theory”. Horrible stuff, read for a class project once and felt disgusting.
*Christopher Penczak*Whoo boy. On the surface he seems alright, one of the first ‘male’ witches I had ever heard of except for Scott Cunningham. But the more you dig into his work the more inaccuracies and Christian bashing you see. For example: Christianty was the first patriarchal society. Uhm...I believe you’re kinda forgetting the men who ran Rome and Greece there sir. He also fully proposes the ‘burning times’ were like a ‘witch holocaust’. NO! NO IT WAS NOT. You can’t compare the hundreds of years and MAYBE a thousand-ish people dying to the millions that died in the short timespan the Holocaust was a thing. Fuck Christopher for that comparison and also for claiming it was a ‘burning time’ to begin with. (History says that most were hung...or tortured. Burning is a very small number of that list in general. 
He makes a lot of sweeping statements and sees witchcraft as a religion and NOT a practice. He whitewashes, fully harps on the Wicca = witchcraft = religion thing and THEN hones in on the difference between “white and black” magic and how cursing is evil and yet highlights certain practices that actively practice...cursing...as they have for generations??? He (atleast) doesn’t demonize Satanism but does still backhand the idea anyway, that they CAN’T be witches because witches only ‘heal’. Cultural appropriation and fetishization of ‘Native’ practices while calling them primitive all in the same breath, I just can’t with this guy. I really can’t. 
*Amy Blackthorn* 
Owns a tea brand called ‘Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends’ she is white. When questioned by BIPOC individuals she complains and blocks them instead of explaining why she chose the name Hoodoo for just teas. TEA. She is also the author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke (A book on smudging yikes on trikes), and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. 
Proof of blocking: https://thisblackwitch.com/2016/04/01/blackthorn-teas-whose-culture-is-it-anyways/
*Tarl Warwick *
Is more commonly known as Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube and other social media sites. Has written a pile and I mean a PILE of occult based books including ones on Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, demons, solomon, folk plants and healing, Kabbalah, and many MANY more. 
He makes no claim to being Jewish, and given his political wishy washiness, and multitude of controversies which includes claiming the Holocaust wasn’t ‘that many dead’, Charles Manson deserved release because he was ‘extremely innocent and didn’t kill anyone’, and fairly recently also wrote and published a book on Critical Race Theory and why it’s ‘garbage’. I can’t support him no matter how accurate some of his information may be (if any at all). 
*Temperance Alden* This really pains me to say, Temperance in her Wheel of the Year book made a claim that birth control “stunted her magical abilities” because it affected her hormones
in OTHER words unless you are a perfectly hormone producing WOMAN you don’t have great magical power. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. That is a slippery slope to claiming medication will harm you, not to mention how TERF-y it is AND completely disregards that magic is for well
everyone. Such a stupid gatekeep-y concept. 
*Sarah Kate Istra/Dver*
Advocates for using ‘spirit animals’ regardless of Indigenous beliefs and concerns. Is also a known ally with the Piety Posse, a neo-nazi group of pagans who claim the term polytheist can only apply to them and if you aren’t a Hellenistic pagan
you aren’t pagan at all. They also advocate for animal sacrifices, blood tests to prove purity, and other horrible HORRIBLE stuff. 
*Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis*
Obvious Neo-nazi, keeps images of swastikas on his personal blog, and not the ones that the nazis stole from, the nazi one. And super SUPER transphobic.
*Edward P. Butler*
Major persecution complex, spends half his twitter complaining about how monotheists are destroying
I dunno
everything? Also defends Krasskova quite heavily. Antisemetic as well.
*Galina Krasskova*
Hellenic pagans watch out. Defends the AFA. A ringleader of the Piety Posse. There’s a lot more horrific stuff about her and I won’t go into extreme details. But TW: Romanticizes SA with deities, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Compares debating to the holocaust, lots of victim blaming, gatekeeping, and screams folkish. 
*Diana Cooper*
Racist. Hard stop. Also appropriates chakras. Has a weird belief that food controls skin color and that Africa will never be a good country because it’s the solar plexus of the universe
or something like that. I got 20 pages into the book and literally couldn’t go any farther. Did I mention this book was supposedly on dragons???
*Judika Iiles* So much appropriation, advocates for making altars and working with closed deities. Lots of incorrect information including dangerous spellwork like obsession spells. And one in particular that has roots in a racist stereotypes. Avoid please! 
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mikuni14 · 8 months ago
Ossan no Pantsu ga Nan Datte Ii Janai ka! - Ep 1-10
This series is gold.
after the first episode, I didn't give any favors to Makoto, because for me there is no excuse for being a dick due to "being old" or "it was like that in the past and that's how I was raised". And what surprised me about the series - is that Makoto says it HIMSELF in next episodes! That you have to try to be better, that you have to educate yourself, that you have to update yourself! And he does it, he even buys the books lol 10/10 for that alone ❀
each character has its own story, INCLUDING MOM - the most frequently ignored character type in TV series
each character solves their problems partly on their own, partly with the help of others. No one is led by the hand like a child, but no one struggles with problems alone. At the same time, there is respect for the characters' intelligence combined with the fact that it is not wrong to ask for help
characters develop and mature logically, at their own pace, not everything always goes according to plan
they apologize. When Makoto messes up, he never makes it about himself and doesn't back down from his update, and I expected him to give up or get discouraged at least several times.
I like the naturalness of this series, the fact that these people look ordinary and live in ordinary houses (the kitchen in the Okita house is so homely with the furniture, each from a different set, lots of things piling up, stuff everywhere ^^)
Makoto doesn't become perfect overnight, he still struggles. when he thinks he's ok now, he does something stupid (not out of malice, but ignorance), it's so real when peple hurt someone close to them unintentionally
this older employee also admits that he cannot find his way in the modern world and is a walking wallet for his children
LGBT stories are difficult and sometimes heavy, but treated with compassion and sensitivity
the series shows boys who like feminine things, fujoshi, or kpop fans without infantilizing them or making theam a joke, it also shows why they like such things
the series has the right dose of slice of life, humor, but also emotions, often deep and difficult
the series also clearly shows that being a parent is, on the one hand, difficult, but on the other
 quite easy and is measured by your child's smile :) When Makoto thinks he's doing the right thing and is protecting his family, that he is a proper, by the book parent, (but he really focuses on what HE thinks is best and maintaining the IMAGE of a perfect family), his children don't like him, they withdraw into themselves and literally lock themselves in their rooms. When he focuses on them, on their needs, when he accepts them, opens up to them without prejudice, when he does not care about appearances and external family image, his children smile at him, leave the solitary room to the common space, spend time with him, they achieve their little successes. This is clearly visible in two scenes: when Makoto goes to the festival with his son dressed in a girl's kimono, they are at ease, talking, Kakeru is smiling. The second scene is when we watch Daichi's father kill the smile on Kakeru's face with every seemingly nice word.
the series clearly shows that the role of a parent is to uplift their children, giving them capital for the future in the form of strength and self-confidence given by the parents' unconditional support. That molding children in your own way and insisting that it is only about the child's good WITHOUT ACCEPTING THEM as they are, mentally and often physically, locks them and their potential in their childhood's room.
I absolutely love the final scene from episode 10, when Daichi "wakes up" from his confusion and discouragement, seeing how his father treats another boy, which outrages him (and as his son, he didn't see that he treated him the same way, he was blind to see it, which is so, SO REAL), Kakeru giving in to these words because he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, and Makoto going furious that someone dared to kill the smile on his child's face that he fought so hard for ❀
This series is truly amazing and I highly recommend it to everyone. You can find it here, subbed by @isaksbestpillow for which I cannot thank enough!
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thelioncourts · 1 year ago
I've been real absent online the last couple of months, but I can't miss out on @iwtvfanevents 'a meal to remember' because we are so incredibly blessed with beautifully creative and talented people in this fandom who constantly inspire and allow me to forever-wander in the world of Louis de Pointe du Lac, my most darling and favorite character ❀ this won't be nearly as organized as I'd like it to be, won't say all I want to say, and I will inevitably miss somebody and/or some fic, but just know that there is so much wonderful content out there, especially by so many of the people on this list that anyone can check out at any point:
twelve days/nine months by @devotiondroid & @weather-mood daniel/louis/armand modern human au quite literally the fic that saved the holiday season for me. when new chapters of 'twelve days' would post, I would drop everything to go read it and would count down the days until the next update was set to happen. 'nine months' is a wip in the same verse and just as stunning. it's no surprise it's amazing; it's toni and it's bri, two people shining with so much talent it's blinding. and their powers combined?? oh my god. (there's also a one-shot in this verse called 'saint valentine' and my brain broke reading it, idk) now, just a list of @devotiondroid fics that changed me as a person: daniel/louis (and a little louis/armand as of now) human au quicksilver/mercury a danlou noir au that I reread a couple of weeks ago just to feel something again and then toni up and posted its prequel 'mercury' and I simply couldn't cope. the noir vibes paired with the gorgeously yearning story is just !!! everything.
daniel/louis modern human au
baby, I'm your man
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD READ 1000000k of this world. the idea of it, the complete ache of this story, has stuck with me, buried somewhere between my ribs, and I'll forget about it for a second then remember and it'll hit me like truck how wonderful it is. toni................m o r e lestat/louis human au my neck, her rope solar plexus hit of a fic. oh, oh the loustat dynamics....it's gorgeous and the concept is !!!!!!!!!! everything to me and now, my list of @weather-mood fics that, when posted, I quite literally become/became a dragon needing to hoard the newfound treasure immediately: armand/louis (armand/louis/REAL RASHID) canon-verse instruction real rashid, my beloved ;;;; no but, honestly, bri has made real rashid so important to me and to loumand, she's why he exists in my first (unfinished) loumand fic 'facio ut facias' because he's just that important. but bri also just always puts into her fics the gorgeous way that loumand are so perfect together, the way they are consumed with one another's existence. armand/louis canon-verse-esque rumpelstiltskin
FAIRY TALE AU. bri is also the inspiration behind my unposted and ongoing fairy tale au because no one does it like her and this one is......oh god, the way armand is the only character that could have ever been in this, the way he fits into louis' life to be this exact character.......don't talk to me lestat/louis; armand/louis; armand/louis/daniel siren au THE ENTIRE PART OF YOUR WORLD (ONCE UPON A WINE DARK SEA) VERSE y'all don't need me to tell you how perfect it all is. I think about it constantly, I've told real life friends about it, it's everything, every single fic of it is everything. lily/lestat pirouette by @weather-mood and @nlbv/@ouizaya
it's so interesting thinking about lestat in those weeks and months of hunting louis, of how he found out things about him from others, how he got lily so involved, how she died because of it all, and the way bri and zaya took all of that and then showed the mental state of lily throughout it all, how much lestat's vampiric control ruined her....................amazing. it's everything.
lestat/louis canon-verse tides by @nlbv/@ouizaya
zaya, my love, she takes some of the sexiest loustat scenes and makes them even sexier before gut-punching you with something insane and devastating and it reminds me so much of the show's writing, the way you'll be like 'look at my family <3' and then suddenly their conversation has gotten dark, the room looks cold, and you wonder how they'll ever truly come back from it......... god shallows by @nlbv/@ouizaya
REPEAT ALL THAT I SAID ABOVE AND THEN SOME. like???? the episode 6 elaboration???????????? oh my god. it's real. it's what happened. we all know it.
roadkill by @nlbv/@ouizaya and baberainbow I think about this fic so often. the car wreck, lestat and claudia being so in-tune with one another hunting because they're the same, the way they're both aware of louis, the way the family works and fits in, the gore and beauty of it. obsessed. TIME TO TALK ABOUT BABE. lestat/louis canon-verse glass the capturing of louis during those earliest vampiric days, paired with lestat's doting as he tried to solidify his wooing, and then just -- everything else, it's all so good.
disruptions that scene in ep 7 where the entire family teams up on that poor man at their door is crazy and this fic takes that concept and just runs with it in the best way
lestat/louis non-traditional a/b/o verse lioness listen.............i'm such a sucker for a good a/b/o fic and we have a severe lack of them in iwtv, thank you, babe, for writing a beautiful one armand/louis canon-verse luna the way that loumand have been together through some of the most insane historical events will haunt me and also I'm in love with the idea of it, thank you, babe, I want every single year and something they experienced together
armand/louis; lestat/louis; louis/others canon-verse catacomb a required read leading into season 2. that's all you need to know.
armand/louis/lestat cannibalistic modern au cleave/tie by @kittyldpdl
a couple of years ago, I went through this obsessive body horror phase where all I watched and read was something that had some kind of body horror and it would make me nauseous but also I was so intrigued, so fascinated, I couldn't stop. this is that. oh my god.
armand/louis; lestat/louis modern au capillary by @kittyldpdl and @salmoncakepls
WIP. I think about it once a week. falling in love with louis while dressing him??????????? oh my god, the concept, the idea, I want to drown in it armand/louis; lestat/louis robot&android au design; intricate by @salmoncakepls
every time I see concepts for this fic my brain short circuits and every time I read it I just !!!!!!!!!!!!! the brain behind this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the most brilliant
goat goat goat time <3 <3 <3 armand/louis prey drive by @iwtvdramacd18
HI I THINK ABOUT PREY DRIVE EVERY TWO DAYS AND FEEL FAINT. like idk what else to say, it just sticks with you and you're like 'wow they're just like that and it's insane and beautiful and raw' and goat just writes it perfectly, always lestat/louis exposure by @iwtvdramacd18
I've never actually heard of this fic, but if I had, I would assume it was the most batshit crazy thing I'd ever read......full compliments lestat/louis WIP lunacy by @iwtvdramacd18
I seriously always admire people who can write the 'monster' so well. I struggle so much with actual horror/monsters/suspense and so to read it so well done always makes me a little crazy armand/louis/daniel canon-verse after s1 gathering dust by @knifeeater
non-linear narrative !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
armand/louis canon-verse esque alluvium by @knifeeater
I see the tag service dom armand and my brain blacks out, comes back, and is forever changed. that's all. armand/louis/lestat perpetuum mobile by @knifeeater
sometimes you read a fic and the opening is the most insane thing you've ever read that you're like 'how can they keep this up?' and then they do and you're like 'oh so you're that kind of talented....okay' that's this fic.
armand/louis canon-verse
dirges by @dictee
'He had told Louis once, a lifetime ago, as a kind of bedtime story, about his work with cadavers in the nineteenth century, in the catacombs under the Parisian graveyards. Louis, half asleep, made some comment about Mary Shelley, but in his mind it was his skin under Armand’s scalpel, as loving a part of Armand as any. Shuddering and offering up the red jewels of his insides. ' please read it. oh my god.
MORE DANLOU NOIR THAT IS JUST i'll let you win by @diasdelfuego
danlou prophet. daniel just being so overcome by louis...........daniel just being so enraptured, so in love. the noIR. ily. need to reread asap actually oh my god.
daniel/louis post s1 nothing left to give you now by @diasdelfuego
'When he turns back around, Louis is still facing away from him, eyeing the coffee table as he shrugs off his coat. It slides gracefully off Louis' elegant frame to reveal a deep burgundy button-down underneath. In Daniel's mind, he thinks as he takes in the sight, Louis is always wearing black —mourning black, the writer in his brain supplies. Daniel takes stock of him while Louis stands at the edge of the carpet and looks over Daniel's apartment. The vampire is just as preternaturally young as he was half a century ago, just as beautiful, looking entirely out of place in Daniel's mundane, chaotic environment.' like imagine the whole fic being this beautifully written................................w h a t
lestat/louis; armand/louis murdery mystery au WIP overlords by @diasdelfuego and @shewhomustbecalledking I'm behind on this (work is the worst, let's all quit our jobs) but what I've read is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO INSANE. cannot wait to catch up, I have spring break in three weeks and honestly just want to read the entire time, catching up on this and drowning in its beauty
lestat/louis a/b/o verse WIP house of gold by @shewhomustbecalledking I think this was the first a/b/o fic I read for this fandom and it's the blueprint, it's the reason, it's everything. the way lestat is so perfectly lestat in this is everything to me. I love an in-character lestat so much.
armand/louis; lestat/louis AU gothic horror WIP rhodedendron by @blueiight
'Let the Devil tempt me not, Louis thought, as he crawled to the mirror. Hollowed out eyes stared back at him, light-brown mawkish physique barely visible, swallowed up by loose pajamas, twists slightly askew but still meticulously sectioned off.
You look a fucking mess, bruh. Hardly fit to carry on the Du Lac name, what lady would want troubles such as yours? His Mother’s voice blended in with his own. But alas he could not be, could not sit in his sorrow and forever laud the man he was not.' true southern gothic horror. the last two chapters changed everything for me.
lestat/louis modern human au dreaming put to shame by @downstairsbar
I read this every single weekend. the beginning??? louis classing lestat?????????????? louis knowing lestat's eyes are on him but not understanding it???????????? the way I'd give anything for a million more words about how they got to the last part, about what all follows.
lestat/louis canon-verse modern era WIP
murmur by proval the way these are still our louis and our lestat, reunited after everything, still so the same, still so not..............this author seems to have such a good hold of these characters, I can't wait to see where this fic goes
armand/louis; lestat/antoinette; lestat/louis modern succession inspired au WIP dirty, sexy money by thevintage I've never seen succession but I love a business au and these first three chapters are so good. lestat and louis are divorced, they have claudia to tie them together, lestat is marrying his mistress, and louis has just met armand who is business rival of lestat's and the sparks are already flying and ohmygodohmygodohmygod
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panvnsleake · 10 months ago
so...welcome. Here's our introduction post. We are a system. you can call us by our user or just pan when in doubt of who's fronting. we use any/all pronouns collectively, and as such don't mind what you use for any of us, including neos. quoiromantic asexual.
as you might've already figured, we really like hfjone. we also enjoy reading objectified and the four moons initiative, and a couple other object show comics. murder drones was cool. the amazing digital circus is cool. we'll probably upload some furry/object show ocs as well.
if you know us from AO3, you probably already know that we like vore in a sfw way (this also includes g/t because they kinda go hand in hand). if you're uncomfortable with that, you're free to block.
with that done...let me introduce you to everyone! (in alphabetical order)
First we have airy. He mostly goes by he/they/it. Talks slowly and type with lots of ellipsis. Loves nicknames. He's always happy to talk about stuff, especially if they're related to bugs. It can be difficult to tell his tone, so if you want them to use tone tags you can ask. Its signoff is 🔩.
Then we have Bryce. She/him/any. Possibly the most controlled one out of us...°^°" Still scared of deep water, but she's okay with shallow pools and clear rivers. Likes sea life. A bit hypocritical, but who am I to judge? Feline and puddle slime (yes. yes this is another water related thing.) therian. His signoff is đŸ„€.
CAPS GUY. they/it/he/any neos. They don't have a name yet. if you give it one it'll probably take it. They speak only in caps, unless they're so tired they can't even type coherently (about to pass out). It sometimes makes little 'poems' (not sure what to call em) about The Light and flesh. Loves Edgar Allan Poe's short story The Tell-Tale Heart. Bryce and it quote it sometimes. They don't really use a signoff since its typing quirk is unique to it, but if he does it'll be CAPS GUY or CG.
I'm charlotte. I mostly go by she/they. I can sometimes be blunt and rude. It's all in a playful manner, but if this affects you, let me know! nicknames are allowed. wasp and canine therian. Yes, I bite. Yes, I sting. My signoff is 🍞. (Charlotte's in a qpr with me, by the way -đŸ„€)
Divine Ava. she/any. she types with proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization...you get my point. She means well. I...don't knwo much about her. But she is really nice, and pretty too...
Eldritch diane. She/it She's based on...Diane. CuSO4 this is of your own making. It's...kind of like parker bug. Her and him get along well.
Goetz. He/her. You can call him officer jokingly but he seems to prefer goetz. He popped up here pretty recently so we don't know much about him yet. Hyena therian I'm pretty sure. I dunno man he's in denial of being a freak but once you're here its official. Bisexual, sure. Why not. Signoff is officer g.
Next we have Pancake. they/them, trying out fang/fangs! Call them our host or call them insane if that will help you to stay in line. /ref lyr. Fang very much enjoys speaking without caps, unless it's to shout. They also like bugs. And stingrays. they might!! seperate!! their sentences!!! like this!!!! Cat therian! Fang's signoff is đŸ„ž.
Parker Bug. He/it. He capitalizes the first letter of every word when typing. It might talk about flesh and "eating the weak" or whatever, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone, not really. Crawls around. Makes for a nice pillow.
(bryce here, adding goetz 1/26/25)
(YOU FORGOT TO PUT ME IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER BRYCE. you mees3ed u o the alplhabetical order bryce)
DNI: -homophobics, transphobics, racists, nazis, etc. this is a safe place for everyone and we will NOT tolerate any hate towards innocent people.
-kink/mdni accounts
- pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles. this applies if you are ACTING on these things. if you're getting the help you need you're okay.
-anti-endo. not completely sure if we're endo ourselves, but we support them!
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(we're collecting thingies hehe)
updated on 1/17/25 ! -🍞
Updated 1/26/25! -đŸ„€
updated 2/01/25 -officer g
updated 2/02/25... changed my pronouns + added divine ava, parker bug and eldritch diane...sigh... -officer g
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olysmile · 6 months ago
𝐀 đŹđ­đšđ«đČ 𝐚𝐛𝐹𝐼𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐱𝐬𝐡 đ©đ«đšđŸđąđ„đž 🎭
‌On this story all the names will be fake for obvious reasons. I also wanna apologize if I do any mistakes with my English because the story will be big and English isn’t my first language. Thanks for the understanding‌
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Let’s go back to 2021. We had quarantine and all social media platforms were on fire, since everyone was using them. This was the time me and my sister, Marlena, opened an account on discord.
The reason I mainly opened the account was to join on a server of my favourite gamers and stay updated and also make friends. And as it seems, I did. I started talking to the voice channels with my sister, and I met some people there, including my online bffs, Karen and Violet. One day, another girl we were talking with, Elisa, introduced us to her online girlfriend, Courtney. She was some years older than her, and if you want me to make it more specific, Elisa was a minor and Courtney was an adult. We were talking really often with them until we found out that they broke up. Elisa was devastated with that heartbreak and she was trying to get Courtney back
 But someday, Courtney’s sister texted her and told her that she killed herself. All of us on the gc we had made were in total shock. We couldn’t believe that something like that happened(if only we knew
Many months later (2022) Elisa informed us that Courtney was back. Surprisingly, she never died. She indeed attempted suicide, but she didn’t make it to death. She also told us that she had moved to Brooklyn (she was half American) and she changed her name to “Kate”
 For a weird reason, all of us moved past that faster than we should and we started talking again. Someday, me and the other girls were on a call and she joined. She told us that she wanted to introduce us to her new girlfriend, who also happened to be a singer(I can’t say her name sadly). We told her that she surely can bring her, but she told us she was too shy to talk and she was on mute. They also told us that we shouldn’t tell anyone about their relationship because of the girl’s fame. And some weeks after
 “Kate” and her girlfriend disappeared again

And now things are getting interesting

Even after their disappearance, I was still following the singer’s tik tok account
 I was scrolling through her old videos, watching some videos from a trip she’s been with her BOYFRIEND

That video was posted the time she and Courtney/Kate were still dating
. I was incredibly confused about how in the world was that possible
 was she a cheater, or something else I couldn’t explain? For once again, I didn’t pay much attention
A year after, on Summer 2023, me and Marlena met Karen and Violet for the first time. We were sitting on a cafeteria and Karen was talking about how things are going to that gaming server we met back then
 She is working as a moderator there and she was talking to us about the other members of the staff team. She told us that there was a new girl who would work with them. A girl who was half Korean and her name was pronounced “Tzyhio”. Karen told us that something wasn’t ok with that girl. She was completely sure that her voice sounded exactly like Courtney’s/Kate’s
. We couldn’t do much about this back then, because we didn’t have anything to prove that.
And now we move to 2024
Karen and Violet, who were more active on discord than me and Marlena, were telling us that everything about Tzyhio were completely off. Tzyhio was known for being a police officer in Seoul, working at the department of Drug Enforcement. She was a woman in her mid 20s , who has as her bestie another moderator from that server named Lily. Also, Lily was dating Tzyhio’s Greek cousin for a while. Her name was Mary.
Let me tell you a funny story from the time they were dating. Lily had a meetup with another moderator, Gloria and the staff manager, Martin. They were taking some cool pictures together as all the online friends do when they meet up, and Gloria received a text from Mary, telling her to be careful with how she acts around Lily.
At first we thought it she just got jealous. But later Violet found some old texts from a group chat on instagram and that she was texting this account
 but on that time, this account didn’t belong to Mary. It belonged to Courtney/Kate.
So without further ado, the whole July 2024, me, Marlena, Karen, Violet, Gloria, Elisa, Martin and some other friends of ours who were working on the server’s staff team, were trying to find proper evidence and prove that Courtney/Kate, the ‘singer girlfriend’, Tzyhio and Mary were all the same person.
We had evidence for everything. We already knew that the singer had a boyfriend, so there was no way to be able to date Courtney. Violet was texting Courtney from her old account on instagram, which turned out to be Mary.
Connecting all these with Tzyhio wasn’t that hard. All the photos she was sharing with the staff on their personal gc, were photos from a different person. In addition, the photos she was sharing of a woman wearing a police officer’s uniform, were edited. The name on the name tag was erased with a lame photoshop and was rewritten with her last name.
Here is an exapmle. If you look closer to that photo, you’ll see that it’s edited and that the name on this tag is covered:
Tumblr media
When we found enough information that were valid to expose that girl, we talked to Lily. She didn’t know anything about it until Martin explained the situation to her. She was broken. She couldn’t believe that her best friend was a total psychopath. She was crying for hours. In the meantime, Martin talked to Tzyhio/Courtney. Of course he kicked her out of the staff team and they banned her permanently from the server. Later that day she texted Lily sending her an apology message, telling her that she did all these things because she wanted to be special. If you ask me, this was the stupidest thing I could ever hear.
This girl is definitely sick and she needs help from an expert. We don’t know where she is now or if she’ll ever appear again with another name and persona. If we get any news, we’ll surely get you informed.
The only thing I want to say to everyone reading this: Don’t trust anyone completely on the internet. You can’t be sure about what they are capable of
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months ago
The Horror of Our Love. 4 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
The Radio
"It took a little more money that we would have prefer to. I worked to get lowest price that she was willing to accept and still was a good amount. I think she only relented when I told her that we investigate objects such as that one to know about them. In the end she made me promise that I would send her back any updates on whatever we could learn about the radio and the ghost that was using it. She liked the voice of the man. It was scary, but still someone to keep her company when her own grandsons wouldn't call back. The man in the radio was never agressive or threatening. He seemed content with just talking, or at least that is the impression that she got after the first exorcism failed. We promised everything she wanted with zero intention of doing it. She seemed like an actually nice lady, she shouldn't have to be involved on any of this.
I came back with my pockets almost entirely empty. The conversion of wizard money to muggle money is fucking bullshit. But I got it. I fucking got it.
They weren't kidding when they said this fucking thing was heavy. It's on top of my desk and hasn't done anything until now. The old lady said that the first day it also didn't do anything on her store. It was only after some people looking around and messing with the dials is that the noises started. There were some stations in which it didn't react at all. We need to find the ones that does.
It's exactly as we were said. There is no cable, no battery. Whatever powers this thing is not electricity. I will have my record player near it as we test it out.
Nothing yet?"
"No. Wait. Yes, it did something, isn't it?"
"Sssh, I wanna hear. It's music."
"Old ass music. My grandpa would hear something like that. Do we even know if this thing can hear us?"
"It knew to laugh at the muggles, so something knows about what happens outside of it. Keep looking on the stations, maybe one of them is for communication. Don't look at me like that. I don't fucking know, angel."
"Hello? Alastor Magne, can you hear us? Hello, can you hear us? Hello?"
"Do you know who I am, my good man? That is a new one."
"Ah, fuck! That gave me a heart attack. Okay, now I understand the old lady."
"That is him. Hey, Alastor Magne? Do you recognize my voice?"
"No, I don't believe so. Should I? Are we friends?"
"That depends. How old are you now?"
"I was 24 years old when I was made."
"Then no. We met you way after that."
"How long after?"
"Last we knew about you, you were on your 40s."
"And after that?"
"We don't know. That is what we try to find out."
"I see. What about Luci? Do you know who he is?"
"Yes. You told us about him."
"I did? That is such a big relief then. You must have been very good friends for that to happen. I wouldn't trust that information to about anyone."
"Yeah, totally. Husky here was your favorite student ever in fact. That is why you made him into your little assistant for the class."
"What? It's true."
"What a delightful surprise that we happened to find each other again in these circumstances! For you, I mean. To me you are still a pair of strangers. Do tell me, Husky, my friend, what did I say about my Luci?"
"First of all, you call me Husk. Husky is Anthony's thing."
"Ah! Duly noted."
"Just that you adore him to bits and want to kiss him and cuddle up under the stars to see how his scales shine under the stars. He did! I saw it with my own two beautiful eyes."
"R-really? Then
 we must had have a pretty close relationship then."
"Favorite student ever. Never lost contact not even after we graduated. Right, Husky?"
"Sure. I mean, yeah."
"For so long the only other person I could talk to about him was Rosie. I didn't thought anyone else would understand."
"Oh, but we understand completely, professor. In fact, if anything, we want to hear more about it. All the details if you can! Don't listen to that grumpy pants groaning in the background, he is just being dramatic for another unrelated thing that has nothing to do with us."
"Angel, I swear to god."
"You are free to leave the room if you want, kitty. Professor Magne. Alastor. You don't mind answering my questions, don't you? We just want to get a clearer picture of how things went down with you and Luci."
"Of course not! I am all ears."
"Okay, so
"Did you fucked with the snake or not? Please, be as explicit as you want.
Hello? Professor, are you there?"
"You fucked it up. Good."
"Apologies, I was just taken aback by the wording of the question. If you absolutely must know, then yes. Luci and I have made love before, as couples often do. It was wonderful."
"I fucking told you."
"Please, shut up."
"Everything alright?"
"Yes, he is just being silly. So, did you made love when you were still a student? That is the part that has been bugging me for a while now."
"Is this the kind of relationship that we had after I became your professor?"
"Oh, come on, don't be like that! Everyone is an adult here. We have been adults long enough so yes, we totally have that kind of trust. You can fully count on us, professor. We won't repeat a word to a soul."
"I am going out. Tell me when you are ready to talk about something useful."
"You are still hearing the recording later, Husky."
"Don't remind me."
"You were saying, professor?"
"Very well. I guess there is no harm on it since we are all friends here.
Most young people get to experiment around that age. I guess I really wasn't that different in that aspect. I wasn't interested into doing anything like that with any of my classmates, so my Luci was the perfect vehicle for it. He was so infinitely patient and kind, even as I was getting overwhelmed with all the new sensations I was having. I couldn't have asked for a better companion for those moments. When on my own it always felt like such a chore to go through for very little reward, but with him I finally understood a little bit of what the fuzz was about. Although no doubt other teenagers were no having the same experience, my body and his were for the first time sources of a different kind of pleasure I didn't know before.
At first, when I asked him to let me see him on his own, I truly believe he was convinced that I would find it gross or it was a temporary curiosity that would die the moment it was satisfied. A part of me thought so as well. My dedication to him wasn't about to diminish one bit even if that was the case. I didn't need that kind of physicallity to know already that the rest of my life was going to be tied to his. But I was curious nonetheless. If there was even the slightest chance that we both got to have any kind of enjoyment from it, then why I would deprive myself from it?
To be clear, we never did anything of that nature until my last year. I didn't even thought of doing anything until then, when I realized it was going to be a long while until I saw him again at the end of the year. I was going out to study for my title of professor at a wizard university in another continent. Four years at the very least we would have to keep apart. The thought was unbearable, but it had to be done if I wanted to stick around the school to stay with him in the long run.
Our status as a relationship wasn't a conventional one and not only because of the curse imposed on him. Actually there were probably too many factors to count and no small portion of them was Lucifer's own doubt that I could even want him as an actual partner. Everything else could be handled or left to a side, but he was convinced that once I was out in the world I would find an actual human and forget anything about him. No matter how much I said that was never going to happen. He just kept repeating we will see to the point I was tired of touching the subject all together.
Before then, I had what I would call kisses with him, I had slept besides him and even brought him back to my room to stay on my pillow when I found out he could actually control his size to his will. That is what had allowed him to go whichever part of the castle he wanted to without relying on the pipes or being seen. I was clearly already comfortable and safe around him, just like he never had to fear any harm coming from me. I thought that a experiment of that kind only made the most sense possible.
I was fully unprepared for the impact of what I saw had on my own body. I won't give you a full rundown of what I saw then because that was meant only for my eyes. Just know that he wasn't exempt from the most common snake traits for his body and he didn't need hands to give me a demostration of how he has relieved himself all this time. I had my own mouth dry from keeping it open for so long, gasping, by the end of it. No matter how many things we have done since then or we will in the future, that first impression will never leave my mind. It consumed me for weeks worst than his venom ever could. Any moment I wasn't actively paying attention to something else, my mind would conjure up that image again and I wished I could be with him again, on his nest, our chamber, where we both could indulge in without judgement, without worries.
My curiosity, my need for more, didn't die at all. Every free time that I had was fully spend down there. Lucifer was a lot less reluctant about touching me as he was about me doing the same for him, when he saw how willing I was for it. He was so afraid of hurting me that he didn't want to hear about us becoming one in the most traditional way. I didn't mind it that much back then because any way that he would allow me to have that experience with him was new and perfect already as far I was concerned.
The night of the last banquet I brought him a present I had been working on for months. This radio that I am speaking through now was meant to be our only way of communication while I was away, studying abroad. He could talk to it back if he wanted to and I would listen through a smaller radio I had brought with me. Since it didn't work on electricity, it would work no problem on school grounds. I put it on his nest under the bigger statue and we listened to some tunes while everyone else was celebrating above us. I didn't care for what house had won that year or what points were distributed. This was all I needed.
Lucifer remained weirdly silent for a big part of it. His head was moving slightly to the rythm of the music, but I could tell he wasn't really all there. When I asked him what was wrong, he looked up and said it was going to be hard to get used to not having me around anymore.
That should not have me so stupidly happy as it did. I of course assure him that I would have the same struggle, but in the end it was going to be worth if we could spend together the rest of our lives once I was hired here. I was going to work as hard as I could to make that goal come true, you could mark my words. Meanwhile, we can still keep in contact like this, my love. I could tell there was something else he wanted to say."
[Note from Husk: At this point the dials start moving on their own and changing stations. It will become obvious later on, but these are memories being played back and not the current Professor Magne speaking. He won't respond to anything we say in that state. There is some music playing on the background.]
"Four years is not that much, dear. It will pass sooner than we expect."
"I know, I know. You would think that four years would be easy for me to pass through."
[Note from Husk: I have to imagine that second person speaking is what professor Magne hears when Lucifer speaks to him. It's a younger kind of voice that what I would have expected. He couldn't have been older than his 20s or early 30 when turned into a snake. Later on he will sing through the radio and it will make sense why the journal said he had an angelic kind of voice. It does sound nice. But also sad.]
"I will miss you too, love. I will use the radio everyday, even if you don't answer."
"You should
 try to live a little bit while you can, Al. You are young only once. I won't take offense if you have other things going on."
"Not tonight, darling. Please. Just for tonight, can you believe me when I say I want to stay with you? That I want to spend my life with you? I don't want to hear about the rest of the world. They won't ever matter as much as what we have here."
"You see, Al, you keep saying that and it's exactly what makes me think
 maybe that shouldn't be. You should care about others and let them care for you. I don't have an option here, but you do."
"I care about you. Is that not enough? Does that mean so little for you?"
"It means everything. I just don't want you to feel trapped here like I am. You say you want this and I do believe you, but what about in ten years? Twenty, fifty? How do you know you won't regret it? I can't hug you, Al. I can't go on in dates with you. You will never have any of the things other people have with their partners with me. What if you ever want to have a family?
Listen, I am sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your surprise. All I am saying is
 when that day comes, I will understand if you tell me you found someone else that makes you happy. That is all. You don't owe me anything."
"You think I didn't thought of all of that? I don't need all those things to know how you feel about me. If we want a family, we can make it ourselves, I will find the way somehow. If I can't, then who cares? I only really need you.
I already don't want to go away. Get up on that train is going to be one of the hardest things I have done. Don't push me too."
"Funny. I think I lost the ability of doing that a long time ago. I know I should, I know that is the least I should do, but I can't. I don't know anymore what does that say about me."
"Do you love me?"
"Yes. I feel like a selfish piece of shit for saying it, but I do. I haven't loved anything in so long. That is why it terrifies me that I could ever hurt you, even without meaning to. I would never forgive myself if I did. You are so precious to me, Al."
"You won't. Darling, look at me. Please, listen. You won't hurt me by letting me stay with you. I might not know the future right now, but I know that much. If you are selfish, then I am too. Just
 try trust me back when I say I want this. I want you. Can you do that for me, love?"
"I can try."
"That is all I ask. Come here.
I want to stay the night here. All my things are packed already, so I don't need to rush in the morning. Is that okay?"
"Mmm. Actually
 I was thinking we could
 try that thing you talked about last time."
"What thing? Merfolk meat?"
"No, the
 You are really going to make me say it. Fine. You putting it in on me. Not just my mouth. You asked if we could try that, but you were so busy with your finals that
 You don't have to if you aren't in the mood. We can just sleep. I am just saying that if you want, we can."
"Oh! No, I was just surprised you even remember that. That was months ago. You were really mulling over it this long?"
"It's a limited offer. The clock is ticking."
"I better take the chance while I can in that case. Yes, of course I want to. How?"
"Take your clothes off."
"If you wanted me naked, you can also just ask, my love. Those eyes of yours are a dead give away."
"Shut up. Do you need help?"
"It's still hard for me to do anything with it if you aren't the one touching it."
"Heh. Hard."
[Note from Anthony: HA! Luci and I could have been friends, I can tell.
Note from Husk: For fuck's sake, Angel.
Note from Anthony: Never better said, Husky.
Note from Husk: I hate this. So much.]
"Are you twelve?"
"Come on, you did it unpurpose."
"I won't deny or confirm such an accusation. But if you can assist me, I won't say no."
"Very well.
Did you really missed my tongue that much? I barely did anything and you are reacting so well already."
 did. It has been a while, hasn't it?"
"Mmm. You must be so pent up. It's okay, hopefully this will help."
[Note from Anthony: I can't believe I didn't think of the tongue before. I feel deeply dissapointed on myself. Ashamed even.
Note from Anthony: Fine. There are pants and moans now with the voice of professor Magne. The music is still playing in the background. I don't recognize the singer, but it's a ballad about missing a lover that has yet to come back. Bittersweet, that is the word I was looking for. I kinda like it. It's an oldie but a cute one. For when you want to be a sad bitch with hope.]
"There we go. Now I can work with this. Get on top of me. I won't drop you, it's fine. Just let me move you a little
 There. That is where I want you to put it."
"Isn't that where your stuff comes out?"
"Mmm. I have to push them for that. If I keep them inside, they are still sensitive. You can rub against them if you want, but it should be tight anyway. I tried using my tail a couple of times, but it's still too big no matter how small I make myself. You should be the perfect size as I am now."
 you used your tail like that?"
"Well, yeah. I had to try to see how it felt before I could offer it, right? I was trying to think it was you, but it really wouldn't work."
"You have never done this before then?"
"Just with my own tongue. You are the first one I will do it with, though."
"I am glad. I would have to kill anyone who saw you like this."
"You are the only one who wants to see me like this, you weirdo."
[Note from Anthony: I don't know, I would be curious at least. I think Luci really understimate how many freaks there are out there.
Note from Husk: Angel, I swear I will start deleting all your notes if you keep this shit up. It's bad enough I had to hear it myself.]
"The only one you want to be seen by, right, my love?"
"I would have blinded you already if not.
Stop teasing it and fuck me already, Al. You won't need lube, it's fine."
"Mmm. Ah, I feel you
 They are throbbing there. So warm. Luci, you really wanted this too, didn't you?"
"You started it
 How is it?"
"Amazing. You sucking me in so nicely, love. You?"
 I have to concentrate on keeping them inside."
"Is that
"Heh. It means I like it, yes. It's good. So much better than my tail ever was.
Are you sure you haven't done this before?"
"I only
 with you
 Ah, no, never."
"I was kidding, Al. You know
 I can feel how warm your blood is compared to mine? I always could, but now it's like you are burning me from the inside. In the best way.
You can
 finish inside if you want. It won't go anywhere."
"Not now. I want this to last some more. We should
 have done this before."
"Better late than never. I didn't want you to go without knowing if this could work."
"But it's not. Pull them out."
"Pull them out. I want to
 I want to touch them. I want to taste them myself. Please? Please, love. Let me finish with you. I don't want you to repress yourself during this. I can see how much effort you are using."
"That is
 Are you sure? What if you don't like it?"
"I have seen you sucking yourself off and wanting to do it myself since the first day. It will be fine. Just relax and let me do it."
 But don't force yourself if you want to stop. Move a little. Can you touch yourself a little? Perfect.
"See? Doesn't feel better that way?"
"Mmm! Aal, if you lick it
"A lot more sensitive too."
"That is how dicks tend to work! Sorry, it just took me by surprise. You don't find it gross?"
"I think I actually like this better."
"Really? One would think the youth would just love to have a hole to fuck."
"I think we establish already I am not like the other wizards my age. You haven't put them in on anyone either, right?"
"Believe it or not, I didn't had any chances down here, no."
"Can you get smaller and do it to me?"
"What. You are not serious."
"Why not? They seem to react well to my presence. I think I like them too. Your flavor is unlike anything I had before."
 that, that is not the point. If you have never done anything like it before it's going to hurt you, even if I do get smaller. My smallest is still bigger than your whole body. No, Al, we can't."
"But I want to
"No. Just
 use your legs to make some friction and get yourself betweem them. You can use one arm if you want."
"Like this?"
"Squeeze a little more. Don't worry, you can't hurt me
 Yes, baby, just like that. Exactly like that. I will get a little smaller, hold on
 Now you can just use your thighs.
You like it?
Heh. You are cute when you don't talk. It's okay, you can let go."
"You-you too. Together."
"Mmm, yes."
"L-luci, Luci, Luciii
[Note from Anthony: Hot. And before certain grumpy pants says anything, after the happy ending you could only hear the music. At some point they lowered the volume. The station changed again to another memory.
Note from Husk: Not at all of them are as long as the last one. They are mostly fragments of conversations that Magne and Lucifer had.]
"I really wish you were here, love. I would have gladly feed you our professor in Ethics. I don't think anyone in the whole institutions would mind either. Most students probably would congratulate me."
"One of my classmates asked for a date. According to Rosie, the whole asking me my notes for almost every class was all an excuse to talk to me. If I had known that is what she was after, I would have tell her already I have someone else."
"I don't mind music, but do they really need to put it so loud at this hours of the morning? Some of us have scholarships we need to keep by not sleeping during class."
"I end up cursing their radios to shock them everytime they try to use them after the sun is down."
"I found a dead cat on the sidewalk that made me think of you, dearest. If I could I have send it to you. It seemed fresh enough at least."
"Of course I love you, darling."
"I got this book on my outing today. It's about a woman who marries a man cursed to look like a beast. Would you believe me if I tell you this come from a muggle library? From a muggle author too! Want me to read it for you?"
"I hated the ending. It felt unnecessary? You already made these two fell in love. Why did he had to become a man at the end of it?"
"I heard this song, maybe you will like it too?"
"I miss you."
"I miss you."
"Today was awful. I miss you."
"I miss you."
"I miss you."
[Note from Husk: It continues like that for at least other five minutes as the dials keep turning in random stations. Every I miss you is different from each other. At least the sex talk is over.
Note from Anthony: Until it was back and Husky checked out again. Sorry, honey.]
"I think I finally got a solution to our size problem."
"Our what now?"
"So you can mate with me properly."
"Are you still on that?! I thought we had a good enough time already."
"We did. Don't misunderstand, darling, it was wonderful, but surely you would like to experiment for that as well. I have been working on it for weeks now and I believe I finally got it. I have tested it out and is so much better than I thought."
"Al, when you say test it out, what do you mean?"
"Is that jelousy I heard, my love? My own fingers, of course. But let me tell you about my process a little bit. Did you know that witches have tons of spells already to make intercourse all the better for them? In handsight, that only makes sense, but I had no idea how many options they had. Remember that party my classmates dragged me to after the end of the semester? There, a witch was talking about a particular kind of spell that let her enjoy one night with a
 particularly endowed centaur. Normally something like that could have kill her, but she was determined to make it work so she tried that new spell and it worked wonder for the both of them. Want to know what it does?"
"I am sorry, a centaur?"
"A centaur, darling. Anyway, the spell consist on just in making it so her parts would make it so her lover would instantly adapt to her without losing any sensation. It's like living an actual fantasy where you only count with the pleasure and none of the real life inconveniences. I asked her for it, she wanted to know for what and when I told her it was for my boyfriend she very kindly taught me the exact gesture."
[Note from Anthony: Maybe we should look into the centaur girl? For the sake of the investigation, that is. We don't want to miss any important detail.
Note from Husk: No. Also, you already know that spell anyway.
Note from Anthony: But a centaur, Husky! Are they kind? Are they rough? Do they cuddle after? Those are the big questions that need answers! Besides, that girls sounds like fun.
Note from Husk: Still no.]
"That was just the first part of what I intended to do. The next one was the issue of my own body. I don't very much care for the parts I was born with, so I did some research and found an easy enough spell that would allow me for something far more comfortable. For what I could gather, lots of wizards and witches do stuff like that to themselves all the time! Some people create their own parts to closely resemble what is on their mind or just because they can! Truly fascinating subject, my love."
 You mean you have a
"A vulva, yes. I have to say, it's so much more convenient than what I had before. We won't even need lube after all! But I wasn't done yet. I thought I was, but then I remembered about how you believe I should have fun with other people before settling down with you."
"Hey, I didn't put it exactly like that."
"Point is! If you won't believe on my words, you don't leave much any other choice than to show you with my actions. So I basically found a variant of a chastity spell and now I have nothing. Nothing unless I have to relieve myself or you are here."
"Nothing at all. It's completely smooth down there, like a doll. It will keep being that way unless the one of my choosing makes me want to show what I have for him. That means you, dear. There won't ever be anyone else who will even come close to it."
 did you really do that?"
"It was a pretty arcaic spell, but I think I have pull it off very well on my own. With all these changes in place, I should be ready for our next encounter. You can take me however way you want. You won't hurt me."
"Al, you are
 fucking insane."
"But you like it?"
"Baby, I don't know if I am going to contain myself the next time I see you."
"Who said I want you to?"
[Note from Anthony: Eliminated because NOBODY NEEDS THE COMMENTARY.
Note from Anthony: ALRIGHT, FUCK. The next memory we think is when professor Magne was interviewed by the Headmaster Sera. There is the sound of people talking in the background. They are on some tabern, probably in Hogsmeade.
Note from Husk: Hearing her voice all of the sudden was a genuine jumpscare. I never liked her much either. She always seemed very
 cold, I guess? Indifferent to others, but she knew to hide it better than professor Magne ever bothered.]
"I have to say, I still don't fully understand why do you even want this job, Alastor. A young man like you would get bored of being surrounded by old wizards like us the entire year. You could work in any other school if you really wanted to."
"Nonsense! There is a certain beauty on helping out the future generations in the same way that I was helped with. I just can't ignore the calling that Hogswarts has on me any longer. The best memories I ever had and my best friends both I made under the ceiling of that castle, walking those aisles. I truly feel at home right there. I couldn't imagine dedicating myself to my students in any other place, if I have to be honest. It would be my honor if you would consider me, Sera."
"I definitely will and make you know my decision by tomorrow. For now, I am afraid I have to leave you."
"To interview my competition?"
"To see another candidate to the same position. It was nice talking to you again, Alastor. You were always an exceptional student and I am glad to see the kind of men you became to."
"You, on the other hand, have remained just as pleasing to the eyes as the day I graduated."
"Flattery won't affect my decision, Alastor."
"I had to try at least. Go on then, dear. I will be waiting for my letter of acceptance."
"Confidence is a virtue, but arrogance can be a flaw."
"Which one I have?"
"That is about to be seen. I do need to go now. Thank you for coming to see me here and your time."
"My pleasure! I was nostalgic for this small little town anyway. I might stick around a while more just to have a look. Have a nice evening, dear."
"Likewise, Alastor."
[Note from Husk: Another memory.]
"I got the job. Darling, I got the job! I barely had to curse only one of the other candidates! I will get to see you soon, Luci. Once I do, there won't be any force in this world that will ever tear me apart from your side. We will kill anyone that tries."
"Why do you always have to make everything creepy?"
"Some call it romantic, dear. You don't sound that displeased either."
"I am not. Not at all. Congratulations, Al. Can't wait to see you too."
[Note from Husk: The next thing we hear are steps over grass and someone panting. The steps reach solid ground. They won't stop running. At some point there is a whisper of professor Magne ordering something to open up. After some time, the steps sound wet as they renew the run. The next time professor Magne speaks again, again ordering an entrnace, there is a sound of unlocking before a heavy door is moved. The entire time professor Magne is panting for air.
Note from Anthony: Not just for the exercise either.
Note from Husk: What is that supposed to mean?
Note from Anthony: Can't you hear his heartbeat from here? The man is anxious, Husky.
Note from Husk: Something very heavy is moving over rocks. The voices barely echo there.]
"My love! Luci. I am sorry for not coming sooner, but I had to wait for a moment in which they left me alone. Sera would not stop yapping my ear off about the new year. I have all my things with me, I can stay with you. Where are you?"
"Lucifer. It's me, love. Come here. I missed your scales so much."
"You are taller now."
"Can you really tell? It was just a few inches."
"Of course I can. Those are new glasses too."
"I had no choice when my eyesight was getting worse. Surprisingly enough, dark arts are not really dedicated to the improvement of eyes's health. Who knew? Wow. I forgot you literally can swift me off my feet."
"I also feel you lighter. Have you eaten already?"
"Yes, dear. The rest of the staff had a little party to welcome me into the castle. I even had to take a bite of the cake because the chef made it for me."
"Have you sleep
"My dear, not that I don't find your concern endearing, but are really not going to take me to your nest so I can settle in?"
 have a bed upstairs."
"I like yours better. I can also just sleep on top of you. You are so convenient like that, love."
"It's cold here."
"Then you better keep close to save heat, mmm? Nobody is going to even know that I am here, Luci. I can stay all night without any worry. I won't get in any trouble. I can feel you shaking, darling. What is wrong?"
"Tell me this is real."
"Of course it is, silly. You had me worried for a second there. But if you still have any doubt, I can show you something very real instead. You just have to take me to your nest. Would that help?"
[Note from Angel: Another memory. Bummer.]
"Love. Darling, I have to go."
"Tell them you are sick. Later."
"It's my first day on my new job and you want me to call in sick already? Not the best very first impression, isn't it?"
"Can you even walk?"
"Do not ask that with that smug tone in your voice! For your information, yes, I can. I am not made of crystal, I will have you know! I took all necessary precautions so I wouldn't have any unwanted pain. You are welcome, by the way."
"Thank you. You are limping. Are you sure you are okay?"
"Because I just woke up, it's fine!"
"Wait. When are you coming back?"
"After the banquet of inauguration. I will come as soon as I can."
[Note from Husk: The dial moved again to the original station where we first talked to professor Magne. Thank fucking heavens.]
"I never spend a single night on the room I was assigned to. Now that I was finally back at the school, I could finally look into another little project I had in mind. Everyone knows about the Shrieking Shank on Hogsmeade, rumoured to be the house of violent spirits, but at the school it was said that it was made just for the sake of one student that turned into a werewolf during the full moon. Back then potions to keep his mind conscious did not exist and rather than put him or any students at risk, that house was made to contain him. I can only the terror a kid would have gone through during those nights. Once I became a member of the staff of the school, I soon learned another detail that it wasn't known by the student but could be easily deduced if one thought about it. A tunnel was connecting directly the school to that location, as to avoid the townspeople to wonder what was doing a Hogwart's student outside at those hours. That kid graduated closely before my generations, so now the building stood silent, empty. Without anybody to put it to good use. It was time to change that.
The building itself was easy to buy with the money I had saved. You can't hope to achieve the magical accomplishment that I had in mind without having some extra credit. It took me years of part time jobs and living as frugal as possible during my student years, but that and a few months of my new salary finally allowed me to sign whatever name I told them to put. I made sure nobody ever saw my own face close to that place.
Once it was mine, it was a matter to make it according to my own interest. I changed the start of the tunnel from under that awful tree to the same lenght of the tunnel with a few teleportation spells and a security system in place so we would both be alerted if anyone we didn't trust tried to get in. Both the immediate steps inside the house from the entrance, the back and the view from the window wouldn't show a single thing different to how they were before I touched anything. If anyone was dumb enough to go beyond that, they could be trapped inside until we could determine what to do with them.
I had to make both the kitchen, the bathrooms and the chimney functional, make sure that the smoke would come out in a random locations of the forest and finally clear out the living room to make a proper nest for Luci. Then it came the clean up. Lots and lots of clean up. But it was worth it when Lucifer was there, absolutely incredulous when I told him this was our new place. I never lied when I said I didn't mind the chambers. If anything they hold a nostalgic attractive for me, but they weren't ours. We had nothing to do with their creation. Someone had made it to contain Lucifer, for it to be his prison, so now he was going to have a new place to go where he could do as he pleased or just rest without bringing up what had happened.
I was slightly less excited when I gave him the option to decorate himself and he kept asking for the guadiest things possible from the catalogues I gave him to fill our space. I relented on some, not in others. Our first proper fight as a couple was when he just needed a figurine of a duck the size of a medium dog. I used what was supposed to be Rosie's room if she ever came to visit for two nights. I don't actually remember how we made up, but in the end there was now a white duck greeting guest next to the ladder to the second floor. Besides his unfortunate taste, I was rather proud when the place didn't looked like it had been abandoned for more than ten years.
The curse of Lucifer was very much still there. The paliatives I had managed to make were just that and very conditional. He could go to Hogsmeade and to our house, but not a step beyond that before he was taken immediately back to the chamber. At the very least that extended his range of hunting in the forest so he could go for bigger prey if he wanted to. It still wasn't perfect, but it was getting there. I just needed to work more on it. Between grading students, my classes and impart the odd discipline, we were set for me to do pretty much whatever I wanted with the rest of my time. The vast library of Hogwarts were older and therefore more useful than the ones on the university I came from. The forbidden section proved to be rather useful.
After a few years, a little sickness curse in our good old current professor for Care of Magical Creatures left the path open for Rosie to come join me. It was during one of our monthly dinners as the Shrieking Shank with her wife that I had an idea. But it needed to be worked on still.
All things considered, and with all of their limitations, I liked this small life we had managed to build, one that the school had no idea about. It was as nice of a simple life as we could get."
[Note from Husk: This is where I intervened.]
"What was the idea?"
"You mentioned an idea that Rosie's wife
 Lilith, right? Gave you. What was that?"
"Oh, I couldn't possibly tell you that. Apologies if I gave you the impression that I wasn't going to leave some stuff for myself. If I haven't even told Luci yet! Like I said, it needs to be worked on before I feel it approporiate for him to know about. I don't want to hold his hopes up without any garantees. At the point I was made, I still haven't found the right way."
"But it's something that he wanted? Not you?"
"I wanted it as well. Can we change the subject, if you don't mind?"
"Yeah, sure. So, how were you made? I know about the process already. Professor needs to kill someone each time."
"Did he tell you that?"
"He did."
"Huh. Well, that is correct. I picked up this old radio for some sentimental value left. The one I had to eliminate was a man in Hogsmeade that was infamous for beating his small children after the dead of her wife. I am talking kids no older than 12. Isn't that awful? I of course made sure that they had a loving aunt that could take care of them before doing anything. Once that was settle, it was as easy as to catch him after he was kicked out from the pub and applied the tiniest drop of Lucifer's venom to his temple. Went down instantly. From there, taking him back to our house and finish the job was easy. Luci was the one who recommended to use this radio. He said he liked how my voice came out of here. I did always liked to listen to it, even as a little boy."
"How many more horrorcruxes was professor Magne planning into doing? He asked us to keep a tally of them, but didn't specify any number before he had to go into hiding again."
"Mmm. As far my knowledge goes, the idea was to make at least 5. A good solid number that would give me enough time to figure out what to do with Luci. But that might have changed by the time you two met him. If he went into hiding, do you have any idea if managed to get out with Luci?"
[Note from Husk: That is when it suddenly hit me. We had no idea if he had actually managed to break the curse. What if he didn't? What if he made a huge mess at the school, faked his death and just stayed there? The place should be empty, but it's really, really big. If someone really wanted to go unnoticed inside, they could. Lucifer had plenty of experience on that.
I answered yes to the question of the radio and left it there. We had a travel to make.]
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mattsdae · 2 years ago
help wanted part 4
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read part 1, part 2, and part 3
tags: joe young x masc reader , leather/latex , frotting , making out , nipple play (?) , reader likes joe’s tits but can we really blame him , gambling ig , honestly not a lot happens , mostly fluff and plot shit
synopsis: joe looks good in his new costume, but reader feels like he’s being
word count: ~5.4k
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hopefully this is at least a little worth the 3 weeks with zero updates lol also i’m using readers forgetfulness to my advantage cuz idk any of the side characters names so i just wrote that reader doesn’t know anyones names.
joe was asleep by the time the lion king ended. turns out, crying your eyes out for the entire morning was tiring, so he took a little nap. the only issue was that he fell asleep on your shoulder. he was worried about you, so he got nice and close, cuddling up and falling asleep.
you had to sit through his nap, which sucked since the remote was out of reach and you couldn’t put another movie on. you sat still, listening to his little snores as he clung onto your arm. you let boredom (and comfort) take over, falling asleep with him on the couch.
you woke up a few hours later, curled up with a blanket over you. at first, you didn’t question it, rolling over and pulling the sheet up to your chin. it took a second, but you suddenly remembered joe. you popped up, looking over the living and dining room. you looked at the coffee table, finding a handwritten note.
you fell asleep, so i decided to go. i rewinded the tape for you! i had a lot of fun. we should do this more often!
joseph young
you didn’t realize, but you smiled as you read the note. he had nice handwriting, simple but neat cursive that was still easily legible. he put a proper signature at the bottom as if it were a legal document, which only made you smile more. it was endearing to say the least. you kept the note, putting it in your bedside table drawer.
as you tidied up the tapes, you started to make up excuses in your head for what happened. it wasn’t like it was a date or anything. all you did was watch movies, it wasn’t a big deal. even though it ended with his head on your shoulder, so what? you could excuse all of it. you decided to ignore the dry humping and the fact that you came to the thought of loving him.
later that day, you got a call from dave talking about another orgazmo film you were going to do lighting for. you agreed a little too quick before catching the date and time. now, it was that date and time. you were talking to one of the prop designers, leaned up against the wall outside as you smoked a cigarette.
“honestly, i don’t get it, but maxxx asked for it so here i am.” he took a drag from his own cigarette. like most people on set, you didn’t know his name. people come and go pretty often, so you learned to tune out any names. it’s gotten to the point now that you can’t remember who anyone is, even if they’ve stayed around for months. usually, it gets to the point where it’s too awkward to ask.
“so is it supposed to be sexy? the whole orgasm-inator thing or whatever it’s called?” he shrugged with a smile.
“maxxx is into some weird shit, dude. i wouldn’t put it past him.” you nodded, smiling as you remembered multiple examples of his weird fetishes.
“y/n! need you in here!” dave called out. you answered before putting your cigarette out and going inside.
“what do you need-“
you cut yourself off, staring at joe as he spoke to the costume designer. he was wearing a new outfit, one made of latex or possibly leather. either way, it was tight fitting and shiny, hugging every inch of him perfectly. his shoulders and arms were exposed, which weirdly turned you on more than anything. you’d seen his dick, yeah, but never his bare arms.
he was muscular, much stronger than his loose button ups and long sleeves showed. his chest hair poked over the material, bringing attention to his expose collarbones. you felt insane, getting worked up over something like arms and collarbones. like an early englishman calling women harlot’s for exposing their ankle.
“you good?” you blinked, brought back to reality as dave snapped his fingers in front of you. your face heated, quickly adjusting yourself for no particular reason. “i just need you to set another umbrella by the couch.”
you nod, quickly getting to work to avoid any more suspicious. just as you tightened the knob, locking the angle in place, joe walked up.
“hey!” he grinned. you smile subconsciously.
“hey..” you hummed. you blushed, realizing you deepened your voice like a middle schooler trying to impress his crush. he giggled.
“why does your voice sound like that?” his eyes twinkled, a large grin on his face as he asked. you almost smiled just looking at him, but you stopped yourself.
“uhh, i’m a little sick.” you committed, keeping your voice weirdly raspy and deep. you felt your face warm up as you heard someone nearby huff out a small laugh.
“oh, really? are you okay?” his eyes widened, concerned. you shook your head, turning away to mess with the already set up light.
“yeah, i’m fine.” you turned away, squatting down in attempt to end the conversation. he put his hand on your shoulder.
“are you sure? you need to get some rest if you don’t feel well.” you shook your head, avoiding looking at him in case you spaced out again.
“i’m fine, joe. i promise.” your voice faultered. finally, you looked up at him. he always had a pout, a small downturn of his lips that only got more exaggerated with strong emotions like worry. you kept eye contact, refusing to look anywhere else.
“okay..” he leaned back. you went back to your job of acting busy, only for him to stay put. “did you see my new costume? it’s a little weird, right?”
“yeah, i saw it.” of coarse you saw it, it was the first thing you witnessed when you opened the door and yeah, it was weird. that’s why you were so freaked out about being turned on by it. “it looks good.”
“really? it’s a little.. tight.” you didn’t look, but you heard his hand run over the costume, likely trying to point out where it was tight. you refused to look, knowing what would happen if you did.
“i think it looks fine, man.” you keep your gaze away. he says a small hmph before walking away. you kept doing your work, finishing whatever dave asked you to do. eventually, you had a break and went outside for another smoke.
you heard the backdoor open slowly and shut just the same. you knew who it was, you didn’t even have to look. you felt joe walk closer, stopping a few feet away. you glance, catching a look at his costume in broad daylight. it looked just as hot as it did inside.
“are you okay?” joe asked. you nod.
“yeah. why?”
“you just.. you’re acting weird. ever since we kissed, you’ve been avoiding me and you didn’t even look at me when i was talking to you earlier..” you kept your head down, unable to say what was so clearly on your mind. “are you mad at me?”
“no! of coarse not! i just.. i dunno. i’m just not my normal self right now, you know?” he nods. he crossed his arms, subconsciously covering himself. “i think the costume looks great. sorry for not saying it earlier.”
“you think so?” he lit up, now smiling.
“yeah. you look really nice. can i say something? and promise you won’t laugh.” he agreed. “i wasn’t looking at you ‘cause i was worried i’d get hard.” you heard shuffling above you, but you decided to ignore it.
“really?” he beamed, clearly excited by the fact that you found him sexy. you nod. “i didn’t know people were into this stuff.. so you like this?”
the truth was, it wasn’t the outfit that turned you on; it was his body. the way it hugged every little curve perfectly and showed off parts of his body you never thought to notice. it showed how strong and sturdy his body is, contrasting his sweet gaze. it was whiplash, switching between eye contact to checking his body, going from an innocent little mormon boy to a strong man.
“yeah, i guess i do.” that was an easier answer. he nods, looking away. you flick your cigarette, glancing over his body again. “can i touch you?”
“hm?” you didn’t even mean for the question to come out, but with it now floating in the air, you committed.
“can i touch you? i think you look really nice and i.. i want to feel it.” you chewed on your lip as you waited for an answer. you glanced up above you, noticing the suspicious open window directly above the two of you. he looked around before taking your hand and leading you inside. as you two walked through the door, everyone looked before quickly averting their gaze. you blushed, narrowing your eyes as the entire crew acted busy while joe dragged you up the stairs and into a makeshift dressing room, which was just a bedroom with only a futon and different clothes hung up.
“where do you want to touch?” he asked, shutting the door behind you and locking. you glanced down his body, struggling to choose. deciding against answering, you instead responded by kissing him, pulling him close by the back of his neck and leading him to the futon.
as joe sat, you straddled him, legs planting on either side and holding him still. his hands moved to your waist, holding you as well. while his thumb rubbed circles onto your hip, you explored. your palms, sweaty from anxiety, squeaked over the material. he hummed.
“you look so good, baby..” he huffed as you felt over his chest, brushing over his nipples. “just can’t get enough of you, can i?”
he nods in agreement, unaware of the subtext. a subtle confession. you circle your hips, slowly grinding against him as he did before. he whined, fingers digging into your sides. you pull back from the kiss, glancing over him. his face was pink, rosy cheeks matching his flushed chest. his forearms tensed as he moved your hips himself, frustrated by your recess.
“you’re just too much.” another quick confession that could be covered up. you tried to stay professional, avoiding any hint of your true feelings, but you weren’t sure joe would notice if you were being obvious.
one of your hands wandered to his face, holding his jaw and cheek before returning to the kiss. it felt just as intimate and experimental as the first time. joe gripped your hips, still pushing and pulling. your brushed his nipple again, making him whimper. you pull away, looking at him.
“can i touch you here? is it okay?” you gave a little pinch to make the message a little clearer. he whines, nodding. you closed the gap, hand moving away from his jaw and to the straps of his costume. you slowly undressed him, studying how every touch felt. his arm lifted, letting you take it off. his skin was smooth, gentle and soft in contrast with the muscles underneath.
you removed the other strap, moving it low enough to expose his chest. you nearly drooled at the sight. the shock made you realize how little you’ve seen of him. even though you’ve seen his most private area, you still didn’t get the privilege to see the rest of him. his shoulders tensed, shy under your gaze.
“you look so pretty,” you hum. he nods, reassured. considering you were ‘straight’ only a month ago, you were shocked by how infatuated you were. his chest flushed, rising and falling slowly as he looked over you at the same time. his hands moved under your shirt, exploring your skin. you buried your face in his neck, moaning into his flesh as he massaged. you kissed, licking over the muscle and causing him to squirm.
“off..” he mumbled, pulling at your shirt. you pull back and he lets go of the material. you chuckle, leading his hands back to the hem.
“if you want it off, you gotta take it off.” he makes eye contact, expression nervous and seeking approval. you nod. he lifts the shirt over your head and looks at your abdomen. he stares.
“you’re skinny.” you start to laugh, which makes him shy. “no, i didn’t- you’re shirt..”
“it’s fine, baby.” he’d never seen you with a shirt or pants that actually fit, usually 2 or 3 sizes too big. he was confused by it, you could tell by the fact that he offered to give you extra shirts he had that would fit better when you first met him. his hands found their way to your waist. he squeezed, making you squirm and giggle.
“you’re ticklish?” he grinned. you shook your head, straightening your expression and pushing his hands off.
“nah, man. i’m not-“ he grabbed at your sides again. you whined, trying to wiggle away as one of his arms wrapped around your hip and held you still. you pushed against his chest as he smiled up at you. he let go after a few seconds.
“you’re such a liar!” he giggled as you complained. you felt a twinge in your chest, guilt burning for just a moment before he kissed you again, cutting off your rambling. a small smile formed, melting into his touch as he started to unbutton your jeans. your hands hovered over his, waiting for him to go for your sides again, but he was far too focused on what was in your pants.
you reached for his chest again, making him whine as he touched your cock over your boxers. he was gentle, almost scared to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. you grind into his hand with a moan, confirmation to keep going. you stayed attached to his chest, circling his areola. he shivered, bringing a smile to your face.
“you sensitive there?” you teased. he nodded, head kept low as he moaned. he touched you the same way you did him, trying to mimick each move in the same order. his thumb rubbed just under the tip, you moaning in response. “come on, baby. touch me. please?”
he obeys, sliding your boxers low enough to expose you to him. he stared for a few seconds, watching as you twitched in his palm. you whined, pinching his nipple to make him move. he moaned, his cock now twitching from within his suit.
“why don’t you touch yourself, too?” you suggested. he glanced up as you took a hold of his hand, tracing over each indent on his palm. “you got big hands, i’m sure you can hold both at the same time.”
he nods, also pulling his pants just low enough to expose himself. you bit your lip at the sight, watching him pull your hips closer. he hooked his thumb onto his cock before taking a hold of yours, pressing them together. you moan as he moves his hand slowly. he nodded, taking your moan as verbal encouragement and quickly jerking both of you off.
your hips bucked, thrusting into his fist every so often as you fondled his chest. you buried your face in his neck, licking the skin before attaching your lips. he moaned, his free hand grabbing onto your bicep. you pinched again.
“there.. just like that.” you moan into his mouth, mumbling praises as he sped up, desperation taking over sensuality. you whined as he moved away from your lips, pressing his face into your shoulder. he moaned rythmically, just as you did. you lifted his chin, pushing his head back before dipping down.
he gasped when you licked over his nipple, teeth grazing over it as he grabbed onto your hair. he twitched, the jump made evident by your touching cocks. you moaned as well, the brief friction taking you by suprise. you suckled on his breast, just like you did to girls. he whined as you did so, unable to decide between watching and throwing his head back in pleasure.
“i’m.. i think i’m close-“ joe whined, gripping harder as he did the same to your cocks, desperately moving up and down. you moan at the admission.
“you think you can wait for me?” he nearly wailed, making you smile against his chest.
“kiss me. i’ll cum faster if you kiss me.” he quickly grabbed onto your hair, pulling you up and pressing his lips to yours. you melted, openly moaning into his mouth as you throbbed within his grip. he kept pulling, remembering how much you loved it before. he took advantage of it, yanking at your locks passionately.
before you knew it, you were cumming all over your own bare chest and his latex costume. he moaned as you did, rushing to catch up and cum at the same time. he succeeded, pulling your hair one last time as his hips stuttered against his own fist. it was overwhelming. his hand in your hair, fist squeezing your cocks together as it moved, his lips against yours. it was all too much.
you whined, softening in his grip as he slowly lets go. he whimpered, too. your cocks lazily pressed together, just barely overstimulating both of you. you finally pull away, ending the kiss. he looked up at you, pupils blown and eyes wide.
“what?” you ask, wondering why he looked at you that way. his expression didn’t change as his eyes flicked between each of your features.
“i know you’re a boy but..” he trails off. his hand reached up to your face, his thumb running over each of his favorite features. he parted your lips, noting their reddish hue after kissing, before caressing your cheeks while looking into your eyes. it was intimate, letting someone caress your face while pointing out their favorite features with each touch. you flushed under his gaze. “you’re pretty.”
“you think so?” you didn’t mean to ask the question, it slipping out before you could catch it. you voice was soft, barely above a whisper. he nods. you felt hot, heat suddenly overwhelming you as he looked away from your eyes and studied your features ahain. there’s a moment where both of you watch eachother, you being too scared to even think about what he meant. eventually, you pulled apart and cleaned up.
filming felt awkward now. for some reason, it felt like everyone was watching you. filming ended and while joe usually left soon after wrapping, he stayed behind, waiting for you to leave. at first, you didn’t understand why he’d stay, but he quickly made it clear as he made conversation.
“i’m hungry. do you want to get something after you’re done? my treat!” he smiled at you. you agree absentmindedly. “can we get mcdonalds? i heard the big mac’s good!”
“you heard?” you chuckle as he confirms. “so you’ve never been to mcdonalds?”
“no. my mom always cooked for us ‘cause that’s what a woman is supposed to do.” you grimace.
“you know, women can do other things, right?”
“yeah, but that’s what my mom and dad always said.” you decide to leave it there, too tired to explain feminism to him. you were frustrated anyway, considering you were left alone to clean up all by yourself. you assumed most of the actors left, but the film crew should be helping disassemble everything. you knew the lazy assholes maxxx hired as help usually fucked off and waited for you to finish, but at least dave would help. even he was nowhere to be seen.
joe stayed behind as you did a final sweep to make sure everything was reset. you found one of the doors shut and a distant rumble of voices behind it, a suspicious sight considering you assumed everyone was gone. you opened, slowly poking your head in and finding the entire crew, actors included, standing around yelling at eachother.
“no, dude! did you see the way they were looking at eachother? they’re totally fucking!” a voice called back, continuing a conversation you missed the first half of.
“man’s looks in love! they’re totally dating!” a girl spoke up.
“why not both? you’re acting like it’s one or the other!” you stepped in, shutting the door behind you as you entered.
“i swear! they were flirting outside and y/n was complimenting him!” you furrowed your brow, just barely recognizing your name in the sea of words.
“i just don’t see him as the type.. i mean he doesn’t even look gay. also, didn’t he fuck ava?”
“he probably likes both, dude. dave likes guys and girls, too.”
“he’ll fuck anything as long as it has a pulse. either way, joe’s the queer one of the two.” joe? why were they talking about him? you glared at the man who said it, who quickly realized you were listening in and stopped talking.
“what’s going on?” you asked slowly, watching as a few people held their hands behing their back. you stepped forward, looking at the producer, who turned with you to avoid showing his backside. “what are you holding?”
” you grabbed for his wrist, making a 100 dollar bill fall to the ground. you paused, staring at the cash as some people snuck out of the room. “why are you holding that?”
“y/n, it’s fine.” dave spoke up, directing your attention towards him. he was sat at a fold up table, a shoebox next to him along with a clipboard with multiple columns and rows. “it’s just a friendly little bet. gotta keep morale up, right?”
“what’s the bet?” at this point, the room was almost fully empty as everyone escaped. you and dave stared at eachother, him smiling innocently. he looked away for a second, fiddling with the corner of the paper.
“i just want to preface by saying, i didn’t tell anyone anything.” you furrowed your brow, only getting more confused. he slid over the clipboard. on the paper, you four columns, each labeled.
not gay | fucking | dating | both.
the worst part was, fucking was the most betted. you stared, mouth agape. “everyone saw you eyeing up joe the last couple of times you worked together, so when people started talking, i told them to put their money where their mouth is. most people thought you just had a fat crush on joe, but lily said she saw you guys flirting outside, which kinda skewed the vote.. everyone wanted to change their votes, but rules are rules. they know they can’t-“
“you’re fucking with me, right?” he paused before shaking his head. “how long has this been going on?!”
“yeah, well, people noticed how you changed your shirt in the middle of filming and how you stared at him. not to mention the fact that he’s waiting for you to finish putting everything away so you could go out. there’s actually a lot of proof. he keeps dragging you off into his dressing room, you spaced out when you first saw him in that costume..”
you stared in disbelief, unable to even find an excuse. everyone was watching. everyone knew you liked him and everyone assumed he liked you. you felt sick. the idea of the entire crew and a legion of pornstars betting on yours and joe’s queerness made you ill.
“obviously, i’m the bookie because it’d be cheating for me to vote since.. you know.” you cringed. “but it’s all for fun! i promise there isn’t any malicious intent.”
“you’re making a bet off of me and joe being gay, that sounds pretty malicious.” dave shrugged.
“it’s not out of ill-will. it’s just a fun bet-“
“about me and joe being gay?”
“yes!” you scoff, grabbing onto your hair and groaning.
“you have to call it off, dude. if joe finds out-“
“he’s not gonna find out-“
“if joe finds out,” you emphasize. “he’s gonna freak out.”
“how do you know? he seems pretty into you. he probably thinks you guys are already dating.” you rolled your eyes at the assumption.
“joe just got ex-communicated. if he finds out that what we’re doing is gay..” dave laughed, a large grin spreading as he held onto his chest.
“what? he really believes that bullshit you spew about just being friends?!” you glared, ready to argue back before he interrupted. “i know you think you know joe well, but be honest with yourself. you barely know the dude outside of sex, how would you know how he feels about being gay. did he ever mention the idea of being gay as a bad thing?”
you stayed quiet, realizing that no, he hadn’t said being gay is a bad thing. even when he questioned it, he never said it was wrong. he called it a sin once, but he easily could have meant masturbation. you looked away.
“maybe try talking to him. you know, not about how hot he looks in latex.” you flushed. “ava said you two were gonna go out to get something to eat, so you got the perfect opportunity. bring him to mcdonalds, get him some shitty nuggets and a big mac, large fry too, and ask him about himself. spend some time together. actually do something that doesn’t involve sex.”
you glared, genuinely angry at dave for assuming what you knew about joe. you hands trembled a bit before you huffed and walked off. you stormed down the stairs and found joe, sat cross-legged on the ground, poking around at some of the cameras. he jumped back when he saw you, quickly putting it back into place.
“oh, hey! did you see everyone? i thought they all left and they came down the steps, but they were acting all weird. did you talk to th-“
“let’s go.” you grabbed his hand, practically dragging him towards your car. “what do you want from mcdonalds? you said a big mac, right?”
“oh, uhhh.. i heard the nuggets are good-“
“whatever you want. you can get nuggets, a burger, a fuckin’ mcrib, i don’t care. it’s on me.” joe nods, following quickly as you opened the car door for him. he thanks you and you quickly get in on the other side, rushing to the nearest mcdonalds.
there was a few minutes of silence, you too angry to start speaking and him feeling the rage radiating off of you. you tried to think of an ice breaker. it was awkward, realizing that dave was right. you didn’t know anything about joe. you knew what he looked like and where he liked to be touched, but nothing personal. you cleared your throat.
“so.. tell me about yourself.”
he did. he talked about his childhood, being a middle child with 5 siblings. he talked about his mom, how she loved cooking and he always wanted to help, but she’d shoo him off and say it was a womans job. he talked about being mormon, what growing up was like within the mormon faith, he even mentioned a girl he was supposed to marry before they broke up. he also talked about what he liked and what he wanted to do. turns out, he always thought video games were cool, which started a conversation about your playstation and the games you had.
you got several things from mcdonalds, creating a buffet for the two of you when you got back to your place. you showed him the games you talked about and taught him how to play tony hawk’s pro skater 2. he loved it and you did too. both of you fell asleep on the couch, him laying on your chest while you played, mumbling to him about techniques, even though he was clearly unconscious. the next day, you hung out some more. you made breakfast together, went out to the mall together, got lunch together. it was amazing and by the end of the day, joe stood awkwardly outside your car door, fingers twiddling.
“so.. i’ll see you again, right?” you nod. he looks down. you took what dave said to heart, refusing to have sex with him during your time spent. you were sure that’s what he was thinking about. he had fun, but the one thing you two were comfortable doing was excluded.
“if you want to come by, just let me know. i had fun.” joe nods. there’s a moment of silence, only the crickets chirping making noise. he circles your car, going to the driver side. you roll down the window. “what are you-“
he kissed you. a quick peck like a couple would do before parting. he pulled away, taking in your features for a split second before rushing to his car and leaving. you flushed. maybe he did like you.
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cheerfulomelette · 2 years ago
[Image ID]
A series of tweets from Robert G. Reeve (username RobertGReeve). Tweets read:
I'm back from a week at my mom's house and now I'm getting ads for her toothpaste brand, the brand I've been putting in my mouth for a week. We never talked about this brand or googled it or anything like that.
As a privacy tech worker let me explain why this is happening. (thread emoji)
First of all, your social media apps are not listening to you. This is a conspiracy theory. It's been debunked over and over again.
But frankly they don't nee to because everything else you give them unthinkingly is is way cheaper and way more powerful.
Your apps collect a ton of data from your phone. Your unique device ID. Your location. Your demographics. We know this.
Data aggregators pay to pull in data from EVERYWHERE. When I use my discount card at the grocery story? Every purchase? That's a dataset for sale.
They can match my Harris Teeter purchase to my twitter account because I gave both those companies my email address and phone number and I agreed to all that data-sharing when I accepted those terms of service and the privacy policy.
Here's where eit gets truly nuts, though.
If my phone is regularly in the same GPS location as another phone, they take note of that. They start reconstructing the web of people I'm in regular contact with.
The advertisers can cross-reference my interests and browsing history and purchase history to those around me. It starts to show ME different ads based on the people AROUND me.
Family. Friends. Coworkers.
It will see me ads for things I DON'T Want, but I knows that someone I'm in regular contact with might want.
To subliminally get me to start a conversation about, I don't know, fucking toothpaste.
It never needed to listen to me for this. It's just comparing aggregated metadata.
So. They know my mom's toothpaste. The know I was at my mom's. They know my Twitter. Now I get Twitter ads for mom's toothpaste.
Your data isn't just about you. It's about how it can be used against every person you know, and people you don't. To shape behaviour unconsciously.
Apple's latest updates block app's tracking and Facebook is MAD. They're BEGGING you to just press accept and go back to business as usual.
Block the fuck of of every app's ads. It's not about you:your data shapes the Internet.
[End image ID]
Apart from clicking 'do not accept', what else can you do about it?
Firstly, I'm going to plug Firefox as the only non-Chrome based Browser out there. Chrome is made by Google/Alphabet and Alphabet is an advertising company. Most, if not all, big tech companies are.
Then I'm going to plug some plugins. If you don't know what plugins are, now is a great time to learn! They're small pieces of extra software that run on top of (plug in to) an existing app. They're also called extensions (because they extend the app's functionality).
Here's what I use to keep my data mine:
HTTPS Everywhere
An HTTPS connection means the website you're visiting hasn’t been modified before it loaded and that any data you submit to that website can’t be seen by anyone else. HTTPS Everywhere is an extension/plugin made by the nonprofit group the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and it automatically loads websites over HTTPS wherever that's an option.
(nb: Firefox enables this by default in Private Browsing mode and has an option to force HTTPS connections in regular mode in its Privacy and Security menu)
Privacy Badger
Another EFF extension, Privacy Badger blocks invisible third-party trackers on websites. It looks at all the components of a web page, learns which ones track you across the internet, then stops them from loading.
Notably, it only blocks ads that don't respect Do Not Follow headers, which is an option you can (and, imo, should) enable in Firefox's settings.
Privacy Possum
Privacy Possum was written by one of the developers who worked on Privacy Badger, and has some extra features, but - because tracking companies have infinitely more resources and political power than nonprofits or individual app developers - it emphasises costing tracking companies money over user protection.
Privacy Possum's main feature over Badger is "data poisoning" - it does background searches for random things to introduce junk data into your advertising profile.
uBlock Origin
Ad blockers do exactly what you'd expect from the name: they block ads from loading. Since the tracking software is often built into the ad itself that means they also block the tracking code.
Be careful with impersonators: there are a number of untrustworthy extensions that use a similar name in the hope you're not fully paying attention. Fortunately, once it's installed, you can just leave it to work in the background.
Links are another way to track your movement across the Internet. You know how sometimes links look way longer than they ought to? Some of that might be data that tells the website where you came from (eg: email vs Facebook). ClearURLs removes that extra bumpf.
Multi-Account Containers
Multi-Account Containers, wich come as standard in Firefox, help to isolate your browsing activity. You can have one container for work tabs, and another for online banking, another for social media - and nothing in any of those tables will be able to track anything in any other. You can also have multiple accounts for the same website open in different containers, so you don't need to log in and out all the time, and you can put known arsehole sites like Facebook or Twitter in a container, so it can't follow you around.
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jeannedarkterraguard · 4 months ago
Jeannes Road to 100% Holocure
So i originally wanted to do some last minute grinding today but...
Timezones are confusing and stupid okay...
Anyway the update dropped while i was at work and while i didn't get to play everything new (only tried Pekora out of the new characters) i kinda wanna talk about what a fucking giant update it is
first of all we knew of course about the nine new character, the new stage, the stage 4 hard mode, the casino and the crafting but do you know what Kay Yu did?
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That's like tears of the kingdom hyping us about the sky islands and then giving us an entire underground world without telling anyone before release
also as you can see in the screenshot it will definitely take a while for me to beat that...
and another thing you can see in the screenshot but still something I'm really happy about
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then there are some QoL changes like being able to get Super-Items if you have the corresponding normal item (great change)
or that you can aim the Fan-Beam now (not sure how i feel about that yet but i suppose after Ames weapon it was to be expected)
oh right in the 2 hours i played today i already got 10 new (steam-) achievements...
(though i think the Fan-Letter achievement is bugged because i got it immediately when i picked up my first fan-letter and not after 10 like it say in its description)
i of course rolled for all the new characters and outfits and got all of them to g-rank 20 at least
i also re-completed the armory and beat stage 5 with Sana and like i said i tried out Pekora (honestly she is super fun to play as and i can see her becoming my new character for coin farming once i figure out a specific build for her in case the AZKi rework made my old build unviable)
then i went to the casino and... immediately lost all my chips... bought more and... lost them again but eventually...
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i found a game i don't suck at (i mean i know a lot of them are more or less up to random chance/risk assessment and don't involve any actual skill but here i can at least not really loose just because I'm too lazy to cash out and re-enter like some others because you get your winnings immediately after betting)
the rest of today was spent trying the Tower but i haven't gotten past the 13% mark yet so... yeah again that's gonna take a while...
anyway I'm going to bed now but i will definitely keep playing tomorrow
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mostlymalena · 9 months ago
June 14th 2024 6:12pm
Hello friends and fans and family and foe.
This will be an update about Ava so big ole post. I'll try my best to tell this in an entertaining way. I'll write it like I expereinced it.
I met Ava back in 2021 because her roommate and best friend at the time, Becca, had just begun dating Josh. Yes, Josh as in best friends and roommates AND bandmate of Hugh who was my boyfriend at the time. When I find out Hugh cheated on me I get told that him and Ava are snapchatting a lot and Ava tells me that Hugh wants her and wants to hookup but she rejected him bc she is on my side. Anyways when I was going through the court stuff with Hugh because I posted about what he put me through and he said "hey not fair!", she took their side (this comes back around later I promise) and posted about me on her social media calling me a liar and saying I was never abused blah blah. Good for her for being loyal.
Fast forward to 2023, she see's me at blue post bc of course you would and comes up to me and profusely apologizes for taking their side and that she believed me this whole time and I tell her its chill no big deal and she then post me on her story which ruffles some feathers but I don't really care bc when do I ever.
Anyways, she is dating this girl Paige at the time (still 2023) and Paige's father get's really really sick. When he is close to passing away Ava's father very suddenly dies and it's very very shocking for her and her family. So of course Ava is destroyed and a lot of her friends rally to support her. Now I'm not sure when but close to when her dad died Paige cheats on Ava so we all once again rally for Ava and it's fuck Paige. Paige's father dies during this as well. Lot's of emotions.
During this time me and Ava are getting closer - I bond with her over losing a parent as I have lost my mother. Also to note I never fully attach to Ava bc she is well, she was just always in some kind of tizzy with someone and it seems to never be her fault. I mean something was ALWAYS happening to her.
Near thanksgiving time she tells me and everyone that her mother has committed suicide. Now this is when her and I really bond because I lost Emma 6 months prior to just that and I also lost my mother. So! Her and I grow closer and start hanging out outside of just seeing each other at the bars. No one had any reason to not believe her bc who tf would lie about that!! She also reached out for support several times over her father passing. During thanksgiving she even went home and posted pics of her mom's house and captioned it with stuff like "it looks the exact same since she left". She also got support about the struggle of having to clean her parents house out and how she is avoiding it bc its too hard.
Fast forward to when Grace and I start talking again. Grace and Ava had already been friends before G and I reconnected and Ava had made it clear in more than one way that she was interested in more than friends with Grace. Obvi this was brought up when G and I reconnected but Ava had made SURE to make it clear with me that she knows me and G are together and she would never pursue. Grace also sent Ava a very brute and CLEAR text which I READ MYSELF that she ONLY sees ava as a friend and there will never be anything more than friendship between them. Ava was asking Grace to hang out so much that Grace got a weird feeling and didnt wanna lead ava one or make things unclear. Ava also says that Paige is always hitting her up and showing up to her house and it's just played off as ex girlfriend drama. Wait I have a screenshot I know it
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Around this time Ava is also served with a FUCKING RESTRAINING ORDER from Paige. And makes a complete joke about it. Won't show anyone the papers. Now IVE BEEN THROUGH THIS!!! So I fucking tell her what to do, like go to court and provide evidence that you are not stalking her. She does not go to court. So if you don't show up to defend yourself.. the restraining order is automatically granted. Ava "not knowing this" texts Paige on the year anniversary of her father's death and Paige calls the cops on Ava for breaking the restraining order. Ava is ARRESTED and goes to JAIL. She calls Reese (her best friend) to bail her out and Reese gets a bondsman and pays for Ava to get out. We feel bad bc Ava is like "I don't have parents to bail me out"," I don't have parents to teach me how to be an adult". so like duh she is right.
Now court is set for a couple weeks later because Ava has to see if she is going to go to actual jail for a couple months for breaking the restringing order. She hires a lawyer and me, Reese, grace, and a couple other friends go to the court room with her to support her. This happens the DAY AFTER I GET HOME FROM A TEN DAY TRIP IN ITALY. Reminder Grace and I broke up for a solid 5 days before a couple days into my Italy trip. Well Ava helped her fucking self to try and get with Grace while I was in Italy (grace rejected her) but was texting me she missed me while I was gone and was hoping I had a good trip yada yada. So already my hackles were fucking raised. I mean all the while I had a sense that Ava wanted to fuck Grace which I have expressed to Grace before lmao.
Back to all of us sitting in court:
Paige signs a paper from Ava's lawyer dismissing the call and whatever so Ava does not have to go to jail. We all celebrate and Grace post something about Ava on her story. Some girl who is Paige's friend slides up and says "If you knew the whole story you would not be supporting Ava. Ask her about her dead mom".
Now Grace and I don't know what to do with that info but we kinda decide to keep Ava at arm's length for now. She also was just always chaotic and being crazy and what not. She gets fired for picking fights with some girl at her work two days after the court win and I tell her maybe me her and Reese should sit down and make a plan for her life to get her back on track. All she does is smoke weed and get fucked up on the weekends. May 26th 2024 I realize I have not heard from her since the night before. I check her local and it's off and call and text her. No answer. I start freaking out. THEN. I get this TEXT. From a number I dont know and it's green.
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So I freak the fuck out. I call Reese and we decide to go to her apartment. The door is unlocked and she isnt home but her cat is. We call the local hospitals admission offices and check if she has been admitted. Nothing.
Ava finally calls Reese and tells us she had bad thoughts and checked herself into the hospital the night before. We are all relieved but also upset she didnt text anyone at all. We tell her about the random number and she loses it and gets so upset. Telling me she is so sorry. Here are some text from that convo:
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This random number starts texting Gracie and Ava's other friends terrible things like I wish she had died and shit like that. So we are all reeling from that and worried and shit. Ava and Jo graduate college so we go downtown and celebrate. Ava wears her cap and gown and seems happy.
Fast forward to June 2nd 2024. I get a call from Reese 1 hour before I'm set to pick up Ava for a Pride event at Hi-Wire.
Reese tells me a couple days prior they went to Brunch (her and Ava) to a spot where Ava wanted to go bc she knew a waitress there. Well they eat and another waitress recognizes Ava bc they know or are friends with Paige and tells Ava's waitress that Ava lied about her mom killing herself. From what I remember this waitress straight up asked Ava why people are saying she lied about it and Ava blames it on Paige trying to cause drama and shit.
Well Reese being the smartest bitch on the planet looks into it. Cannot find an obituary for Ava's mom OR dad. What does she find: HER MOTHERS INSTAGRAM. Which has a RECENT POST. AS IN 3 DAYS RECENT. Her mother is very much alive and well and paints and sells antiques. Reese and I lose it. Ethan is with me when I get all this info and me and Ethan look into it bc Reese and now I don't believe her father is dead either. Time is up, so I pick up Ava and pretend all is well and we go to Pride. Ava tells me Reese is mad at her and she thinks it's bc of some drama at her old job blah blah. I keep quiet bc I know lmao.
That night I tell the jester's chat (all my friends) and Adam being a sleuth. FINDS AVA'S DAD. Ava's dad who is also alive and well is using his retirement to be the CEO of a non-profit that builds homes for unhoused people and gets them back on their feet. So I tell Reese all this and Reese and I decide that I'm going to call and confront Ava about it all. So I do. Ava does not answer and her local is off and she wont answer texts for a long time. I get nervous she offed herself again so I do a wellness check on her. She texts me after the cops leave her house and I told her we need to talk ASAP. She calls me. And I record the convo. You can listen below just wait about 20 seconds after you click play and you will hear me say hello.
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Anyways. She admits her mother is alive but insist her father is dead. bc of this I decide to post publicly and here is why:
I know Ava very well and she manipulates situations and so I wanted to get ahead of this before she tried to tell people I was a liar and crazy
Ava lied to SO MANY PEOPLE SO MANY. I feel like lies to this degree that led to people giving her money, opening up about their trauma, giving her breaks, need to be exposed.
I have no idea how she would react to this so really I just wanted to make sure Reese and I's story was accurately portrayed which is why this blog post is needed for my sanity.
I posted it on my story and got a slew of DM's of course. I answered everyone's questions and sent my evidence to those who asked.
Reese and I don't want Ava to kill herself bc she goes ghost so I call Ava's mother whose phone number is attached to her insta and record that convo as well. I just tell her mother what has happened and that Ava will need a lot of support right now. She tells me her father is alive and they are still happily married. Ava's mother told me that Claire and Paige called her the day before and that it was not a good convo but thats all the details I got from that bc it was not my place to ask.
After posting I got a call from a girl, who legit 3 years ago copied my heart sleeve as a half sleeve and I told her that wasnt chill and that was legit it. I have not thought of her since then and never spoke about her lmao. Well she has been wanting to reach out to me and apologize for how she handled the situation and ava told her not to reach out to me.
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I called her back and she told me more details and also told me about how she told her that she is just my friend bc of my "social status" in wilmy whatever the fuck that means and that she never believed me about the Freedrink/Hugh stuff. AND GET THIS LMAO. Also told me that Ava is OBSESSED WITH MY GIRLFRIEND and was constantly telling her that Grace always asks to hangout and that grace is obsseseedd with her and that Ava is just waiting for us to break up so Ava gets her chance and would constantly talk about me and Paige whenever they hung out. Me and this girl are super chill now.
I called and told Reese this and Reese confirmed that Ava also told her she never believed my Freedrinks stuff and that Ava was constantly talking about Grace and wanting her. Claiming all these people including my fucking girlfriend are obsessed with her (her as in Ava)
I got a bout 104723502358 dms about all the same stuff. Paige figured out Ava was lying and thats why she got a restraining order and so I do want to publicly apologize for being on the wrong side of the court room. That was fucked up and I was wrong. 
Ava's mother also told me that AVA DID NOT GRADUATE COLLEGE LMAO. That she has to take summer classes and maybe some more next semester. SO SHE FAKED GRADUATING COLLEGE.
Ava reactivated her insta recently, blocked me instantly, didnt block MY GIRLFRIEND and posted on her close friends that she added Grace to and said "wilmy is full of lying bitches". So now here it is all laid out. 
The End. 
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solartranny · 1 year ago
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a guide to the loser boy thing , the myth , the legend ; Korvin w additional beings
⭐ this lil blog is for those above 16‌
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lil personal fa(g)cts 🩇
who is me ? RENTRY [link] ... a bored mentally unstable metalhead boy on the web , occasionally using social media as a distraction from the battlefields of known and unknown , formally known as Korvin a.k.a A Menace To Holy Minds Of Destruction . im 1800 (20006) yrs old using it / he w neos . yr friendly neighbour tran(ny)s butch man , whos mspec lesgay , ace , t4t and polyamorous fighting his demons ( bpd , autism + )
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past username ( s ) 💒
ftmkurva -> solartranny
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about this virtual dairy đŸ•Żïž
will post my thoughts , rambles , opinions , vents in any shape and form . mby art too ( related to me / trans men )
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do i have other blogs❓
i have many blogs but main one is @chargedeck , so fuck around and found out more . some may be updated , some not đŸ„°
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get yr ass off of here 🖕
pretty much cis ppl , yes even if yr ass is cis queer , i don't rlly like y'all .
usual DNI criteria, no transphobes, homophobes, racists , maps , ect ect . no proshippers either or those that romanticize dark content ( inc*st , SA , non con etc ) . im also not comfortable being interacted with by people who fetishize rape ( fuck u ) . im fine w nsft blogs but dont be full on a 25 - 30 + y/o interacting w me .
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before y summon the wraith 🩮
most of my posts will include being vents , sfw && nsft , so be careful❗also im not rlly tagging anything until ppl wanted me to , i may listen or not , ur viewing this at yr own caution .
i use slurs so be aware of that too đŸ©”
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anyone can interact w this blog ( likes , reblogs nd comments ) BUT if ur gonna personally talk to ME be 18 — 20 , don't feel comfy w someone whos like a lot younger than me nd older than me talk w me cuz its comfy nd i don't wanna attach to people ( i get easily attached to people nd i hate it . )
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waiqigoestowork · 1 year ago
CHOPPA 2023 - Pre-Production #4 - Final Meetings
The 2nd TO meeting was done as a formality to get final confirmations and present our final plans. There was nothing much to update other than a couple of questions here and there about certain details.
Herman told me that the E5 speakers were being used by another production so I would have to swap it out with something else, and that it was no worry because I can decide on the day of equipment checkout. He also told me not to worry about amplifiers, as he will have enough. I also requested for help from him to help tune the system as I am rusty with that. We planned out the schedule for when the TOs could come to help us with the tech stuff.
We also gathered after the meeting to clarify stuff about the musician tech riders with Brian. We were confused about some things that they requested and wondered if they were necessary. We also didn't want to make assumptions and end up not being able to provide sufficient equipment on the day. Brian eventually helped us clear things up by messaging some of them directly to clarify.
After that, we helped Shreya reorganize some of the stage layouts, and drafted out an optimized set changeover system so that everyone will know exactly what to move after each set. We did not have this last year, and it quickly became a mess.
We finalized the paperwork and sent it out to the TOs, and left the meeting ready for bump-in the next week. Ideally we should've had this completed a day or two before so that we could brief the juniors with the completed paperwork, which could have been done by scheduling the TO meeting earlier in the week.
On the Friday before show week, we talked through the production with the juniors and reminded them to be punctual (but we all know it's never going to happen), but we had extra time allocated each day to compensate for late starts.
Again, I was extremely glad that my class remained responsible and stuck to their assigned roles throughout. Each of them presented all the necessary paperwork and information to the TOs. For example, Shreya had all the stage layouts ready, and Yong En had all the Instagram posts scheduled and ready to go. Elliott would handle all the scheduling, Zasha would clarify things with the artists, and G had the video stuff settled with Luke. I could then focus on the audio side with Gladys, which made the whole experience a lot smoother and more enjoyable.
Although we all focused on each of our departments, we didn't keep it all to ourselves. We helped each other throughout, and everyone had the chance to learn and contribute to everything. There were misunderstandings and hiccups here and there, but everything was resolved professionally without having blame put on anyone. I am eternally grateful for them.
I was still very nervous and not confident about how well I would perform as lead engineer, because it is honestly not my strong suit, so I decided to help myself by verbally explaining the signal flow to the team to reinforce my proficiency and also to see if there are any holes in the plan.
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